Processing Guidelines BWF e

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Quality, tolerance and processing guidelines for

products made by
BWF Kunststoffe GmbH & Co KG
Date 08.02.2018

Scope of application
These quality and tolerance specifications as well as processing guidelines are valid for all
products manufactured or supplied by BWF Kunststoffe GmbH & Co KG.
Table of contents
1. Tolerance Specifications Extrusion ..................................................................................................... 4
1.1. General tolerances........................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1. Cross-section ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2. Longitudinal direction ................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Tolerances of shape and position .................................................................................................... 6
2. Approval process................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Adjustment drawing ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Sample ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3. FAI report ......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4. Functional check .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.5. Production drawing .......................................................................................................................... 8
3. Quality insepections .............................................................................................................................. 9
3.1. General Information ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2. Functional check ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.3. Dimensional inspection .................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.1. Length testing ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.2. Straightness ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.4. Surface ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.5. Classification of surface imperfections ...........................................................................................11
3.6. Color ............................................................................................................................................... 12
3.7. Saw cut .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.8. Stress test ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4. Handling Guidelines ............................................................................................................................ 15
4.1. Storage ........................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2. Moisture absorption ....................................................................................................................... 15
4.3. Thermal change in length .............................................................................................................. 15
4.4. Protection ....................................................................................................................................... 15
4.5. Cleaning ......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.6. External influences in installation................................................................................................... 15
5. Processing Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 16
5.1. Tensions in plastic parts ................................................................................................................. 16
5.2. Machining ....................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3. Machining and sheet saw tolerances ............................................................................................ 16
5.4. Drilling ............................................................................................................................................ 17
5.5. Milling ............................................................................................................................................. 17
5.6. Laser cutting................................................................................................................................... 17
5.7. Punching ........................................................................................................................................ 17
5.8. Polishing......................................................................................................................................... 17
5.9. Threads .......................................................................................................................................... 18
5.10. Screw connections ........................................................................................................................ 18
5.11. Clamping ....................................................................................................................................... 19
5.12. Gluing ............................................................................................................................................ 19
5.13. Welding ......................................................................................................................................... 19
5.14. Rivets ............................................................................................................................................ 20
5.15. Tempering ..................................................................................................................................... 20

1. Tolerance Specifications Extrusion
1.1. General tolerances
In the case of general tolerances, a distinction is generally made between two types of observation:
On the one hand, the profile cross-section is viewed and, on the other hand, the longitudinal direction of the profile. The general
tolerances apply if nothing else is indicated on the profile drawing.

The following limit values apply according to DIN 16941 - 2A and 2B, unless otherwise stated in the drawing

1.1.1. Cross-section
The general tolerances apply at any point in the profile.
The profile cross-section to be viewed is at right angles to the extrusion direction:

profile cross-section
(90 ° to the extrusion direction)

Figure 1: Viewing profile cross section

Allowed limits for length measurements:

Nominal size range [mm]

-series above 3 above 6 above 10 above 18 above 30 above 50 above 80 above 120 above 250
To 3
to 6 to 10 to 18 to 30 to 50 to 80 to 120 to 250 to 400

2A and 2B ± 0,3 ± 0,4 ± 0,5 ± 0,6 ± 0,7 ± 0,8 ± 1,0 ± 1,2 ± 2,0 ± 3,0

Table 1: Tolerances of Length measurements

Allowed wall thickness tolerances:

Nominal size range [mm]

to 1.2 above 1.2 above 2.5 above 4 above 6.5 above 10
until 2.5 until 4 until 6.5 until 10

2A and 2B ± 0,2 ± 0,3 ± 0,4 ± 0,5 ± 0,6 ± 8%

Table 2: Tolerances of wall thickness

Allowed limiting dimensions for rounding and chamfer heights:

Nominal size range [mm]

to 3 above 3 above 6 above 10 above 18 above 30 above 50
to 6 to 10 to 18 to 30 to 50

2A and 2B ± 0,5 ± 20% ± 18% ± 15% ± 15% ± 12% ± 10%

Table 3: Tolerances of the circular diameter and chamfer heights

Planarity: (term only BWF Profiles in house)

