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Using This Book

Root contains two rulebooks: this rules reference and the
learning-to-play guide. If you like a conversational teaching
style and many graphical examples, read the learning-to-play
guide. If you like learning from strictly defined, formal rules
in a concise reference style, read this book. The learning-to-
play guide also contains instructions on using the winter map
and playing with various faction mixes at all player counts.

Third Printing (December 21st, 2018)

Text in small capitals defines key terms. II Reverse Substitution. If you are prompted to
Text in italics gives reminders and clarifi- spend, discard, take, or give a bird card, you
cannot substitute a card of another suit.
cations. Faction icons mark rules that are
modified by the Faction Rules and Abil- 2.1.2 Draw from Shared Deck. Whenever you are
prompted to draw a card, take it from the shared
ities section of the Marquise (M), Eyrie deck. If the deck is empty, shuffle the discard pile
(E), Alliance (A), Vagabond (V), Cult to form a new deck.
(L), or Riverfolk (O). 2.1.3 Spend and Discard to Shared Pile. Whenever
you are prompted to discard or spend a card,

1. Golden Rules
place it in the shared discard pile unless it is a
dominance card (3.3). L
Ambush Cards. There are five ambush cards:
1.1 Rules Conflicts

one mouse, one rabbit, one fox, and two birds.

1.1.1 Precedence. If text on a card conflicts with text in You may spend an ambush card for its suit, but it
the rules reference, the card takes precedence. If does not have a crafted effect. You may also play
text in the learn-to-play guide conflicts with text one in battle to deal hits (4.3.1).
in the rules reference, the rules reference takes
2.1.5 Dominance Cards. There are four dominance
cards matching the four suits. You may spend a
1.1.2 Use of “Cannot.” Any rule that uses the term dominance card for its suit, but it cannot be craft-
“cannot” is absolute. It cannot be overridden by ed. You may also play one to permanently change
another rule unless explicitly instructed. your victory condition (3.3).
Simultaneous Effects. If two game effects occur
2.2 Clearings and Paths
simultaneously, the player taking the current turn
The map of the Woodland is composed of many
chooses their order, unless otherwise noted.
clearings linked by paths.
1.2 Public and Private Information 2.2.1 Adjacency. A clearing is adjacent to all other clear-
1.2.1 Hands. Players may only reveal cards in their ings linked to it by a path.
hand if explicitly instructed, but the number of 2.2.2 Suit. Every clearing has a suit of mouse, rabbit,
cards in their hand is public information. O or fox.
1.2.2 Discard. The discard pile can be searched at any 2.2.3 Slots. Each clearing has a number of slots, shown
time. as white boxes. Whenever you place a building, it
fills an open slot. You cannot place a building in a
1.3 Negotiation and Deals clearing with no open slots.
1.3.1 Agreements. Players are free to discuss the game 2.2.4 Ruins. Slots marked with a small “R” begin the
during play, but agreements between players are game filled with ruins. Ruins can only be re-
non-binding. moved by the Vagabond’s Explore action (9.5.3).
1.3.2 Cards. Players may only give cards to each other
if explicitly instructed. 2.3 Rivers
Many clearings are linked by rivers, which act as
1.4 Game Structure paths for only the Riverfolk Company. Rivers do not
Each player’s turn consists of three phases: Birdsong, divide clearings or forests. O
Daylight, and Evening. After a player completes all
three phases, the next clockwise player begins their 2.4 Forests
turn. Play continues until one player has won the game Areas on the map enclosed by paths and clearings are
(3.1). called forests.

2. Key Terms and Concepts

2.4.1 Adjacency. A forest is adjacent to all clearings that
touch it without crossing a path, and it is adjacent
to all forests that are separated by only one path.
2.1 Cards
Each card has a suit: bird, fox, rabbit, or mouse. Most 2.5 Pieces
cards also have an effect you can craft (4.1). Each faction has a set of pieces listed on the back of its
faction board. Pieces are limited by the contents of the
2.1.1 Birds Are Wild. You can always treat a bird card
game. If you are prompted to place, take, or remove a
as a card of another suit, even if you must spend,
piece but you cannot, you must place, take, or remove
take, or give multiple cards of the same suit. L
the maximum number possible.
I Forced Effects. When you are prompted to dis-
2.5.1 Warriors. If you are prompted to place a warrior,
card or give away fox, rabbit, or mouse cards,
take it from your supply. If one of your warriors is
you must treat your bird cards as the prompted
removed, return it to your supply. ML
2 suit.
2.5.2 Buildings. If you are prompted to place a build- I Mouse, Rabbit, or Fox Dominance. You win
ing, take the leftmost building from its track on the game immediately if you rule three clear-
your faction board. If one of your buildings is re- ings of the suit matching the activated domi-
moved, return it to the rightmost empty space of nance card at the start of your Birdsong.
its track. II Bird Dominance. You win the game immedi-
2.5.3 Tokens. If you are prompted to place a token, ately if you rule two clearings in opposite cor-
take the leftmost token from its track, if any, or ners at the start of your Birdsong.
take it from your supply. If one of your tokens is 3.3.2 Activated Cards. An activated dominance card
removed, return it to the rightmost empty space does not count against your hand limit, and it
of its track, if any, or to your supply. MO cannot be removed from play. You cannot replace
2.5.4 The Vagabond Pawn. The Vagabond pawn can- an activated dominance card with a different one.
not be removed from the map. 3.3.3 Spending for Suit. A dominance card can be
2.5.5 Items. If you are prompted to take an item, take spent for its suit. However, when it would be
it from the shared supply on the map and place it placed in the discard pile, instead place it near the
in the Crafted Items box on your faction board. If map to show it is available to be taken. L
you are prompted to remove an item, return it to 3.3.4 Taking Available Cards. During your Daylight,
the box. V you can take an available dominance card into
2.6 Play Area your hand by spending a card of matching suit.
Your play area is the area around your faction board.
4. Key Actions
2.7 Enemy
An enemy is any other faction not in a coalition with 4.1 Craft
you (9.2.8). You can craft most cards from your hand to gain an
immediate or persistent effect.
2.8 Ruler 4.1.1 Cost. To craft a card, you must activate crafting
The ruler of a clearing is the player with the most to- pieces of the suits listed in the card’s bottom-left
tal warriors and buildings in that clearing. (Tokens and corner. The suit of a crafting piece matches its
pawns do not contribute to rule.) If there is a tie between clearing. Each crafting piece may be activated
players in a clearing, no one there is the ruler. EVL only once per turn. A three-color question mark

