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101 ways to Happiness by D. Hawkins 29. Be pleased with progress.

30. Avoid self-judgment. Recognize the internalized parent, Freud’s

1. Source is within, not without. super-ego, the inner judge. Have your inner child alive and well, and
sometimes you have to sit on your inner child.
2. Want what you have, instead of have what you want, including your
own existence. 31. “Good” vs. “Bad” are circumstantial.

3. Happiness is an inner decision.''' 32. “Win” is provisional.

4. Give up the ‘poor me’. 33. Differentiate simplicity vs. complexity.

5. Choose instead of crave, want, desire, or get. “Dear God I seem to be 34. Have realistic expectations of life, others, events. In politics, don’t
the victim of this insatiable craving. Please help me.” Be willing to judge the world by your values, don’t expect a lot!
surrender to God.
35. Value is in the eye of the beholder.
6. Surrender all cravings to God. Love of God becomes all you want.
Pray. 36. Give up your skepticism.

7. Joie de vivre is independent of events. It is an attitude and a superior 37. Nurture a sense of humor.
“style” of life. In human life, there is no winning or losing. Celebrate
your own existence. Joy of life, helping others. 38. Accept karmic propensity. It's not causality but likelihoods.

8. Is it the child, adult, or parent (in you) that wants? 39. See essence rather than perception.
Happiness = bubbling over and active child, integrated adult, and totally
loving and accepting parent. 40. Be jocular instead of morose.

9. Differentiate actual from symbolic win or gain. 41. Show good will regarding all of life.

10. Differentiate narcissistic (“rich and famous”) from mature goals. 42. Differentiate easy-going vs. rigid.

11. Be pleased with the direction and alignment instead of just 43. Reduce your expectations.
completion. Be pleased with where you are, rather than “I’ll be happy
when I reach the goal.” 44. Be generous instead of stingy. Generosity is an attitude, not money.
Good will is noticed by all of life.
12. Practical reality vs. fantasy and glamor of “success”.
45. Modify your inner voice.
13. Choose decision instead of just hope. Write down your goals for this
life. One goal: “Be happy no matter what happens. Be pleased with the 46. Be gracious to self and others.
direction of life. Be uplifting to others or enlightenment. Where you are
is the result of your own decision, so you can‘t blame anyone. No matter 47. Surrender the need to control.
which way you go, there are risks involved. Life is a sequence of roles.
48. Let go of desire for applause.
14. Be flexible vs. rigid. The reed bends with the current.
49. Be glad instead of mad.
15. Cancel ‘...and then I’ll be happy.’
50. Choose acceptance instead of resistance.
16. Let go of clutching and grasping.
51. Be generous instead of stingy.
17. Clarify goals and ideals.
52. Be candid with self and others. Be honest.
18. Realize that all value is arbitrary.
53. Silence the mind.
19. Happiness is a nap on a train or plane. Being happy is fulfilling your
human potential. 54. Give up thinkingness. Thinkingness is an energy field which can be
transcended. Stop calling it ‘my’ mind. Narcissistic egotism.
20. Live one day at a time. Knowingness comes about nonlinear. It is certainty. It emerges without
thinking about it.
21. Happiness is a cat’s purr or a dog’s wagging tail.
55. Be forgiving instead of vindictive. Forgive. You don’t have to get
22. Differentiate faith vs. skepticism (narcissism). even because karma is inevitable.

23. Show gratitude for what you have and are. 56. Work on inner traits instead of external ones.

24. Differentiate nonattachment vs. craving. Pick something you think 57. It only takes a bone to make a dog happy. It’s the small things of life!
you need for happiness and get detached from it. All it takes is a sip of soda, of espresso.

25. Is the glass half full or half empty? 58. Sing, Don’t worry, be happy! in mind.

26. Differentiate spiritual vs. material goals. Searching for truth in all of 59. Choose spiritual values and goals. You feel inner gladness about the
its expressions is one of the most advanced states of consciousness. goodness of life. What’s the purpose of the world? It’s here for YOU.
This is not egocentric. Out of Divine intention, that which is here, is here
27. Surrender to God’s will. Spiritual wisdom evolves. For some people, for you. The essence of all that arises is Divinity expressing itself as a
shooting the enemy is God’s will. For others, God’s will is not shooting. stage, as a wonderful wife, as these flowers, as the Kleenex, as the diet
soda, espresso.
28. Allow the capacity to let go. This capacity is infinite. It’s not that you
can’t let go, but that you won’t.
60. Choose spiritual friends and groups. You serve all of mankind by 79. Differentiate expansion vs. diminution of problems.
becoming as spiritually evolved as you can be.
80. Clarify __________ with______role.
61. Go from complete to complete.
81. Do you play role of martyr?
62. Identify with Self rather than self. Without the presence of God
within you, you wouldn’t exist. Self is my reality; self is only my 82. Do you play role of hero?
temporary expression in this domain.
83. Do you play role of victim?
63. Accept limitations of humanness, which has the karma of protoplasm.
84. Do you play role of morally superior?
64. Happiness is a decision and direction.
85. Let go of being the injustice collector (martyr).
65. Be reflective instead of impulsive.
86. Let go of being provocative.
66. Thoughtful rather than critical.
87. Stop pushing your luck.
67. Be content instead of complaining (on i.e. weather, taxes) .
88. Avoid catastrophe.
68. Realize life is a learning curve.
89. Don’t buy a home in the flood plain or on the edge of a mud cliff.
69. '''Pray . Praying is not just a grade school exercise but the expression
of what you’ve become, which is gracious. 90. Do not win the lottery.