Planarity tolerance tp, see drawing text field (e.g., tp = 0.3 mm with width to 30 mm)
Planarity deviation fp

Reference width


Figure 2: Viewing the planarity

1.1.2. Longitudinal direction

Independent of the profile cross-section, deviations in the longitudinal direction (extrusion direction) may occur with extruded
profiles. These deviations depend on the length of the profile. The position of the profile cross-sectional axis may deviate from
the ideal axis in the longitudinal direction (extrusion direction).
Profile longitudinal direction (extrusion direction Profile longitudinal direction (extrusion direction

Profile longitudinal
(direction (extrusion

Figure 3: Viewing the longitudinal direction of the profile

1.2. Tolerances of shape and position

Straightness in X-direction: straightness tolerance tg (for example tg = ± 1.5 mm on a length of 1000 mm)
Straightness deviation fg


Figure 4: Straightness in the X direction

Straightness in the Y direction: straightness tolerance tg (for example tg = ± 1.5 mm on a length of 1000 mm)
Straightness deviation fg


Reference length

Figure 5: Y-direction straightness

Distortion: Straigntness tolerance tv, straoghtness deviation fv
twist tolerance tv in degrees:

Tolerance- diameter du [mm]

to 30 above 30 above 60 above 120 above 180 above 250
to 60 to 120 to 180 to 250

2A, 3A, 4A 5° 4° 3° 30' 3° 2° 30' 2°

Table 4 distortion tolerance tv


diameter du

Figure 6: Straightness deviation fv

2. Approval process

2.1. Adjustment drawing

After placing the order for a new tool, BWF Profiles first creates a preliminary drawing ("adjustment drawing"), based on the
drawing provided by the customer and any agreements made, which is sent to the customer for verification and approval. BWF
Profiles expects an approval of the adjustment drawing within two working days in order to allow for a smooth internal tool
completion process. Based on the approved adjustment drawing, the tool is designed and manufactured at BWF Profiles.

2.2. Sample
After completion of the tool, the first test production ("adjustment") begins. Based on the results of this adjustment, the tool may
pass through several stages of rework until the extruded profile cross-section is both dimensionally and functionally (see point
2.4) accurate. Following the final adjustment, samples are produced, which must be checked and approved by the customer
prior to the profile entering production stage. The samples may either be approved solely by the customer, or together with the
customer, in the case of a profile inspection at BWF Profiles. The approved samples are archived by BWF Profiles and serve as
a reference for comparative tests for all subsequent serial productions.

2.3. FAI report

During the final adjustment, a first article inspection report (FAI), based on the adjustment drawing, can be created upon

2.4. Functional check

BWF Profiles will ensure the correct installation of the profile, as well as the desired function, by means of a counterpart
("installation gauge") provided by the customer. The mounting jig must always reflect the final installation state, i. e. any optional
additional machining steps, such as painting, coating, etc., must be taken into account. Should slight deviations from the
clearance tolerances specified under point 1 or the data on customer or BWF profile drawings be required, BWF Profiles shall,
at the discretion of BWF Profiles, adapt these accordingly. This applies both to the production of the initial samples as well as to
all subsequent serial productions. It is the responsibility of the customer to inform BWF Profiles about changes to the installation
situation and to provide the modified installation gauge if it is relevant for the functional test. Further functional tests can be
individually arranged between BWF Profiles and customer. If no installation instructions are provided by the customer, BWF
Profiles will produce according to the adjustment drawing. In this case, a flawless installation or function cannot be guaranteed
and BWF Profiles accepts no liability for resulting complaints.

2.5. Production drawing

After approval of the samples by the customer (see point 2.2.), a dimensional revision of the adjustment drawing may be carried
out in order to match the dimensions of the samples. The revised drawing is sent to the customer for approval. After approval, it
serves as a final production drawing and the basis on which future productions are carried out. In order to ensure smooth
internal processes, the approval of the production drawing is requested from the customer no later than 15 working days before
the start of production. The customer shall be informed by BWF Profiles in good time of the relevant deadline and the planned
start of production. If the approval is not given in time, it is at the discretion of BWF Profiles to produce on the basis of the
production drawing.

