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Kupedza nyota kuenda padziva.

To quench thirst is to If help or information is

go to the pool. wanted, one should go to
an expert or an
Charovedzera charovedzera; One who is used to We do easily that to which
gudo rakakwira mawere something is one who we are accustomed.
kwasviba. is used to something;
the baboon climbed
the precipice in the
Kuziva mbuya huudzwa. To know one's in-laws Wisdom comes from
means being told who others.
they are.
Dzvinyu kuzamba zuva huona For a lizard to bask in If you venture into danger,
bako. the sun is to have a be sure you have a means
cave in view. of escape.
Chirema ndechina mazano A cripple is one who A person must come to
chinotamba chakazendama has sense; he dances terms with his limitations.
kumadziro. while leaning against
the walls.
Mai musuva usingasehwi Mother is a morsel but Some persons are sacred,
mumuto. not dipped into gravy. and not for common use.
Rina manyanga hariputirwi That which has horns Nothing can be hidden
mumushunje. is not concealed in a forever.
bundle of grass.
Tenda muchero wadya Be grateful for the fruit Do not count your chickens
zvinogadza mwoyo. having eaten to before they are hatched.
Tsvaga zano iwe une rakowo. Seek a plan when you
have one of your own.
Muno kufamba kunenge You have a walk like
kukavira nyimo, kutizira the planting of ground-
kuchinge kudyara nzungu, peas, a run like the
kucheuka kukange sowing of ground-nuts,
kutsindire'shwa. a turning as in the
capture of termites.
Ziriwo rechembere ziramba- The unattractive relish Do not be put off by
waravira. of an old woman is appearances.
refused only after
tasting it.
Kuramba nyama yechidembo To refuse the flesh of a Refusal of a gift implies
hunge uine yetsuro. polecat means you you have no need of it. But
have that of a hare. accept a gift, no matter
how humble, if you need it
to live.
Kuramba dzvuku kuona jena. To reject a red one Do not refuse or reject
means seeing a white anything unless you have
one. something better.
Kwamairidigikira ndiko Where YOU used to People are fickle in their
kwomoringa benya; visit is where you now loyalties, and their
kwamairinga benya ndiko turn up your nose; friendship is swayed by a
kwomoridigikira. where you used to turn change of fortune.
up your nose is where
you now visit.
Kureva ndokunei? Kutarisa What has speech got?
kurevawo. Looking is also
N'ai kwadzo ndedzomucheche. Genuine yawns belong Children are ingenuous,
Dzomukuru dzinoreva kudya. to the child; those of adults devious. They
an adult betoken food. convey their meanings, for
example when
complaining, in an indirect
Ateyera mariva murutsva One who has set traps A man must take the
haachatyi mhapa kusviba. in burnt grass no consequences of his
longer fears his apron actions
getting dirty.
Matukirwo ababa kunema The way a father is Reproof is best conveyed
mwana. scolded is to chide a indirectly.
child in play.
Kubaya, tange hama, vatorwa
vakutye (When killing, first set
on your kinsmen, so that
strangers may respect you; viz.
Be impartial if you would be
Chinono chine ingwe; bere Caution characterises No time like the present.
rinodya richifamba. the leopard; the hyena
eats as he walks.
Chafamba kamwe hachiteyewi. Something that has A single transgression is
passed only once is not not taken serious account
trapped. of.
Kwadzinorohwa matumburira Where they are kicked Harshness attracts more
ndiko kwadzinomhanyira. in the belly is the place than kindness, for example
to which they run. it is held that women are
attracted to harsh men.
Chapadare chakakandwa A matter arising in In regard to public affairs
parurimi rwavapfuuri; court is thrown to the one may speak openly, but
chomumba ehiri mumhepo. tongues of passersby; not about domestic affairs.
that arising in the
home stays in the air
Rega kuyera nyoka ncgavi iyo Do not measure a Do not substitute false
iripo. snake with string while imitations for the real
it is present itself. thing.
Mazvokuda kufa namaronda It's a deliberate choice Consequences of our own
enyora. to die from the wounds choice can't be blamed on
of tattoo marks. others.
Dare harizondi munhu; A court does not hate A court should be
rinozonda mhosva. the man; it hates the impartial.
