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Home Automation system is growing rapidly, they are used to provide comfort,
convenience, quality of life and security for residents. Home automation system can be designed
and developed by using a single controller which can control and monitor different
interconnected appliances such as power plugs, lights, temperature and humidity sensors, smoke,
gas and fire detectors as well as emergency and security systems. One of the greatest advantages
of home automation system is that it can be controlled and managed easily from an array of
devices such as smartphone, tablet, desktop and laptop. The rapid growth of wireless
technologies influences us to use smartphones to remotely control and monitor the home
appliances around the world.

Arduino is an open source electronic platform based on easy to use hardware and
software. It’s intended for anyone making interactive projects. Arduino can take the input from
many sensors attached to it and can give the output to many lights, motors etc.
Arduino platform mainly contains a Hardware Board called Arduino Board and Software
Arduino IDE to program it.

1. To Expose student and gain more knowledge about Arduino
2. To increase student’s thinking ability by producing invention that can make people life
3. To Exposed students with teamwork project as preparation for work lifestyle in future
4. To enhance critical thinking


1. Will we be able to gain knowledge in this project?
2. Will this product can make life easier?
3. Will we be able to work as a team?


The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

- The results will provide the students with some knowledge on creating Arduino

- Families will benefit from this study they can leave their house at ease because there’s
the Arduino that will alarm them when something unexpected happens at home.



- Early home automation began with labor-saving machines. Self-contained electric or
gas powered home appliances became viable in the 1900s with the introduction
of electric power distribution and led to the introduction of washing
machines (1904), water heaters (1889), refrigerators, sewing machines, dishwashers,
and clothes dryers.
- Home automation system has been around World War 1 (1914), in fact, the television
remote was patented in 1983. Since then different home automation system have
evolved with a sharp rise after the second World War. Its growth has been through
various informal research and designs by technology enthusiasts who want a better
way of getting things done at home without much effort on their part.
- In 1975, the first general purpose home automation network technology, X10, was
developed. It is a communication protocol for electronic devices. It primarily
uses electric power transmission wiring for signaling and control, where the signals
involve brief radio frequency bursts of digital data, and remains the most widely
available. By 1978, X10 products included a 16 channel command console, a lamp
module, and an appliance module. Soon after came the wall switch module and the
first X10 timer.
- A GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network. A
Gsm mobile phone, a GSM modem requires a SIM card from a wireless carrier in
order to operate
- Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy to use hardware and
software. Arduino board can read inputs – light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a
Twitter message and turn it into an output activating a motor, turning on an LED. You
can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller
on the board. We use Arduino Software (IDE).


Bluetooth Based Home Automation

- Bluetooth based home automation system Home automation systems using
smartphone, Arduino board and Bluetooth technology are secured and low cost. A
Bluetooth based home automation system proposed by R. Piyare and M. Tazil [14].
The hardware architecture of this system consists of the Arduino BT board and a cell
phone, the communication between Arduino BT board and cell phone is wirelessly
using Bluetooth technology. The Arduino BT board has a range of 10 to 100 meters, 3
Mbps data rate and 2.4 GHz bandwidth. In this system home appliances are
connected to the Arduino BT board via relay. The cell phone uses a software
application which allows the user to control the home appliances. Moreover, this
system used password protection to make system secure and allow only authorized
user. It has the advantage to easily fit into an existing homes and automated system.
The main drawback of system is that it is limited to control the home appliances
within the Bluetooth range. Similar research was carried out by [15]. A low cost and
user friendly, smart living system is presented which also use android application to
control home appliances. The wireless connection between android device and home
appliances is developed via Bluetooth technology. It also provided security and alert
system for proposed smart living system.