3. Victory 4.1.2
denotes a crafting piece of any suit. VO
Immediate Effects. When you craft an immediate
3.1 How to Win effect, resolve its effect and then discard the card.
The first player to reach 30 victory points immediately If it shows an item, take the matching item from
wins the game. If multiple players reach 30 or more the supply and place it in the Crafted Items box
victory points simultaneously, the player taking the on your faction board. If the card lists an item not
current turn wins. in the supply, the card cannot be crafted. EV
Persistent Effects. When you craft a persistent ef-
3.2 Scoring Victory Points

fect, place it in your play area. You may use the

Each faction has a unique way to score victory points, effect as described on the card.
but any faction can score victory points as follows.
4.1.4 No Duplicates. You cannot craft a persistent ef-
3.2.1 Removing Buildings and Tokens. Whenever you fect if you have an identical persistent effect in
remove an enemy’s building or token, you score your play area.
one victory point.
3.2.2 Crafting Items. Whenever you craft an item (4.1), 4.2 Move
you score the victory points listed on the card. E When you move, you may take any number of your
warriors or your pawn from one clearing and move
3.3 Dominance Cards them to one adjacent clearing.
The deck holds four dominance cards, which can be 4.2.1 You Must Rule. To take a move, you must rule
played to win the game without reaching 30 victory the origin clearing, destination clearing, or both.
points. VO
3.3.1 Activating. During your Daylight, if you have at 4.2.2 No Movement Limits. A given piece can be
least 10 victory points, you may activate a dom- moved any number of times per turn. If you are
inance card by placing it in your play area. Re- prompted to take multiple moves, you may move
move your score marker from the score track. You the same or separate groups of warriors.
can no longer score victory points. V

5. Setup
5.1 Standard Setup Procedure
5.1.1 Step 1: Assign Factions and Starting Player. As-
sign one faction to each player using any method.
The viable factions at each player count are listed
in the learning-to-play guide (page 22). Determine
the starting player and seating order randomly.
Each player takes their chosen faction board and
all pieces, as listed on the back of the faction board.
5.1.2 Step 2: Place Score Markers. Each player places
their score marker on “0” on the score track.
4.3 Battle 5.1.3 Step 3: Draw Starting Hands. If you are playing
When you battle, choose a clearing where you have with two players, remove all four dominance cards
warriors or your pawn as the clearing of battle. from the deck. Shuffle the deck. Each player draws
You are the attacker. Choose another player in the three cards.
clearing of battle to be the defender.
5.1.4 Step 4: Place Ruins. Place a ruin in each slot on the
4.3.1 Step 1: Defender May Ambush. The defender map marked with an “R” (four in total).
may play one ambush card matching the clear-
ing of battle. If the ambush is not foiled, the 5.1.5 Step 5: Form Item Supply. Place these items on the
defender deals two hits immediately. Then, the matching spaces of the item supply near the top of
defender discards the ambush card. If no attack- the map: 2 M, 2 B, 1 C, 1 H, 2 S, 2 T, 2 X.
ing warriors remain, end the battle immediately. 5.1.6 Step 6: Gather Other Pieces. Hand out the 16 fac-
I Foil Ambush. After the defender plays an tion overview cards as desired, and place the two
ambush card, the attacker may cancel its ef- custom dice near the map.
fect by also playing an ambush card match- 5.1.7 Step 7: Set Up Factions. In setup order (A, B, C,
ing the clearing of the battle. (The defender etc.), each player follows their faction’s setup in-
still discards their ambush card.) structions, listed in their rules section and on the
4.3.2 Step 2: Roll Dice and Add Extra Hits. Roll back of their faction board.
both dice. The attacker will deal hits equal to
the higher roll, and the defender will deal hits 6. Marquise de Cat
equal to the lower roll. If the rolls are equal, at-
6.1 Overview
tacker and defender will deal the same number
The Marquise de Cat occupies the Woodland and wants
of hits. (The use of “will” here reflects that hits are not
to turn it into an industrial and military powerhouse.
dealt until step 3.) A
Each time the Marquise builds one of her buildings—a
I Maximum Rolled Hits. The maximum hits workshop, sawmill, or recruiter—she scores victory
you can deal from rolling equals the num- points. The more of the same building she has on the
ber of your warriors in the clearing of battle, map, the more points she scores. However, to fuel ongo-
whether you are the attacker or defender. V ing construction, the Marquise must maintain and pro-
II Extra Hits. After counting hits from rolling, tect a strong, interconnected economy of wood.
the attacker and defender can add extra
hits by using special abilities or other effects
6.2 Faction Rules and Abilities
in their play areas. Extra hits are not limited 6.2.1 Crafting. The Marquise crafts during Daylight by
by the number of warriors in the clearing of activating workshops.
battle. 6.2.2 The Keep. Only the Marquise can place pieces
III Defenseless. If the defender has no warriors in the clearing with the keep token. (Pieces may
in the clearing of battle, the attacker will be moved into this clearing.) If the keep token is re-
deal an extra hit. V moved, return it to the box.
4.3.3 Step 3: Deal Hits. Attacker and defender deal 6.2.3 Field Hospitals. Whenever any number of Mar-
hits simultaneously. Each hit you deal removes quise warriors are removed from a clearing, the
one piece. The player taking hits chooses which Marquise may spend a card matching that clearing
of their pieces are removed from the clearing to place those warriors in the clearing with the keep
of battle, but must choose to remove all their token.
warriors there before they choose to remove any
of their buildings or tokens there in any order.
(You score one victory point per enemy building or
4 token removed.)
6.3 Faction Setup
6.3.1 Step 1: Gather Warriors and Wood. Form sup-
7. Eyrie Dynasties
plies of 25 warriors and 8 wood tokens near you. 7.1 Overview
6.3.2 Step 2: Place Keep. Place the keep token in the The Eyrie Dynasties wish to restore their once-
corner clearing of your choice. dignified kind to their former glory in the Woodland
by retaking control of the forest clearings. During
6.3.3 Step 3: Garrison. Place a warrior in each clearing
their Evening, the Eyrie score victory points based on
except the clearing in the diagonally opposite cor-
the number of roosts on the map. The greater their
ner from the clearing with the keep token.
presence in the Woodland, the greater their gains.
6.3.4 Step 4: Place Starting Buildings. Place 1 saw- However, the Eyrie are bound by their Decree, an ev-
mill, 1 workshop, and 1 recruiter. You may place er-increasing set of mandated actions promised by their
them among the clearing with the keep token and leader. Each turn, they must take all of the actions on
any adjacent clearings, in any combination. their Decree, or else fall into turmoil.
Step 5: Fill Buildings Tracks. Place your remain-
7.2 Faction Rules and Abilities

