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Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation vs. Court of

G.R. No. 76509. December 15, 1989.*


petitioner, vs. THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS,

Civil Law; Obligations and Contracts; Legal compensation;

Requisite of, when not proper.—In the case of The International
Corporate Bank, Inc. v. The Intermediate Appellate Court, et al.
(G.R. No. 69560, June 30, 1988), “Compensation shall take place
when two persons, in their own right, are creditors and debtors of
each other. (Art. 1278, Civil




VOL. 180, DECEMBER 15, 1989 157

Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation vs. Court of Appeals

Code). ‘When all the requisites mentioned in Art. 1279 of the Civil
Code are present, compensation takes effect by operation of law,
even without the consent or knowledge of the debtors.’ (Art. 1290,
Civil Code). Art. 1279 of the Civil Code requires among others,
that in order that legal compensation shall take place, ‘the two
debts be due’ and ‘they be liquidated and demandable.’
Compensation is not proper where the claim of the person
asserting the set-off against the other is not clear nor liquidated;
compensation cannot extend to unliquidated, disputed claim
arising from breach of contract. (Compania General de Tabacos v.
French and Unson, 39 Phil. 34; Lorenzo & Martinez v. Herrero, 17
Phil. 29).
Same; Same; Legal compensation can take place between
petitioner and the private respondents; Reasons; Case at bar.—
Clearly, the petitioner can demand reimbursement from the
respondents even before it has actually paid its obligations to the
Bureau of Customs. It can, in principle, be held liable under the
warehouse bonds even before actual payment to the Bureau of
Customs. The liability has been fixed. What remains is simply its
liquidation. The respondents who defaulted on the agreement to
make staggered payments thereby causing the petitioner’s
liability to the Bureau of Customs cannot refuse the set-off.
Consequently, legal compensation can take place between the

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petitioner and the private respondents, that is, the petitioner can
partially set-off the insurance proceeds in the amount of
P1,144,744.49 against its liability under the warehousing bonds
which has been computed in the amount of P9,031,000.00 as of

PETITION for certiorari to review the decision of the Court

of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Eriberto D. Ignacio for petitioner.
     Roberto B. Arca for respondents.


This is a petition for certiorari seeking to annul and set

aside the decision of the Court of Appeals which affirmed
the dismissal of the petitioner’s complaint on the ground
that compensation cannot take place between the petitioner
and the private respondents as its requisites are not
In September, 1978, petitioner Pioneer Insurance and
Surety Corporation issued general warehousing bonds in
favor of the


Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation vs. Court of

Bureau of Customs for importation of raw materials in the

total amount of P6,500,000.00. The bonds were issued on
behalf of the private respondents Wearever Textile Mills,
Inc., and its president, Vicente T. Lim.
To secure the petitioner from and against any and all
harm, damages and losses of whatever kind and nature
which it may incur as a consequence of its becoming a
surety upon the bonds, the respondents executed jointly
and severally in favor of the petitioner indemnity
agreements for said bonds each of which contain the
following stipulations:

“INDEMNITY:—The undersigned, jointly and severally, agree

and bind themselves to indemnify and hold and save harmless the
Corporation from and against any and all damages, losses, costs,
stamps, taxes, penalties, charges and expenses of whatsoever kind
and nature which the Corporation shall or may at any time incur
in consequence of having become surety upon the bond/note or any
extension, renewal, substitution or alteration thereof made at the
instance of the undersigned or executed on behalf of the
undersigned or any of them; and to pay, reimburse and make good
to the Corporation, its successors and assigns, all sums and
amounts of money which it or its representatives shall or may pay
or cause to be paid or become liable to pay, on account of the
undersigned or any of them, of whatsoever kind and nature
including 20% of the amount involved in the litigation or other
matters growing out of or connected therewith for attorney’s fees
but in no case to be less than P200.00. The undersigned further
agree, jointly and severally, that in case of any extension or
renewal of the bond/note, to bind ourselves for the payment
thereof under the same terms and conditions, as above mentioned,

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without the necessity of executing another Indemnity Agreement

for the purpose and we hereby equally waive our right to be
notified of any renewal or extension of the bond/note which may
be granted under this Indemnity Agreement.
HEREWITH:—The above indemnities shall be paid to the
corporation as soon as demand is received from the creditor or as
soon as it becomes liable to make payment of any sum under the
terms of the above-mentioned bond/note, its renewal, extensions
or substitutions whether the said sum or sums or part thereof
have been actually paid or not.” (pp. 29-30 Rollo)

