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On Hindu, Hindustān, Hinduism and Hindutva

Author(s): Arvind Sharma

Source: Numen, Vol. 49, No. 1, (2002), pp. 1-36
Published by: BRILL
Stable URL:
Accessed: 17/07/2008 09:39

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This papersets out to examine the emergenceand significanceof the word Hindu
(and associatedterminology)in discourse aboutIndia,in orderto determinethe light
it sheds on what is currentlyhappening in India. It concludes that the word, and
its derivatives,contain a series of semantic bivalences characterisedby unresolved
tensions, and furtherthat these tensions help account for the complexities generated
by the inductionof the word Hindu (and associated terminology) in modem Indian
political discourse.

Hindu (P) n.m. A native of India; a negro; a black Arabian, Indian

or Ethiopian; a Gentoo (Hindu); a slave; a thief. adj.
Hindustan(P) n.m. India;the countryof Hindus.

A ComprehensiveDictionaryof CurrentVocabulary
[Karachi:Ferozsons,n.d.] p. 821.)

The word Hindu (with allied formations such as Hindustan, Hin-

duism and Hindutva) has come to possess a unique valence in the
context of India, a valence denied to such words as India, Bharata,
Aryadesa, or Madhyadesa (as synonyms of Hindustan; see W.C. Smith
1962:256; Takakusu 1966:118; Wink 1990, 1:288; Nehru 1946:49);
Aryadharma, Sandtana Dharma or just Dharma (as equivalents of
Hinduism; see Jaffrelot 1996:18; Stietencron 1989:15; Renou 1953:48)
and Indianness, or Hinduta (as an option for Hindutva; see Lipner
1996:112-113; Nalapat 1999).

? KoninklijkeBrill NV, Leiden (2002) NUMEN,Vol.49

2 Arvind Sharma

Arguably the earliest traceable use of the word Hindu appears in the
Zend Avesta (Jackson 1922:324-325):
The first chapter of the Avestan Vendidad (whatever may be the age of the
chapter)containsan allusionto a portionof NorthernIndiain a list which it gives
of sixteen lands or regions, createdby Ahur Mazda and apparentlyregardedas
underIraniansway. The fifteenthof these domains, accordingto Vd. 1, 18 was
Hapta Hindu, 'Seven Rivers', a region of 'abnormalheat', probably identical
with the territoryof SaptaSindhavas,'Seven Rivers', in the Veda(see especially
Rv. VIII, 24, 27).

A tension between two significations of the term Hindu is already

reflected in the two explanations offered of this occurrence. George
Thompson (1999) has recently argued that the imprecations of the
non-believers found in both Avesta and the RgVeda may actually
reflect the religious differences of the two communities at the time, an
interpretation which already imparts to the term a religious flavour. On
the other hand, a Sassanian commentary imparts a political-territorial
ring to it: "The Seven Hindukan; the expression 'Seven Hindukan'
is due to this fact, that the over-lordship (sar-xutai) is seven; and
therefore I do not say 'Seven Rivers,' for that is manifest from the
Avesta [passage] ..." (Jackson 1922:324).
One of the earliest datable, as distinguished from traceable, refer-
ences to the word Hindu again comes from Persia, with the rise of the
Achaemenid Empire (H.W. Rawlinson 1954:53-54). An inscription of
Darius I which is "considered to have been carved between c. 518 and
515 BC, adds Hidu [Hindu] to the list of subject countries" (Raychaud-
huri 1996:584). Similarly, clay tablets from Persepolis, in Elamite,
"datable to different years from the thirteenth to the twenty-eighth reg-
nal year of Darius" mention Hi-in-tu (India) (ib. 585). These examples,
establishing the primacy of the territorial meaning, are confirmed by
Herodotus (Historiae III, 91, 94, 98-102) in his employment of the
word as 'Indoi' in Greek, which, "lacking an alphabetic character of
the sound of h, did not in this case preserve it" (Narayanan 1996:14).
He is preceded by Hecateus (520 BC), as the "first to mention India
among surviving Greek writers" (H.G. Rawlinson 1980 [1913]:205).
On Hindu, Hindustan, Hinduism and Hindutva 3

There is evidence that Xerxes (486-465 BC), son and successor of

Darius, "destroyed a sanctuary of the Daivas" or false divinities ac-
cording to the Persian concept (Raychaudhuri 1996:586), but this sanc-
tuary was situated not in Hi-in-tu (Hindu or lower Indus region) but in
Gandhara (ib. 586):
One of the newly discoveredstone-tabletsat PersepolisrecordsthatXerxes "By
Ahuramazda'swill" sappedthe foundationsof certaintemples of the Daivas and
ordainedthat "theDaivas shall not be worshipped".Where the Daivas had been
worshipped,the king worshippedAhuramazdatogetherwith Rtam(divine world
order). 'India' may have been among the lands which witnessed the outcome of
the religious zeal of the Persianking.

This 'India' was still confined to Sind, for it was under Xerxes
that "for the first time in history an Indian expeditionary force fought
on the soil of Europe" and even stormed the "bloody defiles of
Thermopylae." The 'Indian' recruits to the army were called by two
names: "Gandharians and Indians," thereby confirming that while the
former were "from the province of Gandhara" (listed as a separate
province), the Indians were "from the provinces controlled by the
Persian empire to the east of the Sindhu and described as Sindhu in
the Achaemenian inscriptions" (Mukherji 1951:42).
The word Hindu derives, by common consent, from the word
Sindhu. It is remarkable that the direction of transformation of Sindhu
->Hindu->Ind is paralleled in the account of the Buddhist pilgrim
Xanzuang (= Hiuen Tsang, 7th century), by the words Shin-tu--Hien-
tau--Tien-chu, and even more surprising that it becomes In-tu, at
which point its connotation overflows into the religious, at least in
Xanzuang's interpretation of it (Beal 1969 [1884]:69):
Names of India

On examination, we find that the names of India (Tien-chu) are various and
perplexingas to theirauthority.It was ancientlycalled Shin-tu,also Hien-tau;but
now, accordingto the right pronunciation,it is called In-tu.The people of In-tu
call theircountryby differentnames accordingto theirdistrict.Each countryhas
diverse customs. Aiming at a general name which is the best sounding,we will
call the countryIn-tu. In Chinese this name signifies the Moon. The moon has
manynames,of which this is one. For as it is said thatall living thingsceaselessly
4 Arvind Sharma

revolve in the wheel (of transmigration)through the long night of ignorance,

without a guiding star,their case is like (the world), the sun gone down; as then
the torch affords its connecting light, though there be the shining of the stars,
how differentfrom the bright(cool) moon;just so the brightconnected light of
holy men and sages, guiding the world as the shining of the moon, have made
this countryeminent,and so it is called In-tu.

The successor pilgrim I-tsing, however, remarks: "Some say Indu

means the moon, and the Chinese name for India, i.e., Indu, is derived
from it; although it may mean this, it is, nevertheless, not the common
name" (Takakusu 1966:118).
As one concludes this rapid survey of the word Hindu in the
ancient period it is worth contrasting the different semantic destinies
of the same word in the east and the west. Sindhu becomes 'India' in
Greek, acquiring a purely territorialreference never compromised once
acquired, but in the east it becomes Indu in Chinese, in the process
acquiring a religious ambience.


