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Adrianne Bendich, Series Editor

Calcium in Human Health, edited by Connie M. Weaver and Robert P. Heaney, 2006
Nutritional Health: Strategies for Disease Prevention, Second Edition, edited by
Norman J. Temple, Ted Wilson, and David R. Jacobs, Jr., 2006
Nutrients, Stress, and Medical Disorders, edited by Shlomo Yehuda and David I.
Mostofsky, 2006
Preventive Nutrition: The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals, Third
Edition, edited by Adrianne Bendich and Richard J. Deckelbaum, 2005
The Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity, Second Edition, edited by David J.
Goldstein, 2005
Nutrition and Oral Medicine, edited by Riva Touger-Decker, David A. Sirois, and
Connie C. Mobley, 2005
IGF and Nutrition in Health and Disease, edited by M. Sue Houston, Jeffrey M. P.
Holly, and Eva L. Feldman, 2005
Epilepsy and the Ketogenic Diet, edited by Carl E. Stafstrom and Jong M. Rho, 2004
Handbook of Drug–Nutrient Interactions, edited by Joseph I. Boullata and Vincent T.
Armenti, 2004
Nutrition and Bone Health, edited by Michael F. Holick and Bess Dawson-Hughes, 2004
Diet and Human Immune Function, edited by David A. Hughes, L. Gail Darlington,
and Adrianne Bendich, 2004
Beverages in Nutrition and Health, edited by Ted Wilson and Norman J. Temple, 2004
Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Aging, edited by Connie Watkins Bales and
Christine Seel Ritchie, 2004
Fatty Acids: Physiological and Behavioral Functions, edited by David I. Mostofsky,
Shlomo Yehuda, and Norman Salem, Jr., 2001
Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries, edited by Richard D. Semba and
Martin W. Bloem, 2001
Preventive Nutrition: The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals, Second
Edition, edited by Adrianne Bendich and Richard J. Deckelbaum, 2001
Nutritional Health: Strategies for Disease Prevention, edited by Ted Wilson
and Norman J. Temple, 2001
Clinical Nutrition of the Essential Trace Elements and Minerals: The Guide for
Health Professionals, edited by John D. Bogden and Leslie M. Klevey, 2000
Primary and Secondary Preventive Nutrition, edited by Adrianne Bendich
and Richard J. Deckelbaum, 2000
The Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity, edited by David J. Goldstein, 1999
Vitamin D: Physiology, Molecular Biology, and Clinical Applications, edited by
Michael F. Holick, 1999
Preventive Nutrition: The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals,
edited by Adrianne Bendich and Richard J. Deckelbaum, 1997
Edited by
Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN
John A. Creighton University Professor, Creighton University,
Omaha, NE

Foreword by

Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT
© 2006 Humana Press Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Calcium in human health / [edited by] Connie M. Weaver and Robert P. Heaney
; foreword by Lawrence G. Raisz.
p. ; cm. -- (Nutrition and health)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58829-452-8 (alk. paper)
1. Calcium in the body. 2. Calcium in human nutrition.
[DNLM: 1. Calcium--metabolism. 2. Calcium--pharmacology. 3. Nutritional
Requirements. QV 276 C14363 2005] I. Weaver, Connie, 1950- II. Heaney,
Robert Proulx, 1927- III. Series: Nutrition and health (Totowa, N.J.)
QP535.C2C26355 2005

Calcium in Human Health incorporates many of the main findings of our research
careers. It also has chapters written by many of our favorite colleagues and collaborators.
Our interest in calcium spans nearly 80 years of work between us. We had more than a
decade of collaboration as co-investigators on our long-running bioavailability project.
We continue as colleagues and friends, learning from one another still. The wisdom and
rich experience that the other brings to our collaborative efforts have shaped much of the
basic framework with which we approach research and nutritional policy. We dedicate
this book to our wonderful laboratory groups, who work tirelessly, and to the students
who continually teach us. We also dedicate this book to our families who have always
supported our work (which is more like play to us) with much love, and on occasion even
given generously of their time and skills to our research projects.
Connie M. Weaver
Robert P. Heaney

Series Editor’s Introduction

The Nutrition and Health Series of books have had great success because each volume
has the consistent overriding mission of providing health professionals with texts that are
essential because each includes (1) a synthesis of the state of the science; (2) timely,
in-depth reviews by the leading researchers in their respective fields; (3) extensive, up-
to-date fully annotated reference lists; (4) a detailed index; (5) relevant tables and figures;
(6) identification of paradigm shifts and the consequences; (7) virtually no overlap of
information between chapters, but targeted, interchapter referrals; (8) suggestions of
areas for future research; and (9) balanced, data-driven answers to patient/health profes-
sionals’ questions that are based on the totality of evidence rather than the findings of any
single study.
The series volumes are not the outcome of a symposium. Rather, each editor has the
potential to examine a chosen area with a broad perspective, both in subject matter as well
as in the choice of chapter authors. The international perspective, especially with regard
to public health initiatives, is emphasized where appropriate. The editors, whose trainings
are both research- and practice-oriented, have the opportunity to develop a primary
objective for their book; define the scope and focus, and then invite the leading authorities
from around the world to be part of their initiative. The authors are encouraged to provide
an overview of the field, discuss their own research, and relate the research findings to
potential human health consequences. Because each book is developed de novo, the
chapters are coordinated so that the resulting volume imparts greater knowledge than the
sum of the information contained in the individual chapters.
Calcium in Human Health, edited by Drs. Connie M. Weaver and Robert P. Heaney,
is a critical addition to the Nutrition and Health Series and fully exemplifies the goals of
the series. As an essential mineral that forms the structural components of bones and
teeth, calcium is integral to our health and well-being. However, the critical role of
calcium in the functioning of nerves and muscles, cellular membrane interactions, the
clotting of blood, and even our mood states is less well known. Moreover, there are newer
areas of research concerning the importance of calcium in estrogen-related conditions,
such as the premenstrual syndrome and the polycystic ovarian syndrome, that may
provide clinically relevant options for many women. This volume has been developed to
examine the current investigations concerning the importance of calcium in the function-
ing of the human body and mind, disease prevention, and treatment, and to put these areas
of research and medical practice into historic perspective as well as point the way to future
research opportunities.
Calcium and Human Health joins three other volumes in the Nutrition and Health
Series in providing in-depth information about vitamin and mineral nutrients that are
essential to bone as well as overall health. Dr. Michael Holick’s edited volume, entitled
Vitamin D, was published in 1999 and is being updated in the Second Edition that is due
to be published in 2007. In 2004, both Dr. Holick and Dr. Bess Dawson-Hughes edited

viii Series Editor’s Introduction

the comprehensive volume, Nutrition and Bone Health. The editors of this volume on
calcium have contributed valuable chapters to the Nutrition and Bone Health volume. Dr.
Heaney has informative chapters in Clinical Nutrition of the Essential Trace Elements
and Minerals, edited by Drs. John D. Bogden and Leslie M. Klevay and in the recently
published Third Edition of Preventive Nutrition, edited by myself and Dr. Richard J.
Deckelbaum. Thus, the editors of this volume, Dr. Connie M. Weaver and Dr. Robert P.
Heaney, have added greatly to the series and have provided a key volume on calcium that
makes the series a place where researchers can look for the best up-to-date information
on calcium and other minerals, vitamin D, and bone health.
Both of the editors are internationally recognized leaders in the field of calcium
research. Both are excellent communicators and they have worked tirelessly to develop
a book that is destined to be the benchmark in the field because of its extensive, in-depth
chapters covering the most important aspects of the complex interactions between diet
and its nutrient components, bone formation and function, consequences of calcium
deficiency as well as potential adverse effects of calcium excess on major body systems.
Moreover, the volume includes insightful chapters that review the role of calcium and
related nutrients including, but not limited to, vitamin D, in maintaining mental as well
as physical health, and an extensive evaluation of its critical importance in the prevention
of major disease states. The introductory chapters provide readers with the basics of
calcium’s biological functions so that the more clinically related chapters can be easily
understood. The editors have contributed several chapters and have also chosen 23 of the
most well-recognized and respected authors from around the world to contribute the 28
informative chapters in the volume. Key features of this comprehensive volume include
the bulleted Key Points that are at the beginning of each chapter, the more than 115
detailed tables and informative figures, the extensive, detailed index, and the more than
1800 up-to-date references that provide the reader with excellent sources of worthwhile
information about calcium and human health. To add further value to this benchmark
volume, the editors have included five appendices that make this the “go-to” text for
useful referenced materials including the detailed tabulation of the Dietary Reference
Intake values for calcium across the age span as well as the criteria used to support the
intake values; a table that lists the major food sources of calcium and the clinically derived
absorption efficiency of calcium from each food source; a detailed dietary assessment
tool for calculating daily calcium intakes; and lists of both relevant books and websites
where the reader can find further information about calcium.
The book chapters are logically organized in six sections to provide the reader with a
basic understanding as well as an appreciation of the development of the field of calcium
research, its relationship to organ system functions and the potential for calcium nutriture
to affect these variables. The first two sections review basic scientific information on the
cellular and metabolic functions of calcium that is essential to understanding the follow-
ing sections. In these chapters, the reader is introduced to the leading techniques for
determining calcium status through both dietary as well as kinetic studies. For every
nutrient, there are concerns about the veracity of dietary recall, the actual daily intake
requirement and the bioavailability of the nutrient that is consumed in a mixed diet and/
or through supplementation or fortification. Each of these factors is crucial in understand-
ing the complexities of the disease states as well as the development of drugs to treat
relevant diseases such as osteoporosis. The third section includes chapters that review
Series Editor’s Introduction ix

calcium requirements, tabulate recommendations in the United States compared to 33

other nations, and examine the food sources, supplements, and their bioavailability com-
pared with milk, which is used as the standard. The fourth section examines in depth the
body’s responses to low calcium intake and its regulation at the molecular level. Figures
in this section clearly illustrate the relationships between the internal and external com-
partments in bone and how these affect bone strength. In addition to internal factors,
certain lifestyle choices, such as exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption can impact
on one’s calcium status. Moreover, there are data that point to a “calcium appetite,” which
is discussed in a separate, well-referenced chapter in this section. Equally important is the
understanding of the potential for calcium nutriture to affect responses to growth, pubertal
changes, and pregnancy and lactation. The fifth section reviews the interactions
between the bones, nervous, and endocrine systems and also includes detailed informa-
tion about the differences in responses between males and females as their bodies undergo
The sixth and final section of the volume includes 10 chapters that address the inter-
actions between calcium and the major clinical diseases that affect both men and women.
The editors have included extensive chapters on calcium’s role in the development of
osteoporosis in the bones of the central and peripheral skeleton as well as in the oral
cavity; the newest research on the potential for calcium to affect the development of, as
well as the treatment of, obesity and a separate chapter on the effects of calcium on insulin
sensitivity and diabetes; the growing clinical findings of calcium’s effects in colon and
other cancers; calcium’s effects on blood pressure; and a related chapter on the impor-
tance of calcium balance in renal disease. Two additional chapters examine the conse-
quences of low calcium status on the development and treatment of the premenstrual and
polycystic ovarian syndromes.
This important reference text provides practical, data-driven integrated resources based
on the totality of the evidence to help the reader evaluate the critical role of calcium,
especially in at-risk populations, in optimizing health and preventing calcium-related
chronic illnesses. The overarching goal of the editors is to provide fully referenced
information to health professionals so they may have a balanced perspective on the value
of foods and nutrients that are routinely consumed and how these help to maintain cal-
cium status to assure both mental as well as physical health.
In conclusion, Calcium in Human Health, edited by Weaver and Heaney, provides
health professionals in many areas of research and practice with the most up-to-date, well
referenced, and easy-to-understand volume on the importance of calcium in reducing the
risk of developing chronic diseases and optimizing health. This volume will serve the
reader as the benchmark in this complex area of interrelationships between diet, calcium,
and other relevant specific nutrients, skeletal, muscle, renal, cardiac, and hormonal func-
tions; environmental factors and their effects on calcium status including exercise, smok-
ing, and alcohol consumption; and calcium’s role in obesity, diabetes, cancer,
cardiovascular, and kidney disease prevention as well as treatment. The editors are ap-
plauded for their efforts to develop the most authoritative resource in the field to date and
this excellent text is a very welcome addition to the Nutrition and Health Series.
Adrianne Bendich, PhD, FACN
Series Editor

In Calcium in Human Health, 25 authors have accomplished the daunting task of not
only demonstrating the importance of calcium in human health, but also defining its many
and complex roles. The roles of calcium in biology became much more complex and
critical when animals emerged from the sea, although the fundamental regulatory roles
of calcium in cells persisted. The first eukaryotes developed systems for excluding cal-
cium from the intracellular fluid so that nanomolar concentrations could be maintained
inside the cell in the face of millimolar concentrations outside, and changes in these
concentrations could be used to alter cellular function. Perhaps these primordial organ-
isms developed in an environment of about 1.3 mM calcium, similar to that of our own
extracellular fluid. As organisms evolved in the sea, the calcium concentration rose, and
new mechanisms for preventing excessive calcium entry developed, which may now be
expressed in the limited intestinal absorption of this critical element in mammals. As
organisms moved into fresh water and ultimately onto dry land, a new problem needed
to be solved. Calcium was no longer abundant in the environment, but scarce. One
solution was the development of a calcium-rich skeleton, but the critical functions of
calcium in cell regulation and its equally critical role in maintaining a structural frame-
work for the organism now came into conflict.
Calcium in Human Health begins, in Chapters 2 and 3, by setting out the fundamentals
of this conflict, not only by indicating the multiple roles of calcium, but also by summa-
rizing the mechanisms by which some of the conflict can be resolved. To understand the
role of calcium, it is important to have methods that can accurately measure its
bioavailability, absorption, and kinetics. These are described in detail in Chapters 4–6.
The next three chapters cover the complex issue of calcium consumption, requirements,
and bioavailability. Despite the extremely wide variation in calcium intakes and differ-
ences in Recommended Daily Allowances in different countries, it can be concluded that
calcium deficiency is a major problem and calcium excess a rare one.
The complex regulation of calcium absorption, distribution, and excretion, as well as
the multiple interactions of diet, lifestyle, and physical activity in calcium homeostasis
are outlined in Chapters 10–14. Chapter 15 summarizes the evidence for a “calcium
appetite” in humans and experimental animals and points out the interesting possibility
that our current high intakes of salt and fat may blunt this appetite. This provides a
potential explanation for the inadequacy of calcium intake in societies where ample
supplies are available. However, another factor may be the decrease in total food intake
that has occurred as humans become less physically active in an industrialized society.
Chapters 16–18 cover the special aspects of calcium economy that occur in infancy,
childhood, adolescence, and with pregnancy and lactation. These are particularly impor-
tant areas of public health concern, as emphasized in the recent Surgeon General’s report
on Bone Health and Osteoporosis.1

xii Foreword

A unique and exciting aspect of this book is the discussion of specific roles of calcium
in a variety of clinical disorders, in the last 10 chapters. Although much has been written
about the role of calcium in maintaining the skeleton and of calcium deficiency as a
pathogenetic factor in osteoporosis, other interactions have not received as much atten-
tion. The chapters on calcium and oral health, obesity, reproductive disorders, and the
metabolic syndrome, provide new insights and raise new questions. Much more needs to
be learned about the role of calcium in these disorders. Similarly, there is clear evidence
that calcium and vitamin D can play a role in cancer, but here again further definition is
needed. With the availability of drugs that can alter the function of the extracellular
calcium receptor, the complex changes in calcium and phosphate regulation that occur
in renal disease and the potential role of calcium in hypertension and vascular disease,
which are summarized in the last two chapters, represent additional areas where new
studies are both needed and feasible.
Calcium in Human Health might have the subtitle, “Everything You Wanted to Know
About Calcium and Needed to Ask.” It contains a vast amount of information, but also
indicates many gaps in our knowledge. One major gap is the discrepancy between knowl-
edge and practice in the area of public health. Perhaps a companion volume on what must
be done to improve the calcium economy of our population and how this can be accom-
plished could be a next step. Based on present information, this might be a slim volume
indeed, but we do have much of the necessary scientific background needed to define both
the problems and the opportunities for doing more about calcium in human health.
Lawrence G. Raisz, MD
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism
University of Connecticut Health Center
Farmington, CT

Health and Osteoporosis: A Report of the Surgeon General can be accessed on the web at

More research is done on calcium with resultant publications than for any other min-
eral. This interest in calcium is appropriate with its diverse biological functions, the
dietary inadequacies in calcium all over the world, and the relationship of calcium status
to so many disorders. Calcium serves as a second messenger for nearly every biological
process and stabilizes many proteins. It is an unusual nutrient in that the storage reserve
of calcium in the skeleton has a biological function. Bone mass predicts risk of fracture.
Aside from bone health, calcium insufficiency has been associated with hypertension,
cardiovascular health, stroke, polycystic ovary disease, kidney stones, certain types of
cancer, weight loss, diabetes, and insulin resistance syndrome.
The aim of Calcium in Human Health is to provide students, scientists, and health
professionals including physicians, nutritionists, dentists, pharmacists, dietitians, and
health educators with up-to-date research on calcium function and its relationship to
health. The amount of new information has been almost explosive linking calcium to
health in the last decade with the associations to weight loss, diabetes, and insulin resis-
tance syndrome evolving in the last 5 years. Equally exciting are the discoveries coming
from molecular biology and genetics. Our basic understanding of calcium absorption and
the influence of gene polymorphisms is evolving. Single book chapters cannot do justice
to the amount of new information available.
Calcium in Human Health is divided into six parts. Part I discusses calcium function
as the main element in bone, as an intracellular messenger, and as a stabilizer of proteins.
This section explains why calcium status is part of the etiology of so many disorders. Part
II discusses methods for estimating calcium intakes of various populations as well as how
to conduct controlled feeding studies. The ability to determine calcium intake sheds light
on interpretation of studies of the relationship of calcium intake to disease. The third
section discusses calcium intakes, requirements, and dietary sources of calcium. One
chapter illustrates how widespread calcium deficiencies are throughout the world.
Circumstances that create calcium excesses and the implication of exceeding upper
tolerable levels are reviewed. Another chapter discusses calcium bioavailability and food
factors that influence calcium absorption. Part IV reviews calcium homeostasis. Molecu-
lar mechanisms of calcium absorption and regulators of calcium homeostasis from
genetics to lifestyle choices are reviewed in this section. One chapter suggests an
interesting role for regulation of intake driven by calcium appetite. The influence of total
diet and lifestyle choices on calcium metabolism is also covered in this section. A fifth
section covers calcium through development. Various chapters in this section cover
infancy and childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, and lactation. The last section covers
many of the diseases now associated with calcium intake. Each chapter begins with an
overview of the literature, but the emphasis is on recent findings.
We have devoted most of our careers to the study of calcium and its relationship to
health. As editors, we hope Calcium in Human Health will serve as a critical resource for

xiv Preface

health professionals to enhance their ability to improve health outcomes of individuals;

for researchers who study calcium function and application; for students of health
science, nutrition, and medicine; and for those setting dietary requirements and develop-
ing disease-prevention programs. This comprehensive coverage of calcium in human
health is assembled by the leading researchers in the field of calcium. We believe that
Calcium in Human Health will serve as a useful text and reference. We invite comments
from users of this book about its content and use of various chapters in their investigations
and in training.
Connie M. Weaver, PhD
Robert P. Heaney, MD

Series Editor Introduction ........................................................................................... vii

Foreword ....................................................................................................................... xi
Preface ........................................................................................................................ xiii
Contributors ............................................................................................................... xvii

1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
Connie M. Weaver and Robert P. Heaney
2 Bone as the Calcium Nutrient Reserve ............................................ 7
Robert P. Heaney
3 Cellular Functions and Fluxes of Calcium .................................... 13
Emmanuel M. Awumey and Richard D. Bukoski
4 Nutritional Epidemiology: Dietary Assessment Methods.............. 39
Carol J. Boushey
5 Clinical Approaches for Studying Calcium Metabolism
and Its Relationship to Disease .................................................. 65
Connie M. Weaver
6 Kinetic Studies ................................................................................ 83
Meryl E. Wastney, Yongdong Zhao, and Connie M. Weaver
7 Requirements for What Endpoint? ................................................. 97
Robert P. Heaney and Connie M. Weaver
8 Dietary Calcium: Recommendations and Intakes Around
the World................................................................................... 105
Anne C. Looker
9 Food Sources, Supplements, and Bioavailability ........................ 129
Connie M. Weaver and Robert P. Heaney
10 The Calcium Economy ................................................................. 145
Robert P. Heaney
11 Molecular Regulation of Calcium Metabolism ........................... 163
James C. Fleet

xvi Contents

12 Influence of Total Diet on Calcium Homeostasis ....................... 191

Zamzam K. (Fariba) Roughead
13 Influence of Lifestyle Choices on Calcium Homeostasis:
Smoking, Alcohol, and Hormone Therapies ............................ 209
D. Lee Alekel, and Oksana Matvienko
14 Influence of Physical Activity on Calcium and Bone ................. 227
Matthew Vukovich and Bonny Specker
15 The Case for a Calcium Appetite in Humans .............................. 247
Michael G. Tordoff
16 Infancy and Childhood ................................................................. 269
Steven A. Abrams and Keli M. Hawthorne
17 Pre-Puberty and Adolescence ....................................................... 281
Connie M. Weaver
18 Calcium in Pregnancy and Lactation ........................................... 297
Heidi J. Kalkwarf
19 Calcium in Systemic Human Health ............................................ 313
Robert P. Heaney
20 Calcium and Oral Health .............................................................. 319
Elizabeth A. Krall
21 Dietary Calcium and Obesity ....................................................... 327
Dorothy Teegarden
22 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Reproduction ........................... 341
Susan Thys-Jacobs
23 Premenstrual Syndrome ............................................................... 357
Susan Thys-Jacobs
24 Calcium Throughout the Life Cycle: The Later Years ................ 371
Bess Dawson-Hughes
25 Calcium, Vitamin D, and Cancer ................................................. 387
Peter R. Holt
26 Dietary Calcium and the Metabolic Syndrome ........................... 401
Dorothy Teegarden
27 Calcium and Phosphate Control in Patients
With Renal Disease .................................................................. 411
David A. McCarron and Robert P. Heaney
28 Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease .................................. 421
David A. McCarron
Appendices ................................................................................................................. 433
Index ........................................................................................................................... 443

STEVEN A. ABRAMS, MD • Pediatrics/Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Baylor

College of Medicine, Houston, TX
D. LEE ALEKEL, PhD, RD • Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, Iowa State
University, Ames, IA
EMMANUEL M. AWUMEY, PhD • Cardiovascular Disease Research Program, Julius L.
Chambers Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute, North Carolina Central
University, Durham, NC
CAROL BOUSHEY, PhD, MPH, RD • Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN
RICHARD D. BUKOSKI, PhD • (deceased) Cardiovascular Disease Research Program,
Julius L. Chambers Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute, North Carolina
Central University, Durham, NC
BESS DAWSON-HUGHES, MD • USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts
University, Boston, MA
JAMES C. FLEET, PhD • Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN
KELI M. HAWTHORNE, RD • Pediatrics/Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Baylor
College of Medicine, Houston, TX
ROBERT P. HEANEY, MD • John A. Creighton University Professor, Creighton University,
Omaha, NE
PETER R. HOLT, MD • Strang Cancer Research Laboratory, Rockefeller University,
Professor of Medicine (Emeritus), Columbia University, New York, NY
HEIDI J. KALKWARF, PhD • General & Community Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
ELIZABETH A. KRALL, PhD, MPH • Health Policy & Health Services Research, Boston
University, Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA
ANNE C. LOOKER, PhD • Division of Health and Nutrition Examination Statistics,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics,
Hyattsville, MD
DAVID S. LUDWIG, PhD • Division of Endocrinology, Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA
OKSANA MATVIENKO, PhD • Physical Education, Leisure Services, School of Health,
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA
DAVID A. MCCARRON, MD • Academic Network, Portland, Oregon; Department
of Nutrition, University California at Davis, Davis, CA
LAWRENCE G. RAISZ, MD • Center for Osteoporosis, Department of Medicine, University
of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT
ZAMZAM K. (FARIBA) ROUGHEAD, PhD, RD • Novartis Medical Nutrition, St. Louis Park,

xviii Contributors

BONNY L. SPECKER, PhD • E.A. Martin Program in Human Nutrition, South Dakota
State University, Brookings, SD
DOROTHY TEEGARDEN, PhD • Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN
MICHAEL G. TORDOFF, PhD • Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, PA
SUSAN THYS-JACOBS, MD • Department of Medicine, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital
Center, Columbia University, New York, NY
MATTHEW VUKOVICH, PhD • Exercise Physiology Laboratory, South Dakota State
University, Brookings, SD
MERYL E. WASTNEY, PhD • Metabolic Modeling Service, Dalesford, Hamilton, New
CONNIE M. WEAVER, PhD • Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN
YONGDONG ZHAO, MD • Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN
Chapter 1 / Introduction 1

1 Introduction

Connie M. Weaver and Robert P. Heaney

Calcium is one of 21 elements known to be essential to humans. It is one of three

minerals required in the diet in relatively large quantities and for which a Dietary Ref-
erence Intake (DRI) has been established by the Food and Nutrition Board. At this
writing, calcium requirements are set as Adequate Intakes (AI) rather than as Recom-
mended Dietary Allowances (RDA). The decision to set an AI rather than an RDA by the
1997 Food and Nutrition Board related more to the use of a new approach for determining
optimal calcium intakes than to the stated paucity of data for determining calcium
requirements. Calcium is the most studied of the minerals in relationship to human
health. In Spring 2004, a Medline search for articles about minerals published between
1994 and 2004 yielded 62,852 articles about calcium. The next most cited minerals were
iron (14,963 articles), zinc (10,399 articles), and magnesium (10,097 articles). The most
cited common mineral deficiencies in the world are in iron, iodine, and zinc. Yet, more
people are further from their recommended intakes for calcium than for any of these
minerals. Inadequate calcium intake has such a long latency period before signs of dis-
ease are apparent that its association with health is not adequately appreciated. This book
covers the functions of calcium, the approaches for determining calcium intakes for
optimal health, and the relationship of calcium status to long-studied and newly identified
Adequate calcium nutrition has such far-reaching impact because of calcium’s unique
chemistry. Calcium has an intermediate binding affinity. For example, it is not so tightly
bound to proteins—as is zinc—that it cannot readily be removed. Thus, it can serve as an
on/off switch in cell regulation. It has only one oxidation state so it is not prone to be toxic
at high concentrations or to cause tissue damage under various conditions. As part of
hydroxyapatite, it forms a material strong enough to support our bodies for many decades,
but light enough to allow mobility. Like other minerals, calcium is immutable, and
therefore cannot be synthesized or degraded. This is a huge advantage for analysis, even
after long-term storage, so long as samples are protected from contamination from extra-
neous calcium sources.
Calcium is not efficiently absorbed or retained by the body. It can form complexes that
are poorly digested. Much of the small fraction that is absorbed is excreted by obligatory
losses or is affected by other dietary constituents. Determining bioavailability of calcium
and factors that influence the calcium economy is facilitated by the availability of many
useful isotopic tracers of calcium.

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
2 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 1. Status of knowledge of calcium and human health.

The status of knowledge about calcium and human health is briefly summarized in
Fig. 1. Some of the most pressing gaps in our knowledge about calcium and needed
research are also included. The interplay of calcium with other environmental factors and
its regulation and requirements at the soft-tissue level are the least understood areas, both
because they are difficult to measure and because complex research design is required to
answer these questions.
Calcium as a nutrient is not useful to health in isolation. For example, utilization of
calcium depends on adequate vitamin D status. Dietary sodium greatly influences renal
calcium reabsorption. Adequate bone mass requires protein, phosphorus, magnesium,
Chapter 1 / Introduction 3

and several trace nutrients as well as nondietary factors including sex steroid hormones
and mechanical loading. None of the diseases addressed in this book has as a single
etiology calcium deficiency. Nevertheless, it is useful to assemble our knowledge of the
broad influence of calcium and its relationship to human health in one book for perspec-
tive and convenience.
Chapter 2 / Bone as the Calcium Nutrient Reserve 5

Chapter 2 / Bone as the Calcium Nutrient Reserve 7

2 Bone as the Calcium Nutrient Reserve

Robert P. Heaney

• Bone is the body’s calcium nutrient reserve.
• This reserve, over the course of evolution, acquired a secondary function—mechanical
strength and rigidity—serving to support work against gravity.
• The reserve is added to or drawn upon by net addition or removal of microscopic units
of bony tissue, not by simple withdrawal or addition of calcium atoms.
• The size of the reserve is determined by a combination of mechanical loading and net
dietary calcium availability.
• Calcium is a threshold nutrient, in that bone mass increases as calcium intake increases
up to the point where mechanical needs are met; above that level, no further calcium
retention occurs and absorbed calcium is simply excreted.

In addition to its obvious structural role, the skeleton is an important reservoir of
calcium, serving both to maintain plasma calcium concentrations and to make optimal
use of ingested calcium. It serves both functions mainly by adjusting the balance between
bone formation (which transfers mineral from blood to bone) and bone resorption (which
transfers mineral from bone to blood). It is important to stress at the outset that calcium
cannot generally be withdrawn from bone per se; instead, it is scavenged from the tearing
down of structural bony units. Thus, reduction in skeletal calcium reserves is equivalent
to reduction in bone mass, and augmentation of the reserve is equivalent to augmentation
of bone mass.
These same processes of formation and resorption are what constitute bone structural
remodeling, or turnover. Remodeling of bone continues throughout life, and skeletal tissue
is replaced every 10 to 12 yr on average. All bone remodeling occurs at anatomical bone
surfaces. Bone-resorbing osteoclasts begin the remodeling process by attaching onto a
bone surface, sealing it from the rest of the extracellular fluid (ECF); they then extrude
packets of citric, lactic, and carbonic acids to dissolve the bone mineral, and proteolytic
enzymes to digest the organic matrix. They thereby remove parcels of bone, leaving
behind a cavity, or resorption bay. Later, bone-forming osteoblasts synthesize new bone
to fill in the cavity and replace the previously resorbed bone.

