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Use of fundamental data for active investing in US equities

Howard B. Bandy, Ph.D.

NAAIM, March 2009

This paper evaluates methods of using fundamental data as input for trading US equities. It

examines whether and how fundamental data can help decide what to buy, when to buy, and when

to sell.

Fundamental economic data includes gross domestic product, inflation, interest rates, commodity

prices, consumer sentiment, and similar items. Fundamental company data includes inventory

turnover, earnings, sales, dividends, and similar items.

The focus is on techniques that may be useful to active managers.

Fundamental economic indicators

There are many economic indicators, published by many agencies. Some of those that have a

significant effect on the prices of stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies are listed below.

Descriptions of the indicators, and of the schedule for release and revision of the data they report,

come primarily from the websites of the reporting agencies. Additional material comes from a

variety of sources accessed through the references listed in the appendix. The indicators are listed
in the order of their timeliness – beginning with those reporting with the least delay following the

period they cover.

• Weekly Unemployment – New filings for unemployment benefits. Published by the

Employment and Training Administration, a division of the US Department of Labor.

Published every Thursday, the data covers the week ending the previous Saturday, with

revisions the following week.

• Consumer Confidence – Estimates of how consumers feel about jobs and the economy. The

result of surveys conducted by The Conference Board, a private agency. Published monthly

on the last Tuesday of the month being reported. Revisions are rare and tend to be minor.

• ISM Manufacturing Survey – Results of surveys of purchasing managers conducted by the

Institute for Supply Management (ISM), a private agency. Published monthly on the first

business day after the reporting month. Seasonal adjustments are applied annually.

• ADP National Employment – An early report of employment and unemployment. The result

of analysis of the payroll data processed by Automatic Data Processing (ADP), a private

company. Published monthly two days before the government employment report. Minor

revisions are published the following month. Annual revisions are made in March.

• Employment Situation – The government report of jobs created or lost and the

unemployment rate. The result of surveys conducted by the Bureau of Labor Standards, an

agency of the US Department of Labor. Published monthly on the first Friday of the month

following the reporting month. The first data published is labeled “advance.” One month

later, along with that month’s regular report, a revision labeled “preliminary” is released.

Two months later, a revision labeled “final” is released. The series has its benchmark

adjusted annually in June.

• Retail Sales – A report of spending on goods (not including services and not adjusted for

inflation). The result of surveys of retailers conducted by the US Census Bureau, an agency
of the US Department of Commerce. Published monthly about two weeks after the reporting

month. Revisions are published for the next two months, and the series is re-benchmarked

annually in March.

• Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization – A measure of the volume of manufacturing

activity (not taking price into account). The results of data collected from companies by the

Federal Reserve. Published monthly around the 15th of the month following the reporting

month. Revisions are published for the next three months. The series is readjusted every fall.

• Producer Price Index (PPI) – Measures the changes in prices paid by businesses. The result

of data collected from goods producers by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an agency of the

US Department of Labor. Published two to three weeks after the reporting month. Revised

once four months later. The series is revised annually in January.

• Housing Starts and Building Permits – Measures activity related to construction of new

housing. The result of telephone and mail surveys conducted by the Census Bureau, an

agency of the US Department of Commerce. Published monthly two or three weeks after

the reporting month. Revisions are published for the next two months, and seasonal

adjustments are made annually in April.

• Consumer Price Index (CPI) – The commonly used measure of inflation at the consumer
level. The result of data collected by the Bureau of Labor Standards related to prices for

a defined basket of goods. Published monthly, usually about two days after the PPI. No

monthly revisions, but annual readjustments are computed in January. Since this series

is used as the basis for annual changes in many payments, such as Social Security, some

people suspect that the CPI is knowingly underestimated.

• Personal Income and Spending – A measure of the amount of money households receive

and the amount they spend. The result of data collected from a variety of sources by the

Bureau of Economic Analysis, an agency of the US Department of Commerce. Published

monthly about four weeks after the end of the reporting month. Revisions are computed

and published for the next two or more months, with annual revisions around July, and re-

benchmarking every four or five years.

