Bastards and Bloodline

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RAces of ReNOOJN SouRceoooK FOR rbe b2C> Syscem

Design: Owen KC. Stephens

Editing and Development: Jennifer Clarke Wilkes

Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with pefmission. Beholder, kuo-toa, mind flayer, and umber hulk are copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission

Proofreading and Additional Development: Chris Pramas

Art Direction: Hal Mangold Cover Art: James Ryman

Interior Art: James Ryman,

Toren "Macbin" Atkinson, Julian Allen

Graphic Design: Hal Mangold

Green Ronin Staff: Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, and Evan Sass.

Bastards & Bloodlines: A Guidebook to Half-breeds is ©2003 Green Renin Publishing. Art is ©2003 by the respective artists. References to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Races of Renown, Green Renin and the Green Renin logoare Trademarks of Green Renin Publishing.

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The following text is designated as Open Game Content:

The name, racial traits, and any bracketed text of each halfbreed in Chapter 2, plus the half-breeds at a glance section (including Tables 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3); Chapters 3 and 4.

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Introduction ..........•.•...•....•...•.....•........•..•. 3

Chapter One:

Half-breeds in Your Campaign •..•..... 5

Introducing Half-Breeds 5

"Mommy, Where Do

Half-Dragons Come From?" 6

The Half-Breed Campaign 8

Half-Breed Archetypes 9

Chapter Two: Specific Half-breeds 13

Meet the Breeds 13

Half-Breed Descriptions 15

Aellar 15

AIicorn 17

Blinkling 19

Burrower 20

Decataur 22

Green Folk ..........................•........................ 23 Grendle .................................•....................... 25

Half-Gnoll 27

Half-Goblinoid 28

HaIf-Kuo-Toa 30

Half-Ogre 32

Houri 33

Jovian 35

Kestrel 38

Lasher 39

Lurker 41

Merg 42

Mind Ripper 44

Morlock 46

Piper 47

Spring Child 49

Sthein 50

Trixie 53

Watcher 54

Wendigo 56

Woodwose 58

Wretch 60

Wyrd 62

Chapter Three:

Making More Crossbreeds 65

Templates 65

Half-Beholder 65

Half-Creature (Biped) 67

Half-Creature (Quadruped) 69

Half-Doppelganger 70

Half-Medusa 72

Half-Rakshasa 73

Half-Titan 74

Half-Vampire 76

Half-Elementals 78

Making Your Own Half-breeds 84

Chapter Four: Using The blood ..•.......... 87

Feats of the Blood 87

Bloodline Prestige Classes 94

Autarkic 94

Brood Sorcerer 96

Brood Champion 98

Changeling 100

Spells of the Blood 102

Relics of the Blood 106

Appendix: Reference Tables 108

Index .......•..•................•......•......•............ 111


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Open Game License v 1.0, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Bastards & Bloodlines: A Gutdebook to Half-breeds, Copyright 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Owen KC. Stephens

Fantasy games are about things that don't and can't exist in our world. Dragons, wizards, and unicorns are staples of the genre,

and without them Gamemasters (GMs) and players would have a smaller palette with which to paint the heroic action that makes

it so exciting. While there must be limits to what exists in a particular campaign world, those limits should be based on what's appropriate and playable, rather than what's believable or realistic. The existence of spells and gods open up possibilities that wouldn't be reasonable in nonfantasy settings-in fact, the genre practically demands them. If these forces are real in such a setting, it stands to reason they would occasionally produce unusual results. Bastards & Bloodlines examines a number of these.

While most fantasy games include half-elves and half-orcs, little effort has been made to consider other possible half-breeds. In a world filled with polymorph spells, natural shapeshifters, teleportation magic, rituals of power, and deities whose wills define reality, there's no limit to what heritages might mix. Certainly there are a number of creatures in standard fantasy who show every sign of being the offspring of normally incompatible races--centaurs, chimeras, griffons, harpies, hippogriffs, medusas, minotaurs, and sphinxes, just to name a few.

What happens when the forces that produced those crossbreeds find new targets? What is the life of a half-breed like, and how do societies react to it? This book provides possible answers to these questions. It also provides tools for GMs to develop their own campaign-specific crossbreeds, make a character's bloodline an important part of the ongoing story, and drop fully formed halfbreed races immediately into a game.

how ro Use LhlS boOk

Bastards & Bloodlines is broken down into four chapters. The book offers a great deal of material but it's all quite modular so that you can use as much or as little of it in your campaign as you like.

Chapter One: Halfbreeds in Your Campaign addresses the general issues of using half-breeds in your game, and offers some appropriate character archetypes to help players get in the proper mindset.

Chapter Two: Specific Half-breeds provides detailed write-ups of 28 half-breed races in the style of the half-elf and half-ore of the Player'S Handbook.

Chapter Three: Making More Crossbreeds provides twelve new templates that give you nearly limitless options for additional half-breeds. This chapter also offers advice on how to create templates and specific half-breeds of your own.

Chapter Four: Using the Blood provides a unique selection of feats, prestige classes, spells, and magic items, specially designed to complement the ideas in this book.

Owen Kirker Clifford Stephens was born in 1970 in Norman, Oklahoma. He attended the TSR Writer's Workshop held at the Wizards of the Coast Game Center in 1997 and his first professional work to actually see the light of day (an article on elven names in issue 250 of Dragon magazine) was published shortly afterwards. Owen moved with his wife and three cats to the Seattle area in 2000 after accepting a job as a Game Designer at Wizards of the Coast. While there he worked on numerous Star Wars projects and the Wheel 0/ Time Roleplaying Game. Fourteen months later he returned to Oklahoma and picked up his freelance career. He has written several d20 freelance projects since, including the EverQuest Role-Playing Game from White Wolf. Owen now works out of an office converted from a garage-surrounded by books, computers, and cats.

This book would not have been possible without the loving support and aid of my wife, Lj. Also deserving of thanks are we regular players in my own games, who have been subjected to many of these ideas with little warning: Ian Allen, Kareem Birch, Jacob Blackmon, Marcum Curlee, Michelle Ellison, Carl Gilchrist, Tom Govostes, John Menzie, Jason Sewell, Elizabeth Snyder, Nathan Snyder, Lj Stephens, and Greg Surber. Thanks for putting up with me, folks. It was all in a good cause.

Extra-special thanks to Scott Nicholson, for suggesting I should try my hand at game design.

There are lots of ways to use the material from this book as the backbone of a new campaign or add it to an existing game. Later chapters spell out most game rule information, but as the GM you must answer some important questions for your campaign. How common are half-breeds in general, and each sort specifically? How are they treated by society? Are they seen as freaks, divinely chosen ones, subhuman monsters, or a combination of all of these? And perhaps most importantly, how do half-breeds feel about themselves?

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Setting up a new campaign offers a great opportunity to add material from this book. It's easy to associate specific halfbreeds with particular lands, adding flavor to a given region simply by making a hybrid race common only there. In many fantasy settings there are substantial differences within a given race, such as elves of the north and of the east, which can easily be modeled by making a given crossbreed a localized subrace. If you prefer, these crossbreeds can be entirely new races unrelated to other bloodlines (though tills affects the background information listed in Chapter Two: Specific Half-Breeds).

Crossbreeds typically appear as rare exceptions to the norm. In this case, you must decide how prevalent such beings are, and where they come from. Although tills book provides guidance, ultimately you must answer these questions for yourself. In a new campaign there is no conflict with existing continuity, but play style can still be a serious issue. Some players have no trouble accepting anything in a fantasy setting, while for others the suspension of disbelief is strained by half-breeds, especially if they're common. If players balk

at the idea of a half-mind flayer around every corner, try limiting crossbreeds to less exotic types (where both parents are humanoids, for example), or make exceptions only in extremely rare circumstances for noteworthy nonplayer characters (NPCs).

When aucling rriatcrial to an cxisting garnc, tnc sarric questions apply. In this case, however, your answers may be constrained by information you've already presented. Unless you're willing to do some hand-waving and claim grendles have existed all along, it's probably a bad idea to introduce half-trolls into areas

that player characters (PCs) have extensively explored. It does present an opportunity to send the PCs to new places within a campaign world, where half-trolls may be as common as halfelves are elsewhere, or have even developed their own society.

Much of the information in tills book, especially new feats, prestige classes, and magic, can be used by the standard halfbreed races: half-elves and half-orcs. As GM, you need do no more than let players know these options exist; in most cases they can add them as desired when their characters advance. You might also allow players to rewrite their characters to account for these new options, but this kind of retroactive continuity isn't popular in all groups. In some cases it's better to allow PCs to develop new traits in play, representing a recent awakening of their latent bloodlines, rather than trying to claim a trait always existed.

Incorporating material from this book creates the opportunity to discuss characters' ancestry and fill out their backgrounds

in greater detail. Someone who is described as "human" may in fact have elven blood dating back six generations. Allowing players to claim such obscure heritage for their characters opens up many of the options presented in the following chapters without discounting previous histories. You may

even decide to reveal such information about a character in play, declaring a dwarf fighter to be the legitimate heir to a clan of gargoyles or having a herd of unicorns ask an elf wizarcl [or help clearing undead out of her alicorn ancestor's tomb. Not only can this drive future plots, but it offers a ready method for introducing new material, as the PCs' newfound relatives instruct them in lore and magic typically reserved for their own kin.

Players can also use this book as a jumping-off point for more mundane character ideas. Obviously the GM must approve

any race, class, skill, or feat a player wants to use, but some information can be used without affecting the campaign rules. Notes on a half-breed's personality and background can inspire the history of a character of any hybrid race. Perhaps a half-

elf finds himself among a group of humans who worship an elven god, giving him a background very similar to that most blinklings. Or a half-ore raised by humans may have faced the same kind of fear and prejudice as that described for half-ogres. Such details help to flesh out a character's background and color early encounters with members of other races.

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hA1F-ORAqoNS Come FRom?"

Whether your campaign allows only half-elves and half-orcs, or opens its doors to every conceivable crossbreed, one of the questions that inevitably comes up is "How can different species create offspring?" How you answer this question has very little effect on game mechanics, but it sets the tone for your game world. A number of the most common options, along with their repercussions, are presented here.

FecUNC> humANS

Most fantasy games seem to assume that humans are able to produce offspring with orcs and elves, but that no other crossbreeds exist. It's reasonable in such games to surmise that orcs, elves, and humans are all closely related and share a common ancestor, much as lions and tigers are able to produce offspring. This opens the doors to at least one new crossbreed possibility: the elf/ore (though

perhaps such a breed is simply a human). It also

has some interesting repercussions on

cosmology, suggesting that elves and humans evolved from orcs, or that orcs are a twisted, degenerate subrace of the others. Certainly none of these ideas are new,

but they lead to interesting interpretations of ancient racial conflict.

from other races, making them unusually compatible. (This supports the "humans as a young race" theme that many fantasy settings present.)

In either of these cosmologies, humanoid crossbreeds

can appear in small numbers without straining credibility. Crossbreeds of humans and giants, merfolk, ogres, or dryads are in the same vein, and even human/ gnoll or human/ mind flayer crossbreeds may fit in. Though far rarer than typical half-orcs and half-elves, these hybrids can be used for special individuals, either player characters or interesting and important NPCs.

It's also possible to add a few more breed options to these games without opening the floodgates. For example, if orcs and humans can crossbreed, then gnomes or halflings

might be able to produce offspring with goblins, or elves with ogre mages. In

worlds of limited fertility, all you need to do as GM is decide what specific half-breeds can exist and disallow anything else.

It's equally reasonable to suppose that humans, for some reason, are able to breed with many other races but that only orcs and elves are common enough for such crossbreeds to be noteworthy. Perhaps humans were created first, and all other races are based on them. Maybe they were created last, and the gods who made humans borrowed


The other extreme

is to assume that any two sentient races

can produce viable children under the right circumstances. The most fantastic

of these campaigns require no special magic or ritual, with such races as centaurs and minotaurs

tracing their lineage to humans if you

go back far enough. Games of this kind

The descriptor "savage humanoid" is used inseveral places in this book, most frequently as a feat prerequisite. "Savage" is all arbitrary category, designed to keep certain nasty abilities and feats (such as Bite or Scent) out of the hands of polite society. Following is a suggt:l$ted list of savage humanoids, but the Gamemasrer is free to determine which races qualify for this distinction:

Bugbear, Gnoll, Goblin, Half-ore, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Ore, Sahuagin, Troglodyte

Other possible "savage" humanoids (depending on the campaign) are duergar, grugach (wild elves), locathah, and rnerfolk.

are well-suited to creating half-breed templates and unique hybtids (see Chapter Three: Making More Crossbreeds). There are drawbacks to this approach, however. First, you

must either establish why such mixed-blood individuals are rare (ranging from social pressure to a low fertility or infant survival rate), or risk having your game be overrun by oddities. A world where half-beholders are as common as gnomes might appeal to some gaming groups, but it's certainly not for everyone.

Between these two options are worlds where a few crossbreeds occur naturally, and others are produced only through unusual circumstances. This is the default assumption of Bastards & Bloodlines and seems to be the baseline in most fantasy campaigns. In such worlds half-orcs and half-elves abound and a few other crossbreeds exist in limited areas

or small numbers, but all other combinations are very rare, possibly limited to unique individuals.

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There are any number of possible backgrounds for a

given half-breed. Her parents may have been subject to shapeshifting (either naturally or through magic), love potions with side effects, unusual curses, or even divine intervention. Additionally, half-breeds can be the result of magic experiments gone wrong or even teleportation accidents.

A lone half-breed villain, for example, could be the child of a king's daughter and an evil humanoid god who seduced her. The king keeps the child alive (though locked away) out of love for his daughter. Never allowed to see the light of day, the crossbreed grows strong and cunning, but also greedy, hateful, and full of vengeance. When he escapes, he gathers followers from among the humanoids who worship his father and begins a reign of terror that only a band of heroes can stop.

Each of the specific half-breed entries in Chapter Two offers one possible origin for members of that bloodline, but these are just typical examples. Players may suggest alternative backgrounds if a GM allows the crossbreed into the game, and GMs can change any breed's background to suit their campaign's needs.

hA.lF -bReeC>8 IN. SOClet:!f

Most cultures treat half-breeds differently from purebloods. In the best case, half-breeds are seen as special or important, and they have respect, love, and access to all the advantages the culture can offer. Much more often, though, half-breeds are considered inferior: freaks, aberrations, or just embarrassing examples of realities that society would rather ignore.

Those who are the product of illicit love are likely to have

a reputation as morally loose and a threat to law and order. Crossbreeds produced by accidents of magic might be treated as mutants or subhumans, not deserving of trust or even life. Some with less savory origins suffer for their heritage, tainted by assumed guilt because they were conceived in violence.

Half-breeds can be well received when they are the product

of a loving relationship between members of allied races, or

are the result of divine intervention. Half-elves, for example, commonly fit into human societies with little prejudice. This is because elves and humans are close in appearance and culture, and often cooperate in military, economic, and artistic ventures. The two races generally accept each other, and thus a child of both heritages does not seem alien or perverted. Though some level of bias is likely to exist among the more conservative members of a community, in general a half-elf can expect to be treated as well as purely human or purely elven citizens.

A crossbreed who is created by a well-regarded god may even receive better treatment than their purebred kin. For example, blinklings (see Chapter Two: Specific Half-Breeds) resulted from a deity of nature answering a halfling druid's request

for aid. Though they mingle halfungs and blink dogs, which aren't even humanoid, blinklings are respected for their

divine connection: A blinkling can trace his hetitage back

to the act of a goddess and is therefore a blessed, chosen being. Wherever that divine entity is acknowledged and worshiped, blinklings are part of the social elite. Of course, such preferential treatment is likely to cause jealousy among bitter and downtrodden members of these cultures, and foreigners who dislike or reject that deity treat the half-breeds as mongrels rather than blessed guardians.

A campaign consisting entirely of half-breed characters is definitely on the fringes of normal. fantasy. This unusual setup works better for short campaigns having preset goals, much as some plots make for good movies but not ongoing television series. A GM should always check with the players before starting such a game, and players should never try to hijack a campaign in progress by making only half-breed characters. Only in games that have established a given half-breed as common (generally half-elves or half-orcs) is it reasonable for a group of them to band together.

For rarer breeds to join forces without making it difficult to suspend disbelief requires careful preparation. As GM, you should decide the circumstances that draw such a diverse group together, and discuss individual character ideas with the players after explaining the campaign's high concept.

One obvious possibility is the situation where all the characters are related somehow. Its simplest form is a group of siblings who naturally band together against the slings and arrows of an

uncaring world. Even if the siblings do not normally associate, a crisis could bring them together (the resolution of which provides a natural conclusion for the campaign). For example, four woodwose children (see Chapter Two: Specific HalfBreeds) come together when an evil cult poisons their treant father and kidnaps their elven druid mother. The woodwose must rescue their mother, who alone has the power to heal their father, discover the cult's scheme, and put an end to it.

pesc-a pC>CA.l!IPDC Set:t:TNq8

You can sustain broader and more long-running campaigns by extending the unusual circumstance that bring the pes together. For example, imagine an underground dwarven kingdom has angered a god of death and destruction. The kingdom is totally destroyed by earthquakes, floods, and volcanoes, and the survivors flee to the corners of their subterranean realm and into the frozen wastelands above. The disasters ravage nearby kingdoms of other races as well,

killing entire populations. Scavengers become commonplace, and petty warlords set up minor strongholds inhabited

by numerous different races. As a final blow, race-specific diseases are epidemic, further cutting the already thinned numbers. Desperate and powerful spellcasters take actions they would never consider under normal circumstances to preserve their bloodlines, breeding hybrids for strength and resistance to the supernatural ailments.

In this fantasy post-holocaust setting, crossbreeds become the norm and pureblood races are rare. Dwarven crossbreeds would be most prevalent, but gnomes, drow, and other underground races turn to crossbreeding as well. Averting the wrath of the god can serve as the campaign focus, or perhaps

the PCs just need to find a cure for the race-ravaging diseases. There are plenty of ruined cities to explore (now inhabited by monstrous crossbreeds as well as typical dungeon denizens), lots of unpleasant tyrants for villains, and even a few noble rulers trying to restore order, who can act as allies.

These types of games are a good option for groups who aren't sure they want to allow half-breeds into their ongoing campaigns. By trying out new character concepts from this book, everyone can become familiar with the material and decide what (if anything) they want to adopt for their normal game. It also gives the group a break from their normal activities. If a few characters prove popular, they can always join the normal campaign after the group has decided they're acceptable.

The life of a half-breed is rarely an easy one. Even in their own homes, half-breeds are not among their own kind. They experience suspicion and prejudice at best, and explicit abuse and mistreatment in many cases. Lacking strong role models, every half-breed must go on a journey of discovery to find out who he truly is. Some become well-adjusted members of society, able to ignore the occasional sidelong stare. Others never manage that peace, and live in tortured confusion or even outright hatred.

Here are several simple archetypes to help a player begin developing a half-breed character's personality. It's a short trip from archetype to stereotype, though, and players need to give their characters their own unique quirks and mannerisms. These archetypes are just a convenient place to start, the framework on which everything else can be laid.

You don't like talking to people. In fact, you don't really like people. Sure, there are a few who are less annoying than the rest, but you'd rather just be left alone. Yet when you're by yourself you spend too much time thinking about all the mistakes you've made. So it's better to be around people-as long as they shut up. But they won't shut up. They keep asking you what's wrong. No one ever lets it drop when you answer that things went wrong about the time you were born. It's easier to complain about something else, or even ignore other people entirely.

You don't make many friends, but who needs them?


Most people are connected to things. They come from a

city, or are members of a society or guild; something defines them beyond just who they are. You lack these connections. No building was designed with your frame in mind. No guild addresses your concerns. You have none of the hundreds of

connections that your friends and allies draw upon without even noticing. So you'll have to make them yourself.

Be it a new city, an epic poem, or even just a new style of sword, you want to create something that is uniquely yours. You are driven by the urge to produce something lasting and meaningful. You may not even know yet what it is, so you spend your time looking for the right idea. Or a grandiose plan may have already entered your head, and you work tirelessly to gather the resources and connections needed to make your vision a reality.

When you are done, the world is going to be a different place-a place you can connect to.

The world is full of things stranger than yourself, and you want to see them. You're filled with the desire to look over the next hill, travel beyond the next bend in the road, and peer through the mists of new coastlines. Others whisper that you're searching for a place to call home, but they don't understand. It's not about finding something, it's about satisfying your curiosity. New places, new people, even new ideas fascinate you, and you want to experience them all.

If you can find companions to travel with, well and good. If not, you'll risk dangerous trails on your own.

For some reason, everything in the world is smaller and weaker than you. Chairs break under your weight, mugs and plates seem to crack no matter how gently you pick them up, and you've lost count of the people you've knocked over in a crowd. You don't mean to take up so much space, but you just can't help it. You learned at an early age not to get mad, because as much destruction as you cause accidentally, it's much worse when you mean to do damage.

Of course, some things do get you mad. When people try to hurt your friends, when animals are abused or ignored, you lose your temper. And while you may regret the accident of birth that made you such a menace in cramped spaces, it's useful to be big when someone really deserves to be thrown about a bit.

If only people didn't break so easily ...

It's best not to let others know how close to failure you sometimes come. Your friends mean well, but they can't truly understand the worries you live with. They're accepted by society, while you're not even sure you should be. Your enemies are worse, for if they knew of your inner turmoil they could use it against you. To hide this secret, you assume harsh mannerisms and bolster your speech with curses and insults. If you can keep everyone at a distance, you'll be safe.

But when you are alone, or when a friend is in true need, you cannot hide your feelings. You may be an outcast, but you're still loyal and true to those who have treated you well. You'd die for them, but you must not ever let them know Such sentimentality is a weakness, and you have enough problems without being seen as a weakling.

They all have to pay. Your parents, for bringing you into this sorry existence. The people who made your life a living hell as you grew up. The gods themselves for creating an unfair, insulting world. Even those you have met only in passing will eventually suffer at your hands. Every mocking comment, every disparaging remark, every cruel jest that has ever been directed at you is etched in your mind, and you remember who made them. Your enemies may have stolen what is rightfully yours for the moment, but you have plans to bring them low.

You might be able to work with others to'achieve a long-term goal, but it's always a strain. Every time you see one of your "allies," you think about the time when they'll get theirs. You know they plot against you when you're not around and laugh at you when your back is turned. Well, the fire in your heart drives you when others would falter, and soon enough it will burn your foes.

Yes indeed, they will pay.


The thrill of the hunt is your greatest pleasure. You were born to stalk through the wilds, pitting your body and mind against the most dangerous creatures in the world. You have taught yourself to track, shadow, and leap upon your prey with speed and silence. You love the hunt even more than

the kill, and you often follow strangers simply to alleviate boredom.

You think of everything in hunting terms, from the acquisition of wealth to romance. While others worry over trivialities, you plan your next safari and select your next target. Few understand your passion for pursuit, or realize how upset you become when your prey is brought in by someone else. But their acceptance is not important, as long as you can look forward to the next chase, the next opportunity to run down a target.

Feral blood runs in your veins. You might fight it, or you might have long since given in to it, but either way it makes you what you are-a killing machine. You never feel as alive as you do when fighting for your life, except perhaps for that split second when you see the light go out of a foe's eyes.

No one without the beast in them could possibly comprehend. The need to kill is not born of hate or fear: It just exists as its own thing, an unquenchable bloodlust that inflames you constantly. In times of war, it's easy to disguise this drive as patriotism, or simple battle-fury. But in times

of peace, you itch with the need to take a life. You can never stay at home, and you are as much a danger to friends as enemies-more, if truth be told.

The fury to kill never dies, and you know it will grow quiet only when you join the hundreds you have sent ahead to the grave.

Crowds bother you. Cities seem little more than festering boils of refuse. You have no interest in gaining the acceptance of society, because you do not accept society itself. You are happy only when alone, be it resting quietly under a tree

or stalking a dangerous foe with no one but yourself to

count on. One or two friends have penetrated your cloak of independence, but you have no desire to allow more in. And even those dearest to you become unbearable in time, forcing you to seek solitude.

Others see your demand to work alone as arrogance or foolishness. Their opinions don't matter, because they don't get it. You are truly alone, in ways they never will be, and solitude is just an honest expression of that loneliness. You can be depended on to show up when needed, but once an emergency passes you move once more into the shadows and fringes of the world.


An eagle may soar, but a snake is rarely shot by a hunter. You have learned this lesson and apply it to every aspect of your

life. No one sees you as a threat if you compliment everyone equally, and if you are obsequious enough one may even take you into his household. You have no pride, for pride doesn't fill your stomach. Better to agree with anything anyone says and never stand out in a crowd.

You may have aspirations of your own, but there's no need

to reveal them. Instead tie your fate to that of some more powerful and successful creature. Play to its vanity and ensure it likes to have you around. If there is good news, tell your master how great i.t is. If there are defeats, be sure to blame them on others. And if your master falls, another will soon present itself.


The difficulties you have faced did not destroy you. You bear your scars with pride.

A harsh childhood and violent life have taught you two things: Life is

a struggle, and you're better at that struggle than most. Since there isn't a clan or city of your kind to succor

you when you fall, you have simply decided not to. You may have

to kill, cheat, steal, or even surrender to get through life, but you do whatever it takes.

Others follow. You lead. You have always been a leader. It doesn't matter if the armies are not of your blood, for your blood makes you stronger than them. You are smarter than the strong ones, and stronger than the wise ones. You know your visage is different, but that makes it easy for your troops to see you giving orders. You may have to defeat a challenger from time to time, but that just proves your continuing right to rule.

Acceptance is earned at the point of a sword. Others look down on you at their own peril, for you shall one day rule all within your gaze. You may fight for personal glory, or

to remake the world into

a better place, but you always solve problems by leading soldiers into battle.

W1OOeye~ lNNoceNt

Because you were different, your surrogate parents never let you out of their sight. The world is a harsh place, they warned, and you aren't ready for

it. A few family friends visited, and there were special safe places where you could be alone, but no danger was allowed into your life. You certainly were secure-and terribly bored.

Well, now you're out

in the wide world, and

it's different from what you expected. No one told you about dragons, or ruined dungeons, or cities teeming with people

from every land. You don't know the difference between a wizard and a stage magician, and you don't understand why everyone wants to sell you swamp land and bridges. It's not that you're dim; you just haven't seen much of the world, and every experience is new to you.

Of course, it's easier

to survive when you're not the only target, and friends can be helpful when overcoming obstacles. You're smart enough to know there's safety in numbers, and you risk yourself for your allies often enough that they'll do the same for you. But when the chips are down, there's

just one thing you can depend on-no one is going to save your life for you. If you want to see another sunrise, you have to be willing to make the hard choices and cut your losses.

You can always make more friends later.

Even if a campaign has numerous ways for different races to combine, some half-breeds are more common than others. This chapter presents twenty-eight preconstructed crossbreed races (with eight subraces) ready for use as player characters or NPCs. All these races are based on at least one humanoid parent. If you prefer to design your own half-breeds, Chapter Three:

Making More Crossbreeds contains detailed information.


IDeet: rbe OReebS


Each new half-breed is described in the following format.


Though many crossbreeds ate known simply as "half-" something, in many cultutes they have their own name or slang title. Some of these names ate mixtures of two words from the patent races or describe the crossbreed's appearance. Others ate epithets given by prejudiced or fearful villagers and disparaging scholars. The patent races ate listed after the name, as well as the size and type of the crossbreed creatute. This is followed by a short outline of relevant lore and one typical origin of the half-breed line.

In games where half-orcs and half-elves ate common, such crossbreeds may also have specific breed names. Half-orcs !pay be known as tuskers, dark ones, beat men, ruffians, or varghuls. Half-elves could be called fair ones, aethings, hular, fey folk, or point-ears.

This gives a rough idea of the size, coloration, and features of a typical member of this half-breed. Individual appearance varies even more than in pureblood races, so these are at best a guideline. Additional information may describe the style of clothing, gear, and ornamentation such half-breeds prefer.


Most half-breeds have a few strong personality traits in common, and those are discussed here. This section also contains notes on how different alignments combine with these tendencies.

This section gives one or more typical backgrounds, focusing on circumstances regarding the crossbreed's birth and early years of life.

Presented here are suggestions for why the half-breeds might go adventuring, what kind of adventurers they tend to be, and how they get along with other party members.


This section includes all the game rules needed to play the half-breed, including ability score adjustments, size, speed, favored class, level adjustment, and any special abilities. If the half-breed qualifies for any of the new feats described in Chapter Four: Using the Blood, this is noted here.

hALF --bRee~S At: A GlANce

The following tables on the following pages summarize some basic information on all the specific half-breeds and their subraces listed in this chapter. Tables 2-2 and 2-3 on the next page list average age categories, heights, and weights

for each of the half-breeds presented in this chapter. Like all descriptive information for half-breeds, these are guidelines only, and both players and GMs should feel free to deviate from them when describing specific individuals.

All half-breeds can choose from the automatic and bonus languages of both parents' races as bonus languages. A half-breed's automatic languages vary depending on his or her background. Most half-breeds learn Common and the language of whatever community they grow up in. As a rule of thumb, give a half-breed either two or three automatic languages, depending on the character's background.


AeIJ", Alicorc Btickling Burrower

Decamur, biped Decstaur, quadruped Green folk


Half-gnoU Half-gtoblifloid, Half-goblin Half-goblinoid, Half-hobgoblin Half-goblinotd, Half-bugbe sr Half-keo-roa Half-ogre

Houri jovian, Hill jovian, Frost Jovian. Fire

Kestrel Lasher Lurker Metg

Mind ripper Morlock Piper Springchlld Sthein TtUcic Watcher Wendigo Woodwo$e

Wretch Wyrd


A.lbt Alicorn Blinkling

Burrower Decataur Green folk Grendle" Half.gooU

Half-goblinoid (all) Half-kuo-toa Half-ogre Houri

Jovian (all) Kestrel Lasher Lurker Merg

Mind'll?l"'r Morlock Piper Spring child" Schein Tri.';.

Watcheri' Wendigo Wood",!)se

Wretch Wyrd


l(}yeaxs IS years 12yeil.t$ 20 years 30y_, 10Y_5 35 years 14 years 14 years nycar. 13 vears 19 years 18 rears 2(1 years 24 years 31 years 30 years 7yeru:s 15 years Byears 16 years 10 years 25 yeats 3(' years 4 years .~(J years 19 years 18 yearS

Level Adjusrme~lt

+:2 +3



+5 +6


280 j'ear$ 3(i(1years 55 year' 120 years 220 years ()Oye"1~ 200 years 4(l yeat's lOOycars 110 yeats 75 ¥c;JU1I SIlO yeats 121) years 1

years Jl0yollt'l 300 years 1:2(ly_S 351) )1!l\rs

500 years 450 ¥ear. 400 years 60y_. 500 year. 250 years 600 years

'Grendles suffer 11I) physical effects of aging (mental abilities ulll'l'9venQI111alll'l'

... ·Sprillg children do not age and receive no phyllieal Or mental abiij!,\, adJlIStttl~l~ Q.11¢ tp agin.1l' tWatchcrs do not die from aging.


Elf, giant ~Ie Fllt; \l.I\icC>tll

. alJllng

lIalk efltllUt. elf C~ntlIut, elf HUlllatl, Iiz3rdfo\k DWIlrf or human, troll Gnoll,hllman Gnome or haUlieg, goblin Dwarf. hobgtlhlin

Human QT ore, ogre

mao or ore Hailling; harpy D"''arf, toper Cloake.r, gnome Human, merfolk

Any humanold, mtnd flay."

Gnome, 1",&lo<l)'t< Elf or }",lfling, myt Any humanoid, dryad

El~ oogd Gnome, pirie Dwarf, gargoyle Dwarf, winler wolf Elf, treant Hagore Elf, ol:,>re mage

Maximum~e +4d:20 years years years +3dl()ye~rs +5ciIO years +:2d:20 years +10d'1. years +2d8 yean +2020 ¥ears +2dlOyeus +;ldIO yeats +6d%year. +3dlO yean +:xl10 yean +ld% years +5d:20 yCilts +Sd20ycilts +3JlOyears +ld~{"ytl\r$ + 5(1d20 years + Hld20 yeat& +ld%years Unlimited + lOd20Y'''11' +1(1% Ye'Al:S +5d20 years

Half-Breed Average HeightAverage Weight Half-Breed Average HeightAverage Weight
Aellar, female 5' lO' 130 lb. Jovian (all), male 9'4' 7S01h
Aellar, malo 6'0' 150 lb. Kestrel, female 3 6' 361h
Allcorn, female 6 O' ISO Ib. Kestrel, male 3iO' 39Jb.
Alicoru, male 6' 2' 180 lb. Lasher, female 5 j' 1301h.
Blinkling, female 3' 0- 31 Jb. Lasher, male 5' .3' 1551b.
Blinkling, male 3' 3' 38 lb. Lurker, female ,5 2' 1151b.
Burrower, female 5'4' 2101b. Lurker, male 5 5" 125 lb.
Burrower, male S'l' 1751b, Merg, female 5'0' 110 Ib.
Decaraur, biped. female 0' o· 1501b. Merg, male 5 8- 1401b.
Decataur, biped, male 6'10' 175 Jb. Mind ripper" Varies Varies
Decaraur, quadruped, female 7'0' 500 10. Morlock, female 4'0 70 lb.
Decataur, quadruped, male 7'6- 6501b. Morlock, male 4' O' 95 lb.
Green folk, female S' 8' 140 lb. Piper, female 5'5 120 lb.
Green folk, male 5'11' J951b. Piper, male 5 9' 145 lb.
Grendle, female 6'4' 3001b. pring childfemale 5' 5' 115 lb.
Grendle, male Q'9- 390 lb. Spring child, male 5' to' 1S0tb.
Half-gnoll 5' 11- 180 lb. Srhein 14' (long) 250 lb.
Half-goblin, female 2' 11- 28 lb. Trixie, female 2 2- 121b.
Half-goblin, male 3' r ."\5 lb. Trixie, male 2' 6" 17 lb.
Half-hobgoblin, female 4'10' 1901b, Watcher, female 4' 10" 1751b.
Half-hobgoblin, male 5'2" 2501b, Watcher, male 5' 0' zoo n,
Half-bugbear, female 6' 6' 200 lb. Wendigo, female 5'2" 145 lb.
Half-bugbear, male 6 10" 275 lb. Wendigo, male 5'4- 160 lb.
Half-kuo-roa, female 5 0- 1451b_ Wo,)dwose, female 6' 11- 345 lb.
Half-kuo-roa, male 5'2' 165 lb. \1I'oodwose, male 7-2" 400tb.
Half-ogre, female 7' 3- 275Jb. Wretch, female 5' 10- 150 lb.
Half-ogre, male 7' 9" 3151b, Wretch, male 6'3" 1701b.
Houri 5'6" I j Slb. W)'td, female. 8'1" 200 lb.
Jovian (ali), female 9'0' 6151b. \X'yrd, male 8' 6' 240 lb.
*Mind rippers' height and weight depend on the mother'S size. hA1F-bReeb OeSCRIPUC>NS ~ AelLAR ~

Some elves are drawn to the sky with a passion they cannot explain. For these dreamers, it is not enough to fly by means of spells or magic items-they must feel wind beneath their wings and clouds rushing through their feathers. Driven

to take on winged form, many become druids or wizards, using wild shape or polYmorph se!fto assume the shapes of giant eagles, traditional allies of mountain-based elven strongholds. For most of these sky-craving elves, an occasional journey

on feathered wings is enough. For others, only permanent existence in eagle form can slake their need. This second sort find a way to actually become giant eagles, taking up lives among the aeries of those magnificent creatures. Occasionally, unions between the two produce half-breed offspring.

