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User’s Guide to IEC Type 1 and

Type 2 Coordination
Application Note

November 2005 What is it?

New Information
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) devel-
oped short circuit performance criteria for contactors and
starters called Type 1 coordination and Type 2 coordination.
This defines motor controller protection levels following a
short circuit fault. In order to achieve this performance, the
combination of a motor controller (contactor or starter) and
short circuit protective device (manual motor protector, cir-
cuit breaker or fuse) must meet the following criteria as
specified by IEC 60947-4-1 — Low voltage switchgear and
controlgear — Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters —
Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters:
Type 1 Coordination requires that under short circuit
conditions, the contactor or starter shall cause no danger to
persons or installation and may not be suitable for further
service without repair and replacement of parts.
In this case, significant damage is allowed to the contactor/
Manual Motor Controller starter (e.g. contact welding, burning, or disintegration) and
the overload relay (e.g. component harm or heater element
Type 2 Coordination requires that under short circuit
conditions, the contactor or starter shall cause no danger to
persons or installation and shall be suitable for further use.
The risk of contact welding is recognized, in which case the
manufacturer shall indicate the measures to be taken as
regards to the maintenance of the equipment.
In this case, the contactor/starter is able to continue use after
the occurrence of a short circuit fault. Light contact burning
or tack welding may occur provided the contacts are easily

Who benefits and why?

Achieving an acceptable level of short circuit coordination
Series G Molded Case Circuit Breaker requires knowledge about the application, product
standards, installation codes and the attributes of the many
short circuit protective devices (SCPDs) that are available.
Extensive testing must be completed and certified in order
to achieve a Type 1 or 2 rating. IEC 60947-4-1 offers precise
definitions of allowable damage in order to guide users to
the right product with the right protection.
Generally speaking, most users expect Type 2 protection in
their applications. With certifying agencies varying from
country-to-country and continent-to-continent, users will
sometimes mistakenly assume that Type 2 coordination has
been achieved if their motor branch circuit components are
CE marked, UL Listed Type E or F and/or CSA Certified. This
is not necessarily true.

XT Starter

AP03407002E For more information visit:

Application Note User’s Guide to IEC Type 1
Page 2 Effective: November 2005 and Type 2 Coordination

At the forefront of Type 2 benefits comes the assurance that Standard Fault Short Circuit Current Rating (Derived from
the device poses no threat of danger to the person or UL 508): The minimum short circuit current, based on horse-
installation. Furthermore, with increased emphasis placed power rating, that a starter must be capable of withstanding
on reducing downtime to increase productivity, proper in accordance with the applicable pass/fail criteria. Denoted
application and selection of motor branch circuit devices is as Ir by IEC 60947-4-1 and Icr by IEC 60947-6-2.
more important than ever. By selecting the proper type of
protection, the working environment and employees can be Manufacturers may also specify short circuit ratings
protected against hazardous fault conditions and the exceeding the minimum ratings required by standards. UL
performance of contactors and overload relays in the branch and CSA refer to these as the High-Available Fault Short
circuit can be maximized. Circuit Current Rating. IEC 60947-4-1 and 60947-6-2 refer to
these ratings as Iq and Ics respectively.
Type 2 protection provides confidence that motor control
components will be operable following a short circuit fault. This High-Available Fault Short Circuit Current Rating (Derived
reusability translates into hundreds or even thousands of dollars from UL 508): The short circuit current rating specified by
in savings due to reduced downtime and replacement costs. the manufacturer of a motor controller, which is greater than
the standard short circuit current rating. The motor controller
TYPE 2 Coordination = Safety + Less Downtime = Dollars is capable of withstanding the high-available short circuit
and Cents current in accordance with the applicable pass/fail criteria.
Denoted as Iq by IEC 60947-4-1 and I cs by IEC 60947-6-2.
How does Eaton comply?
Following is a summary of short circuit testing pass/fail
It is important to understand the short circuit testing pass/ criteria applicable to magnetically operated direct-on-line
fail criteria of the applicable product standards (UL 508, contactors and starters. Standards should be referenced for
CSA C22.2 No. 14 and IEC 60947) when specifying products exact wording and all specific pass/fail criteria. UL and IEC
for each application. Each standard requires that devices are criteria are summarized for standard and high-available
capable of withstanding minimum short circuit currents short circuit currents. CSA criteria are summarized for high-
(based on the starter’s rating). UL and CSA refer to the available short circuit currents.
minimum rating as the Standard Fault Short Circuit Current
Rating. IEC 60947-4-1 and 60947-6-2 refer to these ratings as
Ir and Icr respectively.