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
8 Calcium in Human Health

Formation and resorption are coupled both systemically and locally, and when resorp-
tion is high, formation is generally high as well. But the coupling is neither continuous
nor perfect. Resorption normally exceeds formation during fasting, when no calcium is
being absorbed from the intestine, and formation normally exceeds resorption during
absorption of calcium from ingested food or supplements. This is how the body adjusts
to intermittent intestinal absorptive input. Overall, however, the two processes are about
equal when averaged over the day. Continuous net imbalances (i.e., changes in the size
of the reserve) do occur in several situations. For example, bone formation exceeds
resorption during growth, and resorption exceeds formation during lactation, or in the
development of osteoporosis, or in the face of ongoing dietary shortage of calcium.

Calcium is a unique nutrient in several respects. It is not the only nutrient with a
substantial reserve in healthy individuals, but it is the only one for which the reserve has
required an important function in its own right. We use the reserve for structural support
(i.e., we literally walk on our calcium nutrient reserve). Calcium is unique also in that our
bodies cannot store a continuing surplus, unlike, for example, energy or the fat-soluble
vitamins. Calcium is stored not as such but as bone tissue, and the quantity of bone tissue
is determined by cellular processes, with the responsible bone cellular apparatus con-
trolled through a feedback loop regulated by mechanical forces, not by calcium intake.
In brief, given an adequate calcium intake, we have only as much bone as we need for the
mechanical loads we currently experience. Once our skeletons have reached their geneti-
cally and mechanically determined mass, unless something intervenes such as pregnancy
or pharmacotherapy, we cannot accumulate more bone simply by consuming more calcium.
This feature is the basis for the designation of calcium as a “threshold” nutrient with
respect to skeletal status, a term that means that calcium retention rises as intake rises, up
to some threshold value that provides optimal bone strength (see Fig. 1); then, above that
level, increased calcium intake produces no further retention and is simply excreted. This
threshold intake is the lowest intake at which retention is maximal,that is, it is the mini-
mum daily requirement (MDR) for skeletal health (see Chapter 7). The MDR varies with
age, and is currently estimated to be approx 20–25 mmol (800–1000 mg/d) during child-
hood, 30–40 mmol (1200–1600 mg/d) during adolescence, approx 25 mmol (1000 mg/d)
during the mature adult years, and 35–40 mmol (1400–1600 mg/d) in the elderly (2–4). As
previously noted, the rise in the published requirement in old age reflects an age-related
decline in ability to adapt (i.e., to respond to low intakes with improved absorption and
Calcium is unique in another respect related precisely to the reserve function of the
skeleton. The best-attested disease manifestation of calcium deficiency (osteoporosis) is
due not to impairment of the metabolic functions of calcium (see Chapter 3), which would
be the case, for example, with the B vitamins, but instead to a decrease in the size of the
reserve. For no other nutrient is this the case. Bone strength is a function of bone mass
which, in turn, is equivalent to the size of the calcium nutrient reserve. This reserve is vast
relative to the demands of calcium for cell signaling and activation, particularly because
these metabolic functions do not actually consume calcium. Hence, nutritional calcium
deficiency almost never manifests itself as a shortage of calcium ions in critical cellular
or physiological processes. With most other nutrients, the reserve must first be exhausted
Chapter 2 / Bone as the Calcium Nutrient Reserve 9

Fig. 1. Threshold behavior of calcium intake. (A) Theoretical relationship of bone accumulation
to intake. Below a certain value (the threshold, indicated by an asterisk), bone accumulation is a
linear function of intake (the ascending line); in other words, the amount of bone that can be
accumulated is limited by the amount of calcium ingested. Above the threshold (the horizontal
line), bone accumulation is limited by other factors and is no longer related to changes in calcium
intake. (B) Actual data from two experiments in growing rats showing how bone accumulation
does, in fact, exhibit a threshold pattern. (Redrawn from data in Forbes et al. [1]. Copyright Robert
P. Heaney, 1992. Used with permission.)

before clear manifestations of disease or dysfunction develop. But for calcium, it is the
simple reduction in skeletal mass that reduces bone strength and accordingly increases
fracture risk. In brief, calcium intake insufficient to offset obligatory losses leads to
reduction in bone mass, and is thus one of the causes of osteoporosis.
When excretory and dermal losses exceed absorbed dietary intake, the mechanisms
designed to protect ECF [Ca2+] tear down bone to scavenge its calcium. The mechanisms
by which the reserves are accessed or augmented are set forth in detail in Chapter 10. Here
we note only that parathyroid hormone (PTH) is evoked by a fall in calcium intake. At
the same time, PTH is responsible for regulating the prevailing level of bone remodeling.
PTH activates remodeling loci, which proceed through an orderly sequence of events
consisting of (1) activation, which is manifested morphologically as retraction of lining
cells from the bone surface about to undergo remodeling; (2) resorption of bone by
osteoclasts; (3) replacement of the osteoclasts by osteoblasts, which lay down new bone
to fill the hole created by osteoclastic resorption; and (4) return to the resting state, with
the bone surface once again covered by a sheet of lining cells. The destructive, resorptive
phase typically takes 3 wk in healthy adults, and the formative, reconstructive phase takes
3–6 mo.
Millions of such remodeling loci, each at different stages of this process, are going
through this sequence at any time in the skeleton as a whole, some adding calcium to the
blood, and some taking it up into new bone. An acute increase in remodeling activity
initially creates an excess of resorption (because the new loci are all in the initial resorp-
tive phase of the cycle). In this way, an increase in remodeling allows bone to contribute
calcium to the blood. Conversely, an acute decrease in remodeling initially creates a
10 Calcium in Human Health

temporary excess of formation. These imbalances are how the bone accommodates a
relative surplus or shortfall of absorbed calcium, hour by hour and day by day.
In providing the calcium needed to maintain critical body fluid concentrations, the
reserve is functioning precisely as it should. But sooner or later there has to be payback,
or the reserve becomes depleted, with an inescapable weakening of skeletal structures.
During growth, on any but the most severely restricted of intakes, some bony accumu-
lation will usually occur, but the result of an insufficient calcium intake is usually failure
to achieve the full genetic potential for bone mass. Later in life, the result is failure to
maintain the mass achieved. As also noted in Chapter 24, both low bone mass and
osteoporotic fractures have many causes other than low calcium intake. Nevertheless,
under prevailing conditions in the industrialized nations, at mid-to-high latitudes, the
importance of calcium intake is considerable. Calcium-supplementation trials, even those
of short duration, have resulted in reductions in fracture in the elderly amounting to 30%
or more (5,6).


In addition to a large effect size, the evidence for calcium’s role is itself very strong.
There have been roughly 80 published reports of investigator-controlled increases in
calcium intake with skeletal endpoints, most of them randomized, controlled trials and
most of them published since 1990 (7). The vast majority demonstrated either greater
bone mass gain during growth, reduced bone loss with age, and/or reduced osteoporotic
fractures. The exceptions among these studies were, for example, a supplementation trial
in men in which the calcium intake of the control group was itself already high (nearly
1200 mg/d) (8), and a study confined to early postmenopausal women (9) in whom bone
loss is known to be due predominantly to estrogen deficiency.
Complementing this primary evidence are roughly 130 observational studies testing
the association of calcium intake with bone mass, bone loss, or fracture (7). It has been
shown elsewhere (10) that such observational studies are inherently weak, not only for
the generally recognized reason that uncontrolled or unrecognized factors may produce
or obscure associations between the variables of interest, but because the principal vari-
able in this case, lifetime calcium intake, cannot be directly measured and must be
estimated by dietary recall methods. The errors of such estimates are immense and have
been abundantly documented (11,12; see also Chapter 4). Their effect is to bias all such
investigations toward the null. Nevertheless, more than three-fourths of these observa-
tional studies reported a significant calcium benefit. Given the insensitivity of the method,
the fact that most of these reports are positive emphasizes the strength of the association;
at the same time, it provides reassurance that the effects achievable in the artificial context
of a clinical trial can be observed in real-world settings as well.


These observations show clearly that variations in calcium intake in the range com-
monly encountered in the industrialized nations have substantial influences on the
osteoporotic fracture burden (when intakes are low) or protect against fracture (when
intakes are high). The most obvious explanation is the effect of calcium intake on opti-
Chapter 2 / Bone as the Calcium Nutrient Reserve 11

Fig. 2. Plots of the cumulative incidence of fractures, redrawn from the studies of Chapuy et al.
(5) (right) and Dawson-Hughes et al. (6) (left). In both cases, the upper line represents the placebo
control subjects, and the lower line represents the calcium and vitamin D-treated subjects. The
shaded zones represent the reduction of fracture risk, which, as can be readily seen, starts with the
very beginning of treatment. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 2004. Used with permission.)

mizing the size of the calcium reserve. But it is likely that there is a second aspect of the
reserve involved in bony fragility as well. Examination of the cumulative fracture plots
of the calcium intervention trials of Chapuy et al. (5) and Dawson-Hughes et al. (6) shows
that the reduction in fracture risk begins almost immediately after supplementation is
started—too soon for there to have been an appreciable effect on bone mass (Fig. 2).
Recent appreciation of the role of bone quality , as distinct from bone quantity , has
led to an understanding of the fact that remodeling loci themselves directly contribute to
fragility (13), independently of bone mass. Remodeling rate doubles through menopause
and continues to rise throughout the remainder of life (14), in part because of inadequate
calcium and vitamin D intakes. The immediate effect of calcium and/or vitamin D supple-
mentation in typical postmenopausal women is a reduction of PTH secretion and with it,
a corresponding and immediate reduction of bone remodeling. As the data assembled in
Fig. 2 show, there is an immediate reduction in bony fragility as well. In brief, not only
does low calcium intake contribute to bony fragility by depleting the reserve, but the very
process of accessing the reserve itself renders bone fragile. Slowing that process confers
an immediate benefit.
Several factors influence the size of the calcium reserve by direct action on bone
(rather than by way of the calcium economy). Among these are smoking, alcohol abuse,
hormonal status, body weight, exercise, and various medications. Smoking and alcohol
abuse exert slow, cumulative effects by uncertain mechanisms that result in reduced bone
mass and increased fracture risk. Low estrogen status and hyperthyroidism produce
similar net effects, although probably by very different mechanisms. Bone mass rises
directly with body weight, again by uncertain mechanisms. Exercise, particularly impact
loading, is osteotrophic and is important both for building optimal bone mass during
growth and for maintaining it during maturity and senescence.
12 Calcium in Human Health

The body possesses reserve supplies of most nutrients, which it uses to ensure smooth
functioning in the face of irregular nutrient intake. Bone is the body’s calcium reserve.
This reserve is larger than for any other nutrient mainly because it has acquired a second-
ary, nonnutrient role—internal stiffening and mechanical support of our bodies. The size
of the bony reserve is limited at its upper bound by mechanical need, and below that, by
net calcium intake. Because the reserve is large, nutritional calcium deficiency virtually
never compromises the basic metabolic functions of calcium. Rather, by depleting the
reserve, the body weakens bone and jeopardizes its mechanical function. As a conse-
quence and unlike with most other nutrients, reduction in the size of the nutrient reserve
has immediate health consequences.

1. Forbes RM, Weingartner KE, Parker HM, Bell RR, Erdman JW Jr. Bioavailability to rats of zinc,
magnesium and calcium in casein-, egg- and soy protein-containing diets. J Nutr 1979;109:1652–1660.
2. NIH Consensus Conference: Optimal Calcium Intake. J Am Med Assoc 1994;272:1942–1948.
3. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D, and Fluoride. Food and
Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, Washington, DC: 1997.
4. Matkovic V, Heaney RP. Calcium balance during human growth. Evidence for threshold behavior. Am
J Clin Nutr 1992;55:992–996.
5. Chapuy MC, Arlot ME, Duboeuf F, et al. Vitamin D3 and calcium to prevent hip fractures in elderly
women. N Engl J Med 1992;327:1637–1642.
6. Dawson-Hughes B, Harris SS, Krall EA, Dallal GE. Effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation
on bone density in men and women 65 years of age or older. N Engl J Med 1997;337:670–676.
7. Heaney RP. Calcium, dairy products, and osteoporosis. J Am Coll Nutr 1999;19(2):83S–99S.
8. Orwoll ES, Oviatt SK, McClung MR, Deftos LJ, Sexton G. The rate of bone mineral loss in normal men
and the effects of calcium and cholecalciferol supplementation. Ann Int Med 1990;112:29–34.
9. Nilas L, Christiansen C, Rødbro P. Calcium supplementation and postmenopausal bone loss. BMJ
10. Heaney RP. Nutrient effects: Discrepancy between data from controlled trials and observational studies.
Bone 1997;21:469-471.
11. Barrett-Connor E. Diet assessment and analysis for epidemiologic studies of osteoporosis, In: Burckhardt
P, Heaney RP, eds. Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis. Raven, New York, NY: 1991;91–98.
12. Beaton GH, Milner J, Corey P, McGuire V, Cousins M, Stewart E, et al. Sources of variance in 24-hour
dietary recall data: implications for nutrition study design and interpretation. Am J Clin Nutr
13. Heaney RP. Is the paradigm shifting? Bone 2003;33:457–465.
14. Recker RR, Lappe JM, Davies KM, Heaney RP. Bone remodeling increases substantially in the years after
menopause and remains increased in older osteoporosis patients. J Bone Miner Res 2004;19:1628–1633.
Chapter 3 / Cellular Calcium Fluxes 13

3 Cellular Functions and Fluxes

of Calcium

Emmanuel M. Awumey
and Richard D. Bukoski*

• Ionized calcium is an important signaling ion, and its cellular concentration is regulated
by the intestine, kidney, bone, and the placenta (during pregnancy).
• The concentrations of Ca2+ in extracellular spaces and intracellular compartments are
regulated by hormones and through membrane proteins that facilitate transient changes
in cellular Ca2+ that are vital to cell function.
• Voltage-dependent channels, receptor-operated channels (many coupled to G proteins),
and a myriad of transport proteins, all operating by different influx/efflux mechanisms,
regulate intracellular Ca2+ levels.
• Perturbations in these Ca2+ influx/efflux mechanisms lead to various disease states.

The divalent cation, or ionized, calcium—Ca2+—is a mineral that is critical to normal
human health, playing vital roles in fertilization, metabolism, blood clotting, nerve impulse
conduction, muscle contraction, structure of the bony skeleton, and cellular communica-
tion. As covered in detail in Chapter 9, the primary dietary sources of calcium in contem-
porary diets are dairy products and to a lesser extent, leafy green vegetables. Dietary
recommendations for calcium vary with age and pregnancy, as discussed in Chapter 8.
When considering dietary sources, it is important to recognize the fact that ionized
calcium is the biologically active form of the mineral and that bioavailability of calcium
varies among different food groups.
Ionized calcium translates external signals into internal signals in the cell, a function
facilitated by its small size and its affinity for protein molecules. The Ca2+ signal is
translated by Ca2+–protein interaction within the secondary and tertiary structure of the
peptide. Ca2+ is much more suitable as a signaling ion than other prevailing ionic species
because of the size of its ionic radius, which is smaller than that of potassium ions (K+)


From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
14 Calcium in Human Health

and chloride ions (Cl–) but larger than that of magnesium ions (Mg2+) and small enough
to fit into intracellular pores, whereas that of sodium ions (Na+) is too small. In addition
to this property, the two positive charges on the Ca2+ ion and a coordination number of
6–8 make Ca more flexible in interacting with the polypeptide structure, without con-
straint, to effect conformational changes necessary for signal transduction.
Cell activity is coordinated and controlled by a variety of signaling mechanisms, many
or all of which involve the release of Ca2+ from critical intracellular compartments into
the cytoplasm.
Furthermore, because the mean path length of Ca2+ entering through the plasma mem-
brane is only a fraction of the cell diameter, it has been necessary for cells to evolve an
elaborate intracellular calcium storage mechanism, which is activated to release Ca2+ into
the cytosol in response to appropriate signals. For example, during striated muscle con-
traction, the initial trigger Ca2+ enters the cell from the extracellular space as a result of
membrane depolarization. This activates intracellular Ca2+ release from internal storage
sites into the myoplasm and its subsequent binding to regulatory sites to initiate cross-
bridge formation. Relaxation follows when Ca2+ is removed from the myoplasm.
In view of the critical role that Ca2+ plays in the normal health and function of all cells,
it is therefore not surprising that elaborate regulatory mechanisms for the transport and
storage of Ca2+ have evolved at the whole-body and cellular levels. Failure of some or all
of these regulatory mechanisms can lead to significant changes in the level of circulating
Ca2+ that, in some instances, will not be compatible with life.
From this overview, it should be apparent that Ca2+ is a critical ion for the maintenance
of life. Not surprisingly, elaborate and highly complex mechanisms are involved in
maintaining its level within narrow limits in the cell (Fig.1). Calcium homeostasis is
complex because it involves the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, kidney, and bones. It is our
goal to review these systems with primary emphasis on cellular Ca2+ regulation. Where
possible, we provide examples of syndromes that are associated with disturbances in Ca2+


Activation of excitable cells results in Ca2+ influx from extracellular space through
voltage-dependent and/or receptor-operated Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane and
release from intracellular storage sites to raise the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration from nM
to μM levels. To return the Ca2+ concentration to resting levels, ATP-driven Ca2+ trans-
port to the extracellular space and into intracellular stores occurs (1). Ca2+ is the main
point of intersection for many distinct molecular signaling pathways and in living organ-
isms plays a dual role, both as an ion required for cell survival and as an inducer of cell
death. The presence of excess Ca2+ in the cytosol or perturbation of intracellular Ca2+
compartmentalization leads to Ca2+ overload, which triggers apoptotic or necrotic cell
death (2). Changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations are accomplished through modu-
lation of Ca2+ influx channels, Ca2+ exchange proteins, and various Ca2+-dependent
enzymes (3). The loss of regulatory ability of any of these Ca2+ influx/efflux mechanisms
and the consequent increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) leads to a wide
variety of pathological events such as brain trauma, stroke, and heart failure.
Chapter 3 / Cellular Calcium Fluxes 15

Fig. 1. Cellular Ca2+ signal transduction. AC, adenylyl cyclase; ATP, adenosine triphosphate;
cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; Ca2+ pump, plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase; DAG,
diacyl glycerol; GPCR, G protein-coupled receptor; Gi/o, GFi/o G protein subunit; Gq, GFq G
protein subunit; Gs, GFs G protein subunit; IP3, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate; IP3R, inositol 1,4,5-
trisphosphate receptor; NCX, sodium-calcium exchanger; PIP2, phosphotidyl-inositol 4,5-
bisphosphate; PKA, protein kinase A; PKC, protein kinase C; PLC, phospholipase C; P-protein,
phosphorylated protein; RyR, ryanodine receptor; SERCA, sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum
Ca2+-ATPase; SOCE, store-operated Ca2+ entry; TRP, transient receptor potential; VDCC, volt-
age-dependent Ca2+ channel.

In nonexcitable cells, changes in [Ca2+]i are initiated by cellular responses to hormones

and growth factors that act through the hydrolysis of membrane-bound inositol phospho-
lipid and that are mediated by at least two second messengers, namely diacyl glycerol
(DAG), which activates protein kinase C (PKC), and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3),
which binds to the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) in the endoplasmic reticu-
lum (ER) membrane to release Ca2+ into the cytosol (4). The interaction of cells with their
environment occurs through interdependent signals that are mediated by receptors in the
plasma membrane, and activation of these receptors by their ligands leads to conforma-
tional changes and the transmission of signals across the membrane to trigger a cascade
of events in the cell that result in alteration of its function. An increase in the concentration
of intracellular Ca2+ initiates diffusion, waves, or oscillations of Ca2+ that propagate in
the nucleus to affect gene transcription or are sequested by the ER or mitochondria (5–
8). These events are regulated by the interplay of multiple counteracting processes in the cell.
16 Calcium in Human Health


Normal [Ca2+]i is maintained between 20 and 100 nM, relative to the extracellular
space calcium concentration ([Ca2+]e) of approx 1.3 mM. In addition to free cytosolic
Ca2+, there are storage sites in the cell that can hold Ca2+ at a concentration between 10
and 20 mM Ca2+ (9). Thus, there are steep Ca2+ gradients across the plasma membrane
from the interstitial space to the cytoplasm, and across intracellular membranes from
storage sites. The main cellular storage sites for Ca2+ are the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR),
ER, and mitochondria. As a result of these separate compartments and the fact that [Ca2+]i
can rise to μM levels, systems are in place to regulate it within narrow limits so as to
protect the cell from Ca2+ overload and subsequent cell death. To achieve this purpose,
receptors, transporters, and channels in the cell membrane play important roles. Ca2+
movement from the cell to the extracellular space occurs against a Ca2+ gradient of 20–
100 nM (inside) and 1.3 mM (outside) and is mediated by a Ca2+ pump (Ca2+-ATPase)
and a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX). The Ca2+-ATPase plays a major role, and the NCX a
minor role, in regulating cellular Ca2+ fluxes. The Ca2+-ATPase uses ATP to pump Ca2+
out of the cell or into ER/SR against concentration and electrical gradients. Many of these
Ca2+ transport proteins are influenced by 1,25(OH) 2D3, which regulates the transcription
of genes that code for these proteins.

3.1. Calcium Influx Pathways

Calcium enters the cell from the interstitial space mainly via voltage-dependent or
receptor-operated Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane. There are several of these Ca2+
entry pathways in mammalian cells, and their characteristics and functions may vary
from tissue to tissue. In addition, intracellular Ca2+ pumps in organelles rapidly sequester
Ca2+, thus restricting its diffusion internally unless it is required. The three main types of
Ca2+ channels that have been extensively described are voltage-dependent calcium chan-
nels (VDCC) (10), receptor-operated calcium channels (ROCC) (11), and store-operated
calcium entry (SOCE) or capacitative calcium entry (CCE) channels (12). The CCE
mechanism is a very important influx pathway in nonexcitable cells; however, its role in
the function of neuronal cells has also been reported (13) and may be implicated in some
neuropathological conditions (14–16). In addition to these channels, the Ca2+-sensing
receptor (CaSR) (17) and transient receptor protein (TRP) channels (18) also constitute
significant Ca2+ entry pathways, albeit operating to mediate influx by different mechanisms.
VDCC are employed largely by excitable cells (muscle and neurons) to move Ca2+
from the extracellular space into the cell. They often exist as multiple isoforms, with
tissue-specific expression and different gating characteristics, and are activated by the
depolarization of the plasma membrane. Different types of VDCCs have been identified
in mammalian tissues and have been shown to mediate specialized cellular functions
(19). The voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels are important therapeutic targets because of
their specific characteristics. The two main types, found in the cardiovascular system, are
the L and T type channels, which have distinct electrophysiological properties and may
have distinct roles in this tissue. In cardiac and smooth muscle cells, VDCC control
excitation–contraction coupling. The L-type Ca2+ channel is the best known and charac-
Chapter 3 / Cellular Calcium Fluxes 17

terized among the high voltage-activated calcium channels. It is distinguishable from

other voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels by its sensitivity to 1,4-dihydropyridine com-
pounds such as nifedipine (20–22). The T-type Ca2+ channels, which are also expressed
in the cardiovascular system, are prominent in conducting and pacemaking cells but are
not normally present in adult myocardium. Although very little is known about the T-type
Ca2+ channels because of the lack of pharmacological tools for their study, the recent
discovery of a selective blocker of this channel with important cardiovascular actions
indicates that it, too, may become a useful therapeutic target (23–25). These channels are
thought to regulate vascular tone, signal conduction, cardiac pacemaking, and the secre-
tion of certain intercellular transmitters and to play an important role in the tissue remod-
eling that occurs in pathological processes such as cardiac hypertrophy (26–28). Thus,
the availability of novel antagonists that selectively block T-type Ca2+ channels will
facilitate their future characterization. In recent times, neuron-specific calcium channels
have been the subject of intense research and a number of agents that are selective for
these channels are being investigated for their potential in the therapy of chronic neuro-
pathic pain (29). These channels are large-conductance, Ca2+-activated potassium chan-
nels, which play a major role in the regulation of spike waveform and the temporal pattern
of repetitive spike discharge that are important in mature neural circuits (30).
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with disturbances in the regu-
lation of [Ca2+]i. Hyperglycemia leads to acute increases in [Ca2+]i as a result of influx
and release from internal storage sites, secondary to activation of dihydropyridine-sen-
sitive Ca2+ channels (31). Spontaneous mutations of VDCC in skeletal muscles lead to
malignant hyperthermia and familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis.
Receptor-operated Ca2+ channels are structurally and functionally diverse and are
prevalent on secretory cells and nerve terminals. The nicotinic acetylcholine and N-
methyl- D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are classic examples of receptor-operated Ca2+
channels. They are activated by agonist binding to the extracellular domain of the chan-
nel. In smooth muscles, Ca2+ required for contraction comes from both intracellular
release from ER and extracellular entry via several ROCC (32). Several hormones and
neurotransmitters activate nonselective Ca2+ channels in various tissues (33,34). These
entry pathways are dependent on activation of pertussis toxin-sensitive, G protein-coupled
receptors (GPCRs) and therefore can be considered ROCCs (35). In a human neuroblas-
toma cell line, carbachol-stimulated Ca2+ entry was shown to be mediated by a receptor-
operated Ca2+ channel that was dependent on IP3-induced Ca2+ release (36); however, in
glomerular mesangial cells, it was mediated by epidermal growth factor-activated, SOCE
through an IP3-independent, phospholipase C (PLC)-dependent pathway (37), indicating
tissue-specific mechanism of activation of these receptors. In the myocardium, a number
of receptor-mediated signaling pathways are activated through PLC and phospholipase
D (PLD) (38).
The release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores in nonexcitable cells activates Ca2+ entry
via channels in the plasma membrane, a process known as SOCE or CCE (12). The
channels are activated in response to depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores as a result of
18 Calcium in Human Health

physiological Ca2+ mobilization or by the action of pharmacological agents such as

thapsigargin (39–41). Although the precise mechanism of this entry process is the subject
of rigorous research in many laboratories, there is a consensus that it involves conforma-
tional coupling between Ca2+ entry channels in the plasma membrane and Ca2+ release
channels in the ER membrane (42). It has been proposed that a diffusible calcium influx
factor messenger is synthesized by depleted Ca2+ stores and that this activates Ca2+ entry
channels in the plasma membrane. The store-operated Ca2+ channels are ubiquitous,
having been demonstrated in many different cell types. The electrophysiological charac-
teristics of these channels differ from cell to cell, giving rise to the demonstration of
different types of this channel. Although the molecular identity of the channel has not
been established unequivocally, TRP proteins have been implicated (43).
Presenilin-1 is one of the genes implicated in the etiology of early-onset autosomal-
dominant or familial-onset Alzheimer’s disease (14). Mutant presenilin-1 deregulates
neuronal Ca2+ homeostasis by direct attenuation of CCE at the cell surface independent
of amyloid precursor protein (APP), and by an indirect increase of ER Ca2+ stores via
processing of APP and generation of amyloid peptides and C-terminal (C99) fragments
of APP.
The CaSR is a seven-transmembrane GPCR that binds Ca2+ at the extracellular domain
and transduces the signal through cAMP and phospholipases (PLC, PLD, or PLA)
depending on the cell type (17). Activation of PLC leads to IP3 production and release
of stored intracellular Ca2+ from ER, thus transiently raising the cytoplasmic Ca2+ con-
centration following activation of IP3R in the ER membrane. Reduction in [Ca2+]i is
rapidly achieved by Ca2+ pumps located in the ER and plasma membranes. However, the
released Ca2+ also opens plasma membrane SOCE or CCE channels that allow influx of
Ca2+, resulting in a sustained plateau (44–47) or periodic oscillations of [Ca2+]i that
regulate cytosolic as well as nuclear functions of the cell (4,48). A diverse array of
signaling mechanisms is implicated in these events, which are linked to membrane chan-
nels; however, the molecular mechanisms of these Ca2+ signaling pathways are not clear.
Studies have shown that stimulation of the CaSR with [Ca2+]e produces oscillations in
[Ca2+]i, the pattern and frequency of which play a key role in signal transduction; but there
are conflicting views on the mechanisms involved.
The generally accepted model is based on the negative feedback effects of PKC on the
production of IP3 or on the regulatory properties of [Ca2+]i on the IP3R (49–51). Young
et al. (52) have suggested that negative feedback by PKC could play a role in the genera-
tion of [Ca2+]e-evoked [Ca2+]i oscillations via the CaSR, contradicting the study by
Breitwieser and Gama (8), which concluded that the activity of a variety of protein
kinases, including PKC, do not influence the pattern of [Ca2+]i oscillations elicited by
activation of the human parathyroid (hPTH) CaSR by Ca2+. It is therefore clear from these
reports that the mechanisms of the CaSR-mediated [Ca2+]i oscillations are yet to be
resolved. The CaSR couples, through the intracellular loops and carboxyl terminal chain,
to multiple G proteins that mediate its biological actions, and three modes of coupling
have been reported: namely, through GFi to inhibition of adenylate cyclase (AC) and
activation of ERK1/2; through GFq to stimulation of PLC and PLA2; and through GGL
to stimulation of PI3-kinase (53). However, GGL is also known to activate PLCG isoforms,
Chapter 3 / Cellular Calcium Fluxes 19

and the expression profile of these isoforms in cells may dictate the ability of the GGL to
mediate PI and Ca2+ signaling. Phosphorylation of PLCG by PKA and PKC plays an
important role in the regulation of this isoform and provides part of a well-recognized
negative feedback loop.
It is clear that many GPCRs can simultaneously initiate multiple second messenger
pathways by coupling to more than one GF subunit and influencing the functional prop-
erties of GGL (54–56). In studies on the human G2-adrenergic receptor, which mediates
increases in [Ca2+]i via cAMP, site-specific mutagenesis indicated that low concentra-
tions of agonist induced receptor phosphorylation at PKA sites, whereas higher concen-
trations induced phosphorylation at PKC and GPCR kinase (GRK) sites (57–58).
Evidence from studies on the metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) indicates that the
receptor is regulated by agonist-induced, PKC-dependent feedback inhibition of the IP3
pathway and the agonist-independent, PKA-dependent pathway, which potentiates IP3
signaling (59). Thus, GPCR activation can lead to functional integration of an intricate
network of intracellular signaling pathways as well as stimulation of effectors completely
independent of G proteins. Calcium mobilization from intracellular stores triggers events
that lead to secretion, contraction, and energy generation in the short term and the
regulation of proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and gene transcription in the long
term (17).
Mutations in the hPTH Ca2+-sensing receptor have been linked to disorders of Ca2+
homeostasis due to alterations in the set point of parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion
and control of renal Ca2+ excretion. Inactivating mutations in the CaSR gene cause
familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) and neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism
(NSHPT), and activating mutations cause a form of autosomal dominant hypocalcemia
TRPs were originally named for the Drosophila transient receptor potential mutant
(64), and since the identification of mammalian TRPs, a family of homologs and splice
variants has been described (65,66). The mammalian TRPs (also known as TRPCs)
belong to the short TRP family of which seven (TRPs 1–7) have been described (67).
TRP1 and TRP3 are the most widely studied mammalian TRPs and have been implicated
in the mediation of store-depleted Ca2+ entry in nonexcitable cells (68,69). As previously
discussed, activation of PLC leads to IP3 production and release of stored Ca2+ following
activation of IP3R in the ER membrane, and a subsequent influx of Ca2+ resulting in a
sustained plateau (45,46) or periodic oscillations of [Ca2+]i that regulate cytosolic as well
as nuclear functions of the cell (4,48).
The identity of the Ca2+ entry channels remains a key question, as does the mechanism
by which they are activated. Several studies have indicated that SOCE is associated with
TRPs, and various lines of evidence support the hypothesis that TRPs can, in certain
circumstances, form part of a store-operated, Ca2+-permeable channel in mammalian
cells (43,68); but much confusion still exists as to whether SOCE channels are TRP
channels, and vigorous investigation is being carried out in many laboratories to defini-
tively identify store-depletion-activated Ca2+ channels as TRP channels. Other studies
suggest that expression of the hTRP3 in human embryonic kidney (HEK)293 cells forms
a nonselective cation channel that opens after activation of PLC but not after store deple-
20 Calcium in Human Health

tion, indicating that TRP3 may be linked to endogenous proteins to form channels that
are sensitive to store depletion (68). There is overlap between store-operated and recep-
tor-operated Ca2+ entry because the latter is potentiated by the activation of the former,
suggesting that both may belong to the same family of mammalian TRP proteins.