ing 5 sawmills, 5 workshops, and 5 recruiters

on your matching Buildings tracks, filling every 7.2.1 Crafting. The Eyrie craft before resolving the De-
space except the leftmost space of each track. cree during Daylight by activating roosts.
Lords of the Forest. The Eyrie rule a clearing
6.4 Birdsong 7.2.2

when tied for most combined warriors and build-

Place one wood token at each sawmill.
ings there. They do not rule empty clearings. L
6.5 Daylight 7.2.3 Disdain for Trade. Whenever the Eyrie craft an
First, you may activate workshops to craft cards from item, they ignore the listed victory points and in-
your hand. Then, you may take up to three actions in stead score only one victory point.
any order and combination. After taking three actions,
you may take extra actions by spending one bird card 7.3 Faction Setup
per extra action. 7.3.1 Step 1: Gather Warriors. Form a supply of 20
6.5.1 Battle. Initiate a battle. warriors near you.
6.5.2 March. Take two moves. 7.3.2 Step 2: Place Roost and Starting Warriors. Place
1 roost and 6 warriors in the corner clearing diag-
6.5.3 Recruit. Place one warrior at each recruiter. You
onally opposite from the clearing with the keep
may take this action only once per turn.
token. If the Marquise is not playing, place those
6.5.4 Build. Place a building. pieces in the corner clearing of your choice.
I Choose Building. Choose whether you want 7.3.3 Step 3: Choose Leader. Choose 1 of the 4 Eyrie
to place a sawmill, workshop, or recruiter. Find leader cards and place it in your Leader Card slot.
the leftmost building of that type remaining on Stack the remaining leaders face up near you.
your faction board. Note that building’s cost,
7.3.4 Step 4: Tuck Viziers. Tuck your 2 Loyal Vizier
listed at the top of its column.
cards, showing their suit, into the Decree columns
II Choose Clearing and Pay Wood. Choose any above your faction board as listed on your leader.
clearing you rule. Remove wood tokens equal
7.3.5 Step 5: Fill Roosts Track. Place your 6 remaining
in number to the building’s cost from the cho-
roosts on your Roosts track, filling all its spaces
sen clearing, any adjacent clearings you rule,
except the leftmost.
or any clearings connected to the chosen clear-
ing you rule through any number of clearings 7.4 Birdsong
you rule. Your Birdsong has three steps in the following order.
III Place Building and Score. Place the chosen 7.4.1 Emergency Orders. If you have no cards in your
building on the chosen clearing, and score the hand, draw one card.
victory points revealed on the space under the
building removed from your faction board. 7.4.2 Add to the Decree. You must add one or two cards
to the Decree, but only one card added may be a
6.5.5 Overwork. Spend a card matching the clearing of bird card. You may play each card to any column,
a sawmill, and place a wood token there. and each column can hold any number of cards.
6.6 Evening 7.4.3 A New Roost. If you have no roosts on the map,
Draw one card, plus one card per uncovered draw bo- place a roost and three warriors in a clearing with
nus. Then, if you have more than five cards in your the fewest warriors where all those pieces can be
hand, discard cards of your choice until you have five. placed.

7.5 Daylight 7.8.4 Despot. Loyal Viziers begin on Move and Build.
Your Daylight has two steps in the following order. Whenever you remove at least one enemy build-
ing or token in battle, you score one victory point.
Craft. You may activate roosts to craft cards from
8. Woodland Alliance

