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Recruitment & Selection Process of

Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) Ltd.

Date of Submission: 04 October 2017

Submitted by: Parvinder Kaur

Class: M.B.A

Roll No: 17008532034

Email :[email protected]

GVM Institute of Technology and Management

Murthal Road, Sonipat, Haryana 131001

Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

Faculty Comments

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GVM Institute of Technology and Management

Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.


I Parvinder Kaur 17008532034, MBA student of G.V.M college hereby declare that the
project report entitled “Analysis of Recruitment & Selection process of Multiwal Pulp
and Board Mills Ltd.” is an original research work and same has not been submitted to
any other institute for the award of other degree. A seminar presentation of the project
report was made on September 15, 2018 and the suggestions as approved by the faculty
were duly incorporated.

Signature of Project Mentor Signature of candidate

Project Coordinator

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.


It is a pleasure to acknowledge many people who willingly and unwillingly helped me,
to complete my project. First of all let me praise God for all the blessings, which
carried me through all these years.

I thank all those who lent their support to this project. They helped me handle this
project well and gave me invaluable inputs and suggestions, which made my life and
work enjoyable and manageable.

I am particularly indebted to Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills pvt. Ltd., Bazpur road,
Kashipur, Uttarakhand, who gave and allowed me to gain valuable industry exposure.
My project guide always found time for me even when extremely busy and helped me
understand the various H.R Practices being followed in Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills
pvt. Ltd. Mr Wasim Ahmed Khan who helped me with the coding aspect of and
provided me enough time to go ahead with the documentation process and was a big
help by providing me all the material I needed for the project and also for making life
easier for me at Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills pvt. Ltd.

Mr Abdul Sabir., the Factory manager &H.R Manager of Multiwal Pulp and Board
Mills pvt. Ltd. requires special mention for providing me with a chance to work with
Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Pvt. Ltd and giving me ample freedom to work on my

I cannot forget Mr Wasim Ahmed Khan & Mr Abdul Sabir. for their constant support.

I cannot forget the support and help that I have received from my family, professors
and colleagues, their attitude and work ethic has taught me a lot.

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

I apologize to anybody who I might have missed.


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1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Significance of the Study........................................................................................................2

1.2 Review of Existing Literature................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Conceptualization................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Focus of the Problem..............................................................................................................6
1.5 Objectives of the Study.......................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Hypotheses..............................................................................................................................8

2 Research Methodology.................................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Research Design................................................................................................................... 10

2.2 Universe & Survey Population.............................................................................................11
2.3 Sample.................................................................................................................................. 12
2.4 Collection of Data.................................................................................................................13
2.5 Analysis Pattern....................................................................................................................14

3 Organizational Profile................................................................................................................... 15

3.1 Business of the Organization................................................................................................16

3.2 Management Procedures...................................................................................................... 25
3.3 Product & Services offered by the Organization................................................................. 27

4 About Recruitment & Selection Process of CLSGL.................................................................. 29

5 Data Analysis & Interpretation....................................................................................................47

5.1 Questionnaire Analysis.........................................................................................................46

5.2 SWOT Analysis....................................................................................................................56

6 Limitations of the Study................................................................................................................57

7 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................... 58

8 Suggestions & Recommendations................................................................................................ 59

9 Bibliography................................................................................................................................... 60

10 Annexure.........................................................................................................................................61
Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.


Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd a brand name for two decades is known for
production and distribution of renowned quality duplex boards, craftpaper and writing
printing paper across the world. In its niche class it has achieved success from the
traditional values and ethics of Indian culture blended with modern technology. This
will to excel at Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd evolves around the synergy
between the “State of the Art” environment eco-friendly production facility and the
quest to achieve excellence propelled by defining human value systems in the

Apart from the need for globalization the constant up-gradation of technology is
compelling us to think, rethink and introspect about our own resources and putting
them in place for higher productivity and efficiency.

One of the prime resources for any business establishment is the human resource,
which cannot be challenged. In this direction an effort towards harnessing and nurturing
the human resources of the organization has been thought about and finds its voice in
the HR
practices. With these facts in the background it was thought out that HR would
primarily be classified to perform four major roles in the organization: -
 A strategic partner
 An administrative expert
 An employee champion
 A change agent

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

Significance of the Study

The task of this research is to provide a relevant, accurate, reliable, valid, and current
information. Sound decisions are not based on gut feeling, intuition, or even pure

 To learn about the organization work.

 To get the knowledge about the Paper.

 It will give an overview of the company.

 It will help to find out the innovation in the company.

 How it is beneficial for an emerging economy of India.

 It gives information to the supplier and customer about the effective

managing of product.

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

Review of Existing Literature

"The Review of Related Literature" may seem to avoid unnecessary watch out
problems and may help to make progress towards the solution of new ones. It proves
that for the important investigation, a review of the related literature is of great help and
useful to the investigator.
For Preparation for my project report, I will abstract contexts or information from
newspapers, Internet sites etc. Various magazines & journals I have to consult too. I
need to go for consult various magazines which includes :

 Source 1- Economic Times

The Economic Times is always published on the current HR scenario. It shows
me the global picture. The newspaper is the best in the human resources.
Because of my topic the data from the newspaper is very suitable for my project
report. It really helping me to find the precise result of my report.

 Source 2- Business Line

Business Line leading political and business news in India. It can give me data
about the current political and corporate information which I need the most for
my project report. Business Line give me the information about following topic:
 The Business Line primary focus is world news, politics and business; it
also runs regular sections on science and technology as well as books and
the arts. Every two weeks, the publication adds an in-depth special report on
a particular issue, business sector or geographical region. Which is very use
full for my project report?

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

 Source 3- Times of India

 Entrepreneurs and small business people are always looking for ways to reduce
cost of the organization, accomplish more of their business goals for less money.
One strategy that can help you save time, money and frustration as you start and
build your business is to outsource as much work as possible to skilled, but cost-
effective, external service providers.

