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Name: ____________________________


Practical No.:

Syllabus Objective:

Aim: To determine the partition coefficient of dichloromethane between aqueous


Background Information
If a solute is soluble in two different solvents, it usually has different solubilities in each of them. If
the two solvents are immiscible and the solute is added to them, it will distribute itself between the two
solvents according to its respective solubilities. An equilibrium is then set up between the
solute particles in one solvent and the solute particles in another solvent. The ratio of
the concentrations of the solute in the two solvents is called partition coefficient or distribution

coefficient. This is calculated using the formula K= [organic]


In this experiment, the partition coefficient of dichloromethane between aqueous ammonia

is determined. This is done by firstly measuring the 40cm 3 of NH 3 (aq) and the add it to a
separating funnel. Then followed by 40cm 3 of dichloromethane. The separating funnel is then
inverted a few times. Then the layers formed will be collected in two separate conical flasks.



1. Measure 40.0 cm 3 of aqueous ammonia using a measuring cylinder.

2. Pour the solution into a clean and dry 100 cm3 separating funnel.

Aqueous Ammonia

Conical flask
3. Measure 40.0 cm3 of dichloromethane using a measuring cylinder. Pour it into the
separating funnel.
4. Place a stopper on the funnel and shake vigorously for 2 minutes. Open the tap
occasionally to release the pressure in the funnel.
5. Suspend the separating funnel on a retort stand. Leave it to stand for several minutes
until its contents separate into 2 clear and steady layers.

6. Then collect the two separate layers in two conical flasks.

7. Calculate the partition coefficient.



Calculate the partition coefficient for dichloromethane


__________________________________ Conclusion: _________________________

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