• Durable Goods Orders – A measure of orders received at factories. The result of data

collected from manufacturing companies by the Census Bureau. Published monthly

about three or four weeks after the end of the reporting month. Revisions, which can be

substantial, are published one week after initial release, then for the next two months.

• International Trade in Goods and Services – A measure of exports and imports of goods

and services. The result of data collected on exports by the Census Bureau and the Bureau

of Economic Analysis. Published monthly the second week of the second month following

the reporting month. Revisions are published monthly for several succeeding months. The

series is revised annually in June.

• Productivity and Costs – A measure of the productivity of workers who produce goods

and services. The result of data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics from a variety of

sources, including monthly payroll reports and gross domestic product. Reported quarterly

about five weeks following the reporting quarter. Revisions are made monthly for three

months, and as necessary as the underlying economic series are themselves adjusted.

• Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – The single number is the sum of the value of all goods

and services produced in the United States. The report is broken down into detail by sector
of the economy and by geographic area. It is the result of data collected from a variety

of sources by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Reported quarterly the final week of the

month following the reporting quarter (final week of April for the first quarter). Revisions

are reported each of the next two months, with annual revision in July and benchmark

changes every five years.

• Current Account Balance – A report on the country’s trade with the remainder of the world.

Results of data collected by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Reported quarterly about

two and one-half months after the reporting quarter. There is one monthly revision three

months later, and annual benchmark changes in June.

There are many more series than the sixteen described above. Some are followed closely and others

widely ignored. One series that has intentionally been omitted from the list given above is the

Index of Leading Economic Indicators (LEI). That index has been completely redesigned several

times in the past two decades. It currently has ten components, chosen from among hundreds of

available candidates to best fit the in-sample period used during its redesign. There is speculation

that the most recent redesign was made to avoid having the LEI forecast an economic recession.

The following tables summarize the economic indicators described.

Economic Indicator Publisher Freq Initial Release (Approx)

Weekly Unemployment Employment and Training W Thursday following
Consumer Confidence Conference Board M Last Tuesday of period

Manufacturing Survey Institute for Supply M 1st day following

ADP National Employment Automatic Data Processing M 2 days before BLS
Employment Situation Bureau of Labor Statistics M 1st Friday following

Retail Sales Bureau of the Census M 14 days following

Industrial Production Federal Reserve M 15 days following

Producer Price Index Bureau of Labor Statistics M 16 days following

Housing Starts Bureau of the Census M 17 days following

Consumer Price Index Bureau of Labor Statistics M 18 days following

Personal Income Bureau of Economic Analysis M 4 weeks following

Durable Goods Bureau of the Census M 4 weeks following

International Trade Bureau of Economic Analysis M 6 weeks following

Productivity Bureau of Labor Statistics Q 5 weeks following

Gross Domestic Product Bureau of Economic Analysis Q End of month following

Current Account Bureau of Economic Analysis Q 2 1/2 months following

Economic Indicator Revisions Adjustments URL of report

Weekly Unemployment 1 week
Consumer Confidence Rare
Manufacturing Survey Rare January

ADP National Employment 1 month March

Employment Situation 1 & 2 months June
later empsit.toc.htm
Retail Sales 1 & 2 months March
Industrial Production 1 & 2 months March
Producer Price Index 4 months February

Housing Starts 1 & 2 months April

Consumer Price Index Rare February

Personal Income 1 & 2 months August

Durable Goods 1 & 2 months
International Trade 1 to 4 months June
Productivity 1 & 3 months Per GDP

Gross Domestic Product 1 & 2 months July

Current Account 3 months June

The following figure illustrates the values reported for the US GDP. The highlighted reporting

period is the first quarter of 2006. Note the dates and reported values for the initial report and the


The following chart shows about three years of daily price data for a stock that an active manager

might trade. The box identifies the first quarter of 2006 and the annotations identify dates the GDP

data covering that quarter are released, revised, and re-based. The data is taken from the figure

above. The chart is intended to illustrate the lag between the period being reported and the date

the final figure is available for use.

Challenges of using economic indicators

In order to be valuable, any indicator, including any economic indicator, must be:

• Timely

• Accurate

• Predictive

As is evident from the descriptions of the economic data and from the chart above, there are

several issues that complicate use of fundamental economic data for trading.

