Whats Up 2

You are on page 1of 118


Contentb Reading Grammar


Let's warm up! paye 4

• Describe free time Online magazine • Present simple - affirmative,

Let's share our activities anide: Free time negative and interrogative
free time • Play, do or go?
pago 6 • Like +
• Adverbs of frequency
• How often ...?
• Expressions of frequency

WB page 76 Pronunciation tip*

• Describe a Contest: The • Comparative and superlative form

My house, bedroom house of your of adjectives
my home • Chores in the dreams • Irregular adjectives
paye 16 house • The future with going to

WB pago 82

CLIL & CULTURE: César Pelli, a big Argentine architect page 26

• Adjectives to describe Informative text: • Past simple of to be - affirmative,

Film a film From - Dr. No - to negativo and interrogative
showtimes • Peopte in the film Spectre - • Past simple of regular and
pago 28 industry irregular verbs - affirnnative,
• Kinds of films negative and interrogative
• Prepositions of time
• Past time expressions

WB pago 88 Pronunciation tipa'

• Greeting people Magazine • Irnperative commands and requests

When in • Describe actions articte: • Should shouldn't - advice
Rome • Good and bad Customs • Adverbs of manner
paye 38 manners around the • Can I Gould - polite requests

WB paye 94 Pronunciation tip*

CLIL & CULTURE: The book or the film? paye 48

• • Food Blog post: What is a • Countable and uncountable nouns

Yummy! • Quick meals healthy diet? • Express quantity
paye 50 • Verbs in the kitchen • Ask about quantity
• Present continuous - future ptans

WB pago 100

*Talento Magazine articte: • Infinitive of purpose

Outstanding! • Word building A Risk-taker at • Indefinite pronouns
page 60 Heart! • Review present continuous, present
simple, past simple, future with
going to

WB pago 106 Prónunciation tip*

CLIL & CULTURE: You are what you eat paye 70

Pairwork activities paga 72

*Integrated pronunciation suggestions

Listening & Speaking Writing Project

• Discuss after-schoot clubs Design a postor: Virtual notice board

• Ask and answer about school • Format
activities • Content

• Discuss homes in the future Describe en ideal room: A brochure of your own house
• Talk about ptans and intentions • Position of adjectives

Let's wrap it up! Self assessment activities

- — UrlitS 1&2 page 27

• Discuss different film aspects Describe your favourite film: Dame: Guess in six questions
• Exptain why you enjoyed or • Words often confused
didn't enjoy a film

• Discuss customs in different cultures Write a travel brochure: Garne: Where are you from?
• Hold potite conversations • Paragraphs
• Language used to give tips

let's wrap it up! Self assessnnent activities

- — Units 3 & 4 pago 49

• Tatk about ptans for a picnic Write a recipe: A heatthy eating campaign
• Make plano to go out • Imperativo
• Abbreviations

• Talk about talents Describe a picture: Interview with a famous talented person
• Organise a school show • Expressions and prepositions of

1:Xs wrap it up! Self-assessment activities - Units 5 & 6 paye 71

Mail Tzu Lee Lr
Inbox Li Jack Are you ready for school?

LI Anne Where are you?

LI Lisa, me Check out these pics of my holidays

Mandy, me Hang out?

Miles, me (3) Greetings from the beach

To Jack
Subject Re: Are you ready for school?
Hl Jack!

Thank you for your email! at home now. My family and I spent the
holidays in San Martín de Los Andes, a beautiful village in the South of
Argentina. We went there by plane! The flight was spectacular.
San Martín de los Andes has beautiful views of The Andes and an
amazing lake. But I didn't swim in the lake because the water was very
cold! We also took a boat trip to the other side of the lake.
We ate a lot of chocolate! There are lots of special shops over there.
I brought a small box back for you.
My brother took so many pictures! He's posting some of them on
Facebook, so check them out.
I am getting everything ready for next Monday. I have the books for this
year, a new notebook and ah l the supplies.
I miss the holidays bu! I am also excited to see you again!
How are you? How were your holidays? Did you do anything special?
See you soon!
Tzu Lee

A Di +

Look at Tzu Lee's email and answer True or false? Correct the false
the questions below. statements.

1. Who is writing the email? 1. Tzu-Lee went to a beautifut village alone. O

2. Who will rece ve the emair 2. She went by plane. o
3. Where did Tzu Lee go on holidays? 3. The lake was loo deep, so she didn't o
4. Who sent her an email from the beach? swim in it.

5. What is Tzu Lees brother doing right now?

4. She ate lots of chocolate. o
5. She has to buy the books for this year. o
WORK O a. Go online and choose a photo of
your town. Describe it to the class.
o Ask and answer questions about
your holidays. Use the following
Use the following words.

questions as a reference. (-This is a photo of

There is / are ...
A: What did you do? On the left / right ...
Es I visited my grandparents. The photo shows ...
1. Where did you go?

2. What did you do?

3. Who did you go with?

4. What did you enjoy the most?

Imagine Jack's holidays. What did

he do? Use some of the words in the
box below and write his response to
Tzu Lee.

i ke bus
train library
svvim in the sea / lake / river taxi b. Print out the photo you chose in
go camping museum Exercise 7a or draw a similar place.
football match shop
As a group, gather all the maps and
airplane beach
mountains cinema photos to create a tourist poster of
your city. Make sure to write a title

1 O Discuss.
a. What kind of holidays do you tike the most?
and labels for the photos!

In this book you will find the following features:

b. What are your favourite places in a town?

c. What do you like doing when you are on Activities to do with your
Questions or activities
O a. Draw a map of your involving your personal
neighbourhood. Make sure to
identify the special places and forms
of transport.
effl Content and Language
Integrated Learning

Social-Emotional Learning
b. Complete the text. Download any free OR code
Reader App on your mobile to
discover our Social Emotional
1 live in . My town is very 2 Learning section, thought and
One special place is . There you can written for you ONLY!

. 1 always go to
. Come and discover my town!
e track Tracks
to master your
listening skills
Lars share our
free time
Talk about free time activities
Discuss the importance of helping others
Say what you like doing
Say how often you do things
Discuss after-school clubs
Ask and answer about school activities
Design a poster

34 1.17''S

Look at the pictures and find the following kinds of activities. You can use the
pictures more than once.
1. individual activities 3. team activities 5. indoor activities
2. group activities 4. outdoor activities 6. community work

O Do you have enough free time? How do you spend it? Tick 1/).

o 1 relax. O 1 help others. 1 sleep.

1 hang out with friends. O 1 play an instrument. 1 read.

I visit my grandparents. O Ido yoga. O I chat online.
I play on my computer. O 1 tidy my room. O 1 listen lo music.

Let's create a virtual notice board!

As a group, you will be creating a virtual notice board about community projects you can
Preview do at the weekend.

Look for tips on how to build your project on p. 11.

You will complete the project on p. 15.


O Match each picture to a clue fronn the crossword. Complete the crossword.
Use the Across and Down clues.

Across Down

2. It's very creative and relaxing. You can 1. My mum says dangerous but 1 like lo

make tots of useful things for your home. bel the adrenaline.

5. It's expensive because you need lo buy a 3. 1 cion't think it's aggressive good for

good camera. self-defense.

6. It's fun. 1 always ride my bike in the park. 4. It's a beautifut sport but it's very difficutt loo.

8. It's good exercise for your rnind and your 7. My friends say it's difficutt but 1 think it's

body. interesting. It's all about concentration.

Sort the expressions in bold from

Exercise 1.
Use descriptions to guess the
A: Is it creative?
5: Yes, it is.
A: It's pottery.
5: That's right!

O Interview a classmate.
Ft' creative.
A: Po you do Karate?
{5,: No, r don't.
A: Why not?
5: I don't lile it. f thinK it's aggressive.
O Look at the text. What kind of text is it? Where can you find it?

HOME Everybody needs to have some free time and relax. But we can sometimes use our free time
lo help others. Here we interview some people who choose this second option.

ACTIVITIES Elisa 1131: Well, llave sports and l'm in the volleyball team. We practise on
Mondays and Wednesdays. And we sometimes meet on Friday afternoons.
We usually visit a school in the outskirts and we teach the kids to play
CELEBS volleybalt. We have a good time and we get the chitdren off the streets.

Marge (16): llave reading in my free time.

WHAT'S ON Luis (14): I don't have much free time on
1 like romantic novels and detective stories.
weekdays because I always go tú school
1 sometimes watch the films, but they are
in the morning and I do my homework
never the same. But mum says I have Lo
in the afternoon. I play basketball in the
keep bit too. I do yoga on Tuesdays and
school team twice a week and I always do
Thursdays. It's good for my mind too.
pottery on Wednesdays. But I always have
AL the weekend, I sometimes go cycling
DIY some time to help my grandma. I usually with my friends. We go in the afternoons.
do the shopping for her. Saturday is
1 sometimes Look after my sister on
MY day.1 usually relax and listen tú music.
Saturday nights so my parents can go out.
In the evening, 1 hang out with friends. Besides, 1 read and have a great time!

Do you like helping others? Post your

comment and telt us about it.
1 always help my grandrna
with her house chores at the
weekends. VVe have a lot of
fun together!

Read the article and write who Underline the free time activities in
the magazine article.
1. hetps al home. LUiS, Maly
2. has a speciat day to retax.

3. helps a relative.
4. helos doing something Do you do any of the activities
he / she bkes. you underlined in Exercise 3?
5. enjoys helping others. O Do you help other people in
6. does something lar his / her your free time?
body and mind. Do you read online magazines?
7. doesn't have rnuch free time. Do you post connments to the
8. does outdoor activities. editors?

Study and complete the table.

1 play 11)1,. , tennis. footbalt. Do you play sports? Yes, vve
He tennis. He doesn't play rugby. he do judo? Yes, he does.
You chess. You don't play tennis. Do [hoy football? No, [hoy
She plays basketball. She volleyhaIL she do pottery? No, she doesn't.

> . Ce?/)(7( 1,1 PI [ cok, p. 2

Study the box.

play + ball games and board games

r"- person /IV
c: go + activities that end in - ing
do + other activilies
e 02 Listen and repeat.
He uses
She practrses.
• Now, write play, go or do next to the
play football tabte tennis
O n " Listen and repeat. swimming basketball
karate skiing
1. He washes.
photography skateboarding
2. She teaches.

3. She kisses. O a. Write questions.

4. He watches. 1. When / Jenny / go to her aunt's house?

• Complete the sentences with the When does she go to her aunt's house?
present simple. 2. What / Jenny's aunt / do?
3. she / love / helping her?

have fl 4. How many children / she / cook lunch for?
5. she / hetp / with washing?

b. Read the text.

1. 1 play table tennis. Every Saturday Jenny spends half of the day al
her aunt's house. She does community work.
2. We [not] dancing on Mondays.
She [oyes helping her. She cooks lunch for
3. She Inot) a lot of free time. 15 children. Jenny helps with the cooking.
4. He fruit for breakfast.
c. Answer the questions in
5. We karate on Fridays.
6. She to music on the bus.
1. She goes to her aunt's house enry


Study and complete the table.

How often do you see Tom?

Ile likes walking. She ,( T i nci
Every day. Once a day.
1 hey like singing. We like eacl
morning. Twí ce a week.
afternoon. Three times a month.
> See Gramma,- Reference 1, Exl I a Practice book, p. 2 evening. Four times a ye.:if.

HOI((((( ((
11.4 What do you like doing in your free > Sec. I. xlío 1 3 :,-. 1c .,b_e bes

time? Look at the references and

O Write sentences with these phrases
tíck ( the correct column.
and the expressions of frequency in
the grammar box.
looking in shops get a [al of homework
hanging out have history tests
be absent al school
watching TV
go on school trips
going lo the cinema
go on holiday
listening to music have arl lessons

doinq c!xercise
I get a lot of homewor enry da?.
+++ I like it
++ I don't like it very much
+ I don't like it
O Ask and answer questions using the
activities in Exercise 5, adverbs of
frequency and the expressions of
always usuatly &ten sometimes never frequency from the box.

How often do you look in shops?

1 atways [cavo home early for school. I lo« in shops once a weeK on Saturdays.

a. Think about what you do and

write an adverb of frequency next
to each activity.
Virtual notice board
1. read in bed Find out what community work
2. play computer games you can do in groups. You can ask Tip
3. watch TV in bed your teachers, parents, or friends.

4. be tate for school You can use these grammar rules

when creating your notice about a
5. go out with friends on Saturday
community project.

b. Write sentences about yourself.

wrnetimes read in bed.

You love horses
Join our club.

Ivery Timrsdag
6pm to 8pm 11,

tO rn.
at t he schrs
Cunea° rull "

O Answer the questions. Listen to the teacher in the

audio. True or false?
1. Do you know vvhat a school club is?

2. Are there any clubs at your school? 1. This is an afternoon class.

3. Do you like the after-school clubs? 2. The after-school club

4. What's the Spanish terrn for

after-school club?
enrollment starts next week. o
3. The information about the
clubs is en the notice board. o
4. There is a photography club. o
5. The riding club is an

indoor activity. o
n 06 a. Listen to Jack and Tzu-Lee.
Answer these questions.
1. Does Jack like alter-school clubs?
Why / vyhy not?

2. What clubs do they decide lo join?

b. Listen again and complete


the table.

ri ing

(orne and join us

in the school radio station! l\SI‹ (JJ 1Ild

Ask your classmate.

1. What activities do you do at school?

2. How obten do you do / go / play

3. Where do you do it?

4. Who do you do vyith?

5. Are you good al it?

6. Why do you like it 9

a. In pairs, think of an interesting

after-school activity.
What is the activily?
When is it?
Where is it?
Listen again and put these
°S What do you need?
sentences in the correct orden Hlow much is it?

There is a good wide rango ol clubs 1t' ajugIing club. it's on Tutsdays from 5
this year. to 7 pm in the school gym. You neta some
O Don . t miss this opportunity! juggling bits. Ifs free!
O Good morning, everyone. b. Design an invitation to pin on the
O You can find the details on the notice
noticeboard. Be creative!
board outside the classroom.

• If you like acting, then the drama club

is for you.

O The after-school club enrollinent starts Student A: turn to pago 72.

this week.
Student B: turn to pago 74.


O Look at the posters A and B and

complete the chart.
A poster must be attractive.
Include a good picture or catchy title.
Use fonts of different sizes and colours.

lt must be simple, clear and

(orne and join us easy to understand.
at the school radio station! Make it short so people can read it in
10 or 15 seconds.
Wednesdays and Fridays
Make sure people can read it from 1
at 4.30 pm
or 2 metres away.
Bring your headphones
and favourite music!
For more info rnation a. Do these sentences refer to
con%MTat 5 Roorrt'74. poster A or B?

1. Sentences are long. o

2. It is easy to find the information. o
3. Verbs are in the imperative form. o
You must pay $2 4. The name of the activity is first. o
every time you come
to our club.
5. It doesn't have a catchy title. o
6. There are exclamation marks
lo attract attention. o
7. The design is not very colourful. o
8. Some words are in capital Letters
to attract attention. n,
We meet every Wednesday al 5 o'clock
in the afternoon in the computer room. b. Which poster follows the Writing
This is a new school club for peuple rulo aboye?
who like computer games. Vou can
bring your favourite games to play.
Iccu nul muo Info m Ii It~hJiEtfflg,
Dan Pa flI1 ITE1 Pftrr glabga hoz] 'fi). Design a poster for a school club.
Follow these guidelines.
Use short sentences.
Use exclamation marks and capital Letters.
Activity Use [he imperative form.
Include a colourfut drawing or photo.
Order the information logically: activity,
Day(s) and time where, when (days and times), equipment,
Contad information contad t information, cost.



O Now that you have some information about the community work you can do
at the weekend, choose a community project you find interesting and create a
notice to post on the virtual board.

• Your notice should include information about the project and how you can
contribute to the group.

• You can insert some images or drawings about the project.

Make sure to explain who you are going to help and what they need or like.

• ( Post your notice on the class virtual notice board.

Find out if you can share the notice board on the school blog or website.

AciBbcc -
nonle used toga -

tatk about free time activitie.s.

exchange information with friend-s about what we tike doing.
ask and tett how often we do things.
share my feetings about doing different things.
discuss after-schoot clubs.
understand [he value of helping others.
understand that we can hr:-Jr.) others 1/Ade vve haya a onod time.

My house, my llame
Describe homes and rooms in a house
Speak about chores in the house
Compare things and places
Talk about plans and intentions
Discuss honnes in the future
Describe an ideal room / house
O Look at the the pictures and find the following:
1. A big mansion 0 6. A cupboard 0 11. Ptants 0
2. A kitchen 0 7. A garden 0 12. A sofa O
3. A living room 0 8. A dining area 0 13. A stove O
4. A smatt eco-house 0 9. An LED tetevision 0 14. Chairs O
5. A laundry room 0 10. A flat O
- Complete the webs with words from Exercise 1.

w Which
• word is not in the webs?

Let's create a brochure of your own house!

You witt be creating a brochure of a house of your own design. You will choose which rooms
Preview and which furniture to inctude. Be creative!

Look for tips on how Lo buil(' your project on p. 21. You will complete the project on p. 25.

Descruoe u ued oorli WORK in PAIRS
Ø Memory game. Take turns asking
and answering questions about
the picture.

A: What colour is the bedside tabla

13: Ft is red.
A: Whe,re are the books?
They are on the {loor.