Rukova rwizi; kuyambuka A brook is a river; A humble disposition is
unokwinya nguo. when crossing you tuck required to overcome
up your clothes. difficulties.
Chomukuru hachikumbirwi. The property of an Elders use their own
elder is not asked for. discretion.
Chomukuru anopa omene. The property of an
elder he gives away
Chitende chinorema ndechine The gourd which is Respect is accorded to
mhodzi. heavy is the one which inner qualities rather than
has seeds. to outward appearance.
Muto wetsenza ndiwo mumwe. Soup made from tuber The attraction of variety,
roots is one and the for example in women, is
same. an illusion.
Benzi kunge riri rako; kudzana Let a fool be your own Though others may laugh
kwaro unopururudza. (kin), his dancing you'll at the efforts or faults of
applaud. your own children, you will
find grounds to encourage
Ishungu dzomutana waswera It's the ill-nature of an A comment on meanness.
padare kuramba nemhandire old man at the meeting
seane meno. place to begrudge
others even mealie
grains as if he had the
teeth to munch them.
Maramba-kukombwa maramba- One who won't be
hweni. surrounded is one who
won't be visited.
Kubikira mweni kumudzinga. To cook, for a stranger Do not be too ready with
is to get rid of him. help for others if you wish
to retain their presence or
their respect.
Kukokwa kwasamusha kukokwa The invitation of a
kwavagere naye. village head is the
invitation of those who
dwell with him.
Kukonwa kwedare kukonwa For a court to be
kwamambo. convinced means the
chief is convinced.
Panodya ishe varanda When the chief eats The office of the chief
vanodyawo. the subjects eat as benefits his people.
Pasi nyimo makunguo aizodyei? If there were no If I were not here you
ground-peas what would have found another
would the crows eat? girl to woo.
Kupa kuturika. To give is to hang up. Giving to help others is a
good investment.
Mutsa worutsoka kuperekedza The stupidity of the It is stupid to accompany
ziso. foot is to accompany someone on some errand
the eye. from which one cannot
profit oneself.
Kuchengeta imbwa yomweni To look after the dog Love me, love my dog.
kuda mwene wayo. of a stranger is to love
its owner.
Aguta haaoneki. One who has had his He leaves because he has
fill does not bid nothing further to ask.
Chisi chako hachibatsiri; unodya What does not belong One cannot enjoy stolen
wakaringa kumusuwo. to you is of no use; property, or use borrowed
you eat facing the goods with a relaxed mind.
Kandiro kanoenda kunobva A small dish goes One good turn deserves
kamwe. whence comes another another.
small one.
Kandiro enda; kandiro dzoka. Little dish go; little One good turn deserves
dish come back. another.
Chitsva chitsva; munamba What is new is new; it New ways attract a
wejenachena. is white porridge made following.
with beestings.
Kudada kwavari mugomo Arrogance of those on It is arrogant, not humble,
kukumbira vari pasi mapfiwa. the hill is to ask those for those who havp plentv
on the plain for hearth- to bc;r from those who
stones. have little.
Ishe ndishe; muranda muranda. A chief is a chief; a One's manner of acting
subject is a subject. should accord with one's
position in society.
Pakukutu hapaurayi. A hard bed does not Discomfort need not rob a
kill. man of his own dignity.
Pachapwa madziva miramba When pools dry up we The death of one man
tichanyurura. fish out the barbels. brings benefits to others.
Kurera imbwa nomukaka Bring up a dog on milk One may spoil others by
mangwana inofuma yokuruma. it will bite you first over-indulgence.
thing the next day.
Vataitururira matohwe nhasi Those for whom we got Kindness is not repaid bv
ndivo votiseka maparapadzwa. down snot apples are respect.
the ones who laugh at
our bruises today.
Usaguta ukasunda dura. Do not get so full as to Do not be improvident.
overturn the barn.
Kure ndokuna amai. Kune Far is where mother is. The difficulty in any
mukadzi unofa wasvika. Where wife is you risk venture is relative to one's
death to reach. interest.
Kure kwegava ndokusina Far for a jackal is The attractiveness of any
mutsubvu. where there is no work depends upon one's
mutsubvu fruit tree. interest.
Mwana muduku kubvuma If a child agrees to an One will endure
rwendo; rwake ruri mberi. errand his own errand inconvenience if one's
lies ahead. interest is involved.