1. Timeliness related to reporting granularity. Fundamental data is reported annually, quarterly,

monthly, or weekly. Trading decisions are made monthly, weekly, daily, or intra-day. If the

stock price is reported and acted upon more frequently than the economic indicator, there

will be many time periods (data bars) where there is no data for the economic indicator. In

order to have a value to use in calculations, the latest value that does exist will be copied

forward until a new value is received. The only time that value can change is on those days

(bars) when a new report is issued.

2. Timeliness related to revision. Economic indicators, and other fundamental data, are reported,

then revised at later dates. When the historical data is retrieved from the data provider, it

will usually be a series that consists of only the final revision data. In order to maintain

consistency, the data value associated with a given time period cannot be used in the

trading system until after the date its final revision is published.

An alternative is to use a series that consists solely of data initially released, with no

revisions or adjustments applied. The trading system would then be based on initial release

data rather than final release data. Some data providers maintain a record of the initial

report and all subsequent revisions, enabling the consumer of the data to create the data

series that is most useful to them. That approach may work for economic series that seldom

have significant revisions. But it will not work for series that are regularly heavily revised.

3. Accuracy related to revision. Government statistical series are regularly given annual

adjustments, are re-based, and re-benchmarked. Re-basing sets a new date for the base of

the index (the date it has a value of, say, 100) and adjusts all data in the series accordingly.

Re-benchmarking recalculates the relationship between indicator series, adjusting those

that depend on others. Any of these operations result in a revised historical data series. A

trading system based on an earlier revision may not be profitable when the newly revised

data is used.

4. Accuracy related to bias. There is a bias to any reported data. That bias is both unknown and

unknowable to users of the data. Whether the report is unintentionally biased due to an
innocent data preparation error or omission, or intentionally misleading, outsiders probably

cannot detect the bias, its amount, or its reason. They have little alternative but to accept and

use the data as reported. Bias introduces a systematic error into the reported statistic.

5. Accuracy related to measurement. The fundamental statistic reported is the result of

interpretation of reports, questionnaires, and interviews. Even if there is a single correct

number representing that statistic, the reported number is only one estimate of that value. If

the same data and same procedures are used to recalculate the same statistic several times,

the results will differ slightly from each other due to random variations in measurement

and interpretation. The more subjective the question, the more random error in the answer.

Preparers of these reports must be careful to avoid confusing precision with accuracy.

Measurement introduces a random error into the reported statistic.

6. Predictive. Whether the fundamental data is predictive depends on the strength of the

relationship, the efficiency with which the market assimilates the information, and the

insight and skill of the developer of the trading system. Remember to follow good modeling

and validation practices. Keep enough data reserved for out-of-sample testing. In-sample

results are always good and have no value in predicting the profitability of a system when

traded on unseen data.

For all of these reasons, it is difficult to incorporate the fundamental data series with the daily
or weekly price series representing the trading prices. In order to use fundamental data as a

component of trading decisions, it is necessary to find surrogate data series that:

• Reflect changes in the fundamental data.

• Are reported on the same time schedule as the price series.

• Are never revised.

• Represent transactions made in public and reported through a clearing agency.

The sixteen economic indicators described above fall into just a few categories:

• Consumer – confidence, jobs, spending, housing

• Manufacturing – orders, productivity, sales

• Inflation

• Debt

Fundamental company data

Fundamental data for individual companies includes sales, earnings, dividends, book value,

inventory turnovers, and similar items. Similar difficulties arise with company data as with

economic indicators — granularity, timeliness, revisions, restatements, changes in company

organization, and bias.

When dealing with company data, changes to the organization of the company result in changes to

the data series. Explanations and footnotes may be added to annual reports, but historical data is

seldom adjusted, or even adjustable. For example, in January 2009, pharmaceutical Pfizer acquired

Wyeth and gained their over-the-counter drug lines. Pfizer sold its consumer products division

to Johnson and Johnson in 2006, and sold its medical device division in the 1990s. Since Wyeth

no long exists as an independent company, its data is no longer maintained, but belongs in the

category of inactive companies that have been discontinued, delisted, or absorbed. The Pfizer data

might be adjusted by a pharmaceutical industry analyst at the request of a major client, but that

data series will probably never be available for wide distribution at low cost.

