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Outside foot turn


- In a group of three there is two feeders and

one attacker/driver

- One feeder has the ball

- The attacker drives on a 45* angle to their


- Feeder passes ball to attacker, who makes

an outside foot turn and passes off to feeder
on other side

- Repeat from other direction and turn on

opposite foot

- After attacker has done 3 passes, swap

positions with a feeder and repeat

- Lead on a 45* angle

- Pivot on ball of the outside foot

- Have fingers in ‘W’ shape to receive the ball

- Keep knees slightly flexed to absorb force of landing

- Add defender to make leading harder

- Change type of passing to bounce, shoulder, chest or lob

Attacking centre pass

- WA and GA line up together behind centre third
line, opening up space to lead into

- When C steps into the circle, WA and GA sprint off

into opposite directions losing their player

- WA or GA receive the ball and turn to make

ongoing pass


- Keep light, pitter patter, feet to allow for quick take


- Use outside and inside foot turn when receiving the


- If player doesn’t receive the ball ensure to re-offer

for following pass

- Add another pass to continue game flow

- Make set plays, e.g. WA drives and receives ball,

while GA re-offers next pass continuing into the GS

Footwork Circuit

- All the team lines up behind the first cone starting at
base line

- First player does but kicks to the first cone, once she/
he has reached the goal post the next player goes

- The team follows the cones and completes a number of

drills in order of but kicks, side steps, high knees, grape
vine, ladder, side step, high skips and then sprint back

- Repeat

- Keep light on your feet to make sure you can change
footwork wiht little change over time

- Keep knees slightly flexed at all time

- When completing the ladder, keep

- Keep weight slightly forward over your toes

- Change footwork on each sideline/baseline

- Work players at different percentage to change working


Pitter Patter Sprints

- Players start at the baseline, using pitter
patter to keep warm

- When whistle is blown, players sprint to


- Players walk back to the line and start

pitter patter steps again

- Stay on the balls of your feet when using
pitter patter

- Decrease takeoff time as much as

possible by being alert

- Take off preferred back foot to get a

strong start

- Sprint at different working percentages

- Change length of sprint

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