3.2. Calcium Release and Reuptake From Internal Storage Sites

The release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores is mediated by distinct messenger-acti-
vated channels such as the IP3R and the ryanodine receptor (RyR). These channels
provide most of the signal Ca2+ in cells (70). The trigger for release is the binding of
ligands, such as hormones and growth factors, to specific receptors in the plasma mem-
brane, resulting in the opening of integral Ca2+ channels in the ER membrane. Many of
these receptors are coupled to G proteins that are linked to PLC activation to cause the
release of Ca2+ from ER. Stimulation of one type of GPCR can be influenced by the
stimulation of a different type, a phenomenon known as cross-talk (71). These interac-
tions may be important in the control of cell function; however, there is no unifying
mechanism to explain the many examples of cross-talk among GPCRs that contribute to
the control of intracellular Ca2+ release. A number of studies indicate that there is direct
modulation of PLC activity via GGL (72–74); however, regulation of phosphatidylinos-
itol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) supply (75–77) and sensitization of IP3Rs (78,79), among
other processes, have been suggested to play significant roles in these mechanisms.
Reuptake of Ca2+ from the cytosol is facilitated mainly by sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic
reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) pump. Thus, both the IP3Rs and RyRs are coupled to
extracellular signals (80). Studies employing vascular myocytes indicate that activation
of IP3Rs coupled to RyRs releases large quantities of Ca2+, which causes salutatory
propagation of [Ca2+]i waves (81,82). Both the IP3R and the RyR display considerable
amino acid sequence homology and similar channel-opening characteristics (83–85).
These systems are controlled by negative feedback mechanisms, which ensure that just
enough Ca2+ is released to give a meaningful signal, yet avoid Ca2+ overload and cyto-
3.2.1. THE IP3R
There are at least three isoforms of IP3Rs, which are coded by different genes and have
different characteristics, functions, and tissue distribution patterns (86–90). The IP3R is
activated by the second messenger, IP3 produced from the hydrolysis of membrane PIP2,
following activation of PLC through GPCRs (91,92). The released IP3 then binds to the
IP3R in the ER membrane to produce conformational change in the receptor, which leads
to the opening of the integral channel allowing Ca2+, at high concentration in the store,
to move into the cytoplasm. The opening of the channel is regulated by changes in the
cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, with modest increases (0.5–1.0 μM) enhancing release, and
large increases (>1 μM) leading to inhibition and generation of complex patterns such as
waves, sparks, and oscillations (4,93).
Oscillations are spontaneous changes in bulk intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, result-
ing from cycles of release and reuptake of stored Ca2+; they are regulated either by protein
kinases or phospholipases (94–96). Intracellular Ca2+ oscillations play important roles in
cellular signaling to the nucleus. In B lymphocytes, the amplitude and duration of Ca2+
oscillations have been shown to control differential activation of the pro-inflammatory
transcriptional regulators nuclear factor (NF)PB, c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK), and
Chapter 3 / Cellular Calcium Fluxes 21

NF of activated T-cells (NFAT), which are Ca2+-dependent. Downstream effectors in

these pathways can decode information contained in the oscillations, revealing a mecha-
nism by which multifunctional second messengers such as Ca2+ can achieve specificity
in signaling to the nucleus. Multiple sparks summate to form Ca2+ waves in cardiac and
skeletal muscles, which propagate along the tissue. Spontaneous mutations in the IP3R
in the central nervous system are linked to Alzheimer’s disease (31).
The RyR is structurally and functionally analogous to the IP3R, with twice the conduc-
tance and molecular mass of the latter. It has a high affinity for the plant alkaloid ryanodine,
from which it derives its name. The Ca2+ sensitivity of the receptor is between 1 and 10 μM,
and concentrations greater than 10 μM inhibit it. Thus, ryanodine acts both as an agonist
and an antagonist at the receptor. The receptor also interacts with multiple exogenous
ligands such as toxins, xanthines, and anthroquinones (97). Therefore, the receptor con-
stitutes a rich and important pharmacological target for modulating cellular functions
because of its role in regulating intracellular Ca2+ concentrations and its ability to bind
multiple ligands. The receptors are largely present in excitable cells, such as muscle and
neurons, where they play significant roles in impulse transmission and are responsible for
Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) from intracellular stores, which amplifies the signal
resulting from membrane depolarization.
There are at least three subtypes (RyR1, RyR2, and RyR3) of the RyR, which are coded
for by three different genes and expressed in different tissues (98). RyR1 is predomi-
nantly expressed in skeletal muscles and can be gated by direct or indirect coupling to
dihydropyiridine-sensitive receptors on the T-tubules. RyR2 is the primary isoform in
cardiac muscle, where it is involved in excitation, whereas RyR3 is widely expressed in
a variety of tissues, including smooth muscles, where it regulates Ca2+sparks and spon-
taneous outward currents. The RyR3 may also be co-expressed with RyR1 and RyR2 in
some tissues (99–101).
The characteristics and functions of RyRs in cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscles
have been well described. In the brain, RyRs are present in presynaptic entities, where
they regulate intracellular Ca2+-concentrations, membrane potential, and the activity of
a variety of second messengers (102) and play significant physiological roles in modu-
lating local Ca2+ levels and neurotransmitter release; these functions are important for an
understanding of the cellular mechanisms controlling neuronal function. Cyclic adenosine
diphosphoribose (cADPR) is a known intracellular Ca2+mobilizing agent in sea urchins,
where it is produced together with IP3 during fertilization and has been shown to play a
role as an endogenous modulator of CICR in longitudinal muscle (103) and thought to be
a modulator of the RyR Ca2+release channels in bone and pancreatic G-cells (104–107).
In skeletal muscles, mutations of the RyR1 isoform are linked to malignant hyperther-
mia, and the formation of autoantibodies to the receptor is the cause of myasthenia gravis
(31). The reduction in RyR2 expression in the heart is associated with cardiomyopathy.
The SERCA pump is structurally and functionally similar to the plasma membrane
Ca2+-ATPase. It belongs to a family of highly conserved proteins encoded by three highly
homologous genes—SERCA1, SERCA2, and SERCA3 (108). SERCA1 gives rise to alter-
nately spliced variants, 1a and 1b, which are expressed in fast-twitch fetal/neonatal and
22 Calcium in Human Health

adult muscle, and SERCA2 gives rise to the variants 2a and 2b. SERCA2a is the primary
isoform found in the heart (where it is the critical determinant of Ca2+ handling by SR,
which is required for excitation–contraction coupling), whereas SERCA2b is expressed
ubiquitously in association with IP3-gated Ca2+ stores. The activity of SERCA is modu-
lated by phospholamban, an integral membrane protein (109). Ca2+ transients, as well as
the activity and expression patterns of Ca2+ handling proteins, especially SERCA2a, are
altered in the failing heart; thus, the amount of SR Ca2+ that is available for contraction
is altered (110).
Spontaneous mutations in SERCA1 in skeletal muscles are associated with Brody
Disease, and reduction in the expression of SERCA2 in the myocardium leads to hyper-
trophy and heart failure. Mutations in SERCA3 in pancreatic G-cells have been linked to
diabetes mellitus (31).
The mitochondrion functions in the long-term, large-scale regulation of [Ca2+]i (111).
It protects the cell against large fluctuations in [Ca2+]i, a function achieved by the pres-
ence of both a low-affinity, high-capacity Ca2+ uniporter (which moves large amounts of
Ca2+ out of the cytosol into storage in the mitochondria) and the NaCX (112). The
mitochondria are able to accumulate large amounts of Ca2+ in a relatively slow process
and store it, for example, under pathological conditions in which the permeability prop-
erties of the SR/ER are altered. This ability is related to the existence of a system for the
simultaneous uptake of inorganic phosphate, which then precipitates Ca2+ in the mito-
chondrial matrix in the form of insoluble hydroxyapatite. This mechanism allows for
storage of excessive amounts of Ca2+ without essential changes in the ionic activity of the
mitochondrial matrix. Ca2+ transport into the mitochondria from the cytosol is mediated
by ruthenium red-sensitive Ca2+ uniporters and efflux by a Na+-dependent and –indepen-
dent mechanisms (113) that play important roles, such as the control of metabolic rate for
cellular ATP production, modulation of amplitude and shape of cytosolic Ca2+ transients,
and induction of apoptosis. In addition, other studies have linked the RyR to the dynamic
uptake of Ca2+ during [Ca2+]i oscillations (114), suggesting that the RyR may be respon-
sible for the rapid uptake of Ca2+, a process that may be important in the removal of excess
Ca2+ from the cytosol.
In addition to the above Ca2+ translocation systems, calsequestrin (in SR) and
calreticulin (in ER) play significant roles in regulating cellular calcium (115). These
hydrophilic, high-capacity and low-affinity proteins are the major Ca2+-binding proteins
in muscle and nonmuscle cells, and they achieve this by forming complexes with excess
Ca2+ in the cytosol. Calsequestrin is an acidic protein which is present in the lumen of the
junctional terminal cisternae of the SR and rapidly binds and releases large quantities of
Ca2+. It interacts with RyRs, thus ensuring storage of high concentrations of Ca2+ near
release sites. Calreticulin is present in the ER lumen, where it acts as a chaperone during
the synthesis of channel proteins, surface receptors, and transporters and participates in
the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis by modulating ER Ca2+ storage and
transport (116). Calmodulin is the major Ca2+-binding protein in nonmuscle cells and is
the most ubiquitous of intracellular Ca2+binding regulatory proteins. It affects the func-
tion of many proteins, enzymes, and ion channels (117,118).
Chapter 3 / Cellular Calcium Fluxes 23

Mutations in cardiac calsequestrin gene (CSQ2) are linked to arrhythmias and sudden
cardiac death (119).

3.3. Calcium Efflux Pathways

Ca2+ extrusion from the cell is carried out mainly by the plasma membrane Ca2+-
ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger.
The plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase or Ca2+ pump is a high-affinity ( KM:1 μM), low-
capacity transport protein expressed in a tissue-specific manner in both excitable and
nonexcitable cells (120). The proteins are encoded by four genes, and alternate mRNA
splicing gives rise to multiple isoforms with different regulatory properties (121,122).
The plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase is activated directly by calmodulin to increase its
affinity for Ca2+ (120). Its role is in the fine-tuning of intracellular free Ca2+, which it
achieves by using the energy from the hydrolysis of ATP, in the presence of Ca2+ and
Mg2+ to transport two Ca2+ ions from the cytoplasm into the extracellular space. This
transport is electroneutral in function, in that two protons (H+) are exchanged for one
Ca2+. Studies by Kip and Stoehler (123) show that expression of the plasma membrane
Ca2+-ATPase in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells is upregulated by
1,25(OH)2D3, and this increase correlates with increase in transcellular Ca2+ influx from
the apical toward the basolateral compartment, supporting the relevance of this hormone
in kidney tubular Ca2+ absorption. Genetic evidence indicates the existence of mamma-
lian Ca2+-ATPase isoforms generated from a multigene family by alternative RNA splic-
ing with different regulatory properties, probably as a consequence of different tissue
specificities and physiological requirements (120).
The NCX is an asymmetric, high-capacity, low-affinity transporter which was initially
reported to be abundant in nerve, muscle, and epithelial cells but that has now been
identified in a wide range of tissues. Most of the NCXs expressed in other tissues,
however, are similar to that found in muscle and neuronal tissue; they are particularly
abundant in heart (124). Typically, the NCX moves net Ca2+ either out of or into cells
depending on the driving electrochemical force, giving rise to “Ca2+-entry” and “Ca2+-
exit” modes of exchange. It exchanges two Na+ ions for every Ca2+. The entry mode is
dependent on intracellular Na+ to drive Ca2+ influx and Na+ efflux, and is insensitive to
ouabain (125). The exit mode is dependent on intracellular Ca2+ and is sensitive to
ouabain but insensitive to tetrodotoxin. Because the affinity of the transporter for intra-
cellular Ca2+ is low, under physiological conditions only a small fraction of the exchang-
ers are active at a normal, resting [Ca2+]i of approx 100 nM in most cells. However, at peak
activity of excitable and secretory cells, when [Ca2+]i is in the μM range, the exchanger
is fully activated. Thus, this system constitutes a very important mechanism for Ca2+
extrusion from excitable and secretory cells, which go through cycles of low- and high-
[Ca2+]i. Although cytosolic ATP does not play any role in the extrusion process mediated
by the NCX, it substantially alters its kinetics, most likely through phosphorylation at
sites in the protein molecule that are important for activity (126). Rosker et al. (127) have
shown that overexpression of a nonselective TRPC3 cation channel interacts with the
NCX in Ca2+ signaling, suggesting an association between these transport proteins. A
24 Calcium in Human Health

comprehensive review of the properties of the NCX is provided by Blaustein and Lederer
The common abnormalities of heart failure include hypertrophy, contractile dysfunc-
tion, and alteration of physiological properties, which contribute to low cardiac output
and sudden death (128). Although prolonged NCX currents are implicated in these events,
the involvement of Ca2+ currents varies. Alterations in inotropy in dilated human cardi-
omyopathy are associated with impaired intracellular Ca2+ handling as a result of the
inability to restore basal Ca2+ levels leading to Ca2+ overload (129,130). The activity of
the NCX is apparently reduced in myocardial ischemia, leading to intracellular Ca2+
overload which can result in arrhythmia, myocardial stunning, and necrosis (131). On the
other hand, congestive heart failure and myocardial hypertrophy are associated with
increased NCX activity and decreased inotropic state.


Under normal conditions, the maintenance of Ca2+ balance in the body is the result of
the interplay among the intestines, kidney, and bone; the placenta is also involved in the
maintenance of this balance during pregnancy. A complex Ca2+ traffic occurs among
intestines, kidney, and bone and is controlled mainly by the PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3,
which is synthesized from 25(OH)D3 in the kidney (132). (See also Chapter 10, “The
Calcium Economy.”)

4.1. Calcium Fluxes in the GI Tract

Adequate absorption of Ca2+, Mg2+, and PO43– from the GI tract is necessary for
normal mineral homeostasis, which in turn is vital to the control of Ca2+ levels in blood,
skeletal growth during childhood, and the maintenance of bone mass in adulthood. Ca2+
absorption in the GI tract occurs mainly in the intestine by a classical epithelial transport
mechanism (9). Ca2+ is transported across the intestinal epithelium at the brush border or
apical membrane into the cell, translocated by a calcium-binding protein (CaBP),
calbindin, to the basolateral membrane on the opposite side, and exported via the Ca2+-
ATPase pump into the extracellular space. The amount of Ca2+ absorbed is dependent on
its availability in the diet and the absorption capacity of the intestine, and the absorption
process is regulated at least in part by 1,25(OH)2D3. Approximately 200–300 mg/d of
total luminal content of 1000 mg (800 mg daily uptake; 200 mg from pancreatic, biliary,
and intestinal secretions) is absorbed, giving a gross GI absorption efficiency of 30%.
This absorption is influenced by cellular and paracellular transport, systemic modulators
of cell function, and intraluminal factors. In addition to the epithelial transport, Ca2+ can
be transported directly through the gap junctions in the epithelial layer into the extracel-
lular space when the concentration of Ca2+ in the lumen is high (133–135). Thus, GI Ca2+
absorption is a sum of two transport processes—namely, a saturable, transcellular uptake
that is regulated physiologically, and a nonsaturable, paracellular process that is depen-
dent on the concentration of the mineral in the lumen of the intestine.
The transcellular transport of Ca2+ involves specific transport systems, which are
dependent on an electrical gradient across the mucosal membrane and on Ca2+ binding
to calbindin intracellulaly for export via the Ca2+-ATPase in the basolateral membrane
(136). Thus this process is active, saturable, and unidirectional. Calbindin rapidly binds
Chapter 3 / Cellular Calcium Fluxes 25

the free cytosolic Ca2+ to maintain the basal level around 100 nM to prevent cellular Ca2+
overload (with its associated effects of necrosis and apoptosis) (135). The mucosal trans-
port, intracellular binding, and basolateral extrusion are influenced by 1,25(OH)2D3 via
its effect on the synthesis of transport and binding proteins, with maximum effect being
exerted on calbindin and ATPase synthesis.
Paracellular Ca2+ transport is a passive, nonsaturable, bi-directional process that occurs
when luminal Ca2+ concentration is high. Although this process may be independent of
1,25(OH)2D3, this hormone is known to increase the permeability of gap junctions and,
therefore, can increase Ca2+ transport under such conditions (137).

4.2. Calcium Fluxes in the Kidney

An important role of the kidney is the regulation of inorganic ion balance. The kidney
filters 10,000 mg of Ca2+ per day; approx 99% of this is re-absorbed in the tubules of the
nephron and 1% is excreted in the urine (132). To maintain total body balance, the amount
excreted is balanced by absorption in the intestine. Reduction in the plasma concentration
of Ca2+ is counteracted by intestinal re-absorption, renal tubular resorption, and bone
resorption. Generally, Ca2+ re-absorption in the kidney proceeds in parallel with Na+
excretion (138). The bulk of the filtered Ca2+ is re-absorbed primarily in the proximal
tubule, with some re-absorption occurring in the distal and collecting tubules. The mecha-
nisms of re-absorption of Ca2+ in the kidney are similar to those in the intestine, because
both involve epithelial transport. In the proximal tubule, absorption occurs by two mecha-
nisms—namely, transcellular (20%) and paracellular (80%) processes. The transcellular
transport is an active process in which Ca2+ diffuses across the apical membrane down
an electrochemical gradient and channels, and leaves the cell across the basolateral
membrane against its electrochemical gradient, using Ca2+-ATPase and NCX (139). The
kinetics of Ca2+ transport in the distal luminal membrane indicate the presence of Ca2+
channels, which have been shown to be voltage-dependent (125).

4.3. Calcium Fluxes in Bone

Bone is composed of collagen and crystals of hydroxyapatite, Ca10(OH)(PO4)3, in a
ground substance of glycoproteins and proteoglycans (141). This highly anionic environ-
ment allows for high cation binding and is thought to play an important role in the
calcification of bone after the collagen fibers and ground substance have been laid down
during bone formation by osteoblasts. Dietary calcium plays an important role in the
growth and development of bone, and intakes below normal (600–800 mg/d) delay the
onset of skeletal maturity and may result in deficits in adults. Calcified bone, therefore,
constitutes a large reservoir of Ca2+, which is available through bone remodeling, to
buffer rises and falls in extracellular fluid (ECF) [Ca2+] (142). Bone remodeling is the
algebraic sum of formation by osteoblasts and resorption by osteclasts, and any imbal-
ance in this system results in the preponderance of one over the other.
In order for Ca2+ to be released from bone, osteoclasts in contact with the calcified bone
surfaces produce and release proteolytic and lysozomal enzymes, as well as hydrogen
ions, into the localized area beneath the apical membrane of the cell, creating an acidic
environment to dissolve the crystals and expose the matrix. The extrusion of protons
requires the presence of ion exchangers, pumps, and channels in the basolateral mem-
brane of the cell to maintain electrochemical balance. Thus, Ca2+ transport proteins
26 Calcium in Human Health

similar to those found in the epithelium of the intestine and kidney are also present in
osteoclastic cells, where they regulate Ca2+ fluxes during bone resorption. Osteoblastic
and odontoblastic cells have been shown to express splice variants of the NCX, and
therefore show high Na+-dependent Ca2+ extrusion activity (143). Studies also indicate
that a Ca2+-sensing receptor present on the surface of osteoclasts senses the changes in
the Ca2+ concentration in the environment and thereby induces signals that are transmit-
ted into the interior of the cell to alter its function (144). The osteoclast Ca2+-sensing
receptor is believed to be linked to a plasma membrane RyR receptor (145,146). An
interesting observation, however, is that the signaling by the osteoclast Ca2+-sensing
receptor is not dependent on coupling to G proteins, unlike the Ca2+-sensing receptors
that have been described previously (17).

4.4. Calcium Fluxes in the Placenta

The placenta is the major organ involved in calcium transport from the mother to the
developing fetus, a process regulated by a complex array of hormones (147–150). A
prerequisite for the reproductive health of the mother and normal fetal development is
proper calcium homeostasis, which is regulated by the placental trophoblast epithelium
(151–153). Placental calcium transport is an active process that occurs in the
syncytiotrophoblastic epithelium, which separates the maternal and fetal circulations,
and is developmentally regulated to handle the increasing Ca2+ needs of the growing
fetus. Under normal conditions, Ca2+ and nutrients are translocated in a maternal-to-fetal
A number of Ca2+ transport mechanisms have been reported for the placenta; however,
there is no consensus on the exact process except that there is a net influx of Ca2+ from
the maternal side to the fetal side of the placenta (154,155). Ca2+ is transported against
a concentration gradient because the concentration in fetal plasma is higher than that in
maternal plasma, suggesting an active process requiring ATP. Because the trophoblastic
layer is an epithelium, it is assumed that its Ca2+-transport machinery consists of com-
ponents similar to those found in the GI tract—namely, a channel, a pump, and substrate-
binding protein. The main transport proteins involved in Ca2+ transport in the placenta are
the Ca2+-activated ATPase (156–159) and soluble CaBPs such as calbindin-D9K (which
is similar to the vitamin D-dependent intestinal protein [160,161]), oncomodulin or
parvalbumin (162,163) (whose role in plancental Ca2+ transport is unknown), and a high-
molecular-weight CaBP expressed exclusively in the placenta and shown to be function-
ally involved in placental Ca2+ uptake (164,165). The expression of these high-affinity
Ca2+-binding proteins in the placenta suggest that they play important roles in regulating
or shuttling cytosolic Ca2+ in the placenta. The exact roles of these proteins in Ca2+ uptake
in the placenta, however, have not been established. The Ca2+ATPase may function in
similar fashion to the plasma membrane transporter that extrudes Ca2+ from the cytosol
of cells. The Ca2+-activated ATPase has been identified in human placenta and has been
shown to be functionally involved in transmembrane Ca2+ uptake (156–159).

4.5. Hormonal Regulation of Ca2+ Transport

As described in the previous sections (as well as in Chapter 10), the concentration of
Ca2+ in the blood can be influenced by input from the intestine and kidney and by rapid
mobilization from bone remodeling. The two major hormones involved in the regulation
Chapter 3 / Cellular Calcium Fluxes 27

of serum Ca2+ levels are PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3, the former being the primary, acute
controller. When the level of Ca2+ in the blood falls, PTH is secreted to restore it to normal
levels. This is achieved by the CaSR on parathyroid cells sensing the drop in Ca2+ level
and transducing this signal into the release of the hormone, which then acts on the kidney
to increase Ca2+ re-absorption, mainly from the proximal tubule of the nephron, and to
increase the activity of vitamin D 1F-hydroxylase (132). The increase in 1F-hydroxylase
activity in turn increases the synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D3, which then acts on the intestine
to increase Ca2+ absorption from the lumen by increasing the synthesis of proteins
involved in Ca 2+ absorption. In addition, increased PTH secretion stimulates
osteocytolysis and osteoclastic activity in the bone while decreasing osteoblastic activ-
ity. These events combine to return plasma Ca2+ to normal. On the other hand, when
plasma Ca2+ levels rise above normal—for example, as in certain disease states—a sec-
ond hormone, calcitonin, secreted by C cells in the thyroid gland, acts to decrease this
level by stimulating the renal excretion of Ca2+ and to inhibit 1F-hydroxylase activity and
decrease bone remodeling through inhibition of osteoclastic activity. Thus, PTH and
calcitonin exert opposite effects on plasma Ca2+ levels. The hormonal regulation of
plasma Ca2+ level is, therefore, an integrated process, with PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3 play-
ing important roles to maintain the level within narrow limits under normal circum-
stances. From the foregoing, it is obvious that perturbation in any of these systems is
bound to have far reaching effects on whole-body Ca2+ homeostasis.
The regulation of Ca2+ uptake by the placenta is under the primary control of
1,25(OH)2D3. This conclusion is based on the fact that vitamin D receptors (166,167),
1,25(OH)2D3 synthesis (168), and vitamin D hydroxylase activity (169) are all present in
the placenta and surgical removal of the kidney, the main source of 1,25(OH)2D3 synthe-
sis, reduces transplacental Ca2+ gradient, which is restored by the administration of
1,25(OH) 2D3. In humans, regulation of calbindin-D9K expression in the placenta is
thought to be under the control of estradiol (161,170), suggesting the involvement of
estrogens in the regulation of placental Ca2+ transport. Furthermore, the possibility that
parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) is involved in placental Ca2+ metabolism
(171–173) suggests the participation of multiple endocrine pathways in the regulation of
Ca2+ transport in this tissue.

Ca2+ is an important ion with multiple physiological effects that are vital to survival
at all levels of organization. Therefore, plasma Ca2+ levels must be maintained within
narrow limits for internal harmony, and any disturbance in Ca2+ homeostasis is bound to
have consequences for multiple body systems. The interplay among the intestine, kidney,
and bone serves to ensure that the plasma Ca2+ is maintained at optimum levels under
normal conditions. There is a steep downward Ca2+ gradient from the extracellular space
and internal storage sites into the cell cytoplasm. Therefore, mechanisms exist to regulate
Ca2+ fluxes between these compartments to prevent intracellular Ca2+ overload and the
associated deleterious effects of apoptosis and necrosis. The changes in intracellular
Ca2+ concentrations that are necessary for normal functioning of the human body are
brought about by cells interacting with their environment by means of receptors, chan-
nels, and Ca2+ transport proteins to initiate critical events within the cell that lead to
contraction, secretion, and transcription of genes.
28 Calcium in Human Health

Calcium influx in cells occurs by means of transport systems such as voltage-depen-

dent Ca2+ channels, receptor-operated Ca2+ channels, store-operated Ca2++ entry chan-
nels, Ca2+-sensing receptor-mediated Ca2+ entry, and transient receptor potential
channels. Calcium efflux from cells occurs mainly via plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase
and the NCX. In addition to Ca2+ influx and efflux from the cytosol, Ca2+ release from
internal storage sites into the cytosol plays a central role in cellular signal transduction.
This release is part of a mechanism by which cells transmit external stimuli to internal
signals to initiate events that lead to activation of ion channels, enzymes, contraction,
secretion, and gene transcription. These Ca2+-release mechanisms involve IP3/IP3R,
ryanodine/RyR, and SERCA. Mitochondria and Ca 2+-binding proteins such as
calsequestrin, calrecticulin, and calmodulin play important roles in maintaining cytosolic
Ca2+ level within the limits that are necessary for essential cellular functions. Finally, the
various Ca2+ transport systems play significant roles in regulating Ca2+ movement in the
main Ca2+-regulating organs of the body—namely, the intestines, kidneys, and bone.
Any event that compromises any of these systems, therefore, leads to disruption of the
Ca2+ homeostasis of the body.

