Overview of Chemical Reaction Engineering

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Chemical reaction engineering (CRE) is the branch of engineering that

encompasses the selection, design, and operation of chemical reactors. Because
of the diversity of chemical reactor applications, the wide spectrum of operating
conditions, and the multitude of factors that affect reactor operations, CRE encom-
passes many diverse concepts, principles, and methods that cannot be covered
adequately in a single volume. This chapter provides a brief overview of the
phenomena encountered in the operation of chemical reactors and of the concepts
and methods used to describe them.
A chemical reactor is an equipment unit in a chemical process (plant) where
chemical transformations (reactions) take place to generate a desirable product at
a specified production rate, using a given chemistry. The reactor configuration
and its operating conditions are selected to achieve certain objectives such as max-
imizing the profit of the process, and minimizing the generation of pollutants, while
satisfying several design and operating constraints (safety, controllability, avail-
ability of raw materials, etc.). Usually, the performance of the chemical reactor
plays a pivotal role in the operation and economics of the entire process since its
operation affects most other units in the process (separation units, utilities, etc.).

This chapter is adopted from Kirk-Othmer’s Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 7th ed, Wiley
Interscience, NY (2007).

Principles of Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, Second Edition. By Uzi Mann
Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Chemical reactors should fulfill three main requirements:

1. Provide appropriate contacting of the reactants.

2. Provide the necessary reaction time for the formation of the desirable product.
3. Provide the heat-transfer capability required to maintain the specified temp-
erature range.

In many instances these three requirements are not complimentary, and achieving
one of them comes at the expense of another. Chemical reaction engineering is
concerned with achieving these requirements for a wide range of operating
conditions—different reacting phases (liquid, gas, solid), different reaction mech-
anisms (catalytic, noncatalytic), and different operating temperature and pressure
(low temperature for biological reaction, high temperature for many reactions in
hydrocarbon processing).


For convenience, chemical reactions are classified in two groups:

† Homogeneous reactions—Reactions that occur in a single phase

† Heterogeneous reactions—Reactions that involve species (reactants or pro-
ducts) that exist in more than one phase. Heterogeneous reactions are categor-
ized further as:
† Fluid – fluid reactions—Chemical reactions between reactants that are in
two immiscible phases (gas – liquid or liquid –liquid). The reaction
occurs either at the interface or when one reactant dissolves in the other
phase (which also contains the products). In many instances, the overall
reaction rate depends on the interface area available, the miscibility of
the reactant, and the transfer rates (e.g., diffusion) of the reactants to the
interface and in the reacting phase.
† Noncatalytic gas –solid reactions (e.g., combustion and gasification of coal,
roasting of pyrites). These reactions occur on the surface of the solid. The
gaseous reactant is transported to the interface, where it reacts with the solid
reactant. Gaseous products are transported to the gas phase, and solid pro-
ducts (e.g., ash) remain in the solid. The overall reaction rate depends on
the surface area available and the rate of transfer of the gaseous reactant
to the solid surface.
† Catalytic gas –solid reactions in which the reactants and products are
gaseous, but the reaction takes place at the solid surface where a catalytic
reagent is present. To facilitate the reaction, a large surface area is
required; hence, porous particles are commonly used. The reaction
takes place on the surface of the pores in the interior of the particle.

In many instances, the overall reaction rate is determined by the diffusion

rate of reactants into the interior of the pore, and the diffusion of the
product out of the pore.
† Catalytic gas –liquid – solid reactions—Reactants are gases and liquids, and
the reaction takes place at a solid surface where a catalytic reagent is depos-
ited (e.g., hydrogenation reactions). Normally, the liquid reactant covers the
solid surface and the gaseous reactant is transferred (by diffusion) to the
catalytic site.

Each of these reaction categories has its features and characteristics that should be
described quantitatively.


