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◥ the impact of team research, finding that small teams

REVIEW SUMMARY tend to disrupt science and technology with new
ideas drawing on older and less prevalent ones. In
contrast, large teams tend to develop recent, popular
ideas, obtaining high, but often short-lived, impact.

Science of science OUTLOOK: SciSci offers a deep quantitative

understanding of the relational structure between
scientists, institutions, and ideas because it facil-
Santo Fortunato,* Carl T. Bergstrom, Katy Börner, James A. Evans, Dirk Helbing, itates the identification of fundamental mecha-
Staša Milojević, Alexander M. Petersen, Filippo Radicchi, Roberta Sinatra, Brian Uzzi, nisms responsible for scientific discovery. These
Alessandro Vespignani, Ludo Waltman, Dashun Wang, Albert-László Barabási* interdisciplinary data-driven efforts complement
contributions from related fields such as sciento-
BACKGROUND: The increasing availability of ADVANCES: Science can be described as a com- metrics and the economics and sociology of
digital data on scholarly inputs and outputs—from plex, self-organizing, and evolving network of ◥
science. Although SciSci
research funding, productivity, and collaboration scholars, projects, papers, and ideas. This rep- ON OUR WEBSITE seeks long-standing univer-
to paper citations and scientist mobility—offers resentation has unveiled patterns characterizing Read the full article sal laws and mechanisms
unprecedented opportunities to explore the struc- the emergence of new scientific fields through at that apply across various
ture and evolution of science. The science of the study of collaboration networks and the path org/10.1126/ fields of science, a funda-
science (SciSci) offers a quantitative understanding of impactful discoveries through the study of science.aao0185 mental challenge going
of the interactions among scientific agents across citation networks. Microscopic models have traced forward is accounting for

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diverse geographic and temporal scales: It provides the dynamics of citation accumulation, allowing undeniable differences in culture, habits, and
insights into the conditions underlying creativity us to predict the future impact of individual preferences between different fields and coun-
and the genesis of scientific discovery, with the papers. SciSci has revealed choices and trade-offs tries. This variation makes some cross-domain
ultimate goal of developing tools and policies that scientists face as they advance both their own insights difficult to appreciate and associated
that have the potential to accelerate science. In careers and the scientific horizon. For example, mea- science policies difficult to implement. The differ-
the past decade, SciSci has benefited from an in- surements indicate that scholars are risk-averse, ences among the questions, data, and skills specif-
flux of natural, computational, and social scien- preferring to study topics related to their current ic to each discipline suggest that further insights
tists who together have developed big data–based expertise, which constrains the potential of future can be gained from domain-specific SciSci studies,
capabilities for empirical analysis and generative discoveries. Those willing to break this pattern which model and identify opportunities adapted
modeling that capture the unfolding of science,
its institutions, and its workforce. The value prop-
engage in riskier careers but become more likely to
make major breakthroughs. Overall, the highest-
to the needs of individual research fields.

osition of SciSci is that with a deeper understand- impact science is grounded in conventional combi- The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
ing of the factors that drive successful science, we nations of prior work but features unusual *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (S.F.);
[email protected] (A.-L.B.)
can more effectively address environmental, soci- combinations. Last, as the locus of research is Cite this article as S. Fortunato et al., Science 359, eaao0185
etal, and technological problems. shifting into teams, SciSci is increasingly focused on (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aao0185

The complexity of science. Science

can be seen as an expanding and

evolving network of ideas, scholars,

and papers. SciSci searches for
universal and domain-specific laws
underlying the structure and dynamics
of science.

