02 Formal Logic KR

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Prof.Dr.Ir.Sudjati Rachmat,DEA

A Knowledge-Based Agent
• A knowledge-based agent consists of a knowledge base (KB) and an
inference engine (IE).
• A knowledge-base is a set of representations of what one knows
about the world (objects and classes of objects, the fact about objects,
relationships among objects, etc.)
• Each individual representation is called a sentence.
• The sentences are expressed in a knowledge representation
• Examples of sentences
– The moon is made of green cheese
– If A is true then B is true
– A is false
– All humans are mortal
– Confucius is a human
• The Inference engine derives new sentences from the input and
• The inference mechanism depends on representation in KB
• The agent operates as follows:
1. It receives percepts from environment
2. It computes what action it should perform (by IE and KB)
3. It performs the chosen action (some actions are simply
inserting inferred new facts into KB).

Input from Inference Output

environment Engine (actions)
(KB update)
KB can be viewed at different levels
• Knowledge Level.
– The most abstract level -- describe agent by saying what it knows.
– Example: A taxi agent might know that the Golden Gate Bridge
connects San Francisco with the Marin County.
• Logical Level.
– The level at which the knowledge is encoded into sentences.
– Example: Links(GoldenGateBridge, SanFrancisco, MarinCounty).
• Implementation Level.
– The physical representation of the sentences in the logical level.
– Example: “(Links GoldenGateBridge, SanFrancisco, MarinCounty)”
Representation, Reasoning, and Logic
• The objective of knowledge representation is to express knowledge
in a computer-tractable form, so that agents can perform well.
• A knowledge representation language is defined by:
– Its syntax which defines all possible sequences of symbols that
constitute sentences of the language (grammar to form
– Its semantics determines the facts in the world to which the
sentences refer (meaning of sentences)
• Each sentence makes a claim about the world.
– Its proof theory (inference rules and proof procedures)
Connection between Sentences and Facts

Semantics maps sentences in logic to facts in the world.

The property of one fact following from another is mirrored
by the property of one sentence being entailed by (inferred from) another.
Propositional Logic: Syntax
• Symbols:
Logical constants: true (T), false (F)
Propositional symbols: P, Q, S, ...
logical connectives:
 ...conjunction (and)  ...disjunction (or)
~ ...negation (not) => ...implication (if)
<=> ...logical equivalence (if and only if)
Wrapping parentheses: ( … )
• A proposition (denoted by a proposition symbol) is a declarative
statement which can be either true or false but not both or neither.
– The moon is made of green cheese (F)
– UMBC is closer to Baltimore than to Washington, DC (T)
– P = NP (truth unknown)
• Sentence
1. T or F itself is a sentence
2. Individual proposition symbols P, Q, ... are sentences
3. If S is a sentence, so is (S)
4. If S1 and S2 are sentences, so are
S1  S2, S1 S2, S1 => S2, S1 <=> S2, ~ S1
5. Nothing else is a sentence
• Order of precedence of logical connectors
~ , , , => , <=>
• Minimum set of logical connectors
(~ , ), or (~ , )
• Atomic sentences: T, F, P, Q, ...
• Literals: atomic sentences and their negations
A BNF Grammar of Sentences in Propositional Logic

S := <Sentence> ;
<Sentence> := <AtomicSentence> | <ComplexSentence> ;
<AtomicSentence> := "T" | "F" |
"P" | "Q" | "S" ;
<ComplexSentence> := "(" <Sentence> ")" |
<Sentence> <Connective> <Sentence> |
~<Sentence> ;
<Connective> :=  |  | => | <=> ;
<literal> := <AtomicSentence> | ~ <AtomicSentence>
Examples of PL sentences
• P means "It is hot"
• Q means "It is humid"
• R means "It is raining"
• P ^ Q => R "If it is hot and humid, then it is raining"
• Q => P "If it is humid, then it is hot"
•Q "It is humid."
Propositional Logic (PL): Semantics
• Need an interpretation of symbols for a given set of sentences
– Proposition symbols do not have meaning by themselves
– An interpretation connects proposition symbols to a statement
about the world (which may be true or false in that world)
– An interpretation in PL can be defined as an assignment of truth
values to all proposition symbols involved
– There are many interpretations for a given set of sentences (2^n if
they involve n distinct proposition symbols)
– Example:
I_1: P: it is humid (T) Q: it is hot (T) P ^ Q is true
I_2: P: moon is made of green cheese (F)
Q: I am happy (T) P ^ Q is false
• Give a meaning to each logical connectives
– A connective is a function (boolean),
– It does not depend on any particular interpretations (universal to
all PL sentences
– It can best be defined by a truth table
• Truth value of each sentence can then calculated

Truth tables for logical connectives

P Q ~P PQ PQ P  Q P  Q

• Implication
– Approximating causal relationships
– Many logic theoreticians are not happy about the current
definition for P = F

 Equivalence laws in PL (both sides have the same truth table)