 Source 4- Internet


 pulp and board




Through this site I get the information about company history, company
value, mission etc.

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This project is based on marketing research because increase in the paper in the
company and how Multiwal Ltd. Company compete with their competitors.
Thus I collect primary research by gathering original data. Secondary research is
conducted on data published previously and usually by someone else.

The report also deals with the problem faced by the company during the operations
performed to cater to the demands of the customer or consumer market .I would like to
extend the objective of this project to all interested, who would like to conduct further
extensive study into the details of various specific attributes and provide suggestions
for improvements.

Moreover this report also focuses on the approach of a company and its activities in the

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

Focus of the Problem

The study is related to how a company can manage its employers & employees and
reduce the cost to maximize the profit. Rapidly changing market dynamics and global
competitive pressures have caused organizations to spend more time focusing on their
core business.

In India companies are still using the traditional methods for the production of the
products while in rest of world, which is far ahead using other interactive methods of
the production. Now a day after every six months the methods and technology changed.
In this fast changing scenario it is very difficult to have every bit of knowledge about
the new technology.

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

Objectives of the Study

Primary Objectives:
 Analyse the weaknesses that individual systems are having.Providing the
feasible solutions to improvise the current system so as to maintain the meaning
and the applicability of the system.
 To study about the main motives of the company.
 To make the firm competitive.

Secondary Objectives:
 To manage people and technology resources strategically, enhance services and
manage costs, more effectively.
 To track the major areas of improvements.
 To find out whether people are really aware about product of the company.
 To learn how they sell brand name of their products.

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H0: Employees are satisfied with the selection process of the company.
H1: Employees are not satisfied with the selection process of the company.

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

Research Methodology

Research simply means ‘search for knowledge’. According to Rodman and Mory,
research is ‘systematized effort to gain new knowledge’. Some people consider
research as a movement from the known to unknown; it is actually a voyage of

According to Clifford Woody, research includes defining and redefining problems,

formulating hypothesis or the suggested solutions, collecting organizing and evaluating
data, reaching conclusions and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine
whether they fit to the formulated hypothesis or not.

The research work for my project “Understanding of H.R Practices at “Multiwal pulp
and Board Mills Ltd.” Includes collection of data from different sources related to the
existing performance appraisal system of the organization; collecting information from
the employees to know the usefulness and the effectiveness of the system, to know their
problems; analysis of the collected information to find out the effectiveness of existing
P.A.S and suggesting some new techniques of the collecting information from the
employees to know the usefulness and the effectiveness of the system, to know their
problems; analysis of the collected information to find out the effectiveness of existing
P.A.S. and suggesting some new techniques of the performance appraisal system which
can be introduced to the existing P.A.S., to make it more effective, acceptable and

The nature of the research study used for the project at “Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills
Ltd” is descriptive and analytical. The study is descriptive because it includes surveys,
fact-findings. It includes description of the state of affairs, as it exists at present. ‘Ex
Post Facto’ is the term, which is quite often used for the descriptive research study.

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

The process of the descriptive research study involves:

Formulating the objectives of study.
Designing the method of data collection.
Selecting the samples.
Collecting the data.
Analyzing the data
Reporting the finding.

And the nature of the research study is analytical because the already available
information is used and analyzed to make a critical evaluation of the collected data.

Research Design

Decisions regarding what, where, when, how much, by what means, concerning an
inquiry or a research study constitute a research design. A research design is the
management of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims
to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

Research design in the present study is flexible as the research design can provide
enough opportunity for considering different aspects of problem understudy.

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Universe & Survey Population

The population or universe represents the entire group of units which is the focus of the
study. Thus, the population could consist of all the persons in the country, or those in a
particular geographical location.
I selected the universe & survey population for this population is …..

Universe – Bazpur road, Kashipur , Uttarakhand

Unit of population – Geographical.

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In sample design, the universe is finite because the no. Of employees in the
organization is certain. Sample size for the study is 15 & simple random probability
sampling is adopted for the study because under the present study, every employee has
equal chance of inclusion in the sample.

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Collection of Data

As a data collection instrument “structured instruments” i.e. structured & well prepared
questionnaire has been used. Questions in the questionnaire have been arranged in the
proper sequence and almost all the questions are of close-ended type providing only
yes/no/neutral response.

Primary Tools
Survey and questionnaire is main tool of data collection.

Secondary Tools
 Journals
Research papers
Annual reports of the company
 Web-sites of the company

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Analysis Pattern

For analysis of the collected data, a simple method of mathematical percentage is used
to make the findings and to draw the conclusion. We have used pie charts and graphs
because this is the most simplest and easy method of explaining the data. It is very
simple to read and analyze and understand that what we want to show in pie charts and
graphs and it is very easy for a person or we can say it is very easy for a lay man to
understand this.

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Organizational Profile



Address : Premises No. 126, Tower A, DLF Towers, DDA District Centre, Jasola,
New Delhi-110044
Phone : +919837036763
Fax : 91-591-2494667
Email : [email protected] (for more information regarding products)
Email : [email protected] (for more information regarding sale &


Address : 9KMBAZPURROAD,Kashipur-244713,Uttarakhand,India

Phone : 91-591-2494667
Email : [email protected]

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Business of the Organization

We are one of the leading manufacturer of pulp and paper and is responsible for
delivering quality products to meet the growing global demand for packaging and paper.
On any given day, our products find way into the hands of consumers in various
branded forms. The manufacturing capacity of paper is 115000 total .,while the balance
comes from industrial varieties like poster paper, duplex boards, craft papers etc.

