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How to Use this Handbook ........................................................................................................

About PMI’s Certification Program ...........................................................................................2
Overview of the PMI-PBA Credential ........................................................................................3
About the PMI-PBA Certification ...............................................................................................3
Timeline of the PMI-PBA Certification Process .........................................................................4
Business Analysis Role Delineation ..........................................................................................5
PMI-PBA Eligibility Requirements .............................................................................................6
How to Complete the Online Application ...................................................................................7
PMI-PBA Application & Payment...............................................................................................7
How to Record Your Experience on the Application..................................................................8
How to Record Your Training on the Application ......................................................................9
Application Processing ............................................................................................................10
PMI-PBA Certification Fees ....................................................................................................11
How to Submit Payment ..........................................................................................................12
PMI-PBA Refund Policy ..........................................................................................................13
PMI Audit Process...................................................................................................................14
PMI Audit Process ....................................................................................................................14
Exam Policies & Procedures ...................................................................................................15
PMI-PBA Exam Information ....................................................................................................15
PMI-PBA Exam Blueprint ........................................................................................................16
Examination Administration .....................................................................................................17
New PBT Policy effective as of 1 July 2017 ............................................................................17
Test Accommodations for the Exam .......................................................................................18
Legal Restrictions on Taking the Examination ........................................................................19
Exam Eligibility ........................................................................................................................20
How to Schedule Your Exam ..................................................................................................21
Rescheduling/Cancellation Policy for CBT Exams ..................................................................24
Rescheduling/Cancellation Policy for PBT Exams ..................................................................25
Extenuating Circumstances ....................................................................................................25
PMI Examination Security & Confidentiality ............................................................................27
Examination Site Requirements & Instructions .......................................................................28
Examination Report.................................................................................................................31
Reexamination ........................................................................................................................32
Certification Policies & Procedures ........................................................................................33
Certification Complaints Process ............................................................................................33
Certification Appeals Procedure ..............................................................................................33
Use of Your PMI-PBA Certification..........................................................................................35
CCR Program Overview ...........................................................................................................36
Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program .......................................................36
PMI Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct ..........................................................................37
PMI Certification Application/Renewal Agreement ................................................................37
How to Use this Handbook
This handbook contains information on how you can apply for the PMI Professional in Business Analysis
(PMI-PBA)® certification. It applies to both computer-based and paper-based testing candidates.
PMI requires that all certification applicants read the entire handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to
provide you with important information about the policies and procedures for obtaining and maintaining
the PMI-PBA® certification.

This handbook allows you to:

 Find information on each policy or procedure by clicking on a topic in the left navigation bar.
 Find tips and important information by reading NOTES throughout the handbook.
 Access the online application system and other information by clicking on links within this handbook.


For general information about the Certification Program, contact the
Customer Care Service Center in your region. Find this information at

PMI Customer Care email:

[email protected]
PMI Certification Complaints email:
[email protected]
Use the Online Certification system to apply:

Use the Online Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) system

for certification maintenance:

PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA) Handbook was updated on 8 May 2018

© 2016-2018 Project Management Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

Revised: 2018

“PMI”, the PMI logo, “Making project management indispensable for business results”, “PMBOK”, “CAPM”, “Certified Associate
in Project Management (CAPM)”, “PMP”, “Project Management Professional (PMP)”, “Project Management Professional”, the
PMP logo, “PgMP”, “Program Management Professional (PgMP)”, “PMI-RMP”, “PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-
RMP)”, “PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)”, “PMI-SP”, “PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PI-ACP)”, “PMI-ACP”, “PfMP”,
“Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP)”, “ PMI Practitioner in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)” and “PMI-PBA” are registered
marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.

For a comprehensive list of PMI marks, contact the PMI Legal Department.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 1

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About PMI’s Certification Program
PMI offers a comprehensive certification program for practitioners with many different levels of education and
experience. There are currently eight certifications which are developed and maintained through a vigorous
The certification program includes:
 Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® certification
 PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® certification
 PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP)® certification
 PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)® certification
 Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP) ® certification
 Program Management Professional (PgMP)® certification
 Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification
 PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)® certification
PMI understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its certification activities, manages conflict
of interest and ensures the objectivity of its certification activities.
PMI’s certifications are distinguished by their global development and application, which makes them
transferable across industries and geographic borders. The roles and tasks of professionals around the globe
are researched and documented to define each certification. The strength of PMI’s certifications is that they
are portable and not tied to any single method, standard or organization.
PMI’s certification program is designed to ensure that all certification holders have demonstrated their
competence through fair and valid measures. Steps are taken to ensure only the most reliable testing
measures are used in the assessment of candidates. For example, interviews can be influenced by how
difficult the interviewer tends to be, how well the candidate is performing that day and even how many
questions the interviewer asks along the same line of questioning.
PMI certifications are also developed by practitioners for practitioners. The certification program is driven by
the thousands of certification holders who volunteer to spend time constructing and refining the exam
questions. These volunteers represent the diversity of PMI’s market, coming from every region of the world,
industry, job level and experience level. The exam questions are monitored through industry-standard
statistical procedures, also overseen by volunteers.
Finally, PMI’s certification program is supervised by the Certification Governance Council (CGC), a committee
of PMI certification holders who have a board mandate to oversee the program.
Candidates are assessed by examining their competence using:
 Reviewing Education and Experience – A combination of education and/or experience is required
for each certification. For example, the PMP requires both training specifically in project management
and experience in the role of a project manager by leading and directing project teams while delivering
project results.
 Testing Competence – The candidate is required to apply concepts and experience to potential on-
the-job situations through a series of scenario-based questions.
 Ongoing Development – Maintenance of a PMI certification requires the accumulation of ongoing
professional development and education or, in the case of the CAPM® certification, re-certification.

