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UNLV/ Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Emily Gonzalez PSMT Name: Strachan

Lesson Plan Title: Harry Potter Writing Lesson Plan Topic: Compare & Contrast
Date: 4/1/2019 Estimated Time: 60 Minutes
Grade Level: 5th School Site: Edwards

1. State Standard(s):
RL.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and
when drawing inferences from the text.
RL.5.3 Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or
drama, drawing on specific details in the text.
W.5.2 Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
information clearly.
W.5.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

2. Teaching Model(s): Direct Instruction

3. Objective(s):
SWBAT compare and contrast Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book to
the film in two well-constructed paragraphs.

4. Materials and Technology Resources:

a. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book and film
b. Pencil/ paper
c. Anchor chart

5. Instructional Procedures
a. Motivation/Engagement:
i. Teacher will begin by having students Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up:
1. What strategies do you use to answer constructed responses?
ii. Teacher will write various answers on the board.
b. Developmental Activities or Learning experiences:
i. Teacher will begin by introducing the “5 finger paragraph.”

ii. Students will write this method in their writing notebooks.
iii. Students will then create their compare and contrast sheets. Students can
create a venn diagram or fold their paper in half. The teacher will remind
students that they will be using this organizer to help write their two
iv. Teacher will play the movie until 25:37. Through the movie, the teacher
will pause and have students share what they have found so far
encouraging students to write what their classmates may have noticed that
they have not. Once the video is done, students will return to their desk.
v. The teacher will write the following question on the board:
1. What were some similarities and differences between the first 5
chapters of the book and the first 25 minutes of the movie?
vi. This is the question students will use to guide their two paragraphs. The
teacher will remind students to have a strong introduction and conclusion.
vii. Students will have the remaining 30 minutes to finish their paragraphs.
c. Closure:
i. Students will Turn & Talk: What strategy helped you write your
paragraphs in the given time period?
d. Extension: Students will finish their chapter 6 comprehension sheets.

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

a. Turn & Talk, Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up, graphic organizers
7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:
a. Formative: Completed compare and contrast paragraphs.
b. Summative: N/A

8. Homework Assignment: N/A

9. Reflection

Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning:

My students absolutely loved Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone. Because of
this, our grade level decided to read the second book as well. More specifically, my kids
do better when they have a visual to use as a support. Because of this, I found the 5 finger
method which allows student to use an anchor chart, and their own hands to remember
how to properly write a paragraph. After teaching this method, I noticed my students
looking at their hands while writing their paragraph which is extremely beneficial for
them. Also, my students do well when they are heavily guided. Because of this, I stopped
constantly throughout the film to talk about what we had noticed.

Examining Curriculum Context:

Currently, my kids struggled with writing a proper paragraph. They are aware
with how to answer the question, but they do not understand how to organize their ideas.
With that being said, I decided to introduce the 5 finger method with a topic they enjoy.
In general, my kids really loved this method because they also loved the topic we were
writing about. Because they love Harry Potter, they grasped this method a lot better.
Prior knowledge required for this lesson is the basic components of comparing
and contrasting two topics. Students must understand what a graphic organizer is and the
purpose of this prewriting stage. The students should also be at grade level with writing
skills such as punctuation and organization.

Building a Conducive Environment to Support Student Learning:

During this lesson I supported my students collaboration by pausing and
discussing their findings. My students also continue to participate when their actions are
acknowledged. During this lesson, I thanked students for participating or celebrated when
they had great ideas. This handled classroom management because my students were
being acknowledged for their hard work. Lastly, even when students repeated others’
ideas, instead of making a remark about them not listening because it was already said, I
said thank you and moved on. I noticed that this kept a positive vibe within my room.
The central focus of this lesson was to have a strong understanding of the book
and the film and being able to write an organized response to a question in a well
constructed paragraph. I checked for understanding through discussion, as well as
through their paragraphs.

Differentiating Instruction for Individual Needs/ Using Assessment to Inform

I differentiated throughout this lesson by using student discussion. This is a
strategy that helps my struggling and succeeding students. I also provided graphic
organizers, and an anchor chart that had a visual that supported student learning.
Throughout the lesson, I adjusted my teaching by listening to how they responded. For
example, when we were discussing the 5 finger method, I had students give me ideas
about an introductory and concluding sentence. Based on their responses, I needed to
revise and explain the purpose of an introductory and concluding sentence even though it
wasn’t in my initial lesson plans. This shows that my lesson was shifted in order to get
my students to their learning objective which involved writing a well-constructed

Using Reflection to Transform Instruction:

From my other lessons, I needed to make sure that my students were not only
engaged, but were supported. I often noticed that I let go of the reigns too quickly which
led to a fiasco either with management, or understanding of the objective. During this
lesson, I made sure to support my students reach the objective, but allowed for critical
thinking as well. Prior to teaching full-time, it was hard to find the balance of supporting
your students, and giving them the easy way out. With that being said, I found methods
that worked for my students which involves specific questioning tactics. Not only do I
plan my questions, but I use my questions to answer them. Rather than telling them the
answer, I ask another question that is more specific and will get them to where I need
them to be, without giving them too much information. Overall I have noticed a huge
increase in my teaching because of this strategy. I noticed a huge difference in
participation, scores, management, and engagement.

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