The problem can become even more complex when a company contains very different divisions,

each of which contributes revenue. For example, major manufacturers who operate their own

captive finance divisions may have seen the majority of their earnings move from manufacturing

to the financing operations. Since the company had been primarily a manufacturing company, they

are probably grouped with and compared to other manufacturers. If such a company divests its

financial operation, the data series will show a dramatic change, which is seldom adjusted.

The question of accuracy and trust is illustrated by the list of companies suspected or convicted of

misleading investors by misstating the company’s fundamental data. It includes Adelphia, Enron,

Nortel, Refco, Tyco, and WorldCom.

Asset classes, indexes, and futures

There are four asset classes a manager might want to use:

• Equities

• Bonds and Notes

• Commodities

• Currencies

A search of the databases results in a list of fourteen indexes that might be related to the economic
indicators and serve as surrogates for them and for the asset classes. In addition, most of them

trade as futures contracts. The indexes are all sponsored by reputable companies, all have history

dating from the early 1990s or earlier, all are widely followed, and all fit neatly into one of the four

asset categories. They are (using the Quotes Plus symbol):

• !CCI – Reuters CRB index

• !DXYZ – The dollar index

• !FVX – Yield on five year note

• !GLDLA – Gold, afternoon fix

• !IRX – Yield on 13 week treasury bill

• !OEX – S&P 100 index

• !OIX – CBOE Oil index

• !RUA – Russell 3000 index

• !RUI – Russell 1000 index

• !RUT – Russell 2000 index

• !SPX – S&P 500 index

• !TNX – Yield on 10 year bond

• !TYX – Yield on 30 year bond

• !VIX – Volatility index

The correlation, measured over a 252 day period, of each index with every other index is displayed

in the following table. Each value is the average of twelve years. The cells colored green have

an R-squared value of 0.50 or more. Each column is labeled as a commodity, dollar, interest rate,

or equity. There is little difference among the members of each asset class, relative to the other

indexes. For example, the correlations of all the equity indexes are very similar. One index of each

asset class was identified to keep.


The correlation among the four is shown in the following figure.

The four indexes are plotted together in a single chart, shown below. If they were to show a

consistent relationship of peaks and valleys, with one leading, another following, the third

following later, and the fourth last, then those four indexes would make an ideal set to be the basis

of a rotational trading system. Or, perhaps be useful in creating filters for broad market timing.

Even though there is no consistent sequence of peaks and valleys, there is almost always at least

one class scoring high. That is promising, but is outside the scope of this paper.

Another kind of series that can be used as a surrogate for an economic indicator is the continuous

futures contract. A continuous contract is formed by joining individual front-month contracts

together to form a single series.

Since the trading hours for both the indexes described above and futures contracts are

approximately the same as the trading hours for stocks, the problems with timeliness and accuracy

are removed.

Futures trading began with agricultural products — forward contracts in the 1850s, which evolved

into futures contracts traded on exchanges by the 1870s. Other physical commodities were added

over time. The big changes came in 1972 when currency futures were added, interest rates in 1975,

and equities in 1982. By 1985, trading in agricultural contracts accounted for less than 25 percent

of the total. Consequently, there is complete and accurate data for the prices of equities, interest

rates, currencies, and commodities from 1982 on. Individual futures contract data and continuous

contract data are available at low cost from data vendors such as Yahoo, Quotes Plus, Norgate

Premium Data, and Pinnacle. Examples of futures contracts, some of which might be useful:

• Equities — S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, Dow Jones Industrials, Russell 2000

• Interest Rates — Eurodollars, Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds

• Materials and Energy ­— Crude Oil, Copper, Lumber, Gold, CRB Index

• Currencies — US Dollar Index, Euro, Canadian Dollar

• Sentiment — Volatility Index

• Agricultural — Corn, Soybeans, Cattle, Cotton

Commodities have their own fundamentals, which are closely related to fundamental economic

indicators. Data on supply, production, and consumption is available, and traders of futures

contracts may be interested in that. But when the commodity data is being used as a surrogate for

the economic indicators, all that is necessary is the price series.

The business cycle

Investment advisors and publications describe the sequence that the business cycle follows.

