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Mark Scheme (Results)

May 2016

NQF BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Firsts in

Animal Care

Unit 1: Animal Health (21883G)

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Summer 2016
Publications Code 21883G_MS*
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Question Answer Mark
1 B – Diarrhoea 1

Question Answer Mark

2 A – Rapid breathing 1

Question Answer Mark

3 B – Hunched posture 2
C – Limping on one leg

Question Answer Mark

4 B – They have a protein coat 2
D – They need a host to survive

Question Answer Mark

5 A – Circular lesions 1

Question Answer Mark

6 Award one mark for any of the following, up to 2
two marks:

 Exercise
 Pain
 Seizures
 Infection (bacterial)
 Infection (viral)
 up to two marks for two named diseases
 Heat stroke
 External cause (such as hot day/ increased
bedding or shelter)

Question Answer Mark

7 Award one mark for any of the following: 1

 Aggressive animal
 Pregnant
 Just given birth
 New born
 Contagious/Zoonotic disease
 Venomous/Poisonous
 To minimise stress to the animal
 To check

Accept any other relevant answer.

Question Answer Mark
8a Award one mark for the correct definition. 1

A disease that can be passed from animals to

humans. (1)

Accept words to that effect.

Question Answer Mark

8b One mark from: 1

 Salmonella
 Ringworm
 Tetanus
 Orf
 Leptospirosis
 Lyme disease
 Roundworm

Accept any other suitable zoonosis to include

disease or parasites but not ecto parasites.

Question Answer Mark

9 Award one mark for any of the following up to 2
two marks:

 Airborne (1)
 Blood (1)
 Saliva (1)
 Vomit (1)
 Faeces (1)
 Mucus (1)
 Sneeze droplets (1)
 Contact with inanimate object (1)
 Bedding (1)
 Food bowls/Drinking bottles (1)
 Accommodation (1)
 Fencing (1)
 Clothing (1)

Accept any other suitable indirect contact


Question Answer Mark

10a Award one mark for any of the following: 1
 Bearded dragons cannot control their own
body temperature (1)
 Bearded dragons are ectothermic (1)
 Cold blooded

Do not accept exothermic/endothermic as

alternatives for ectothermic.

Question Answer Mark

10b Award one mark for any of the following: 1

 Turn down/Switch off heat source (1)

 Increase ventilation (1)
 Provide water bath (1)
 Move to cooler enclosure/environment (1)

Accept any other answer that allows for the reptile

to be cooled down.

Question Answer Mark

11 Award one mark for stating the reason and one 2
mark for stating the explanation:

The thumb should not be used.

There is a pulse in the thumb (1) which may give
incorrect reading (1) or which may be measured
rather than goat's pulse. (1)

Question Answer Mark

12 Award one mark for any of the following linked 2
responses up to two marks:

 The animal may develop bacterial infection

/ secondary infection / a specific example
(such as pneumonia) (1). Antibiotics would
be used to treat the secondary problem (1)

 Myxomatosis results in a weakened

immune system (1). Antibiotics are used
to aid the immune system / prevent
secondary infections (1)

Accept words to that effect.

Question Answer Mark

13 Award one mark for beats per minute. 1

Question Answer Mark

14 Accept any two from the following answers 2
(maximum two marks):

 Fluids (1)
 Electrolytes (1)
 Antibiotics (1)
 Anti-diarrhoeal drugs (1)

Accept any other suitable answer.

Question Answer Mark

15 Accept any one from the list: 1

 Stress (1)
 Pain (1)
 Early shock (1)
 Exercise/Increased activity (1)
 Excitement (1)
 Fear (1)
 bleeding

Question Answer Mark

16 Award one mark for each of the following for a 2
maximum of two marks:

 Examining the faeces of an animal (1)

 For the eggs of internal
parasites/roundworm/tapeworm (1)

Accept words to that effect.

Question Answer Mark

17 Accept a maximum of two marks for correct 4
features and one mark for each correct reason.

 Have a biting mouth (1) to pierce through

skin and reach blood. (1)
 Hook like mouth (1) to stay attached. (1)
 Have a tough, protective coating (1) to
prevent being injured when they drop off.
 They can extend their abdomen (1) to
contain large amounts of blood. (1)
 Specialised Legs (1) to attach onto the
host. (1)
 Secrete painkiller (1) to prevent them
being noticed and scratched off. (1)

Accept any relevant wording phrasing as long as

they are linked correctly.

Question Answer Mark

18a Award one mark for each response for a 4
maximum of two marks for each transmission

Pregnant dog comes into contact with
contaminated/infected faeces (1), worms are
ingested. (1)

Larvae migrate from digestive system (1)
through placenta (into pup). (1)

Parasites in milk (1) are ingested by puppies (1)

Accept any relevant wording/phrasing as long as

they are linked correctly.

Question Answer Mark

18b Award one mark for each instruction and one 4
mark for each explanation for a maximum of four

 Separate hair (1) to give direct access to

the skin. (1)
 Apply directly onto skin (1) to allow
absorption through. (1)
 Apply between shoulders/back of neck (1)
as it can’t be licked off. (1)
 Apply whole content (1) to ensure correct
dosage (1)

Do not accept responses relating to health and


Accept any relevant wording/phrasing as long as

they are correctly linked.

Question Answer Mark

19 Award one mark for each action for a maximum of 4
two marks. Award one mark for each linked
reason for a maximum of two marks:

 Isolation/Quarantine (1) in order to prevent

other birds becoming ill. (1)
 Barrier nursing (1) to ensure the infection
is contained. (1)
 Culling (1) to make sure that any
undiagnosed animals are removed. (1)
 Euthanasia (1) to prevent the infected bird
coming into contact with other birds. (1)
 Increased hygiene/Personal protective
equipment (PPE) (1) to prevent indirect
infection. (1)
 Vaccinations (1) to prevent healthy birds
from becoming infected. (1)
 Appropriate waste disposal/incineration (1)
to prevent contamination. (1)
 Report to Defra/HSE/the government/local
authority (1) because it is a notifiable
 Close the farm park (1) to protect public
health. (1)
 Movement of animal restrictions (1) to
prevent further spread (1).
Question Indicative content Mark
20 Answers should be based on the fact that the dog 8
is underweight.

It has not had sufficient quality/quantity of food for

a prolonged period, which has resulted in it losing

It has a medical condition (such as worm

blockage/dental problems/overactive thyroid).

It has been neglected/recently rescued.

It is old.

It has a lack of appetite due to anorexia.

It has recently been lactating with insufficient


It has had prolonged diarrhoea.

It has a stress-related behavioural disorder.

Accept any other relevant answers.

Level Descriptor
0 No rewardable material.
0 marks
1 A few key points identified, or one point described in some detail.
1-3 marks The answer is likely to be in the form of a list. Points made will be
superficial/generic and not applied/directly linked to the situation
in the question.
2 Some points identified, or a few key points described. The
4-6 marks answer is unbalanced. Most points made will be relevant to the
situation in the question, but the link will not always be clear.
3 Range of points described, or a few key points explained in
7-8 marks depth.
The majority of points made will be relevant and there will be a
clear link to the situation in the question.
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