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BASICS Acidosis and Alkalosis
Andrew L. Schwaderer, MD,* George J. Schwartz, MD†

Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:

1. Plan initial therapy for severe acidosis (metabolic).

2. Know the differential diagnosis of acidosis associated with a high anion
3. Discuss the consequences of chronic volume contraction.
4. Describe the pulmonary compensatory changes seen in primary metabolic
A review of the scientific alkalosis.
foundations of current clinical 5. Describe the renal compensatory changes seen in primary respiratory
practice acidosis and in primary respiratory alkalosis.
6. Delineate which diuretics produce metabolic alkalosis and which produce
metabolic acidosis.

Case Study quently in both inpatient and outpa-

A 20-kg child presents with the pri- tient settings. Because many vari-
mary complaints of several days of di- ables are involved in the regulation of
arrhea, poor intake, and decreased acid-base homeostasis, the clinical
urine output. On physical examina- approach to these disturbances may
tion, the patient has a respiratory rate seem confusing. A basic understand-
of 30 breaths/min and mildly dry ing of the physiology, evaluation,
mucous membranes. Laboratory and treatment of acid-base disorders
evaluation demonstrates: sodium, can help the pediatrician to prevent
135 mEq/L (135 mmol/L); potas- the consequences of altered acid-
sium, 4.0 mEq/L (4.0 mmol/L); chlo-
base homeostasis.
ride, 120 mEq/L (120 mmol/L); bi-
An acid is a substance capable of
carbonate, 4 mEq/L (4 mmol/L);
donating protons (hydrogen ions),
blood urea nitrogen, 10 mg/dL
and a base is a substance capable of
(3.6 mmol/L); creatinine, 0.5 mg/dL
receiving protons. The body’s extra-
(44.2 mcmol/L); glucose, 100 mg/dL
cellular hydrogen ion (H⫹) concen-
(5.6 mmol/L); arterial pH, 7.02; and
PCO2, 16 mm Hg. What needs to be tration is extremely small, less than
considered in the differential diagno- one-millionth the concentration of
sis? Is intravenous hydration alone ad- sodium (Na⫹). The negative loga-
equate for therapy? rithm of the hydrogen ion concentra-
tion is the pH, and this determina-
Introduction tion is clinically most useful.
Acid-base disorders, which may be The normal pH of arterial blood is
caused by a variety of underlying 7.4 and is maintained within narrow
conditions, are encountered fre- limits, due to acid being highly reac-
tive, particularly with proteins. Aci-
demia is defined as an arterial pH less
*Fellow, Pediatric Nephrology, University of than 7.36, and alkalemia occurs
Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. when the pH is greater than 7.44.

Professor of Pediatrics; Chief, Pediatric Nephrology,
University of Rochester School of Medicine & The process of acid-base regulation
Dentistry, Rochester, NY. involves: 1) buffering by extracellular

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and intracellular buffers, 2) control- gen ions that results in an arterial pH