Conventional wisdom views the business cycle as repeatedly progressing through phases.

Depending on their business operations, stocks tend to perform better in some phases than others.

There are two time frames for this analysis. The first time frame measures cycles relative to

recession lows and the following recovery. In the 94 years since World War I, there have been 18

recessions, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The average time between

recession lows is 5.2 years, with a range of 1 year to 11 years. There are too few of these events

to draw general conclusions, and the holding periods are longer than fit the definition of active

management. Until the current recession, it appeared that recessions were becoming less frequent

and shorter, and expansions longer. But there is too little data to be conclusive. There may be

some indicators related to recessions that could be used as filters for more frequent timing and for

stock selection, but those are not discussed in this paper. The following figure shows the S&P 500,

plotted on a logarithmic scale, with the periods the US was officially in a recession highlighted.

Martin Pring and Sam Stovall have both written books outlining the sequence of the business cycle

as it relates to recession and recovery. Both books are listed in the References. Pring’s book is in

print, and his website has an article describing his ideas. Stovall’s book is out of print, but there are

several internet sites that outline his ideas — see Investopedia, for example.

The following figure plots the S&P 500 (Yahoo Financial symbol ^GSPC) from the beginning of

each of several recent recessions. Note that, even as the broad market is falling, there are significant

and tradable rallies.


The second time frame assumes several cycles per year, and will be discussed further here.

A simple experiment will test whether two data series act in predictable phases. Define a period of

time to test, say 10 years. Working with the first data series — the one that will be traded — apply

a zigzag indicator and adjust the percentage parameter to correspond to the desired magnitude

of the trades — say, 5 percent. This means hold a long position for any move that has at least a

five percent gain but does not have a five percent drawdown. The zigzag will show the peaks and

valleys. Buy every valley and sell every peak. Counting valleys, 20 valleys would correspond to

the series having two complete cycles each year, on average, which corresponds to two holding
periods, each an average of three months long. Working with the second data series, apply a zigzag

indicator and adjust the parameter so that there are the same number of peaks and valleys as the

first series. If the two series follow each other in phase, the sequence of 40 valleys will alternate

— each valley from the first series is both preceded and followed by a valley from the second

series. Each sequence of successive valleys by one of the series is counted as a “run.” If the two

series acted perfectly in phase, the combined results of the two series would result in 40 runs, each

of length 1. Statistical tests, such as the runs test, can be used to measure the amount by which the

two series differ from being perfectly in phase. But the goal is not to perform statistical tests, rather

to develop profitable trading systems. So, if there appears to be regular alternation between valleys,

write and test a trading system that identifies valleys in the second data series. Recognizing that a

valley in the second series has passed alerts the manager to be ready to take a long position in the

first data series.

This technique was applied to the S&P 500 and the 10 year Treasury Note Yield (symbol ^TNX) for

the period 1/1/1988 through 1/1/2008. The following figure illustrates the sequence of the peaks and


The percentage change for the S&P 500 was set to 5%. That resulted in 58 valleys over the 20 years.

The percentage change necessary for the 10 year Treasury Note Yield to give the same number

of valleys was 5.56%, determined by trial and error. Note that the two series do not alternate, but

show runs of one series followed by runs of the other. Although this technique did not work well
using the 10 Year Treasury Note, there may be other series that would work better.

Sectors as surrogates

Sector indexes or sector exchange traded funds are created by selecting individual issues that

have similar characteristics. The price of the composite is a data series that reacts to economic

fundamentals in the same manner as the individual component issues react. But there is less

day-to-day variability. The price movements are smoother because a portion of the random noise

contained in the data of the individual issues cancels each other out. A search of the database

reveals a long list of exchange traded funds and indexes that might be useful.

Sector exchange traded funds

Standard and Poor’s has created a set of nine select sector exchange traded funds. All 500 of the

stocks that are components of the S&P 500 index are used. Each stock is also a component of

the sector fund that its business fits best. The funds have between 29 and 83 components. The

categories and ETFs are:

• Basic materials — XLB

• Consumer discretionary — XLY

• Consumer staples — XLP

• Energy — XLE

• Financials — XLF

• Health care — XLV

• Industrials — XLI

• Technology — XLK

• Utilities — XLU

We know it is possible to use those sector ETFs to develop profitable trading models. The question

addressed in this paper is whether they can be used as surrogates for economic indicators.

