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IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)

Volume 22, Issue 11, Ver. 10 (November. 2017) PP 31-37

e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.

Social-Environmental Effects of River Sand Mining: Case Study

of Ephemeral River Kivou in Kitui County, Kenya
Muiruri Philip Gathogo.1Meshack O. Amimo.1
(Dep. of Geography, Kenyatta University, Kenya)
Corresponding Author:Meshack O. Amimo.

Abstract: Sand mining has been undertaken across the world over centuries, with increasing frequency and
intensity noted with time. Currently, indiscriminate sand mining is taking place in River Kivou which forms the
center of focus of this study. The activity is profoundly driven by high demand for construction sand, high levels
of unemployment as well as adverse climatic conditions in the area. Random sampling on the seven active
mining sites helped to arrive at three sites. Systematic sampling technique got applied to the selected sites at
intervals of 10 meters, with data on width and depth taken. Stratified sampling helped to arrive at a
suitablesample size comprising of sand miners, landownersand households. The study involved collection of
data on the river channel depth and width at the active sites of mining and on the control sites. Data on some
environmental and social variables such as availability of water, insecurity, prostitution, school dropout rates,
conflicts, employment, drug and substance abuse was collected using oral interviews to administer the
structured questionnaires and Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). One way ANOVA test results
indicate thepresence of significant alteration of river channels width and depth by sand mining activity. On the
other hand, percentages were used to analyze the social impacts of sand mining. Results indicate apositiveeffect
on employment and adverseimpact on all other variables apart from school dropout rates and insecurity both of
which were insignificantly affected.

Keywords:Social-Environmental effects, Ephemeral stream, River Kivou, Sand mining, and Sustainability.
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Date of Submission: 02-11-2017 Date of acceptance: 18-11-2017
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Sand mining is an activity that has been carried out for centuries, mainly for construction purposes (Orr
& Krumenacher, 2015).Often, the construction industry prefers sand from the river beds, flood plains and from
shores of the lakes. According to Kondolf (1997), sand from the sources above is angular in shape, a factor that
promotes thestrength of the concrete, unlike desert sands which have circular and smooth grains. Today, the rate
of sand mining from river channels is approximated to be twice as much the sand transported by rivers of the
world per year (Peduzzi, 2014).Such a high rate of sand mining is not sustainable, and mitigation measures need
to be adopted to protect rivers from imminent degradation. According to Lu et al. (2007); Kondolf (1997);
Nabegu (2013) and Rinaldi et al. (2005), high rates of sand mining from the river channels brings about adverse
effects to the environment. Regarding this, Mwaura et al. (2013) and Wambua (2015) point out that sand mining
is taking place at a high rate unregulated in Kenya, more so in river channels near the rapidly
urbanizingCentre’s.Additionally, concern hasbeen raisedover remote focus directed to the study of ephemeral
rivers across the world (Nabegu, 2014).
The primary objective of this study is to find out the social-environmental impacts of sand mining in
seasonal river Kivou. Need to address these aspects in this study has been heightened by the indiscriminate
nature of sand mining that has been taking place over the last two decades in riverKivou in Kitui county, with
frequency and intensity of sand mining increasing dramatically with time. Unfortunately, being an ephemeral
stream, most scholars have neglected studying the phenomena and its associated impacts on the society and the
environment.An attempt has been made in this paper to address some of the social and environmental effects of
sand mining in the ephemeral rivers in Kitui County, with a case study of river Kivou. Presence of such
information will help draw theattention of environmental policymakers towards coining sound river
rehabilitation strategies as well as prudent sand mining strategies as the case is in the developed countries.

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The study area is located in Kitui County, Mwingi Sub-County, Kenya. River Kivou is a tributary of
river Enziu.Its sub-catchment lies between longitudes 380 05’E and 380 15’E and latitudes00 50’ S Sand 00 58’ S.
See Fig. 1.0.The areais characterized by hot and dry climatic conditions, with temperature and rainfall ranging
between 240c-260c and 400-800mmper annum respectively (Nissen, 1982).The area is marked by an average
evaporation rate of between 1800-2000 mm per annum, a factor that makes theexistence of surface water
difficult. Remarkably, most of therivers traversing the area are ephemeral in nature. Pastoralism, drought crop
farming, and sand mining comprise the significant economic activities. Regarding geology, the area isdominated
by metamorphic rocks namely biotite gneisses, leucocratic gneisses and granulite’s, all of which are of
sedimentary origin (Pulfrey, 1954).Over the years, these rocks have suffered a lot of chemical and mechanical
weathering which have resulted in theformation of a thin crust of regolith. The resultant soils are highly drained
and of poor fertility index, only supporting thegrowth of scattered trees, shrubs and little grass, a factor that
promotes high erosional rates across the terrain.