Fortunato et al., Science 359, 1007 (2018) 2 March 2018 1 of 1


◥ and from innovation studies, it explores and

REVIEW identifies pathways through which science con-
tributes to invention and economic change.
SciSci relies on a broad collection of quantitative
SCIENCE COMMUNITY methods, from descriptive statistics and data
visualization to advanced econometric methods,
network science approaches, machine-learning

Science of science algorithms, mathematical analysis, and compu-

ter simulation, including agent-based modeling.
The value proposition of SciSci hinges on the
Santo Fortunato,1,2* Carl T. Bergstrom,3 Katy Börner,2,4 James A. Evans,5 hypothesis that with a deeper understanding of
Dirk Helbing,6 Staša Milojević,1 Alexander M. Petersen,7 Filippo Radicchi,1 the factors behind successful science, we can en-
Roberta Sinatra,8,9,10 Brian Uzzi,11,12 Alessandro Vespignani,10,13,14 Ludo Waltman,15 hance the prospects of science as a whole to more
Dashun Wang,11,12 Albert-László Barabási8,10,16* effectively address societal problems.

Identifying fundamental drivers of science and developing predictive models to capture its
Networks of scientists, institutions,
evolution are instrumental for the design of policies that can improve the scientific enterprise—
and ideas
for example, through enhanced career paths for scientists, better performance evaluation for Contemporary science is a dynamical system of
organizations hosting research, discovery of novel effective funding vehicles, and even undertakings driven by complex interactions
identification of promising regions along the scientific frontier. The science of science uses among social structures, knowledge representa-
large-scale data on the production of science to search for universal and domain-specific tions, and the natural world. Scientific knowledge

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patterns. Here, we review recent developments in this transdisciplinary field. is constituted by concepts and relations embodied
in research papers, books, patents, software, and

other scholarly artifacts, organized into scientific
he deluge of digital data on scholarly out- millions of data points pertaining to scientists disciplines and broader fields. These social, con-
put offers unprecedented opportunities to and their output and capturing research from all ceptual, and material elements are connected
explore patterns characterizing the struc- over the world and all branches of science. Sec- through formal and informal flows of informa-
ture and evolution of science. The science ond, SciSci has benefited from an influx of and tion, ideas, research practices, tools, and samples.
of science (SciSci) places the practice of collaborations among natural, computational, Science can thus be described as a complex, self-
science itself under the microscope, leading to and social scientists who have developed big organizing, and constantly evolving multiscale
a quantitative understanding of the genesis of data–based capabilities and enabled critical network.
scientific discovery, creativity, and practice and tests of generative models that aim to capture Early studies discovered an exponential growth
developing tools and policies aimed at accelerat- the unfolding of science, its institutions, and in the volume of scientific literature (2), a trend
ing scientific progress. its workforce. that continues with an average doubling period
The emergence of SciSci has been driven by One distinctive characteristic of this emerging of 15 years (Fig. 1). Yet, it would be naïve to
two key factors. The first is data availability. In field is how it breaks down disciplinary bounda- equate the growth of the scientific literature with
addition to the proprietary Web of Science (WoS), ries. SciSci integrates findings and theories from the growth of scientific ideas. Changes in the
the historic first citation index (1), multiple data multiple disciplines and uses a wide range of publishing world, both technological and eco-
sources are available today (Scopus, PubMed, data and methods. From scientometrics, it takes nomic, have led to increasing efficiency in the
Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, the U.S. the idea of measuring science from large-scale production of publications. Moreover, new pub-
Patent and Trademark Office, and others). Some data sources; from the sociology of science, it lications in science tend to cluster in discrete
of these sources are freely accessible, covering adopts theoretical concepts and social processes; areas of knowledge (3). Large-scale text analysis,

Fig. 1. Growth of science. (A) Annual production of scientific articles indexed in the WoS database. (B) Growth of ideas covered by articles indexed in the
WoS. This was determined by counting unique title phrases (concepts) in a fixed number of articles (4).

Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research, School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. 2Indiana University Network Science
Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. 3Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1800, USA. 4Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center, School
of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. 5Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 6Computational Social
Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 7Ernest and Julio Gallo Management Program, School of Engineering, University of California, Merced, CA 95343, USA. 8Center for Network Science, Central
European University, Budapest 1052, Hungary. 9Department of Mathematics, Central European University, Budapest 1051, Hungary. 10Institute for Network Science, Northeastern University, Boston,
MA 02115, USA. 11Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA. 12Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208,
USA. 13Laboratory for the Modeling of Biological and Sociotechnical Systems, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 14ISI Foundation, Turin 10133, Italy. 15Centre for Science and
Technology Studies, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands. 16Center for Cancer Systems Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (S.F.); [email protected] (A.-L.B.)

Fortunato et al., Science 359, eaao0185 (2018) 2 March 2018 1 of 7


using phrases extracted from titles and abstracts the risk of failure to publish at all. Scientific Measurements show that the allocation of bio-
to measure the cognitive extent of the scientific awards and accolades appear to function as medical resources in the United States is more
literature, have found that the conceptual territory primary incentives to resist conservative tend- strongly correlated to previous allocations and
of science expands linearly with time. In other encies and encourage betting on exploration research than to the actual burden of diseases
words, whereas the number of publications grows and surprise (3). Despite the many factors shaping (18), highlighting a systemic misalignment be-
exponentially, the space of ideas expands only what scientists work on next, macroscopic pat- tween biomedical needs and resources. This mis-
linearly (Fig. 1) (4). terns that govern changes in research interests alignment casts doubts on the degree to which
Frequently occurring words and phrases in along scientific careers are highly reproducible, funding agencies, often run by scientists embedded
article titles and abstracts propagate via citation documenting a high degree of regularity under- in established paradigms, are likely to influence
networks, punctuated by bursts corresponding lying scientific research and individual careers (14). the evolution of science without introducing
to the emergence of new paradigms (5). By Scientists’ choice of research problems affects additional oversight, incentives, and feedback.
applying network science methods to citation primarily their individual careers and the careers
networks, researchers are able to identify com- of those reliant on them. Scientists’ collective Novelty
munities as defined by subsets of publications choices, however, determine the direction of Analyses of publications and patents consistently
that frequently cite one another (6). These com- scientific discovery more broadly (Fig. 2). Con- reveal that rare combinations in scientific dis-
munities often correspond to groups of authors servative strategies (15) serve individual careers coveries and inventions tend to garner higher
holding a common position regarding specific well but are less effective for science as a whole. citation rates (3). Interdisciplinary research is
issues (7) or working on the same specialized Such strategies are amplified by the file drawer an emblematic recombinant process (19); hence,
subtopics (8). Recent work focusing on biomedical problem (16): Negative results, at odds with the successful combination of previously discon-
science has illustrated how the growth of the established hypotheses, are rarely published, nected ideas and resources that is fundamental
literature reinforces these communities (9). As leading to a systemic bias in published research to interdisciplinary research often violates expecta-

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new papers are published, associations (hyper- and the canonization of weak and sometimes tions and leads to novel ideas with high impact
edges) between scientists, chemicals, diseases, false facts (17). More risky hypotheses may have (20). Nevertheless, evidence from grant appli-
and methods (“things,” which are the nodes of been tested by generations of scientists, but only cations shows that, when faced with new ideas,
the network) are added. Most new links fall be- those successful enough to result in publications expert evaluators systematically give lower scores
tween things only one or two steps away from are known to us. One way to alleviate this con- to truly novel (21–23) or interdisciplinary (24) re-
each other, implying that when scientists choose servative trap is to urge funding agencies to pro- search proposals.
new topics, they prefer things directly related actively sponsor risky projects that test truly The highest-impact science is primarily grounded
to their current expertise or that of their col- unexplored hypotheses and take on special in- in conventional combinations of prior work, yet
laborators. This densification suggests that the terest groups advocating for particular diseases. it simultaneously features unusual combinations
existing structure of science may constrain what
will be studied in the future.
Densification at the boundaries of science is
also a signal of transdisciplinary exploration,
fusion, and innovation. A life-cycle analysis of
eight fields (10) shows that successful fields
undergo a process of knowledge and social uni-
fication that leads to a giant connected component
in the collaboration network, corresponding to
a sizeable group of regular coauthors. A model
in which scientists choose their collaborators
through random walks on the coauthorship net-
work successfully reproduces author productivity,
the number of authors per discipline, and the
interdisciplinarity of papers and authors (11).