Thus in the ancient world the formations from the original word,
Sindhu, bifurcated semantically along different lines, as the word trav-
elled to the west and the east. In its Persian and Greek acceptation
the word became a signifier of a region (which was restricted to the
lower Indus in the case of the early Persians and extended to cover the
whole of India in the case of the Greeks). In its Chinese acceptation it
possessed a religious dimension as explained by Xanxuang. When In-
dia came in contact with Arabia, and later the Islamic world, the same
word, Sindhu, again gave rise to two words, whose meanings became
both more distinct and more settled when compared to the usages of
the ancient world, crystallizing as Hind (through Sind) to denote the
land of India and Hindu (from Sindhu) to denote the follower of a 're-
ligion' (though not without some overlap, as discussed later).
The first use preceded the second. India was known as al-Hind in
pre-Islamic Arabia (Wink 1990, 1:195-6), and consequently the word
Hindu simply meant an Indian until it acquired a religious connotation
(B.N. Sharma 1972:128). Even after the word Hindu had acquired
On Hindu,Hindustan,Hinduismand Hindutva 5

a religious connotation, it continued to be used as a synonym for

an Indian in some parts of the world. In fact, according to Wilfred
Cantwell Smith the "use of Hindu in the meaning 'Indian' survived
in popular English into the twentieth century;I can rememberas a
boy that in Canada we discriminatedred Indians from Hindu [i.e.
Indian] Indians; and, I have heard the phrase a 'Hindu Muslim' as
distinguished from an Arab or a TurkishMuslim" (1962:256; also
see Lorenzen 1995:12). This need not surpriseas the word Sindhu
originally had a geographicalreferent, and one's interest now must
focus on when andhow it managedto acquirea religious signification.
The use of the word Hindu in this sense can be dated with some
precision.It begins with the Arabinvasionof Sindhby Muhammadibn
Qasim in 712. "The administrativearrangementswhich Muhammad
ibn Qasim made with the non-Muslims after his victory over Dahar
are often referred to as 'the Brahmanabadsettlement.' The basic
principlewas to treatthe Hindusas 'people of the book' and to confer
on them the status of zimmis (the protected)"(Ikram 1964:11). The
Hindus now were a people who followed a religion other than Islam.
Right here the word displays an ambiguity which it retains to this
day, namely, its unresolved relation with the Buddhists. For when
Hajjaj,Muhammadibn Qasim's ambitiousfather-in-lawand viceroy
of the westernprovinces,approvedthe requestfor repairinga damaged
temple,he refersto the fact of being petitionedby the chief inhabitants
of Brahmanabad"to be allowed to repairthe temple of Budh and to
pursuetheir religion"(Ikram1964:11). Is the Budh here the same as
Buddha?In any case, while it is truethatboth 'Hindus'and 'Buddhists'
would be zimmis regardless, did he know the difference? It is also
worth noting that accordingto "one early Muslim historian,the Arab
conquerorcountenancedeven the privilegedposition of the Brahmans,
not only in religious matters but also in the administrativesphere"
(Ikram 1964:11). The significance of the Arab conquest of Sind for
the subsequenthistoryof India,as recountedin the following passage,
is also of significancefor our exercise.
The conquest of Sind by Muhammad ibn Qasim, and the incorporationof
that province into the Muslim universalcaliphate, broughtthe Hindus and the
6 ArvindSharma

Muslims there in a relationshipof a very different nature, that of the ruled

and the ruler. This form of political relationship,which some centuries later
extendedto the whole sub-continent,and surviveduntil well into the eighteenth
centuryinevitablyled to the creationof tensions which determinedvery largely
the psychological course of the history of medieval and modem India. (Ahmad

Not only is the Hindunow identifiedon a religiousbasis, conversion

from this Hindu religion now becomes possible. It has been asserted,
for instance,thatMuhammadibn Qasim's "boldestinnovationwas the
appointmentof Siskar,the formerministerof his vanquishedadversary
Raja Dahir, as his adviser after Siskar had accepted Islam" (Ahmad
1964:101).Collaborationwith non-Hindurulersalso becamepossible,
as illustratedby the case of Kaksa,RajaDahir'snephew.Accordingto
an early historian,he "was a learnedman and a philosopherof Hind.
When he came to transact business, Muhammad ibn Qasim used to
make him sit before the throne and then consult him, and Kaksa took
precedence in the army before all the nobles and commanders. He
collected the revenue of the country and the treasury was placed under
his seal. He assisted Muhammad ibn Qasim in all his undertakings, and
was addressed by the title of mubarak mushir (prosperous counsellor)"
(Ikram 1964:10-11).
And if Muhammad ibn Qasim also "married Rani Ladi, Dahar's
widow, thus becoming the master of Lower Sind" (ib. 7), then a
patternof Hindu-Musliminteractionwas put in place which became
archetypalin some ways, with profoundimplicationsfor the meaning
of the wordHindu,althoughIslamicruleover Sind did not long survive
Muhammadibn Qasim'sdeath(Majumdar1970:172).
It is when we reachthe next phase of Islamiccontactwith Indiathat
a major divide surfaces. As NarayaniGupta (1999:103-104) notes:
"It is fashionable to criticize Mill, but to most Indians, precolonial
India has two pasts (Mill's 'Hindu' and 'Islamic' civilizations) and
the attackon Somnathby Mahmudof Ghazni in 1025 has the same
emotive significanceas the Turksconquestof Constantinoplein 1453
had for conventionalEuropeanhistory."Thus in the time of Mahmud
of Ghazna (r. 998-1030) the word Hindu continued on its religious
On Hindu, Hindustan, Hinduism and Hindutva 7

semantic journey. According to Percival Spear, Mahmuid's conquests

"set up in Indian minds a tradition of Muslim intolerance. In the
popular Hindu mind [from now on] a Muslim was as intolerant as
a Bania was avaricious or a Rajput brave. Perhaps the chance of the
ultimate conversion of India to Islam was lost in the din of Mahmud's
idol-breaking" (1972:1034). This, however, tells us more about the
evolving meaning of Islam for the Hindu, than the evolving meaning of
the term Hindu. For that we have to turn to the famous scholar Albiruini
(973-1048) who was patronised by Mahmud and who refers to Hindus
as "our religious antagonists" (Sachau 1914, 1:7) in the preface of his
much lauded book on India. In the book itself, however, he aimed to
describe what he observed "phenomenologically," as we would call it
now, so that one could "discuss with [the Hindus] questions of religion,
science, or literature, on the very basis of their own civilization" (1914,
Albriini's account is intriguing. We find him wrestling with issues
which bedevil the study of Hinduism to this day. To cite only a few:
(1) What was the relationship between Hinduism and Buddhism?
Albirfini distinguishes between the two (1:40, 121, 249, 326) but he
does not fail to note that the Buddhists are closer to the Hindus than
the Muslims. He writes in a striking passage (1:21, emphasis added;
also see Mukherji 1961:22-23):
Anothercircumstancewhich increasedthe alreadyexisting antagonismbetween
Hindusand foreignersis thatthe so-called Shamaniyya(Buddhists),thoughthey
cordially hate Brahmans,still are nearer akin to them than to others. Informer
times, Khurasan, Persis, Irak, Mosul, the country up to the frontier of Syria,
was Buddhistic,but then Zarathustrawent forth from Adharbaijanand preached
Magism in Balkh (Baktra).His doctrinecame into favourwith King Gushtasp,
and his son Isfendiyadspreadthe new faith both in east and west, both by force
and by treaties. He founded fire-templesthrough his whole empire, from the
frontiersof Chinato those of the Greekempire.The succeedingkings made their
religion (i.e. Zoroastrianism)the obligatory state-religionfor Persis and Irak.
In consequence, the Buddhists were banished from those countries and had to
emigrateto the countrieseast of Balkh.

(2) Who speaks for Hinduism? According to Albiriin "the main

and most essential point of the Hindu world of thought is that which
8 Arvind Sharma

Brahmans think and believe, for they are specifically trained for
preservingand maintainingtheir religion. And this is what we shall
explain, viz. the belief of the Brahmans"(Sachau 1914, 1:39). It is
clear that who speaks for Hinduism was an issue then as it is now,
althoughAlblruinichose to resolve it in his own way. (3) Is Hinduisma
creedalor an ethnic religion?Alblruindescribes Hinduismwith gusto
but when it come to defining it there are problems. At one point he
veers towardsa creedaldefinition(1:50):
As the wordof confession,"Thereis no god but God, Muhammadis his prophet,"
is the shibboleth of Islam, the Trinitythat of Christianity,and the institute of
the Sabbaththat of Judaism,so metempsychosisis the shibbolethof the Hindu
religion. Thereforehe who does not believe in it does not belong to them, and is
not reckonedas one of them.