70. Contemplate. 91. Don’t ski in an avalanche area.

71. Affirm 'God is my Source'. 92. Give up self-importance.

72. Sing an inner song. Learn to hum to yourself without making any 93. Obey the law – be polite to police.
94. Stop demonstrating.
73. When feeling down, say to yourself, “Yours is the saddest story I’ve
ever heard!” 95. Give up saving the world.

74. Insist on being miserable and gloomy. “Oh well….” Eeyore. 96. Mind your own business.

75. Make faces at yourself in the mirror. This is a wonderful spiritual 97. Give up being important.
technique. The way to God is through giggles.
98. Improve yourself instead of others.
76. Be grateful for the gift of life. Be all you can be to everyone all of the
time. Reflect back to life its beauty. 99. Pay your income taxes.

77. Live one day at a time. 100.Smile and the world smiles with you.

78. Be your own best friend. 101.Dedicate all actions to God

SUCCESS 01/Internal vs. external. 36/Harness the muse: "Carpe Diem." [Capitalize on 68/Give yourself a dollar for each great idea.
02/Personal, spiritual vs. worldly. opportunities as they arise.] 69/"To thine own self be true."
04/Success as winning. 37/Special place and setting. 70/Put together an inspirational collage.
05/Success as goal achievement. 38/Expert advice consultation. 71/Be "on the road" of enterprise.
06/Success as prominence, media attraction, celebrity 39/Patience/persistence. 72/You don't have to be a genius to build a better
status. 40/Hang out with successful people. mousetrap.
07/Success as happiness. 41/Avoid naysayers and energy drainers. 73/Clarity of goals.
08/Imagine desired outcome. 42/Practice the virtues-integrity. 74/"Do" instead of crave.
09/Build good karma balance. 43/Look for helpful feedback. 75/Put heart instead of ego into the project.
10/Harness desire and ambition. 44/Imaginative enterprise. 76/Which aspects are ego and which are soul?
11/Workable plan. 45/Be friendly and upbeat. 77/Is success a feeling or a reality?
12/Self-confidence. 46/Express appreciation. 78/Self-rewarding vs. public adulation.
13/Dedication. 47/Teamwork. 79/Success as adequate to lifestyle.
14/Satisfaction with progress. 48/Group support. 86/Give up excuse of "trying"-just do it.
15/Override obstacles. 49/Dress the part. 87/Write down all the negatives and bury them in the
16/Supportive relationships. 50/Find a coach. back yard.
17/Flexible vs. rigid. 51/When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 88/Identify helpful contacts.
18/Enthusiasm (Donald Trump). 52/Identify, evaluate the successful. 89/Do "Brain Gym" exercises on the road to be
19/Self-rewarding. 53/Watch for subtleties. traveled.
20/Dedication to the Highest Good. 54/Cut giant-size projects into bite-size projects. 90/Energize each step.
21/Pray for awareness of God's Will. 55/Activate the "Ego Ideal." [Freud] 91/Avoid ethically dubious schemes.
22/Retain modesty-avoid hubris. 56/Capitalize on energy and inspirational surges. 92/Have supportive relationships: friends, family,
23/Thankful rather than prideful. 57/Have note pad next to bed. cohorts.
24/Incremental goals. 58/Ask: What does the world value, want, or 93/"Fake it til you make it"- rehearsal.
25/Result of basic attitudes. need?...And supply it. 94/Select role model.
26/Determination. 59/Capitalize on frenetic energy surges. 95/Decide to be happy no matter what the result.
27/Will power, grit. 60/Plod along between bursts. 96/Great success is often fortuitous-"expect the
28/Visualize goals. 61/Expect success. unexpected."
29/Chip away, incremental progress. 62/Nail down a specialty. 97/Avoid "winning the lottery" calamity.
30/Preparation. 63/Write about a project. 98/Keep watchful eye on the ego.
31/Fortitude. 64/Do a sales pitch on video. 99/Realize the world has gotten along without you thus
32/Picture result. 65/Promise yourself periodic rewards. far.
33/Develop work rhythm. 66/Make photos of yourself in a successful role. 100/Success is whatever you say it is-win the hula
34/Create routine schedules. [Audio-visual is quite powerful.] hoop contests, eat more hot dogs in 10 minutes.
67/Reward yourself for productivity. 101/Fame is only fame.

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