PMI Certification Department Mission

Initiate, establish, evaluate, maintain and administer a professional certification
program to promote and support practitioners
and the profession.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 2

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Overview of the PMI-PBA Certification
About the PMI-PBA Certification
Business analysis is a topic of growing importance to projects and programs. The marketplace reflects
this importance, as practitioners increasingly embrace business analysis as a technique for uncovering
business needs, managing requirements, and creating effective solutions to business problems. The
PMI-PBA certification recognizes an individual’s expertise in business analysis, and using these tools
and techniques to improve the overall success of projects.

In addition, the PMI-PBA certification carries a high level of professional credibility. It requires a
combination of business analysis training, experience working on projects, and examination on business
analysis principles, practices, tools, and techniques. This global certification also supports individuals in
meeting the needs of organizations that rely on business analysis practitioners to play key roles on their

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 3

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Overview of the PMI-PBA Certification
Timeline of the PMI-PBA Certification Process

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 4

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Overview of the PMI-PBA Certification
Business Analysis Role Delineation
PMI conducted a Role Delineation Study (RDS) in the development of the certification in alignment with
industry best practices. This study determined the level of importance of each of the tasks, tools and
techniques, and knowledge and skills required to use business analysis principles and practices in
project management. It is the basis for the creation of the examination. The examination for the PMI-PBA
certification is a vital part of the activities that lead to earning this certification. Thus, it is imperative that
the examination accurately reflect the business analysis practices, tools and techniques being used by
practitioners of business analysis.
The PMI-PBA Role Delineation states that candidates for the PMI-PBA certification:
• Perform their duties under general supervision and are responsible for working with
stakeholders to define an organization’s business requirements in order to shape the output of
projects and ensure they deliver the expected business benefit. .
• Spearhead the discovery, analysis and overall management of the requirements for a project.
• Demonstrate sufficient knowledge and experience to appropriately apply business analysis tools
and techniques to enable project success.

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Overview of the PMI-PBA Certification
PMI-PBA Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the PMI-PBA certification, you must meet the following educational and professional
experience requirements.

Educational Business Analysis Training in Business

+ Experience
+ Analysis

Secondary degree 7,500 hours 35 contact hours.

(High school diploma, (5 years) working as a
associate’s degree or practitioner of business
analysis. Hours must have been earned
global equivalent).
in business analysis practices.
This experience must
have been earned in the
last 8 years.

Bachelor’s degree or 4,500 hours 35 contact hours.

(3 years) working as a
higher degree (or global
practitioner of business
analysis. Hours must have been earned
in business analysis practices.
This experience must
have been earned in the
last 8 years.

*Note: for those who hold active PMP and/or PgMP certifications, PMI has already verified you have exceeded the project
experience requirements. In other words, active PMP and/or PgMP certification holders will be accepted as fulfilling the general
project experience requirements.

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PMI-PBA Application & Payment
How to Complete the Online Application
You can use our online certification system to apply for all certifications and certifications.
Before you begin: Check to make sure you meet the eligibility requirements and can
record the necessary information on the application.
Once you start an
online application: You cannot cancel it. You can save it unfinished, come back to it later, and edit
any information you already entered. The application will remain open for 90 days
during which time PMI will send you an email reminder to complete the
Please ensure that the application includes your valid email address as this will be the primary mode of
communication from PMI throughout the certification process. Although PMI will email you reminders
during the process, you have the responsibility to schedule and sit for your examination within
the one-year eligibility period (see Exam Eligibility section of this handbook for more details).

NOTE: Electronic communications from PMI may inadvertently be blocked or forwarded to bulk
mail folders by some spam filters. Please add [email protected] to the personal address
book in your email program to help ensure that you don’t miss important certification notifications
from PMI.

Before you submit the application, you will be required to read and agree to the PMI Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct and the Certification Application/Renewal Agreement, which can be found in this
handbook and on

You can also use the online certification system to:

 View your submitted application
 View your examination eligibility status
 Download PMI audit forms
 Download your exam report with your pass/fail status
 Apply and submit payment to take or retake any PMI examination and/or evaluation
 Submit payment for certification renewal
 Download receipts
 Access your certification record and update your contact information
 View your listing on the Certification Registry

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PMI-PBA Application & Payment
How to Record Your Experience on the Application

Business Analysis Experience

Use the Business Analysis Experience Worksheet in the application to record your business analysis
experience. The experience does not necessarily have to be paid work, but it does need to be in a
professional setting. Activities such as school projects or planning personal events would not qualify.
Record each business analysis activity you worked on individually. You need a minimum of 4,500 hours
of unique, non-overlapping experience accrued within the last eight years. This means that each month
you worked on multiple, overlapping activities (projects that ran simultaneously) counts as one month
toward the total requirement.

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PMI-PBA Application & Payment
How to Record Your Training on the Application
Record at least 35 contact hours of training on business analysis practices. Business Analysis training
can include topics covering business analysis methodologies, principles and practices.
Record all training hours, regardless of when they were accrued. The course work must be completed
by the time you submit your application.

NOTE: One hour of classroom instruction equals one contact hour. If you have completed a
university or college course on business analysis that met for three hours per week for 15 weeks,
you would record 45 contact hours. If only a portion of a course dealt with business analysis
practices, only the hours spent on business analysis practices can be applied toward the total.

You can satisfy the training requirements by demonstrating the successful completion of courses,
workshops and educational sessions offered by one or more of the following types of providers:
 PMI Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.s)*
 PMI chapters or communities of practice*
 Employer/company-sponsored programs
 Training companies or consultants (e.g., training schools)
 Distance-learning companies, including an end-of-course assessment
 University/college academic and continuing education programs

The following education does not satisfy the training requirements:

 PMI chapter meetings*
 Self-directed learning (e.g., reading books, watching instructional videos or sessions
with coaches or mentors)
*If at least one hour of a chapter meeting is spent conducting a learning activity, the hour(s)
spent in that activity can be counted towards the training eligibility requirement.