Map of the Study Area

Figure 1.0:Location of Kivou River sub-catchment in Kitui County

Source:Author, 2017


River kivouis an ephemeral stream in nature and stretches for a length ofapproximately 24 km.It is in
its youthfulstage, and it forms a tributary to riverEnziu.Over the last two decades, sand mining activities have
been carried out in this river, with theintensity of the exercise increasing progressively with time.According to
Wambua (2015), rapid state of urbanization in the nearby towns such as Mwingi, Thika, and Nairobi, all of
which derives sand for construction from rivers in Kitui county have exacerbated the rate of sand mining.
Currently, sand mining is taking place unregulated in seven sites along river Kivounamely Mwania, Kwa
Nduuthi, Kivou, Ndalani, Mangoloma, Kesu and Kanginga. From the local interview with the sand miners, it is
approximated that about 8-15 Lories are loaded every day from respective sites.Thistranslatesto about 50-60
tons per day. Such high levels of sand mining are conceived tobe driven by factors such as high demand for sand
in the construction industry, high levels of unemployment, and the adverse climatic condition of the study area
which limits the inhabitant’s economic options. In a bid to salvage the environment from the eventualadverse
environmental impacts, there is aneed for the intervention measures to be devised and implemented in the form

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of informed policies. See Fig. 2.0 illustrating the conceived causes, proposed interventions and environmental
impacts of sand mining in river Kivou. Sand mining in this river is going on at a high rate which is uncontrolled,
a factor that raises need to study the phenomena in a bid to enrich the existing technical literature and inform the
policy-making process.

Figure 2.0: Causes, Control and Impacts of Sand Mining

Source: Author, 2017

1.1. Sampling Techniques
Random sampling on the seven active sand mining sites identified along river kivou namely Mwania,
Kwa Nduuthi, Kivou, Ndalani, Mangoloma, Kesu and Kangingawas done, and three sites namely Kesu, Kivou
and Mwania, were selected.From the sites chosen, systematic sampling technique was applied to collect data on
the channel width and depth. On the other hand, stratified sampling technique was employed on population
(1500 people) as obtained from sampling framesgotten from Mwingi Sand Mining Cooperative, where a sample
size of 150 respondents was arrived at (100 sand miners, 45 households, 5landowners). Additionally, random
sampling was done to come up with a list of respondents (five groups of 5 respondent) who were considered to
participate in Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) thus bringing about a total sample size of 175
respondents. The population sampling got informed by Mugenda and Mugenda’s (2009) principle on sampling
in research which recommendsthe minimum sample size to be a 10% of the study population for it to be an
adequate representative.
1.2. Data Collection
Different types of data were collected using variousmethods. For instance, data on river width and
depth wascollected at the active mining sites and on the unaffected stretches up and downstream of the selected
activemining sites using physical measurements in the field. A tape measure and a rope were used to establish
width and depth of the dry river channel, with 30 points at intervals of 10 meters considered ineach of the active
sites, upstream and downstream of each of the active mining sites.Data on variables such as security status,
water availability, prostitution, education, and employment was obtained through use of oral interview to
administer structuredquestionnaires and validated using CBPR.
1.3. Data Analysis
Analysis of sand mining on the physical parameters of the river channel namely width and depth was
carried out using ANOVA. The technique enabled comparison of the said variables from the active sites of
mining and the unaffected portions of the river channel, whereby the unaffected sites acted as control sites. This
technique has gained broad application in analyzing geographical phenomena and was used by Nabegu (2014)
to examine the effects of sand mining on river morphology in Nigeria, thus rationalizing its suitability and
reliability. On the other hand, data obtained from the structured questionnaires and CBPRwas analyzed by use
of percentages and presented using a table.