Problem selection
How do scientists decide which research prob-
lems to work on? Sociologists of science have
long hypothesized that these choices are shaped Fig. 2. Choosing experiments to accelerate collective discovery. (A) The average efficiency rate
by an ongoing tension between productive tradi- for global strategies to discover new, publishable chemical relationships, estimated from all
tion and risky innovation (12, 13). Scientists who MEDLINE-indexed articles published in 2010. This model does not take into account differences in
adhere to a research tradition in their domain the difficulty or expense of particular experiments. The efficiency of a global scientific strategy is
often appear productive by publishing a steady expressed by the average number of experiments performed (vertical axis) relative to the number of
stream of contributions that advance a focused new, published biochemical relationships (horizontal axis), which correspond to new connections
research agenda. But a focused agenda may limit in the published network of biochemicals co-occurring in MEDLINE-indexed articles. Compared
a researcher’s ability to sense and seize oppor- strategies include randomly choosing pairs of biochemicals, the global (“actual”) strategy inferred
tunities for staking out new ideas that are re- from all scientists publishing MEDLINE articles, and optimal strategies for discovering 50 and
quired to grow the field’s knowledge. For example, 100% of the network. Lower values on the vertical axis indicate more efficient strategies, showing
a case study focusing on biomedical scientists that the actual strategy of science is suboptimal for discovering what has been published. The
choosing novel chemicals and chemical relation- actual strategy is best for uncovering 13% of the chemical network, and the 50% optimal strategy is
ships shows that as fields mature, researchers most efficient for discovering 50% of it, but neither are as good as the 100% optimal strategy for
tend to focus increasingly on established knowl- revealing the whole network. (B) The actual, estimated search process illustrated on a hypothetical
edge (3). Although an innovative publication tends network of chemical relationships, averaged from 500 simulated runs of that strategy. The strategy
to result in higher impact than a conservative one, swarms around a few “important,” highly connected chemicals, whereas optimal strategies are much
high-risk innovation strategies are rare, because more even and less likely to “follow the crowd” in their search across the space of scientific
the additional reward does not compensate for possibilities. [Adapted from (15)]

Fortunato et al., Science 359, eaao0185 (2018) 2 March 2018 2 of 7


(25–27). Papers of this type are twice as likely to according to their citation scores, which may previous output, markedly boosts the num-
receive high citations (26). In other words, a be rooted in a selection bias that offers better ber of citations collected by that paper in the
balanced mixture of new and established ele- career opportunities to better scientists (43, 44). first years after publication (47). After this
ments is the safest path toward successful re- Moreover, scientists tend to move between in- initial phase, however, impact depends on the
ception of scientific advances. stitutions of similar prestige (45). Nevertheless, reception of the work by the scientific com-
when examining changes in impact associated munity. This finding, along with the work re-
Career dynamics with each move as quantified by citations, no ported in (46), suggests that, for productive
Individual academic careers unfold in the con- systematic increase or decrease was found, not scientific careers, reputation is less of a critical
text of a vast market for knowledge production even when scientists moved to an institution of driver for success than talent, hard work, and
and consumption (28). Consequently, scientific considerably higher or lower rank (46). In other relevance.
careers have been examined not only in terms words, it is not the institution that creates the A policy-relevant question is whether creativity
of individual incentives and marginal productivity impact; it is the individual researchers that make and innovation depend on age or career stage.
(i.e., relative gain versus effort) (29), but also an institution. Decades of research on outstanding researchers
institutional incentives (30, 31) and competition Another potentially important career factor and innovators concluded that major break-
(32). This requires combining large repositories is reputation—and the dilemma that it poses throughs take place relatively early in a career,
of high-resolution individual, geographic, and for manuscript review, proposal evaluation, and with a median age of 35 (48). In contrast, recent
temporal metadata (33) to construct represen- promotion decisions. The reputation of paper work shows that this well-documented propen-
tations of career trajectories that can be ana- authors, measured by the total citations of their sity of early-career discoveries is fully explained
lyzed from different perspectives. For example, by productivity, which is high in the early stages
one study finds that funding schemes that are of a scientist’s career and drops later (49). In
tolerant of early failure, which reward long-term other words, there are no age patterns in in-