3. Quality insepections

3.1. General Information

Unless described otherwise in the relevant documents of the relevant profile, the following standard test procedures apply:

Documents relevant for examination:

• Checklist
• Drawing
• Profile-specific test instructions
• Production order
Packing instructions

All tests listed below are carried out every 2 hours during production and documented in the relevant quality records.

Test pieces
During every production, 100mm test piece, clearly marked with date, time, arrow for extrusion direction as well as a red line for
inline cutting are to be taken.
In the case of multiple extrusion, a test piece is to be prepared from each strand and marked as described above.

Figure 7: 10 cm pattern with correct inscription and marking of the inline cut

At the start of production (SP) and end of production (EP), a 1,000 mm test piece, marked with profile number, date and time, is
additionally checked and archived.
Comparative tests must always be carried out between test piece and approved sample, as well as between test piece and PS

The following tests shall be carried out and confirmed on the quality record:

3.2. Functional check
If test gauges are available, a functional test must be carried out.
The test is carried out in the application situation using 100mm samples.
Twice per shift, a functional test with a longer profile is carried out in the customer installation jig.
In the case of symmetrical profiles, an overlap check is carried out at SP, as well as once per shift and after corrections.

3.3. Dimensional inspection

All dimensions are subject to a reference temperature of 20 ° C.
The nominal drawing dimensions are checked using a 100mm sample.

Test measurements, e.g. shall be documented in the data collection sheet.

Twice per shift, pre-tension dimensions are additionally measured on a longer profile piece.
The profile width is checked by measuring at an interval of approx. 300mm at a test part in the original installation length.

The dimensional test for tubes is carried out via a measuring machine.

The straightness of profiles is tested in X and Y direction. For round tubes, the max. deflection is checked. The specifications
are listed on the BWF Profiles drawing.

3.3.1. Length testing

BWF profiles distinguishes between precise lengths (= defined longitudinal tolerance) and multiple lengths (= longitudinal
tolerance + 20 mm). In general, length and tolerance data correspond to a reference temperature of 20°C and a relative
humidity of 30%.

Precise lenghts:
Precise lengths are measured and documented on the measuring table, taking into account the change in length due to
temperature and humidity, as stated above. The indicated lengths refer to the reference temperature of 20 ° C. At the start of
production and as well as at any change in length, at least 5 pieces of the current application length are checked at the
measuring table.

Multiple lengths:
Multiple lengths are measured and documented using a tape measure.

3.3.2. Straightness
The straightness is checked according to the specification at the straightness measuring table.
For profiles the test must be carried out in X and Y direction.
For round tubes, the maximum deflection must be measured.

3.4. Surface

From a distance of approx. 1 m, a purely optical inspection takes place in the visible region of the entire component, both in the
illuminated and in the unlit state. The test duration is 10 seconds per meter. No obvious inclusions, scratches caused by
mechanical damage, or extrusion lines, unless caused by the natural extrusion process, are allowed.

Sheets made of PMMA base material are manufactured according to EN ISO 7823-2.
Sheets made of PC base material are manufactured according to the surface requirements according to EN ISO 7823-2 4.2.

3.5. Classification of surface imperfections
Based on the prevailing sheet specifications for extruded plastic sheets - DIN ISO 7823-2 for PMMA materials and 11963-2013-
0P3 for PC materials - the specifications for extruded sheets made by BWF Profiles have been amended more strictly and can
be interpreted as described in the available document.

We check the surface quality in accordance with the template. The below mentioned test criteria apply.

As a reference plane, an area of 0.36m² applies which is for example 600mm x 600mm

Size of the inclusion total number

0,2 0,5 0,8
[mm²] of inclusions
standard 3 2 1 max. 5
Possible materials
amount in
5 3 2 max. 8

This size of the

inclusion is permitted

Different shapes
of inclusions

Table 5 Classification of inclusions

Please print the available template on transparent foil for rating the material inclusions in sheets supplied
by BWF Profiles.

Scale in mm

3.6. Color
Individual coloring is possible. The customer receives color samples ("color strips") in advance. The color of the first samples of
BWF Profiles is assessed and released on the basis of the color strip approved by the customer.
BWF Profiles carries out a visual comparison test (top-view and transmission) in the illuminated and unlit state in comparison to
the approved sample.
The illuminated test is carried out in the installation situation of the customer or (if not available) with the customer's illuminant at
the respective workplace on the machine. The allowed color deviation isΔE≤3.
In the case of non-colored profiles, a visual comparison test of the inherent color must be also carried out.