Apunyaira haashayi misodzi. One who has become Exertion brings some
emotionally upset does reward.
not lack tears.
Chidokodoko chirere-muviri; A very little is From small beginnings
chikuru chinozouya wakora. sustenance for the come great things.
body; more will come
later when it is fat.
Nzombe huru yakabva A big bull resulted from Big results have small but
mukurerwa. being nurtured. indispensible beginnings.
Chakafukidza dzimba matenga. What covers houses A peaceful exterior may
are the roofs. hide trouble inside.
Ashamba haanokorerwi. One who has washed A cultured person is
does not have stiff entitled to proper respect.
porridge broken off for
him, is not helped to
Utsva hworurimi hahuna A burn on the tongue Some problems have no
marapiro. cannot be treated. solution.
Panoda mwoyo nzira haisviki. Where the heart longs A watched pot never boils.
to be the path never
Muroyi munhu kubayiwa A witch is human when No person, no matter how
anochemawo. pricked she too cries. much he boasts, is
Hwahwa hahuna mbuva. Beer is no food for a
Mwoyochena ndowei bere What kindness is it for A comment on an offer of
kugarira munhu akafa? a hyena to mount help not entirely
guard over a dead disinterested or which is
man? hypocritical.
Vaviri vaviri wechitatu Two are a pair a third
muzvinaguhwa. is a gossip.
Chipa-muchena; kupfuma It is help to a poor A poor man will not
mudzimu wake. man; riches are his emerge from his poverty,
spirit's affair. though he is helped, since
that is his lot.
Muromo haupi chinopa maoko. The mouth does not
give what gives are the
Muromo haupi, chinopa maoko. The mouth does not Deeds not words.
give, what gives are
the hands.
Kutaura kudzikisira; kuita Speech is like going Deeds not words.
makata. downhill; action is like
going uphill.
Shungu dzembwa dziri A dog's feelings are in Inner feelings will come
mumwoyo huhukura ndiko its heart; barking is out.
kududza. their expression.
Inotanda yomunyepi; It chases, does the Boasting achieves more
younyerere haitandi. boaster's (dog); the than performance.
modest man's does not
Rambakuudzwa akazoonekwa Headstrong was found
nembonje pahuma. with a head wound.
Zviururwi zvinofara kana kondo The frogs rejoice when When the cat's away, the
afa ziso. the hammer-head has mice do play.
lost its eye.
Kufa izuva rimwe; kuora igore. Death is one day; Beware of what may harm
corruption a year. you and have long-lasting
Chinokanganwa idemo Chitsiga What forgets is the axe
hachikanganwe. the faggot does not
Mwovochena unobayisa. A kind heart gets one Kind hearts are soonest
killed. wronged.
Potsi haarwirwi; aorwirwa Number One is not Action may not be taken
ndiPiri. fought over; he who is against an offence until it
fought over is Number is repeated.
Dzafura churu chimwe dzava Those that have Experience once shared
nzivani. grazed at one anthill unites people ever after.
have become
Hukwana inodya ndeiri pana The chick that feeds is Humility is more profitable
mai. the one that is close to than pride.
its mother.
Imbwa payadyira The place where a dog Help given in time of need
haipakanganwi. has fed it does not is remembered.
Manenji kuona kamba ichitamba It's a marvel to see a A suspicious comment on
nembudzi. leopard playing with a something which appears
goat. unnatural.
Afirwa haaringwi kumeso. One who is bereaved is Actions or words made
not looked in the face. under stress of sorrow are
not to be taken seriously.
Akweva sanzu akweva One who has pulled a Inherit a wife and you
namashizha aro. branch along has inherit her children as well.
pulled along its leaves.
Atswinya arwa. One who has pinched Every little contribution
has fought. counts.
Chomungozva chinodyiwa Food from a nursing One good turn deserves
nowabata mwana. mother is eaten by one another.
who holds her child.
Chawawana idya nehama; Eat what you have Blood is thicker than
mutorwa ane hanganwa. with a kinsman; a water.
stranger forgets.
Vaviri vaviri; wechitatu Two people a pair; a To keep a secret three are
muzvinaguhwa. third is a slanderer. too many.
