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SG Building, Narangjita St.

General Santos City

Tel Nos. (083) 302-0596, Email: [email protected]

2nd Semester, SY 2018-2019
Philippine History

MWF 9:30/1:30
Instructor: James Brian G. Garay March 21 – 25, 2019

Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Answer the given items by providing the
necessary information asked for. Write all your answers on the provided answer sheet. Do
not tear pages of the test booklet.
1. The Philippines are located in ______________. 7. In which region can you find the provinces of
A. Southeastern Asia Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan?
B. Southwestern Asia
A. Region II B. Region IV-A
C. Southeastern Europe
C. Region IV-B D. Region III
D. Southwestern Europe
8. The Philippines is part of a western Pacific arc
2. Which is the leading agricultural export of the
system that is characterized by what?
A. Abaca B. Tobacco A. Tornados B. Active volcanoes
C. Copra D. Fabric C. Heat waves D. Dust storms
3. This may have resulted because the Philippines 9. Which province in the north is landlocked,
is an archipelago. mountainous, and frequently exposed to
A. Indolence B. Widespread Poverty extensive landslides?
C. Low Literacy D. Multi-cultural
Diversity A. Isabela B. Benguet
C. Cagayan D. Batanes
4. This is the highest point in the Philippines.
A. Mount Logan B. Mount McKinley 10. Sierra Madre. Cordillera, and Caraballo are
C. Mount Apo D. Mount Rainier examples of _______ in the Philippines.
A. Valleys B. Mountain Ranges
5. There are many natural resources in the C. Volcanoes D. Plateaus
Philippines. Which of the following is not one of
these natural resources? 11. Foreign influences that contributed in the
A. Timber B. Petroleum shaping of a Filipino culture:
C. Cobalt D. Oil A. Malays B. Chinese
C. Spanish D. All of the above
6. Philippine archipelago is made up from 7,107.
However according to the recent study, it is 12. The aim of Spanish colonization of the
now counted of how islands? Philippines:
A. Acquisition of resources
A. 7,461 B. 8,000 B. Spread of Christianity
C. 7,641 D. 8,107 C. Territorial expansion
D. All of the above
13. The Lowest of social classes during the pre- 23. The ruler of Mactan and known as the first
hispanic period. native of the archipelago to have resisted the
A. Maharlika B. Datu Spanish colonization:
C. Alipin D. All of the above A. Lapu-Lapu B. Magellan
C. Raja Humabon D. Raja Sula
14. Which of these groups in the Philippines had
the most elaborate tattoos in ancient times? 24. Among were the reasons of Spanish for
A. Bicolanos B. Tagalogs Colonization except:
C. Visayans D. Ilocanos A. God C. Glory
B. Gold D. Greatness
15. What is the typical tagalong love song called?
A. Oyayi B. Harana 25. The Chief executive or head of the
C. Balitaw D. Kundiman government in the Spanish time:
A. Alcalde Mayor
16. An ancient Austronesian manuscript:
B. President
A. Alpabeto B. Baybayin
C. Prime Minister
C. Sulatin D. Script
D. Governador-General
17. The first immigrants to arrive by sea to the
26. The aim of Spanish colonization of the
A. The Malays B. The Negritos
A. Acquisition of resources
C. The Indonesians D. The Spaniards
B. Spread of Christianity
18. The earliest human remains found in the C. Territorial expansion
Philippines are collectively called: D. All of the above
A. Java Man B. Tabon Man
27. The first European who re-discovered the
C. Peking Man D. Ramapithecus
19. The smallest unit of local government was
A. Ferdinand Magellan
B. King Philip II
A. Pueblo B. Barangay
C. Roy Lopez de Villalobos
C. Visita D. Encomienda
D. Sebastian del Cano
20. Who introduced the more advanced culture
during Iron Age in the Philippines? 28. Spanish navigator who first used the name Las
A. Indonesians B. Negritos Islas Filipinas means The Philippine Islands:
C. Malays D. Spain A. Ferdinand Magellan
B. King Philip II
21. The first people to come in the Philippines by
C. Roy Lopez de Villalobos
land bridges:
D. Sebastian del Cano
A. The Indonesians B. The Negritos
C. The Malays D. All of the above 29. Which of the following was NOT among the
22. The name given by Magellan to Philippines in repressive policies enforced during the Spanish
1521: period?
A. Ma-yi B. Maniolas A. Fiestas B. Polo y Servicios
C. Archipelago of St. Lazarus D. Felipinas C. Bandala D. Cedula
30. Which of the following was NOT part of the 37. The highest court of the land during Spanish
goods that were traded during the Manila- times:
Acapulco galleon trade? A. Encomienda B. Supreme Court
A. Gold B. Silk C. Royal Audiencia D. King of Spain
C. Silver D. Sugar
38. A common expression among Filipinos in this
