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PROPERTIES, INC.,Represented by its President, JOSE OF THE DATE OF HEARING. — Petitioner limited itself to assailing the lapse of
TANYAO, respondent. time between the issuance of the order setting the date of initial hearing and
SYLLABUS the date of the initial hearing itself. Petitioner does not raise any other issue with
1. CIVIL LAW; LAND REGISTRATION; PRESIDENTIAL DECREE 1529, respect to the sufficiency of the application. Petitioner does not also question
SECTION 23 THEREOF; DUTY AND POWER TO SET THE HEARING DATE LIES the sufficiency of the publication of the required notice of hearing.
WITH THE LAND REGISTRATION COURT. — The pertinent portion of Section Consequently, petitioner does not dispute the real jurisdictional issue involved
23 of PD 1529 reads: Sec. 23.Notice of initial hearing, publication etc. — The in land registration cases — compliance with the publication requirement
court shall, within five days from filing of the application, issue an order setting under PD 1529. As the records show, the notice of hearing was published both
the date and hour of initial hearing which shall not be earlier than forty-five days in the Official Gazette and a newspaper of general circulation well ahead of the
nor later than ninety days from the date of the order. ....The duty and the power date of hearing. This complies with the legal requirement of serving the entire
to set the hearing date lies with the land registration court. After an applicant world with sufficient notice of the registration proceedings.
has filed his application, the law requires the issuance of a court order setting 4. ID.; ID.; PUBLIC LAND ACT; SECTION 48 THEREOF; OPEN,
the initial hearing date. The notice of initial hearing is a court document. The EXCLUSIVE AND UNDISPUTED POSSESSION OF ALIENABLE PUBLIC LAND
notice of initial hearing is signed by the judge and copy of the notice is mailed FOR THE PERIOD REQUIRED BY LAW IPSO JURE CONVERTS SUCH LAND
by the clerk of court to the LRA. This involves a process to which the party INTO PRIVATE LAND. — Lands that fall under Section 48 of CA 141 are
applicant absolutely has no participation. effectively segregated from the public domain by virtue of acquisitive
2. ID.;ID.;ID.;ID.;JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND prescription. We have held that open, exclusive and undisputed possession of
REGISTRATION CASES MUST BE STRICTLY COMPLIED WITH; AN alienable public land for the period prescribed by CA 141 ipso jure converts
APPLICANT SHOULD NOT BE PUNISHED FOR ACT OR OMISSION OVER such land into private land. Judicial confirmation in such cases is only a
WHICH HE HAS NEITHER RESPONSIBILITY NOR CONTROL, ESPECIALLY IF formality that merely confirms the earlier conversion of the land into private
HE HAS COMPLIED WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW. — land, the conversion having occurred in law from the moment the required
Petitioner is correct that in land registration cases, the applicant must strictly period of possession became complete.
comply with the jurisdictional requirements. In this case, the applicant complied 5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; RECKONING POINT. — Under CA 141, the
with the jurisdictional requirements. The facts reveal that Manna Properties was reckoning point is June 12, 1945. If the predecessors-in-interest of Manna
not at fault why the hearing date was set beyond the 90-day maximum period. Properties have been in possession of the land in question since this date, or
The records show that the Docket Division of the LRA repeatedly requested the earlier, Manna Properties may rightfully apply for confirmation of title to the
trial court to reset the initial hearing date because of printing problems with the land. Following our ruling in Director of Lands v. IAC, Manna Properties, a
National Printing Office, which could affect the timely publication of the notice private corporation, may apply for judicial confirmation of the land without need
of hearing in the Official Gazette. Indeed, nothing in the records indicates that of a separate confirmation proceeding for its predecessors-in-interest first. We
Manna Properties failed to perform the acts required of it by law. We have held rule, however, that the land in question has not become private land and
that "a party to an action has no control over the Administrator or the Clerk of remains part of the public domain.
