Gandhaka Jarana Prep of RasaSindhura

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Ancient Science of Life, Vol No. XIV Nos.

1 & 2, July-October 1994, Pages 99-107




and N.C. ARYYA

Department of Rasa Shastra and Pathology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi – 221 005, India.

Received: 21 April, 1994 Accepted: 14 May,1994

ABSTRACT: Rasa sindura, is a famous and prestigious Ayurvedic Preparation, prepared by
Kupipakwa method through Baluka Yantra system of healing. It is supposed as a toxic drug due
to presence of Mercury. Therefore, it needs experimental proves and such type of experimental
study shows that there are no toxic effects in therapeutic doses. Gamdhaka Jarana process
reduces the unwanted effects, along with potentiating its diseases curing capacity.


Crude Parada and Gadhaka are supposed to applied through Baluka Yantra system of
produce many toxic effects on internal use, heating.
because of their toxic nature and impurities1.
Hence number of processes have been HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT:
described in Rasa Shastra texts to reduce
their toxic effects and impurities to the Historically the detailed description of
minimum extend. In this context Sodhana, Gandhaka Jarana and its effects has been
Astasamaskara and Gandhaka Jarna found mentioned in “Rasendra Chintamani”
deserves mention2. (12th A.D.). Before this a few references
regarding Gandhaka Jarana are found in
Literary study reveals that these processes “Rasarnava”, “Rasendra Cudamani” and
are not only remove the dosas (impurities) “Rasa Prakash Sudhakara”6. Later on a
on the toxic effects of parade but also detailed description with regards to
potentiate it in many ways. This is true in importance necessity and affection is found
all the cases but in case of Parada Samskara mentioned.
and Gandhaka Jarana3 it is more true as
many potentiating effects of these GANDHAKA JARANA:
Samskaras have been found mentioned in
the texts. In the context of Gandhaka Jarana According to Ayurveda Prakash, Murchana
it is mentioned in the text that without and Jarana are used as synonyms but this is
daring Sadagunabalijarana4, the Parada does true only in the context of Gandhaka Jarana
not become suitable for curing diseases. otherwise Murchhana is quite different from
Thus Gandhaka Jarana is an important Jarana. As in Murchhana Parada definitely
process in which sulphure in different acquires disease curing capacity and
proportions is added in the mercury and converts into therapeutically effective
made to burn in it with the help of fire compound form, which is entirely different

Pages 99-107
than Bhasma form while is entirely different 1. Sagandha Murchhana – done with
than Bhasma form while in Jarana mercury Gandhaka and other drugs.
returns in its original state without being
subjected to galena and patina etc. processes 2. Nirgandha Murchhana – done with
which is not possible. Murchhana is of two Visadi and other drugs.

The detailed classification of murchhana as mentioned in the texts is given as follows:


Sagandha Nirgandha
Mugdha Rasa,
Rasa Karpoora

On the basis of fumes On the basis of drugs and process

1. Bahirdhuma Rasa Sindura 1. Gandhaka Pisti – Kajjali
2. Antardhuma – Rasa Sindura 2. Gandhaka Baddha – Parpati
3. Nirdhuma - Kajjali 3. Gandhaka Jirna – Rasa Sindura
4. Dhatu Pisti – Tamra Pisti

In Sagandha Murchhana mercury is made Murcchita (compound) by adding sulphur. This is a

more common form of murchhana and is highly popular in practice because it is easy to prepare,
and safe to use as it don’t produce any toxic symptom in the body when used internally in
therapeutic doses.


1 After complete Jarana of the 1 After completion of murcchana process
Abhrakasatwaand Gold etc., metals, parade does not return to its form. It can be
Parada returns to its original form used as such for therapeutic purpose.
without being subjected to galena
and patina processes
2 Useful for Dhatuwada and Rasayana 2 Used only for curing diseases and Rasayana
purpose Karma.
3 Agni Samskara is compulsory 3 Agni Samskara is not compulsory in

Pages 99-107

The Rasa Shastra texts claim that Parada Sadagunabalijarita parade is claimed to be
treated with Gandhaka Jarana process much more effective than Samguna or Dwi-
becomes highly potentiated and many guna balijarita parade. Not only this some
pharmacological and therapeutic properties. texts claim that without sadagunabalijarana,
This potentiation depends on the proportion parade does not develop a disease curing
of Sulphur made burnt during Jarana capacity. Hence from therapeutic point of
process. According to textual references view it is essential.