Chemical reactors are commonly classified by the three main charateristics:

1. Mode of operation (e.g., batch, continuous, semibatch)

2. Geometric configuration (e.g., tubular, agitated tank, radial flow)
3. Contacting patterns between phases (e.g., packed bed, fluidized bed, bubble

In addition, reactor operations are also classified by the way their temperature (or
heat transfer) is controlled. Three operational conditions are commonly used: (i)
isothermal operation—the same temperatures exist throughout the reactor, (ii) adia-
batic operation—no heat is transferred into or out of the reactor, and (iii) non-
isothermal operation—the operation is neither isothermal nor adiabatic.
The following terms are commonly used:

† Batch reactors (Fig. 1.1a)—Reactants are charged into a vessel at the

beginning of the operation, and products are discharged at the end of the oper-
ation. The chemical reactions take place over time. The vessel is usually agi-
tated to provide good contacting between the reactants and to create uniform
conditions (concentrations and temperature) throughout the vessel.
† Semibatch reactor (Fig. 1.1b)—A tank in which one reactant is charged
initially and another reactant is added continuously during the operation.
This mode of operation is used when it is desirable to maintain one reactant
(the injected reactant) at low concentration to improve the selectivity of the
desirable product and to supply (or remove) heat.
† Distillation reactor (Fig. 1.1c)—A batch reactor where volatile products are
removed continuously from the reactor during the operation.
† Continuous reactor (flow reactors)—A vessel into which reactants are fed con-
tinuously and products are withdrawn continuously from it. The chemical

Figure 1.1 Batch operations: (a) batch reactor, (b) semibatch reactor, and (c) distillation

reactions take place over space (the reactor volume), and the residence time of
the reacting fluid in the reactor provides the required reaction time. Common
configurations of continuous reactors:
† Tubular reactor (Fig. 1.2a)
† Continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) (Fig. 1.2b)
† Cascade of CSTRs (Fig. 1.2c)
† For multiphase reactions, the contacting patterns are used as a basis for clas-
sifying the reactors. Common configurations include:
† Packed-bed reactor (Fig. 1.3a)—A vessel filled with catalytic pellets and
the reacting fluid passing through the void space between them.
Relatively large pellets (e.g., larger than 1 cm) are used to avoid excessive
pressure drop and higher operating cost. In general, heat transfer to/from
large-scale packed-bed reactors is a challenge.

Figure 1.2 Continuous reactors: (a) tubular reactor, (b) continuous stirred-tank reactor
(CSTR), and (c) cascade of CSTRs.

† Moving-bed reactor (Fig. 1.3b)—A vessel where solid particles (either

reactant or catalyst) are continuously fed and withdrawn. The gas flow is
maintained to allow the downward movement of the particles.
† Fluidized-bed reactor (Fig. 1.3c)—A vessel filled with fine particles (e.g.,
smaller than 500 mm) that are suspended by the upward flowing fluid. The
fluidized bed provides good mixing of the particles and, consequently, a
uniform temperature.
† Trickle-bed reactor—A packed bed where a liquid reactant is fed from the
top, wetting catalytic pellets and a gas reactant, fed either from the top or

Figure 1.3 Multiphase reactors: (a) packed-bed reactor, (b) moving-bed reactor, (c) flui-
dized-bed reactor, (d ) bubbling column reactor, (e) spray reactor, and ( f ) kiln reactor.

Figure 1.3 (Continued ).

the bottom, flows through the void spaces between the pellets. The gaseous
reactant must be absorbed and transported across the liquid film to the cat-
alytic sites at the surface of the pellets.
† Bubbling column reactor (Fig. 1.3d )—A vessel filled with a liquid reactant
and a gas reactant, fed from the bottom, moves upward in the form of
bubbles. The liquid reactant is fed from the top and withdrawn from the
bottom. The gaseous reactant is absorbed in the liquid reactant, and the
reaction takes place in the liquid phase.
† Others [e.g., spray reactor (Fig. 1.3e), slurry reactor, kiln reactor
(Fig. 1.3f ), membrane reactor, etc.].

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