Vesicovaginal Fistula: Diagnosis and Management: Review Article

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Indian J Surg (March–April 2014) 76(2):131–136

DOI 10.1007/s12262-012-0787-y


Vesicovaginal Fistula: Diagnosis and Management

Michael Stamatakos & Constantina Sargedi &
Theodora Stasinou & Konstantinos Kontzoglou

Received: 25 March 2011 / Accepted: 21 November 2012 / Published online: 14 December 2012
# Association of Surgeons of India 2012

Abstract Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is still a major cause and obstetric procedures. The existence of VVF is believed
for concern in many developing countries. It represents a to have been known to the physicians of ancient Egypt, with
significant morbidity in female urology. Continual wetness, examples present in mummies before 2,000 years BC. The
odor, and discomfort cause serious social problems. The diag- literature on the subject is extensive, but is largely based on
nosis of the condition has traditionally been based on clinical anecdote, small retrospective case series and opinion rather
methods and dye testing. A successful repair of such fistulas than on fact.
requires an accurate diagnostic evaluation and timely repair
using procedures that exploit basic surgical principles and the
application of interposition flaps. The method of closure Incidence
depends on the surgeon’s training and experience. The main
complication of VVF surgery is recurrent fistula formation. Although the incidence of VVFs has become rare in the
industrialized world, they still commonly occur in develop-
Keywords VVF . Complications . Diagnosis . Surgical ing countries [1]. Estimates suggest that at least three mil-
principles lion women in poor countries have unrepaired VVFs, and
that 30,000–130,000 new cases develop each year in Africa
alone [2]. The general public and the world medical com-
Introduction munity remain largely unaware of this problem. Ibrahim et
al. [3] emphasized, as have others working in the largely
Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is an abnormal opening be- Muslim culture of northern Nigeria, the high prevalence of
tween the bladder and the vagina that results in continuous early marriage and childbearing, the low literacy rate, and
and unremitting urinary incontinence. The entity is one the poor uptake of conventional antenatal care among the
among the most distressing complications of gynecologic fistula patients. Probably the most important factors contrib-
uting to the high incidence and prevalence of obstetric
M. Stamatakos
fistulas in Africa are socioeconomic [4]. Early marriage,
N. Athinaion M.D. Hospital, Athens, Greece
low social status for women, malnutrition, and inadequately
C. Sargedi developed social and economic infrastructures are all more
Department of Internal Medicine, Ystad Hospital, Ystad, Sweden common in the poor areas. Most importantly, lack of access
to emergency obstetric services is ubiquitous in the poor
T. Stasinou
Department of Urology, North Devon District Hospital, regions. In parts of the world where obstructed labor is a
Barnstaple, United Kingdom major contributor to maternal mortality, the rate of VVF
might even approach the maternal death rate [5].
K. Kontzoglou
Second Department of Propaedeutic Surgery, Laiko General
Hospital, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece
M. Stamatakos (*)
11 Hydras Str., 16345, Ilioupoli,
Athens, Greece VVFs can be classified in various ways. Simple fistulas are
e-mail: [email protected] usually small in size (≤0.5cm) and are present as single non-
132 Indian J Surg (March–April 2014) 76(2):131–136