Five stocks were selected from each ETF — the four stocks with the highest weighting in the ETF,

and one stock that has about 2% weighting. Keep in mind that all the stocks in the S&P 500 are

large cap stocks.

Daily percentage price changes were computed for each stock, each sector, and the S&P 500 for

about 10 years. For each of the 45 stocks, a multiple linear regression was used to measure the

relationship between the stock, its sector, and the S&P 500. This is a descriptive model, not a

predictive model, so we will not be concerned with the problems that arise when regressing non-

stationary times series against each other.

The form of the regression equation is:

Stock = Intercept + A * Sector + B * SP500

where Stock, Sector and SP500 are the daily percentage prices changes.

The regression equation for Exxon Mobile, XOM, related to the Energy Select Sector, XLE, and the

S&P 500, SPY, is:

XOM = 0.00 + 0.74 * XLE + 0.14 * SPY

The regression has an R-squared of 0.737.

The following chart shows the daily price change observed (the blue line that has the greater range)

and the daily price change explained by the regression (the red line) for a short, but typical, period.

The scatter plot of the entire ten years is shown in the next chart. The observed change is plotted
on the horizontal axis, the change explained by the regression on the vertical axis.

The next chart illustrates the magnitude of the coefficients associated with the sector and the broad

market. The whiskers show the 95% confidence levels. The regression is highly significant.

The following nine charts illustrate the relationship between the stock’s price change, the price

change of the sector it belongs to, and the price change of the broad market, for the 45 stocks and

9 select sectors chosen. The percentage of the stock’s price change that is explained by the stock,

the sector, and the broad market are shown by a group of three bars for each stock. The blue bar

to the left shows the relative importance of the stock itself. The red bar in the middle shows the

relative importance of the sector. The green bar to the right shows the relative importance of the

broad market. The sum of the three bars is 100%. Note how some sectors strongly affect the stocks,

as shown by tall red bars. Other sectors contribute less, as shown by the tall blue bars. The broad

market contributes relatively little.


For all 45 stocks, the average percentage contributions to the stock’s price change are:

Stock itself 54.4%

Sector 36.3%

S&P 500 9.3%

Examination of the relationships of these stocks to their sectors shows that the nine S&P sector

ETFs are too broad and too diverse to use as surrogates for economic indicators.

Other sector-based approaches

To narrow the scope of the sector, we can: create custom sectors; use sectors defined by industry

codes; or use sectors defined by an agency.

Create custom sectors

To create a custom index, a population of stocks is examined. All of those in the Russell 3000, for

example. The goal is to identify a number of issues, say 10 to 20, that behave the same, or close to

the same, in all market conditions. An index of these is created and used to generate the trading

signals. The trades taken can be a basket consisting of the stocks in the index, a few highly liquid

stocks that are components of the index, or some related issue. The mathematics and mechanics

of creating a custom index are straight-forward. But creating the index raises a serious issue

of membership bias. The composition of the index when it is created today is almost certainly

different than it would be if it had been created in the past. One way to reduce the effect of

membership bias to is select the stocks that form the index as of a date in the past. Since the model

validation process will involve in-sample development and out-of-sample testing, choose the date

of the start of the out-of-sample period as the date for selecting the components of the index.

Use sectors defined by industry codes

Use of industry codes removes the effort of searching for issues that behave similarly, and it

removes a portion of the membership bias. Instead, it relies on accurate assignment of industry

codes, a task performed by a government or private agency.

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the coding system used by Federal

statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing,

and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. NAICS is an agency of US

Census Bureau. The NAICS codes are assigned to businesses according to their business activities.

It is difficult to determine the NAICS code for a given company — retrieval by stock symbol is not

available. NAICS codes are not usable for sector index creation.

The Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) is a company classification system developed by

Dow Jones and The Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange (FTSE). It is used to segregate

markets into sectors within the macroeconomy. The ICB uses a system of 10 industries, partitioned

into 18 supersectors, which are further divided into 39 sectors, which then contain 104 subsectors.