31. Slavery or force labor that practice during rest on the fatalistic outlook and strong
Spanish time: dependence on the “spirits’ who will take care
A. Polo B. Polista of everything if they are really meant for a
C. Falla D. Encomienda person:
A. Pakikisama B. Utang-na-loob
32. When was Magellan arrived in the
C. Bahala na D. Hiya
A. 1520 B. 1521 39. What was the longest existing university in
C. 1522 D. 1621 the Philippines?
A. Unibersidad ng Pilipinas
33. The agreement between the Kings of Portugal
B. University of San Carlos
and Spain that divides the world between the
C. Siliman University
two countries with Pope Alexander VI’s
D. University of Sto. Tomas
A. Treaty of Paris B. Blood compact 40. The Hispanic Period had started in the
C. Treaty of Tordesillas D. Code of Kalantiyaw Philippines in 1500s. Who was the first
Governor of the Philippines?
34. Among the ships that reached the Philippines,
A. Ruy Lopez de Villalobos
only this ship was able to go back to Spain:
B. Ferdinand Magellan
A. Concepcion B. Santiago
C. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
C. Trinidad D. Victoria
D. Philip II of Spain
35. What were the reasons why the Philippines
41. Raja Lakandula and Raja Sulayman revolted
fell to Spain?
against Governor Guido de Lavezaris, because
A. The Filipinos at the time of the arrival of
of the abuses by the Spaniards. What is the
Legazpi were not united.
revolt called?
B. The Spanish invaders had a great
A. Pampanga Revolt
commander in Legazpi.
B. Isneg Revolt
C. The Spanish conquistadores had the advance
C. Tamblot Revolt
technology of the West at that time.
D. Manila Revolt
D. All of the above
42. Which one of these Philippine revolts during
36. The Philippines was a colony of Spain for how
the Hispanic period lasted longest?
many years?
A. Palaris Revolt
A. 3 months B. 3 years
B. Camerino Revolt
C. 33 years D. 333 years
C. Parang and Upay Revolt
D. Dagohoy Revolt
43. In 1762-1763 the most popular revolt took 48. July 1892: La Liga Filipina (Spanish for "The
place in Ilocos. Diego and Gabriela Silang had Philippine League") was established by Dr. Jose
defended Ilocos from the Spanish authorities. Rizal in Tondo, Manila.
Identify the relationship of the Silangs. A. True B. False
C. Neither D. Both A and B
A. They were not related
B. Brother and Sister 49. Andres Bonifacio talked personally to Rizal
C. Husband and Wife during the later's exile in Dapitan.
D. Parent and Child A. True B. False
C. Neither D. Both A and B
44. The Religious Revolt of Hermano Pule took
seventeen months to quell. The root of this 50. Filipinos remembered Dr. Jose Rizal as the
revolt came from this kind of order The One, patriot of the masses. He was executed by the
this author described was a __________. Spanish authorities in Luneta (Bagumbayan by
A. Business Order then), Manila in December 30, 1896. Which of
B. Personal Order these capital punishments was used to execute
C. Government Order him?
D. Religious Order A. Shooting B. Guillotine
C. Garrote D. Live burial
45. Which of these priests was executed by
Governor-General Rafael de Izuquierdo in 51. The massive raid in the printing press of
1872? "Diario de Manila" (Spanish for "The
A. Jose Apolonio Burgos Newspaper of Manila") had alarmed the
B. Mariano Gomez Katipunan members due to the arrest of their
C. Jacinto Zamora several comrades. After the second general
D. All of them were executed meeting, these men decided to tear up this
important document. Which of these was it?
46. Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal is Philippines' national
A. Address books
hero because of his large contribution to
B. Birth or baptismal certificate
independence during the 19th century. What
C. Residence certificates
was his main weapon against the Spaniards?
D. All of the above
A. Guns B. Religion
C. Swords and Knives D. Pen 52. The Tejeros Convention happened in which
Philippine province?
47. Jose Rizal and other Illustrados (Spanish for
A. Batangas B. Manila
Filipino intellectuals) had established this
C. Cavite D. Laguna
group of propaganda writers. The name of this
progressive society newspaper against Spain 53. The Spanish-American War brought an end to
was _______________. Spanish rule. In May 1898, the Americans,
A. La Liga Filipina B. Circulo-Hispano under Commodore George Dewey won "The
C. La Solidaridad D. Katipunan Battle of ______ ______".
A. Batangas Bay B. Laguna Bay
C. Bacoor Bay D. Manila Bay
54. Who wrote the "Kartilla", considered the 63. What was the first book published in the
'bible' of the Katipunan movement? Philippines?
A. Andres Bonifacio B. Emilio Aguinaldo A. Barlaam e Josaphat B. Noli Me Tangere
C. Emilio Jacinto D. Apolinario Mabini C. Doctrina Christiana D. Pasiong Mahal

