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Received by the Swedish mission abroad Received by the Swedish Migration Agency

Application for
residence permit to settle
in Sweden
Fylls i av Migrationsverket
Dossiernummer Signatur

NOTE! Read this first!

Use this form if you want to apply for a permit to settle in Sweden. You must also use this form when applying for an
extension of your residence permit. If you apply for an extension, you must not fill in boxes 4 and 6.
Children under 18 must apply on a special form called Application for residence permit for a child under the age of
18 years to settle in Sweden MIGR 163011.
If you are an EU/EEA citizen and wish to apply for a residence permit to move to a Swedish citizen or other person
resident in Sweden, you must also use this form. There are special forms for other EU/EEA citizens, Swiss dependants
and those current residents and their close relatives.
On the last page you will see which attachments you need to send. You will also find this form and more information on
our website Please complete the form on a computer if possible, as it makes it easier for us
to process your application.

A. I am applying for a residence and work permit to settle in Sweden because I ….

wish to live with my partner* whom I have not previously lived with (BS)

wish to live with my partner* whom I have lived with outside of Sweden (BE)

have children under 18 years of age in Sweden (BF)

have recently lived in another country together with a person who now lives in Sweden (BH)

live together with a family member who is also applying for permission to live in Sweden (BH)

have lived in Sweden previously (BT)

have other reasons (which I describe in section 8: Other Information) (BT)

B. I am applying for an extension of my residence permit

I have a permit that expires soon and I wish to extend it. (BSX)

My present permit expires on .............................. (year-month-day)

* by partner is here meant husband/wife/cohabiter/registered partner

1. My personal details
Surname (Family name) Previous surname, if any

Given name(s) (in full)

Citizenship Previous/other citizenship, if any

Date of birth (year, month, day, number if any) Sex Applying together with other persons
Male Female No Yes
Place of birth Country of birth Mother tongue

Marital status Other languages

Single Married* Divorced Cohabit Engaged Widowed

MIGR 161011 2017-10-18

* Registered partners are counted as married

2. My passport details, etc
Type of passport Passport number
I have a passport I have no passport
Which authority issued the passport? Date of issue (year-month-day) Expiry date

I have the right to return to my native country or to the country where I now live I also have permission to live in other countries
No Yes, country: No Yes, country:

3. My address at present
c/o Street

Postal code Place

Country Daytime telephone number

4. My address in my native country (are not applying for extension)

Same as above c/o Street

Postal code Place

Country Daytime telephone number

5. My e-mail address

6. My previous contacts with Sweden (are not applying for extension)

I have previously applied to come to Sweden I have been in Sweden before I was last in Sweden
No Yes, year ................ No Yes, year ................... From .................... until ....................

7. The person that I shall live with or currently live with (Referee /Reference person)
Surname (Family name) Previous surname, if any

Given name(s) (in full) Sex Personal identity number

Male Female
Citizenship Previous/other citizenship, if any

Address (street, place, country)

E-mail address Daytime telephone number

8. Other information
Here you can provide information on whether you have any other special grounds to why you should be granted a residence permit to be reunited in
Sweden. It could for example relate to distressing circumstances such as disease, disability, a very close relationship or vulnerable circumstances in the
country of origin or where you are present now.
9. Address where I wish my decision to be sent
Swedish mission abroad/Address in Sweden

10. Documents I include with my application

I am applying for a residence permit for the first time and therefor I enclose:
- Appendix – the form: Family details MIGR 239011
- Copy of passport pages that show my identity and my passport’s expiry date
- Other documents ……………………………………………………

I am applying for an extension of my current permit and therefor I enclose:

- Form - Assurance of cohabitation when applying for extension of a residence permit, no.
243011B Completed and signed by myself and my partner.
- Copy of passport pages that show my identity and my passport’s expiry date.
- Copy of my partner's passport or ID, showing his/her personal data.
- Other documents ……………………………………………………

11. Assurance
I solemnly declare that the information that I have provided is true and that I have not knowingly omitted
anything that could be of significance in an examination of this application. NOTE! This form is not valid
without a signature.

Place and date Signature

A person who provides incorrect information in the application, or knowingly omits information that is of importance, can
be fined or sentenced to imprisonment. See Chapter 20, section 6, paragraph 2 of the Aliens Act (2005:716).

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