Table 1. Defining Pass/Fail Criteria: UL 508/CSA C22.2 No. 14 and IEC 60947-4-1
UL and CSA IEC 60947-4-1
Type 1 Type 2

Fault Current Fault current is successfully interrupted and no arcing to enclosure or proximity barrier is
indicated by an open ground wire or fuselink.
Enclosure No substantial damage to the enclosure. It may be deformed but it must be possible to open the door.
Live parts shall not be accessible.
Terminals and Conductors No damage to conductors or terminals. Conductors must not be separated from the terminals.
Contactor/Starter Housing No cracking or breaking of the contactor/starter housing that impairs the integrity of the mounting of live parts.
Short Circuit Protective Device The circuit breaker or switch must be capable of being operated manually.
(SCPD) SCPD is not separated from its mounting means. Fuses must not rupture.
Contactor/Starter Contacts Welding and complete disintegra- Welding acceptable. Welding acceptable provided con-
tion acceptable. tacts can be easily separated.
Overload Relay Electronic overload relays must be Damage acceptable. No damage, tripping characteristics
operable; tripping characteristics must be verified.
must be verified (UL). Mechanical
overload relays may be damaged, if
so, device must include markings
indicating that (UL).
Contactor/Starter Operation May be inoperable. May be inoperable. Must be operable, verified by 10
operations after short circuit test.
Other No discharge of parts from enclo- No discharge of parts from enclo- No discharge of parts from enclo-
sure. No risk of fire. sure. Must pass 2X rated voltage, sure. Must pass 2X rated voltage,
1000V minimum dielectric test. 1000V minimum dielectric test.

For more information visit: AP03407002E

User’s Guide to IEC Type 1 Application Note
and Type 2 Coordination Effective: November 2005 Page 3

What branch circuit devices do you need for Type 2?

Achieving Type 2 is straightforward when using the follow- Note: For certain horsepowers at 480V and 600V, a current limiter
ing selection tables. Follow these steps to ensure that Type 2 must be used to achieve the maximum Type 2 rating (shown in the
coordination is in place: following tables). Customers can either order the MMP and Current
Limit Contactors or an assembled MMC and current limiter.
Step 1: Determine the motor Horsepower or kW (single or Circuit breaker combination controllers: Read across
three phase) or full load motor current from the the tables horizontally to determine the catalog
motor nameplate. numbers of the circuit breaker to be used in
Step 2: Verify the motor full load amps are less than or conjunction with the contactor and overload relay
equal to the operational current (Ie) listed next to the listed (customer assembly) or the pre-assembled
hp or kW in the table. motor starter.

Step 3: Manual Motor Controllers (MMC): Read across the Fused combination controllers: Read across the
tables horizontally for catalog numbers of the tables horizontally to determine what amperage size
Manual Motor Protector (MMP) and contactor (cus- fuse (customer to specify brand) and the catalog
tomer assembly) or pre-assembled Manual Motor numbers of the contactor and overload relay or the
Controller. pre-assembled motor starter.

Manual Motor Controller Combinations

Table 2. 400/415V Type 2 Coordination — MMC
P Ie Iq MMP Contactor MMC
(kW) (A) (kA) Catalog Number Catalog Number  Catalog Number 

0.06 0.21 50.00 (150.00)  XTPRP25BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP25BB_

0.09 0.31 50.00 (150.00)  XTPRP40BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP40BB_
0.12 0.41 50.00 (150.00)  XTPRP63BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP63BB_
0.18 0.60 50.00 (150.00)  XTPRP63BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP63BB_
0.25 0.80 50.00 (150.00)  XTPR001BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC001BB_
0.37 1.10 50.00 (150.00)  XTPR1P6BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC1P6BB_
0.55 1.50 50.00 (150.00)  XTPR1P6BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC1P6BB_
0.75 1.90 50.00 (150.00)  XTPR2P5BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC2P5BB_
1.10 2.60 50.00 (150.00)  XTPR004BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC004BB_
1.50 3.60 50.00 (150.00)  XTPR004BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC004BB_
2.20 5.00 50.00 (150.00)  XTPR6P3BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC6P3BB_
3.00 6.60 50.00 (150.00)  XTPR010BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC010BC_
4.00 8.50 50.00 (150.00)  XTPR010BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC010BC_
5.50 11.30 50.00 XTPR012BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC012BC_
7.50 16.00 50.00 XTPR016BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC016BC_
11.00 21.70 50.00 XTPR025BC1 XTCE025C10_ XTSC025BC_
15.00 29.30 50.00 XTPR032BC1 XTCE032C10_ XTSC032BC_

