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I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

1. Remember to drop me a line while you are away on business.

A. give me a ring B. write to me C. call me D. drop in me
 Write to me = drop me a line: viết cho ai
 Give me a ring = call me: gọi điện cho ai
 Drop in: ghé thăm (visit somebody)
2. He disapproved of the behavior his sons displayed during the church service this week.
A. comment B. support C. blame D. like
 Disapprove (v) = blame: chỉ trích = không tán thành
 Comment (v): bình luận
 Support (v): ủng hộ
 Like(v): thích
3. The dim lights made it hard to see, so Ben squinted to make out the stranger's face in the
A. faint B. muted C. weak D. strong
 Dim = weak: yếu ớt
 Faint: uể oải

 Muted: không to, không nhiệt tình (muted applause: tràng pháo tay lấy lệ)
 Strong: mạnh khỏe
4. Have you ever tried using hydrogen peroxide as a person to induce vomiting instead of the
good old traditional methods?
A. control B. clean C. caus e D. stop
 Induce = cause: gây ra
 Control: kiểm soát
 Clean: làm sạch
 Stop: dừng lại

5. He was mystified by my experience, though perhaps not particularly envious.

A. perplexed B. shocked C. upset D. excited
 Mystified = perplexed: lúng túng, bối rối, khó hiểu
 Shocked: bị sốc
 Upset: khó chịu
 Excited: hứng khởi
6. I was horrified to find a drug tablet which had been left on purpose in my room yesterday.
A. ashamed B. shocked C. nervous D. surprised
 Horrifed = shocked: kinh khiếp
 Ashamed: xấu hổ
 Nervous: lo lắng
 Surprised: ngạc nhiên
7. Those with incomes ranging from $2000 to $4000 enjoy a luxurious and extravagant life.
A. varying B. raving C. grazing D. turning
 Range = vary (v): thay đổi
 Rave (v): nói say sưa (rave about something)
 Graze: gặm cỏ
 Turn: xoay, biến đổi
8. In certain industries the workers' apparel is not only cumbersome but also quite heavy.
A. equipment B. clothing C. food D. morale
 Apparel = clothing: quần áo
 Equipment: trang thiết bị
 Food: thực phẩm
 Morale: tinh thần
9. He is among wealthy members of the golf club. He possesses houses, land and property across
the country.
A. adroit B. affluent C. adjacent D. acrid
 Wealthy = affluent: giàu có
 Adroit: khéo tay
 Adjacent: kề bên
 Acrid: hăng, cay xè
10. ICD implantation is a routine operation with a very low complication rate.
A. cheap B. small C. usual D. quick
 Routine = usual: thông thường
 Cheap: rẻ
 Small: nhỏ
 Quick: nhanh
 Cấy ghép ICD là phẫu thuật thông thường với tỷ lệ biến chứng rất thấp.
11. She received a light blow on the side of the head close to the right eye.
A. jump B. hump C. bump D. stump
 Light blow = bump: cú đánh, cú đụng mạnh
 Jump: nhảy
 Hump: bướu
 Stump: gốc cây
 Cô ấy dính một cú đánh ở một bên đầu sát mắt bên phải.
12. You should cut down on cigarettes, for smoking does no good to your health.
A. ceased smoking B. become frightened
C. decreased the number of D. gotten sick
 Cut down on = decrease the number of: giảm số lượng
 Ceased smoking: dừng hút thuốc
 Become frightened: trở nên hoảng sợ
 Gotten sick: bị ốm
 Bạn nên giảm hút thuốc lá vì hút thuốc không có lợi cho sức khỏe của bạn.
13. A bachelor's degree is required if one wishes to apply for the job.
A. necessary B. desirable C. acquired D. optional
 Required: bắt buộc

