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Future Esports Rulebook

This Rulebook outlines the rules that should always be followed when participating in Future Esports
Rainbow Six: Siege Tournament (hereinafter referred to as “FESCO”). Failure to adhere to these
rules may be penalized as outlined.

It should be remembered that it is always the Tournament administration that has the last word, and
that decisions that are not specifically supported, or detailed in this Rulebook, or even goes against
this Rulebook may be taken in extreme cases, to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.

We hope that you as a participant, spectator, or press will have an enjoyable competition to partake
in and we will do our utmost to make it a fair, fun, and exciting competition for everyone involved.
1. Tournament officials........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Rule Changes ................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Code of Conduct .............................................................................................................................. 1
4. Additional Agreements .................................................................................................................... 1
5. Match Broadcasting......................................................................................................................... 2
6. Rights to Final Explanation .............................................................................................................. 2
7. Game Accounts................................................................................................................................ 2
Teams and Players ....................................................................................................................................... 2
8. Team Names .................................................................................................................................... 2
9. Changes on the Team Accounts ...................................................................................................... 2
Matches ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
10. Match Times & Scheduling .......................................................................................................... 3
11. Punctuality ................................................................................................................................... 3
12. Delaying the Match ..................................................................................................................... 3
13. Protests ........................................................................................................................................ 3
14. Best of One .................................................................................................................................. 4
15. Best of Three ............................................................................................................................... 4
16. Operator Bans.............................................................................................................................. 4
17. Map Pool...................................................................................................................................... 4
18. Game hosting............................................................................................................................... 4
19. Connection Loss........................................................................................................................... 4
20. Game Settings.............................................................................................................................. 5
21. Match Settings ............................................................................................................................. 5
22. Game Mode: TDM BOMB ............................................................................................................ 5
23. Operators..................................................................................................................................... 5
24. Nickname in Game ...................................................................................................................... 5
25. Number of Players ....................................................................................................................... 6
26. Dropping of Players ..................................................................................................................... 6
27. Change of Players ........................................................................................................................ 6
28. Leaving the Server ....................................................................................................................... 6
29. Rehost .......................................................................................................................................... 6
30. Continuing a Disrupted Game ..................................................................................................... 6
31. Technical Issues ........................................................................................................................... 7
32. Graphic Drivers, or Similar Tools ................................................................................................. 7
33. Overtime ...................................................................................................................................... 7
34. Use of Bugs and Glitches ............................................................................................................. 7
35. New Positions .............................................................................................................................. 7
36. Prize Money ................................................................................................................................. 8
Netiquette and Fair Play............................................................................................................................... 8
37. Breach of Netiquette ................................................................................................................... 8
38. Competition Manipulation .......................................................................................................... 8
39. Cheating ....................................................................................................................................... 8
40. Anti-Cheat .................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Tournament officials
1.1. Each Team can contact the Tournament administration via email. (first line of contact) to
[email protected] or via the Future Esports Discord (second line of contact)

2. Rule Changes
2.1. The Tournament administration reserves the right to amend, remove, or otherwise change
the rules outlined in this Rulebook, with limited or no notice. The Tournament staff also
reserve the right to make judgment on cases that are not specifically supported, or detailed in
this Rulebook, or to make judgments that even go against this Rulebook in extreme cases, to
preserve fair play and sportsmanship.