Top view test:

Visual inspection in reflected light.

Figure 8: Top view test in incident light; Work lamp (transmission) is switched off

Transmission test:
Visual inspection in the lit condition.

Figure 9: Visual inspection in transmitted light

3.7. Saw cut
A distinction is also made between precise lengths and multiple lengths in the case of the saw angle. For precise lengths, the
saw cut quality as well as the saw angle are assessed. The saw angle is measured at the angle stop.

Gap size:
Gap S maximum for HEIGHT
Offline cut


Figure 10: Gap height

Gap S maximum for the WIDTH

Figure 11: Gap Width

A table with the permissible tolerances for the clearance can be made available if required. The quality of the saw cut is
assessed by visual inspection:

For precise lengths:

Neither visible cracks, breakouts nor burr formation are allowed.

For production lengths:

Small cracks, breaks and burr formation are allowed, but these should be as small as possible.

Measurement possible with the measuring table => length and angle test [mm] Measuring tape,
no angle test
< 500 > 500 > 1000 > 1500 > 2000 > 3000 > 4000 > 4500
± 0,3 ± 0,5 ± 1,0 ± 1,5 ± 2,0 ± 3,0 ± 4,0 ± 0,1%

Inline cut

Measurement possible with the measuring table => length and angle test [mm] Measuring tape,
no angle test
< 500 > 500 > 1000 > 1500 > 2000 > 3000 > 4000 > 4500
± 0,5 ± 0,8 ± 1,0 ± 1,5 ± 2,0 ± 3,0 ± 4,0 ± 0,1%

Table 6: Saw tolerances

1) In the case of multiple lengths, in which there may be tears on the profile ends, the tolerance +20 mm is maintained and cut
to length with the crosscut saw.
2) An inline saw is required for multiple lengths with a required clean cut. Profile cuts are maintained with a tolerance of +10
3) Inline cuts for fixed lengths can be manufactured with the above tolerances.

Note: Measuring lengths over 4500 mm can no longer be checked with the length measuring table, so no angle test is
possible and the profile blanks must be measured with the measuring tape
± 0.1% tolerance.

3.8. Stress test

No standard stress test is required for profiles.

For tubes. The following standard stress test shall be carried out at the start of production, once per shift and when changing
production parameters:

Standard PMMA test Standard-PC-Test:

Ethyl alcohol 90% / 10% dist. Water TnP 1/3

4. Handling Guidelines
4.1. Storage
It is not recommended to store plastic products in the open, as weather-related influences may impair or damage the material. It
is recommended to store plastic products on a flat base at an ambient temperature of 20 ° C and an average humidity of approx.

4.2. Moisture absorption

Depending on the storage and ambient conditions, plastic profiles, sheets and tubes will absorb moisture. This may have an
effect on the length but also on the processability of the products. If different areas of a profile, sheet or a tube are exposed to
different environmental conditions (e. g. upper and lower surfaces), uneven dimensional changes can occur due to differences
in temperature and / or moisture content (waves, bulges, etc.).

4.3. Thermal change in length

The thermal expansion of PMMA and PC is 0.7 mm (impact-resistant PMMA up to 1.1 mm) per meter at a temperature change
of 10 ° C. Assuming an ambient temperature of 20 ° C during installation, PMMA expands by 2.1mm / m at 50 ° C. The thermal
change in length must be taken into account during further processing. Failure to do so may result in damage or deterioration of
the material.

4.4. Protection
To avoid contamination and scratches, BWF Profiles puts a protective film on the profile surface (visible side). This film must be
removed no later than six months after delivery. The plastic parts must be protected from direct sunlight, since changes in the
adhesive film due to temperatures above 40 ° C and UV radiation may occur. As a result, glue residues can form on the surface
of the plastic parts. The protective film must also be removed prior to a possible vacuum forming process. When the protective
film is peeled off, a static charge can occur, which attracts dust and dirt particles. Possibly an antistatic treatment is necessary
(e. g. with ionized compressed air) before further processing.