5.50 11.30 50.00 XTPR016DC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC016DC_

7.50 16.00 50.00 XTPR016DC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC016DC_
11.00 21.70 50.00 XTPR025DC1 XTCE025C10_ XTSC025DC_
15.00 29.30 50.00 XTPR032DC1 XTCE032C10_ XTSC032DC_
18.50 36.00 50.00 XTPR040DC1 XTCE040D00_ XTSC040DD_
22.00 41.00 50.00 XTPR050DC1 XTCE050D00_ XTSC050DD_
30.00 55.00 50.00 XTPR058DC1 XTCE065D00_ XTSC058DD_
34.00 63.00 50.00 XTPR063DC1 XTCE065D00_ XTSC063DD_
 Values in parentheses ( ) are for Type 1 Coordination.
 Underscore (_) indicates magnet coil suffix required. See Table 9, Page 7.

AP03407002E For more information visit:

Application Note User’s Guide to IEC Type 1
Page 4 Effective: November 2005 and Type 2 Coordination

Table 3. 480V Type 2 Coordination — MMC

P Ie Iq MMP Current Limiter Contactor MMC
(hp) (A) (kA) Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number  Catalog Number 

1/2 0.24 65.00 XTPRP25BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP25BB_

1/2 0.32 65.00 XTPRP40BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP40BB_
1/2 0.51 65.00 XTPRP63BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP63BB_
1/2 0.74 65.00 XTPR001BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC001BB_
1/2 0.94 65.00 XTPR001BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC001BB_
3/4 1.32 65.00 XTPR1P6BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC1P6BB_
1 1.72 65.00 XTPR2P5BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC2P5BC_
2 2.55 65.00 XTPR004BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC004BC_
2 3.10 65.00 XTPR004BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC004BC_
3 4.55 65.00 (50.00)  XTPR6P3BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC6P3BC_
3 6.15 65.00 (50.00)  XTPR6P3BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC6P3BC_
7-1/2 8.40 65.00 (50.00)  XTPR010BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC010BC_
7-1/2 11.00 65.00 (50.00)  XTPR012BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC012BC_
10 14.50 65.00 (50.00)  XTPR016BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC016BC_
10 20.00 65.00 (50.00)  XTPR020BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE025C10_ XTSC020BC_

20 20.00 65.00 XTPR025DC1 XTCE040D00_ XTSC025DD_

25 27.00 65.00 XTPR032DC1 XTCE040D00_ XTSC032DD_
25 32.00 65.00 XTPR032DC1 XTCE040D00_ XTSC032DD_
30  37.50 65.00 XTPR040DC1 XTCE040D00_ XTSC040DD_
30  50.50 65.00 XTPR058DC1 XTCE065D00_ XTSC058DD_
40  64.00 65.00 XTPR063DC1 XTCE065D00_ XTSC063DD_
 Pending UL approval.
 Values in parentheses ( ) are achieved without the current limiter.
 Underscore (_) indicates magnet coil suffix required. See Table 9, Page 7.

Table 4. 600V Type 2 Coordination — MMC

P Ie Iq MMP Current Limiter Contactor MMC
(hp) (A) (kA) Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number  Catalog Number 
1/2 0.19 50.00 XTPRP25BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP25BB_
1/2 0.26 50.00 XTPRP40BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP40BB_
1/2 0.41 50.00 XTPRP63BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP63BB_
1/2 0.59 50.00 XTPRP63BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSCP63BB_
1/2 0.75 50.00 XTPR001BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC001BB_
1 1.06 50.00 XTPR1P6BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC1P6BB_
1 1.38 50.00 XTPR1P6BC1 XTCE007B10_ XTSC1P6BB_
1-1/2 2.04 50.00 XTPR2P5BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC2P5BC_
1-1/2 2.48 50.00 XTPR2P5BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC2P5BC_
3 3.64 50.00 XTPR004BC1 XTCE018C10_ XTSC004BC_
5 4.92 50.00 (18.00)  XTPR6P3BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC6P3BC_
10 6.72 50.00 (18.00)  XTPR010BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC010BC_
10 8.60 50.00 (18.00)  XTPR010BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC010BC_
10 11.50 50.00 (18.00)  XTPR012BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC012BC_
10 16.00 50.00 (18.00)  XTPR016BC1 XTPAXCL XTCE018C10_ XTSC016BC_