Known as aellar (an ancient Elven word meaning "featherborn"), such crossbreeds hatch from eggs alongside pure

eagles. It's not impossible for an aellar to have fullblood giant eagle siblings, but far more commonly one is born from a lone egg. Though giant eagles make loving parents, they are ill-equipped to take care of a humanoid and usually turn an aellar child over to elven allies for rearing. No matter how caring the earthbound family, an aellar grows up knowing he is different and generally leaves home as soon as his wings are strong enough.

A. ppeARANCe

Aellar resemble tall, graceful elves with powerful eagle wings. They are generally more tan or golden of skin than typical elves, and rare individuals have feathers covering their heads rather than hair. Hair and wing colors are always complementary, with blonds, golds, silvers, grays, and reds

most common. Aellar have sharp features, hooked noses, and thin faces, but no truly avian body part other than their wings. These connect just behind the shoulders, making it difficult for aellar to wear any clothing or armor not tailored specifically for them.

Because of their unusual anatomy and the need to stay light, aellar often wear only minimal clothing of the thinnest possible material. Those who need to carry their possessions with them generally invest in a magic bag or other carrying device as soon as possible, to avoid

becoming so encumbered they

cannot fly. More modest aellar may have both flying garb and

a heavier set of ground clothes (often a tunic or cloak that can be easily dropped).


Aellar are builders who need to create something that will last beyond their own lifetimes.

The exact form this desire

takes varies from aellar to

aellar: Some become famed artisans, creating works of great beauty, while others seek to leave a legacy of knowledge or form an institution that will carryon their work. Some aellar turn to empire-building, raising

armies to conquer enemy lands or settle sections of wilderness.

Aellar never feel completely at ease with anyone who cannot fly, though they make casual friends easily. The need for

flight is part of them, and most

eventually retire to communities of airborne creatures. But aellar also crave to be part of a society of beings who can talk, play instruments, and craft art, making it difficult for them to settle among giant eagles or similar sentient birds. Thus, many aellar never find a true home. Some compromise by dwelling in communities of wizards or cities with knights who ride flying steeds.

The need to be free is also strong within aellar, and most

are chaotic in alignment. Good aellar seek friends and allies who can share their love of flight and artistry, often adopting a town or people and assisting them to develop and grow. Those who are neutral are wild forces of nature, never able to settle down in one place and constantly seeking a home

that can satisfy their impossible desires. Chaotic evil aellar

are conquerors who see their wings as a mark of superiority. Sometimes known as raptors, they often hunt wingless beings for sport, form raiding parties of winged monsters, and kidnap the most attractive potential mates from flightless

races (using experimental magic in hopes of turning them into aellar or similar creatures).

Whether raised by giant eagles or elves, aellar grow up among those who can't truly understand them. Those in elven lands are often berated for flying off on their own at a young age, causing them to feel constrained or even imprisoned. Aellar in giant eagle aeries are stymied by the lack of artistry. They constantly tinker with their hands and seek

approval for their efforts, but eagles care little for such things, leaving the aellar frustrated and stifled.

Thus, aellar grow up knowing they do not fit in, no matter where home is, and begin searching at an early age for a place that suits them better. Most never find it. But the drive to build and seek others keeps aellar sane and allows them to develop a strong appreciation for their own skills and talents. They learn from their hardships and become confident, bold creatures who know the

value of teamwork but are willing to take risks on their own.


An aellar's sense of uniqueness resonates with the misfits who often become adventurers, and many aellar join such groups because they find acceptance there. Though they do not take orders well, aellar often bring such valuable talents that leaders overlook their independent streak. More experienced aellar may sponsor adventurers to look into matters they are too busy to investigate themselves, often treating them more like employees than friends.

Aellar get along well with most spellcasters, especially druids and sorcerers. Both these classes come close to matching an

aellar's ability to fly while still able to appreciate their artistic streak, and those aellar who have romances often gravitate toward such people. Aellar don't often get along with paladins and lawful clerics, whose rigid belief systems remind them of the restrictions they suffered through as youths, and who are too conformist for their free spirits.


+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom. Aellar have remarkable strength, despite their thin frames, and are very nimble. They are also extremely perceptive.

Medium-size. Aellar have no special bonuses or penalties relating to their size, but most items of clothing or armor must be specially tailored, doubling the cost.

Aellar base speed is 30 feet. They have a fly speed of 40 feet, with average maneuverability when lightly encum-

bered. When carrying a medium load, they fly at only 20 feet with poor maneuverability. Aellar cannot fly when carrying a heavy load.

Low-light vision.

Aellar have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks made during daylight hours, and a + 1 racial bonus on all Listen and Search checks. They qualify for the Elven Senses feat but do not gain any further bonus to Spot checks from it.

Favored Class: Sorcerer. A multiclass aellar's sorcerer class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +3. An aellar has an effective character level (ECL) of 3 plus class levels, so a l st-level aellar sorcerer would have an EeL of 4.


Though it is rare, sometimes a unicorn's heart finds love outside its own species. Even more rarely this love is returned, and a strained romance forms. Most common of all such mismatched pairings is the bond between unicorn and an elven ranger or druid. Such relationships are besieged by prejudice and awkwardness, but for truly dedicated lovers

no barrier is too great to overcome. Each couple faces these challenges differently, but in some cases the solution results in offspring-the rare crossbreeds known as alicorns.

Alicorns are creatures of love, justice, and power, combining the best of both parents' abilities and talents. Also called whitemanes or illear ("golden-born"), alicorns are shy and unassuming in social settings, though many are firmly dedicated to the causes of freedom and right. They frequently do not lead happy lives, constantly struggling against bigotry as they try to make the world a brighter place.

Alicorns are larger and more powerfully built than elves, though they share other traits with their bipedal parents. Their ears are very long and pointed, sticking out horizontally. Their coloration is always pale, and they have rich manes of white, silver, or golden hair. An alicorn's eyes are also generally golden or silver, though some are cobalt blue or spring green. An alicorn has a small silver or gold nub on the forehead, generally no bigger than a thumbnail.

Young alicorns often look gangly, with large feet, huge ears, fantastic mops of hair, and a knock-kneed way of walking that causes them to constantly look near collapsing. As they mature they become creatures of great grace and beauty,

though many don't realize it. This "ugly duckling" effect produces amazingly attractive beings, with strong features, striking eyes, and thick, wavy hair, who still don't realize they have outgrown their awkwardness.

A very few dark alicorns have been known to exist, a rare mingling of drow and evil, black unicorns. These dread individuals always have black or midnight blue skin, red eyes, and wild manes of white or purple hair. A dark alicorn has a solid black nub in his forehead, often in a ragged or pentagram shape.


Alicorns are quiet as a rule, and often very self-conscious.

They are aware that many societies do not accept their parents' decision to bring a half-breed into the world, and have no desire to become involved in debates on the relative morality of such an act. Alicorns who grow up among elves are used to feeling large and clumsy, and many never get over this perception. Those raised by unicorns see themselves as slow and weak, and do not wish to draw attention to their inadequacies.

Some issues bring an alicorn to immediate and dedicated action, however. Alicorns are almost always lawful good, the blood of their unicorn parent pulsing in their hearts. These inevitably become champions and defenders of the weak, for they cannot bear to let evil and injustice go unopposed. Many youths are killed when they face a foe too great, but older alicorns learn to temper their love of justice with caution,

and may even hold back allies who wish to take on a mighty enemy-not out of fear, but to allow careful consideration of how best to serve the forces of good.

Much as their parents did, alicorns are forced to seek companionship among those unlike themselves. They try to not judge a creature by its species or culture, instead treating every individual according to its actions and attitudes. This often brings alicorns in conflict with conservative cultures and groups, for they might defend half-orcs, befriend witches, or join groups of misfits, outcasts, and exiles.

Alicorns are generally reared by elven relatives or religious orders. These elves try to be fair-

minded and open-hearted, but many still look down on any elf who would take as a mate a creature that isn't even humanoid, and this attitude often rubs off on their young charges. Also, alicorns are clumsy until they mature,

and larger and stronger

than elves, resulting

in numerous broken

plates and tipped vases. Though alicorns make a

few close friends as they grow, they also find themselves increasingly uncomfortable under

the scrutiny of their fair foster parents. By the

time an alicorn reaches

his full growth around

the age of eighteen,

he's ready to move out.

Alicorns are natural

warriors, and even those who have no formal training are more than able to defend themselves from common thugs and brigands. Combined with their crusading spirit, this leads

most to join knightly orders, take

religious vows, or train as independent

defenders of virtue. Alicorns do well in large, cosmopolitan settings where they stand out less, but they crave the quiet and solitude of nature too much to live in the city permanently. As a result they rarely settle down, instead taking up a wandering life, often with a collection of close friends.

Alicorns get along with any good-aligned adventuring group, but they have a penchant for those who don't fit in anywhere else. Since they judge people by their actions rather than impersonal standards, many are satisfied to work with groups

of neutral adventurers-as long as their allies don't cross the line into true evil. Alicorn paladins in particular are wellreceived by such groups, who are often unable to attract any other holy warrior to their ranks.


+2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +4 Wisdom, +6 Charisma. Alicorns combine the best qualities of both parents.

Medium-size. Though tall by human standards, alicorns aren't big enough to count as Large creatures.

Alicorn base speed is 40 feet. +2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

+ 1 racial bonus on all Listen, Search, and Spot checks.

Alicorns may make a natural slam attack instead of wielding a weapon.

This deals 1d6 points of damage.

Alicorns can detect evil at will as a free action.

An alicorn spellcaster of any class can always sacrifice a spell of 1 st level or higher to cast cure light u/ounds.

+4 racial bonus on all saves made against poisons and Enchantment spells or abilities.

Favored Class: Paladin.

A multiclass alicorn's paladin class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +5.

An alicom has an effective character level (ECL) of 5 plus class levels, so a l st-level alicorn paladin would have an ECL of 6.


These crossbreeds follow the same rules as alicorns, with the following changes:

Dark alicorns may detect magic as a free action rather than detect evil.

Dark alicorn spellcasters may sacrifice a spell of 1st level or higher to cast inflict light wounds rather than cure light wounds.

Favored Class: Rogue.

- bllNKllNq -

(bllNK boq/hi\lFllNq) - SmAll IDoNSLROUS hUmANOl"


Also known as hoppers, puplings, and fieldskippers, blinklings are a mix of blink dogs and halAings. They combine the

jovial attitude of halflings with a strong sense of duty and community inherited from their canine side.

Supposedly, blinklings originated when a powerful halfling druid asked her goddess for assistance against an invasion of trolls. According to this legend, the deity merged a local pack of blink dogs with the druid's halfling

allies to create a group of warriors who could move quickly and quietly through the forest and avoid the trolls' heavy blows. Though members of other

races scoff and make disparaging remarks about blinkling origins they consider more likely, among halflings the crossbreeds are noble and blessed cousins who deserve respect.

Blinklings are able to breed with

both other blinklings and halflings. The offspring is always a blinkling, though some individuals have more pronounced canine features than others. Communities of blinklings

are unheard of, however, due to

their very small numbers. Some halfling settlements have as high as

a 20% blinkling component, though 5% is more common. Blinklings are also found among blink dog packs, where they often serve as emissaries to humanoid communities.

l:4.. ppeARANCe

Blinklings have the same build and size as halflings but have furry ears

like dogs', slightly elongated muzzles with pronounced canine teeth, and tails. Males grow shaggy facial hair that makes them look somewhat like terriers. Most do not have fur over the majority of their bodies, but some have patches on their backs, hands, or feet. Females are slightly smaller and thinner, and almost never have excess hair.

Blinklings have darker skin than their halfling kin, ranging from tan to yellow- or dark brown and black. Their eyes are almost always a deep brown, but hair color ranges widely. Blinkling hair is thick and wild, resisting all efforts to keep it combed or pinned up.

Blinklings are a cheerful, playful group. They enjoy simple pleasures, such as chasing games and hunting. Though they are energetic and always in motion, they never get bored

even with repetitive activities, as long as they require a lot

of moving about. Blink dogs refer to blinklings as "eternal puppies," and the description is apt. Blinklings are not good at activities that require long periods of quiet or concentration. They rarely become crafters or scholars, tending toward adventuring, hunting, and tracking.

Blinklings are not stupid, though they tend toward rash and simple acts. An obvious threat or well-explained danger can

make one act seriously for as long as needed, though he sees less immediate threats as unimportant. Blinklings feel tomorrow is soon enough to worry

about tomorrow, an attitude that can annoy their friends and allies.

Most blinklings are good, generally lawful with a strong chaotic

minority. They have strong ties to friends and community, and show fierce loyalty even in the face of great peril. Many stories exist of blinklings fighting

to the death to save a friend

or tracking down lost family members in a blizzard. Evil

blinklings are very, very rare and almost always abused as youngsters.

Unlike many half-breeds, blinklings are welcome in the community of either parent race. To halflings they are gifted heroes and often undertake roles as woodland guardians. To blink dogs they are part of the pack, to be supported and defended as any other. Because of this, blinklings are not generally brooders, loners, miscreants, or troublemakers as is common for other crossbreeds.

Blinklings mature quickly, reaching physical and emotional maturity by the age of twelve. Unfortunately this accelerated aging stays with them for their entire lives, and only a few pass the age of sixty. This is a shorter lifespan than either of their parent races, but blinklings see it as the price they pay for their exceptional abilities.

Every blinkling is an adventurer, though some might never venture more than a mile from their home. The need to be active and outdoors leads many blinklings to take up careers as guides, rangers, scouts, and bounty hunters. They also become involved in the adventuring life because a friend does, blithely tagging along without considering the consequences.

Blinklings get along well with most races and classes, though

their jovial disposition can be grating to more serious individuals (especially dwarves). Blinklings of any class appreciate the talents of arcane spellcasters and rogues, and often take advice from such people---even ignoring other authority figures. Blinklings have the greatest respect for druids and carefully consider anything they do or say in the presence of a powerful nature priest.


-2 Strength, +2 Dexterity. Blinklings have approximately the same build as hal flings, sharing their nimbleness and suffering the same lack of physical power.

Small: Blinklings gain a + 1 size bonus to AC and attacks and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, as well as all the other normal effects of being Small creatures.

Blinkling base speed is 25 feet.

Low-light vision.

+1 racial bonus on Climb,Jump, Listen, and Move Silently checks.

Blinklings qualify for the Bite and Scent feats.

Blink (Su): A blinkling can use this ability as a free

action a number of times per day equal to 1 + blinkling's Charisma bonus (minimum 1/ day), as blink cast by' a sorcerer of the blinkling's level.

Favored Class: Ranger. A multiclass blinkling's ranger class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multi classing.

Level Adjustment: +2. A blinkling has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels, so a 1st-level blinkling ranger would have an ECL of 3.

(GNome/UmbeR bouo - IDeblUm-SlZe IDoNSnOUS hUfI)ANOlb

Burrowers are among the rarest of crossbreeds, created only under very unusual circumstances. A melding of gnome and umber hulk, a burrower arises when an umber hulk priest performs a complex ritual to evil elemental gods. Since few groups of umber hulks ever grow large enough to support

a priest, and even fewer of those priests learn to master the ritual, rare indeed are the umber hulk strongholds with access to burrower workers.

Once the ritual has been mastered, however, it is possible to create dozens or even hundreds of burrowers. They are pressed into service as laborers, allowing groups of a few hundred umber hulks to build fortifications and underground tities that would normally require the labor of thousands. Some train as warriors to defend the umber hulk stronghold, but this is far less common. Burrowers are the lowest caste in umber hulk societies, thought of as little more than beasts of burden.

Burrowers are clearly hybrids. They stand a little over 5 feet tall and have the build of oversize gnomes but are covered in hard, chitinous plates, with compound insectoid eyes. Despite their buglike features, burrowers' basic face shape is that of a gnome. The most striking feature of a burrower is its massive claws. Often over 2 feet long, these allow it to tunnel through earth with ease, and even to move through rock (though at a greatly reduced rate).

Unlike umber hulks, burrowers vary greatly in coloration.

A few are brown or yellow, with red, black, and purple

chitin most common. One in ten burrowers has thick hair growing from the top of its plated head, with colors normally matching its shell. Burrowers have no need for clothing

and rarely wear armor, but they often strap belts, bags, and pouches to various parts of their bodies.


Burrowers are sturdy, dependable creatures who rarely panic or lose their wits. Although some scholars claim this is a

result of stupidity-and it is true that burrowers are not the cleverest creatures-their emotional stability is more than

a simple lack of imagination. Burrowers are fatalists who assume that the worst is yet to come and that life is unlikely to get better. This attitude prevents them from acting hastily or in fear: They don't see any reason to rush into what is likely to be a bad outcome, even if things look horrible currently.

Burrowers enjoy simple pleasures, especially the accomplishment of a time-consuming or difficult task. They are unimpressed

with most art and music, but appreciate such things as well-made crafts, magic items, and food. (A burrower can survive on fungus but prefers a widely varied diet.) Burrowers admire dedication and often praise those who are devoted to a cause, even when that cause is opposed to the burrower's own. Because of this, burrowers have great respect for all religion.

Despite this, burrowers rarely show strong dedication to anything themselves. Most are neutral in alignment, doing their best to muddle through life without taking too many risks or stepping on too many toes. This works well in the hive colonies most burrowers grow up in, though it is limiting to anyone traveling through the world at large.

Burrowers do sometimes become invested with a particular religious belief, sometimes even going so far as to change alignments. Such beings put their sturdy and unflappable attitudes to good use as missionaries, scriveners, and even warriors of the faith.

Burrowers grow up as second-class citizens, workers in a hive society dedicated to the preservation of everyone-except the burrowers. They are worked hard from an early age, long before they grow to adulthood, and receive little advanced education or training. This harsh treatment does

little to teach them about the outside world or encourage them to grow in any way as individuals, but it does them little real

harm. Burrowers learn that life is harsh and their lot is cruel and unjust, but they accept this widrour allowing their own

sense of self-worth to be diminished.

Burrowers are sometimes stolen from their homelands, lose their way in the surrounding tunnels, or (most rarely) decide to escape their depkorable situation

and explore the

world. As umber

hulks scarcely value

a single burrower,

they make little

effort to find one lost worker, regardless of the circumstances. (Of

'-~~'\,~, ~'b.'\,'\, <!.~(~,-<;i,~~'\,

of burrowers is another matter, dealt with harshly). Once free, burrowers generally work their way from place to

place, making few friends and fewer connections to communities. A burrower generally doesn't consider a place "home" unless the inhabitants make an effort to welcome it. (Monasteries and churches have the best track record in this regard.)

Burrowers get along well with spellcasters of all kinds except sorcerers, whom they see as undeserving of magic, acquired as it is without study or toil. Similarly they don't like thieves because such people steal from others, though they have no objections to rakes, scoundrels, and assassins with similar skills. Barbarians are an enigma to burrowers, who can't understand why anyone would willingly fly into a rage.

Those burrowers who take up priestly vocations are most likely to join adventuring parties. Members of other races often find their appearance disturbing and their origins distasteful to contemplate. This doesn't bother burrowers much, though they spend more time with individuals who don't Rinch or look uncomfortable whenever one appears.

+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom. Burrowers have tough and powerful frames but are slow thinkers.

• Medium-size.

Burrower base speed is 30 feet, with a burrow speed of 20 feet through dirt and earth. They can tunnel through rock, but much more slowly, at the rate of 1 foot per minute.

+4 natural armor bonus to AC.

Low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Burrowers have tremorsense, allowing them to automatically detect any creature touching the ground within 30 feet, as long as the burrower is also in contact with me ground.

Burrowers may make two natural claw attacks instead of wielding a weapon. These deal 2d4 points of damage each.

Immune to spells or e.Re.c.ts. c.a_lJ£~ c.o.QEus,\.QQ at. panic.

Favored Class: Cleric.

A multiclass burrower's cleric class does not count when determining whether it suffers

an XP penalty for multi classing.

Level Adjustment: +4. A burrower has an effective character level (ECL) of 4 plus class levels, so a l st-level burrower cleric would have an ECL of 5.


Decataurs are the infertile offspring of centaurs and elves. There are two forms of decataur: biped and quadruped. Biped decataurs are the result of unions between male centaurs and female elves, while the quadruped form is born of an elven father and a centaur

mother. Despite their obvious physical differences, the two share enough common traits to be considered sub races of a single breed.



Decataurs usually result from illicit romances, often consummated with the aid of shapeshifting magic. There are legends of decataurlike creatures existing

in far-off lands, with an elven torso and head and the

body of a deer or elk. If such creatures do exist, they may well be similar

to decataurs but interbreed more regularly with typical centaurs.

Decataurs are loners and brooders, preferring to spend their time in a secluded grove or uninhabited section of wilderness. They hate crowds, especially noisy throngs such as are found

in markets and big cities. A decataur forced into close proximity with numerous other people either becomes

irritable or ignores everyone as much as possible. This can be mistaken for rudeness, fear, or even arrogance, but it is just the decataur's way of dealing with a distasteful circumstance.

Biped decataurs are often mistaken for satyrs or fauns, though they

are larger than either. They have the

chest, abdomen, and head of an elf,

with a pair of horse legs and an equine

tail. These decataurs are slight of build and appear gangly, though they are graceful

in movement. Quadruped decataurs are nearly indistinguishable from centaurs, with an elven upper body and head attached to a horse's body at the waist. Only their thinner frames, lacking the powerful muscles and

thick leathery hide of pureblood

centaurs, give away their mixed


Unlike most centaurs, decataurs prefer to cover their humanoid upper bodies, generally with simple tunics or sometimes armor. If traveling to cold regions they are not ashamed to buy blankets or similar items to cover their equine lower bodies (or simple kilts if bipedal). A decataur never wears belts or straps, hating any suggestion of being a steed or pack animal. Indeed, even those with four legs generally carry their equipment in backpacks and satchels rather than strapping bags to their flanks.

Even among friends, decataurs dislike sharing their feelings or exploring emotions. They value

privacy highly, both their own and that of others.

It is not unusual for decataurs to announce

their presence before beginning a fight, not as a matter of honor but to prevent their attack from interrupting a private moment. A decataur who is

moody or troubled does not respond well to probing questions, growing angry with even the closest comrades if they persist.

Almost all decataurs

are neutral good, working quietly to preserve the peace they so love. Not many are crusaders, as they prefer defensive roles over seeking out wrongs to address.

Though few decataurs are evil, even fewer are lawful

in alignment. They see laws as an invasion of their rights and react poorly to zealous

enforcement of them.

Evil decataurs take their love of privacy to extremes, setting up lethal traps around their homes and killing trespassers without any consideration for their targets' needs or intent.

Though decataurs are generally raised in loving homes by at least one parent, most run away long before they mature at the age of thirty. They simply cannot stand the close, interconnected communities of elves or the uninhibited relationships of centaur clans. A young decataur often rails

and shouts at parents who can't understand why their mere presence and questions of concern send her into a rage. This behavior often haunts decataurs later in life, but as youngsters they themselves do not realize what drives them to seek solitude.

Decataurs can deal with society if it's on their own terms, and they enter small towns for short visits and shopping trips. These expeditions lead to friendly acquaintances,

and eventually a few strong friendships. Such companions must be very tolerant of a decataur's strong, often sudden need for solitude, though-more than one friendship has been destroyed by misunderstandings. Older decataurs are forthright in their dealings with friends, warning them in advance of the lone walks, weeks in the wild, and unexpected desire to be left alone.

Decataurs often become wanderers, which in turn often leads to a life of adventure. Though naturally loners, they crave bonds of fellowship to replace the lack of community. Most decataurs become adventurers by accident, either coming across a lost band of explorers in the wilds or encountering some injustice they feel compelled to correct. Once accepted by a group, a decataur often acts as a guardian or advisor, only rarely spending time with her allies in social settings but always available in times of need.

Quadruped decataurs are offended by any suggestion of treatment as a mount or pack beast. Despite their increased carrying capacity, they are unwilling to bear others' supplies or be ridden as a mere horse. In an emergency a decataur might agree to carry friends to safety, but she would never acquiesce to the use of a saddle and might become violent at the suggestion of a bit, bridle, or spurs.

(Biped) +4 Dexterity; (quadruped) +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution. Decataurs are sturdier than elves but do not have the powerful frames of their centaur parents. Bipedal decataurs are amazingly graceful despite appearances, while their four-legged kin are less agile but stronger and hardier.

Biped decataurs are Medium-size. Though tall by human standards, they aren't quite big enough to count as Large creatures. Quadruped decataurs are Large, giving them a

-1 size penalty on attack rolls and Armor Class. However, because their torsos are only slightly larger than elves', they count as Medium-size creatures when determining what weapons they may use, and they do not have any extra reach.

Biped decataur base speed is 30 feet. Quadruped decataur base speed is 50 feet.

Due to their size and sturdy frame, quadruped decataurs have three times the carrying capacity of a human with the same strength.

Quadruped decataurs may make two natural hoof attacks instead of wielding a weapon. These deal Id4 points of damage each.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Favored Class: Ranger. A multiclass decataur's ranger class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: (biped) +1; (quadruped) +3. A biped decataur has an effective character level (ECL) of 1 plus class levels, so a 1st-level biped decataur ranger would have an ECL of 2. A quadruped decataur has an effective character level (ECL) of 3 plus class levels, so a 1st-level quadruped decataur ranger would have an ECL of 4.

- GReeN FoLk -

(hUIDAN/1~R.~FOlK) - IDe~lUID-SlAe hUIDAN01~

Also called cold ones, scalies, and gatormen, green folk

are hybrids of human and lizardfolk blood. It may be that in some remote swamps lizardfolk and humans simply interbreed, but most green folk occur when a human is killed in a swamp by powerful arcane magics, and an effort

is made to reincarnate him or her. The lizard folk gods, angry at such efforts to bypass the natural cycle of the marshes, intercept the human soul. Rather than allow it to return as

a new creature, the gods force the soul into a lizardfolk egg, which hatches into a green folk. Though green folk retain no memories or skills from their previous life, they show physical signs of their mixed heritage.

Male green folk are infertile, but females can interbreed with either parent race, though the offspring is always a male

green folk. Because of this it is impossible for green folk to ever form their own independent tribes, and rarely do they make up more than 10% of any swamp community. In some lizard folk tribes, green folk females are greatly respected and sometimes become druids (the only tribe members to do so-other tribal shamans are adepts or clerics).

Green folk have the appearance of trim, well-formed humans except for their skin, eyes, and webbed and taloned hands

and feet. Most have dark green skin, with darker stripes or spotted patterns beginning at the neck and running across the shoulders and down the spine. Many have lighter coloration

on their chest and stomach. Green folk have vertically slit-pupiled eyes that are yellow, red, orange, brown, or a spectacular mix of these colors. Some are entirely hairless, while others have thick dark green, brown, or black hair.

Green folk living in the wilds often wear the same clothes and use the same weapons and armor as their lizardfolk kin. Those who move to more civilized surroundings take full advantage of improved weapons and armor available there but have diffeting attitudes about other accouterments. Some take to the tailored clothes of civilization, while others feel uncomfortable wearing anything more complex than a few hides.


Green folk are an insular people who believe any show of weakness or vulnerability is an invitation to attack. They are inscrutable to most other races, even lizardfolk, for they rarely show any

sign of their emotions. Only in the

most extreme state of anger or stress do green folk's expressions betray their thoughts. They are not

as calm as they seem, however, but passionate creatures who are driven

by their desires, fears, and loyalties.

The harsh conditions in which they grow up push green folk toward a kill-or-be-killed attitude. Though green folk

are extremely loyal to their own kin, they consider others

below them and see nothing wrong with cheating, betraying,

and lying to strangers. Most green folk are neutral evil, caring

only for themselves

and their close friends and allies while taking any

action that aids them and theirs,

regardless of whom else it hurts. Because of this a tribe that grows too big tends to splinter as green folk take sides within.

Neutral good green folk are far rarer but more common than lawful or chaotic members of the breed. Good green folk have the same strong loyalty and urge to aid friends and allies, but tempered with a desire to not harm others needlessly. They are no less savage when protecting their families from attack, but they don't indiscriminately murder and deceive to gain a slight advantage.

Green folk raised in lizard folk communities have childhoods very similar to their fullblood cousins'. From hatching until they reach adulthood a decade later, green folk are taught to hunt, stalk, hide, and master the skills necessary for a swampland life. If a green folk youth proves faster, stronger, and more able and cunning than his foster family, he is accepted into the tribe as

a full member, and treated like any other. If not, he is enslaved as a weakling and forced to serve the tribe as a worker and guard. Some lizardfolk tribes intentionally raise green folk as slaves, allowing not even the strongest among them to enjoy the privileges of free folk.

Green folk rescued by humans have surprisingly similar experiences. Though well treated by those who freed them, they soon

outgrow their childhood friends and are forced to enter adult society. Regardless of how accepting their rescuers are, green folk

discover that humans in general are suspicious and often bigoted. Societal prejudice against their

obvious physical differences often drives green folk into servitude, and some are taken by slavers as exotic specimens.

Weaker green folk submit to and accept such shabby treatment as their lot in life.

Stronger individuals struggle against this oppression, eventually escaping and becoming wanderers. Though unable to hide their mixed blood, green folk are quick learners

and adapt easily to most conditions, allowing them to survive with equal ease in both wilderness and urban settings.

A green folk may never feel quite comfortable in a great city full of humans,

but he learns what behavior is tolerated and what will get him collared by the city guard thrown into chains.

Green folk often find work as guides and guards, where their natural loyalty serves them well. Because green folk rarely show their true feelings to anyone, it's not uncommon for one to befriend an individual without the new ally having any idea the bond has formed. This doesn't matter much to the green folk, however, who willingly risks his life for anyone he considers part of his new "tribe."

Green folk cooperate with humans, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. There seems to be some primal, racial hatred between green folk and half-orcs, who often come to blows over the most trivial of disagreements. Elves are either fascinated or repelled by green folk, who respond to either attitude in kind.

These crossbreeds work well with warriors and sneaks of all kinds, but they are suspicious of spellcasters. Clerics, paladins, and druids must prove themselves to green folk, who are always wary of efforts to take control of the "tribe." Arcane spellcasters frighten green folk, though they never reveal this emotion.

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence. Green folk are physically powerful and tough but tend not to be interested in intellectual pursuits.


Green folk base speed is 30 feet. + 3 natural armor bonus to AC.

Green folk may make two natural claw attacks instead of wielding a weapon. These dealld3 points of damage each.

Low-light vision.

Green folk are able to hold their breath for amazing periods of rime (5 minutes per point of Constitution score).

Green folk's webbed hands and feet give them a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks.

Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass green folk's barbarian class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +2. A green folk has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels. So, for instance a 1st-level green folk barbarian would have an ECLof 3.

~ GReNc)le ~


Grenclles are rare crossbreeds created by the intermingling of trolls and humans or dwarves. Also called trulkund, trollkin,

and blackbloods, they are most common in colder, northern lands and underground kingdoms. Trolls always kill any grenclle born among them, so these half-breeds are found only among barbarian humans and dwarf clans of the frozen lands and occasionally in the homes of hermit wizards and blacksmiths.

True grenclles do not occur naturally, requiring either shapeshifting magic or other mystic means of combining their parents' bloodlines. They are often the children of powerful clerics and wizards who consciously choose to mix their blood with that of trolls. Second-generation grenclles can occur when grenclles breed with either dwarves or humans. In some isolated cases entire communities of grenclles have risen after many generations of such crossbreeding. Grenclles can also mate with trolls, although their offspring are indistinguishable from normal trolls.

Grenclles have the green skin of their troll parent but little else to suggest their monstrous heritage. They are tall, well-formed, and often considered comely by both humans and dwarves. They have very thick builds, pointed ears, and piercing eyes of yellow, black, or red. Most grenclles have dark green or black hair, though any color is possible. Dwarf/troll grenclles tend to be slightly shorter than the human/ troll variety, but nothing else distinguishes the two.

Grenclles are always muscular--even the weakest is more than a match for a strong human. They have few facial expressions,

never ranging far from a look of intense concentration. They lack the tough hides of their troll parentage, but make up for this weakness with a far more advanced cunning and a natural aptitude for metalworking. As a result many grenclles wear metal armor and jewelry.


Grenclles are not as universally serious as their faces might suggest, but they are not given to easy merriment or mirth either. They are often seen as pessimists, though they themselves believe a realistic view of life is rarely a cheerful one. Grendles are driven by the need for self-sufficiency. While this can be a positive force that moves them to learn

a trade and work diligently, it can also produce a craving for wealth and power as well as a tendency toward isolation.

These factors incline grendles to care little about the opinions of others. Most divide everyone else into the inferior (not worth worrying about) and superior (real threats). Grendles do not easily make friends, and many go through life without ever doing so. On the other hand, they know it's not possible to survive completely alone, so they seek allies they can respect and count on. The best way to gain a grendle's trust is to prove one's own self-sufficiency. Grendles are not known for breaking their word or betraying their comrades, and the bonds of a long-term alliance can become friendship.

Grendles are almost always lawful in alignment, though they are evenly divided among good, evil, and neutral. The rare chaotic grenclles are more than a bit insane, frequently speaking only

in rhyme, calling people by random names, hallucinating, and getting involved in intricate plots with no real hope of success.

Most grendles grow up in small communities, where they are at best grudgingly accepted. In some cases this is due to their legendary ability at metalworking, and in others because they have a powerful patron for a parent. It's not unusual for a human or dwarven wizard to mate with a troll intentionally, producing a grendle child to serve as a powerful guard and skilled worker and to ensure the wizard's bloodline remains strong. Such parents are often more demanding than loving, and do little to increase a grendle's sense of acceptance.

Grendles do not mature as quickly as humans, with lifespans more similar to a dwarf's. Unlike most races, grendles suffer no physical deterioration as a result of old age. Because

of this, they could live even longer than their aging rate suggests-though few grendles die peacefully in

their sleep.

Grendles who take up a life of adventure are driven

by the desire to find

some secret knowledge, often relating to metalworking. Many become wizards, or take

at least a few wizard levels, not to master spells but to delve into the lore of creating magic items. Of course

their natural strength

makes grendles excellent

fighters, and

many end up following this violent path out of necessity.

Grendles do not easily tolerate bards and rogues, for they do not appreciate the lighter,

easy-going attitude towards matters that

members of those classes tend to exhibit. They respect spellcasters of any kind, often attaching themselves to one as friend, bodyguard, or both. Being mighty combatants themselves, they are impressed only with those barbarians, fighters, rangers, and paladins who exceed their own skill level.

+6 Strength, +4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -4 Charisma. Though not as strong or tough as pure trolls, grendles are remarkably powerful and hardy. They do not react well to change and often have trouble grasping new concepts, but grendles do not suffer from a troll's lack of common sense and wits.

Medium-Size: Though impressive by human standards, grendles aren't quite big enough to count as Large creatures.

Grendle base speed is 30 feet.

+2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Fast Healing 1 (Ex): Grendles regain lost hit points at the rate of 1 per hour. This is just like natural healing and cannot restore hit point loss

from starvation, thirst, or suffocation. Although they lack true regeneration, grendles may regrow severed body

parts, as long as these were not lost to fire or acid damage. Such limbs regrow after 2d4 days with a successful Fortitude save (DC 20). On a failure, the limb is permanently lost.

Grendles have a natural aptitude for metalworking. They gain a +4 racial bonus on Appraise, Craft, and Profession checks relating to metal or metalwork, and a +2 racial bonus on Disable Device or Open Lock checks dealing with a purely metal


+ 2 racial bonus on saves against spells and effects causing fear or despair.

Grendles do not suffer any physical ability loss as a result of age.

Favored Class:

Fighter. A multiclass grendle's

fighter class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +3. A grendle has an effective character level (ECL) of 3 plus class levels, so a 1st-level grendle fighter would have an ECL of 4.