O a. Match the verbs (1-81 to the


1. wash the dishes

00 00 0000
1. wash a. the [loor

a. Find these things in the picture. 2. ¡ron b. your becl

0 0000000

3. leed
1. bedside . table CD 9. pi IIow
C. your room

rug 4. lay / clear d. [he pets

2. &vol o 10.
5. tidy e. the rubbish
3. bed o 11. curtain

rubbish bin 6. make f. your elogies

4. photo frame o 12.
7. noover sweep 0. the table
5. computer 13. cushions
8. take out h. [he clishe.:3
6. hooks o 14. window

7. postes o 15. shetves

b. Mime a household chore for your
8. desk o 16. cha ir
classmate to guess.
b. Match the adjectives (1-5) to their A: What am I doing?
opposites la- e). You're washinq the aMes
1. neat and lidy a. uncomfortable
O Describe what you do or don't do to
2. hig O b. messy
help at home. Use the present and
3. clean O c. modem
past tenses.
4. olcl O d. dirty
5. comfortable fl e. small
Sometimes I wash the dishes. Yesterday
1 made my bed. 1 don't icor) ni clothes.
c. Use some of the words in
Exercises la and lb to say why
you think this is a boy's oía girt's
bedroonn. Start like this:

I thir* it's a boy's / girl's

bedroom because

/C S
• I; 1::^;



We are looking for the most creative teen on the web.

41tp © O Send us your ideal house descriptIon and a plan of it.

'Ude 37) ~4!

My house is going to be an eco-house.

I'm going to use solar panels to get energy.

The roof is going to be covered with plants to keep

the house temperature.

The living room and the kitchen are going to have

big windows so I'm not going to turn on the lig hts My ideal home is going to be a small
until it is dark outside. flat. It is going to be intelligent, so
lights are going to turn on when I open
My house is going to have two floors. It is going the door.
to have two bedrooms because I'm going to
When I grow up I'm going to be It is going to have a small kitchen with
invite friends to visit me.
an architect and I'm going to build a microwave.
my own house. There is going to be a big living room with a
modern and enormous LED TV. I don't like cooking so I'm going to eat
My house is not going to be the biggest, out or buy takeaway food.
but ít is going to be the most I'm not going to have a dining room because
comfortable house in the world. I'm going to have a comfortable
there is going to be a large kitchen with a table
bedroom with a sound system. It is
It is going to be an intelligent house and chairs for 8 people. And last but not least ...
going to turn on when I get into bed.
and it's going to have two bedrooms there is going to be a robot todo the housework.
I love sleeping with music!
with spacious wardrobes, an enormous It is going to sweep
bathroom with a jacuzzi, a kitchen the floor, lay and clear There ís going to be a small living room
with a dining area, a living room and the table and take out with a cosy armchair and a television in
a garage. the rubbish. It is not front of it.
going to iron because
Ah! And a garden with lots of plants. all my clothes are That's all! I want to have a tidy and
But I'm not going to water them. going to be 'wash and clean house, but 1 don't like doing the
There is going to be a a sprinkler. wear! housework!

Inés, 14. Patricia, 13. Carlos, 14.

'4 Read and find.


Read again and underline the

My house is not going (o be the biggest ro Which house do you like the

Go to CLIL AND CULTURE pago 26.

O Are there houses like these

in your city?
m 1111111111•
I .1.,1',Z...J,1,1 :ap, 1

Comparative and superlative form of adjectives

Study the box.

I he yellow rug is sinaLter than the red ruy. The yellovv rug is the smallest of the three,
I he red mg is more expensive than the yellow mg. 1 he blue rug is the most expensive of all.

> See Gramrnar Reference 2, Extra Pf detICC LlOOk. p. 6

Complete the sentences with the

superlative form of the adjectives.
Study the box.
1. The black lamp is
of the three. (modern)

good better best 2. The bronze lamo is

bad worse worst of ah. (old1
3. The big desk is
of att. (comfortable)
Complete the sentences with the
4. The Seny watch is
comparative form of the adjectives.
of the three. (good)
1. The bronze lamo is Meter 'kW 5. The Truch watch is ! (bad)
[he white lamp. (old)
2. The black lamo is
Choose a lamp, a desk and a watch.

the white tamo. [modem) Use the adjectives in the box to
3. The smatt desk is
explain your reasons.
the big desk. (cheap)
4. The big desk is
the small desk. Icomfortablel
5. The Seny watch is
[he Truch watch. (good)
6. The Truch watch is

k uncomfortabte ,


to buy the white larrip. I thinK it i5 the

nicest of the three.
[he Seny watch. Upad)

The future with gooly #4_

Study and complete the table.

1'm going to wash [he dishes. 1'm not to Lay the table. 1 going to sweep [he floor?
He's to iron the clothes. He going to make the bed. Is he going tidy [he room?
VVe're going clean up. We aren't going feed we going lo take out [he
the pet. rubbish?

> See Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practice Book, p. 6.

e a. Match the verbs (1-6) to the O a. Complete the rap.

pictures (a-f).
clean • wash e hoover e take
1. make the bed 5. put the books on help tidy 1 ¡ron
2. open the windows the shelves
3. hoover the floor 6. take out the
1 am going to ' at home.
4. ctean the windows rubbish
It's not rnurn's job, but our own.
Did you soy there was a mouse?
1 am going Lo [he house!
1 am going Lo the floor,
like 1 have never done before.
The dessert was delicious!
Who is going to the dishes?
1 am going to my room.
Oops! Where did 1 [cave the broom?
1am going to 6 your ctothes.
Are you going to wear those?
"1'm going Lo 7 out the rubbish. -
How do you soy that in Spanish?

b. 08 Listen and check. Then

practise the rap together.

A brochure of your own house

b. Write sentences about what the
Make a list of [he things you want
people are going to do.
Lo include in your ideal house. Tp
A. he.' s going to mat(e the bea. You can use the comparative forro
and the supertative form to describe
your house.


S 8:•,z hoi n -H 1J Oe Listen again. Complete the


O Look at the picture and answer.

brochure cheaper going

1. Where are the children?
There's video better
2. What rooms are there in the museum? modem arnazing
3. What are the children going to find in each
1. Wow! This nnuseum is amazing
• e 09 Listen to the conversation. 2. Which room are we to visit first?
Put the images in order. 3. Are we going to watch the about

1. o cities of the future?

2. o 4. Look at this

3. o 5. a robot which does the housework.

4. o 6. This robot is going to be

than the

5. o 7. It looks more than the ones we

have at the moment.

8. And it is going to be because

energy efficient.

5. It is a project for a
a. cruise ship b. city al sea
6. All residential units are going to have
. a. two bathrooms b. a kitchea
th nn
7. Economy units are going to be
residential units.
a. more comfortable b. smaller
8. The narrator says floating cities are
a. probably going tu exist b. only a dream
of the
figure Tall«:ibout plans and inta.-41lions

O ® 13 Listen to two friends. Tick (V)

the top ics they talk about.

a. travel d. sludiu ,_, g. getting married

b. money e. holidays h. free time
c. work f. homo

" Listen again. Complete the


J: What are you going to do when you fini ;I)

C: I'm going to 2 around the world.

1 want to visit new and learn

Listen to a documentary.
J: Are you going to do a 5 course?
Tick bi the words you hear. C: No, I'm going lo work. I want to work in a
cities O schools O career á

lifestyles countryside cars O J: Really? ' ?

projects O cheaper O globe O C: I clon't know. I'm going lo travel, so I'm going

ship O comfortable restaurants O to choose the 8 place to live!

streets O scientists airport

J: And are you going lo
C: Well,1"rn probably not going to marry until
residential air O I'm 1 °
units conditioning

Oe 12 Choose the correct option. WORK

1. In the future, cities are going lo be more O Make up a similar conversation with
. a. crowded b.dangerous your classmate. Use your own ideas
2. Engineers are working on projects to build and some of the topics in Exercise 6.
cities . a. on islands b.at sea
3. World Oceans Ship is going lo have Go lo PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES.

decks. a. twenty-five b. thirty-five

Student A: turn to page 72.
4. It is going to circle the globe every
years. a. two b. three Student B: turn to page 74.

0 Desciibe

O a. Read Jessica's description of her

ideal room. Do you like it? Why?

My ideal room

('ni going lo describe my ideal room.

(fe a living room with a media center.
(fe very big with lots of windows. There
is an enorrnous television connected
lo a satellite box with my favourite
TV channe)s. In front of the IV there
is a comfortable sofa-bed with lots
of cushions. There is also a modem
TV rack where I can pul the remote
controls and decorations. I can sit here
and study or use my computer when I
want There is a green rug that make,s
b. Complete the table. List the the room ver cosy.
objects Jessica talks about (in It's a great place lo be.
the second colunnn) and write the
adjective she uses to describe thenn
(in the first colunnn).

r Use adjectives to make a

description more interesting.
Use adjectives before nouns.
got a red sofa.
Use adjectives after the verb tu be
The sofa is big and comfortable.
Write a description of your ideal
room. Follow this plan.

1. Imagine the room and the objects in it.

2. Draw a plan and labet it. O Show your description to your

classmate. Find the similarities and
3. Think of an acljeclive lo describe each thing:
comfortable chair, enorrnous bed,

END of PROJECT /.\ re o
LJJ or,1,‘17 h O [,..]

Now that you know what rooms and furniture to include in the house design,
choose your favourite house planner program and start creating the 3D plan of
the house of your dreams.
Choose a catchy name for your brochure.
Go online and look for photos that represent your ideas. include them in your
brochure or draw the different rooms!
Make the brochure using a desktop publishing software or similar. Include
the plan of the house and some words and phrases to describe the house. Make
it interesting! Use fonts of different sizes and colours. Go online to get some
cool ideas!
, Print the brochure and share it with your classmates or show it on a tablet
or computer.

describe efifterent hornes and the foorns ot a house.

categorise houses, rooms and objects.
say why a room is my favourite.
understand the importarle° of different chores in the han se,
compare things and places.
understand that some people Live clifferently.
tan< about plans and intentions.
desion and discuss houses in the futuro.

César Pelli, a big Argentine archite
O Do you know César Pelli? Where is he from? What do you know about his work?

' César Pelli was born in San Miguel de Tucumán, a city located in northern Argentina. In 1952 he
moved to the United States and in 1964 he became a citizen of that country.
2 He studied architecture at the National University of Tucumán and then he completed his studies at
the University of Illinois, where he received a master's degree.
He married a fellow student Diana Balrnori. They have two children called Denis and Rafael. Rafael
is also an architect.
Pelli started his professional career at Eero Saarinen and Associates in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
He also served as dean of the School of Architecture at Yate University from 1977 to 1984.
He is known for designing some of the worlcrs tallest buildings and other majar urban landmarks.
Perhaps his most famous work is the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In 1996 they
became, at 452 metres, the tallest buildings in the world.
He also designed the World Financial Center complex in downtown Manhattan, the Torre de Cristal,
in Madrid, and the YPF Tower, in Buenos Aires.
He has been awarded the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal and the Charles Bulfinch
Award. He is the Only architect to have received a Connecticut State Arts Award and he also received
an honorary doctorate from the Pratt Institute in New York City.

Read the text about César Pelli and say which paragraph refers to his
1. personal life: 4. awards:
2. most important work: 5. some other works:
3. place of birth: 6. studies:

O Now that you know about César Pelli, go online and search about the rest of his
works. Label his tallest buildings and the cities where they are.


Write sentences about Paulina and her family routine.

1. Paulina / study / N°56 school 4. Her parents / be lawyers

2. She / have dance lessons / twice a week 5. They / work hard / every day

3. She / not go out / on weekdays


Complete the questions about Herman's routine.

1. Herman get up? 4. Herman like pottery?
Al 7:00. Because its relaxing.
2. Herman and his friends 5. Herman hang out with
have lunch? his friends?
At the school canteen. On Saturday evenings.
3. they do at the art club? / 10

Pottery and photography.

O The Wilson family is going to tidy the house. Choose the correct option.
1. Dad is going Lo hoover/ wash the dishes in the kitchen.
2. lan is going to make the beds/ the carpet in the children's bedroom.
3. Mum is going to cook / have dinner in the new microwave.
4. Ayleen is going to hoover/ water the carpet in the living room.
5. Little Jack is going to water the plants/ the dishes.

O Put the words in brackets in the correct form to complete the text.
Annie's house is a mansion. It is the llbig) and Iluxuriousl
in the street. It has gol an enornnous living room with two sofas. They are 3(comfortable)
than my bed! The bedrooms are upstairs. They have beautiful lamps. One
lamp is "lbeautiful) than the other because the house is very old. It is
than the museurn. I like Annie's house, but sometimes I'm afraid of moving and
breaking something.

O Write the complete questions and answer about you.

1. You / help at borne? 4. What / do / next weekend?

2. What / the worst chore at home? 5. What / the best plan for a Saturday morning?

3. When / meet friends?

/ 10

Total /SO
Film showtimes
Describe different kinds of films
Talk about people in the film industry
Talk about past experiences
Díscuss different film aspects
Explain why you enjoyed or didn't enjoy a film
Describe your favourite fitm

O Read and match the following quotes to the films.

1. "Let the games begin" O
2. I ley, you thought you colad leave without saying goodbye?"
3. 'Te infinity and beyond" O
4. "You wonderful boy. You brave, brave man" 9
5. M ay the force be with you"

Match the emojis to their meaning.

1. scáry
O 00
2. bad
3. arnazing
4. boring
5. excellent
6. sad
7. romantic
O 0
b. Use the adjectives in Exercise 2a to classify the films.

Let's play a game: Guess rl six questions

How much do you know about films, actors, producers, directors, etc? You will be creating a
game about films.
[cok for lips on how te build your project on p. 33. You will complete the project on p. 37.
Ø Complete with words from
Exercise 2.
• Read the table and write sentences
1. Steven Spielberg is a famous 111 Ti
about different films.
2. Last year we were
We appeared in the film for two seconds!
the acting poor- 3. The film had lots of Hollywood
the ending surorising sad
but the didn't Eike it.
the special effects amazing bad
the music really good awful 4. My favourite in Toy Story 3 was
the costumes excellent horrible Mr Potato Head. He was really funny.
the story interesting boring

Kíncis of films
íri Pie-I8 the special effects are amazing.
Peopie in th.9 film industry
0 Write the name of a film for
Match these words to the definitions. each option.
a comedy:

character producer extras

a historical film:
!! stars !! director audience

!J! a horror film:

1.A .„. is a fictional person in a film.
2. The (-9 have very small parts in a film. !!! a musical:
3. A finds the money Lo make a film.
1 \
4. The directs the actors in a film. !!: a romantic film:

5. The !!T\ :- are the most famous actors

4, a science fiction film:
in a film.
6. The watches the film.
a 3D film:

an action film:

an animated film:

Discuss. What kinds of films do you

like? Why?

1 liVe science fiction films.

Animated films are the best!

1 (ove musicals!

"Motion Picture Magazine" May 27

ine 39

"The Bond saga received the AcademY Award en varlous occasions."

The film saga starring James Bond - agent 007 is the tongest and best known series of Hollywood cinema.
This spy, created by the British writer lan Fleming in his books, was always in the company of glamorous women.

Six different actors played the role of James Bond and there were never more than 6 years between two films.

From Russia Never Dies (1997), The World is no! Enough
Sean Connery starred in Dr. No (1962),
and Die Another DayE20021.
with Lave (19631 Goldfingert1964), Thunderball
Then, George The present protagonist of the saga, Daniel Craig,
119651, and You Only Live Twice(19671.
Lazenby was the protagonist in On Her Majesty's first appeared in Casino Royate12006)
Secret Service(19691. Sean Connery, returning lo continued in Quantum of Solace 120081
the Bond fitrns starred in Diamonds are Forever Skyfall(20121 and Spectre (2015).
in 1971. And once again in Never Say Never
The Bond won Acaderny Awards on various
Again (1983).1n 1973, Roger Moore became the
occasions. The first Oscar nominaban and win carne
new leading actor of the series in Live and Le!
with Gotdfinger for Bes! Sound Effects. The following
Die. Roger Moore was the protagonist in 6
more films: The Man with the Golden Gun year Thunderball received another Oscar lar Bes!
Special Visual Effects. From then onwards, they
119741, The Spy Who Loved Me (19771,
picked up seven more nominations, one for Diamonds
Moonraker1197 9 ), For Your Eyes Only (for the litio
are Forever, one for Live and Let Die
(1981), Octopussy (19831 and A View to a
song written by Paul & Linda McCartney), three lar
Ki11119851. and a final
The Spy Who Loved Me, ene bar Moonraker
Timothy Dalton took over in 1987 te film For Your Eyes Onty. Then,
Bes! Sang nominaban with
The Living Daylights and License lo Kit! in 2012, Skyfall became the mes! successful Bond
(1989). film at the box office and the Oscars, earning Ove
nominations and winning two: Best Sound Editing
Pierce Brosnan foltowed, starring in 4
and Bes! Original Song for Adele's titte theme.
Bond films, GoldenEye (19951, Tomorrow

Read and answer.

1. Who is the nnain character in Dr. No and
O Which film nnade in Argentina
2. Are the protagonists the same in the two
became world famous? Did you
3. Were the íilms based on books?
see it? Why? / Why not?
4. How many Oscars did the Bond saga win?
• Do you usually read the books
5. Why are Paul & Linda McCartney and Adele
before / after watching the
mentioned in the text?
film? Which is better?

O Read the text again and draw a O Which Bond film did you like
timeline of Bond films. Add the
the best? Who played James
Academy Award nominations and
Past simple - to be
Study and complete the table.