Chirungurira ndechowadya Indigestion is the Some offences are easier
maradzwa; chowerinopisa complaint of one who to bear than others.
isvoto. has eaten left-overs;
that suffered by one
who eats warm food is
pain in the stomach.
Chikomo, shata divi; rimwe Small hill, be difficult A bad man will have some
ritambire pwere. on one side and on the redeeming features.
other children will play.
Muroyi, royera kure ugowana Witch, bewitch far Live in peace with your
anokuviga. away that you may neighbours.
find someone to bury
Avengwa anhuhwa. One who is hated Call a dog a bad name and
stinks. hang him.
Chenga ose manhanga hapana Keep all the pumpkins
risina mhodzi. There is none without
a seed.
Kurera imbwa, rera inoruma, If you rear a dog, rear
igokudzivirira mupfumvu. one that bites, that it
may protect you in
time of danger
Chipitipiti chakazvara Congregation bred Familiarity breeds
chimwandamwanda. separation. contempt.
Nhamo yomumwe hairambirwi Another's trouble is no
sadza. reason to deny oneself
Mapudzi anowira kusina hari. Squashes fall where Fortune favours fools.
there are no pots.
Hove dzinokwira dzine Fish go upstream Progress depends on tried
muronga. having a channel. paths.
Chawira pasi mudzimu The fallen scrap is (due It is a piece of good luck.
wembwa. to) the dog's ancestral
Musungusungu wakakunda Black nightshade Relations between a man
mowa; muzukuru wakakunda tastes better than wild and his sister's son are
mwana. spinach; a nephew is more relaxed than with his
more favoured than a own son who, ironically, is
son. the nearer to him.
Nzira masanga. Paths mean meetings. One learns different ways
by meeting others; or, A
common solution or aim
may be reached by
different paths
Chaza masikati charamba That which came One way or another, one is
ndima. Chaza usiku charamba during the day bound to suffer.
hope. prevented weeding.
That which came
during the night
prevented sleep.
Matakadya kare haanyaradzi Former meals do not Boasting of past successes
mwana. satisfy a child. will not solve present
Urombo hwayo mhembwe kufa It's hard luck on the A comment on stupidity in
iri pamusungo. duiker to die while in one who could have helped
the snare. himself.
Igangaidza-mukwenyi mhezi It's confusing to the Some situations cannot be
kuvavira mudumbu. scratcher for a pimple helped.
to itch inside his belly.
Nherera inoguta musi wafa An orphan eats his fill His future outlook is bleak.
amai. on the day his mother
has died.
Ane ganda ane nyama; One who has some Half a loaf is better than
hazvienzane nowakabata skin has some meat; it no bread.
hwohwa. is not as with him who
holds only a
Munhu haarerwi nebonde. A person is not nursed Lying up is not enough to
by means of a sleeping cure a sick person.
mat. Treatment is needed as
Atandavara aguta; apfunya The one with legs The feelings of others
ndowavata nayo. outstretched has eaten cannot be experienced as
his fill; the one with such but show themselves
crossed legs is the one by external signs.
who went to bed
Chigere ibwe muti unowa. What abides is the No man should boast
stone the tree falls. about his life or his
Ane marengenya haacharike One who wears rags
moto. does not jump over a
Wakagarika ngewakafa; The one at peace is the Mortal man is always
mupenyu pfumo riri mushure one who is dead; as vulnerable to death.
for the living, a spear
is poised behind him.
Kana shumba ikashaya nyama If a lion lacks meat it Beggars can't be choosers.
inodya uswa. eats grass.
Kuneta kwomukuyi. Sadza Tiredness is for the One may sow and another
rinodyiwa navagere. grinder. The porridge will reap.
is eaten by those who
sit around.
Chakaenzanwa ibvudzi. Upfumi What is shared out People, though sharing a
hahuna kuenzanwa. equally is hair. Wealth common nature, differ in
is not shared out their natural gifts and in
equally. their outlook.
Kunokanganwa mudyi The one who forgets is One who causes an injury
wenyemba; muoreri wamateko the eater of the beans; may forget but the victim
haakanganwi. the one who gathers will not.
up the shells does not
Murombo haarovi chine nguo. A poor man never kills A man condemned by fate
anything with a skin to to be poor cannot rise
it. above his condition.