But did Albiruinlnot know thatthe Buddhistsalso believed in it? So

here we are back to the problemof the fluid boundaries.The situation
is even morecomplex,for his descriptionclearlytestifiesto the internal
diversity of Hinduism. One often encounters such expressions as:
"Some Hindus believe .. ."; "others hold the more traditional view that
..."; "Hindus differ among themselves ..."; "some Hindus maintain
..., according to others ..."; "the common people describe these things
.., the educatedHindusdo not sharethese opinions";"some Hindus
say ..., others have told me..."; "if we now pass from the ideas of the
educatedpeople amongthe Hindusto those of the commonpeople, we
must first state that they present a great variety ..."; etc. (1:61, 63, 82,
104, 175, 176, 324; 2:152, 31).
Albiruiniseems to be oscillatingbetweenwhatRichardH. Davis has
described as centralistand pluralistviews of approachingHinduism
already.In termsof this distinction(Davis 1995:6):
Centristsidentify a single, pan-Indian,more or less hegemonic, orthodoxtradi-
tion, transmittedprimarilyin Sanskritlanguage,chiefly by membersof the brah-
manic class. The traditioncenters arounda Vedic lineage of texts, in which are
included not only the Vedas themselves, but also the Mimamsa,Dharmasastra,
and Vedantacorpuses of texts and teachings. Vedic sacrifice is the privileged
mode of ritualconduct,the templatefor all subsequentIndianritualism.Various
groups employing vernacularlanguages in preferenceto Sanskrit,questioning
On Hindu, Hindustan, Hinduism and Hindutva 9

the caste order,and rejectingthe authorityof the Vedas, may periodicallyrebel

against this center, but the orthodox, throughan adept use of inclusion and re-
pressive tolerance,manageto hold the high groundof religious authority.

On the other hand (1995:6-7):

The pluralists,by contrast,envision a decenteredprofusion of ideas and prac-
tices all tolerated and incorporatedunder the big tent of Hinduism. No more
concise statementof this view can be found than that of the eminent Sanskrit
scholarJ.A.B. van Buitenen in the 1986 EncyclopediaBritannica:"Inprinciple,
Hinduismincorporatesall forms of belief and worshipwithoutnecessitatingthe
selection or elimination of any. The Hindu is inclined to revere the divinity in
every manifestation,whateverit may be, and is doctrinallytolerant... Hinduism
is, then, both a civilization and a conglomerationof religions, with neithera be-
ginning, a founder,nor a centralauthority,hierarchy,or organization."

The usage of the word Hindu in the subsequent period retains the
two ambiguities (1) whether it refers to a region or a religion and (2)
whether, as religion, it is to be understood in a centralist or pluralist
manner. Thus during the Delhi Sultanate (c. 1200-1526) the word
Hindu, on the one hand, denoted a religion, on the other, a region, and
it imprints this ambivalence on geography, if the Arabian traveller Ibn
Battuta is to be believed. He states that Hindu Kush ("Hindu-killer")
became known as such "because of the number of Indian slaves who
perished in passing" (Enc. Brit. 1967, 11:514; H.G. Rawlinson 1980
[1913]:193) its snows. Would these Indian slaves not have been mostly
By the time the Delhi Sultanate was replaced by the Moghul Empire,
after it had been consolidated by Akbar the Great (r. 1556-1605), the
question of defining Hinduism once again began to pose the kind of
problems it has before and since. A well-known text of this period is
the Dabistan-i-mazahib, which attempts an overview of the religious
landscape of the empire. Irfan Habib writes (Joshi and Josh 1994,
Therewere the religious traditionscoming from ancientIndia,which by Mughal
times began to be describedunderthe term 'Hindu'. The authorof Dabistan-i-
Mazahib is hard put to describe what the beliefs of a Hindu are and ultimately
he takes shelter in a very convenient position-Hindus are those who have
10 Arvind Sharma

been arguingwith each other within the same frameworkof argumentover the
centuries.If they recognise each otheras personswhom we can eithersupportor
oppose in a religious argument,thenboth partiesare Hindus.The Jains,although
they rejected Brahmanism,were still Hindus because they were arguing and
polemicising with Brahmins. Such argumentswere not taking place between
Hindusand Muslims. The Muslims did not shareany basic terminologywith the
others.Muslims hadtheirown framework,an ideological framework,the semitic
framework ...

It is necessary to introduce a broader consideration at this point,

which will prove to be of lasting significance. Although one is accus-
tomed to looking at the Indian historical reality in terms of a Hindu-
Muslim polarity, this must always be tempered with a recognition
of the pluralism which characterised India. There were always many
castes and kingdoms, and after c. 1000, just as there could be castes
which are not Hindu, so too there could be kingdoms which were not
Hindu. But just as the broad framework of multiple castes could ac-
commodate aberrations or deviations or exceptions, so could the mul-
tiple kingdoms accommodate the new Muslim kingdoms, thereby con-
tinuing rather than replacing the tradition of "intense militarism of
ancient [pre-Muslim] India" (Basham 1967:123). It is perhaps worth
comparing the situation in India with that in China here and to recog-
nize that "Sanskritization differs from sinicization in that it is a more
pluralistic, less unitary process" (Rudolph 1987:741).
The social pluralism of caste and the political pluralism of multiple
kingdoms also played off each other to produce the same outcome all
the more. The significance of the following fascinating details passes
beyond the level of the anecdotal in this light: that the "iconoclast
Mahmud of Ghazana permitted image worship to his Hindu subjects
in their separate quarters in his own capital" (Ahmad 1964:90), and "at
least three Hindu generals, Sundar, Nath, and Tilak rose to positions
of high responsibility in the Ghazanawid army" (101); and that while
Firiz Tughluq pursued theocratic policies "his bodyguard consisted
of Rajputs headed by Bhiru Bhatt?, a relative of his mother" (102). It
is not being claimed either that the Hindu and Muslim communities
had evolved into or towards a single culture, nor is the opposite
On Hindu,Hindustan,Hinduismand Hindutva 11

being claimed-that they remained poles apartbeneath a veneer of

accord. The claim is much more modest-that the social, political
and religious pluralism of the Indian reality allowed for a certain
measure of permeability,malleability and fluidity which may have
been subsequentlylost (Sarkar1996:277-278).
The problemof boundarieswith respectto Hindureligionin general
is a difficultone andseems to become moreso "during'earlymedieval'
or 'late medieval'/'earlymodem' periods, areas which are the battle
ground between conventional and progressive historians"in India
now-a-days. On numerous occasions Hindus and Muslims are not
distinguishedas such, while communitieswithin them are, duringthe
'early medievalperiod' (Chattopadhyaya1998). The predicamentsof
the 'early Modem' period in this regard are best indicated by the
headache the "35,000-strongcommunity of 'Hindu-Muhammadans'
in Gujarat"caused for the Bombay census superintendentas late
as 1911, on account of its "inextricablecombination of multiple
practices, beliefs, and even self-definitions.The latter was pulled up
sharplyby his superior,census commissionerE.A. Gait, who ordered
the location of the 'persons concerned to the one or the other as
best as he could"' (Sarkar1999:1694). Harjot S. Oberoi has drawn
pointed attentionto this aspect of fluid religious loyalties in the "early
Modem" period (1994; 1988:136-158), which William H. Sleeman
experiencedfirst hand in 1849 when he passed throughBahraich.He
thought it "strange"that Hindus should revere the "Muslim"shrine
there of Sayyid Salar as much as the Muslims: "All our Hindu camp
followers paid as much reverenceto the shrine as they passed as the
Mahomedans ... The Hindoos worshipped any sign of manifested
might or power, though exerted against themselves" (Wink 1990,
The point then is that, in the pre-1900 period, lateral accommo-
dation of non-Hinduelements in general and Muslims in particular
was possible at the social and political levels. Moreover,these tradi-
tions themselves-the Hindu and Muslim-were plural in nature, a
fact which furthercoincided with the process and furtheredit.
12 ArvindSharma

Such accommodationwas no longer possible after a point under

Britishrule (Hansen 1999:29ff)because of simultaneousdevelopment
of the concept of nation and of monolithic religions. The first devel-
opmentmeantthatpolitical differencesbased on religion could not be
accommodatedregionally.Giventhe emergentconceptof a nationthey
hadto be dealt with at the nationallevel, in the singular.Moreover,the
monolithisationof the Hindu and Islamic traditionsclosed off the fis-
suresof adjustmentbetweenthem socially and locally, andmade them
face, and then confront,each otheras single consolidatedentities. The
rules by which the game had to be played now were radicallyaltered,
both in termsof the playersandthe playing field (Kolff 1990; Jaffrelot
1996; Baylay 1985; Sarkar1996; Lele 1995; Jones 1981).