ling the partial pressure of carbon below 7.36, accumulation of nonvol- Causes of
Table 1.
dioxide (PCO2) by means of the respi- atile acid, and usually a decrease in
ratory rate, and 3) controlling the the serum bicarbonate.
Metabolic Acidosis
plasma bicarbonate by changes in re- Normal Anion Gap
nal acid excretion. The most impor- Causes, Pathogenesis, and ● Gastrointestinal loss of
tant extracellular buffer is bicarbon- Clinical Aspects bicarbonate
ate (HCO3⫺), which can be Metabolic acidosis may be caused by –Diarrhea
combined with hydrogen ions ac- several mechanisms, including in- –Pancreatic fistula
cording to the following reaction: creased acid production, increased –Ureteroenterostomy
H⫹ ⫹ HCO3⫺ 7 H2CO3 7 H2O ⫹ acid intake, decreased renal acid ex-
● Drugs
CO2. The patient’s acid-base status is cretion, or increased bicarbonate loss –Acidifying agents
determined by the ratio of bicarbon- from the gastrointestinal tract or the –Cholestyramine
ate to carbon dioxide (CO2) concen- kidney. As a result of respiratory –Magnesium chloride
trations, as expressed by the compensation, by the means of in- –Sulfamylon
● Hyperalimentation
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation: creased ventilation, each 1 mEq/L
● Rapid intravenous hydration
pH⫽6.1 ⫹ log (HCO3⫺/(0.03⫻ (1 mmol/L) reduction in plasma bi- with 0.9% NaCl
PCO2)). Volatile carbon dioxide, carbonate concentration results in a ● Renal loss of bicarbonate
which is produced by the metabolism 1.2-mm Hg fall in the PCO2. This –Renal tubular acidosis
of carbohydrates and fats, is not an response begins rapidly, usually –Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
acid but combines with water to form within 1 hour, and is complete within
● Posthypocapnea
carbonic acid. The loss of carbon di- 24 hours. The patient in the case ● Hypoaldosteronism
oxide via respiration prevents a pro- study has the expected low PCO2 that
Elevated Anion Gap
gressive accumulation of carbonic indicates a compensated metabolic
acid. Nonvolatile acids (acids other acidosis. In the absence of an as- ● Renal failure
● Ketoacidosis
than carbonic acid) are derived from sociated respiratory disorder, the
–Starvation or fasting
the metabolism of proteins and are patient’s tachypnea is explained ade- –Diabetic ketoacidosis
excreted in the urine. quately by the respiratory compensa- –Ethanol intoxication
Control of the plasma bicarbonate tion. The conditions that cause a ● Lactic acidosis
by changes in renal acid excretion metabolic acidosis (Table 1) are di- –Tissue hypoxia
occurs primarily in the tubules. The vided into normal anion gap acidosis –Muscular exercise
–Ethanol ingestion
proximal tubule reabsorbs 85% of fil- and elevated anion gap acidosis. –Systemic diseases
tered bicarbonate, and the thick as- –Inborn errors of metabolism
cending limb reabsorbs 10%. The re- NORMAL ANION GAP ● Toxins
maining bicarbonate is reabsorbed in Normal anion gap acidosis is caused –Methanol
the collecting duct, and excreted acid by the inability to excrete hydrogen –Ethylene glycol
combines with buffers in the tubular or the loss of bicarbonate from the –Paraldehyde
lumen, primarily phosphate and am- gastrointestinal or urinary tracts. An
Adapted from Hanna et al, 1995; Narins
monia, allowing the regeneration of anion gap, which may be estimated and Emmett, 1980; and Chabali, 1997.
additional bicarbonate. Acid secre- from the following formula—Na⫹ -
tion causes a rise in serum bicarbon- (Cl⫺ ⫹ HCO3⫺)—is defined as ele-
ate, and acid retention causes a fall in vated when the difference is greater such an acidosis among children.
serum bicarbonate. Acidosis refers to than 12 mEq/L. The normal value Surgical procedures that expose
processes that cause acid to accumu- for an anion gap may be higher for urine to ileal mucosa result in
late, and alkalosis refers to processes children younger than 2 years of chloride-bicarbonate exchange, as
that cause base to accumulate. age, with some authors using does the use of cationic exchange
16⫾4 mEq/L as the normal range. resins such as cholestyramine. Both
Metabolic Acidosis In the case report, a normal anion conditions result in an increased gas-
Definition gap of 11 mEq/L (135 – (120⫹4)) trointestinal loss of bicarbonate. Re-
Metabolic acidosis is defined as a net is present. nal tubular acidosis (RTA) also is as-
loss of bicarbonate or gain of hydro- Diarrhea is the leading cause of sociated with a normal gap metabolic