Paper has a long history, beginning with the ancient Egyptians and continuing to the
present day. For thousands of years, hand-made methods dominated and then, during
the 19th century, paper production became industrialized. Originally intended purely
for writing and printing purposes, a wide variety of paper grades and uses are now
available to the consumer. Of all the writing and drawing materials that people have
employed down the ages, paper is the most widely used around the world. Its name
derives from papyrus the material used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
Papyrus, however, is only one of the predecessors of paper that together are known by
the generic term „Tapa‟ and are mostly made from the inner bark of paper mulberry,
Fig and Da Tapa has been found extensively in nearly all cultures along the Equatorial
belt and is made by what is possibly the oldest paper making technique – one still
practiced in some parts of the Himalayas and South East Asia. Indeed, recent
archaeological excavations in China have revealed some of the oldest „Tapa‟ paper
ever found which shows that paper was being produced in China before western records

Paper plays a key role in communication and as a packaging material. Demand for
paper is closely linked to prevalent economic conditions. Strong economic growth
boosts demand for paper and vice versa. In India, the first paper mill was established
in 1867. Raw materials used for the production of paper were rags and wastepaper.
Commercial production of paper was started in 1882, and raw materials used were
again non-wood fibers, that is, eulaliopsis binata and sacharum bengalense.
Development of the fractional process of pulping bamboo at the Forest Research

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Institute, Dehradun, during 1922-24 provided an impetus to the pulp and paper
industry in the country, and bamboo became the main raw material for making various
grades of paper. Turing establishments cut and coat paper and foil. Stationery product
manufacturing establishments make a variety of paper products used for writing, filing,
and similar applications. Other converted paper product manufacturing includes, in
particular, the conversion of sanitary paper stock into such things as tissue paper and
disposable diapers.

There are essentially three activities. The manufacturing of pulp involves separating the
cellulose Fibers from other impurities in wood or used paper. The manufacturing of
paper involves matting these fibers into a sheet. Converted paper products are made
from paper and other materials by various cutting and shaping techniques and include
coating and laminating activities. The Paper Manufacturing subsector is subdivided
into two industry groups, the first for the manufacturing of pulp and paper and
the second for the manufacturing of converted paper products. Paper making is
treated as the core activity of the subsector. Therefore, any establishment that makes
paper (including paperboard), Either alone or in combination with pulp manufacturing
or paper converting, is classified as a paper or paperboard mill. Establishments that
make pulp without making paper are classified as pulp mills. Pulp mills, paper mills
and paperboard mills comprise the first industry group. India is not just the second
most populous market for paper in the world. It is also the most demanding. Indian
paper industry not only serves a public utility but fulfills a critical national requirement.
It possesses an annual production capacity of five million tones. It generates an annual
turnover of approximately 120 billion. It directly and indirectly employs nearly 1.3
million people. The Indian paper industry has been historically divided on a three
dimensional matrix identified by size, grades manufactured and raw material utilized.
Generally, tariff rates have protected smaller units utilizing “unconventional” raw
material. Over the years, the growth of various segments, investments levels in specific
segments, technological changes, industry fragmentation and intensity of competition
have been significantly influenced by the Government tariff policy. The present
Excise duty on Paper is 12 %. The Government of India from time to time has given

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some benefits to small industries in order to protect them i.e. the first 3500 tons
produced by a mill is chargeable only @ 8 % and thereafter it is @ 12 %.

The three main grades of paper manufactured in India are:- 1. Newsprint 2. Writing and
printing. 3. Industrial Variety (Craft paper and Duplex Board)

Over 550 players currently populate the industry and the estimated capacity is about
7.00 million Metric Tons Per Annum (MTPA)1. Fragmentation is severe in the
“industrial” (packaging) grades, which rely on “unconventional” raw material such as
waste paper and partly agricultural residues. This division generally comprises of units
with an average size of about 10000 MTPA and contributes to 45% of the output of
paper and paper boards in the country. Although the other divisions in the Indian
paper industry are also fragmented by international standards, the degree of
fragmentation is less severe. “Newsprint” till about 1995, was the sole preserve of large
public sector units and was well protected by high import tariff barriers. Nevertheless,
imports contributed to about 50% of the domestic consumption. Since then, new
domestic capacity with private investment has been allowed to be created. This growth
has relied namely on De-inked waste paper as a source of raw material. Currently
import duty on newsprint is about 5% and domestic manufacture of newsprint is
exempted from excise duty.


Bamboo or Wood as such cannot be used for pulping. For economical operation of
pulping plant as well as for better penetration of cooking liquor, wood logs/bamboo are
to be chipped into small pieces. The process is called chipping and the equipment used
for chipping are called chip.

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Pulp is obtained by removing lignin and other impurities from the wood & other raw
materials chips through a cooking process. The chips are loaded into a digester and
cooking liquor is added. Then by pressure cooking, the wood, bamboo or other raw
material fibers are separated from unwanted ingredients. Either batch digester or
continuous digesters are used in cooking.

Although cellulose fibre is white in colour, due to residual lignin traces remaining on
the fibres, the pulp appears creamish. Therefore, to manufacture white paper we need to
remove yellowness without physically or chemically damaging the fibre, with
improvement in various properties. To increase brightness of the pulp by removal or
modification of some of the unwanted elements in the unbleached pulp.These
deleterious elements are lignin traces, resins, metal ions, non-cellulosic carbohydrates
etc. Bleaching for brightness improvement should also help to keep the pulp stable
without turning yellow or lose strength or reduce brilliance - due to aging.


Additives are added to paper pulp. Addition of fillers like talcum & calcium carbonate
is very common & besides acting as fillers they add brightness to the paper. These
additives must be finely ground. Additives like dyes & starch are also added. Other
fillers are Titanium Dioxide, Barium Sulphate & Zinc Sulphide.