3. Code of Conduct
3.1. All Teams and Players agree to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner towards other
Teams and Players, spectators, the broadcast team, Tournament officials, and Tournament
administration. Being role models is the occupational hazard of being a Player, and we should
behave accordingly. Any sort of harassment should be reported to the above listed
Tournament administrators immediately.
3.2. All insults that happen during a FESCO Matches or on the FESCO platform, may be punished.
This includes in game chat of the corresponding game, Match- or News-Comments, public
FESCO discord channels, Match-Chat. Insults that happen on external messengers, casual and
ranked games are not considered. However, racism and other extreme displays of behavior
may be considered by Future Esports staff at any time to be a punishable offense.
3.3. Severe incidents including, but not limited to the following points, may be punished in other
3.3.1.Racism and or Hate Speech
3.3.2.Extremist statements
3.3.3.Threat of violence
3.3.4.Sexual harassment
3.3.6.Severe insults
3.3.7.Posting of pornographic, violent, or disturbing content
3.4. The decision is with the Staff. The right to appeal is only with the injured.
3.5. Spamming is strictly prohibited. Spamming is hereby defined as the excessive posting of futile,
annoying or offensive contributions within the Future Esports setting.

4. Additional Agreements
4.1. The Tournament administration is not responsible for any additional agreements, nor do they
agree to enforce any such agreements made between individual Players or Teams. The
Tournament administration highly discourages such agreements taking place, and such
agreements that contradict the Tournament Rulebook are under no circumstances allowed
and will be voided.

4.2. A team’s participation in FESCO authorizes Future Esports to use the company's corporate
logos, trade names, and trade/service marks in communication materials (video, audio,
electronic broadcasts, print promotion and advertising) AND tangible goods such as clothing,
promotional products, signs, banners, etc. By participating in FESCO, the company/team
indicates that the use granted is indemnified and held harmless from any third-party rights
and/or claims, without waiver of any legal privileges. Other than the rights granted here,
FESCO acknowledges that it has no other rights in the company's corporate logos, trade
names, and trade/service marks.
4.3. By agreeing to compete in FESCO, you are granting Future Esports the right to use your image and
likeness in any FESCO promotional content, including, but not limited to, static and animated
graphics, advertisements, and any other material used by Future Esports for the purposes of
broadcasting and promotion.
4.4. By participating in FESCO you have attested to reading and agreeing with our Policy and
Conduct Guidelines.

5. Match Broadcasting
5.1. All broadcasting rights of the Tournament are owned by FESCO. This includes but is not limited
to: Video streams, shoutcast streams, replays, demos or live score bots.
5.2. Participants are NOT allowed to stream their own POV (point-of-view) during Round of 8
(Playoffs) Other than that it is allowed.

6. Rights to Final Explanation

6.1. Future Esports retains the right to the final explanation of all rules.

7. Game Accounts
7.1. A player is not permitted to play with a game account other than his/her personal account
which shall be registered with FESCO at the time of the tournament. This is the only account
that the player can use for the duration of the season. An incorrect game account may lead to
a rematch, default loss being given or further penalty decided by the FESCO administration
team, unless prior exception has been given by an administrator.

Teams and Players

8. Team Names
8.1. Players may have their dedicated team tag in their Uplay username. A team name may hold
up to one (1) sponsor name.

9. Changes on the Team Accounts

9.1. Any changes in the team account must be approved by the FESCO administration 24 hours
before the changes can take place. This includes but is not limited to:
9.1.1.Adding or removing players
9.1.2.Changing the team name

9.1.3.Changing the team logo

10. Match Times & Scheduling
10.1. Official league communication will use the following time zone: Arabian Standard Time,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia time (Riyadh). Any conflicts should be reported to league
administration as soon as the date of match is known. Reschedules will only be permitted at
the discretion of the League Administrators and under extreme circumstances.

11. Punctuality
11.1. All matches in the Tournament should start as stated on the official communication; any
changes in the time must be accepted by the Tournament administration. All Teams and
Players in a match will be on the server and ready to proceed no later than 15 minutes before
the match is to start.