1 was in the front row. 1 wasn't in the back row. Was he there? Yes, he / No, he wasn't.
You at the cinema. You weren't at home. it boring? Yes, it was. / No, it
They were fantastic. They bad. Were we late? Yes, we . / No, we weren't.

pri91- !7:innplp - regular and irregular vgrh:.9

Study and complete the table.

Yes, he . / No,
1 acted in a comedy. 1 didn't in a Did he watch a film?
he didn't.
Yes, they did. / No,
She liked the acting. She didn't like the ending. they buy
You went to the cinema. You go Lo a ticket?
the theatre.

> Seo Gramn-rar Reference 3, Extra Practico Book, p. 10.

O Complete the sentences. 0 a. Circle the regular verbs.

1. rent 5. sit 9. think
was (x5) were
wasn't weren't 2. have 6. go 10. make

3. give 7. know 11. want

A: Where ' you Last night? 4. see 8. watc.h 12. buy
B: I 2 at the cinema.
A: What ] the film? b. Match the irregular verbs in
Exercise 2a to their past form.
B: It 'that new horror film.
It scary but we boughl o. had

Tzu-Lee with you?
O* thought 011 went

B: No, she o. saw (i)111 kne.w

O* made

o • sat

Oe 1 Listen and classify the verbs.

Regular past tenses

H 15 Listen and repeat.

/t/ /d/

L wanted watched lived

Complete the sentences with the Complete with a preposition.
past fornn of the verbs. 1. The film CdITIO OU1 1 he md ny.
1. We w3 rde-d (want) to see a good film. 2. II ir, about tire 2050.
2. Glenn (see) an action film. 3. We can 5_;ce )1 lo ír orrow
3. He Igive( us free tickets for Ihe evening.
the cinema. 4. II starts 6.00 and finishes
4. 1 hoy lenjoy) the film. 8.00.
5. We (watch) the Last film of the
saga online. t time expressions
Study the box.
Think about the Last time you went
to the cinema and correct the
underlined sections, if necessary.
1 saw that film two days ago
1. 1 saw a thriller. weeks
I didn't w a thriller. I saw an action film.
2. 1 went to a cinema near my house.
lwent to the cinema yesterday.
3. 1 went with my cousin.
yesterday morning.
4. The film was long and boring. Last week / month.
5. It was about Life in the future. Last night / year.

Prepositions of time > Seo. Grarnmar Reference 3, Extra Practico book, p. 11

Study the box.

Complete the sentences with true
information about yourself. Use ago.
in 2004/ March
1. 1 watched PMe15 months ago.

on Friday / 22nd June
in the mOrning / afternoon / evening 2. My favourite filnn
at 8 o'clock / night / midnight 3. 1 wpnt f. o the cinema

4. 1 saw a good fitm

> Seo Granirnar Reference 3, Extra Practico Book, p. 11.

Game: Guess in six questions

Find out information about three films (director, producer, screenwriter, main actor /actress,
characters, genre). Tip
Look for kers of the films you chose. If you can't find any, look for pictures of the scenes or the
characters. Think of famous quotes from these films. Go back to page 39 lo get inspired!

Don't forget Lo use prepositions of time and past simple verb forms correctly.
Discuss the following questions. 3. Which of the following vvon the Oscar for
best foreign film in 2009?
1. Where are these people? a. A Prophet from France
2. Which films are shown? Did you see any b. The White Ribbon from Germany
oí them? c. The Secret in Their Eyes from Argentina

Listen to the TV show. Choose O 18 Listen again and match the
the correct option. halves to build sentences.
1. Who won the Oscar for best actor in 2012?
a. Bruce Willis
1. The winner for best actor

in 2012 was Jean Dujardin

b. Keanu Reeves
c. Jean Dujardin 2. Which of these three films o
2. Which film won the most Os'cars? 3. We will be back
a. for the final round.
a. The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King
b. King Kong b. for his role in The Artist,
c. Avatar c. won the most Oscars?
(3 21 Listen and answer.

1. Where did Jack and Danny go?

2. Do they have the same opinion of the film?
3. What kind of tilín did they see?

b. Listen again. Write J (Jack)

or D (Danny) in the boxes.

1. He laughed during the film.

2. He thought the film was boring.

3. He ate all the popcorn.

4. He thought the acting was fantastic.

5. He couldn't see the screen,

6. There was a tall man in front of Hm.

7. He doesn't want to see an adion film

c. (3 23
Listen one more time.
Which of these expressions do
you hear?

1. It was brilliant!

2. 1 thought it was really great!

3. I didn't like it at all.

4. It was really funny!

O O 19 Listen to an interview about 5. 1 really liked the film.
special effects. Put the effects
in orden 6. There were LoIs of big slars in it.

O volcano lava zombie 7. The acting was fantastic.

O storm O horses 8. The special effects were very good.

O e 20
Listen again. True or false? WORK
1. Special effects were always expensive. O Ø Think about the last film you saw.
2. In the past, they used a small Telt your classnnate about it. Explain
number of objects to make them. why you enjoyed / didn't enjoy it.
3. The sheet of metal made the sound
of a real storm. o Go to PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES.

4. Directors today never use homemade Student A: turn to page 72

sound effects. Student B: turn to page 74.

Describe your favourite film Match the headings (a-e) to the
paragraphs (1-5).

O* Why he likes it

0. The story
Words often confused
The cal licked its lace . o. The acting

It's a good film. o. The ending

The name of the film

O Check the meaning of these words. O Write about your favourite film.
1. a. 1 saw the film there. My favourite film is . 1 like it because

b. There vvere only two films 1 wanted to see. . The actors are
c. Their father was driving the caí. and the characters are
d. They're watching a good film on TV. a story about . The ending is
2. a. Two is a number.
b. I want to go to [he cinema.

c. I want a book too.

3. a. Where are the ticket , »

b. You were late.

Correct the mistakes (1-12) in

the text.

My favourite film is 'The Lord of the Ring.

I read the books and really loved them.

2 too see the
too read. When I went 3
Their so exciting and easy 2
where as I imagined them -
surprised. The characters 4
film I ton Lord
especially Gollum - and the special effects were amazing. 'The
of the Ring has everything; romance, adventure, action and mystery

6 Its brilliant!
7 tO of
The acting was fantastic. Liv Tyler and Orlando Bloom are
were lots of other actors, but
my favourite actors. 8 1_11E,Y:r2g-

can't remember all 9 there names.

a story about the search for a magic ring and " its full
4 ' 0 Its
12 tO so I often watch it at
adventure and action. I have the DVI)

The ending is very exciting, but I can't tell you what happens
Watch the film and find out!

' Now that you have all the information and pictures you need, you are ready to
start! 3, 2, 1, action!

) These are the materials you need: glue, blue cardboard, some sheets of paper,
scissors, markers and a pen.

Let's start with the front of the card: At the top, write the name of the film.
Stick the Ryer and list the relevant information, such as director, producer,
screenwriter, main actor / actress, characters, genre, and famous quotes. On
the other side of the card, you should stick the coloured cardboard so that all
cards look the same.

Divide into groups of four and put all the cards together. Then, make a list of
all general questions you can ask to guess any film. Share it with the whole class.

The class will divide into two teams. Join a team and play - Guess in six
questions" as described below.

Game rules:
u A member of one team picks up a caíd.
The members of the other team can ask up to six
questions to identify the film.
The team that guessed the most films is the winner.

Producer: Andrew Adamson

and Vieky Jenson
Voice actor / actress: Mike Mgers,
Fddie Murphg, Cosieron Diaz
Characters:Ihrek. Donkeg,
Princess Fiona. Dragan,
Lord Farquaad
Genre: animated

identify clifferent kinds of fitms.

describe different roles in the fitrn industry.
give and support my opinion about a film,
talk about film awards.
exchange information about what happened in the past.
ask and say when things happened in the past.
nrri!:e furo plots.

When in Rome
Talk about good and bad manners

Unit Discuss customs in different cultures

Goals Give commands and advice
Describe actions
Make polite requests
Hold polite conversations
Write a travel brochure

Observe the pictures. What are they doing?


Find pictures that are similar. Explain why they are similar.

Find people saying "helio".

Find people doing something inappropriate. Explain why it is inappropriate.


a. Do you use any gestu res to say "helio" to your friends?

b. Do you do the same with your teachers or with the bus driver?
Why /Why not?

c. How do your grandparents say "helio" to their friends? Do they use the
same gestures that you use?

nr-1,-. r

Let's play a game: Where are you from?

You will be creating a game about nationalities to play with your dassmates. First, you need to
find information about a country of your preference: customs, food, education, music, etc. Use
different sources!

Look for tips on how to build your project on p. 45. You will complete the project en p. 47.
Gretílq Describe actions

O a. Match each picture to an action. a. Match opposites.

a. shake hands 1. quietly a. impatiently
b. wave 2. slowly b. badly
c. bow 3. carefully c. loudly
d. sm ile 4. well d. rudely
e. kiss 5. patiently/ e. guickly / fast
f. hlig 6. politely f. carelessly

b. Use adverbs from Exercise 2a.

and verbs from the box to make
four true sentences about people
you know.

d rive dance si nci

00 speak
¡- un

My brother runs very 1uicit. My friend

(.1oria can dance rally

Good and bad rnanners

a. Rate these examples of good and
bad manners.


a. To calt teachers by
b. Complete the sentences with their first nanne.
the correct verb.
b. To point at someone.

a. People in Japan often Lo c. To speak quietly

in class.
say hello to someone:
d. To taugh loudly
h. In many countries, people in a restaurant.
when they meet someone new.
e. To interrupt
c. All around the world, people when peopte
are speaking.
their friends and family.
f. To wait patiently for
d. Another way to say 'goodbye is to your turn.
your hand.

e. People vvhen they hear

good news.
f. In most countries in Latiri America, friends b. Discuss the examples in
each other to say 'helio' Exercise 3a.
and 'goodbye'. thinK it's ver rude to shout in class.
O Read the text.
TnIvellin g
isa good

Cultural diversity (.0

LuviaW W.U13

Customs around the world

12. In parts of the Middle East, you
When you travel, you can go sightseeing 6. In Tibet, people stick out their tongue to shouldn't use your left hand to
greet others.
or you can mix with the locals. Síghtseeing eat. It is reserved lar cleaning.
gives you a view of important sites in (he 7. In Japan, you should avoid saying (he
number 4. It is an unlucky number, the same 13. An empty plate means different things
country. I compare it to watching a video.
in different countries. lo India and
Everything is "out there". But when you as 13 is an unlucky number in Western
Japan, it means that you enjoyed,your
míx with locals you really learn about their culture. Oh ... and you should never tip in
meal. But in China, it means you
culture. Japan. It can be seen as insulting.
were not served enough, and
B. In India, you shouldn't expose your skin it is considered rude.
Did you know ...? in front of your hosts. You should vvear
Summíng up, always research
something conservative. You should avoid
1. Maori people greet each other by about customs before visiting
pressing their noses together to show physical contact. Shaking hands is the most
a country. This way, you will
doseness. they would accept.
never offend people and
2. Arab men hug and kiss each other, but 9. In Italy, you should choose your clothes you will enjoy your visit.
never with a woman. very carefully. Italians judge people by how
they dress. The style and quality are as
3. In countries such as France and important as the appropriateness lar (he
Argentina, people usually hug and kiss
when they meet.
10. In Spain, you should wait for (he host
4. In Korea and Japan, bowing is (he to give (he first toast. You shouldn't drink
traditional greeting. The lower the bow, the
bef ore she / he does it.
more respect is shown.
11. In Thailand, people consider it rude to
5. In Cambodia, people put their hands put load in your mouth using a fork. You
together like "praying hands" holding them should push food onto (he spoon and then
against their chests. The higher they hold
put ¡tinto your mouth.
their hands, (he more respect they show.

4. Body language is part of greetings.

True or false?
1. You shouldn't give tips in Japan. 5. Greet men and vvomen in a different way.
2. You should wait for the host's
toast in Spain. o
3. You shouldn't stick out your
tongue to greet a Tibetan person. O
4. You should eat with your right hand
in some parts of the Middle East, O (3 Do you agree with the final
comment? Why? / Why not?
5. You should always wear shirt and
tie in Italy. o O List five customs you consider
Write the name of the country / very important in Argentina.
countries for each description.
1. Clothes are important. O What customs were important
Italy for your grandparents and
2. They have en unlucky number.
are not important anymore?
3. Hugs and kisses are part of greetings.
L. _A

Should / shouldn't - advice
Study the table.
Study the table.

You should You shouldn't Should you

Be potite. Don't be rude. always say tatk with your shake hands

Please caLL me Jane. Don't close (he door. •please' and mouth fult. or bow in
*thank you'. Japan?

> See Gran-rular Reference 4, Extra Practice book, p. 14

> See Gr¿tirtn -t,trH(*1-1, nce 4 , Extra Praclice book, p. 14

O these
Use the verbs in the box to complete
tips for people who travel to
e Match the situation and the advice
when travelling to a different
China. Add Don't if necessary.

plan try 1. Some countries require specific documents

practise go and vaccines.
avoid - prepare
2. In some cultures, the local food can be very
different lo what you eat al home.

Travelling to China? Check out 3. People could have difíerent customs for
these tips! greetings, such as kissing, waving or
shaking hands.
1. Always try to bargain the prices
4. Some customs could be shocking for you.
in street markets.
2. a lot of activities for the first a. You should find out what they eat and
few days. You will feel tired because of jetlag. be open to new tastes. o
3. carefulwhile crossing
the streets: there are a lot of cars and
b. You should look at (he people around
you to understand their customs. o
c. You should go to the local embassy
4. eating with chopsticks. to find out which documents and
5. If you like tai chi chuan, to a vaccines you need.
public park early in the morning and you will d. You shouldn't criticise the local
find a lot of people practising it. customs and you should be respectfuL O
6. travelling on national
holidays, when trains and hotels are very (19 Write more advice for travellers
busy. going to a different country.

7. If you go to the countryside, 1. Local people speak a different language.

to be popular! People like to interact with
foreigners. You should learn their language
or use signs.
e Write some tips for people who visit
Argentina. Share your tips with the
2. They have a different currency.
3. It is not common to see women travelling
class. alone in this country.
4. The food is very spicy.
Loti't íeave the country without
5. It is considered rude Lo wave with the
trying Mate, left hand.
6. Local people are not used to seeing tourists.

iTIE J ,

Ndverbs of manner Can / coulo polite
Study the box. requests
Speak clearty. Listen carefully.

We often form adverbs from adjectives: Can 1use your mobile?

carefut —o- carefutly Could you open the window?
liappy happily

But pay attention!

good well Sure. / Yes, of course.
fast fast
When you say "no', give a reason:
I'm sorry. It has no battery.
> Seo Grammaf Reference 4, Extra Practica book, p. 14 I'm sorry. I'm really cotd.

03 Complete the sentences with > Sea Grammar Reference 4, Extra Practica book, p. 14
adverbs formed from the adjectives
in the box.
O Write questions and answers.
happy slow 1. you / telt me (he time?
careful clear sure / 10:30
polite Gan \iou id me ihe time?
2. you / help me?
yes / but / please wait a minute
3. you / drop me al (he station?
sorry / I / not going that way.
4. 1 / use the toilet?
sorry / out of service
5. you / give me a city map?
sure / here you are
6. 1 / borrow your phone?
yes / only local calls
7. you close the window?
yes / no problem
8. you / speak more slowly?
When we first visited (he Buddhist temple in
yes / sorry
Thailand, we entered (he building very .
We didn't want to be rude, so we asked very
about the traditions in the

temple. They told us we should leave our shoes
at the entrance, and so we did. There were lots
of shoes there! , this was a very
olite intonatior
important rule. When the monk arrived, we smiled " Listen and repeat.
because we were about to see (he A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the
famous ceremony! We looked very time, otease?
at the other people to find out what we should do in : Yes. It's five to ten.
each moment. It was such a wonderful.experience!


Discuss customs in different cuitures

O Look at the pictureS and answer. b. " Listen again and circle the
correct option.
1. What are they talking about?

2. Where do you think they are from? 1. Mary loved / didn't like the country she

3. Do you recognise any of the activities in the

pictures? 2. Mary went on holiday to Argentina /
4. Do you do any of them?
3. Tom is going to travel next year/ month.
5. Are they common in your country?
4. Tom shoutdn't kiss. hug any men to say
• a. C " Listen to the conversation "helio."
and put the ímages in order. 5. Boys kiss on the cheek when theystart/
finish playing football.
O 0 00
O 0 00

b. O 28 Listen again. Complete the

1. A: '
, my name's Mr Brown.
How do you do?
B: 2 do you do? 1'm Emma Jenkins.
A: Pleased to you, Emma.

2. A: , 1'm Feticity.

B: Hl Felicity, 1'm Paul.

A: Oh, hi Paul, to meet you.

B: How are you


" Listen to these dialogues.

1. A: Would you like any more to eat?

B: No, thanks, i'm full.

2. A: You're standing on my foot.

B: Oh, 1'm very sorry.

3. A: Could 1 have a sandwich, otease?

B: Yes, of course.

4. A: Do you want anything to drink 9

B: No, thank you, I'm fine.

b. Practise the dialogues in pairs

with polite intonation.

c. Listen one more time and

complete the sentences. Student turn to page 73.