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success, are more likely to generate high-impact novation: A scholar’s most cited paper can be any
publications than grants subject to short review of his or her papers, independently of the age or
cycles (31). Interacting systems with competing career stage when it is published (Fig. 3). A
time scales are a classic problem in complex sys- stochastic model of impact evolution also indi-
tems science. The multifaceted nature of science cates that breakthroughs result from a combina-
is motivation for generative models that high- tion of the ability of a scientist and the luck of
light unintended consequences of policies. For picking a problem with high potential (49).
example, models of career growth show that non-
tenure (short-term) contracts are responsible Team science
for productivity fluctuations, which often result During past decades, reliance on teamwork has
in a sudden career death (29). increased, representing a fundamental shift in
Gender inequality in science remains preva- the way that science is done. A study of the
lent and problematic (34). Women have fewer authorship of 19.9 million research articles and
publications (35–37) and collaborators (38) and 2.1 million patents reveals a nearly universal
less funding (39), and they are penalized in hiring shift toward teams in all branches of science
decisions when compared with equally qualified (50) (Fig. 4). For example, in 1955, science and
men (40). The causes of these gaps are still un- engineering teams authored about the same
clear. Intrinsic differences in productivity rates number of papers as single authors. Yet by 2013,
and career length can explain the differences the fraction of team-authored papers increased
in collaboration patterns (38) and hiring rates to 90% (51).
(35) between male and female scientists. On the Nowadays, a team-authored paper in science
other hand, experimental evidence shows that and engineering is 6.3 times more likely to re-
biases against women occur at very early career ceive 1000 citations or more than a solo-authored
stages. When gender was randomly assigned paper, a difference that cannot be explained by
among the curricula vitae of a pool of applicants, self-citations (50, 52). One possible reason is a
the hiring committee systematically penalized team's ability to come up with more novel com-
female candidates (40). Most studies so far have binations of ideas (26) or to produce resources
focused on relatively small samples. Improvements that are later used by others (e.g., genomics).
in compiling large-scale data sets on scientific Measurements show that teams are 38% more
careers, which leverage information from differ- likely than solo authors to insert novel combina-
ent sources (e.g., publication records, grant ap- Fig. 3. Impact in scientific careers. (A) Publica- tions into familiar knowledge domains, support-
plications, and awards), will help us gain deeper tion record of three Nobel laureates in physics. ing the premise that teams can bring together
insight into the causes of inequality and motivate The horizontal axis indicates the number of years different specialties, effectively combining knowl-
models that can inform policy solutions. after a laureate’s first publication, each circle edge to prompt scientific breakthroughs. Having
Scientists’ mobility is another important factor corresponds to a research paper, and the height more collaborations means greater visibility
offering diverse career opportunities. Most mo- of the circle represents the paper’s impact, through a larger number of coauthors, who will
bility studies have focused on quantifying the quantified by c10, the number of citations likely introduce the work to their networks, an
brain drain and gain of a country or a region after 10 years. The highest-impact paper of a enhanced impact that may partially compensate
(41, 42), especially after policy changes. Research laureate is denoted with an orange circle. for the fact that credit within a team must be
on individual mobility and its career effect re- (B) Histogram of the occurrence of the highest- shared with many colleagues (29).
mains scant, however, primarily owing to the impact paper in a scientist’s sequence of Work from large teams garners, on average,
difficulty of obtaining longitudinal information publications, calculated for 10,000 scientists. The more citations across a wide variety of domains.
about the movements of many scientists and flatness of the histogram indicates that the Research suggests that small teams tend to dis-
accounts of the reasons underlying mobility de- highest-impact work can be, with the same rupt science and technology with new ideas and
cisions. Scientists who left their country of origin probability, anywhere in the sequence of papers opportunities, whereas large teams develop ex-
outperformed scientists who did not relocate, published by a scientist (49). isting ones (53). Thus, it may be important to