- hALF -GNoll -

(GNoll/hUIDAN) - IDe()lUID-SlAe hUIDAN01()

Like half-orcs, half-gnolls are the inevitable result of constant feuding between gnoll and human clans in the wildest reaches of the world. In most cases, they are not the result of a loving union. A few human barbarian tribes, however, revere the hyena folk as representatives of the spirits of death and the afterlife, and often treat gnolls as honored guests or even allies. Sadly, half-gnolls' lives are no happier in these tribes, for their rough appearance is taken as a sign of the death god's displeasure.

Half-gnolls have none of the savage, noble bearing the best halforcs present. They are pitiable creatures, with broken, hunched frames. A sterile race, many die of disease at young ages. Those who survive have litrle to look forward to, since no society views them as anything other than abominations and mistakes. Most half-gnolls turn to the underside of society, where they are judged only by their talents, becoming thieves, brigands, and assassins.

Half-gnolls suffer the worst of both parents' features. They have long, canine snouts filled with sharp teeth, but no fur

on their faces. Similarly, their chests and stomachs are bare, but patchy fur and random areas of longer hair cover the rest of their bodies. Their tails are naked, ratlike things

rather than a gnoll's proud banner of fur. Halfgnolls have clawed hands, with bigger

talons than even their gnoll kin's, and digitigrade feet. They are generally not symmetrical, and many have

legs of unmatched lengths

or a hump on one side of the back.

This nearly random collection of features gives half-gnolls

a patchwork,



Many half-gnolls try to compensate for their hideous appearance by wearing fine clothing

and armor, though the results are not always impressive. Their hunched, long-necked posture does not lend itself well to

tailoring, and even the richest clothes look mocking rather than dignified upon their rough frames.

Spiked, bladed, or engraved armor is somewhat more effective, as long as the half-gnoll is willing to look frightening and wild.


Half-gnolls are defensive, hot headed, cowardly, underhanded, and vicious. They rarely display any sign of affection or kindness and are loyal only so long as they don't think disloyalty is more profitable. Most are fascinated by poisons and similar trickery, and prefer ranged weapons to anything that requires risking their own hide in melee combat. Halfgnolls don't like anyone or anything-themselves included.


The one redeeming trait of this miserable breed is tenacity. A half-gnoll never gives up on a goal once he's set on it, though he may abandon short-term plans and allies whenever he feels threatened. Half-gnolls are willing to put up with any discomfort or indignity if it brings them closer to a desired outcome, for they have no pride to get in the way of such subterfuge. Cunning warlords and crime bosses have learned to use this trait to their advantage, employing half-gnolls as spies who pretend to be prisoners, beggars, and even slaves.

Most half-gnolls born into human tribes are put

to death, with only the strongest of parental instinct able to put aside

the knife. Even then, the half-breed is treated as a menial servant at best, and more likely taunted and

abused. Those raised in gnoll tribes are treated no better, with slavery and pit fighting common fates.

Weaker than their gnoll parent and dumber than their human ancestors, half-gnolls learn that trickery and lies are their only tools for survival.

The most cunning flee far from the lands of gnolls. They try

to pass for cursed humans if seeking pity, or as lycanthtopes if trying to cow a population. Half-gnolls have a talent for

finding brigand leaders and thieves' guilds, where they offer their services as enforcers, spies, and lieutenants. Most combine their natural woodcraft with a sly cowardice as ranger/rogues. They especially enjoy using poisoned arrows or quarrels and shooting from concealment, leading a few to become assassins. The vast majority of half-gnolls are chaotic evil.

Half-gnolls don't work well with anyone, though they understand rogues better than other classes. They fear rangers, paladins, and druids. They are envious of spellcasters, seeing magic as a tool for overcoming weakness, but rarely have the wits to master spells themselves. They are most likely to be found with fighters and barbarians, who are strong enough to enforce loyalty through intimidation.

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence,-4 Charisma. Half-gnolls have some of the strength and

endurance of their gnoll parentage but are shortsighted, slow-witted, and rabidly unlikable.


Half-gnoll base speed is 30 feet. + 1 natural armor bonus to AC.

Half-gnolls may make two natural claw attacks instead of wielding a weapon. These dealld4 points of damage each.

Low-light vision.

Half-gnolls gain Iron Will as a bonus feat.

Favored Class: Ranger. A multiclass half-gnoll's ranger class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: + 1. A half-gnoll has an effective character level (ECL) of 1 plus class levels, so a 1 st-level half-gnoll ranger would have an ECL of 2.

- hAlF-<:;oollNC>lb -

(GNome/qobLlN; qobLlN/hAlFLlNG; ~RF/hobqobLlN; etF/~R) SmALL OR IDeblUID-SlZe hlJIDANOlb

Half-goblinoids are most common in areas where a goblinoid tribe has overrun another race's outpost or border town. The local population is retained as slaves and integrated into the goblinoid society. Eventually, half-breed offspring appear. Where stable goblinoid kingdoms have arisen, half-goblinoids are as common as half-orcs are in outlying human settlements.

Each goblinoid race seems able to breed with only a limited number of other species, and the offspring of such unions

are always infertile. Among goblins gnomes form the most common half-breed, though rare crosses with halfungs do occur, Hobgoblins seem able to intermix only with dwarves, and this most often happens when the militant goblinoids ale used as shock troops by some more powerful subterranean race, such as drow Bugbears are able to produce half-breed offspring only with elves, and these are the least common of all the half-goblinoids.

"A. ppeARANCe

Each line of half-goblinoid has its own distinctive look.

Half-goblins have the basic appearance of their gnome or halfling families but are leaner and more wiry. They have sharply pointed ears and small fangs, with unusually flat, broad faces. Their skin is often blotchy, with mixed patches of yellow, brown, and tan, making it impossible to conceal their mixed heritage. Half-goblins always have thin black

hair and are incapable of growing any facial hair. Many wear patchwork clothes or armor, even going to far as to buy tailored patchwork garb when they have the money for it.

Half-hobgoblins are often mistaken for short half-orcs, though they are even broader and more heavyset than most ore crossbreeds. They have dark skins, often gray or green, and are bald. They sport impressive facial hair, however, generally wiry and black. Most have pronounced canines, pointed ears, and flat noses, but these features vary somewhat among individuals. Half-hobgoblins often tattoo their heads or wear decorative skullcaps.

h~lF -bUGbeARS

Half-bugbears are sometimes described as "prehistoric elves." They are much taller than elves, sometimes reaching 7 feet

They have tough, thick hides that are generally white or pale tan and thick black hair. Many have very angular faces, which some accentuate with swept-back hairstyles and pointed beards or mustaches. Their ears are pointed in the elven fashion but are slighdy larger and set higher on the head. Most half-bugbears have black eyes, though red and brown are also known. The rarer crossbreeds of drow /bugbear parentage have the same builds and general features as typical half-bugbears but very different coloration, with blue skin and gray or white hair common.

Half-bugbears like wearing heavy armor, often decorated with spikes, chains, furs, and hides. Rogues and spellcasters instead often wear a few decorative spiked plates or large hide belts and capes. Such items are not thick or large enough to offer any real defensive bonus, but they have much the same visual effect.


All half-goblinoids are impatient, self-centered, and quarrelsome. A half-goblinoid who has the upper hand is arrogant and overbearing. One at a disadvantage becomes cautious and conniving, though rarely cowardly. Members of these breeds are generally aggressive and proactive, preferring to take even foolish actions immediately rather than sit

and wait for better options. Half-goblins are particularly prone to reckless behavior. Half-

hobgoblins and half-bugbears still loathe inactivity but are more likely to spend time plotting before leaping to action.

Half-go blinoids

are also extremely territorial. Their possessiveness

goes far beyond a desire to protect

land and items: A half-goblinoid feels

a strong sense of ownership of his position within a group, his friends

and allies, and even

his name. They are easily goaded into jealousy and envy. This also makes them suspicious of newcomers, though they rarely admit to not wanting to share space or friends with an

unknown person.

Despite these drawbacks-or perhaps because

of them-half-goblinoids are loyal to those they do mark

as friends. Those of lawful bent see themselves as part of

a network of obligations, owing support and dedication to allies, and demanding their faithfulness in return. Chaotic members of the breed have more of an us-against-them mentality, and look for any opportunity to advance the cause of themselves and their friends. Good half-goblinoids try

to improve their lot in life without harming innocents, while the slightly more common evil individuals care little for the consequences of their actions.

Half-goblinoids raised in goblinoid tribes generally

receive poor treatment, and only those bearing the closest resemblance to fullbloods achieve status as equals. In most cases, even very skilled and powerful half-breeds are secondclass citizens. In some goblinoid cultures there is a strong tradition of warrior-slaves: half-breed shock troops who are taught nothing but combat and fear of the tribe.

Those raised by their nongoblinoid relatives rarely gain acceptance outside their immediate families. Their very presence is a constant reminder of the pain and suffering caused by their goblin-blooded kin, and some communities take out their fear and hate on the half-breeds that remain behind.

Such half-goblinoids also suffer because they age much more quickly than their relatives. Even if accepted as children, as they grow their alien heritage becomes more obvious, and many are cast out by the time they reach an age of thirteen to fifteen years.

Half-goblinoids actually get along with most races and work particularly

well with other half-breeds. Those rejected by their nongoblinoid families, though, tend not to tolerate members of that race and

often take up with bands of goblinoids or social outcasts.

A half-goblinoid is a good complement to any class that does

not have similar skills

or responsibilities. Their possessiveness makes half-goblinoids unwilling to work with those who have competing talents:

Half-goblin wizards look down on sorcerers, for example, and half-bugbear barbarians actively despise "weaker" fighters.

h~F-GOOLlN01{) RAC1~ LlWCS h~lF -qOOllN

-2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Half-goblins are not physically powerful but retain the quickness common to goblins. They are unattractive on the whole, and short-tempered.

Small: Half-goblins gain a +1 size bonus to AC and

attacks and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, as well as all the other normal effects of being Small creatures.

Half-goblin base speed is 30 feet.

+2 racial bonus on Listen checks.

Low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 60 feet. Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass half-goblin's rogue class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +0. A half-goblin's effective character level (ECL) equals her class level.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Half-hobgoblins are nimble and tough. They are also impatient, selfish, and short-sighted, making them difficult to get along with.


Half-hobgoblin base speed is 30 feet. Darkvision with a range of 90 feet.

Half-hobgoblins have Intuit Direction as a class skill, regardless of their class, and gain a +4 racial bonus on Intuit Direction checks.

Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass half-hobgoblin's fighter class does not count when determining whether

he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +0. A half-hobgoblin's effective character level (ECL) equals his class level.

+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Half-bugbears combine a bugbear's muscles

and stamina with an elf's quick reflexes and graceful movements. They are arrogant, however, and make little effort to understand or sympathize with others.


Half-bugbear base speed is 30 feet. +2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 60 feet. Half-bugbears are immune to sleep spells and effects, and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against Enchantment spells and effects.

+ 1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass half-bugbear's barbarian class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +2. A half-bugbear has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels, so a l st-level half-bugbear barbarian would have an ECL of 3.

- hALF -K.oo- LOA -

(bu.JA.RF/koo- LOA) - IDeblUID-8lZe hllIDANOlb

Half-kuo-toa are unusual crossbreeds that appear only in

a few coastal settlements, located in tidal caves in eastern frontier regions. Cults of dwarves who revere elder gods of water serve kuo-toa priests and willingly mix their bloodlines with their aquatic masters. Such towns are generally'isolated, shunning visitors and hiding any evidence of the dwarves' worship. Particularly inquisitive intruders are done away with.

Half-kuo-toa are able to produce offspring with other halfkuo-toa and fullblood dwarves. The children of half-kuo-toa and full dwarves look more dwarven than their crossbreed parent but otherwise have all the breed's traits. In older cult communities, as much as 50% of the population may be third-, fourth-, or even fifth-generation half-kuo-toa.


Half-kuo-toa are a disquieting lot. Though they have the height and stout build of dwarves, they would never be mistaken for purebloods. Their eyes are as large as a man's palm, with huge pupils and a wet, bugged-out appearance.

Half-kuo-toa are hairless and have thick, rubbery hides. In most cases this damp skin is dark tan or black in color, but some half-kuo-toa are a deep green. Though a few have hair, it is generally restricted to bristly black beards and occasionally a small patch of stubble atop their heads. The ears of a halfkuo-toa are internalized, with only bumps on the head visible from the outside.

The offspring of a half-kuo-toa and a dwarf are somewhat more dwarven in appearance. Their eyes are smaller, and their skin is never green. They almost always have hair, though it remains black and stiff These "quarter-breeds" have small openings where their ears are, though no external cartilage.

In shadows or voluminous clothing they can pass for normal dwarves, but never when exposed to careful scrutiny.


Half-kuo-toa are serious, dedicated, and grim. They have no interest in entertainment, relaxation, or artistic pursuits:

Everything is either useful or useless. A half-kuo-toa sees

the need for sleep and rest, to keep the body strong, and

for meditation, even riddles and puzzles, to hone the mind. Trivialities such as songs, sculpture, playful banter, jokes, and parties are pointless-perhaps even wasteful.

All half-kuo-toa are initially lawful in alignment, though some later rebel against this strict mind set. Most are evil, raised by their guardians to believe in the superiority of

their bloodline and their inevitable ascendance over all other races. Those who reject this indoctrination generally become lawful neutral, seeing their homelands as full of hypocrisy for placing themselves above the law they claim to revere, but still accepting the premise of an ordered life as the one true path to enlightenment.

The life of half-kuo-toa is one of constant training and practice. As the children of cult fanatics, they immediately enter

a life of religious instruction and

programs to achieve absolute perfection in body

and mind. Many communities that produce half-kuo-

toa actually

see them as the

next stage of dwarven evolution and hope to eventually replace all full-blooded dwarves with crossbreeds.

In such towns the half-kuo-toa are

set on a pedestal as exemplars of the race, given great privileges and authority. Expectations are harsh, however, and any crossbreed who fails to live a perfect life of religious devotion

is at the very least shunned, often imprisoned, or even killed.

A small number of half-kuo-toa find their attitudes changing over time, especially just after they reach adulthood. Their constant exposure to philosophy, logic, and critical thinking causes them to question the dogma of their communities, and once they begin questioning they rarely stop. Most have one or two unpleasant encounters with religious enforcers before realizing that they cannot live at home once they decide to travel a different philosophic path.


Half-kuo-toa who have embraced their culture's teachings have little use for anyone not a dwarf or an aquatic race, though they give some nod to gnomes as distant cousins. When circumstances force them to work with other races they keep these opinions to themselves, though the raw arrogance of their view is difficult for comrades to miss.

Those of the breed who have developed a more accepting worldview work fairly well with all classes and races, though they have difficulty seeing the value in halflings

and the flightier elves. Any religious servant is likely to be treated suspiciously by a half-kuo-toa who has fled his own theocratic home, but can earn the breed's trust given time.

hAl~ -Koo- LOA


• +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom,-2 Charisma. Half-kuo-toa are robust, cunning, and sly. They do not value the same things

as most humanoids, however, and are very private creatures, making it difficult for them to relate to others.

Medium-size. Half-kuo-toa are amphibious, able to breathe air or water freely and survive indefinitely in or out of water.

Half-kuo-toa base speed is 20 feet, with a swim speed of

30 feet. As natural swimmers, they have a +8 bonus on Swim checks to perform some special action or avoid a hazard, and can always take 10,

even if rushed or threatened when swimming.

They can use

the run action while swimming,

provided they swim in a straight line. When carrying a medium load a halfkuo-toa's swim speed drops to 10 feet, and at heavy encumbrance a half-kuo-toa can only tread water. Further, a half-kuo-toa wearing gloves or boots has his base swim speed reduced by half.

Electricity resistance 10.

Low-light vision.

Because of their slick hides, half-kuo-toa have a +8 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks. Their keen senses grant them a +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

+2 racial bonus on saves against poison, paralysis, hold spells, and figments.

Favored Class: Monk. A multiclass half-kuo-toa's monk class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +2. A half-kuo-toa has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels, so a 1st-level half-kuo-toa monk would have an ECL of 3.

- hALF -ocae -

(humAN/OqRe.ORclOqRe) - IDOOlUID-Su:e <:;lANe

In many places half-ogres are nearly as common as half-orcs. Many have the same type of origins as half-orcs, while others are the result of breeding programs to produce a race of strong, pliable servants and mercenaries. Such programs are most common in recently colonized lands with large ogre populations threatening the borders, and are often kept secret. Some evil civilizations actively train and trade half-ogre slaves, fielding entire armies of the crossbreeds.

A number of creatures taken for ogres are actually orc/ ogre half-breeds, which are even more common than human/ ogres. Orc/ ogres raised in ore tribes or ogre clans face

none of the difficulties of half-breeds raised by humans, for they are close enough in appearance and attitude to be fully accepted by those groups. Indeed, orc/ ogre crossbreeds often rise to positions of leadership, for they are far stronger than common orcs and a good deal smarter and stronger of personality than ogres.

Half-ogres are very similar

in appearance to half-orcs, standing between 7 and 8 feet

tall with heavy, thick builds. Their broad shoulders anchor a pair of long, powerful arms that reach well past the waist (though not as far as the knee). Half-ogres are covered in tough skin and have thick, stringy hair that often runs halfway down the back and across the shoulders.

Half-ogres with human blood

tend to have large, rounded ears, pronounced canines, and thick noses, but otherwise look like big humans. Their coloration is generally dark tan, red, or brown. Though

too big to pass for human, many successfully masquerade as tall half-orcs.

Those with ore blood

are harsher in appearance,

with a full set of sharp teeth that protrude past the lips, a pronounced brow ridge, and long, raggedly pointed ears. Such half-ogres are generally black or green in color, but pink-eyed albinos occur. They can easily pass for fullblood ogres (even in ogre communities), or rarely as very large, tough orcs.


Half-ogres have simple needs and desires. They enjoy fighting (including friendly roughhousing), good food and drink, and-much to their detractors' surprise-good music. A halfogre who is well fed and comfortable becomes remarkably

sociable, willing to trade jests

(or even be the butt of several), demonstrate his great strength, and work hard, leaving

any hard thinking or planning to others. If he sees a comrade as

being responsible for providing such comfort, the half-breed is likely to feel quite friendly toward that person.

When hungry, wounded, angry, or afraid, a half-ogre becomes very different. The breed's great capacity for rage moves much closer to the surface in these circumstances, making the creature hot-headed, short-

sighted, touchy about his size and intelligence, and occasionally blood thirsty. These traits also become

obvious when a halfogre's friends are in

danger or insulted, even if he himself is not the target of such threats. A half-ogre's friends

learn not to let him hear their enemies scoff at them, especially in civilized surroundings, as it tends to provoke violence.

Ogre/orc crossbreeds are generally neutral evil in alignment, coming closest to the stereotypes about the breed. They see strength as the only justification for their actions and are unconcerned about the fate of weaker races. Human/ogre breeds might be of any alignment, with slighdy more than half being neutral or chaotic good. These half-breeds are acutely aware of life's unfairness and seek to use their power to protect those they care about, though this is often a specific group rather than an entire segment of society.

Half-ogres raised by primitive clans, be they ogres, orcs, or humans, often become heroes of the tribe with their great strength or natural cunning. Those raised in human or other cities are not nearly so well considered. They may be treated as slaves, or at best as savages who are too dumb to be allowed to make their own choices and too violent to be left on their own. These claims have some merit, and certainly there are half-ogres who are a threat to their fellow citizens, but in many cases these attitudes are just an excuse to take advantage of the breed. Many half-ogres are just as able to control themselves as moreviolent humans, and can do quite well if given the opportunity.

Nearly all half-ogres are trained to be laborers or warriors, and the rest usually pick up the skills on their own. Because they reach their full growth by the age of thirteen, most enjoy lillie or no childhood; they are apprenticed as early as six years old and put to work by age nine. Many human/ ogre breeds keep in touch with their childhood friends, continuing to sneak them sweets and give them piggyback rides even after a 12- hour day of guard duty or hauling rocks. When those humans reach adulthood at eighteen to twenty years of age, their halfogre comrade has already led a hard life.

Half-ogres are almost always combat specialists of some

kind and team up well with fighters, rangers, and especially barbarians. Those of good alignment also enjoy working with paladins and good-aligned clerics, since they prefer to follow respected leaders rather than make decisions for themselves, Half-ogres appreciate the sturdiness of dwarves, the nimble antics of gnomes and hal flings, and the strength of half-orcs. In fact, many half-ogres seek out the company of dwarves, even when the dwarves actively dislike them.

Most half-ogres don't care for elves, bards, sorcerers, or wizards, and all for the same reason. Such people either talk down to half-ogres, who don't like to be thought of as stupid, or don't explain themselves at all, which makes the half-

ogres feel stupid. An ally can earn a half-ogre's friendship by keeping cemments simple without ever suggesting it's for the half-breed's benefit, but few bother to walk this narrow path.

+6 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Like fullblood ogres, half-ogres are large and strong, but slow-witted and mean.


Half-ogre base speed is 30 feet.

+2 natural armor bonus to AC. Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass half-ogre's fighter class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +2. A half-ogre has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels, so a Ist-level half-ogre fighter would have an ECL of 3.

hOURl ~

Nymphs are immortal creatures of great beauty and fine bearing. They rarely bear children, and when they do so it is nearly always with a fey mate. Such children are always female and always nymphs. On the rare occasions a nymph takes a nonfey lover no offspring is usually possible, for nymphs are too far from mortal blood to bear children with humans, halflings, or orcs. Outside

the fey races, only elves are able to sire a nymph's child, and such pairings are extremely rare. While elf-blooded nymph children are always female, they are not true nymphs themselves.

These houri, also known as muses, artemisians, and ninevah, are fetching creatures of elven wit and fey grace. Houri rarely stay with their mothers, instead joining some mortal community where they gain acceptance and often becoming heroes, wives, mothers, and matriarchs.

Though not as lovely as their mothers, houri are far more attractive than any elf or human, a fact that brings them great power as well as constant peril. A houri must always be on her guard, for wars have begun to win one's favor, and the basest of villains have put aside all other thoughts once they decide to capture one. Fortunately houri are more than pretty faces, able to defend themselves as well as gather companions and allies to their sides.


Houri are among the most beautiful of all mortal races.

They are universally fair, though their body types range from slender to buxom. They have flawlessly smooth skin, luxuriant

hair, bright eyes, perfect features, and delicate, pointed ears. A houri may have any skin, eye, and hair coloration, depending on the appearance of her parents. Pale, creamy skin, blond hair, and green eyes are most common, but houri have

been born with brown, black, or well-tanned skin and any imaginable hair and eye color.

Houri never show signs of age, though they do mature. They follow the normal rules for ability score adjustment, but once they reach their middle years they take on an ageless beauty, making it impossible to determine the relative age of houri who are past their youth. Even in death houri do not lose their beauty, for their bodies never suffer the ravages of vermin or decomposition.


Houri have a great love of beauty, art, nature, and music. They appreciate all expressions of love

or kindness and are particularly fond of good poetry (though amused

by even the worst doggerel).

They are in no way flighty

or simple, however. Houri

are intelligent, cunning, even calculating when need be.

A houri can become downright bloodthirsty if defending herself or those she cares for.

Most houri are neutral good, valuing kindness, justice,

fair play, and honesty

but without being convinced that there

is only one true path for achieving and protecting these things. Evil houri are extremely rare, and almost always the result of a disillusioning trauma. These houri often feel

the world is too sick

to ever be worthwhile

and seek to destroy everything as the only way

to prevent more pain and evil, without realizing they have become

the very thing they abhor. Neutral

houri are more withdrawn from society, convinced they should avoid interaction with mortals entirely.

Houri learn at an early age they can affect those around them without meaning to. As they mature they are cautious

about what they say and who they say it to. A houri wishing to compliment a bard is precise in her wording, leaving no room for misinterpretation of her intention. Similarly, if a houri must correct or chide an individual, she does so in the gentlest possible fashion. Despite this most houri are plagued by jealousy, obsession, and unwanted attention throughout their lives.

A houri raised in a caring environment is generally taught to defend herself before reaching her majority at nineteen years of age. Unlike many crossbreeds, houri are accepted

by nearly any community they choose to become part of, but most feel the need to see more of the world before settling down permanently. Houri are cautious when making friends, but most gather a collection of close and beloved comrades. Friends both help protect a houri, and allow her to enjoy friendly companionship with those she trusts not to ask for

more than she is willing to give.

Most houri become spellcasters, with druids, bards, and sorcerers most common. A houri is perfectly capable of physical violence, however, and more than one foe has

been taken aback by the power of houri paladins or the devious manipulations of houri rogues. Many houri are multiclass

characters, taking at least one or two levels of druid before settling on another career.

Houri get along with most any race or class, though they are sometimes followed and hounded by young bards wishing to compose epics to their beauty. Though houri appreciate dedication

to defense of the good and innocent, some

paladins are too strict and conservative for houri to feel comfortable around them.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +8 Charisma. Houri are graceful, bright, creative, charming, and always attractive.


Houri base speed is 30 feet.

Low-light vision.

Daz~ing Beauty (Su): A houri can summon some of the unearthly beauty of her mother once per day as a fullround action. All creatures within 30 feet of the houri who look at her must make a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 houri's character level + houri's Charisma modifier). Those who fail the save are dazed for 1 round.

Spells: Houri cast spells as 2nd-level druids. A houri druid adds her druid levels to her innate spellcasting level for purposes of spells per day, saving throw, and other level-dependent effects. For example, a 5th-level houri druid casts spells as a 7th-level druid.

Houri are immune to mundane diseases and receive a +4 racial bonus on saves against all magical diseases.

Houri have the following as class skills, regardless of their class: Animal Empathy, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Innuendo, Knowledge (nature), Perform, and Wilderness Lore.

Favored Class: Druid. A multiclass houri's druid class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +5. A houri has an effective character level (ECL) of 5 plus class levels, so a 1st-level houri druid would have an ECL of 6.

-- ]OVlAN --


Jovians are the half-breed children of a human, half-ore, or ore and a hill, fire, or frost giant. They can result from arcane breeding programs to create powerful workers or warriors, spring from a rare romance between a barbarian hero and lone giant, or be chosen offspring of a particularly powerful giant that is worshiped as a god by primitive humanoids. Jovians are all infertile, which is fortunate given their great power and natural leadership ability.

The treatment jovians receive varies greatly in different societies. Where they have been created to serve they are often seen as dumb brutes: muscle-bound morons who can't be trusted in complicated, delicate, or diplomatic matters. Both human and giant cultures treat jovians as inferiors, focusing on their shortcomings and ignoring their many talents. Some jovians, the outcome of less planned events, are respected as rare heroes with great abilities. This is especially true of human/frost giant and human/fire giant crossbreeds, as well as ore/hill giant jovians.

The physical form of all jovians is roughly the same, regardless of their heritage. They are tall, standing between

9 and 10 feet when they reach their full growth (which most don't until middle age). Even a mere 8-foot-tall youth is very heavyset with impressive, rippling muscles. Jovians have slightly oversized heads, hands, and feet, especially at younger ages.

Giant/human jovians essentially look like big people. Those with hill giant blood have dark tan or brown skin, pronounced foreheads, and large, bulging knuckles. Their hair is generally thick and red, brown, or black. If born of fire giants, they have golden or auburn hair and glossy reddish skin. Those with frost giant parentage have more normal proportions upon reaching maturity, with ivory skin and hair and eyes that are silver, some shade of blue, or pearlescent.

Giant/ ore jovians are often taken for unusually powerful ogres. They still grow to heights of 8 to 9 feet as young adults, shooting up another foot over the course of their later life. They are slightly broader than their half-human counterparts but otherwise display the same coloration based on their giant heritage. Such jovians also have pronounced tusks, often so large they curl back toward the face and interfere with eating (some have their tusks removed or cut short for this reason).

Giant/half-ore jovians have wildly varying features, depending on what humanoid strain is more dominant. Most have tusks and pointed ears, but coloration, build, and facial features differ too much to generalize further. In a few cases they actually look more like big versions of humans or orcs than either human/giant or ore/giant breeds, though the reason for this is unknown.


Jovians are outgoing, boisterous, and confident. They also tend to be violent and have a wide cruel streak. In evil jovians this is obvious, for they enjoy hurting others and cause pain for entertainment. Good-aligned jovians show this trait more in their cutting sense of humor, witty insults, and appreciation for irony. Jovians are often natural leaders, becoming heroes of cultures that honor them and forming rebellions against those that do not.

Hill jovians are the most brutish of the half-giant breeds, as well as the most common. They appreciate good ale, beer,

and mead, drinking to excess on a nightly basis. They are also brooders, muttering in their cups when upset and seeking solitude when worried. Hill jovians prefer to keep things simple and solve most problems with their fists or a large weapon. Attempts to persuade a hill jovian that a situation is too complicated to solve with violence are unlikely to succeed, and may indeed convince him that the violence just hasn't been directed at the right person.

Fire jovians are, unsurprisingly, hot-tempered and passionate. They take great satisfaction in their accomplishments and pride in their

own skills. They also take all things to extremes, including violence, love, vengeance, and even hobbies. A fire jovian is not content to learn to play an instrument-he must master it. He cannot just defeat his enemies-he must

crush them beneath

his heel and see their families driven from their homes.

Fire jovians are prone to arrogance, but they also heap great praise on others who are good at the things

they appreciate: warcraft, metalwork, music,

and diplomacy.

Frost jovians are the most withdrawn, often going

for days without saying a word even to close friends. These jovians have a great love of fine craftsmanship, especially sculpture and carving. They often equate delicacy and tiny size with high quality, paradoxically making it very difficult

to ever achieve a level of mastery that satisfies them. Frost jovians often set themselves up for a fall with such unrealistic expectations, then become violent and brutal when frustrated.

All jovian breeds can be of any alignment, though 'they tend toward the chaotic, and those of ore blood are usually evil. Such jovians often slake their anger by hurting those smaller and weaker than themselves, and are dangerous to be around. Good jovians have the same basic traits as their evil cousins but are more likely to turn their anger against themselves or inanimate objects. A frost jovian smashing trees in anger is

a disquieting sight, but is generally a sign that he is trying to vent frustration without harming anyone.

at a task, even when all their associates are far weaker. Jovians raised as slaves or forced laborers are far more lik~ly to be evil and often rebel at a young

age. Many jovians have conflicting emotions toward their giant parents, both hating and admiring them.

Jovians raised in

cultures where they are the largest and strongest creatures are more prone to arrogance and overconfidence.

Most moderate this haughtiness after

suffering defeat

at the hands of

a smaller, more skilled opponent,

but some dismiss such occurrences as flukes and bolster themselves

with even more bluster and bravado. A few actually become self-conscious, afraid they will break any chair they sit in and harm their friends if they use their great strength carelessly.

Jovians growing up among giants generally have childhoods filled with disparaging remarks about their small size. They can carry these attitudes with them when they are among other races, cursing their own feebleness whenever they fail


Hill jovians cooperate with orcs, ogres, and others with

some of those races' blood. They are annoyed by smaller

folk, especially halflings and elves, who they see as snooty

and irreverent. Fire jovians hold similar attitudes but have a great fondness for dwarves-though the feeling often isn't returned. Frost jovians actually prefer the company of smaller races, and they love the great artistry of gnomes, elves, and humans.

All jovians appreciate the wild abandon of barbarians and have deep respect for the primal power of druids. They tend not to like the company of rogues, who are sneaky and untrustworthy, but greatly enjoy the talents of bards.

]OVlAN RAC1Al LAATC8 hlll )oVlAN

+10 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 C6nstitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma. These jovians are very powerful physically, but not mentally. They have a simple self-

confidence that, combined with their size, makes them impressive figures.

Large: Though small by giant standards, hill jovians qualify as Large. They receive a -1 size penalty to AC and attacks and a -4 size penalty on Hide checks, as well as all the other normal effects of being Large creatures. They also have 10-foot reach.

Hill jovian base speed is 40 feet.

+4 natural armor bonus to AC.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Hill jovians can throw rocks weighing up to 30 pounds with a 40-foot range increment. This attack deals 2d4 points of bludgeoning damage, plus the jovian's Strength modifier.

Deflect Rocks (Ex): Hill jovians can knock aside rocks and similar objects of Small, Medium, or Large size. This works just like the Deflect Arrows feat, but only against larger items such as hurled boulders or catapult stones.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Due to their massive size, hill jovians have a carrying capacity 4 times that of a human of the same Strength.

Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass hill jovian's barbarian class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +5. A hill jovian has an effective character level (ECL) of 5 plus class levels, so a 1st-level hill jovian barbarian would have an ECL of 6.

+12 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution. Frost jovians have the powerful frames and great physical might of their giant kin. They are cold and impersonal, though, making it difficult to become close to one.

Large: Though small by giant standards, frost jovians qualify as Large. They receive a -1 size penalty to AC and attacks and a -4 size penalty on Hide checks, as well as all the other normal effects of being Large creatures. They also have 1 O-foot reach.

Frost jovian base speed is 40 feet.

+4 natural armor bonus to AC.

Rock ThrOlving (Ex): Frost jovians can throw rocks weighing up to 30 pounds with a 40-foot range increment. This attack deals 2d4 points of bludgeoning damage, plus the jovian's Strength modifier.

Deflect Rocks (Ex): Frost jovians can knock aside rocks and similar objects of Small, Medium, or Large size. This works just like the Deflect Arrows feat, but only against larger items such as hurled boulders or catapult stones.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Cold Subtype: Frost jovians are immune to cold but take double damage from fire and heat attacks except on a successful save.

Due to their massive size, frost jovians have a carrying capacity 4 times that of a human of the same Strength.

Favored Class: Ranger. A multiclass frost jovian's ranger class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +6. A frost jovian has an effective character level (ECL) of 6 plus class levels, so a 1 stlevel frost jovian ranger would have an ECL of 7.

+14 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma. These jovians are very powerful physically and able to hold their own in mental competitions. Though large and impressive in appearance, they are arrogant and hotheaded, often offending those around them.

Large: Though small by giant standards, fire jovians qualify as Large. They receive a -1 size penalty to AC and attacks and a -4 size penalty on Hide checks, as well as all the other normal effects of being Large creatures. They also have 10-foot reach.

Fire jovian base speed is 40 feet.

+4 natural armor bonus to AC.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Fire jovians can throw rocks weighing up to 50 pounds with a 50-foot range increment. This attack deals 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage, plus the jovian's Strength modifier.

Deflect Rocks (Ex): Fire jovians can knock aside rocks and similar objects of Small, Medium, or Large size. This works just like the Deflect Arrows feat, but only against larger items such as hurled boulders or catapult stones.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Fire Subtype: Fire jovians are immune to fire and heat but take double damage from cold attacks except on a successful save.

Due to their massive size, fire jovians have a carrying capacity 4 times that of a human of the same Strength.

Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass fire jovian'S fighter class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for mul ticlas sing.

Level Adjustment: +7. A fire jovian has an effective character level (ECL) of 7 plus class levels, so a 1 stlevel fire jovian fighter would have an ECL of 8.

~ Kesraet,

(hA.LFLlNq/hA.RPY) - SIDA.LL hurnA.NOlb


Kestrels are the result of a halfung and harpy union. They

are most common in hot jungle lands where small halfling communities live in the treetops. Flights of harpies often prey on these canopy towns, capturing large numbers of the little folk. These prisoners normally end up as slaves, hostages,

food, and the victims of horrid torments for the harpies'

amusement. Harpy flights that have suffered major losses to their

male populations (generally as a result of intertribal fighting) also resort

to mating with their


Kestrels are mostly male. Just 20% of the crossbreeds born are female, but far fewer survive childhood:

Harpies traditionally kill newborn kestrel girls to prevent any from coming to power within their matriarchal society. Kestrels can breed

with both halflings and harpies, with the offspring always being the same race as the nonkestrel parent.