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 Necessary: cần thiết
 Desirable: đáng khát khao
 Acquired: mắc phải
 Optional: tự chọn
14. In some Asian countries, it is customary for people to worship their ancestors.
A. fossils B. elders C. forefathers D. heirs
 Ancestor = forefather: tổ tiển
 Fossil: hóa thạch
 Elders: bậc tiền bối, huynh trưởng (theo nghĩa này thì luôn ở dạng số nhiều)
 Heir: người thừa kế
15. Old buidings should be demolished to make space for modern high-rise ones.
A. renovated B. razed C. remodeled D. reconciled
 Demolish = raze (v): phá hủy
 Renovate: cải tạo, nâng cấp
 Remodel: tu sửa, nâng cấp
 Reconcile: hòa giải

16. Always think of other issues you might run into at work and have exit strategies for them all.
A. forget to do B. pay for C. meet unexpectedly D. add on
 Run into = meet unexpected: gặp bất ngờ
 Forget to to: quên là phải là gì
 Pay for: thanh toán cho
 Add on: thêm, bổ sung
17. A good doctor should have broad knowledge in a specialized area of medicine.
A. an honorable B. a difficult C. a prescribed D. a distinct
 Specialized = distinct: cụ thể, chuyên ngành
 Honorable: đáng ngưỡng mộ
 Difficult: khó
 Prescribed: theo quy định
18. Today, she is fortunate to be one of the last few surviving U-boats in the world, preserved in time
and on display in the Museum of Science in Chicago.
A. located B. on exhibit C. under supervision D. stored
 On display = on exhibit: được trưng bày
 Located: được đặt ở đâu
 Under supervision: được giám sát
 Store: lưu trữ
19. Although it is now redundant, the church continues to be used occasionally for worship.
A. old-fashioned B. reproduced C. unnecessary D. quaint
 Redundant: dư thừa, không sử dụng = unnecessary: không cần thiết
 Old-fashioned: cũ
 Reproduced: thuộc về sinh sản
 Quaint: có vẻ cổ
20. Angels just look for feasible projects to invest, and they will turn down infeasible ones without
giving them a look.
A. unrealistic B. inconceivable C. attainable D. attractive

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 Feasible = attainable: khả thi, có thể đạt được (=achievable)
 Unrealistic: không thực tế
 Inconceivable: không thể hiểu được
 Attractive: hấp dẫn
21. Compounds which are plentiful in nature are calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, and
aluminum oxide.
A. abundant B. obscure C. unstable D. reliable
 Plentiful = abundant: dồi dào, phong phú
 Obscure: vô danh (=unknown), khó hiểu (difficult to understand)
 Unstable: không ổn định
 Reliable: đáng tin cậy
22. The crew divided the life preservers among the twenty terrified passengers as the ship began to
A. exhausted B. surprised C. frightened D. excited
 Terrified = frightened: hoảng sợ
 Exhausted: kiệt sức
 Surprised: ngạc nhiên
 Excited: hào hứng, phấn khích

23. You must answer the police's questions truthfully; otherwise, you will get into trouble.
A. exactly as things really happen B. with a negative attitude
C. in a harmful way D. as trustingly as you can
 Truthfully = exactly as things really happen: đúng sự thật
 With a negative attitude: với thái độ tiêu cực
 In a harmful way: theo cách gây hại
 As trustingly as you can: càng tin cậy càng tốt
24. My mom is always bad-tempered when I leave my room untidy.
A. feeling embarrassed B. talking too much
C. very happy and satisfied D. easily annoyed or irritated
 Bad-tempered = easily annoyed or irritated: dễ nổi cáu
 Feeling embarrassed: cảm thấy xấu hổ
 Talking too much: nói quá nhiều
 Very happy and satisfied: rất hạnh phúc và hài lòng
25. During the earthquake, a lot of buildings collapsed, which killed thousands of people.
A. went off accidentally B. fell down unexpectedly
C. exploded sudenly D. erupted violently
 collapse = fall down expectedly: sụp đổ bất ngờ
 go off accidentally: tình cờ phát nổ
 explolde suddenly: bất ngờ phát nổ
 erupt violently: phun trào dữ dội
26. We really appreciate your helpe, without which we couldn’t have got our task done in time.
A. feel thank for B. depreciate C. require D. are proud of
 appreciate = feel thank for: cảm kích vì điều gì
 depreciate: đánh giá thấp
 require: yêu cầu