your hand.
7.5.2 Resolve the Decree. You must resolve the Decree,
starting with the leftmost column and moving 8.1 Overview
right. In each column, you must resolve all of its The Woodland Alliance works to gain the sympathy of
cards, but in any order. For each card, you must the various creatures of the Woodland who are dissat-
take the action listed for its column, as follows. If isfied with their present condition. Each time the Alli-
you cannot fully take an action, you immediately ance places a sympathy token, they may score victory
fall into turmoil (7.7). points. The more sympathy on the map they have, the
more victory points they score. Gaining the sympathy
I Recruit. Place a warrior in any clearing with a
of the people requires supporters. These supporters
roost whose suit matches the card suit.
can also be put toward violent ends, inciting outright
II Move. Move at least one warrior from any rebellion across the forest. When a revolt erupts, the
clearing whose suit matches the card suit. Alliance will establish a base. Bases allow the Alliance
III Battle. Initiate a battle in any clearing whose to train officers, increasing their military flexibility.
suit matches the card suit.
8.2 Faction Rules and Abilities
IV Build. Place a roost in any clearing you rule
8.2.1 Crafting. The Alliance crafts during Daylight by
whose suit matches the card suit and which has
activating sympathy tokens.
no roost.
8.2.2 Guerrilla War. As defender in battle, the Alliance
7.6 Evening will deal hits equal to the higher roll, and the at-
Your Evening has two steps in the following order. tacker will deal hits equal to the lower roll.
7.6.1 Score Points. Score the victory points listed on 8.2.3 The Supporters Stack. To take various actions,
the rightmost empty space of your Roosts track. the Alliance spends supporters, which are cards
7.6.2 Draw and Discard. Draw one card, plus one card on their Supporters stack. Supporters can only be
per uncovered draw bonus. Then, if you have spent for their suit and do not count against the
more than five cards in your hand, discard cards Alliance’s hand size. Supporters are face down,
of your choice until you have five. but the Alliance may inspect them at any time.
I Capacity. If the Alliance has no bases on the
7.7 Turmoil map, the Supporters stack can only hold up
If you cannot fully take an action in the Decree (7.5.2) to five cards. If the Alliance would gain a sup-
for any reason, you fall into turmoil, as follows. porter but the stack cannot hold it, that card
7.7.1 Step 1: Humiliate. Lose one victory point per is discarded. If any bases are on the map, the
bird card (including Loyal Viziers) on the Decree. Supporters stack can hold unlimited cards.
7.7.2 Step 2: Purge. Discard all of the cards on the De- 8.2.4 Removing Bases. Whenever a base is removed,
cree except your Loyal Viziers. the Alliance must discard all supporters of match-
7.7.3 Step 3: Depose. Flip your current leader face ing suit (including birds), and remove half of their
down and set it aside, choose a new leader from officers, rounded up. If the Alliance has no more
those face up, and place on your faction board. bases on the map and has more than five cards in
Tuck your Loyal Viziers into the Decree spaces their Supporters stack, they must discard down to
listed on your new leader. five.

I A New Clutch. If you must choose a new lead- 8.2.5 Sympathy Tokens. The Alliance has 10 sympathy
er but none are face up, flip them all face up. tokens.

7.7.4 Step 4: Rest. End Daylight and begin Evening. I Placement Limits. A clearing can hold only
one sympathy token.
7.8 Leaders Reference II Terms. A sympathetic clearing is one with a
The Eyrie have four leader cards, as follows. sympathy token. An unsympathetic clearing
7.8.1 Builder. Loyal Viziers begin on Recruit and Move. is one without a sympathy token.
Whenever you craft, you ignore your Disdain for 8.2.6 Outrage. Whenever another player removes a
Trade special ability (7.2.3). sympathy token or moves any warriors into a sym-
7.8.2 Charismatic. Loyal Viziers begin on Recruit and pathetic clearing, they must add one card match-
Battle. Whenever you take a Recruit action, you ing the affected clearing from their hand to the
must place two warriors instead of one. Supporters stack. If they have no matching cards
(including no birds), they must show their hand to
7.8.3 Commander. Loyal Viziers begin on Move and
6 the Alliance, and then the Alliance draws a card
Battle. In battle as attacker, you deal an extra hit.
from the deck and adds it to the Supporters stack.
8.3 Faction Setup 8.6 Evening
8.3.1 Step 1: Gather Warriors. Form a supply of 10 This phase has two steps in the following order.
warriors near you. 8.6.1 Military Operations. You may take actions, as
8.3.2 Step 2: Place Bases. Place your 3 bases on the follows, up to your number of officers, in any or-
matching spaces in your Bases box. der and combination.

8.3.3 Step 3: Fill Sympathy Track. Place your 10 sym- I Move. Take one move.
pathy tokens on your Sympathy track. II Battle. Initiate a battle.
8.3.4 Step 4: Gain Supporters. Draw 3 cards and place III Recruit. Place a warrior in any clearing with
them face down on your Supporters stack. a base.

8.4 Birdsong IV Organize. Remove one of your warriors from

Your Birdsong has two steps in the following order. an unsympathetic clearing, place a sympathy
token there, and score the victory points listed
8.4.1 Revolt. Remove enemy pieces and place a base on the space revealed on your faction board.
and warriors, as follows. You may revolt any num-
ber of times. 8.6.2 Income. Draw one card, plus one card per uncov-
ered draw bonus. Then, if you have more than five
I Choose Clearing. A sympathetic clearing cards in your hand, discard cards of your choice
matching an unbuilt base. until you have five.