The Global Industry Classification Systems (GICS) is a company classification system developed

by Standard and Poor’s and Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Barra. GICS defines peer

groups tightly and avoids grouping unlike companies together. The GICS structure is four levels

— comprised of 10 sectors, 24 industry groups, 68 industries and 154 sub-industries.

GICS competes directly with ICB. The ten highest level categories are almost the same. ICB uses

a “product-oriented” approach, where the category a stock is assigned is determined by what the

company produces. Companies that produce goods are generally in different categories than those

that produce services, although there are some companies that produce both and are difficult

to classify. GICS uses a “market-oriented” approach, where the category a stock is assigned is

determined by how its products are sold. Consumer staples companies, for example, include

companies that provide both consumer products and services that are considered necessities.

Both systems expose the definitions of their top three levels freely. Both require a subscription

to learn the definitions of the fourth and most narrowly defined categories. Both GICS and ICB

require a subscription to allow retrieval of industry code through lookup of the stock ticker.

The stocks in the S&P indexes have been assigned one of the two-digit GICS sector codes. Those

codes are:

10 Energy

15 Materials

20 Industrials

25 Consumer Discretionary

30 Consumer Staples

35 Health Care

40 Financials

45 Information Technology

50 Telecommunications Services

55 Utilities

In order to be useful as surrogates for economic indicators, much finer resolution is required.

Use sectors defined by an agency

Use of an index created by an agency has the advantage that membership and survivorship issues

were dealt with at the time they arose. If the components of the index are similar enough, that

might work. As of March 2, 2009, all 79 of the components of the S&P Sector Select Consumer

Discretionary ETF, symbol XLY, were assigned GICS code 25. But the XLY ETF included Amazon,

Auto Nation, International Game Technology, New York Times, and Pulte Homes — clearly too

dissimilar for this purpose. Another categorization system gives the following classification for

those five stocks:

• Amazon Technology, Internet, Retail

• Auto Nation Retail, Miscellaneous

• International Game Technology Travel and Leisure, Gaming

• New York Times Media, Books and Newspapers

• Pulte Homes Construction, Residential


Some of the indexes and exchange traded funds are more precisely defined. For example, the

HOLDRs Semiconductor ETF, symbol SMH, consists of about 18 stocks. The same regression model

that was used with the nine S&P select sector ETFs was applied to daily percentage price changes

for SMH and its top five holdings. The next chart shows the relative importance of the stock, the

sector, and the broad market.

Note how strong the influence of the sector is. For all 5 stocks, the average percentage contributions

to the stock’s price change are:

Stock itself 26.3%

Sector 70.2%

S&P 500 3.5%

The following chart shows the relative prices of SMH (the heavier blue line in the middle) and the

top five components for a few months in 2004. The SMH is very representative of the components.

Compare with the relative prices of XLY (the heavier blue line in the middle) and its top five

components for the same time period.

More precisely defined sectors are easier to model, because their components tend to move in

reaction to the same fundamental information. And after an accurate model has been created,

trading the sector index itself or the liquid components of it are more profitable because there is

less variation between the model and its components.

Summary and Conclusion

The goal of this paper was to evaluate methods of using fundamental economic indicators and

fundamental company data as components of trading systems used by active managers. The

conclusions are as follows:

• Economic indicators, such as those published by governmental and other agencies, are not

appropriate for direct use in active trading systems for reasons involving their timeliness

and accuracy.

• Company fundamental data are not appropriate for use in active trading systems for

reasons involving their timeliness and accuracy.

• Selecting representatives of four asset classes — equities, bonds, commodities, and

currencies — to form a trading system shows profit potential. There appears to be more

potential for use in a rotational trading system than for use as surrogates for fundamental


• Selecting representatives of the business cycle — manufacturing, consumer, etc — to form

a trading system also shows profit potential. Complications arise because of problems in

defining the sector indexes. Again, there is potential for use in a rotational trading system,

but not as surrogates.

• If sectors are carefully and narrowly defined, most of the price movement of individual

securities is due to price movement of the associated sector.

• Surrogate data, primarily in the form of sector indexes defined and maintained by financial

services companies, can be useful in active trading systems.