It is importantto interruptthe discussion of the religious signif-
icance of the word Hindu (to be resumed later) to cast a glance at
anotherword which had by now come into play, namely, Hindustan.
As we do so, we might do well to recognise that in the word Hindu
we confrontedtwo ambiguities(or a double ambiguity):(1) whetherit
signifies a geographicalor a religious referent,and (2) if it denotes a
religion then, what constitutesit?
The word Hindustan may well serve as a metaphorof the first
ambiguity.The word literally means 'the land of the Hindus' (Nag
and Burman 1947, 1:1) and had become a common word for India,
specially north India, by the thirteenthcentury.It raises the natural
query: how is the word Hindu to be taken here: as a resident of
a geographicalregion (Wink 1990, 1:125) or as the follower of a
particularfaith; or as the resident of a particularregion who is also
the follower of a particularfaith (Sreenivasan1989-133)? All these
senses are possible because of the tremendousdemographicoverlap
between the two categories.Ultimatelythe meaning remainsunclear.
One might initially think that an allusion to a 'place' (stan) in the
word itself would orientits meaninggeographically.This is indeed so
(Basham 1967:1-2; Nehru 1946:335) but the significance continues
to remain double-edged, for it could be taken to mean either the
On Hindu,Hindustan,Hinduismand Hindutva 13

abode of 'Indians'(Frykenberg1989:31), or the abode of the Hindus

(Monier-Williams1960:1298). This statementcould be made either
descriptively or pejoratively,depending on how one felt about the
Hindus (Mujeeb 1967:331). It has been used in all these senses (and
even for undividedIndia)(Nehru 1946, 543).
We are not done yet with the word, for in its adjectivalform (as
Hindustani)it opens up anothervista of meaning. If one sense of the
word Hindustanincludes all Indians and anotherHindus, then in its
adjectivalform it seems to reachout for a sense which reconcilesboth,
and specially Hindus with Muslims. This is most obvious in the pre-
PartitionproposalthatIndia'slinguafranca be Hindustaniwhich steers
a middle course between a SanskritisingHindi, and a Persianising
and Arabising Urdu, as the language of the undividedsubcontinent.
In this sense of happy compromisethe word seems to go back a few
centuries.Babur,for instance,even thoughtthat the Indians-Hindus
and Muslims together,had evolved their own way of living together
with each other by the time the foundationsof the Moghul Empire
were laid by him in India.He called it the Hindustaniway (Shrivastava
If we wish to connect this hitherto historical discussion of the
termsHindu(andHindustan)with firstmodem andthen contemporary
developmentsin India, then one crucialquestionneeds to be asked in
orderto make this transition;when did the 'Hindus'themselvesbegin
to use the word self-referentially(grantingthat the word Hindu is not
a Hinduword)?
The key questionthen is: when did the Hindusstartusing the word
Hindufor themselves?
Such usage begins to emerge at least by the sixteenth century,
as pointed out by Joseph T. O'Connell (1973:340-343). But R.E.
Frykenbergobserves (1989:30):
But here it appearsonly in texts describingepisodes of strainedrelationshipsbe-
tween Hindus as natives and Muslims as foreigners("Yavanas"or "Mlecchas").
The term, we are told, was never used by Hindus among themselves to describe
14 ArvindSharma

themselves;moreover,the term"Hindudharma"which occurs seven times, four

times in Bengali texts, was only used in the same way andneverwith any explicit
definitionor discussionof what"Hindu"of "Hindudharma"itself meant."Hindu
dharma,"therefore,is the closest resemblanceto the term"Hinduism"which can
be found to have arisenout of indigenoussourceswithin India.

It is howeverpossible to identify the self-use of the word Hinduin

an even earlierperiod.
It is clear that by the sixteenthcentury 'Hindus' were referringto
themselves as Hindus.Ekanath(1548-1600) writes: "If I call myself
a Hindu I will be beaten up, and Muslim I am not" (HinduKahan ta
mariya,muslamanbhee nahe) (JoshiandJosh 1994, 3:189). Earlieron,
severalrulersof Vijayanagarhad takenthe "titleHinduraya-suratrana
'Sultanof the Hindukings' in imitationof the sultansof Maduraiand
the Bahmanisultans"(Scharfe 1989:79). More precisely, it occurs in
five inscriptionsfrom the reign of Bukka (r. 1344-1377) (Wagoner
1996:861-862) and its use can also be traced,in four cases, by kings
of Vijayanagara'sfourthand last dynasty(the Aravidu,c. 1570-1649)
with anotherfive uses in the interveningperiod, including some by
Krishnadevaraya (r. 1509-1529) (ib. 862 n.8). In some inscriptionsof
Bukkathe prefixHinduis also dropped(ib. 863). Thus beginningwith
1352 the title, in "oneform or another... continuedin use by Bukka's
successorsfor at least... 250 years,throughthreechangesin dynasty"
(ib. 862).
The expressionis not entirely free from ambiguitybut it is gener-
ally acceptedthatsuratranais a Sanskritisedform of Islamic 'Sultan.'
Accordingto VasundharaFilliozat it is a "titlewhich would have been
given to Bukkaby his Muslim neighbours"(Wagoner1996:862). Ac-
cordingto HermannKulke,it seems likely that "theearly kings of Vi-
jayanagarlaid claim to a statusamongthe HinduRajasequal to thatof
Sultansamongthe Muslimrulers"(ib. 862). PhillipB. Wagoneris pre-
paredto make a strongerclaim and suggests that "bothtitles 'Sultan'
and 'Sultanamongthe HinduKings' were used in a much more literal
and direct [ratherthan homological] sense as a means of proclaiming
that the Vijayanagararulercould actuallybe considereda Sultan,not
in terms of relative political understanding,but in concrete terms of
On Hindu,Hindustan,Hinduismand Hindutva 15

substanceand style. In particular,the title hindurdya-suratrana would

have served to differentiateits bearerfrom ordinaryHindu(i.e. Indic)
kings signaling his willingness to participatein the political discourse
of Islamic civilization"(ib. 862). Wagoner,however,rendersHinduas
Indic consistentlywith his view thatthe Hinduvs. Muslim rhetoricin
the historiographyof the Vijayanagarempire has been overdone (ib.
851-852). This may well be so and the issue takes us to the heartof
the matterif we formulatethe issue as follows: how is Hinduin the ex-
pressionHinduraya-suratranato be understood?Wagonerfocuses on
suratrdna,we need to focus on the word Hindu. Is this Hinduhere as
in 'Indian'or as in "followerof Hinduism,"an ambiguityencountered
earlierin the PersianwordHindustdn(W.C.Smith 1962:256)for India:
does it mean the land of the Indiansor of Hindus?Is it that outsiders
(Persians)use it in the firstsense (ibid.) but Indiansthemselvesalso in
the second, as when one might say describethe partitionof Indiaas the
division of Hindustaninto Pakistanand Hindustan?Here a reversalis
encountered.Pakistanismay take Hindustanto mean both the land of
Indiansand of Hindussimultaneouslybut Indianswould, in thatcase,
use it only in the former sense for Indians,inclusive of both Hindus
and Muslims as both inhabitpresentday Hindustan.
In a sense, therefore,the issue remainswith us butin anothersense it
is resolved.Hindusareclearlyusing the wordto referto themselves,al-
thoughwhetherthey are using it to referto themselvesgeographically,
culturally,or religiously may not be entirelyunproblematic.Neverthe-
less, thatthereis a religious componentin the situation,while it could
be exaggerated(W.C. Smith 1962:257) cannot be denied. One may
propose that by the fourteenthcenturythe use of the word Hindu did
include an element of Hinduself-consciousness.
The case of Shivaji (1627-1680) in relationto the Moghul Empire
provides an interestingexample. King Akbar (r. 1556-1605) firmly
established Moghul rule over India. He was known as Padshdh and
his rule as Pddshdhr.Historianshave describedShivaji'slife's mission
in similar terms, as one of establishing a Hindu pddshdhr(Sardesai
1974:263). In a letter written in 1646 A.D. Shivaji describes his
earnestdesire (manoratha)to establish a Hindavi Svarajya(Savarkar
16 ArvindSharma