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acidosis. In type II (proximal) RTA the kidney or liver underuses excess vated anion gap metabolic acidosis.
and with the use of carbonic anhy- lactate. Type A lactic acidosis occurs When the glomerular filtration rate
drase inhibitors such as acetazol- from tissue hypoxia or hypoperfu- falls below 25 mL/min per 1.73 m2,
amide, reabsorption of filtered bicar- sion. Type B lactic acidosis results insufficient excretion of ammonium
bonate is impaired. Distal (type I) from systemic disease, drugs, toxins, and acids prevents bicarbonate re-
RTA is characterized by a defect in and inborn errors of metabolism. generation.
distal acid secretion resulting in de- Inborn errors of metabolism in
creased urinary levels of acid and am- the newborn period can be divided Management
monium. The urine net charge into urea cycle abnormalities or er- Management of metabolic acidosis
[(urine Na⫹ ⫹ urine K⫹) - (urine rors in amino acid, carbohydrate, or usually is directed toward addressing
Cl⫺)] can be used to identify a type II organic acid metabolism. Symptoms the underlying condition. Correc-
RTA. Because ammonium (an un- often include poor feeding, failure to tion of the underlying insulin, vol-
measured cation) accompanies chlo- thrive, seizures, and vomiting. Inges- ume, and electrolyte deficiencies
ride, the concentration of chloride tion of salicylates is another cause of treats diabetic ketoacidosis. Adminis-
should be greater than the sum of the an elevated anion gap acidosis in chil- tration of saline generally is adequate
sodium and potassium, and the net dren, although in adults and older treatment for alcoholic ketoacidosis.
charge should be negative. A positive children, stimulation of the respira- Therapy for lactic acidosis focuses on
net charge indicates impaired ammo- tory center causes primary respiratory restoring adequate tissue oxygen-
nium secretion and, therefore, im- alkalosis. ation and identifying and treating the
paired distal acidification. The use of Overdoses of ibuprofen (a nonste- underlying cause. Treatment of salic-
potassium-sparing agents may re- roidal anti-inflammatory agent and a ylate ingestion involves treating the
duce distal proton secretion. Treat- weak acid) and toluene inhalations underlying acidosis and promoting
ment of patients who have cirrhosis have been associated with a high an- an alkaline diuresis to enhance renal
with spironolactone has caused met- ion gap metabolic acidosis. Ethylene acid and salicylate excretion. In se-
abolic acidosis, which resolves with glycol (antifreeze), methanol (wood vere cases, dialysis may be required.
discontinuation of the spironolac- alcohol), and paraldehyde produce Management of ethylene glycol tox-
tone. acidic byproducts that cause a meta- icity consists of hemodialysis, which
bolic acidosis. These substances pro- removes both the substance and me-
ELEVATED ANION GAP duce an osmolar gap in addition to an tabolites from the serum, and etha-
When an elevated anion gap occurs anion gap. Serum osmolality is ap- nol administration, which competes
with an acidosis, the cause usually is proximated by the formula: Calcu- for alcohol dehydrogenase, resulting
increased organic acid production or lated serum osmolality⫽2 x [Na⫹] ⫹ in increased renal excretion. Re-
ingestion, inborn errors of metabo- glucose/18 ⫹ BUN/2.8. Unmea- cently, fomepizole, a potent inhibi-
lism, or decreased excretion of acid sured solutes such as ethylene glycol tor of alcohol dehydrogenase that re-
due to renal failure. Increased pro- and methanol are not included in this duces the generation of toxic
duction of acid may result in ketoac- formula and would account for an metabolites, has become available.
idosis and lactic acidosis. The over- osmolar gap (osmolal gap ⫽ Assuming an adequate ventilatory
production of ketoacids, such as measured osmolality ⫺ calculated os- response, a metabolic acidosis is se-
acetoacetic and hydroxybutyric ac- molality). Exogenous osmolal sub- vere when the serum bicarbonate
ids, causes the elevated anion gap. stances such as sulfates and concentration is 8 mEq/L (8 mmol/
Diabetic ketoacidosis often is seen phosphates result in a normal osmo- L) or less. With an increased anion
in children. Alcoholic ketoacidosis is lal gap of 10 mOsm/L. The osmolal gap acidosis, treatment of the under-
more common in adults, but can oc- gap must be used cautiously because lying disorder may correct the acido-
cur at any age. Alcoholic ketoacidosis a normal gap has an inadequate neg- sis within hours. In a normal anion
develops a few days after a prolonged ative predictive value. Massive inges- gap acidosis (hyperchloremic), sev-
alcoholic binge (when serum ethanol tion of creams containing propylene eral days may be required for correc-
levels frequently are normal). Keto- glycol, such as silver sulfadiazine, tion. With the low serum bicarbon-
acidosis also results from vomiting- may cause an increased anion gap ate of 4 mEq/L (4 mmol/L)
induced starvation, often presenting metabolic acidosis. The inability to described in the case report, hydra-
as abdominal pain. Lactic acidosis excrete hydrogen ions in acute or tion alone would be inadequate
causes an elevated anion gap, when chronic renal failure results in an ele- treatment. Exogenous sodium bicar-

