School: Annual Confidential Report

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______________ School

Annual Confidential Report

(Strictly Confidential)
 Please relate to actual event and work during the period of assessment
and not any earlier period.

 Assessee should complete the Appraisal Form (Part II) within three days
of receipt of the same and return it to his / her appraising authority.

(To be filled in by the Principal’s Secretariat)
Review Period from: ______________ to _____________
Name of the Employee: ____________________ Personal File No: ____
Date of Birth: _____________________ Date of Joining: __________________
Date of Probation: __________________ Present Salary: ___________________
Educational Qualifications: ________________________
Leave Record: (Leaves taken during the session ______________)

Casual Medical E.L. E.O.L. L.W.P. Total Remarks

Leave Leave Absence

No. of Half Day Leaves taken during the Session: _______

No. of Late arrivals during the session: ________
Self Appraisal for ACR
(To be filled in by the teacher)
Session: ____________
Name: _______________________________ Designation: _______________
D.O.B: __________________ Date of Joining: _________________
Attendance for the Period: _______________ Total working days present: _________
Your Hobbies& Interest: ______________ Total Teaching Experience: __________
Total Teaching Experience in GIS Sonipat: ___________
Knowledge of Computer / ICT: __________
Address for Communication: ______________________________
Tel. No. with STD code: (…………) ………………………………Cell No(s): ____________

Academic Achievements:

S.No Class Total No. of

/ Sec. No. of Students Pass Detained Distinction I II
Students Passed % (%) (%) (60%) (50%)
Periods / Class Taken:
Subject Class No. of Periods Total No. of
Taught / Sec. in a Week Periods in a

Special responsibilities held by you at _____________________ School.


Extra responsibilities that you can do with some new / creative ideas:
Participation in School life:
(School function / Events/ Games & Sports, Cultural Activities, Literary Activities, Field Trips / Excursions /
Camps, Interschool Competitions etc.)

Innovations and experiments conducted related to teaching methods

or techniques. (Teaching aids used / prepared)

Special Projects Undertaken:

Seminars/ Workshops/Exhibition / Academic Fair/Event organised:
Association with Public Examinations:
Remedial teaching programme conducted / organised:
Initiative taken for encouraging love for reading in your students:
Any significant additional achievement apart from those mentioned earlier:
Any area of school activity that you would like to be involved in future:
Name two books recently read (related to your subject):
Name two books recently read (Not related to your subject):
Seminars / Workshops recently attended:
State briefly the shortfalls with reference to your targets / objectives related to
your assigned duties and specify constraints (if any) in achieving the targets:
Rate your performance in the year and grey areas in which you would require
more inputs for professional development:
Foreign Assignments, if any:

Efforts made to enhance Academic Level:

In spite of the best efforts done within time by you, what amount of portions
remained uncovered?
Give the class and subject-wise details of extra classes conducted to
complete the syllabus:
Being a teacher, what efforts have you taken to inculcate / develop moral
values in your students?
What actions have you taken for the following and what was the result?
Cleanliness of students: ____________________________________________________________
Late arrival of students: ____________________________________________________________
Improper uniform of students: _______________________________________________________
Cleanliness of class rooms: _________________________________________________________
Cleanliness of school campus: _______________________________________________________
In spite of best efforts, Amount of home work / No. assignments that could
not be checked due to school related / personal reasons:
How can you help the students who are not able to take full benefit of
normal teaching?
Point out the effective methods adopted during the session to raise / uplift
the level of examination result?
To what extent (level) are you satisfied with your teaching progress. (Fully
satisfied / highly satisfied / normally satisfied / not satisfied):
How many times were you late in the school during this session?
How many times you failed to attend morning assembly?

About your work at _________________ School

I am satisfied because:
Not satisfied because:
Suggestions for the betterment of academics.
Result Analysis
Class /Sec. Subject:

S.No Particulars No. %

1 No. of Students Appeared
2 No. of Students Passed
3 No. of Students Failed
4 No. of Students Placed in 1st Division
5 No. of Students Placed in 2nd Division
6 No. of students who scored 90% and above
7 No. of students who scored 80% and above
8 No. of students who scored 75% and above
9 No. of students who scored between 60% and 75%
10 No. of students who scored between 50% and 60%
12 No. of students who scored between 40% and 50%
13 Total No. of Distinctions


S.No Name Total Marks %age of



I, the ________________________________________________________(Class & Subject)

teacher hereby declare / certify that the particulars / information provided / furnished
above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have not concealed any
information which is likely to impair my fitness for increment / employment. If it is
revealed later that I have given false / incorrect details or concealed material
information, my service shall be liable to summary termination without any notice or

(Signature & Name of the teacher)

Date: ………………………
Part III
Evaluation by the Initiating Authority
(To be filled in by the Principal)

Key: 6- Outstanding 5- Well-above average 4- Above average

3- Average 2- Below average 1- Unsatisfactory
Professional Competence as a Teacher:

6 5 4 3 2 1
a Power of expression / communication skills
b Knowledge of subject
c Involvement in lesson planning
d Keeping up with educational developments
e Efforts put in for making quality assignments / question papers
f Proper correction work and follow up
g Class control / management
h Competence to care for / handle / counsel students

Attitude an Enthusiasm:
6 5 4 3 2 1
a Interest in school works
b Capacity for sustained hard work
c Commitment to quality of work

Dependability & Sense of Responsibility:

6 5 4 3 2 1
a Willingness to own and assume responsibility
b Extent to which he /she can be depended upon to discharge
his /her duties without prodding
c Punctuality in work schedule
d Punctuality in reaching school

Integrity & Loyalty:

6 5 4 3 2 1
a Professional integrity
b Financial integrity
c Personal involvement with the institution

Initiative and Resourcefulness:

6 5 4 3 2 1
a Capacity for creative thinking
b Willingness to try new ideas
c Ability to solve problems

Interpersonal Skills:
6 5 4 3 2 1
a Ability to get along with the people in general
(tact, sociability, patience, perseverance etc.)
b Persuasive ability
c Amenability to discipline
d Ability to relate positively to every pupil irrespective of
pupils’ achievements
e Ability to help students gain confidence
f Interaction with parents
g Appropriate appearance and manner

6 5 4 3 2 1
a Ability to inspire confidence in colleagues / juniors / students
b Team spirits initiative and willingness to share workload.

Any knowledge of personal problems which may affect the performance of the teacher:

Areas in which he /she needs inputs for further growth / better performance:

Frequent complaints, if any, of parent’s / students’ / colleagues’ that merit recording in

the A.C.R.

Any warning letter / memos issued: Yes / No


Sparks of superlative performance in any area. (specific instances, examples to be given)


Suggestions made to the individual employee for improvement:


Remarks of Headmistress
Date: …………………. Signature: …………………….
Remarks by the Final Authority (Principal)

Date: ……………… Signature: ……………….

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