A. ppeARANCe

Kestrels are often mistaken for young, healthy harpies. They have the small bodies and frames of halflings but also sport large, wide, feathered wings. These wings have a span equal to twice the kestrel's height and allow flight, though not with any great grace.

Kestrels have taloned feet, allowing them to grip

tree limbs and rock faces with ease and make claw attacks when flying. Instead of hair they have a thick mane

of feathers, with feathered tufts for eyebrows.

Kestrels' odd heritage is most obvious when they are seen in motion. They enjoy skipping, flying, and playing much as any hal fling would.

Rather than the smooth motions natural to halflings, however, kestrels move in sudden bursts and staccato jerks. Many halflings find these motions disquieting, and creatures used to hiding from birds of prey often conceal themselves when a kestrel walks or flies by.

Kestrels take after halflings in personality, with an abiding love

of games, parties, good food, and strong drink. Unlike halfungs, they enjoy more active pastimes, such as hunting, racing, and even fighting. Kestrels also have a very different definition of "good food," with a taste for raw meat stripped hot directly

from the bone. These differences can come as quite a shock to acquaintances who think of kestrels merely as winged halflingsuntil they see one chase down a rabbit and eat it taw.

In addition to a love of play, kestrels

are driven by a flocking instinct. If several escape a harpy flight at the same time they form a wild nomadic community that sticks together regardless of personal differences.

Lone kestrels spend a great deal of

time seeking the acceptance of some small group. If made to feel truly welcome, the kestrel adopts the

group members as family. This bond is never broken; though a kestrel may seem to leave her adopted flock in times of danger, she always returns to aid them in whatever way she feels most likely to succeed.

Kestrels also have a darker side than most halflings. This is most evident when they feel wronged, betrayed, or lied to. Kestrels give their trust easily, but when it is taken advantage of they become extremely vengeful. To a kestrel a person who has

proven unfaithful is no longer a person, and can be hunted down, killed, or even tortured if the kestrel is of evil bent.

Fortunately, most kestrels aren't evil.

The majority are chaotic neutral, with mood swings, sudden impulses, and odd opinions that make them impossible to predict. A wounded kestrel, for example, might flee, beg for mercy, or tum and fight like a rabid animal. There is no way to determine which she will do until she acts, and the same kestrel might behave in a radically different way later, even under the same circumstances,

Most kestrels are raised in harpy flights, suffering many indignities early in life. Harpies see them as useful tools, not family, and may even turn on them for entertainment when prisoners run low. To prevent escape, kestrels are tied down or heavily burdened, or have their wings clipped. However, just one moment of laxness on the captors' part is enough: Few kestrels are still imprisoned by the time they reach adulthood.

Once free of their tormentors, kestrels generally become wanderers. A few seek to join halfling communities, but though their smooth talking can gain them entrance to many towns and villages, they are too alien for such an arrangement to be comfortable for kestrel or halfling. Because they are natural hunters and can By, kestrels have little difficulty finding employment as guides, scouts, and occasionally assassins.

They rarely keep any such job for long, though, working when they need money and traveling freely when well funded.

All free kestrels are adventurers of one sort or another. As long as they are well paid and well treated, kestrels are willing and able to work with any combination of races and classes. Kestrels consider their own morals irrelevant when hiring

out their skills, and work for good and evil groups with equal zeal. If serious danger ever threatens, or if the employers miss a payment or become abusive, the kestrel leaves without a second thought, often leading the group into a trap first.

The exception is a group a kestrel has adopted. The kestrel rarely bothers to inform the surrogate Bock, though, and is perfectly happy to continue getting paid to aid her new foster family. But she never betrays those she has bonded with in this way and never permanently abandons them. Kestrels' unpredictable nature means that one may take actions that seem self-serving when her Bock is in danger, but she always returns eventually.

-2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma. Kestrels are light but agile. They are naturally flighty

and easily distracted, but have strikingly beautiful voices.

Small: Though large by halfling standards, kestrels aren't quite big enough to count as Medium-size. They gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attacks and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, as well as all the other normal effects of being Small creatures.

Kestrel base speed is 20 feet. They have a By speed of 30 feet (good maneuverability) when lightly encumbered. When carrying more than a light load, a kestrel cannot By.

Kestrels may make two natural talon attacks instead of wielding a weapon when Bying. These dealld4 points of damage each. A kestrel who is not Bying can make a single claw attack but suffers a -4 circumstance penalty for the awkward position this requires.

Bludgeoning Vulnerabiliry (Ex): Because of their hollow bones and slight frames, kestrels take double damage from all bludgeoning weapons.

Calming Voice (Ex): A kestrel's voice is powerful and soothing, able to lull foes into a sense of calm and ease strained nerves. Kestrels gain a +4 racial bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks whenever they can use their voice as part of the check.

Low-light vision.

Favored Class: Bard. A multiclass kestrel's bard class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +2. A kestrel has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels, so a l st-level kestrel bard would have an ECL of 3.



Lashers are the result of arcane experimentation with roper and dwarven bloodlines. Though dwarves are loath to speak of it, the two races combine easily with magic and form a crossbreed able to mate with either. Perhaps their strong ties to earth and rock make them compatible, or maybe the same god created both (though dwarven clerics hotly deny this).

These half-breeds, known as lashers, whipmen, and claybloods, never occur naturally. Because they are fertile, however, a few small communities of lashers have managed to form. Such groups are often shunned by dwarves and sometimes used as mercenary bands by other subterranean dwellers, especially drow and derro.

When not in combat, a lasher appears to be nothing more than a dwarf with unusual skin and hair. Lashers always have a rough, rocklike hide of gray or brown. This skin changes color over the course of a few hours to match the nearest rock or soil, regardless of the lasher's wishes. A lasher's hair is green or brown and resembles nothing so much as moss. Both hair and skin are rubbery in texture.

In a fight, a lasher reveals more physical oddities. The teeth are pointed and crystalline, often yellow or reddish in hue. Additionally, a lasher's arms and fingers are able to stretch

out to a great distance, becoming tentacles that ignore the restrictions of joints. In fact, a lasher has no arm or hand bones, and only uses his "elbows" and "fingers" in a normal manner when trying to conceal his nature. [A successful Spot check (DC 20) reveals the boneless nature of a lasher's arms even when he attempts to hide this.]


Lashers are hard-working, organized, and aggressive. A single lasher is likely to be a bully, working his way up through a military group or rogues' guild by being meaner, tougher, and more forceful than those around him. In

small groups lashers form gangs and cliques, acting much the same as an individual but working together for mutual advancement. In large

groups they actually become less of a

threat, since they are constandystruggling among themselves

for control rather than turning their fighting instinct outward. Only when forcibly organized by a powerful leader do large numbers of lashers move against other communities, and

such armies are devastating.

Much of a lasher's hostility

comes from a deep-rooted suspicion that everyone wishes him ill. This mild paranoia infects every aspect of his life, from business dealings to friendships. Lashers

feel constantly threatened and work

very hard to build enough power and security to relax. They are smart enough

to realize that there is no global conspiracy to destroy them, but they always fear that the one person they rely on will be the one

who truly does want to hurt them. Only someone who has had multiple chances to betray the lasher, and failed to do so, can earn his trust.

Most lashers are also extremely bigoted. They see all other forms of life as secondary, whose well being is unimportant compared to their own. Such lashers are generally neutral

evil, basing all their actions on what they believe is best for themselves first and their breed second. The consequences for others matter only if they could affect the lasher adversely

later in life. Many lashers seem loyal only because they fear any sign of unfaithfulness will result in vengeance later.

Lashers grow up in hells largely of their own imagination. Ropers abandon their half-breed offspring, so most lashers

are raised by the wizards who created them. No matter how caring the spellcaster may be (and to be fair, many are horrid individuals), the lasher can never trust her and escapes as soon as possible. Once free, lashers cannot believe in anyone who shows them kindness. They spend their lives among only the most base and deceitful of people, whom the lasher can at least accept at face value.

Lashers are naturally suspicious of everyone. They especially

don't like arcane spellcasters (who they see as surrogates for their mad creators), druids (who they fear would destroy such an unnatural creation), and paladins (who are obviously up to no good, only putting on an act of piety).

Lashers work well with other lashers in small numbers, though in larger groups they trust one

another no more than anyone else. They do deal with thieves, murderers, and assassins, seeing such persons as having little to

hide. Members of other outcast half-breed races (such as mind rippers

and half-gnolls) gain a lasher's trust more easily than those who have supportive homes and communities.

+2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Wisdom. Lashers are strong and tough, but not particularly quick. They are very attuned to rock and most natural settings.


Lasher base speed is 20 feet.

+2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Lashers may make a natural bite attack instead of wielding a weapon. This deals 1d8 points of damage.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Extend (Ex): Lashers are able to extend their arms and fingers up to 20 feet, giving them up to 20-foot reach. However, a lasher cannot use all of his strength when

extending his arms this way: Treat his Strength score as -4 lower when taking actions beyond his normal reach.

Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass lasher's rogue class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: + 3. A lasher has an effective character level (ECL) of 3 plus class levels, so a l st-level lasher rogue would have an ECL of 4.

~ lURKeR ~

Lurkers are the stuff of nightmares, and more than one gnome mother has scared her children into behaving by threatening them with lurker fables. Most gnomes think

of these shadowy figures as no more than thatchildren's tales and villains from tavern songs.

In truth lurkers are rare, but very much real. Many are rakes and villains

to be sure, but others are

silent defenders of small communities and hidden heroes who strike fear

into evildoers from the darkness.

Supposedly the first lurker

was an accident, created when a gnome illusionist attempted to shadow walk away from a cloaker that had engulfed

him. The magic of the

spell mixed in horrendous ways with the cloaker's

natural ability to manipulate shadows, and the creature that stepped forth from the Plane of Shadow was neither gnome nor cloaker, but the first of a new breed. Since that time, a few others have been created by gnome illusionists and necromancers attempting to understand how the transformation occurred. Lurkers appear to be able

to breed with either parent race, resulting in rare lurkers being born rather than created.


At first glance, a lurker looks like an unusually tall, thin, darkskinned gnome wearing a large, black cloak. Because of their

sallow complexion and their height (they stand over 5 feet tall), observers might take lurkers for humans suffering from malnutrition.

On closer inspection, a lurker's mixed heritage becomes far more obvious. The "cloak" is actually a mantle of flesh attached at the lurker's neck, allowing it to lie easily over clothing or even armor. The mantle has a spine running down the center, ending in a long tail that the lurker often wraps around one leg to conceal. Lurkers also have two rows of tiny, sharp teeth.

Though these teeth are too small to cause real harm, they do make a lurker's smile seem predatory. Blood-red eyes complete the feral, vampiric appearance.


Lurkers are solitary, reclusive creatures who shun attention.

They prefer to go unnoticed, working toward their own ends from shadows both literal and

figurative. This is not to say they are cowardly, as many lurkers are fearless in the

pursuit of their plans.

They simply do not enjoy company, preferring to keep their own affairs and thoughts private.

From a practical point of view, lurkers are also aware that fear is their best tool, and a mysterious reputation can help inspire fear in their enemies.

Lurkers generally have more than one plot brewing at a

time, and they like to jump from scheme to scheme as events develop and plans reach fruition. A lurker may even abandon a longstanding effort if another seems more promising. As this haphazard method of operating might suggest, few lurkers are

of lawful alignment. Most are chaotic evil, their plots designed to bring power to themselves and harm and discord to others.

Chaotic or neutral good lurkers operate in much the same manner, but with different goals. Most good lurkers choose a group or place to protect, investigating crimes, setring up charities, and patrolling the darkest shadows against those who wish to cause harm. No less secretive than any others, these lurkers rarely reveal their presence, leading to rumors of slums where criminals simply disappear and of villages protected by a forest of living shadows.

Many lurkers grow up as normal gnomes, with much the same home life as any of their race, until the incident leading to their transformation. How they react depends on the circumstances. Those who suffer some terrible shadowy accident are often bitter and take out their anger on anyone too weak to defend themselves. Lurkers who are the result of experimentation are rarely volunteers, and gain their freedom only with the death of the mage who created them. These often see themselves as superior to mere gnomes and are driven more by the cloaker side of their nature.

A lurker born to its condition is generally the child of a transformed lurker and a gnome. Such crossbreeds are raised in secrecy, for their lurker parent never wishes others to know of its offspring, and the gnome parent shields the child form the scorn of the community. Though born lurkers are more often of good alignment than transformed ones, their lonely childhoods often warp them toward darker frames of mind. Even those who do not succumb to the lure of evil are cynical, suspicious, and antisocial.

Lurkers are not fond of the self-righteous or those who equate darkness with evil. As a result they often come into conflict with clerics, paladins, and even druids. Lurkers generally like

bards and rogues, and they work frequently with sorcerers and illusionists. Their natural stealth seems perfect for careers as rogues, but most lurkers crave more raw power than such a path can grant. Lurkers have a talent for becoming bards, but most actually take up lives as fighters or spellcasters.

+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma. Lurkers are surprisingly strong, hardy, and quick. Their minds are alien to typical humanoids but still powerful and cunning. A lurker has an intense personality that often intimidates the weak-willed.

Medium-Size: Though slight by human standards, lurkers aren't quite short enough to count as Small creatures.

Lurker base speed is 30 feet. Lurkers have a fly speed of 20 feet (poor maneuverability) and can fly even when carrying a heavy load.

Lurkers may make a natural tail slap attack instead of wielding a weapon. This attack has a lO-foot reach and deals 1d4 points of damage.

Fearful Scream (Su): Lurkers can emit a terrifying scream, forcing all creatures within 30 feet to make a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 lurker's character level + lurker's Charisma modifier). Those who fail this save are shaken for ld4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting, sonic effect.

Low-light vision.

Shadow Blend (Su): A lurker who remains in dark, shadowy areas can blend into the dimness, gaining one-half concealment.

Favored Class: Bard. A multiclass lurker's bard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: + 5. A lurker has an effective character level (ECL) of 5 plus class levels, so a 1 st-level lurker bard would have an ECL of 6.

~ IDeRq ~


Tales of love between sailors and mermaids fill hundreds of

folk songs and epic poems. Less common but still prevalent are the legends of love between a lonely maiden and the man who lives beneath the waves. Most of these tales end tragically, with

the two lovers driven apart by their families or overcome by the hopelessness of their situation, but this is not always the case. With the assistance of powerful magic, divine intervention, or just great determination, some of these land/ sea romances actually develop into permanent, loving bonds. The product of such unions are mergs, children equally at home walking or swimming.

Also known as selkies, fetch, and gillettes, these half-merfolk often enjoy stable childhoods rare for most crossbreeds. A merg's parents sometimes manage to stay close, perhaps because the human is a sailor or by using abandoned lighthouse!, allowing them to bring up the child together. The merfolk parent teaches her to sing to whales and swim the ocean deeps, while the human parent takes joy in the child's first steps and words spoken in air. Since a merg naturally switches from lungs to gills, her parents can simply pass their child back and forth, letting her spend half her life above the waves and half beneath.

Sadly, a merg's life changes once she is adult. Neither human nor merfolk societies as a whole accept a creature half of an alien world, and prejudice is very common. Fear is perhaps the greatest threat to a merg, for many legends speak of evil fish-people who drag young, attractive innocents away (to drown in the sea or suffocate on the beach, depending on who's telling the story). Older and more hidebound members of a community often drive away a merg to protect the youth of the village.

A. ppeARANCe

Merg are lithe and well-formed. They are essentially human in appearance, though thin webbing connects their fingers and toes. Some have pointed, ridged ears, but this feature is far from universal. The most obvious difference between a merg and a human is coloration: While mergs have a human range of skin color, their hair and eyes are blue, green, or pearly. Close inspection of a merg reveals a few other nonhuman traits, such as three tiny slits behind each ear indicating the location of gills. Roughly one in four mergs also have darker, mottled coloration to the skin along their shoulders and backs, and a few even have scales running along the spine and down each leg.

Mergs prefer light clothing and almost never wear boots or gloves. This makes their mixed parentage obvious, but it also allows them to swim more easily and prevents their finger and toe webbing from getting cramped or torn. Most merg are attractive and confident, so they favor garb that accents their figures and shows their features to good effect. This does nothing to put superstitious village folk at ease, but few mergs seem to care.


Mergs have a reputation as flighty and shallow, with some justification. They have lightning-quick tempers and are subject to rapid and severe mood swings. Most try to manage their mercurial personalities by never dwelling on anything depressing or dire, often seeking to dance and tell stories even in the most desperate of circumstances. By the same token, a merg who falls prey to a dark mood might stay in it for days or weeks on end, and more than one has driven away former friends even as she suffers emotionally.

Mergs also experience serious wanderlust, in part because they are drawn to two different worlds. Equally at home in mountains and below coral reefs, a merg seeks out both. She may be satisfied to live with a community of merfolk or a whale pod for weeks, even months, but in time the desire to walk through fields and roll down hills becomes too great to ignore. Similarly no merg can bear to be gone from the ocean for more than a season. Torn, many take to living as sailors or settling in coastal regions, and often have at least two homes, one on land and another in water.

Mergs can be of any alignment, generally matching their human parent's outlook on life. Contrary to popular opinion, evil mergs are not more likely to be in a foul mood-rather, they are amused by activities and situations that would appall any good creature. Neutral mergs are the most stereotypical of the breed, going from one diversion to the next with little concern for the well-being of others, but never seeking to harm those they come across. Good mergs do have a deep concern for those around them and are prone to depression because of their inability to change the world for the better. Still, they serve admirably as guides in wetlands, paladins aboard patrol ships, and druid defenders of oceans and lakes.

Mergs geQerally have long, happy childhoods split between land and sea. Unfortunately, they live much longer than humans, and most bury their human parent by the time they are young adults. The merfolk parent, mourning the loss

of a life mate, generally flees into the deep sea, leaving the young merg to make her way alone. In the best cases the merg has family, friends, and allies to call on in this time of transition. More often, however, she has lived in isolation and is unprepared for the suspicion and distrust most townsfolk have for crossbreeds.

Unable to settle in one place long enough to learn a vocation or begin a business, mergs often apprentice with master adventurers, mercenaries, or spellcasters. While such lives are never stable, they suit the merg need to travel and experience new things. Mergs form close bonds with their instructors, but eventually they are drawn to places their masters are not and set out to explore the world on their own.

Mergs are wanderers, a result of their conflicted desire to

live in two worlds. They naturally gravitate toward careers as adventurers, generally bards, druids, and rangers, to experience the risks and rewards of a dangerous lifestyle. Adapting to the attitudes of others is difficult for most mergs, who are hurt by unfriendly glances. In an effort to keep from falling into sullen states, they learn to keep most relationships superficial. Only those willing to accept a merg for who she is can really know her, and once a merg makes a friend she is fanatically loyal. Mergs who develop strong feelings for a group stick with their friends even when the call of another life is strong, but often become moody as a result.

Mergs don't get along well with dwarves and gnomes, who tend to disparage seas and oceans. Other races don't bother them, but no one who lives solely on land or in water truly holds their attention. Because of this mergs get along best with druids and shape shifting wizards, though anyone with an appreciation for sailing can also earn their friendship.

+2 Dexterity. Mergs are naturally agile and nimble. Medium-size.

Merg base speed is 30 feet, with a swim speed of 20 feet. As natural swimmers, they have a +8 bonus on Swim checks to perform some special action or avoid

a hazard, and can always take 10, even if rushed or threatened when swimming. They can use the run action while swimming, provided they swim in a straight line. When carrying a medium load a merg's swim speed drops to 10 feet, and at heavy encumbrance a merg

can only tread water. Further, a merg wearing gloves or boots has her base swim speed reduced by half.

Low-light vision.

Mergs are amphibious, able to breathe air or water freely and survive indefinitely in or out of water.

Favored Class: Druid. A multiclass merg's druid class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +0. A merg's effective character level (EeL) is equal to her class levels.



Mind rippers are among the most horrid and loathsome of crossbreeds, the vile offspring of the union between a mind flayer and any humanoid species. Isolated, dying societies of mind flayers on the verge of extinction, lacking the numbers to perpetuate their race normally, conduct desperate breeding programs. They mix their bloodline with that of other humanoids, most often drow but also frequently dwarves, gnomes, humans, and orcs. Individual mind flayers have experimented with other humanoids as well and found that nearly any sentient humanoid race can be used to create mind rippers. Surprisingly intelligent and hardy, mind rippers serve mind flayer communities as laborers, slaves, soldiers, and even mates.

Though the appearance of a mind ripper depends on its heritage, the horrid process needed to create one involves so much psionic manipulation that all mind rippers are similar enough to be treated as a single crossbreed race. Almost always, a non-mind flayer mother is impregnated by an ooze made of the remains of dozens of mind flayers. The product of a union between mind Hayer and mind ripper is always a mind ripper. Three of four mind rippers are female .•

Mind rippers bear close physical similarities to their mothers' race, with a few important differences. Regardless of the size of the mother, a mind ripper is always Medium-size. Those descended from Large mothers may be as much as 7 feet tall, while mind rippers with gnome or halfling blood are generally little more than 4 feet tall. Otherwise, a mind ripper has a physical build very similar to its mother's.

All mind rippers have a set of four tentacles ringing the mouth and no visible nose. These features are very similar to those displayed by mind flayers and are the primary evidence of a mind ripper's noisome heritage. Mind rippers feed through these tentacles, preferring brain matter but able to subsist on other forms of meat.

A mind ripper's coloration, hair, eyes, build, and other physical features fall within the normal range for its mother's race.


Mind rippers are best described as intense and vicious. Though a great many are evil, this is more a result of the environment they grow up in than an inborn bias. The few who have been raised outside mind flayer society have shown the ability to understand and a~cept the cultural and legal rules of other lands. However, even good-aligned mind rippers show single-minded focus and tunnel vision. A mind ripper is able to concentrate with remarkable focus on a single task, bringing her considerable mental abilities to bear on every possible aspect of a problem. By the same token, mind rippers are not well able to handle multiple assignments simultaneously. One focused on a task tunes out the world and often doesn't even notice the passage of time.

Mind rippers also tend toward extreme solutions and all-ornothing plans. A mind ripper thinks nothing of burning a village to the ground to drive out one dishonest merchant who cheated her, hiring a band of mercenaries to surround her

in a market with a rough reputation, or purchasing an entire tavern to fire the one bartender who insulted her. Of course these solutions often require considerable power and resources, which most mind rippers seek out as a matter of convenience.

Mind rippers never have normal, loving relationships as children. A mind ripper's mother rarely accepts the dreadful offspring-assuming she survives-and other members of the family never do so. Most mind rippers have no specific father, but certainly they do not receive any loving support

or protection from whatever mind fiayerarranged for their creation. They may spend their early years as servants or even slaves, or at best as barely tolerated pariahs. Thankfully, mind

rippers mature very quickly, reaching young adult status by the age of seven. Those raised by mind flayers are often trained as assistants or soldiers, and they take to these careers well. Those who grow up elsewhere may receive less formal education but are adept at learning through observation. Many mind rippers flee their homes by the age of ten, graduates of the school of hard knocks and ready to make a life of their own.

Of course, mind rippers are rarely accepted anywhere, so many become brigands and thieves out of necessity. They learn they must depend on only themselves, and most

are well equipped to do so. While life alone in the world is harsh, it's generally better

than what they experienced growing up. Mind rippers are smart enough to appreciate allies who

either fear them

enough to remain loyal, or who genuinely value them.

Most mind rippers are

of lawful alignment,a result of their ordered, logical minds. The vast majority are lawful evil,

seeing power as the ultimate

proof of competence and the

right to rule. These mind rippers often become lieutenants of a powerful warlord, and are extremely loyal-up to the moment they become

more powerful. The rare good mind ripper feels she has a responsibility to use her talents and powers for the benefit of others, though she is often a lone crusader. Members of this breed are almost never neutral.

Mind rippers generally take up adventuring in search of two things: power and acceptance. Evil mind rippers assume acceptance will come only once they have accumulated enough power, and they distrust anyone who attempts to befriend them without obvious fear. Neutral and good mind rippers are more likely to accept friendly overtures, seeing the acquisition of power as necessary to ensure long and happy lives for themselves and their friends.

Despite their hideous appearance, mind rippers often end up leading small parties of adventurers. Their self-confidence, intelligence, and intense personalities make them natural leaders, though followers may in time grow concerned over a mind ripper's excesses in planning and over-the-top solutions.

+2 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Mind rippers are agile and have very powerful intellects, along with strong personalities.

Medium-Size: Though their exact size varies based

on their non-mind flayer heritage, all mind rippers fall within the Medium-size category.

• Mind ripper base speed is 30 feet.

Mind rippers may make a natural tentacle attack instead of wielding a weapon. This deals IdS

points of damage. This attack may only be used against targets that are helpless or pinned.

• Mind Rip (Su): Mind rippers can make a psionic attack against a single opponent within 100 feet. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 mind ripper's character level + mind ripper's Intelligence bonus). On a failure, the target takes 1 point of temporary Intelligence and Wisdom damage and is dazed for 1 round. This attack is very taxing for the mind ripper, who can attempt it

a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus, each time taking 1 d2

points of temporary

Constitution damage.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Mind rippers' ability to focus on a single task to the exclusion of all else grants them a +2 bonus on any skill check when they take 20. However, their concentration is so great that they incur a -4 penalty on any Listen or Spot check made during that time.

Favored Class: Psychic warrior. A multiclass mind ripper's psychic warrior class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +4. A mind ripper has an effective character level (ECL) of 4 plus class levels, so a l st-level mind ripper psychic warrior would have an ECL of 5.

by an insatiable desire to consume. Morlocks can eat their body weight in a day with no sign of obesity, but their gluttony goes much further. A morlock cannot see a field without ripping

up its crop, or cross a stream without drinking, bathing in,

and fouling it. They care nothing that their actions leave fewer resources for others and even themselves.


In the darkest, deepest caverns live morlocks, horrid crosses of gnome and troglodyte bloodlines. This half-breed occurs only when a gnome commits a crime so heinous the gods themselves take notice, banishing him to the depths of the subterranean world and afflicting him with madness. Why such stricken gnomes seek out or are accepted by troglodyte clans is unknown, but unquestionably they become part of such strongholds in time. There, they teach the troglodytes what art and wisdom they have and take up their adopted family'S life. The result of these rare unions are morlocks, who are even more lowly than their accursed parent.

Though troglodytes accept gnome outcasts, they do not take in their offspring. Morlocks are cast out soon after birth, to survive the darkness alone or be consumed by it. Judging

by their numbers in those depths, many more thrive than succumb. Able to mate with other morlocks, they band together to form their own parodies of culture. Eventually they swarm up from the depths to threaten all underground kingdoms, and by night even raid the surface world.


Morlocks are short, pale, hunched, leathery creatures with arms and legs that seem too long for their torsos. They are not truly scaly, but their skin is remarkably tough, like a callus covering the entire body. A morlock's face is narrow and pinched, its most prominent features a mouth full of sharp teeth and huge, yellow eyes, as well as a long and pointed nose. Most morlocks have thick, scratchy hair covering their heads, and sometimes growing from their backs like a ridge or crest.

Morlocks' coloration is always pale, ranging from a sickly yellow to brown and gray. Their hair is gray, white, or the color of a fish's belly. They have very large hands and feet, even bigger than their arms and legs would suggest. Their feet are generally webbed, and both fingers and toes come to sharp points, though they lack true claws.

Morlocks need little clothing, and most dress in rags or go without. Pouches, armor, and weapons may be strapped anywhere on a morlock's body, for their long arms can reach any inch of flesh with ease. They often keep trophies, such as scalps and teeth, on long strings tied randomly to their hides.


Morlocks are ruthless and without pity. They are cannibals, eating their own dead as well as any living creature they come across. When a morlock thinks of others at all, it is only to judge them as a potential threat or, more rarely, possible ally. Few give such matters any thought, however, as they are driven

Most morlocks are chaotic evil, and none are lawful, but even good-aligned morlocks feel the urge to use and discard. A morlock with a wand makes no effort to nurse its resources, spending charges whenever an occasion arises. Indeed what sets apart the occasional good morlock is not a tempering

of passions, but an acknowledgment that things he does not possess should not be defiled.

A morlock does not truly think until the age of fifteen years, when he gains his full size. Prior to this he is an animal, eating what he can kill and hiding from what he can't. Morlocks do not remember these early years, which may be for the best since they are spent in a constant struggle to survive. They naturally seek out others of their kind when they are fully grown, and thus they learn to speak, reason, and plot.

Morlocks found by another when still infants may grow up in a different environment. Some are displayed in menageries or used as slave labor. Others are treated well and have an opportunity to better themselves, though they d?nerally waste such a chance. The adult morlock may have no idea how he came to be accepted in a community or learned various skills. Whatever the circumstances, most adopted morlocks eat their benefactors out of house and home, and are abandoned again within a few years.


Morlocks' pursuit of ever more to eat, own, despoil, and discard can drive them to seek power. Though not many have the talent to cast spells, a few do become priests of loathsome, inhuman gods. More often, they take up thievery or warcraft-sirnple skills with quick results.

Morlocks can't truly be said to get along with anyone, though they particularly dislike gnomes and dwarves. Anyone who regularly provides food and other goods to a morlock can earn its grudging respect, if not trust, and hal flings are more likely than most to fall into this habit.

-2 Strength, +4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Morlocks are not particularly strong, nor are they fast think-

ers. They are extremely hardy, however. Most other sentient creatures find morlocks distasteful in hygiene and habits.

Medium-Size: Though short by human standards, morlocks qualify as Medium-size creatures.

Morlock base speed is 30 feet.

+ 3 natural armor bonus to AC.

Darkvision with a range of 90 feet.

Morlocks with Wisdom 10 or higher may cast the 0- level spells detect poison and know direction once per day each as a 1st-level druid.

The musky scent of a morlock is powerful enough to temporarily destroy a creature's sense of smell. It is not possible to track a morlock by scent for more than 1d4 minutes, after which the tracking creature cannot use its

scent ability for 1d6 hours. Conversely, anyone attempting to determine if a morlock has been in a particular area in the past ld6 hours needs only make a Spot check (DC 15) to smell the distinctive odor.

+ 1 racial bonus on Alchemy and Listen checks.

The rough, rocklike texture of a morlock's skin makes it easily mistaken for true stone. This gives morlocks a +4 circumstance bonus on Hide checks made in stone, rocky, or earthen environments.

Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass morlock's rogue class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: + 1. A morlock has an effective character level (ECL) of 1 plus class levels, so a 1 st-Ievel morlock rogue would have an ECL of 2.



(eLF/SA"CYR. h~FllNq/SA"CYR) - IDe()lUID-SlZe ~N01()

Satyrs are an all-male race that normally procreate with

other fey, with male offspring satyrs and female children conforming to their mother's race. As lusty womanizers, however, satyrs are not above dallying with females of other types. Most of these relationships last a few weeks at best,

but those with elves or halflings occasionally have much more long-lasting consequences. Satyrs are very affectionate toward their children regardless of the mother, but lacking any

sense of time, responsibility, or discipline, they make terrible fathers. Their crossbreed offspring are generally raised by their mothers, who sometimes keep them away from the satyr fathers in an effort to provide a stable environment.

Pipers, also known as fetch, panlings, pucks, and rakes,

are party animals who take after their fathers despite their mothers' best efforts. They can be male or female and are

able to bear children with nearly any sentient race. Indeed, many crossbreeds are truly a mix of piper and something else, though pipers do not advertise this fact.

Pipers are a hearty breed. Standing between 5 and 6 feet

tall, they have broad shoulders, strong arms and backs, and striking facial features. A piper's most obvious characteristic is a set of small horns protruding from the forehead, too small to be useful as weapons but too large to hide under her mop of curly hair. They curve backward slightly but never grow to more than 2 inches long.

A male piper sports heavy facial hair and slightly thinner growth on his back, arms, and legs. Female pipers seem to take after fairer fey races, with huge volumes of curly locks on their heads but little other body hair. All pipers' hair

grows quickly and is nearly impossible to keep under control:

One who trims her hair at the beginning of the week looks unkempt by the end. Male pipers rarely bother to shave, as stubble reappears within hours.

Most pipers are dusky, with dark brown or ruddy skin and black, brown, or auburn hair, though any coloration is possible. They have pointed, swept-back ears that are too long to be elven. Pipers' legs are not goatlike, but hard calluses

do grow easily on the bottoms of their feet, so they have no need for footwear of any kind even when walking on broken glass or in snow. [In game terms, a piper enjoys the sensitivity of being barefoot but is treated as wearing stout boots when walking in dangerous terrain.]

A few pipers have slightly elongated feet and try to emulate their fathers' style of walking, balancing on the balls of their feet and going tip-toe for hours on end. Since they lack the proper muscle structure to do this, they inevitably get sore calves. A piper who can't learn to walk normally must buy special footwear that elevates the heel and supports the bottom of the foot while keeping the toe in contact with the ground. After wearing such boots for several years, the piper can't walk well without them. [In game terms, her speed is halved if she is not wearing the boots.]


Pipers are fond of dance, music, festivals, and members of the opposite sex. They are a lusty folk who live and enjoy to the fullest every moment of every day. Pipers do not believe in being depressed or moody, for no situation can be improved by such behavior. This constant giddiness can be annoying even to those who know pipers well-they are

cheerful and boisterous in the face of certain doom. Only the destruction of a work of great beauty such as a masterwork instrument, or the devastation of a serene forest, can sadden a piper, who may playa dirge for days if brought low enough.

Pipers are not fools, though they often play the role of

jesters. They know evil exists, and many are willing to take

up arms against tyranny and oppression. Most prefer to improve the world by cheering and encouraging those who

are downtrodden, or inspiring greatness in others. There is

a point past which pipers cannot stay passive, however, and enough primal fey rage remains within to surprise those who dismiss them as useless romantics. Much like her sorrow, once a piper's anger has been roused it is not easily set aside.

All pipers are chaotic or neutral in alignment, and most are good. Though they often upset town elders, seduce the young and innocent into revelries of song, dance, and drink, and rarely worry about the consequences of holding a festival during the harvest season, pipers never mean to cause harm. They simply have a knack for upsetting the social order and honestly see a bit of disruption from boring, staid lives as a good thing. Once properly chastised, pipers usually offer to pitch in, helping clean up town squares, repair broken carts, and bring

in an ignored crop.

Pipers left with their fathers become true wild children, running naked through the woods, luring travelers into thickets, and playing

midnight concerts with sprites. These wild pipers are most

often called pucks and are

generally assumed to be just

another kind of fey. Dryads, nymphs, and treants sometimes take in these untamed youths in an effort to

quiet them and acclimate them

to the mortal world. Failing this, most pucks never set foot in civilization and spend their days at play, consumed with the pursuit of endless happiness. Though this

may seem an idyllic life, pucks generally come to bad ends in all but the most peaceful of woodlands, for they

lack the natural defenses of

satyrs and are easy prey for the darker things of the wilds.

Pipers reared by their mothers learn to use the tools of civilization to augment

their natural talents, often becoming master bards, noble rangers, or powerful druids. A piper is an endless trial for not just her mother but her entire community, for she cannot follow rules when they forbid anything that looks fun or sounds interesting. Pipers also cause problems because while they reach physical maturity quickly, shaving by the age of twelve and looking fully adult (though always youthful)

by thirteen, most don't learn the wisdom to overcome their impulses until decades later. Those with strong mothers learn faster, as the sound of their parent's voice raised

in frustration or indignation cuts through even me most carefree frolicking.


Pipers enjoy me company of elves, gnomes, halflings, humans, and most fey races. They do not get along with dwarves or those of ore blood, though not for lack of trying. Rather, few dwarves can stand a piper's constant efforts to put together a spontaneous dance, and ore breeds get tired of being referred to as "tusk-faces" and "spoilsports."