12. Delaying the Match

12.1. Match start times are absolute unless changes have been confirmed by the Tournament
administration. If a team is determined by staff to be willfully delaying the match, the match
will be counted as forfeit

13. Protests
13.1. Definition
13.1.1. A protest is for problems that affect the match outcome;
13.1.2. A protest may even be filed during a match for things like incorrect server settings
and other related issues.
13.1.3. A protest is the official communication between the Teams and the Tournament
administration. The admin is to be the main point of contact for the protest, not the
other team.
13.2. Contents of a Match Protest
13.2.1. The protest must contain detailed info about why the protest was filed, how the
discrepancy came to be and when the discrepancy occurred. A protest may be declined if
proper documentation is not presented. A simple “they are cheaters” will not suffice.
13.3. Behavior in Match Protests
13.3.1. Insults and flaming are strictly prohibited in a protest and may result in penalty points
or the protest being ruled against the insulting party. Sportsmanlike conduct is
encouraged not just for Future Esports but also all organization involved in the
13.4. Eligibility for Filing a Protest
13.4.1. If a controversial situation not described by this rulebook occurs during a match, the
team that has spotted it should record it, immediately stop the match and inform the
administrator about it. If the team does not stop the match and continues to play, it is

an acceptance of the situation. Because of that the team loses all rights to file a protest
concerning that situation after the game has ended.

14. Best of One

14.1. In the Best-of-One matches, both teams remove (3) maps. All of this will be done in turns.
map choosing side will be given on random toss. Map veto will be done via [BOT] on Future
Esports Discord. Administrator is creating a lobby. One Player per Team needs to join to the
lobby of the Veto. As soon both sides are ready, Administrator starts the Veto. Best of one will
be used for round of 32 and 16.
15. Best of Three
15.1. In the Best-of-Three matches, both teams remove (1) map, after that each team will pick one
(1) map, after that both teams remove (1) map. All of this will be done in turns. The maps will
be played in the order in which they have been picked. Each Team can pick their starting side
on the opponent’s map pick and on the third map choosing side will be given on random toss.
Map veto will be done via [BOT] on Future Esports Discord. Administrator is creating a lobby.
One Player per Team needs to join to the lobby of the Veto. As soon both sides are ready,
Administrator starts the Veto. Best of three will be used for round of 8 (Playoffs).

16. Operator Bans

16.1. The operator bans will follow in this order. The defending team bans one attack operator,
the attacking team bans one attacking operator, the attacking team bans one defender
operator, and finally the defending team bans one defender operator.
16.2. Bans are map based, so for the map the operators will be unable to be selected.

17. Map Pool

17.1. The map pool includes the following maps:
17.1.1. Bank
17.1.2. Border
17.1.3. Clubhouse
17.1.4. Coastline
17.1.5. Consulate
17.1.6. Oregon
17.1.7. Villa

18. Game hosting

18.1. The Administrator / Observer / Commentator will create a server. The game must be hosted
on a dedicated server. The default server option will be EUW. Teams are permitted to request
an alternate data center however, if an agreement cannot be reached judgment will be
decided by the Tournament Administration.

19. Connection Loss

19.1. If a team disconnects from a game two (2) times on one map, each next disconnection will
be penalized in a way specified by the Tournament Administration.

20. Game Settings
20.1. Time of the Day: Day
20.2. HUD Settings: Pro League

21. Match Settings

21.1. Number of Bans: 4
21.2. Ban Timer: 15
21.3. Number of rounds: 12
21.4. Attacker/Defender role swap: 6
21.5. Overtime: 3 rounds
21.6. Overtime Score Difference: 2
21.7. Overtime role change: 1
21.8. Objective rotation parameter: 2
21.9. Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
21.10. Attacker unique spawn: On
21.11. Pick Phase Timer: 15
21.12. 6TH Pick Phase: On
21.13. 6TH Pick Phase Timer: 15
21.14. Reveal Phase Timer: 5
21.15. Damage handicap: 100
21.16. Friendly fire damage: 100
21.17. Injured: 20
21.18. Sprint: On
21.19. Lean: On
21.20. Death replay: Off

22. Game Mode: TDM BOMB

22.1. Plant duration: 7
22.2. Defuse duration: 7
22.3. Defuse Carrier Selection: On
22.4. Fuse time: 45
22.5. Preparation Phase Duration: 45
22.6. Action Phase Duration: 180

23. Operators
23.1. Lion has been removed from competitive play and will remain so until further notice from
Ubisoft. Burnt Horizon Operators Mozzie and Gridlock will not be allowed in competitive play
until the new Esports observation period has ended.

