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Selco SK4

numerical control beam saw

When competitiveness
means growth

Made In Biesse
The market demands
a change in manufacturing processes, enabling
companies to accept the largest possible number
of orders. This is coupled with the need to maintain
high quality standards whilst offering product
customisation with quick and defined delivery times.

Biesse meets these requirements

with technological solutions which enhance and
support technical expertise as well as process and
material knowledge. SELCO SK 4 is the range of
cutting centres designed to satisfy the needs of
small to medium-sized enterprises. It is easy to use,
has advanced technical solutions and features great
standard equipment. The SELCO SK 4 has become
the reference point in its sector.

Best performance in its category.

Easy and quick to adjust for reduced cycle times.

Lean, efficient production flows.

Production increase of up to 25%.

Easy to use, with optimised machining operations.

Intuitive cutting-edge
technology with
reduced footprint

Selco SK4
numerical control beam saw
Cutting quality
Robust, balanced structure ensuring
maximum stability. Specially-designed
technologies to guarantee precision and

The base of the machine is constructed

from solid steel, supported by robust
legs which guarantee perfect stability.
The carriage rails ensure the machine
remains perfectly parallel and straight,
maintaining optimal tool-holder carriage

The blade is not subject to any vibration,

thanks to the upper guide, positioned
next to the blade-holder spindle.

Selco SK4

The perfectly linear movement of the

tool holder carriage is achieved through
a helical rack and pinion system and is
driven by a brush-less servomotor.

The superior cutting quality is achieved

through independent rise and fall
movements of the main blade and the
scoring blade.

The projection of the main blade is automatically adjusted by the numerical con-
trol according to the thickness of the book to be cut, obtaining the best quality cut
under any working conditions. On the Selco SK 450 K1, the automatic blade projec-
tion is regulated on two levels.

Best performance
in its category
Unique technical solutions on the market,
to satisfy even the most rigorous
production demands,
in terms of both precision and flexibility.

The presser boasts a single-element

structure which guarantees consistent,
controlled pressure on the book of pan-
els to be cut. The opening is automatical-
ly optimised according to the thickness
of the book of panels, in order to achieve
the best cut quality and to reduce cycle

Fast, accurate positioning of the panels

for optimum cutting precision, thanks
to the robust pusher carriage activated
by a brushless motor. The slide surface
below the pushing device is fitted with
independent rollers to avoid making any
marks on panels with a delicate surface.

Selco SK4

The self-levelling, independent grippers

ensure that the panels are firmly locked
in place, and allow for the full expulsion
of sectioned stacks from the cutting

Perfect alignment of very thin and/or

flexible panels, minimising cycle times
thanks to the side alignment stop inte-
grated in the blade carriage.

Fast and easy adjustment
for reduced cycle times

The Quick change system, patented by

Biesse, is the quickest, safest and most
ergonomic device for replacing blades
without using specific tools.

Fast, accurate setting of the scoring

and main blades, using Digiset system.
The system also stores the information
for each set of blades, ensuring repeat-
able and accurate alignment every

Selco SK4
Reduced panel
loading and unloading
On request special solutions are available
for the movement of packs and to permit
the loading and unloading of panels.

The compact, integrated lifting table

allows for packs of panels of up to 630
mm to be loaded directly onto the steel
profiles. The lifting table can also be in-
stalled as an option.

The grippers automatically pick up the

required amount of panels according to
the working programme underway, in-
creasing the efficiency and safety of the
beam saw without affecting the com-
pact overall dimensions.

The hydraulic table for the unloading

of cut material onto pallets is equipped
with a reference stop which can be
manually adjusted and over-ridden to
facilitate pallet removal.

Lean, efficient
production flows

Winstore K3 is an automated magazine

for the optimised management of pan-
els for companies who wish to increase
their productivity, guaranteeing produc-
tion with reduced times and costs.

Rapid return on investment thanks

to increased efficiencies and cost

Production flow optimisation.

Integration in the production line.

Selco SK4

The Winstore K3 ensures that the panels to be worked are easily accessible at all
times, so it is possible to substantially increase cell productivity compared to man-
ual loading methods using a forklift truck, without frequent stack changes.

Reduced delivery times.

Reduced warehouse space required.
Reduced labour.
Reduced waste.
Reduced raw material usage.

Two beam saws in one
The Twin Pusher, an exclusive patent for all Biesse
beam saws, consists of two complementary pushing
devices. An additional stop allows independent
cutting of strips of up to 650 mm wide.