NOTE: While you may be able to record applicable classes that counted toward a degree, you
cannot record the degree program in its entirety because some classes within the program will
not apply to the requirement.

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PMI-PBA Application & Payment
Application Processing
PMI strives to process applications in a timely manner. The following table details the application
processing timeline.

Application Processing Timeline

Application submitted: Process time:
Online 5 calendar days

NOTE: This processing timeline does not apply if your application has been selected for PMI’s
audit process (refer to the PMI Audit Process section in this handbook for more details).

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PMI-PBA Application & Payment
PMI-PBA Certification Fees
The proper fees for payment are determined by your PMI membership status and the examination
delivery type (computer-based versus paper-based) for your geographic location. Refer to the
Examination Administration section in this handbook to see if you qualify for paper-based exam delivery.
Otherwise, plan on taking a computer-based exam and submitting the associated fees. Use the following
chart to determine the certification fee.

Exam Administration Type PMI Member Status US Dollars Euros

Computer-based testing (CBT) member

$405 € 340
Paper-based testing (PBT)
Computer-based testing (CBT) nonmember
$555 € 465
Paper-based testing (PBT)

Reexamination CBT/PBT member $275 € 230

Reexamination CBT/PBT nonmember $375 € 315

CCR certification renewal member $60 USD Only

CCR certification renewal nonmember $150 USD Only

The PMI membership rate will apply only if you are a member of PMI in good standing at the time you
submit payment for the certification. If you apply for membership right before you apply for the
certification, make sure you receive confirmation of your membership before you pay for the certification.
If your membership has not been completely processed before you pay for the certification, you will be
charged the nonmember rate.
If PMI membership is obtained after you submit payment for the certification, PMI will not refund the
Review all the benefits of PMI membership or join now!

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PMI-PBA Application & Payment
How to Submit Payment
Once your online application has been processed and determined to be complete, PMI will send
electronic notification to you requesting payment.
This requires you to go back into the online certification system to complete the following steps:
1. Select your examination delivery method.
(Refer to the Examination Administration section in this handbook for more details).
2. Request test accommodations for your examination at no extra cost, if necessary.
(refer to the Test Accommodations section in this handbook for more details).
3. Submit payment.
(Refer to the Certification Fees section of this handbook for more details).
You can submit payment of the certification fees in any of the following ways:
Payment type Method for sending payment
Credit card Online certification system or postal mail to PMI
Check Postal mail to PMI
Money Order Postal mail to PMI
Wire transfer Contact [email protected] for details

If you submit your application online, you may submit payment by the following ways:
1. Online—Use the online certification system to submit credit card payment. This will enable PMI to
process your payment more quickly.
2. By Postal Mail—Mail a check, money order, credit card information or wire payment information
to PMI. Include your PMI identification number and user name.

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PMI-PBA Application & Payment
PMI-PBA Refund Policy
To obtain a refund for the PMI-PBA certification, you must make a request at least 30 days before the
exam eligibility expiration date. A refund of US$200 will be made if you have not yet scheduled or
taken the CBT exam. A refund of US$135 will be made if you have not yet scheduled or taken the PBT
exam. After the refund is processed the application will be closed and the eligibility period will no longer
be valid.

PMI will NOT provide you with a refund in the following instances:
 If your one-year eligibility period has expired and you have not scheduled the exam, you will not
receive a refund. You will forfeit the entire fee. You will not be able to use the initial fees for
anything else. If you still wish to obtain the certification, you will have to reapply and submit all
associated fees again.
 If you have scheduled the exam and did not take it, nor provided the necessary
cancellation/rescheduling notification to PMI’s testing administration partner, Prometric, you will
not receive a refund. Again, you will forfeit the fee and not be able to apply it to anything else.

NOTE: You can send a request for refund to [email protected] or by fax to +1 610 482 9971.

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PMI Audit Process
PMI Audit Process
The submission of an application indicates your agreement to comply with the terms of the audit process.
All applications are subject to an audit, although only a percentage of applications are selected for audit.
The selection of an application for audit is random.
If your application is selected for an audit, you will be notified by email prior to payment of the certification
fee. The electronic audit notification provides detailed information on how to comply with the terms of the
During an audit, you will be asked to submit supporting documentation such as:
 Copies of your diploma/global equivalent.
 Signatures from your supervisor(s) or manager(s) from the project(s) recorded in the experience
verification section of the application.
 Copies of certificates and/or letters of registration from the training institute(s) for each course
recorded on the application to meet the required contact hours of training in business analysis
PMI provides you with 90 days to submit the requested documentation. If you are able to provide the
necessary documentation to meet the terms and requirements of the audit process, the audit should take
about five to seven business days to complete.
You can send your completed audit forms by regular postal mail or express courier service to the
address below. Please send all materials at one time, in one envelope. Sending audit documents
separately can cause delay in the audit review timeframe.

Attn: Certification Audit
14 Campus Blvd.
Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA

You may not continue with the certification process until you have complied with the audit requirements.
Once you successfully complete the audit, your one-year examination eligibility period starts.
Incomplete submissions will not be processed and will result in failure of the audit. If you choose not
to comply with the audit, it will result in an audit failure and there is a one-year suspension period to
apply for that certification again.

NOTE: Please be advised that while the selection process for an audit is primarily random, PMI
reserves the right to select any candidate to be audited at any time, including after the certification
has been bestowed. If you fail to meet the audit requirements after attaining the certification, your
certification will be revoked and you will not be entitled to a refund.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
PMI-PBA Exam Information
The PMI-PBA exam is comprised of 200 multiple-choice questions. Of the 200 questions, 25 are
considered pre-test questions. Pre-test questions do not affect the score and are used in examinations
as an effective and legitimate way to test the validity of future questions. All questions are randomly
placed throughout the exam.