24. Nickname in Game

24.1. Each Player must use his official nickname during matches. It’s not allowed to add any
inappropriate additions, characters or words, only exceptions are sponsor names. Uplay will
only allow one (1) name change every 30 days.

25. Number of Players
25.1. All matches must be played with five Players per team (5vs5). If a team fails to show up with
enough players, the match will count as forfeit for that team.

26. Dropping of Players

26.1. If a player drops in the first 15 seconds of a round (during the prep phase), the game may be
rehosted. If the game will be re-hosted the match starts with the score from before the
disconnect occurred.
26.2. If a player disconnects after the first fifteen (15) seconds of a round, the round will be played
until completion. After that, the match will be paused; the match will then be re-hosted and
started from the current round count.
26.3. After disconnecting a team cannot choose a starting site, that has been already locked by
settings (Objective Rotation Parameter: 2). If they do so, they by default lose a round.
26.4. If a Player has not returned or cannot be replaced with a registered substitute on their roster
within ten (10) minutes after the pause has started, then the team with the dropped player
will forfeit the match at Tournament Administrators discretion.

27. Change of Players

27.1. Players can be changed in break between maps. This change may not take more than five (5)
minutes. If the Player has not joined or cannot be replaced within five (5) minutes after the
pause has started, then the team with the dropped Player will forfeit the match at
Tournament Administrators discretion.

28. Leaving the Server

28.1. All matches must be played to the end. Players are not permitted to leave the match until
told via in-game chat by an Administrator/Observer/Production Host. Leaving beforehand may
result in penalty points being applied to the offending team.

29. Rehost
29.1. In case of technical or game specific issues the players can request directly within the in-
game chat. Teams can request a rehost 1 times per match, those requests need to have a
specific reason approved by Tournament Administration. Requests for a rehost without a
reason will be denied. Once a rehost has been confirmed by the Admins/Observer- Teams will
choose the same Operators Gadgets and pick the same Bomb site.

30. Continuing a Disrupted Game

30.1. If a match is interrupted (e.g. server crash) then the match should be continued where it left
off, by re-host. All fully completed rounds before the crash will count towards the final score
of the match. The Players can choose different loadouts and operators but must select the
same bomb site and starting site as before. In the following rounds the bomb sites that have
been already used before the restart cannot be used again.

31. Technical Issues
31.1. Teams are responsible for their own technical issues (hardware/internet). Matches will not
be rescheduled because of technical issues and matches will be played nevertheless. If
problems arise, please contact the Tournament Administration.
32. Graphic Drivers, or Similar Tools
32.1. Any modification or changing of the game using external graphics solutions or other 3rd
party programs are strictly prohibited and may be punished under cheating (Nvidia illustrator
and Reshade).
32.2. Furthermore, it's forbidden to use any kind of overlay which will show the usage rate of the
system in any way in-game (e.g. Nvidia SLI display, Rivatuner Overlay).
32.3. Overlays which will show only the frames per second (FPS) are not forbidden and can be
32.4. It’s also forbidden to make use of older or different Graphic Engines which the Game doesn’t
32.5. The use of a VPN/Proxy or any other tools which affect the connection and the ping of a
player are strictly prohibited.
32.6. Any changes or edits of Game files, driver files or other game related files are strictly

33. Overtime
33.1. In case of a draw after all twelve (12) rounds have been played, there will be up to three (3)
overtime rounds to with a win by two system.

34. Use of Bugs and Glitches

34.1. The usage bugs and glitches are strictly forbidden. If players are not sure if something is a
bug or a glitch they should contact Tournament Administrator about it. If an admin determines
the use of a bug or glitch influenced a match or round, they may demand a replay of the round
or game.