Removing Water-

Removing water is the next important stage. For this the pulp is passed through a
rapidly moving wire mesh called fourdriner. The objective is to remove 93% to 95% of
the water in the finished paper. As the paper flows along the wire mesh and water is
drained along the way, a dandy roller near the end helps to smooth out the paper. The
dandy roller improves the formation of the paper web by application of pressure. When
the paper reaches the end of the wire mesh it is transferred to a felt blanket which
conveys it through many steam heated driers to remove the excess moisture. In the

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process the paper gets some glaze like coating also. Then it is made to pass through a
series of calendar stacks. The calendars are series of polished iron rollers stacked one
on top of the other, through which the finished paper will pass to smoothen down. The
next step is rewinding on a metal or fibre core. The last stages after this are sheeting,
packing & testing.

Global Demand
 Globally demand for Paper and Paperboard is likely to keep its growth pace intact

 Writing and printing paper demand to be on slower side with many firms in west
going paperless.

 Robust demand for paper by Chinese household would to keep Asian demand on
high note.

 Packaging and container board to be the major demand segment

 Rising concern for environment with many firms discouraging use of paper to
impede demand growth

 Persistent concern over economic recovery and monetary tightening steps taken by
Chinese Govt. to impact demand.

 Revival in industrial production across the world and increase in global trade
stands crucial for incremental demand.

 Increasing use of packaged goods to further boost demand sentiments

 Persistent concern over economic recovery and monetary tightening steps taken by
Chinese Govt. to impact demand

 Revival in industrial production across the world and increase in global trade
stands crucial for incremental demand.

 Current signals of improving industrial output and trade in certain pockets provide
encouraging scenario for industrial papers in the coming year

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Global Supply
 Economic downturn witnessed during 2008-09 resulted in closure of large number
of paper mills in western region with the mills unable to absorb huge losses incurred
due to demand destruction

 With global economy mainly Asia and US giving signals of revival and the same
expected to start showing better results moving into 2012, the same shall prompt some
of the companies to increase their runs and may lead to reopening of few closed plants


 Certificate of Registration from APEDA

 Certificate from Export Inspection Agency

 ISO - 9001:2000 Certification

 ISO – 140001-2004 Certification








Today its portfolio boasts of every international & national certification of repute. At
Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills pvt Ltd Overseas recognition has also come in the form
of applauds. We have also been honored with the National Export Performance Awards
by The Prime Minister of India and consecutively being awarded with APEDA
(Ministry of commerce, Government of India) Exports Awards for Outstanding
Performance in Agri - Exports.

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 Honored by Prime Minister of India for Outstanding Performance.
 Honored by Industries Dept., Delhi Govt. for Outstanding
 Performance in Exports during 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009.

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Management Procedures

An indelible name, cruising towards universal acclaim, through concern for quality,
profitability and cutting-edge technologies, kept buoyant by an entrepreneurial team.

Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd. is committed to convert –
 All attitudes towards a macro thinking process.
 All opportunities of diversity into streamlined and focused systematic processes.
 And cultivate a culture of achievement and target orientedness.
 And build cross functional synergies.
 And attain a brand image, that is recognized worldwide.

 We esteem our customers’ needs and endeavor to deliver accordingly.
 We focus on quality in every single sphere of activity.
 We value change for growth.
 We encourage people commitment for higher sense of achievement.
 We value a fusion between tradition & modernity.

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Organization Chart



(International BOD

(Operations) (Organic)




(Export) (Shipping) (Systems)



(Production) (Factory & HR) (S.P.R)


(Purchase) (Quality) (Maintenance) (P.P.D)


(Spare Stores) (Electrical) (P.P.C)

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Product & Services offered by the Organization

Sound Control
The shear damping performance of PVB interlayer makes laminated architectural glass
effective in controlling sound transmission.

Solar Energy Control

Light stable, tinted PVB interlayer’s reduce solar energy Light transmittance to reduce
cooling loads. Laminated glass reduces glare without distorting color and provides a
wide range of pleasing design aesthetics.

Ultraviolet Screening
The ultraviolet (UV) filtering performance of the PVB interlayer makes clear or tinted
laminated glass helpful in protecting valuable furnishings, displays or merchandise
from the fading effects of UV radiation. The Laminated Glass filters off ultraviolet rays
by 99.5%

Bullet Resistant
Duratuf offer glasses for Security glazing which can be used to counter threats from the
following general areas:
 Burglary and Forced Entry.
 Ballistic Penetration.
 Bomb Blasts.
 Electronic Eavesdropping.

Burglaries are frequently directed towards targets of easy opportunity and low

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perceived risk by the burglar. A simple deterrent, Real Safe security glazing, may be
enough to send the intruder to the next easier target.

Ballistic Protection
Security glazing with Real Safe laminated glass of appropriate thickness and
configuration can reduce death and injury from bullets in high-risk locations, while still
providing the aesthetic and visions benefits of glass. Real Safe Bullet-resistant glass is
made by bonding alternate layers of glass with PVB to form a single, multiple-ply
laminate. Real Safe Bullet Resistant Glasses are already tested & approved by many
Government Organizations example. Punjab Police, BSF, Ordanance Factory Medak,
Special Protection Group, Bureau of Police Research and Development, CRF etc.

Bomb Blast Resistance

Unfortunately, bomb attacks and threats are on the rise all over the world. The fear
generated by a bomb’s instant holocaust of property damage, injury, flame and noise
can be more powerful than conventional armed attacks. Bomb blasts propagate blast
energy in all directions, making buildings nearby the intended target candidates for
destruction as well. Experts report that approximately 75 percent of all damage and
injury from bomb blasts can be attributed to flying and falling glass following the
Real Safe Laminated glass can substantially reduce injury resulting from explosions,
and even reduce the cost to repair a bombed facility by reducing the extent of damage
and opportunity for looting.

