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5G Networks: The Next Gen Evolution

Sandeepika Sharma Brahmjit Singh

ECE Department, NIT Kurukshetra-136119 ECE Department, NIT Kurukshetra-136119
[email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT requirements of the bandwidth hungry applications,

The exponential growth of the mobile users in ubiquitous different solutions are being investigated to evolve
manner has made it a timely need to attain increased the next generation cellular systems.
capacity, higher data rate and decreased latency for better
In this paper, we begin with brief review of the
quality of service. This has led to the extensive research
different aspects of 5G networks in section II.
efforts towards the development of next generation wireless
networks i.e. 5G. In this paper, we begin with the Different 5G cellular architectures are summarily
description of the salient features, requirements and mentioned in section-III. In Section-IV, radio
potential technologies for realizing the 5G technology. The propagation path loss models applicable at mmWave
mmWave radio technology being one of the promising are evaluated. Finally, conclusions are drawn in
solutions towards achieving the data rate in the order of 1- section V.
100 Gbps is explored for its propagation characteristics.
Two models- Close-in Free Space and Floating Intercept II. 5G EVOLUTION
are analyzed for path loss prediction at mmWaves. It is
observed that in order to maintain the received power With the exponential rise of mobile users, global
above a typical threshold setting of –100 dBm, the network mobile data traffic is expected to grow by more than
coverage in 5G networks is limited to 300 m in outdoor and 200 times over the period from 2010 through 2020
approximately 50 m in indoor environments in the NLOS and by nearly 20,000 times from 2010 to 2030 [3].
Total number of devices connected by global mobile
Keywords: 5G networks; mmWaves; propagation communications network will reach 100 billion in
characteristics; path loss models near future. It puts stringent requirements to develop
next generation wireless network- 5G. This standard
I. INTRODUCTION is expected to possess the following features:
• Network Capacity: The network capacity of the 5G
The cellular data traffic has been increasing at an cellular systems should be 1000 times that of the
exponential rate as the number of smart phone users 4G network. The system spectral efficiency
are growing rapidly. This heavy traffic load is putting achieved in the advanced LTE system is 30
pressure on the already congested frequency bits/s/Hz/site employing up to 8×8 MIMO, which
spectrum. In order to accommodate the ever growing will be further increased in 5G cellular networks.
wireless users, there is an imperative need to explore • Peak Data Rate: 4G network provides peak data
new radio spectrum enabling greater bandwidth and rate of 100 Mbps for high mobility (up to 360km/h)
efficient radio access technologies. Mobile and 1Gbps for stationary and pedestrian users
communication has been a field of research since whereas in 5G cellular networks the peak data rate
1980s involving different research communities and required is 1Gbps for mobile users and 10 Gbps for
telecom industries striving hard to overcome the stationary users thus providing the fiber like
limitations of the current technology and thus Internet services.
deriving different solutions to overcome those • User Plane Latency: LTE-A advanced 4G network
challenges. Initial generations of the cellular provides the round trip latency of 20 ms. However,
standards are limited with low data rate available to 5G standards are expected to provide the latency
the user [1, 2]. In order to meet the spectrum less than 1 ms (single way uplink/downlink delay )