9. Vagabond
II Spend Supporters. Spend two supporters
matching the suit of the chosen clearing.
III Resolve Effect. Remove all enemy pieces in the 9.1 Overview
chosen clearing. Then, place the base match- The Vagabond plays all sides of the conflict while going
ing the clearing there, and place warriors there on quests to increase his renown throughout the wood.
equal to the number of sympathetic clearings Each time the Vagabond improves his relationship
matching the base’s suit. Finally, place one with another faction, or removes a warrior belonging to
warrior in the Officers box. (Remember to score a faction hostile toward him, he scores victory points.
one victory point per token and building removed.) He can also complete quests to score victory points. To
8.4.2 Spread Sympathy. Place a sympathy token, as fol- move and act effectively the Vagabond must manage his
lows. You may spread sympathy any number of pack of items, expanding his selection by exploring the
times. forest ruins and providing aid to other factions.
I Choose Clearing. An unsympathetic clearing 9.2 Faction Rules and Abilities
adjacent to a sympathetic clearing. If there are
no sympathetic clearings, you may choose any 9.2.1 Crafting. The Vagabond exhausts H to craft. All
clearing. of his H match the suit of his current clearing. If
the Vagabond crafts an item, he may immediately
II Spend Supporters. Spend supporters match- take it, face up.
ing the suit of the chosen clearing. The number
of supporters that must be spent is listed above 9.2.2 Lone Wanderer. The Vagabond pawn is not a war-
the sympathy token. rior, so he cannot rule a clearing or stop another
player from ruling one. The Vagabond pawn can-
a Martial Law. You must spend another not be removed from the map.
matching supporter if the target clearing has
at least three warriors belonging to another 9.2.3 Nimble. The Vagabond can move regardless of
player. who rules his origin or destination clearing (4.2.1).
III Resolve Effect. Place a sympathy token in the 9.2.4 Defenseless. In battle, the Vagabond is defense-
chosen clearing. Score the victory points listed less (4.3.2.III) if he has no undamaged S.
on the space revealed on your faction board. 9.2.5 Items. The Vagabond’s capabilities depend on
the items he acquires. Items on the Vagabond’s
8.5 Daylight faction board can be face up or face down. The
You may take the following actions in any order and Vagabond exhausts undamaged items, flipping
combination. them face down, to take many actions.
8.5.1 Craft. You may activate sympathy tokens to craft I Item Tracks. When gained, T, X, and B are
a card from your hand. placed face up on their matching tracks. Each
8.5.2 Mobilize. Add a card from your hand to the Sup- track can only hold three matching items.
porters stack. II The Satchel. When gained, M, S, C, F, and
8.5.3 Train. Spend a card whose suit matches a built H are placed face up in the Vagabond’s Satch-
base to place a warrior in the Officers box. el.
III Moving Items. The Vagabond can freely move Allied warriors as your own if that Ally is the
face-up, undamaged T, X, and B between defender.
their tracks and the Satchel. d Taking Hits with Ally. In a battle where you
9.2.6 Maximum Rolled Hits. In battle, the Vagabond’s treat Allied warriors as your own, you can
maximum rolled hits (4.2.2.I) equals his undam- take hits by removing Allied warriors. How-
aged S, face up or face down, in his Satchel. ever, if you take more hits by removing Al-
9.2.7 Taking Hits. Whenever the Vagabond takes a hit lied warriors than by damaging items during
(4.3.3), he must damage one undamaged item, the same battle, that Allied faction becomes
moving it to his Damaged box. If no undamaged Hostile (9.2.9.III). This rule overrides the
items remain to damage, the Vagabond ignores condition for becoming Hostile in 9.2.9.III.
any remaining hits. e Outrage with Ally. If you cause Outrage
9.2.8 Dominance Cards and Coalitions. In games (8.2.6) by moving or battling with Allied
with four or more players, the Vagabond can warriors, you give the matching card.
activate a dominance card to form a coalition III Hostile Status. If you ever remove a warrior of
with the player with the fewest victory points a non-Hostile faction, their relationship mark-
other than himself, placing his score marker on er immediately moves to the Hostile box. This
the chosen player’s faction board. If there is a faction is now Hostile.
tie for fewest, he chooses one tied player. If the a Infamy. Whenever you remove a piece of a
chosen player wins the game, the Vagabond also Hostile faction in battle during your turn,
wins. (The Vagabond no longer scores victory points. score one victory point. (Add this to points
He cannot form a coalition with a player who has scored for enemy buildings and tokens. Do not
already activated a dominance card.) score a point for removing the warrior that made
9.2.9 Relationships. Your faction board shows a Re- the faction Hostile.)
lationships chart, which has four spaces on the b Moving into Hostile Clearings. You must
Allied track and one Hostile box. It holds a rela- exhaust an extra M to move into a clearing
tionship marker from each non-Vagabond faction with any warriors of any Hostile factions.
in play.
c Aiding Hostile Factions. You cannot move
I Improving Relationships. You can improve a a relationship marker out of the Hostile box
relationship with a non-Hostile faction by tak- by using Aid, but you can still Aid a Hostile
ing the Aid action. faction to take crafted items.
a Cost. Aid a non-Hostile faction the number d Coalition with Hostile Faction. You can
of times listed between their current Allied form a coalition (9.2.8) with a Hostile fac-
space and their next Allied space during the tion. If you do, move their relationship
same turn. (A given Aid action counts toward marker to the Indifferent space.
only one improvement in relationship.)
b Effect. Advance that faction’s relationship 9.3 Faction Setup
marker one space right on the track. Score 9.3.1 Step 1: Choose Character. Choose a character
the victory points listed in the new space. card and place it in your Character Card slot.
II Allied Status. If a faction’s relationship mark- 9.3.2 Step 2: Place Pawn. Place your Vagabond pawn
er reaches the final space on the Allied track, in any forest.
you are now trusted by the warriors of that fac-
9.3.3 Step 3: Get Quests. Shuffle your quest deck, draw
tion. This faction is now Allied.
3 quest cards, and place them face up near you.
a Aiding Ally. Each time you Aid an Allied
9.3.4 Step 4: Populate Ruins. Take the 4 ruins from the
faction, score two victory points.
map, and take the B, M, H, and S items marked
b Moving with Ally. Whenever you move with an “R.” Place one beneath each ruin and then
during Daylight, you may move warriors shuffle each ruin stack. Then, return each stack to
from one Allied faction with you from your an empty ruin slot on the map.
origin clearing to your destination clearing.
9.3.5 Step 5: Take Starting Items. Take the items
Allied warriors follow the normal movement
marked with “S” listed on your character card.
rules of their faction and do not gain the
Place any listed T, X, and B items face up on the
benefit of your Nimble special ability.
matching tracks of your faction board. Place all
c Attacking with Ally. Whenever you initiate other listed items face up in your Satchel. Return
a battle, you may treat Allied warriors of one any remaining “S” items to the box.
faction in the clearing of battle as your own.
9.3.6 Step 6: Set Relationships. Take a relationship
The maximum hits you can roll equals the
marker for each non-Vagabond faction and place
number of that Ally’s warriors there plus
them all on the Indifferent space of your Relation-
8 your total undamaged S. You cannot treat
ships chart.
9.4 Birdsong 9.6 Evening
Your Birdsong has two steps in the following order. Your Evening has four steps, as follows.
9.4.1 Refresh. Flip two exhausted items face up for 9.6.1 An Evening’s Rest. If you are in a forest, move
each T face up at the start of your Birdsong. Then all items in your Damaged box to your Satchel or
flip up three more exhausted items. their matching track, and flip them face up.
9.4.2 Slip. You may move into an adjacent clearing or 9.6.2 Draw Cards. Draw one card, plus one card per X
forest without exhausting any M, even for moving face up on the matching track.
into a Hostile clearing (9.2.9.IIIb). 9.6.3 Discard Cards. If you have more than five cards
9.5 Daylight in your hand, discard cards of your choice until
You can exhaust items to take the following actions, in you have five.
any order and combination. If you exhaust a X, T, or 9.6.4 Check Item Capacity. If you have more items to-
B on a track, move it to the Satchel. tal in your Satchel and Damaged box than your
9.5.1 Move. Exhaust one M to move, plus one M if the item limit—six plus two per B face up on the
destination clearing has any Hostile warriors. You matching track—remove items from your Satchel
may move with Allied warriors (9.2.9.IIb). You and Damaged box until you have items equal to
cannot move into a forest. If in a forest, you may your item limit, and return them to the box.
only move into an adjacent clearing. 9.7 Character Reference
9.5.2 Battle. Exhaust one S to initiate a battle. You 9.7.1 Thief. Start with M, F, T, and S.
may battle with Allied warriors (9.2.9.IIc). (Check
your relationship with the defender.) I Special Action: Steal. Take a random card
from a player in your clearing.
9.5.3 Explore. Exhaust one F to take one item under
a ruin in your clearing, reveal it, and place it face 9.7.2 Tinker. Start with M, F, B, and H.
up in your Satchel or on its matching track. Then, I Special Action: Day Labor. Take a card from
you score one victory point. If you remove the last the discard pile whose suit matches your clear-
item from a ruin, remove the ruin. ing. (You can always take a bird card.)
9.5.4 Aid. Exhaust any one item, and give one of your 9.7.3 Ranger. Start with M, F, C, and S.
cards matching your clearing to any player with
I Special Action: Hideout. Repair three items,
any pieces there (even Hostile). Then, you may take
then immediately end Daylight.
one item, if any, from that player’s Crafted Items
box, and place it face up in your Satchel or on 9.8 Playing with Two Vagabonds
its matching track. (Check your relationship with that If you have The Riverfolk Expansion, you can play a
player.) game with two Vagabonds by following these rules.
9.5.5 Quest. Choose a quest whose suit matches your 9.8.1 Add Extra Item to Ruins. During setup, use both
clearing, and exhaust the two items listed on sets of “R” items and place two “R” items in each
the quest to complete it. Place the quest in your ruin slot. When a Vagabond explores a ruin with
play area, and then draw a new quest and place two items, he may look at them and take one of
it near the map. You may score one victory point his choice. (By taking two Explore actions, he could
per quest of matching suit you have completed, take both items from one ruin.) He cannot take an
including this one, or draw two cards from the “R” item that matches an “R” item already on his
deck. faction board. If he explores but does not take an
9.5.6 Strike. Exhaust one C to remove a warrior from item, he does not score a victory point, but the
your clearing. If a player has no warriors there, torch is still exhausted.
you may instead remove one building or token of 9.8.2 Randomize Setup Order. Randomly determine
that player. (Check your relationship with that player.) which Vagabond sets up first.
9.5.7 Repair. Exhaust one H to move one damaged 9.8.3 Share Quests. Either Vagabond may complete
item to the Satchel (if M, H, S, C, or F) or to its any of the three face-up quests. Do not add extra
matching track (if face up X, T, B), keeping the quest cards during setup.
item on its current side.
9.5.8 Craft. Play a card from your hand, and exhaust
the H of listed suit to craft it. All of your H match
the suit of your clearing. If a card requires multi-
ple of one suit to craft, you must exhaust the list-
ed number of H. If you craft an item, you may
place it face up in your Satchel or on the matching
9.5.9 Special Action. Exhaust one F to take the action 9
listed on your character card.
10.4 Birdsong
Your Birdsong has three steps in the following order.
These final two sections refer to factions 10.4.1 Adjust Outcast. Look at the cards in the Lost
available in The Riverfolk Expansion. Souls pile, ignoring birds. The suit with the most
cards becomes the new Outcast—move the out-
cast marker, showing its Outcast side, to that suit.
10. Lizard Cult If that suit was already the Outcast, flip the mark-
er to Hated. If no one suit had the most cards,
10.1 Overview the marker stays on its current suit and, if it is not
Catering to those creatures who have been discarded Hated, flips to its Hated side.
by the other factions, the Lizard Cult seeks to over- 10.4.2 Discard Lost Souls. Discard all of the cards in
whelm its foes through sheer force of will. The Cult the Lost Souls pile to the discard pile. (Dominance
relies on word of mouth and beak to spread its gospel, cards become available to take.)
and new enclaves can spring up anywhere on the map.
10.4.3 Perform Conspiracies. You can spend acolytes,
Where the Cult rule clearings, they can build gardens,
returning them to your supply, to perform con-
which will further radicalize the animals that live
spiracies in clearings matching the Outcast, in any
there. While other factions spend cards to achieve their
order and combination, as follows. If the Outcast
aims, the Cult acts chiefly by revealing cards and grad-
is Hated, the conspiracy costs one fewer acolyte.
ually drafting the ideal set of followers. Unless used
If you perform Convert or Sanctify, you must
for scoring, these cards are not spent and are returned
complete the conspiracy.
to the Cult’s hand during Evening. However, this gen-
tler approach makes movement and combat operations I Crusade. Spend two acolytes to initiate a bat-
difficult, so these actions can only be undertaken by tle in an Outcast clearing or to move at least
the most radicalized members of the Cult. one warrior from an Outcast clearing and then,
if you wish, initiate a battle in the destination
10.2 Faction Rules and Abilities clearing.
10.2.1 Crafting. The Cult crafts during Evening by acti- II Convert. Spend two acolytes to remove an en-
vating gardens matching the Outcast suit (10.4.1). emy warrior from an Outcast clearing and then
10.2.2 Hatred of Birds. Bird cards are not wild for Cult place one warrior there.
rituals. III Sanctify. Spend three acolytes to remove an
10.2.3 Revenge. Whenever a Cult warrior is removed enemy building from an Outcast clearing and
while defending in battle, it is placed in the Aco- then place a garden of matching suit there.
lytes box instead of the Cult’s supply.
10.5 Daylight
10.2.4 Pilgrims. The Cult rules any clearings where they You may reveal any number of cards from your hand,
have any gardens. This overrides the Eyrie’s Lords placing them face up in front of you, and perform one
of the Forest (7.2.2). ritual per card revealed, in any order and combination
10.2.5 Fear of the Faithful. Whenever a garden is re- as follows. Revealed cards cannot be used for any other
moved, the Cult must discard a random card. purposes during Daylight.