Fortunato et al., Science 359, eaao0185 (2018) 2 March 2018 3 of 7


fund and foster teams of all sizes to temper the

bureaucratization of science (28).
Teams are growing in size, increasing by an
average of 17% per decade (50, 54), a trend under-
lying a fundamental change in team composi-
tions. Scientific teams include both small, stable
“core” teams and large, dynamically changing
extended teams (55). The increasing team size
in most fields is driven by faster expansion of ex-
tended teams, which begin as small core teams
but subsequently attract new members through
a process of cumulative advantage anchored by
productivity. Size is a crucial determinant of team Fig. 4. Size and impact of teams. Mean team size has been steadily growing over the past century.
survival strategies: Small teams survive longer The red dashed curves represent the mean number of coauthors over all papers; the black curves
if they maintain a stable core, but larger teams consider just those papers receiving more citations than the average for the field. Black curves are
persist longer if they manifest a mechanism for systematically above the dashed red ones, meaning that high-impact work is more likely to be
membership turnover (56). produced by large teams than by small ones. Each panel corresponds to one of the three main
As science has accelerated and grown increas- disciplinary groups of papers indexed in the WoS: (A) science and engineering, (B) social sciences,
ingly complex, the instruments required to ex- and (C) arts and humanities.
pand the frontier of knowledge have increased
in scale and precision. The tools of the trade
features of citation dynamics, such as the obso-