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 are proud of: tự hào
27. The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for the examination.
A. effects B. symptoms C. hints D. demonstration
 suggestion = hint: sự gợi ý
 effect: ảnh hưởng
 symptom: triệu chứng
 demonstration: sự thể hiện, sự thuyết minh
28. Roget's Thesaurus, a collection of English words and phrases, was originally arranged by the
ideas they express rather than by alphabetical order.
A. restricted B. as well as C. unless D. instead of
 Rather than = instead of: thay vì
 Restrict: hạn chế
 As well as: cũng như
 Unless: trừ khi
 Từ điển Roget, một tập hợp các từ và cụm từ tiếng Anh, lúc đầu được sắp xếp theo ý
tưởng hơn là theo thứ tự bảng chữ cái.
29. They had conclusive evidence that he caused the accident on the motorway.
A. convincing B. swindling C. unclear D. superficial
 Conclusive = convincing: thuyết phục
 Swindling: mánh khóe
 Unclear: không rõ ràng
 Superficial: thiển cận
30. The inhospitable climate in a desert makes it impossible for most animals and plants to survive.
A. rainy B. stormy C. hostile D. intense
 Inhospitable = hostile (adj): không thể sống được, thù địch
 Rainy (adj): nhiều mưa
 Stormy (adj): nhiều bão
 Intense (adj): mạnh, có cường độ lớn
31. Speaking conservatively, I think he will be the winner of the English contest.
A. politely B. openly C. cautiously D. dramatically
 Convervatively = cautiously (adv): một cách thận trọng
 Politely (adv): một cách lịch sự
 Openly (adv): một cách cởi mở
 Dramatically (adv): một cách đột ngột, đáng kể (thường mô tả tăng, giảm)
32. What do you think gives off more radiation, a cell phone or a laptop?
A. repels B. concentrates C. confines D. emits
 Give off (cụm động từ) = emit (v): thải ra
 Repel (v): cự tuyệt, làm tởm
 Concentrate (v): tập trung
 Confine (v): giam giữ
33. I discarded my old computer last week because it cost me a lot of money to fix its problems.
A. purchased B. got C. got rid of D. bought
 Discard = get rid of: tống khứ, vứt bỏ
 Purchase: mua

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34. She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him.
A. had a temperature B. kept her temper
C. became very angry D. felt worried
 Lose her temper = become very angry: mất bình tĩnh, trở nên bực tức
 Have a temperature: bị sốt
 Keep her temper: giữ được bình tĩnh
 Feel worried: cảm thấy lo lắng
35. Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century.
A. instituted B. eradicated C. commonplace D. required
 abolish = eradicate (v): bãi bỏ
 institute (v): bắt đầu một tiến trình
 commonplace (adj): phổ biến
 required: bắt buộc
36. The cotton gin was commonplace on many nineteenth century farms.
A. often required B. sorely needed C. frequently seen D. visibly absent
 commonplace = frequently seen: phổ biến, thường được nhìn thấy
 often required: thường được bắt buộc
 sorely needed: rất cần
 visibly absent: rõ ràng vắng mặt
37. Let’s wait here for her; I’m sure she’ll turn up before long.
A. arrive B. return C. enter D. visit
 turn up = arrive (v): đến, xuất hiện
 return (v): quay lại
 enter (v): vào
 visi (v): viếng thăm
38. The president delivered an eloquent speech in front of a large audience of investors
A. made B. went over C. announced D. handed over
 Deliver a speech = make a speech: phát biểu
 Go over = check carefully: xem xét kỹ lưỡng
 Anounce: thông báo
 Hand over: đưa cái gì cho ai
39. Van Mieu was representative of Confucian ways of thought and behaviors.
A. traditional B. typical C. memorial D. cultural
 Representative = typical (adj): điển hình
 Traditional (adj): truyền thống
 Memorial (adj): đáng nhớ
 Cultural (adj): thuộc về văn hóa
40. Don’t forget to drop me a line while you are away.
A. give me a ring B. write to me C. call me D. drop in me
 drop me a line = write to me: viết thư cho tôi
41. Laws on military service since 1960 still hold good.
A. remains for good B. is in good condition
C. is in bad condition D. remains in effect
 Hold good = remain in effect: vẫn còn hiệu lực