No. of Pre-test Total Examination

No. of Scored Questions (Unscored) Questions Questions
175 25 200

Computer-based testing (CBT) is the standard method of administration for PMI examinations. Paper-
based testing (PBT) is available under limited circumstances (refer to the Examination Administration
section in this handbook for more details).
The allotted time to complete the computer-based examination is four hours.

Allotted Examination Time

4 hours

It may take some candidates less than the allotted four hours to complete the examination.

There are no scheduled breaks during the exam, although you are allowed to take a break if
needed. If you take a break during the exam, your exam clock continues to count down.

The examination is preceded by a tutorial and followed by a survey, both of which are optional
and can take up to 15 minutes to complete. The time used to complete the tutorial and survey is not
included in the examination time of four hours.

Item Development
PMI-PBA exam questions:
 Are developed and independently validated by global work groups of business analysis
 Are referenced to the current business analysis reference list;
 Are monitored through psychometric analysis; and
 Satisfy the PMI-PBA Examination Content Outline.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
PMI-PBA Exam Blueprint
The PMI-PBA certification exam is developed based on the PMI-PBA Examination Content Outline. The
exam blueprint details the topic areas in which exam questions will focus. The allocation of questions will
be as follows:

of Questions

Domain 1: Needs Assessment (5 tasks) 18%

Domain 2: Planning (6 tasks) 22%

Domain 3: Analysis (8 tasks) 35%

Domain 4: Traceability and Monitoring (5 tasks) 15%

Domain 5: Evaluation (4 tasks) 10%

Total 100%

For details on the topic areas covered in each of these categories, access the PMI-PBA Examination
Content Outline.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
Examination Administration
New PBT Policy effective as of 1 July 2017
Paper-based testing is available in the following instances:

 Distance to a Prometric CBT site is more than 240 km (150 miles);

 A Prometric CBT site is not available within the country of residence and traveling across country
borders is prohibited/unduly burdensome

Pricing for PBT exams will also change as of 1 July 2017. At that point, all PBT prices will equal CBT

NOTE: As part of the certification payment process, you need to indicate whether you will be taking
a computer-based or paper-based examination. If you need to take a PBT examination, include the
site location, date, and group testing number on your application.

NOTE: The PMI-PBA certification exam is administered in English only.

Language aids for the PMI-PBA exam are not currently available.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
Test Accommodations for the Exam
You may request the administration of any PMI examination to be modified due to disability, handicap
and/or other conditions that may impair your ability to take the examination. There are no additional costs
for test accommodations.

NOTE: Record your need for test accommodations as part of the payment process.

You must submit to PMI, by fax or postal mail, supporting medical or other appropriate documentation to
complete your request. Please keep a copy of all submitted forms for your records.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
Legal Restrictions on Taking the Examination

PMI is subject to US export controls and sanctions laws and regulations. PMI products and services,
including examination administration, may not be exported, re-exported or otherwise furnished to
countries subject to comprehensive US sanctions, unless there is US government authorization, or to a
person or entity on certain lists of designated parties maintained by the US government, including the US
Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked
Persons (SDN List), among others.

For that reason, you will be required as part of your application to take the examination to certify that you
are not on any list of designated parties maintained by the US government, that you are not in any way
affiliated with the governments of countries subject to comprehensive US sanctions, currently Iran,
Sudan, Syria and Cuba, and that you are not ordinarily or permanently resident in countries subject to
comprehensive US sanctions, unless the US government has authorized the provision of such
examinations to persons ordinarily or permanently resident in those countries. As of June, 2014, the US
government has given authorization for individuals ordinarily resident in Iran and Sudan to take
professional certificate examinations.

Export control and sanctions laws may change from time to time, and PMI reserves the right to
implement any changes or additions to these restrictions as appropriate.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
Exam Eligibility
Once an application has been approved, the one-year eligibility period begins. After you successfully
completed the application audit (if you application was selected), you will be prompted for payment of the
certification fee, and PMI will send you an email notification with:
 PMI Eligibility ID and
 The examination scheduling instructions.

NOTE: If your application was selected for audit, your eligibility period begins the day you
successfully complete the audit.

The exam eligibility period (the period of time during which you are able to test) is one year. You may
take the examination up to three times within this one-year eligibility period should you not pass on the
first attempt.
The examination scheduling instructions direct you to the section of the Prometric website where you can
select and schedule your examination date and location. Prometric is PMI’s examination administration
PMI cannot guarantee seating at the testing centers and recommends that you schedule the
examination as soon as you select a date on which you want to take it and at least three months before
the expiration of your eligibility period.

NOTE: You must retain the unique PMI Eligibility ID located on your scheduling notification. This
number will be required to register for the examination.

Please print and save all examination scheduling verifications and correspondence received from
Prometric for your records.

NOTE: If your one-year eligibility period has ended and you have not scheduled the exam, you
will not receive a refund. You will forfeit the entire fee. You will not be able to use the initial fees
for anything else. If you still wish to obtain the certification, you will have to reapply and submit all
associated fees again.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
How to Schedule Your Exam


If you qualified to take a paper-based examination, you will not have to do anything to schedule a
PBT appointment because you indicated this administration type as part of the application or payment
process. Although you are required to do nothing, you will receive the exam scheduling instructions
because PMI’s system sends it to everyone automatically.
To confirm your PBT exam appointment, PMI will send an electronic confirmation 20 days before your
scheduled appointment. This confirmation will contain site instructions including your eligibility dates,
your examination date and location, your arrival times for the examination, information on your
government-issued identification and contact information.