Pipers have a great fondness for magic and nature, and

thus are more respectful of clerics, druids, rangers, sorcerers and wizards man most other classes. Pipers and bards get along famously, though they sometimes have to be separated for the sake of others' sanity. Though they

are not themselves even slightly

orderly, pipers have great respect for those who are and work surprisingly well with paladins.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma. Pipers are nimble and dashing, a combination that makes them excellent dancers.

Medium-size. Pipers have no special bonuses or penalties relating to their size, but those who must wear specially tailored footwear pay double the normal cost.

Piper base speed is 40 feet.

Low-light vision.

Speak with Animals (5p):

As a free action a number of times a day equal to the piper's Cha-

risma bonus (minimum of 1). This is as the spell cast by a cleric of the piper's character level.

Musical Components: Pipers who cast spells must play some form of pipes rather than speak to fulfill a spell's verbal component. A piper adds +2 to the save DC of any spells she casts with the charm or sonic designators or descriptors.

Pipers have the following as class skills, regardless of their class: Animal Empathy, Bluff, Gather Information, Innuendo, and Perform. In addition, pipers are treated as having an additional 3 ranks of Perform (even if

this is above their normal maximum), usable only when dancing or playing some sort of woodwind instrument. Normally this simply grants a +3 bonus on skill checks, but piper bards can access bardic music abilities more quickly with these virtual ranks.

Favored Class: Bard. A multiclass piper's bard class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multi classing.

Level Adjustment: +2. A piper has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels, so a 1st-level piper bard would have an ECL of 3.

~ SpRlNq COllC> ~

(AN!! huIDANOlblbR~b) - IDeblUID-Slze hUIDANOlb

Dryads are unusual in that they are an all-female race who always choose mates from other species to father their children. In most cases they dally with fauns, satyrs, and other fey. The result of such liaisons are always dryads, born only when a new oak tree becomes a seedling. The young dryad matures and bonds her spirit to the oak tree, living as long as it does.

Occasionally dryads take mates of other types, charming men of great handsomeness or artistic ability. Normally the result is the same, with a dryad being born months or years later and binding herself to a new oak. But once in a blue moon, the child is instead a delicate half-breed, with mortal and fey blood flowing equally through her veins. Very rarely, this child is male.

Though dryads love these spring children no less than they do their purebred daughters, they cannot truly understand or raise a being that lacks the spiritual bond to a tree. Inevitably, the child must leave home, in the company of her mortal parent or sometimes as a young adult after a life in a grove.

Spring children always resemble lithe, attractive humanoids, with pale, clear skin and pointed ears. They have an elven appearance but are more rounded and robust than most elves. A spring child's eyes are very bright, generally a striking color such as pale sky blue, fiery red, or even gold or silver. Her

hair changes with the seasons: In spring it is some form of green, though this can vary from a light pastel hue to a dark mossy color; in summertime it is always brown, slowly turning to a brilliant auburn or blond by fall; and during the winter months it becomes pale blue or white.


Spring children are sensual and enjoy art in all its forms, especially music and poetry. They love to eat fine foods

(though not to excess), dance, sing, hear and tell jokes,

and spend time in the company of friends. They are not boisterous, preferring to enjoy their pleasures quietly but fully. Spring children are also inexplicably drawn to tragedy, easily moved by a sad play or a traveler's tale of woe. Though they can become melancholy after such an experience, they continue to seek it out wherever they go.

Spring children are unable to stay in anyone place for more than a few months or a year. They constantly crave to look beyond the horizon and over the next hill. Yet they also have

a great fear of being alone and prefer companionship even when seeking a quiet place to rest. Though not bound to the woodlands as their mothers are, spring children cannot abide being too far from the forest, and are comfortable in a city for only a few days unless a large copse of trees is easily in sight.

Spring children learn early that they attract people of all types, and they generally become excellent judges of character. Most grow up with a single parent, generally their father, or are foisted off on distant relatives. They make lifelong friends and lifetime enemies with equal ease, and continually encounter jealousy of their talents, beauty, and easy acceptance.

Spring children mature slightly faster than humans but never age once they have achieved adulthood. This agelessness is not just physical; spring children do not mature mentally the way other races do either. Each day they begin anew, with

the sunrise just as fascinating as it was the morning before. They can learn and gain the benefits of experience, but never become jaded-or wiser-as other races do.

The vast majority of spring children take after their mothers, being chaotic good in alignment. None are lawful, as their minds simply do not accept the constraints of a lawful ideal. Neutral and evil spring children are not unknown, but even those tend to be driven more by lack of interest in others than any malicious intent.


Spring children are called to adventure by wanderlust and a desire to see new places. Since they dislike being alone, they find it easier

to travel with companions.

In many cases a spring child

learns an occupation useful to

a band of adventurers out of

a desire to travel with them, rather than being an end unto itself.

Most spring children are not leaders, despite their ability

to attract numerous followers. They prefer

to be negotiators and , diplomats, making deals but not left with the difficult decisions. This makes

them natural for

support roles,

and many become spellcasters,

especially bards, druids, and enchanters. Rangers, rogues, and sorcerers are also common choices for spring children, but not fighters, barbarians, or paladins. A few become clerics of nature gods, but

those with a religious bent are more druids.

likely to become

Because of their ability to fit in, spring children work well with any class. They eventually win over member; of most races as well, though individuals who do not like elves are often unfriendly to spring children initially.

-2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma. Spring children are not physically powerful. They are very nimble, however, and have a fair share of their mother's intuition, charm, and

natural good looks.

• Medium-size.

• Spring child base speed is 30 feet.

Spring children add +2 to the save DC of any mind-affecting spell cast they cast.

Low-light vision.

Speak with Plants (5p): As a free action a number of times a day equal to the spring child's Charisma bonus (minimum of 1). This is as the spell

cast by a druid of the same level as the spring child.

• Ageless (Ex): A spring child does not experience any of the benefits or penalties of

aging, A spring child that reaches the age of sixteen is considered adult and never

enters the middle age, old, or venerable age categories. At the end of her life, a spring child simply dies in her sleep, her hair changing to its winter coloration regardless of the season.

Favored Class: Enchanter (Enchantment specialty wizard). A multiclass spring child's enchanter class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +2. A spring child has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels, so a 1st-level spring child wizard would have an ECL of 3.

~ 8chelN


According to ancient myths, elves were once the most powerful of all races, ruled by a matriarchy symbolized by snakes and masks. These wise women were well versed in the secrets of the universe and led their people fairly and firmly, maintaining a strong tie to the forces of nature. But in time they became feared by their own people, especially the rising tide of male warriors, and were struck down by the masses. The wise women sought to escape persecution and took the

form of the snakes that were their symbol, so that they might hide in the waters and dark places. They became a new race, known as nagas.

Almost all current elven (even drow) cultures deny this

myth, but a few rare mystics strive to prove its truth. These elves, who refer to themselves as soothsayers but are often called lunatics, seek out nagas and live among them, learning powerful shapeshifting magic to become part of naga society.

Most soothsayers are content to study naga lore and correlate its myths with elven ones, but some insist on going further. The most fanatical believe that nagas must be brought back into elven bloodlines, to form a new

priesthood and guide elves back to their former glory. The result of these efforts are the snake women known as sthein.

Because they can shift between a serpent and a humanoid shape, many sthein wear long tunics or wrap swaths of cloth around them, items that serve as clothing in either forms.

Other sthein eschew garments altogether.

Sthein have roughly elven heads, arms, and torsos, but their lower bodies

are completely serpentine. They have Rat, singlecolored eyes (usually green, red, or yellow) with no pupil,

white, or iris. Their

skin is smooth

and unmarred from the waist up, with small scales developing around the navel and merging into larger scales along the tail. Sthein have long, fine hair, pointed elven ears, slightly forked tongues, and pronounced canines. Their fingers are very long and thin, ending in tough points but not true claws.

Sthein from water or spirit naga bloodlines generally have green, blue, or yellow skins, with striped patterns of a complementary color developing in the scales of their lower bodies. Their hair is usually a darker shade of the same color and can grow to great length. Sthein with dark naga blood are generally jet blackin coloration, or black and red, with thicker hair that they often crop short.


'A. ppeA.RA.NCe

Sthein are a curious but cautious breed, investigating

that which interests them but never taking unnecessary risks. Most are fascinated by arcane subjects, seeking out ancient libraries and troves of lost lore to study and analyze. In addition to her primary vocation, typically a sthein also has some second, unrelated interest that strikes her fancy, such as brewing, weaving, poetry, cooking, or ancient history. Sthein who are spellcasters often combine such secondary interests with research into item creation,

resulting in things like flying carpets, magic breads, and books" that record history as it happens.

Although there are many possible combinations of naga and elf,

the most common sthein are water naga/ elf or dark naga/ drow mixes. The only effect this has on the sthein is in appearance (mostly coloration). Whether this is

because naga and elves truly share a mixed heritage, or simply because a sthein is the only possible offspring

of any such union, is unknown and debated by a few elderly scholars.

Sthein are always female, though, and able to bear children with either naga or elven fathers.

Sthein can also seem indecisive and unforgiving. This is not truly the case, but it is an easy attitude to form. Sthein

to be rushed into

important decisions and carefully consider every angle

of an issue before forming an opinion. Once she has made a decision, however,

a sthein is unlikely to change it, for she has already considered most arguments on both sides. She is perfectly willing to admit she may be wrong but requires proof rather than mere possibility to change her mind.


Sthein are also extremely patient, a result of their long lifespans. A sthein may need to know something, but she doesn't necessarily need to know it today. Similarly a sthein who feels wronged by someone may be satisfied to patiently outlive that person rather than taking some specific revenge (depending, of course, on the offending party's longevity). Their habit of constantly taking the long view can be infuriating to a sthein's acquaintances, who often see it as procrastination and indecisiveness. But though a sthein need

not take care of matters quickly, if nothing else is pressing she's happy to see a timely conclusion to any issue.

Sthein's desire to see everything from two sides means few have alignments that are not at least partially neutral. Lawful good, lawful evil, chaotic good, and chaotic evil sthein are extremely rare. Of the neutral bents, only chaotic neutral is unusual.

Sthein are generally raised by a single parent or in a small, isolated community. They are encouraged to learn within these environments and are exposed to ideas like bigotry long before they encounter those emotions directed at themselves. They are taught to divorce their opinions and decisions from their emotions, and they succeed with varying degrees of success. Younger sthein are prone to flashes of violent anger and are not allowed to travel abroad until they learn to master such outbursts (generally when eight to twelve years old).

Sthein mature quickly and earn a parent's trust at a younger age than either naga or elf children. It is difficult to tell the difference between a twenty-year-old and eighty-year-old sthein, save perhaps in world experience. Sthein are driven to learn, and most spend large portions of their lives looking for new sources of information or seeking to engage the world's greatest minds in intellectual debates.

As they grow older, sthein develop a motherly concern for friends, and by extension the communities their friends

hail from. Long after a sthein's human friend has died, she may watch over his bloodline and home village, training

its young spellcasters and guarding against serious threats to its prosperity. Where such intervention is not welcome, sthein either work through agents or disguise themselves as locals. It's not unusual for a sthein to adventure with an old comrade's children and even grandchildren, and many great heroes have been trained by sthein who befriended their ancestors.

Sthein who take up adventuring are looking for some new source of knowledge or a particular bit of forgotten lore. It

is not normally arcane topics that lead a sthein to explore,

but some random question from her secondary field of knowledge. A sthein interested in cheesemaking who hears of a new kind of cheesecloth, or one who has studied cobbling who sees a unique style of boot, simply must seek the provenance of this new marvel, even if it's hundreds of miles away.

Sthein do not form permanent judgments about individuals based on anything but actions, though they are properly cautious of those who come from a group with an ill

reputation. They are more forgiving of people who seem to have some value as scholars or artisans-not only spellcasters but also blacksmith-warriors and locksmiththieves.

St:helN RAC1A.l 'CRATeS

+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +4 Charisma. Sthein are powerful, swift, hardy, and intense.

Large: Sthein receive a -1 size penalty to AC and attacks and a --4 size penalty on Hide checks, as well as all the other normal effects of being Large creatures. They also have lO-foot reach.

Sthein base speed is 40 feet.

+ 1 natural armor bonus to AC.

Sthein may make a natural bite attack instead of wielding a weapon. This deals ld8 points of damage and delivers a poison.

Poison (Ex): Bite, l/hour; Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 sthein's character level + sthein's Con modifier), primary and secondary damage stunned for ld4 rounds.

Spell-Uke Abilities: Sthein all have some innate sorcerous ability. A beginning sthein character picks three O-level spells and one 1st-level spell from the sorcerer/wizard list. She can cast each of these spells once per day as a sorcerer of the sthein's character level.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Alternate Form (Su): As a full-round action a sthein may switch between her serpent form and a fully humanoid form. In humanoid form a sthein has the same facial features and coloration but develops two normal legs in place of her long tail. A humanoid sthein is Mediumsize and has a base speed of 30 feet. She retains all

her normal abilities in this form but cannot make bite attacks.

Sthein are immune to sleep spells and effects, and gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against Enchantment spells and effects.

+ 1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Sthein have the following as class skills, regardless of their class: Craft, Knowledge (all, each taken separately), Profession, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.

Favored Class: Sorcerer. A multiclass sthein's sorcerer class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +4. A sthein has an effective character level (ECL) of 4 plus class levels, so a 1 st-level sthein sorcerer would have an ECL of 5.


(GNome/plXle) - SmAll hUIDANOlb

Many gnomes live in forests inhabited by fey creatures. Such gnomes are less apt to construct mechanical apparatuses or mine for gems and precious metals, instead spending their days engaged in fine woodworking, brewing, and baking. Typically small, these communities stay hidden from the

eyes of humans, elves, and orcs, and make close alliances with the unicorns, dryads, and sprites that share their homes. The gnome druids renew these

pacts each spring by presenting a Maiden of the Fields, who spends an entire

day and night with a Father of the Hunt chosen from among the fey folk. More often than not the same priestess plays this role for several years, but a few are blessed with a child after their first time, never again to take up the Maiden's mantle. The children born from this ritual are trixies, a melding of gnome and pixie clans.

Trixies are

more than just crossbreedsthey are

the chosen children of Mother Nature, embodying all that is good about both gnomes and pixies.

Though often ignored or misunderstood by others, trixies are greatly honored within their home communities. They are not considered better than other woodland denizens, but simply represent the miracle of life that these forest gnomes hold so dear.

"A. ppeARANCe

Trixies take after their fey parents physically, standing no more than 21/2 feet tall with beautiful, foot-long wings. They have a rounder frame than most pixies, though, making them look like small and buxom humans with dragonfly or wasp wings and tiny antennae. Trixies generally have light complexions, with pink, white, pale blue, or pastel green skin, and hair

that can be of any conceivable hue. A trixie's eyes are always

a bright, cheerful color (usually blue or green), and slightly outsize, producing a constant wide-eyed, innocent look.

Trixies are able to assume a much smaller form, ranging in height from 8 to 11 inches. Their wings remain the same size, allowing them to fly. Gear and accouterments do not change size when the trixie does, making it difficult to remain well equipped, or even clothed, once shrunk. Many trixies have simple backup wardrobes they keep in a pocket when full size and change into these when they are smaller.


Trixies are cheerful folk, spending much of their time composing poems, flying through woodlands, and keeping company with good friends. They love the sounds of laughter and song and are often drawn to the celebrations of others.

Trixies also have the gnome love of humor and practical jokes, but only those that do not harm or belittle others. Though

not stupid, they hate to

dwell on dark or depressing subjects and often pretend not to understand

a threat rather than brood on problems they cannot solve.

Trixies are also curious,

empathetic, and clever. This combination of traits often leads them to get

involved in the difficulties of others, simply by asking someone who is upset what's wrong. They know that not all problems have quick and easy solutions, but they can't bear to leave someone in trouble without at least trying to help. Older and more serious trixies often become defenders of some particular cause or people, working to defeat their enemies and improve their quality of life.

Trixies feel the pain of others too easily to be evil or even neutral, for they cannot help but care for those around them. Most are neutral good, showing concern for all feeling things. These trixies seek any moral avenue to help their friends and allies, and are unimpressed with laws or traditions that cause someone pain or difficulty, regardless of the supposed longterm value. Lawful trixies are also numerous and often try to

work toward the general good rather than focusing on a single creature in distress. Chaotic good trixies are less common; they flit from place to place and help where they can but rarely become involved in ongoing struggles.

Trixies grow up in loving homes where they are treated as especially talented children with great destinies. A trixie is not raised by a single mother or even a normal parental set but is instead brought up by the entire community. Often a group

of druids form the nucleus of a trixie's family, with local sprites and dryads acting as honorary aunts and uncles, and the rest of the gnome village taking the role of cousins.

Trixies can get into an amazing amount of trouble in their young years, in large part due to their ability to shrink and fly. Whoever is responsible for raising a trixie grows used to having things knocked off shelves, finding the child stuck in mouse holes,

and sudden disappearances when the trixie decides to go for a midnight fly. How guardians react to such foibles is dictated by how dangerous the surrounding area is. Trixies raised in the heart of woodlands guarded by powerful, good-aligned fey may be given great latitude, while those living close to hazardous areas receive more serious reprimands. Neither approach has much affect on a trixie's attitude, though, as such crossbreeds are simply too curious to stay in a small area, and they know any harsh words are out of concern for their well-being.

Trixies all leave home when they reach maturity, between twenty-two and twenty-seven years of age. Many return eventually, but for several decades the lure of traveling

to new places and meeting new people is too powerful to resist. Though other beings often disparage trixies, the wee folk are too self-assured and cheerful to be hurt by snide comments. Unfortunately, they also frequently ignore serious warnings, resulting in a well-deserved reputation for being troublemakers and danger magnets.

Trixies' combination of curiosity and caring often involve them with adventurers. They rarely train as warriors or spellcasters, but their ability to shrink down to a less

noticeable size and fly quickly in and out of dangerous areas makes them excellent scouts and rogues. Some trixies mix rogue with druid, making them talented outdoor guides.

Trixies work especially well with gnomes, halflings, and other good-aligned little creatures. They complement stealthy and quiet characters and are excellent companions and guards for frailer spellcasters. Trixies do not get along well with half-orcs or dwarves, who tend not to appreciate their sense of humor.


-4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, + 2 Charisma. Trixies are too small and frail to have much physical power, but they are amazingly agile, with fast, creative minds and strong, likable personalities.

Small: Trixies gain a + 1 size bonus to AC and attacks and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, as well as all the other normal effects of being Small creatures. When a trixie shrinks to Diminutive size (see below), she gains a +4 size bonus to AC and attacks and a +12 size bonus on Hide checks.

Trixie base speed is 20 feet. When Diminutive (see below), they have a speed of only 10 feet but fly speed of 40 feet (good maneuverability) when lightly encumbered. When carrying more than a light load, a trixie cannot fly.

Change Size (Su): As a full-round action, a trixie can become Diminutive, allowing her to fly. None of a trixie's gear or clothing shrinks, making it unusable (magic items that resize themselves to fit their wearer can still be used, however). A trixie incurs a -6 penalty to Strength when shrunk (minimum 1) and a -2 penalty on Fortitude saves. It takes a full-round action for a trixie to reassume her normal size.

Low-light vision.

Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass trixie's rogue class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +3. A trixie has an effective character level (ECL) of 3 plus class levels, so a 1 st-level trixie rogue would have an ECL of 4.

(bWA.RF/<;ARqoyLe) - IDeblUID-SlAe IDoNSnOUS hUI'DANOlb

When a person, place, or thing is so important to dwarves that it must be guarded forever, they turn to a watcher. Creatures of stone heritage, mixtures of a gargoyle's rocky body and a dwarf's rocky soul, watchers are created when a dwarf dies

of old age before accomplishing a task of great importance. Beyond the aid of such spells as resurrection, these hardy dwarf spirits can yet return to life by bonding with the undamaged body of a gargoyle whose spirit has passed on. The ritual for

doing this is known to only the most powerful of dwarven clerics, and they undertake it only very rarely.

Since watchers never die of old age, however, their numbers have slowly grown over thousands of years. Adding to the population of watchers created through ritual are those born from two of their kind or from a watcher and a dwarf. Because they are flesh and blood under their stony skins,

watchers can sire or bear children, and these rare

offspring are always watchers. Such children lack the single-minded obsession that brought back the souls of their watcher parent, though many are taught the same motivation.


Watchers appear to be winged dwarves made of stone.

Their flesh is not truly rock, but their skin has the texture and coloration of granite or marble. Their

hair is similarly

dark, as are their

eyes, all closely matching their skin coloration. They have large, batlike wings, which are not powerful enough for flight but do allow prodigious leaps. When a watcher is injured he bleeds red, but as soon as the wound begins to

heal it takes on the appearance of a crack in his stonelike skin. Older watchers often sport dozens of cracks

and even chipped-off pieces, making them look like centuries-old statues.

A few watchers apply paint to their skin, giving

them a brighter color. At best this looks natural only at a distance; generally the watcher ends up looking like a painted statue. The coarse, thick hair does not take dye well, and there is no way to cover the gray eyes without limiting their vision.


Watchers are stoic and patient. They take great pride in this, often seeming happiest after suffering some serious setback, as they revel in how little such problems affect them. Watchers are seen as steadfast because they stick to a course of action no matter how great the trials they face. On the other hand, they have a reputation as dour, mulish, depressing killjoys. A watcher looks for the negative side of everything so it can regale others with tales of how hard its life is, thus proving it can overcome these troubles.

Watchers gain enjoyment only from accomplishing difficult and time-consuming tasks and from setting themselves

apart. They seek out hardship and purposefully surround themselves with uncomfortable circumstances, the more to enjoy defeating them. When it is raining, a watcher goes outside. When it is cold, he leaves the fireside to stand in the bitter weather. Others see this behavior as bizarre, bordering on the perverse, but watchers claim it gives them an appreciation for the difficulty of life.

It has been said that a watcher makes friends

so he'll have someone to ignore, and to an extent this is true. A watcher may attend festivals-standing apart from the crowd and watching the celebrations from a hillside or rooftop. The only sure way to

get one involved in an activity is to fill it with

ceremony, for watchers cannot resist pomp and melodrama. Unfortunately, they sometimes resort to

formality when it's socially inappropriate, such as calling for a moment of silence to honor the dead during a birthday

party, or actually standing at a wedding to list possible reasons why the couple

should not get married.

A watcher created by ritual has some task that overshadows his every action. So great is the need to accomplish this goal that many such watchers spent some years as ghosts before gaining a new body. Much like the subject of a reincarnate spell, created watchers return to the mortal coil as beginning characters and must spend years working their way back to the power they had upon death. And though their new bodies never die of old age, they do grow slower and weaker over centuries, their exteriors cracking and their organs shriveling, creating a partially hollow sound when they move.

Born watchers have the same drive to accomplish a great task but lack a predestined goal to focus them. Those raised by a watcher are often trained to aid in their parent's undertaking, but not every child accepts this onus. This is not the simple rebellion of youth but a matter of conviction. For watchers to

be satisfied they must believe their current goals are worthy, and children who disagree with their parents' intentions simply cannot concentrate on them, constantly searching to find missions of their own.

Watchers raised by dwarven kin do well for the first few decades of their lives, setting themselves to learn a profession and earn a place in society with a dedication that even the most demanding dwarf taskmaster can admire. As they master the basic skills needed to survive on their own, however, watchers become dissatisfied with dwarven ways. They begin to ask why some people are poor, or how a centuries-old tyrant might

be brought down-s-questions most dwarves consider foolish. Though only dwarves would ever call watchers flighty, until a young adult finds his calling he is unable to leave such questions alone. Most watchers leave their communities when they find a purpose that fulfills them, never to return.

Most watchers are of good alignment, though they rarely distinguish between different philosophies. These neutral good watchers seek to accomplish some difficult and legendary task that benefits a large group--even an entire species. These are rarely missions any reasonable creature would believe possible, such as ridding the world of all undead or finding a way to end hunger forever, but only lofty projects of this scale can hold

a watcher's attention over the long centuries. Of course most watchers are killed long before they achieve any of these goals, but those few who succeed do make the world a better place, or at least bring light into one section of it.

Few watchers settle on a project that can be accomplished without study, violence, and danger, leading them naturally to lives as adventurers. Most follow more than one path, mixing some form of spellcasting with a few levels of a fighting class. Watcher bards are surprisingly common, as their pursuit of arcane power, information gathering, and stealth make them jacks of all trades. Such bards rarely sing, instead reciting epic poetry and long war tales they learned from musty tomes or recall from their previous life.

Many races don't care for watchers, which suits them just fine. A watcher is happy to be seen as a poor companion, as long as

his allies aid him in reaching his ultimate goal. In fact, treating a watcher as a pariah is a good way to ensure one's company, for it adds to his sense of impending accomplishment.

lilA1:cheR. RAC1AL ~CRA.TC8

+4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 WlSdom. Watchers are extremely hardy, and though they are slow thinkers, they have a vast store of common sense and experience to draw upon.


Watcher base speed is 20 feet. +2 natural armor bonus to AC.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Freeze (Ex): Watchers are able to remain stationary indefinitely, refraining from the slightest shift, twitch, or blink of the eye. In this motionless state they are often mistaken for statues, and only a Spot check (DC 20) reveals the truth.

Though they are not immune to sleep effects, watchers have no natural need for sleep. Watcher spellcasters must meditate for 4 hours before preparing spells, and can only achieve the state of mind needed to do so once per day.

Watchers have only one-tenth the dwarven need for food and water and can go for weeks without sustenance if necessary (treat each week as one day of abstinence when determining thirst or starvation for a watcher).

If a watcher has enough room to open and flap his wings (generally at least 10 feet across), he gains a +10 circumstance bonus on all Jump checks, with no maximum distance, and takes half damage from falls.

Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass watcher suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing, his highest-level class does not count.

Level Adjustment: +2. A watcher has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels, so a 1st-level watcher cleric would have an ECL of 3.

-- WeNblqO --

(bill\RF/WlNCeR WoLF) - IDeblUID-S-ge IDoNSU.OOS humA.NOlb

Wendigos are savages who trace their bloodlines back to dwarves and winter wolves. Often mistaken for lycanthropes, they are relentless, remorseless hunters who are accepted by neither of their parent races. Few ever bother to experience civilization, but their great ability in the wilds allows them to live well even in the harshest of arctic climates.

A wendigo occurs when a dwarf is lost so long in the frozen wilderness that he or she loses any sense of civilization,

finally joining a pack of winter wolves. After years spent hunting with the pack, killing with bare hands and teeth, and eating raw meat, such feral dwarves become more wolf than humanoid. Many scholars believe they are truly changed, perhaps by the power of some winter wolf god. When mating season arrives the wild dwarf participates, and a wendigo is the result. Wendigos themselves are infertile, keeping their numbers limited.

A. ppeA.RANCe

Wendigos are of modest size, standing between 5 and 6 feet tall. They are very heavily built and have extremely coarse hair. They are pale to white in coloration, with an unkempt mane of head and facial hair that covers the back of the neck and the cheeks, even on females. They are not truly furred, but thick hair covers most of their bodies, especially the shoulders and back.

A wendigo has long, pointed canine teeth that are visible even when the mouth is closed. Though bipedal, wendigos stand and walk in a hunched manner, and often rest by leaning forward with one hand flat on the ground.

Wendigos generally wear crude garments made of furs, hides, and strips of leather or cloth. They just aren't comfortable in anything more carefully tailored, even when better clothing or armor is available. Some wendigos forgo any kind of clothes. They do appreciate finely crafted or magic weapons, though they almost never use ranged weapons of any kind.


Wendigos are harsh and savage, with little interest in the trappings of civilization or the social conventions of most humanoids. They live for the thrill of the hunt and the joy of the kilL Most eat raw meat, sleep in trees, and are washed only when it rains. They generally distrust any claims of love and compassion as attempts to conceal a hidden agenda. To a wendigo, everything fits into the food chain. Either you can eat it, or it can eat you. Everything else is illusion

and foolishness.

Nearly all wendigos are neutral evil, concerned only with their own needs and desires. A very few are truly neutral, less self-centered than their evil kin but with no more concern for others. Those who manage to befriend a group are willing to take any steps necessary to keep their allies safe and prosperous, even when the allies disapprove of the wendigo's actions.

Wendigos are not accepted by either winter wolf packs or dwarven communities. Both groups see them as abominations that should be killed or left to die of exposure. Though parental love sometimes ensures a wendigo's support in the first few years of life, most are on their own within hours of birth. Only because they are born already able to crawl and use their teeth to kill do they survive to maturity. Such a life is not kindly, however, and wendigos learn early that no one will help them. A wendigo is

adult at just four years of age, and most die violently; the few dangerous enough to reach old age make it no further than eighty years.

Wendigos usually spend their entire lives in cold wastelands, never seeing a town larger than a hundred people. These are the most savage of the breed, who spawn legends of wild men and wolves walking on two legs. Rarely are these creatures of any alignment other than chaotic evil. They are predators, hunting both to feed and to inspire fear in their prey.

A few wendigos do travel far enough to encounter greater cities, however. While most of these are no less primitive and vicious than their wilder cousins, they sometimes learn the benefit of working with a group and aiming for loftier goals than the next hunt and kill. A very few of these are neutral and become trustworthy members of groups that treat them

well. •

Wendigos are most apt to take to adventure looking for a better thrill, a bigger hunt, and more powerful weapons. They are sometimes hired as scouts by very powerful evil humanoids, or as guides by explorers with plenty of coin. Though greatly skilled at

survival and

extremely familiar with their native wilderness, wendigos are too fickle and self-absorbed to do well at these assignments. Only fear and greed hold them to a task except in the rarest of cases.

Wendigos have little concern for others and cannot be depended on to protect party members. They have grudging respect for barbarians and fighters, but they do not get along with most paladins, clerics, and arcane spellcasters. Bards fascinate them, though, and they work well with one-as long as he sings and tells tales of fresh blood and life-or-death conflict. Most druids and rangers see wendigos as dangerous mistakes and refuse to work with them, but those who are willing to put aside their dislike team up well with the wild half-breeds.

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Wendigos are strong and powerful, with keen instincts. They are also impulsive and primitive in their thinking, and do not get along well with others.


Wendigo base speed is 40 feet.

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of cold, 15 feet, l/minute; damage 1d6 + 1d6/2levels beyond 1st. A wendigo may use his breath weapon a number of times per day equal to his Constitution bonus.

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Cold Subtype: Wendigos are immune to cold but take double damage from fire and heat attacks except on a successful save.

Scent (Ex): Wendigos can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell (60 feet if opponent is upwind, 15 feet if downwind). They can track by sense of smell, ignoring surface conditions and poor visibility.

+2 racial bonus on Wilderness Lore checks, with an additional +2 bonus on checks made to survive in the wild.

Favored Class: Barbarian or rogue. Either a multiclass wendigo's barbarian or rogue class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for rnulticlassing.

Level Adjustment: +2. A wendigo has an effective character level (ECL) of 2 plus class levels, so a 1st-level wendigo barbarian would have an ECL of 3.




Treant legends claim that once they were the progenitors of many races, until their children fled the forests and made cities of stone. Most scholars see this as a parable, suggesting that primitive elven, human, and hal fling cultures were protected and taught by treants before they became civilized tool-users. Others take the tales more literally, declaring that elves in particular are descendants of woodland fey, who are in turn descended from the treants.

It is well known, though rarely discussed, that treants, dryads, nymphs, and elves can freely interbreed with one a,nother. Though a treant rarely mates with more than one being in its long lifetime, its heart does sometimes stray outside its own species. Among the fey races this is usually the result of long association and a very small treant population. The offspring of such unions are always treants, though many have a more humanoid shape.

Treants who become romantically involved with elves

claim to be compelled by a force they cannot describe or understand. Druids and rangers are most likely to catch a treant's eye, and while they rebuff such advances at first, in time the elves find themselves returning the treant's affections. The product of these pairings are elflike, but not quite elven. Known as woodwose, syllar, and oak elves, these hybrids combine the lithe forms of elves with the natural power and sturdiness of treants.


A. ppeARANCe

Woodwose have the slender build and humanoid frames of their elf parents but are much larger, often standing 7 or more feet tall. Their skin has the appearance and texture of highly polished wood, ranging in color from blond to tan, dark brown, and even red. Instead of hair they have thick, leafy growths that resemble dense moss. In youth this growth is bright green, growing red when the woodwose enters middle age, fading to brown as she reaches old age, and turning black when she become venerable.

Woodwose otherwise appear elven, with delicate facial features and long, pointed ears. Their eyes are the most elven thing about them, often matching those of their elf parent. Though they have little fear of exposure to the elements, woodwose generally have the same nudity taboos as their elven kin. They prefer flowing, loose clothing, often in the same colors as their own skin and moss "hair."


Woodwose are calm and stable. They never panic, fly into a rage, or lose their composure. Because they consider their opinions carefully, they are thought of as wishy-washy, refusing to commit to an idea until they've looked at it from every angle. In fact, woodwose simply like to be sure of

what they're doing. Though this can lead to indecision, in an emergency a woodwose does take whatever course of action seems wisest (even if complaining about the rush).

The positive side of this behavior is that woodwose can

be counted on to give reasoned council in even the direst circumstances. A woodwose's allies know she is always ready to support them and won't abandon them. Nor are woodwose arrogant, for they understand not everyone has their inherent immunity to fear and panic. Indeed, woodwose often console a friend who has been overcome by magic such as a fear spell, assuring him that falling

prey to its effects does not make him any less heroic.

Contrary to popular

belief, woodwose do not automatically prefer natural or woodland settings over urban ones. Each has unique preferences, and many enjoy exploring different

lands and seeing how inhabitants tend their

fields, build their cities,

and protect their wilds. What no woodwose can tolerate is the needless

or selfish destruction

of nature. This

anger is both as an intellectual distaste

at the waste of a resource and a deeply emotional response, as woodwose can hear the plants crying out in pain.

All woodwose are good, and most are chaotic. They feel that freedom is the most important

of all social rights,

and often fight against tyrants and help refugees

survive in the wilderness. Lawful good

woodwose are rarer, believing in the obligation of the

powerful to guide and defend the weak. These often become rangers and game wardens, working to husband a realm's natural resources. Neutral good woodwose are more likely to care about individuals than states: They look after their friends and acquaintances first, then succor the poor disenfranchised and oppressed-even if that means fighting ~gainst the social' order.

Woodwose are generally brought up by their elf parent, though many spend considerable time visiting their treant parent in the wilderness. Sadly, many elves are unable to accept the half-breeds, feeling that their heritage is simply too strange and that a mix of plant and elf is a perversion of nature. As much as the parent tries to protect a young woodwose, some animosity and bias touches the child, who

rarely feels comfortable within her home community.

Time spent with

the treant parent

is different. Most sylvan creatures are far more accepting, seeing a woodwose as a fey creature no more unusual than a dryad, and with a noble ancestry.

While not as flighty

as dryads, neither are woodwose as resistant to boredom as treants.

Most enjoy visiting the treant's grove as a respite from the real

world but would never be satisfied living there permanently.

As a result woodwose eventually set out to make a place for themselves in the world. Many become druids or rangers and

explore the frontiers of civilization, where wilderness is ever-present but some humanoid culture can be found. Here they may become local heroes and celebrities, and may even act as negotiators between the native creatures and the pioneers who wish to cultivate untamed lands.

For obvious reasons, woodwose work well with druids and rangers. Many become powerful druids or rangers in their own right, and most take at least one or two levels in these classes. Woodwose who are not themselves arcane spellcasters generally do not trust sorcerers or wizards when first meeting them, though a fair and honest mage can overcome this.

Woodwose do not like barbarians, whom they see as brash and destructive.

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Woodwose have the strength and hardiness of wood but find it difficult to think in elven terms, often failing to grasp concepts easily understood by normal humanoids.