radiated fistulas. Complex fistulas include previously failed Table 1 Etiology of vesicovaginal fistula
fistula repairs or large-sized (≥2.5 cm) fistulas, more often a • Traumatic
result of chronic diseases or radiotherapy. Most authors • Postsurgical
consider intermediate-sized fistulas (between 0.5 and • Abdominal hysterectomy
2.5 cm) as complex ones. • Vaginal hysterectomy
• Anti-incontinence surgery
• Anterior vaginal wall prolapse surgery (e.g., colporrhaphy)
• Vaginal biopsy
• Bladder biopsy/endoscopic resection/laser
The etiology of VVF varies and may broadly be categorized
• Other pelvic surgery (e.g., vascular, rectal)
into congenital or acquired, the latter being divided into
• External trauma (e.g., penetrating, pelvic fracture, sexual)
obstetric, surgical, radiation, malignant, and miscellaneous
• Radiation therapy
causes. The most common cause of VVF is obstructed labor
• Advanced pelvic malignancy
[6]. The fistula derived by obstructed labor is the product of
a massive field injury caused by the impacted fetal head. In
• Foreign body
most of the third world countries, over 90 % of fistulas are
• Obstetric
of obstetric etiology [7]. Congenital VVFs are extremely
• Obstructed labor
rare and are associated with other urogenital malformations.
• Forceps laceration
In the industrialized world, the most common cause (>75 %)
• Uterine rupture
of VVF is injury to the bladder at the time of gynecologic,
urologic, or other pelvic surgery. Surgical injury to the lower • Caesarean section injury to bladder
urinary tract most commonly occurs in the setting of hys- • Congenital
terectomy, whereas most of the remainders are related to
general surgery procedures in the pelvis, anterior colporrha-
phy or cystocele repair, anti-incontinence surgery, or other Diagnosis
urologic procedures [8].
Approximately 3–5 % of VVF in the industrialized The evaluation of size, number, and exact location of
world occur as a result of locally advanced malignan- fistula is important before curative surgery is undertak-
cies with three most common forms such as cervical, en. Better preoperative diagnosis allows better surgical
vaginal, and endometrial carcinoma [9]. Radiation- planning.
induced fistulas occur frequently many years after treat- Postoperative patients with a VVF usually are easily
ment. Even though various predisposing factors in the diagnosed with urine leaking through the vagina. A signif-
formation of the postoperative fistula have been identi- icant leukocytosis may be evident. Usually, fistulas occur
fied (infection, ischemia, arteriosclerosis, previous uter- between the 7th and 12th day after obstetric or gynecologic
ine surgery, uterine myomata, cancer treatments, and surgery. The diagnosis can be established by filling the
diabetes), the vast majority occur under “normal opera- bladder with a dilute solution of methylene blue. In a patient
tive circumstances” [10]. with urinary incontinence, the tampon test, where a tampon
Other causes of VVF include urologic or gynecologic is inserted into the vagina after filling the bladder with the
instrumentation, including percutaneous procedure, retro- solution and the patient is ambulated, can lead to the con-
peritoneal, vascular or pelvic surgery, infectious and inflam- firmation of diagnosis. Cystoscopy is also of particular help
matory diseases, foreign bodies (including neglected and can clarify the exact anatomic origin. For small fistulas,
pessaries), sexual trauma, vaginal laser procedures, and it may be helpful to attempt to pass a small ureteric catheter
external violence (Table 1). through the suspected fistula tract to determine if it enters
the vagina.
Physical examination is of vital importance. The site of
Clinical Presentation the fistula and its surroundings must be thoroughly ob-
served. If there are signs of associated acute inflammation,
The classical presentation sign is continuous (day and night) edema, necrosis, or other bladder pathologies coexist, then
incontinence after a recent pelvic operation. If the fistula is surgery should be postponed until these problems are re-
small, then watery discharge from the vagina accompanied solved. In the preoperative planning, any scar at the site of
by normal voiding may be the only symptom. However, a the fistula, fixation to adjacent organs, rigidity of the vagina,
radiation therapy-induced fistula may present even up to or post-irradiation involvement of the rectum may change
20 years after the original insult [11]. the surgical approach.
Indian J Surg (March–April 2014) 76(2):131–136 133