You cannot schedule an exam appointment until PMI receives payment of your certification fee.
Schedule your Examination Online
You can schedule your CBT exam appointment online at the Prometric website. Upon arrival, you will notice
that the page is divided into the two options. Under the section labeled “I want to…,” please select the left
side, for PMI-PBA candidates.

1. Select Schedule my test.

2. Choose the country and state/province in which you would like to sit for the examination.
3. First time test takers will need to create an account by selecting the link Are you a New User?.
By creating this account, you are using a Prometric login and password that is different than your login and password.
4. Select PMI-Project Management Institute in the “Client” field and PMI-Project Management
Institute (PR0, PR1) in the “Program” field.
5. Review PMI-PBA eligibility requirements and scheduling information.
6. Select PMI-Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA) ® in the “Exam” field. Choose your
7. Make a selection from the available test sites offerings in your area and select Schedule
8. Select the examination date and time.
9. Enter your PMI Eligibility ID, confirm your email address, agree to the Data Privacy Notice and
click on “Commit Registration.”

NOTE: Print out your exam confirmation information once you schedule your exam online. Please
maintain a copy of the CBT examination confirmation in your files in the unlikely event that there
are any discrepancies. PMI will not be able to advocate for you if this confirmation notice is not

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 21

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Exam Policies & Procedures
Schedule your Examination by Telephone
 If you live inside North America, you can use the Prometric Telephone System, an Interactive
Voice Response System that enables you to use a touch-tone phone to schedule, reschedule,
cancel, or confirm existing examination appointments. Test center information (phone number,
address and directions) can also be obtained over the telephone or online.
This telephone service is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (U.S. Eastern Time).
Please call +1 800 268 2802 and follow the prompts. The hearing impaired may schedule by
calling +1 800 529 3590.
 Outside North America: Please visit the Prometric website for the service center information for
your region.

NOTE: Please be advised that when scheduling by telephone, you must go to the Prometric
website to print your confirmation information.

When calling Prometric’s Customer Care Center, the customer service representative will ask for:
1. Testing program: (Project Management Institute)
2. Name of examination: (PMI-PBA, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP, or PMP)
3. PMI Eligibility ID (e.g. 1234567E1)

NOTE: Please maintain a copy of the CBT examination confirmation in your files in the unlikely
event that there are any discrepancies. PMI will not be able to advocate for you if this
confirmation notice is not provided.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
How to Schedule an Examination with Test Accommodations
If you have been approved for test accommodations for the examination administration from PMI, please
follow these steps:
 Candidates in North America must call Prometric Special Conditions Department at +1 800 967 1139
 Candidates who live outside North America must contact Prometric’s Regional Service Center in your
region. Please see the phone list above.
When scheduling your exam with test accommodations, be prepared to provide the following:
1. Testing program: (Project Management Institute)
2. Name of examination: (PMI-PBA, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP or PMP)
3. PMI Eligibility ID (e.g. 1234567E1)

If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment with test accommodations, you will need to call the
same number you used when scheduling.

NOTE: If you neglect to apply for test accommodations at the time you complete the application
and wish to do so as you schedule your exam, you must first contact PMI by email at
[email protected]. You cannot schedule the exam with test accommodations
without first applying for the accommodations and getting them approved.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
Rescheduling/Cancellation Policy for CBT Exams
You can reschedule or cancel your computer-based exam at any time, as long as you do so more than
two full calendar days before your scheduled exam appointment. However, because of limited seating
capacity at Prometric Testing Centers, late rescheduling and cancellations will result in a fee. It is
recommended that you reschedule or cancel your exam as soon as you know you won’t be able to make
the appointment. Please read the following policy carefully:

Within 30 Days of Your Appointment

If you reschedule or cancel your exam within 30 days of your scheduled appointment, you will be
charged a fee of US$70. This fee helps to ensure greater seating availability at Prometric Testing
Centers since candidates who wait until the last minute to reschedule or cancel their exams are
“reserving” seats that could be used by others.
The fee will be charged when you go online to Prometric’s website to reschedule or cancel your exam
within the 30-day period. The $70 charge will appear on your credit card statement as a charge from
The 30-day period does not include the day of the exam appointment. For example, if you scheduled
your exam for 5 May, you must reschedule or cancel the exam on or before 4 April to avoid the fee.
For emergency situations in which you are unable to change your exam appointment within 30 days, the
Extenuating Circumstances Policy may apply. However, PMI will evaluate these situations on a case-by-
case basis to determine if a refund of the rescheduling fee is appropriate.

Within 2 Days of Your Appointment

You need to reschedule or cancel your appointment before two calendar days of your exam
appointment. If you wait until you are within two days of your exam appointment, you will be able to
cancel your appointment but you will forfeit the entire exam fee. You will not be able to reschedule your
appointment at this point and will need to pay associated reexamination fees to schedule a new exam.

Date of Exam Date that you Reschedule Fee Amount
Appointment or Cancel
30-Day Policy
5 May 4 April (or before) No Fee
5 May 5 April (up until 2 May) US$70
2-Day Policy
5 May 2 May US$70
5 May 3 May (you are unable to reschedule, but Forfeit the entire
can cancel the appointment) exam fee

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 24

2016 - 2018 Project Management Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Exam Policies & Procedures
How to Reschedule or Cancel Your CBT Appointment
To reschedule or cancel your CBT exam appointment, go to the Prometric website and follow the
prompts. Emails to Prometric or PMI are not acceptable forms of communication to reschedule or cancel
your exam appointment.
If you have Internet connectivity problems, you can call Prometric directly to reschedule or cancel your
appointment. Call Prometric using the same number you called when scheduling your exam and not the
local test site where you are scheduled to take the examination. Contact telephone numbers for
Prometric are located on your Examination Scheduling Instructions and in this handbook.