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become unaffordable to most individual inves- seminal papers can accumulate 10,000 or more
tigators, but also to most institutions. Collabora- citations. This uneven citation distribution is a lescence of knowledge, decreasing the citation
tion has been a critical solution, pooling resources robust, emergent property of the dynamics of probability with the age of the paper (76–79),
to scientific advantage. The Large Hadron Collider science, and it holds when papers are grouped and a fitness parameter, unique to each paper,
at CERN, the world’s largest and most power- by institution (68). If the number of citations of capturing the appeal of the work to the scientific
ful particle collider, would have been unthink- a paper is divided by the average number of community (77, 78). Only a tiny fraction of papers
able without collaboration, requiring more than citations collected by papers in the same dis- deviate from the pattern described by such a
10,000 scientists and engineers from more than cipline and year, the distribution of the result- model—some of which are called “sleeping beau-
100 countries. There is, however, a trade-off with ing score is essentially indistinguishable for all ties,” because they receive very little notice for
increasing size that affects the value and risk disciplines (69, 70) (Fig. 5A). This means that decades after publication and then suddenly re-
associated with “big science” (2). Although it may we can compare the impact of papers published ceive a burst of attention and citations (80, 81).
be possible to solve larger problems, the burden in different disciplines by looking at their relative The generative mechanisms described above
of reproducibility may require duplicating initial citation values. For example, a paper in mathe- can be used to predict the citation dynamics of
efforts, which may not be practically or econom- matics collecting 100 citations represents a higher individual papers. One predictive model (77) as-
ically feasible. disciplinary impact than a paper in microbiol- sumes that the citation probability of a paper
Collaborators can have a large effect on scien- ogy with 300 citations. depends on the number of previous citations,
tific careers. According to recent studies (57, 58), The tail of the citation distribution, capturing an obsolescence factor, and a fitness parameter
scientists who lose their star collaborators ex- the number of high-impact papers, sheds light (Fig. 5, B and C). For a given paper, one can es-
perience a substantial drop in their productivity, on the mechanisms that drive the accumulation timate the three model parameters by fitting the
especially if the lost collaborator was a regular of citations. Recent analyses show that it follows model to the initial portion of the citation history
coauthor. Publications involving extremely strong a power law (71–73). Power-law tails can be gen- of the paper. The long-term impact of the work
collaborators gain 17% more citations on average, erated through a cumulative advantage process can be extrapolated (77). Other studies have iden-
pointing to the value of career partnership (59). (74), known as preferential attachment in net- tified predictors of the citation impact of indi-
Given the increasing number of authors on work science (75), suggesting that the probability vidual papers (82), such as journal impact factor
the average research paper, who should and does of citing a paper grows with the number of cita- (72). It has been suggested that the future h-index
gain the most credit? The canonical theory of tions that it has already collected. Such a mod- (83) of a scientist can be accurately predicted (84),
credit (mis)allocation in science is the Matthew el can be augmented with other characteristic although the predictive power is reduced when
effect (60), in which scientists of higher statuses
involved in joint work receive outsized credit for
their contributions. Properly allocating individual
credit for a collaborative work is difficult because Box 1. Lessons from SciSci.
we cannot easily distinguish individual contribu-
tions (61). It is possible, however, to inspect the co- 1. Innovation and tradition: Left bare, truly innovative and highly interdisciplinary ideas may
citation patterns of the coauthors’ publications to not reach maximum scientific impact. To enhance their impact, novel ideas should be placed in
determine the fraction of credit that the commu- the context of established knowledge (26).
nity assigns to each coauthor in a publication (62). 2. Persistence: A scientist is never too old to make a major discovery, as long as he or she
stays productive (49).
Citation dynamics 3. Collaboration: Research is shifting to teams, so engaging in collaboration is beneficial.
Scholarly citation remains the dominant mea- Works by small teams tend to be more disruptive, whereas those by big teams tend to have
surable unit of credit in science. Given the re- more impact (4, 50, 53).
liance of most impact metrics on citations (63–66), 4. Credit: Most credit will go to the coauthors with the most consistent track record in the
the dynamics of citation accumulation have been domain of the publication (62).
scrutinized by generations of scholars. From foun- 5. Funding: Although review panels acknowledge innovation, they ultimately tend to
dational work by Price (67), we know that the discount it. Funding agencies should ask reviewers to assess innovation, not only expected
distribution of citations for scientific papers is success (24).
highly skewed: Many papers are never cited, but

Fortunato et al., Science 359, eaao0185 (2018) 2 March 2018 4 of 7


related research domains such as the economics

(30) and sociology of science (60, 86). Causal
estimation is a prime example, in which econ-
ometric matching techniques demand and lever-
age comprehensive data sources in the effort to
simulate counterfactual scenarios (31, 42). Assess-
ing causality is one of the most needed future
developments in SciSci: Many descriptive studies
reveal strong associations between structure and
outcomes, but the extent to which a specific struc-
ture “causes” an outcome remains unexplored.
Engaging in tighter partnerships with exper-
imentalists, SciSci will be able to better identify
associations discovered from models and large-
scale data that have causal force to enrich their
policy relevance. But experimenting on science
may be the biggest challenge SciSci has yet to
face. Running randomized, controlled trials that
can alter outcomes for individuals or institutions
of science, which are mostly supported by tax
dollars, is bound to elicit criticisms and pushback