Court acting as a land court; he has no right to meddle unduly with the business 6. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; APPLICANT FOR CONFIRMATION OF
of such officialx in the performance of his duties".A party cannot intervene in IMPERFECT TITLE HAS THE BURDEN OF PROVING THAT HE IS QUALIFIED
matters within the exclusive power of the trial court. No fault is attributable to TO HAVE THE LAND TITLED IN HIS NAME. — Under the Regalian doctrine, the
such party if the trial court errs on matters within its sole power. It is unfair to State is the source of any asserted right to ownership of land. This is premised
punish an applicant for an act or omission over which the applicant has neither on the basic doctrine that all lands not otherwise appearing to be clearly within
responsibility nor control, especially if the applicant has complied with all the private ownership are presumed to belong to the State. Any applicant for
requirements of the law. confirmation of imperfect title bears the burden of proving that he is qualified
to have the land titled in his name. Although Section 48 of CA 141 gives rise to 9. REMEDIAL LAW; CIVIL PROCEDURE; APPEALS; PETITION FOR
a right that is only subject to formal recognition, it is still incumbent upon any REVIEW ON CERTIORARI;LIMITED TO THE REVIEW AND REVISION OF
claimant to first prove open, continuous and adverse possession for the ERRORS OF LAW; FINDINGS OF FACT OF THE TRIAL AND APPELLATE
requisite period of time. It is only when the applicant complies with this COURTS ARE BINDING ABSENT ANY OF THE ESTABLISHED GROUNDS FOR
condition that he may invoke the rights given by CA 141. TAIaHE EXCEPTION. — The jurisdiction of this Court under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules
7. ID.;ID.;ID.;ID.;ID.;ID.;WHILE A TAX DECLARATION BY ITSELF IS of Civil Procedure is limited to the review and revision of errors of law. This
NOT SUFFICIENT TO PROVE OWNERSHIP, IT MAY SERVE AS SUFFICIENT Court is not bound to analyze and weigh evidence already considered in prior
BASIS FOR INFERRING POSSESSION; CASE AT BAR. — The evidence proceedings. Absent any of the established grounds for exception, this Court
submitted by Manna Properties to prove the required length of possession is bound by the findings of fact of the trial and appellate courts. The issue of
consists of the testimony of one of its predecessors-in-interest, Manuel whether Manna Properties has presented sufficient proof of the required
Sobrepeña ("Manuel"),transferee's affidavits, and several tax declarations possession, under abona fide claim of ownership, raises a question of fact. It
covering the land in question. We have ruled that while a tax declaration by invites an evaluation of the evidentiary record. Petitioner invites us to re-
itself is not sufficient to prove ownership, it may serve as sufficient basis for evaluate the evidence and substitute our judgment for that of the trial and
inferring possession. However, the tax declarations presented by Manna appellate courts. Generally, Rule 45 does not allow this. Matters of proof and
Properties do not serve to prove their cause. Although Manna Properties evidence are beyond the power of this Court to review under a Rule 45 petition,
claimed during trial that they were presenting the tax declaration proving except in the presence of some meritorious circumstances. We find one such
possession since 12 June 1945, a scrutiny of the tax declaration reveals that it circumstance in this case. The evidence on record does not support the
is not the tax declaration Manna Properties claimed it to be. Exhibit Q-16 was conclusions of both the trial court and the Court of Appeals.
in fact a substitute tax declaration allegedly issued on 28 November 1950. The DECISION
annotation at the back of this tax declaration indicates that it was issued to CARPIO, J p:
replace the 1945 tax declaration covering the land in question. A substitute is The Case
not enough. The 1945 tax declaration must be presented considering that the This is a petition for review 1 seeking to set aside the Court of Appeals'
date, 12 June 1945, is material to this case. CA 141 specifically fixes the date Decision 2 dated 20 December 2000. The Court of Appeals affirmed the
to 12 June 1945 or earlier. A tax declaration simply stating that it replaces a Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 26, San Fernando, La Union ("trial
previous tax declaration issued in 1945 does not meet this standard. It is court") dated 21 February 1996 in Land Registration Case No. N-2352 ("LRC
unascertainable whether the 1945 tax declaration was issued on, before or after No. N-2352") approving the application of respondent Manna Properties, Inc.
12 June 1945. Tax declarations are issued any time of the year. A tax ("Manna Properties") for the registration in its name of a parcel of land located
declaration issued in 1945 may have been issued in December 1945. Unless in Barangay Pagdaraoan, San Fernando, La Union.
