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European Journal of Training and Development Studies

Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018

___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Okanezi Bright (Ph.D)1 and Braide Dikibujiri Matilda2
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt,
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Department of Educational Foundations, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT: The study investigated Study Habits and Academic Performance of Secondary
School Students in Rivers-West Senatorial District of Rivers State, Nigeria. The population of
the study is 2,650 Senior Secondary Two (S.S.2) students in selected public schools in the
Rivers-West Senatorial District. The sample size is 437 which was chosen through Taro
Yemeni’s sample size selection formula. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire
which dwelt on the extent of relationship between aspects of study habit such as regular
reading, students-teacher consultation, regular involvement in doing class assignments,
regular library patronage and regular engagement in doing take-home assignments and
academic performance. Five research questions guided the study and were analysed using
mean statistical tool. The findings revealed that there is high extent of relationship between
study habit and academic performance. Consequently, recommendations were made which
include: parents should provide books and encourage their wards to study hard; counselors
should be employed to counsel students on how to develop study habit; students should be
encouraged to do their class and take-home assignments.
KEYWORDS: Academic Performance, Secondary School Students, Study Habit, Assignment

Education and knowledge are among the most precious virtues that mankind crave. The
seeming twin concepts are important because every given society has used
knowledge/education to improve or develop. It is for this reason that resources are heavily
invested in the education sector. Acquisition of education is also acquisition of knowledge. The
two concepts are inseperable because they almost mean the same thing.
The above notwithstanding, for one to be said to be educated means that the person must have
performed well in academics. Hornby (2010:865) defines performance as “how well or badly
something works”. Performance is an act or process of performing a task. It also involves an
act involving numerous efforts or trouble. Eze cited in Obinwa (2010) opined that “academic
performance relates to the degree of performance students put towards academic success”.
Furthermore, Bell (2011) noted that:
In educational institutions, success is measured by academic
performance or how well a student meets standards set out by
Government and the institution itself. As career competition
grows fiercer in the working world, the importance of students

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
doing well in school has caught the attention of parents,
legislators and government education departments pp143.
To further buttress the fore-goings, especially on the clarification of the concept of academic
performance, Braide (2018) posits that:
Most people know that academic performance generally
refers to how well a student is accomplishing his or her task
and lessons, but there are quite a number of factors that may
determine the level and quality of students’ academic performance
In tertiary level of education, performance is assessed in various ways. For systematic scoring,
learners prove their knowledge by undertaking oral or written test, performing presentations as
is done in seminars, partaking in classroom activities, discussions and submission of take-home
assignments. In the Nigerian secondary school system, learners are evaluated through home
works, assignments, test, examinations etc (Obinna 1998).
It is however important to note that the academic achievement of learners may well be marred
or enhanced depending on their approach to studying. Study is the activity of learning or
gaining knowledge either from books or by examining things in the world. Studying is the
procedure of getting information from prints that is information stored in written materials
(magazines, newspapers, books). Mace (2002) opines that study is an organized gaining of
intelligence and an interpretation of information and ideologies that calls for memorizing and
usage. Kelly (1998) specified that study is the utilization of person’s intellectual ability to the
gaining, comprehending and arrangement of information; doing it over and over again entails
some method of formal learning. Okorodudu (2000) is of the view that study is a course of
topic mastery. Studying entails diligence as it concerns a specified person engaged in it.
Habit is a thing that one does often and almost without thinking; especially something that is
hard to stop doing (Hornby 2000:530). It is identified as a way of doing something. A person’s
habit consists of a unique ways of how specific things are allowed or done by such individual
or person. Habit is relative to person or people. Each human being acts in a unique way. This
is so because nature made things uniquely. The temperament and general attitude of a person
is not the same with that of another person or individual.
Considering the exposition on the concept of habit and study, it can then be said that study
habit refers to the consistent ways a person does with regards to gaining knowledge. Hussain
cited in Braide (2018:2) opines that study habit is the predispositions which learners have
acquired regarding isolated studying over time. Since habits exemplify uniqueness in an
individual, study routines are the activities of person related to studies. Study habits are routines
of implementing and practicing abilities of learners in learning processes for gaining mastery.
Study habit functions as the propeller of learning. A student’s learning character is
characterized by his study habits. Study habits are the various attitudes, methods techniques
and strategies which individual students adopt while studying. Individual behaviour is guided
by habit, therefore, in the process of studying, the various habits or techniques students adopt
are what define their performance. The above bring to the fore, the importance of both study

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
and habit in a student’s life yet the actual implications are unknown. The uncertainty of the
effect of study habit on the academic performance of students remains a source of concern
especially with regards to Rivers-West Senatorial District of Rivers State, Nigeria hence the
decision to embark on this study.