25 21.50 50.00 XTPR025DC1 XTCE040D00_ XTSC025DD_

30 25.50 50.00 XTPR032DC1 XTCE040D00_ XTSC032DD_
30 30.00 50.00 XTPR032DC1 XTCE040D00_ XTSC032DD_
40  40.50 50.00 XTPR050DC1 XTCE050D00_ XTSC050DD_
40  51.00 42.00 XTPR058DC1 XTCE065D00_ XTSC058DD_
50  61.00 42.00 XTPR063DC1 XTCE065D00_ XTSC063DD_
 Pending UL approval.
 Values in parentheses ( ) are achieved without the current limiter.
 Underscore (_) indicates magnet coil suffix required. See Table 9, Page 7.

For more information visit: AP03407002E

User’s Guide to IEC Type 1 Application Note
and Type 2 Coordination Effective: November 2005 Page 5

Contactor and Overload Relay (Motor Starter) with Fused Disconnect

Table 5. 400/415V Type 2 Coordination — Contactor and Overload Relay (Motor Starter) with Fused Disconnect
P Ie Iq Fuses Contactor Overload Relay Assembled Starter
(kW) (A) (kA) Class gG/gL Catalog Number  Catalog Number Catalog Number 
0.12 0.41 100.00 2 XTCE007B10_ XTOBP60BC1 XTAE007B10_P60
0.18 0.60 100.00 2 XTCE007B10_ XTOB001BC1 XTAE007B10_001
0.25 0.80 100.00 4 XTCE007B10_ XTOB001BC1 XTAE007B10_001
0.37 1.10 100.00 4 XTCE007B10_ XTOB1P6BC1 XTAE007B10_1P6
0.55 1.50 100.00 4 XTCE007B10_ XTOB1P6BC1 XTAE007B10_1P6
0.75 1.90 100.00 6 XTCE007B10_ XTOB2P4BC1 XTAE007B10_2P4
1.10 2.60 100.00 6 XTCE007B10_ XTOB004BC1 XTAE007B10_004
1.50 3.60 100.00 6 XTCE007B10_ XTOB004BC1 XTAE007B10_004
2.20 5.00 100.00 10 XTCE007B10_ XTOB006BC1 XTAE007B10_006
3.00 6.60 100.00 16 XTCE007B10_ XTOB010BC1 XTAE007B10_010
4.00 8.50 100.00 20 XTCE009B10_ XTOB010BC1 XTAE009B10_010
5.50 11.30 100.00 25 XTCE018C10_ XTOB016CC1 XTAE018C10_016
7.50 16.00 100.00 32 XTCE018C10_ XTOB016CC1 XTAE018C10_016
11.00 21.70 100.00 40 XTCE025C10_ XTOB024CC1 XTAE032C10_024
15.00 29.30 100.00 63 XTCE032C10_ XTOB032CC1 XTAE032C10_032
18.50 36.00 100.00 63 XTCE040D00_ XTOB040DC1 XTAE040D00_040
22.00 41.00 100.00 80 XTCE050D00_ XTOB057DC1 XTAE065D00_057
30.00 55.00 100.00 100 XTCE065D00_ XTOB057DC1 XTAE065D00_057
37.00 68.00 100.00 125 XTCE080F00_  XTOB070GC1  XTAE080F00_070 
45.00 81.00 100.00 160 XTCE095F00_  XTOB100GC1  XTAE095F00_100 
55.00 99.00 100.00 200 XTCE115G00_  XTOB100GC1  XTAE115G00_100 
75.00 134.00 100.00 200 XTCE150G00_  XTOB150GC1  XTAE150G00_150 
90.00 161.00 100.00 250 XTCE185L22_ XTOB220LC1 XTAE185L22_220
110.00 196.00 100.00 315 XTCE225L22_ XTOB220LC1 XTAE225L22_220
132.00 231.00 100.00 400 XTCE250L22_ XTOB250LC1 XTAE250L22_250
 Underscore (_) indicates magnet coil code required. See Table 9, Page 7.
 Contactor frames F and G to be released in December 2005. Contact Eaton Corporation for final Type 2 combinations.

