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a little or a few a little or a few

1. Could I have ……….sugar for my

tea, please?
2. If you want to make pancakes, 1. There will be………. rain this week.
you need ……. eggs and ……..flour. 2. ……………..friends are coming over
3. Have you got …………… minutes? I tonight.
need to talk to you. 3. I need ………………sleep.
4. When I am on holiday, I always 4. Could you buy………………… bottles of
write ………… lines home. water for me?
5. I have ………….headache. 5. My parents give me ………… pocket
6. Jane has invited …………… boys to money every week.
her party. 6. All we need is ………………..luck.
7. There is still …………….work to do. 7. I would like to eat ………………………..
8. They sang …………songs. biscuits now.
9. Would you like …………. more rice? 8. There is still ……………bread left.
9. My friend knows English poems.
10. There are ……………..birthdays to
celebrate this month.

a little or a few

little or few 1. He has ………….. plans.

2. She has got …………………. milk.
3. He drank …………….. whisky.
1. We had ……….. snow last winter. 4. Andrew has ……………… friends.
2. ………………people were interested in the 5. We saw ………………… people at the
exhibition. restaurant.
3. I speak…………………….. French. 6. I bought …………………….. newspapers.
4. There are ………………gentlemen nowadays. 7. There is ……………. petrol in his car.
5. She has ……………………….relatives. 8. There are ………….bottles on the table.
6. There is ………………water in the pond. 9. There are ……….hotels in this town.
7. The professor spends 10. I want to eat …………………. bread.
……………………………..time in company. 11. Have you got ………………………………
8. We have ………………….knowledge of this magazines at home?
subject. 12. Put …………………… cooking oil in the pan.
9. There are ………………… mushrooms in my 13. Sindy has only …………………. flowers.
mushroom soup. 14. There are quite ………………… buffaloes
10. ………………..animals can survive in the in the field.
desert. 15. There is only …………………… food in the
A little, a few, little, few

1. They live in a very small flat because they

have ………………………….money.
2. I really need to see him. I've got ……………
questions to ask him.
3. Could we have ……………champagne, please ?
4. 'Were you …………………surprised ?' ' .' 1. Can you please buy _______
5. They've already been to Spain for apples.
………………..times. 2. We need _______ water.
6. These plants require ……………………….water. 3. I have _______ money left.
7. At home, the kitchen was a pleasant place. 4. I take _______ sugar with
There were always ……………………… flowers in a my coffee.
vase. 5. We had _______ pints of
8. 'How's your father ?' ' ………..…… better, beer there.
thanks.’ 6. You have _______ time left.
9. 'Sandra is fluent in Italian, French and 7. There are _______ chairs in
Spanish.' 'It's quite rare, the room.
……………………..people can speak several foreign 8. He only spent _______
languages.' dollars there.
10. This boy isn't very popular at school. He's
got very ………………………….friends.

1. Could you give me ......... help?

2. I only need ......... minutes to get ready.
3. I'd like to drink ........... coffee.
4. This is a modern town. There are only ......... old buildings.
5. I have ......... money on my credit card.
6. We have ........... tomatoes, we can't cook tomato-soup.
7. He has ......... knowledge on this theme.
8. They have .......... furniture in the room.

1. Cactuses need .................. water.

2. Susan moved to Paris last week. She
has ........... friends there.
3. I have ............ information about George.
4. I can give you ....... advice.
5. She has ........ flowers in her garden.
6. I have ....... butter for breakfast.

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