55. Which of the following former presidents died 64. Who fought the Spanish government because
in a plane crash? the government did not give a formal funeral
A. Ramon Magsaysay B. Diosdano Macapagal ceremony for his brother?
C. Emilio Aguinaldo D. Cory Aquino A. Macario Sacay B. Andres Bonifacio
C. Diego Silang D. Francisco Dagohoy
56. One of the last Filipino generals who fought
the Americans and established the so-called 65. During the Japanese occupation of the
'Tagalog Republic'. Philippines, a Filipino president was appointed
A. Miguel Malvar B. Macario Sakay by the Japanese. Who was he?
C. Manuel Tinio D. Gregorio del Pilar A. Ramon Magsaysay B. Josefino Cotas Sr.
C. Sergio Osmeña D.Jose P. Laurel Sr.
57. She is a Filipino heroine. After her husband
died, she continued the war against Spain, was 67. What term was used for those women who
caught and hanged. were used by Japanese soldiers to gratify their
A. Gregoria de Jesus B. Gabriela Silang lust?
C. Leonor Rivera D. Teodora Alonso A. Comfort women B. Mama san
C. Japayuki D. Battered Filipinas
58. Who is generally acknowledged as the first
President of the Philippines? 68. Which of these was a US president during the
A. Andres Bonifacio B. Manuel Roxas 'American Era' in the Philippines?
C. Manuel Quezon D. Emilio Aguinaldo A. Franklin Roosevelt B. George Bush
C. George Washington D. Abraham Lincoln
59. Where was the Rizal's novel 'Noli Mi Tangere'
published? 69. On 1901, an institution was established by the
A. Paris B. Brussels Americans for aspiring educators. What is the
C. Berlin D. Barcelona present name of this institution?
A. University of the Philippines
60. What is the name of Filipino armed contingent
B. Philippine Normal University
that helped the Americans capture Aguinaldo?
C. Siliman University
A. Macabebe Scouts B. Abu Sayyaf
D. National Teachers' College
C. Balangiga Rangers D. Fire Brigade
70. From which language is the Filipino vernacular
61. Who is the Filipino historian who claimed that
largely derived?
there was no Philippine history before the
A. Tagalog
execution of the three nationalists priests?
B. Pangasinense
A. Fidel Villaruel, OP B. Gregorio Zaide
C. Cebuano
C. Teodoro Agoncillo D. Onofre Corpuz
D. Kapampangan
62. Who is the highest American military official
that was killed in action during the Filipino-
American war?
A. Gen. Pershing B. Col. Grayson
C. Gen. Merrit D. Gen. Lawton
71. When did the original Edsa (People's Power) 77. This late lawyer-politician from Ilocos had
Revolution begin? served two Republics, and the longest seated
A. January 19, 2002 President of the Philippines. His name was
B. February 22, 1986 _____________________.
C. February 26, 2002 A. Emilio Aguinaldo
D. January 19, 1986 B. Manuel Luis Quezon
C. Ferdinand Marcos
72. What place in the Philippines is also known as
D. Sergio Osmena
the "walled city"?
A. Plaza Miranda 78. 1986: Three years after Benigno "Ninoy"
B. Intramuros Aquino's death, the battle cries of the nation
C. Luneta had changed. The Filipinos protested in the
D. Fort Santiago streets using prayers and flowers, instead of
knives and guns. What was the name of this
73. What act is also known as the "Martial Law"
A. Bloodless Revolution
A. Proclamation 274
B. People Power Revolution
B. Proclamation 1081
C. Philippine Revolution
C. Kautusang Tagapagpaganap blg. 25 S. 1974
D. Article 6 Section 14 of the 1973 Constitution
79. This former Senator, Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino
74. The First Republic of the Philippines was
was shot at Manila International Airport after
established during a war. Which one?
seven years in exile. When did this
A. Philippine-American War
assassination happened?
B. World War I
A. 22nd of August 1982
C. Spanish-American War
B. 21st of August 1983
D. Philippine Revolution
C. 23rd of August 1980
75. Who won the first Philippine National D. 20th of August 1985
Presidential Election?
80. Two significant events happened on this day
A. Emilio Aguinaldo
in Philippine history:
B. Manuel Luis Quezon
1. The revolution ended when the former
C. Bishop Gregorio Aglipay
president and his family fled to the United
D. General Miguel Malvar
76. During the World War II, the "Puppet 2. Corazon Aquino and Salvador Laurel were
Government" (Second Republic) was set up in sworn in as President and Vice-President,
the Philippines during Japan's occupation of respectively.
the country. The name of the lawyer-politician Which day was it?
appointed by the Japanese was Sergio A. 25th February 1986
Osmeña. B. 20th August 1985
A. True B. False C. 1st May 1986
C. Neither D. Both A and B D. 9th April 1985
81. Former film actor-politician Joseph "Erap" 86. She was the first woman member of the
Estrada was also ousted by the following revolt Katipunan (July 1893).
of People Power, called EDSA 2 in 2001. He A. Marina Dizon
faced the impeachment trial for which of these B. Gabriela Silang
violations? C. Segunda Katigbak
A. "Jose Velarde" account D. Gregoria de Jesús
B. Graft and corruption
87. The first president of the Katipunan.
C. Extortion of "jueteng" money
A. Andres Bonifacio
D. All of these are true
B. Juan Arellano
82. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the President after C. Deodato Arellano
the 2001 People Power Revolution, had also D. Teodoro Agoncillo
faced controversies regarding her
88. Who was the chief advisor of Gen. Emilio
administration status. One of these was in
regard to the elections in May 2004.
A. Apolinario Mabini
A. Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking (JMSU)
B. Felipe Calderon
C. Pedro Paterno
B. Hello Garci Scandal
D. Jose Rizal
C. National Broadband Network Scandal
D. None of these 89. After the Negritos, what was the second
group of people who migrated by sea to the
83. What is the first word of the 1987 Philippine
Philippines 3,000 to 8,000 years ago?
A. Indians
A. I
B. Malays
B. People
C. Arabs
C. The
D. Indonesians
D. We
90. Foreign influences were evident on most
84. He arrived in Cebu in 1565 to establish the
aspects of Filipino culture - the Philippine
first Spanish settlement in the Philippines,
languages, for example. Now, from which
marking the beginning of Spain's colonization
Asian language do these words came from,
and Christianization of the archipelago. Who
'alam', 'hukom', and 'salamat'?
was he?
A. Sanskrit
A. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
B. Malayo-Polynesian
B. Antonio Pigafetta
C. Mandarin
C. Ferdinand Magellan
D. Arabic
D. Christopher Columbus