4.5. Cleaning
Water is sufficient to clean PMMA and PC. In the case of heavier soiling, the water should be slightly heated and treated with a
mild detergent (e.g., soap). Rubbing on dry material should be avoided. Before drying the material (e. g., using a sponge),
ensure that any particles on the surface have been removed to avoid scratches.

4.6. External influences in installation

The use of soft PVC together with amorphous plastics such as PMMA or PC is not recommended. The plasticizers contained in
soft PVC (for example rubber coatings, cable insulation, etc.) can migrate at rising temperatures and deposit on the surface of
the plastic parts made of PMMA or PC. This reduces the tensile strength of the plastic parts, which can lead to stress cracking.
This is especially the case when there are additional external loads (e.g., clamping forces and other stresses that are often
unavoidable through installation).

In the lighting industry, plastic parts are installed together with electronic components such as ballasts, cables, etc. As a result
of rising operating temperatures in the luminaire, these components increase the risk of emission of volatile constituents. If
these volatile constituents are aggressive or corrosive, the tensile strength of the plastic parts is reduced, which can lead to
stress cracking. Therefore, electronic components must be specifically suitable for use with amorphous plastics such as PMMA
or PC. If the properties of the electronic components are unclear, their influence on the plastics must be tested before
installation in order to avoid possible damage.

5. Processing Guidelines

5.1. Tensions in plastic parts

The extruded profiles, tubes and sheets produced by BWF Profiles have a low degree of internal stress. However, even these
low stresses can result in dimensional deviations during machining (sawing, milling, drilling, tapping, welding, bending, heating,

A reduction of the internal mechanical stresses caused by additional machining is achieved by subsequent annealing (see point
5.15.). If the stresses are not reduced as recommended, subsequent processing steps can cause damage to the material (e. g.,
cracks, breaks, etc.), e.g.

• bonding
• painting
• tempering (under false conditions, e.g. temperature, duration)
• cleaning

5.2. Machining
Plastic profiles made of PC or PMMA can usually be machined with most of the tools which are also used in the processing of
wood or metal. The tool speeds must be chosen in such a way that the material does not melt due to frictional heat.
Cutting tools must always be kept sharp. Since plastic has poor thermal conductivity, the heat generated by machining must be
absorbed by the tool. Ensure that the tool is cooled (e. g. by directed airflow). Cooling lubricants must be tested for chemical
resistance in contact with plastics prior to use.

5.3. Machining and sheet saw tolerances

Tolerances for machined parts:

Tolerances for machined parts [mm]

to 50 above 50 above 120 above 250 above 400 above 1000 above 2000 above 4000
to 120 to 250 to 400 to 1000 to 2000 to 4000

± 0,3 ± 0,5 ± 0,8 ± 1,0 ± 1,2 ± 1,5 ± 2,0 ± 4,0

Table 7: Machining tolerances

Tolerances for sheets:

Dimensional tolerances for panel blanks

(All types of sheets) [mm]

Width / Length: Tolerance package cut Tolerance single cut Tolerance CNC
10 bis 49mm +/- 0,3mm +/- 0,3mm +/- 0,3mm
50 bis 200mm +/- 0,4mm +/- 0,3mm +/- 0,3mm
201 bis 500mm +/- 0,5mm +/- 0,4mm +/- 0,3mm
501 bis 750mm +/- 0,6mm +/- 0,5mm +/- 0,3mm
751 bis 1000mm +/- 0,8mm +/- 0,6mm +/- 0,4mm
1001 bis 2000mm +/- 1,2mm +/- 1,0mm +/- 0,8mm
2001 bis 3050mm +/- 2,0mm +/- 1,5mm +/- 1,2mm

Table 8: sheet saw tolerances

5.4. Drilling
Blunt drills which are unsuitable for plastic processing must be avoided. Standard spiral drills for wood or metal can be used.
However, it is recommended to use special drills designed for plastics.

Diameter of the hole [mm] = Diameter of the screw + L [mm] x 5/1000;

L = length of the plastic profile in millimeters.
Minimum distance of the hole from the edge: 1.5 x diameter of the hole

Care must be taken to avoid overheating due to friction. Chips must be removed continuously. The drill part must be secured or
clamped in order to avoid cracking or slipping.