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 Remain for good: tồn tại mãi mãi
 In bad condition: ở trong điều kiện kém
 In good condition: ở trong điều kiện tốt
42. With respect to money, angels are very cautious in choosing which company to invest in so as
to maximize the return.
A. With regard to B. With fondness for
C. In appreciation of D. In favor of
 With respect to = with regard to: nói về, xét về
 With fondness for: sự yêu thích cái gì
 In appreciation of: để cám ơn
 In favor of: ủng hộ cho ai
43. I can consume 1 kg of rice at a time.
A. at once B. one by one C. once in a while D. off and on
 at a time = at once: trong 1 lúc
 one by one: từng thứ một
 once in a while: đôi khi
 off and on: đôi khi
44. That China emerged as a world economic power has been a threat to the rest of the world.
A. surrendered B. came forth C. fought D. dimissed
 emerge = come forth (v): nổi lên
 surrender (v): từ bỏ, đầu hàng
 fight (v): chiến đấu
 dismiss (v): sa thải, giải tán
45. The glass won’t break into many pieces easily because it is made of plastic.
A. shatter B. tear C. collapse D. rupture
 break into many pieces = shatter (v): vỡ tan
 tear (v): xé
 collapse (v): sụp đổ
 rupture (v): đoạn tuyệt

II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

1. At the managers' meeting, the group decided against the new project as a viable option and
decided on another direction to ensure success for the company's fall line.
A. impractical B. feasible C. practical D. positive
 Impractical (adj): không thực tế, không khả thi >< Viable (adj): có khả thi
 Feasible (adj): khả thi
 Practical: thực tế
 Positive: tích cực
2. The couple tried to converse in the busy restaurant, but they couldn't hear themselves speak so
they went elsewhere.
A. talk B. stop talking C. chat D. communicate
 Converse (v): nói chuyện >< Stop talking: ngừng nói chuyện

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 Talk: nói chuyện
 Chat: tán gẫu
 Communicate: giao tiếp
3. He wants to find a temporary job or a seasonal one.
A. eternal B. genuine C. permanent D. satisfactory
 Temporary (adj): tạm thời >< Permanent (adj): lâu dài, cố định
 Eternal (adj): bất diệt, vĩnh cửu
 Genuine (adj): thật, xác thực
 Satisfactory (adj): thỏa đáng
4. The names of the participants in the survey were changed to preserve anonymity.
A. cover B. conserve C. presume D. reveal
 Preserve (v): giữ gìn, bảo tồn >< Reveal (v): tiết lộ
 Cover (v): che đậy, giấu diếm
 Conserve (v): giữ gìn, bảo tồn
5. I talked with her in a chance meeting last month.
A. unplanned B. deliberate C. accidental D. unintentional
 Chance (adj): tình cờ >< Deliberate: cố ý
 Unplanned: bất ngờ
 Accidental: tình cờ
 Unintentional: không chủ tâm
6. Many animals are being endangered by human activities such as the burning of coal and
charcoal for heating and cooking.
A. at risk B. defended C. hazardous D. varied
 Endanger (v): gây nguy hiểm >< Defend: bảo vệ
 At risk: có nguy cơ
 Hazardous (adj):
 Varied
7. Workers need a secure environment so that they can work more effectively.
A. protected B. riskless C. unsafe D. safe
 Secure (adj): an toàn >< Unsafe: không an toàn
 Protected: được bảo vệ
 Riskless: an toàn
 Safe: an toàn
 Công nhân cần một nơi làm việc an toàn để họ có thể làm việc hiệu quả hơn.
8. I lost contact with my family and friends since I lost my mobile phone.
A. lost control of B. made room for
C. got in touch with D. put in charge of
 Lose contact with: mất liên lạc với ai >< get in touch with: liên lạc với ai
 Lose control of: mất kiểm soát
 Make room for: nhưỡng chỗ cho
 Put in charge of: chịu trách nhiệm
9. He is not popular and has a lot of enemies.
A. opponents B. friends C. betrayers D. attackers
 Enemy: kẻ thù >< friend: bạn bè