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1.1. Results of Environmental Impacts of Sand Miningto the River Channel
Abreakdown of descriptive statistics on the river channel widthsgot prepared as shown in Table 1.0
below. From the figures in the column of the mean as well as an illustration by box plots in Fig. 3.0, it is clear
that sand mining has significantly altered thewidth of the channel at the mining sites. To evaluate the statistical
significance of this variation, a one way ANOVA was carried out between the groups of the three sites. The
ANOVA test results in Table 2.0 indicate a significant difference in at least one of the three sections (P= 0.0000)
at 95% level of significance. A further analysis through Tukey’s post HOC test pointed out that the widths at
mining sites significantly differs from the control stretches of the river channel. See Table 3.0 below.

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of Widths of the Three Sites

N Range Min Max Mean S.D Variance
Upstream 90 2 24 27 25.4222 1.1216 1.2579
Downstream 90 2 24 26 24.9889 0.8002 0.6403
Mining site 90 2 29 31 30.0556 0.7983 0.6373

Figure 3.0:Boxplots showing the mean width of the river a channel at active and control sites.

Table 2.0: A One Way ANOVA Test Results for the River Channel Width
Source Df Sum Sq. Mean Sq. F Value P Value
Between-Group 2 1425.7 712.9 839.2 0.0000
Within-Groups 267 227.7 0.8

Table 3.0: Tukey’s ANOVA Post Hoc Test Results on River Channel Width
Sites Difference Lower Upper Adj. P Value
Mining Site-Downstream 5.0667 4.7428 5.3905 0.0000
Upstream-Downstream 0.4177 0.0948 0.7406 0.0071
Upstream-Mining Site -4.6490 -4.9719 -4.3260 0.0000

On the other hand, Table 4.0 shows descriptive statistics of the channel depth at the three sites. Again,
figures indicated in the column of means, as well as the illustration by box plots in Fig. 4.0,indicate the presence
of somesubstantial variation of the average channel depths at differentsections. As a way of determining the

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statistical significance of these meandepths, a one way ANOVA test was conducted. As indicated in table 5.0,
the test results show thepresence of a statistically significant variation in depths in at least one of the three
sites(P = 0.0000) at 95% level of significance. Post HOC test results indicate that the mining sites varies
significantly with the control sites as shown in Table 6.0.

Table 4.0: Descriptive Statistics of the Depths of the Three Sites

N Range Min Max Mean S.D Variance
Upstream 90 2 2 4 3.6667 0.8300 0.6889
Downstream 90 2 3 5 3.3111 0.7695 0.5921
Mining site 90 3 3 7 5.7111 1.0137 1.0277

Figure 4.0:Box plots showing the mean depth of the river a channel at active and control sites.

Table 5.0: A One Way ANOVA testResults of the Channel Depth

Source Df Sum Sq. Mean Sq. F Value P Value
Between-Group 2 302.0 150.99 194 0.0000
Within-Groups 267 207.8 0.78

Table 6.0: Tukey’s ANOVA Post Hoc Test Results on River Channel Depth
Sites Difference Lower Upper Adj. P Value
Mining Site-Downstream 2.4000 2.0900 2.7099 0.0000
Upstream-Downstream 0.3556 0.0456 0.6655 0.0199
Upstream-Mining Site -2.0444 -2.3544 -1.7345 0.0000

1.1.1. Discussions
Data analysis results point out that sand mining in River Kivou has significantly modified the channels
width and depth, an indication of high and unsustainable levels of sand mining. According to Kondolf (1994)
and Kondolf et al., (2002),sand mining which exceeds the natural replacement rates leads to alteration of the
river morphology, a factor that is associated with adverse environmental impacts such as lowering of the water
table impounded in sand reserves, stream bank instability and loss of riverine vegetation, channel erosion, river
incision among others. Some of these impacts have been noted on the ground in river Kivou. These include
thedestruction of the riparian vegetation, depletion of sand reserves, armoring of the river bed, lowering of the
water table in sand reserves as well as bank instability. Further, relatively increased depth on the river channel is
noted on the control sites at the portions just adjacent to the active mining sites. On the upstream sections, this
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may be attributed to sliding of sand particles to fill the pits left at the active site. On the other hand, the
relatively increased depth noted on the downstream portions adjacent to the active part may be attributed to the
hungry water effectof the river water especially during the wet season. Following this, there is animminent need
for formulation of suitable sand mining control measures to help protect the river environment form eventual

1.2. Social Impacts of Sand Mining

The social aspects were analyzed using descriptive statistics. See Table 7.0 showing a summary of the
social effects of sand mining. In this, sand mining is seen to significantly influence water availability,
prostitution, employment, community conflicts and drug and substance abuse.

