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ISSN No. 0976-5697
Volume 8, No. 7, July – August 2017
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at
Chakshu Diwan, Dr. Sunil K Singh
Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology,
Degree Wing, Chandigarh, India

Abstract— In this rapidly changing world where the need of digital storage is multiplying, where advance requirement is securing the data, so
that the data should reach to the designated user. Cryptography plays the crucial role on ensuring the information security and authenticity of
modernized computer systems. Information Security is a challenging issue of data communication today that is handling different areas
including secure communication channel, robust data encryption technique to maintain the database. The confidential data could be accessed by
the unauthorized user for ill-natured objective. So, it is mandatory to apply effective encryption and decryption methods to reinforce data
security. In this review paper, various cryptographic techniques, like Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA), Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Elliptic
curve cryptography (ECC), Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Hybrid Cryptography are observed. By enhancing abstract, we address the
problem of determining and concluding security and also the future of encryption in a context where the database of the user must be protected.

Keywords—cryptography, information security, data communication, encryption, unauthorized, decryption

Cryptography facilitates the user to transmit the secure The basic security service which is catered by
information across any troubled network so that it cannot be cryptography is confidentiality. This assistance helps in
used by an unauthorized party. Cryptography is the keeping the information secured from an unauthorized
mechanism that involves encryption and decryption of text party. Secrecy is the other name for confidentiality. It can
using numerous breakthroughs. Encryption means the be accomplished through many ways starting from
technique of converting the plain text into an securing the information through physical means to come
incomprehensible form called a cipher text [1]. This cryptic up with the usage of mathematical mechanisms for
form cannot be easily understood by an unauthorized party encoding.
and sent across the insecure media. Decryption means the
technique of converting this incomprehensible form back
into its authentic form, so that it can be easily understood by Data Integrity is the security service which is concerned
the designated recipient. Database protection relies on with identifying any variation to the information. The
various approach and techniques, which includes access information might get modified by an unauthorized party.
control, network security, authentication of user and data, It cannot help in preventing the alteration of information,
encryption, digital signatures, and some other cryptographic but can provide with a way for detecting whether
methods [2]. It sounds great to develop a logical information has been modified in an illegitimate manner.
understanding of database security problems and their Manipulating the transmitted information is only allowed
explanations and to turn up with a skeleton structure. to the authorized user.
Cryptography classified as Symmetric cryptography and
Asymmetric cryptography techniques. Authorizing the two
persons, to convey the information in a way that an intruder Authentication provides the identification of the prime. The
cannot understand the shared info of what is being data acquired by the system checks the authenticity of the
transferred is the fundamental aim of cryptography. This is sender that whether the data turned up from an authorized
usually done for secrecy, and typically for private person or an illegitimate entity.
communications. D. NON-REPUDIATION
Non-repudiation is a security service, type of an assurance
where the sender of the information is not in a situation to
There is an urge of providing security to ensure that data decline at a later stage his or her intentions in the
remains private and only accessible to authorized party and transporting of the information. For example, if non-
insure that no violator is able to switch the information, so it repudiation service is enabled in the transaction and an
provide full precision. The essential part of cryptography is order is once placed electronically, a user cannot decline
to provide the four rudimentary data security services. the purchased order.

The skill of secret writing is termed as cryptography. A
secret approach of writing is cipher code; where by clear

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Chakshu Diwan al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (7), July-August 2017,476-479

text gets converted into the ciphertext. This process of decrypting the ciphertext. This kind of encryption uses
conversion where the plaintext gets converted into dissimilar keys namely, private and public key to encrypt
ciphertext is called encryption. The technique of converting and decrypt the information. Asymmetric-key encryption is
ciphertext back to the plaintext is called decryption. These also known as public key encryption.
two techniques namely, encryption and decryption are
regulated by cryptographic keys.

Figure 1: Cryptographic Process

Fig 1: demonstrate the cryptographic process where M
stands for Plaintext, C stands for Ciphertext, E stands for
Encryption & D stands for Decryption.
Figure 3: Asymmetric Key Encryption Process

Cryptosystem is comprised of cryptographic algorithms,
plaintext, ciphertext, and keys. It performs with the combo of
keys and algorithm to encipher the plaintext and to decipher
the ciphertext. A cryptosystem is one of the application of
The Data Encryption Standard is a block cipher. It helps in
cryptographic techniques and their lead support to cater
encrypting the data in a block which is of 64 bits and thus it
information security services [3]. Cipher system is the other
produces the 64-bit. The key length available is 56 bits. At
name of cryptosystem. The primary objective of
initial level, the key consists of 64 bits. DES is widely used
cryptosystem is that eventually at the end of the mechanism,
by the financial services and the other industries worldwide
the plaintext will only be understood by the sender and
to protect sensitive online applications [4].
receiver. Essentially, there are two categories of
cryptosystems which are based on the research in which
encryption-decryption is performed out in the system.