Increased productivity by up to 25%,
optimum management of production
efficiencies and a ROI within the first year.

Productivity increase
of up to 25%

Two cutting stations on a single

beam saw.

The Twin Pusher system offers an ad-

ditional pushing device consisting of
two fixed collets. It permits simultane-
ous cutting, which drastically reduces
the cycle time.

Differentiated cross cut.

Selco SK4

Differentiated cross cut for narrow


Rip and cross-cuts are performed at the

same time. An additional stop allows in-
dependent cutting of strips of up to 650
mm wide.

Technological solutions
for every machining

System for the automatic execution

of grooves, the width of which can be
programmed via the numerical control.
The groove depth can be adjusted man-
ually from the outside of the machine
and with the blades moving.

Excellent product quality, thanks to the

air cushioned working surface, which
protects delicate materials. In addition,
this characteristic ensures the surface
next to the blade is kept constantly

PFS function for making cuts on soft

and post-formed panels. A special NC
program that ensures the perfect fin-
ish of both the entrance point and the
exit profile, preventing any splintering
of fragile, delicate materials (patented).

Selco SK4

Automatic device for making angled


Grippers with specific stops for pro-

cessing books of laminated materials
with protruding edges.

Software for making window cuts on

panels. The layouts can be stored on
the numerical control.

Easy to use, with
optimised machining
The OSI (Open Selco Interface) numerical control guarantees the management of
the execution of cutting patterns, and optimizes all movements relative to controlled
axis (i.e. Pusher and Saw Carriage, pressure beam, blade height). It ensures the blade
protrudes from the book to the correct degree during sectioning, and calculates the
most suitable cutting speed on the basis of the book height and trim cut width. It
helps ensure the best cutting quality at all times.

Easy cutting pattern programming. Graphic simulation in real time, with messages and in-
formation for the operator.

Interactive program for the quick, easy execution of An effective diagnosis and troubleshooting program
cuts and grooves, even on recycled panels. provides complete information (photos and text) to en-
sure that any problems are quickly resolved.

Selco SK4

Software to optimise cutting patterns
and maximise efficiency for both mate-
rial costs and cutting times.

Quick Opti
Simple, intuitive software for optimising
the cutting patterns directly on the ma-

A special software creates individual la-
bels and prints them in real time, on the

Barcode scanner
Device for automatically accessing ma-
chine operation patterns, for automated
management of the remaining reusable
cut material.

Technical specifications


3200X3200 3800X3200 3800X3800 4300X4400

mm mm mm mm
A 5240 5840 5840 6340
B 6520 6520 7200 7670
C 3640 4240 4240 4740

450 K1 / 450 K2 470 K1 / 470 K2

Maximum blade protrusion mm 75 90

Main blade motor kW/Hz 7.5 - 50 / 9 - 60 11 - 50 / 13.2 - 60
Engraver blade motor kW/Hz 2.2 - 50 / 2.6 - 60
Blade carriage transfer brushless
Blade carriage speed m/min 1-120

Pushing device transfer brushless

Pushing device speed m/min 60

The technical specifications and drawings are non-binding. Some photos may show machines equipped with optional features. Biesse Spa re-
serves the right to carry out modifications without prior notice.

A-weighted surface sound pressure level (LpfA) dur- The measurement was carried out in compliance with UNI EN 848-3:2007, UNI EN ISO 3746: 2009 (sound
ing machining for operator workstation Lpa=83d- power) and UNI EN ISO 11202: 2009 (sound pressure levels at workstation) during panel machining. The
B(A) Lwa=106dB(A) A-weighted sound-pressure noise levels shown are emission levels and do not necessarily correspond to safe operation levels. Despite
level (LpA) for operator workstation and sound the fact that there is a relationship between emission and exposure levels, this may not be used in a reliable
power level (LwA) during machining Lwa=83dB(A) manner to establish whether further measures need to be taken. The factors determining the exposure level
Lwa=106dB(A) K measurement uncertainty dB(A) 4. for the workforce include length of exposure, work environment characteristics, other sources of dust and
noise, etc. i.e. the number of other adjoining machines and processes. At any rate, the above information will
enable the operator to better evaluate dangers and risks.

Selco SK4
The Biesse sizing range





Service & Parts
Direct, seamless co-ordination of service
requests between Service and Parts.
Support for Key Customers by dedicated
Biesse personnel, either in-house and/or
at the customer's site.

Biesse Service
Machine and system installation and commissioning.

Training centre dedicated to Biesse Field engineers, subsidiary

and dealer personnel; client training directly at client's site.