The private respondents failed to comply with their

commitment under the warehousing bonds by reason
whereof the

VOL. 180, DECEMBER 15, 1989 159

Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation vs. Court of

Bureau of Customs demanded from the petitioner payment

of the value of the said bonds in the amount of
P6,390,259.00. This amount eventually reached
P9,031,000.00 in 1983.
In the meantime, in response to the petitioner’s demand
letter, the private respondents wrote petitioner promising
that they will settle their obligations with the Bureau of
On representations by private respondents to the
Bureau of Customs, the latter granted the request of
respondents for staggered monthly installment payments of
their obligation on condition that the respondents will
make an initial payment of P500,000.00 and thereafter
shall amortize the balance of P400,000.00 monthly until
fully paid pursuant to the first indorsement by the Bureau
of Customs dated September 22, 1976. Other than the
initial payment of P500,000.00, however, respondents have
not made any other payments thereby violating the terms
of the said agreement.
As a result of the foregoing, the Bureau of Customs
again demanded from the petitioner payment of its bonds.
No payment, however, has been made as yet.
Sometime in 1979, a fire gutted the respondent’s factory
destroying materials insured with the petitioner in the
amount of P1,144,744.49. Respondents demanded from the
petitioner payment of the proceeds of the insurance policy
but the latter refused to pay claiming that said proceeds
must be applied by way of partial compensation or set-off
against its liability with the Bureau of Customs arising
from the warehousing bonds.
The petitioner’s efforts to protect itself from total loss in
the much bigger amount of P6,390,259.00 which as of April
19, 1983 had already reached P9,031,000.00 having proved
fruitless, the complaint for compensation was filed below.
The trial court rendered judgment in favor of the private
respondents and ordered the petitioner to pay, among
others, the insurance proceeds in the amount of
P1,144,744.49 plus legal interest from November 19, 1979
until the whole amount is fully paid.
On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial

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court’s decision, holding that legal compensation cannot

take place because the requisites thereof are not present,
namely: that petitioner is not the creditor of private
respondents; and that the former’s claim against the latter
is not due, demandable and


Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation vs. Court of

liquidated because its liability on the warehousing bonds

was extinguished when the textile goods covered by the
same were destroyed by the fire. Therefore, according to
the appellate court since the petitioner and private
respondents are not mutually creditors and debtors to each
other, the law on compensation is inapplicable.
In this petition, Pioneer Insurance alleges that legal
compensation or set-off under Articles 1278 and 1279 can
take place because there is due to private respondents from
the petitioner the amount of P1,144,744.49 as proceeds of
the fire insurance policy in the same manner that the
private respondents are bound, jointly and severally, to
reimburse petitioner what the latter is liable to pay the
Bureau of Customs in the total amount of P6,390,259.00
and which, as of the date of the filing of the complaint, had
already reached P9,031,000.00. The petitioner also stresses
that even if it has not yet paid the Bureau of Customs any
amount, the private respondents have already become
indebted to the petitioner pursuant to the indemnity
agreement which stands as the law between the parties.
On the other hand, the private respondents argue that
the demands to pay made by the Bureau of Customs did
not prove nor create any liability and even if they did, the
liability under the warehousing bonds in favor of the
Bureau of Customs was the liability of the petitioner; that
petitioner did not pay and has never paid the Bureau of
Customs under the warehousing bonds and, therefore, the
private respondents have nothing to reimburse the
petitioner for and that the approved staggered payment
arrangement of the respondents with the Bureau of
Customs released petitioner from liability under the
warehousing bonds.
We rule for the petitioner.
In the case of The International Corporate Bank, Inc. v.
The Intermediate Appellate Court, et al. (G.R. No. 69560,
June 30, 1988), we reiterated the requisites of legal
compensation. We said:

“Compensation shall take place when two persons, in their own

right, are creditors and debtors of each other. (Art. 1278, Civil
Code). ‘When all the requisites mentioned in Art. 1279 of the Civil
Code are present, compensation takes effect by operation of law,
even without


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the consent or knowledge of the debtors.’ (Art. 1290, Civil Code).

Art. 1279 of the Civil Code requires among others, that in order
that legal compensation shall take place, ‘the two debts be due’
and ‘they be liquidated and demandable.’ Compensation is not
proper where the claim of the person asserting the set-off against
the other is not clear nor liquidated; compensation cannot extend
to unliquidated, disputed claim arising from breach of contract.
(Compania General de Tabacos v. French and Unson, 39 Phil. 34;
Lorenzo & Martinez v. Herrero, 17 Phil. 29)
‘There can be no doubt that petitioner is indebted to private
respondent in the amount of P1,062,063.83 representing the
proceeds of her money market investment. This is admitted. But
whether private respondent is indebted to petitioner in the
amount of P6.81 million representing the deficiency balance after
the foreclosure of the mortgage executed to secure the loan
extended to her, is vigorously disputed. This circumstance
prevents legal compensation from taking place. (CA Decision,
Rollo, pp. 112-113).”