Statement of the Problem

Education has been identified as an important social institution. Those enrolled in education
(academic programme) know that they are there to achieve success which will be beneficial to
not only the student but also his family and the society at large. It is factual after all that
education serves as a means of liberation, illumination and upward social mobility. Considering
the importance of education, it is expected that those who have enrolled in any academic
programme should study very hard in order to pass examination with flying colours.
Unfortunately, performances in examinations especially secondary school level have been so
poor. Studying is quite significant, as no learning process, activity or situation can be effective
without studying. But one problem that seems to confront the Nigerian educational system is
the consistent failure of learners in national examinations specifically, at the secondary school
level of learning. (Ajayi, 2012).
The above assertion is further corroborated by Adesulu (2018:9) as he reported that “West
African Examinations Council, WAEC, has released results of West African Senior Secondary
School Certificate Examination WASSCE, for private candidates in 2018 - first series,
yesterday in Lagos with 17.13 percentage pass in English language and Mathematics.”
The high rate of failure is indeed a source of worry to all and sundry. What could be the reason
for the mass failure? Could it be a factor of study h abit among secondary school students?
The curiosity to proffer solutions to this problem resulted in the choice to undertake the study
on this topic.

Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between study habits and students
academic performance. Specifically, the objectives of the study are:
1. To find out the relationship between regular reading as an aspect of study habit and
students’ academic performance.
2. To find out the relationship between student-teacher consultation as an aspect of study
habit and students’ academic performance.
3. To ascertain the relationship between regular involvement in doing class assignments
as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance.
4. To determine the relationship between regular library patronage as an aspect of study
habit and students’ academic performance.
5. To examine the relationship between regular engagement in doing take-home
assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance.

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Research Questions
The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:
1. What extent is the relationship between regular reading as an aspect of study habit and
students’ academic performance?
2. What extent is the relationship between student-teacher consultation as an aspect of
study habit and students’ academic performance?
3. To what extent is the relationship between regular involvement in doing class
assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance?
4. To what extent is the relationship between regular library patronage as an aspect of
study habit and students’ academic performance?
5. What extent is the relationship between regular engagement in doing take-home
assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance?

The study adopted a correlational research design. The choice of this research design stems
from the fact that the study measures the strength of association between variables. In other
words, the study aims at establishing relationship. The study was carried out in Rivers-West
Senatorial District of Rivers State, Nigeria. The population of the study is 2,650 which is all
Senior Secondary Two (SS2) students in selected public schools in the Rivers-West Senatorial
District of Rivers State, Nigeria as at when this study was conducted. The sample size is 347
which was chosen through Taro Yemeni’s sample size technique as a representative of the
population. Stratified random sampling technique and simple random sampling technique was
adopted. The instrument was structured questionnaire designed by the researchers. It was a 20
item instrument designed in a four Likert scale response of Very High Extent (VHE), High
Extent (HE), Low Extent (LE) and Very Low Extent (VLE). The instrument had two sections.
Section ‘A’ was for the respondents’ bio-data while section ‘B’ is designed to elicit information
bothering on the research questions. The face and content validities were scrutinized and
approved by an expert in Test and Measurement. For the reliability of the instrument, a test re-
test method was used and Cronbach alpha was employed which gave a coefficient of 0.71. This
confirms that the instrument was reliable. Based on the above, copies of the questionnaire were
administered directly to the respondents and retrieved on the spot. Mean statistical tool was
used in analyzing the research questions.

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Research Question One: What extent is the relationship between regular reading as an aspect
of study habit and students’ academic performance?