10.2.6 The Lost Souls Pile. Whenever any card is spent 10.5.1 Build. In a clearing you rule matching the re-
or discarded (even a dominance card), place it in vealed card, place a matching garden.
the Lost Souls pile instead of the discard pile. The 10.5.2 Recruit. In a clearing matching the revealed card,
Lost Souls pile can be inspected by any player at place a warrior.
any time.
10.5.3 Score. Spend the same card you reveal (placing in
10.3 Faction Setup Lost Souls) to score the victory points listed above
the rightmost empty Gardens space of the suit
10.3.1 Step 1: Gather Warriors. Form a supply of 25 matching the revealed card. You may perform this
warriors near you. only once per turn per suit.
10.3.2 Step 2: Place Warriors. In the corner clearing op- 10.5.4 Sacrifice. Place a warrior in the Acolytes box. To
posite from the Marquise’s keep or Eyrie’s start- perform this, you must reveal a bird card.
ing roost, place 4 warriors and 1 garden matching
the clearing; if both the Marquise and Eyrie are 10.6 Evening
in play, choose one of the two other corners. Then Your Evening has three steps in the following order.
place one warrior in each adjacent clearing.
10.6.1 Return Cards. Return all cards that you revealed
10.3.3 Step 3: Choose Outcast. Place the outcast marker to your hand.
on any suit space in the Outcast box. The suit of
10.6.2 Craft. You may craft by activating gardens match-
this space is called the Outcast.
ing the Outcast suit.
10.3.4 Step 4: Fill Gardens Tracks. Place your 14 re-
10.6.3 Draw and Discard. Draw one card, plus one card
maining gardens on the matching spaces of your
per uncovered draw bonus. Then, if you have
10 Gardens tracks from right to left.
more than five cards in your hand, discard cards
of your choice until you have five.
11. Riverfolk Company
II Riverboats. The buyer treats rivers as paths
until the end of their turn.
Mercenaries. During Daylight and Evening of
11.1 Overview

