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Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol.09 No.

4 Jul’10

Review article
Failures in periodontal therapy
KD Jithendra1, Bansali A2, Ramachandra SS3

Studies have shown that modern periodontal therapies are effective in maintaining a
healthy natural dentition as well as controlling periodontal disease. Numerous treatment
strategies and various techniques have been designed & described to treat periodontal
disease. Most of these procedures had drawbacks which were identified, leading to the
modifications of the original techniques which lead to better treatment options, but still
very less emphasis has been laid on failures. Without a regular program of clinical
reevaluation, plaque control, oral hygiene instructions, and reassessment of biomechanical
factors the benefits of treatment are often lost and inflammatory disease in the form of
recurrent periodontitis may result. So, this review describes the most common failures
noticed in periodontal therapies and also discusses the possible solutions to reduce the
incidence of failures in periodontal therapy.

Key words: Periodontal therapy, risk factors, failures.

Gingival & periodontal diseases, in their
various forms have afflicted humans since To discuss treatment failures, the concept
the dawn of history. Even after continuous of successful periodontal therapy must be
research, gingival & periodontal diseases defined first. In the past, treatment was
are the most common dental diseases to only considered successful when there was
affect humans though it dates back to 2500 radical elimination of pockets; today the
B.C. Since then, numerous treatment concept of successful treatment has been
strategies and various techniques have defined more modestly with clinical
been designed & described to treat parameters like absence of bleeding on
periodontal diseases. All these therapies probing, reduction in probing pocket depth,
ranging from scaling & root planing (SRP) gain in clinical attachment level (CAL)
to various flap surgeries have their own and/or reduction in tooth mobility. After
advantages & limitations. These completion of comprehensive periodontal
procedures had failures which were therapy, persistence of residual periodontal
identified leading to the modifications of pockets, presence of bleeding and/or pus
the various techniques which lead to better on probing, increase in loss of attachment
treatment options, but very less emphasis or persistence of tooth mobility would be
has been laid on failures.1 So, this review criterias to categorize a periodontal case as
describes most common failures noticed in failure.1 The causes for failure are
various periodontal therapies and also manifold. In addition to the fact that
discusses the possible solutions to reduce periodontal therapy always takes place in
the incidence of failures in periodontal regions exposed to plaque formation,
therapies. failures may be ascribed to the following

1. *Jithendra K D M.D.S, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontics, Kanti Devi Dental College and
2. Ashok Bansali M.D.S, Senior lecturer, Department of Periodontics, CSMSS Dental College and Hospital,
Aurangabad, Maharastra.
3. Srinivas Sulugodu Ramachandra M.D.S, Senior lecturer, Kanti Devi Dental College and Hospital.
*Corresponds to: Dr Jithendra K D, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontics, Kanti Devi Dental
College and Hospital, Delhi-Agra National Highway # 2, Mathura, P.O. Chhatikhara, Pin-281006,
Uttarpradesh, India. Email: [email protected].
Jithendra KD, A Bansali, SS Ramachandra

factors: 1) incorrect patient selection, 2) in many instances elimination of plaque,

incomplete diagnostic procedures, especially subgingival plaque is incomplete
improper diagnosis & incorrect prognosis, which is the main reason for failure of
3) difficult or inappropriate treatment and periodontal therapy.4
4) unsupervised healing & absence of
maintenance therapy.2 These main causes 4. Unsupervised healing and absence of
and their possible solutions are listed in maintenance therapy: Many failures arising
Table 1.2 soon after completion of treatment can be
traced to the absence of supervision of the
1. Incorrect patient selection: A properly healing process.5 Maintenance therapy or
educated and motivated patient is a supportive periodontal therapy is decisive
prerequisite for comprehensive periodontal for long term success and prevents
therapy. A good comprehensively chalked recurrence of the disease. Without regular
out treatment plan of a patient with poor recall examinations of the patients which
oral hygiene maintenance will fail even are tailored according to the needs of the
under the hands of an excellent individual case, recurrence of periodontal
periodontist. Every patient with disease will occur over a period of time.5
periodontal disease does not necessarily The frequency of recall is based on variety
and automatically become an ideal of factors such as primary diagnosis,
candidate for comprehensive periodontal presence of systemic conditions (e.g.
therapy. Smokers who are not ready to quit diabetes), presence of risk factors (e.g.
smoking or follow a certain smoking smoking), success of primary treatment
cessation protocol are always worst following a period of supervised healing
candidates for comprehensive periodontal and the extent to which, the patients can be
therapy.3 motivated to cooperate.6 Depending on the
needs of the individual case, recall visits
2. Incomplete diagnostic procedures, can be between 2 months to one year.5-7
improper diagnosis, and incorrect
prognosis: The seriousness of the disease Failures associated with non surgical
must be established exactly through the periodontal therapy
diagnostic procedures, not only for entire Primary objective of SRP is to restore
dentition, but also for each tooth gingival health by completely removing
individually and for each side of a tooth. elements that provoke inflammation (i.e.
Only the most careful probing of each plaque, calculus, & necrotic cementum and
tooth side, analysis of radiographs, and endotoxin embedded on the root surface).
determination of tooth mobility will reveal Failures associated with SRP include: 1)
the severity of the disease, which requires a Persistence of inflammation because of
correspondingly extensive treatment.4 residual embedded calculus which in turn
can be due to a wide variety of reasons,
3. Difficult (or inappropriate) treatment: such as, inadequate accessibility &
Plaque is the main reason for initiation of visibility seen in deep pockets & in
all forms of periodontal disease. So, the complex anatomical areas of the tooth like
ultimate end point of any periodontal the furcation areas, grooves & concavities
therapy is to elimination of plaque and also present on the root surface. 2) Condition of
areas/niches which favour accumulation of the instruments: dull instruments
plaque. However, several difficulties stand frequently cause burnishing of the calculus
in the way of subgingival scaling like instead of removing it in totality. So,
uneven course of periodontal pocket, regular sharpening of instruments is
micro-morphology of the root surface and advised as it will improve both patient
macro morphology of the root surface. So, comfort/acceptance and operator