Electronic Eavesdropping
With high technology playing an increasing role in corporate and government security
operations, electronic eavesdropping to obtain classified or proprietary information can
result in staggering losses. Interference with computer networks from electromagnetic
noise generators (such as heavy machinery operating outside the facility) can also be
the source of loss.

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Real Safe Electronic security glazing uses metalized fabric mesh and glass. When the
glass is manufactured, the fabric mesh is extended an inch or more from the edge of the
glass on all four sides and then connected to the metal frame. The frame members are
connected to each other, and then to an effective ground. The result is a facility that is
isolated from external electro-magnetic signals and occupants are capable of
communicating without interception from the outside.

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About Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal

Pulp and Board Mills ltd.

A business strategy is incomplete if its constituents such as, finance, materials,
equipment and manpower are not planned, organized and executed in their right
perspective. As regards resources other than manpower, it can be appreciated that they
are inanimate objects devoid of mind and emotions. Whenever business strategies are
worked out, the trend thus far, has been to have everything else planned, but the
manpower, and even if the manpower is planned, no expert advice or involvement of
HR is sought in this function.

By positioning HR as a strategic partner, two objectives are fulfilled:

 Importance of HR is emphasized at every step because all planning,
organizing, directing and controlling has to be effected only through human
 These resources not being inanimate and emotional subjects are liable to
raise difficult questions, if not involved at every step and not held as partners to
a business strategy.

HR also assisted the organization by actually sourcing such a person and putting him on
board i.e. placing him. Once this person came on board then, HR as a strategic business
partner consolidated the requirement of manpower stipulated to assist this function of
material sourcing as follows:
a) Worked out the job description and skill sets,
b) Induction Training for persons selected,
c) Training required in terms of functional skills for this lot of manpower,
d) Behavioral training required for all,
e) Conducting appraisals periodically to assess and ensure optimum performance.

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The investors, customers and the employees are the three very important and dynamic
partners of any organization and play a very important role in the sustenance and
growth of an organization. HR as a strategic partner should not be committed to
employee needs alone but should be able to create an environment, which struck a
balance between investors, customers and employees.

Every customer has a specific need. The person interacting with the customer should
be able to understand the customer and his requirements Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills
Ltd should recruit and train its people such that they would effectively deal with the
customers. Thus, HR in Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd should be able to draw a
linkage between being “employer of choice” and “employees would choose”.

For achieving the right balance between investors, customers and employees, HR in
Duratuf Glass industries Ltd should be evaluated on the following fronts:
 Economic value added by the employee or the financial number expected from
the executive.
 Quality of service provided to the customers (both internal and external)
 Meeting the expectations of the fellow employee (supervisor, subordinate and

Manpower planning is essentially the projection of future manpower requirements
(manpower forecasting) and sourcing or developing manpower for the implementation
of these projections. Manpower planning shall begin with setting of long-range
objective and plans of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd.

Following factors shall be considered while setting goals & plans for Multiwal Pulp and
Board Mills Ltd and also for the sub-units:

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 management philosophy
 business forecast
 expansion and growth plans
 design & structural changes
 government policies
 competition
 customer requirement

Three ranges (short range (0-2 years), intermediate range (2-5 years), long range (> 5
years)) are prescribed to help in forecasting manpower requirement.

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DIRECTIONS: Use an arrow ( ) to indicate the general direction you expect & predict
for each of the ranges given below. This exercise needs to be done at the beginning of
the financial year.

0-2yrs 2-5yrs >5yrs FACTORS


Mergers & Acquisitions

Technical changes

Labour saving equipment

Size of organization & systems

Product lines

Safety requirement

Services offered

Employee turnover


Contractual restrictions

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Promotions of internal employees

Quitting by internal employees

Deaths of internal employees

Number of positions available in the organization

Number of job vacancies in local areas

Number of potential local employees available

Number of potential employees entering from


Number of persons leaving local population

Having planned, the next step would be to arrive at definite figures. Job analysis needs
to be done to arrive at the quantitative and qualitative requirements of any job.

For arriving at the figure, the following steps are involved –

 Job Description
 Time & Motion Study

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Recruitment is the discovery of potential applicants for actual or anticipated
organizational vacancies. It discovers the sources of manpower to meet the
requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ the effective measures for
attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an
efficient work force.

The following factors shall affect recruitment:

 Size of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd: As the size of Multiwal
Pulp and Board Mills Ltd increases, both in turnover and the number of
employees, the quality of manpower required by Multiwal Pulp and Board
Mills Ltd would also differ. Also the quality of manpower Multiwal Pulp and
Board Mills Ltd can afford would vary.

 Employment conditions in the hinterland/ community where

Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd or any of its unit is located:
Employment opportunities available to people living in the geographical area
where Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd units are located would affect the
recruitment policy of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd. If there are ample
employment opportunities in the region, plenty of skilled manpower would
normally be available but it would be expensive because organizations
competing with each other to get the best quality. In case the opportunities are
not available cheap unskilled labor would be the only manpower available.

 Working conditions and salary and benefit packages offered by

Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd: If Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd is
known as a good employer it would very easily attract efficient manpower.

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 Rate of growth of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd: As Multiwal

Pulp and Board Mills Ltd’s pace of growth and diversification increases, it
would require more number of manpower at a faster rate. Which, if the region is
not able to provide for, Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd would have to look
at other regions for fulfillment of its requirement.

 Level of operations and future expansion and production

programmes: While recruiting a person, Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd
shall also keep in mind future plans of Multiwal Ltd and whether future goals of
the individual are in line with the goals of Duratuf Glass industries Ltd.