this turn, the buyer treats Riverfolk warriors as

When news arrived that the Woodland on the shore of
their own only for rule and for battle against
the great lake was descending into all-out war, the Riv-
factions other than the Riverfolk. (The buyer
erfolk Company quickly dispatched its officers to set
cannot move them, count them toward dominance,
up shop. As other factions purchase services, the River-
or remove them except by taking hits.)
folk will be able to further entrench their commercial
interests by building trade posts across the forest. The a Taking Hits. The buyer must split hits tak-
construction of these posts is a viable way to score en evenly between their pieces and Riverfolk
victory points, but so too is the raw accumulation of warriors, with the buyer taking odd hits.
wealth. However, a big treasury makes for an easy tar- b Vagabond Mercenaries. The Vagabond can-
get, and so the Riverfolk must balance protecting their not buy Riverfolk mercenaries.
growing treasury with expanding of their operations
into the more dangerous clearings of the forest. 11.3 Faction Setup
11.2 Faction Rules and Abilities 11.3.1 Step 1: Gather Warriors. Form a supply of 15
warriors near you.
11.2.1 Crafting. The Riverfolk craft during Daylight by
committing funds to empty spaces on the Trade 11.3.2 Step 2: Place Warriors. Place four warriors on
Posts tracks. any clearing or clearings connected to the river.