Table 6. 500V Type 2 Coordination — Contactor and Overload Relay (Motor Starter) with Fused Disconnect
P Ie Iq Fuses Contactor Overload Relay Assembled Starter
(kW) (A) (kA) Class gG/gL Catalog Number  Catalog Number Catalog Number 
0.12 0.33 100.00 2 XTCE007B10_ XTOBP40BC1 XTAE007B10_P40
0.18 0.48 100.00 2 XTCE007B10_ XTOBP60BC1 XTAE007B10_P60
0.25 0.70 100.00 2 XTCE007B10_ XTOB001BC1 XTAE007B10_001
0.37 0.90 100.00 2 XTCE007B10_ XTOB001BC1 XTAE007B10_001
0.55 1.20 100.00 4 XTCE007B10_ XTOB1P6BC1 XTAE007B10_1P6
0.75 1.50 100.00 4 XTCE007B10_ XTOB1P6BC1 XTAE007B10_1P6
1.10 2.10 100.00 6 XTCE007B10_ XTOB2P4BC1 XTAE007B10_2P4
1.50 2.90 100.00 6 XTCE007B10_ XTOB004BC1 XTAE007B10_004
2.20 4.00 100.00 10 XTCE007B10_ XTOB006BC1 XTAE007B10_006
3.00 5.30 100.00 16 XTCE009B10_ XTOB006BC1 XTAE009B10_006
4.00 6.80 100.00 16 XTCE009B10_ XTOB010BC1 XTAE009B10_010
5.50 9.00 100.00 20 XTCE012B10_ XTOB010BC1 XTAE012B10_010
7.50 12.10 100.00 25 XTCE018C10_ XTOB016CC1 XTAE018C10_016
11.00 17.40 100.00 32 XTCE025C10_ XTOB024CC1 XTAE025C10_024
15.00 23.40 100.00 50 XTCE040D00_ XTOB024DC1 XTAE040D00_024
18.50 28.90 100.00 50 XTCE040D00_ XTOB040DC1 XTAE040D00_040
22.00 33.00 100.00 63 XTCE050D00_ XTOB040DC1 XTAE050D00_040
30.00 44.00 100.00 80 XTCE065D00_ XTOB057DC1 XTAE065D00_057
37.00 54.00 100.00 100 XTCE080F00_  XTOB070GC1  XTAE080F00_070 
45.00 65.00 100.00 125 XTCE095F00_  XTOB070GC1  XTAE095F00_070 
55.00 79.00 100.00 160 XTCE115G00_  XTOB100GC1  XTAE115G00_100 
75.00 107.00 100.00 200 XTCE185L22_ XTOB125LC1 XTAE185L22_125
90.00 129.00 100.00 200 XTCE185L22_ XTOB125LC1 XTAE185L22_125
110.00 157.00 100.00 250 XTCE185L22_ XTOB160LC1 XTAE185L22_160
132.00 184.00 100.00 250 XTCE185L22_ XTOB220LC1 XTAE185L22_220
160.00 224.00 100.00 315 XTCE225L22_ XTOB250LC1 XTAE225L22_250
 Underscore (_) indicates magnet coil code required. See Table 9, Page 7.
 Contactor frames F and G to be released in December 2005. Contact Eaton Corporation for final Type 2 combinations.

AP03407002E For more information visit:

Application Note User’s Guide to IEC Type 1
Page 6 Effective: November 2005 and Type 2 Coordination

