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L D College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

Assignment: Dimensional Analysis

1. Explain buckingham’s ᴨ theorem for dimensional analysis.

2. The pressure difference ∆P in a pipe of diameter D and length l Due to

turbulent depends on velocity V, Viscosity µ ,Density ρ and roughness K,
Using buckingharm’s ᴨ-theorem, obtain expression for ∆P.

3. The resisting force R of a supersonic plane during flight can be considered

as dependent upon the length of air craft l, velocity V, viscosity of air µ, air
density ρ and bulk modulus of elasticity of air K, Express the functional
relationship between this variables with resisting force.
4. The frictional torque T of a disc of diameter D rotating at a speed N in a
fluid of viscosity µ and density ρ in a turbulent flow is given by,
T = D5N2 ρΦ[ ] Prove this by Buckingham’s π method
𝐷2 𝑁𝜌

5. Using method of dimensional Analysis obtain expression for Discharge Q

over rectangular weir . The discharge depends on head H over the weir,
acceleration due to gravity g , length of weir crest over the channel bottom Z
and the kinematic viscosity µ of the liquid.
6. Prove that the scale ratio for discharge is given as

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Prof N K PATEL: Course Coordinator

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