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This rental agreement is made and executed on this day 11th March
2019(11-03-2019) between ……………..Mumbai - 400 072 (hereinafter called the
OWNER) which term shall mean and include his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns
of the first part.

Mr………………… Mysuru-09. (hereinafter called the TENANT) which term shall

mean and include his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the first part witnesseth
as under.


1. The tenant has agreed to pay 14,000/-(Rupees Fourteen thousand only)as
rent per month . The rent shall be paid on or before 10th and is payable to
………………(which include water charges, security, car & two wheeler
parking and outer area cleaning and lift facility) before 5th.
2. This rent agreement commences from 15-03-2019 with a validity of
11(Eleven) Months with effect from 15-03-2019. However, the parties if
desired, they shall continue tenancy for a further period by entering into a
separate rent agreement.
3. That the Owner has rented out the Schedule premises to the tenant for
Residential purpose only and the building shall not be used for any other
4. The tenant shall use the premises for own use only and he has no right to
sublet the premises to any one or he shall not use the premises for any
unauthorised activities or shall not keep any article without license.
5. The owner has received Rs 1,40,000 /-(Rupees one lakh Forty Thousand)
by the way of Fund Transfer from the tenant. This will be returned without
interest to the tenant by the Owner at the time of vacating the premises.
6. The Owner agrees to pay the yearly Corporation taxes and any other taxes
for the schedule premises.
7. The Tenant is responsible to pay the relevant Full Electricity Charges as
applicable to the concerned authority every month and maintain the receipt.
8. The tenant shall not make any additions, alterations to the scheduled
premises and any damages /abuse is caused, the owner shall have the right to
recover the damages from the advance amount given by the tenant.
9. The Tenant shall maintain the schedule premises in good condition. And he
should vacate the premises in same condition subject to normal wear and
tear to the owner.
10.The Tenant should permit the Owner or his representative to enter the
premises for the purpose of periodic inspection of the premises.
11.If any part of this agreement either the Owner or the Tenant would like to
terminate the rent agreement before the expiry of the agreed period, a
minimum of 1-month notice shall be given by either of the party.
12.A rent should be hiked of 5% after Eleven (11) Months if tenancy is to be
13.This agreement is made on the requisite stamp paper, signed by the parties
and the original shall be with the second party and xerox copy with the first
14.That in case of any damages to the Electrical fittings/ accessories such as
switches, bulbs, tube light etc,.or any damage to sanitary fittings including
taps, repairs and replacement of the same shall be attended to by the Tenant
during the period of this agreement. Similarly, any damage to the schedule
premises during the period of rent on account of the negligence or
carelessness of either of the tenant or of his family members, the tenant shall
reimburse to the owner to the extent of the said damage.
15.As the time of vacating the premises the tenant has to pay One month rent
towards painting charge.
16.New geyser will be installed or fitted by the tenant . the total cost of the
geyser amount will be deducted 500rs every month through rent by the

Property Kitchen with Chimney, Bathroom, Toilet, Water, Electricity, Sanitay
facilities. Fittings One Electric Geyser, new geyser will be fitted Five Ceiling
Fans, 5 Tubelights, as it is condition.

In Witnesses whereof both the parties (Owner & Tenant) have signed the
agreement of rent in the presence of the following witnesses:



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