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Personal information

Firsts names : Johan Esteban

Surname : Rojo Ramirez
Place of birth : Medellin, Colombia
Date of birth_ August 11th 1995
Address : Cra 51B N. 96-15 San Isidro
Telephone : (+57) 3022051812
E-mail : [email protected]

I am a technician in computer systems. I have experience in the area of document management. I want to
be part of a productive and successful team, I learn new ideas and concepts quickly and I like to develop
creative and innovative solutions.
I present a dynamic, enthusiastic, creative, careful and positive attitude toward work. I like to take
responsibility for the mistakes I made. I show an excellent disposition for group or individual work and I
establish excellent interpersonal relationships.


Currently studying Financial Management

Medellin - Colombia Instituto Tecnologico Metropolitano (ITM)
Undergraduate student (6th semester)

2016 Technician in computer systems.

Medellin - Colombia Compuestudio

2013 High school degree

Medellin-Colombia Institucion Educativa Pablo Neruda

Languages: English : A1 English level

Spanish : Native speaker

Computer skills : Word, Excel, Mercurio, Kodak, Scandallpro, Macros, Operative sytems (Linux,
Windows, Mac os). I have experience in video editors as Sony Vegas and Camtasia Studio.


August 2017 – Actually SP Ingenieros SAS, Civil Ingeneering

Medellin, Colombia Job occupied: Auxiliar in computer systems.

Tasks realized: Realization and maintenance of equipment: computers and printers,

installation of various programs: office, project, Autocad, Softland, antivirus and
operating systems. Effectively support all those activities related to the
communications area of the company.

August 2016 – February 2017 Domesa de Colombia S.A, Sector Logistics y services
Medellin, Colombia Job occupied: Operative Auxiliary.

Tasks realized: Internal and external customer service, reception of internal and
external documents of Bancolombia's documentary logistics. Also I executed
activities focused on the bank's value documentation.

Camping : I like to camp with my family, I enjoy walking and resting with them.

Team Sports : I like teamwork. I practice soccer and volleyball, I think teamwork facilitates the
achievement of objectives.

Lenguges : I have a hobby of trying to learn lenguages in my spare time.

Social Activities : I like hanging out my friends, relaxing with my family and going shopping


 Rodolfo Riaño Nieto

Operations Leader- Bancolombia
Phone : (+57) 3108642086
E-Mail : [email protected]

 Jorge lopez Benavides

Computer Engineer- SP Ingenieros
Phone : (+57) 3213600560
E-Mail : [email protected]

 Catalina gonzalez Acevedo

Accountant- SP Ingenieros
Phone : (+57) 3022658014
E-Mail : [email protected]
Question for a CV

1. Why did choose this company ?

Your company's reputation is stellar, It has always been my dream to work in a financial institution, I

had the experience of working for a subcontractor of yours. From that moment I identify with yours

corporate values. I also like the support you provide for your employees. I love your continuing

education initiatives, where you pay for employees to educate themselves in new techniques and skill


2. What are your strengths/ Weaknesses?

My greatest strength is a combination of discipline and persistence. I`m able to persevere through

challenges and setbacks without falling into frustation or anger.

Well, I can work with customers, I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to

resolve potentially difficult situations, I am good with computers and I am really good at working

with others.


I consider myself a shy person, it costs me a little more time to relate to people. In my previous job, I

was the group leader, I was also part of the company's social events committee, which helped me

improve this aspect. Another weakness of mine is public speaking. It's something that I've spent a

lot of time working.

3. How would your friends describe you?

4. What is your greatest achievement?

5. How well do you work in a team?

6. Where will you be in 5 years?

- In five years, I would like to be here, I would like to occupy a position of manager, where I can

contribute my knowledge for the welfare of the organization and its collaborators.

- Also I hope to graduate from a master's degree in international business, I'd like to be seen as

someone with deep expertise in this sector.

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