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Ampeloquio, Karen S.

September 19, 2016

1B-JDLEGRES Monday (8:00-10:00)


60 SCRA 38 (1974)

FACTS: Petitioner Jesus and Samuel Occena seek to nullify order of respondent Judge
Paulino S. Marquez of the CFI entitled “In the Matter of Testate Estate of William Ogan”,
in relation to petitioner’s claim for partial payment of attorney fees and directing its
payment minus specific amount previously received by petitioners. Order denying
motion for reconsideration and modifying the said date order by deleting the phrase:
“direct the said court to approve the release to them as attorney’s fees amount P30,000
minus P4,000 already advanced to them by executrix” and “allow petitioners to submit
evidence to establish the total attorney’s fees to which they are entitled, in case no
agreement thereon is reached between them and the instituted heirs”

Petitioner filed a Motion for Partial Payment of Attorneys’ Fees to approve

payment of said amount as counsel and to authorize executrix to withdraw amount from
deposits of estate. Three heirs moved to defer consideration until total amounts of
executrix fees and attorney fees are agreed upon. On specific date, heirs filed
manifestation, no objection to release P30,000 as partial payment and recommending
approval of petitioner’s petition.

First motion was still unresolved and filed second motion praying for the release
of P30,000. Occena filed for motion for reconsideration, payment of P30,000 would be
chargeable against the fees they and instituted heirs might agree to be their total fee.
Respondent order fixing total fees from 1963-1965 to P20,000. Respondent denied
motion for reconsideration and also modified lawyer fees to P20,000.

Petitioners contend that respondent Judge acted with grave abuse of discretion
or in excess of jurisdiction: Motion submitted for resolution was only for partied payment
of attorney fee.

ISSUE: Whether or not the Court made a grace abuse of discretion upon modifying
attorney fees?

RULING: The rule is that when a lawyer has rendered legal services to the executor or
administrator to assist him in the execution of his trust, his attorney's fees may be
allowed as expenses of administration. The estate is, however, not directly liable for his
fees, the liability for payment resting primarily on the executor or administrator. If the
administrator had paid the fees, he would be entitled to reimbursement from the estate.
The procedure to be followed by counsel in order to collect his fees is to request the
administrator to make payment, and should the latter fail to pay, either to (a) file an
action against him in his personal capacity, and not as administrator, or (b) file a petition
in the testate or intestate proceedings asking the court, after notice to all the heirs and
interested parties, to direct the payment of his fees as expenses of administration.
Whichever course is adopted, the heirs and other persons interested in the estate will
have the right to inquire into the value, of the services of the lawyer and on the
necessity of his employment. In the case at bar, petitioner filed his petition directly with
the probate court.

This court find no rule of law or of ethics which would justify the conduct of a
lawyer in any case, whether civil or criminal, in endeavoring by dishonest means to
mislead the court, even if to do so might work to the advantage of his client. The
conduct of the lawyer before the court and with other lawyers should be characterized
by candor and fairness. It is neither candid nor fair for a lawyer to knowingly make false
allegations in a judicial pleading or to misquote the contents of a document, the
testimony of a witness, the argument of opposing counsel or the contents of a decision.
Before his admission to the practice of law, he took the solemn oath that he will do no
falsehood nor consent to the doing of any in court, nor wittingly or willingly promote or
sue any false, groundless or unlawful suit, and conduct himself as a lawyer with all good
fidelity to courts as well as to his clients.

WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is granted, and the court a quo is
directed to hold a hearing to determine how much the total attorney's fees petitioners
are entitled to.

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