Voice Recognition Based Home automation

- A voice recognition-based home automation system proposed and implemented by a
researcher [16]. The hardware architecture of this system consists of Arduino UNO
and smartphone. The wireless communication between the smartphone and the
Arduino UNO is done through Bluetooth technology. Android OS has a built-in voice
recognizing feature which is used to develop a smartphone application which has
ability to control the home appliances from user voice command. This application
converts the user voice command into text, then it transmit that text message to
Bluetooth module HC-05 which relates to Arduino UNO. One advantage of voice-
controlled home automation system is that user only pronounce the appliance name in
smartphone microphone and telling it to switch ON or OFF the appliances, in this
way the users can control home appliance easily without any effort. A voice
recognition application provided a user-friendly interface to users and it has ability to
add more home appliances into the system. This home automation system can be used
in every building using electrical appliances and devices. The main drawback of
system is that it has limited range due to Bluetooth, its range can be extended using
internet instead of Bluetooth, but this solution will not be cost effective. This system
also failed to work efficiently in a noisy environment.
ZigBee Based Wireless Home Automation System
- ZigBee based wireless home automation system has also been studied [18], it consists
of three main modules, handheld microphone module, central controller module and
appliance controller module. Handheld microphone module use ZigBee protocol and
central controller module are based on PC. In this system, Microsoft speech API is
used as a voice recognition application, wireless network is established using RF
ZigBee modules due to their low power and cost efficiency. The system recorded
voice at a sampling frequency of 8 KHz where as human voice highest frequency is
20 KHz. Most important part of this system is encoding which was done at frequency
range between 6 Hz to 3.5 KHz. Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) is used
for compressed data from 12 bits to 6 bits. These data bits were sent from the
microcontroller to the RF ZigBee module at the maximum baud rate of 115200 bits/s.
The ZigBee communication protocol offers maximum baud rate of 250 Kbps, but
115.2 Kbps was used for microcontroller for sending and receiving data. This
Automation system was tested using voice commands of 35 male and female with
different English accents. Each person recorded 35 voice samples so total 1225 voice
commands were tested, and system correctly recognized 79.8% of them. Speaker
accent, speed and surrounding noise affected the accuracy of the system. Accuracy of
this system is limited in the range of 40 meters while recognition system is accurate,
up to 80m when given a clear line of sight transmission.

GSM Based Home Automation System

- A smart home automation system implemented by using Global System for Mobile
communication (GSM) [20]. The hardware architecture of the system consists of
GSM modem, PIC16F887 microcontroller and smartphone. The system used a GSM
modem to control electric appliances through SMS request. PIC16F887
microcontroller interfaced with a GSM modem and it is used to read and decode the
received SMS to execute the specific command. Home appliances are connected with
PIC16F887 microcontroller via relays. RS232 is used for serial communication
between GSM modem and PIC16F887 microcontroller. The GSM modem response
time is less than 500 microseconds. The whole process of sending and receiving
commands is processed within 2 seconds. One of the advantages of this automated
system is that users will get feedback status of household appliances via SMS on their
smartphones. This system was implemented in hardware and achieved • 98%
accuracy. Due to the wide coverage of GSM network users can get access to
appliances from anywhere in the world. It is concluded that the usage of GSM in the
home automation system provides maximum security and reliability.

Internet of Things (IoT) Based Home Automation System

- Rajeev Piyare presented a home control and monitoring system based on the internet
of things (IoT) technology [22]. It's designed and implemented by using embedded
micro web server, controlling devices, smartphone and a software application.
Remote environment allows the authorized users to remotely control and monitor the
home appliances using a smartphone, which supports Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G and android
application. Home environment contains the hardware interface module and home
gateway. The function of home gateway is to provide the data translation service
between internet, router and Arduino Ethernet server. The most important part of
home gateway is a micro web server which is built by using an Arduino Ethernet
shield. Hardware interface modules are interfaced with actuators and sensors via
wires. This system has ability to control the energy management systems such as
power plugs, lightings, security system such as gate and door locks and heating,
ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). For the monitoring system home
environment supports sensors such as current, humanity and temperature sensors.

EnOcean Based Home Automation System

- The EnOcean is newly developing energy harvesting technology used in
transportation, building and home automation systems [24]. EnOcean’s technology is
productively in logistics as well as in the industry due to energy efficiency and easily
installing device anywhere for user’s ease which significantly save the installation
cost up to 40%. Moreover, EnOcean’s devices utilize 315 MHz band and it provides
convenient ways for home automation system [25]. EnOcean based home automation
system can be built up using internet, router, automation controller, duckbill 2
EnOcean and EnOcean devices. Duckbill 2 EnOcean is thumb drive used for home
automation system and it has an EnOcean TCM310 transceiver and Ethernet.
Moreover Duckbill 2 EnOcean run applications under Linux system [26]. It can work
as a stand-alone automation controller inside building 978-1-5090-4059-9/16/$31.00
©2016 IEEE 29 automation systems.