Rescheduling/Cancellation Policy for PBT Exams

To reschedule or cancel a paper-based testing (PBT) exam appointment, you must email
[email protected] no later than 35 calendar days before the scheduled examination administration
date. Include your name, your PMI identification number, group ID number, (both found on your
confirmation email) and the location of the PBT event in your email. The group ID number is available on
the Prometric website or from the PBT sponsor.

Extenuating Circumstances
PMI understands that there are times when personal emergencies may cause you to:
1. Reschedule or cancel your exam within 30 days of the appointment,
2. Miss a scheduled exam appointment (resulting in a no-show status).
These are referred to as extenuating circumstances and can include:
 medical emergency
 military deployment
 death in immediate family
 illness in immediate family
 natural disaster.
Extenuating circumstances do not include work-related circumstances.
Should a situation like this occur, PMI will examine your situation and take appropriate action.
1. If your circumstances force you to reschedule or cancel your exam within 30 days of the
Go online to the Prometric website as soon as you know you are unable to make your scheduled
appointment and reschedule or cancel your exam. You will be charged the $70 fee; however, you
can contact PMI Customer Care with an explanation and supporting documents (e.g., accident
report, medical documentation, etc.) to obtain a refund on the late rescheduling/cancellation fee, if
approved by PMI.

2. If your circumstances force you to miss your scheduled exam appointment (resulting in a no-show
Please contact PMI Customer Care within 72 hours following the missed exam
appointment. Depending on the circumstance, you will be asked to provide an explanation along
with supporting documentation (e.g., accident report, medical documentation, etc.) in order for
you to reschedule or cancel your exam without penalty, if approved by PMI.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 25

2016 - 2018 Project Management Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Exam Policies & Procedures
PMI will review all claims on a case-by-case basis. If your extenuating circumstance claim is not
approved, you will be required to pay the full reexamination fee to sit for the exam.

No-Show Status
Failure to notify Prometric or PMI within the specified time periods to reschedule or cancel
your exam and failure to meet a scheduled examination appointment will result in a no-show
status. If you receive a no-show status, you will forfeit the exam fee and have to pay the full
reexamination fee in order to schedule another examination.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 26

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Exam Policies & Procedures
PMI Examination Security & Confidentiality
The examination, answer sheets, worksheets and/or any other test or test-related materials remain the
sole and exclusive property of PMI. These materials are confidential and are not available for review by
any person or agency for any reason.
Examination (pass/fail) results are confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone without candidate
consent, unless directed by valid and lawful subpoena or court order. If you would like your examination
results to be released to a third party, you must provide PMI with a written request that specifically
identifies the types of details (e.g., examination date, pass/fail status, etc.) about the examination results
that the third-party person or organization should receive.
When you submit an application, you agree to abide by the PMI Certification Application/Renewal
Agreement (found in this handbook). Among other things, this document addresses post-examination
questions and discussions. It states: “…Furthermore, I agree not to discuss, debrief or disclose, in
any manner, the specific content of PMI examination questions and answers, to any individual.”
Any such discussion would be a potential violation of the Certification Application/Renewal Agreement
and thus, could affect the status of your certification, up to and including revocation of your certification or
permanent suspension from any PMI examinations.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 27

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Exam Policies & Procedures
Examination Site Requirements & Instructions
In order to be admitted into the Prometric testing center, you must bring a valid, current (non-expired)
form of government-issued identification. Your identification needs to include:
1. English characters/translation
2. Your photograph and
3. Your signature

Your government-issued identification must match your name exactly as it appears on the
scheduling notification. The identification documents must be the originals, and cannot be
photocopies. You will not be permitted to test if the name on your government-issued identification does
not exactly match the name on your scheduling notification. Neither PMI nor Prometric will make any
exceptions to this policy.
If you do not provide the appropriate and/or matching identification, you will not be permitted to test. If
you still wish to take the exam, you will be required to apply for reexamination and pay the reexamination
fee in order to take the exam at a later date.
The following are acceptable forms of government-issued identification:
 Valid driver’s license
 Valid military ID
 Valid passport
 Valid national identification card
The following are acceptable forms of secondary identification:
 Valid employee ID
 Valid credit card with signature
 Valid bank (ATM) card
The following are not acceptable forms of identification:
 Social Security cards
 Library cards

Name Change Procedure

After submitting your examination payment, you will receive an eligibility letter from PMI via email. This
eligibility letter will confirm the way your name will appear on the day of your examination, under the
“Name exactly as it appears on your identification” field. If you will require an update or change for your
name for the purposes of taking the certification examination, you must contact PMI as soon as possible
in order to request the change.

Email: [email protected]
Fax: +1 610 482 9971
Attn: Name Change for Exam

Along with your request, please include the following information, exactly as it appears on the
government issued identification documents that you plan to present at the testing center:

 First Name [Given Name]

 Middle Name
 Last Name [Surname/Family Name]

Please send any name change information as soon as possible. PMI is unable to guarantee that any
updates can be made to the name within five business days of a scheduled examination.

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Exam Policies & Procedures
Check-in procedure

On the day of your examination, please arrive a half hour before your scheduled appointment. You
must sign in, present the required identification, and provide your unique PMI Eligibility ID. You may also
be asked to provide the confirmation number received when scheduling the appointment.

PROHIBITED from the Testing Center:

You may NOT bring anything or anyone into the testing area or to the desk where you take the exam.
This includes:
food beverages book bags
coats sweaters luggage
calculators eyeglass cases pagers
cellular telephones tape recorders dictionaries
watches wallets any other personal items

Items such as sweaters and jewelry may be worn into the testing center, but cannot be removed once
you have entered the testing room.