the date and month of issuance in 1945 is stated, compliance with the reckoning Antecedent Facts
date in CA 141 cannot be established. As culled by the Court of Appeals from the evidence, the facts of the
8. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; REQUIRED LENGTH OF POSSESSION NOT case are as follows:
PROVED IN CASE AT BAR. — Other than the mentioned pieces of evidence, On September 29, 1994, applicant-appellee filed an
Manna Properties did not present sufficient proof that its predecessors-in- Application for the registration of title of two (2) parcels of
interest have been in open, continuous and adverse possession of the land in land, specifically:
question since 12 June 1945. At best, Manna Properties can only prove a) Lot No. 9515, Cad. 539-D of As-013314-001434;
possession since 1952. Manna Properties relied on shaky secondary evidence and
like the testimony of Manuel and substitute tax declarations. We have b) Lot No. 1006, Cad. 539-D of As-013314-001434,
previously cautioned against the reliance on such secondary evidence in cases located in Barangay Pagdaraoan, San
involving the confirmation of an imperfect title over public land. Manna Fernando, La Union measuring around 1,480
Properties' evidence hardly constitutes the "well-nigh incontrovertible" square meters.
evidence necessary to acquire title through adverse occupation under CA 141.
Initial hearing was set on February 16, 1995 by the Per Certificate of Publication issued by the LRA and
court a quo. the National Printing Office, the Notice of Initial Hearing was
Copies of the application, postal money orders for published in the June 12, 1995 issue of the Official Gazette
publication purposes and record were forwarded to the Land officially released on June 19, 1995. The same notice was
Registration Authority by the Court a quo on October 7, published in the July 12, 1995 issue of the The Ilocos Herald.
1994. TCHcAE Applicant-appellee presented its president Jose
However, per Report dated November 21, 1994 of the [Tanyao],who testified on the acquisition of the subject
Land Registration Authority, the full names and complete property as well as Manuel Sobrepeña, co-owner of the
postal addresses of all adjoining lot owners were not stated subject property, who testified on the possession of the
for notification purposes. As a result thereto, per Order dated applicant-appellee's predecessors-in-interest.
December 5, 1994, the applicant was directed to submit the The [documentary] evidence presented were:
names and complete postal addresses of the adjoining 1. Plan AS-013314-001434 of Lots No. 9515 and
owners of Lots 9514 and 9516. On December 14, 1994, the 1006;
applicant filed its compliance, which was forwarded to the 2. Technical Description of Lot No. 9515;
Land Registration Authority on December 22, 1994 together 3. Technical Description of Lot No. 1006;
with the notice of the Initial Hearing, which was reset to April 4. Certificate in lieu of Lost Surveyor's Certificate;
13, 1995. 5. Certificate of Latest Assessment;
On January 31, 1995, the Land Registration Authority 6. Notice of Initial Hearing;
requested for the resetting of the initial hearing since April 13, 7. Certificate of Publication of the Notice of Initial
1995 fell on Holy Thursday, a non-working day to a date Hearing by the LRA;
consistent with LRC Circular No. 353 or ninety (90) days from 8. Certificate of Publication of the Notice of Initial
date of the Order to allow reasonable time for possible mail Hearing by the National Printing Office;
delays and to enable them to cause the timely publication of 9. Certificate of Publication of the Notice of Initial
the notice in the Official Gazette. Hearing by the Circulation Manager of the
The initial hearing was, accordingly, reset to April 20, Ilocos Herald;
1995 by the court a quo. 10. Clipping of the Notice of Initial Hearing;
On March 14, 1995, the court a quo received a letter 11. Whole Issue of the Ilocos Herald dated July 12,
dated March 6, 1995 from the LRA with the information that 1995;
the notice can no longer be published in the Official Gazette 12. Page 3 of Ilocos Herald dated January 12,
for lack of material time since the National Printing Office 1995; DASEac
required submission of the printing materials 75 days before 13. Sheriff's Return of Posting;
the date of the hearing. It was again requested that the initial 14. Certificate of Notification of all adjoining owners
hearing be moved to a date consistent with LRC Circular No. of the Notice of Initial Hearing on July 18,
353. 1995.
Per Order dated March 15, 1995, the initial hearing Thereafter, the court a quo rendered a Decision dated
was reset to July 18, 1995. February 21, 1996 granting the application. (sic) 3
The Opposition to the application stated, among The Office of the Solicitor General, appearing on behalf of petitioner
others, that the applicant is a private corporation disqualified Republic of the Philippines ("petitioner"),promptly appealed the trial court's
under the new Philippine Constitution to hold alienable lands decision to the Court of Appeals. On 20 December 2000, the Court of Appeals
of public domain. cAEaSC dismissed petitioner's appeal.
Hence, this petition.