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risk that overtreatment may transi-

Table 2. Calculation of
Table 3. tion the patient to a poorly tolerated
condition of alkalemia.
Consequences of Bicarbonate Dose
Severe Acidemia for Treatment of Metabolic Alkalosis
Severe Acidosis Definition
Cardiovascular Metabolic alkalosis results when in-
● Impairment of cardiac 1. HCO3ⴚ desired ⴝ 10 mEq/L creased plasma bicarbonate causes an
contractility 2. HCO3ⴚ actual ⴝ 4 mEq/L (in increase in the arterial pH above
● Arteriole dilation, the case report patient)
venoconstriction, and 7.44.
3. Weight ⴝ 20 kg (for the case
centralization of blood volume report patient)
● Increased pulmonary vascular 4. HCO3ⴚ space ⴝ 0.5 L/kg Causes, Pathogenesis, and
resistance 5. HCO3ⴚ needed ⴝ (HCO3ⴚ Clinical Aspects
● Reductions in cardiac output, desired (mEq/L) ⴚ HCO3ⴚ A metabolic alkalosis may be caused
arterial blood pressure, and actual (mEq/L)) ⴛ weight (kg) by loss of acid from the extracellular
hepatic and renal blood flow ⴛ HCO3ⴚ space (L/kg)
● Sensitization to re-entrant fluid, the functional addition of new
6. Calculated dose ⴝ 60 mEq of
arrhythmias and reduction in HCO3ⴚ [(10 mEq/L ⴚ4 mEq/L) bicarbonate (either through in-
threshold of ventricular ⴛ 20 kg ⴛ 0.5 L/kg)] required creased intake or decreased renal ex-
fibrillation to raise the HCO3ⴚ to 10 mEq/L. cretion), or volume contraction
● Attenuation of cardiovascular
responsiveness to around a constant amount of extra-
catecholamines cellular bicarbonate (sometimes re-
value of 50% of body weight when ferred to as a “contraction alkalo-
less severe acidosis is present. To pre- sis”). A normal kidney can excrete a
● Hyperventilation vent overtreatment, a bicarbonate large amount of bicarbonate rapidly
● Decreased strength of
respiratory muscles and
space of 50% is recommended and to correct the alkalosis. Therefore, a
promotion of muscle fatigue correction only to a pH of 7.2 or metabolic alkalosis must be gener-
● Dyspnea serum bicarbonate concentration of ated and sustained by impaired renal
10 to 15 mEq/L (10 to 15 mmol/L) bicarbonate excretion. Respiratory
(Table 3). Sodium bicarbonate compensation by means of decreased
● Increased metabolic demands
should be infused over several min- ventilation tends to raise the PCO2 by
● Insulin resistance
● Inhibition of anaerobic utes to a few hours. A bolus should 0.7 mm Hg for every 1 mEq/L that
glycolysis be used only in extreme cases. the serum HCO3⫺ rises.
● Reduction in adenosine The need for additional bicarbon- Impaired renal bicarbonate excre-
triphosphate synthesis ate requirements is determined with tion occurs when proximal tubular
● Hyperkalemia
follow-up monitoring of the pa- bicarbonate reabsorption is increased
● Increased protein degradation
tient’s acid-base status. The clinical due to: 1) decreased effective circu-
Cerebral effects of therapy may be judged ap- lating volume, 2) posthypercapnia,
● Inhibition of metabolism and proximately 30 minutes after com- or 3) potassium depletion. Whereas
cell volume regulation pletion of the infusion. hypercapnia stimulates proximal bi-
● Obtundation and coma
Several complications can occur carbonate reabsorption, mechanical
From Adrogue and Madais, 1998 from bicarbonate therapy. Hyper- ventilation decreases PCO2 rapidly,
natremia and hyperosmolality can be resulting in the development of met-
avoided by diluting 100 mEq/L abolic alkalosis. Potassium depletion
bonate is used initially to raise the (100 mmol/L) of sodium bicarbon- most likely causes intracellular acido-
arterial pH to 7.2, with the goal of ate in 0.25% NaCl to render a nearly sis, which increases bicarbonate reab-
preventing the adverse effects of se- isotonic solution. Volume overload sorption by stimulating the Na⫹/H⫹
vere acidemia (Table 2). The appar- may occur in renal failure or conges- exchanger. Chloride depletion is a
ent space of distribution of bicarbon- tive heart failure. Rapid correction major cause of metabolic alkalosis by
ate varies, ranging from 100% of can lead to acidification of the cere- causing secondary hyperaldosteron-
body weight when serum bicarbon- brospinal fluid, with aggravation of ism and stimulating proton secretion
ate values are very low to the normal neurologic symptoms. There also is a in the distal nephron. In addition,