1. Argentina is ' 3[1(11 a wonderful country Student B: turn to page 75.

to visit.
2. Argentinians still lots of
traditions that we don't anymore.
Game: Where are
3. "Mate - is the traditionat hot
drink in Argentina. you from?
4. Well, you should be and just Choose one country from each
say "no." continent and look for customs
5. It is tike a barbecue. related lo greeting, eating, schooling
6. No! It is just between and friends. and dating. Countries cannot be
repeated in the classroom.
Hold pote comiersatiorn
You can use the content of the
conversation between Tom and Mary
a. Ø "Listen tú two dialogues.
as a reference.
Which dialogue is formal? Which one
is informal?

Write a travel brochure O Read the text again. Use these
phrases and sentences to
O does
Read the brochure. Which topics
the brochure give information
complete it.
a. Don't make comments comparing the Scots
about? Tick
with the English.

a. Punctuality
b. Don't forget to bring a raincoat.
b. Voice tone
c. Come and visit the north of the UK.
c. History
d. Scots tend to be a Iow-contact people.
d. Body language
e. Make an effort to speak with a low and
e. Nationality
moderate voice when shopping.
f. Literature
f. Avoid putting your hands in your pockets.
g. Weather
9. You shouldn't be late.

Tips to
Scotland is a beautiful country. It has
wonderful countryside and lovely cities
such as Edinburgh.
r In a text giving tips for tourists:
.9 Write an introductory paragraph to

Scotland doesn't huye the best weather

in the world. In winter it is cold and wet
and give general information about the
and in summer it is also often wet. To
make the most of your trip, there are learn Write a paragraph for each of the
topics you want to give tips about.
some other tips you should know about
this country and its people. in To give tips:

Talking loudly in public is occasionally

considered offensive and also
Use should / shouldn't.
Use the imperative.


You are going to write a travel

Keep your hands out of your pockets
when standing and walking. This is
considered impolite for many Scottish
a. Choose a place to write about.

It is important to be punctual. Please,

arrive on time if you are invited to a
b. Use these words to write the
dinner or party. introduction.
is a beauhful / interesting / unusual country
Scots don't like to be confused with the region. It has fantastic countryside / beaches
English. / mountains / rivers and wonderful cities
towns / viliages / monuments such as ....
You shouldn't get loo close to your To make the most of your trip, there are some
Scottish counterpart in a conversation. things you should know.
Keep these tips in mind and enjoy your
stay in this wonderful country.
c. Choose topics fronn Exercise 2
and write the rest of the text.

END of PROJECT Game: Where are you from?

Now that you have all the information you need about the countries you
selected, let's divide the class into two teams!

A member from one team comes forward and describes the customs of one

The members of the other team have to guess the country in one minute and
say which continent it is in. They can't look at their notes.

The team that guessed the most countries is the winner.

Cows are socred

Peo pie are orgonised in costes.

'Saying "no" is considered rude.

Shoking hands is comrnon.

discuss good and had rnanners across cultures.

understand cultural differences.
reflect upan how customs change atong time.
describe how peopte do things.
make polite requests.
suggest different courses oí action.
rncrtn,rt individual choices


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The book oí the film?

That's not how it happened in the bookl This is a common expression for many of those who read
the book before watching the film. Others usually say Wow, the film is better than the book!
What do you think? Which one do you prefer?
Let's have a look at some of the most popular adaptations.

lcr y Pott E'

It is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author
J. K. Rowling. The first adaptation of a Harry Potter book was
in 2001, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and the
last one was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2,
released in 2011.

Fact: The last four books sequentially established records as

the fastest-selling books ever, with the final instalment selling
1 million copies in the United States within the first 24 hours of
its release.

The Lord of the Rings

it is an epic high-fantasy novel written by English author J. R.
R. Tolkien. The author wrote the whole story between 1937
and 1949. Peter Jackson, a film director from New Zealand,
was in charge of directing the film adaptation of this story:
The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002) and
The Return of the King (2003).

Fact: The Lord of the Rings is the best-selling novel of all time,
with more than 150 million copies sold.

Star Wars
Unlike the films aboye, Star Wars carne from the cinema to
the paper. American filmmaker George Lucas released the
first film in 1977.

Fact: The Force Awakens (2015) budget was $200 million and the approximate box office was $2.041 billion.

Do you know about any other popular books or film adaptations Here you have
some other examples. Discuss with your friends which one was first — the book
or the film. Did you like it? Why / Why not? You can go online for more information.
1. Mockingjay
2. E.T.
3. Twilight
4. The Fault in Our Stars
5. Terminator

O Write sentences about Juan José Campanella.
1. Juan José Campanella / a filmmaker 4. II / win / Oscar award for the best
foreign tilín

2. He / direct The Secrel o their Eyes - / 2009

5. Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Pablo Rago
and Guillermo Francella / be / main adoro
3. I / a suspense film

/ 10

O Complete the dialogue about Marcia's evening yesterday. Use the simple past.
Priscila: do last night?
Priscila: watch?
Marcia: Spicierrnan.
Priscila: 1. Y t) t?
Marcia: aclion film.
/1 0

O The Francos are looking at their photographs. Complete their descriptions.

1. Dad (ski) in Las Leñas. 4. /Alicia rsleep) un the sola.

2. Milton and Joaquín d'ishi in 5. Grandina (readJ a story lo the

the river. children.

3. MUM with a woman al the hotel. /5

O Choose the correct option.

I love travelling around the world. Bol it is important lo know about different cultores. Good manners
show how much you care about the people you viril. We 'should / can be polite. When we arrive we
?can / should say but don't "shake hands kiss everybody. In Japan, people 'bow / hug to show
respect. And don( be uncomforlable when Tibetano stick their tanque out. They are greeling you.

O Find ten words in the snake and write them in the correct colu,071.
IR llN/V £, NTANIA4,47-
o\ f-?.n.T0JR4


Feo* Kind oí Your opinion


O Put the sentences in order and write C (connmand), A (advice) or PR (polite request).

1. you / cloor / the / could / please / opon 7?

2. talk / mouth / shouldn't / you / with / your / kilt/ .

3. mobile phone / off / your / turn 1.

4. p le s e / you / say / always / should / .

5. shoul / class / don'l / o / .


Total /50
Talk about food
Express quantity
Talk about future plans
Talk about plans for a picnic
Make plans to go out
Write a recipe

O Look at the píctures and fínd the following:

1. Junk food 0 5. Pasta 0 9. Asado 0
2. Gourmet food 0 6. Meat 0 10. Empanada 0
3. Salad 0 7. Paella 0 11. Vegetables 0
4. Tacos 0 8. Ravioli 0 12. Seafood 0
O Define these words.


--- What countries are the different dishes in the pictures from?

O Do you eat any of these dishes?

O Is there any typical dish that you eat with your family? When do you eat it?


Let's organise a healthy eating campaign

You will create a postor and a rap for a healthy eating campaign. You need to think of a catchy
Preview slogan.

Look for tips on how lo build your project on p. 55. You will complete the project on p. 59.

Label each group with a food Look at these quick meals. Say what
category from the box. ingredients from Exercise 1 you
need to make them.
fruit rneat and eggs
dairy products seasonings
\ vegetables grains

• butter fruit
o cheese salad

Match the verbs to the pictures.

chop 4. fry 6. peel

boit 5. mix 7. stir
• oranges
e bananas
• strawberries


e pepper
oil and vinegar
rnayonnaise Which meals in Exercise 2 can you
prepare with these recipes?

A. B.
pasta e
1. Chop the potatoes. 1. Peel the bananas and
2. Fry until golden apples.
cereal e
brown. 2. Chop them.
rice e
3. Add satt. 3. Add the strawberries.
4. Mix.
http:/ /www.lic ., ,i lt hydiet.co ml

\Hm AT
111 III

Ni !' 1 111..,11 I
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The key to a healthy diet is balance. This means we should eat the right amount of food to keep a healthy
body weight, and eat the right proportion.

The healthy eating piafe (see below) shows what and how to eat.
We should base our meals on starchy foods. Potatoes, bread, cereals, rice and pasta should make up about
a third of the food you eat. If possible, we should choose wholegrain varieties because they contain more
It is important to eat at least five portions of variad fruit and vegetables a day. The more colourful the diet,
the better. Meats such as chicken, park, lamb and beef are also necessary because they are rich in protein.
But you can also get it from non-animal sources such as beans and pulses.
We shouldn't eliminate foods high in fat and sugar, but we should eat small amounts of them. It's important
to use Tices and fresh herbs instead of salt. They give better flavour to the food and
they are healthier.
An essential element in our diet is water. It is not the same to drink juice or fizzy
drinks. Water is what really keeps us hydrated. We should drink between two
and three litres of water a day.
And remember, the saying goes "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince
and dinner like a pauper". This means that we should start our day with an
important breakfast including fruit, cereals, meat and dairy products. Protein
provides energy and activates our brain. As the day progresses, we should
eat lightly and consume less carbohydrates. This will keep us awake.
And we should eat a very light dinner if we want to sleep well.

Read the text and answer.

1. Where can you read this text")
2. Do you think that the writer is a vegetarian?
3. How do you imagine the writer?
0 Do you often skip meals?
Any nneal in particular?
A man or a woman? Thin or
obese? Justify. What is your favourite dish?

Look at the healthy eating plate. What do you know about

What kinds of food are the most eating disorders?
importan t?

Read again and answer.

1. What food can'l be absent in a balanced diet?
Go to CLIL AND CULTURE , paga 70. 14,4(
2. What is the healthiest drink?
3. Why is breakfast important?
4. What should we do to sleep well?
5. Do you think the average Argentine has a
healthy diet?
Countobie and
uncountable nouns
Study the box.

m i tk

> ee 613111fIld; Rulur cuc:., 5. Extra l'ractice book, p 18.

O Countable or uncountable? Write c

or U.
00 00000'0

1. tomato 9. pasta
2. bread 10. banana
Ask about quantity
3. yoghurt 11. biscuit
4. egg 12. hamburger
5. fish 13. vegetable
How many eggs are How much rice is
6. orange 14. strawberry there? there?
There are some ¡a tot. There is some / a tot.
7. cheese 15. chocolate
Are there any eggs? 1s there any rice?
8. chips Yes, there are. / No, Yes, there is. / No,
there aren't. there isn't.
Express quantity
Study the box. >See Grammar Reference 5, Extra Practico book, p. 18.

Complete the questions with how

1 here ¡s an orange. much, how many and any.
There are some / a lot of oranges.
There aren't any / many oranges. 1. Do you eat vegetables?
Yes, some
2. fish do the English eat?
There is some / a tot of rice. A tot!
There isn't any / much rice.
3. hamburgers did you have?
> Ser Grammar n¿q'cvenc:c.' .5, i tra 1ii - actice book,
4. Is there cheese in the fridge?
e Look at the picture of a fruit basket Yes, there is.

and choose the right option. 5. Do [he Chinese eat rice?

Yes, a lot!
1. There are a fot of / ome ananas.
6. sugar do you take in your tea?
2. There are much / some blackberries
Just one teaspoon.
3. There aren't any/ manya_pples.
7. apples are there in the bowl?
4. There is a some pineapple.
5. There aren't any/ much vegetables.
8. Are there strawberries?
No, there aren't. Let's buy some.
Present continuous - fui ut b. Complete the sentences using the
plans verbs.

1. Daniel i5 bringing (bring) [he drinks.

2. Robert Ichoose) [he music.
We're having a party at home 3. Florence (decorate) [he
4. Isabella (prepare) some
We aren't cooking a cake tomorrow.
ham and cheese sandwiches.
5. Darcie (lake) fruit.
Is Metanie coming? Yes, che is. / No, she isn't. 6. Tobias (buy) some biscuits.
What are you doing on Saturday? I'm going
7. Tzu-Lee (make) a cake.

Imagine you are going to have a

> Seo GMMITkir Reference 5, Extra Practice book, p. 18. class party. Make your own party
planning checklist. Remember to
O Reread the box and complete
include healthy food!
the rules.
1. We can use the present continuous to talk
2. To form the present continuous, we use 9ea41timgCitzekeat
am / is / are +
3. We can use time expressions with
the present continuous. Examples:

O a. This is a busy week for Tzu-Lee.

She is the organiser of her class
party. Read her planning checklist.

A healthy eating campaign

Brainstorm key words that are
VanieI drinks connected with a healthy diet, such Tip
Robert: music as activity, balance, fruit, energy, etc.
Florence decorations You can use these words. Include them
in your poster. A word cloud might be a
Isobello: sandwiches
Darcie: fruit
biscuits For the. rap, go online and Look for words that
Me: cake rhyme With what you want to say.

Use what you learnt about asking and

expressing quantity in your rap.

Tall< about plans for a picnic b. Listen again and mark who
says these phrases.
O Look at the pictu res and discuss the
following questions.
1. What food can you see? Would youlike to come?
2. What kind of food do you eat when you go en
And, what are you taking .
a picnic? _

You are always healthy.

• a. O 3° Listen to the conversation
and select the correct option. 1 can't live without a good
1. Tony is at the weekend.
We are going to have a
a. doing nothing special b. busy
, wonderful day.
2. The weekend is going to be
a. rainy b. sunny
3. will telt Max about the picnic.
e Now listen to Liz and Max.
a. Tony b. Liz Look at the picture and tick (Ni) the
4. Melanie is taking food they talk about. What is Max
a. apples and salad b. apples and taking to the picnic?
5. Tony is going to take soma
a. ham b. ja

Make plans to go out

O a. O 3' Listen and complete

the chart.




b. O " Listen again. Complete

the conversations.

Conversation 1
A: What are you ' on

B: I•m not doing anything

And you?
A: I z cycling with Lucy.
Would you like to 5
B: Sure. 6 are you going?
A: To the park.

Conversation 2
Listen one more time. A: VVould you ' to
Complete the sentences. a film?

1. Liz is going on a picnic on B: Sounds • We could go to the

2. Max can come because cinemas in the centre.

A: Good idea. What " Friday?
3. Tony is taking some
8: 112 on Friday. 1"m 13
4. Liz is taking some and shopping with my 14
A: Can you go on 15

5. Melanie is taking some and B: Yes. ' 6

6. Melanie likes to eat food. WORK

7. In Max's fridge there isn•t any
Practice the conversations in
and there aren't any
Exercise 5b.
8. Liz and Max think there is no picnic without

Student A: turn te page 73.

Student B: turn to page 75.

Write recipb

O Read the recipe and answer

the questions.
1. How many people does it serve?
2. What are the ingredients?
riF -
When you wri te a recipe:

start a new Une for each step

use the imperative (Fry the meat.
3. How long do you boil the eggs? Boil the water . l
4. How do you cut the lettuce and basil? use abbreviations to express

kg = kilos
1= ares
g = gra ms

L. tbsp = tablespoons

ora., t.cloy e a. Put this recipe into the

correct orden
Spaghetti Bolognaise
• 450 g tomatoes

• 4 eggs a. Add the tomatoes and the satt and

• 1 head lettuce
• 200 g basa
pepper. Cook for 20 minutes. o
b. Cook the spaghetti in boiling water
• salt and oregano
• 4-5 tbsp
for 10-15 minutes. o
extra-virgin c. Fry the meat in °live oil. When brown,
olive oil add the onion and carrots. Fry for
10 rninutes. o
rninutes. When they are d. Mix the spaghetti with the
First IDoil ti-re e g gs for 10
ready, peel them and cut them into pieces.
bolognaise sauce. o
TI-reo peel and chop the tomatoes.
e. Chop [he onion and carrots. o
Wad-, the lettuce and tire IDasil and cut them irito
b. 0 " Listen and check.

Mix the tomatoes, the eggs, the lettuce and the O Write your favourite healthy recipe.
basil in a bowl, and asid salt and pepper to Reread the recipe in Exercise 1 to
Asid some olive oil.
help you.
Arrange tire salad on a plate over leaves of lettuce.

Decorate with IDasil leaves on top to make a light,

O Use the words in the box to complete
our nutritious dis the recipe.
colourful and healthy meal. Enjoy y

Salads Page 20 rnilk cocoa sugar

Hot Chocolate
a. Heat some
b. Add 2 tbsp of powder.
c. Stir.
d. 1f you want a very sweet drink, add some
END of PROJECT A healthy eating campaign

Lars complete -irle r)roiect tasld

O Now that you have ideas about what you want to express in your campaign, it is
time to start the action!

• 7 Think of a slogan: remember it should be short and catchy. You can include it
in your poster. Rennember you should respect everyone's choices and needs.

O Think about what you can do to have a healthy diet. Try to make sentences
with the same meter, following a pattern. Lines should be fun to say and easy
to remember. Read thenn aloud! Use a mobile to record the rap. The more you
listen to it, the better it will be.

O c1' Once you have your poster ready, take a photo of it and share it on a social

O You can dress up like a rapper and nnake some steps so that everybody can join
in your song. Try to create a short routine so that everybody learns your rap!

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,2 Natural

ctassify food.
_speak about quantities.

organise a recipe.
discuss and reftect on healthy diets.
ask and talk about future ptans.
understand the vatue of sharing responsibilities to achieve an aim.

Talk about talents
Explain the purpose of actions
Talk about the past, the present and the future
Organise a school show
Describe a picture

O Look at the pictu res and find the following.
1. A musician O 4. A sportsman 0 7. A painter O
2. An actor 0 5. A writer O
3. A politician 0 6. A singer and dancen O
These are fannous people. Find out information about them.

Q Why are they famous? Match:

1. Shakira O a. is one of the greatest figures in the history of the film industry.

b. sings and dances wonderfully.

2. Stevie Wonder O
c. plays football in (he Spanish club Barcelona and (he Argentina
3. Vincent Van Gogh O national team.

d. received 25 Grammy Awards for bis work as a musician.

