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Volume IV, Issue X, October 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540

Relevance of Stock Broking Industry in Capital

Market with Special Reference to BSE, Mumbai
# Dr. K. Prabhakar Rajkumar, *N. Lakshmi Kavitha
#Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamil Nadu

*Ph.D Research Scholar, Dept. of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-46, Tamil Nadu

Abstract: With more and more disposable income available money. A stable government at the Centre, new ventures
with the people working in the various sectors and with coming up governments make in India initiative, Digital
many investment opportunities available, each individual India , skill India, infrastructure development, enhanced
wants to invest in the share market and want to have a FDI in the various sectors and other reasons have added
sizeable portfolio. The stock brokers and other various
advantages to be witnessed in the stock market in the near
intermediary agencies play a vital role in the capital market.
The investor may not be aware of the working of the stock future.
market and the stock broking agencies have to take the
responsibility of the buying and selling of shares on their II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
behalf. The agencies inform the investors about the various
products and services so that they can invest in alternatives S. Chris Robertson (2006), his study entitle “Benefits of
that are more profitable and also provide them with wealth using a stock broker as a new investor”, in his study he
maximization products. On many occasions, the investor reported the aspects like stock trading and investment
may not know how to operate the De-mat account, or may opportunities in present scenario. A new investor is
not be a computer user nor may have the time and resources probably facing tremendous pressure in the financial
to analyze the stock market. In such a situation , the
world today with each and every investment opportunities
advisory services of the stock broker becomes very essential
because it is very difficult for a new comer to predict a that arises every day, and that potentially brings wealth
particular stock performance as the stock market is most of and prosperity to the investor. Online stock trading creates
the time very volatile. The present study is an attempt to worldwide investment opportunity and as a new investor,
study the present relevance of stock brokers and scope for all these can be understood with the help of a stock broker
stock broking Industry in the capital market. For this study, who will help him take his decision concerning his
secondary data has been used to find out the importance and investment and help him manage his investments.
scope of broking industry. Therefore, for a new investor the stock broker can be a
solution for all his problems.
Keywords: Stock Brokers, Investors, Mobile app, De-mat
account and turnover
Jennifer Lynn Hanson, (2009) in her study entitled
_____________________________________________________ “Internet Stock Broker advantage cheap online stock
investing” found that Stock trading can be done through
I. INTRODUCTION internet websites with the help of stock brokers. Hanson
was of the conclusion that no one makes a financial
investment with the goal of losing money and making a
T he Indian broking industry has grown significantly
over the last decade in terms of both size and scope.
The relationship between the stock broker and the investor
financial gain is everyone‟s objective and many investors
who were at an disadvantage earlier have found the goal
has always been very rocky and also very beneficial to both to be achievable after the use of internet for stock market
of them. The broker who has an inside knowledge about the trading. After the internet was invited and made available
companies and also the share market can always help the to the investor and also the common man, a smooth
investor make the right investment decision and thereby outline trading has been created by effective guidance of
charge a fee for the services offered. Since the small time brokerage agency. Hanson is also of the opinion that the
investor may be new to the market, the knowledge internet stock trading has eliminated the tradition method
accumulated by the broker as per his experience can be of brokerage.
hugely beneficial to the small investor who may be a first
timer and a new entrant to the stock market. If the advice J VICTOR (2011) in his study entitled, “The Brokers
given to the first timer is beneficial to him, then there may Role in Investing is of the opinion that the stock broker is
be many more first timers who would have been introduced an agent and is performing a service for the investor and
to the stock broker by the benefitted one. the broker acts as an agent for the buyer and seller of the
security and ensures best investment on commission basis.
The time is ripe for the Indian investors and also the stock The broker will buy for the investor and sell for the seller
brokers to make a killing in the BSE and earn some each time ensuring that the best price is obtained from the Page 42
Volume IV, Issue X, October 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
client and provide valuable services and information to of brokers rises to above 250, but in the aftermath of the
help him make the right investment decision. price crash they are hard-pressed to find a place for their
regular meeting. Due to the hectic and swift development
Anurag Bansal (2015), The customer has been of shares trading business by 1874, broker used to gather
empowered by the broking industry along with the in the Dalal Street Bombay for transacting their business
regulators and exchanges through the numerous initiatives .Consequently the stock broker organized an informal
which include the introduction to the new investment association in 1875 called „The Native Share and Stock
avenues, educating and making the investors aware, Broker‟s Association Bombay‟. That was formed with
increasing the reach, advancement of technology and 3128 member who pay an entrance fee of 1 rupee is set
higher accountability of the various market participants. up. The generis of the present day BSE is clearly traceable
These steps will encourage the retail investors to invest in to their humble beginnings. A premise was hired in 1875
the stock market and these points have been highlighted so that the indignity of trading in public comes to an end.
by ANURAG BANSAL in his study.
The year 1880 witnessed the emergence of many cotton
In an article in Form Views (2015) mentions that the mill industries in several parts of the country especially in
mobile trader app is attracting huge attention and will Maharashtra and Gujarat. Because of that, regional wise
increase the growth in volume. The endeavor for stock exchanges were started and many stock brokers also
exchange and increasing internet and mobile participation entered into it. In 1920 Madras Stock Exchange was
over the years helped broking industry to increase their started with 100 brokers. The authorities have been
business operations. encouraging corporatization of the broking industry in
India. As a result of that, a number of brokers-proprietor
III. RESEARCH DESIGN firms and partnership firms have converted themselves
into corporate. As of end December 2013, 4811 brokers
A. Objectives of the Study: accounting for nearby 53.3% of the total brokers have
become corporate entities. 88.6% of the brokers who
The following are the main objectives of the present study registered under NSE were corporatized followed by BSE
with 83.5% corporate brokers. As at and December 2014,
1. To understand the importance of stock broking there were 44,540 sub-brokers registered with SEBI out of
industry in capital market which 19,392sub brokers registered under BSE and
2. To study the function of Stock brokers 24,522 under NSE and together constituted 98.59% of the
3. To find out the future prospectus of stock total sub-brokers. Following figure shows the number of
broking industry stock broker registered in SEBI.
B. Research Methodology: Fig.1: Stock Brokers in India