11.2.2 Swimmers. The Riverfolk treat rivers as paths and 11.3.3 Step 3: Fill Trade Posts Tracks. Place the 9 trade
may move along rivers regardless of who rules posts on the matching spaces of your Trade Posts
their origin or destination clearing. (They can still tracks.
move using paths.) 11.3.4 Step 4: Gain Starting Funds. Place three warriors
11.2.3 Public Hand. The Riverfolk place their hand face in the Payments box.
up above their faction board. If another player 11.3.5 Step 5: Set Starting Prices. Place a service mark-
would take a random card from the Riverfolk’s er on one space of each Services track.
hand, the cards are flipped face down, shuffled,
drawn from, and then flipped face up. 11.4 Birdsong
Your Birdsong has three steps in the following order.
11.2.4 Funds. To take many actions, the Riverfolk com-
mit and spend funds: warriors in their Funds box. 11.4.1 Protectionism. If the Payments box is empty,
place two warriors in it.
11.2.5 Trade Posts. The Riverfolk score victory points
when they build trade posts. 11.4.2 Score Dividends. If there are any trade posts on
the map, score one victory point per two funds.
I Trade Disruption. Whenever a trade post is (You do not score points for warriors in the Payments or
removed, the Riverfolk remove half of their Committed boxes.)
funds, rounded up, and return the trade post
to the box. 11.4.3 Gather Funds. Move all warriors on your faction
board to the Funds box.
11.2.6 Buying Services. At the start of another player’s
Birdsong, that player may buy Riverfolk services. 11.5 Daylight
I Cost. The buyer must place warriors from You can commit and spend funds to take actions, as
their supply into the Riverfolk’s Payments box follows, in any order and combination. When you
equal in number to the cost of that service list- commit a fund, move the warrior to the Committed
ed on the Riverfolk’s Services track. box. When you spend a fund, return the warrior to its
owner’s supply.
II Number of Services. Each turn, a player may
buy one service plus one per clearing with a 11.5.1 Move. Commit one fund to take a move.
trade post where that player has any pieces. 11.5.2 Battle. Commit one fund to initiate a battle.
III Vagabond Funds. The Vagabond pays for ser- 11.5.3 Craft. Commit funds to craft a card from your
vices by exhausting items—for each item he ex- hand. Instead of moving these warriors to the
hausts to do so, the Riverfolk place one of their Committed box, you must place them on emp-
own warriors in the Payments box. ty spaces of the Trade Posts tracks matching the
11.2.7 Riverfolk Services. The Riverfolk offer three ser- suits listed on the crafting cost.
vices, as follows. I Export. You may ignore the listed benefit of
I Hand Card. The buyer takes any card from the crafting a card, discarding it, to place one of
Riverfolk’s hand and adds it to their hand. (The your warriors in the Payments box.
buyer may buy this service multiple times as long as 11.5.4 Draw. Commit one fund to draw a card.
they have access to enough trade posts.) 11
Key References
11.5.5 Recruit. Spend one fund to place a warrior in any
clearing with a river.
11.5.6 Establish Trade Post with Garrison. Spend two Craft (4.1)
funds to place a trade post and a warrior. Play a card and activate the crafting pieces of the suits
I Choose Clearing. Choose any clearing with- listed in its bottom-left corner. (Vagabond exhausts H.)
out a trade post that is ruled by any player. The suit of a crafting piece matches its clearing, and you
can activate each crafting piece only once per turn.
II Spend Funds. Spend two funds of the player
who rules the chosen clearing. If you craft an immediate effect, resolve it and discard
III Place Trade Post, Warrior, and Score. Place the card. Often these effects will let you take an item
the matching trade post and one warrior in the from the supply on the map and score victory points.
chosen clearing. Score the victory points listed If the item supply on the map does not have the listed
on the space revealed on your faction board. item to take, you cannot craft the card.

11.6 Evening If you craft a persistent effect, place the card in your
Your Evening has two steps in the following order. play area. You may use its effect. You cannot craft a per-
11.6.1 Discard Cards. If you have more than five cards sistent effect if you have one of the same name.
in your hand, discard cards of your choice until
there are five. Move (4.2)
11.6.2 Set Costs. You may move each service marker to Take any number of your warriors or your pawn from
any space on its track, setting it to a new cost. one clearing and move them to one adjacent clearing.

You must rule the origin, destination, or both. A given

Cole dedicates this game to his younger brothers and
piece can be moved any number of times per turn.
sisters, who never let him forget how to play.
Battle (4.3)
Kyle dedicates this game to his children, who have You can battle in a clearing where you have warriors or
always requested cute animal drawings. your pawn.

Step 1: Defender May Ambush. Attacker may cancel

Credits defender’s ambush card by also playing ambush card.
Game design by Cole Wehrle.
Step 2: Roll Dice and Add Extra Hits. Attacker will
Illustrations by Kyle Ferrin. deal hits equal to the higher roll, and defender will deal
hits equal to the lower roll.
Editing by Joshua Yearsley.
The maximum hits you can deal by rolling equals your
Based on a concept by Patrick Leder. number of warriors in the clearing of battle.

Development by Leder Games’ St. Paul staff— extra hits are not limited by warriors. If the defender
Patrick Leder, Cole Wehrle, Jake Tonding, Clayton Capra, has no warriors in the clearing of battle, the attacker
and Nick Brachmann—and by the intrepid Joshua Yearsley. deals an extra hit.
Graphic design and layout by Cole Wehrle, Kyle Fer- Step 3: Deal Hits Simultaneously. Each hit removes
rin, Nick Brachmann, and Jaime Willems. one piece—warriors first, then buildings and tokens as
chosen by the player taking the hits.
Proofreading by Kate Unrau.
Remember: Score a victory point each time
Playtesting by Grayson Page & his amazing group (in- you remove an enemy building or token.
cluding Martin, Jared, Richard, Tony, Harvey, etc.), Chas
Threlkeld, Drew Wehrle, Blake Wehrle, Corey Porter, Kyle Setup (5.1)
Kirk, Matthew Root, Mark von Minden, Davey Janik-Jones, Step 1: Assign factions, then determine starting player
the stalwart players of the First Minnesota, Jim Bolland, Me- and seating order randomly. Give board and pieces.
lissa Lewis-Gentry and Modern Myths, Jennifer Gutterman Step 2: Place score markers on the “0” space.
and Hampshire College, Matthew Snow, Justin Dowd and Step 3: Draw and give three cards to each player.
the Brass Cat, the whole Owl & Raven crew, Josh Houser, Step 4: Place ruins in the four slots marked with “R.”
Brian Peterson, Ethan Zimmerman, Brandi Leder, Heather Step 5: Form item supply near the top of the map.
Brian, and the many others who have played Root across its Step 6: Gather overview cards and the two dice.
development. Step 7: Set up factions in setup order (A, B, C, etc.).

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