1969:57). Was Shivaji aiming to establish Hindu self-rule or Indian

self-rule? Or was it the case that, as the opponent was perceived as
foreignerboth by lineage andreligion,therewas no need to drawsuch
a distinction?
Our task on hand, however,is not to try to answerthese questions
but to note that the ambiguityin relation to the word Hindupersists
when 'Hindus'themselvesstart to use this term.And both the ambigu-
ities persist:it is not always clearwhetherthe connotationis geograph-
ical or religious, andit is not always clear what comprises 'Hinduism,'
if the referencein terms of faith happensto be unambiguous.Richard
King notes (1999:162):
Although indigenous use of the term by Hindus themselves can be found
as early as the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, its usage was derivative of
PersianMusliminfluencesanddid not representanythingmorethana distinction
between 'indigenous' or 'native' and foreign (mleccha). For instance, when
Belgian ThierryVerhelstinterviewedan Indianintellectualfrom TamilNadu he
recordedthe following interchange,

Q: Are you a Hindu?

A: No, I grew criticalof it because of casteism ... Actually,you should not
ask people if they are Hindu. This does not mean much. If you ask them
what theirreligion is, they will say, "I belong to this caste."

He goes on to say (ib. 163):

Indeed, it is clear that the term "Hindu,"even when used by the indigenous In-
dian, did not have the specifically religious connotationswhich it subsequently
developed under Orientalistinfluences until the nineteenthcentury.Thus, eigh-
teenthcenturyreferencesto "Hindoo"Christiansor "Hindoo"Muslims were not
uncommon.As Romila Thaparpoints out in her discussion of the receptionof
Muslims into India,"Thepeople of Indiado not seem to have perceivedthe new
arrivalsas a unified body of Muslims. The name 'Muslim' does not occur in
the records of the early contacts. The term used was either ethnic, turuska,re-
ferringto the Turks,or geographical,Yavana,or cultural,mleccha."One should
also note the distinctively negative natureof the term, the primaryfunction of
which it to provide a catch-all designationfor the "Other,"whether negatively
contrastedwith the ancientPersians,with theirMuslim descendants,or with the
laterEuropeanOrientalistswho eventuallyadoptedthe term.Indeedthe same is
apparentfrom an examinationof modem Indialaw. For examplethe 1955 Hindu
On Hindu, Hindustan, Hinduism and Hindutva 17

MarriageAct, section 2 (1) defines a 'Hindu' as a category including not only

all Buddhists,Jains and Sikhs but also anyone who is not a Muslim, Christian,
a Parseeor a Jew. Thus even in the contemporarycontext the terms 'Hindu' and
'Hinduism' are essentially negative appellations,functioningas an all-inclusive
rubricfor the non-Judeo-Christian'other.'

Despite this lack of clarity (or because of it) the word Hindu, after
a brief period of flirtation with other words (Marshall 1970), was
adopted by the British to "characterize all things in India (specially
elements and features found in the cultures and religions of India)
which were not Muslim, not Christian, not Jewish, or, hence, not
Western" (Frykenberg 1989:31).
It is now time to pause and take stock before we venture into
the British period. By examining the history of the word Hindu,
and its usage, it becomes obvious that the word did not come into
common use until after 1000 AD. During this pre-1000 period India
represented a single politico-religio-cultural entity (Pande 1984:170;
Spear 1972:93). Subsequently its use gradually spread in such a way
that by the eighteenth century it became a common locution often
used by both insiders and outsiders (W.C. Smith 1962:70) to denote
a religio-cultural complex which was distinct from, also different from
and sometimes diametrically opposed to the Islamic presence.
In religio-cultural terms itself, the presence of another religio-
cultural complex now also characterised the land, namely, the Islamic.
The British presence in India introduced another religio-cultural com-
plex on top of it, namely, Western/Christian. Up to a point, the British
presence in India could almost be considered benignly neutral, if not
actually pro-Hindu, from a Hindu perspective. It has even been plausi-
bly argued that "the Company's Raj was actually, for most intents and
purposes, a de facto 'Hindu Raj"' (Frykenberg 1989:34).
By this, I meantseveralthings:-that the Raj, as an imperialsystem of rule, was a
genuinely indigenousratherthansimply a foreign (or "colonial")construct;that,
hence, it was more Indian than British in its inner logic, regardlessof external
interferencesand violations of thatlogic by Britain(especially duringthe Crown
period of this Raj); that, in terms of religious institutions,indigenous elites and
18 Arvind Sharma

local forces of all kinds were able to receive recognitionand protection,as well
as special concessions, from the State; and, moreover,that they had been able
to do this in directproportionto their ability-whether by power of information
control,numbers,noise, skill or wealth-to influencelocal governments.

A breach opens up after 1818, the year in which both the Maratha
Confederacy was defeated, thereby eliminating the last major chal-
lenge to British paramountcy in India and also the year in which James
Mill published his famous multi-volume work clinically entitled The
History of British India, which was really a phillipic against Hinduism
(Davis 1995:46).
Mill's History,an immense andthoroughindictmentfor the Indianpeoples, tried
to justify the need for British rule among a population supposedly unable to
govern itself. Mill especially condemnedHinduismblamingit for much of what
was wrongwith India.Hinduismis ritualistic,superstitious,irrational,andpriest-
ridden,Mill charged,at each step implicitly contrastingit with the deist version
of Christianitythat he believed to be the highest form of religion. For several
decades the EastIndiaCompanyprovideda copy of Mill's tome to new Company
officials embarkingfor India,to sustainthem in their sense of racialand cultural
superioritywhile in the colony.

Thus after an initial phase of Hindu sympathy the ruler-ruled

relationship came to the fore, basically affecting if not warping the
reception of this Western/Christian religio-cultural complex as well.
It is not as widely recognised as it should be that the 1818-1857
period was characterised by an intense effort to convert India, or, at
least the Indian army, to Christianity (although the "farcical episode
of the return of the supposed gates of Somnath from Ghazni" during
the first Afghan War under Lord Ellenborough also falls during this
period), an ambition that was only abandoned when the Indian Mutiny
raised the stakes forbiddingly. In fairness it should be noted that
the Muslims were blamed disproportionately for it, although both
Hindu and Muslim sepoys were treated with equal severity during
the suppression. This second wave of Hindu sympathy on the part
of the British ebbed with the rise of nationalism for which the year
1885, in which the Indian National Congress was founded, provides a
convenient benchmark.
On Hindu, Hindustan, Hinduism and Hindutva 19