978-1-5090-2684-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

• Spectrum Sharing: Along with the new spectrum • Millimeter wave technology: Since the sub 3 GHz
allocation its efficient utilization is also necessary band is becoming congested, millimeter wave
and therefore 5G cellular networks will be (mmWave) band is being explored for mobile
integrated with smart radio technologies, for communications. This band extends from 30 to 300
example, cognitive radios for efficient utilization of GHz providing huge bandwidth for communication.
licensed and under-utilized spectrum. Due to high operating frequencies, omnidirectional
path loss is high as compared to conventional sub 3
A. 5G ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES GHz band. This can be compensated through
directional transmission and suitable beamforming
In this section, we give a summary of the potential strategies [7]. The mmWave signals are very
technologies being explored to achieve the expected susceptible to shadowing, resulting in outages and
performance as the mentioned in the preceding reduced channel quality. Further, channel
section: fluctuations are high in mmWave band as for a
• Multiple Radio Access Technologies (RATs): 5G given velocity the channel coherence time will be
network will be a combination of multiple RATs in very small and the channel will change at much
order to achieve the 1000 times network capacity to faster rate. Again, device power consumption also
that of 4G network. These involve advanced WLAN increases as the MS has to support large number of
and Wi-Fi technologies thereby increasing the antennas [8]. Thus mmWave cellular networks are
coverage and providing seamless handovers over 5G the current area of research where lot of experiments
cellular networks. For example, IEEE 802.11ac is has been performed to analyze its coverage and
the latest evolution of Wi-Fi technology which can capacity and the ways and means to make it suitable
be integrated into the network to provide the for cellular communications.
wireless broadband connections with high data rates • Cognitive Radio: Cognitive Radio is defined as the
on order of Gbps [4]. Major telecom companies are radio that can adapt its transmission parameters
planning to merge 3G/4G/Wi-Fi transceivers into a according to the characteristics of the environment
single base station and also making the mobile in which it operates [9]. It is a technology enabler
station intelligent enough to connect to the suitable for enhanced utilization of licensed frequency band
radio access network (RAN), based on the QoS in the opportunistic manner. Cognitive radio based
requirements. networks result in efficient utilization of radio
• Small Cell Deployment: The 5G small cells resources, improving interference coordination in
network comprises of micro-, pico- or femto-cells, HetNets and increasing the capacity and coverage of
which is referred to as heterogeneous network the network [10].
(HetNet). This HetNet may be formed either by
overlaying the small cells of same technology III. ARCHITECTURE OF 5G NETWORKS
(multi-tier HetNet) or of different technologies
(multi-RAT HetNet) [5]. (a). Two-tier Architectures: It consists of two tiers
• Self-Organizing Network: The concept of SON is separating the indoor and outdoor users. An outside
immensely useful in hyper-dense small cell base station (OBS) with large antenna array at the
deployment. It helps to introduce the capability in top tier covers the macro cell. An indoor base
small cells to synchronize autonomously with the station (IBS) constitutes the lower tier. The inside
network and intelligently adjust their radio users will communicate to the IBSs using short
coverage. It thus helps minimize the inter-cell range communication technologies, e.g., Wi-Fi,
interference [4]. mmWave, Ultra-wide Band (UBW) or VLC (visible
• Machine Type Communication (MTC): MTC is light communication). Such architecture will result
performed in small cell area out of cellular standards in reduced penetration losses and offers improved
using either bluetooth or WLAN in ad-hoc mode. It data rate, spectral efficiency, cell average
requires very low latency, real-time and remote throughput and energy efficiency [11].
controlling of mobile devices [6].

(b). Cognitive Radio Based Architectures: Campaigns, various path loss models have been
According to [12], these architectures are of two proposed for operating frequencies lying in the
types: (a) non-cooperative and (b) cooperative mmWave band.
CRNs. Non-cooperative CRN defines two radio The LOS path loss usually follows free space
interfaces, one which operates at the licensed propagation based on Friis’s law for distance less
channels and the other operates at the temporary than 100 m [17]. The frequency and distance
unoccupied channels referred to as cognitive dependent path loss is given as
channels. In cooperative CRN, the licensed channel
will be accessed in opportunistic manner i.e. when ( , ) = 32.4 + 20 + 20 (1)
the primary user is not accessing the licensed
channel. Where, ( , ) is the free space path loss in dB, f is
the frequency in GHz and d is the distance between
(c). Device to Device (D2D) Communication the transmitter and the receiver in meters.
Based Architectures: It allows one mobile station
to communicate with another one without involving Authors in [18] have proposed path loss models for
the IBS, OBS or core network. It offers the cellular networks operating at 28GHz and 38GHz.
advantages of link reliability, higher data rate, They modified the conventional SUI path loss model
instant communication, peer to peer file sharing, as represented by Eq. (2a) to predict the path loss at
online gaming, energy efficiency and traffic mmWave frequencies. In the modified SUI model, a
offloading from IBSs. Interference though major mean slope correction factor ( ) is added which
limitation can be managed by CRNs in D2D is obtained directly from the NLOS empirical results
communication [13]. as given by (2b)
(i) Energy Efficient Architectures: Energy
consumption is the major concern in the next gen ( )( )= ( ) + 10 + + + (2a)
networks. It emphasizes on the principle of no more where,
cells which decouples the uplink (UL) and downlink ( ) = 20
(DL) channels as well as the signaling and data [14].
= − .ℎ +


= −10.8
The mmWave technology is seen as the key
component of 5G cellular networks. For an effective
( , ) = × ( )( ) − ( )( ) +
system design, it is imperative to analyze the
( )+ (2b)
mmWave propagation in different environments. As
the mmWave ranges from 30-300 GHz, these are
more vulnerable to shadowing. Also there is
significant impact of atmospheric oxygen, fog and
rain on their propagation characteristics. Due to
weak diffraction ability, these waves are sensitive to
blockage by obstacles such as bricks resulting in 40-
80 dB loss [15]. Human body also results in 20-35 dB
loss [16]. Fig. 1 illustrates the free space path loss at
different operating frequencies. It is observed that the
signal attenuation is approximately 20 dB greater at
mmWave frequencies than that at microwaves used
for 3G/4G networks.
In order to characterize the propagation at mmWave,
a lot of measurement campaigns are being conducted
Fig.1: Path loss at different operating frequencies
around the world. On the basis of these measurement