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 Opponent: đối thủ
 Betrayer: kẻ phản bội
 Attacker: kẻ tấn công
10. The jury declared him guilty and sentenced him to death.
A. chargeable B. offensive C. innocent D. condemned
 Guilty: có tối >< innocent: vô tội
 Chargeable: phải chịu phí tổn
 Offensive: xúc phạm
 Condemned: bị kết tội
11. Maureen usually felt depressed on Mondays, because she never got enough sleep on the
A. unhappy B. cheerful C. glum D. understanding
 Depressed (adj): chán nản, trầm cảm >< cheerful (adj): vui tươi
 Unhappy: không hạnh phúc
 Glum: buồn
 Understanding: thấu hiểu
12. Child welfare deals with parents or caregivers who abuse or neglect their children.
A. abandon B. mistreat C. nurture D. delegate
 Neglect (v): bỏ bê, xao nhãng >< nurture (v): nuôi dưỡng
 Abandon: bỏ rơi
 Mistreat: ngược đãi
 Delegate: ủy quyền
13. I can't tolerate this situation any longer.
A. look down on B. put up with
C. take away from D. give back
 Can’t tolerate: không thể chịu đựng được >< put up with: có thể chịu đựng được
 Look down on: coi thường
 Take away from: lấy đi
 Give back: trả lại
14. The number of illiterate adults in mountainous and remote areas in Vietnam has declined over
the last few years.
A. able to read and write B. unable to pass an exam in reading and writing
C. inflexible D. able to join intramural sport
 Illiterate (adj): mù chữ >< able to read and write: biết đọc, biết viết
 Inflexible: không linh hoạt
 Unable to pass an exam in reading and writing: không thể đỗ kỳ thi đọc và viết
 Able to join intramural sport: có thể tham gia vào môn thể thao nội bộ
15. Melanie thought the issue at hand was not morally just, and consequently she would never
endorse the petition circulating throughout her neighborhood.
A. support B. oppose C. approve D. create
 Endorse (v): ủng hộ >< oppose (v): phản đối
 Support: ủng hộ
 Approve: phê duyệt, đồng ý
 Create: tạo ra