Overhaul, upgrade, repair and maintenance.

Remote troubleshooting and diagnostics.

Software upgrade.

500 Biesse Field engineers in Italy and worldwide.

50 Biesse engineers manning a Teleservice Centre.

550 certified Dealer engineers.

120 training courses in a variety of languages every year.

The Biesse Group promotes, nurtures
and develops close and constructive
relationships with customers in order
to better understand their needs and
improve its products and after-sales
service through two dedicated areas:
Biesse Service and Biesse Parts.

With its global network and highly spe-

cialised team, it offers technical ser-
vice and machine/component spares
anywhere in the world on-site and 24/7

Biesse Parts
Original Biesse spares and spare kits customised for different
machine models.

Spare part identification support.

Offices of DHL, UPS and GLS logistics partners located within

the Biesse spare part warehouse, with multiple daily pick-ups.

Order fulfilment time optimised thanks to a global distribution

network with de-localised, automated warehouses.

92% of downtime machine orders fulfilled within 24 hours.

96% of orders delivered in full on time.

100 spare part staff in Italy and worldwide.

500 orders processed every day.

Made With Biesse
Biesse technology accompanies the
growth of Stechert

“On these chairs sits the world" is the ed in which workers are able to perform painted in an external company. For
motto of the Stechert Group that can at their best after only a short training both types of work a Biesse “S1” sand-
effectively be taken literally. What began period. er is used. In order to meet the needs
60 years ago as a small manufacturing At the start of the production line is the of the future, in the Trautskirchen plant
company for pram mouldings, furniture panel saw “WNT 710” with one cutting there are also two Biesse numerically
doors and door locks is today one of the line. “Because”, explained skilled cabi- controlled machining centres: a “Rover C
largest international suppliers of con- net maker Martin Rauscher, “we want 965 Edge” and a “Rover A 1332 R”, which
tract and office chairs, as well as tubular to be able to work panels of up to 5.90 are perfectly complementary.
steel furniture. Moreover, since 2011 the metres in order to reduce waste as The Stechert Group also intends to
company has a partnership with WRK much as possible.” Normal rectangular strengthen sales of innovative solu-
GmbH, an international specialist in panels for tables or wall panels are tak- tions for interior fittings, with complete
podiums, conference room and grand- en directly to the “Stream” edgebander systems for walls, ceilings, floors and
stand seating, associated with Stechert with “AirForceSystem” technology. The mezzanines. For panel sectioning, the
via the joint commercial company STW. Biesse edgebander has a group that Group has purchased a "Sektor 470".
For Stechert management, howev- activates the laminated edging materi- For other geometry, groove and spring
er, the excellent results obtained are al no longer via a laser beam but using machining as well as boring and surface
no excuse for resting on their laurels. hot air to obtain the so-called “zero gap”. milling, there are two Biesse machining
On the contrary, the company is invest- “The quality is just as good as the laser centres, an “Arrow” for nesting applica-
ing heavily in the Trautskirchen site to system, if not even better: with a con- tions, a “Rover B 440” and more recently
make its production even more efficient nection power of 7.5 kW, the cost per a 5-axis machine, the “Rover C 940 R”
and profitable. In the search for a new square metre is much lower", underlined machining centre in order to be able to
machinery partner, the company's man- the Biesse Area Manager. produce, in particular, wall and ceiling
agement chose the Italian manufacturer “We want to be ready for when we mould panels machined in 3 dimensions.
Biesse. “For the project we chose ma- the frame ourselves and we must there-
chines that already had certain options fore calibrate the panels” said Martin Source: HK 2/2014
and were predisposed for automation", Rauscher, “The same is true of course
said Roland Palm, Biesse Area Manager. for solid wood and multiplex panels,
An efficient production cycle was creat- which require grinding before being

Biesse Group

In 1 industrial group, 4 divisions

and 12 production sites.

How € 14 million p/a in R&D

and 200 patents registered.

Where 37 branches and 300

agents/selected dealers.

Customers in 120 countries (manufacturers of furniture,
design items and door/window frames, producers of ele-
ments for the building, nautical and aerospace industries).

We 4,000 employees throughout the world.

Biesse Group is a multinational leader in the

technology for processing wood, glass, stone,
plastic and metal.

Founded in Pesaro in 1969, by Giancarlo Selci,

the company has been listed on the STAR sector
of Borsa Italiana since June 2001 and is currently
a constituent of the FTSE IT Mid Cap index.

L5808L0105 june 2015

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