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Bureau of Correction

Davao Prison and Penal Farm

Status of Unliquidated Cash Advances
As of December 31, 2016

Name of Accountable
No Account Used Purpose Date Granted Unliquidated Amount Due Date for Liquidation
Officer (AO)/Employee

1 Advances for Payroll Muriel Bonus Salaries Dec 1-15, 2016 and PEI 2016- civilian 12/13/2016 571,941.72 upon completion
2 Advances for Payroll Muriel Bonus Salaries Dec 1-15, 2016 - civilian 12/20/2016 430,178.59 upon completion
3 Advances for Payroll Muriel Bonus Tax Refund 12/20/2016 40,703.38 upon completion
4 Advances to Officers and Employees Albert Superior escort inmates 12/1/2016 2,146.00 upon completion
5 Advances to Officers and Employees Jingle Luces escort inmates 12/1/2016 2,146.00 upon completion
6 Advances to Officers and Employees Jose Ariel Dela Cruz escort inmates 12/1/2016 2,346.00 upon completion
7 Advances to Officers and Employees Jerwin Severo escort inmates 12/6/2016 2,146.00 upon completion
8 Advances to Officers and Employees Sherwin Abapo escort inmates 12/6/2016 2,146.00 upon completion
9 Advances to Officers and Employees Larry Sacco escort inmates 12/6/2016 2,346.00 upon completion
10 Advances to Officers and Employees Gerardo Padilla to attend command conference at Central Office 12/12/2016 10,000.00 upon completion
11 Advances to Officers and Employees James Davide to attend command conference at Central Office 12/12/2016 10,000.00 upon completion
12 Advances to Officers and Employees Ian Jake Jarabe to attend command conference at Central Office 12/12/2016 10,000.00 upon completion
to attend command conference and follow up documents at
Advances to Officers and Employees Kabungsuan Makilala 12/12/2016 10,000.00 upon completion
13 legal office at the Central Office
to attend command conference and follow up documents at
Advances to Officers and Employees Albert Blanca 12/12/2016 15,000.00 upon completion
14 legal office at the Central Office
15 Advances to Officers and Employees Eden Hasim to attend seminar on GAD 12/19/2016 22,000.00 upon completion
16 Advances to Officers and Employees Lorife Ramirez to attend seminar on GAD 12/19/2016 19,000.00 upon completion
Advances to Officers and Employees Dominador Managbanag to attend seminar on GAD 12/19/2016 19,000.00 upon completion
to submit bidding documents re: Supermax project and
Advances to Officers and Employees Ric Rocacurba 12/27/2016 4,428.00 upon completion
18 catering
to submit bidding documents re: Supermax project and
Advances to Officers and Employees Ramon Dela Cruz Jr. 12/27/2016 4,428.00 upon completion
19 catering

Note: * Indicate if the AO/Employee/Recipient is still connected with the Agency, retired, resigned, dead or can no longer be traced, etc.
** For Agency Official, indicate if the agency requested for write off.
For Auditor, indicate if a Narrative Areport was prepared
Column Nos. 1-9 to be filled up by responsible Agency Official/ Accountant
Column Nos. 10-16 to be filled up by the concerned ATL

Certified Correct :


OIC - Accounting Division

Page 1 of 9
Annex A

d Penal Farm
d Cash Advances
r 31, 2016

Availability of Status of Amount

**Action Taken By Request for Written
Age of Cash Advance *Status of AO/Employee Write off and/ Off/ Remarks Check/ADA No.
or Narratiuve Subjetc to
With Without Report (NR) NR
Agency Officials Auditor
(√) ( √)
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-007-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-009-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-009-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-001-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-001-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-001-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-005-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-005-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-005-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-007-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-007-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-007-2016
less than 30 days still connected
√ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-007-2016
less than 30 days still connected
√ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-007-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-009-2016
less than 30 days still connected √ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-009-2016
less than 30 days still connected
√ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-010-2016
less than 30 days still connected
√ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-013-2016
less than 30 days still connected
√ N/A N/A N/A N/A liquidated 101101-12-013-2016

Audit Team Leader

Page 2 of 9
DV No.







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Bureau of Correction
Davao Prison and Penal Farm
Status of Fund Transfers from/to other Government/Implementing Agencies (IAs)
As of December 31, 2016
Status of
Due Date Age of Availability of **Action Taken by for Write Amount
No. Account Used Name of Implementing Purpose Date Unliquidated for Fund *Status of Agency
off Written Remarks
Agency (IA) Granted Amount Liquidatio Transfer Account with without Auditor and/or off/Subje
n Officials Narrative ct to NR
( Report
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

Note: * Indicate if the fund transfer is recorded in the books of the IA and in the same amount, or the IA is already abolished
** For Agency Official, indicate if the agency requested for write off.
For Auditor,indicate if a Narrative Report was prepared
Column Nos. 1-9 to be filled up by responsible Agency Official/Accountant
Column Nos. 10-16 to be filled up by the concerned ATL

Certified Correct:


OIC - Accounting Division Audit Team Leader
Annex B

Amount Check/ADA DV No.

Granted No.
Bureau of Correction
Davao Prison and Penal Farm
Status of Fund Transfer to Non-Governmental Organizations/People's Organization (NGOs/Pos)
As of December 31, 2016

Availability of
Documents **Action Taken By
Account Date Unliquidated Due Date for Age of Fund
No Used Name of NGO/PO Purpose Granted Amount Liquidation Transfer *Status of NGO
With Without (
(√) √) Agency Officials Auditor

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Note: * Indicate if the NGO is still existing or dissolved, or can no longer be traced, ir cannot be located, etc.
** For Agency Official, indicate if the agency requested for write off.
For Auditor, indicate if a Narrative Areport was prepared
Column Nos. 1-9 to be filled up by responsible Agency Official/ Accountant
Column Nos. 10-16 to be filled up by the concerned ATL

Certified Correct :


OIC - Accounting Division Audit Team Leader
Annex C

Status of Request Written
for Write off and/ Off/
or Narratiuve Remarks
Subjetc to
Report (NR)

(14) (15) (16)

Bureau of Correction
Davao Prison and Penal Farm
Status of Other Receivables
As of December 31, 2016

Name of Accountable Availability of Action Taken By Status of Request

Age of Fund Status of Documents
Officer Unliquidated Due Date for for Write off and/ or
No Account Used (AO)/Employee/ Purpose Date Granted Amount Liquidation Transfer/ Cash AO/Employee/R Narratiuve Report
Advances/ Grant ecipient With Without ( Agency
Recipient (√) √) Officials Auditor (NR)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

Note: * Indicate if the AO/Employee/Recipient is still connected with the Agency, retired, resigned, dead or can no longer be traced, etc.
** For Agency Official, indicate if the agency requested for write off.
For Auditor, indicate if a Narrative Areport was prepared
Column Nos. 1-9 to be filled up by responsible Agency Official/ Accountant
Column Nos. 10-16 to be filled up by the concerned ATL

Certified Correct :


OIC - Accounting Division Audit Team Leader

Page 8 of 9
Annex D

Off/ Remarks EV No.
Subjetc to
(15) (16)

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