You will be provided with a locker on the day of your examination to store your personal belongings.
Once your items are stored, you will be unable to access your locker until you have completed your
examination appointment.
If you will require any personal items in the testing room due to a medical condition, such as food,
beverages or medication, you will need authorization from PMI prior to scheduling your examination
appointment. Please review the Test Accommodations policy on pages 18 and 23 for additional
information on obtaining authorization.
Testing Aids
Test candidates are prohibited from bringing calculators and scrap paper into the test site. However,
these items will be provided for you by Prometric on the day of the exam:
 Calculators are built into the CBT exam and will be provided to those candidates taking a PBT
 Writing materials for taking notes during the examination, either:
o Scrap paper and pencils, or
o Erasable board and markers

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Exam Policies & Procedures

Termination of Examination Administration/Grounds for Dismissal

You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times at the testing center. Any
person who violates the PMI Test Security & Confidentiality Policy will be subject to disciplinary action(s)
by the Certification Department.
The test center administrator/supervisor or proctor is authorized to dismiss you from an examination
administration and the Certification Department may cancel your scores, or take other appropriate action,
when there is a reasonable basis for concluding that you have engaged in any of the following conduct:
 Using or attempting to use someone else to take the test.
 Failing to provide acceptable personal identification.
 Having access to or using notes or any prohibited aid related to the test.
 Creating a disturbance (disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated; the test
administrator/supervisor has sole discretion in determining whether specific conduct
constitutes disruptive behavior).
 Communicating, in any manner, with another person other than the test
administrator/supervisor or proctor about the test during the administration, including
attempting to give or receive assistance.
 Attempting to remove scrap paper from the testing room, or tearing the scrap paper.
 Eating or drinking in the testing room.
 Leaving the testing room or test center vicinity without permission.
 Removing or attempting to remove, examination-related material, or portions of a test in any
format from the testing room.
 Attempting to tamper with a computer.
 Engaging in any dishonest or unethical conduct, such as cheating.
 Failing to follow any other examination administration regulations set forth in PMI Certification
Program policies given by the test administrator/supervisor, or specified in any examination
The Certification Department reserves the right to take all action including, but not limited to, barring you
from future testing and/or canceling your scores, for failure to comply with the test
administrator/supervisor’s directions. If your scores are cancelled, you will be notified of such action and
its basis, and your examination fees will not be refunded.
Although tests are administered under strict supervision and security measures, examination
irregularities may sometimes occur. You are required to contact PMI as soon as possible to report any
observed behavior that may lead to an invalid score—for example, someone copying from another test
taker, taking a test for someone else, having access to test questions before the examination, or using
notes or unauthorized aids. All information will be held in confidence.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 30

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Exam Policies & Procedures
Examination Report
Upon completion of the computer-based examination, you will receive a printed copy of your test results.
In addition to the overall pass/fail status, important diagnostic information on your performance is
provided for each domain. This information provides specific guidance for both passing and failing
Candidates who take a computer-based examination receive the exam report at the test center the day
they sit for the examination. You can also access your exam report on the online certification system no
later than 10 business days after your examination date. You will receive an email notifying you when
your exam report is available online.
Candidates who take a paper-based examination will NOT receive the exam report the day of the exam.
You will be able to access your exam report on the online certification system approximately six to eight
weeks after your examination date. You will receive an email notifying you when your exam report is
available online.
Establishing the Passing Score
The passing score for all PMI exams is determined by sound psychometric analysis. PMI uses subject
matter experts – project professionals from around the world and many different disciplines – to
determine how many questions you must answer correctly to pass the exam. Each scored question on
the exam is worth one point; and your final score is calculated by totaling the points you have earned on
the exam. The number of questions you answer correctly places you within one of the performance rating
categories you see on this report.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 31

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Exam Policies & Procedures

You are granted a one-year eligibility period in which to pass the examination. During the eligibility
period, you may take the examination up to three times because candidates do not always pass the
examination on their first attempt. Gauge your time carefully to leave enough time during the eligibility
period to retake the examination, if needed.

Reexamination fees apply to the second and third attempts to pass the examination.

Exam Administration Type PMI Member Status US Dollars Euros

Reexamination CBT/PBT member $275 € 230

Reexamination CBT/PBT nonmember $375 € 315

If you fail the examination three times within your one-year eligibility period, you must wait one year from
the date of the last examination you took to reapply for the certification. However, after failing an exam
three times, candidates may opt to apply for any other PMI certification and/or certification. For example,
a candidate who failed the PMI-PBA exam three times during the one-year eligibility period must wait one
year to reapply for the PMI-PBA certification. However, he or she can apply for the CAPM, PMP, PMI-
SP, PMI-RMP, PgMP, PfMP or PMI-ACP (and submit associated initial fees) at any time.
Reexamination fees apply to the second and third attempts to pass the examination. If your eligibility
period expires without you passing the examination, you must reapply for the certification.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 32

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Certification Policies & Procedures
Certification Complaints Process
All complaints regarding the certification process are governed by the Certifications Complaints Process.
Examples of a complaint include but are not limited to:
 Dissatisfaction with a certification process
 Dissatisfaction with exam content
 Dissatisfaction with the exam administration

All certification related complaints must be reported within 30 days of the event/incident cited, made in
writing, and sent to PMI:
 Via email at [email protected] or
 Via postal mail at 14 Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299, USA

All complaints should include evidence supporting the reason for the complaint and the nature of the
request, including all reasons why the action or decision should be changed. A complaint must include:
 Name and e-mail address of the complainant;
 Name against whom the complaint is made, if applicable;
 Reference to the PMI certification policy and/or procedure that was allegedly violated;
 A description of how the policy and/or procedure was allegedly violated; and
 Any applicable evidence that supports the complaint.