Further diagnostic procedures should include retrograde

and voiding the cysto-urethrography (Fig. 1). A high creat-
inine level of the discharge can confirm the urinary leakage.
However, intravenous pyelography and cystogram may not
demonstrate the genital abnormalities [12]. The advanced
but more invasive and/or costlier techniques include com-
bined vaginoscopy–cystoscopy [13], subtraction magnetic
resonance fistulography [14] (Fig. 2), and endocavitary ul-
trasound through transrectal or more properly through trans-
vaginal route with or without Doppler or contrast agents
[15]. Transvaginal sonographic evaluation can clearly visu-
alize the exact site, size, and course of the fistula. There are
reports that mention it as well-tolerated, less hazardous, and
more informative than other conventional investigations
[16]. However, it constitutes an operator-dependent proce-
dure and the less experienced may not find it an easy Fig. 2 CT scan of vesicovaginal fistula. After the intravenous admin-
istration of the contrast agent, there is high-density material in both the
alternative to the conventional cystogram. Finally, if there
bladder and the vagina, consistent with a VVF
is a suspicion of malignancy, a biopsy must be taken for
histologic examination. An intravenous pyeloureterogram is
also recommended to rule out concomitant ureteral fistulas diameter, is detected early, or there is no epithelization of
before proceeding with the surgical repair. the fistula. If the diagnosis is established late and the fistula
has epithelized, electrocoagulation of the mucosal layer and
2–4 weeks of catheterization may lead to closure [17].
Treatment However, in patients with a thin vesicovaginal septum, large
VVF, or those with significant inflammation around the
Treatment of patients with VVF must embrace their imme- fistula tract, fulguration risks failure and the possibility of
diate and, in most cases, subsequent surgical management. It enlarging the size of the fistula and devitalizing adjacent
is vital to consider the nutritional and rehabilitative needs of tissues. Fibrin sealant has been used as an adjunctive mea-
patients. When a delayed approach to surgery is intended, it sure to treat VVF. This material may be injected directly into
is essential to take care of the sanitary protection and the the fistula tract following electrocoagulation. The bladder is
skin. In 10 % of the cases, the fistula closes spontaneously then drained for several weeks. The therapeutic result of this
after 0.5–2 months of urethral catheterization and anticho- approach is a result of the gel-like nature of the fibrin sealant
linergic medication, especially if the fistula is of small that plugs the hole until tissue ingrowth occurs from the
edges of the fistula. Fibrin sealant has also been successfully
used in combination with collagen as an additional “plug”
[18]. Unfortunately, in most cases, these conservative meth-
ods fail and the performance of surgery is needed.
The timing of intervention should aim to find the com-
promise between the wish to free the patient from urinary
loss and to wait for the optimal conditions for closure.
Surgery should be postponed if devitalized tissues, cystitis,
or encrustation is present. The classical strategy is a delayed
repair, undertaken after 3–6 months to allow healing of any
inflammation and edema. Even a delay of 1–2 years is
reasonable after radiation damage. The regular examination
is fundamental to selecting the earliest date for surgery. The
first step before repair is to treat any acute infection with
antibiotics, while encrusted deposits must be removed both
from the bladder and the vagina.
The arguments continue as to whether the abdominal or
vaginal route is the most appropriate for fistula repair. In
Fig. 1 Cystography (lateral image). The arrow demonstrates the ves- general, simple fistulas are treated using simple vaginal
icovaginal fistula tract approaches, while complex fistulas are commonly treated
134 Indian J Surg (March–April 2014) 76(2):131–136

