Surging in A Centrifugal Compressor

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'Surging' is defined as 'A momentary back-flow' through the compressor from the discharge to
the suction. This can occur when the mass flow of gas to the compressor falls below a critical
level with a high pressure difference across the machine. When there is not enough gas to replace
that being pushed forward, discharge gas will flow backwards through the compressor towards
the suction side. This back-flow will tend to decrease the speed of rotation while the speed
controller will try to maintain the correct speed. The gas flowing backward provides more
volume to the suction side and the compressor picks up and begins to push gas forward again.
The machine speed will tend to increase and the governor will again try to maintain the correct,
set speed. All of this takes place very quickly; the backward and forward gas flow together with
the speed control action causes rapid fluctuations in the flow and pressure of the system. This
'Surging' in the machine can be very damaging to the compressor and associated piping and
equipment due to heavy vibrations set up in the system. Generally, if the suction flow drops too
low, a 'Low-flow Trip' will shut down the machine. Also, surging can cause the machine to
'Overspeed' before the control system can react. This can also cause damage and is prevented by
an 'Overspeed Trip Mechanism' which will again shut down the machine.
These problems of Surging are usually prevented by an 'Anti-surge' system and control valve
which, externally, recycles discharge gas back to the suction side in order to maintain a
'Minimum Flow Rate' to the machine. Because compression causes temperature increase, this
recycle gas is normally taken from the discharge side, downstream of the after-cooler, in order to
prevent greater and greater temperature increase at the discharge side.
In large, powerful machines, the anti-surge system is computer controlled and depends upon data
received from the following: - Gas Flow rate, Suction pressure and Temperature, Discharge
Pressure and the Density (or S.G.) of the gas entering the machine.
Figure: 8, on the following page gives a general idea of an anti-surge system.

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