Dr. Richard D. Bukoski passed away during the preparation of this chapter.

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Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 37


Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 39

4 Nutritional Epidemiology
Dietary Assessment Methods

Carol J. Boushey

• Estimating dietary exposures is useful for identifying modifiable risk factors for disease.
• Several dietary assessment methods have been developed for use in research.
• Many factors, such as study design and research objectives, must be considered in select-
ing a dietary assessment method.
• Biomarkers are useful additions to corroborate results from dietary assessment tools.

Nutritional epidemiology has developed from an interest in the concept that aspects of
diet may influence the occurrence of human diseases. In epidemiology, disease occur-
rence is measured and related to different characteristics of individuals or their environ-
ments. Exposures, or what an individual comes in contact with, may be related to disease
risk. The exposure can be a habit such as smoking, which would increase an individual’s
risk for lung cancer, or the exposure can be an environmental agent such as sun, which
may increase an individual’s risk for melanoma. In the case of nutritional epidemiology,
food and the behaviors surrounding food choices are the exposures. For example, veg-
etable consumption may reduce an individual’s risk for colon cancer, and exposure to
television may increase an individual’s risk of being overweight secondary to an increased
intake of high-energy snack foods.
Measuring dietary intake presents more challenges than other exposures such as smok-
ing. In most cases, the question as to whether an individual smokes can be answered by
a simple “never,” “yes,” or “used to.” In addition, smoking is a physiological habit; thus
the amount smoked per day is fairly constant. Cigarettes are packaged in uniform amounts,
making recall of packs or portions of packs per day fairly straightforward. Most individu-
als would not be able to tell an interviewer the last time they ate apple pie (unless it was
the previous day). On the other hand, an ex-smoker can often tell an interviewer to the
month and year, if not the day and hour, when he/she quit smoking.

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
40 Calcium in Human Health

Table 1
Suggested Dietary Assessment Methods for Different Study Designs
Dietary assessment methods
Food frequency
Study design Brief methods 24-h dietary recall questionnaire Food record
Cross-sectional X X X X
Surveillance X
Case–control X X
Cohort X X X X
Intervention X X X X

Despite the difficulties encountered in the collection of food intake data, dietary infor-
mation provides some of the most valuable insights into the occurrence of disease and
subsequent approaches for mounting intervention programs for prevention. Food is a
universal language. Fortunately, dietary assessment methods continue to evolve to meet
the challenge and there is recognition that further improvements will enhance the con-
sistency and strength of the association of diet with disease risk.
The primary purpose of this chapter is to provide readers with information to insure
the selection of an appropriate dietary assessment method for a particular need. As with
any assessment tool, choosing the right tool for a dietary project is critical to achieving
desired results (1,2). The intent is to focus on dietary assessment methods, and not
specific sources of calcium, which is covered in Chapter 9. An overview of the four
primarily used dietary assessment methods will be discussed and references to more
detailed descriptions will be provided. Then the relationship of dietary assessment meth-
ods to study designs as shown in Table 1 is emphasized with examples from the literature.


2.1. The 24-Hour Dietary Recall
For the 24-h dietary recall, an interviewee is asked by a trained interviewer to remem-
ber foods and beverages consumed in the previous 24 h. To assist the interviewee, food
models and pictures are often used as prompts for assistance with portion sizes (1). The
interviewer uses structured questions and prompts to help the interviewee remember
foods eaten. An interviewer conducts the interview, thus the literacy of the respondent
is not an issue as it is with some other dietary assessment methods. Because of the imme-
diacy, respondents are generally able to recall most of their dietary intake. The reduced
burden on the respondent allows for a sample of participants that may be more represen-
tative than individuals completing a more intensive method, such as the keeping of food
records. In addition, an unannounced interview takes place after food is consumed; thus,
alteration of usual eating habits is unlikely to occur. However, there are circumstances
that may prompt the interviewee to alter his/her usual eating pattern, and therefore the
amount of food consumed the previous 24 h may be reduced. This could occur when a
24-h dietary recall is prescheduled or occurs after an overnight fast (a common occur-
rence when recall is scheduled prior to a fasting phlebotomy session).
Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 41

Fig. 1. The sequential steps for the five-step multiple-pass method for conducting a 24-h recall
with the topic probes for the memory cues.

The Food Surveys Research Group (FSRG) of the US Department of Agriculture has
devoted considerable effort to improving the accuracy of the 24-h recall through devel-
opment and refinement of the multiple-pass method. The multiple-pass method provides
a structured interview format with specific probes. Campbell and Dodds (3) found decades
ago that interviewees receiving probing while being interviewed reported 25% higher
dietary intakes than interviewees without probing. The latest variation of the multiple-
pass approach involves five structured sets of probing (see Fig. 1) compared with its
predecessor, which outlined three passes (4). With this five-step multiple-pass method,
the average number of foods reported per day increased by two from the previous triple-
pass method, and energy intake increased 17%, suggesting a more complete recall of
dietary intake (5). A 24-h recall administered in this style can take 30–60 min.
For the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the FSRG
uses a computerized version of the five-step multiple-pass method that is not available
for public use at this time. However, this technique can be duplicated using the computer-
assisted method available from the Nutrient Data System for Research Software devel-
oped by the Nutrition Coordinating Center (NCC), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN. The direct coding of the foods saves money in data-entry time, missing values, and
standardization. Otherwise, after each interview, the time to enter the dietary information
into an appropriate nutrient database must be considered.
The major drawback of the 24-h recall is the issue of underreporting (6). Factors such
as obesity, gender, social desirability, restrained eating, hunger, education, literacy,
perceived health status, age, and race/ethnicity have been shown to be related to
underreporting (7–10). Common forgotten food items include condiments, savory snacks,
cake/pie, meat mixtures, white potatoes, fat-type spreads, and regular soft drinks (11).
Harnack et al. (12) found significant underreporting of large food portions when food
models showing recommended serving sizes were used as visual aids for respondents.
Larger food portions have been observed over the past 20 to 30 yr (13,14); this may
contribute to underreporting, and methods to capture accurate portion sizes are needed.
Some work addressing this issue has been reported (15,16).
42 Calcium in Human Health

In studies comparing energy intake estimated from the triple-pass method with energy
expenditure estimated from doubly labeled water (DLW) or accelerometers, underreporting
of energy intakes ranged from 17% in low-income women (10) to 26% in overweight and
obese women (17). Comparisons in children under 11 yr of age are mixed. One study
showed a 14% greater energy intake than DLW estimated energy expenditure (18) and
another showed only group estimates of energy intake as being valid (19). Under con-
trolled conditions of weight maintenance, women underestimated energy intake by 13%
during a self-selection period, but overestimated by 1.3% under more controlled condi-
tions (20). Men, on the other hand, underestimated 11% and 13% under both conditions.
Among African-American women with type 2 diabetes, 58% or 81% of the women
underreported energy intake depending on the criteria used for estimating energy expen-
diture (21).
Two published reports comparing the dietary intake results from the five-step mul-
tiple-pass method with actual observed intakes are available at this time (22,23). Conway
et al. (22) recorded observed intakes in 42 adult men and compared the estimated energy
intake from the observations with the energy intake estimated from a five-step multiple-
pass 24-h recall. No significant differences were found for energy, protein, carbohydrate,
and fat. Further, there was no association of body mass index (BMI) with level of report-
ing. For women following the same protocol (23), the population was found to have
overestimated its energy and carbohydrate intakes by 8–10%. No significant differences
between mean observed and recalled intakes of energy and the macronutrients were
found. Recalled fat intake was not significantly different from the observed intake across
the BMI range studied (23).
The five-step multiple-pass method was one of the dietary assessment methods
included in one of the largest, most ambitious studies of biomarkers and dietary intake
(24). The Observing Protein and Energy Nutrition (OPEN) Study collected two 24-h
dietary recalls approx 3 mo apart, as well as DLW and urinary nitrogen as a protein
biomarker, in 484 adults. For men, underreporting of energy intake compared with total
energy expenditure was 12–14% and for protein it was 11–12%. For women, these same
comparisons indicated underreporting of 16–20% for energy and 11–15% for protein. In
general, researchers using the 24-h recall should be aware of the potential for
underreporting and be prepared to minimize the factors related to underreporting and,
possibly, overreporting in children.

2.2. The Food Record

For the food record, participants are asked to record all food and beverages consumed
throughout a 24-h period. To improve the accuracy of the food record, detailed instruc-
tions are provided to the participants and tools for measuring or weighing foods and
beverages consumed must be provided. Because the food record depends on the
individual’s ability and desire to record foods eaten, the number of individuals complet-
ing records may be limited by motivation and literacy. In addition, the process of record-
ing foods can alter how an individual eats (25,26). Although no staff time is involved with
interviewing subjects, as is the case with the 24-h recall, the time required for training
subjects, telephoning with reminders to record, reviewing the records for discrepancies,
and entering the dietary information into a nutrient database must be considered.
Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 43

Because the food record does not require dependence on memory, this method is
sometimes considered the reference standard with which other dietary assessment meth-
ods are compared (1,2). The accuracy of reporting portion sizes can be improved by
training the participants prior to starting the recording process (27). Many of the same
issues listed for the 24-h dietary recall with regard to underreporting also exist for the food
record (8,9,28–31). The food record is especially vulnerable to underreporting because
of the complexity of recording food, and also because the process of recording food has
been shown to be an effective technique for reducing food consumption (25,26). The
range of underreporting for energy intake as compared with energy expenditure as esti-
mated by DLW is between 4 and 37% (32).
The process of reviewing a food record and coding the foods for data entry requires
trained individuals and can take a large amount of time. To decrease the burden on staff,
some food-record methods provide a list of foods to check-off when consumed. As
attractive as this may seem, the restriction in food choices makes this approach similar
to a 1-d food frequency method, and limits the ability of investigators to make conclu-
sions based on some foods and food groupings (33).
Most individuals’ diets vary greatly from day to day (34). Therefore, it is not appro-
priate to use data from a single 24-h recall or a single food record to characterize an
individual’s usual diet. An example of day-to-day variation can be seen in Fig. 2. The
figure shows the estimated daily dietary intakes of calcium from 6 d of food records
collected from three girls prior to starting a metabolic study. The three girls in Fig. 2
represent the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles from 43 girls between the ages of 10 and
14 yr. Had the investigators only collected 1 d, and had that day been day 1 in the figure,
the girl at the 10th percentile would have been assessed as having the highest calcium
intake among the three, and the girl at the 90th percentile would have had the lowest
intake. A single food record or 24-h recall can be used to describe the average dietary
intake of a group; however, that single day cannot be used to assess achievement of
dietary recommendations without special statistical applications (34,35). Therefore, a
minimum of two nonconsecutive days are recommended to make population inferences.
The number of days needed to estimate intake of a particular nutrient depends on the
variability of the nutrient being assessed and the degree of accuracy desired for the research
question (2,36–38). Most nutrients require more than 4 d for a reliable estimate (37,38).
However, most individuals weary of keeping records beyond 4 d, which may decrease the
quality of the records (25). Block et al. (39) used an interesting approach, collecting 2 d
of food records at four different times throughout the year to evaluate a food frequency
questionnaire (FFQ). The advantages of this approach are that the collection of multiple
days spaced far enough apart prevents record fatigue and captures seasonal variation. In
developed countries, the within-person variation of day-to-day dietary intake for any one
nutrient is usually greater than between-person variation; thus, collecting an inadequate
number of days of intake would jeopardize a study’s capacity to accurately describe
intake and find important differences between persons (37).
Beaton and colleagues (38) have developed guidelines for determining the number of
days necessary to estimate an individual’s true intake within a specified degree of error.
Using the formula developed by Beaton (38) and values for the energy-adjusted within-
person coefficient of variation from food records completed by US women as published
44 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 2. An example of day-to-day variation in daily dietary intakes of calcium from 6 d of food
records collected from three girls between 10 and 14 yr of age. The girls were selected from a larger
group and each represented the noted percentile (pctl) in the group for average total dietary calcium

by Willett (2), the number of days needed to estimate a woman’s calcium intake to within
20% of her true mean 95% of the time would be 13 d. The nonadjusted estimate would
be 17 d. Similar principles by which to obtain the number of days to accurately assess
usual intake for a nutrient have been reported by Nelson et al. (37) and Liu et al. (36). For
this approach (37), the number of days of food records needed to ensure that r ⱖ 0.90 for
calcium is 4 for toddlers and male children (5–17 yr of age). The number of days for adult
males is 5, and for adult females is 8. The largest number of days needed, secondary to
having the largest within-person variation, is 12 days for female children (5–17 yr of age).
All of the estimates described here were derived from data collected prior to the 1990s,
before fortification of the food supply with calcium became common. If the calcium-
fortified foods are consumed only occasionally, then the number of days to accurately
estimate calcium intake would increase (as within-person variability would increase). If
these fortified foods are consumed regularly, then the estimates above would most likely
still be valid.

2.3. Food Frequency Questionnaires

The FFQ estimates usual frequency of consumption of foods from a list for a specific
period of time. Depending on the questionnaire used, estimates can be made for total diet
or a specific nutrient or food. There are three basic types of FFQs: qualitative, semi-
quantitative, and quantitative (see Fig. 3) (40). Each style has its advantages and disad-
vantages based on the foods or nutrients being assessed, the objectives of the research,
and the population being assessed. Some widely used and available FFQs are the “Block”
FFQ, which is a quantitative FFQ, and the “Willett” or “Harvard” FFQ, which is a semi-
quantitative FFQ (41). Newly developed and available from the Risk Factor Monitoring
and Methods Branch of the National Cancer Institute is the Diet History Questionnaire
(DHQ), which is a quantitative FFQ. The performance of these three FFQ tools has been
compared and found to be similar (41). The qualitative FFQ, which attempts to classify
individuals according to nutrient intake on the basis of frequency of consumption alone,
Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology

Fig. 3. Examples of the three types of food frequency questionnaires.

46 Calcium in Human Health

has not been used routinely since the mid-1980s (42). Recently, the qualitative FFQ was
resurrected as a “food propensity questionnaire” to help derive usual intake over time
from the 24-h dietary recalls collected in the NHANES (43).
The FFQ estimates usual intake of foods and nutrients over a specified period of time,
e.g., 1 wk, 1 mo, 1 yr. The FFQ is unique in that one can also specify a period of reference
to recall, such as 5 yr ago or 10 yr ago. Like the 24-h dietary recall, the FFQ does not
influence the eating behaviors of respondents. To complete the FFQ, there is a low burden
on respondents. Almost all are optically scannable for easy data entry, some are available
as interactive multi-media (44), and some are moving to a Worldwide Web platform.
The FFQ is intended to rank or compare dietary intakes (e.g., foods or nutrients) among
individuals (45). In particular, the FFQ separates the “highs” from the “lows” with respect
to intake of the specific foods in the FFQ and, to some extent, the nutrients in those foods.
Because of the constraints imposed on the respondent with regard to food choices and
portion sizes, the FFQ should not be used to assess the adequacy of dietary intakes of
individuals or groups (46). The foods in an FFQ are limited to foods representing the
major contributors to a specific nutrient (46), bioactive compound (47), or food groups
(48), and rely heavily on differences in frequency of intake vs portion sizes. Foods are
grouped together, thus limiting specificity if a respondent only eats one food in a group.
As a result, the dietary estimates from an FFQ are not quantifiably precise and have a
larger measurement error than the food record or 24-h dietary recall (33). In addition, the
use of an FFQ is limited to the populations for which the instrument was designed; thus,
whole groups of foods central to a particular eating pattern may be missing from a
particular FFQ (49). Despite these limitations, the probability approach to estimate the
prevalence of inadequate nutrient intakes in a regional population was successfully
used with an FFQ developed to estimate total diet (50).
Most FFQs have been designed to be self-administered and require 30–60 min to
complete, depending on the instrument and the respondent. The process of completing
an FFQ, although not burdensome, can be a high-level cognitive process. Subar et al. (51)
attempted to address many of the cognitive processes involved with completing an FFQ
when redesigning the DHQ. However, the mathematical and conceptual burden of cal-
culating usual intake may be a particular challenge to individuals with lower education
levels. As a result, a proportion of respondents report intakes that are implausible—either
too high or too low. For example, the same interactive multimedia FFQ (44,52) was
administered to middle- and upper-income adults, high-school seniors, and graduate
equivalency diploma (GED) enrollees (53). The prevalence of erroneous results (e.g.,
<600 kcal or ⱖ5000 kcal) ranged from 2.5%, 9%, to 19%, respectively. Low-literacy
audiences are especially prone to difficulties with the FFQ that can be attenuated by using
an interviewer as opposed to self-administration (54).
The studies that have used a self-administered semi-quantitative FFQ most success-
fully include the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professional Follow-Up study
(2,55). All of the respondents in these cohorts are well-educated, which likely contributes
to more valid dietary estimates from the FFQ, compared with other study samples. This
may explain the ability of the researchers affiliated with these cohorts to detect strong
associations between FFQ dietary estimates and disease (56), because dietary measure-
ment error would be attenuated. When the estimated energy intake from the “Willett”
FFQ was compared with total energy expenditure based on DLW in 10 young women
Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 47

(mean age 25.2 yr) and 10 older women (mean age 75.0 yr), the FFQ gave significantly
lower values for the young women, but not the older women (9). On the other hand, the
OPEN Study recruited highly educated subjects and found underreporting in men to be
31–36% for estimated energy intake from the DHQ compared with total energy expen-
diture as measured by DLW (24). The equivalent comparison for women was
underreporting of 34–38%. This is of great concern because underreporting in an FFQ
contributes to severe attenuation in estimating disease relative risks. Schatzkin (57) and
Kipnis and colleagues (58) provide excellent discussions of this problem.


Because it is impossible to monitor the energy expenditure (EE) of every subject in a
study, methods to evaluate under- and overreporters become necessary. Goldberg and
colleagues (59) proposed a cutoff based on energy intake (EI) as estimated by a dietary
assessment method, and EE as estimated by available formulas that include age, weight,
height, and gender. Underreporters are considered to be those individuals in whom the
EI is less than 0.76 of the EE. Acceptable levels are 0.76–1.24. Overreporters are consid-
ered to be those with an EI to EE of more than 1.24. The original formula assumes that
everyone has a sedentary lifestyle, and this has been improved with the addition of
physical activity level (60,61). Several researchers have examined alternatives to iden-
tifying inaccurate dietary reports (7,62). Although these cutoffs are based on energy, it
is important to realize that underreporting and overreporting are selective, and not all
nutrients or foods may be underreported or overreported the same way. Another approach
is to identify absolute levels of energy intake that are improbable given the FFQ instru-
ment used. Commonly used cut-offs are less than 600 kcal and 5000 kcal or more (2). It
is important to check that any individuals identified with implausible values do not differ
from the entire sample, especially with respect to any parameters directly related to the
study’s objective. Completing data analysis with and without the extreme values can
strengthen any conclusions made.


The questionnaires for brief dietary assessment methods are developed specifically for
measuring a single food group or nutrient (63), or behaviors such as removing skin from
chicken before eating or using low-fat salad dressing (64). If an FFQ is shortened to 15–
30 foods, then it is considered a brief dietary assessment method (32). For example, to
develop a brief “fat screener,” Block identified 13 foods that accounted for most of the
intake of fat of American women (65), and used the same technique to develop a “fruit
and vegetable screener” (65). In the fruit and vegetable module for the Behavioral Risk
Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), two questions assess fruit intake, and four ques-
tions assess vegetable intake for a total of seven questions (66). By reducing a 31-item
FFQ to a seven-item questionnaire, a brief assessment method to estimate fruit, juice, and
vegetable intake in an African-American population was created (67).
Neuhouser and colleagues (68) developed and validated a useful brief dietary assess-
ment tool blending features of the 24-h dietary recall and the FFQ, and coined the term
focused recall. The focused recall is intended to produce detailed information that is
focused on a specific group of foods eaten during the previous 24 h. The investigators’
48 Calcium in Human Health

purpose in developing the tool was to target the co-consumption of carotenoid-containing

fruits and vegetables with savory snacks; however, the approach can be generalized to
any specific group of foods, such as dairy or milk products. As a brief method, the tool
holds promise when recent intake of a limited class of foods is relevant to a research
As with any dietary assessment method, the brief assessment method needs to be
evaluated against some other measure of truth; as was done by Neuhouser et al (68). The
advantages of the brief methods are their inherent ease in completion by the respondent
and their ease of analysis by the investigators. The method’s advantage is also its disad-
vantage—the narrow focus may be limiting for many studies.


Other dietary assessment methods do exist, and traditional methods are being adapted;
however, the four previously covered represent the major methods in use today. An
excellent overview of available tools can be found in the comprehensive review done by
Thompson and Byer (1) and later adapted (32). Keeping in mind the primary principles
of each method, their uses in different study designs are covered next.

5.1. Cross-Sectional Study Design and Surveillance Systems

One of the most common study designs is the cross-sectional study that provides a
“snapshot” of the dietary practices of a population at a particular point in time as outlined
in Fig. 4. In population study designs, one first determines the target population for which
the conclusions of the study will be drawn. This will comprise the source population.
Because it is nearly impossible to collect dietary and health information on a complete
census, a sample from the source population is selected following recognized sampling
The source population can be the entire noninstitutionalized population in the country,
as is the case with the sample drawn for the NHANES, or the residents of a state, as in
the BRFSS, or targeted residents of a state, as in the Massachusetts Hispanic Elders Study
(MAHES) (69). For these types of studies, the investigators would assess the subjects’
dietary characteristics, then, for analysis purposes, the individuals would be classified as
either exposed to a dietary factor and “diseased,” exposed to a factor and not “diseased,”
not exposed to a factor and “diseased,” or not exposed to a factor or not “diseased.”
This study design has its limitations when examining the association of diet and its role
in the etiology of a disease. Any disease that has a long latency period, such as cancer or
osteoporosis, would not work for this design. This design cannot be used with diseases
that alter the exposure. For example, individuals diagnosed with osteoporosis may increase
their dietary and supplemental calcium intake secondary to physician orders, thus leading
to the false conclusion that high calcium intake is associated with osteoporosis. In these
cases, results cannot distinguish if diet was a result of the disease or if the diet preceded
the disease. Nonetheless, this is a valuable study design that can address many research
questions using the appropriate dietary assessment methods and research questions for
this design.
Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 49

Fig. 4. Cross-sectional study and surveillance system basic design with examples of studies and
dietary assessment methods used to assess dietary exposures for health outcomes (see text for
1“+” is positive, “–” is negative. Traditionally, outcomes have been disease-present or disease-

absent, such as high blood pressure. However, outcomes can also be risk factors or measures of
nutritional status, such as overweight, level of nutrient stores, hyperlipidemia.
2National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States.
3Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States.
4Massachusetts Hispanic Elders Study, a statewide survey conducted between 1993 and 1997 that

included a representative sample of elderly Hispanics and a neighborhood control group of non-
Hispanic whites.
5Food frequency questionnaire.

For the cross-sectional study, both the 24-h recall and the food record have the advan-
tage of providing dietary intake information about actual foods eaten during the specified
period of time of the cross-sectional analysis. The detail of foods consumed can be used
for analysis according to nutrients and portion sizes, as well as dietary and food patterns.
On the other hand, if the period of recall desired is months prior to the interview, the FFQ
may be the more appropriate choice, as long as relative differences between groups is
appropriate to answer the primary research question. The FFQ almost becomes the instru-
ment of choice when study population size becomes large and/or if resources are limited.
If the subjects are at remote sites in relation to the research center, the FFQ may be favored
because it can be mailed to subjects. Alternatively, the 24-h dietary recall has been shown
to work equally well in-person as well as over the telephone, allowing access to distant
subjects (70).
A study by Novotny et al. (71) had as its primary purpose to identify contributors to
differences in calcium intakes among Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White adoles-
50 Calcium in Human Health

cents. In selecting a dietary assessment method, the investigators considered the potential
differences in dietary intakes secondary to cultural food practices; thus a method that
allowed for specific foods to be recorded was necessary. Another factor was the age of
the subjects. With ages between 11 and 19 yr, the investigators questioned the ability of
the younger subjects to thoroughly complete food records. Based on these concerns and
given that sufficient trained staff were available, the decision was made to use the 24-h
dietary recall. Ideally, more than 2 d were desired; however, resources limited the final
decision to two nonconsecutive days at least 1 wk apart, with the completion of approx
75% of the 24-h dietary recalls on weekdays and 25% on weekends. In the end, two 24-h
dietary recalls were collected from 176 children of Asian, Hispanic, or non-Hispanic White
background using the triple-pass method for the 24-h dietary recall. The multiple-pass
method added the advantage of being a well-documented method with specific proce-
dures that worked well, as the study sites encompassed five different states and identical
procedures could be implemented.
After compiling the dietary data, Novotny and colleagues were able to ascertain that
milk consumption was the most powerful indicator of calcium intake among each group
of children despite their varied intakes. Further, the detail of the 24-h recall allowed for
the observation that milk portion size was significantly associated with soda consump-
tion, especially among the Hispanic adolescents, whereas the Asian children tended to
consume higher-fat dairy foods with lower calcium content (e.g., ice cream and milk
shakes). Thus, the detail of the two 24-h dietary recalls allowed the investigators to
conclude that displacement of milk by soda among the Hispanic adolescents and filling-
up on higher-fat milk products for the Asian adolescents may contribute to their lower
calcium intakes than the non-Hispanic White adolescents, thus providing direction for
targeted messages to youth concerning inadequate calcium intakes.
Application of an FFQ is limited to the populations for which the FFQ was designed.
This becomes especially important with regard to cultural or regionally based foods. The
MAHES is a cross-sectional study that was initiated to study issues of diet and health
among Hispanic adults living in the northeastern United States (69). To estimate dietary
intake, the investigators adapted a version of the “Block” FFQ by modifying the food list
and portion sizes based on data from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey and the Second NHANES. The revised FFQ was evaluated by comparing nutrient
intakes between the FFQ and 24-h dietary recalls. Added foods included plantains, avo-
cado, mango, cassava, empanadas, and custard. One of the published manuscripts from
this cross-sectional study using the FFQ assessed fruit and vegetable intake and its
association with total homocysteine (Hcy) and C-reactive protein (CRP) (72). Significant
dose–response relationships for both plasma CRP and Hcy concentrations with fre-
quency of fruits and vegetable intake were observed. Had the investigators not made the
initial investment to revise and test the FFQ, this significant relationship may not have
been found in this cross-sectional analysis.
The BRFSS is a telephone-based surveillance program conducted by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. As mentioned earlier, the fruit and vegetable brief
dietary assessment questionnaire used by BRFSS has seven questions that have been
Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 51

Fig. 5. Case–control study basic design with examples of studies and dietary assessment methods
used to assess dietary exposures by disease outcome (see text for references).
1North Carolina Colon Cancer Study.
2Food frequency questionnaire.
3Urinary tract infection.

evaluated against other measures (73). This questionnaire works well for the surveillance
system because of its brevity especially in the context of other modules covered in one
telephone interview. Keeping the interview within a reasonable amount of time improves
participation. Each state uses the same set of questions, thus allowing comparisons of
fruit and vegetable intake across states. The same questionnaire is used between years so
that the achievement of five servings of fruits and vegetables daily over time can be