 Cultural, economic and legal factors: When recruiting people,

Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd shall keep in mind the cultural & economic
background of the individual and also take into consideration if the person has
any legal case against him.
 Effect of past recruiting efforts of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills
ltd which indicates its ability to locate and retain good performing people:
Which elucidates history as good employer providing good salary and career

The following is the recruitment process to be followed by Duratuf Glass industries Ltd:
Diagnostic Model

External Environmental Internal Environmental

Influences Influences
 Govt. Regulations & Laws  Strategy
 The Union  Goals
 Economic  Organizational Culture
Conditions :domestic &  Nature Of the task
International  Work group
 Composition Of labor force  Leader’s style & experience
 Location of the Organization

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Acquiring Human Rewarding Human Developing Protecting and

Resources Resources Human Resources Evaluating
 HR planning  Performance  Orientation &  Safety, health
Evaluation Training & wellness
 Job Analysis
& design  Compensation  Development  Evaluation

 Recruitment &  Benefits &  Career

Selection Services Planning


Socially responsible & Competitive, high quality Competitive, high

Ethical practices Products Quality services

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Sources of recruitment for various levels shall be:


 Existing data bank
 References
 Advertisements
 Placement Consultants
 Head Hunting


 Existing data bank
 Advertisements
 Campus recruitment
 Placement Consultants
 Head Hunting
 References

 Existing data bank
 Internal sources
 Advertisements
 Casual / Temporary Pools
 References
 Display on the notice board/ main gate.

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Procedure to be adopted while recruiting through:

 The job profile and the job specification for the vacant job shall be decided by
the HR Department in co-ordination with the Functional Head
 The HR Department shall decide the media through which the advertisement
shall be released considering the budget allocated for the purpose.
 Keeping in mind that the corporate image of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd
is not deterred, the content of the advertisement shall be finalized by the HR

 The final draft and the advertisement size shall be finalized by HR in co-
ordination with an Advertising agency.
 The next step shall be to issue the work order to the Advertising Agency.
 After the advertisement is published, payments shall be released to the
Advertising agency

 The HR Department shall make a list of the consultants confirming there terms
and conditions for the placement of candidate.
 Depending on the requirement, HR shall contact the consultants specifying the
post, number of vacancies, qualification, experience, job content and salary.
 The HR department shall shortlist the resumes of the candidates sent by the
consultant in consultation with the Functional Head.
 HR Department shall use its discretion to assess the suitability and competency
of Placement Consultant to decide as to which level the involvement of
Placement Consultant shall be.


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Additional qualification but not must

Knowledge of computers

Specific Exposure/ Competence

Industry Specific

Job Profile

Salary Range

 The HR department shall make a list of the Educational Institutes where they
would like to visit for campus recruitment.
 HR department shall contact the Placement coordinator of these institutes and
send the company profile of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd to them for
reference of students.
 The number of vacancies, job qualification, job specification and salary for the
job shall be communicated to the placement co-coordinator in writing.
 Before the start of selection process, HR Department shall give a presentation of
the company to the assembled students.

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Following format shall be filled and sent to the Placement Coordinators of selected


Stream of Specialization

No. Of Vacancies

Job Specification

Place of Posting


Any other Criteria

The selection procedure shall determine whether an applicant meets the qualification
for a specific job and to choose the applicant who is most likely to perform well in that
job. Identifying the selection criteria shall be the joint responsibility of the HR
department and the HOD’s of the concerned department.
Selection criteria for Top Management in the Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd:
 Personality
 Extraversion (sociable, talkative, assertive)
 Agreeableness (co-operative, trusting)
 Conscientiousness (responsible, dependable, achievement - oriented,

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 Emotional stability (calm, enthusiastic, secure vs. tense, nervous,

 Appearance
 Flexibility

 Technical competence

 Managerial skills
 Planning
 Organizing
 Man management
 Decision-making
 Communication
 Problem-solving

 Awareness of other support and line functions

 Support
 Line

 Experience
 Duration
 Relevance

 Family background
 Place of origin
 Age

Selection criteria for Middle / junior level management in Multiwal Pulp and Board
Mills Ltd:
 Personality
 Extraversion (sociable, talkative, assertive)

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 Agreeableness (co-operative, trusting)

 Conscientiousness (responsible, dependable achievement oriented,
 Emotional stability (calm, enthusiastic, secure vs. tense, nervous,
 Appearance
 Flexibility

 Technical competence

 Managerial skills
 Planning
 Organizing
 Man management
 Decision-making
 Communication
 Problem-solving

 Team spirit

 Sense of purpose and direction (ambition & goal clarity)

 Experience
 Duration
 Relevance

 Family background

 Place of origin

 Age

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Selection criteria for Operatives/Staff in Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd:
 Skills

 Physical health

 Family background

 Experience
 Duration
 Relevance

 Attitude

Selection procedure for Top Management:

1. Short-listing the resume according to selection criteria
2. Calling the candidate for the interview
3. Application Blank
4. Preliminary Interview
5. Final Interview
6. Antecedent Verification

The application blank, duly filled, shall serve as a device for circulating information
about the applicant to the management of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd.

The second step shall require the applicant to undergo the preliminary round of
interview. The panel for preliminary interview shall be constituted by:
 Corporate Head (Function)
 Corporate Head (HR)
 Corporate Head (Finance)

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Second panel of interview shall be constituted by the

 Director-Technical
 Corporate Head (HR)
 Corporate Head (Functional)

Format for the checklist for the second panel of interview would be the same as given
earlier. If the combined rating of the candidate is A or B, then a meeting of the
candidate with the Managing Director of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mils Ltd shall be

Only telephonic reference checks to be made very discreetly before MD’s meeting with
the employee.

The Managing Director of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd shall meet the candidate
for giving his final consent. If the Managing Director accords his sanction, the last step
of the selection procedure shall come into operation.

The HR department from the last employer of the candidate shall then conduct a
reference-check/antecedent verification.

Assuming that the reference check is positive, HR department shall issue the Letter of
Indent (LOI).