Bluetooth based home automation system gives complete control over home appliance
if the user is in range of Bluetooth network. The Bluetooth system uses a PC or smartphone as
receiver device. It has a high communication rate, great security and low cost, so it can be
implemented as a real time system. Bluetooth network has limited range of 10 meters if the
smartphone is out of range, then it will not be able to control the home appliances, this is one of
the main disadvantages of Bluetooth based home automation system.
Voice recognition-based home automation systems are most useful for handicapped
and elderly persons, who wants to control home appliances by speaking voice commands. Voice
of every human contains unique features, so this such system has greater security. An operating
system for Android smartphones has built-in voice recognition feature that can use for voice
recognition tool for home automation system. The main drawback of this system is that
communication between user and voice recognition tool depends on signal to noise ratio (SNR),
if voice signal is noisy then communication can highly effect and the system will fail to show
accuracy. This system has a limited remote-control range due to use of Bluetooth, but it can be
increased by using the internet, but this solution will not be cost efficient.
ZigBee technology is almost same Bluetooth and its advantages and disadvantages are
also like Bluetooth technology. It is one of the broadly used transceiver standard with low data
rate and power. It has physical range is between 10 to 20 meters, which can increase up to 150
meters by using direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS). It is ideal for developing prototypes
and research related activities.
In GSM based home automation systems, communication between main module and
appliances is done through text messages. GSM system allows the user to control and monitor
the home appliances around the world and its cost depends upon the distance between user and
home appliance. The main drawback of GSM based home automation system is that, there is no
guarantee text message deliver to the system every time, so it is not a reliable system. Thus, such
home automation system cannot be implemented as a real time system.
Internet of things (IoT) based home automation systems is flexible and reliable.
Communication between home appliances and user is done through internet. Any smartphone
that can support 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi can be used for transmitting commands from user to server
which is further connected with home appliances. One of prominent advantage of IoT based
home automation system is that if Wi-Fi is not available, then user can switch to 3G or 4G
services to control the system.
EnOcean is better than above discussed technologies in term of energy because it is self-
power device. It is new technology and assure promising future for research activities to improve
the system. Data rate of EnOcean is approximately 125 kbps, which is higher than above
discussed technology, but the ZigBee data rate can increase up to 250 kbps using Quadrature
Phase Shift Keying (QPSK).


- At last we concluded that Arduino is a very useful tool to execute quite hard
electronic circuits in a simpler manner
In consonance with the project work and in view of the researched methods and
undertakings in the project design, the following are recommended:
- The department should help the students in getting components that are not locally
- Students should be taught how to make embedded systems as the use of computer
software in most project work makes it uneconomical, and the use of the conventional
integrated circuits and logic gates makes the project work clumsy.
- Finally, this project can be further developed to control more than one home
appliance at once through the use of short message service texts rather than voice dial
though it will be more expensive and will require more relay circuits, making it a
distributed control home automation system. Also, to cut the cost of mobile phone,
the project may be implemented using standalone GSM modems that only perform
specialised functions like text messaging and/or phone calls. This GSM modems
often are cheaper and more reliable than GSM mobile phones.

- Efy, S. T. (2010, December 23). Electronics For You. Retrieved from
- OLALEKAN, O. M. (n.d.). Retrieved from

- Types of Wireless Communication Technology Used in Home Automation. (n.d.).

Retrieved from

- Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. (2001). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

- Asadullah, Muhammad & Raza, Ahsan. (2016). An overview of home automation

systems. 10.1109/ICRAI.2016.7791223.



Arduino Based Home Automation System

The project is designed by using Arduino Uno board for the development of home automation
system with Bluetooth which is remotely controlled and operated by an Android OS smart
phone. Houses are becoming smarter and well developed by using such kind of advanced
technologies. Modern houses are gradually increasing the way of design by shifting to
centralized control system with remote controlled switches instead of conventional switches.

In order to achieve this, a Bluetooth module is interfaced to the Arduino Uno board at the
receiver end while on the transmitter end, a Graphical User Interface application on the cell
phone sends ON/OFF commands to the receiver where loads are connected. By touching the
identified location on the Graphical User Interface, lamps are used as loads in this project can be
turned ON/OFF remotely by using this technology. The loads are operated by using Arduino Uno
board through thyristors using triacs and OPTO-Isolators.

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