5.2. Case–Control Study Design

The case–control study design is often the study design of first choice when the disease
of interest is a relatively rare event, such as cancer. Either all individuals with the disease
of interest are recruited as being in the study population as “cases,” or a random sample
of individuals with disease are recruited as “cases.” The comparison group or “controls”
are selected as a random sample of the study population that represents the same commu-
nity from which the “cases” were derived, as shown in Fig. 5. In matched case–control
studies, each “case” is matched with one or more “controls” of the same age, gender, and
possibly other factors that may confound the relationship of dietary exposure to disease.
Because the cases already have disease, the period of exposure of interest is the time
before the onset of disease. Given this situation, the food record and 24-h recall, which
reflect recent intake, are not applicable to this study design, because intakes are often
altered by treatment regimens and the primary exposure may be in the distant past. That
leaves the FFQ as the method of choice for a case–control study, with the reference period
for food recall usually being 1 yr prior to the diagnosis of disease. Because the cases
52 Calcium in Human Health

generally are recruited fairly quickly after diagnosis of disease, the period of dietary
recall reference for controls is often the year preceding the interview. Although there is
the possibility of recall bias on the part of the cases having more at stake in remembering
past events, there is otherwise no reason to think that the cases’ and controls’ abilities to
recall over a past year would systematically vary. For some diseases, an individual’s
long-term dietary profile (e.g., the last 10 yr) would be an ideal time frame for dietary
exposure; however, the ability of an individual to recall diet decreases when asked to
recall 5 or 10 yr back (1,74,75).
The North Carolina Colon Cancer Study (NCCCS) examines risks for colon cancer in
African Americans and whites (76). The investigators of this study modified the “Block”
FFQ to accommodate commonly eaten foods in North Carolina. For the analyses of the
association of micronutrients to colon cancer risk (76), only those nutrients that are
reasonably captured by FFQs were included. These were identified as G-carotene, lutein,
vitamins C and E, folate, and calcium. Supplement use was assessed with separate closed-
ended questions. The researchers observed that in whites, the highest quartiles of G-caro-
tene, vitamin C, and calcium intakes were associated with 40–60% reductions in colon
cancer risk compared with the lowest quartiles. In African Americans, vitamins C and E
were strongly inversely associated with a reduced risk for colon cancer. Despite the
findings being consistent with previous research, the difference in risk by nutrients between
the two groups was puzzling to the authors. Such observations could potentially result from
errors in the measurement of diet by the FFQ and justifies further examination of diet and
disease relationships and investigation of improved long-term recall methods.
A brief dietary assessment method was implemented very cleverly by Finnish inves-
tigators examining the role of diet as a risk factor for urinary tract infection (UTI) with
a case–control study design (77). Because UTIs are believed to be caused by bacteria in
the stool, dietary factors may affect the risk of contracting a UTI by altering the properties
of the fecal bacterial flora. Women of an average age of 31 yr with a diagnosis of UTI were
case-matched with women with no episode of UTI in the past 5 yr. A total of 107 case–
control pairs were recruited. The investigators used a remarkably simple brief dietary
assessment questionnaire that included 18 questions on milk and other dairy products,
berries and berry juices, soft drinks, and coffee. For example, women were asked their
frequency of consumption during the past month of milk (fresh or fermented with
probiotics) and responses were never, less than one time per week, one to three times per
week, and three or more times per week. Another question asked their average consump-
tion during the past month of certain products, including milk, sour milk, and yogurt, as
glasses (2 dL/d). The results showed an inverse association between mean daily use of
fresh juice (fruit or berry, dL) and onset of UTI, odds ratio: 0.66 (95% confidence interval:
0.48, 0.92). For probiotic milk products, a significant inverse association was observed
between frequency of consumption and occurrence of UTI. This particular tool was short
and identified very specific dietary patterns; however, it performed its purpose of iden-
tifying possible mediators of UTI in this sample of women.
Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 53

5.3. The Cohort or Prospective Study Design

The cohort study design starts with a healthy group exposed to varying extents to a
given nutrient, and follows the group prospectively, counting the members who develop
disease. It may be either concurrent (i.e., the observation is concurrent with the exposure)
or nonconcurrent (i.e., the exposure precedes much or all of the observation). An example
of the enrollment of participants that will be followed over a period of time is shown in
Fig. 6. Closed cohort studies with fixed membership often include some type of dietary
assessment. For a closed cohort, a source population is identified, then a sampling frame
is created and only those individuals at risk for the disease or diseases under investigation
are included at baseline. For example, the Nurses’ Health Study was initiated to inves-
tigate the potential long-term consequences of the use of oral contraceptives (78). So even
though no single disease was identified, one needed to be a woman to be at risk for
consequences due to oral contraceptives. The investigators selected nurses to follow,
because they would provide a motivated population-base of women capable of complet-
ing detailed health questionnaires. The selection process was further narrowed to married
registered nurses between 30 and 55 yr of age, who lived in the 11 most populous states
and whose nursing boards agreed to supply their members’ names and addresses. The
final baseline cohort members were those women that responded to the initial question-
Once the members of a cohort have been established, baseline characteristics and risk
factors of interest are measured, and then the members of the cohort are followed for onset
of disease. There is a profound advantage with the cohort approach. Dietary intake is
recorded prior to occurrence of any disease; therefore the dietary information is not
biased by the diagnosis of disease. On the other hand, if the follow-up of the cohort
members is a long period prior to the onset of disease, the diet may not appropriately
reflect the average intake of the cohort members over time. Many cohorts in existence
today have addressed this issue by collecting dietary intake at periodic intervals.
Because the purpose of the dietary assessment at baseline for a cohort is to estimate
their current intake, almost every dietary assessment method can be considered. Recall
that most nutrients have large day-to-day variation; thus, if a 24-h dietary recall or food
record were selected, two or more days of each would have to be collected (36,38). Given
that cohorts must be large in order to detect any significant differences between exposed
groups, the collection and analysis of 24-h dietary recalls and food records would prove
to be expensive and impractical. The Nurses’ Health Study previously described enrolled
122,000 women (78)—that would be too great a number of food records or 24-h dietary
recalls to collect over the telephone. For this reason, the dietary assessment method of
first choice in a cohort study is the FFQ. As an alternative, investigators can collect more
detailed dietary information via multiple food records from a smaller sample of cohort
members to assist with evaluation of the FFQ (if it had not been previously validated) and
correction of possible measurement error in the FFQ (79). However, sample selection
from the cohort is not a trivial task, if one wants to ensure unbiased correlations between
the two intake methods (80). Some of the earlier initiated cohorts, such as the Framingham
Heart Study (81) and the Honolulu Heart Study (82), initially used a single 24-h dietary
recall and later adopted study-specific FFQs.
54 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 6. Cohort or prospective basic design with examples of studies and dietary assessment meth-
ods used to assess dietary exposures prior to health outcomes (see text for references).
1Framingham Heart Study originally used a 24-h dietary recall to collect dietary information and

switched to a semi-quantitative food frequency.

2A quantitative food frequency questionnaire is used.
3A semi-quantitative food frequency is used.

Another form of the cohort or prospective study design is the randomized trial. This
is set apart from the observational cohort study in that the eligible subjects are random-
ized to receive an exposure of interest (e.g., vitamin A supplements or intensive dietary
intervention). Figure 6 can be used to depict a randomized trial by replacing “Assess
Exposure” with “Allocate Exposure at Random.” Whichever dietary assessment method
is used to measure effectiveness of an intervention, the subjects, in providing their re-
sponses, are more prone to social desirability, especially the treatment subjects (83).
Some approaches to counteracting this phenomenon include using more than one dietary
assessment measure, using grocery shopping receipts, or using a biomarker. Much less
work has been done on developing valid methods for measuring dietary change in popu-
lation-based randomized trials than for any other study design (83–85).
Another modification of the cohort method or prospective method is to use the prere-
corded disease rates in a national or regional population for control purposes, rather than
selecting a specially selected control group. This approach is appropriate when the ex-
posure to the risk factor in the general population is negligible. Goulding and colleagues
(86,87) adopted this approach using a nonconcurrent cohort design for 50 children 3–10
yr of age who had a history of avoiding the consumption of cow milk for less than 4 mo
at some stage in their lives. Assuming that the exposure in the general population is
minimal with regard to long-term avoidance of cow milk, the number of fractures in this
group of 50 children was compared with the fracture rates in a pre-existing birth cohort
Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 55

(87). In this analysis, the number of fractures in the avoidance group was compared with
the numbers that would have been expected if subjects had experienced the same fracture
rates specific for age and sex as the birth cohort (representing the general population).
Although the exposure of cow milk avoidance was gathered retrospectively, this type of
dietary exposure is not subject to the same recall bias as the detailed consumption of
specific foods. In addition, among this young age group, the assumption that few children
avoid cow milk for long periods of time is probably valid, thus allowing this approach of
using the birth cohort as a general community control group.
In 1980, the Nurses’ Health Study started measuring dietary exposures with the addi-
tion of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire to its battery of questionnaires
( The decision to use a self-administered FFQ
worked well for this cohort because the questionnaire could be mailed to the respondents
residing in 11 different states and easily returned upon completion with the other ques-
tionnaires. Because the members of this cohort are well-educated, they are in a position
to appropriately calculate some of the mathematical problems posed by having one
reference portion size. For example, the frequency would need to be increased if the usual
portion size was double the portion size noted in the questionnaire.
The contribution of portion size to the ranking of individuals for vitamin A intake was
examined by Samet et al. (88). They compared the ranking of individuals by frequency
alone and by “usual” portion sizes based on an in-person interview. The correlations
between the methods were 0.86 for controls and 0.91 for cases. These results suggested
that portion size questions provided little additional information and supported their
decision to use the semi-quantitative FFQ with the cohort of nurses. Another decision was
the period of recall. Women were asked to recall food intake for over the past year. An
extensive evaluation was conducted by Willet and colleagues among a sub-sample of the
cohort population (89). The FFQ was completed followed by 28 d of food records spread
out over 1 yr. At the end of the year, another FFQ was completed. The average nutrient
intakes from the food records were compared to the estimated nutrient intakes from the
FFQ. The correlation coefficients ranged between 0.5 and 0.7, indicating a satisfactory
comparison between the two dietary assessment methods.
The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study was
initiated to study the evolution of cardiovascular disease risk factors (90). This is a
multicenter population-based prospective study of black and non-Hispanic white young
adults using four study centers in Birmingham, AL, Chicago, IL, Minneapolis, MN,
and Oakland, CA. The goal for the dietary assessment measure was to assess patterns
of food and nutrient intake relating to the development of coronary heart disease. The
food frequency approach was appealing because it does not bias intakes and a minimum
level of education is needed to complete the questionnaire. The investigators modified
the 28-d dietary history used with the Western Electric study because this method had
adequately defined intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol, which were found to be
significantly associated with coronary heart disease (79). Modifications included iden-
tifying foods frequently consumed from results of the NHANES II to reflect the current
56 Calcium in Human Health

food supply (at the time) and the intakes of a younger and more diverse population. The
final format consisted of three parts: (1) questions about usual dietary patterns, (2) an
assessment of sodium intake, and (3) a quantitative FFQ. The period of recall was set to
the previous 28 d because this time-frame was found to be compatible with an achievable
recall period and the period would correlate well with serum measures influenced by diet
within this period of time. Rather than allow it to be self-administered, the decision was
made to administer the questionnaire by interview, thus further minimizing the issue of
differences in comprehension among study participants. The investigators recognized in
advance that a 28-d recall period would not reflect seasonal changes in food intake.
However, interviews were scheduled throughout the year so that seasonal intakes would
be determined for the group. The relative validity of the final dietary assessment tool was
evaluated by comparison with food records (79). Even after 15 yr of follow-up, the detail
incorporated into the questionnaire allowed the investigators to identify the frequency of
dairy foods consumed by the subjects (91). In overweight adults, the exposure to dairy
foods was found to be inversely associated with insulin resistance syndrome, a risk factor
for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


There is a unique tool called the “Dietary Assessment Calibration/Evaluation Regis-
ter” available on-line that catalogs the evaluation of dietary assessment methods. When
selecting a dietary assessment method, this may be a useful first stop ( (92). The comprehensive review by McPherson and colleagues in
2000 (93), which evaluated dietary assessment methods among children 5–18 yr of age,
would be useful for planning projects with children. Many calcium-specific FFQs have
been evaluated among a variety of adult populations in the United States (94–99) with
correlation coefficients ranging between 0.33 and 0.85. For Asian, Hispanic, and non-
Hispanic white adolescents in the United States, a semi-quantitative FFQ has been exten-
sively evaluated (46,100). Calcium-specific FFQs have been developed and evaluated
for use with adults in Sweden (101), Italy (102), Australia (103), Malaysia (104), and
Mexico (105), as well as children in New Zealand (106). If one were to adopt one of these
tools, it would be important to evaluate the tool if the populations differ dramatically. In
addition, with the current level of calcium fortification in the food supply, tools devel-
oped in the distant past may not reflect these new sources of calcium.


The examples previously described highlight that the final choice of a dietary assess-
ment method is driven not only by the study design, but by the target population, the study
objectives, the outcome of interest, and the available resources (45). The other issue
alluded to throughout this chapter is the validity of any method for measuring the nutrient,
food or food patterns of interest. Before closing this chapter, this issue will briefly be
addressed. More detailed discussions can be found elsewhere (2,24,26,32,107–110).
As with any measure, there is a desire to insure that the measure is reliable or repro-
ducible and valid. With dietary assessment methods, this presents a challenge because the
opportunities to directly observe and record what individuals eat over an extended period
of time are limited (e.g., feeding studies). As a result, a common approach to evaluating
Chapter 4 / Nutritional Epidemiology 57

a dietary assessment method is to compare one method with a different type of method.
For example, a food frequency may be compared with multiple food records; an advan-
tage of comparing an FFQ to food records is that the records would not have the same
memory bias as the food frequency. Because this type of comparison is basically relating
one method to another, some have referred to this as “calibration” (111). However, this
may be confusing because calibration implies a resetting to a standard, which is not the
intention of “calibration” with regard to dietary assessment. Thus, a recommendation has
been made to refer to all aspects of testing the reliability and validity of dietary assessment
methods as “evaluation” (112). In general, correlation coefficients range between 0.4 and
0.7 for comparison between dietary assessment methods (2,45). These coefficient ranges
highlight the existence of measurement error in all dietary assessment methods, and thus
various methods of energy adjustment (2), methods of correcting for measurement error
(113), and investigations to better understand measurement error have been employed (24).
It may be tempting to use a method previously evaluated as reliable and valid; how-
ever, one must recognize that a method validated with one group may not be applicable
to another (45,114). For example, Jensen et al. (46) evaluated a semi-quantitative food
frequency among Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white adolescents primarily in the
Western United States. The tool may not work as well with African-American adoles-
cents in the southern United States, and an effort to evaluate the tool with this group would
be prudent prior to adopting its use in a research study. All dietary assessment methods
have some degree of measurement error (115); therefore, efforts to keep these errors to
a minimum must be implemented (116).
The real challenge is comparing the results of the dietary assessment method with
some measure of “truth.” This is best achieved by identifying a biomarker of a nutrient
or dietary factor (26,117). The underlying assumption of a biomarker is that it responds
to intake in a dose-dependent relationship (2). The method that has widest consensus as
a valid biomarker is DLW for energy (26,118). Because DLW provides an accurate
measure of total energy expenditure in free-living subjects, it has been successfully used
to compare energy expenditure to estimated energy intake as determined by a dietary
assessment tool. A biomarker does not rely on a self-report of food intake, thus theoreti-
cally the measurement errors of the biomarker are not likely to be correlated with those
of the dietary assessment method. Another proposed biomarker is analysis of nitrogen
from 24-h urine collections as an indicator for protein intake (29,119). Other biomarkers
collected from urine samples include potassium and sodium (29). Plasma or serum
biomarkers that have been explored are levels of ascorbic acid for vitamin C intake
(29,120), G-carotene for fruits and vegetables or antioxidants (85,120,121). These latter
markers are widely influenced by factors such as smoking status and supplement use, thus
their interpretation as measures of absolute intake is limited.
Whereas a biomarker for a nutrient makes sense, a biomarker for an identified “healthy
food pattern” may be unrealistic. Some nutrients are lacking in biologically valid
biomarkers, such as calcium for adults. On the other hand, bone mineral content (BMC)
as measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in young non-Hispanic white girls
may be considered a cumulative historic marker. When comparing the estimated calcium
intake from a semi-quantitative FFQ to bone measures in 14 non-Hispanic white females
between 10 and 14 yr of age, a significant correlation coefficient (r = 0.638, p = 0.014)
between total body BMC and calcium intake was observed (100). However, this was not
58 Calcium in Human Health

found to be the case in African-American girls representing the same age group and
following the same study protocol. The correlation coefficient was r = –0.116 (p = 0.680).
This discrepancy could be due to differences in reporting, the FFQ not being appropriate
for the African-American girls, and/or the BMC not being a biomarker for African-
American girls. This highlights that any biomarker must be fully evaluated prior to its
adoption in a particular study. Biomarkers cannot substitute for the dietary information
collected from recalls, records, FFQs, or brief dietary assessment methods. Biomarkers
can be used to validate the dietary information; however, the foods that contribute to a
nutrient’s presence can only be found by asking individuals what they eat.
Nutritional epidemiology is concerned with quantifying dietary exposures and their
association with disease risk. There is no one dietary method that is considered a “gold
standard.” The choice of an appropriate dietary assessment method is dependent on the
study design, the research objectives, the target population, and resources. Improved
methods of collecting more accurate dietary information continue to be developed and
refined. To corroborate results from dietary intake data, biological markers of nutritional
exposures and nutritional status (referred to as biomarkers) are being developed to be
used in tandem with dietary assessment methods. This chapter has described the reasons
for adopting a particular dietary assessment method given a specific study design.
Examples from the literature aid in outlining the decisions that investigators make to
select or adapt a dietary assessment tool.
1. Thompson FE, Byers T. Dietary assessment resource manual. J Nutr 1994;124 (Supplement)(11S):
2. Willett W. Nutritional Epidemiology, 2 ed. Oxford University Press, New York: 1998.
3. Campbell VA, Dodds ML. Collecting dietary information from groups of older people. J Am Diet Assoc
4. Moshfegh AJ. The national nutrition monitoring and related research program: Progress and activities.
J Nutr 1994;124(Supplement):1843S–1845S.
5. Moshfegh A, Borrud L, Perloff B, LaComb R. Improved method for the 24-hour dietary recall for use
in national surveys. FASEB J 13(4), A603. 1999.
6. Klesges RC, Eck LH, Ray JW. Who underreports dietary intake in a dietary recall? Evidence from the
Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. J Consult Clin Psychol 1995;63:438–444.
7. Tooze JA, Subar AF, Thompson FE, Troiano RP, Schatzkin A, Kipnis V. Psychosocial predictors of
energy underreporting in a large doubly labeled water study. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;79:795–804.
8. Bathalon GP, Tucker KL, Hays NP, Vinken AG, Greenberg AS, McCrory MA et al. Psychological
measures of eating behavior and the accuracy of 3 common dietary assessment methods in healthy
postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:739–745.
9. Sawaya AL, Tucker K, Tsay R, et al. Evaluation of four methods for determining energy intake in young
and older women: comparison with doubly labeled water measurements of total energy expenditure. Am
J Clin Nutr 1996;63:491–499.
10. Johnson RK, Soultanakis RP, Matthews DE. Literacy and body fatness are associated with underreporting
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Chapter 5 / Clinically Studying Calcium Metabolism 65

5 Clinical Approaches for Studying

Calcium Metabolism and Its
Relationship to Disease

Connie M. Weaver

• Metabolic balance plus kinetic studies can pinpoint how calcium metabolism is perturbed
(i.e., at the gut, kidney, or bone).
• Isotopic tracers can be used to quantitate calcium absorption efficiency and the
bioavailability of calcium sources.
• Randomized, controlled trials are effective for showing the relationship of calcium intake
to health outcomes.

This chapter describes several types of clinical studies for studying the relationship of
dietary calcium to health. Fractional calcium absorption studies are used to evaluate
bioavailability from various sources or intrinsic calcium absorption capacity. The latter
is an important risk factor for osteoporosis and possibly other disorders associated with
low calcium status. The accuracy of different methods commonly used to determine
fractional calcium absorption varies widely. Calcium retention measurements are useful
to determine influences on bone mass in short-term studies. Randomized, controlled
trials (RCTs) are the inferentially strongest approach to understanding the relationship
between calcium intake and outcome measures of disease.


Controlled feeding studies can provide valuable insights on how well calcium is
absorbed and utilized from various sources by different individuals and under different
conditions. They also may be used to determine the relationship between intake and risk
for disease. Whereas the epidemiological approach to study the relationship between
indices of health or disease risk (described in Chapter 4) can enroll large numbers of
subjects, controlled feeding studies are typically more labor-intensive and necessitate
smaller sample sizes. Well-done epidemiological studies can be representative of the

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
66 Calcium in Human Health

general population and utilize the best outcome measures including disease endpoints.
However, their ability to estimate calcium intake is imprecise and multiple confounding
variables are not controlled, although better understood factors can be accounted for in
the analysis. In contrast, the best-done clinical feeding studies can precisely control
calcium intake and other dietary confounders. Some even control physical activity and
use a crossover design to eliminate unforeseen confounders inherent in individuals. The
more that diet and other variables are controlled, the more resources are required. This
leads to reduced sample sizes and costs, and runs a risk of not representing the general
population. Although the independent variable can be precisely controlled, the typical
clinical study is too short to determine disease endpoints. With calcium, bone health is
a frequent dependent variable of interest. Even changes in the best biomarkers for bone
health, using bone densitometry or imaging, require longer periods than is feasible for a
controlled diet study.
Clinical feeding studies are useful when quantitative information about calcium intake
and an outcome is desired. The study design of choice depends on the particular outcome
information sought. For any design, it is important to perform power calculations and to
recruit sufficient subjects to ensure that meaningful effects are found.
In this chapter, various methods for determining calcium absorption are reviewed.
Metabolic balance studies, which can provide quantitative data on calcium excretion and
retention, are described. When calcium isotopic tracers are used in combination with
metabolic balance studies, kinetic analysis, which provides information on rates of trans-
fer among body compartments (see Chapter 6), can be performed. RCTs are also described
briefly in this chapter. They represent an intermediate level of control between epidemio-
logical studies and quantitative, controlled diet studies, and consequently require an
intermediate number of subjects to determine the relationship between calcium intake
and an index of health. The level of certainty of the diet–health relationships from cause-
and-effect to associational usually also parallels types of studies from controlled, diet
studies RCTs  epidemiological studies. However, even changes observed in con-
trolled feeding studies using a randomized-order, crossover design may not represent a
cause-and-effect relationship if residual treatment effects remain because of an insuffi-
cient washout period.


Fractional calcium absorption from a fixed load is useful for determining physiologi-
cal absorptive capacity or for determining bioavailability of calcium sources. There are
many study designs that have been used to determine fractional calcium absorption. Most
do not adapt subjects to a controlled diet, especially if calcium absorption is the only
metabolic parameter of interest. When the question relates to calcium bioavailability
from a particular source, the strongest design is to compare calcium absorption from that
source with a referent source, such as milk or calcium carbonate, in a crossover design.
This allows relative bioavailability to be determined with minimal influence of indi-
vidual subject characteristics. Approximately 60% of the variance in cross sectional
measures of calcium absorption can be accounted for by intrasubject absorption effi-
ciency (1). For menstruating women, this means studying each source at the same phase
of the menstrual cycle, typically days 4–11 of the follicular cycle. When the calcium
Chapter 5 / Clinically Studying Calcium Metabolism 67

source is the focus of interest, a controlled diet is often not necessary. The gastrointestinal
environment should be similar between study phases, which is usually accomplished by
an overnight fast. Similar results were found for bioavailability of calcium from tofu after
an overnight fast or when the test meal was given in the middle a of the 4-d controlled diet
period (2). Longer feeding studies are required for measuring the influence of adaptation
to the calcium source , level of calcium in the diet, or other dietary constituents on calcium
Examples of factors that are thought to alter calcium absorption through adaptation are
nondigestible carbohydrates, which may influence lower gut bacterial fermentation or
intestinal microvillar surface area (see Chapter 12), vitamin D and estrogen status (see
Chapter 11), and chronically low calcium intakes.

3.1. Metabolic Balance Studies

On a controlled diet, net calcium absorption can be determined as

I – F,

where I = calcium intake and F = fecal calcium and each parameter is expressed in the
same units (mg or mmol) and measured over the same time period (24 h, 1 wk, etc.). Net
calcium absorption efficiency is determined as

(I – F)/I.
Balance studies are rarely the method of choice for determining calcium absorption for
a number of reasons. Measured calcium in excreta from a test food cannot be distin-
guished from calcium in the rest of the diet nor from endogenous secretions. The former
leads to uncertainty about bioavailability of calcium from the test source. The latter leads
to underestimation of true bioavailability or absorption capacity. Furthermore, the large
variability in fecal calcium even on controlled diets results in poor ability of the balance
approach to discriminate between different sources. Further description of the conduct
of metabolic balance studies and associated errors are discussed under Subheading 4.1.
Even fecal markers, although necessary, are insufficient to deal adequately with the
variability in daily fecal calcium excretion.
The metabolic balance approach for determining calcium absorption more often pro-
vides satisfactory results in animal models than in humans. Use of semi-purified diets
enables all of the calcium to be provided by the test source of calcium. Use of inbred
animals housed in metabolic cages under controlled conditions can reduce sources of
variation. Calcium bioavailability in animal models has been shown to give similar rank
order to humans and, dependent on the calcium load of the test meal, similar absolute
values (3). However, results from animal models (typically rats) can differ from those
obtained using humans because the animals practice coprophagy, have intestinal phytases,
and have substantially lower urinary calcium excretion, among other differences.

3.2. Calcium Isotopic Tracer Absorption

Isotopic tracer data are less variable than balance data. Thus, although fractional
absorption determined by tracer studies results in conclusions similar to net calcium
68 Calcium in Human Health

Table 1
Calcium Isotopic Tracers
Radioisotopes Stable isotopes
Maximum radiation energies
Atomic Symbol and Natural abundance
number mass number Half-life G (Mev) E (Mev) (%)
41Ca 105y – – 10–15
20 42Ca – – – 0.646
43Ca – – – 0.135
44Ca – – – 2.083
45Ca 164d 0.255 – –
46Ca – – – 0.0033
47Ca 4.53d 1.98 1.29 –
48Ca – – – 0.18

absorption determined by balance studies (4), more subtle differences can be discrimi-
nated with isotopic tracer studies, and sample sizes can be much smaller. Fractional
calcium absorption and total absorbed calcium determined from kinetic modeling using
data collected in metabolic balance and tracer studies is described in Chapter 6 and is not
covered in this section. When the whole spectrum of calcium metabolism parameters is
not needed, there are several approaches available for determining calcium absorption
using isotopic tracers that require substantially fewer resources. However, caution must
be exercised when only absorption is determined because a dietary component being
tested may have an impact on another aspect of calcium metabolism that can either
augment or minimize an apparent effect on absorption (see Chapter 9).
A list of isotopic tracers of calcium appears in Table 1. Useful radiotracers of calcium
are 47Ca and 45Ca. 47Ca is a L- emitter, and therefore can be used for whole-body counting
in studies of calcium absorption and retention in animals or humans in facilities where
animal or human L-counters are available. Its short half-life limits the length of the
experiment and is a reason for its scarcity and relatively high expense. A limitation of
whole-body counting is that mechanisms cannot be investigated because the organs
affected (i.e., gut, kidney, or bone) cannot be inferred from whole-body retention curves.
Another limitation is how long it takes the oral isotope to clear the gut. If the study is too
short, unabsorbed calcium tracer in the colon will appear as if it were retained calcium.
As a G-emitter, 45Ca is measured in a liquid scintillation counter and is appropriate for
biological fluids or samples that can be converted to fluids. Although 47Ca can also be
measured in biological fluids, the lower costs and longer half-life typically make 45Ca the
preferred radioisotope for tracer studies. Precision of analysis with radioisotopes
depends on the counting rate, but samples can usually be counted to 1–2% precision.
There are many more nonradioactive (stable) isotopes of calcium than radioisotopes.
These isotopes, of heavier mass than 40Ca—which represents almost 97% of calcium in
nature—are measured as isotopic ratios by mass spectroscopy. The methods of choice
currently are high-resolution, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-
ICPMS) (5) and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) (6). The former has the
advantage of greater sample throughput and the latter has the advantage of greater pre-
cision (<0.1–0.2% vs 1–2%). Stable isotopic tracers offer the advantage of not exposing
Chapter 5 / Clinically Studying Calcium Metabolism 69

subjects to radioactivity and not having to time experiments around a short half life tracer.
They have the disadvantage of being more expensive to purchase and analyze. Use of
calcium stable isotopes for clinical studies of calcium metabolism was first proposed in
1983 (7).
The long-lived radioisotope 41Ca can be used in such small doses (ⱕ100 nCi) that it
can be considered to be radiologically benign. A single dose of this size labels the skeleton
for life, which poses a lifetime radiation exposure of <0.1 mre. The benefits of this tracer
are that the tracer can be monitored for long experiments in contrast with the upper limit
of approx 2 wk with other isotopes. Urinary appearance of 41Ca after 100 d from dosing,
when the 41Ca can be considered to be coming from the skeleton, provides a direct,
sensitive measure of bone resorption. Changes in bone loss can be accurately measured
following an intervention. The disadvantage of this approach is that 41Ca is measured
with an accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS), which is not available in most research
centers. There are two in the United States—one at Purdue University and one at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory. Opportunities involving AMS in nutrition have been
recently reviewed (8).
The design of the study using calcium isotopic tracers depends on available resources
and capacity of the laboratory to measure and administer isotopic tracers in humans. The
ideal approach (short of full kinetic modeling, described in Chapter 6) is the use of double
isotope tracers described by de Grazia et al. (9). One isotope is administered orally to label
dietary calcium and the other intravenously to measure calcium removal from the blood.
Oral isotopes take longer to enter the plasma pool than intravenous doses, so we give the
oral isotope 1–2 h prior to giving the intravenous isotope. The two isotopes track iden-
tically after 20 h (10) (see Fig. 1). Precise timing sequence of the oral and intravenous
tracers is not important if total urinary recovery is measured, as is necessary for a single
collection timepoint. Ratios of the oral to intravenous tracers can be made in the first
24-h urine sample postdose, or in a single sample of urine or serum after 20 h, although
the later may be less accurate (11). When adjusted for dose, this represents fractional
calcium absorption as:
Fractional true absorption:



% •

where T = tracer concentration in serum or urine calcium.

A variation of this method uses a single oral calcium isotopic tracer to label the diet
without the intravenous tracer. This method is most reliable when used in a crossover
design to compare relative bioavailability, as it is more likely that calcium clearance, a
product of body pool size and turnover rate, would be similar between two test phases in
the same individual. The most common application of this method is to measure the oral
tracer in a single blood draw 5 h postdose. This method has been highly correlated with
the double-isotope tracer technique (12,13).
70 Calcium in Human Health

Fig 1. Enrichment of tracer isotopes in urine after a 77-kg male received 13 mg of 44Ca orally and
4 mg of 42Ca intravenously. (Adapted from ref. 10.)