Table 7. 690V Type 2 Coordination — Contactor and Overload Relay (Motor Starter) with Fused Disconnect
P Ie Iq Fuses Contactor Overload Relay Assembled Starter
(kW) (A) (kA) Class gG/gL Catalog Number  Catalog Number Catalog Number 
0.12 0.24 100.00 1 XTCE007B10_ XTOBP40BC1 XTAE007B10_P40
0.18 0.35 100.00 2 XTCE007B10_ XTOBP40BC1 XTAE007B10_P40
0.25 0.50 100.00 2 XTCE007B10_ XTOBP60BC1 XTAE007B10_P60
0.37 0.70 100.00 2 XTCE007B10_ XTOB001BC1 XTAE007B10_001
0.55 0.90 100.00 4 XTCE007B10_ XTOB001BC1 XTAE007B10_001
0.75 1.10 100.00 4 XTCE007B10_ XTOB1P6BC1 XTAE007B10_1P6
1.10 1.50 100.00 4 XTCE007B10_ XTOB1P6BC1 XTAE007B10_1P6
1.50 2.10 100.00 6 XTCE007B10_ XTOB2P4BC1 XTAE007B10_2P4
2.20 2.90 100.00 10 XTCE007B10_ XTOB004BC1 XTAE007B10_004
3.00 3.80 100.00 10 XTCE007B10_ XTOB004BC1 XTAE007B10_004
4.00 4.90 100.00 16 XTCE009B10_ XTOB006BC1 XTAE009B10_006
5.50 6.50 100.00 16 XTCE012B10_ XTOB010BC1 XTAE012B10_010
7.50 8.80 100.00 20 XTCE018C10_ XTOB010CC1 XTAE018C10_010
11.00 12.60 100.00 25 XTCE025C10_ XTOB016CC1 XTAE025C10_016
15.00 17.00 100.00 32 XTCE032C10_ XTOB024CC1 XTAE032C10_024
18.50 20.90 100.00 32 XTCE040D00_ XTOB024DC1 XTAE040D00_024
22.00 23.80 100.00 50 XTCE040D00_ XTOB040DC1 XTAE040D00_040
30.00 32.00 100.00 63 XTCE065D00_ XTOB040DC1 XTAE065D00_040
37.00 39.00 100.00 80 XTCE080F00_  XTOB050GC1  XTAE080F00_050 
45.00 47.00 100.00 80 XTCE080F00_  XTOB050GC1  XTAE080F00_050 
55.00 58.00 100.00 100 XTCE080F00_  XTOB070GC1  XTAE080F00_070 
75.00 78.00 100.00 160 XTCE095F00_  XTOB100GC1  XTAE095F00_100 
90.00 93.00 100.00 160 XTCE115G00_  XTOB100GC1  XTAE115G00_100 
110.00 114.00 100.00 200 XTCE185L22_ XTOB125LC1 XTAE185L22_125
132.00 134.00 100.00 250 XTCE185L22_ XTOB160LC1 XTAE185L22_160
160.00 162.00 100.00 250 XTCE185L22_ XTOB220LC1 XTAE185L22_220
 Underscore (_) indicates magnet coil code required. See Table 9, Page 7.
 Contactor frames F and G to be released in December 2005. Contact Eaton Corporation for final Type 2 combinations.

For more information visit: AP03407002E

User’s Guide to IEC Type 1 Application Note
and Type 2 Coordination Effective: November 2005 Page 7