either vaginally using a myocutaneous flap or through an be considered. Fistulas in patients who are not candidates
abdominal approach. Most gynecologic surgeons favor the for surgical intervention may be managed by percutaneous
vaginal approach. This approach minimizes the operative ureteral occlusion and permanent nephrostomy [24]. In the
complications, the hospital stay, the blood loss, and the pain developing world, where catheters and ostomy appliances
following the procedure and still achieves success rates are either too expensive or completely unavailable, conti-
when compared with the abdominal approach [19]. At the nent urinary diversion or incontinent urostomies are often
same time, however, it can be associated with vaginal short- not practical, which present ethical issues with the alterna-
ening and the formation of a dead space, where infection tive treatments [25]. In these situations, internal urinary
and inflammation may develop [20]. Contraindications to diversion with ureterosigmoidostomy has some application
vaginal approach include: severely indurated vaginal epithe- in patients with unreconstructable lower urinary tracts. It
lium around the fistula, small capacity or poorly compliant should be recognized as a last resort operation due to its
bladder, repair requiring ureteral reimplantation, involve- significant metabolic and neoplastic potential.
ment of other pelvic structures, vaginal stenosis, or inability Very high or large VVFs either in close proximity to
to obtain proper exposure [21, 22]. The transabdominal ureteric orifices or when associated with hydronephrosis,
O’Connor’s operation has been the most accepted method hydroureter, or urinary ascites or absent vaginal cuff are
of repair of supratrigonal fistula to date. The traditional considered to be complex fistulas and require a transabdo-
O’Connor operation utilizes suprapubic access for extraper- minal transvesical approach. The successful management of
itoneal dissection of the retropubic space to dissect the such fistulas is largely dependent on judicious use of inter-
bladder, followed by long sagittal cystotomy (bivalving the position flaps. The omental flap is undoubtedly the most
bladder) until the fistula is reached. The fistulous tract is versatile; it can be used in abdominal and combined abdom-
excised, followed by two-layer closure after tissue transpo- inal–vaginal procedures. Surgery needs to be performed in a
sition between the bladder and vaginal walls. The abdominal center of excellence and questions regarding adequacy of
approach has been recommended for: (1) high retracted surgical experience, technical expertise, nursing care, and
fistulas in a narrow vagina, (2) fistulas which are proximal facilities for blood transfusion need to be addressed before
to the ureters, (3) cases with associated pelvic pathology, attempting complex vesicovaginal repairs.
and (4) multiple fistulas [8]. In addition, the abdominal Moreover, the laparoscopic repair of vesicovaginal fis-
approach has good results with durable success (85– tula without opening the bladder and using intracorporeal
100 %) [23]. Transperitoneal approach offers an opportunity suturing and omentum interpositioning is a feasible proce-
for wide exploration and the use of a peritoneal or omental dure in selected patients. It will be a useful adjunct to
graft in managing larger fistulas. If there is associated intra- transvaginal repair of fistulas if the surgical morbidity of
abdominal pathology, the abdominal approach allows con- the open abdominal approach is decreased. Laparoscopic
comitant procedures. The transperitoneal approach is neces- VVF repair is most useful in the same scenarios as the
sary if other intraperitoneal pathology is present or if there transabdominal repair, such as in the setting of a high VVF
have been previous unsuccessful attempts, a rigid vaginal in which a vaginal operation would be anatomically chal-
wall, or the need for an abdominal interposed graft. In each lenging. Although the laparoscopic approach in expert
case, the interposed tissue serves to create an additional hands may provide high success rate, it is not widely
layer in the repair, to fill dead space, and to bring new blood practiced due to the costs and considerable learning curves
supply into the area. As such, they have been most com- imposed by intracorporeal laparoscopic suturing, a require-
monly used in the repair of radiation fistulas or to limit ment for VVF repair, which is an advanced skill many
scarring and reduce post-fistula repair stress incontinence surgeons lack [26, 27]. Successful robotic VVF repair
in patients with urethral and bladder neck fistulas. was first reported in 2005 [28]. A five-port technique has
VVF developed in radiated tissue should always be been described using a vaginal pack to maintain pneumo-
repaired using fresh blood supply such as flaps. In most of peritoneum throughout the case [29]. The successful clo-
the cases due to the anatomic changes, the procedure is both sure was confirmed by the retention of pneumoperitoneum
vaginal and abdominal, but if anatomy is preserved, a vag- after the removal of the vaginal pack. Advantages to the
inal approach with a flap should always be considered first. robotic technique include three-dimensional visualization,
In some cases, surgical repair of a VVF will fail repeatedly, wristed instrumentation reducing the severe angulation re-
probably due to existing pelvic malignancy, severe radiation quired for laparoscopic VVF repair, and technically simpler
damage, and/or large soft tissue loss, especially in the set- intracorporeal knot tying. It is doubtful that a single pro-
ting of obstetric fistula. Furthermore, some patients may cedure will emerge as the optimal surgery for all patients
simply not be candidates for repair due to coexistent medical with VVF, given the variability in the nature of the condi-
morbidities. For the above groups, urinary diversion, either tion, the patients on whom it occurs, and the expertise of
in the form of a urinary conduit or a continent reservoir, can the individual surgeon.
Indian J Surg (March–April 2014) 76(2):131–136 135

Post-Fistula Stress Incontinence infection, and obstetrical etiology constitute the recurrence
risk factors. The interposition of flaps is considered to be a
Stress incontinence has long been recognized as a compli- protective factor for the recurrent cases [33]. The omentum,
cation of VVF. It is most likely occur in obstetric fistula especially, supplies excellent lymphatic drainage and main-
patients when the injury involves the sphincter mechanism, tains its suppleness following resolution of inflammation.
particularly if there is a tissue loss. It affects at least 10 % of
obstetric fistula patients and has also been reported in
patients with surgical fistulas involving the urethra or blad- Conclusion
der neck [30]. The use of a labial musculo-fat graft in the
initial repair may reduce the likelihood of this complication VVFs are among the most distressing complications of
and a number of other techniques have been attempted [31]. gynecologic and obstetric procedures. The diagnosis of the
condition has traditionally been based on clinical methods
and dye testing. The best chance of a successful repair is at
Postoperative Care the first attempt. The arguments about the most appropriate
route for repair continue and are not clarified by the pub-
Continuous bladder drainage via a urethral Foley catheter is lications so far. However, the role of interposition grafts at
essential. In patients with a fistula involving the bladder both abdominal and vaginal repairs is viewed positively by
neck, the balloon should not be inflated, but the catheter the respective authors. Adjuvant techniques are needed for
should be sutured in place. The postoperative management complex fistulas. Measures for prevention must include
is of vital importance. A high-fluid input and output should universal education, improvement in the status of women,
be maintained until the urine is clear of blood; continuous and improved and accessible medical services.
bladder drainage is essential. If the catheter is blocked, this
is the most likely cause of failure of the repair and nurses
should be instructed to ensure that the catheter is freely
draining, both day and night. The bladder should remain References
catheterized for 2–3 weeks after repair. Cystography is
undertaken before catheter removal if there is any doubt
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