– P => Q  ~ P v Q
– P <=> Q  (P => Q) ^ (Q => P)
 Distribution law
P ^ (Q v R)  P ^ Q v P ^ R
P v (Q ^ R)  (P v Q) ^ (P v R)
 De Morgan’s law
~(P v Q v R)  ~P ^ ~Q ^ ~R
~(P ^ Q ^ R)  ~P v ~Q v ~R
Some terms
• A model is an interpretation of a set of sentences such that every
sentence is True. A model is just a formal mathematical structure that
"stands in" for the world.
• A sentence is satisfiable if it is True under some interpretation(s)
• A valid sentence or tautology is a sentence that is True under all
possible interpretations, no matter what the world is actually like or
what the semantics is, e.g.,
• An inconsistent sentence or contradiction is a sentence that is False
under all interpretations. The world is never like what it describes, e.g.,
• P entails Q (Q is a logical consequence of P, Q logically follows P),
written P |= Q, means that whenever P is True, so is Q. In other words,
all models of P are also models of Q.
Models of Complex Sentences (Venn diagrams)
Inference Rule
• Logical Inference is used to create new sentences X that logically
follow from a given set of sentences S (in KB and from input), i.e., S |=
• This kind of inference is also known as deduction
• Use truth table: Whether S |= X holds can be determined by whether S
=> X is a tautology
– S |= X holds iff every interpretation I that makes S true also makes X
S => X is a tautology iff every interpretation I that makes S true also
makes X true
– Example: P, P => Q |= Q because (P, P => Q) => Q is true under any
– Huge truth tables for inference involving large number of sentences
• Use inference rules: generate new sentences X from a one or more
existing sentences S. S is called the premise and X the conclusion of the
• Proof procedure: a set of inference rules and a procedure of how to use
these rules
• If X can be generated from S by proof procedure i, we say X is derived
from S by i, denoted S |i X, or S | X.
• Soundness. An inference procedure is sound if every sentence X it
produces from a set of sentences S logically follows from S. (No
contradiction is created).
if S | X then S |= X
• Completeness. A inference procedure is complete, if it is able to produce
every sentence that logically follows from any give S.
if S |= X then S | X
Sound Inference Rules (deductive rules)

• Here are some examples of sound rules of inference.

• Each can be shown to be sound using a truth table -- a rule is sound if it’s
conclusion is true whenever the premise is true.


Modus Ponens A, A => B B
Modus Tollens ~B, A => B ~A
And Introduction A, B A^B
And Elimination A^B A
Or Introduction A AvB
Double Negation ~~A A
Chaining A => B, B => C A => C
Soundness of the Resolution Inference Rule
Proving things
• A proof is a sequence of sentences, where each sentence is either a
premise (also called an axiom) or a sentence derived from earlier
sentences in the proof by one of the rules of inference.
• The last sentence is the theorem (also called goal or query) that we want
to prove.
• Complete proof procedure for PL has time complexity exponential to the
number of premises
• Example for the "weather problem" given before.
1Q Premise “It is humid”
2 Q=>P Premise “if it is humid, it is hot”
3P Modus Ponens(1,2) “It is hot”
4 (P^Q)=>R Premise “If it’s hot & humid, it’s
5 P^Q And Introduction(1) “It is hot and humid”
6R Modus Ponens(4,5) “It is raining”
•Proof by resolution
Q ~Q v P ~P v ~Q v R premises

~Q v R

• Theorem proving as search
– Start node: the set of given premises/axioms (KB + Input)
– Operator: inference rule (add a new sentence into parent node)
– Goal: a state that contains the theorem asked to prove
– Solution: a path from start node to a goal
Normal forms of PL sentences
• Disjunctive normal form (DNF)
– Any sentence can be written as a disjunction of conjunctions of
– Examples: P ^ Q ^ ~R; A^B v C^D v P^Q^R; P
– Widely used in logical circuit design (simplification)
• Conjunctive normal form (CNF)
– Any sentence can be written as a conjunction of disjunctions of
– Examples: P v Q v ~R; (A v B) ^ (C v D) ^ (P v Q v R); P
• Normal forms can be obtained by applying equivalence
[(A v B) => (C v D)] => P
 ~[~(A v B) v (C v D)] v P
 [~~(A v B) ^ ~(C v D)] v P
 [(A v B)^(~C ^ ~D)] v P
(A v B v P)^(~C^~D v P)
 (A v B v P)^(~C v P)^(~D v P) a CNF

Horn Sentences
• A Horn sentences is a disjunction of literals with at most one of
these literals being non-negated (positive).
~P1 v ~P2 v ~P3 ... v ~Pn v Q; or alternatively
P1 ^ P2 ^ P3 ... ^ Pn => Q; (an implication or if-then rule)
• Some properties of Horn sentences
– P => Q ^ R  (P => Q) ^ (P => R)
– P v Q => R (P => R) ^ (Q => R)

– P => Q v R cannot be represented as Horn sentences
• We will expand Horn sentences to Horn clauses in first order
predicate logic later and give it more discussion then
• As we will see later, Horn clauses make automating logical
inference easier.
PL is Too Weak a Representational Language

• Consider the problem of representing the following information:

– Every person is mortal. (S1)
– Confucius is a person. (S2)
– Confucius is mortal. (S3)
• S3 is clearly a logical consequence of S1 and S2. But how can these
sentences be represented using PL so that we can infer the third
sentence from the first two?
• We can use symbols P, Q, and R to denote the three propositions, but
this leads us to nowhere because knowledge important to infer R from
P and Q (i.e., relationship between being a human and mortality, and
the membership relation between Confucius and human class) is not
expressed in a way that can be used by inference rules
Weakness of PL
• Hard to identify "individuals." E.g., Mary, 3
– Individuals cannot be PL sentences themselves.
• Difficult to directly and clearly talk about properties of individuals or relations
between individuals (hard to connect individuals to class properties).
– E.g., property of being a human implies property of being mortal
• Generalizations, patterns, regularities can't easily be represented.
– All members of a class have this property
– Some member of a class have this property
• A better representation is needed to capture the relationship (and distinction)
between objects and classes, including properties belonging to classes and individuals
• First-Order Logic (abbreviated FOL or FOPC) is expressive enough to concisely
represent this kind of situation by separating classes and individuals
– Explicit representation of individuals and classes, x, Mary, 3, persons.
– Adds relations, variables, and quantifiers, e.g.,
• “Every person is mortal” Forall X: person(X) => mortal(X)
• “There is a white alligator” There exists some X: Alligator(X) ^ white(X)

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