Using the single tracer method in adults, fractional calcium absorption can be calcu-
lated by adjusting for body size area as:
FxAbs = (SA5 0.92373) μ [BSC μ (Ht 0.52847) μ (Wt 0.37213)]
where Fx Abs = fractional absorption, SA5 = 5-h serum calcium specific radioactivity,
Ht= height in meters, Wt = weight in Kg. BSC is body size correction, and has a value
of 0.3537 in women and 0.3845 in men.
This method was used to determine calcium bioavailability of most of the sources
reported in Chapter 9. A 5% difference in fractional calcium absorption can usually be
detected with 10–15 subjects using a crossover design. Other investigators have used a
1-h (14) or 3-h (15) blood draw. However, these shorter sample times do not correlate as
well with true calcium absorption as does the 5-h timepoint (12). Any single point in time
poses the risk of a shifting serum profile, which could alter apparent bioavailability from
one test period to the next. Consequently, some investigators prefer to measure total
tracer appearance in the urine (16) or feces (17). The accuracy of these approaches
depends on completeness of collection, unlike single point sampling. A further problem
with the 1-h (14) approach is the use of a very small test load (e.g., 20 mg). Such small
test loads may provide insights on the active absorption component, but do not provide
otherwise nutritionally relevant information.
Good agreement has also been reported between the double tracer method and the fecal
recovery method from a single isotope (9). When absorption is calculated from unab-
sorbed tracer appearing in the stools, the diet must be controlled long enough to encom-
pass the transit time of the tracer (18). When tracer appearance in blood or urine is used
to monitor fractional calcium absorption, often the tracer is given at breakfast following
an overnight fast. Typically, the diet is not controlled except for the breakfast, when blood
is collected or for just 1 d when urine is collected (19). A 24-h urine collection may be
Chapter 5 / Clinically Studying Calcium Metabolism 71

sufficient, but when a response delay is expected, as occurs in the presence of nondigestible
fiber (20), urine might need to be collected for several days. In this example, a sufficient
prefeeding period is also needed to allow microbial gut adaptation.
When determining physiological absorption capacity, important considerations are
the size of the calcium load and the chemical form of calcium to be administered. As
fractional absorption is inversely related to load, all comparisons should be made using
the same load. Frequently, loads of between 100 and 300 mg calcium are tested. Some
choose the load equivalent to one-third of the daily intake. When fractional absorption
is being compared across experiments, it is better to include a common source as a
reference. Radioisotopes typically are purchased as CaCl2. This soluble isotope can be
mixed with milk or juice for consumption or converted to another salt. It is not recom-
mended to give pure CaCl2, as it is a stomach irritant. Alternatively, a capsule of a
preweighed calcium salt containing the tracer can serve as the oral dose. This is common
with stable isotopes of calcium that are purchased as calcium carbonate.
The method chosen to incorporate an isotope into the food being tested for
bioavailability deserves thoughtful consideration. Intrinsic labeling techniques (which
incorporate isotopes during growth of plants or animals as previously described [21] or
during the synthesis of a supplement [22]), attempt to prepare the label in the same
physical and chemical form as the native calcium of the tested source. Extrinsic labeling
of calcium sources is simpler and frequently, but not always, allows a good approxima-
tion of calcium absorption from intrinsically labeled sources (23). This approach involves
premixing a soluble form of the calcium isotope with the food to be tested prior to consump-
tion. It assumes that the tracer has adequately exchanged with endogenous calcium, a
point that generally must be validated before proceeding.
Calcium isotopic tracer absorption can also be determined from whole-body 47Ca
retention curves. An example of this approach is shown in Fig. 2 of Chapter 12. This is
an excellent method for determining calcium absorption, but few laboratories have the
capacity to administer 47Ca to humans and to measure subsequent whole-body retention.
The use of this special method and exposure to radioactivity from a L-emitter is better
justified for more complicated problems that measuring fractional absorption.

3.3. Serum Profiles of Calcium, Parathyroid Hormone, and Vitamin D

Calcium bioavailability from a number of sources has been estimated from areas under
the curve (AUC) of profiles of total or ionized serum calcium or its regulators, that is,
parathyroid hormone (PTH) or vitamin D metabolites following an oral load after an
overnight fast. This approach is useful for determining calcium absorption from prefor-
mulated commercial products, where intrinsic labeling cannot be used. Some examples
of this approach comparing calcium salts to a blank are shown in Fig. 2. This approach
may be more easily achievable for many laboratories in that isotopic tracers are not
required. However, the method is crude compared with isotopic tracer approaches.
Changes in serum calcium are small, as serum calcium is tightly regulated so that subtle
changes would likely be missed. Note that there is only an approx 5% rise in serum
calcium on a 500-mg load (Fig. 2A). Similarly, changes in regulators of calcium absorp-
tion are difficult to observe (Fig. 2B).
72 Calcium in Human Health

Fig 2. (A) Time course of the total serum calcium, both as absolute values for two calcium sources
and for the blank load. Error bars are 1 SEM. (B) Time course of serum iPTH following ingestion
of two calcium sources and for the blank load, both as absolute values. Error bars are 1 SEM.
(Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 2004. Used with permission.)

AUCs have been successfully used to determine responses in large doses, i.e., a 500-mg
calcium supplement vs placebo (24) (Fig. 2A) or fractional calcium absorption efficiency
differences in vitamin D-deficient and -sufficient individuals (25). The acute PTH sup-
pression method (26) can be made more sensitive by adapting subjects to a low calcium
diet the week before they receive the test meal. Using this approach, AUC for serum PTH
was significantly altered for test meals containing 500 mg Ca as milk, CaCO3, or fortified
orange juice, but not for serum Ca (27). If serum AUC for any measured variable is used
to estimate calcium absorption, it is important to collect data points long enough to avoid
Chapter 5 / Clinically Studying Calcium Metabolism 73

3.4. Urinary Calcium

Urinary calcium excretion following a bolus dose has been used to estimate calcium
absorption, but this method is plagued with even more uncertainties than serum calcium
profiles. As for observing changes in serum AUC (discussed in the previous section), test
loads must be large. Following a 500-mg Ca load, the postprandial increase in urinary
calcium excretion was only approx 5% of the load over a 5- to 8-h period in elderly men
and women (27). Postprandial increments in urinary calcium excretion were approxi-
mately twice as variable as for serum calcium in a study comparing calcium carbonate
and calcium citrate in postmenopausal women (77–99% vs 38–60% CV, respectively)
(24). In addition to reflecting absorbed calcium spilled over into the urine, urinary cal-
cium is influenced by diuretics, the prior day’s salt intake, and size and turnover of the
exchangeable pool. That makes use of a crossover design and standard conditions espe-
cially important for this method.
Urinary calcium can derive from diet or bone, and without tracers the source cannot
be distinguished. This may explain why relative calcium absorbability estimated from
urinary calcium excretion does not always agree with calcium tracer data. For example,
urinary calcium excretion was greater for calcium citrate than for calcium carbonate (28),
whereas the calcium tracer approach showed no difference in fractional calcium absorp-
tion between these salts (29). Suppressed serum ionized calcium with calcium carbonate
suggests a slight alkalosis, which would be expected to reduce urinary calcium excretion
compared to calcium citrate (24). The increased urinary calcium from calcium citrate
likely comes from bone rather than increased absorption from the diet. Other studies
reporting enhanced calcium absorption that have utilized urinary calcium increments,
such as for coral calcium (30), must be repeated using isotopic tracer methods.
Use of urinary calcium excretion to estimate calcium absorption would be especially
problematic for growing animals and children because of the low correlation between
calcium intake and urinary excretion. In adolescent girls, only 6% of the variation in
urinary calcium was explained by calcium intake (31).


Cumulative calcium retention can be determined from total body calcium content
measured by bone densitometry. This is a reasonable index of calcium status. Shorter
term calcium retention studies while subjects are fed controlled diets can be used to
quantify factors that can offset calcium retention. Two such methods are metabolic
balance and whole-body 47Ca retention.

4.1. Metabolic Balance

Balance studies calculate net retention as intake minus excretion:
Calcium retention = I – (F + U)
where I = intake, F = feces, and U = urinary calcium.
Balance studies are sufficiently sensitive, when rigorously controlled, to distinguish
differences when large effects are expected as exists when comparing pubertal growth
with that of adults (32), lactating state with nonlactating state (33) racial differences (34),
the effects of skeletal unloading (35), and some diet effects such as calcium intake (36).
74 Calcium in Human Health

The treatment differences in these examples can exceed 200 mg calcium retention per
day. Power calculations show that sample sizes of five to six subjects per group are
sufficient to find significant differences of this magnitude at an F of 0.05 with 80% power
even though the variances were large. The ability to determine smaller effects of diet
depends on the magnitude of the effect and the specific population. We have been able
to show treatment effects on calcium retention of 40 mg/d with 10–15 adolescent subjects
in crossover studies. However, for treatment differences in calcium retention of approx
40 mg/d in postmenopausal women using the variance that we observed in a recent study,
power calculations suggest 180 subjects would be needed to show significance using a
crossover design.
Balance studies can also be used to determine calcium requirements as the response
of calcium retention to calcium intake reaches a plateau when calcium intake is no longer
limiting maximal calcium retention, that is, bone accrual (see Chapter 7). The errors
associated with measuring balance are not symmetrically distributed. Errors associated
with incomplete consumption of the diet or collection of urine and fecal excretion and
failure to measure other, including cutaneous, losses are often cited limitations, because
they often bias results toward more positive retention values. However, useful informa-
tion about the role of other dietary factors or lifestyle choices in shifting the location of
the inflection point of the maximal retention curve (which, thus, shifts calcium require-
ments higher or lower) can be determined. This application has the advantage of not
depending on actual values of calcium retention. The maximal retention approach seeks
the intake where a plateau occurs rather than focusing on absolute retention. Finally,
analytical procedures typically have a CV of 5% or more.
Metabolic balance studies involve feeding a controlled diet, collecting excreta, and
measuring calcium input and output. Intake cannot be estimated from food composition
tables. All foods and beverages containing calcium must be prepared by weighing ingre-
dients to the nearest 0.1 g. Prepared commercial foods can be used if their composition
is homogeneous. Duplicate collections of all of the foods and beverages consumed in a
24-h period are analyzed for calcium and other constituents that influence calcium bal-
ance, including protein, phosphorus, fiber, and electrolytes. Diets should be designed to
be constant in these constituents throughout the study period. Foods, beverages, and oral
health care products, including tap water, which contain calcium, inhibitors of calcium
absorption such as tea, which contains oxalate, or hypercalciuric ingredients such as salt
cannot be allowed to vary from day to day.
If the metabolic study is not conducted in all subjects simultaneously, but rather as a
rolling enrollment, it may not be practical to analyze a duplicate sample of each day. In
that case, dietary composites representing each cycle day from a dietary intervention
should be prepared in intervals throughout a study period to track the variability that
occurs over time and the variability between the daily diets. Dietary composites should
be measured for calcium and those nutrients that could potentially affect calcium metabo-
lism, e.g., protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. Dietary homogenates represent-
ing each day of the menu cycle, for example, 7 d for a 7-d menu cycle, should be
freeze-dried and aliquoted in triplicate for all nutrient analysis. Variation among these
triplicate samples is an indication of homogeneity in the sample and analytical precision.
Replicate analysis of dietary composites prepared over the entire study period demon-
strates variation owing to variability in food items, dietary preparation, and laboratory
analysis. Analysis across cycle menus represents daily variability within the diet.
Chapter 5 / Clinically Studying Calcium Metabolism 75

Analysis of dietary composites from a metabolic balance study in our laboratory,

which used a 7-d menu cycle over a 19-mo period, demonstrated 3% variation in calcium
from triplicate analysis of dietary samples. The variation in calcium from the replicate
analysis of dietary composites, which were collected at quarterly intervals over the 19-mo
study period, was 5%. Daily variation in calcium across the 7-d cycle menus was 6%.
Urine and feces are collected in acid-washed containers for later analysis of total
calcium by atomic absorption or ICPMS. In adolescents, a 1-d lag is used when calculat-
ing intake minus fecal excretion to account for the approx 19-h transit time in the gut.
(That transit time can rise to 11–12 d in mature or older adults.) Menstrual losses of
calcium can generally be ignored. Cutaneous losses are often ignored but can be mea-
sured by extracting acid-washed clothing worn for 24 h in addition to whole-body wash-
down procedures before and after the collection. Using this method, we have determined
cutaneous losses of approx 52 mg/d in adolescents. Cutaneous losses determined by
patches overestimated calcium losses by almost eightfold (37). These approaches do not
measure losses from hair and nails. Cutaneous losses in adults have been estimated to be
60 mg/d by the difference between whole-body retention of 47Ca and excretion in urine
and feces (38).
To determine the effect of a variable on calcium retention within a population, the best
approach is the use of a crossover design in the same subjects to minimize confounding
effects that are constant within an individual, such as hormonal status, gastrointestinal
and kidney function, mucosal mass, transit time, and vitamin D status. Randomized-order
assignments of treatment can minimize seasonal effects of vitamin D status. Neverthe-
less, the presence or absence of an order effect should be tested statistically. Subjects can
also be pretreated with vitamin D supplements before and throughout the study period to
ensure normal vitamin D status.
The length of the run-in period needed for a subject to adapt to the study diet and the
length of the balance period once steady state is reached must be carefully considered.
Misinterpretations have occurred when subjects have been switched from high to low
calcium intake periods without an appropriate adaptation period, as the higher calcium
intakes spill into the feces during the lower calcium period for several days. When a
nonabsorbable fecal marker such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) is given at every meal,
the fecal calcium:PEG ratio can be used to determine when steady state is achieved. We
have found that the Ca:PEG ratio becomes constant after 6 d in adolescents and most
adults (Table 2, adapted from ref. 39 as well as unpublished data). Similarly, when adult
black and white women were switched from a diet containing 2000 mg/d for 3 wk to
300 mg/d for 8 wk, whole-body retention of 47Ca varied from week 1 to week 2, but not
from week 2 to week 8 (40). Thus, determining balance during the run-in period can give
useful information about when steady state is achieved in calcium balance or another
dietary constituent being tested for its effect on calcium retention. Subjects cannot adapt
to a low calcium intake, that is, cannot come into balance, as the homeostatic control
mechanisms is inefficient. Malm (41) studied prisoners for up to 2 yr and found continued
negative calcium balances on low intakes.
Balance periods should be sufficiently long to evaluate trends over multiple periods.
Some investigators make collections in several day pools and monitor multiple periods.
We typically make collections in 24-h periods for 2 to 3 wk after a 1-wk adaptation period.
Calculating daily balances for multiple periods allows an error term to be determined so
that differences from zero balance can be determined for each individual. In pubertal
76 Calcium in Human Health

Table 2
Fecal Calcium:Polyethylene Glycol Ratios (mg/mg) During a 3-wk Balance Period*
Calcium Intake
Group (mg/d) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Adolescent girls
800 0.25 ± 0.13a 0.21 ± 0.06b 0.19 ± 0.04b
1300 0.82 ± 2.20a 0.32 ± 0.06b 0.38 ± 0.72b
1800 0.53 ± 0.08a 0.48 ± 0.09b 0.48 ± 0.07b
1300 1.49 ± 5.20a 0.36 ± 0.09b 0.36 ± 0.08b

*Different letter superscripts within rows indicate means are significantly different for each level of
calcium intake at p < 0.05. (Data from ref. 39 and unpublished data.)

children, balance periods should not exceed rapid hormonal shifts, which can outweigh
the influence of diet on calcium retention (42).
Methods to assess compliance of urine and fecal collections and to adjust for discrete
24-h periods are helpful in reducing variation in balance data and in interpreting the
quality of data. However, errors can be made in measuring compliance markers so that
corrected data may be less accurate than uncorrected data for any given day. Thus, all
components of any calculation should be carefully inspected. Especially troublesome is
the apparent overcorrection of fecal calcium when using a marker to adjust for low
Adjustment of urine is usually made with creatinine. Subjects excrete a rather constant
level of creatinine proportional to lean body mass. The mean daily creatinine excretion
of a subject over the study period can be used to adjust each day to a more precise 24-h
period, as it is difficult to completely empty one’s bladder at precise regular time periods,
especially for children. Twenty-four-hour pools with creatinine values less than 11 mg/
kg should be discarded as substantially incomplete (except, perhaps, in emaciated indi-
Daily fecal calcium output is highly variable despite constant conditions, as a result
of variable gut transit times that do not segregate into discrete periods and because
calcium flows forward and backward in the intestine (43). A number of nonabsorbable
fecal markers have been employed to evaluate compliance and transit time, and to convert
individual stools collected at irregular intervals to daily fecal calcium output. We use
PEG 4000 as a continuously administered, nonabsorbable marker as developed by
Wilkinson (44), who demonstrated clearly a reduction in daily variation by correcting
stool samples by recovery of this marker. Capsules are prepared containing PEG weighed
to the nearest mg and consumed at each meal throughout the study. The ratio of Ca to
PEG in each 24-h pool is multiplied by the amount of PEG consumed during 24 h in
order to determine daily fecal calcium. PEG excretion can also be used to estimate fecal
lag (or intestinal transit) time. In the first few days after starting a PEG-labeled balance
study, fecal PEG may be negligible, reflecting the fact that current fecal collections
reflect prestudy diet residue. The time required for PEG excretion to approximate PEG
input is the fecal lag time. The week 1 data in Table 2 show the effect of fecal lag clearly.
Chapter 5 / Clinically Studying Calcium Metabolism 77

Fig 3. Calcium balance residuals vs fractional polyethylene glycol recovery in one study of
postmenopausal women (46).

The week 1 fecal collections were dominated by prestudy food (prevailing calcium plus
zero PEG). It is important to measure fecal lag when performing kinetic studies (see
Chapter 6), in order to time the fecal recovery of the intravenous tracer correctly.
Dissolved minerals and minerals as part of particulates do not move through the gut
at the same rate. For water-soluble dietary constituents such as calcium, PEG is superior
to previously used markers which more closely match the insoluble materials, such as
Cr2O3 and barium sulphate, although recovery of all three markers was 98–100% (44).
It should be noted that PEG analysis is a tedious and difficult method.
Adjusting fecal calcium as described above supposedly corrects for incomplete stool
collections. However, Eastell et al. (45) reported a PEG recovery of only 81% compared
with 95% using 51Cr in the same experiment. Therefore, we suspect that adjusting fecal
calcium with PEG may overcorrect, which becomes worse with decreasing compliance.
To examine this issue, we used data from one of our studies in which we calculated
calcium balance using the PEG adjustment. Each group was studied three times, and we
computed residuals for calcium balance by subtracting the group mean from each indi-
vidual observation. A plot of these residuals vs PEG is given in Fig. 3. The plot includes
a center line at zero (the mean of the residuals) as well as a smooth fit to the data. There
appears to be a positive association between the PEG value and the residual. This means
that observations with low values of PEG tend to be associated with balance values that
are low relative to the group mean and, similarly, high PEG values are associated with
78 Calcium in Human Health

balance values that are high relative to the group mean. This association is consistent with
a scenario in which the PEG overcorrects the fecal calcium values: when the PEG is low,
the corrected fecal values are too high and, therefore, the balance values are too low. The
effect of compliancy on treatment effect can be determined by examining the F statistic
when data are evaluated by using various cutoffs for % PEG recovery as inclusion
4.2. Whole-Body 47Ca Retention
Whole-body retention of the L-emitter 47Ca can be determined with a precision of 2.6%
of the administered dose (47). With doses of 1–4 μCi 47Ca, whole-body retention has been
followed for 1 wk (38; Chapter 24, Fig. 2, this volume) to 4 wk (48; Chapter 12, Fig. 2,
this volume).
Whole-body 47Ca retention is more precise than retention determined by metabolic
balance. However, it lacks the ability to determine the mechanism of the impact of an
intervention (i.e., gut, kidney, or bone). Mechanisms are best understood by kinetic
modeling (see Chapter 6).
An RCT is a strong study design for determining the relationship between calcium
supplementation and a health outcome measure. Typically, subjects are randomized to
the test calcium source or placebo. Ideally, the RCT is double-blinded to the subject and
researcher. This requires the placebo to be indistinguishable from the calcium source.
This is not always possible—for example, when the trial is milk or another source for
which there is no feasible placebo.
The length of the trial and number of subjects depends on the outcome measures of
interest. For changes in bone density, power calculations typically show that to detect a
mean change of 0.7 to 1.1% or a group difference of 1.0 to1.5% in bone mineral density
of the spine or total hip in adults, 50 subjects per group is necessary for 80% power.
Shorter time periods may be acceptable in growing children. For other outcome measures
such as insulin resistance or body weight changes, a few weeks may be satisfactory (see
Chapters 20 and 26).
RCTs can directly assess response to changes in diet that might be confounded in
epidemiological approaches. A classic example of this was recently reported (49). Cross-
sectional analysis of the relationship between dairy calcium intake and total hip bone
mineral density showed a positive relationship for elderly men, but not women. Others
have also shown no relationship between calcium intake and bone measures in postmeno-
pausal women (50). However, an RCT of 750 Ca/d in the same individuals showed a
similar positive response in men and women (51). Perhaps women’s self-reports under-
estimated dietary calcium intakes more than did men’s. Regardless, this shows the need
to confirm hypotheses generated by epidemiological approaches with controlled feeding
experiments or RCTs.
Controlled feeding studies are important to establish cause-and-effect relationships
between calcium intake and health outcome measures. Studies of fractional calcium
absorption also are used to determine bioavailability of calcium from various food sources.
Calcium retention studies are useful for setting calcium requirements.
Chapter 5 / Clinically Studying Calcium Metabolism 79

Accurate information depends on careful consideration of study design and measure-

ment methods. Mechanistic information can be obtained with controlled diets and isoto-
pic tracers. This requires a dedicated laboratory and special attention to ethical issues. As
we learn more about health outcomes that are related to calcium intakes, the nature of
clinical studies expands.

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19. O’Brien KO, Abrams SA. Effects of development on techniques for calcium stable isotope studies in
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20. van den Heuvel EG, Mays T, van Dokkum W, Schaafsma G. Oligofructose stimulates calcium absorp-
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22. Weaver CM, Martin BR, Costa NMB, Saleeb FZ, Huth PJ. Absorption of calcium fumarate salts is
equivalent to other calcium salts when measured in the rat model. J Agric Food Chem 2002; 50:4974–4975.
80 Calcium in Human Health

23. Weaver CM, Proulx WR, Heaney R. Choices for achieving adequate dietary calcium with a vegetarian
diet. Am J Clin Nutr 1999; 70:543S–548S.
24. Heaney RP, Dowell MS, Bierman J, Hale CA, Bendich A. Absorbability and cost effectiveness in
calcium supplementation. J Am Coll Nutr 2001;20:239–246.
25. Heaney RP, Dowell S, Hale CA, Bendich A. Calcium absorption varies within the reference range for
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28. Heller HJ, Greer LG, Haynes SD, Poindexter JR, Pak CYC. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
comparison of two calcium supplement in postmenopausal women. J Clin Pharmacol 2000;40:1237–1244.
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of 50. Osteoporosis Int 1998;85:231–239.
Chapter 6 / Kinetic Studies 83

6 Kinetic Studies

Meryl E. Wastney, Yongdong Zhao,

and Connie M. Weaver

• Kinetic studies employing tracers can be used to calculate rates of calcium metabolism
at sites not accessible for direct measurement.
• The design of a tracer study must take into account the question being addressed, because
this will influence the tracer dose, sampling sites, and length of the study.
• Different mathematical approaches can be used to analyze the data. Compartmental
analysis uses pools and pathways that are analogous to physiological processes and can
therefore be used to investigate sites where metabolism changes during different nutri-
tional or disease states.
• Short-term kinetic studies (days–weeks) provide a snapshot on calcium and bone
metabolism at one point of time. Multiple kinetic studies over the course of a thera-
peutic intervention can tell us the continuing effect on calcium metabolism.
• With increased computing power, and dedicated modeling software, we can now mea-
sure dynamic properties of calcium metabolism to increase our understanding of calcium

Kinetic studies have been used to calculate changes in rates of calcium absorption,
excretion, and bone turnover in children, adolescents, and adults. The studies have shown
how absorption and bone turnover change with intake. For example, adolescents absorb
more calcium on higher calcium intakes, sparing bone resorption. Different approaches
to analyzing kinetic data have been compared, and in the future, linking kinetics with
biochemical and endocrine indices may be necessary in order to understand dynamic
changes in calcium homeostasis during health and in disease.


For many in vivo studies, it is not possible to access pathways of metabolic interest,
so we need to rely on indirect measures. Tracers provide such a window into metabolism.
By literally “tracing” an element or compound and applying mathematical techniques,

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
84 Calcium in Human Health

Fig.1. Model for calcium metabolism. Circles represent compartments; numbers in circles repre-
sent compartment number; arrows represent movement between compartments; thick arrows
represent entry of calcium via the diet, or bone resorption (Vo-). Asterisks indicate entry of tracer
and triangles identify sampled compartments. Compartment 1 contains blood, compartment 2, soft
tissue, and compartment 3, exchangeable calcium on bone. (Adapted from Wastney et al., 1996

we can deduce how the compound moves through the body without actual direct mea-
surements (Fig. 1).
Examples of body processes not susceptible to direct measurement, but which readily
yield their secrets to kinetics methods, include measurement of rates of calcium deposi-
tion in and removal from bone, rate of entry of calcium into the gut through digestive
secretions, exchange rates between cellular and extracellular calcium, and many other,
similar variables.
Use of tracers implies making assumptions, an important one being that the tracer
exactly follows the path of the compound being traced, while itself not perturbing the

The adage that you “can’t get something for nothing” certainly applies to tracer kinet-
ics. The tissues sampled, the length of the study, and the frequency of sampling will
determine the type of information that can be obtained from a study. The more data
collected, the more information obtained and the more reliable the results. It is sometimes
said that one well-designed kinetic study is more valuable than a large number of studies
with limited data per subject. That is because a large amount of data, collected from
Chapter 6 / Kinetic Studies 85

different sites, on one (representative) subject provides a more comprehensive view of

the system working as an integrated whole, and ensures that the calculated model param-
eter values are well-determined, with low associated error.

3.1. Type, Dose, and Site of Tracer Administration

The type of isotope selected is usually determined by the cost of the isotope and the
analytical capability for detection of the tracer in samples. Some of these issues are
discussed in more detail in Wastney et al. (2). Tracers of calcium may be radioactive (e.g.,
41Ca, 45Ca, 47Ca) or stable (42Ca, 43Ca, 44Ca, 46Ca, 48Ca) (see Chapter 5). The dose

administered must be small, so the added tracer does not contribute sufficient mass to
perturb the system. Multiple doses can be given if the system is to be traced for a long
period, or an isotope such as 41Ca (which can be measured with high sensitivity) can be
used to trace bone resorption for years.
The questions to be addressed influence the site of tracer administration. If the interest
is absorption, doses are given orally, whereas if the interest is bone turnover, intravenous
(iv) administration is preferable because it circumvents absorptive variability. Often, two
tracers are administered, one orally and one intravenously. This enables both absorption
and bone turnover to be determined simultaneously, assuming, as always, that both
isotopes, once in the system, are handled in the same way.

3.2. Tissues Sampled

Generally, serum, urine, and feces are sampled, although saliva can also be useful in
representing serum, because the calcium tracer in saliva reflects that of serum (4). With
L-emitting tracers, such as 47Ca, even whole-body regions, such as an arm or a leg, can
be measured.

3.3. Length of Study

When kinetic modeling is used to investigate bone turnover, the length of a study may
influence the results. For adolescents, sampling for 14 d vs 7 d provided more reliable
estimates of bone turnover, whereas continuing sampling for 21 d did not provide more
information than 14 d (Fig. 2 and Table 1) (3). However, for adults, in whom bone turnover
is slower, it was determined that studies of 20 d were necessary to define rate of bone
resorption (5). On the other hand, sampling beyond 7 d did not improve calcium absorp-
tion measures (Table 1) (3).
When a tracer is used to follow the changes in bone resorption due to therapeutic
interventions, kinetic studies can be extended for years with the long-lived 41Ca and sen-
sitive detection using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) (see Table 1 in Chapter 5).

3.4. Frequency of Sampling

The sampling frequency depends on the purpose of the study. The serum tracer con-
centration drops very rapidly during the few hours following an intravenous introduction
of a tracer, which makes early collection time points important in determining initial
compartment sizes. On the other hand, after an oral dose, serum tracer concentration
usually reaches the peak around 5 h postdose, which has been proven to be the most
relevant time for sampling to estimate calcium absorption. Thus, serum collection has to
be at least 5 h long in most calcium absorption studies. When bone turnover is the primary
86 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 2. The effects of length of study on serum disappearance curves of intravenous stable calcium
isotopic tracer in an adolescent girl. Symbols are observed data, lines are values calculated by the
model shown in Fig. 1 for 7 d (dotted line) compared with (A) data collected for 14 d and (B) 21
d. (From Weaver et al., 2003 [3].)