Medium-Size: Though tall by human standards, woodwose aren't quite big enough to count as Large creatures.

Woodwose base speed is 30 feet. +6 natural armor bonus to AC.

Woodwose may make two natural slam attacks instead of wielding a weapon. These deals 1d6 points of damage.

Low-light vision.

Speak with Plants (5p): At will as a free action.

Immune to spells and effects causing panic and fear.

+ 1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Favored Class: Druid or ranger. Either a multiclass woodwose's druid or ranger class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: + 5. A woodwose has an effective character level (ECL) of 5 plus class levels, so a 1st-level woodwose druid would have an ECL of 6.


(hAG/ORe) - IDeblUID-SlZe hUlI)ANOlb

A wretch normally occurs when an annis or green hag takes control of a tribe of orcs, either by killing their chieftain and shaman or by hiring them to serve as her guards. The hag becomes the ruler of the tribe, and the orcs vie for her favors. Though such unions rarely result in children, when they do, the product is a wretch. Also called crones, black shamans, moaners, and horcs, wretches are slovenly, hateful, ugly creatures who learn that only might makes right and that all living things are to be loathed.

Oddly, most wretches are male, and all male wretches are sterile. Roughly one in a hundred wretches are female, but these are usually killed by their mothers. Female wretches who survive childhood often become powerful spellcasters

in their own right, and more than one has been hidden by an ore father only to return and kill her mother. Female wretches are able to procreate with orcs and half-orcs, producing more wretches. In some ore tribes a generation of wretches are treated as nobility, with the pureblood orcs relegate,d to the roles of warriors and laborers.

l>,._ ppeARANCe

Wretches have a hungry, emaciated look. Their arms and legs are long and thin, giving them an almost spiderlike appearance. Their bodies are distended at the belly but otherwise also thin, with ribs jutting against the skin and no sign of fat or muscle. Most are hunchbacked, with long thin necks and protruding Adam's apples. The head of a wretch is large, with big, pointed ears, yellow fangs, and sunken, dull eyes. Hair is generally thin and stringy, and occasionally balding in patches.

Wretches generally have a light green complexion, with liver spots, warts, and flaking skin covering a fair portion of their hides. Their eyes are black or brown, and hair color ranges from gray to green without ever hitting an attractive color.

Most wretches have no nose-only two vertical slits that allow them to wheeze and painfully suck in air. Facial hair is generally sparse but present equally in males and females, and teeth are pointed but dull, and often loose. Wretches do have impressive claws on the ends of their fingers-sharp talons that show none of the dilapidation of the rest of their bodies.


Wretches are terrible in their disposition. They combine the hatred and cruelty of hags with the aggression, bloodlust, and greed of orcs. To make matters worse, wretches are strong enough to become mighty chieftains in ore or ogre tribes, and smart enough to outwit the rangers and knights who normally keep such tribes in check. They are shorttempered, vengeful, vicious, conniving, and pitiless, making them dangerous foes and fell leaders. Though they have

a high regard for their own well-being and know when a situation requires retreat, they are not cowardly.

Almost all wretches are chaotic evil, caring only for themselves and seeing everyone and everything else as tools. They revel in anarchy and confusion, in which their strength and cunning give them an advantage. A wretch thinks nothing of sending an entire tribe to its death, if it gains him an artifact of power or allows him to escape an otherwise hopeless battle. Wretches are clever enough to know when to use laws to their advantage, but they dispose of such things as soon as they become inconvenient. A neutral evil wretch has essentially the same outlook, lacking only the innate love of anarchy. Even neutral wretches have little concern for others, though they at least acknowledge other people may have a right to live.

A good-aligned wretch is a very unusual creature indeed, constantly torn between his beliefs and his instincts. As hags

and orcs are both predisposed to evil, only the child of a wretch and a half-ore has much chance of being good. Such a quarter-human suffers an endless battle with his darker nature-a tragic hero at best, likely fall to darkness in the end.

Wretches are raised among ore tribes, or in strongholds where orcs serve some more powerful master. Ore society values only strength, and young wretches are bullied and beaten by older orcs wishing to establish

dominance. Wretches mature more

slowly than orcs, so most have long, unhappy childhoods. Often

a wretch's mother is

the unquestioned matriarch of the tribe, but this does nothing to ease the pain

of his early years. Hags

are unloving creatures

who see their

bastard children as worthwhile only if they are useful. A wretch who cannot defend

himself is of no interest to his mother.

But when a

wretch does

reach adulthood, between seventeen and twenty-one years of age, he needs

no longer fear mere orcs. Imbued with the preternatural strength of his mother, a wretch can overpower those

much taller and heavier than himself.

Even a relatively weak wretch can best most such opponents, using his natural weapons, great slyness, and bestow curse ability to destroy a single powerful ore, as an example to others. As they grow in knowledge and power, wretches become even greater bullies, with only the power of their hag mothers to keep them in check.

Many wretches grow tired of playing second fiddle to a hag, and set out to either destroy her or build their own base of power. These are the most dangerous of the breed, intent on increasing their might and gathering followers. A successful

wretch can be a threat to entire kingdoms-and the more he controls, the more he desires.


A wretch works best only when he is clearly in charge or clearly inferior to whoever is in charge. Despite their own heritage wretches have no respect for other half-breeds, refusing to follow them and abandoning them when in peril. They show loyalty to comrades only when they stand to gain from it. Wretches are less condescending toward barbarians, whose raw fury they respect, and spellcasters, whose power and versatility are intimidating.


+6 Strength, +2 Con-

stitution, +2 Intelligence,

+2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma. Despite their pathetic physical appearance, wretches are powerful and agile with

remarkable endurance.

They are also cunning and sharpwitted, though

their appearance and personality both make them unpleas-

ant to be around.


Wretch base speed is 30 feet. + 3 natural armor bonus to AC.

Darkvision with a range of 90 feet.

Wretches may make two natural claw attacks instead of wielding a weapon. These deals 1 d6 points of damage.

Bestow Curse (5p): Once per week as the spell cast by a 7th-level cleric. A wretch may deliver this curse through a successful claw attack.

Favored Class: Wizard. A multic1ass wretch's wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing. Most wretches are wizard/ fighters, generally taking one fighter level for every two wizard levels.

Level Adjustment: + 5. A wretch has an effective character level (ECL) of 5 plus class levels, so a 1st-level wretch wizard would have an ECL of 6.

~ rn~C) ~

(elF/OqRe IDAc;e) - lARc;e qANt:


Ogre mages show little sign of kinship with ogres. They

are more intelligent, resilient, agile, alert, and cunning than their simpler cousins, as well as having strong personalities and innate magic abilities. Though ogre mages do not often form communities, they have an advanced civilization based on conquest, acquisition, and rulership. Scholars postulate that while ogres are somehow akin to orcs and humans, ogre mages are actually distant relatives of elves and dwarves. Though no dwarf! ogre mage crossbreeds are known to exist, the ability of ogre mages and elves to interbreed is well established.

Wyrds, also known as deimos and ogre fey, are ogre mage/ elf crossbreeds generally from one of two backgrounds.

The most common occurs when an ogre mage establishes a stronghold and raids or conquers neighboring elven lands, taking prisoners from the fairest and most noble elves. Such raids often bring retribution from the elves, who if victorious take all wyrd offspring to be raised in seclusion by distant family members.

The other common scenario is when a drow and an ogre mage make an arrangement to create a number of wyrds. Most often the agreement either calls for two children to

be born (one for each parent) or trades a wyrd for some other valuable commodity, such as a rare spell or magic item. Both drow and ogre mages find wyrds useful political assets, able to go places and deal with creatures not open to either parent.

A wyrd cannot be mistaken for a member of either parent race. It is a tall creature, topping 8 feet, but as slender and well-formed as a typical elf. It has long, thin, pointed ears, two small horns at its temples, and a head of thick, wild hair. A wyrd's coloration is very dark, with skin ranging from dark purple to black and hair that may be red, metallic black, dark blue, or copper. A wyrd's eyes are a solid color, generally red, with no differentiation between pupil and iris. Drow/ogre mage wyrds generally have the same appearance, except that their hair is white, pearlescent, or silver.

Most wyrds accord a great deal of status to appearance

and thus prefer rich dress. Finely cut clothing or burnished, engraved armor is preferable to plain garb, even if the less ornate clothes are more durable and functional. Wyrds are not fools, however: They do not choose mere finery over magic items, or wear slippers into the wilderness. Many work a theme, totem, or symbol into most of their accouterments, such as an animal, rune, or even a random pattern they find pleasing.

Wyrds are supremely confident to the point of arrogance. They often surpass their parents in raw power, and are master tacticians and manipulators to boot. Most have a strong desire to rule, either out of simple megalomania or from a genuine belief they are better suited to power. A wyrd who is trusted and given a position of great responsibility may prove a loyal ally, but those scorned or mistreated soon flee to build an empire of their own.

Wyrds have long memories and do not forgive easily. A slight from childhood is still fresh in the mind of an adult wyrd, coloring his outlook until he claims recompense or revenge. Wyrds do not believe that time heals all ills, and many have a long list of grudges. Similarly, a creature who aids a wyrd is never forgotten, and may be repaid in full decades later. Wyrds value loyalty highly, demanding it from their underlings but giving it only to the most deserving of superiors.

Most wyrds are pragmatic and care less about law, chaos, good, and evil than they do about what is effective, efficient, and valuable. These neutral wyrds are willing to work for evil tyrants or ministries of justice with equal vigor, as long as their own needs are met. A wyrd who has given his loyalty to a superior does his best to advance that master's cause, even if the wyrd doesn't personally care about it.

A wyrd child raised among ogre mages or drow must

prove himself every day of his life or face slavery. If he is cunning, strong, and swift, he can earn a place of honor in his family, though he may well gain less acceptance outside blood kin. Such wyrds are often special agents or emissaries, sent to watch over the family's interests in far-off lands or to negotiate with monstrous races. Wyrds who fail to meet these exacting standards are treated as chattel, and may be put to death, sent to gladiatorial pits, or even sold to other masters.

Wyrds raised among other elves also face daily tests for acceptance. For them, however, it is their heart and ethics that are constantly questioned. A young wyrd must prove he does not seek to cause pain or suffering, is not purely selfish or evil, and does not employ deceit, necromancy, or brutality to achieve his goals. Those who succeed are rewarded with respect and trust from family members, though not often from other elves. Those who fail may be imprisoned, sent off to monasteries, or banished.

Wyrds' belief in their own talents drives them all to try great deeds, for good or ill. No wyrd is satisfied to be a cobbler or farmer, and most train from an early age to master one or more heroic occupations. They often combine a fighting class with sorcery, giving them impressive martial and magical skills.

Wyrds are natural leaders, and they get along with anyone who's willing to follow them. A wyrd also works well with individuals who have proven they are his equal, or even superior, taking a specialist's advice or conferring with a established war leader. Wyrds do not take kindly to anyone who insists on maintaining her independence without proving she is smarter or wiser. As a result, they often clash with bards, rogues, and barbarians, and less frequently with rangers, druids, and clerics.

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Wyrds are powerful

both physically and mentally, with no true weaknesses.

Large: Wyrds receive a -1 size penalty to AC and attacks and a-4

size penalty on Hide checks,

as well as all the other normal effects of being Large creatures. They also have 10-foot reach.

Wyrd base speed is 30 feet.

Low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Spells: Wyrds cast spells as 2nd-level sorcerers. A wyrd sorcerer adds his sorcerer levels to his innate spellcasting level for purposes of spells per day, saving throw, and other level-dependent effects. For example, a Sthlevel wyrd sorcerer casts spells as a 7th-level sorcerer.

Though they cannot truly fly as their ogre mage progenitors can, wyrds' natural magic grants them a

+ 30 competence bonus on all Jump checks, with no maximum distance, and they take half damage from falls.

Spell resistance equal to 10 + wyrd's Charisma modifier. Favored Class: Sorcerer. A multiclass wyrd's sorcerer class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Level Adjustment: +6. A wyrd has an effective character level (ECL) of 6 plus class levels, so a

1 st-level wyrd sorcerer would have an ECL of 7.

There's no limit to the number of crossbreeds that could possibly exist. Sometimes you might want to make your own halfbreeds, either to serve as racial options for your campaign or to create specific NPCs. Many crossbreeds are easily produced with templates, but this chapter also presents rules for inventing your own hybrid creatures.

~ cemplA. Ces ~

Some creatures can breed with nearly anything, making the possible number of crossbreeds far too numerous to be handled as standard race descriptions. Instead, these offspring are best described using templates that add a set of features from one parent's bloodline to the abilities of the other parent. Most often these are the children of shapeshifters or outsiders, though some creatures (such as half-beholders) are just bizarre mixes of bloodlines. Crossbreeds made from templates tend to be rarer and more powerful than other kinds.

The following half-creature templates are designed to create new versions of the classic crossbreeds of mythology, such

as minotaurs, harpies, and centaurs. These can describe individual crossbreeds (generally the result of arcane energies in some form) or create entire races of mixed-breed creatures.

When a template grants a natural attack to a creature that already has one or more natural weapons, whichever deals the highest base damage becomes the primary attack. If two or more natural weapons deal the same base damage, the one that also delivers

a special attack (such as poison) is primary. In the case of other ties, choose a primary attack for the creature. All other natural attacks become secondary and are made at a -5 penalty (unless the creature has the Multiattack or Natural Fighter feats).

h~lF-beoolOOR -



No one knows just where half-beholders come from. Some claim they are the result of vile experimentation, while others maintain that they aris~om natural interbreeding between beholders and other beings. According to legend beholders are an unstable race, with dozens of variants and subraces, so

this second view gains more credence than it otherwise would. Half-beholders are most often found in the wildest, most dangerous places.

Half-beholders are horrid to view, with sharp, needlelike teeth and numerous eyes talks sticking out from their heads. Most have only one nons talked eye, located either in the center of the head or, if the creature has a humanlike form, off to one side where the left eye would be found (with a matching, but empty, socket to the right). Many are covered in tough hides similar in appearance to scabs, while others simply have thick, leathery skin. Like true beholders, half-beholders are ruthless, vile, and cunning. They often serve beholders or become leaders of primitive humanoid tribes.

"Half-beholder" is a template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature other than outsiders (hereafter referred

to as the "base creature"). The creature's type changes to monstrous humanoid unless the base creature is a giant, in which case the base creature type does not change. It uses

all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

AC: Natural armor improves by +6.

Attacks and Damage: A half-beholder retains all the attacks of the base creature and also gains a bite attack. If the base creature does not have a bite attack, use the damage values in the table below. Otherwise, use the values below or the base creature's damage, whichever is greater.


Size Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive ld3
Tiny ld4
Small ld6
Medium-size 2d3
Large 2d4
Huge 2d6
Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6 Special Attacks: A halfbeholder retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Eye Rays (Su): A half-beholder has between four and nine eyes talks, each able to produce a magical ray once a round, even when the half-beholder is attacking physically or moving at

full speed. A half-beholder can easily aim all its eyes upward, but its own head and body tend to get in the way when it tries to aim in other directions. During a round, it can aim only three eye rays at targets in any one arc other than up (forward, backward, left, right,

or down). The remaining eyes must aim at targets in other arcs or not at all. Randomly determine the effects of each eyestalk from the list, but no more than two should have the same effect. Each eye's effect resembles a spell cast by a 9th-level sorcerer but follows the rules for a ray. All rays have a range of 100 feet and a save DC equal to 10 + 1/2 half-beholder's Hit Dice + halfbeholder's Constitution modifier.

o Charm Monster: The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the spell.

o Charm Person: The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the spell.

o Fear: This works like the spell, except that it targets one creature. The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the spell.

o Finger of Death: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be slain as though by the spell. The target takes 3d6+9 damage on a successful saving throw.

Flesh to Stone:

The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be affected as though by the spell.

Inflict Moderate Wounds: This works just like the spell, dealing 2d8+9 points of damage (Will half).

Sleep: This works like the spell, except that it affects one creature with any number of Hit Dice. The target must make a Will save to resist.

o Slow: This works like the spell, except that it affects one creature. The target must make a Will save to resist.

o Telekinesis: The halfbeholder can move objects or creatures that weigh up to 225 pounds, as though with a telekinesis spell. Creatures can resist the effect with a successful

Will save.

Special Qualities: A half-beholder retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those listed below.

AIIAround Vision (Ex): Because of their additional eyes, half-beholders are exceptionally alert and able to look in all directions at once. This gives them a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks, and they can't be flanked.

Darkvision (Ex): A half-beholder has darkvision with a 60-foot range.

Float (Ex): A half-beholder's head is naturally buoyant, though it is weighed down by its body. This buoyancy grants it a permanent feather fall effect with personal range.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +2.

Feats: Half-beholders gain Improved Initiative and Shot on the Run as bonus feats.

Organization: Solitary.

Challenge Rating: 4 eyestalks +3; 5-7 eyestalks +4; 8-9 eyes talks + 5.

Level Adjustment: 4 eyestalks +6; 5-7 eyestalks +7; 8-9 eyes talks +8.

This example uses a hill giant as the base creature.


hu, Gl~NC (7 eyesLA.LKs)

Large Giant

Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 hp)

Initiative: +3 (-1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Speed: 40 ft.

AC: 23 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +15 natural) (Flat-Footed): 23

(Touch): 8

Attacks: Huge Greatclub +16/+11 melee; or bite +15 melee;

or eye rays +7 ranged touch; or rock +8 ranged Damage: Huge Greatclub 2d6+10; bite 2d4+10; rock 2d6+7 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./l0 ft.

Special Attacks: Eye rays, rock throwing

Special Qualities: All-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., float, rock catching

Saves: Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +5

Abilities: Str 25, Dex 8, Can 19, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 19 Skills: Climb +12, Jump +12, Search +4, Spot +12

Feats: Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Shot on the

Run, Weapon Focus (greatclub)

Climate/Terrain: Any hill, mountains, and underground Organization: Solitary

Challenge Rating: 11

Alignment: Often chaotic evil

Treasure: Standard

Advancement: By character class

Eye Rays (Su): Charm person, charm monster, sleep, slow, flesh to stone, inflict moderate wounds, telekinesis. The save DC for all effects is 20.

Rock Throwing (Ex): 40 to 50 lb., 120-foot range increment.

Rock Catching (Ex): Once per round, Reflex save to catch a rock that would otherwise hit the half-beholder giant; DC 15 (Small), 20 (Medium-size), 25 (Large).

Some hybrids mix the features of a humanoid and a bestial creature, walking upright on hooves or claws and wielding both natural and forged weapons. The most famous example of such creatures is the minotaur. Legends often hold them to be the spawn of dark magic or of a powerful curse that combined civilized and primal bloodlines, though most are likely to be the product of a wizard's lab. These brutish creatures are often extremely tough, mixing a humanoid's cunning and reasoning with an animal's natural advantages and instincts.

CReA.UNq A. hAlF-CReA.UlRe (b1peO)

"Half-creature (biped)" is a template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid (hereafter referred

to as the "base creature"). The characteristics of one specific animal, beast, magical beast, or vermin (known as the "donor creature") are applied to the base creature. The creature's type changes to monstrous humanoid. It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size: Choose a size, which must be that of either the base creature or the donor creature, or a size between those two. Apply the normal benefits and penalties of size. The halfcreature gains the normal reach for a tall creature of its new size. If it is Medium-size or smaller, it loses any reach it had.

Hit Dice: Change to d8. Use either the base creature's or donor creature's total Hit Dice, whichever is greater, and add 1 HD. If the half-creature (biped) has a class, it gains hit points for class levels normally.

Speed: Use the better of the base creature's or donor creature's base speed. If either creature has another movement mode, such as flying, the half-creature (biped) retains this.

AC: Use the natural armor bonus of the base creature or the donor creature, whichever is greater.

Attacks: A half-creature (biped) retains all the attacks of the base creature and also gains all attacks of the donor creature. Its base attack bonus is that of a monstrous humanoid of the half-creature (biped)'s nonclass Hit Dice.

If the donor creature and the base creature have the same attack form (such as a bite), use whichever of the two deals the higher base damage. The sale exception is if the two attacks come from different features (such as one gore attack from horns and another from tusks). In this case, the halfcreature can use both attacks.

Damage: If the half-creature (biped) is larger than the donor or base creature, increase the damage of that creature's attacks as noted in the monster advancement rules. If it is smaller than the base or donor creature, reduce the damage of that creature's attacks in the same way.

Special Attacks: A half-creature (biped) retains all the special attacks of thesbase creature and also gains all special attacks

of the donor creature. If it is larger than the base or donor creature, increase the damage of special weapon attacks (such as rend or constrict) from that creature as noted under Damage above. If it is smaller than the base or donor creature, reduce the damage of all special weapon attacks in the same way.

Special Qualities: A half-creature (biped) retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains all special qualities of the donor creature.

Abilities: Average each of the Sttength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom scores of the base and donor creatures, rounding up. Use the base creature's Intelligence score. Use the higher of the two creatures' Charisma scores +2.

Skills: A half-creature (biped) gains skill points as a monsttous humanoid of its nonclass Hit Dice. Treat all skills from

the base and donor creatures as class skills, retaining any racial bonuses. If the halfcreature (biped) has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally.

Feats: A half-creature (biped) gains feats as a monsttous humanoid of its nonclass Hit Dice. It favors the feats of the base and donor creatures.

This example uses a bugbear as the base creature and a polar bear as the donor creature.


Large Monstrous Humanoid (Goblinoid) Hit Dice: 9d8+27 (67 hp)

Initiative: + 1 (Dex)

Speed: 40 ft., swim 30 ft.

AC: 17 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural, +2 leather)

(Flat-Footed): 16

(Touch): 10

Attacks: Large mornings tar +13/ +8 melee; or 2 claws +13 melee, bite +9 melee; or Large javelin +9 ranged

Damage: Large morningstar

2d6+5; claw Id8+5; bite 2d8+2; Large javelin Id8+5

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./l0 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., scent

Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3 Abilities: Str 21, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11

Skills: Climb + 11, Hide + 7*, Listen +9, Move Silently +6, Spot +9

Feats: Alertness, Power Attack


Any cold land and underground Organization: Solitary

Challenge Rating: 7 Alignment: Usually chaotic evil Treasure: Standard Advancement: By character class

Organization: Solitary, or the organization of the donor creature.

Treasure: Use the better of the base and

donor creatures in each treasure category. If the half-

creature (biped) has an Intelligence score of 6 or higher, it will use advantageous magic items.

Challenge Rating: HD + 2.

Level Adjustment: As a rule of thumb, the effective character level (ECL) of a half-creature (biped) should be 2/3 of its total RD, plus 1/2 the base or donor creature's CR (whichever is higher), rounded up. The GM should compare this number to the ECL produced by other templates, and adjust up or down as needed to match the power level of the final creature.


Improved Grab (Ex): The polar bugbear can attempt to grapple as a free action with a successful claw attack.

Skills: A polar bugbear receives a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks. *A polar bugbear's white fur grants it a +12 bonus on Hide checks in snowy surroundings.

Rather than mixing features freely, some monstrous humanoids have the head and torso of a thinking, humanshaped race and the lower body of a bestial creature. They generally have four legs but may have more or fewer, depending on the donor creature. Like the centaur, these half-breeds have the speed and power of their lower bodies and the intelligence and manipulative capabilities of their upper bodies. Rarer than bipedal half-creatures, they are also generally more civilized, and may form complex societies of their own.

CReA LING A hAlF-' CReACURe (QuAC>Rupec»

"Half-creature (quadruped)" is a template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid (hereafter referred to as the "base creature"). The characteristics of one

specific animal, beast, magical beast, or vermin (known as the "donor creature") are applied to the base creature. The creature's type changes to "monstrous humanoid." It uses

all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size: Same as the donor creature.

Hit Dice: Change the Hit Dice to d8. Use either the base creature's or donor creature's total Hit Dice, whichever one is greater, and add 1 HD. If the half-creature (quadruped) actually has a class, it gains hit points for class levels normally.

Speed: Same as the donor creature. If either creature has another movement mode, such as flying, the half-creature (quadruped) retains this.

AC: Use the natural armor bonus of the donor creature

for the half-breeds AC. If the base creature has any natural armor, increase the natural armor bonus of the half-creature (quadruped) by + 1.

Attacks: A half-creature (quadruped) retains any bite or claw attacks of the base creature, as well as any hand-held weapon attacks. It also gains any attacks of the donor creature not relating to the head (thus excluding bite and gore attacks, and possibly slam attacks in some cases). Its base attack bonus is that of a monstrous humanoid of the half-creature (biped)'s nonclass Hit Dice.

If the donor creature and the base creature have the same attack form (such as claws), use whichever of the two deals the higher base damage.

Damage: If the half-creature (quadruped) is larger than the base creature, increase the damage of that creature's attacks as noted in the monster advancement rules. If it is smaller than the base creature, reduce the damage of that creature's attacks in the same way.

Special Attacks: A half-creature (quadruped) retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains all special attacks of the donor creature (even those relating to the head, such as gazes and breath weapons). If it is larger than the base creature, increase the damage of special weapon attacks (such as rend or constrict) from that creature as noted under Damage above. If it is smaller than the base creature, {educe the damage of all special weapon attacks in the same way.

Special Qualities: A half-creature (quadruped) retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains all special qualities of the donor creature.

Abilities: A half-creature (quadruped) uses the Strength

and Constitution scores of the donor creature. If the base creature has Strength or Constitution scores of 12 or higher, increase the appropriate scores by +2. It uses the Dexterity, Wisdom, and Intelligence of the base creature. If the donor creature has Dexterity or Wisdom scores of 12 or better, increase the appropriate scores by +2. Use the higher of the two creatures' Charisma scores +2.

Skills: A half-creature (quadruped) gains skill points as a monstrous humanoid of its nonclass Hit Dice. Treat all skills from the base and donor creatures as class skills, retaining any racial bonuses. If the half-creature (quadruped) has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally.

Feats: A half-creature (quadruped) gains feats as a monstrous humanoid of its nonclass Hit Dice. It favors the feats of the base and donor creatures.

Organization: Solitary, or the organization of the donor creature.

Treasure: Use the better of the base and donor creatures in each treasure category. If the half-creature (quadruped) has an Intelligence score of 6 or higher, it will use advantageous magic items.

Challenge Rating: HD + 2.

Level Adjustment: As a rule of thumb, the effective character level (ECL) of a half-creature (quadruped)

should be 2/3 of its Hit Dice, plus 1/2 the base or donor creature's CR (whichever is higher), rounded up. The GM should compare this number to the ECL produced by other templates, and adjust up or down as needed to match the

" power level of the final creature.

This example uses a lizardfolk as the base creature and a basilisk as the donor creature.

Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid (Reptilian)

Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp) Initiative: +0

Speed: 20 ft.

AC: 18 (+8 natural) (Flat-Footed): 18 (Touch): 10

Attacks: Greatclub +10/+3 melee; or 2 claws + 1 0 melee, bite +8 melee; or javelin +7 ranged

Damage: Greatclub 1d10+4; claw 1d4+3; bite 1d4+1; javelin 1d6+3

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Petrifying gaze Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft.

Saves: Fort + 7, Ref + 5, Will +3

Abilities: Str 17, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 12 Skills: Balance +10, Hide +10*,]ump +10, Listen +8, Spot

+8, Swim +8

Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Multiattack


Temperate and warm marsh and underground Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 9 Alignment: Usually neutral Treasure: 50% coins; 50% goods; 50% items Advancement: By character class

Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently, range 30 feet; Fortitude negates DC 14.

Skills: An ilisk folk receives a +4 racial bonus on Balance,] ump, and Swim checks. *An ilisk folk's dull coloration and its ability to remain motionless for long periods of time grant it a +4 bonus on Hide checks in natural surroundings.

- hAlF-OOppelqANqeR-

Normally, doppelgangers avoi~ any relationship outside their CR eA ""rll\..~ A hAlF---

own loose, evil culture. Occasionally; however, a doppelganger '-' 11 ~"'3

takes on a role for so long it actually begins to forget its ~u~ OonpelnA l\.~R

self. Such self-deluded creatures accept their false roles within ',., ""r'1 ~"'3""

a community, finding work, falling in love, and trying to raise families. Most efforts are futile, with no offspring ever blessing such interracial unions. Yet on rare occasions a child is born, and though the doppelganger may have forgotten its heritage, its blood has not.

Half-doppelgangers appear normal until they reach

puberty, at which point they begin to show signs of their shapechanging blood. Their hair and eye color might change in a matter of minutes, and they gain and lose weight with amazing suddenness. Many are beaten or cast out of their homes as possessed or demons pawn. Those who survive this abuse eventually learn to change their form as needed, though their abilities are more limited than those of a true doppelganger.

"Half-doppelganger" is a template that can be added to any humanoid (hereafter referred to as the "base creature''). The creature's type changes to shapechanger. It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Hit Dice: Change to d8. If the half-doppelganger has a class, it gains hit points for class levels normally.

AC: Natural armor of +2 or the base creature's natural armor, whichever is greater.

Attacks and Damage: A half-doppelganger retains the natural attacks of the base creature and also gains two slam attacks. If the base creature does not have a slam attack, use the damage values in the table below. Otherwise, use the values below or the base creature's damage, whichever is greater.

Empatf?y (Su): A halfdoppelganger can read the basic emotions

of those around it.

By making a Will save (DC 15) as a free action, the half-doppelganger knows any character's or animal's current true attitude

toward it (hostile, unfriendly, indifferent, or friendly).

Immunities (Ex): Half-doppelgangers are immune to sleep effects.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Con +2, Wis +2, Cha +2.

Skills: Same as the base creature, except that halfdoppelgangers gain a +4 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks, and these skills are always considered class skills. When using its alternate form ability, a half-doppelganger receives a + 1 0 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.

Feats: Half-doppelgangers gain Alertness as a bonus feat. Organization: Solitary.

Challenge Rating: Base creature CR 5 or less, +2; base creature CR 6 or more, + 1.

Level Adjustment: +3.


Size Slam Damage

¥nutive 1
Ti,zly 1d3
Small 1d4
Medium-size 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 1d10
Gargantuan 1d12
Colossal 2d8 Special Qualities: A halfdoppelganger retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Alternate Form (Su):

Twice per day, a half-doppelganger

can assume the shape of any humanoid its own size or one size smaller. This works like alter self as cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.

SAmple hAlFOoppelqANqeR

This example uses a lizard folk as the base creature.

hALF -ooppelqANqeR LlZA.RbFOlk

Medium-Size Shapechanger (Reptilian)

Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp) Initiative: +0

Speed: 30 ft.

AC: 15 (+5 natural) (Flat-Footed): 15 (Touch): 10

Attacks: 2 slams +2 melee, bite +0 melee; or greatclub +2 melee; or javelin +1 ranged

Damage: Slam 1d6+1;

bite 1d4; greatclub 1d10+1; javelin Id6+1 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Qualities: Alter self, empathy, sleep immunity

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1

Abilities: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 12 Skills: Balance +4, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Jump

+ 7, Listen +3, Sense Motive +5, Spot +3, Swim +9

Feats: Alertness, Multiattack

Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm marsh and

underground Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 3 Alignment: Usually neutral evil

Treasure: 50% coins; 50% goods; 50% items Advancement: By character class

Alternate Form (Su): Twice per day, the half-doppelganger lizardfolk can assume the shape of any Small or Medium-size humanoid. This works like alter self as cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.

Empathy (Su): By making a Will save (DC 15) as a free action, the half-doppelganger lizardfolk knows any character's or animal's current true attitude toward it (hostile, unfriendly, indifferent, or friendly).

Scholars have spent years debating just how medusas procreate, given that every known member of the race is female. While most agree that there were once male members of a related race that lived in societies with medusas (much as dryads and satyrs do), there is no evidence that such creatures still exist. Instead, it is believed that in order to find mates, medusas must use shapeshifting magic to assume forms that do not kill with a look. Though most of a medusa's children are pureblood, a few show traits of their other heritage as well.


hA-iF - IDebuSA.

"Half-medusa" is a template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid (hereafter referred to as the "base creature''). If the base creature is humanoid, its type changes to monstrous humanoid. It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

AC: Natural armor improves by +1.

Attacks and Damage: A half-medusa retains all the attacks of the base creature and also gains a secondary snakes attack that deals ld4 points of

damage and delivers a

poison (see below).

Special Attacks: A half-medusa retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Poison (Ex):

Snakes, Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 half-medusa's Hit Dice) + halfmedusa's Constitution modifier); initial damage ld4 temporary Strength, secondary damage 2d4 temporary Strength.

Stunning Gaze (Su): Stun for

1 d4 rounds, 30 feet, Fortitude save (DC = 10 +

1/2 half-medusa's Hit Dice + half-medusa's Charisma modifier).

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Dex +2, Cha +2.

Skills: If the base creature is a humanoid, determine its skill points as a monstrous humanoid of its nonclass Hit Dice. Treat all skills from the base creature as class skills. If the half-medusa has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally.

Feats: The half-medusa gains Weapon Finesse (snakes) as a bonus feat.

Organization: Solitary.

Challenge Rating: +2.

Level Adjustment: + 3.

This example uses an ore as the base creature.


Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid (Orc)

Hit Dice: ld8 (4 hp) Initiative: +1 (Dex)

Speed: 20 ft. (scale mail); base 30 ft.

AC: 16 (+ 1 Dex, + 1 natural, +4 scale mail) (Flat-Footed): 15

(Touch): 11

Attacks: Greataxe +3 melee, snakes -2 melee; or javelin +2 ranged

Damage: Greataxe 1d12+3; snakes 1 d4+ 1 and poison; javelin 1d6+2

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Poison, stunning gaze

Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will-1

Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 10

Skills: Climb -2, Intimidate +2, Jump +0, Listen +2, Spot +2 Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse (snakes)

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Organization: Solitary

Challenge Rating: 3

Alignment: Usually chaotic evil

Treasure: Standard

Advancement: By character class

Poison (Ex): Snakes, Fortitude save DC 10; initial damage ld4 temporary Strength, secondary damage 2d4 temporary Strength.

Stunning Gaze (Su): Stun for ld4 rounds, 30 feet, Fortitude save DC 10.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): -1 on attack rolls within bright light or a dt9'l{ght spell.

Like many evil outsiders, rakshasas enjoy tempting good mortals into sinful acts, establishing circles of cultists and worshipers, and passing themselves off as mortals to get close to powerful forces of good (the better to destroy or corrupt them). Though most fiends' offspring have similarities (represented by the half-fiend template), the children of rakshasas are different. They inherit more of the rakshasa's shapeshifting ability along with greater speed and physical toughness, as well as powerful innate spellcasting.

Half-rakshasas look like their mortal parent with a few minor alterations. Most common of these are a sixth finger on

one or both hands, hair on the tongue, unusually large ears, pronounced canines, a snub nose, and facial hair similar to

a tiger's mane. Half-rakshasas who know of their parentage often use their alternate form ability to assume a shape closer to the humanoid tiger of a rakshasa, but this is not their natural appearance.

"Half-rakshasa" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature (hereafter referred to as the ''base creature"). The creature's type changes to outsider. It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Speed: Increases by 1 0 feet.

AC: Natural armor improves by +3.

Attacks and Damage: A half-rakshasa retains the base creature's natural attacks and gains bite and claw attacks.

If the base creature does not

have bite and claw attacks, use the damage values in the table below. Otherwise, use the values below or the base creature's damage, whichever is greater.

brce fk ClAw

Size Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive ld2
Tiny ld3
Small ld4
Medium-size ld6
Large ld8
Huge 2d6
Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6 Claw Damage

ld2 ld3 ld4 ld6 ld8 2d6 2d8

Special Attacks: A half-rakshasa retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following special attack.