Failures in periodontal therapy

performance. 3) Faulty techniques of location (periodontal pocket) within the

instrumentation: decreased angulation mouth. These clean the non-adherent
(<45º to the long axis of the root surface) bacteria and debris from the oral cavity.
can lead to burnishing of the calculus & Failures associated with these procedures
prevent it from being removed in total. are due to i) Persistence of inflammation as
Increased angulation (>90º to the long axis the irrigant solution cannot be penetrated
of the root surface) can lead to laceration into deeper pockets. ii) The drug present in
and trauma to the gingival tissues. Abscess the irrigant gets thrown out of the gingival
formation can also be noticed in situations sulcus/periodontal pocket by the constantly
wherein residual calculus is embedded in oozing crevicular fluid (which is known as
the tissues. Mechanical therapy which “wash-out effect”). iii) So, apart from the
follows the principles of periodontal fact that, irrigation cannot be employed as
instrumentation will result in reduction in a solo therapy, it is weakly effective even
failures in periodontal therapy.2 as adjunctive therapy.9

Failures associated with local drug Failures associated with frenectomy

delivery (LDD) of antimicrobial agents Frenectomy procedures may fail due to i)
Local drug delivery is defined as the Reattachment of the frenum as a result of
placement of the drug directly to the improper incision design, & failure to
periodontal pocket. Inspite of the obvious sever the underlying periosteal attachment,
advantages, failures with LLD is associated therefore care should be taken to design the
due to i) difficulty in placing the LDD in incision and to completely remove the
inaccessible, deep pockets and in muscle fibre attachment and ii) If sutures
furcations, ii) development of resistance are not placed properly gaping of the
among bacterias, iii) time consuming and wound may occur leading to hindrance in
expensive if many sites are involved with healing. In the changing era of perio
periodontal disease.1 surgeries one innovative remedy has ended
the inconvenience of suturing and has
Failures noticed with treatment of allowed the clinician to meet growing
furcation involved teeth8 expectations and demands of today's dental
Multirooted teeth offer unique & patient, and the remedy is fibrin glue.10
challenging problems for the periodontist.
The furcation area, because of the Failures associated with crown
interrelationships between the size & shape lengthening
of the teeth, the roots & their alveolar Failures associated with this procedure are
housing, & the varied nature & pattern of primarily due to i) Inflammation of the
periodontal destruction, creates situations gingiva due to violation of the biological
in which routine periodontal procedures width (defined as the combined
are somewhat limited & special procedures physiologic dimension of the junctional
are generally required.8 Failures associated epithelium & the supracrestal connective
with furcation involved teeth are usually tissue attachment which is approximately 2
due to inability to maintain the furcal area mm). So, the minimum distance between
free of plaque either by the patient or by the bone crest & the gingival margin
the lack of access to the clinician.8 should be 3 mm or more to prevent
impingement of the restoration on to the
Failures associated with supragingival & biologic width. ii) In cases of surgical
subgingival irrigation9 crown lengthening, excessive removal of
Oral irrigation is defined as targeted the bone can lead to down gradation of the
delivery of water or irrigant to a specific prognosis of the tooth. Hence, optimum