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 Melanie nghĩ vấn đề đang được bàn luận không chỉ là về mặt đạo đức, và do đó cô ấy sẽ
không bao giờ tán thành việc lá đơn kiến nghị được truyền đi khắp nơi mình sinh sống.
16. After many months of grueling work and painful injuries to her shoulder and back, Susan
realized that her dream of swimming the English Channel was unattainable.
A. impossible B. unachievable C. realistic D. confused
 Unattainable (adj): không thể đạt được, không thực tế >< realistic (adj): thực tế
 Impossible (adj): không khả thi
 Unachievable (adj): không thể đạt được
 Confused (adj): lúng túng, bối rối
 Sau nhiều tháng làm việc mệt mỏi và chịu đựng những chấn thương đau đớn ở vai và
lưng, Susan nhận ra rằng giấc mơ bơi qua kênh đào nước Anh của cô là không thể đạt
17. Henry hoped that his sons would someday take over his retail business and maintain the high
level of customer service and satisfaction that Henry valued so much.
A. uphold B. continue C. discontinue D. connect
 Maintain: duy trì >< discontinue: ngừng
 Uphold: duy trì
 Continue: tiếp tục
 Connect: kết nối
18. The merry wedding ceremony took place outdoors. It was beautiful and picturesque!
A. ugly B. scenic C. pretty D. aesthetic
 Picturesque (adj): đẹp như tranh >< ugly (adj): xấu xí
 Scenic: thuộc cảnh vật
 Pretty: xinh xắn
 Aesthetic: có thẩm mỹ
19. She slept soundly between two blue coaches in a tranquil cafe.
A. calm B. easy C. noisy D. dark
 Tranquil (adj): yên tĩnh >< noisy (adj): ồn ào
 Calm (adj): bình tĩnh
 Easy: dễ dàng
 Dark: tối tăm
20. I was glum because I couldn't reach my goals.
A. cheerful B. sour C. gloomy D. blue
 Glum (adj): buồn >< cheerful (adj): vui vẻ
 Sour (adj): hau cáu bẳn
 Gloomy (adj): buồn rầu
 Blue (adj): buồn
21. The US troops are using more sophisticated weapons in the Far East
A. expensive B. complicated C. simple and easy to use D. difficult to operate
 Sophisticated (adj): tinh vi, phức tạp >< simple and easy to use: đơn giản và dễ sử dụng
 Expensive (adj): đắt đỏ
 Complicated (adj): phức tạp
 Difficult to operate (adj): khó vận hành
22. In remote communities, it is important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.

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A. remake B. empty C. refill D. repeat
 Replenish (v): cung cấp, làm đầy >< empty (v): làm cạn
 Remake: làm lại
 Refill: làm đầy
 Repeat: nhắc lại
23. Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court.
A. failed to pay B. paid in full
C. had a bad personality D. was paid much money
 Default (v): không trả được nợ >< pay in full: trả đầy đủ
 Fail to pay: không thể trả nợ
 Have a bad personality: có tính xấu
 Was paid much money: được trả nhiều tiền
24. His career in the illicit drug trade ended with the police raid this morning.
A. elicited B. irregular C. secret D. legal
 Illicit (adj): bất hợp pháp >< legal (adj): hợp pháp
 Elicit (v): gợi ra
 Irregular (adj): không đều
 Secret (adj): bí mật
25. They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.
A. cooperate B. put together C. separate D. connect
 Integrate (v) hòa nhập >< separate (v): ly khai, tách rời
 Cooperate (v): hợp tác
 Put together: kết hợp với nhau
 Connect: kết nối
26. There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are having trouble.
A. adequate B. unsatisfactory C. abundant D. dominant
 Insuffcient (adj): không đủ >< adequate (adj): đủ
 Unsatisfactory (adj): không thỏa đáng
 Abundant: phong phú
 Dominant: chi phối
27. Jonathan is brave enough to stop the man with a knife from hurting a little child.
A. coward B. afraid C. courageous D. smart
 brave (adj): dũng cảm >< coward (adj): hèn nhát
 afraid: sợ hãi
 courageuous: dũng cảm
 smart: thông minh
28. The soliders will do anything to halt the enemies from entering.
A. stop B. start C. continue D. kill
 halt: dừng ai đó >< continue: tiếp tục
 stop: ngăn cản
 start: bắt đầu
 kill: giết
29. As this is an old hotel, mishaps are to be expected.
A. accidents B. misunderstandings C. luck D. misfotunes

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 mishap: rủi ro >< luck: sự may mắn
 accident: tai nạn
 misunderstanding: sự hiểu lầm
 misfortune: sự không may mắn
30. After a grueling and busy week at work, the stillness of the river reminded Lara of the silence
she’s been searching for since Monday.
A. uproar B. tranquility C. serenity D. tameness
 stillness: sự tĩnh lặng >< uproar: sự ồn ào
 tranquility: sự yên tĩnh
 serenity: cảnh trời quang mây tạnh
 tameness: sự dễ bảo

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