Table 1: Mean score analysis of the extent of relationship between regular reading as an
aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance.
S/N Items VHE HE LE VLE Total 𝒙 Decision

What extent of the following is

the relationship between
regular reading as an aspect of
study habit and students’ 166
1. academic performance? (664)

I draw reading schedule and I am 124 128 29 24 347 3.3 High

2. resolute in keeping to it (496) (384) (58) (24) (1130) Extent

3. The number of friends are

reduced to avoid distraction from 95 175 36 12 347 3.2 High
reading regularly (380) (525) (72) (12) (1105) Extent
My involvement in extra-
curricular activities are reduced to 82
have adequate reading time (328) 183 28 41 347 3.0 High
(549) (56) (41) (1026) Extent
I become sad anytime reading
schedule is not followed.

167 44 54 347 2.8 High

(501) (88) (54) (971) Extent

Total mean 12.3

Grand Mean 3.1

From Table 1 above, each of the items has Mean that is above 2.50 which is the standard
reference point which indicates that each of the items showed high relationship. This is equally
revealed in the grand mean of 3.1.

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Research Question Two: What extent is the relationship between student-teacher consultation
as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance?

Table 2: Mean score analysis of the extent of relationship between student-teacher consultation
as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance.
S/N Items VHE HE LE VLE Total 𝒙 Decision

The relationship between students-

Teacher consultation as an aspect of

study habit and students’ academic

performance is to what

extent in the following:

1 I usually go to my teacher for 78 188 36 45 347 (993) 2.9 High

explanation of concepts which I do (564) (72) Extent
not understand (312) (45)

2 I do not get satisfied when 103 190 21 33 347 3.1 High

my fellow student is being (412) (570) (42) (1057) Extent
consulted for explanation (33)
of topics/ideas

3 I usually ask questions in 94 161 39 347 (990) High

class when I am not cleared (376) (483) (78) 53 2.9 Extent
about a topic or sub-topic (53)

4 I feel the teacher is trained 347 (908)

and employed for students’ 65 152 62 High
assistance so I don’t (260) (456) (124) Extent
68 2.6
hesitate to consult him
when necessary (68)

Total mean 11.5

Grand Mean 2.9

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Table 2 above shows a grand mean of 2.9 which is a relationship of high extent. Each of the
items also attests to the high extent of relationship between student-teacher consultation as an
aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance.

Research Question Three: To what extent is the relationship between regular involvement in
doing class assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance?
Table 3: Mean score analysis of the extent of relationship between regular involvement
in doing class assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic
S/N Items VHE HE LE VLE Total 𝒙 Decision

The relationship between

regular involvement in doing
class assignments as an aspect
of study habit and students’
academic performance is to
what extent in the following:

1 I partake in class assignments 76 138 54 79 347 2.6 High

because I see it as a way of (304) (414) (108) (79) (905) Extent

2 I like being appointed as group 101 124 69 53 347 2.8 High

leader in class assignments as it (404) (372) (138) (53) (967) Extent
makes me study hard

3 I take class assignments serious 96 95 71 85 347 2.6 High

because I am determined to be Extent
second to none (384) (285) (142) (85) (896)

4 My class assignments are taken 123 155 29 40 347 3.0 High

seriously to avoid being Extent
criticized by my teacher (492) (465) (58) (40) (1055)

Total mean 11.0

Grand Mean 2.8

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
The above Table 3 shows grand mean of 2.8 and each of the items (cells) has mean above 2.5.
All these indicate that there is remarkable relationship between regular involvement in doing
class assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance.
Research Question Four: To what extent is the relationship between regular library patronage
as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance?
Table 4: Mean score analysis of the extent of relationship between regular library
patronage as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance.
S/N Items VHE HE LE VLE Total 𝒙 Decision

The relationship between

regular library patronage as
an aspect of study habit and
students’ academic
performance is to what
extent in the following:

1 Studying in the library daily is 86 126 58 77 347 2.6 High

a sure bet for good academic (344) (378) (116) (77) (915) Extent

2 Library contains several books 111 154 32 50 347 2.9 High

hence availing students (444) (462) (64) (50) (1020) Extent
opportunity to access
necessary books for academic

3 Library provides current 137 140 29 41 347 3.1 High

information such as is seen (548) (420) (58) (41) (1067) Extent
daily in newspaper and it
enhances academic

4 Visiting library regularly 150 126 23 48 347 3.1 High

makes one to become an (600) (378) (46) (48) (1072) Extent
academic guru

Total mean 11.7

Grand Mean 2.9

Table 4 above shows a grand mean of 2.9 which indicates that there is a remarkable relationship
between regular library patronage and students’ academic performance.