The upshot of all these developments was the fact that another
religious communityapartfrom the Islamic, namelythe Christian,had
also been created.What needs to be clearly recognisedin this context
is the role of politics in positing these communitiesin an oppositional,
ratherthan an appositional,frameworkin relationto the Hindu. The
existence of the Jews and Parsis testifies to the fact that minorities
are not unknownto the Hindus but they did not pose a problem for
Hindu polity because their presence was not vitiated by the ruler-
ruled (i.e. political) factor. Until that factor emerged, even Islamic
presence was not perceived as a problem. Arab Muslim traderson
India's coasts "betweenthe seventh and ninth centurieswere treated
with toleranceby Hindu rulers and the legend of the conversionof a
CheramanPerumalRaja shows that they were allowed to propagate
Islam ... at least one [Muslim] contributed financially to a Hindu
temple" (Ahmad 1964:77). Even in the north, there "is persistent
local traditionin certainold centers in the heartof UttarPradeshthat
Muslim families had settled there long before the conquest of the
area by MuhammadGhuri. In the city of Benares, there are Muslim
mohallas, which, it is said, are anteriorin date to the conquest of
Benares by Muslims, and similar traditionsare currentabout Maner
in Bihar"(Ikram1964:32). Even afterthe alteredpolitical equationin
the north made the Muslim presence problematicalfor the Hindu, it
did not affect the south. Thus Abdul Razak,the Persianambassadorat
the Vijayanagarcourt, could write aroundthe middle of the fifteenth
century:"ThePeople [or Calicut]are infidels;consequentlyI consider
myself in an enemy's country,as the Mohammadansconsidereveryone
who has not received the Qur'an.Yet I admit that I meet with perfect
toleration,and even favour; we have two mosques and are allowed
to pray in public" (Radhakrishnan1939:312). Similarly, the Syrian
Christianpresence in India did not pose a problem for the Hindu,
but EuropeanChristianpresence became a problem,when Christians
became rulersand Hindusthe ruled.
This fluid situation,however,began to solidify in the post-Mutiny
period, once the rule of the East India Company was taken over by
the BritishCrown.This consolidationof Britishrule was accompanied
20 ArvindSharma

by the consolidationof 'Hinduism.'One needs to step back a little to

appreciatethis development.
The British presence in India had put another word into play-
Hinduism.The discussion of when it was first used is itself indicative
of its significance,while the controversysurroundingits relationship
with whatpasses for Hinduattestsmoregenerallyto the basic thesis of
the paper (Lorenzen 1999:630-659). The Oxford English Dictionary
identifies its use by Max Muller in 1858 (King 1999:165). Charles
Neumann employed it in the title of his work in 1831 (ib. 165).
The Oxford English Dictionary identifies a still earlier use in 1829
(ib.), but Dermot Killingley identifies its use by RammohunRoy in
1816 and suggests that "Rammohunwas probably the first Hindu
to use the word Hinduism"(ib.), although we are not quite certain
whether it was first used by a Hindu. But the word soon caught on
and with the linguistic unificationof IndiathroughEnglish (Panikkar
1963:120-121), andthe increasinguse of Englishin intra-faithactivity
within Hinduism (Hein 1977:106) and at the level of the emerging
English-knowing elite (Hinnells and Sharpe 1972:4), in the post-
Mutiny period. This period also saw the culmination, as it were,
of the numerous reform movements, beginning with the Brahmo
Samaj,foundedin 1828 andculminatingin the Gandhiandispensation,
leading to an "increasingidentificationof Indian nationalism with
reformedHinduism"(Everett 1997:74; Panikkar1963, passim; Jain
1996, Ch. II). Thus the last quarterof the nineteenthcenturywitnessed
the emergenceof both Indiannationalismand a pan-IndianHinduism,
thereby raising the question of the relationship between the two.
This issue, which remains unresolved to this day, goes back to the
ambiguity inherentin the word Hindu-does it stand for a country
or a religion? The fact that both the words: India as well as Hindu,
etymologically go back to the same word (Sindhu) dramatisesthis
issue of ambiguity, which now reincarnateditself in the question:
will Indiannationalism(or nationalisms)be territorialor religious in
nature?The semantic ambiguityin the word Hindu itself also found
On Hindu,Hindustan,Hinduismand Hindutva 21

expressionin the question whetherthis 'new' Hinduismitself will be

parochialor universalin character.
One can thus visualise two channels along which the energies re-
leased by the emerging nationalistforces in India could play them-
selves out, when the pot was stirredby the Partitionof Bengal in 1905
(Spear 1994:759). One channel along which the nationalistenergies
could flow was that of territorial nationalism-an aspirationrepre-
sented by the IndianNational Congress. Anotherwas representedby
the All-India Muslim League, formed in 1906, more in line with the
optional channel of religious nationalism.Although there was an ini-
tial Hindureactionalso to move in thatdirection(Jaffrelot1996:6,19),
it was basically checked by the rise of Gandhianinfluence (Everett
1997:73) in Indianpolitics from 1920 onwardsand the primacywhich
the Indian National Congress began to enjoy thereafter(D.E. Smith
1963:456). Indian and Hindu nationalismsbegan to diverge after the
collapse of the Khilafatmovement(Minault1982). The Khilafatcam-
paign, which began with the Muslimsjoining forces with the Hindus
"beforethe incredulouseyes of the British"(Spear 1994:784) in 1919,
ended in a series of communal riots by mid-1920s (Page 1982:74).
The founding of the RSS in 1925 symbolised this breach (Anderson
and Damle 1987:34).
In the meantimeneo-Hinduismwas being revivedalong essentially
universalisticlines, althoughit became somewhatrevivalisticwith the
rise of the Arya Samaj.Neverthelessthe IndianNationalCongresswas
able to contain this. It was in the 1920s that neo-Hinduismbegan to
display a distinctly ethnic streakand evolved a word to go with it-

The word Hindutvagained currencyafterit appearedas the title of
a book writtenby V.D. Savarkar,firstpublishedin 1923. V.D. Savarkar
and MahatmaGandhimay be regardedas the patronsaints of the two
distinct forms of Hinduism the ambiguity of the word Hindu gave
rise to. Paradoxicalas it might appear,both these trends arose out
of the same problematic-that of defining Hinduism.And both were
22 ArvindSharma

in a sense a response to the attempteddefinitionsof Hinduismunder

Westernattemptsat definingHinduismfollowed two distinctcours-
es: one moved in the direction of identifying it with Brahmanism
(throughcaste) andthe otherin the directionof identifyingit with spir-
ituality in general (through 'Hindu tolerance'). They reflect perhaps
the Enlightenmentand the RomanticMovement at play respectively,
on the onomastic theatreof 'Hinduism.'It is not often realised that
one of the majorconcernsof V.D. Savarkarin evolving the concept of
Hindutvawas to avoid the political fall-out of an excessively narrow
definitionof Hinduism (in his view), which had the unhappyconse-
quence of excluding the Buddhists,the Sikhs, and the Jains from the
Hindu community (1969:106). By comparison,Gandhidid not have
much troublewith their inclusion within or exclusion from Hinduism
because from the point of view of the spiritualinterpretationof Hin-
duism, which he espoused, this was immaterial.All religions shared
in this spiritualityin common with Hinduism,irrespectiveof whether
they could formally be labelled Hindu or not. For instance, when S.
Radhakrishnanposed the question:"Whatis your religion?"in 1936,
MahatmaGandhireplied:"My religion is Hinduismwhich, for me, is
Religion of Humanityand includes the best of all the religions known
to me" (Radhakrishnan andMuirhead1936:2).
The full title of V.D. Savarkar'stract:Hindutva:Who is a Hindu?
identifiesthe two core issues which he addresses:(1) who is a Hindu,
and (2) what it Hindutva.The two issues are connected. He defines
a Hindu as one who (1) regardsthe entire subcontinentas his (or
her) motherland/fatherland (Savarkar1969:84,119); (2) is descended
of Hindu parents(ib. 129-131) and (3) and considers this land holy
(ib. 113,134). These thenconstitutethe three"essentialsof Hindutva-
a common nation (Rashtra),a common race (Jati) and a common
civilization (Sanskriti)"(ib. 116). Note that religion does not figure
in this ensemble and the "actualessentialsof Hindutvaare ... also the
ideal essentialsof nationality"(ib. 137). The net effect of this exercise
is to confera Hindunationalityon all the followersof the fourreligions
of Indianorigin-Hinduism, Buddhism,Jainismand Sikhism.
On Hindu,Hindustan,Hinduismand Hindutva 23