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and generating hypokalemia. The al-

Causes of
Table 4. kalosis is maintained by chloride and Adverse
Table 5.
volume depletion. A classic example
Metabolic Alkalosis of a sustained metabolic alkalosis in
Consequences of
Chloride-responsive (urinary pediatrics is pyloric stenosis in which Severe Alkalemia
chloride <10 mEq/L [10 mmol/L]) repeated emesis of gastric acid causes
a functional addition of new bicar- Cardiovascular
● Gastrointestinal causes
–Vomiting bonate, while chloride is lost with ● Arteriole constriction
–Nasogastric suction ● Reduction in coronary blood
gastric hydrochloric acid in the eme-
–Chloride-wasting diarrhea, flow
sis. The kidneys respond with a bicar- ● Reduction in anginal threshold
including congenital
bonate diuresis associated with in- ● Predisposition to refractory
–Villous adenoma-colon creased Na⫹ and K⫹ losses, resulting supraventricular and ventricular
–Laxative abuse in hypokalemia and volume deple- arrhythmias
● Diuretic therapy tion, which maintain the alkalosis. Respiratory
● Posthypercapnia The previously mentioned scenario
● Penicillin ● Hypoventilation with attendant
can occur with any type of repetitive hypercapnia and hypoxemia
● Cystic fibrosis
emesis, including self-induced sur-
Chloride-unresponsive (urinary Metabolic
reptitious vomiting. Pediatricians
chloride >10 mEq/L [10 mmol/L]) ● Stimulation of anaerobic
also should be aware that newborns
● Adrenal disorders glycolysis and organic acid
of mothers who have bulimia have
–Hyperaldosteronism production
alkalosis, reflecting their mother’s se- ● Hypokalemia
–Cushing syndrome
● Exogenous steroid
rum pH. Congenital chloridorrhea is ● Decreased plasma ionized
–Gluco- or mineralocorticoid a rare cause of metabolic alkalosis calcium
–Licorice ingestion that causes infants to have a watery ● Hypomagnesemia and
–Carbenoxalone hypophosphatemia
diarrhea that contains an excessive
● Alkali ingestion Cerebral
amount of chloride.
● Refeeding alkalosis
● Bartter syndrome
The chloride-unresponsive group ● Reduction in cerebral blood
● Gitelman syndrome is characterized by a normal-to-high flow
urine chloride level (⬎10 mEq/L ● Tetany, seizures, lethargy,
Adapted from Hanna et al, 1980 and Narins delirium, and stupor
and Emmett, 1980 [10 mmol/L]). The conditions that
lead to a chloride-unresponsive met- From Adrogue and Madias, 1998
abolic alkalosis tend to be rare disor-
ders such as Cushing syndrome, con-
chloride depletion reduces tubular genital adrenal hyperplasia, primary
fluid chloride concentration, which hyperaldosteronism, renin-secreting vere alkalemia (Table 5). Vomiting
inhibits the apical Cl⫺/HCO3⫺ ex- tumors, Bartter syndrome, Gitelman can be treated with antiemetics. If
changer of beta-intercalated cells and syndrome, and renal artery stenosis. continued gastric drainage is re-
reduces bicarbonate secretion in the The patients usually exhibit hyper- quired, the loss of gastric acid can be
cortical collecting duct. tension, hypokalemia, and volume reduced by using histamine2-
For diagnostic and therapeutic expansion due to excessive mineralo- receptor blockers or proton pump
reasons, the conditions that cause corticoid activity. Patients who have inhibitors. Loop or thiazide diuretic
metabolic alkalosis are divided into Bartter syndrome and Gitelman syn- doses may be decreased or coupled
chloride-responsive and -unresponsive drome typically do not have hyper- with potassium-sparing diuretics.
groups (Table 4). A low urine chlo- tension. Factors that might worsen the alka-
ride level (⬍10 mEq/L [10 mmol/ losis should be eliminated or re-
L]) characterizes the chloride- Management duced. Administration of bicarbon-
responsive group. Loop and thiazide Treatment of metabolic alkalosis is ate and bicarbonate precursors, such
diuretics can prompt a metabolic al- directed at treating the underlying as lactate, citrate, and acetate, or
kalosis by causing hypovolemia and mechanism causing and sustaining drugs that have mineralocorticoid
stimulating secondary hyperaldoste- the alkalosis, with the goal of avoid- activity should have their indication
ronism, increasing distal urine flow, ing the adverse consequences of se- and dose reassessed.