Selection procedure for Middle / Junior level staff:

1. Short-listing the resume according to selection criteria
2. Calling the candidate for the interview
3. Application Blank
4. Written test (only at the entry level)
5. Group discussion (only at the entry level)
6. Preliminary Interview

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7. Final Interview
8. Reference Check

1. The application blank, duly filled, shall serve as a device for circulating information
about the applicant to the management of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd.

2. The written test shall be based on the following:

 Logic and reasoning
 Numerical ability
 Verbal ability
 Subject knowledge

3. Group discussions shall be conducted to judge the candidate’s analytical bent of

mind and general awareness. It shall also help to eliminate large number of candidates
and select the person with desired set of skills.
The criteria for selection In-Group Discussions shall be:
 Confidence
 Subject matter
 Communication
 Initiative

4. Next step of selection procedure shall be the preliminary interview of the applicant.
The interview panel would be constituted by:
 Functional Head
 Head (HR)
 Engineering Head (if the position is technical)
If the combined rating of all the panel members is A or B, the candidate is called for a
final round of interview.

5. Second panel of interview shall be constituted by the

 Whole Time Director

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 Corporate Head (HR)

 Corporate Head (functional)
In case Corporate Head is not available, the HOD shall substitute him. Format for the
checklist for the final round of interview would be the same as given earlier.

6. Telephonic reference checks to be made discreetly.

7. If the combined rating of the candidate is A or B, then the meeting of the candidate
with the Managing Director of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd shall be organized
and his concurrence shall be obtained for appointment.

8. The HR department, from the last employer of the candidate shall then conduct a

9. Assuming that the reference check is positive, HR Department shall issue the Letter
of Intent.

Selection procedure for Operatives / Staff:

1. Short-listing the resume according to selection criteria
2. Calling the candidate for the interview
3. Application Blank
4. Written test
5. Interview
6. Physical examination

1. The application blank, duly filled, shall serve as a device for circulating information
about the applicant to the management of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd. This
form shall be in Hindi/English for Operatives/Staff.

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2. The written test shall be based on the following:

 Logic and reasoning
 Attitudinal factors
 Subject knowledge
(However this shall not be mandatory for the unskilled category)

3. If the candidate qualifies the test, a skill test shall be conducted.

4. The next qualifying round shall be the Interview of the candidate, the panel of which
shall be constituted by:
 Concerned Supervisor
 Functional Head
 HR Executive

5. The candidates shall be medically examined either by the company’s physician or by

a medical officer approved by the company for the purpose. This examination is to
that the persons can handle the job without injury or damage to their health.

6. The final approval shall be taken by the Plant Head to confirm the appointment of the

The pace of change today – due to globalization, customer demands, technological
innovations and information access – is tremendous. The necessary range of Multiwal
Pulp and Board Mills Ltd’s responses to change shall expand as the pace of change
outside Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd increases.

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Three general types of responses that are classified are:

 Initiative changes: These focus on implementing new programs, projects, or
 Process changes: These focus on the wages in which work gets alone.
 Cultural changes: These occur within a firm when the fundamental ways of
doing business are re-conceptualized.

HR as a change agent shall build a firm’s capacity to handle all three types of change. It
shall ensure that initiatives are defined, developed and delivered in a timely manner;
that processes are stopped, started, simplified; and that fundamental values within the
organization are debated and approximately adapted to changing business conditions.

Initiative & Process Changes

Following are the steps that would ensure success of attainment of change by Multiwal
Pulp and Board Mills Ltd–

The first step in successful attainment of change is – defining the change model.
Annexure A

Once the model has been defined HR shall find out in which of these key factors is
Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd lacking through “PROFILE TOOL” (Annexure D)
shown below and through corresponding questions for completion of the “PROFILE

Through “PROFILE TOOL” HR shall be able to identify the areas, which need
improvement for successfully accomplishing change. Once the areas have been
identified, HR shall guide the group (changed with making a change) into choosing

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small actions. This can be achieved through brainstorming sessions and discussions on
each of
the factors.

Taking decisions on each of the 7 factors of the change is not a onetime affair. It is an
interactive process. The decision on each factor would change as the organization
proceeds with the transformation.

Example: In the initial stage of the change process, it is important to identify the
champion/ leader who is going to lead the team through change. Once the process of
transformation has begun, it becomes very important that every team member owes the
leadership responsibility.
Thus, HR shall help the team in deciding the objective of each factor at different phases
of change.


Cultural change is also known as “deep change” since it is a change in which deeply
held values, beliefs and assumptions are challenged and modified.
HR in Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd shall play a critical role in accomplishment
of culture change. It shall first define and clarify the concept of culture change and then
articulate why the cultural change is central to business success. This shall be done
through brainstorming Sessions, behavioral training, both customized and

Once this is done, HR shall define a process for assessing the current culture, the
desired future culture and the gap between the two. The extent to which the mindset can
be shared in Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd and the gap analysis done, can be
audited in the following 4 steps-

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 Ask a group of employees to answer this question

What are the top 3 things Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd wants to be
known by, to its customers?
 After collecting the answers from employees, cluster the similar responses.
 Ask familiar question to customers: What would you like your supplier of
choice to be known for?
 Compare the answer of those inside and outside the firm once a mindset is
audited and gaps are identified, the mindset can be changed. There can be 3
approaches to it-
 Top-down: i.e. change initiatives are sponsored by senior executives and their
cascade throughout the organization
 Side-to-side: Process re-engineering. Here Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd
shall examine how work is done, and then systematically improve the process
for doing work by streamlining operations, leveraging automation and reducing

 Bottom-up-empowerment: Empowerment approach to culture change is built on

principle “ no blaming, no complaining” which means that an employee who
identifies a problem can not blame someone else or simply complain about it
but must move to fix it.