One may wish to distinguish here between two expressions: "In-

dian religions"and "religionspractisedin India."If the lattercategory
is used to denote Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Judaism,
Christianity,Islam and so on, then the formercategorycould be used
to include only the adherentsof the first four: Hinduism,Buddhism,
Jainism,and Sikhism. According to the concept of Hindutvaas elab-
oratedby Savarkar,Hindu nationalitywould be restrictedto "Indian
religions,"in contrastpresumablywith Indiannationalitywhich would
be sharedby the followersof all religions.This is one salientfeatureof
Hindutva.The other,as noted already,consists of the fact thatit posits
an implicit distinctionbetween religion and (shall we say) culture,in
orderto bracketthe four "Indianreligions"together.
Savarkar'svision lay moribundfor a long time, to the extent of be-
ing considereddead. This may be one way of explaining why West-
ern scholars even in the 1960s were actually dissuaded by their In-
dian colleagues from showing interest in any political and cultural
outfit associated with Hindutva,such as the Jan Sangh and the RSS
(Ashby 1974:115). Ever since Mrs. Gandhi's Emergency,however,
these organisations,in theirvariousincarnations,have been incremen-
tally raisingtheirprofileandnow standcentre-stageat the beginningof
the new millennium(Jaffrelot1996; Devalle 1995:306-322; Khilnani
1997:189-190). Most Indianand Westernscholarsfeel uncomfortable
in dealing with religion given theirsecularorientationand the discom-
fort level rises furtherwhen it comes to 'fundamentalism'in religion.
This is understandablebut it has led to a lack of nuancein dealingwith
key concepts. Hindutvaprovides an example here. Most regardit as
constitutinga static and monolithicconcept from 1923 onwardswhen
it was first proposed. The reality is that its context, text and subtext
has changedover time, dependingon the periodinvolved(whetherit is
the periodextendingfrom 1923-1947, or 1947-1975, or 1975-1991 or
post-1991) and the person expoundingit (whetherit is V.D. Savarkar,
M.S. Golwalkaror BalrajMadhok,for instance).
Up until the attainmentof Independencein 1947 the thrustof the
Hindutvamovement,as representedby the HinduMahasabhaand the
RSS, was first to resist what was viewed as a policy of appeasement
24 Arvind Sharma

towards the Muslims and to oppose the move towardsthe Partition

of India, which was viewed as the logical outcome of this policy.
During this phase the Hindutva movement was not about gaining
political power.This shift in Hindutvathinkingcame aboutas a result
of reflection at the ease with which the party in power, the Indian
National Congress, could suppress the Hindutvaforces in the wake
of the assassinationof MahatmaGandhiin 1948. This realizationled
to the formationof the Jan Sangh in 1951 (Jaffrelot1996:87;Graham
1990). Duringthe periodwhen the JanSanghfunctionedas a party,the
conceptof Hindutvaunderwentan ideological shift. It took the formof
identifying India with Hindutva,ratherthan Hindutvawith India. As
a result there was much talk of the need for Indianizingthe Christian
andMuslim minoritiesin India,ratherthanHinduizingthem (Madhok
1969b). This might seem like splitting a particularlyfine hair to the
outsiderbutit reflecteda subtlerealignmentwithinHindutva.It should
be notedthatthe Indiangovernment,both in the languageof the Indian
Constitutionadoptedin 1950, and subsequentlegislation,has virtually
adoptedthe Hindutvadefinitionof a Hindu-as one who belongs to
any religion of Indian origin. Hence the need, in the modem study
of Hinduism,to distinguishone who is HinduunderIndianlaw from
one who is Hindu "by religion" (Baird 1993:41-43, 31-58; Derrett
The imposition of Emergencyby Mrs IndiraGandhi,towardsthe
end of June in 1975, set a new series of forces in motion. It is now
widely held that the only major elements in public life Mrs. Gandhi
could not successfully suppressduringthe Emergency,despite a vig-
orous attemptto do so, were the elements associated with Hindutva
(Jaffrelot1996:273-77). This is whatreallyaccountsfor its subsequent
legitimationin the public eye. During this phase the Hindutvaforces
were ironicallyalso in eclipse after the new governmenttook office be-
cause they haddecidedto mergetheiridentityin the JanataPartywhich
consisted of the combinedopposition,which had been electorallyvic-
torious in 1977. Once again the Hindutvaforces had "gone cultural,"
as they had been priorto Independencein 1947.
On Hindu,Hindustan,Hinduismand Hindutva 25

The Hindutva forces have always been secure in their cultural

identity;it is their explicit political role they feel unsureabout. Once
againthe politicalhad lapsedinto the cultural.Significantly,the Janata
Party broke up over the issue of requiring its former Jan Sangh
members to go beyond formal merger with the Janata Party and
also renounce their RSS connection, at which the Jan Sangh balked,
splitting the JanataPartyin 1980. This issue is elliptically known as
the dual membershipissue (Jaffrelot1996:304-11).
This periodis sometimesreferredto as returnto 'politicaluntoucha-
bility,'originallystemmingfromthe guilt of being associatedwith Ma-
hatmaGandhi'sassassination.The eclipse was to last a decade. With
the re-emergenceof the BJP after 1990 the questionof 'dualmember-
ship' has surfacedagain in anotherand more congenialform, now that
the BJP is no longer a political pariah,in the form of its insistence, on
the one hand,thatit has not abandonedits stance on the Ram Temple,
Article 356 andthe UniformCivil Code andits claim, on the other,that
it is committedto the common programof the NDA (NationalDemo-
craticAlliance in which the BJP is the lynchpin)which excludesthese
The issue of dual membershipis obviously symmetricalwith the
double-deckersignificanceof the word Hindu-'Indian' or 'Hindu'?
What requiresfurthercomment is a more central issue of Hindutva
The issue of Hindutvaidentity (to be carefully distinguishedfrom
thatof Hinduidentity)is best investigatedby exploringthe thoughtof
its three main ideologues on this point: Vinayak DamodarSavarkar,
popularlyknown as "Vir"Savarkar(1883-1966), MahadevSadashiv
Golwalkar, otherwise known as "Guru"Golwalkar (d. 1973), and
Balraj Madhok (1920-) (Klostermaier 1994, Ch. 30; Kohli 1993;
Madhok 1982; etc.).
The basic templateof Savarkar'sthoughtwas presentedearlier,so
one needs to focus on the transformationof his legacy in the hands of
those who followed him. In the handsof GuruGolwalkarit underwent
26 ArvindSharma

two interestingmodifications.(1) Hindu identitywas promotedin his

thoughtat the expense of caste identity.Hindutvaforces have looked
askanceat caste in general,holding it responsiblein good measurefor
the downfall of the Hindus (however see Kane 1977, 5:2:1642) but
most Hindutvareactionsto it have been reformist.Golwalkar'saim,
however,was to "abolishcaste so as to build a nation defined as 'an
aggregateof individuals"'(Jaffrelot1996:61).This nation,however,is
not definedas a secularbut as a Hindunation:"Golwalkar'sdefinition
of a nation was more restrictivethan Savarkar's.Hindus appear in
his writings 'as the nation in India"' (ib. 56). (2) Such integration
in Hindu terms also reflected a stronger sense of separationfrom
otherreligious communitieswithin India. In contrastto the overtures
V.D. Savarkarmade to these communitieson account of their Hindu
"genes,"Golwalkarwrote (ib. 56):
The foreign races in Hindusthan must either adopt the Hindu culture and
language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must
entertainno ideas but those of glorificationof the Hindu race and culture ...
or may stay in the country,wholly subordinatedto the Hindu nation, claiming
nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferentialtreatment-not even
citizen's right.