There is no dispute that the petitioner owes the private

respondents the amount representing the proceeds of the
insurance policy. The private respondents, however, try to
negate their liability by questioning the veracity and
accuracy of the Bureau of Customs’ demand letters to the
petitioner and by claiming that they have no more liability
because of the fortuitous event. At the same time, however,
they admit liability when they argue that the petitioner
was released from the same upon their agreement with the
Bureau of Customs to make staggered payments. Finally,
the private respondents argue that since the petitioner has
not made any payment yet regarding the amount
demanded by the Bureau of Customs, there is nothing for
which the petitioner should be reimbursed.
It is needless to emphasize that at the time the fire
occurred, the private respondents together with the
petitioner had already incurred liability on the
warehousing bonds with the Bureau of Customs because of
the respondents’ inability to comply with the provisions of
their undertaking. It is, therefore, clear that as far as the
amount of P9,031,000.00 is concerned, both the petitioner
and respondents were already liable for said amount to the
Bureau of Customs when the contingency for which
compensation is sought, happened. Neither can the
respondents claim that the petitioner was released from


Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation vs. Court of

when they made arrangements with the Bureau of

Customs for staggered payments since the facts will bear
out that other than the P500,000.00 payment by
respondents, no further payment was made by them thus
leading the Bureau of Customs to go after the petitioner
again. The private respondents, contend, however, that
since the petitioner has not made any payment with the
Bureau of Customs, it cannot demand reimbursement and,
thus, petitioner cannot apply legal compensation or set-off
against them because their liability has not yet become due

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and demandable.
In the recent case of Mercantile Insurance Co., Inc. v.
Felipe Ysmael, Jr., & Co., Inc. (G.R. No. L-43962, January
13, 1989), we ruled:

‘The question as to whether or not under the Indemnity

Agreement of the parties, the Surety can demand indemnification
from the principal, upon the latter’s default, even before the
former has paid to the creditor, has long been settled by this
Court in the affirmative.
“It has been held that:
“ ‘The stipulation in the indemnity agreement allowing the
surety to recover even before it paid the creditor is enforceable. In
accordance therewith, the surety may demand from the
indemnitors even before paying the creditors.’ (Cosmopolitan Ins.
Co. Inc. v. Reyes, 15 SCRA 528 [1965] citing: Security Bank v.
Globe Assurance, 58 Off. Gaz, 3709 [April 30, 1962]; Alto Surety
and Ins. Co., Inc. v. Aguilar, et al., G.R. No. L-5625, March 16,

Clearly, the petitioner can demand reimbursement from

the respondents even before it has actually paid its
obligation to the Bureau of Customs. It can, in principle, be
held liable under the warehouse bonds even before actual
payment to the Bureau of Customs. The liability has been
fixed. What remains is simply its liquidation. The
respondents who defaulted on the agreement to make
staggered payments thereby causing the petitioner’s
liability to the Bureau of Customs cannot refuse the set-off.
Consequently, legal compensation can take place between
the petitioner and the private respondents, that is, the
petitioner can partially set-off the insurance proceeds in
the amount of P1,144,744.49 against its liability under the
warehousing bonds which has been computed in the
amount of P9,031,000.00 as of 1983.

VOL. 180, DECEMBER 15, 1989 163

Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation vs. Court of

From the records, it is seen that the last demand letter of

the Bureau of Customs asking the petitioner to pay the
value of the bonds was on March 27, 1981. The records are
silent on whether or not the Bureau of Customs sued either
of the parties to enforce liability under the warehousing
bonds. It may be noted that the petitioner admits its
liability under the warehousing bonds. Since the issue is
legal compensation and in order to avoid any miscarriage of
justice, the Court refers the issue on the enforcement of
liability under the bonds to the Bureau of Customs.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision
of the Court of Appeals dated September 23, 1986 is hereby
ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. A copy of this decision is
furnished the Commissioner of Customs for appropriate
action to be taken under the warehousing bonds. Costs
against the private respondents.

          Fernan (C.J., Chairman), Feliciano, Bidin and

Cortés, JJ., concur.

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Petition granted. Decision annulled and set aside.

Compensation can not take place where one of the debts
is not liquidated as when there is a running interest still to
be paid thereon. (Compañia Maritima vs. Court of Appeals,
135 SCRA 593.)



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