5.5. Milling
For milling, universal, copying, table and manual milling machines are used. The cutting speeds must be adapted to the
respective plastic. For small tool diameters single or two-edged finger milling cutters should be used.
They allow for a high cutting speed due to their good chip removal and create nice edge images. For single-edged cutters, the
chuck must be carefully balanced to avoid marking on the component.

5.6. Laser cutting

Profiles, sheets and tubes can be cut with a laser beam. A laser beam can be used to create difficult holes and complex
patterns. The tolerances can be better controlled with the aid of a laser beam than with conventional machining devices. The
force and speed of the laser beam must be adjusted to the product. Burr formation during laser cutting is dependent on speed,
laser power and the nature of the base material. For PC the cut edges turn brownish.
For cutting edges that are supposed to be sharp, clean and clear, laser cutting is not recommended for PC. Other processing
options should be used in such cases.
If the feed rate and the laser power are not correctly matched, stress cracks in the material may occur.

5.7. Punching
It is possible to punch PC profiles and sheets up to a thickness of 2mm when
regular, very sharp tools suitable for metal working are used. In this case, the sheet must always rest firmly against the counter-
edge / blade in order to avoid squeezing. The punching of PMMA profiles and sheets is not recommended.

5.8. Polishing
Products from BWF Profiles can be polished on the saw or milling edges to remove machining marks. There are two
possibilities: dry or wet grinding and polishing with a diamond milling machine. It is important in any case to ensure that the
plastic surfaces do not come into contact with abrasive paper. This leads to permanent surface damage which cannot be
When polishing by hand, the polishing process must be preceded by a grinding operation. Grinding paper of 80-600 grit is
recommended for grinding by hand. In this case, it is necessary to work from coarse to fine in several grinding operations. For
machine grinding, belt grinding machines with a belt speed of 5-10 m / s should be used. High temperatures of the material
surface are avoided by only slightly pressing the work piece under movement.
Another possibility is polishing with diamond tools. A good surface quality can be achieved within a few runs without pre-
grinding. No further processing is needed. With this technique, there are hardly any internal stresses. Tempering, necessary for
the other methods can be omitted if necessary.
Flame polishing is only recommended for PMMA since the polishing edges of PC turn brown due to the high heat development
and there is a build-up of high stress in the processing area, which can adversely affect the mechanical properties.

5.9. Threads
The cutting of internal and external threads with PMMA and PC plastic parts is not recommended as this causes internal
stresses. Instead, thread inserts made of plastic (not soft PVC) should be used (see illustration). Please note: D> d to prevent

5.10. Screw connections

If parts made of amorphous plastics are drilled to allow for a screwed connection, it is essential to ensure a low stress
The tightening forces of the screw must be limited by a torque wrench. Large diameter washers help to distribute the forces on
the screw head to a larger area and thus reduce the pressure on the plastic part. A load distribution can be achieved by using
several screws.
Due to the expansion of plastics by moisture and heat (see sections 4.2 and 4.3), it is recommended to increase the clearance
of the installation in general about 5mm / m. Large holes, the allowance for movement at the ends of the plastic part, as well as
a systematic installation with fixed and flexible points (fixed and floating bearing principle), prevent the generation of harmful
stresses in the plastic part (see following figures).

Simple screw connection:

Drill hole with distance (1), plastic (2), metal (3)

The clamping forces acting on the plastic part decrease with falling temperatures and increase with rising temperatures. This
effect can be compensated by the use of washers made of EPDM, PE, PTFE (non-plasticized PVC!), etc. (see figure below).

Example of suitable screw connections:
EPDM washer (1), plastic part (2), counterpart (3), protective film (eg PE) (4), screw with large washer and screw head (5),
welded bolt (6), flat metal part (7), Cap nut (8), EPDM strip (9)

Self-tapping screws, which penetrate only into the plastic, are not suitable. However, they can be used if the thread is in contact
with a metal counterpart and through holes are provided in the plastic (see above). In addition, the head of the self-tapping
screw as well as the washer must be large enough as described above.