The Regional Trial Court's Ruling On Whether Manna Properties Failed
The trial court found that Manna Properties has substantiated by clear to Comply with the Jurisdictional
and competent evidence all its allegations in the application for original land Requirements for Original Registration
registration. The Land Registration Authority ("LRA") did not present any Petitioner contends that PD 1529 sets a 90-day maximum period
evidence in opposition to the application. The trial court ruled in this wise: between the court order setting the initial hearing date and the hearing itself.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court hereby Petitioner points out that in this case, the trial court issued the order setting the
approves the application, and orders that the parcels of land date of the initial hearing on 15 March 1995, but the trial court set the hearing
identified as Lots 9515 and 1006 of Cad. 5[3]9-D San date itself on 18 July 1995. Considering that there are 125 days in between the
Fernando Cadastre with a total area of One Thousand Four two dates, petitioner argues that the trial court exceeded the 90-day period set
Hundred Eighty (1,480) square meters, situated in Barangay by PD 1529. Thus, petitioner concludes "the applicant [Manna Properties] failed
Pagdaraoan, San Fernando, La Union and embraced in Plan to comply with the jurisdictional requirements for original registration." ADECcI
AS-1331434 (Exh. "A" and the technical description The petitioner is mistaken.
described in Exhibit "B" and "B-1") shall be registered in The pertinent portion of Section 23 of PD 1529 reads:
accordance with Presidential Decree No. 1529, otherwise Sec. 23. Notice of initial hearing, publication etc.—
known as the Property Registration Decree in the name of the The court shall, within five days from filing of the application,
applicant Manna Properties, Inc., represented by its President issue an order setting the date and hour of initial hearing
Jose [Tanyao], Filipino citizen, of legal age, married to Marry which shall not be earlier than forty-five days nor later than
[Tanyao] with residence and postal address at Jackivi ninety days from the date of the order.
Enterprises, Pagdaraoan, San Fernando, La Union, pursuant xxx xxx xxx
to the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1529. 4 The duty and the power to set the hearing date lies with the land
The Court of Appeals' Ruling registration court. After an applicant has filed his application, the law requires
The Court of Appeals upheld the trial court's ruling and dismissed the issuance of a court order setting the initial hearing date. The notice of initial
petitioner's argument that the applicant failed to comply with the jurisdictional hearing is a court document. The notice of initial hearing is signed by the judge
requirements of Presidential Decree No. 1529 5 ("PD 1529"). The Court of and copy of the notice is mailed by the clerk of court to the LRA. This involves
Appeals pointed out that the 90-day period for setting the initial hearing under a process to which the party applicant absolutely has no participation.
Section 23 of PD 1529 is merely directory and that it is the publication of the Petitioner is correct that in land registration cases, the applicant must
notice of hearing itself that confers jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals stated strictly comply with the jurisdictional requirements. In this case, the applicant
that the records of the case reveal that the testimony of Manuel Sobrepeña was complied with the jurisdictional requirements.
not the sole basis for the trial court's finding that Manna Properties' The facts reveal that Manna Properties was not at fault why the hearing
predecessors-in-interest had been in possession of the land in question as early date was set beyond the 90-day maximum period. The records show that the
as 1953. The Court of Appeals added that while tax declarations are not Docket Division of the LRA repeatedly requested the trial court to reset the initial
conclusive proof of ownership, they are "the best indicia" of possession. hearing date because of printing problems with the National Printing Office,
The Issues which could affect the timely publication of the notice of hearing in the Official
Petitioner raises the following issues for resolution: Gazette. Indeed, nothing in the records indicates that Manna Properties failed
1. WHETHER MANNA PROPERTIES FAILED TO COMPLY to perform the acts required of it by law.
WITH THE JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR We have held that "a party to an action has no control over the
ORIGINAL REGISTRATION; and Administrator or the Clerk of Court acting as a land court; he has no right to
2. WHETHER MANNA PROPERTIES HAS SUFFICIENTLY meddle unduly with the business of such official in the performance of his
PROVEN POSSESSION OF THE PROPERTY FOR duties." 6 A party cannot intervene in matters within the exclusive power of the
THE REQUISITE PERIOD. trial court. No fault is attributable to such party if the trial court errs on matters
The Ruling of the Court within its sole power. It is unfair to punish an applicant for an act or omission
over which the applicant has neither responsibility nor control, especially if the predecessors-in-interest since the 1940s. Thus, the land was already private
applicant has complied with all the requirements of the law. EHCDSI land when Manna Properties acquired it from its predecessors-in-interest.