The present study is made to be an exploratory research.

The nature of the data is secondary. The secondary data
were collected from the annual reports of CDSL, Hand 45000
books of SEBI, other websites and various journals. To 40000
achieve the objective of present study various statistical 35000
tools like graph and charts have been used. 30000
IV. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 15000 9128 7306 13684
10000 3764 4196
The stock exchanges are allowing trading members to 5000 3051
0 3008 2395 2406
trade in stock exchange. They play a significant role in the
secondary market by connecting the buyers and the sellers
together. The brokers give buy/sell order either on their
own account or on behalf of clients.

Indian stock broker have a history dates back to the

eighteenth century. Till the end of 19th century, brokers
trading were unorganized. They started their trading in
Bombay and Calcutta out of this two, Bombay trading 2004-2005 Dec.2014
was comparatively too good. In Bombay (now Mumbai),
initially stock broker traded bank shares and later on in
1930s, started stock and shares of cotton presses. In 1860- (Source:SEBI)
61, no. of broker was only a dozen and their traded under
a banyan tree in front of the town hall in Bombay. Due to Stock Brokers in BSE
the rapid development of commercial enterprises in the
1850 many brokers came into this field. In 1860, it was Stock brokers in BSE have undergone sea change since
increased to 60. In the prevailing share mania, the number the inception of BSE in 1850 to the current period. The
process of conducting business orally to the current on- Page 43
Volume IV, Issue X, October 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
line trading is due to the massive growth of technology representative of his clients, a stock broker brings the best
and brokers initiatives. In the present day trading system, offer to buy and sell stock.
brokers to the trading by getting an order form the
investors by phone calls only. The scenario in trading 2. Seeks best deal: A stock broker represents a client,
changed since 1995 when online trading started. The finding the best deal to buy or sell stocks for investors.
system and new technology, slowly caught up with the Most brokers deal in all types of securities and many also
trading community which embraced it whole heartily. handle commodity futures. The sub broker may also
advice a client on when to buy or sell a stock or what to
Initially a dozen stock brokers formed an informal watch for in market dealing, but he is not a licensed
association in the name of The Native Share and Stock investment adviser.
Brokers Bombay in 1875. At present there are 9150
registered brokers in all the 26 stock exchanges in India 3. Handling the trade: A broker takes an order from a
with BSE constituting 1349 number brokers making it one client to buy or sell a stock, passes it through his
of the highest with registered brokers. brokerage firms network to a floor trader. Now, through
the software provided by stock broking firm,
In 2004, the number of stock brokers registered with BSE investor/trader can directly place the order.
was 726 and in 2013, the registered brokers‟ number grew
to 1349 which shows that in the latest decades the number 4. Paid on commission: Individual brokers are paid on
of broker registered at BSE almost doubled which commission usually as a percentage of the value of the
indicates a good growth in stock broking business and the trade. Commissions and fees vary.
performance of BSE. Following figure shows the total
number of stock broker‟s and corporate broker registered 5. Advice: Most of the individual broker charges a certain
under BSE. percentage of the transaction of buying and selling of
stock. There are two types of brokers, one is discount and
Fig. 2: Corporate Broker in BSE another one is full service broker. Discount broker mostly
is individual broker who won‟t give advice and simply
1600 does the transaction. On the other hand, full service
broker actually help the investors to choose the stock for
1400 investment by giving advice, and charge‟s some
additional amount along with their regular commission.
6. Spectrum of service offered:
A) Discount / online broker: The traditional
800 discount/online brokers is an order taker. They will take
investor‟s order either over the phone or online. On the
600 Total other hand, if investor is dealing with them online, one
Broker will be there to actually talk.
400 Corporate
Broker B) Discount/online with assistance broker: This
200 variation offers some help to customers that stops of full
services consulting.
C) Full service broker: The traditional full
service broker provides recommendation of specific
stocks for investor‟s consideration. The broker begins
with a financial assessment of investor‟s personal
