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I, OLIVIA CORTEZ CRUZ, of legal age, single, Filipino

Citizen, and resident of #47 P. Guevarra Street, Anak-lahi,
Quezon City, being of sound and disposing mind and
memory, and not acting under undue influence, violence,
fraud, or intimidation of whatever kind, do by these presents
declare this to be my Last Will and Testament which I have
caused to be written in English, the language which is known
to me. And I hereby declare that:

I. I desire that should I die, it is my wish to be buried

according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church
and interred at Holy Cross Memorial Park, Quezon

II. To my beloved sister CECILIA CORTEZ CRUZ, I

give and bequeath the following properties, to wit:

(1) One half (1/2) interest over a co-owned

residential house, covered by TCT No. 19-0-05 with
Tax Declaration No. 00-TN-119-0102;

(2) Northern half of a parcel of land designated as Lot

No 3289, situated at Plaza Aldea, Taytay, Rizal,
covered by TCT No. M-28810 with Tax Declaration 00-

III. To my dearest brother ALBERTO CORTEZ CRUZ, I

give and bequeath the following properties, to wit:

(1) One half (1/2) interest over a parcel of land

located at Plaza Aldea, Taytay, Rizal, covered by TCT
No. M-28813 and containing an area of Two
Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Seven (2,737)
square meters;

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(2) Bank Account amounting to P 1,200,000.00
deposited in Philippine National Bank, Quezon City
Branch covered by Account No. 01528;

IV. To my esteemed nephews and nieces namely ALEX

CRUZ, and KARINA CRUZ, I give and bequeath
the following properties, to wit:

(1) One fourth (1/4) interest over a communally-

owned parcel of land, situated at Barangay Kaawa-
awa, Taytay, Rizal, covered by TCT No. M-69770 and
containing an area of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred
Sixty Eight (12, 568) square meters;

(2) Southern half of a parcel of land designated as

Lot No 3289, situated at Plaza Aldea, Taytay, Rizal,
covered by TCT No. M-28810 with Tax Declaration 00-
TN-001-0483, containing an area of Five Hundred
Seventy Two (572) square meters;

V. To my patient and loving niece KARINA CRUZ who

relentlessly take care of me until my senior years, I
give and bequeath a one set of diamond jewelries with
total fair market value of P 988,300;

VI. To my dearest nephews ALEX CRUZ, ORLY CRUZ,

and CHRISTOPHER CRUZ, I give and bequeath three
Omega watches with fair market value of P 201, 826

VII. To my loyal assistants KURDEL JOHANSEN PAROY

Rolex watches with fair market value of P484, 746

VIII. I hereby direct the sole executor of this Last Will and
Testament to sell my one half interest over agricultural
land, situated at Sitio Tuluan, Tanay, Rizal, covered by
TCT No. M-38805 with Tax Declaration 00-TN-001-
0485 and containing an area of Sixty Eight Thousand
Five Hundred Eighty (68, 580) square meters, to any
interested buyer and the one fourth (1/4) of total
proceeds of the said sale will be donated to BAHAY
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PAG-ASA at Silang, Cavite. The remaining three
fourths (3/4) of the total proceeds of the said sale
shall also be bequeathed to my sister CECILIA

IX. I hereby designate JANELLE DAPHNE LOPEZ

RABANG, of legal age, Filipino citizen, and resident of
#117 New Lucban Extension, Baguio City, as the sole
executor of this Last Will and Testament, and in her
incapacity, I name and designate YNA DARLA OLARTE,
of legal age, Filipino citizen, and resident of Barangay
Bakakeng Norte, Baguio City, as her substitute.

X. I hereby direct that the executor of this Last Will and

Testament or his substitute to serve without bond;

XI. I hereby revoke, set aside and annul any and all of
my other will or testamentary dispositions that I have
made, executed, signed or published preceding this Last
Will and Testament.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my

signature this 7th day of February, 1997 in Baguio City,


OSCA ID No. 5644
Issued on March 19, 1996
Issued by: Office of Senior Citizens Affairs, Quezon City


We, the undersigned attesting witnesses, whose

residence are stated opposite of our respective names, do
hereby certify: That the testator, OLIVIA CORTEZ CRUZ
has published unto us the foregoing will consisting of five (5)
pages numbered correlatively in numbers on the lower part
of each page, as her Last Will and Testament and has signed
the same and every page thereof, on the left margin, in our

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joint presence and we, in turn, at her request have
witnessed and signed the same and every page thereof, on
the left margin, in the presence of the testator and in the
presence of each and all of us.

Name of Witnesses: Residence:

MA. ANGELICA ZARATE #3 Brookspoint, Baguio City


MICHELLE VALDEZ ALVARO #3 Brookspoint, Baguio City

MARK FEVY ORDINARIO #25 New Lucban, Baguio City


BEFORE ME, Notary Public for and in the City of Baguio,

Philippines, this 7th day of February, 1997, personally

The testator, OLIVIA CORTEZ CRUZ, with OSCA I.D.

No. 5644 issued by Office of Senior Citizens Affairs on March
19, 1996;


Postal ID No. 2130265 issued at Baguio City, on June 10,

Witness, MICHELLE VALDEZ ALVARO, with Philippine

Passport No. EC 2615E issued by Department of Foreign
Affairs, Baguio City, on August 14, 1996;

Witness, MARK FEVY ORDINARIO, with Postal ID No.

5342687 issued at Baguio City, on January 10, 1997;

all known to me to be the same persons who signed the

foregoing Last Will and Testament, the first as testator and

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the last three as instrumental witnesses, and they
respectively acknowledged to me that they signed the same
as their own free act and deed.

This Last Will and Testament consists of five (5) pages,

including the page on which this Joint Acknowledgment is
written, and has been signed on the left margin of each and
every page thereof by the testator and his witnesses, and
sealed with my notarial seal.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand

the day, year and place above written.

Notary Public for Baguio City
Valid until December 31, 1997
Notarial Commission No. N.A. 23-NC-97-R
Roll of Attoneys No. 34567; April 12, 1994
PTR No. 12345485; 01/01/97; Baguio City
IBP OR No. 201232; 01/01/1997
Baguio-Benguet Chapter
Suite 507, 5th Floor, National Life Insurance Building
Session Road, Baguio City

Doc. No. 3;
Page No. 1;
Book No. XX;
Series of 1997.

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