Table 1
Results of 7-, 14-, and 21-d Study in Teenaged Girl (1300 mg Ca/d intake)
7d 14 d 21 d
L(0,3) fract/day 0.355 0.090 0.085
Absorption (%) 52 49 49
Vo+ (mg/d) 2282 1583 1557
Vo– (mg/d) 2273 1472 1447
Balance (mg/d) 9 111 110
Vu (mg/d) 113 113 113
Parameters refer to the model in Fig 1. L(0,3) is the fraction of the calcium in
compartment 3 (Fig. 1) that is incorporated into bone each day. Vo+ is bone formation
rate; Vo– is bone resorption rate; Vu is urinary calcium excretion rate.
Chapter 6 / Kinetic Studies 87

Table 2
Informational Content of Serum Samples After Tracer Administration as Calculated
by WinSAAM
IV Oral
Sample Information Sample time Sample Information Sample time
priority content Days Hours Min priority content Days Hours Min
1 0.455 14 336 20160 1 0.954 0.125 3 180
2 0.230 3 72 4320 2 0.471 0.042 1 60
3 0.226 1 24 1440 3 0.162 3 72 4320
4 0.214 13 312 18720 4 0.160 0.045 1.08 65
5 0.198 11 264 15840 5 0.157 0.049 1.17 70
6 0.183 5 120 7200 6 0.154 1 24 1440
7 0.154 1.5 36 2160 7 0.134 0.055 1.33 80
8 0.142 9 216 12960 8 0.067 2 48 2880
9 0.128 7 168 10080 9 0.066 5 120 7200
10 0.126 2 48 2880 10 0.065 1.5 36 2160
11 0.121 0.417 10 600 11 0.061 0.417 10 600
12 0.100 0.333 8 480 12 0.029 0.333 8 480
13 0.073 0.146 3.5 210 13 0.018 0.250 6 360
14 0.070 0.208 5 300 14 0.011 0.208 5 300
15 0.064 0.250 6 360 15 0.009 0.083 2 120
16 0.062 0.167 4 240 16 0.005 0.167 4 240
17 0.058 0.104 2.5 150 17 0.004 0.146 3.5 210
18 0.056 0.125 3 180 18 0.004 0.104 2.5 150
19 0.046 0.083 2 120
20 0.034 0.055 1.33 80
21 0.020 0.049 1.17 70
22 0.007 0.045 1.08 65
Information content is a relative value (with no units).

focus of the study, serum collection points after the first week become critical, as shown
in Table 1. Experience provides an empirical basis for decisions regarding collection
points. However, once a model is established with preliminary data, there are formal
ways to quantify the timepoints at which it is more important to satisfy the research
purpose (6). One of these approaches is informational analysis (using the INFO com-
mand) in WinSAAM (6). An example is shown in Table 2. Parameter values for young
women (1) were used to determine the information content of serum samples taken
following iv or oral tracer administration. The program determines the relative contribu-
tion of each sample. In Table 2, these values have been prioritised according to their
informational content. Because sampling was extended over a wide time range, the times
are shown as days, hours, and minutes after tracer administration for clarity.
The prioritization of samples according to informational content differed depending
on whether the tracer was administered intravenously or orally, i.e., whether the research
purpose related to bone or to absorption. It can be seen that following iv dosing, samples
with the highest information are those taken 1–3 d and 11–14 d after dosing; whereas after
88 Calcium in Human Health

oral dosing, the samples with the most information are those taken within 1–3 h. Using
this approach, an investigator can design a sampling schedule to maximize the informa-
tion obtained from a study.
Although it is apparent that, in measuring absorption, samples taken during actual
absorption will be more useful than samples taken days later, and that in measuring bone
mineralization, it would be best to allow sufficient time for tracer to exchange with the
various exchangeable compartments, these facts can prove invaluable to the investigator
for determining which points within the respective time windows are most useful. For
absorption, is a 3-h value better than a 5-h value? For bone mineralization, how long
should a study go? When is the earliest timepoint that provides useful information? And
so forth.


Modeling is the process of representing pathways of metabolism by mathematical
equations. A number of studies have been analyzed using kinetic models with time-
invariant rate constants. The review by Heaney (8) describing principles of tracer kinetics
is still highly relevant. What has changed is the software and computing power available
to analyze kinetic data (9).
Both compartmental and noncompartmental approaches have been applied, with the
power-function the most common of the latter category. By contrast, compartmental mod-
els are expressed as a series of differential equations. Comparison of compartmental vs
noncompartmental analysis has been reported by Jung et al. (5). The noncompartmental
approach does not provide insight into the underlying biological processes of calcium
deposition into bone (8). The compartmental approach has evolved, based on more exten-
sive sampling, from a single compartment up to five compartments (10). The differences
among and pitfalls of these models have been extensively discussed elsewhere (8). The
description of an approach for analyzing calcium kinetic data by compartmental analysis
using WinSAAM is provided in Wastney et al. (2).
4.1. Absorption
Methods for measuring calcium absorption have been discussed in Chapter 5. Here,
we will elaborate on tracer-based methods. Each of the methods for determining calcium
absorption has limitations and involves assumptions, but generally with more data it
becomes possible to test the assumptions. Fecal recovery of an oral tracer is the least
invasive method. However, this method can only determine apparent calcium absorption,
not true calcium absorption. Fecal tracer consists both of unabsorbed tracer and tracer
absorbed and then excreted in the digestive secretions. Unless the endogenous compo-
nent of the total fecal tracer can be measured (usually requiring a different tracer, given
intravenously), true absorption will be underestimated. By contrast, the double-tracer
method can determine true absorption, but it requires two tracers, and an intravenous
In the double-tracer method, the ratio of the two tracers at 24 or 48 h postdose is used
to estimate the absorption fraction, because the iv tracer parallels the oral tracer closely
after 20 h. In an outpatient setting, a much easier method is the single-tracer, single-
sample, 5-h specific activity method, developed and validated in women by Heaney and
Recker (11). Following a practical calcium load (e.g., approximately one-third of daily
Chapter 6 / Kinetic Studies 89

calcium intake), serum tracer specific activity peaks around 5 h postdose. This value,
after adjustment for height and weight, explains 93% of the variance of calcium absorp-
tion measured by the double-tracer method. An even more accurate, but resource-
demanding, method uses kinetic modeling with a series of serum, urine, and fecal
samples postdose. Serum profiles of iv and oral tracers can be integrated to determine true
calcium absorption.
The research purpose dictates the best method. The various purposes for measuring
absorption include: (1) determining relative bioavailability of foods and supplements; (2)
measuring active calcium absorption to identify malabsorbers or to study mechanisms;
and (3) characterizing absorption as a component of calcium metabolism. If comparative
bioavailability is the goal, reproducibility of the absorption test within subjects is more critical
than the accuracy of the method. In contrast, when the vitamin D-mediated, active com-
ponent of calcium absorption is the desired information, a small calcium dose is prefer-
able so as not to saturate the first order kinetics of the absorptive apparatus. In this type
of assessment, early serum samples (i.e., 1-h or 3-h) must be taken rather than a 5-h serum
sample because, with a small load, calcium absorption would have finished by 3-h. But
results using this method do not correlate well with total calcium absorption. Finally,
when calcium absorption is assessed as one of the principal components of whole-person
calcium metabolism, as for comparing treatments or defining different populations, or
when actual quantities absorbed are needed (as in nutrition studies), absolute values are
critically important.
Several approaches to determining calcium absorption have been compared from data
collected in a double-tracer study in which serum samples were collected from 1 h
postdose up to 12 h on 23 subjects (12). Serum data were fitted to calculate calcium
absorption by deconvolution, a type of kinetic modeling. A 24-h urine and a spot urine
were also collected and used to calculate calcium absorption. Yergey et al. (12) found no
difference between absorption determined from the ratio of tracers excreted in urine after
24 h and deconvolution, whereas the value determined from a spot urine sample differed
significantly. We have compared values determined from our own data sets for young
women (Table 3). Calcium absorption was estimated by determining the ratio of oral and
iv tracers in urine collections, oral tracer in 5-h serum sample, and kinetic analysis by
compartmental modeling (1). The estimate of absorption from the double-isotope ratio
in urine collections increased with the length of collection period, with the increase being
larger in some subjects than in others (e.g., Subject Xb vs Xa, Table 3). This is a result
of differing kinetics between subjects. The 5-h serum value was not different from
the values determined from 24- or 48-h urine samples. The absorption determined
from the breakfast test meal (44%) was higher than from dietary calcium (22%, not
shown in Table 3) because the latter reflects the effect of different bioavailabilities of the
various calcium sources making up a mixed diet as compared with a sole calcium source
(usually a drink or tablet) in a test meal (1).

4.2. Bone Deposition and Bone Resorption

With tracer kinetics, bone deposition is determined from the final slope of the expo-
nential curve, which is influenced mainly by movement of calcium in and out of bone.
If we can assume that the system is in steady state (pool sizes, apart from bone, remain
constant), we can multiply the fractional loss by the mass of the slowest exchangeable
90 Calcium in Human Health

Table 3
Values Calculated for Absorption Following Tracer Administration
Fractional Ca Absorption
Double isotope Oral isotope specific Kinetics
(urine) activity (serum) (serum, urine, feces)
Subject 24-h 48-h 14-d 5-h Model from 14-d
Xa 0.255 0.269 0.257 0.252 0.481
Xb 0.106 0.178 0.335 0.244 0.447
Xd 0.193 0.201 0.291 0.255 0.364
Xe 0.236 0.247 0.364 0.274 0.456
Xf 0.313 0.338 0.429 0.260 0.486
Xg 0.285 0.296 0.309 0.261 0.431
Xh 0.319 0.427 0.355 0.291 0.588
Xi 0.255 0.263 0.321 0.243 0.355
Xj 0.241 0.295 0.350 0.247 0.374
Xk 0.290 0.344 0.388 0.276 0.385
Xl 0.183 0.174 0.203 0.241 0.452
Average 0.243a 0.276b 0.327c 0.259ab 0.438d
Std Dev. 0.063 0.077 0.062 0.016 0.068
Paired t-test was used for statistics. Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).

pool to determine the rate of bone deposition termed “A” (for accretion) by Heaney (8),
or “Vo+” in SAAM. Bone resorption is the rate of calcium release from bone termed “R”
or “Vo–”, and it represents the calcium required to enter blood from bone to maintain a
constant pool size.
Most calcium tracers can only be followed for days or weeks, either because, if radio-
active, they decay, or, if stable, they cannot be given in large enough quantity without
perturbing the system. Thus, multiple times of introducing tracers are required for study-
ing bone resorption over a long period. In contrast, 41Ca can be tracked for years mainly
because of the sensitivity of its detection using AMS. From 41Ca studies, urinary 41Ca
specific activity decreases by a single exponential after approx 100 d (13). This is con-
sidered to reflect skeletal calcium loss. In addition to acting as a clinically useful tool for
assessing anti-resorptive therapy, 41Ca, after prolonged periods, may also provide useful
insights into bone metabolism, such as the sizes and interactions of intraskeletal compart-
Changes in bone resorption and deposition from short-term studies may not accurately
reflect long-term changes in bone balance. Because bone is constantly being remodeled
(areas of bone are resorbed and then replaced with new bone), any intervention that slows
down remodeling will first appear as a decrease in resorption. There is a delay before
deposition will slow to match the reduced resorption rate. Heaney (14) has described this
phenomenon as the “remodeling transient.” Kinetic studies are essential for defining,
delimiting, and characterizing the processes that underlie this transient. In studies that do
not involve a treatment intervention, short-term kinetic studies may accurately predict
long term changes in bone turnover and balance because the remodeling transient is not
Chapter 6 / Kinetic Studies 91

present. Heaney (14) cites studies in which conclusions on the magnitude of the effects
of treatment (estrogen) on bone loss would differ if the study had ceased after 1 yr vs 2 yr
vs 3 yr, even though any of those time points would have demonstrated the overall protec-
tive effect of estrogen on bone. Short-term kinetic studies at several time points could
have characterized these dynamic changes.

4.3. Excretion: Urinary, Fecal, and Endogenous

Urinary and fecal excretion of calcium can be measured. Endogenous excretion, by
contrast, can only be determined from the amount of iv tracer excreted in feces, adjusted
for the time delay in fecal calcium excretion. The appearance of iv tracer in feces is a
function of tracer concentration in serum calcium, and this in turn is determined by how
rapidly serum calcium turns over. Therefore, either a compartmental approach that
accounts for fecal, urine, and serum data simultaneously (15), or calculation of the
integral of serum- or urine-specific activity values (16,17) must be used. In any event,
adjusting for fecal lag time so as to match the fecal collection to the corresponding serum
interval that governs tracer appearance in feces is also necessary. In compartment mod-
eling, this is achieved by adding a fecal delay compartment.

4.4. Retention
Retention, the difference between calcium absorbed and calcium excreted, can be
determined by balance studies or by the difference between bone deposition and bone
resorption from kinetic analysis. The value obtained for retention from kinetic studies is
underestimated from shorter kinetic studies (7 d vs 14 and 21 d) (Table 1)


Models can be used to explore metabolism by comparing kinetics in a healthy (or
treated condition) with those in a disease (or untreated state) (18).
The degree to which kinetic parameters relate to other measures of calcium metabo-
lism has been investigated in a number of studies. Lauffenburger et al. (19) compared
histomorphometry, kinetics, and biochemical parameters in patients with either low
(osteoporosis) or high (Paget’s disease) bone turnover. They found high correlation
between the results of the different approaches (19). O’Brien et al. (20) studied differ-
ences between generations of females in families with or without histories of osteoporo-
sis using compartmental modeling analysis. Bone turnover rates were determined from
stable calcium isotopic tracer kinetics. Although exact values for bone resorption cannot
be determined with confidence in this study, which did not control diet or collect feces,
bone formation rates can be estimated from serum tracer profiles. Bone turnover increased
more in families with a history of osteoporosis in response to higher calcium intakes than
in healthy families. This is an example of the kind of question that can be addressed with
tracer kinetics.


Calcium kinetic models will be expanded in the future to represent dynamics, and the
homeostatic mechanisms (21). This means linking models for parathyroid hormone,
92 Calcium in Human Health

vitamin D, and other calcitropic hormones to calcium metabolism. Several dynamic

models have been proposed for humans (22,23). Most have been theoretical and com-
pared only with limited, if any, data. With the additional computing power, more pow-
erful software packages and accumulated data now available for calcium and bone
metabolism, there is a need for a dynamic model to integrate knowledge on calcium
regulation. Results from kinetic studies could be combined with data from balance stud-
ies, bone scans, biomarkers, biochemical indices, and hormonal regulators of calcium to
aid our understanding of the temporal and quantitative relationships.

1. Wastney ME, Ng J, Smith D, Martin BR, Peacock M, Weaver CM. Differences in calcium kinetics
between adolescent girls and young women. Am J Physiol 1996;271:R208–R216.
2. Wastney ME, Patterson BH, Linares OA, Greif PC, Boston RC. Investigating Biological Systems Using
Modeling: Strategies and Software. Academic, New York: 1998; p. 395.
3. Weaver CM, Wastney M, Spence LA. Quantitative clinical nutrition approaches to the study of calcium
and bone metabolism. In: Holick MF, Dawson-Hughes B, eds. Nutrition and Bone Health. Humana,
Totowa, NJ: 2003; pp. 133–151.
4. Smith SM, Wastney ME, Nyquist LE, et al. Calcium kinetics with microgram stable isotope doses and
saliva sampling. J Mass Spectrom 1996;31:1265–1270.
5. Jung A, Bartholdi P, Mermillod B, Reeve J, Neer R. Critical analysis of methods for analysing human
calcium kinetics. J Theor Biol 1978;73:131–157.
6. Berman M, Van Eerdewegh P. Information content of data with respect to models. Am J Physiol 1983;
7. Berman M, Beltz WF, Greif PC, Chabay R, Boston RC. CONSAM User’s Guide. DHEW Publication
No 1983-421-132:3279. US Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC: 1983.
8. Heaney R. Calcium kinetics in plasma: as they apply to the measurements of bone formation and
resorption rates. In: Bourne G, ed. The Biochemistry and Physiology of Bone. Vol. 4. Academic, New
York: 1976; pp. 105–133.
9. Stefanovski D, Moate PJ, Boston RC. WinSAAM: A Windows-based compartmental modeling system.
Metabolism 2003;52:1153–1166.
10. Wajchenberg BL, Leme PR, Ferreira MNL, Modesto Filho J, Pieroni RR, Berman M. Analysis of 47Ca
kinetics in normal subjects by means of a compartmental model with a non-exchangeable plasma
calcium fraction. Clin Sci 1979;56:523–532.
11. Heaney RP, Recker RR. Estimation of true calcium absorption. Ann Int Med 1985;103:516–521.
12. Yergey AL, Abrams SA, Vieira NE, Aldroubi A, Marini J, Sidbury JB. Determination of fractional
absorption of dietary calcium in humans. J Nutr 1994;124:674–682.
13. Freeman SPHT, Beck B, Bierman JM, et al. The study of skeletal calcium metabolism with 41Ca and
45Ca. Nucl Instr Meth Phys Res 2000;172:930–933.

14. Heaney RP. The bone remodeling transient: interpreting interventions involving bone-related nutrients.
Nutr Rev 2001;59:327–334.
15. Neer R, Berman M, Fisher L, Rosenberg LE. Multicompartmental analysis of calcium kinetics in normal
adult males. J Clin Invest 1967;46:1364–1379.
16. Heaney RP. Calcium tracers in the study of vertebrate calcium metabolism. In: Zipkin I, ed. Biological
Mineralization: Wiley, NY: 1973.
17. Abrams SA, Vieira NE, Yergey AL. Interpretation of stable isotope studies of calcium absorption and
kinetics. In: Siva Subramanian KN, Wastney ME, eds. Kinetic Models of Trace Element and Mineral
Metabolism during Development. CRC, Boca Raton: 1995; pp. 283–290.
18. Wastney ME, Martin BR, Bryant RJ, Weaver CM. Calcium utilization in young women: New insights
from modelling. Adv Exp Biol Med 2003;537:193–205.
19. Lauffenburger T, Olah AJ, Dambacher MA, Guncaga J, Lentner C, Haas HG. Bone remodeling and
calcium metabolism: A correlated histomorphometric, calcium kinetic, and biochemical study in pa-
tients with osteoporosis and Paget’s Disease. Metab Clin Exp 1977;26:589–605.
Chapter 6 / Kinetic Studies 93

20. O’Brien KO, Abrams SA, Liang LK, Ellis KJ, Gagel RF. Bone turnover response to changes in calcium
intake is altered in girls and adult women in families with histories of osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res
21. Wastney ME, Zhao Y, Smith SM. Modelling human calcium dynamics as a mechanism for exploring
changes in calcium homeostasis during space flight. In: Hargrove J, Berdanier C, eds. Mathematical
Modelling in Nutrition and Toxicology. Mathematical Biology Press, Athens, GA; 2005, pp. 157–170.
22. Doty SE, Seagrave RC. Human water, sodium, and calcium regulation during space flight and exercise.
Acta Astronaut 2000;46:591–604.
23. Jaros GG, Coleman TG, Guyton AC. Model of short-term regulation of calcium-ion concentration.
Simulation 1979;32:193–204.
Chapter 7 / Requirements for What Endpoint? 95


Chapter 7 / Requirements for What Endpoint? 97

7 Requirements for What Endpoint?

Robert P. Heaney and Connie M. Weaver

• The official calcium intake requirement is pegged to a bony endpoint.
• Adequate calcium intake supports many health outcomes in addition to bone.
• For some ethnic groups and for some life stages in all groups, optimal calcium intake may
relate to nonskeletal endpoints.
• Hence, current recommendations, although generally satisfactory for bone, may not be
adequate for optimal total body health.

In Chapter 2, we noted that calcium was a threshold nutrient and we introduced the
term “minimum daily requirement” (MDR), defined as the intake just sufficient to get an
individual up to the bone retention threshold, i.e., the point at which no further increase
in bone mass will occur despite further increases in calcium intake. The concept of an
MDR has been largely abandoned for many other nutrients, but it remains apt for calcium,
as Fig. 1 in Chapter 2 shows graphically.
In defining the calcium intake requirement, the Calcium and Related Nutrients panel
of the Food and Nutrition Board used the notion of maximal calcium retention, that is,
the retention plateau at or above the threshold intake (1). In doing so, they explicitly chose
bone mass as the functional indicator for calcium nutritional adequacy. It was recognized
then that calcium plays a role in other disorders (see Part VI of this book), but information
was insufficient to allow the panel to peg the requirement to the optimal functioning of
systems other than bone. Much information has been accumulated since the recommen-
dations of the Calcium and Related Nutrients panel were submitted to the Food and
Nutrition Board, and we discuss some of that new information in Part VI. Here, we review
the considerations that went into setting the calcium requirement, show how the MDR
may itself not be optimal, even for bone, and set forth the physiology that undergirds the
fact that, for certain disease endpoints, the calcium intake requirement may be substan-
tially higher than that needed for skeletal health.

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
98 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 1. Schematic depiction of varying utilization efficiencies for calcium (lower panel) and the
distribution of such efficiencies (upper panel). For each of the utilization efficiencies, the maximal
retention value is the same, but some individuals reach maximal retention at a lower calcium intake
than others, while still others require more. The upper panel schematically presents the distribution
of such individual intake requirements. The mean of that distribution is the Estimated Average
Requirement (EAR), and the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for calcium would,
accordingly, be set roughly two standard deviations above that mean value. (Copyright Robert
P. Heaney, 2004. Used with permission.)


For most or all nutrients, the published requirement represents the least intake an
individual can get by on and still attain some desired health outcome or reach some target
value for a functional indicator of nutritional status. Because of differences in absorption
or utilization efficiency from individual to individual, there will be a range of require-
ments, with some individuals able to achieve the desired outcome at lower intakes and
others requiring more to produce the same effect. This concept is illustrated for calcium
in Fig. 1. In the bottom panel are depicted what a range of requirements means in terms
of individual threshold diagrams. Individuals reach their particular bone retention thresh-
olds at various intakes. The top panel presents, schematically, what the distribution of
such individual requirement values might look like. The mean value of this distribution
is the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) called an “Estimated Average Requirement” (EAR).
By contrast, a “Recommended Dietary Allowance” (RDA) is an intake sufficient to meet
the needs of roughly 97% of the population, a value that would be located about two
standard deviations to the right of the EAR in the top panel of Fig. 1.
The currently recommended intake values (1) for calcium are the so-called “Adequate
Intakes” (AI). These happen to be identical to the EAR for calcium, and hence represent
an intake that is below the threshold for roughly half the population.
Chapter 7 / Requirements for What Endpoint? 99

Fig. 2. Retention curves for three life stages. The dashed horizontal line represents zero retention
and hence maintenance of bone mass, whereas during growth one would expect positive retention,
and during involution, some degree of bone loss, irrespective of calcium intake. For each curve,
the asterisks indicate the minimum daily requirement (MDR). (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 1998.
Used with permission.)

Taking the “least to get by on” approach to nutritional recommendations inevitably

leads to different recommendations for different ages and physiological states. For
example, during a woman’s reproductive years, when she has high circulating estrogen
levels (and correspondingly better conservation of calcium), she can “get by on” a lower
calcium intake than is possible in a postmenopausal, estrogen-deprived state. At least, her
bones can get by on less calcium (discussed later).
These age- and state-specific differences in the requirement are illustrated in Fig. 2,
once again schematically, but for three age-states: growth, maturity, and involution.
There are three key features about each of the retention diagrams in Fig. 2: (1) the
steepness of the ascending limb of the retention curve; (2) the location of the threshold
point along the range of calcium intakes (horizontal axis); and (3) the location of the
plateau region along the range of retention values (vertical axis). The steepness of the
ascending limbs of the curves is a reflection of the efficiency with which the organism
uses dietary calcium; the threshold intake is the MDR; and the threshold retention is the
desired physiological state, that is, bone accumulation during growth, bone maintenance
during maturity, and minimization of bone loss during involution.
The desired retention values for growth and maturity are intuitively obvious, but the
negative value for retention in the involutional phase of life deserves comment. It reflects
the fact that there are other factors operating in the body during involution which lead to
diminution in bone mass. These factors cannot be countered by calcium, because they are
not caused by insufficient calcium intake. They include decreased physical activity,
declines in the production of various hormones that are trophic for bone, and intercurrent
illnesses and infections, among others. From the standpoint of nutrition during this phase
of life, the goal is to achieve a calcium intake during involution that minimizes bone loss
and ensures that nutritional inadequacy is not contributing to whatever decline in bone
mass may otherwise be occurring.
100 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 3. Calcium retention curves for blacks, as contrasted with Caucasians and east Asians, with
an approximate estimate of the quantitative differences in minimum daily requirement (MDR).
(Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 2001. Used with permission.)


In animals, it is possible to perform dose–response experiments, controlling calcium
intake at various life stages for long enough to determine the location of the intake
thresholds. An example is the work of Forbes et al. (2) depicted in Fig. 1 in Chapter 2.
For the most part, comparable studies have not been done in humans of any ethnic or racial
background. Partial exceptions can be found in the work of Matkovic and Heaney (3) and
of Jackman et al. (4). Using calcium balances measured across a range of intakes, these
investigators have provided estimates of the location of the intake thresholds. However,
these data have been accumulated mainly in Caucasians. From the limited evidence that
is available, it appears that East Asians have approximately the same requirements as do
Caucasians, particularly when diet calcium is corrected for differences in body size.
However, two lines of evidence indicate that blacks have a lower requirement for the
skeletal endpoint, as illustrated schematically in Fig. 3. The evidence comes from two
sources: adult bone mass values are higher in African Americans than in Caucasians, and
at the same time, the distribution of their calcium intakes is shifted to the left of that for
Caucasians. This means that, despite a lower calcium intake, they acquire more bone than
Caucasians or East Asians. The second line of evidence, discussed briefly in Chapter 10,
lies in the fact that the bony resorptive apparatus of blacks is relatively resistant to
parathyroid hormone (PTH). This means that, in order to maintain extracellular fluid
(ECF) [Ca2+] in the face of lower intake, they must secrete more PTH and maintain higher
levels of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D), which, in fact, is found to be the case
(5). As a consequence, they make better use of dietary calcium: through most of life by
reduced urinary calcium loss, and, at some stages, by more efficient intestinal absorption
as well. It is as a consequence of these adjustments that the slope of the ascending limb
of the retention curve is steeper in blacks, and the retention maximum is reached at a lower
calcium intake. The precise value of the difference in the requirement between blacks on
the one hand and whites and East Asians on the other can only be roughly estimated, but
is probably on the order of 300 mg/d, as Fig. 3 suggests.
Chapter 7 / Requirements for What Endpoint? 101

Fig. 4. Model fit for calcium retention, as a function of postmenarcheal age, in black and white
females. The cumulative racial difference in bone mass, based on calcium accretion from onset of
menarche to 20 yr postmenarche, is predicted to be 12%. (Reprinted from ref. 6.)

Evidence of more efficient calcium absorption and suppressed bone resorption in

black compared with white pubertal girls is shown in Chapter 17. The racial difference
in calcium retention during formation of peak bone mass appears to be greatest at onset
of menses and diminishes as peak bone mass is reached. Figure 4 (6) shows calcium
retention as a function of postmenarcheal age in black and white women. The model was
developed using data from whites that spanned the whole age range. The curve for blacks
was created using data from adolescent black girls projected using the model developed
on white women. An estimate of the cumulative difference in retained calcium from the
area between the two curves converted to bone mass is 12%, consistent with the 10 and
13% higher femoral neck bone mineral content and density, respectively, observed in
black compared with white women from National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (NHANES) III 1990–1994 (7). Thus, much of the difference in adult mass can be
accounted for by the differences in calcium handling during growth. Accordingly, one
would expect that the racial differences in calcium retention depicted in Fig. 3 would
be most pronounced during adolescence and diminish after peak bone mass has been
achieved. Consistent with this expectation are the similar whole-body 47Ca retention
curves for adult black and white women in Fig. 2 in Chapter 19.


As Fig. 2 makes clear schematically, and as the very name MDR suggests, this intake
is “the least one can get by on.” Simply expressing the requirement in this way suggests
automatically that the MDR may not be optimal, even for the bony endpoint which
currently serves as the functional indicator for calcium nutrition. There is, in fact, a body
of evidence suggesting that somewhat higher intakes would be optimal.
102 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 5. A curve for the adaptive response to insufficient calcium intake, superimposed on the
calcium retention curve, showing that the minimal adaptive response (MAR) is not achieved until
an intake somewhat in excess of the minimum daily requirement (MDR). (Copyright Robert P.
Heaney, 2004. Used with permission.)