The effects of Gandhaka Jarana in different proportions:

Sl. Quantity of Sulphur Effects produced

1 Samgauna 100 times more potent than Sodhita Parada
2 Dwi-guna Kusthahara
3 Tri-guna Sarva Jadya Vinasana
4 Catur-guna Rasayana
5 Pancaguna Rajaykshamahara
6 Sadaguna Sarvarogo hara

Thus Gandhaka Jarana in different recommended i.e starting from Mridu (mild)
proportions is highly important in making agni (heat) and raising to Madhya agni
mercury potentiated in different ways (moderate heat) and lastly tibragni (strong
specially from therapeutic point of view. heat), for burning extra sulphur from the
compounds. It may be said here that the
METHODS AND APPRATUSES FOR heat applied in this manner only make the
GANDHAKA JARANA: final product of the desired quality and the
property. This affects the yield of final
Various methods and Yantras (Apparatuses) product also.
are described in Rasa Texts for Gandhaka
Jarana. The Kupi Yantra and Baluka Yantra To explain the Mridu, Madhya and Tibragni
are the best and commonly used yantras for we are now using three terms (Meltinf for
this purposes, through which Rasa Sindura Mriduagni, Fuming for Madhyagni and
and Makardhawaja are prepared. Where flaming for Tibragni). That means the temp.
Samaguna to Sadaguna jarana is made to necessary for melting the materials may be
potentiate these preparations. For preparing taken as the temp. for mridu agni. The
these preparation now-a-days Keca-kupi temp. necessary for inducing the profuse
wrapped several times with cloth smeared in fumes from the compound and before
mud is used to fill the material (Kajjali) and starting the flames from the bottle may be
Baluka yantra system of heat is applied taken as the temp. of Madhyagni and the
where Kramagni (graded heat) is temp. required for starting the flames till

Pages 99-107
their disappearance may be taken as the been leveled as A,B,C & D. These samples
temp. for Tibragni. And the temp. is were subjected for short term and long term
sufficient for Gandhaka jarana and also for toxicity study in experimental animals
the preparation of the compound. Then the (Albino rats).
Kupi should be corcked and sealed to allow
the compound to sublime at the neck and for In the texts, there are number of methods for
this the same temp. of Tibragni may be Gandhaka Jarana and of these Valuka
continued for maximum one hour more. Yantra method is more common and easy
and has been followed in this study. This
Thus the heating time and temp. is very traditional method for the preparation of
important in the preparation of Kupipakwa Rasa Sindura has many problems viz (1)
rasayana by Balukayantra system of heating. Maintenance and Control of heat, (ii)
Standardisation of temperature range of
Quantity of Sulphur: Mridu, Madhya and Tibragni, (iii)
Uniformity of the final product.
According to the texts the quantity of
Sulphur to added and burnt, varies from Thus to overcome these problems the
equal to thousand times, in addition to this it vertical type of Muffle Furance developed
is also claimed in the texts that the power by Dr. D. Joshi has been used in the present
and potency of mercury and mercurial study. Through this furnace the total time
compounds increases in the proportion of needed for the preparation of Samaguna
Sulphur added and burnt in mercury. Rasa Sindura is 6 hours 30 minutes while
7.30 hrs are needed in the preparation of
Pharmaceutical Study: Sadguna Rasa Sindura due to excess amount
of Sulphur added in Sadguna sample.
The Pharmaceutical study was conducted to However there was no significant difference
assess the role of Gandhaka Jarana with either physically or chemically in the final
reference to Parada preparation and for this products prepared with Samaguna &
Rasa Sindura was selected and prepared by Sadguna gandhaka. On chemical
doing Gandhaka Jarana in different examination Mercury and Sulphur in Kajjali
proportions. The two samples of Samaguna and in Samaguna & Sadguna Rasa Sindura
and Sadguna Rasa Sindura have been prepared with Samanya Sodhita and
prepared by Samanya Sodhita and Astasamskarita Mercury is as follows:
Astsamskara Parada separately and have

Group Kajjali Mercury Sulphur Rasa Sindura Free Sulphur

Mercury Sulphur

A 48.66 49.12 84.27 19.9 1.46

B 13.38 84.68 83.74 14.56 1.02

C 48.89 49.18 84.04 13.06 1.88

D 13.46 84.72 83.47 14.12 1.22

Pages 99-107
This is as per the quantitative estimation of major ingredients present in the samples A,B,C & D.

Toxicological Study:

As per the modern literature the mercury while in Sadaguna Rasa Sindura the Sulphur
compounds in different doses administered was used in six parts but in final products of
for different durations from different routes both the samples – ratio of Mercury &
reported to produced toxic affects on various Sulphur was approximately the same.
tissues like brain, lung, kidney, liver and Following the administration of four
intestine etc. The toxic effects of mercury samples of Rasa Sindura certain toxic
were found reduced when used after being changes have been observed in Lung, Liver,
treated with Sulphur. Kidney, Pancreas and Intestine in 3,6, and
12 doses. The table showing the toxic
The Samaguna Rasa Sindura was prepared effects is as follows:
with equal parts of Mercury and Sulphur

Conclusions :

On comparison of different groups of doses of both Sadguna Rasa Sindura for

animals treated with Samguna and Sadguna short & long duration when compared
Rasa Sindura (prepared with among themselves, Sadguna Rasa Sindura
Astasamsakarits Parada) and with Samaguna prepared from Astasamskarita Parada
and Sadguna Rasa Sindura (prepared with showed least toxic effects than the other one
Samanya Sodhita parada) it was observed which was prepared by Sadguna Rasa
that the animals treated with 3 & 6 mg. Sindura. In higher doses (12 mg) the
doses of all the four samples of Rasa Sadguna Rasa Sindura showed more toxic
Sindura for short duration (14 days). There effects on Liver, Kidney (Tubles) than
was no significant difference in organs, but Sadguna Rasa Sindura in both short and
in the same doses of Sadaguna Rasa Sindura long duration.
(both) for long duration (40 days) showed
less toxic effect than Samguna Rasa Sindura Thus, Histopathological studies indicated /
(both) samples. Moreover, the different that Rasa Sindura samples in higher doses
groups of animals treated with different (12 mg/100) showed certain toxic / effects
on Lung, Liver, Kidney, small and large
intestine and Pancrease when continued for
longer duration (40 days)