Contactor and Overload Relay (Motor Starter) with Circuit Breaker

Table 8. 400/415V Type 2 Coordination — Contactor and Overload Relay (Motor Starter) with Circuit Breaker 
P Ie Iq Circuit Contactor Overload Relay Assembled Starter
(kW) (A) (kA) Breaker Catalog Number  Catalog Number Catalog Number 
0.12 0.41 15.00 HMCPE003A0C XTCE018C10_ XTOBP60CC1 XTAE018C10_P60
0.18 0.60 15.00 HMCPE003A0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB001CC1 XTAE018C10_001
0.25 0.80 15.00 HMCPE003A0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB001CC1 XTAE018C10_001
0.37 1.10 15.00 HMCPE003A0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB1P6CC1 XTAE018C10_1P6
0.55 1.50 15.00 HMCPE003A0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB1P6CC1 XTAE018C10_1P6
0.75 1.90 15.00 HMCPE007C0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB2P4CC1 XTAE018C10_2P4
1.10 2.60 15.00 HMCPE007C0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB004CC1 XTAE018C10_004
1.50 3.60 15.00 HMCPE007C0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB004CC1 XTAE018C10_004
2.20 5.00 15.00 HMCPE007C0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB006CC1 XTAE018C10_006
3.00 6.60 15.00 HMCPE015E0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB010CC1 XTAE018C10_010
4.00 8.50 15.00 HMCPE015E0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB010CC1 XTAE018C10_010
5.50 11.30 15.00 HMCPE015E0C XTCE018C10_ XTOB016CC1 XTAE018C10_016
7.50 16.00 15.00 HMCPE030H1C XTCE018C10_ XTOB024CC1 XTAE032C10_024
11.00 21.70 15.00 HMCPE030H1C XTCE025C10_ XTOB024CC1 XTAE032C10_024
15.00 29.30 15.00 HMCPE050K2C XTCE032C10_ XTOB032CC1 XTAE032C10_032
18.50 36.00 15.00 HMCPE100R3C XTCE040D00_ XTOB040DC1 XTAE040D00_040
22.00 41.00 15.00 HMCPE100R3C XTCE050D00_ XTOB057DC1 XTAE065D00_057
30.00 55.00 15.00 HMCPE100R3C XTCE065D00_ XTOB065DC1 XTAE065D00_065
37.00 68.00 50.00 HMCPJ250D5L XTCE080F00_  XTOB070GC1  XTAE080F00_070 
45.00 81.00 50.00 HMCPJ250F5L XTCE095F00_  XTOB100GC1  XTAE095F00_100 
55.00 99.00 50.00 HMCPJ250G5L XTCE115G00_  XTOB125GC1  XTAE115G00_125 
75.00 134.00 50.00 HMCPJ250G5L XTCE150G00_  XTOB150GC1  XTAE150G00_150 
90.00 161.00 50.00 HMCPJ250W5L XTCE185L22_ XTOB220LC1 XTAE185L22_220
110.00 196.00 50.00 HMCPL600N XTCE300M22_ XTOT240C3S XTAE300M22_240
132.00 231.00 50.00 HMCPL600R XTCE300M22_ XTOT290C3S XTAE300M22_290
160.00 279.00 50.00 HMCPL600X XTCE300M22_ XTOT400C3S XTAE300M22_400
 All Type 2 circuit breaker combinations are pending KEMA certification.
 Underscore (_) indicates magnet coil code required. See Table 9.
 Contactor frames F and G to be released in December 2005. Contact Eaton Corporation for final Type 2 combinations.

IMPORTANT: Additional testing at 480V, 525V, 600V, and 690V is in progress. Please contact Eaton Corporation for results.
Table 9. Magnet Coil Suffix
Coil Voltage Suffix Code Coil Voltage Suffix Code Coil Voltage Suffix Code
Frame A – B Frame C – F Frame G
110V 50 Hz, 120V 60 Hz A 110V 50 Hz, 120V 60 Hz A 100 – 120V 50/60 Hz A
220V 50 Hz, 240V 60 Hz B 220V 50 Hz, 240V 60 Hz B 190 – 240V 50/60 Hz B
230V 50 Hz F 230V 50 Hz F 24V 50/60 Hz T
24V 50/60 Hz T 24V 50/60 Hz T 24 – 27V DC TD 
24V DC TD  24 – 27V DC TD  480 – 500V 50/60 Hz C
415V 50 Hz, 480V 60 Hz C 415V 50 Hz, 480V 60 Hz C 380 – 440V 50/60 Hz L
550V 50 Hz, 600V 60 Hz D 550V 50 Hz, 600V 60 Hz D 42 – 48V 50/60 Hz W
208V 60 Hz E 208V 60 Hz E 110 – 130V DC AD 
190V 50 Hz, 220V 60 Hz G 190V 50 Hz, 220V 60 Hz G 200 – 240V DC BD 
240V 50 Hz, 277V 60 Hz H 240V 50 Hz, 277V 60 Hz H 48 – 60V DC WD 
380V 50 Hz, 440V 60 Hz L 380V 50 Hz, 440V 60 Hz L Frame L – M
400V 50 Hz N 400V 50 Hz N 110 – 250V 40 – 60 Hz/DC A
380V 60 Hz P 380V 60 Hz P 250 – 500V 40 – 60 Hz/DC C
12V 50/60 Hz R 12V 50/60 Hz R 48 – 110V 40 – 60 Hz/DC Y
24V 50 Hz U 24V 50 Hz U 24 – 48V DC TD 
42V 50 Hz, 48V 60 Hz W 42V 50 Hz, 48V 60 Hz W
48V 50 Hz Y 48V 50 Hz Y
120V DC AD  110 – 130V DC AD 
220V DC BD  200 – 240V DC BD 
12V DC RD  12 – 14V DC RD 
48V DC WD  48 – 60V DC WD 
 With DC operation: Integrated diode-resistor combination, coil rating 2.6W.

AP03407002E For more information visit:

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Printed in USA
Publication No. AP03407002E/CPG
November 2005

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