Wegudza ndowegudza. Kufuga One meant to have a Misfortune dogs the
gumbeze rinotsva. bark blanket is one unfortunate.
meant to have a bark
blanket. If he puts on
a woolen one, it gets
Chiri pamuchena chiri What is on a poor man Because of his bad luck, a
pamutenure. is on a slope and not poor man is ever in want.
Nhonhongora kudya chayo A big bee eating its It is arrogant for a rich
kukumbirirei uchi kudondi? own store why ask for man to beg from a poor
honey from a small man.
Heya baravara ndiwo magariro. A shaven head is a Do not offend your
Kutuka mwene wechisvo ndiwo way of life. Is it wise to benefactors, you may need
mano? scold the owner of the their help again.
Chura kugara mumvura handi For a frog to live in Do not be misled by
kunwa. water does not mean appearances into making
to drink. rash judgements.
Nhasi chineni mangwana Today it is my turn Do not mock at anyone in
chinewe. tomorrow it is yours. trouble, or take advantage
of them. You may be in
their shoes tomorrow.
Chinokokwa upfumi. Urombo What is invited is Prosperity is acquired by
hunozvikoka. wealth. Poverty invites arduous effort whereas
itself. poverty comes of itself.
Mbiri matende inoputsika. Fame is a fragile gourd One's reputation will be
it breaks. destroyed if one does not
take care of it.
Kangoma kanoririsa ndiko The little drum which When a fashion or a man's
kanotsemuka. sounds the loudest is popularity is at its height,
the one which splits. it is then that it is about to
Ugaro mwena kutevedza Life is a hole in the Everyone is mortal.
hunoguma. ground follow and it
comes to an end.
Zuva igore rinodoka rava A day is a year it ends Much can happen in one
namarevo mavi namavuya. with its fill of bad and day.
good news.
Aiva madziva ava mazambuko. What were pools have Circumstances have
become fords. changed
Chitemura chava kuseva. One who used to eat His luck has changed.
stiff porridge dry is
now eating it with
Chaikanya chototsa; chaitotsa The one who used to The wheel of Fortune goes
chokanvawo. eat sadza dry now dips round and roles are
it into relish; the one reversed.
who used to dip it into
relish now eats it dry.
Nzanga seka dumba; dumba Village laugh at shack; The wheel of Fortune goes
seka nzanga. shack laugh at village. round and roles are
Aive madziva ave mazambuko; What were pools have
aive mazambuko ava madziva. become fords; what
were fords have
become pools.
Rombe pakata hana; mukaka Beggar, look to your Beggars can't be choosers.
ndowavaridzi. conscience; the milk
belongs to its owners.
Rombe ngerichaenda; rodzoka The beggar is the one One who shows initiative is
ndimambo. who goes away; on his often ridiculed, but if he
return he is a chief. succeeds, he will be
Rombe rinosekwa richaenda, A beggar is ridiculed One who shows initiative is
kana rodzoka, hedzo nhureture. when he goes away; often ridiculed, but if he
when he returns, there succeeds, he will be
is a load for you. praised.
Zviuya hazviwanani. Good people do not
marry each other.
Chakata iri pasi ndeyavanhu The fruit on the ground Do not take anything for
vose; asi iri mumuti belongs to everyone; granted unless it is in Your
ndeyowagona kukwira. that on the tree is for possession.
him who can climb.
Idambudziko rehope kurota It's a sleep that brings It is no good crying over
kwawakarambwa. no benefit the spilt milk.
dreaming of a rejected
Nzanga inokura yerema; The village of the fool The quiet achieve more
yomuchenjeri inoparara. grows; that of the than the talkers.
clever man breaks up.
Chembere yoshayika; bere The old lady is There is no smoke without
rorutsa imvi. missing; the hyena is a fire.
vomiting grey hairs.
Chako ndechako kuseva What is yours is yours; One can rely only on what
unosiya muto. when you dip a morsel is one's own, one's
of sadza, you can kinsmen or one's property.
leave the gravy
Totenda maruva tadya chakata. We believe in the Promises are not to be
blossoms when we relied on until they are
have eaten the fruit. performed.