We will acknowledge, in writing, your complaint within 3 days of receipt. If a complaint is missing any
necessary information, you will be informed and allowed an additional 30 days to supply the missing
information. If the required information is not submitted within that time, the request shall be closed.

The review and validation of the complaint will occur in a constructive, impartial and timely manner. You
will be notified of the outcome within 3 business days of the decision being made. A record of the
complaint, including any subsequent action(s) taken, and the decision made will be maintained by PMI.
All information pertaining to the complaint will remain confidential.

You have the right to escalate your complaint within 10 calendar days of the notification of the decision
rendered. The escalation request should be submitted in writing and can be sent via email or mail to one
of the addresses listed above.

A decision around the escalation will be communicated to you within 10 days of PMI’s receipt of the
escalation request, unless circumstances warrant a delay. If a delay is expected, you will be notified.

Certification Appeals Procedure

All challenges to PMI’s Certification Program are governed by the PMI Certification Appeals Procedure.
This appeal process is the only method to review decisions made by PMI regarding desired certification
status. Examples of an appeal include but are not limited to:
 Rejection of a certification application
 Dispute over a failed audit
 Failure to meet CCR requirements resulting in a certification being revoked

All certification related appeals must be reported within 30 days of the event/incident cited, made in
writing, and sent to PMI Certification Appeals:
 Via email at [email protected] or
 Via postal mail at 14 Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299, USA

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Certification Policies & Procedures
To request an appeal you must submit a request and include evidence supporting the reason for the
appeal and the nature of the request, including all reasons why the action or decision should be
changed. An appeal must include:
 Name and e-mail address of the appellant;
 A description of why the appeal should be granted; and
 Any applicable evidence that supports the appeal.

We will acknowledge, in writing, your complaint within 3 days of receipt.

The review and validation of the complaint will occur in a constructive, impartial and timely manner. You
will be notified of the appeal decision within 30 days of PMI’s receipt of the appeal, unless circumstances
warrant a delay. If a delay is expected, you will be notified. A record of the complaint, including any
subsequent action(s) taken, and the decision made will be maintained by PMI. All information pertaining
to the complaint will remain confidential.

*Disciplinary decisions made by PMI regarding persons already certified are evaluated under PMI's
Ethics Complaints Process.

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Certification Policies & Procedures
Use of Your PMI-PBA Certification
Once you pass the exam, you are granted the PMI-PBA certification. You may refer to yourself as a PMI-
PBA certification holder as long as you have an active certification status. You are authorized to use the
PMI-PBA designation in block letters after your name on business cards, personal letterhead, resumes,
websites and in your email signature.
Please note that as part of the application process, you agreed to adhere to the PMI Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct and the Certification Application/Renewal Agreement. This means, among other
things, that you will only use the PMI-PBA designation in the manner stated above and that you will not
use the PMI-PBA designation in company names, domain names, product names, or any other
unauthorized manner.

Certificate Package
Within six to eight weeks, you will receive a certification package that includes:
 Congratulatory letter
 Information on how to maintain and renew your certification
 Certificate

Both of these documents list your:

 Certification number—a unique identification number used by PMI to maintain your individual
certification records
 Your certification cycle dates

You will want to file this information in a safe and easily accessible location. You will need to refer to it in
order to report professional development activities to maintain your certification.
Until you receive your certificate package, you may use your exam report (available online through the
certification system) to validate your certification status.

Online Certification Registry

The online Certification Registry automatically lists names of PMI’s certification and certification holders.
This feature allows verification of certification and certification holders for the benefit of employers,
service purchasers and others. Users can search for certification and certification holders by first name,
last name, or by country.
Certification and certification holders can choose to be removed from the registry—so the absence of
your name in the registry does not necessarily mean that you are not certified. You can opt out of
inclusion in the registry or update your demographic information by visiting

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 35

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Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program
CCR Program Overview
PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program supports the ongoing educational and
professional development of our certification holders so they are always prepared to meet the demands
of today’s complex business environment. The purpose of the CCR program is to:
• Enhance continuous learning and development among certification holders
• Provide direction in development areas to ensure relevancy of certified practitioners
• Encourage and recognize individualized learning opportunities
• Offer a mechanism for attaining and recording professional development activities
• Sustain the global recognition and value of PMI certifications
Everyone who earns a PMI certification (with the exception of the CAPM® certification) must actively
maintain their certification(s) through participation in the CCR Program and renewal of their
certification(s) every 3 years.

Partaking in professional development and learning activities allows certification holders to earn
Professional Development Units (PDUs), fulfilling the continuing certification requirements and ultimately
growing and developing as a practitioner.

We know that each individual has different professional needs and desires. The CCR program is
designed to be flexible so that it can adapt to those needs and allow you to customize your CCR
activities. The CCR program provides a general framework and guidance—you determine your ultimate
CCR and development path.

For details and instructions on how to earn and track PDUs in CCR, download the CCR Handbook.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 36

2016 - 2018 Project Management Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
PMI Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct
Ethics is about making the best possible decisions concerning people, resources and the environment.
Ethical choices diminish risk, advance positive results, increase trust, determine long term success and
build reputations. Leadership is absolutely dependent on ethical choices.

PMI members have determined that honesty, responsibility, respect and fairness are the values that
drive ethical conduct for the project management profession. PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional
Conduct applies those values to the real-life practice of project management, where the best outcome is
the most ethical one.

All PMI members, volunteers, certification holders and certification applicants must comply with the

Please visit the Code of Ethics page to download and read our code.

PMI Certification Application/Renewal Agreement

Please visit the Certification Application/Renewal Agreement page to review the agreement.

PMI-PBA Handbook – revised 8 May 2018 37

2016 - 2018 Project Management Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

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