Jithendra KD, A Bansali, SS Ramachandra

bone removal should be planned to sutures will lead to gaping of the wound
maintain the biologic width as well as bone and hence recurrence of the disease.12
support of the tooth.11
Failures associated with papilla
Failures associated with depigmentation preservation flap4
Failures associated with this procedure are Papilla preservation flap surgical procedure
mainly due to lack of patient co-operation was devised by Takie et al.,13 in 1985, to
in smokers. An increase in melanin prevent the partial or complete exfoliation
pigmentation is associated with increase in of bone graft material by providing
smoking. If the procedure of primary coverage of the entire
depigmentation is carried out with interproximal defect.13 It is commonly used
electrocautery, care should be exercised to in regenerative techniques. Failures
prevent necrosis of bone. So, contact of the associated with this procedure are i)
cautery instruments with underlying bone presence of too narrow interdental space.
should be avoided. If chemicals are used to This procedure should be performed only if
produce depigmentation, there may be the interdental space is adequate to permit
damage to the bone and underlying tissue the reflection of the papilla. If there is too
because the depth of action of these narrow interdental space then it should not
chemicals is not controlled.12 be attempted as it will lead to failure of this
procedure. ii) Incisions should be placed
Failures associated with periodontal flap without compromising the blood supply,
surgery otherwise it will lead to necrosis of the
Failures of periodontal flap surgery can be papilla, iii) While suturing, flap should be
due to i) Improper incision: the rationale of adapted properly, if not, there will be
any periodontal flap surgery is to gain gaping of the flap & failure of
access to underlying root and bone regeneration.10
surfaces. If incisions are not made upto the
bone/root surface a mucosal flap is Failures associated with soft tissue
elevated which, hinders in gaining proper augmentation surgery2,14
access to the underlying root surfaces. It It is most widely used and predictable
can also cause increased amount of bone technique for increasing the width of the
resorption. Therefore while giving incision attached gingiva. Common failures
the blade should hit the bone in order to associated with soft tissue autografts are i)
elevate a full thickness flap. ii) Reflection Mismatch between graft size and defect: if
of the flap: elevation of the periodontal the denuded root defect is small enough,
flap should be such that only around 1 mm the collateral circulation will be adequate
of marginal bone is exposed. Over to support bridging. On the other hand,
reflection will result in bone resorption, when prominent roots, with relatively wide
whereas under reflection will result in areas of root exposure are grafted, two –
limited access to the underlying root/bone point collateral circulation is insufficient
surface. iii) Debridement of the root for the graft support. As a result, the center
surfaces and the bone: complete of the graft thins and becomes necrotic; the
debridement with removal of plaque and graft splits and ultimately fails. ii)
calculus from the root surface is essential Improper graft adaptation to the underlying
for success of any periodontal flap surgery. periosteum. After suturing, slight pressure
iv) Suturing of the separated flaps should is applied to the soft tissue graft with gauze
be done to closely adapt the flap to the moistened in saline for 5 minutes to permit
tooth margins. Failure to properly place the fibrin clot formation and prevent bleeding.
Bleeding will result in hematoma under the

Failures in periodontal therapy

graft with subsequent necrosis.14 iii) To palatal artery. Cutting the palatal artery can
permit adequate transfusion of the graft, it be dangerous near its exit point from the
has been recommended that all fat and greater palatine foramen. iv) Extension
glandular tissue be removed prior to beveling or thinning of tissue on a low,
suturing to prevent possible necrosis and/or broad palate invites damage to the palatal
inadequate take. Even though the need for artery. v) Tissue placement to high onto the
this has been questioned, it is still generally teeth results in poor flap adaptation &
accepted procedure. iv) Graft movement as recurrent pocket formation. This can be
a result of inadequate or insufficient corrected by proper trimming at the time of
suturing will surely result in failure flap placement prior to suturing which is
because no plasmatic diffusion will occur. usually accomplished with scissors or
v) The final failure is often seen only after scalpel blade. It often results in a thick,
the graft has healed. The clinical heavy margin.4
appearance is acceptable, but the graft is
totally movable when probed. This is a Failures associated with root coverage
failure of technique and results from not procedures1,15
removing all loose connective tissue and Gingival reconstruction is today not only
muscle fibres from the periosteal bed prior possible but a routine part of periodontal
to the placement and not making sure that practice. The ability to cover unsightly
the bed is firmly attached to the underlying exposed roots, sensitive roots, and crown
bone.14 margins, to reconstruct lost ridges & to
enhance prosthetic reconstruction has made
Failures associated with palatal flaps4 root coverage procedures popular both
The palate, unlike other areas, is composed among patients and clinicians. According
mainly of dense collagenous connective to Langer and Langer15 in 1992 common
tissue. This fact precludes the palatal tissue failures associated with root coverage
from being positioned apically, laterally or procedures are i) Recipient bed is too small
coronally. Therefore, surgical techniques to provide adequate blood supply, ii)
are required that allow the tissue to be Perforation of the mucosal flap, iii)
thinned & apically positioned at the same Inadequate (small) size of the graft, iv)
time. Common failures associated: i) The Inadequate coronal positioning of the flap,
flap may be too short. Generally the result v) Poor root preparation and/or root
of deep primary incision, or use of a conditioning.15
beveled gingivectomy incision. This results
in delayed healing & increased patient Conclusion
discomfort. ii) Poor marginal flap Therapeutic failure appears to be more
adaptation caused by incomplete thinning frequent in periodontology than in other
of the tissue. The margins of the flap stand fields of dentistry.16 Such failure may be
away from the tooth when the flap is caused by errors in patient selection,
replaced. This can be corrected either by incomplete diagnostic procedures,
additional thinning of inner flap surface diagnostic or prognostic errors, treatment
close to the base of the original incision or difficulties and obstacles, non-controlled
by more osteoplasty. Careful examination healing, or the absence of maintenance
will reveal the problem. iii) Incision therapy. Most failures can be avoided by
beyond the vertical height of the alveolus, instituting a regular recall system.16
bringing the scalpel blade close to the

Jithendra KD, A Bansali, SS Ramachandra

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