Table 7.0: Social Effects of Sand Mining

Variables Respondents % (Yes) Rank
Water availability 95 1
Insecurity 35 7
Culture/prostitution 75 2
School drop-out rates 38 6
Community conflicts 67 3
Drug and substance abuse 52 5
Employment 65 4

As depicted from the results in Table 7.0, sand mining has greatly impacted on the water resource.This
agrees with sentiments of Nabegu (2013) indicating that sand mining in the perennial rivers leads to lowering of
the water table, especially as observed in the wells near the river. In this case, lowering of thewater table in the
sand reserves along the ephemeral stream channel was reported. Since this area suffers theabsence of surface
water, the water impounded in the sand reserves and protected from evaporation by the sand aquifer acts as the
only other alternative source of water, and drying up of such has a dire consequence to the residents of
riverKivou catchment.
On the cultural aspect, many respondents, as well as the remarks got from the CBRP, indicate a high
negative influence. Prostitution index has been signalized to be high in the area, and more so as a result of sand
mining activities. The activity has significantly deviated from the norm and morals of the predominant
community in this area, and as a matter of fact and concern, it is revolutionizing the culture of the area to the
negative. The high unemployment rate and high poverty index in the area (61.56%) as indicated by GOK.
(2010)can closely be associatedwith the shaping up of this activity.
Increased employment opportunities to the localshavegot highlighted as a significant positive impact of sand
mining. Young men and women in the area have secured jobs in thesand mining industry, either directly or
indirectly. For instance, energetic young men are hired as sand miners and loaders while women supply such
workers with foodstuffswhile at the working sites thus generating some income to upkeep their families.
On the other hand, the study established that sand mining activity has greatlyinfluenced theoccurrence
of conflicts in the community. Regarding this, sand mining has interfered with the natural sources of water
impounded in sand aquifers, and thus the residents of this area engage in occasional confrontations with the sand
miners. Additionally, conflicts over land ownership for the sake of gaining legitimacy to start up sand mining
were reported between sand miners and the landowners. Further disputes arising from sand mining incline on
the economic aspect of the activity. Sand miners from different parts of Kitui Countyand those from the local/
Kivou area compete for jobs, a factor that ends up in conflicts.
Lastly, sand mining activity indicated asignificant influence on drug and substance abuse in Kivou
area. Data from questionnaires andCBPRstrongly showed that most of the sand miners are people who engage in
drug and substance abuse compared to the general population of people not involved in the activity.Such include
Alcoholism, Bhang, and Miraa consumption, all of which are costlybehaviors. Going by this, it is evident that
such people earn extra income compared to the rest of the population in the area, a factor that makes them able
to sustain the habit.

Sand mining in river Kivou is an activity that isassociated with adverse environmental and social
impacts. The study has established that sand mining has brought about alterations in the river channel
morphometric parameters such as depth and width. Further, it has led to lowering of the water table in the sand
reserves along the river channel, a factor that leads to drying up of shallow water holes sunk thereof thus
subjecting the locals into suffering.Additionally, the activity has led to thedestruction of the riparian vegetation
as well as destabilizing the banks of the channel.On the other hand, sand mining has brought about adverse

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social effects such as increased conflicts, drug and substance abuse and prostitution.In order to safeguard the
environment as well as the social well-being of the community, there is aneedfor the National Environmental
Management Authority (NEMA) in corroboration with the county governmentto come up with suitable
regulatory measures to inform and control sand mining activity in River Kivou.

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Muiruri Philip Gathogo Social-Environmental Effects of River Sand Mining: Case Study of
Ephemeral River Kivou in Kitui County, Kenya.” IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social
Science (IOSR-JHSS), vol. 22, no. 11, 2017, pp. 31-37.

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