Pages 99-107
(14 days)


Cong. L.Hyper Cong. Fine / Cong. T.E.N Eosino. S.M.H. E.I S.M.H Cong.
focul F.V C.S. Philic Infil. (mild)
A/a1 (+5/5) (-) (+5/5) (-) (+2/5) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+)
A/a2 (+) (-) (+) (-) (+3/5) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+)
A/a3 (+) (-) (+) (+3/5) (+3/5) (+1/5) (-) (-) (+1/5) (-) (+)
B/a1 (+3/5) (-) (+2/5) (-) (+2/5) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+)
B/a2 (+) (-) (+) (-) (+3/5) (-) (-) (-) (+2/5) (-) (+)
B/a3 (+) (-) (+) (-) (+3/5) (-) (-) (-) (+2/5) (-) (+)
C/a1 (+) (-) (+) (-) (2/5) (-) (-) (+) (-) (-) (+)
C/a2 (+) (-) (+) (-) (+3/5) (-) (-) (-) (+2/4) (-) (+)
C/a3 (+) (-) (+) (+3/5) (+4/5) (+2/5) (-) (-) (-) (+2/5) (+)
Da/a1 (+) (-) (+) (-) (+3/4) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+)
Da/a2 (+) (-) (+) (-) (+4/5) (-) (-) (-) (+2/5) (-) (+)
Da/a3 (+) (-) (+) (+3/5) (+5/5) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+2/5) (+)
I (+) (-) (+) (-) (+2/5) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)

Pages 99-107
(40 days)


Cong. L.Hyper Cong. Fine / Cong. T.E.N Eosino. S.M.H. E.I S.M.H Cong.
focul F.V C.S. Philic Infil. (mild)
A/c1 (+) (-) (+) (+2/5) (+) (+1/5) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+)
A/c2 (+) (-) (+) (+3/5) (+2/5) (+2/5) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+)
A/c3 (+) (+3/4) (+) (+3/4) (+3/4) (+3/4) (+2/4) (-) (-) (+2/4) (+)
B/c1 (+) (-) (+) (-) (+3/5) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+)
B/c2 (+) (-) (+) (+2/4) (+2/4) (+2/4) (+2/4) (-) (-) (-) (+)
B/c3 (+) (-) (+) (+3/5) (+3/5) (+3/5) (+2/5) (-) (-) (-) (+)
C/c1 (+) (-) (+) (+3/5) (+3/5) (+3/5) (+2/5) (-) (-) (-) (+)
C/c2 (+) (+2/4) (+) (+3/4) (+3/4) (+3/4) (-) (-) (-) (+2/4) (+)
C/c3 (+) (+3/4) (+) (+3/4) (+4/4) (+4/4) (-) (-) (-) (+4/4) (+)
D/c1 (+) (-) (+) (+2/5) (+3/5) (+3/5) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+)
D/c2 (+) (-) (+) (+2/4) (+3/4) (+3/4) (+2/4) (-) (-) (-) (+)
D/c3 (+) (+2/4) (+) (+3/4) (+4/4) (+4/4) (-) (-) (-) (+3/4) (+)
II (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (+)
A = Samaguna Rasa Sindura (by Astasamskarit Parada) B = Sadaguna Rasa Sindura (by Astasamskarita Parada)
C = Samaguna Rasa Sindura (by Samanya Parada) D = Samaguna Rasa Sindura (by Samanya Parada)
a = Acute (14 days) c = Chronic (40 days)

Pages 99-107

1. Rasa Ratna Samuccya commented by Prof. Datatreya Anant Kulkarni, IIrd Ed. Meharchand
Laxamdas, New Delhi.

2. Rasa Tarangini, Commented by Kashi Nath Sastri, Motilal Banarasidas, Varanasi.

3. Ayurveda Prakash, Commented by Kulraj Sharma Mishra, Chaukhanbha Vidyabhavan,


4. Rasendra Chudamani, Commented by Sidhi Nandan Mishra, Chaukhambha Sanskrit

Sansthan, Varanasi.

5. Rasa Hridaya Tantra, Commented by Sidhi Nandan Mishra, Chaukhambha Sanskrit

Sansthan, Varanasi.

6. Rasa Prakas Sudhakar, Commented by Sidhi Nandan Mishra, Chaukhambha Sanskrit

Sansthan, Varanasi.

7. M.D. (Ay.) thesis, 1985, Anil Kumar Singh, Deptt. of Rasa Shastra, IMS., BHU., Varanasi.

8. Ph.D. Thesis, 1992, Anil Kumar Singh, Deptt. of Rasa Shastra, IMS., BHU., Varanasi.

Pages 99-107

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