85. In 1851, the first commercial bank in the

Philippines and the far East, was established.
What is the present name of this bank?
A. Far East bank
B. Bangko Central ng Pilipinas
C. Bank of the Philippine Islands
D. Banco de las islas Filipinas
91. Marriage among the Filipinos in the past was
long and complicated. You had to render
services to the prospective bride's family, for
example, by chopping wood or fetching water
from a 'balon' for days or months or years! If
you were lucky enough to be accepted, what
did you call of the gift you were required to
give to the girl's parents?
A. Bigay-suhol
B. Bigay-suso
C. Bigay-ginto
D. Bigay-kaya

92. Who was the Supreme Being of the ancient

Filipinos who, they believed, had created the
A. Sidapa B. Lalahon
C. Bathalya D. Bathala

93. Among are factors that led to the Delay of

Filipino Nationalism, except:
A. Archipelagagic shape of the islands
B. Absence of common language
C. Spains implementation of divide en impera
D. Extension of education

Classify each of the early uprisings in terms of its

dominant cause:
A=desire to regain lost freedom;
B=resistance to Spanish-imposed institutions;
C=desire to revert to native faith.

94. Revolt of Hermano Pule

95. Revolt of Lakan Dula and Sulayman

96. Sumuroy’s Rebellion of 1649-1650

97. Tondo Conspiracy of 1587-1588

98. Maniago’s Revolt of 1660

99. Dagohoy’s Revolt of 1744-1829

100. Bankaw’s Revolt of 1621

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