35. New Positions

35.1. If any player or team wants to use a new position which is unknown to anyone else or just
known to a small part of the community, it’s strongly recommended to contact Tournament
Administration to check if that position is allowed before using it in any official match. Players
and teams must consider that it takes time to check new positions and therefore they must
contact tournament officials in a reasonable timeframe before an official match. Additionally,
if any position is found to be forbidden after review, this information will be shared to all
teams in the interest of preventing the use of bugs.

36. Prize Money
36.1. All prize money should be paid out within 60 days after the end of the tournament, note: the
prize money will be transferred -minus the transferring fee which is depend on Bank policy
and the country that will be transferred in.
36.1.1. First Place: 5,000 Saudi Riyals [Five thousand Saudi Riyals]
36.1.2. Second Place: 3,000 Saudi Riyals [Three thousand Saudi Riyals]
36.1.3. Third Place: 2,000 Saudi Riyals [Two thousand Saudi Riyals]

Netiquette and Fair Play

37. Breach of Netiquette
37.1. For an orderly and pleasant game, it is essential that all Players have a sporting and fair
attitude. Breaches of this rule will be punished based on severity decided by our
administrators. The most important and most common offences are listed below.

38. Competition Manipulation

38.1. Any form of competition manipulation, such as making threats, offering bribes such as
money or benefits, or exerting pressure on anyone involved in FESCO with the goal of
influencing a match is considered manipulation. This includes but not limited to, match fixing,
such as deliberately losing a match to influence standings or manipulate the outcome of a bet.
38.2. Any form of competition manipulation will result in the match or matches in question being
voided. Any players involved in manipulation will be banned from FESCO and FESCO hosted
events for a period of time defined by the tournament administration.

39. Cheating
39.1. When cheating is uncovered, the team will be disqualified from the current season of the
League and the Player will be banned from all competitions.
39.1.1. The use of the following programs will result in a cheat ban: Multi-hacks Wall-hack Aim-bot Colored Models No-Recoil No-Flash Sound changes Other programs or methods that are considered cheats by League

40. Anti-Cheat
40.1. Monitor System Status (MOSS)
40.2. Monitor System Status (MOSS) is mandatory for all players to use for the full duration of all
matches without exception. If a player cannot use Monitor System Status (MOSS) then they are
not allowed to take part in a match.

40.3. You may download moss directly from their website; nohope [dot] eu.
40.4. It is mandatory to upload the MOSS files within 15 minutes after the match. Any tampering
with moss files, such as deleting screenshots or doctoring images/ log files is strictly prohibited
and disciplinary action will be enforced at the discretion of FESCO.

40.5. For a missing MOSS file, if sufficient evidence has been given to the administrator, the team
can continue without any punishments, other than that the team will be punished with
Disqualification or what League administrator see fit. This depends on the situation. examples:
Team missing the MOSS file won/lost the game, Team missing the MOSS file in a Grand-
Finals/Semi-Finals etc.
40.6. Tampering with MOSS files in any fashion is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited
to missing screenshots, screenshots not taken by MOSS, or a MOSS file with segments of
inactivity for any duration during a match. Any evidence of tampering will result in the MOSS
file being considered missing and punished accordingly by the FESCO staff.
40.7. MOSS’s features include:
40.7.1. Automatic random screenshots
40.7.2. Unique PC identifier based on Hardware information
40.7.3. Capture game’s key files
40.7.4. Real time Processor Speed versus BIOS setup and box nominal speed
40.7.5. Game Exe SHA signature and start time
40.7.6. In game screenshot stored when Print Screen is pressed
40.8. Players are not allowed to run the following programs: TeamViewer (or any other similar
screen sharing program), or Virtual Machines of any kind including but not limited to Hyper-V,
VMWare, or VirtualBox. If these programs are detected during league matches, punishment will
be decided by the League Administration based on frequency and severity.

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