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Hemodynamic disorders

1. A patient who was having difficulty in breathing was found to have fluid in his
pleural cavity. Fluid analysis revealed a protein content of 3.5 gm/dl and a specific gravity
of 1.021. This type of fluid will be labeled as
A. Edema
B. Transudate
C. Exudate
D. Serum

2. Increased incidence of thrombosis may be seen in all of the flowing conditions


A. Ulceration of arterial endothelium due to radiation.

B. Localized dilatation of arteries.
C. Unregulated use of estrogen containing pills
D. Hypervitaminosis C

3. A 54-year old man develops congestive heart failure due to myocardial infarction.
Consequently, he develops ascites and swelling of legs. Manifestations of edema in his
case are due to

A. Increased plasma osmotic pressure

B. Lymphatic obstruction
C. Increased hydrostatic pressure
D. Decreased plasma osmotic pressure
Ans …..

4. A 60-year-old man is confined to bed due to fracture of the hipbone. In his case,
which of the following factors is likely to increase risk of pulmonary embolism?

A His frequent intake of citrus fruits

B Daily intake of aspirin because of old history of angina
C His inability to move his limbs
D His blood pressure is 130/70 mm Hg

5. A 30-year-old man developed acute pain in abdomen and on operation was found
to have ruptured appendix. His postoperative course was characterized by fall in blood
pressure and multiple organ failure that lead to his eventual demise. Clinically his death
was attributed to development of irreversible septic shock. In this case shock is caused due

A. Massive release of toxins that actually represent lipopolysaccharides from

bacterial cell wall.
B. Toxins released from neutrophils
C. Loss of large amount of blood
D. Development of myocardial infarction.
Ans …….

6. Anasarca (generalized edema) will be seen in all of the following conditions EXCEPT:
a) Deep vein thrombosis
b) Kwashiorkor.
c) Nephrotic syndrome.
d) Right ventricular failure.

7. Which of the following types of edema is seen most commonly in dependent parts of the
body, mainly the legs

a) Hypoalbuminemic
b) Subcutaneous
c) Venous
d) Lymphatic
e) Inflammatory

8. The most important patho-physiological alteration seen in shock is?

a) Decreased hydrostatic pressure and increased osmotic pressure
b) Cardiovascular collapse
c) Increased blood volume
d) Pyrexia
e) Decreased pulse rate

If hydrostatic pressure in venous system exceeds plasma oncotic pressure, it will lead to
a) Angina pectoris
b) Edema
c) Infarction
d) Hypertension

Tissues affected by which of the following types of edema will also show features like pain and
a) Hypoproteinemic
b) Venous
c) Lymphatic
d) Inflammatory

In conditions like, protein calorie malnutrition, liver failure, nephrotic syndrome, and protein-losing
enteropathy, the cause of edema is
a) Lymphatic obstruction
b) Increased hydrostatic pressure
c) Increased capillary permeability
d) Hypoalbuminemia

Increased incidence of thrombosis may be seen in all of the flowing conditions except

a) Ulceration of arterial endothelium due to radiation.

b) Localized dilatation of arteries.
c) Unregulated use of estrogen containing pills
d) Hypervitaminosis C

A 54-year old man develops congestive heart failure due to myocardial infarction. Consequently, he
develops ascites and swelling of legs. Manifestations of edema in his case are due to

a) Increased plasma osmotic pressure

b) Lymphatic obstruction
c) Increased hydrostatic pressure
d) Decreased plasma osmotic pressure
Protein C causes antithrombosis by inactivation of:
a) Factor Va.
b) Factor VIIIa.
c) Both.
d) None of the above.

Lines of Zahn is a characteristic appearance of laminations in thrombi when formed in:

a) Peripheral veins.
b) Aorta. B
c) Retinal artery.
d) Arcuate artery.

Most common site of occlusive arterial thrombosis is:

a) Iliac.
b) Coronary.
c) Cerebral.
d) Femoral.

The exceptional case where venous thrombosis causes infarction is:

a) Intestines.
b) Retina.
c) Ovary.
d) Heart.

White infarcts are encountered in all except:

a) Heart.
b) Spleen.
c) Kidney.
d) Ovary.

Red infarct is seen in all except:

a) Ovary.
b) Intestine.
c) Brain.
d) Kidney.

Factors predisposing to venous thrombosis include:

a) Thryombocytopenia
b) Polycythaemia
c) Dehydration
d) Thrombophlebitis
e) Paraproteinaemia
Tissues affected by which of the following types of edema will also show features like pain and
a. Hypoproteinemic
b. Venous
c. Lymphatic
d. Inflammatory

In conditions like, protein calorie malnutrition, liver failure, nephrotic syndrome, and protein-losing
enteropathy, the cause of edema is
a. Lymphatic obstruction
b. Increased hydrostatic pressure
c. Increased capillary permeability
d. Hypoalbuminemia

A 60-year-old man is confined to bed due to fracture of the hipbone. In his case, which of
the following factors is likely to increase risk of pulmonary embolism?

a) His frequent intake of citrus fruits

b) Daily intake of aspirin because of old history of angina
c) His inability to move his limbs
d) His blood pressure is 130/70 mm Hg

A 30-year-old man developed acute pain in abdomen and on operation was found to have ruptured
appendix. His postoperative course was characterized by fall in blood pressure and multiple organ
failure that lead to his eventual demise. Clinically his death was attributed to development of
irreversible septic shock. In this case shock is caused due to
a) Massive release of toxins that actually represent lipopolysaccharides from bacterial cell
b) Toxins released from neutrophils
c) Loss of large amount of blood
d) Development of myocardial infarction.

Which ONE of the following is not a feature of thromboxane A2?

a) Inhibits platelet adenyl cyclase.
b) Produced by action of an endothelial cell enzyme. √
c) Produced by conversion of cyclic endoperoxidase by platelets.
d) Prostaglandin with a half-life of 30 seconds.
e) Stimulates platelet adhesion and aggregation.
Which ONE of the following is not a cause of generalized edema?
a. Carcinomatosis.
b. Hay fever. √
c. Kwashiorkor.
d. Nephrotic syndrome.
e. Right ventricular failure.

Which ONE of the following is not a cause of secondary hyperaldosteronism?

a. Adrenocortical adenoma. √
b. Hepatic cirrhosis with ascites.
c. Nephrotic syndrome.
d. Renal artery stenosis.
e. Untreated congestive cardiac failure.

Factors predisposing to venous thrombosis include:

a. thryombocytopenia
b. polycythaemia
c. dehydration
d. thrombophlebitis
e. paraproteinaemia

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