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If loop and thiazide diuretics

cause a hypokalemic, hypochloremic Causes of
Table 6. Causes of
Table 7.
metabolic alkalosis, correction of vol-
ume, sodium, and potassium deficits
Acute Respiratory Respiratory
should be initiated. In severe cases or Acidosis Alkalosis
for patients who have renal failure or
precarious fluid status, treatments in- Hypoxia
Acute Central Nervous System
clude acetazolamide, dilute hydro- Depression Parenchymal Lung Disease
chloric acid, arginine hydrochloride, ● Drug overdose ● Pneumonia
or dialysis using a dialysate that has –Benzodiazepines ● Asthma
high chloride and low bicarbonate –Narcotics ● Diffuse interstitial fibrosis
concentrations to correct the meta- –Barbiturates ● Pulmonary edema
–Propofol ● Pulmonary embolism
bolic alkalosis. ● Head trauma
● Cerebrovascular accident Medications
Respiratory Acidosis and ● Central nervous system
● Salicylate
Alkalosis infection
● Nicotine
Definition Acute Neuromuscular Disease ● Xanthine
The arterial PCO2 usually is main- ● Catecholamines
● Guillain-Barré syndrome
tained between 39 and 41 mm Hg. ● Analeptics
● Spinal cord injury
Ventilation is controlled by respira- ● Myasthenic crisis Mechanical Ventilation
tory centers in the pons and medulla. ● Botulism
When carbon dioxide production is ● Organophosphate poisoning Central Nervous System Disorders
increased, changes in ventilation re- Acute Airway Disease ● Meningitis, encephalitis
sult in only small changes in PCO2. ● Cerebrovascular disease
● Status asthmaticus
● Head trauma
Respiratory acidosis or alkalosis re- ● Upper airway obstruction
● Space-occupying lesion
sults from a primary increase or de- ● Anxiety
Acute Parenchymal and Vascular
crease in blood PCO2 and may coexist Disease
with other acid-base disorders. Metabolic Disorders
● Cardiogenic pulmonary edema
● Sepsis
● Acute lung injury
● Pyrexia
Causes, Pathogenesis, and ● Multilobar pneumonia
● Hepatic disease
Clinical Aspects Massive Pulmonary Embolism
A respiratory acidosis may result Hyperventilation Syndrome
from increased carbon dioxide pro- Acute Pleural or Chest wall Adapted from Foster et al, 2001
duction, alveolar hypoventilation, Disease
abnormal ventilatory drive, or abnor- ● Pneumothorax
malities of the chest wall and respira- ● Hemothorax
tory muscles (Table 6). With respira- ● Flail chest the acute setting and 4 mEq/L
tory acidosis, cell buffering begins Adapted from Epstein and Singh, 2001 (4 mmol/L) in the chronic setting.
within minutes; renal compensation
requires 3 to 5 days for completion. Management
In respiratory acidosis, for every produces an elevated blood pH and The treatment for respiratory acido-
10-mm Hg elevation in the Pco2, the decreased serum bicarbonate con- sis is directed at treating the underly-
serum bicarbonate increases 1 mEq/ centration. The causes for respiratory ing disease. Medications that sup-
L (1 mmol/L) in the acute setting alkalosis are multiple and include press the respiratory drive, such as
and 3.5 mEq/L (3.5 mmol/L) in hypoxia, parenchymal lung disease, opiates, should be avoided. It is im-
the chronic setting. The improve- central nervous system disorders, portant to prevent electrolyte abnor-
ment in renal compensation in the metabolic disturbances, and hyperven- malities that may impair respiratory
chronic setting is due to renal acid tilation syndrome (Table 7). For every muscle function, such as hypophos-
and ammonium secretion. 10-mm Hg decline in the PCO2, renal phatemia, hypomagnesemia, and hy-
Respiratory alkalosis is character- compensation reduces the serum bi- pokalemia. If diuretic therapy is
ized by a reduction in the PCO2 that carbonate 2 mEq/L (2 mmol/L) in needed, adequate chloride should be