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Research Question Five: What extent is the relationship between regular engagement in doing
take-home assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance?

Table 5: Mean score analysis of the relationship between regular engagement in doing
take-home assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance.
S/N Items VHE HE LE VLE Total 𝒙 Decision

The relationship between

regular engagement in
doing take-home
assignments as an aspect of
study habit and students’
academic performance is
to what extent in the

1 Take-home assignments 81 152 65 49 347 2.8 High

make me study hard for (324) (456) (130) (49) (959) Extent
better performance

2 I see take-home assignments 110 115 53 69 347 2.8 High

as a call to be focused in (440) (345) (106) (69) (960) Extent

3 Take-home assignment spurs 126 139 35 47 347 3.0 High

me as I see it as a medium of (504) (417) (70) (47) (1038) Extent
testing my intellectual

4 Take-home assignments 77 123 55 92 347 2.5 High

make me to read several (308) (369) (110) (92) (879) Extent
books which impacts
positively in my academic

Total mean 11.1

Grand Mean 2.8

Table 5 above shows a grand mean of 2.8 which indicates that there is relationship between
regular doing of take-home assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic
performance. Each of the various items also showed mean of 2.5 and above thereby
authenticating the assertion that relationship exists.

The first finding of the study is that there is high extent of relationship between regular reading
as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance. Such students draw reading
schedule and remain resolute in keeping to it. They also reduce the number of friends they have
to avoid distraction from reading regularly. Involvement in extra-curricular activities is also

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
reduced to have adequate reading time. The finding is true as it represents positive attitude in
reading. The above finding is supported by Olayinka (2008) as he states that if learners posses
the right attitude toward studying, it may influence their behavior towards it.
Secondly, the study reveals that there is high relationship between student-teacher consultation
as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic performance. This is because teachers are
seen as custodian of knowledge and the pedagogical know-how. Therefore, for explanation
of concepts or sub-topics, the teacher’s positive response results in improved academic
performance. A student consulting a teacher in the process of studying is a direction of refining
the student academic life to foster, increase and promote personal competencies and academic
success (Oluwatimilehin and Owayele 2012).
Furthermore, the study shows that there is high extent of relationship between regular
involvement in doing class assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic
performance. The finding is true because students who take their class assignment seriously
always perform excellently in academics. It is also not surprising therefore to see the outcome
of this study.
Also the study showed that there is high extent of relationship between regular library
patronage as an aspect of study habit and student academic performance. This finding is factual
as the library contains several hard copies of books as well as current affairs from newspapers
and magazines. Since these materials are accessible, it enhances the academic performance of
those who patronize the library.
Lastly, it is revealed by the study that there is high extent of relationship between regular
engagement in take-home assignments as an aspect of study habit and students’ academic
performance. The truth of this finding is not farfetched. For instance, some students are spurred
by take-home assignments because it is viewed as a medium of testing their intellectual ability.
Take-home assignments also give students opportunity to consult several books which on the
long run impacts positively on their academic performance.

Study habit has a great deal of relationship between students’ performance. Those whose study
habit is positive perform excellently in academics while those who have negative study habit
perform poorly in academics. Students, who read regularly, consult teacher for explanation of
concepts, patronize library and take assignments seriously perform excellently in academics.

Sequel to the findings of the study and conclusion drawn, the following recommendations are
1. Parents should provide books for their wards and encourage them to read always.
2. Counselors should be employed to counsel students on how to develop study habits.
3. Both parents and teachers should encourage students to read ahead of examinations.

ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)
European Journal of Training and Development Studies
Vol.5 No.3, pp.8-18, August 2018
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
4. Library should be built in every secondary school and students should be made to
patronize it.
5. Teachers should encourage students to be involved or take part in class assignments as
a way of study for improved academic performance.
6. Take-home assignments should be made compulsory so as to enhance study habit for
sound academic performance.
7. Students should be encouraged to consult their teacher for explanation of concepts or
topics that are not clear.

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ISSN 2057-5238(Print), ISSN 2057-5246(Online)

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