Symmetric key encryption is a technique where the same
keys are affiliate for encrypting the plaintext and
decrypting the ciphertext. Symmetric cryptosystems adapt
the symmetric-key algorithms technique referred to
as symmetric cryptography. Secret key cryptosystems is the
other name called to symmetric cryptosystems.

Figure 4: The conceptual working with DES


Triple Data Encryption Algorithm is simply three

successive encryptions with DES. It is possible to use either
two or three distinct keys with 3DES. Thus, for the three-
Figure 2: Symmetric Key Encryption Process key case, one obtains the benefit of a 168-bit key space with
the known strength of the DES algorithm. Performed
correctly, 3DES is as unbreakable a secret-key algorithm
2) ASYMMETRIC KEY ENCRYPTION [5]. Moreover, Triple DES systems are significantly more
Asymmetric key encryption is a technique where the secure than single DES, but these are clearly a much slower
different keys are affiliated for encrypting the plaintext and process than encryption using single DES.

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Chakshu Diwan al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (7), July-August 2017,476-479

theory, which is a block cipher system. It uses two prime

numbers to generate the public and private keys. These two
different keys are used for encryption and decryption
purpose. Sender encrypts the message using Receiver
public key and when the message gets transmit to receiver,
then receiver can decrypt it using his own private key [8,9].
RSA Encryption is the most widely used
asymmetric key encryption system used for electronic
commerce protocols.
F. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange is a cryptographic

protocol that allows two parties with no prior knowledge of
Figure 5: Encryption process Triple DES with three keys K1, K2
each other to establish a shared secret key, which typically
and K3
is used in symmetric key cipher [10]. The Diffie-Hellman
Key Exchange relies on exponential functions computing
C. AES much faster than discrete logarithms. When used properly,
the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange protocol gives two
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the current parties the same key without transmitting it. The strength of
standard for secret key encryption. AES was created to this algorithm depends on the time it takes to compute a
replace the old Data Encryption Standard (DES) method. discrete logarithm of the public keys transmitted.
The algorithm is referred to as AES-128, AES-192, or
G. DSA – Digital Signature Algorithm
AES-256, depending on the key length. During encryption
decryption process, AES system goes through 10 rounds for
128-bit keys, 12 rounds for 192-bit keys, and 14 rounds for In many digital communications, it is desirable to exchange
256-bit keys in order to deliver final cipher-text or to an encrypted message than plaintext to achieve
retrieve the original plain-text. It was successful because it confidentiality. There are two possibilities, sign-then-
was easy to implement and could run in a reasonable encrypt and encrypt-then-sign. However, the crypto system
amount of time on a regular computer [6]. based on sign-then-encrypt can be exploited by receiver to
spoof identity of sender and sent that data to third party.
D. ONE-TIME-PAD Hence, this method is not preferred. The process of encrypt-
then-sign is more reliable and widely adopted. Digital
The one-time pad, also called Vernam Cipher, is signatures may also be generated for stored data and
implemented using a random set of non-repeating programs so that the integrity of the data and programs may
characters as the input cipher text. The Vernam Cipher is be validate at any later time [11].
used one-time pad, which is discarded after a single use,
and therefore suitable only for short messages. The Vernam
Cipher was first implemented with the help of a device V. THE FUTURE OF ENCRYPTION
called Vernam machine. The one-time pad is typically
implemented by using a modular addition (XOR) to A. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
combine plaintext elements with key elements [7].
Elliptic curve cryptography is a newer approach to public-
key cryptography that is based on the algebraic structure of
elliptic curves over finite fields. It requires smaller keys as
compared to non-ECC cryptographic techniques to provide
the same security. In ECC 160-bit key provides the
equivalent security as compared to the traditional crypto
systems like RSA with a 1024-bit key, thus which lowers the
computer power. Therefore, ECC offers security at great
extent for a given key size. Consequently, key with the
smaller size makes it possible and more compact
implementations for a given level of security, which means
Figure 6: One-Time pad implementation using modular addition faster cryptographic operations, run on smaller chips or more
compact software. Further, there are truly efficient, compact
E. RSA Encryption hardware implementations are there available for ECC
exponentiation operations, that offers potential reductions in
RSA is designed by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard implementation footprint even beyond those because of the
Adleman in 1978. It is one of the best known public key smaller key length. This technique is not only emerged as an
cryptosystems for key exchange or digital signatures or appealing public key crypto-system for mobile and wireless
encryption of blocks of data. RSA uses a variable size environments but also helps in providing bandwidth savings
encryption block and a variable size key. It is an [15]. Elliptic Curve Cryptography algorithm is also suitable
asymmetric (public key) cryptosystem based on number for smart card application, as it is faster and occupies less

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Chakshu Diwan al, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (7), July-August 2017,476-479

memory than RSA. Elliptic curve cryptography is difficult to and motivation. I sincerely thank to all my teachers who
understand by the attacker and therefore not easy to break. have guided and provided expertise in this paper. I also wish
to express my gratitude to all people who rendered their help
B. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) to fulfill my task.

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I would like to thank my mentor Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh,
HOD of Computer Science Department for his full support

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