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administered to avoid a concurrent Suggested References Gluck SL. Acid-base. Lancet. 1998;352:
metabolic alkalosis. Supplemental Adrogue HJ, Horacio J, Madias NE. Med- 474 – 479
ical progress: management of life- Greenberg A. Diuretic complications. Am J
oxygen should be provided if hypox- Med Sci. 2000;319:10 –24
threatening acid-base disorders: second
emia is present. If the respiratory ac- of two parts. N Engl J Med. 1998;338: Hanna JD, Scheinman JI, Chan JM. The
idosis is severe, ventilatory support 107–111 kidney in acid-base balance. Pediatr
may be needed. Alkali therapy is not Adrogue HJ, Madias NE. Medical progress: Clin North Am. 1995;42:1365–1395
management of life-threatening acid- Khanna A, Kurtzman N. Metabolic alkalo-
used to treat a primary respiratory sis. Resp Care. 2001;46:354 –365
base disorders: first of two parts. N Engl
acidosis. Treatment of a respiratory J Med. 1998;338:26 –34 Narins RG, Emmett M. Simple and mixed
alkalosis also is directed at treatment Badrick T, Hickman E. The anion gap: a acid-base disorders: a practical approach.
of the underlying cause. Often, sim- reappraisal. Am J Clin Pediatr. 1992;98: Medicine. 1980;59:161–187
249 –252 Oh MS, Carrol HJ. Current concepts: the
ple observation or use of a rebreath- anion gap. N Engl J Med. 1977;297:
Chabali R. Diagnostic use of anion and os-
ing bag is adequate in hyperventila- molal gaps in pediatric emergency med- 814 – 817
tion syndrome. In the case of high- icine. Ped Emerg Care. 1997;13: Relman AS. Metabolic consequences of
altitude hypoxia (acute mountain 204 –210 acid-base disorders. Kidney Int. 1972;1:
Epstein SK, Singh N. Respiratory acidosis. 347–359
sickness), acetazolamide can be ad-
Resp Care. 2001;46:366 –383 Rose BD, Post TW. Clinical Physiology of
ministered prior to ascent to prevent Foster GT, Vaziri ND, Sasoon CS. Respira- Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders. 5th
or mitigate symptoms of respiratory tory alkalosis. Resp Care. 2001; 46: ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2001;
alkalosis. 384 –391 328 –347

PIR Quiz
Quiz also available online at

9. An 8-month-old Caucasian infant presents with a history of failure to gain weight for the past 4 months.
The infant was born after a term uncomplicated pregnancy. His birthweight was 3.5 kg. He always has
been a poor eater and tends to spit up formula frequently after feeding. Physical examination documents
the weight below the 3rd percentile, height at the 5th percentile, and head circumference at the 25th
percentile. Vital signs include: respiratory rate of 32 breaths/min, heart rate of 110 beats/min, and blood
pressure of 80/45 mm Hg. Other than poor subcutaneous fat, no abnormalities are noted. Laboratory
studies reveal: hemoglobin, 11 g/dL (110 g/L); sodium, 136 mEq/L (136 mmol/L); potassium, 4.0 mEq/L
(4.0 mmol/L); chloride, 112 mEq/L (112 mmol/L); and bicarbonate, 14 mEq/L (14 mmol/L). Venous blood
pH is 7.24 and PCO2 is 26 mm Hg. Blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine concentrations are normal.
Urinalysis shows a pH of 7.0, specific gravity of 1.015, and no protein or glucose. Of the following, the
most likely diagnosis is:
A. Cystic fibrosis.
B. Gastroesophageal reflux.
C. Obstructive uropathy.
D. Organic acidemia.
E. Renal tubular acidosis. (continued)