Chinonyenga chinokotama; He who is courting
chinosimudza musoro chawana. bows down; he raises
his head when
Chinonyenga chinokotama; The suppliant bows Suppliant humility is
chinosimudza musoro chawana. down; he raises his replaced by surfeited
head when he has got pride.
what he wants.
Nzou mutupo pana vanhu; An elephant is taboo in Outward respectability
paseri ava machikichori. public; in private it is may cloak secret
delicious food. selfindulgence.
Kakara kununa hudya kamwe. For an animal to get One man prospers at the
fat is to eat another expense of another.
Made echakata kutsvukira It's the trick of the wild A comment on women's
mumuti kuti ndiposherwe. plum / to redden on wiles or vanity.
the tree and so to
become a target.
Nhenha isibi inoroya. A beautiful girl who An attractive appearance
does not steal will be a hides an inner flaw.
Kuona roro kutsvuka kunze, To see a roro fruit, it is An attractive exterior may
nyamba mukati makadyiwa red outside yet inside hide a repulsive interior.
namakonye. it has been eaten by
Matende mashava anovazva Pretty calabashes sour Attractive appearances
doro. the beer. conceal inner flaws. All is
not gold that glitters.
Mhosva inorondwa; hakuna A case is tracked The claims of justice do
mhosva yakaita honye. down; no case ever not lapse through the
developed a worm. passage of time.
Chembere masikati; usiku An old woman by day; We may show one side of
imvana. G. FORTUNE at night a woman still ourselves in public and
able to bear. another in private)
China manenji hachifambisi; A wonderful thing does A criminal will always be
chinomirira kuti mavara not hurry away; it caught because he will
aonekwe. waits for its marks to repeat his crime. A
be seen. startling or terrible event
will normally give previous
warning of its likely
Chinogova ruoko; muromo What gives away is the Deeds speak louder than
haugovi. hand; the mouth does words.
not give away.
Chigare chenda kudya It's the louse's want to A comment evoked by
akaitakura. bite the one who bears ingratitude.
Chidziva chakadzikama ndicho The quiet pool is the Do not underestimate an
chinogara ngwenya. one in which the enemy. It is the thing you
crocodile lives. despise that kills you.
Chibwe chiremera chavari kure A stone is a heavy A chief is respected by
vari pedyo vanotamba nacho. thing for those who are strangers while his own
afar; those who are nephews joke with him.
near treat it as a
Kungotya nyanga dzezizi; It's just fear of the Do not be ruled by
nyamba manhenga. horns of an owl; appearances.
whereas they are
Mviromviro yemhanza inotanga The onset of baldness Small faults may result in
shosha. begins- at the temples. serious crimes seemingly
Mbavha imbatwa; mbavha- A thief is one caught No one must be presumed
rutsoka ishamwari. (red-handed); a thief guilty unless witnessed
(suspected by a) committing a crime.
footprint is a friend.
Munongedzo hauzvinongedzi. The index finger does People are blind to their
not indicate itself. own faults.
Chidembo hachinzwi kunhuhwa The polecat does not People are blind to their
kwacho. smell its own stink. own faults.
Ibangano muchateya, It is cooperation while A man seeks the help of
kuzondoona kwava kwomumwe you are still setting the others when commencing
chete. trap, but as for going an enterprise, but when he
to inspect it, there is reaps its fruits, he keeps
only one person. them for himself.
Dindingwe rinonakirwa The cheetah enjoys One objects to treatment
richikweva iro. Kana rokwehwa pulling the other which one metes out to
roti, 'Mavara angu azara ivhu'. along; wen it is pulled others.
it says "My spots are
covered in dirt".
Chiripo chiripo; ndarira imwe What is there is there; Nothing happens without a
hairiri. one bracelet does not cause, or Two witnesses
tinkle on its own. are necessary to be
Mukuwasha mukuyu haapere A son-in-law is a fig- Payment of the bride price
kudyiwa. tree He never stops may go on over a long
being consumed. time.
Ukama hahusukwi nemvura Kinship is not washed Even quarrels do not
hukabva. with water and destroy kinship and its
disappears. obligations.
Hapana mhou inokumira mhuru No cow lows for a calf Everyone knows his own
Isirl yayo. not hers. kin.
