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Over the course of the semester, I have recall the lesson about different
types of dances including hip hop, dance hall, and contemporary, street jazz,
Latin, zumba and more. In the beginning, I believed that I danced well and
dance was easy to do but once I figured out how much effort, practice,
coordination, and preparation for a dance, I thought differently. Dance is all
about expressing your emotions by using your body, having fun, gaining strength
in my muscles and developing a balance not only for dance purposes but for
my inner self. I learned that dance is more complex than I believe. There were
elements I should consider in my movements like posture, timing, poise,
musicality and expression, presentation etc. really loved doing group dances
because it got a chance for me to understand my classmates a lot more. I really
felt like we finally connected and worked together as a group because
everyone worked together to practice the dancing, put our full ability into the
movement and we successfully entertained our teacher.
Dance can be intimidating because we often think of ballerinas or real
modern dancers and their ability to perform complex moves synchronized and
very quickly. It was nice to see that this is not the only way. I also really enjoyed
the articles that taught the basics of modern dance. I want to teach dancing as
a story telling and dramatic movement from more of a theatrical approach
than an actual song and dance routine. Maybe as teachers we just need to
clarify dancing. Don’t worry so much about looking good or getting the beat
right and practice using your body to show emotions. The kids that love dancing
will be able to take this and expand on it, and the kids that are intimidated by
all this dancing, will be able to access it from a point of view where they can be
more comfortable. I actually feel prepared to teach dance now.

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