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10. A 2-year-old girl is brought to the emergency department after being found unconscious in the basement.
On physical examination, she is unresponsive to tactile and verbal stimuli except for withdrawal to pain.
Pupils are equal and reactive. Respirations are 30 breaths/min and deep, heart rate is 130 beats/min,
axillary temperature is 98.2°F (36.8°C), and blood pressure is 90/60 mm Hg. Laboratory studies show:
serum sodium, 138 mEq/L (138 mmol/L); potassium, 3.8 mEq/L (3.8 mmol/L); chloride, 94 mEq/L
(94 mmol/L); bicarbonate, 10 mEq/L (10 mmol/L); blood urea nitrogen, 14 mg/dL (5 mmol/L); blood
glucose, 72 mg/dL (4 mmol/L); serum osmolality, 330 mOsm/kg (330 mmol/kg); venous blood pH, 7.15;
and PCO2, 16 mm Hg. Of the following, the most likely diagnosis is:
A. Carbon monoxide poisoning.
B. Diabetic ketoacidosis.
C. Encephalitis.
D. Ethylene glycol ingestion.
E. Salicylate poisoning.

11. A 6-week-old male infant presents with vomiting and poor weight gain for the last 2 weeks. The
vomiting is described as forceful, and it occurs after every feeding. Physical examination reveals poor
subcutaneous fat. You palpate a 2 ⴛ 2-cm round mass to the right of the midline in the upper abdominal
region. Laboratory studies show: serum sodium, 128 mEq/L (128 mmol/L); potassium, 3.2 mEq/L
(3.2 mmol/L); chloride, 86 mEq/L (86 mmol/L); bicarbonate, 34 mEq/L (34 mmol/L); and calcium, 8.2 mg/
dL (8.2 mmol/L). Venous blood pH is 7.55. Measurement of urine electrolytes document sodium, 12 mEq/L
(12 mmol/L) and chloride, 8 mEq/L (8 mmol/L). Administration of which of the following is most likely to
correct alkalosis in this child?
A. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.
B. Calcium chloride.
C. Hydrochlorothiazide.
D. Hydrocortisone.
E. Sodium and potassium chloride.

12. A 12-year-old girl who has steroid-dependent asthma presents with increasing respiratory difficulty for
12 hours. On physical examination, her respiratory rate is 30 breaths/min, heart rate is 160 beats/min, and
blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg. She is unable to speak a full sentence and has severe suprasternal
retractions. Her extremities are cool, and capillary refill is poor. Chest auscultation reveals bilateral
inspiratory/expiratory wheezing with decreased air entry over the right hemithorax. Arterial blood gases
while receiving oxygen via a face mask reveal: pH, 7.1; PCO2, 50 mm Hg; PCO2, 50 mm Hg, and HCO3ⴚ,
15 mEq/L (15 mmol/L). Which of the following best describes this child’s acid-base disorder?
A. Combined metabolic and respiratory acidosis.
B. Metabolic acidosis with compensated respiratory alkalosis.
C. Metabolic acidosis without respiratory compensation.
D. Respiratory acidosis with compensated metabolic alkalosis.
E. Respiratory acidosis without metabolic compensation.

Pediatrics in Review Vol.25 No.10 October 2004 357

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Andrew L. Schwaderer and George J. Schwartz
Pediatrics in Review 2004;25;350
DOI: 10.1542/pir.25-10-350

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Back to Basics: Acidosis and Alkalosis
Andrew L. Schwaderer and George J. Schwartz
Pediatrics in Review 2004;25;350
DOI: 10.1542/pir.25-10-350

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