5.11. Clamping
If amorphous plastics, such as PMMA or PC, are installed by clamping forces, the effective forces must be distributed over the
largest possible area and sufficient space for the material expansion must be provided. To avoid stress cracking, elastic seals
(see section 4.6) must be selected. The clamping pressure must be kept as low as possible, as this may cause friction between
the plastic and the seal. This friction prevents the plastic part from slipping when expanded by heat or moisture.

5.12. Gluing
In order to reduce internal stresses caused by extrusion, injection molding, sawing, milling, drilling, tapping, thermoforming,
welding, etc., the plastic part should be annealed before gluing (see Tempering). Most liquid adhesives and adhesive solutions
also increase the risk of stress cracking.
Stress cracks can be caused by internal as well as external stresses. External stresses are generated by large clamping forces
during the positioning of the various plastic parts to be bonded. These are to be avoided.

5.13. Welding
Amorphous plastics such as PMMA or PC can easily be welded. Upon heating, these materials undergo a short viscoelastic
range (rubbery elasticity) before becoming soft and moldable over a wide temperature range. The connection in the welding
area can be achieved in various ways, e.g. welding with heating mirror / heating element, beam welding, ultrasonic welding, etc.

These welding techniques generate a high degree of tension in the welding area. This stress is caused by the much higher
temperatures in the welding zone compared to the cooler outer areas.
The clamping forces necessary for positioning the welded parts can also lead to an excessive tension in the plastic part.
Therefore, the clamping forces should be adjustable in order to avoid cracks in the plastic part.
If the influence of corrosion agents is to be expected during subsequent installation, tempering is recommended.

5.14. Rivets

The use of rivet connections with PMMA or PC using metal rivets is not recommended.
For these materials, expanding rivets or clip rivets made of plastic are recommended. These are commonly available (see

Expanding rivet: (1) plastic, (2) metal Clip rivet: (1) plastic, (2) metal

5.15. Tempering
During tempering, plastic parts are first heated and then slowly cooled again.
Plastics can withstand the permissible stresses as long as they are not exposed to corrosion agents at the same time. Decisive
for successful heat treatment is the adherence to a material-dependent temperature program.
Tensions can be caused, among others by:

• Cutting operations such as sawing, milling, turning and grinding

• Thermoforming
• Uneven heating
• Shrinking of protective films
• Deformation by fastening (clamping, drilling, screwing)
• Shrinkage after local overheating, caused by incorrectly sharpened tools
• Preventing of thermal expansion
• Unavoidable internal stresses in the plastic, caused by the manufacturing process (injection molding, extrusion),
especially with tubes
• External load (weight, application load)

Contact with corrosive agents, such as solvents and diluents during gluing, printing or varnishing, gassing during laser cutting or
flame polishing, softeners in PVC insulations, seals and protective films, as well as aggressive detergents, can lead to hair
cracks that make the parts unusable.
The simultaneous occurrence of tensions and corrosive media should be avoided.

Since it is impossible to completely avoid tensions (see examples above), these must be eliminated by stress-relieving
PMMA and PC have to be tempered in a suitable furnace. During a sufficient tempering time, the temperature must be below
the softening point. Subsequently, the plastic part is slowly cooled. When cooling is too rapid, a cold, stiff outer layer is created,
which in turn can create stresses, since the hotter material inside shrinks more than on the outside (see below).

The following tempering rules apply:

The protective film must be peeled from the plastic part. Should the film remain on the plastic part, BWF Profiles does not
assume any responsibility for deposits which result from the destruction of the film or of the plastic part.

Parameter PMMA:
From ambient temperature to 80 ° C within 1h
3h + t [h] (wall thickness 1-3 mm)
Cool to room temperature not faster than 15 ° C / h
(E.g. If the wall thickness is 1mm, then hold 3h + 1h = 4h

Parameter PC:
von Umgebungstemperatur auf 120° innerhalb 1h aufheizen
3h + t [h] (Wandstärke 1-3 mm) halten
Abkühlen auf Raumtemperatur nicht schneller als 15°C/h
z.B. wenn die Wandstärke 1mm beträgt, dann 3h + 1h = 4h halten

BWF Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG
Bahnhofstraße 20
89362 Offingen
Phone +49 8224 71-601
Fax +49 8224 71-2145
[email protected]

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