(Source:SEBI) situation to determine the investor‟s need and suitability
for various investments.
D) Money Manager: Money Manager takes over
A stock broker or share broker is a regulated professional the responsibility for investing and managing the entire
broker who buys or sells shares and other securities portfolio in exchange for a percentage of the assets they
through market makers or agencies on behalf of investor. manage.
A broker may be employed by a brokerage firm. The
functions of stock broker are as follows. 7. Products: Brokers offer many different types of
products besides stock. Often, packaged products such as
1. Act as an agent: A stock broker acts as its agent of an mutual funds and annuities are important parts of the
investor and represents his clients to buy or sell shares and recommendation.
other financial instruments. The primary role of a stock
broker is to execute transaction on behalf of investors, he 8. Insurance protection: Majority of the brokerage firms
will buy and/or sell securities in the stock market. As a are members of the Securities Investor Protection
Corporation (SIPC) which provides insurance for losses Page 44
Volume IV, Issue X, October 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
suffered in the event of financial difficulties and VII. MUTUAL FUNDS, THE TOAST OF THE
liquidation of brokerage firm to investors. SEASON
9. Offers special accounts: Additional services and The mutual funds are back in the limelight and the
facilities may be available in special accounts that give investor accounts or folios in the first ten months of fiscal
the stock broker discretion to make traders for investors year 2014-15 has seen a surge of over 16 lakh accounts
without each trade being approved by the investors, and the remaining 2 months saw an increase of another 3
known as discretionary accounts. Credit for the purchase lakh accounts approximately, which is a very basic
of additional securities may also be provided by its use of assumption as per the accounts of the first 10 months of
margin accounts. FY 2014-15. The AUM or the assets under management
of Mutual Funds hit a record high of INR 11.8 Lakh
VI. PERFORMANCE IN CAPITAL MARKET crores in Jan 2015 on the back of continuous inflows
across various categories especially in equity. Following
In the last few years, the Indian Equity Markets figure shows equity folios from financial year 2009 to
witnessed extreme volatility which kept the retail 2015 and for financial year 2015, data was taken till
investors at bay and thus has witnessed lower December 2014. The mutual fund is a comparatively safe
participation from the small investors. However, option for a new or small investors as the funds are
initiatives are being taken by the regulators, SEBI, Stock managed by fund manager or a stock broker who act as
Exchanges and intermediaries to improve accountability intermediary between the investor and stock market
and transparency in order to safe guard the interests of the
small investors, which is likely to increase confidence and Fig. 4: Mutual Fund- Equity Folios (in Crores)
help the intermediaries to conquer the lost battle. The
brokerage industry is cyclic in nature and its fortunes are
directly dependent on the performance of the broader
markets. 4
4.17 4.09 4.03
3.5 3.93 3.95
However, the broking firm also acts as a financial service 3.76
provider thereby providing a broad range of services like 3 3.32
wealth management, portfolio management, fund 2.5
manager, mutual fund distribution, NBFCs, and Advisory
services. In addition to an overall positive sentiment, the 2
endeavor of the market regulator to boost retail 1.5
participation in the capital market has also given a fillip to
the overall trading activities through broker terminals. The 1
turnover in cash segment of BSE is given in figure 3. 0.5
Figure.3: Turnover in Cash Segment of BSE 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Turnover(Rs. In CR)
(Sourse:BSE Forum)
1600000 1578857 The AUM of Mutual Funds from Feb to June 2015 is a
modest INR 3 lakh crores approximately which is a very
1400000 1378809 healthy and a positive development. Till January 2015,
1200000 there was a surge of AUM of equity MFs to INR 3.4 lakh
1100074 1105027 crores and has been a consecutive nine months of positive
1000000 956185 flows on the back of robust sentiments and improving
800000 816074 earnings outlook for India INC, which has been the key
518717 667498623162 driver for the Indian equity markets. The period from
600000 January 2015 to June 2015 has been very positive for the
400000 503053 548774 stock market and the AUM equity MFs has risen close to
Rs 1 lakh crore approximately which is a very modest
200000 calculated average, which is based on the AUM of Mutual
Funds which was calculated till June 2015 at 3.4 lakh
crores INR.