Petitioner limited itself to assailing the lapse of time between the The governing law is Commonwealth Act No. 141 ("CA 141") otherwise
issuance of the order setting the date of initial hearing and the date of the initial known as the "Public Land Act." Section 48(b) of the said law, as amended
hearing itself. Petitioner does not raise any other issue with respect to the by Presidential Decree No. 1073, provides:
sufficiency of the application. Petitioner does not also question the sufficiency (b) Those who by themselves or through their
of the publication of the required notice of hearing. Consequently, petitioner predecessors-in-interest have been in open, continuous,
does not dispute the real jurisdictional issue involved in land registration cases exclusive, and notorious possession and occupation of
— compliance with the publication requirement under PD 1529. As the records agricultural lands of the public domain, under a bona
show, the notice of hearing was published both in the Official Gazette and a fide claim of acquisition of ownership, since June 12, 1945 or
newspaper of general circulation well ahead of the date of hearing. This earlier, immediately preceding the filing of the application for
complies with the legal requirement of serving the entire world with sufficient confirmation of title except when prevented by war or force
notice of the registration proceedings. majeure.These shall be conclusively presumed to have
On Whether Manna Properties Sufficiently performed all the conditions essential to a Government grant
Established Possession of the Land and shall be entitled to a certificate of title under the
For the Period Required by Law provisions of this chapter. (Emphasis supplied)
Petitioner asserts that Manna Properties has failed to prove its Lands that fall under Section 48 of CA 141 are effectively segregated
possession of the land for the period of time required by law. Petitioner alleges from the public domain by virtue of acquisitive prescription. We have held that
that the trial court and the Court of Appeals based their findings solely on their open, exclusive and undisputed possession of alienable public land for the
evaluation of the tax declarations presented by Manna Properties. period prescribed by CA 141 ipso jure converts such land into private
The jurisdiction of this Court under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil land. 10 Judicial confirmation in such cases is only a formality that merely
Procedure is limited to the review and revision of errors of law. 7 This Court is confirms the earlier conversion of the land into private land, the conversion
not bound to analyze and weigh evidence already considered in prior having occurred in law from the moment the required period of possession
proceedings. Absent any of the established grounds for exception, this Court became complete. 11
is bound by the findings of fact of the trial and appellate courts. Under CA 141, the reckoning point is June 12, 1945. If the
The issue of whether Manna Properties has presented sufficient proof predecessors-in-interest of Manna Properties have been in possession of the
of the required possession, under a bona fide claim of ownership, raises a land in question since this date, or earlier, Manna Properties may rightfully apply
question of fact. 8 It invites an evaluation of the evidentiary record. Petitioner for confirmation of title to the land. Following our ruling in Director of Lands v.
invites us to re-evaluate the evidence and substitute our judgment for that of IAC, 12 Manna Properties, a private corporation, may apply for judicial
the trial and appellate courts. Generally, Rule 45 does not allow this. Matters of confirmation of the land without need of a separate confirmation proceeding for
proof and evidence are beyond the power of this Court to review under a Rule its predecessors-in-interest first. DASCIc
45 petition, except in the presence of some meritorious circumstances. 9 We We rule, however, that the land in question has not become private land
find one such circumstance in this case. The evidence on record does not and remains part of the public domain.
support the conclusions of both the trial court and the Court of Appeals. aAHISE Under the Regalian doctrine, the State is the source of any asserted
Petitioner claimed in its opposition to the application of Manna right to ownership of land. This is premised on the basic doctrine that all lands
Properties that, as a private corporation, Manna Properties is disqualified from not otherwise appearing to be clearly within private ownership are presumed to
holding alienable lands of the public domain, except by lease. Petitioner cites belong to the State. 13 Any applicant for confirmation of imperfect title bears
the constitutional prohibition in Section 3 of Article XII in the 1987 Constitution. the burden of proving that he is qualified to have the land titled in his
Petitioner also claims that the land in question is still part of the public domain. name. 14 Although Section 48 of CA 141 gives rise to a right that is only subject
On the other hand, Manna Properties claims that it has established that to formal recognition, it is still incumbent upon any claimant to first prove open,
the land in question has been in the open and exclusive possession of its continuous and adverse possession for the requisite period of time. 15 It is only
when the applicant complies with this condition that he may invoke the rights Deputy Assessor who allegedly prepared the tax declaration reads,
given by CA 141. "Subscribed and sworn before me this 28 (sic) day of Nov. 1950. . ." This means
The evidence submitted by Manna Properties to prove the required that the tax declaration was issued more than forty (40) years before the form
length of possession consists of the testimony of one of its predecessors-in- used came into existence.Manna Properties gave no explanation why its tax
interest, Manuel Sobrepeña ("Manuel"), 16 transferee's affidavits, and several declaration used a form that did not exist at the time of the alleged issuance of
tax declarations covering the land in question. the tax declaration. The totality of these circumstances leads this Court to
We have ruled that while a tax declaration by itself is not sufficient to conclude that Exhibit Q-16 was fabricated for the sole purpose of making it
prove ownership, it may serve as sufficient basis for inferring appear that Manna Properties' predecessors-in-interest have been in
possession. 17 However, the tax declarations presented by Manna Properties possession of the land in question since 12 June 1945.