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(87). Hence, we expect quasi-experimental ap-
proaches to prevail in SciSci investigations in
the near future.
Most SciSci research focuses on publications
as primary data sources, implying that insights
and findings are limited to ideas successful enough
to merit publication in the first place. Yet most
scientific attempts fail, sometimes spectacularly.
Given that scientists fail more often than they
succeed, knowing when, why, and how an idea
fails is essential in our attempts to understand
and improve science. Such studies could provide
meaningful guidance regarding the reproducibility
crisis and help us account for the file drawer
problem. They could also substantially further
our understanding of human imagination by
revealing the total pipeline of creative activity.
Science often behaves like an economic sys-
tem with a one-dimensional “currency” of cita-
Fig. 5. Universality in citation dynamics. (A) The citation distributions of papers published in tion counts. This creates a hierarchical system,
the same discipline and year lie on the same curve for most disciplines, if the raw number of citations in which the “rich-get-richer” dynamics suppress
c of each paper is divided by the average number of citations c0 over all papers in that discipline the spread of new ideas, particularly those from
and year. The dashed line is a lognormal fit. [Adapted from (69)] (B) Citation history of four papers junior scientists and those who do not fit within
published in Physical Review in 1964, selected for their distinct dynamics, displaying a “jump-decay” the paradigms supported by specific fields. Science
pattern (blue), experiencing a delayed peak (magenta), attracting a constant number of citations can be improved by broadening the number
over time (green), or acquiring an increasing number of citations each year (red). (C) Citations and range of performance indicators. The develop-
of an individual paper are determined by three parameters: fitness li, immediacy mi, and longevity ment of alternative metrics covering web (88)
si. By rescaling the citation history of each paper in (B) by the appropriate (l, m, s) parameters, and social media (89) activity and societal im-
the four papers collapse onto a single universal function, which is the same for all disciplines. pact (90) is critical in this regard. Other mea-
[Adapted from (77)] surable dimensions include the information (e.g.,
data) that scientists share with competitors (91),
the help that they offer to their peers (92), and
accounting for the scientist’s career stage and plement. The differences among the questions, their reliability as reviewers of their peers’ works
the cumulative, nondecreasing nature of the data, and skills required by each discipline suggest (93). But with a profusion of metrics, more work
h-index (85). Eliminating inconsistencies in the that we may gain further insights from domain- is needed to understand what each of them does
use of quantitative evaluation metrics in science specific SciSci studies that model and predict and does not capture to ensure meaningful in-
is crucial and highlights the importance of un- opportunities adapted to the needs of each field. terpretation and avoid misuse. SciSci can make
derstanding the generating mechanisms behind For young scientists, the results of SciSci offer an essential contribution by providing models
commonly used statistics. actionable insights about past patterns, helping that offer a deeper understanding of the mech-
guide future inquiry within their disciplines (Box 1). anisms that govern performance indicators in
Outlook The contribution of SciSci is a detailed under- science. For instance, models of the empirical
Despite the discovery of universals across science, standing of the relational structure between patterns observed when alternative indicators
substantial disciplinary differences in culture, scientists, institutions, and ideas, a crucial starting (e.g., distributions of paper downloads) are used
habits, and preferences make some cross-domain point that facilitates the identification of funda- will enable us to explore their relationship
insights difficult to appreciate within particular mental generating processes. Together, these data- with citation-based metrics (94) and to recognize
fields and associated policies challenging to im- driven efforts complement contributions from manipulations.

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Science of science
Santo Fortunato, Carl T. Bergstrom, Katy Börner, James A. Evans, Dirk Helbing, Stasa Milojevic, Alexander M. Petersen,
Filippo Radicchi, Roberta Sinatra, Brian Uzzi, Alessandro Vespignani, Ludo Waltman, Dashun Wang and Albert-László

Science 359 (6379), eaao0185.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aao0185

The whys and wherefores of SciSci

The science of science (SciSci) is based on a transdisciplinary approach that uses large data sets to study the
mechanisms underlying the doing of science−−from the choice of a research problem to career trajectories and progress
within a field. In a Review, Fortunato et al. explain that the underlying rationale is that with a deeper understanding of the

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precursors of impactful science, it will be possible to develop systems and policies that improve each scientist's ability to
succeed and enhance the prospects of science as a whole.
Science, this issue p. eaao0185


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