Spells: A half-rakshasa with a Charisma score of at least 8 casts spells as sorcerer whose level is equal to one-half

the half-rakshasa's character level.

Special Qualities: A halfrakshasa retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Alternate Form (Su): Once

per day, a half-rakshasa can assume the shape of any humanoid its own size or one size smaller. This works like alter self as cast by a 14thlevel sorcerer.

Darkvision (Ex): A half-rakshasa gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Immunities (Ex): Half-rakshasas are immune to poison, and have acid, cold, electricity, and fire resistance 20.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Dex +2, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4.

Skills: A half-rakshasa gains skill points as an outsider of

its nonclass Hit Dice. Treat all skills from the base creature

as class skills. If the half-rakshasa has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally. When using its alternate form ability, a half-rakshasa receives a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.

Feats: A half-rakshasa gains feats as an outsider of its nonclass Hit Dice or the base creature's total of feats, whichever is greater. If the half-rakshasa has a class, it gains feats for class levels normally.

Challenge Rating: Increases by 25%. Level Adjustment: +6.

This example uses a LOth-level evil elf cleric as the base creature.

Female half-rakshasa elf Clrl0: CR 12; Medium-size outsider (elf); HD 10d8+20; hp 69; lnit +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 17 (touch 14, flat-footed 15); Atk +11/ +6 melee (ld6+1, +2 sickle) or +6 melee (ld4-1, 2 claws), +1 melee (ld6-1, bite) or +9 ranged (ld4-1, sling); SA Rebuke undead 11/day, spells; SQ Alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., elf traits, poison

immunity, acid, cold, electricity, and fire resistance 20; AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +13; Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 19. Height 5 ft. 2 in.

Skills and Feats: Concentration + 1 0, Diplomacy + 11, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (religion) +9, Listen +6, Search +3, Spellcraft +9, Spot +6; Dodge, Extra Turning, Iron Will, Weapon Finesse (sickle).

Alternate Form (Su): Once per day, Everil can assume the shape of any Small or medium-size humanoid. This works like alter self as cast by a 14th-level sorcerer.

Cleric Spells Prepared (6/6/6/5/5/3; save DC 14 + spell level): O-detect magic (2), detect poison (2), inflict minor sounds, mending; 1 st--bane, cause fear, command, divine favor, doom, protection from good*; 2nd-aid, augury, bull's strength, death knel4 hold person, spin"tual weapon*; 3rd-bestow curse, blindness/ deafness, dispel magic, inflict serious wounds, magic circle against good*; 4th--air walk, dimensional anchor, divination, divine power*, poison; 5 th--dispel good*, slqy living, wall 0/ stone. *Domain spell.

Deity: None. Domains: Evil (cast evil spells at +1 caster level), War (Martial Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus with deity's favored weapon).

Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/5; save DC 14 + spell level):

O-arcane mark, detect magic, light, mage hand, open/ close, read magic; 1 st--charm person, mage armor, shield, true strike; 2nd--cat's grace, resist elements.

Possessions: +2 sickle, sling, 20 bullets, ring of protection +2, potion of neutralize poison (2), potion of cure light wounds (5).

ECL: 16.

Titans are among the most powerful of outsiders, just

short of divinity but able to hold their own against demons and devils. Titans rarely work for gods, instead gathering

into groups to pursue goals of their own. Their interests frequently bring them to the world of mortals, and they

have no compunctions about interfering. Because they are emotional creatures and have access to powerful magic, titans sometimes take mortal mates, whether as lifelong companions or brief amusements. Though children are rarely born of such unions, half-titans sometimes arise.

Half-titans are extremely powerful, among the most potent of mortal creatures. They are strong and resilient, with at least some spellcasting ability. A half-titan looks like a perfect specimen of the mortal parent's race, with a powerful frame and robust physique. Many of legend's greatest heroes are half-titans. In fact, some heroes supposedly descended from gods were actually the offspring of titans, who are worshiped as deities in some lands.

According to some dark myths, it is possible to assume some of the power of a titan in a ritual that requires drinking its heart's blood. Even if this is true, few mortals can capture and kill a titan, and fewer still have access to the lore required to perform such a ritual.

"Half-titan" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature (hereafter referred to as the "base creature''). The creature's type changes to outsider. It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

AC: Natural armor improves by +8. Speed: Increases by 20 feet.

Special Attacks: A half-titan retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Spell-Like Abilities: Half-titans gain spell-like abilities based on their Hit Dice, as noted below. These abilities are usable once per day unless noted otherwise. They are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the same level as the half-titan's Hit Dice.

Spell-like Abllraes

Hit Dice

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18



Bless 3/ day, charm person or animal Cure light wounds 3/ day, levitate Invisibility, summon nature's allY II Remove curse, remove fear

HolY smite

Hold monster

Commune with nature Eyebite


Fire storm

Spells: Half-titans with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of at least 12

can cast spells as either a cleric or wizard (but not both) of a level equal to their HD.

Special Qualities: A half-titan retains all the special qualities

of the base creature, and gains damage reduction and spell resistance as listed below. If the base creature has better DR or SR, use that value instead.


Dice DR SR
1-5 5/ silver 12
6-10 5/+1 17
11-15 10/+1 21
16+ 15/+1 25 base creature as class skills. If the half-titan has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally.

Feats: Half-titans gain Power Attack as a bonus feat. Organization: Solitary or band (1-4).

Challenge Rating: + 5.

Level Adjustment: +8.

This example uses a minotaur as the base creature.

Large Outsider

Hit Dice: 6d8+30 (57 hp) Initiative: +0

Speed: 50 ft.

AC: 22 (-1 size, +13 natural) (Flat-Footed): 22 (Touch): 9

Attacks: Huge greataxe + 16/ + 11 melee, gore + 11 melee

Damage: Huge greataxe 2d8+11; gore Id8+5

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./l0 ft.

Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells

Special Qualities: DR 5/+1, darkvision 60 ft., natural cunning, scent, SR 17

Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +7 Abilities: Str 33, Dex 10, Con 21, Int

11, Wis 14, Cha 10

Skills: Climb +20, Concentration +14, Intimidate +9, Jump +20, Listen +14, Search +12, Sense Motive +6, Spot +14, Tumble +6

Feats: Great Fortitude, Power Attack

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str +14, Con +6, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +2.

Skills: A half-titan gains skill points as

an outsider of its nonclass Hit Dice. Treat all skills from the

Climate/Terrain: Any underground Organization: Solitary or band (1-4)

Challenge Rating: 9 Alignment: Usually chaotic


Treasure: Standard Advancement: By character class

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/ day-bless, cure light wounds; 1/ daycharm person or animal, invisibility, levitate, summon nature's al!J II. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Spells: Typical Spells Prepared (5/5/5/3; save DC 12 + spell level): O---create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, light; 1 si-s-cause fear, detect secret doors", endure elements, obscuring mist,

shield of faith; 2nd--augury, bull's strength, delay poison, endurance, invisibility*; 3rd-clairaudience/ clairtoyance", invisibility purge, prqyer. *Domain spell.

Deity: None. Domains: Knowledge (Knowledge is class skill, cast Divination spells at +1 caster level), Trickery (Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are class skills).

Natural Cunning (Ex): Immune to maze spells, cannot become lost, track enemies, never flat-footed.

- hALF -VAIDplRe -

Sometimes called irpyrs, nosferiche, dark spawn, the unborn,

or children of the night, half-vampires are unusual creatures trapped between light and darkness. Not quite undead and yet not fully alive, half-vampires are rare creatures that arise only under the most unusual circumstances. Some are the result of a pregnant woman being turned into a vampire, the unlife tainting but not quite claiming her unborn child. Others are the result of partial cures, once full vampires who have managed through some miracle to make it halfway back to life.

Half-vampires have many of the strengths and a few of the weaknesses of true vampires, but they are not undead. They cannot be turned and are immune to spells and magic effects that only affect the undead. In appearance they are often very similar to vampires, with sunken eyes and pale skin, and they are cool to the touch. But careful examination reveals a half-vampire has a heartbeat, albeit a slow one, and some slight body heat.

CReAUNqA hALF -vxnrpme

"Half-vampire" is a template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid (hereafter referred

to as the "base creature"). It can also be applied to an

undead creature to replace the "vampire" template in rare circumstances when a vampire comes close to a mortal life, In this case, remove all the "vampire" template's changes before adding the "half-vampire" template. The creature's type does not change. It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Hit Dice: Increase as listed below. If the half-vampire has a class, it gains hit points for class levels normally


Old Hit Die New Hit Die
d4 d6
d6 d8
d8 d10
dl0 d12
d12 d12 (no change) AC: Natural armor improves by +3.

Attacks and Damage: A half-vampire retains the base creature's natural attacks and gains a slam and bite attack. If the base creature does not have slam and bite attacks, use the damage values in the table below. Otherwise, use the values below or the base creature's damage, whichever is greater.

Size Slam Damage Bite Damage
Fine ld2
Diminutive 1 ld3
Tiny ld2 ld4
Small ld3 1d6
Medium-size ld4 1d8
Large 1d6 1d10
Huge ld8 2d6
Gargantuan 2d6 2d8
Colossal 2d8 4d6 Special Attacks: A half-vampire retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following special attack.

Charm Person (Su): A half-vampire can earn a person's trust and friendship with a soul-piercing look. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the half-vampire takes a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. The target of the gaze must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 half-vampire's HD + halfvampire's Charisma modifier), or be affected as though by charm person cast by a sorcerer whose level is equal to the half-vampire's HD.

Special Qualities: A half-vampire retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Darkvision (Ex): A half-vampire gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Damage Reduction (Su): 10/+1.

Fast Healing (Su): A half-vampire heals at the rate of 1 hp/round as long as it has at least 1 hp. If reduced to 0 hp or lower, it cannot heal and incurs the normal penalties with a chance of bleeding to death.

Immunities (Su): Although a half-vampire is not truly undead, it enjoys some of the immunities of the undead and some resistances in place of some immunities. A half-vampire is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, subdual damage, and death from massive damage. It also has a 25% chance of negating a critical hit.

Resistances (Su): A half-vampire has cold and electricity resistance 10.

Spider Climb (Su): A half-vampire can move as though under the continuous effects of a spider climb spell.

Saves: A half-vampire gains a +4 racial bonus on saves against ability damage, energy drain, and death effects.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Dex +2, Cha +2.

Skills: Same as the base creature, except that a half-vampire gains a +4 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive and Spot checks, which are class skills for the half-vampire.

Feats: Half-vampires gain Combat Reflexes, Dodge, and Improved Initiative as bonus feats.

Organization: Solitary.

Challenge Rating: Base creature CR 3 or less, +3;

base creature CR 4 or more, +2.

Level Adjustment: +5.

hA1F-VAmplRe WeAkNesses

A half-vampire has one of the following weaknesses, determined when the halfvampire is created. A weakness cannot be changed later.


The half-vampire incurs a-l penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks in the presence of garlic. It must make a Bluff check (DC 30) every 10 minutes to conceal this discomfort.


The half-vampire takes ld4 points of damage per hour it is exposed to direct sunlight, and

it does not gain the benefit of fast healing when in direct or indirect sunlight.

SeNSfCNe "CO hol!J Ob]eccs

The half-vampire incurs a -1 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks in the presence of a holy symbol or while within a sanctified place. It must make a Bluff check (DC 30) every 10 minutes to conceal this discomfort.


hALF -VAmplRe

This example uses a human Rog3/Ftr3 as the base creature.


Male half-Vampire human Rog3/Ftr3; ~R 8: Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 3d6+3dl0+6; hp 35; lnit +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC 22 (touch 14, flat-footed 22); Atk +10 melee (2d4+6, masterwork spiked chain) or +9 melee (ld4+4, slam), +4 melee (ld8+2, bite), or +9 ranged (ld4+4/19-20, dagger); SA Charm person (DC 14), sneak attack +2d6; SQ Cold and electricity resistance 10, darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/+1, evasion, fast healing 1, immunities, save bonus, spider climb, traps, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC); AL NG; SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 12. Height 5 ft. 10 in.

Skills and Feats: Appraise +9, Balance +10, Bluff +13, Climb +11, Diplomacy +3, Gather Information +9, Hide +15, Intimidate +9, Jump +10, Listen +11, Move Silently +13, Search +6, Sense Motive +5, Speak Language (Elven), Spot +5, Tumble

+ 11; Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Weapon Finesse (spiked chain).

Immunities (Ex): Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, subdual damage, and death from massive damage. 25% chance of negating a critical hit.

Save Bonus (Ex): +4 racial bonus on saves against ability damage, energy drain, and death effects.

Possessions: Masterwork spiked chain, 4 daggers,

+ 1 chain shirt, potion

of eat's grace (2), potion of cure light wounds (3), cloak of resistance + 1, gloves of Dexterity +2.

ECL: 11.

Special Attacks: A half-elemental (air) retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Spell-Like Abilities: Half-elementals (air) gain spell-like abilities based on their Hit Dice, as noted below. These abilities are usable once per day. They are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the same level as the half-elemental's Hit Dice.

- hAlF -eLerneNCAls -

Elementals are unlike other creatures that live on planes beyond the mortal coil. They are not motivated by the good and evil ethos of outsiders, nor do they have any desire to

rule over the mortal world as do many creatures from the ethereal or astral. For most living beings, the needs and wants of an elemental are totally hidden. Only the most powerful

of creatures, including dragons, giants, druids, sorcerers and

a few clerics, ever manage to get to know an elemental well enough to understand how to befriend it. Normally, such alliances are purely practical matters of mutual interests.

On rare occasions, however, mortals and elementals decide to join forces in a more literal way. Just how this is accomplished

is unknown, and each such union is likely a unique event that cannot be duplicated. The result of such efforts is a gestalt creature that is both elemental and mortal. These beings are often honored as heroes, saints, and even demigods. It is not unusual for them to take mates from among the communities that revere them, producing offspring that have pure elemental energy flowing through their veins, but are natives of the mortal world.

It is these second-generation creatures that are known as halfelementals. Children of beings that have partially transcended living flesh, half-elementals have just enough elemental

energy in them to be set apart from other creatures. Their mixed heritage is obvious at a glance. Half-elementals of air are constantly caressed by a light breeze, and are thinner and more lithe than others of their blood, with white and silver coloration. Half-elementals of earth have brown or grey skin, with sharp, angular features that seem chiseled from stone. Those of fire have gold, bronze and red coloring with flashing amber eyes and occasionally fire instead of hair or fur. Halfelementals of water are buxom and limber, with deep blue, white and purple coloration.

Each of the four kinds of half-elementals has its own abilities and limitations. Four separate templates are presented below to represent these four linked breeds.

CReA.UNq A. hA.LFeLemeNtAL (l\lR)

"Half-elemental (air)" is a template that can be added to

any corporeal creature (hereafter referred to as the ''base creature"). It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

AC: Natural armor improves by +2.

Speed: Gain a natural fly speed of 30 ft. with perfect maneuverability. If the creature already has a faster fly move, it is retained and maneuverability is increased to perfect. Lose any natural burrow or swim speed.

Spell-liKe Abllroes

Hit Dice Abilities
1-3 obscuring mist
4-5 wind JIJall
6-8 gaseous form
9-10 air walk
11-13 control winds
14-15 chain lightning
16-18 control weather
19+ whirlwind Spells: Half-elementals (air) with an Wisdom or Charisma score of at least 12 can cast spells as either a druid or bard (but not both) of a level equal to onehalf their HD. A half-elemental may not cast any spell with the words earth, iron, stone, or metal in the name, regardless of the source of the spell.

Special Qualities: A half-elemental (air) retains all the special qualities of the base creature, and gains air mastery as defined below.

Air Mastery (Ex): A half-elemental (air) is always aided in small ways by the natural ebbs and flows of air around them. Airborne creatures suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against a half-elemental (air).

Resilience (Ex): Half-elementals (air) gain a +4 racial bonus to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Halfelementals have a 25% chance of ignoring the result of any critical hit or sneak attack, instead taking normal damage from such attacks.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Dex +4, Con +2

Skills: A half-elemental (air) gains skill points as its base creature. Treat all skills from the base creature as class skills, as well as Listen. If the half-elemental (air) has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally.

Feats: Half-elementals (air) gain Flyby Attack as a bonus feat. Organization: Solitary or band (1-4).

Challenge Rating: +2.

Level Adjustment: +4.

SAmple hhlF-eLemeNThl (AlR)

This example uses a juvenile white dragon as the base creature.

hAlF -eLemeNThl (AlR) I

JuveNlle Whrr:e ORAqoN (Colb)

Medium Dragon

Hit Dice: 12d12+36 (114 hp) Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex)

Speed: 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (perfect) AC: 25 (+13 natural, +2 Dex)

(Flat-Footed): 23 (Touch): 12

Attacks: Bite +15 melee, 2 claws +10,2 wings +10 melee Damage: Bite 1d8+3, claws 1d6+1, wing 1d4+1 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Air mastery, blind sight 120 ft., icewalking,

immunities, keen senses, resilience Saves: Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +8

Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Skills: Bluff +3, Concentration +8, Diplomacy +3, Escape

Artist +8, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Listen +13, Scry +3, Search +11, Spot +13

Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Power Attack

Climate/Terrain: Any cold land and underground Organization: Solitary or band (1-4)

Challenge Rating: 7

Alignment: Always chaotic evil

Treasure: Double standard

Advancement: juvenile 13-14 HD (Medium-size)

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/ day - air Ivalk, control winds, gaseous form, obscuring mist, wind wall

Other Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day- fog cloud

Air Mastery (Ex): A half-elemental (air) is always aided in small ways by the natural ebbs and flows of air around them. Airborne creatures suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against a half-elemental (air).

Blindsight (Ex): A half-elemental (air) white dragon can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Breath Weapon (Su): The dragon has one type of breath weapon, a 30 ft. cone of cold that deals 4d6 damage with a Reflex save (DC 18) for half damage.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Immunities (Ex): Immune to sleep and paralysis effects. Keen Senses (Ex): A dragon sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Resilience (Ex): Gains a +4 racial bonus to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Has a 25% chance of ignoring the result of any critical hit or sneak attack, instead taking normal damage from such attacks.

CReAUNq A hAlF-elemeNLAl (eARth)

"Half-elemental (earth),' is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature that doesn't have a natural fly speed as a result of wings (hereafter referred to as the "base creature''). It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

AC: Natural armor improves by +4.

Speed: The creature gains a natural burrow speed of 30 ft. If the creature had a natural fly or swim rate greater than 30 ft., increase the burrow speed to match. Lose any natural fly swim speed.

Special Attacks: A half-elemental (earth) retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Spell-Like Abilities: Half-elementals (earth) gain spell-like abilities based on their Hit Dice, as noted below. These abilities are usable once per day. They are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the same level as the half-elemental's Hit Dice.

Spell-like Abllraes

Hit Dice Abilities
1-3 magic stone
4-5 soften earth and stone
6-8 stone shape
9-10 spike stones
11-13 wall of stone
14-15 stoneskin
16-18 earthquake
19+ iron body Spells: Half-elementals (earth) with a Wisdom score

of at least 12 can cast spells as either a druid or cleric (but not both) of a level equal to one-half their HD. A half-elemental may not cast any spell with the word air, fly, fog, lightning, mist, weather, or wind in the name, regardless of the source of the spell.

Special Qualities: A half-elemental (earth) retains all the special qualities of the base creature, and gains the special qualities listed below.

Earth Mastery (Ex): A half-elemental (earth) gains a + 1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the half-elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Push (Ex): A half-elemental (earth) can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the half-elemental's opposed Strength checks.

Resziience (Ex): Half-elementals (earth) gain a +4 racial bonus to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Halfelementals (earth) have a 25% chance of ignoring the result of any critical hit or sneak attack, instead taking normal damage from such attacks.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Con +2 Skills: A half-elemental gains skill points as its base creature. Treat all skills from the base creature as class skills, as well as Spot. If the half-elemental has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally.

Feats: Half-elementals (earth) gain Power Attack as a bonus feat. Organization: Solitary or band (1-4).

Challenge Rating: +2.

Level Adjustment: +4.

SAmple h~lF -elemeNtAL (e~Kch)

This example uses an ogre mage as the base creature.

h~lF -elemeNtAL (e~Rt:h) I OGRe ID~qe

Large Giant

Hit Dice: 5d8+20 (42 hp) Initiative: +4 (+0 Dex) Speed: 30 ft., burrow 40 ft.

AC: 22 (-1 size, +9 natural, +4 chain shirt) (Flat-Footed): 22

(Touch): 9

Attacks: Huge greatsword +9 melee Damage: Huge greatsword 2d8+10 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Earth mastery, regeneration 2, SR 18, resilience

Saves: Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +3

Abilities: Str 25 Dex 10, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17

Skills: Concentration +7, Listen +5, Spellcraft +4, Spot +5 Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Organization: Solitary or band (1-4)

Challenge Rating: 10

Alignment: Usually lawful evil

Treasure: Double standard

Advancement: By character class

Cleric Spells Prepared (4/3; save DC 12 + spell level):

O-detect magic, detect poison, inflict minor wounds, mending;

1 st-cause fear, endure elements", magic weapon, shield oj faith. *Domain spell.

Deity: None. Domains: Plant (Rebuke or command plant creatures 6 times per day), Strength (Once a day gain +2 enhancement bonus to Str for one round as free action).

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/ day-magic stone, soften earth and stone. Other Spell-Like Abilities: At will-darkness and invisibility; 1/ day - charm person, cone oj cold, polYmorph seff, and sleep. These are as cast by a 9th level sorcerer (Save DC 13 + spell level).

Earth Mastery (Ex): A half-elemental (earth) gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the halfelemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Push (Ex): A half-elemental (earth) can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the half-elemental's opposed Strength checks.

Regeneration (Ex): Half-elemental (earth) ogres mages take normal damage from fire and acid.

Resilience (Ex): Gains a +4 racial bonus to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Has a 25% chance of ignoring the result of any critical hit or sneak attack, instead taking normal damage from such attacks.


elemeNtAL (FlRe)

"Half-elemental (fire)" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature (hereafter referred to as the "base creature"). It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

AC: Natural armor improves by +1.

Speed: Gain a move rate of 50 ft. If any move rate is already 50 ft. or greater, increase it by 10 ft. for every 50 ft. of its original move rate. Lose any swim rate.

Special Attacks: A half-elemental retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Fire touch (Su): Any melee attack made by a half-elemental (fire) deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage.

Spell-Like Abilities: Half-elementals (fire) gain spell-like abilities based on their Hit Dice, as noted below. These abilities are usable once per day. They are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the same level as the half-elemental's Hit Dice.

Spell-liKe AOllTCleS

Hit Dice Abilities
1-3 burning hands
4-5 produce flame
6-8 fireball
9-10 llJall of fire
11-13 fire shield
14-15 fire seeds
16-18 fire storm
19+ incendiary cloud Spells: Half-elementals (fire) with a Charisma score of at least 12 can cast spells as a sorcerer of a level equal to one-half their HD. A half-elemental (fire) may not cast any spell with the [cold] descriptor, regardless of the source of the spell.

Special Qualities: A half-elemental (fire) retains the special qualities of the base creature, and gains the special qualities listed below. If the base creature has the cold subtype, this is lost.

Fire subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Resilience (Ex): Half-elementals gain a +4 racial bonus to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Half-elementals have a 25% chance of ignoring the result of any critical hit or sneak attack, instead taking normal damage from such attacks.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Dex +4, Con +2

Skills: A half-elemental gains skill points as its base creature. Treat all skills from the base creature as class skills, as well as Spot. If the half-elemental has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally.

Feats: Half-elementals (fire) gain Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.

Organization: Solitary or band (1-4). Challenge Rating: +2.

Level Adjustment: +4.

This example uses an androsphinx as the base creature.

hAlF-etemeNLAl (FlRe)/ AIDROSphlNX (FlRe)

Large Magical Beast

Hit Dice: 12d10+60 (126 hp) Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex) Speed: 60 ft., fly 90 ft. (poor)

AC: 25 (-1 size, +14 natural, +2 Dex) (Flat-Footed): 23

(Touch): 11

Attacks: 2 claws + 18 melee Damage: Claw 2d4+ 7 plus 1 d6 fire Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Pounce, rake 2d4+ 3, roar, spells, spell-like


Special Qualities: Fire subtype, resilience. Saves: Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +7

Abilities: Str 25 Dex 14, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 17 Skills: Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Listen +15,

Spot + 15, Wilderness Lore + 13

Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Flyby Attack,

Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Track Climate/Terrain: Any warm land

Organization: Solitary or band (1-4) Challenge Rating: 11

Alignment: Always chaotic good

Treasure: Standard

Advancement: 13-18 HD (Large), 19-36 HD (Huge)

Cleric Spells Prepared (5/5/5/4; save DC 13 + spell level):

O-deted magic (x2), detect poison, guidance, mending; 1 st-bless" endure elements, remove fear; sanctuary", shield of faith; 2nd -aid, augury, bull} strength, cure moderate wounds*, resist elements; 3,d-bestow curse, dispel magic, magic circle against evil*, proyer. *Domain spell.

Deity: None. Domains: Good (Cast good spells at + 1 caster level), Healing (Cast healing spells at + 1 caster level), Protection (Grant protective uard 1 / day, give touched creature resistance bonus equal to caster level on next save made within1 hour).

Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/6/4; save DC 13 + spell level):

O-arcane mark, daze, detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation; 1 st-alarm, zdentzjj, mage armor, true striee; 2nd -blur, invisibility 3,d-blink.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/ day - Burning hands, fireba/~ fire shield, produce flame, wall of fire.

Fire subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +18, damage 2d4+3.

Roar (Su): Three times per day a half-elemental (fire) androsphinx can loose a mighty roar. The first time it does this, all

creatures within 500 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or be affected as though by a fear spell for 12 rounds. If the sphinx roars a second time during the same encounter, all creatures within 250 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds, and all those within 90 feet are deafened for 2d6 rounds (no save). If it roars a third time during the same encounter, all those within 250 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or take 2d4 points of temporary Strength damage for 2d4 rounds. In addition, any Medium-size or smaller creature within 90 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be thrown to the ground and take 2d8 points of damage. The force of this roar is so great that it deals 50 points of damage to any stone or crystalline object within 90 feet. Magic items and held or carried items can avoid damage with a successful Reflex save (DC 19). Other androsphinxes are immune to these effects.

Resilience (Ex): Gains a +4 racial bonus to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Has a 25% chance of ignoring the result of any critical hit or sneak attack, instead taking normal damage from such attacks.

CReADNq A hAlF-' elemeNtAL (rnA zex)

"Half-elemental (water),' is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature (hereafter referred to as the "base creature"). It uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

AC: Natural armor improves by +4. Speed: Gain a swim move rate of 40 ft.

Special Attacks: A half-elemental retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those listed below.

Drench (Ex): A half-elemental (water) can extinguish mundane fires of up to bonfire size with a touch. The halfelemental's touch affects magical fires as if casting a greater dispelling as a sorcerer of the half-elemental's level or hit dice.

Spell-Like Abilities: Half-elementals (water) gain spell-like abilities based on their Hit Dice, as noted below. These abilities are usable once per day. They are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the same level as the half-elemental's Hit Dice.

Spell- L1K.e AblllDe8

Hit Dice Abilities
1-3 obscuring mist
4-5 fog cloud
6-8 u/ater breathing
9-10 control water
11-13 ice storm
14-15 cone of cold
16-18 acidfog
19+ horrid wilting SpelLr: Half-elementals (water) with an Intelligence score of at least 12 can cast spells as a wizard of a level equal to onehalf their HD. A half-elemental (water) may not cast any spell with the [fire] descriptor, regardless of the spell source.

Special Qualities: A half-elemental (water) retains the special qualities of the base creature, and gains the special qualities listed below: If the base creature has the fire subtype, this is lost.

Water Mastery (Ex): A half-elemental (water) is always aided in small ways by the natural ebbs and flows of water. If both the half-elemental and it's opponent are in water, the half-elemental gains a + 1 bonus to all melee attack and damage rolls. Additionally, the half-elemental gains a + 1 bonus to AC whenever it is in water.

Fire Evasion (Ex): A half-elemental (water) gains the evasion ability, usable even in heavy armor, but only against spells with the [fire] descriptor.

Resilience (Ex): Half-elementals (water) gain a +4 racial bonus to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Halfelementals (water) have a 25% chance of ignoring the result of any critical hit or sneak attack, instead taking normal damage from such attacks.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2

Skills: A half-elemental (water) gains skill points as its base creature. Treat all skills from the base creature as class skills, as well as Escape Artist. If the half-elemental has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally.

Feats: Half-elementals (water) gain Cleave as a bonus feat. Organization: Solitary or band (1-4).

Challenge Rating: +2.

Level Adjustment: +4.

This example uses a nymph as the base creature.

hAlF -eLemeNcAl (UlAreR.) Nymph

Medium-Size Fey

Hit Dice: 3d6+3 (13 hp) Initiative: +1 (+2 Dex) Speed: 30 ft., swim 40 ft. AC: 16 (+4 natural, +2 Dex)

(Flat-Footed): 14 (Touch): 12

Attacks: Dagger +2 melee Damage: Dagger 1d4+1 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Blinding beauty, drench, unearthly beauty, spells, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Water mastery, fire evasion, resilience. Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +8

Abilities: Str 12 Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 19 Skills: Animal Empathy +10, Escape Artist +8, Heal +9, Hide +8, Knowledge (the planes) +7, Listen +11, Move Silently +8, Sense Motive +9, Spot +11.

Feats: Ability Focus (unearthly beauty), Alertness, Cleave,

Dodge, Iron Will

Climate/Terrain: Any land Organization: Solitary or band (1-4) Challenge Rating: 8

Alignment: Always chaotic good Treasure: Standard

Advancement: 4-9 HD (Medium-size)


Druid Spells Prepared (6/5/4/3/1; save DC 13 + spell level):

O-create water (x2) , detect magic, detect poison, light, purify food and drink; 1 "-animal friendship, cure light sounds (x2), endure elements, entangle; 2nd -barkskin, charm person or anima4 chtll metai; resist elements; 3,d-calllightning, cure moderate wounds (x2); 4ili-sleet storm.

Wizard Spells Prepared (3/2; save DC 13 + spell level):

O-detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation; 1 "-magic missile, shield.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/ day-obscuring mist

Other Spell-Like Abilities: Half-elemental (water) nymphs can use dimension door once per day as cast by a 7th-level sorcerer.

Blinding Beauty (Su): This ability operates continuously, affecting all humanoids within 60 feet of the half-elemental (water) nymph. Those who look directly at the nymph must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be blinded permanently as though by the blindness spell. The nymph can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Unearthly Beauty (Su): The half-elemental (water) nymph can evoke this ability once every 10 minutes. Those within 30 feet of the nymph who look directly at it must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or die.

Drench (Ex): A half-elemental (water) can extinguish mundane fires of up to bonfire size with a touch. The halfelemental's touch affects magical fires as if casting a greater dispelling as a sorcerer of the half-elemental's level or hit dice.

Water Mastery (Ex): A half-elemental (water) is always aided in small ways by the natural ebbs and flows of water. If both the halfelemental and it's opponent are in water.thc half-elemental gains

a + 1 bonus to all melee attack and damage rolls. Additionally, the half-elemental gains a + 1 bonus to AC whenever it is in water.

Fire Evasion (Ex): A half-elemental (water) gains the evasion ability, usable even in heavy armor, but only against spells with the [fire] descriptor.

Resilience (Ex): Gains a +4 racial bonus to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Has a 25% chance of ignoring the result of any critical hit or sneak attack, instead taking normal damage from such attacks.

IDAKINq yOUR _ C>rnN hAlF -oaeeos

Sometimes an existing template isn't quite suitable for your vision of a mixed-blood creature, and you might want

to design a half-breed of your own. There are two basic approaches to designing your own half-breeds. You can develop a "half-" template to apply to a base creature, or you can select two races, averaging their ability score modifiers and numerical special traits and blending other features of the two.

The template method is easier, but it tends to create characters of higher power, since they receive all the advantages of the base creature as well as the template modifiers. This method works well when creating characters descended from an extremely powerful parent race (such

as half-titans), or for unique half-breeds intended to be unusually adept.

Because there are so many different races available in dozens of d20™ products, each with its own special traits and abilities, it's impossible for any template design rules to cover all situations. At best they are guidelines to assist you in creating your own, campaign-specific templates. It's up

to you as a GM to make sure the templates you create are appropriate for your game and not unbalancing to your style of play.

C>C)b- NumbeRec> Abllrcy SCORe AC>Ju8t:IDeNc8

Both methods of creating new half-breeds require you to determine new racial ability score adjustments, either by halving a race's existing adjustments or by averaging those of two races. Sometimes this results in an odd-numbered adjustment, such as +1 to Dexterity for a hybrid of locathah and human, which does not always affect a character's ability score modifier.

While this is not an earth-shattering problem, it does allow for easy min/maxing of character statistics by assigning an odd-numbered adjustment to an odd-numbered ability score. If the adjustment is a penalty, the ability score modifier

does not drop as much, while if it's a bonus, the modifier increases by an extra +1. Thus a character of a race with +1 Strength and -1 Dexterity adjustments almost always ends up with a higher Strength modifier, increasing attack bonus and damage, without suffering the disadvantage of a lower Dexterity modifier.

This doesn't bother some people, and GMs should feel free to ignore the issue if they don't see it as a problem (especially if creating a specific NPC, rather than a commonly encountered race or PC option). Most designs do avoid odd adjustments, however, and you may wish your new half-breed to be compatible. There are two ways to do this.

ROONb fern OFF

The simplest method is to simply round odd ability adjustments down or up, as you prefer. This is the default in most d20 game products. If multiple ability scores end up with odd adjustments, round half of them up and half of them down. When deciding to round an ability adjustment up or down, look at what features are most iconic to the parent races. For example, if making a crossbreed that is half-lammasu and half-human, you end up with average ability adjustments of Str +6, Con +3, Int +3, Wis +3, and Cha +2. Lammasus are renowned as wise and well-informed, so it seems reasonable to round the Intelligence and

Wisdom adjustments up to +4 each. They are not famous for their hardiness, so round the Constitution adjustment down to +2.


"hALF -Ablln::y IDOblpeRS"

An alternative method is to give a crossbreed a reduced benefit or penalty from a higher or lower ability score, respectively (a "half-ability modifier"), rather than an oddnumbered adjustment. Suggested modifiers are listed in

the tables below. For example, rather than give a locathah/ human crossbreed a +1 Dexterity adjustment, you give it a racial +1 bonus on Reflex saves. This prevents the problems of an odd ability score adjustment while allowing breeds

to be very different. On the other hand, this method does not gibe well with standard design rules and may result in compatibility problems.

hAlF-Ablln::y boNuses

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma

+ 1 melee damage + 1 Reflex saves +1 hp/level

+1 skill point/level + 1 Will saves

+ 1 on Charisma-based skill checks

he\l~-Abllrc!f peNAlues

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma

-1 on Strength-based skill checks

-1 Dexterity modifier to AC

-1 Fortitude saves

-1 on Intelligence-based skill checks

-1 on Wisdom-based skill checks

-1 on Charisma-based skill checks

When using this method on higher adjustments, round down and then apply a half-ability modifier. For example, an ogre/ merfolk crossbreed (a half-rnerrow) averages the ogre's +10 Strength adjustment with the merfolk's +0, for a total of + 5. To avoid an odd ability score adjustment, you instead give the half-merrow a +4 Strength adjustment and a +1 racial bonus on melee damage.

Using these rules, a human's +1 skill point/level can

be considered "half" the bonus of a +2 Intelligence adjustment. If you want to make different human subraces from different cultures or environments, you could substitute a different half-ability bonus for the extra skill points, creating races of humans with a + 1 racial bonus

on Will saves or +1 hit point/level. You could even give a human subrace an additional half-ability penalty (such as -1 on Fortitude saves) and give them a full +2 Intelligence adjustment, creating a race of frail humans with powerful minds, without disturbing game balance.