Data Analysis & Interpretation

Questionnaire Analysis
1. Does development helps in improving the performance?

Options Frequency

Yes 12

No 3

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It was observed that 12 employees said that development helps in improving the
performance whereas 3 employees said development does not help in improving the

2. Does development helps in increasing the competition in the market?

Options Frequency

Yes 14

No 1

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It was observed that most of the employees said that development helps in increasing
the competition in the market only 1 employee said no.

3. Does Job Rotation helps in decision making?

Options Frequency

Yes 11

No 4

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Out of 15 employees 11 employees said that job rotation helps in decision making.

4. Does case study helps in the development of employees?

Options Frequency

Yes 9

No 6

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Out of 15 employees 9 employees said that case study helps in the development of
employees whereas 6 employees said that case study does not help in the development
of employees.

5. Does management games helps in the development of employees?

Options Frequency

Yes 12

No 3

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12 employees said that management games helps in the development of employees and
3 employees said that management games does not help in the development of

6. Do you think that training is required at all levels?

Options Frequency

Yes 13

No 2

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Out of 15 employees 13 think that training are required at all levels.

7. Does training helps in the working quality of employees?

Options Frequency

Yes 15

No 0

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All employees said that training helps in the working quality of employees

8. Does training helps in improving the morale of the employees?

Options Frequency

Yes 14

No 1

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14 employees said that training helps in improving the morale of the employees
whereas only 1 said that training does not help in improving the morale of the

9. Does training reduce the chances of occurrence of accidents?

Options Frequency

Yes 15

No 0

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Out of 15, all employees said that training reduce the chances of occurrence of

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SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is done for a company, to find out its overall Strengths, Weaknesses,
Threats and Opportunities leading to gauging the competitive potential of the company.
The SWOT Analysis enables a company to recognize its market standing and adopt
strategies accordingly. Here SWOT analysis of Multiwal Pulp and Baord Mills Ltd.
Company is made to understand the positioning of the company in the market.
I. Strengths
 Innovation.
 Strong brand quality.
 Products at nominal prices
 Different skill have been specified very precisely showing the different
 Wide Distribution Network

II. Weaknesses
 Material handling tools are not latest.

 The existing hierarchical management structure of this company is very

complex to understand.

 Lag behind in terms of moderanisation of its processes, infrastructure,

centralization, etc.
 Level specification for different skills is not made clear , necessary to
maintain the system accuracy.

III. Opportunities
 Increasing trade and business relations and a large number of expatriate
populations offers a great opportunity to expand on foreign soil.
 Collaboration with the outside business world.
 High brand recalls in almost in whole world.

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 Quicker response to customer need.

IV. Threats
 Competitors with strong brand equity.

 Threats from the outside intruders in Indian manufacturing industry.

 Consumer expectations have increased

Limitations of the Study

There are some problems occur due to the completion of the project which are as
 Contacting the employees was a difficult job.
 There is always a fear of biasness exist there.
 The data available on internet is not the current one.

 Less data was collected because the data was confidential.

 It was an in-house activity so there was also some need of the outside
organization survey.
 All primary information that is collect might not be real due to lack of
correct information & likewise lack of time.

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The responses received from employees were analyzed properly and it is concluded that
the direct method of H.R Practices is to meet suitable requirements and gives the best
results. Satisfaction level of employees is high about the present practice of H.R
Practices of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd and they want continuance of the same
practice in future. It has been expressed that eligibility criteria are very rigid, but for
such dispute-prone activity of H.R Department, rigidity of norms is necessary.
The employees are of the view for good and healthy sign of Multiwal Pulp and Board
Mills Ltd can survive the future challenges by hiring of the multi skilled and career
expected personnel through Stress Level and Psychometrics Test. But, they are of the
opinion that it will be better if all the process of recruitment & selection, i.e., written
test, trade test, & interview can be done on the same day.

Therefore, based on the response received from the employees, we reach to the
conclusions that the H.R practices of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd. are quite
satisfactory and effective in identifying & inducting quality workforce, yet the
following suggestions, if implemented, can make the H.R process more effective at
Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Pvt Ltd.

One Thing I would like to add here is that as a summer trainee I was directly
involved in the training programmes conducted by the company time to time as
the integral part of their HR practices.

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Suggestions & Recommendations

 Implementation of the Presidential Directives is one of the bottlenecks in inducting

quality workforce.

 Psychometric Test, Stress Level Test should be introduced.

 There should be proper and regular Schedule for Trainings right from L1 to L16.

 Internal selection of employees for higher post should be encouraged.

 Campus interviews should be introduced in order to get best candidates at minimum

cost & time.

 There should be proper Checklist or say a sort of daily checklist for house keeping

 Multi-skilled personnel should be recruited.

 Interaction with lower level employees should be on regular basis.

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 Robins, D (1998): HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Prentice Hall,

New York.

 John M Ivancevich: HUMAN RESIRCE MANGEMENT, Irvin Chicago,


 Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills Ltd H R Manual

 Jose P Abraham, 1998, "To Grapple With Attrition”, Human Capital

 J.M.Rao, 1998, "Scouting for Talent “, Human Capital

 Raymond A.Noe, John R. Hollenbeck, Bary Gerhart, Patrick M Wright:


 Wendell L.French, 1994: HUMAN RESORCE MANAGEMENT

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.



 Does development helps in improving the performance?



 Does development helps in increasing the competition in the market?



 Does Job Rotation helps in decision making?



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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.

 Does case study helps in the development of employees?



 Does management games helps in the development of employees?



 Do you think that training is required at all levels?



 Does training helps in the working quality of employees?

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Analysis of Recruitment & Selection Process of Multiwal Pulp and Board Mills (P) ltd.



 Does training helps in improving the morale of the employees?



 Does training reduces the chances of occurrence of accidents?



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