4. Nelson Mandela O e. created vivid paintings, including self-portraits.
5. George R. R. Martin
f. wrote A Song of ¡ce and Fine, a series of epic fantasy novels

6. Lionel Messi o that was adapted for the TV programme Game of Thrones.

o g. received a Nobel Peace Prize for his work against racism in

7. Charles Chaplin South Africa.

Who do you think is the most important person? Why?

Are any of these famous people from Argentina?

Discuss. Are ah l tatented people famous?


Let's interview a famous tatented person!

In pairs, you will role—play an interview with a famous talented person. He or she can be an

'review actor, sportsperson, artist, writer, magician, doctor, etc.

Look for tips on how to build your project on p. 67. You will complete the project on p. 69.
Talents Word buildi n.
O a. Match the verb expressions to Complete the tables.
the pictures.

telt a joke draw a cartoon

do a caíd trick design clothes a ti: artistic
magic magic 2
juggle balls bake cakes
musical musician

sing singer

e " Listen and circle the stressed

syllable in each word.
1. magic, magician
2. design, designer
3. artist, artistic

Complete the sentences with the

correct form of the word in brackets.
1. Jim Carrey is a famous Canadian comclian
b. Say what the people in the (comedy).
pictures are doing. 2. Guernica is a great Ipainti by
A. juggling. 3. Julio Cortázar is one of the most important
Argentinian (write).
c. Can you do any of the activities in 4. Thomas Edison is most well known for his
Exercise la? Can you do any other (invent) of the light butb.
5. Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian
I can play thc. eWctric guitar.

Tuesday. April 22, 2016

at ;Mut!
Most actors in action films don't In Jack Reacher, Cruise played the role of a
homicide investigator. The actor drove a caí
perform the stunts. They leave trying to run another caí off the road.
these shots to stuntmen, skilled This was similar lo a scene shot for Edge of
people who take the risk. Tomorrow, ,Ailth Emily Blunt. Only that time
One of the exceptions is Tom Cruise. the caí crashed ioto a tree.
He never accepts stuntmen. He tries to One of bis most dangerous stunts was the
perform the stunts himself. For example , in sword fight scene with Hiroyuki Sanada in
Mission: Impossibie Rogue Nation, a scene
— Cruise's mechanical horse
The Last Samurai.
featured Cruise hanging on to the side of had to stop before hitting Hiroyuki Sanada's
a taking-off aeroplane. In the same film, sword, but it didn't. Luckily, Hiroyuki Sanada
Cruise's character broke into an undenNater reacted immediately and didn't kill Cruise.
safe.The actor dived holding his breath for
almost six minutes to shoot the scene. In the film Knight and Day, Cruise worked
with Cameron Díaz. Cruise rode a
In Top Gun, Cruise played the role of a motorcycle very fast and in a dangerous way
student in a Navy pilot programme. He through narrow streets.
flew an F-14 jet three times.
VVhat stunt is he going so perform in his
But that was not ah. In iViission: Impossible next film?
Ghost Protocol, bis role involved climbing
lo Mission impossible Ghost Protocol,

the tallest building in the world: The Burj

Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai. Cruise wore a Tom Cruise climbed the tallest building
harness to hold him at about 520 metres off in the world: The Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
the ground.

el 32

O Read the article. Tick 1/1 Cruise's O Justify

Correct the following statements.
your answer.
1. Tom Cruise doesn't take risks in bis films.
00 000 00

1. Climb buildings
2. He flew a helicopter in Top Gun.
2. Play the piano
3. He climbed the most modero building in the
3. Ride a motorbike
4. Swim in the sea 4. He was very unlucky when he filmed with
5. Sing romantic songs Hiroyuki Sanada.
6. Dive in water

7. Fly a jet

O Why do you think the title of this nUo, Have you seen any of Tom
article is A risk-taker at heart"? Cruise's films? Which one did
you like the best?

Infinitive of indefinite pronouns
Some actors use stunt doubles in action
movies to film high risk scenes. He inventor' something.
He works with someone.

• Complete the text using the infinitive

of the verbs in the box. He didn't invent anything.
He doesn . t work with anyone.

show travel o integrate

bring help
Did he I n ve n t something / anything?
Does he work with someone / anyone?
There are many people who use their talents
' to heIp others. This is the case of Doctor
Hunter Doherty, also known as "Patch Adarns, -
who uses his talents as both a physician and a Complete the conversation with
comedian 2 humour to orphans, indefinite pronouns. If two words are
patients, and other people. Each year he possible, choose one.
organises a group of volunteers from around A: Do you know ' Jnyorw with a
the world to various countries
special gift or talent?
where they dress as clowns. He also founded a
B: Yes, I know 2 who is very
hospital a traditional
special. My brother.
hospital with alternative medicine. In 1998, the
film Patch Adams starring Robin Williams was A: And, what is his talent?

based on Hunter's life ' his B: He doesn't forget he sees.

views on medicine. A: Really?" 9

B: Yes. If he sees or
• Complete the answers with the
he never forgets about it.
verbs in the box.
A: Great. Your brother has the gift of photographic

nimptify . prove memo ny.

O Complete these famous talented
people's quotes with indefinite
1. Why did David Copperfield go to a magician
school? pronouns.
To be the best magician in the world. 1. I only ki INT,/ Illat I don't know anyliging
2. Why did Steve Jobs design the iPad? Aristotle

people's life. 2. who has never made a

mistake has never tried new.
3. Why did Pelé practise so many hours?
Albert Einstein
with the Brazilian selection.
3. - Friendship is not you learn in
4. Why did Stephen Hawkins- research a lot?
the school." Mohamed Ab
his theories of Bleck Flotes. 4. "If you find you love in your
5. Why did Quino create Mafatcla? life, then hang on Lo that love." Lady Diana
a new Line of appliances.

Present continuous
She's doing a trick. She isn't doing a trick. Is she doing a trick? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.

Present simple
He speaks clearty. He doesn't speak clearly. Does he speak clearty? Yes, he does. / No, he

Post simple doesn't.

They went en holiday. They didn't go en holiday. Did they go en holiday? Yes, they did. / No, thoy

Going to future
vvp're going te meet. 'vV( , aren't going te meet. Are we going to meet? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.

> Seo GrafT1117ar r Lxtre Predice Book, p. 22.

Complete with the present simple. O Complete with the past simple.
1. A cornedian maKef) (make) a big 1. Mozart lurnt (learn) how te play the
effort lo entertain the audience. piano when he (be) six.
2. Comedians (need) to think of 2. In 1594, Shakespeare (not /
very funny jokes. write) Hamlet. He (write) the
3. A joke (be) not atways good. famous leve story Romeo and Jullet.
So, they need lo write it again and again. 3. Beethoven
4. Do you (think1 it is easy te be (play) the violin? No, he
a comedian? Try it! He (play) the piano.
4. Isaac Newton (gol Lo the
O a. Complete with the present
University of Cambridge. He
(discover) the force of gravity in 1687.
1. Mike, a talented cartoonist, 15 writing
O a. Write an affirmative and a
(write) his agenda ter this week.
negative sentence for each picture.
2. He (take) his new stories Use going to.
Lo the publisher en Tuesday.
3. On Wednesday, Mike and his girlfriend
(have) lunch together.
4. Mike (not / work) on Friday
nights at the moment.
5. So, he Istaylat heme for 1. he / not draw piclures
the whole weekend.
o he / write a novel
2. they / not juggling
b. Look at the sentences in Exercise they / play good music
6a again. In the boxes, write P for
present and F for future. b. Write a question for each picture.
Use going to.

fftiP OF geAla

2. Tightrope walking
3. Street dance
4. IVtagic show
Puppet theatre
6 tviinie a cting
Street statues

Tall< about talents Listen again and complete the

j' o

O Match the nannes on the sign to the sentences.

performances. Complete the boxes 1. There is over there doing

in the pictures with the numbers. magic tricks!

Which ones aren't shown? 2. It's incredible how the man moves his hands

O E) 39 Listen and number the 3. Lot's go and

the tricks.

to eat.
activities as you hear theni.

a. Get something to eat o 4. And, remember we have tickets

b. Watch the street dancers o Martin's puppets show.

c. Go to the puppets show o 5. Martin put a lot of effort

d. Watch the juggler o his show.

e. Watch the magic tricks o

Organise u school show
„ - Listen to Tzu-Lee and Jack
(..) 43

talking about a school show. Answer.

1. Who is organising the school show?
2. What did Tzu-Lee see?
3. Is Tzu-Lee going to do anything? What?
4. In the end, Jack decides he is going to do
something. What is it?

. Decide the details of a school show.

When I Where is the why are we going

show going to be? te do it?

Why don't you Whot dre you

(do c card trici0 going to do?

b. Telt the class about your school


V■Wr& going to do cuí' school show in

Beptenter to celebrate the beginning
of spring. We're going to do it in the
playground. I am going fo tell joKes.
ivhí claf,smat doesn't want to do anything.

Student A: turn to page 74.
Now listen to a radio interview Student B: turn to page 76.
with one of the artists. True or false?
1. Kevin started juggling six years ago.

2. He got some juggling balls for

Interview with a famous
talented person
3. Juggling two balls with two hands is O In pairs, choose a famous talented
not juggling.
person and find out informatíon
about him or her.
43 Listen again and correct the
Prepare questions for an interview.
false sentences in Exercise 4.
You can use the content of this section to help
you preparing the interview!

b. Which description
1. repeats the word 'peopte• Ihree times'? O
O a. Read these two descriptions. 2. uses expressions oí place? O
3. tells us the name of the city and the O
4. doesn't describe the colours? O
5. t e Ils us the opinion of the writer's O

6. organises the information logically? O

7. teas us the writer's opinion? O

'borne, skreeA artis-k painted `JOU
ca-‘ re,WUTIber vl\q/CT, 10 When you describe a picture you use:
expressions / prepositions of place,
can Se PW1)\e .1".1119 aná` , are,
readin, peopIe oa1kflbel\o. There such as: in front of, behind, next to, on,
some, ood.linel are in a in the foreground, in the background
tales and , is a man there is there are
\ind albar or caW,. There
wearing shorts and sanda\s. mum the present continuous
this painting.

2 • Find expressions of place in the

This street art is in Sonochla, Thailancl. second description.
line artist painted it on the wall of an old
building. ve can see three men sitting O Now complete the description of this
in a bar. They are wearing light clothes photo and choose the correct option.
liKe shorts, sandals and t-slnirts. There
This is a photo of the Cirque du Soleil - the
are two of them sitting at a table. Doe. is
Circus of the Sun. In the foreground we can see
reading and the other 0 saying hello to
. He / She They is / are
a man at the Jable next to him. They are
. In front of the
having some fruit and tea. 'Perhaps, they
are having breaKfast. In the bacKground we can see ' . In the background we
there are two windows. One of the can see . They are
winclows is cosed and has colourful tea The colours are 7
cano on it. '[he bright colours and the 1 think it's a 8 photo.
vivid scene depicted in this mural (reate
a powerful contrast with the grey, ruined
watt and brin g life to the streei thinK
it's a beautiful painting.

END of PROJECT Interview with a famous talented person

Let's compk& ie Project tasid

O Choose something that represents the person's talent. Show the object / article /
piece of art / event to your friends.

Explain why the object is important. Go online and find some unusual facts
about this famous person.

O Role—play the interview. Be creative! Try to set up a scene. The interviewer

should have a microphone and a board to have all the questions handy. Ask your
art teacher for help, if necessary.

Finish explaining why the person you chose is talented

- The famous person can also answer questions from the audience, your
classmates! They can use their mobiles to record the questions they ask.

identify and value different talented people.
describe what is happening at the moment.
talk about usual activities.
ask and give information about what people did in the past.
alk about my plans and other people's plans for the future.
associate quotes and their authors to understanding how they think.
ind out information about talented people in my country.

You are what you eat
O Do you think you have a balanced diet? Do you know which nutrients are
necessary for your body?
Carbohydrates They are made up of thousands of tiny units called
They provide energy to the brain. Without amino acids. You need protein in your diet to help
them, the body could not work properly. your body repair celts and make new ones. More
Some sources include fruits, breads and than a quarter oí your daily calores should come
grains, vegetables and sugars. from protein sources, such as low-fat meat, dairy,
beans or eggs.

Fat is an energy source
Your body needs
that, when it is consumed,
these in small
helps to increase the
quantities to
absorption of fat-soluble
sustain life.
vitamins including
You can usually
vitamins A, D, E and K.
get ah l your
You need some fat in your
vitamins from the
diet, but not too much.
foods you eat.

Adults should consume 2 to 3 litres per day. Water
Just like vitamins, minerals help your
helps to transport nutrients to cells. Water also
body grow, develop and stay heatthy.
assists in removing waste products from the
Rich sources include bananas, potatoes
body. All beverages and foods such as soup and
and tomatoes.
watermelon contain water.

O Identify in the pyrannid each one of the nutrients.

Carbohydrates: Vitamins:
Protein: Minerals:
Fa t: Water:

Q Now that you know more about nutrients, go online and find out about different
sources to get a healthy and balanced diet.

• Fred is organising a party to say goodbye to Hans, the German exchange
student. Write sentences. Use going to ONLY when necessary. You have to use
the infinitive of purpose once.
1. Hans / go back to Berlin / next week.
2. Fred and his friends / give Hans a surprise party.
3. They / take Hans to Fred's house / Friday / 9:00 pm.
4. Fred / cook asado.
5. They / collect money / buy a present.

O Choose the correct option.

José: Does 'someone anyone know Leopoldo's brother?
Mario: 2 Someone / Anyone to[cl me he is a 3 rnagic / magician in the kitchen. He can cook 'anyone /
anything in a very short time. And there is never 'any / some junk food on the menu

O Match the foods to the corresponding category.

mayonnaise Le tt u ce rish butter rice



O Complete with the correct form of the words in brackets.

A group of different (artl are organising a Tatents Show to collect funds
for a childcare institution. Tvvo Imagic) are going to do card tricks and one
oí the organisers is going to ljuggler) balts of different colours. Four imusic)
are going to play rock songs. Lers luck!

O Match the following sentences to the time expressions.

1. The cartoonist }s drawing a caricature_ a. always
2. We visited the museum. b. at the moment
3. She designs her own clothes. c. yester (Jay
4. They are going to perform in the show. d. tomorrow

5. We meet ah the art club. e. on Wednesdays


O Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 5 with the time expressíons and then turn
them into negative.
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Total /50
Student A Unit 2
Listening and Speaking, nage 23.
Unit 1
1 istening and Speaking, page 13. a. Ask your classmate questions and
complete the chart.
a. Ask your classmate questions to
complete this poster.

1. What is the club about?

2. Where / be?
2. When do you meet?
3. What / have?
3. Where do you meet?
4. Who / tive with?
4. What do 1 have to bring?

5. Who do 1 contact?
b. Use this information to answer your
6. How much is a session?
classmate's questions about your
Job, our Cubil 1. Type of house: flat

2. Location: the beach

We meet every ? at "
3. Pooms:
You can find us in the 4
Bring your :5 4. Peopte living with you: vile / husband,
For more information contad 6 chikiren and pet
It's only 7 $ a session.
Unit 3
Listening and Speaking, page 35.
b. Answer your classmate's questions.
a. This is your information.
You lave horror films, you bate historical films,
and you dont rnind animated fiLms. You can't go
to the 22.45 session because it's too late.

There is a new drama club

on Thursdays at 4.15 in
the school hall.
(Roya( Cinema
Times Film
Please bring old clothes.
lf you want to know more 16.30 Paranormal Activity
about the club please ask 18.15 12 Years a Slave
the Drama teacher, 20.30 The Incredibles
Mr Stage. 22.45 Ted

The club is free for students but

teachers must pay $4. b. Talk to your classmate and choose a
film to see.

Unit 4 Unit 6
Listening and Speaking, pau l_istening and Speaking, page 67.

a. You are going on a trip to Japan. Ask a. You are Kate Winslet. Don't telt
your classmate for advice. your classmate who you are. Only
respond to his / her questions.
1. Should 1 practise using chopsticks?

2. 1 want lo drive a car in Japan. 1. England

3. 1 \mill attenci a business meeting. 2. actress and singer

4. 1 am going lo visit a Japanese friend. 3. Academy Award for Best Actress in 2008
4. Titanic
b. Give advice to your classmate on
5. my next film
how to behave in India. Choose the
correct answer.

a. You shouldn't open your present as soon as

1 you receive it.

b. You shoutd eat with your right hand. The lett

hand is considered impuro.

c. You shouldn't wear leather shoes. Cows are

sacred in India.

d. You shoutdn't be punclual. Indian people

usually arrive 5-10 rninutes tate.

Unit 5
Listening and Speaking, page
b. Your classmate has a secret identity.
a. Use these prompts to ask your Ask him / her these questions to
classmate questions and make discover it!
plans to go out.
1. Where / you / born?

1. What / doing / Friday? 2. What / you / do?

2. Saturday? 3. Did /win / title?
3. Would / like / go for a burger? 4. What /you / doing now?

b. Use this information to answer your

classmate's questions.
Unit 2
Listening and Speaking, page 23.

Listening and Speaking, page 13 a. Use this information to answer your

classmate's questions about your
a. Answer your classmate's questions. llame.

1. Type of house: cottage

2. Location: [he mountains

o 3. Rooms:

4. Peopte living with you: alone with my pets

b. Ask your classmate questions and

There is a new pottery club complete the chart.
on Mondays at 3.30 in the Ad
1. Where / live?
You don't need to bring
anything with you - only your 2. Where / be?
imagination. 3. What / have?