• Intermarket analysis, such as examination of interest rates, can be used for broad market

timing, or to create filters to permit or block equity trades.

• Exchange traded funds can be used both to generate the trading signals and to take the


• Indexes and futures contracts can be used in trading systems of their own or as surrogates

of economic indicators.

AAII — American Association of Individual Investors. Stock Screener Pro provides historical
fundamental company data and a screening program. Subscription.
American Economics Association. Extensive information of interest to economists. In particular,
the Resources For Economists page, with links to journals, articles, and data. Much of
the content is free.
Automatic Data Processing. Publishes the monthly ADP National Employment Report. http://
Bandy, Howard. Introduction to AmiBroker. Blue Owl Press. 2008.
Bandy, Howard. Quantitative Trading Systems. Blue Owl Press. 2007.
Baumohl, Bernard, The Secrets of Economic Indicators, Second Edition, Wharton School Publishing,
BEA — Bureau of Economic Analysis. An agency of the US Department of Commerce. Publishes
the monthly personal income report. Also provides other historical economic fundamental data.
Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor’s. Detailed data on public and private companies.
Compustat, a division of Standard and Poor’s. Current and historical fundamental data on current
and inactive companies. Subscription.
Compustat. The top three levels of GICS.
Conference Board. Publishes the monthly Consumer Confidence Index and Index of Leading
Indicators. Mostly subscription.
Department of the Census, an Agency of the US Department of Commerce. Publishes the monthly
retail sales report.
Economagic. Historical economic fundamental data. Free.
Edgar. Current and historical fundamental company data. Security and Exchange Commission
filings. Subscription.
Federal Reserve.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Reports related to monetary policy. Free.
ICB. Click the “structure” link to open a pdf with the four level ICB structure defined and codes
GICS definitions in Excel file format.
Global Financial Data. Historical end-of-day OHLCV price data for active and delisted US stocks,
company fundamental historical data, economic fundamental historical data. Subscription. https://

Hemscott, a division of Morningstar. Current and historical fundamental data on current and
delisted companies. Subscription.
ICB — Industry Classification Benchmark. Information about the ICB. Access to list of classification
by company is by subscription.
ICB — Industry Classification Benchmark. Wikipedia entry giving the definitions for industry,
supersector, and sector.
Institute for Supply Management. Publishes the monthly manufacturing survey.
Investopedia. Article on sector rotation giving Sam Stovall’s industry rotation sequence. http://
Investopedia. Definitions of GICS and ICB classification methods.
MSCI Barra — GICS definitions in Excel file format.
NBER — National Bureau of Economic Research. Definition of recession and list of recessions and
depressions in the US.
NAICS — North American Industry Classification System. An agency of the US Census Bureau.
Definitions of the NAICS industry codes.
Norgate Premium Data. End-of-day historical and daily update data for US and Australian equities,
futures, and foreign exchange. Subscription.
OECD – Organization for Economic Coordination and Development. Statistics, economic, and
social data for 30 global countries. Free.
Pinnacle Data. End-of-day historical and daily update data for indexes and commodities.
Price Data. Historical intra-day OHLCV price data for US stocks and futures. Subscription. http://
Pring, Martin. The Investor’s Guide to Active Asset Allocation. McGraw-Hill. 2006.
Pring, Martin. Understanding the Business Cycle.
Quotes Plus. End-of-day historical and daily update data for equities, mutual funds, exchange
traded funds, commodities. Subscription.
Rimes. Coordinator and redistributors of fundamental data on companies. Subscription. http://
Standard and Poor’s. GICS pages. Extensive information about categorization of stocks. http://,3,1,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Standard and Poor’s. Select Sector pages. Descriptions of the sectors and their component lists.

Stovall, Sam. Sector Investing. McGraw-Hill. 1996. Out of print.

Thomson Reuters. Extensive information about companies. Subscription.
US Bureau of Labor Statistics, an agency of the US Department of Labor. Historical economic
fundamental data, much of it in both tabular and graphical format. Free.
Worden. Publishers of the TeleChart 2007 trading system platform. The database includes
fundamental data. Subscription.
Yahoo Finance. Historical end-of-day OHLCV price data for US and world stocks, general company
news, current company fundamental data. Free.

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