Creating a half-breed template is a fairly straightforward process. As GM, you must make a number of decisions, but they flow naturally from the creature being used to form the template (the "donor creature"). These adjustments are then overlaid on a base creature, following the normal rules for a template. The possible elements of a template are discussed here.


The template should not modify the base creature's size

to be larger or smaller than the donor creature. It's fine to retain the base creature's size. If the creature's size increases, and the donor creature has reach, note this in the template. If the creature's size increases and the donor creature is tall, the template should keep that designation; likewise for long creatures.


If the donor creature is not a humanoid, any humanoid it is added to usually becomes something else (likely a monstrous

humanoid, giant, or outsider). Often, Hit Dice, skill points, feats, and saves do not change from those of the base creature. If you wish to make such changes, be sure to note them in the appropriate template entry.


If the donor creature has an unusual speed or additional modes of movement based on some physical feature you want the template to add (such as wings or fins), note them here.


If the donor creature has a natural armor bonus, have the template donate some portion of it (generally between one-half and three-quarters) to the base creature. This is generally an improvement to existing natural armor unless you specify a maximum bonus.

Here is where to note any natural attacks the base creature gains from a physical trait of the donor creature added by the template. If the final creature is of a different size than the donor, you may want to adjust damage appropriately. Be sure to note whether the new attack forms replace or supplement existing attacks, and (where necessary) whether they are primary or secondary attacks. Only one natural weapon (normally that with the highest base damage) is the creature's primary attack. All other natural attacks become secondary and are made at a -5 penalty (unless the creature has the Multiattack or Natural Fighter feats).

Specle\l A TIA.CKs e\Nb QU~lTCleS

Normally the base creature keeps its own special abilities. The template normally shouldn't confer all the special abilities of the donor creature unless it has very few, or

you want to make a very powerful hybrid. Otherwise,

either choose one or two special abilities to add to the base creature, or limit the donor creature's abilities by making them usable less often or with a reduced effect. You should also decide whether the new creature's special abilities are based on nonclass Hit Dice or can improve as the creature gains levels.

To determine the ability score adjustments conferred by the new template, first calculate the ability score adjustments of the donor creature. To do this, subtract 10 from any even ability score and 11 from any odd ability score. For example, an ogre has the following ability score adjustments: Str + 1 0 (21 -11), Dex -2 (8 -10), Con +4 (15 -11), Int -4 (6 -10), Cha -4 (7 - 11). Halve these adjustments and note them in the template, generally rounding odd numbers up or down

(but see Odd-Numbered Ability Score Adjustments of the previous page.)


The template should grant the most important class skills of the donor creature to the base creature (but no more than four new class skills). Of course, if the final creature takes class levels, it gains skills normally for that class.

Any feats that seem iconic to the donor creature (such as Shot on the Run for beholders) should become bonus feats granted by the template. If a new creature type governs the acquisition of feats, note this here.

ChAlleNqe RADNq

There is no perfect method for assigning a template's CR adjustment. The best method is to compare to similar creatures and consider its advantages, then check your estimate through playtesting.

As a starting point, look at the following factors. Does

the template add small bonuses to Armor Class, ability scores, Hit Dice, or speed? Add +1 to the CR for every two such bonuses. Does it grant new special attacks or special qualities? Add + 1 to the CR for every two special abilities. Does it confer new and powerful attack forms? Add +1 to the CR for each. If the template gives special abilities or attacks that are unusually potent (equivalent to 5th-level or higher spells), add another +1 to the CR.

After you have developed a template, make a few sample creatures to see if it does what you want it to. Try adding it to low-, medium-, and high-CR base creatures to see how the adjustments hold up. Some templates are less effective when applied to more powerful creatures, and this might require you to split the CR adjustments among lower and higher challenges.

Level AbJusunem:

As with Challenge Ratings, deciding on the level adjustment for characters of the new crossbreed is a matter of estimation and testing. Many of the same factors count toward the creature's ECL as do to CR, but these might also be duplicated by class abilities or magic items. In general, anything that can't be duplicated by a typical PC race is worth + 1 level adjustment.

Additional factors to consider include: alternative modes of movement (the ability to fly is a huge early advantage); evasion abilities like incorporeality; and special sensory abilities, such as scent or tremorsense, that negate the advantage of invisible or hiding opponents. Very high ability score adjustments or increases to AC might also increase the level adjustment.

However, certain features that are advantageous for lowlevel characters become practically irrelevant at higher levels. Take these into account when arriving at a final

level adjustment: One that is too high will make a low-

level crossbreed unable to survive beside equivalent-level characters, while one that is too low will make the character abusive at all levels.

Rather than make a template, you can choose to blend

two races, taking some elements from each to create a racial description like those of half-elves and half-orcs. This is a less detailed process than making a template and requires more decision-making on your part. The following guidelines are not firm rules; ignore them whenever they disagree with your idea of the crossbreed.

Determine the half-breed creature's type in the same way

as for a template (see above). Numerical descriptors such as speed, natural armor, and ability score adjustments are best handled by averaging the values of the two races. As a rule of thumb, don't mix races more than one size category apart-crossbreeds are mind-boggling enough without trying to work out how sprites and hill giants can combine! If the two races are different sizes, make the hybrid an average of their sizes, or the size of whichever race has the greater Charisma adjustment.

SpeC1Al Abllraes

Special abilities are a bit trickier. A crossbreed should have some of the special abilities of each parent race, but few or none at the same level of effectiveness. Some things are easy

to average in this way. For example, half-elves gain only a + 1 racial bonus on listen, Search, and Spot checks, rather than

a fullblood elf's +2, and do not have an elf's ability to detect secret or concealed doors just by passing near them. If both parents have darkvision or low-light vision, so should the crossbreed. If only one has darkvision, give the crossbreed lowlight vision. Don't be afraid to add new abilities to a breed that neither parent has.

pc OR NPC?

At this point you should certainly ask yourself if this breed is going to be open to player use. If the creature is designed to be usable by player characters and has only one or two Hit Dice, there's no need to worry much about innate skills and feats, as characters gain these things by taking levels in a class. If you want to be able to use the final creature without a class or additional levels, use the methods described in Designing a Half-Breed Template on the previous pages to decide on racial feats and class skills.

Bloodlines in fantasy settings are strong. Just because a bastard can't lay claim to all his parent's traits doesn't mean their heritage is lost to him. Every crossbreed qualifies as either parent's race for purposes of using feats, spells, and magic items restricted to that race.

FeAt:8 OF l:he,blooc>

brce (bLoc>bLlNe)

Bastards & Bloodlines introduces thirty-two new feats, including a new category: bloodline feats.

bloObllNe FeA L8

Bloodline feats are special abilities that only members of certain bloodlines may take. Some bloodline feats have more specific requirements. In general these represent a character developing some natural ability to a greater degree, perhaps even exceeding the ability of a full-blooded parent. In some cases bloodline feats are improvements to an existing natural ability that result from training or late development.

Bloodline feats taken after 1st level represent a real

change in a character's nature, and some GMs may be uncomfortable with that idea. Especially for younger characters, however, a bloodline feat might indicate a sudden physical change as a result of late blooming, growth spurts, or even stress.


The following feats are presented in alphabetical order.

Be it good looks or a sparkling personality, there's something about you that makes people react positively.

Benefits: You gain a +3 bonus on all Charisma checks. This has no effect on Charisma-based skills, only ability checks.

You are able to think fast on your feet.

Benefits: You gain a +3 bonus on all Intelligence checks. This has no effect on Intelligence-based skills, only ability checks.

You have more developed teeth than most of your kin. Prerequisite: Bloodline of a race that has a natural bite attack.

Benefit: You gain a natural bite attack that replaces a weapon attack or unarmed strike and is made at your full attack bonus. Even if you get additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, you can make only one bite attack. Bite damage is based on your size, as listed in the table below.


Size Bite Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive ld2
Tiny ld3
Small ld4
Medium-size 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 2d6
Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6 Special: If you have both bite and claw attacks, you may

use all three natural weapons as a full attack action. The bite attack is at your full attack bonus, but the claw attacks incur a -5 penalty.

Special: A character with the Bite feat qualifies for feats having a natural attack as a prerequisite.

You have more developed claws than most of your kin. Prerequisite: Bloodline of a race that has a natural claw attack.

General Feats

Appealing Astute

Fey Soul Gnomyrmidon Hardy Stock Lockjaw

Lost Tradition Natural Fighter Nimble

Old Blood Pounce

Rake Robust Shrewd Skirmish

Spineless Sprint Stout Throwback

Bloodline Feats



Elven Senses


Elven blood, racial bonus 011 listen, Search, and Spot.checks

One or more innate special abilities with a limited number of uses per day, or that have a delay between uses

One or more innate special abilities with a limited number of uses per day, or that have a delay between uses

One or more innate special abilities allowing a save


ThbLe 4-1: FeAts

Bloodline Feats

Benefit: You gain two natural claw attacks that replace a weapon attack or unarmed strike, and both are made at your full attack bonus. Even if you get additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, you can make only two claw attacks. Claw damage is based on your size, as listed in the table below.

Size Small, trained by a gnome society

Natural bite attack

One 01' more natural attacks

Claw natural attack, base speed greater than 30 feet

Natural claw attack

Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Run, base speed greater than 30 feet

Size Small

RlUJ, base speed greater than 30 feet


Bloodline of a race that has a natural bite attack

Bloodline of a race that has a natural claw attack


Size Claw Damage
Diminutive 1
Tiny ld2
Small ld3
Medium-size ld4
Large ld6
Huge ld8
Gargantuan 2d6
Colossal 2d8 Special: If you have both bite and claw attacks, you may use all three natural weapons as a full attack action. The claw attacks are at your full attack bonus, but the bite attack incurs a -5 penalty.

Empower Bloodright

Enlarge Bloodright

Focus Bloodright.


Natural Weapon Large

One or more natural attacks Bloodline of a race that is normally size Large

Bloodline of a race that has innate spellcasting or spell-like abilities One or more innate special abilities with a limited number of uses per day

One or more innate special abilities with a limited number of uses per clay, or that have a delay between uses

Bloodline of a race that has the scent ability

Ha.lfling blood, size Small

Mystic Legacy


Quicken Bloodtight


Sure footed

Special: A character with the Claws feat qualifies for feats having a natural attack as a prerequisite.

eLveN SeNSeS (bloo~llNe)

Your senses are as keen as a full-blooded elf's.

Prerequisites: Elven blood, racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.

Benefit: Your racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks increases to +2. A racial bonus that is already +2 or higher does not increase further. Additionally, if you pass within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door, you are allowed to make a Search check as if you were actively looking for the hidden portal. (If you already have this ability, the detection range does not increase.)


bloO~Rlqht: (bloo~llNe)

Your innate abilities have greater effect than those of most of your kin.

Prerequisites: One or more innate special abilities with a limited number of uses per day, or that have a delay between uses.

Benefits: You can make one of your innate special abilities much more effective, increasing all its variable, numeric effects by one-half. Such abilities deal 50% more damage, strike

50% more targets, or heal 50% more points of damage, as appropriate. Abilities without random, variable numeric values are not affected.

Special: Using this feat to augment a special ability with

a limited number of uses counts as three daily uses of the ability. If you cannot use the ability three more times today, it cannot be empowered.

Using this feat to augment a special ability with a delay between uses triples that delay. This stacks with the daily-use penalty. For example, a 3rd-level wendigo character using Empower Bloodright on its breath weapon deals 3d6 points of damage instead of 2d6. This counts as three daily uses of the breath weapon, and it cannot be used again for 3 minutes.


bloObRlqht: (bloObl1Ne)

Your innate abilities affect a larger area than most. Prerequisites: One or more innate

special abilities with a

limited number of uses per day, or that have a delay between uses.

Benefits: You can double the range of one of your innate

special abilities. This

feat does not affect

abilities whose ranges

are not defined by distance. An ability whose area is determined by its range (such as a cone) has

its area increased proportionately.

Special: Using this feat

to augment a special ability with a limited number of uses

counts as two daily uses of the ability. If you cannot use the ability two more times

today, it cannot be enlarged.

Using this feat to augment a special ability with a delay between uses doubles that delay. This stacks with the daily-use penalty. For example, a 3rd-level wendigo

character using Enlarge Bloodright on its breath weapon deals 2d6 points of damage in a 30-foot cone instead of a is-foot

cone. This counts as two daily uses of the breath weapon, and it cannot be used again for 2 minutes.

You have the soul of a muse, sustained by beauty and your own force of personality.

Benefits: At every even level or Hit Die, you may gain bonus hit points from your Charisma modifier rather than your Constitution modifier.

One of your innate special abilities is unusually potent. Prerequisites: One or more innate special abilities allowing a save.

Benefits: Choose one innate special ability that allows a save. Add +2 to the Difficulty Class of all saves against this ability's effect. This has no effect on nonracial abilities, such as classbased spellcasting.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times.

Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different innate special ability.


You have been trained in the gnome fighting style.

Prerequisites: Size Small, trained by a

gnome society.

Benefits: You have been trained in the gnome fighting style, which is particularly effective against kobolds, goblinoids,

and giants. This grants you a + 1 bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids, and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against

giants. These bonuses are the same as gnomes' racial bonuses and do not stack with them-they are only of use to Small beings who do not receive these bonuses


Special: This feat is normally available to only gnome-blooded crossbreeds.

hi\Rby SrocK (GeNeRAl, FtqhreR)

You are particularly tough.

Benefits: You gain a number of hit points equal to 2 + your current Hit Dice.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. The total hit points granted by earlier uses of this feat do not increase as you gain levels.

lropxoveo NArURAL WeApoN (bLoObLlNe)

Your natural weapons deal more damage than those of most of your kin.

Prerequisites: One or more natural attacks.

Benefits: One of your natural weapon attacks has its base damage increased. If you have multiple attacks with the same natural weapons (such as two claw attacks), the damage for all those attacks is increased. The new damage is based on the weapon's original damage, as listed below.

lropxoveo NArURAL WeApoN

Original Damage New Damage
1 ld2
ld2 ld3
ld3 ld4
ld4 ld6
ld6,2d3 ld8
ld8,2d4,ld10 2d6
ld12,2d6 2d8
2d8, ld20 2d12 Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different natural attack.

Though most of your kin aren't big enough to qualify as a Large creature, you have grown into the shoes of your larger parent.

Prerequisites: Bloodline of a race that is normally size Large or larger.

Benefits: You are size Large. You incur a -1 penalty on attack rolls and Armor Class, but you gain a natural reach of 10 feet. Your base speed increases by 10 feet, and you double your normal carrying capacity.

Special: If this feat is taken after 1 st level, it represents a growth spurt. No previous clothing or armor now fits.

A. Nore ON "CeRIDlNOloq!f

Any discussion of half-breeds requires special terms to refer to those sharing mixed parentage, and to

the state of having parents of different races. In general, "half- breed" and "crossbreed" are used interchangeably for the former. The expression "blood" or "bloodline" always describes the heritage of a pure-blooded ancestor; tor example, "elven blood" indicates that the half-breed traces ancestry from at least one elven forebear.

This feat is not available to crossbreeds with the blood of a Small or smaller race.

You have learned to bring opponents down with your bite attack.

Prerequisites: Natural bite attack.

Benefits: Whenever you successfully deal damage to a foe with your bite attack, you may immediately attempt to trip that opponent as a free action. This does not require an additional touch attack and does not provoke an attack of opportunity from making this trip attempt. If your trip attempt fails, your opponent cannot react to trip you.

You are descended from a group of spellcasters who had very different ways of mastering magic, and you follow in their tradition.

Benefits: Choose one spellcasting class. You may change which ability score governs spellcasting with that class. That ability cannot be changed again.

For example, Meishel Ellazen is a houri cleric. She takes

the Lost Tradition feat and chooses to base her clerical spellcasting on Charisma instead of Wisdom. She now uses her Charisma score to determine her bonus spells, spell save DCs, maximum spell level she may cast, and any other calculation regarding her cleric spells.

Special: You can take this feat only at 1st level.

The magical power of your forebears runs strong in your veins.

Prerequisites: Bloodline of a race that has innate spellcasting or spell-like abilities.

Benefits: Choose one mental ability score that governs spellcasting (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). For purposes

of bonus spells, spell save DCs, and maximwn spell level you may cast, treat that ability score as if it were 2 points higher.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different ability score.

NAt:URAlFtqht:eR (GeNeRAL, FX;ht:eR)

You have learned to use your natural attacks and wield weapons at the same time.

Prerequisites: One or more natural attacks.

Benefit: When taking a full attack action, you may add your natural attacks to your normal attack routine. All of your weapon attacks incur a -2 penalty, and all of your natural attacks are at a -5 penalty.

Example: Loyalis is a 7th-level decataur fighter. He can normally strike twice with a longsword at a base attack bonus of +7/+2, or make two hoof attacks at a base attack bonus of +7. With

the Natural Fighter feat he may make two longsword attacks at +5/+0 and two hoof attacks at +2 each.

Special: You cannot make a claw attack with a hand that is holding a weapon.

Nrmble (GeNeRAL)

You have great natural agility.

Benefits: You gain

a + 3 bonus on all Dexterity checks. This has no effect on Dexterity-based skills, only ability checks.

Though you seem to be a normal member of your parent's race, in truth you have older blood running through your veins.

Benefit: Choose one race other than your own. For purposes of prestige classes, spells, feat prerequisites, magic items, and so on, you count as a member of that race.

Special: You can take this feat only at 1st level.

You have learned to leap on opponents with your claws. Prerequisites: Claw natural attack, base speed greater than 30 feet.

Benefits: As part of a charge action, you can leap upon an opponent, attacking with all your claws. Making a pounce attack requires a successful Jump check (DC 18). This is a rare exception to the rule requiring a full attack action to make multiple attacks.

One of your innate special abilities is less taxing for you than for most of your kin.

Prerequisites: One

or more innate special abilities with a limited number of uses per day.

Benefits: Choose one innate special ability with a limited number of uses per day. Increase that nwnber by one-half, with a minimwn of one additional daily use. This has no effect on any delay between uses of the ability, only on the number of times per day you can use it.

Special: You can

gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. Alternatively, you can choose another special ability to affect.

QrncK.eN bloObRX;ht: (bloOblTNe)

You can use your innate special abilities in no time.

Prerequisites: One

or more innate special

abilities with a limited number of uses per day, or that have a delay between uses.

Benefits: You can quicken one of your innate special abilities, activating it as a free action.

Special: Using this feat to augment a special ability with a limited number of uses counts as four daily uses of the ability. If you cannot use the ability four more times today, it cannot be quickened.

Using this feat to augment a special ability with a delay between uses multiplies that delay by six. This stacks with the daily-use penalty. For example, a 3rd-level wendigo character using Quicken Bloodright on its breath weapon can use it as a free action, allowing the wendigo to take another full-round action. This counts as four daily uses of the breath weapon, and it cannot be used again for 6 minutes.

You can claw a target you have grappled. Prerequisites: Natural claw attack.

Benefits: Whenever you win a grapple check, you may make all your claw attacks against the grappled target at your full attack bonus.

You can apply your strength more forcefully than most. Benefits: You gain a +3 bonus on all Strength checks. This has no effect on Strength-based skills, only ability checks.

Your sense of smell is far more advanced than most people'S. Prerequisites: Bloodline of a race that has the scent ability. Benefit: You gain the scent special ability. You can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell (60 feet if opponent is upwind, 15 feet if downwind). You can track by sense of smell, making a Wisdom check (typical DC 10, +2 for each hour since the trail was made) instead of Wilderness Lore but otherwise following the rules for the Track feat. You ignore surface conditions and poor visibility when tracking by scent.

ShRernb (GeNeRAL)

You have keen insight.

Benefits: You gain a +3 bonus on all Wisdom checks. This has no effect on Wisdom-based skills, only ability checks.

You are highly trained in taking actions while on the move.

Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Run, base speed greater than 30 feet.

Benefits: You can move both before and after taking any standard action, such as casting a spell or activating a magic item, provided your total distance moved is not greater than your base speed. If you use this to make a melee attack, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity from your target by moving through an area it threatens.

SplNeless (GeNeRAL)

Though not truly an invertebrate, you can move through tight spaces with fluid ease.

Prerequisites: Size Small.

Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on all Escape Artist checks. When you attempt to escape a grapple, the opponent does not add a sizebonus to its grapple check.

You can move with amazing speed for short distances. Prerequisites: Run, base speed greater than 30 feet. Benefits: You may move ten times your base speed as a full-round action. If you do this for more than 1 round in an hour, you must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15 + number of rounds sprinting in past hour) or become fatigued. If you are already fatigued, you are exhausted; if already exhausted, you fall unconscious for 1d4 x 10 minutes.

Double the distance of any running jump made while sprinting.

Scout: (GeNeRAL)

You are hardy and resistant to stress.

Benefits: You gain a +3 bonus on all Constitution checks. This has no effect on Constitution-based skills, only ability checks.

You are as nimble and athletic as a halfling. Prerequisites: Halfling blood, size Small.

Benefit: You gain a +2 racial bonus on Chmb,]ump, and Move Silently checks.

You are similar in build to your more primitive ancestors. Benefit: Your ability scores are modified as follows: Str +2, Con +2, Int -4, Wis -4, Cha -2.

Special: You can take this feat only at 1st level.

- bloObllNe pReStJqe CLAsses

Half-breeds often have limited social options, but most are otherwise more versatile than their pureblood ancestors. The very fact of having multiple bloodlines allows crossbreeds to develop abilities and talents no normal race could ever master. Four new prestige classes are presented here for crossbreeds only (though sometimes monstrous humanoids are close enough to crossbreeds to gain entry as well).


Autarkies are masters of self-reliance. They strive toward one goal-survival-and train endlessly to be prepared for any hazardous situation. Autarkies come from

violent backgrounds, and generally abusive ones.

Most have never had a place to call home or a group of family or friends to depend on for help and support. All autarkies are crossbreeds of some sort, drawing on the abilities of multiple bloodlines to adapt to various dangers and

strengthen their independence.

Though they wish to survive above all else, autarkies do not indulge in sedentary lifestyles or seek safe lands in which

to dwell. They believe life is always dangerous, and the only way to survive it is to challenge it

daily. Autarkies test

themselves regularly to improve reaction time, toughen hide, and inure themselves to pain. They are not fools, though. Autarkies know there is safety in numbers, and they often join parties of adventurers to tackle greater challenges than they could survive alone. But allies are only useful, not essential. They are not to be depended on, for dependence breeds weakness, and weakness leads to death.

Hit Die: d12.


To qualify to become an autarkic, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Any half-breed. Wilderness Lore: 8 ranks.

Special: No fewer than 50 hit points.

ClAss SklLls

The autarkic's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (lnt), Disable Device (lnt), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (lnt), Knowledge (nature) (lnt), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (lnt), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

CLAss FeAtURes

All of the following are class features of the autarkic prestige class.


Autarkies are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all armors, and with shields.

Starting at 1st level, an autarkic gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.)

At 3rd level, the autarkic can no longer be flanked. However, a rogue at least 4 levels higher than the autarkic can still flank him (and thus make a sneak attack against him).

At 5th level, the autarkic gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, granting a + 1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a + 1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps. At 7th level, these bonuses rise to +2, and at 9th, they rise to +4.

Starting at 1st level, the autarkic gains a survival trait that represents his constant training and conditioning, as well as the development of innate special abilities from his mixed heritage. At every other level thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th) the autarkic may choose a new survival trait (unless otherwise noted, the same survival trait can't be chosen more than once).

b~ID~qe ReOOCDON (ex)

The autarkic gains damage reduction of (1/2 autarkic's base Fortitude save)/-. The amount of damage absorbed improves along with the base Fortitude save.

eNeRGY ReS18ThNCe (ex)

The autarkic gains resistance 3 against one form of energy attack (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The autarkic may select this survival trait multiple times, either increasing an existing energy resistance by 3 (including innate resistance) or gaining resistance 3 against a new form of attack.

h~lSelF (Sa)

The autarkic can cure himself of a number of hit points per day equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) times his level. This is a standard action, and the autarkic can heal damage in any increment, as long as he never exceeds his daily maximum.

The autarkic chooses one of the following effects: blindness, charm, deafness, death effects, fear, or sleep. The autarkic is immune to attacks based on the chosen effect. Once chosen, this immunity may not be changed. The autarkic may select this survival trait multiple times, gaining a different immunity each time.

ReqeNeRADON (Sa)

The autarkic can choose this survival trait only at 7th or

9th level, gaining regeneration of 1 hit point/hour. The autarkic takes normal damage from energy attacks (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic). He can regrow lost limbs within

a day, or reattach a severed limb immediately by holding it against the stump.

At 2nd level, an autarkic gains evasion. If exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the autarkic takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Evasion can only be used if the autarkic is wearing light armor or no armor.

uiu '"CO Live (eX)

At 4th level, a autarkic's will to live is so great he can avoid death by desire alone. The autarkic automatically stabilizes when bleeding to death, gains a +3 bonus on all Fortitude saves against death effects (including death from massive damage and coup de grace attempts), and doesn't die until

LAble 4-2: the AllThRK.lC

Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref S~we Wlll Save Special

Uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AG), survival trait Bvasion

Un~anny dodge (can't be flanked), survival trait Will to live

Uncannrdodge (+1 against traps), survival trait Imptoved evasion

Uncanny dodge (+2 against traps). survival trait Defensive roll

Uncanny dodge (+4 against traps), survival trait Spell resistance

1st +0 +4
Zod +1 +3
~rd +2 +$
4th +3 +4-
5th +3 +4
6th +4-
7th +5 +5
8th +6 +0
9th +6 +6
10th he reaches a number of negative hit points equal to his Constitution score (if his Constitution score is less than 10, he clies at -10 hit points as normal).

lropxoveo eVASlON (ex)

At 6th level the autarkic gains improved evasion. This works like evasion, except that while the autarkic still takes no damage on a successful Reflex save, he takes only half damage on a failed save.

Starting at 8th level, the autarkic can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it. Once per day, when the autarkic would be reduced to 0 hit points or less by damage in

combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), he can attempt to roll with the damage. The autarkic makes a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt) and, if successful, takes only half damage from the blow. The autarkic must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute the defensive roll-if he is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, he can't roll. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the autarkic's evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.

Spell ReS18ThNCe (Su)

At 10th level the autarkic gains spell resistance equal to 10 + autarkic level + autarkic's Constitution modifier. This value adjusts along with any changes to the autarkic's Constitution score.

Most sorcerers claim kinship to dragons or similar creatures

in their clistant ancestry. Though such claims are questionable, the power sorcerers wield is not. Brood sorcerers' magical heritage is much more recent and unquestioned. They use

the arts of sorcery to augment and enhance their own innate abilities as well as to open a doorway to new spells and powers. Most brood sorcerers are crossbreeds who learn to blend their innate abilities with magic talents, though some are pureblood monsters who simply seek to increase their own power.

Hit Die: d6.


To qualify to become a brood sorcerer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Half-breed or monstrous humanoid.

Special: Able to cast 3rd-Ievel arcane spells without preparation.

CLAss 8Kllls

The brood sorcerer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken separately) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Speak Language (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int moclifier.


All of the following are class features of the brood sorcerer prestige class.

Brood sorcerers gain no proficiency with any weapons, armor, or shields.

Thole 4-3: Lhe bROOb SoRceReR
Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save WiUSave Special Spellcasting
1 st +0 +0 +2 +2 Innate metamagic,
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Brood power + 1 level of existing class
3rd +1 +1 +3 +S + 1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +4 +4 Brood power
5th +2 +1 +4 +4 +1 level of existing class
6th +3 +2 +5 +5 Brood power + 1 level of existing class
7th +3 +2 +5 +5
8th +4 +2 +6 +ei Brood power + 1 level of existing class
9th +4 +3 +6 +6 + 1 level of existing class
10th +5 +3 +7 +7 Brood power SpellcASUNq

A brood sorcerer continues training in magic. Thus, when

a new brood sorcerer level is gained at 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th,

8th, and 9th level, the character gains new spells known and spells per day as if she had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that she adds the level of brood sorcerer to the level of some other arcane spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day, spells known, and caster level accordingly.

A brood sorcerer can gain new spells that are innately enhanced with metamagic feats and can thus be cast without requiring a full-round action. The brood sorcerer must already have the appropriate metamagic feat. The enhanced spell occupies a slot at a level equal to its level + the additional levels required for the metamagic feat. For example, a

brood sorcerer who has the Quicken Spell feat could select quickened magic missile as one of her 5th level spells known.


Brood sorcerers can specialize in a school of magic as wizards can. Most half-breeds specialize in the single school in which the majority of their special abilities fall. The GM has final say over what

school a brood sorcerer

may specialize in.

A specialized brood sorcerer must choose

three schools of magic

to which she no longer gains access. If the brood sorcerer already knows spells of these schools,

they are immediately lost, and the brood sorcerer must choose new spells from her allowed schools

to replace them. The

brood sorcerer knows one additional spell per level, but half of all spells known

at each level must be from her chosen school.

At higher levels, there may not be enough spells of a given school to

fill all a brood sorcerer's required spells known. Such slots can be filled by innate metamagic spells of lower levels (see above).

For example, Ivy is a spring child sorcerer 5/brood sorcerer 8 specialized in Enchantment. She has the Still Spell and Silent Spell feats. She is allowed to know six 2nd-level spells, and half of them (three) must be of the Enchantment school. However, there is only one Znd-level arcane Enchantment spell (hideous laughter). To fill her rwo remaining Enchantment slots, she takes silent charm person and still charm person. She can now cast silent or still charm person as a standard action.

Once the brood sorcerer has specialized she may not reverse that decision, even if she takes more levels of the sorcerer class.

At 2nd level and every other level thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th), the brood sorcerer gains a special power as her arcane talents grow. She may select one of the brood powers listed below, or take a bonus feat from the following list (if she meets its prerequisites): Any metamagic feat, Empower Bloodright, Enlarge Bloodright, Focus Bloodright, Lost

Tradition, Mystic Legacy, Prodigy, and Quicken Bloodright.

bRC>C>b Spell (Sa)

Once per day a brood sorcerer with innate spellcasting, spell-like abilities, gaze attacks, or breath

weapons may exchange a spellcasting slot for one additional use of one

such ability. The brood sorcerer must sacrifice the highest-level spell casting

slot she has left, and it must be at least 1 st level.

The brood sorcerer can select this power multiple times, each time adding one to the number of additional daily uses of an ability.

\ ChANNel Spell (Sa)

Once per day the brood sorcerer can channel a spell through an innate gaze attack, breath weapon, or touch attack. This counts as a use of both the spell and the


special ability, and replaces the special ability's normal effect. Only spells with an area defined in feet Dr that specifies multiple targets, and that have a casting time of 1 action, may be channeled. Channeling a spell requires a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity The spell keeps its normal saving throw. Instead of using its normal area Dr targets, the channeled spell affects targets in the same way as the gaze attack, breath weapo.n, Dr touch attack.

For example, a medusa sorcerer 7/broo.d sorcerer 6 with this brood po.wer decides to. channel a lightning bolt through her gaze attack. She must use a 3rd-Ievel spellcasting slot, For that round, instead of having a petrifying gaze, the medusa has a lightning bolt gaze, which has a range of 30 feet, deals 10d6 points of damage, and requires a Reflex save for half damage.

Many bands of savages and monstrous humanoids are led by brood champions, These leaders are expert at using fang, claw,

and naturally heightened senses to. best effect They train with

their natural abilities the way more civilized fighters practice with traditional weapo.ns. With this training a brood champion can learn not only to. be as effective in combat as his more savage ancestors, but to. actually surpass them in combat ability, as well as develop new natural abilities that were never a part of his blood heritage.

Any half-breed Dr monstrous humanoid character can become a brood champion, but the class is most commonly taken by barbarians, fighters, rangers, and a few rogues. Barbarian and fighter brood champions are straightfo.rward, mixing their natural attacks with the manufactured weapo.ns and armor of more civilized folk. Ro.gues develop into. sneaky combatants who. depend o.n their natural attacks when other weapo.ns are impractical (Dr have been removed). Rangers make excellent brood champions, combining their natural abilities with trained woodcraft to. become

more able combatants than pure rangers, with greater comfort in the wild than other brood warriors. Monks occasionally

enter the class, seeking

to. perfect their

natural abilities in a

new way. Spellcasters

and bards rarely become

brood champions.

NPC brood champions often

rise to. positions of great

po.wer within savage humanoid clans, becoming war leaders

Dr chieftains. Half-breeds

might lead raids by members

of one parent's race against communities of their other parent's race. A lone brood champion is more likely to. be a hunter Dr tracker, though his prey is as likely to. be humans as beasts.

Hit Die: dl0.


To. qualify to. become a brood champion, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Half-breed Dr monstrous humanoid. Base Attack Bonus: + 5.

ClAss Skllls

The brood champions class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Animal Empathy (Cha), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis),Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature)(Int), Listen (WlS), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot

(Wis), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier,

ClAss FeAtURes

All of the following are class features of the brood champion prestige class.



Brood champions are proficient with all simple and martial weapo.ns. They

gain no. proficiency with any type of armor, Dr with shields.

Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +0 +2 +2 +Q Brood trait
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Bonus feat
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Brood trait
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Bonus feat
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Brood trait
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Bonus feat
I' 7th +5 +5 .w5 +2 Brood trait
8th +6 +6 +6 +2 Bonus feat
9th +6 +6 +6 +3 Brood trait
10th +7 +7 +7 +3 Bonus feat At 1st level and every other level thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th), the brood champion gains a brood trait from the list below. These are new or enhanced natural abilities deriving from a more primitive ancestry. Once a brood trait has been selected, it cannot be changed (unless otherwise noted, the same brood trait can't be chosen more than once).

CUNNlNq (ex)

The brood champion gains a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Intuit Direction, Sense Motive, and Wilderness Lore checks.

Once per day the brood champion is able to fly into a screaming fury, but only after taking damage in combat. The fury lasts 1 round per brood champion leveL The brood champion cannot voluntarily end the fury, though it ends immediately if he is fully healed. During the fury the brood warrior gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution and incurs a -2 penalty to AC. He does not suffer any penalties at the end of this fury.

This trait may be selected multiple times, each time granting one additional daily use of this ability.

lrnpaoveo Scem: (ex)

The brood champion must have the scent special ability to select this trait. The brood warrior gains a +4 racial bonus on all Search and Spot checks where smell might playa part.

This trait may only be selected by a brood champion who has taken the toughened hide brood trait (see below) three times. It grants damage reduction 2/-. If the brood champion already has innate damage reduction (not as the result of a

magic item or spell), its value increases by +2/-. This trait may be selected twice. Its effects stack.

The brood champion gains a +1 racial bonus on attacks with all his natural weapons.


The brood champion gains a + 2 racial bonus on damage dealt by his natural weapons that benefit from either the Weapon Focus feat or the natural weapon focus brood trait (see above).

ReCRACtAble CLAws (ex)

The brood champion has learned to conceal his claws. They might actually sink into the flesh at the fingertip or knuckle, or the brood champion can flex them to lie flat against his hand, making them nearly impossible to detect. In either case, the claws cannot be spotted without a careful examination of the brood champion (Search check, DC 30).

Having retracted claws reduces by half any penalties on Diplomacy, Gather Information, or Perform checks the brood champion might otherwise incur due to prejudice against his breed. Of course, claws cannot make attacks while retracted.

The brood champion gains a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. If the brood champion already has innate natural armor (not as the result of a magic item or spell), that natural armor bonus improves by

+ 1. This trait may be selected up to three times. Its effects stack.


At 2nd level and every other level thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th) the brood champion gains a bonus feat from the

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