If you want to know more, then 4. Who /live with?

ask Mrs Turner, the Art teacher.

You must pay $2.50 every time unít

you go to the club.
Listening and Speaking, page 35.

a. This is your information.

b. Ask your classmate questions to You (ove animated films, you hate horror films,
complete this poster. and you don't mind historicat films. You cari't
go to the 16.30 session because it's too early.
1. What is the club about?
2. When do you meet?
3. Where do you meet? .
"1111. "Mb.
4. What do 1 have to bring?
5. Who do 1 contact?
6. How much is a session? 'Roya(' Cinema
Times Film
16.30 Paranormal Activity
Join our 1 ambi 18.15 12 Years a Llave
20.30 The Incredibles
We meet every 2 at 3 P-m• 22.45 Ted
You can find us in the 4
Bring your 5
For more information contact 6 b. Talk to your classmate and choose a
It's only 7 $ a session. film to see.

Unit 4 Unit
Listening and Speaking, page 45. Listening and Speaking, page 67.

a. Give advice to your classmate on a. Your classmate has a secret identity.

how to behave in Japan. Choose the Ask him / her these questions to
correct answer. discover it!

a. You should study the traffic signs used in Japan. 1. Where / born?
b. You should dress formally and be punclunl. 2. What / you / do?

c. You should take off your shoes al [he Mor. 3. Did / win / award?
d. Yes, you should. Japanese people use 4. What / most famous work?
chopsticks all the time. 5. What / you / doing now?

b. You are going on a trip to India. Ask

your classmate for advice.

1. 1 am going to a formal dinner.

2. My Indian friend invited me to a party.
3. What should ido if 1 receive a present for my
4. How should 1 dress for a business meeting?

Unit 5
Listening and Speaking, page 57.
b. You are Rafael Nadal. Don't telt
a. Use this information to answer your your classmate who you are. Only
classmate's questions. respond to his / her questions.

1. Spain

2. professionat tennis player

3. Grand Stern single tittes, Olympic gold

medal, ATP Woi tO TOUI litles ami Davis Cup
for Spain
4. practising for my next tournament

b. Use these prompts to ask your

classmate questions and make
plans to go out.

1. What / doing / Wednesday?

2. Thursday?
3. Would / like / go on a picnic?
Let's share our free time

O Put the words in order to find out what Jack and Tzu-Lee think about some free
time activities.

1. Jack likes photography. He thinks GF. EATIV E. .1FVCRA ( - E

2. He doesn't Like athletics because its .1BROGN
3. He thinks reading is .NRTGIETEISN
4. He doesn't Like chess because it's very .UTFILI-OCI

5. Tzu-Lee Likes skiing but she doesn't do it because it's very

6. She wants to be an actress. She thinks drama is NUF
7. She likes Listening Lo music because it's GXELRNAI
8. She doesn't do karate because she thinks it's

• Write sentences about the activities you do. Say why you do them.

1. 1 do Karate becauw if s fun.






O Name and describe each activity.

1. footof I fun.

O Read the text. Write the hobbies next to the names.

a. Ivan
b. Irina
c. Mike


Ivan is a fantastic chess player. When he was eight he was chess champion of his school. Now
he is fifteen and onty plays in his free time. He is a good student and wants Lo be an astronaut.
He often plays chess with his younger sister, Irina.

Irina plays basketball. She is only thirteen but she is

very tett - 1 metre 78 centimetres. The other players are
seventeen and eighteen, so she is the baby of the team! She
trains every day after school and she wants Lo be
a professional..I \Nant Lo play in the Olympics she says.

Mike likes photography and has a new digital camera. It takes

excellent photographs. He likes taking photos of people, usually his
family and friends. He wants to be a professional photographer.

• Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. When does Ivan play chess? En his ftw time.

2. Who plays chess with him?
3. How old is Irina?
4. When does she train?
5. What type of camera does Mike have?
6. What does he want to be in the future?

• Match the words (1-5) to the definitions (a-e).

'1. a player a. does something to earn money

2. a champion b. travels in a spaceship
3. an astronaut c. plays a sport or game
4. a professional d. takes photographs
5. a photographer e. wins competitions

O Look at Ranjit's Sunday timetable.

9.00 get up — have shower **4 bathroom

9.30 have breakfast kitchen

10.00 play football *4 school

13.00 have lunch with family *4* horno or restaurant

15.00 do homework *4 bedroom

19.00 have dinner *4* dining room

20.00 watch television living room

22.00 go to bed *4* bedroom

*** always ** usually * sometimes

• a. Answer the questions. Use an adverb of frequency.

1. What time does Ranjit gel un? 3. Where does he play football?
He always gets up at nine o'clock.
2. Where does he have breakfastg 4. Wlien does he watch television?

b. Write questions for the answers.

1. What time does he play footbail 3.
At ten o'clock in the morning. At home or in a restaurant.

2. 4.
At one o'clock in the afternoon. In his beclroom.

c. Write sentences about Ranjit. Use an adverb of frequency.

1. have dinner / seven o'clock 3. do homework / three o'clock
lzanjit always has dinner at lven
2. play football / school 4. go to bed ¡ten &dock

• Write the activities in the correct column. Then add some more to each column.
play 90 do
• hockey • karate hocl:ey swiniming judo
• swimming • bowting"
• judo • ice-skating
• photography • chess
• pottery • table tennis
• football • gymnastics

O a.information
Complete the chart with
about yourself. Use free
O ® " Listen to Brad. What is his
time activities and expressions of

swimming once a week

a. He sings in a band.

b. He plays in an orchestra.

b. Use the information in the chart to c. He presents a radio programme.

write sentences.
1 go swimming once a wk.
• e 03 Listen again and put the
questions in order.

a. What MUSIC do you choose? o

b. Anything else? o
c. How often are the programmes? o
03 Complete the questions. d. What exactly do you do? o
Janey: What do you like doing in your e. Do you have interviews? o
free time? f. How many other students o
Adam: 1 tike playing football. participate?

Janey: " play?

Adam: Mout four times a week. O O" Listen one more time. True
or false?
Janey: WOW! do it?
Adam: At the club. It's near my home. 1. The programme is once a week. o
Janey: ' go? 2. He plays music he likes. o
Adam: On Mondays and Wednesdays after
school and en Saturday and Sunday
3. He interviews parents. o
4. He writes the school news. o
Janey: And it so much? 5. A lot of students participate in o
the programme.
Adam: Because it's good exercise and it's fun!

O a. Circle the six spelling mistakes in O Read the note and put the
the poster. information in the correct place on
the poster.

O- 1 '1141111')
tox fflo y oll
y oa i
mal Hi Aflis Ms &tont-Len wanís
If your answer Is 651.10, come and learn siarl a school book club fOr
to danse salsa In the scool gyml sluderds a9ed 13-16- Irs le
Friday afternons at 5 o'clock. library al -9.3a pm ort Tuesclays,

Wear comfortable cloths. affer school You need a nofebook

and a rencil or a r en. You musl
For more informeition,
like readin9. Confacf her irt the
contact Kitty (Room 6).
siaff room cuf break limes.
cu-LJ if s free!

b. Write the words correctly.

1. dancing 4

2. 5.
What'? Wiool booK club
3. 6.

• Put the information about the chess

club in the right place.
• [1 a month (for juico and biscuits1
• II you have a chess set - bring il! When?
• George Johnson.
• Chess Club.
• Monday evenings, ó o'clock. Equipment:
• Room 13.

What? Con tact:

Ghss Glub



Contact: O Design your own poster for your

favourite hobby or activity in your
Cost: notebook.

VOCABULARY O Write questions for these answers.

1. Che does pottery on Wednesdays.

O What are these free time activities?
2. He likes painting in his free time.

3. They go cycling twice a week.

4. Che likes volleyball because irs fun.

5. We go running in the park.

O Rewrite the sentences. Put the

words in capitals in the right place.

1. We do gym. TWICE A WEEK

2. They take good photos. SOMETIMES

3. They are late lo school. NEVER

4. He goes skateboarding after school. ALWAYS

5. Che gets up early. EVERY DAY

• Complete with the correct form of

play, do or go.

1. Andy football on Saturdays.

2. Henry sonnetirnes jet-skiing

• Circle the correct word.
at the weekend.
1. Painting is creative / dangerous.
3. Does Alex karate?
2. Getting a tan is expensive / relaxing.
4. My mother chess with my
3. Tae-kvvon-do Riding is good Ter
5. Do you want to cycling
4. Poitery/ Cycling is good exercise.
5. Taking photos is fun / difficult.
6. Do you pottery?


• Complete the sentences with the
O Complete the sentences with
information about yourself.
1. Che (have] lots of free time.
1. in my free time.
2. We (go) riding in the summer.
2. twice a week.
3. They (not gol bowling on
3. every doy.
sunny days.
4. because boring.
4. He (p[ay) chess with his friend.
5. because irs fun.

CO My house, my home

O Label the rooms. Complete the word O Find seven more household items
webs with the words in the box.

• cupboard • sofa • bath o SE TOUEL TH

• television • toitet • bed L 00SEPA E E
• wardrobe • stovc • chair
• table • armchair fridge

1. 2. E D T S L E0 O U D






• Correct the sentences.

1. 2.

• feeding • hoovering • ironing

• making • taking out • laying
1. Alisan is tidyinq the rubbish.
Alison is tUing out the rubbish.
2. Jack is washinq his bed.

3. Lily is laying her dothes.

4 Salty is hoovering the table.

5. Nelly is ironing the pets.

6. Dan is making the floor.

1. 2.

O Write the opposite adjectives.

1. neat and tidy
2. modem
3. clean
4. comfortable

Look at the pictures and complete Look at the chart and complete
the sentences using comparative the sentences using superlative
adjectives. adjectives.

Notio XJ 6 cm €169

Whizzo L2 7 cm €89

Sonitra 3W 8 cm €179

1. Nolio XJ is th smahst naodel of

the three.

2. Sonitra 3W is lexpensive)

Sarn's bedroom
3. Whizzo L2 is Icheap) mobile


4. Sonitra 3W is Haig) of the


5. 1 think Nolio XJ is (good)!

Use going to and the phrases in the

box to complete the sentences about
the pictures.

Kirn's bedroom ron a roce • take a photograph

Í7 ••bathe the dog • buy a computer
• go on holiday • 'Dant [heir
1. Sam . s bedroom is biggr than (big)
• eat a pizza bedroom
2. Kirn's bedroom is (tidy) Sam's.

3. Sam's bed is (modero) Kirn's

4. Rimo lamp is lold) Sam's lamp.

5. 5am's be.d o (small) Kim's bed.

• Use the comparative form to explain

which bedroom you prefer.

1 prefer bedroom because

1. Kandy's going to run a nace. O a. Match the people (1-31 to the

houses (A-C).

2. Nain and Harry

3. Desole and Anna

4. Murray and Sarah

5. Sammy

6. Vanessa and Gemma

7; Sheila

O Write questions and answers about b. O 05 Listen and check.

the future.
• O 06 Listen again and write down
1. you / tidy your room / this weekend?
the objects you hear.
'Are you going to tidy your room
this weMnd?' 'Yes, I am.'

2. a friend / sleep at your house / on Saturday?

O 07 Listen one more time and

answer the questions.
3. your family / move to a new house / next Charles
1. How many bedrooms does Charles have?

2. What is the kitchen Eike?

4. your family / prepare something special for 3. What does Freddie do?
clinner / tonight?
Janie and Josh
4. How many rooms do they have?

5. Where do they sleep?

5. you / make your bed / this morning?
6. What is there on the walls?

Mrs Betts
6. you / lay the table / ibis evening? 7. Who does she live with'?

8. Does she like modem technology?

9. Does she have a television?

Correct these sentences.
1. I goino lo describe a room in my house.
rrn gong to describe a room in my house.
2. There is a kitchen modern.

3. There aren't some pictures on the watt.

4. There are also a desk next to the window.

5. I no like my bedroom.

6. Is a very old hm,

• Read the text and underline the adjectives.

Ms -Fc.A_vourite roorn

rryi 9oirig to desc-ribe ry -favourite room,. our kitc-hen! I love ¿t bec,ause

rris farrils spends a lot o-F tirne here, kAle ea.t ab our rneals here. It's vers

b¿s, and has lots Of windows. Yoti can see our beauti Ful garden whde sou're

eat¿n9. kit-larva got a square table and SiX chairs. vers rnodern too:

there's a rnic-rowave, a d¿shwasher, o_n enorrnous frid9e, a wash¿n9 rnac,hine

and lots of shelves and. e Leboards. There's a ci¿eitc.i..1 radio next ro the fr¿ofqe

butwe haven 't 9ot a TV ¿in the 1<a -e-hen. There are sorne blac.k avid white
r2hotos on the walls. Our kit-e-hen ¿s a 9reat Mac-e ro I:2e.?

• Write a description of your bedroom. Use some of these adjectives.

• old • comfortable • big • tidy • dirty

• round • small • messy • clean • modern
1'm going to describe my bedroom

O Complete the sentences with O Complete the sentences using
these words. comparative and superlative
• cupboards • chair • cooker adjectives.
• armchairs • table 1. Our dining room is usually
• fridge • wardrobe (tidy) than the kitchen.

1. In Glorias Living-room there's a sofa, a 2. The living room is (big)

where we eat and three room in the house.

3. An armchair is Icomfortable)
than a chair.
2. In Mandy's bedroom there's a bed, a
4. In my house there are three bedrooms and
and a
my bedroom is the (small)
3. In Pete's kitchen, there's a of the three.
and tots of
O Write what the people are going
• Choose the correct option. to do in the summer.

1. Jimmy's going to iron/hoover (he floor after 1. Sue / learn gardening

the party. 2. Jill/decorate / his new bedroom
2. Tommy, can you tidy/ feed the pets, please?
3. I / buy / a new fridge
3. Derek is going to wash/take out the dishes
4. We / move / to a new flat
after lunch.
5. Albert and Gerald / clean / their garage
4. Pam always hoovers/ lays (he table.

5. I take out/ make the rubbish every night

before bed.

O Answer the questions with

• Complete the text with true information.
these words.
1. What do you have in your bedroom?
• comfortable • lots of • enormous
• great • modern
2. What is your favourite room in your house?
lo my flat there are three bedrooms, Why?
a tiving-room, a bathroom, a small toilet
and a kitchen. In the living-room there are 3. What do you do to hetp at home?
two armchairs, a 1 sofa, an
2 television and a very 4. Which is the biggest room in your house?
computen. My parents bought

me a computen Last week. It's 5. Is your room tidier or messier than your
! There is another television in my brother's pa rents room?

bedroom and he has my old computer. He has

posters on his watts too.
Film showtimes
Complete the crossword. What type Complete the sentences with words
of film is number 7? from Exercise 2.

1. a film with characters made using a 1. When the film director says hfiOnr ,
computer the actors begin the scene.
2. a film with songs 2. A tells actors what to do.
3. a funny film
3. Jennifer Lawrence is a very popular film
4. a film with adventure, cars, police, etc.
5. a film with a tragic or sad story
4. Some actors always play bad
6. a film with tots of suspense
Then difficult to play a good one!

5. My grandfather was an in
Doctor Zhivago.

6. A famous actor usually has the most

important in the film.

Find the cinema words.

O Match the words (1-6) to the

definitions (a-f).

1. star

2. director o 1. ffiliSic
3. part O
4. extra o 2. 5.

5. characters o 3.

6. Action!

O O Write + (positive) or - (negative) next
a. role to each adjective.
b. Start acting!
c. actor with a very smanart
amazing o awful

d. he / she makes films

surprising o sad

e. very famous actor

horrible o boring

f. fictional people in a film

interestíng o great

O Read the text. What is it about?
a. a famous group of comedy actors
b. comedy films
c. a famous musical group

Groucho said that his father was not

The Marx Brothers are probably the most good at his job and his clients had one
trouser leg longer than the other! Their
famous group of film comedians ever. 15
They made their funniest films seventy mother carne from a musical family and
years ago and they are still funny today. the children ah l learnt to play instruments.
5 There were five brothers at the beginning: They often did this in their films.
Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Gummo and Groucho is the most famous brother with
Zeppo, but Gummo and Zeppo decided to 20 his big moustache and funny walk. Harpo
leave the group. doesn't speak in the films and Chico
The three famous brothers were born in always has problems. A Night at the Opera,
lo New York at the end of the nineteenth A Day at the Races and Duck Soup are
century. Their parents were German some of their best films. Don't miss an
immigrants and their father made clothes. 25 opportunity to see one of their films!

• Circle the correct answer. Find words or expressions that

1. The Marx Brothers made very
mean the same in the text.
1. funny actors (line 2)
Qunny serious films. comulians
2. The Marx Brothers were born in
Europe/America. 2. in the 1800s (lines 10 and 11)

3. They were born around 1890/1820.

4. Their father made / didn"t make very 3. mother and father (Une 11)

good clothes.

1 5. Some of them /A11 of them played 4. work (Une 14)

musical instruments.
6. They never/ often played instruments 5. hair under a man's nose (Une 20)

in their films.
7. The most famous brother is 6. difficulties (line 22)

Groucho /Chico.

8. Harpo neverspoke /played music in the films.

b. Write questions in the past.
O Complete the sentences with the
past form of the verbs in the box. 1. What / you / see /on TV/ Last night
What did \jou on TV Last night?
2. you / go out / yesterday

3. Where / they / film / Star Wars

4. What time / film / start

5. How / you / get / to the cinema

6. they / make / a new Harry Potter film

• give • ge • think
see • make • win O Give short answers to the questions.
Then write the correct answer.