do not serve to prove their cause. Although Manna Properties claimed during The earliest of the "un-cancelled" tax declarations presented by Manna
trial that they were presenting the tax declaration proving possession since 12 Properties is dated 1950. This is clearly insufficient to prove possession of the
June 1945, 18 a scrutiny of the tax declaration reveals that it is not the tax land since 12 June 1945. The same can be said of the transferee's affidavit,
declaration Manna Properties claimed it to be. Exhibit Q-16 was in fact a which was dated 1955. Manna Properties' reliance on Manuel's testimony is
substitute tax declaration allegedly issued on 28 November 1950.The similarly misplaced. Not only is such evidence insufficient and self-serving on
annotation at the back of this tax declaration indicates that it was issued to its own but, Manuel did not also specifically testify that he, or his parents or
replace the 1945 tax declaration covering the land in question. A substitute is predecessors-in-interest were in possession of the land since 12 June 1945 or
not enough. earlier. The only clear assertion of possession made by Manuel was that his
The 1945 tax declaration must be presented considering that the date, family used to plant rice on that piece of land. 20
12 June 1945, is material to this case. CA 141specifically fixes the date to 12 Other than the mentioned pieces of evidence, Manna Properties did not
June 1945 or earlier. A tax declaration simply stating that it replaces a previous present sufficient proof that its predecessors-in-interest have been in open,
tax declaration issued in 1945 does not meet this standard. It is unascertainable continuous and adverse possession of the land in question since 12 June 1945.
whether the 1945 tax declaration was issued on, before or after 12 June At best, Manna Properties can only prove possession since 1952. Manna
1945.Tax declarations are issued any time of the year. A tax declaration issued Properties relied on shaky secondary evidence like the testimony of Manuel and
in 1945 may have been issued in December 1945. Unless the date and month substitute tax declarations. We have previously cautioned against the reliance
of issuance in 1945 is stated, compliance with the reckoning date in CA on such secondary evidence in cases involving the confirmation of an imperfect
141 cannot be established. CTSAaH title over public land. 21 Manna Properties' evidence hardly constitutes the
There is another reason why the application for registration of Manna "well-nigh incontrovertible" evidence necessary to acquire title through adverse
Properties must fail. The tax declaration allegedly executed in 1950 and marked occupation under CA 141. 22
as Exhibit Q-16 bears several irregularities. A small annotation found at the WHEREFORE, we GRANT the instant petition. We REVERSE the
bottom of the back page of Exhibit Q-16 states it cancels a previous tax Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 20 December 2000 in CA-G.R. CV No.
declaration. Beyond stating that the cancelled tax declaration was issued in 52562. The Application for Registration filed by Manna Properties, Inc. over
1945, Exhibit Q-16 does not provide any of the required information that will Lots No. 9515 and 1006 of Cad. 539-D, with a total area of One Thousand Four
enable this Court or any interested party to check whether the original 1945 tax Hundred Eighty (1,480) square meters situated in Barangay Pagdaraoan, San
declaration ever existed. 19 The blanks left by Exhibit Q-16 render any attempt Fernando, La Union, is DENIED. cACTaI
to trace the original tax declaration futile. Moreover, on its face Exhibit Q-16 SO ORDERED.
lacks any indication that it is only a substitute or reconstituted tax declaration. ||| (Republic v. Manna Properties Inc., G.R. No. 146527, [January 31, 2005],
The net effect is an attempt to pass off Exhibit Q-16 as the original tax 490 PHIL 654-670)
The form used to prepare the tax declaration marked as Exhibit Q-16
states that it was "FILED UNDER SECTION 202 OF R.A. 7160." Republic Act
No. 7160 is the Local Government Code of 1991.The sworn undertaking by the

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