Mwana wengwe mwana wengwe A leopard's cub is a A chip of the old block.
kuona chikara haatizi. leopard's cub if it sees
a wild beast it does not
Mbudzi kudya mufenje kufana For a goat to eat Like father, like son.
nyina. cabbage-tree leaves is
to imitate its mother.
Mhembwe rudzi kuzvara mwana A duiker is one of a Like father, like son.
ane kazhumu. species, if it bears a
child, he will have a
tuft on his head.
Mwana asingachemi anofira A child who does not One should give voice to
mumbereko. cry dies in the cradle. one's complaints.
Chava chigondora chava What was a bullock is A grown man is expected
chimombe; kukona kutunga now a grown beast; if to support his family.
urema hwacho. it cannot gore that is
its stupidity.
Nzou hairemerwi nenyanga An elephant is not One should be equal to
dzayo. burdened by its own one's responsibilities.
Kugocha kunoda kwaamai; Roasting requires (the Correction is meted out to
kwomwana kunodzima mwoto. action) of the mother; the young, never to the
that of the child puts old.
out the fire.
Mhuno hainwi mvura muromo The nose does not Elders take precedence
usina kunwa. drink if the mouth has over juniors.
not drunk.
Chirere mangwana Care for it and it will Care for your child that he
chigozokurerawo. care for you tomorrow. may care for you.
Hapana angagone There is no one who No one can improve on an
chisingagoneke naGone. can manage what can't expert.
be managed by Mr.
Mugoni wepwere ndiye asinayo. The one who can
manage a child is the
one who has none.
Pagara murimi pagara Where there lives a A farmer is never satisfied
mupopoti. farmer there lives a with the work done for
grumbler. him.
Hurudza inofa ichinzi inodya. The rich farmer dies A person once rich will not
being said to eat. be credited with being
Pane danga pane mombe; pane Where a kraal is there Every effect must have a
hundi pagara hurudza. are cattle; where chaff cause, and every
is there lives a good achievement requires
farmer. effort.
Chigarisano ndicho chine What leads to living Familiarity breeds
mhosva. together is what leads contempt.
to accusation.
Gore musandu. Every year is a change. No one year is the same as
any other.
Gore harizi pakaza rimwe. No year comes from Opportunities do not come
where another came. twice.
Muromo chipfuto unopedza The mouth is a weave! It is necessary to be
matura. It consumes granaries. provident in regard to
one's crops.
Chinokura usipo imombe; What grows in one's For success, unremitting
munda unokura absence is a beast. A labour is required.
nokuvandurirwa. field grows by being
Chinokura choga isango; munda What grows on its own
kukura kuona tewe. is a forest; for a field
to grow is to see a
Unaki hwemukadzi huri The beauty of a wife A good wife is one who
pamwana. lies in the child. bears children.
Twemudenhe tune ushorwi. Too little flour in the People despise an owner's
bin brings contempt. improvidence or
Mwana wenyoka mwana A young snake is a A poisonous snake may be
wenyoka haana muduku. young snake it is never lethal even from birth.
too small.
Pfini yenyoka kungoruma icho The spite of the snake It is gratuitously evil to
isingadyi. is just to bite what it inflict pain for no reason.
cannot eat.
Ane mhuri kwayo ndeane One with a real family Women members of a
ndume ane mhurikadzi vaeni. is one who has boys; family marry into their
one with a family of husband's clan and leave
girls has strangers. their parents.
Gondo kuengerera raona If an eagle circles ConFinued presence is
zumbu. round and round it has prompted by an ulterior
seen a fowl-coop. motive.
Chada mwoyo hachikoni; What the heart wants The heart's desire makes a
mwoyo chiremba. is not impossible; the man work wonders.
heart is a doctor.
Musikana chihambakwe asvika A girl is a cairn It is natural for girls to be
anokanda chibwe. whoever comes adds a courted.
Kurayira kunoda pwere. Mukuru Discipline requires a Discipline must be
ndimambo. child. An adult is a administered while
chief. children are young. A
grown-up man is beyond
being disciplined.
Chembere ndeyembwa; An old one as such is Accord respect to the old.
yomurume ndibaba wavanhu. (when it is) a dog;
when it is a man he is
the father of people.
Chembere ndeyembwa; Mere old age belongs Accord respect to the old.
yomunhu inofa ichigurukuta. to a dog; when human
the old die grumbling.

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