1. Last night, I wIllf to the cinema. 1. Did you watch Avatar on the television Last
2. Katie me tickets night? (Star Wars)
for the new film at the Odeon. No, 1 didn't. 1 watched Star Wars.
3. Hillary Swank an
2. Did Miriam go to the cinema yesterday?
Oscar for Million Dallar Baby.
4. We a good film on
TV Last night.
5. I Crusaders was a 3. Were you at school yesterday?
great film. (at home)
6. They The Lord of
the Rings in New Zeatand.
4. Did they have popcorn?

Ø a. Make these sentences negative. [nachos)

1. 1 knew about the Marx Brothers'

1 didn't Know about the Man( 5. Did Jeremy download a film?
9rothers' films. (TV series)
2. Barbare went to the cinema.

6. Did you buy tickets for a comedy?

3. They thought the film was great.
(horror film)

4. She sat in the back row.

7. Did you see the film at the cinema?

5. We bought some popcorn. (at home)

O Use the past form of the verbs to O e os Listen to Joey and Louise.
complete the conversation. What are they talking about?
Jamie: Hi Sarah! t2I you have (have) a
good weekend?
Sarah: Yes! 1 2 (go) to the
cinema with my sister.
Jamie: What film' (sed?
Sarah: Oh, ... a Disney film. Yes, well - my
sister (want) to see it.
Jamie: What 5 (do) then?
Sarah: Linda and Kelly 6 (come)
round and we (listen) a. going to the cinema o
to music. b. their favourite films o
Jamie: Why didnI you invite me? c. their favourite actorn o
Sarah: Sorry, Jamie. It 8 (be)
a girls! night!
• O 09 Listen again and write Joey
and / or Louise next to the films
O Complete the sentences with they like.
on, in or at. 1. action Louist, foej
1. They made that film in 1980. 2. thriller
2. The tickets are cheaper 3. science fiction
Wednesday. 4. musicals
3. The film started 6.00 and 5. romantic
we arrived 6.15. 6. historical
4. Some cinemas are ctosed 7. animation
the morning.
• ® 1" Listen one more time. True or
5. We arrived home night.
6. The premiere is 16" Jure.

O Answer the questions using ago.

1. Joey and Louise like going o
to the cinema.
1. When did you last see a horror film? 2. Louise saw Riddick and liked o
the special effects.
2. When did you last see a 3D film?
3. Joey thinks musicals aren't o
3. When did you last go to the cinema?
4. Louise thought _loan of Art. o
4. When did you last watch a film online?
was a horrible film. o
5. Joey thought Gladiator was awfut.
6. Joeys favourite films are cartoons.


O Circle the correct word.

1. I went too to)see Orlando Bloom's new film.
2. There / Their was a great film on at the
cinema Last week.
3. It's//ts en adventure story.

4. There are onlyto/two characters in the play.

5. They're / There not very good actors, are
6. The film was great and its/it's special
effects were fantastic too/to.
7. The special effects where / were amazing.

• Find eight more spelling mistakes in the text and write the text again below.
Yesterday I sow Scary Castle. It was really exciting and the actin was great. It was about three poeple in
a castle. They arrived in the midle of the nihgt and a lot of horible things happened. In the end, one of
them dyed and (he other two drouve away in there car.

Yesi/rday 1 saw

e Put the sentences in the correct order.

a. The animation was brilliant and the plot was very funny. There were a lot of good
characters in it. o
b. My favourite film when 1 was a child was Shrek. o
c. The ending was very happy and the music at the end was great. o
d. It's a conriputer-animated film about en ogre. o
e. I saw it for the first time when 1 was six. o
O Write in your notebook about a film you liked when you were a child. Use these
guidelines to help you.
• What was the neme of the film?
• When did you first see it?
• Why did you like it?
• What was it about?
• What was the ending?
VOCABULARY O Write these sentences in the past.
1. Mall doesn't Eike Dracuri..
O Complete the sentences with these
words. 2. Tony goes to (he cinema.
• director • stars • audience
• producer • character • extras 3. Is it a good film?

1. The finds the money to make

4. The costumes aren't good.
the film.

2. The have a very small part 5. I dori't Eike old films.

in a film.
6. Do you have a ticket?
3. The watches a film.
7. The film is great.
4. A fictional person in a film is a

8. My favourite film is on TV.

5. The._ makes the film.

6. The main actors in a film are the WRITING

O Complete the conversation.
• Choose the correct option. • went • amazing • did you go
• go • liked • Did you enjoy
1. You see the film on a

a. screen b. seats c. row Mum: What film ' (o see, Danny?

2. You can't see the film very well from the Who did you 2 with?
Danny: Star Wars. 1 3 with Alex
and Chas.
a. screen b. drinks C. rOW
Mum: it?
3. Let's meet at the and buy
Dan ny: Yes! The special effects were
some popcorn before the film starts.
a. box office b. seats C. rOW Mum: glad you 6 It.

4. The in this cinema are very

comfortable. ENGLISH IN USE
a. screen b. row c. seats
Put the verbs in the past form and
complete the sentences with true
GRAMMAR information.
• Write the past simple affirmative 1. 1 (go) to the cinema
form of these verbs.
2. 1 (think) the film (be]
1. Huy 5. watch

2. seo 6. hit 3. I (like)

3. have 7. make 4. I (not like)
4. give 8. think 5. The acting (be)
6. The special effects (bel
When in Rome

O Find the verbs and write them down.

1. wa ve





• Complete the sentences with a verb from Exercise 1.

1. You Wave- with your hand. 4. Yo u with your body.

2. You your mother 5. You hands to say helio.

lo say goodbye. 6. You when you're happy.

3. You with your arms.

Q Match column Ato column B.

1. In Japanese films a. when she sees me.

2. We waved to our friends b. when they score a goal.

3. It is polite to smile c. people shake hands

4. My grandmother kisses me ... when they meet.

5. Football players hug d. people bow a lot.

6. In formal situations e. when you say

f. when the train left the

, Aation.

O Read the sentences. Look at the underlined words and write a word with
opposite meaning.

1. Don't speak loudly. Please, speak

2. Does she play ? No, she plays really badly!
3. Don't walk so Let's walk quickly or we're going lo be late.
4. Did you wait there patiently? No, t didn't. I walked up and down the
5. Does he drive carelessly? No, he doesn't. He drives very

6. He shouted rudely at me, but I answered back

O Read the text. Choose a title.
a. A Maori family
b. Welcome to New Zealand
c. New Zealand: culture and manners

M ost New Zealanders are sociable people and will happily show you their country, share their
culture and also express interest in yours.
Old style good manners are still appreciated in New
Zealand. Remember to say picase, tbank you and
excuse me. Disrespectful behaviour will not get
you good service or quicker responses.
You shouldn't confuse New Zealanders with
Australians; remember that they are different
countries. New Zealanders tend to get .really upset if
they are called Australians.
Strangers are not used to saying bello to each other in
urban arcas, but that can happen in smaller towns.
The bongi is a traditional gesture used for greeting and welcoming. It is done by pressing one's
nose and forehead to another person. You can see it if you visit a Maori town (Marae). Usually, a
host welcomes you to the Marae. Women of the tribe typically sing a karanga (welcome song and
invocation to the spirits), and it is considered rude if you don't know the responses or what to do
when visiting the Marae.
In the case you are asked to visit a New Zealand home, just bring some chocolates or a hottle of
wine. In Maori homes, the food will often be blessed first.
Take these tips into account and enjoy your trip to this wonderftil and exciting country.

O Choose the correct answer.

1. New Zealanders will happily 5. Maori people say helio by ...

a. share their customs. a. moving noses.

h. learn about customs. b. touching noses.
2. New Zealanders enjoy 6. Women of the tribe

a. old-fashioned manners. a. sing a karanga.

h. foreign manners. b. play a karanga.
3. New Zealanders clon't 7. If you are invited lo a New Zealander's
a. mind disrespectful behavior. horne
h. like disrespectful behavior. a. you don't need to bring anything.
4. Saying helio to strangers is accepted b. you should bring something.
a. in small towns.
b. in big cities.

O Complete the school rules with the • Complete the sentences with an
affirmative or negative imperative adverb formed from the word in
form of the verbs in the box. capital Letters.
had some problems during my last trip to the US.
• confuse • say • greet 1. In Texas, for example, people speak very
• take • know
• wave • forget
2. I didn't speak English
NZ GOOD MANNERS 3. When 1 spoke to someone, they waited
1. When visiting NZ remember to forme
thank you, picase and excuse me.
2. You shouldn't New Zeatanders
with Austratians. 4. I had lo listen to others very
3. Don't your hands to soy helio in . CAREFUL
urban contexts. 5. Sometimes they told me not to speak
4. by touching your nose if visiting á
Maori town.
5. the responses to the karanga. restaurants. LOUD
6. Don't to bring some chocolates or
6. But I couldn't manage to say my words
vvine when visíting for dinner.
7. into account these tips for a wonderfut
tríp to NZ.
7. At the end, 1 think I acted

• Match the problem to the advice. O Circle the correct option.

Then complete with should
1. Venezuelans always smile happylhappily
or shouldn't.
when receiving visitors.
1. 1 didn't give a tip to the waiter. O 2. What do you say in English when a rule is
2. 1 always forget lo say good MOrfling. o not clear I clearly?
3. 1 clon't like shaking hands. o
3. Not eating local food could be rudo / rudely
4. 1 often put my elbows on the table.

5. 1 sometimes speak too quickly. o in some Asian countries.

4. In New Zealand, you should be polite /

6. 1 often don't say thanks when someone

does me a favour. o politely when you speak to a stranger.

a. You consider this every 5. Remember to ask kind / kindly if you want to
morning. know en address in Manchester, UK.
b. You learn table manners.
6. In some countries peopte can get angry/
c. You giv. some money
next time. angrily if you don't say good morning.
d. You be grateful. 7. Always be patient / patiently when you talk
e. You be more friendly.
to someone from a different culture.
f. You try to breathe and
take pauses.

O request
For each situation, write a polite
with can or could and a
O ® Listen to Joanne and her
mother, Sheila. What is the
polite reply. conversation about?

1. Someone is using a mobile during a meeting. 1. teachers and classrooms o

You: Gould you turn your mobilt off, piusa 2. school rules o
The other person: Uf courst!
2. You need salt at a formal dinner.
3. birthday parties o
• ® 12 Listen again. Choose the
correct option.
1. Sheila her uniforrn.
A guest:
a. liked
b. didn't like
3. You want to know en address in a foreign city.

You: 2. At Sheila's school, when a teacher entered

the classroom, all students quickly

A person in the street:

a. stood up

4. You want to buy a train ticket in London. b. sat down

You: 3. Sheila said students had problems when

they in class.
The ticket agent:
a. shouted
b. talked
5. You want a glass of water on a flight.
4. At Joanne's school, students have problems
when they

a. behave badly
The flight attendant:
b. talk in class

5. Joanne wants to go lo
6. You want to know the time.
a. a party
b. the cinema

6. Joanne's mother says she can go if she

A girl in the street:

a. behaves well
b. does her homework

7. Joanne also wants to

a. sleep at house
b. invite Gillian to sleep at her house

O a. Put these sentences about a famous Spanish festival in the correct orden

a. Every morning people run in front of bulls through the middle of the town
Lo the bullring.

b. This festival is called San Fermín. O

c. They wear white clothes and a red scarf around their neck. O
d. The festival is very controversia[ and gets a lot of criticism from animal rights activists. O
e. It is in Pamplona, in the north of Spain, from 7h to 14 1h July. O

b. Now write the text.

This festival Ls called San Fermín.

• Give some advice to a friend about

San Fermín.

1. wear / red scarf

You should wear a red scarf.
2. take /white clothes

3. be careful / bulls

4. eat too much / before you run

O Write about a famous festival in your region. Use these guidelines to help you.
• What is the name of the festival?
• Where and when is it?
• What do people do? (one or two things)
• Give advice to a tourist (You should / shouldn't).
Vn .,a'A3L9 ARY 0 Complete with should or shouldn't.

O Complete the sentences. 1. You , rnuch before you go

to bed.
• smile • kiss
• hug • shake 2. You do more exercise if you want
• bow • wave Lo be healthier.

1. If you ,its because you're happy. 3. You watch so much TV.

2. In Britain people hands. 4. You point at people.

3. In France people two or three

4. When I say goodbye, I my hand. Choose the correct word.
5. Bears sometimes each other.
1. He's a good well student.
6. People when they meet a king.
2. She speaks very clear/clearly.

• Complete the sentences with 3. They did their work good well.
adverbs formed from the words in 4. She waited impatient / impatiently for an
the box. answer.

• good • quick 5. The little child behaved bad/bacliy.

• careful • polite
• loud • patient Write polite questions for these
1. Read the question before you
answer it. 1. A:

2. You should talk to your teachers B: Sure. Here you are.

3. At school it is important to behave 2. A:

B: I'm sorry. Ira using it right now.

4. People should wait for their turn.

5. I t is impolite to laugh in a public

place. O Use your own ideas to complete the
6. He ran and won the race. sentences.

1. Dor-lit
2. AL home you should
• Complete the rules with the 3. When you're iii you shouldn't

affirmative or negative imperative

form of do, interrupt, use and speak.
4. He carefully.
1. your mobile phone in class. 5. You should for the test.
2. people when they are speaking. 6. He shouldnit his brother.
3. your work carefully. 7. I should better.
4. quietly in public places. 8. This year we should


O Write the names of the food. O Reorder the Letters to form the
1. muebrgrah


2. daaal

3. e- temloete


5. tufri sdaal


O Complete the definitions with the

words in the box.

• ad-
d -D
• Complete the text with the words in
( • chop • boli
• fry • peel • stir
the box.

1. To chOP is to cut into small pieces.

cut • delicious • food
mix • fry • sugar
2. To is to remove the outside of a
lave • restaurants
piece of fruit or a vegetable.

My favourite ' food is Chinese.

3. To is lo cook in very hot water.
I rice. In Chinese "
they ' the vegetables and meat 4. To iato cook in very bol oil.

¡ato small pieces and " them in

5. To is to pul in another ingredient.
oil. The Chinese also different
6. To is lo move a liguid using
ingredients like and vinegar.
a spoon.
You must try the chicken It's

O Read the text. What is it about?

a. having a delicious meal in space

b. eating and drinking in space

c. keeping food fresh in space


When astronauts go on space trips,
they can't sit down and have a delicious
meal. One of the reosons is gravity. There
isn't any gravity so things and people float.
5 Can you imagine your chicken and chips
floating around in the cabin?
15 There are some things they can eat
Another reason is that it is difficult to keep
normally - pizza, for example (if the pieces don't
food fresh on a journey that can sometimes
float away!), and chocolate are easy to hold.
last for weeks or months. Some of the food
10 is dry and it is oll in packets, including Astronauts probably think about food and
the drinks. These pockets are sealed so drink a lot during their trip. It's not difficult to
the food does not escape and the imagine their first meal at hoene or their first
astronauts eat and drink directly from them. 20 visit tO a restaurant after a long journey!
• Answer the questions. Write Yes or No.

1. Do astronauta have delicious meats in space? No

2. Is there any gravity in the cabin of a spacecraft?

3. Is it easy to keep food fresh in space?

4. Is all the food fresh?

5. la all the food and drink in packets?

6. Can the astronauta eat anything with their hands?

O Match the underlined words in the text to these definitions.

1. recently prepared fr-sh

2. without liguid

3. a force of our planet Earth

4. have in your hand

5. ctosed lair or liguid can't get in or out]

6. trip

Write the nouns in the correct c. Complete the questions with
column. How much or How many.

1. How much sugar do you lake in your

• tea • chocolate • banana coffee?
• oranges • onions • chips
2. eggs do you need lo make
• apple • milk • cereal
• biscuit • potato • tomatoes an omelette for four?
• rice • carrot • pizza 3. meals do you have a day?
• eggs • sugar • strawberries
• bread • pasta 4. . salt do you put on your food?

5. chocolate bars can I have?

• Put the words in order to make

appll ora lige,S 1. biscuits / you / How / do / rnany / want 7?

HOW many biscuits do you want?

2. eat II / vegetables /a lot of /

3. many/ in /There / calores! aren't /onions /

4. much / do / How / sugar / you / in your coffee /

take / ?

5. don't / much /We / milk / drink 1.

e a. Complete the sentences with

some or any. O Complete with any, some and a lot of.

1. There areni any vegetables. 1. Italians eat pasta.

2. Let's buy pizzas. 2. I would like a sandwich. Is there

3. We haven't got milk. bread?

4. There are strawberries. 3. Are you going lo the supermarket? Please,

buy milk.
b. Choose the right option.
4. I [ove this menu. There are
1. He takes much svgar in his coffee. varieties of pizza!
2. I don't drink some I much water. 5. There lsn't sugar. We can't

3. There aren't much many potatoes. make a cake.

4. I eat a lot of much biscuits. 6. I want Coke.

O Complete the conversation with the O Match the two halves of the
words in the box. sentences.
1. Hot food o
• 'm not doing • is coming 2. Raw food o
• are you doing • are we meeting
3. Sweet food

a. is not cooked.
A: Wha I this Saturday? b. has a lot of sugar.
B: I2 anything special. c. has strong spices.
A: Would you like to go to a picnic?
' Listen to Edward, Kate and
Kris " too.
their father, Jim. Tick (V) the different
B: What time h types of restaurants they mention.
A: Al about 11:00.