( )( ) = ( , ) + 10 + (4)

100 4
( , ) = 10


Here d ≥ where = 1m and n is the path loss

Path loss (dB)

28 GHz (NLOS)
80 exponent.
( )( ) = + × 10 log ( ) + (5)

∼ (0, )
Here ‘d’ is the distance in meters, α is the best
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
(minimum mean square error) fit floating intercept
Distance between Tx and Rx (m)
point, β is the slope of the best fit and is the
Fig.2: Path loss prediction using modified SUI model at 28 GHz lognormal shadowing variance.
Assuming the parameter values as given in [8,19,20]
It is further observed that the path loss predicted by for α, β and σ at 28 GHz and 73 GHz, path loss
the modified SUI model at 28 GHz is less than the values are estimated for NLOS condition in outdoor
values predicted by the conventional SUI model at as well as indoor environments as depicted in Figs.3
the same frequency. This is due to the fact that and 4 respectively.
directional antennas (25 dBi gain) are used at base
station and receiver location. This compensates for 170

the free space path loss although additional losses are

incorporated arising out of the atmospheric and rain
Fig. 2 shows the path loss predicted by modified SUI 28GHz NLOS
Path loss (dB)

model at 28 GHz which is approximately 25 dB less 140
than that as determined by the free space model as
illustrated in Fig. 1. These results also justify the use 130

of directional antennas at mmWaves.

Received signal power ( ) can be computed as:
( ) = ( )+ + − ( ) (3) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Distance between Tx and Rx (m)

where is the transmitter power, and are (a) Floating intercept path loss model

the transmitter and receiver antenna gain 170


Assuming –100 dBm as the minimum acceptable 150

received power for the systems and 24 dBm as the

transmit power, path loss must be less than 90 dB to
Path loss (dB)

maintain the received power greater than the 130


minimum threshold setting of –100 dBm. This link 120


budget offers 300 m as the maximum separation

between transmitter and receiver.

The close-in free space and floating intercept model 90

as expressed by Eqs. (4) and (5) respectively predict 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Distance between Tx and Rx (m)
400 450 500

the path loss at 28- and 73 GHz in a typical indoor (b) Close in free space path loss model
office environment [19]. The same path loss models
are investigated in outdoor environment in [8,20]. Fig.3.Path loss prediction at 28 and 73 GHz in outdoor scenario

220 220


Path loss (dB)

P ath los s (dB )

28GHz NLOS 160
140 73GHz LOS
outdoor NLOS
indoor NLOS
100 120

80 100
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Distance between Tx and Rx (m) Distance between Tx and Rx (m)

(a) Close in free space path loss model



P ath los s (dB )
Path loss (dB)

73GHz LOS 160

110 140
outdoor NLOS
100 indoor NLOS

80 100
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Distance between Tx and Rx (m) Distance between Tx and Rx (m)

(b) Floating intercept path loss model (b)

Fig 4. Path loss prediction at 28 and 73 GHz in indoor environment Fig 5. Path loss prediction at 73 GHz (a) CI path loss model
(b) using FI path loss model
The CI free space reference model is based on path
loss exponent only, which varies marginally for both Assuming –100 dBm as the minimum acceptable
single and multiple frequency cases. In the FI model, received power for the indoor environment and 28
α and β parameters can vary significantly across GHz frequency, 24 dBm as the transmit power at the
frequency of interest and hence more sensitive and base station and the transmitter and receiver antenna
prone to error. As illustrated in Fig.5, the signal gain as 20 dBi, it is examined that the maximum
attenuation in indoor NLOS environment is transmitter receiver separation can be 50 m in NLOS
approximately 40 dB greater than that in the outdoor condition to maintain the received power greater than
case when predicted by using CI free space model. It the threshold value. Hence the permissible cell size in
is very interesting to note that the path loss indoor environment is greatly reduced as compared to
predictions by the floating intercept model are in that in outdoor environments at mmWave. This is
close agreement with both indoor and outdoor NLOS primarily due to the sensitivity to blockage by
environments. Hence CI free space reference path obstacles such as bricks, humans and other indoor
loss model is simpler and more accurate as compared materials.
to FI path loss model.

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