If, however,the ethnicelementis emphasisedin Golwalkar'sthought

at the expense of the universal,the case is the reversein some ways in
the thoughtof BalrajMadhok.Madhok,as a memberof the JanaSangh
recommendedthat it "shouldrenouncethe Sangathanist[RSS] model
and its specific identityto submergeitself in the tide of 'Hindutradi-
tionalism."'This was to go hand in hand with the "'Indianisation'(in
effect 'Hinduisation')of MuslimsandChristians"(Jaffrelot1996:234),
but that it was called Indianisationconstitutesa significantdifference
in nuancefrom Golwalkar'sideology.

The time has come to try to relatethese evolutions,or even convolu-
tions, of Hindutvato the basic thesis of the paper-that like the words
Hindustanand Hinduism,the word Hindutvais also caught up in the
ambiguityand ambivalenceof the word Hindu.
On Hindu,Hindustan,Hinduismand Hindutva 27

Post-Independenceconceptualdevelopmentsin Hindutvabasically
turnon two differentialaxes-of religion (and/or)cultureand nation
(and/or)state.Hindutvathoughtin generalhas triedto align itself with
the cultureaxis in termsof the firstset of termsandwith the nationaxis
in the second set of terms. Out of the religion/culturedivision, culture
would be viewed as a broadercategory,just as the nation would be
viewed as a broadercategoryin relationto state.Hindutvathoughtthen
has tried to connect itself with the more encompassingof the paired
categories,even occasionally at the expense of the other.
Its agenda has been to thereby solve the problem of the presence
of non-Hindu elements in Indian society and polity-primarily of
the Muslims and Christians,and secondarilyof such Buddhists,Jains
and Sikhs as do not respondto the general interpretationof the term
'Hindu'it offers.By invitingthemto partakeonly of Hinducultureand
not religion, it wants to make it socially easier for these communities
to become parts of the largerwhole. It seeks to accomplishthe same
end politically by identifyingitself with the aspirationof nationhood,
as opposed to the machineryof a state, so that all could then belong
to the Hindu nation in this reconstitutedsociety and the state could
then be effectively secular (Banerjee 1990:133). It is significantthat
the Hindutvarhetoricto this day has largelyandcentrallybeen thatof a
nation(HinduRashtra)ratherthanof a state (HinduRaj) (even Shivaji
spoke of 'Hindu svaraj,'not Hindu Raj) (Savarkar1969:57). The key
categoryis not Hindustatismbut Hindunationalism(Jain 1996).
The internal contradictionsof the word Hindu, however, imperil
these exercises, whetherone turnsto religion or culture.One crucial
move Savarkarinitiatedwas the tendencyto associate Hinduismwith
culture rather than religion. His motive in doing so was to create
a conceptual category for "Indianreligions" (as distinguishedfrom
"religions practised in India"). But with this end constitutionally
achieved (although still in contention) it soon evolved the locution
of Hindu culture, from within the space inside "Indianreligions,"to
embraceall the "religionspractisedin India,"in a manneranalogous to
the way it was employedby Savarkarto embraceall "Indianreligions"
while situated within Hinduism, through the concept of Hindutva.
28 Arvind Sharma

This curiously correspondsto that usage in the eighteenthcenturyin

the light of which designationssuch as 'Hindu-Muslim'and 'Hindu-
Christian'were not oxymorons, with this differencethat at that time
an explicit pan-Indianidentity in terms of Hinduism was not in the
picture,as is now the case (King 1999:163;Mahmoud1994:75).
This shift in the terms of discourse also carries with it the same
bivalencewhich has characterisedthe wordin its earlierappearanceas
Hindu,Hindustanand Hinduism.Philip H. Ashby writes perceptively
Modem interpretationsof Indian culture have generally fallen into two broad
classifications.The first has identified Hindu culture with Indian culture, sug-
gesting that the operatingnorm for the latterhas been the great traditionof the
Hindureligion and the social stricturesand customs thathave accompaniedthat
tradition.This we saw most clearly in the political area-for example,in the Jana
Safigh'sideological platformand its attemptto directmodem Indianpolitical ac-
The other interpretation,namely,that India's cultureis a composite not to be
identifiedwith the term"Hindu,"has been more realisticin recognizingthatcon-
temporaryIndian culture, like all widespreadand long enduringcultures, has
been the productof many influences, from the early Dravidianof thirty-fiveor
more hundredyears down to the British and Westernof the last hundredor two
hundredyears.This approachrecognizes the variablesand imponderablesthatat
any given time work togetherto constitutea culture.Indianthinkerswho adhere
to this position have also emphasizedwith pride India'spowers of assimilation
and its potential as a culturalmodel for the moder world. This view reflects
somethingof both the position of the nineteenthcenturyreformmovementsand
the social-culturalambivalenceof the liberalintellectualandpolitical elite of the

Two conceptions of Indian culture now vie with each other for
With the word Hindu, the two referents in terms of region or religion
were in contention;with the word Hindustan,this bivalence took the
form of nature of the region itself; in the realm of religion it surfaced in
the ethnic and in the universalisticorientationsof Hinduismand now
it manifestsitself in the realmof culture.
These developmentsreflect a difference in emphasis in terms of
the evolving world-view (or at least India-view) of Hindutva. But
On Hindu,Hindustan,Hinduismand Hindutva 29

along with them a more potentiallysignificantconceptualdivide now

surfaces,which can only be mentionedhere andcannotbe dealtwith at
length, because in Hindutvacircles itself it is only mentionedand not
developed. This issue turns on the question of whetherthe Hindutva
movement is directed towardsthe formationof a Hindu nation or a
Hindustate. The conceptof a nation-statemergesthe two andobscures
the point, but it needs to be addressedsquarely in the context of a
countrylike India.
Actually, a similar problem can be identified in the context of
the nation itself. Here the crux of the issue lies in the distinction
between a multi-nationstate and a nation-state.Given its pluralism,
India has in effect usually functionedas a multi-nationstate, whether
underAsoka, or Akbaror the British.The attemptto unify India with
the culturalnationalismof the "white umbrella,"when it has always
been polychrome,revives the old ambiguityof whetherHindu means
land/peopleor religion/culture.The ambiguitynow begins to manifest
itself within the categoryof the stateitself-national or multinational?
This in additionto the questionwhetherone has in mindan Indianstate
or a Hindu state. The last piece of the puzzle reincarnatesthe original

Hindutvathus comes full circle. In trying to solve the problem of
Hinduidentitywith thatof Hindutvaidentity,it ends up becomingpart
of the problemonce again. One may now be on a differentpartof the
tree but one is still up the same tree.
This should not be taken to mean, however, that our exercise has
been in vain. Such an exercise does allow us to posit a bivalent
'Hindu' reality capable of multiple formulations in several ways:
local/global;geographical/civilizational;ethnic/universal,and so on. It
also enables one to identify four attemptsto engage this ambivalent
Hindu historical/empiricalreality: in terms of the categories of (1)
region; (2) religion; (3) culture and (4) nation. The first attempt is
representedby the wordHindustan,the second by the wordHinduism,
the thirdby the expression Hindu culture and the fourthby the teml
30 ArvindSharma

Hindutva.The list of the words which compose the title of the essay
acquirethe complexionof an inventoryas a resultof this exercise.
Because of the complex natureof the Indianreality each approach
runsinto its own limitations;each generatesits own dilemma.The re-
gional approachgeneratesthe dilemma:does Indiabelong to the Hin-
dus or do Hindus belong to India?The religious approachgenerates
the dilemma: Is Hinduism a religion like any other religion or does
it itself includeotherreligions, denominationallyor universalistically?
The culturalapproachgeneratesthe dilemma:Is Hinducultureconsti-
tutive of Indian culture or expressive of it? And finally, the national
approachgeneratesthe dilemma:Should India opt for the secularism
of Hinduismor the Hinduismof secularism?
At the heartof each lies the questioncentralto all issues of identity:
does the otherbelong to me or do I belong to it?

Faculty of Religious Studies ARVIND SHARMA

McGill University
3520 UniversityStreet
Montreal,PQ H3A 2A7
[email protected]

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