B: OK. See you Hiere.

• Complete with the correct form

of the present continuous.
1. Melanie (have) a 1. Indian o 4. Japanese o
party Ibis Friday.
2. Chinese o 5. Italian o
2. We

(lake) some
3. Vegetarian o 6. Fast food o
3. Tony Inot / come) Listen again and circle the
because he has a meeting. correct answer.
4. Mike and Lucy 1. Why do they want lo go out to dinner?

Ibuy) some snacks. (a) because they want lo celebrate

b. because it's Jim's birthday
5. And, I [play) the
2. What does Jim think about Indian food?
music. a little hot.
a. He likes it but it's
6. What you b. He doesn't like it - it's too hot.

)do)? Would you like to come loo? 3. What does Kate say about sashimi?
a. It's not good.
b. It's raw fish.
4. What does Jim say about eating in a
Japanese restaurant?
a. He'll try sashimi.
b. He'll order something cooked.
5. What does Jim think about Italian food?
a. It's very simple.
b. It's generally pasta and pizza.
6. What does Jim want to order in the Italian
a. a large piece of chocolate cake
b. a chocolate ice cream

i ca
O Cross out the word that can't Write a recipe for potato salad.
complete the sentence. Use the pictures and the words
to help you.
1. Boit the spaghetti/ milk

2. Peel the 'etnia, appies / potatoes. • tomatoes

• peel • chop
3. Add Stir the vegetables. • peas • bowl • put
• potatoes • boil • mix
4. Fry the (.9g s / poi- atoes /
• add • eggs • ingredients
5. Fry Stir Cook the chicken. • saucepan • mayonnaise

• Put the recipe for marmalade

in orden

a. Mix o
b. Next chop Ibera into srnall pieces. o
c. Put [he mixture into a sauce.pan o First, ped the potatoes and chop them.

and bou l ter about two hours.

d. Finally, put the mixture in a cold o

place ter 24 hours.

e. First, take some big, juicy

oranges and peelthem.

f. Then pul the pieces into o

a bowl and add a lot of sugar.

VOCABULARY Complete the conversation.

• Choose the odd word out. 1. What this weekend?

a. you are doing c. are you doing

1. roca( tomate chicken fish
b. do you do
2. water sugar juice milk
2. 1 shopping Ibis Friday.
3. banana orange rice apple

4. nnayonnaise rice vinegar oil a. go c. went

5. butter yoghurt bread milk b. going

6. bread cereal salt pasta 3. We having the test

o Choose the correct option. Then put
the recipe in the correct order. a. aren . t having c. isn't having

b. is having
a. Chop I Mix 1 kg of tomatoes, o 4. party?
1 ocien and 2 carrots.

b. Mix Boit the bolognaise sauce o a. They are haying c. Are they having

with the spaghetti and enjoy it! b. Do they haying

c. Cook the spaghetti in fry I boiling
water lar about 10 rninutes. o WRMNG
d. Chop Fry the meat in oil,
O O Write a question for each answer.
add the onion and carrots and
cook for 10 minutes.
*No, ibero aren't.'


Complete with some or any. 'No, not.•

1. Id like coffee.
2. Are there
3. We haven't gol rice. O Answer the questions with true
4. We can buy sandwiches. information. Give examples to
explain your ideas.
O Complete with much, manyor a lot of.
1. What do you cal? What don t you cal? le your
1. Angus always puts sugar in
diet healthy?
bis coffee.
2. Italians eat pasta
3. How rnilk do you pul in
your coffee, Bob? 2. What happens if you dornl eat the right food?
4. Have we gol potatoes? What happens if you cal a lot of sweets?
5. Do you cal yoghurt?
6. Carotine laves fruit, but she
doesn't eat vegetables.

5. Ainl does complicated and
O Complete the verbs.
sometimes dangerous gymnastics.
1. e1 1 jokes
6. A(n) paints pictures.
7. AH) creates objects that
did not exist befo re.

2. cartoons
• Classify the words in the box. Some
words must go in two columns.

balls • ifYdeftt • artistic • sing

• juggler • design • musical
• cartoon • imitate • designer
• music • magic • artist
• song • invention • draw
4. clothes

5. magic tricks


• Complete the definitions with the O Circle the correct word.

words in the box.
1. PiLdsbu WdS incredibly artist / artistic vvheri

he was a child.
• musician • inventor • juggler
2. 1 would like to play an instrument, but 1'm
• ffiag+e-i-8-n- • acrobat • artist
• comedian not very musician / musical.
3. 1 love magic / magician tricks.

. A(n) magician is a person who does 4. Shakira is my favourite song / sin ger.

magic tricks. 5. 1 would like to do a course on fashion

2. A(n) tells jokes or is very design / designer.

funny in a film. 6. The ballpoint pen was a great inventor

3. A(n) throws things into the invention.

air and catches them again. 7. Everybody likes music / musical.

4. Aln1 plays a musical 8. A magician / magic has to prepare the tricks

instrument. very well.

Read and listen to the text. Match the headings to the paragraphs.

a. Roman theatre O b. Shakespeare O c. Greek theatre O

1. Theatre probably began with dancers celebrating religious festivals and people
looking at them and enjoying it. But the first people to construct theatres were
the Greeks and they did this a long time ago - about 3000 years, in fact.
The Greeks also wrote plays: tragedies, with sad endings, and comedies, with happy
endings. To be an actor or a writer in ancient Greece was a very important job.

2 The Romans also liked the theatre and wrote clifferent types of plays.
-f ri ilniy, «I 11 ',,

They liked musicals and made masks and multicoloured clothes,

, y especially for the stage. They loved action plays with fights and even
,it battles with a lot of actors. These plays were very popular with adults
■ --
and children. In other countries the theatre was popular too.

3. One of these countries was England. The most famous English dramatist
was William Shakespeare. He wrote, directed and acted in more tha.n thirty
plays when he lived in London in the 1580s and '90s. These plays continue to
be popular and people see them in theatres in many different countries.
In Hollywood, Shakespeare's plays are often on screen and the most glamorous
and famous actors want to act in Hamlet, Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet.

e Answer the questions. Write

Yes or No.
0 Match the underlined words in the
text to the definitions.
1. Did theatre begin with religious 1. stories for the theatre
2. Did the Greeks like action
2. big fights
and adventure?
3. Did the Romans build
the first theatres? 3. person who writes plays
4. Were musicals popular
in the Roman theatre? 4. elegant and attractive
5. Did children go to the theatre
in Rome?
5. of many colours
6. Did Shakespeare live in
the seventeenth century?
7. Do people like bis plays today? 6. build
8. Are there any Hollywood films
of Shakespeare's plays?

O Complete with the verbs in the box. e Circle the correct option.
Use the infinitive of purpose. 1. A: Are you doing anylhing / anyone this
• make (x2) • get B: No, 1'm not doing anything / something
• ímitate • become special.
2. A: 1s there someone / something in the
B: No, there isn't anyone / someone.
3. A: I want to eat something / anything nice.
13: Why don't we go out for dinner?

O a. Complete with the present

continuous. Use short forms where

1. A: What you
(rehearse) for?

B: For the street dancing competition.

(train) hard.
1. 1'm going to buy some paint and brushes
to make 2. A: we (have)
lots of paintings.
2. 1'm going to study art the drama presentation on Monday?

a profe5;ional artist. B: No, we (not / have) it

3. 1'm going to paint a copy of the Mona Lisa on Monday. It's on Wednesday.
Leonardo Da Vinci. 3. A: Jaime
4. 1'm going to setl my paintings (study) to be an actor?
B: No, he (apply) next
5. 1'm going to visit museums
4. A: Ana and Julia
• Write purposes for these actions. (go) to the stand-up comedy show tomorrow?

1. They want to go to the shops 1-0 bLIV B: Yes, they (invite) their

5ornt grandparents as well.

2. He went to the theatre 5. A: you

(watch) the art documentary on channel 4?

3. She phoned her friend B: No, 1 (listen] to a jazz

concert on Radio 1.
4. 1'm reading the newspaper
b. Tick (V) the conversations that
refer to the future.
5. We go to the concert
1 .0 2 .0 3 -0 4.0 5 .0

O Complete with the correct form of
the present simple or past simple.

1. Jenny (like) painting so she

Rake) classes twice a week.
2. Bob's mother (do) acrobatics
when she (be) young.
She (work) in a circus for five years.
3. Kevin (go)
to music school every day? - No, he
. He (go)
O O 16 Listen to Saul talking about
twice a week. his music. What instrument does
4. What Bell he play?
(invent)? - 1 think he (invent) H/ p(ays
the telephone.
5. A few years ago, 1 (not / like) • e 17 Listen again and answer the
salsa dancing, but now 1 (love) it! questions.

1. How old is he?

O Write questions and answers using
2. Is he a soloist?
going to.
3. When did he start playini1 9
1. Johnny / visit / Miriam? (Atice)
Is Tohnny going to visit Miriam?
4. Does Saul write music?
No, he. isn't going to visit Miriam.
5. Is he going to be a professional musician in
He.' s going to visit
the future?
2. you / learn / Chinese? (Japanese)
6. What is he going to be?
7. Is he going to play mutaic in the futuro'?

3. your parents / see / Romeo and Juliet?

(Hamlet) • O Listen one more time and
complete the future tenses.

1. solo in a concert in
London next week.
4. 1 / see / you / next week? (tomorrow)
2. some music for the
orchestra to play at the Spring concert.
3. 1 a professional
5. Harry / play football / in the school team?
4. Playing the clarinet my
5. But music.
LURff ;N

O Match the headings in the box to the €41 Make notes about this picture using
different parts of the description. the words from the box to help you.

• fantastic • horrible • modern

• strange • figures • horse
• flower • sad • bull
• fire • soldier • big
• description of the picture • enormous • black • white
• comment about size / colours / light • violent • grey • different
• final comment
• yvhy you like it
• Name of picture and artist:
(uIrnica, Picasso
Do you tike it? Why / Why not?
1. My favourite picture is Las Meninas by

2. I like it because it's very interesting and has

a lot of figures.
Description lin the foreground / background,
3. In the foreground there's a dog. In the in the middle, on the lett / right):
background there is a mirror with a
reflection of the king and queen. In the
middle there are other figures: some
children and Velázquez painting. A comment about the size / colours:

4. It is enormous and the colours are very dark.

5. I think it's very beautiful.

nam of pictur/ and artist A final comment:




Write the description in your
5. notebook.

3. I want to telt you
4. He didn't tan< to about it.
O Complete the table.
5. phoned. I think it was Mary.

O Complete with the infinitive of


1. She travelled lo SpElin

2. I come to school
3. He went to the city centre

O Complete the sentences with the

correct option.

• Complete with words from 1. Marie her bedroom next Saturday.

Exercise 1. a. paints b. painted c. is painting

1. Renoir is my favourite . His

2. Pay attention, everybody. Bill a card
paintings are really beautiful.
a. is going b. makes c. made to
2. Does he play the guitar or is he the band's
to make make

3. Mozart a lot of symphonies.

3. She likes doing She can
a. compases b. compase c. composed
make a rabbit disappear!
4. She usually classes on Thursday.
4. Diana plays three instruments. She's very
a. takes b. is taking c. is going to
5. I can clothes and handbags.

6. What is the most important in Make these sentences negative and

history? - The computer! interrogative.
1. She likes ballet.
e Describe what these peopte do.
2. He bid a good joke.
1. A comedian 3. They are performing in the street.

2. A cartoonist 4. He is going to be a singer.

3. A juggler

4. A magician
O Answer.
1. What do you usually do on Fridays?
O Complete with someone, something,
2. What did you do Last Saturday?
anyone or anything. if two words are
correct, choose one. 3. What are you doing this weekend?

1. Is there in your house?

2. There isn't in-the fridge.

Datos de catalogación bibliográfica

The Publisher would like to acknowledge María Alicia

What's Up? 2 Studenís Book / Cathy Myers [el al I;
Maldonado for her adaptation and pedagogical supervision
adaptado por María Alicia Maldonado. - 3a ed adaptada. - Ciudad
of the Whars up? 3d edifico series as well as Mónica
Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Pearson Education, S. A., 2016.
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Affirmative Negative Questions

L.. _
There is sornething under your desk.
I saw someone at the door.
He couldn't find anything.
She didn't go with anyone.
Did he win something / anything?
Are you going out with someone / anyone?

Adverbs of frequency

How often do you see Tom? !FP-

I am always / usually / often / sometimes / nev7r9
r late for school. I(o be + adverbI
Every doy / morning.
I atways / usuatty / often / sometimes / never
Once / Twice / Three / Four times a day /week.
watch TV. (adverb + other verb1

Affirmative Negative Questions

You should wait for your turn. You shouldn't interrupt when Shoutd I arrive early?
people are speaking.


Close your books.
Don't opon that box.
r Why do you want to work?

Answer the phone, please. Please rion't shout. L To save money and (lo) buy a computer.

Drive carefully.
rC -- Questions
an I use your
Short answers 'Ill
Sure. / Yes, of course.
We often form adverbs
from adjectives: careful --> carefulty III._ camera?
Could you tend me a
When you say 'no',
give a reason: I'm
sorry. It's broken.

i" I itr r

Superlative fornn of adjectives

The white lamp is smatter than the black lamp.
The white tan] is more modern than the black tamp.
r' The red tamp is the smallest of the three.
k The blue lamp is the most expensive of ah.

Plural countable nouns Uncountable nouns

How many biscuits are there? There are two / a tot. How much fish is there? There is some / a tot.
Are there any biscuits? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. Is there any fish? Yes, there is. / No, Diere isn't.
There are some chips. / There are a lot oí / many chips. There is some rice. / There is a lot oí rice.
There arenT any apples. / There aren't rnany notes. There isn't any milk. / There isn't much milk.

Pearson Fmlish Readers,


For audio files go to www.whatsup.pearsonelt.com.ar

Tra( k Unit

1 Credits

2 1 - LeCs share our free

3 2

5 2 My house, my homo 85 1 b. Track Jti Pay 1.

2 13 5 - Yummy! 103 2

7 3 14 3

8 3- Film showtimes 91 1 15 6- Outslanding 107 1

9 2 16 109 1

10 3 17 2

11 4 - When in Rome 97 1

18 3

2 19 The end
Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers
I / You /We / They go to the /You / We / They don't go to the Do I go to the club? Yes, I do. / No, 1 dnn't.
beach. club.
He / She / It goes Lo (he / She / It doesn't go to the club. Does she go to Yes, she does.
beach. the beach? No, she doesn't.
don't = do not doesn't = does not

Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers

I'm going to work. 1'm not going to travel. Am 1 goíng to study? Yes, I am. / No I'm not.
He / She / Its going to work. He / She / It isn't going to travel. Is he going to study? Yes he s. ¡No, he isn't.
You / We /They're going Lo You / We / They aren't going to Are they going to Yes, they are.
work. travel. study? No, they aren't.

Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers

1'm staying at home this l'nn not going shopping tomorrow. Am I cooking tonight? Yes, I arn / No 1 in out.
He / She / It's staying at He / She / It isn't going shopping Is he cooking tonight? Yes, he is. / No, he
home this weekend. tomorrow.
You / We / They're staying You / We /Theyaren't going Are they cooking Yes, they are.
at home this weekend. shopping tomorrow. tonight? No, they aren't.

He isn't steeping.= He's not steeping.

We areni steeping. = We're not sleeping.

Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers

To be
I / He / She / It was at home. 1 / He / She / It wasn't at work. Was it there 9 Yes, it was.
No, il Wc15f1 • 1.
/We / They were at home. You / We / They weren't at work. Were we there? Yes, we were.
wasn't = was not
No, we weren't.
weren't = were not
Regular verbs
I /You /He/She/It/We/They 1/You/He/She/It/We/They Did you Eike the Yes, I did.
tiked (he acting. didn't like the music. acting? No, I didn't.

Irregular verbs
1 /You/ He/Shent/We /They 1/You/He/Shen/We/They Did she go Lo Yes, she did.
saw a thriller. didn't see a comedy. the lmax cinema? No, she

Two days ago yesterday morning Last night He tikes walking. Do you like singing?
weeks afternoon month They like reading. What do you tike doing?
years year
Get your mobile
phone, download
any FREE
1312 reader" app
and scan each of
the items below!

Engage with eye-opening

topics and discover your

Use your previous knowledge to observe and associate

information presented through images and contextualisation.
Recycle learnt material to interpret new information.
Work with your partners and discuss the topics to reflect
critically and learn more about yourself and others.

Students connponents:
Student's Book with Workbook
Interactive Student's Book: www.whatsup.pearsonelt.comar Interactive
Student's Book
Extra Practice & Fast Finishers Book
Grammar Quick Check
Online Workbook audio files

Using students' previous experience of the world as a springboard,

we move through a series of interconnected, meaningful tasks until
they complete a Final Project in each unit.
Drawing from observation of images to recall students' previous
knowledge, new vocabulary is presented to facilitate the
u nd e rqta nd n g of updated and challenging readings.
Contextualised grammar practice enables students to visualise and
internalise new linguistic concepts introduced in each unit, which
are permanently spiraled through the series.
Collaborative work and informed discussions will help students to
reflect critically and become better aware of themselves and others.

Teacher's components:
Downloadable Teacher's Book with extra practice & readings
Access to Interactivity to follow students' progress, upload material or
assign homework, amongst other things
Online Class & Workbook audio files

IS 9978-967 6 5-427 7

Alt digital material available at:

Pearson www.whatsup.pearsonelt.com.ar 9 789876 154277

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