SEBI along with other participant is constantly striving to

(Sourse:SEBI) improve investor‟s confidence and awareness in order to Page 45
Volume IV, Issue X, October 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
bring a change in the individual outlook towards equity X. INCREASING DE-MAT ACCOUNTS
market as a long term and prudent investment destination
rather than a place for speculative bets. Investors Rising number of investors have started opening de-mat
education and awareness, being one of the prominent and accounts after the recent rally at the indices. As on
important step to inculcate better investment habits among January 2015 there were a total of 12.9 lakh de-mat
retail investors is been introduced by way of higher accounts opened during financial year 2014-2015.
number of investor conferences across the country.. Moreover, the residents of tier II and the tier III cities are
Further, to fast fund raising, SEBI is going to introduce e- also turning to the stock markets and we have seen an
IPO. This will certainly enhance overall efficiency in increase in De-mat account holders in such cities and also
primary market and increase investors participation. the rural areas which is seen as a very encouraging trend.
While, the Government has maintained its status quo on
Securities Transaction Tax (STT), abolition or reduction During the year under review, 12.57 lakh Beneficial
of taxes could have been a welcome step for broking Owner (BO) accounts were added, taking the total number
industry at large. of such accounts to 130.87 lakhs with the net BO accounts
at 96.10 lakhs as on 31 March, 2015. The comparative
The stability in the government and also a very growth figures of gross and net BO accounts as on 31 March,
oriented announcements and policy adopted by the 2014 and 31 March, 2015 are 13,087,397 (Gross), net is
government is helping the Indian companies increase their 9,610,002 and Gross 11,829,968, net is 8,777,049
share and also the investment in the stock market. respectively. Following chart shows beneficial owner
accounts opened through CDSL.

In the last one year or so, we have seen many start-ups do Fig. 6: Beneficial Owner Accounts (as on 31st March)
well in the stock market thereby paving the way for many
such people and industry, that will help the stock market
grow in the long run. The stock brokers are overwhelmed
by the response to the stock market by the small time 12000000
investors and also the keen interest they are showing in
investing in the stock market. Many companies are
10000000 9610002
providing ESOP‟s or the employee stock options to its
staff to introduce them to the stock market thereby 8777049
increasing the market share and giving them an option to 7917184
invest in other companies shares with the help of stock 8000000 7479316
brokers. 6575846
With the help of stock broking industry, many company 6000000
raised financial resources to their company equity and
debt instruments like public issue, right issue, IPOs,
CCPs, bonds, etc. Following figure shows that total funds 4000000
raised by corporate sector from March 2010 to December
Fig.5: Resources raised by Corporate Sector (Equity and Debt)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

40000 (Source: CDSL)


One of the major driving factors for the increase in the
10000 activities and business in the stock market has been the
internet penetration and also the use of smart phones
0 everywhere. Internet connectivity and also the internet
Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Dec.2 penetration has helped the investor open De-mat accounts
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 014 and also trade in the share market with the help of online
In Crores 39820 30927 25172 44646 46430 51825
share brokers. This has liberated the investors from being
physically present and can trade from anywhere which has
been a boon as the investor can trade as per his
(Sourse:BSE) Page 46
Volume IV, Issue X, October 2015 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 - 2540
convenience during the market hours. The smart devices of the situation to see to it that the small investor is not
(smart-phones) with a data connection is another boon for affected by such a withdrawal.
the share brokers and also the share investors as he/she
can do the trading from anywhere with a login and is even In order to counter such a scenario, the current SEBI
easier than online trading using an internet connection in a chief, Mr U K Sinha has urged the small investors and the
PC or a Lap-top. middle class to invest more in the stock market as
investing in the stock market and earning money in the
Fig. 7:Technology in Capital Market stock exchange is not taboo anymore and the stock market
as an investment option is still a very good option. It is
Segment Till % of cash estimated that even if a small percentage of the existing
Dec.2014(Rs. Market middle class invest in the stock market, the market will
In Cr.) Turnover witness a surge of investment and may not require the
Mobile Trading 221 1.39 investments made by the FDIs and the FIIs in the years to
Internet Based 1754 11
Trading In order to make this a possibility, wherein the middle
Cash Retail market 7782 48.79 class people are encouraged to invest in the stock market,
daily average the stock broker and the small investor has to work hand
Cash market daily 15952 in hand and the stock broker needs to give the correct
average turnover advice to the investor so that he can get many more
(Sourse: NSE) people to the stock market.

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