As is evident from an understanding of the physiology involved (see Chapters 10 and

11), any intake located along the ascending limb of the retention curve will tend to evoke
an adaptive response from the organism (i.e., increased PTH secretion) with its cascade
of effects. But simply getting up to the threshold itself requires continuing adaptation.
Although increasing intake beyond the threshold point will not lead to higher bone mass,
it will lead to decreased adaptation because, as the diet becomes richer and richer in
calcium, less and less compensation will be required to permit obtaining all the calcium
that might be needed both for growth and to offset obligatory losses (i.e., to remain on
the plateau of the retention curve). Thus, there is a phase lag between calcium retention
and the adaptive response, depicted schematically in Fig. 5.
There are two implications for optimal calcium nutrition that flow from this insight.
The first relates to the bony endpoint and the second to nonskeletal disease. For bone,
even though maximal calcium retention may be achieved, the still somewhat elevated
PTH levels would be expected to elevate the level of bone remodeling which, as discussed
in Chapter 2, is a fragility factor in its own right. This is shown, for example, in the fracture
experience of patients with untreated, mild primary hyperparathyroidism (8) in whom,
despite no appreciable difference in bone mass, fracture risk is approximately threefold
greater than in age-matched normal controls. Thus, one would predict that fracture risk
would decline somewhat as calcium intake increases past the threshold intake. The pre-
cise amount required to produce this level is unclear, and probably rises with age. For
example, McKane et al. (9) were able to reduce PTH levels in healthy women over age
65 yr to young adult normal values at an intake of 2400 mg Ca/d, a value well above
the current AI. Importantly, this seemingly high intake did not depress PTH levels below
the young adult normal range. Such an intake, although high by contemporary standards,
would probably be in the mid range of calcium intakes for hunter–gatherer populations
(adjusted for differences between primitive and contemporary body sizes) (10), and
Chapter 7 / Requirements for What Endpoint? 103

hence may be close to the intake for which human physiology has been adapted over the
course of evolution. Additional evidence supporting this conclusion is seen in the calcium
homeostatic response to a challenge such as sodium-induced hypercalciuria (see Chapter
10). This behavior illustrates beautifully how the fine-tuning of the calcium economy
presumes an intake such as that employed by McKane et al.
The second facet of this phase lag of Fig. 5 relates to the calcium paradox diseases
discussed in Part VI, and introduced briefly in Chapter 19. There we note that diseases
such as hypertension may be aggravated or initiated as a consequence of high circulating
levels of 1,25(OH)2D. Thus, to the extent that a threshold intake may still be associated
with some elevation of serum 1,25(OH)2D, susceptibility to the calcium paradox diseases
will be aggravated. This is probably most clearly seen in the case of blacks who, as noted
above, have lower calcium intakes than whites, higher circulating levels of PTH and
1,25(OH)2D (5), and a lower bone threshold intake than whites or East Asians. At the
same time, African Americans are known to be at increased risk of hypertension and
cardiovascular disease, and they have been shown to respond with significant blood
pressure reductions to a diet high in calcium and fruits and vegetables (see Chapter 28)
(11). The calcium intake that produced this benefit was approx 1200 mg/d, well above
the bony retention threshold for blacks illustrated in Fig. 3. Thus, although the Food and
Nutrition Board selected bone calcium retention as the functional indicator of calcium
nutrient adequacy for all persons, newer evidence indicates that, for at least some popu-
lation groups (e.g., African Americans) blood pressure and/or cardiovascular status is a
more appropriate functional indicator.
The evidence supporting use of a non-bony functional indicator is clearest for hyper-
tension, particularly in blacks, and much work needs to be done in order to clarify the
optimal calcium intake for the remaining nonskeletal health outcomes. However, it can
be noted that the calcium intakes associated in observational studies with minimizing the
expression of the nonskeletal diseases related to low calcium intake are all in the range
of 1100–1800 mg/d. These values are above the AI for all individuals up to age 50 yr, and
at or above the AI for older individuals. Hence, when the requisite data are finally
accumulated and the calcium requirement is once again revisited by the Food and Nutri-
tion Board, it would not be surprising to see intake recommendations which may be
higher than those required simply for the bony endpoint.

An adequate calcium intake is necessary to ensure optimal functioning of many body
systems. Yet current intake recommendations were pegged exclusively to a skeletal
endpoint and represent the lowest intake an individual can ingest without compromising
the mechanical function of the skeleton. Available evidence indicates that, for certain
physiological states and certain ethnic groups, nonskeletal functions of calcium may be
more sensitive indicators of the requirement and thus, the optimal total body requirement
may be higher than the current, bone-related DRIs.

1. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D, and Fluoride. Food and
Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. National Academy Press, Washington, DC: 1997.
104 Calcium in Human Health

2. Forbes RM, Weingartner KE, Parker HM, Bell RR, Erdman JW Jr. Bioavailability to rats of zinc,
magnesium and calcium in casein-, egg- and soy protein-containing diets. J Nutr 1979;109:1652–1660.
3. Matkovic V, Heaney RP. Calcium balance during human growth. Evidence for threshold behavior. Am
J Clin Nutr 1992;55:992–996.
4. Jackman LA, Millane SS, Martin BR, et al. Calcium retention in relation to calcium intake and
postmenarcheal age in adolescent females. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:327–333.
5. Heaney RP. Ethnicity, bone status, and the calcium requirement. Nutr Res 2002;22:(1–2):153–178.
6. Bryant RJ, Wastney ME, Martin BR, et al. Racial differences in bone turnover and calcium metabolism
in adolescent females. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003;88(3):1043–1047.
7. Looker AC, Wahner HW, Dunn WL, et al. Updated data on proximal femur bone mineral levels of US
adults. Osteoporos Int 1998;8:468–489.
8. Khosla S, Melton LJ III, Wermers RA, Crowson CS, O’Fallon WM, Riggs BL. Primary hyperparathy-
roidism and the risk of fracture: a population-based study. J Bone Miner Res 1999;14(10):1700–1707
9. McKane WR, Khosla S, Egan KS, Robins SP, Burritt MF, Riggs BL. Role of calcium intake in modu-
lating age-related increases in parathyroid function and bone resorption. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
10. Eaton B, Nelson DA. Calcium in evolutionary perspective. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:281S–287S.
11. Appel LJ, Moore TJ, Obarzanek E, et al. A clinical trial of the effects of dietary patterns on blood
pressure. N Engl J Med 1997;336:1117–1124.
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes 105

8 Dietary Calcium
Recommendations and Intakes Around the World

Anne C. Looker

• Many countries have published calcium intake recommendations since 1988. These
recommendations vary by as much as 900 mg/d.
• Calcium recommendations published after 1997 tend to be higher than those published
during 1988–1996.
• Data on calcium intakes in children are too scanty to draw conclusions about adequacy.
• Young men are the only group among adolescents and adults that appears unlikely to have
inadequate calcium intakes.
• Data on calcium intakes above the upper limit of 2500 mg/d are too scanty to draw firm
conclusions; nonetheless, the risk of inadequate intakes is likely much higher than the
risk of excessive intakes.

The critical role of calcium in human health has been recognized for many years, as
reflected by a long history of calcium intake recommendations (1). Although the need for
an appropriate intake of calcium is well recognized among health authorities, data on
calcium intakes suggest that a large percentage of the population in most countries does
not consume recommended amounts. The objective of the present chapter is to review
calcium recommendations and intakes in various countries to provide a current snapshot
of calcium nutrition around the world.
To meet this goal, several methods were used to locate published information on
calcium recommendations and dietary intake data collected in the 15-yr period from 1988
to 2003. These included a Medline search and use of several Internet search engines to
identify papers or other relevant sources of information. The International Reference
Guide on Health Data (2) was used to identify 13 countries that conduct national surveys
that include some type of dietary information. Internet websites of several regional and
national health agencies were also searched. Finally, reference lists and professional
contacts were used to identify additional sources of information. Nonetheless, this chap-

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
106 Calcium in Human Health

ter is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all existing recommendations or datasets on

calcium intakes worldwide, but rather to provide selected examples that can illustrate the
variability in recommendations and intakes around the world.

2.1. Recent Calcium Recommendations in Different Countries
Calcium recommendations published since 1988 were located for 33 countries or
organizations using the methods described in the Introduction. A detailed summary of
these recommendations is given in Table 1 (for summaries of recommendations pub-
lished prior to 1988, see refs. 3 and 4). Approximate age groupings have been used to
summarize the recommendations, because the exact definitions of the age categories
differ between countries. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the absolute amounts of recommended
calcium vary widely between the different countries. For example, 75% of the recom-
mended intakes for adolescent males fall between 850 and 1200 mg/d, but the range
varies from a low of 500 mg/d (recommended in Sri Lanka) to a high of 1300 mg/d
(recommended in the United States and Venezuela and by the Food and Agriculture
Organization [FAO] of the World Health Organization [WHO]). In general, the range of
recommended values in these 33 countries tended to be narrower in infants, toddlers and
younger children than in older children, adolescents and adults: the average difference
between the highest and lowest amount recommended was 537 mg/d in the younger
groups versus 820 mg/d in the older groups, respectively.
The recommendations also vary depending on how recently they were developed. An
upward trend in calcium recommendations has been noted in the past 15 years in some
European and North American countries (5–9). This trend is illustrated in Fig. 2, which
shows that recommendations shown in Table 1 for adults published after 1997 are sig-
nificantly higher than those published in 1989–1996. Recommendations for older chil-
dren and adolescents published after 1997 also tended to be higher than those published
earlier, but the differences were not statistically significant.
Possible reasons for the variability in calcium recommendations include differences
in their conceptual basis (e.g., avoidance of deficiency vs prevention of chronic disease),
the endpoint being used (calcium balance vs bone mineral density), assumptions about
the percent of ingested calcium that is absorbed, inclusion of insensible loss of calcium
via skin, hair, or nails, and the possibility that the calcium requirement itself may vary
from culture to culture for dietary, genetic, body size, lifestyle, and geographical reasons
(10). Recommendations may also vary as a result of different interpretations of the same
data (3). Some recommendations are based solely on review of original research, others
are based solely on a review of other recommendations, while still others may use a
combination of both approaches (3).
Some countries choose to adopt recommendations from other countries or from
authoritative bodies (such as FAO/WHO or European Community [EC]) rather than
developing their own unique recommendations (11,12). There is a growing trend toward
harmonization of recommendations across countries, as witnessed by the joint develop-
ment of recommendations for the Nordic countries (13), and the D-A-CH 2000 (Austria,
Germany, and Switzerland) (14). The European Union has compiled a set of recommen-
dations for use across the EC (15). Canada and the United States have collaborated
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes 107

recently to develop Dietary Reference Intakes for use in both countries (9). Other regions,
such as Southeast Asia, are also moving toward greater harmonization (16,17). Reasons
to consider harmonization include similarities between populations in some countries,
expense and lack of resources to undertake nutrition research, reduction in consumer con-
fusion, increase in world trade, and creation of a global food supply (12).
In addition to identifying a target amount of calcium to consume, calcium recommen-
dations from some countries also include a tolerable upper limit (UL) and a lowest
acceptable level for calcium intake. The UL is defined as “the highest average daily
nutrient intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects for almost all individu-
als in the general population” (9). Intakes that rise above the UL are believed to carry an
increasing risk of adverse effects. Several countries or organizations have identified an
upper limit for calcium of 2500 mg/d; examples among those listed in Table 1 include
Belgium, EC, Japan, the Netherlands, the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland,
Norway, and Sweden), Taiwan, and the United States (9,13,15,18–23).
The lowest acceptable level for calcium has been defined as “the intake below which
there may be cause for concern for a substantial section of the population” (15), or an
amount of the nutrient that is enough for only the few people in a group who have low
needs (24). As these definitions imply, the lowest acceptable level is intended to be used
for assessment of results from dietary surveys, rather than in assessing an individual’s
diet (13). Selected examples of countries that have set a lowest acceptable level for
calcium include the Nordic countries and the EC (13,15). Both groups defined 400 mg/d
as the lowest level for males and females, but the EC indicated that this value applied to
adults only (15), whereas the Nordic recommendation covers ages 15–50 yr (13). The
United Kingdom has defined a Lower Reference Nutrient Intake (LRNI) for calcium,
equal to two standard deviations below the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR), for
several age groups: 200–275 mg/d for infants and young children, 325 mg/d for older
children, 450–480 mg/d for adolescents, and 400 mg/d for adults (24). Ireland has defined
a Lowest Threshold Intake for adults as 430 mg/d (25).

3.1. Calcium Intakes in Different Countries
Calcium intake from food in 20 selected countries around the globe are summarized
in Table 2. National data have been included whenever possible; however many countries
either do not routinely collect dietary data from a nationally representative sample, have
not collected it recently, or do not report individual intake data (2,26,27). To provide a
more complete picture of calcium intakes, Table 2 also includes regional data for selected
countries for which nationally representative data could not be located. Because data
were located for only 20 (10%) of the 192 independent states in the world (28), the
information on calcium intakes is not intended to be an exhaustive review, but rather to
illustrate the variability in calcium intake that exists in different countries. It should also
be noted that these data do not include calcium intake from nonfood sources, such as
vitamin-mineral supplements, antacids, hard water, or medicines that contain calcium as
an excipient or inert ingredient.
Table 1
Recommended Calcium Intakes (mg/d)a From Selected Countries Published Since 1988

Young Older Young Middle-aged

Country/organization Infants Toddlers children children Adolescents adult adult Older adult Pregnant Lactating
Australia (1991) (65)
Male 300–550 700 800 800 1000–1200 800 800 800 – –
Female 300–550 700 800 900 800–1000 800 800 1000 +300 +400
Austriab (2000) (14)
Male & Female 220–400 600 700 900 1100–1200 1000–1200 1000 1000 1000 1000
Belgium (2000) (18)
Male & Female 400–600 800 800 800 1000–1200 900 900 1200c 1200 1200
Canadad (1997) (9)
Male 250–500 550 600 700 900–1100 800 800 800 – –
Female 250–500 550 600 700 700–1100 700 800 800 +500 +500
China (2001) (66)
Male & Female 300–400 600 800 800 1000 800 800 1000 800–1200e 1200
Colombia (1992) (67)
Male & Female 400–550 450 450 450 550–650 500 500 500 +300 +400
European Community
(1993) (15)
Male 400 400 450 550 1000 700 700 700 – –
Female 400 400 450 550 800 700 700 700 700 1200
Denmarkf (1996) (13)
Male & Female 360–540 600 600 700 900 800 800 800 900 1200
(2002) (10)
Male & Female 300–400 500 600 700 1300 1000 1000 1300c 1200 1000
(1998) (13,68)
Male & Female 360–540 600 600 700 900 800g 800 800 900 900
(2000) (69,70)
Male & Female – 500 700–900 1200 1200 900 900h 1200 1000 1000
Germanyb (2000) (14)
Calcium in Human Health

Male & Female 220–400 600 700 900 1100–1200 1000–1200 1000 1000 1000 1000
Icelandf (1996) (13)
Male & Female 360–540 600 600 700 900 800 800 800 900 1200
(1994) (71,72)
Male & Female 400–600 500 500 500–700i 600–700 500 500 500 +400 +400
Ireland (1999) (25)
Male & Female 800 800 800 1200 800 800 800 1200 1200
Italy (1996) (73)
Male 600 800 800 1000 1200 1000 800 1000 – –
Female 600 800 800 1000 1200 1000 1200–1500/1000j 1200–1500/1000j 1200 1200
Japan (2002) (19)
Male 200–500 500 500 600–700 800–900 600–700 600 600 – –
Female 200–500 500 500 600–700 700 600 600 600 +300 +500
Mexico (1994) (74)
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes

Male & Female 450–600 800 800 800 1200 800–1200 800 800 1200 1200
The Netherlands
(2000) (20)
Male 210–450 500 700 1200 1200 1000 1000–1100 1200 – –
Female 210–450 500 700 1100 1100 1000 1000–1100 1200 1000 1000
Norwayf (1996) (13)
Male & Female 360–540 600 600 700 900 800 800 800 900 1200
The Phillipines
(2002) (75)
Male 200–400 500 550 700 1000 750 750 800 – –
Female 200–400 500 550 700 1000 750 800 800 800 750
Poland (1998) (76)
Male & Female – – 900 1000 1100–1200 1000 1000 1000 1500 2000
Singapore (2002) (77)
Male & Female 300–400 500 600 700 1000 800 800 1000 1000 1000
Spain (1994) (78)
Male & Female 500 600 650 650 800–850 850 600 700 1200 1300
Sri Lanka (1998) (79)
Male & Female 500 400 400 400 500–600 400 400 400 1000 1000
Sweden (1996) (21)
Male & Female 360–540 600 600 700 900 800 800 800k 900 1200

Table 1 (Continued)
Young Older Young Middle-aged

Country/organization Infants Toddlers children children Adolescents adult adult Older adult Pregnant Lactating
Switzerlandb (2000) (14)
Male & Female 220–400 600 700 900 1100–1200 1000–1200 1000 1000 1000 1000
Thailand (1989) (80)
Male & Female 360–480 800 800 800–1200 1200 800 800 – 1200 1200
Taiwan (2002) (23)
Male & Female 200–400 500–600 800–1000 1200 1000 1000 1000 1000 +0 +0
United Kingdom
(1991) (24)
Male 525 350 450 550 1000 700 700 700 – –
Female 525 350 450 550 800 700 700 700 – +550
United Statesd (1997) (9)
Male & Female 210–270 500 800 1300 1300 1000 1200 1200 1000–1300l 1000–1300l
Venezuela (2000) (81)
Male 210–270 500 500 800 1300 1000 1000 1200 – –
Female 210–270 500 500 800 1300 1000 1000 1300 1300 1300
Vietnam (1996) (82)
Male & Female 300–500 500 500 500 700m 500 500 500 1000 1000
FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization; WHO, World Health Organization.
aCalcium intake ranges reflect different recommendations for age subgroups within an age category except where noted. For infants, range may also reflect different recommendations for breast-
vs bottle-fed infants.
bAustria, Germany, and Switzerland share the same recommended intakes (DACH 2000).
cApplies to postmenopausal women.
dCanada and the United States share the same recommendations (IOM, 1997).
eAmount depends on trimester.
fThe Nordic Countries (Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) share the same recommended intakes.
g900 mg/d recommended for 19- to 20-yr-old individuals.
h1200 mg/d recommended for women age 55+ yr.
i600–700 mg/d recommended for 10- to 12-yr-old individuals.
jHigher amount (1200–1500 mg/d) recommended for postmenopausal women who do not use estrogen therapy.
kA supplement of 500–1000 mg/d may, to a certain extent, delay bone loss.
l1300 mg/d recommended for girls ⱕ 18 yr.
m600 mg/d recommended for 16- to 19-yr-old girls.
Calcium in Human Health
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes 111

Fig. 1. Range of calcium recommendations from 33 countries. Highest value is at the top of each
bar; black box indicates mean value; lowest value is at the bottom of each bar.

Some additional caveats arise when comparing calcium intakes in Table 2 between
world regions or individual countries. The small number of countries for which calcium
data were obtained limits regional comparisons because some regions either are not
represented or are represented by a few countries only. Use of different dietary methods
in the different studies may also affect comparisons: mean intakes are generally similar
when based on questionnaires vs diet records, but one study found a difference of 125 mg
between the two methods (29–34). Finally, differences in the presentation of the data in
the different published reports (e.g., use of different age groups, means vs medians, or
combined vs sex-specific estimates) also complicate a comparison of the data from
different countries.
With these caveats in mind, some general trends emerge. For example, mean intakes
among adolescents and adults vary considerably in the different countries, with the
highest versus lowest mean intakes differing by as much as 900 mg/d in some age groups
(Fig. 3; data for younger age groups are not included in Figs. 3 and 4 because there were
less than 10 observations for these ages). When world regions for which there were data
for at least two countries in the sample were compared, calcium intakes generally appeared
highest in Scandinavian countries, lowest in Asian countries, and intermediate in western
European, Oceania (Australia/New Zealand), and North American countries (data not
Published estimates of the prevalence of inadequate calcium intake in different coun-
tries suggest that in many countries, a large proportion of the population fails to consume
a sufficient amount of this mineral (35–49). However, precise estimates of inadequacy
are difficult to define because of the complicated nature of assessing dietary adequacy.
This complexity results from several factors, but a major difficulty stems from the con-
ceptual basis that underlies the recommended intakes. For example, a Recommended
Dietary Allowance (RDA) is typically defined as the amount of a nutrient that covers the
112 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 2. Time trends in calcium recommendations in the United States. *p < 0.05. (From refs. 6–9.)

needs of 97–98% of healthy individuals (9), so failure to consume the full RDA does not
necessarily mean that intakes are deficient in that nutrient. One approach to addressing
this issue has been to calculate the percentage of the group that consumes some proportion
of the RDA, generally ranging from 50 to 77% (35–37,50). Another approach has been
to calculate the prevalence with intakes that fall below an EAR, e.g., the amount of nutrient
that is estimated as the requirement, as defined by a specified indicator of adequacy, in 50%
of the individuals in a particular group (9). Unfortunately, EARs for calcium are not
available for many countries.
Table 2
Calcium Intake Data
Country Children Adolescents Young adults Middle-aged adults Older adults
Australia: national data ™ ™ ™ ™
Austria: national ™ ™ ™ ™ ™
Britain: national data ™ ™ ™ ™
Canada: regional data ™ ™ ™
Denmark: national data ™ ™ ™ ™ ™
Finland: national data ™ ™
France: national data ™ ™ ™ ™ ™
Germany: national data ™ ™ ™
Hong Kong: regional data ™ ™
Hungary: regional data ™ ™ ™
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes

Iceland: national data ™ ™ ™ ™

Ireland: national data ™ ™
Italy: national data ™ ™ ™ ™ ™
The Netherlands: national data ™ ™ ™ ™ ™
New Zealand: national data ™ ™ ™ ™

Norway: national data ™ ™ ™ ™ ™
Singapore: national data ™ ™ ™
Spain: regional data ™ ™ ™ ™ ™
Sweden: national data ™ ™ ™
United States: national data ™ ™ ™ ™ ™
Mean or median calcium intake (mg/d) in selected countries collected since 1988

Survey name and/or areas Year of data Dietary Calcium intake

Community/country covered Sample sizea collection method used Age (yr) Both sexes Male Female
I. National data
Australia (83) National Nutrition Survey 3399b 1995 24-h recall 10–15 – 1054 794
(61.4%) 25–64 – 983 760
Australia (41) National Nutrition Survey 13,858 1995 24-h recall 4–7 – 800c 675c
(61.4%) 12–15 – 1006c 732c
19–24 – 1005c 691c
19+ – 866c 688c

Austria (42) Vienna and lower Austria 3590 1998 Weighed 7 4–6 1095 – –
Table 2 (Continued)
Calcium intake

Survey name and/or areas Year of data Dietary

Community/country covered Sample sizea collection method used Age (yr) Both sexes Male Female
(Austrian Study on day records 7–9 770 – –
Nutritional Status) 10–12 747 – –
13–14 726 – –
15–19 743 – –
20–25 870 – –
26–35 867 – –
36–45 840 – –
46–55 804 – –
56–65 774 – –
> 65 734 – –
Britain (43,84) National Diet and 1640 1992–1993 4 weighed 1.5-2.5 – 682 643
Nutrition Survey food records 2.5–3.5 – 642 628
3.5–4.5 – 625 595
1724 2000–2001 7 weighed 19–24 – 867 706

(47%) food records (825)c (669)c
25–34 – 1030 736
(951)c (718)c
35–49 – 1049 814
(1017)c (789)c
50–64 – 1035 903
(1002)c (850)c
1687 1994–1995 4 weighed 65–74, – 852 704
food records free living

75–84, – 813 680

free living
institu- – 935 900
85+, – 764 647
free living
Calcium in Human Health

85+, institu- – 981 828

Denmark (85) Danskernes Kostvaner 3098 1995 7-d 1–3 – 910 996
1995 dietary record (886)c (886)c
(66%) 4–6 – 1053 890
(957)c (874)c
7–10 – 1224 1093
(1177)c (1056)c
11–14 – 1266 1061
(1196)c (1007)c
15–18 – 1362 1121
(1423)c (988)c
19–24 – 1379 1100
(1151)c (958)c
25–34 – 1121 1015
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes

(1162)c (935)c
35–44 – 1027 901
(993)c (927)c
45–54 – 983 947
(978)c (916)c
55–64 – 1051 885

(901)c (844)c
65–74 – 954 912
(977)c (904)c
75–80 – 822 864
(834)c (861)c
Finland (86) National FINNDIET 2002 2007 2002 Two 24-h 25–34 – 1391 1001
(63% recalls 35–44 – 1203 986
of invited) 45–54 – 1137 954
55–64 – 1075 946
France (87) L’enquête INCA,1999 3003 1998–1999 7-d 3–5 790 – –
dietary records 6–8 836 – –
9–11 833 – –
12–14 835 – –
15–24 817 – –
25–44 884 – –
45–64 856 – –

65+ 857 – –
Table 2 (Continued)
Calcium intake

Survey name and/or areas Year of data Dietary

Community/country covered Sample sizea collection method used Age (yr) Both sexes Male Female
Germany (88) German Nutrition Survey 4030 1998 Dietary History 18–24 – 1395c 1129c
(56% 25–34 – 1319c 1118c
of invited) 35–44 1189c 1116c
45–54 1211c 1114c
55–64 – 1117c 1066c
65–79 – 949c 973c
Iceland (45) Dietary Survey 1366 2002 24-h recall 15–19 – 1355 1004
of The Icelandic Nutrition (70.6%) 20–39 – 1377 1034
Council 2002 40–59 – 1133 871
60–80 – 1032 835
Ireland (89) North/South Ireland Food 1379 1997–1999 7-d 18–35 – 996d 682d
Consumption Survey food record (957)cd (673)cd
(63%) 36–50 – 962d 742d
(928)cd (713)cd

51–64 – 840d 722d
(803)cd (666)cd
Italy (44) Nationwide Nutritional 2734 1994–1996 7-d 1–9 797 826 742
Survey of Food Behaviour (47% of food diary 10–14 862 933 780
INN-CA 1994–1996 contacted 18–64 893 946 850
households; >64 845 936 795
72% of
The Netherlands Dutch National Food 5958 1997–1998 2-d diet record 1–4 – 846 790
(90,91) Consumption Survey (71%) 4–7 – 872 858
DNFCS-3 7–10 – 914 901
10–13 – 1006 912
13–16 – 1045 904
16–19 – 1095 908
19–22 – 1114 865
22–50 – 1068 963
Calcium in Human Health

50–65 – 1112 995

65+ – 1024 959
New Zealand National Nutrition Survey 4636 1997 24-h recall 15–18 – 957 783
(46,92) (50% of (894)c (740)c
originally 19–24 – 938 760
selected; 85% (875)c (713)c
of invited) 25–44 – 998 759
(908)c (714)c
45–64 – 864 712
(809)c (676)c
65+ – 799 670
(751)c (636)c
Norway (93) Kosthold blant 4-åringer 391 2000 4 – 673 687
Ungkost 2000 (52%)
(National dietary survey
of 4-yr-old children)
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes

Norway (94) Ungkost-2000 Age 9: 815 2000 9 – 914 751

(National dietary survey (80%)
of 9- and 13-yr-old pupils) Age 13: 1009 13 – 933 785
Norway (95) Nationwide study on 1564 (88%) 1993 Food 18 – 1626c 1048c
dietary behavior frequency

of adolescents
Norway (96) NORKOST 1997 2672 1997 Food 16–19 – 1400 1000
(54%) frequency 20–29 – 1300 900
30–39 – 1100 800
40–49 – 1000 800
50–59 – 900 800
60–69 – 800 800
70–79 – 900 800
Singapore (37) National Nutrition 2400 1998 24-h recall 18–29 480 510 455
Survey 1998 (420)c (443)c (390)c
30–39 480 523 446
(430)c (475)c (402)c
40–49 486 513 462
(418)c (471)c (389)c
50–59 506 509 503
(455)c (473)c (444)c
60–69 447 445 448
(386)c (395)c (371)c

Table 2 (Continued)

Survey name and/or areas Year of data Dietary Calcium intake

Community/country covered Sample sizea collection method used Age (yr) Both sexes Male Female
Sweden (97) Riksmaten 1215 1997–1998 7-d 17+ – 1069 927
food record (1010)c (904)c
17–24 – 1201 937
(1163)c (886)c
25–34 – 1090 973
(1035)c (970)c
35–44 – 1029 888
(977)c (872)c
45–54 – 1041 901
(999)c (868)c
55–64 – 1035 927
(1013)c (904)c
65+ – 1064 937
(962)c (912)c

United States (98) National Health and 8604 1999–2000 24-h recall <6 853 916 785
Nutrition Examination (71% of (768)c (809)c (708)c
Survey originally 6–11 889 915 860
selected (821)c (843)c (812)c
sample; 93% 12–19 938 1081 793
of examined) (787)c (956)c (661)c
20–39 909 1025 797
(762)c (856)c (684)c
40–59 853 969 744
(720)c (834)c (621)c
60+ 721 797 660
(619)c (716)c (563)c
II. Regional data
Canada (99) Nova Scotia 2200 1990 24-h recall 18–34 – 1161 738
(Nova Scotia Nutrition (80%) 35–49 – 913 624
Survey) 50–64 – 822 582
Calcium in Human Health

65–74 – 776 595

Canada (47) Prince Edward Island 1995 1995 24-h recall 18–34 – 1151 714
(Prince Edward Island (80%) (969)c (621)c
Nutrition Survey) 35–49 – 838 637
(771)c (581)c
50–64 – 791 600
(706)c (530)c
65–74 – 785 547
(691)c (496)c
Canada (100) Québec 2118 1995 24-h recall 18–34 – 1114 788
(Québec Nutrition Survey) (69%) 35–49 – 922 658
50–64 – 736 622
65–74 – 771 574
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes

Canada (101) Saskatchewan 1798 1993 24-h recall 18–34 – 1251 822
(Saskatchewan Nutrition (46%)e 35–49 – 994 761
Survey) 50–64 – 793 651
65–74 – 812 633
Hong Kong (48) Hong Kong Chinese 1010 1995–1996 Food 34–55 – 605 570
(40%) frequency

Hungary (102) Budapest and 7 other 2559 1992–1994 Dietary record, 18–34 – 868 630
counties 24-h recall, 35–54/59 – 659 579
food frequency ⱖ55/60 – 699 613
Spain (38) Canary Islands 1189 1997–1998 Two 24-h 6–10 1019 1093 959
(Encuesta de Nutrición (69%) recalls 11–17 1027 1092 952
de Canarias) 18–24 922 987 859
25–34 900 996 810
35–44 974 1101 874
45–54 938 936 940
55–64 926 956 901
65–75 936 930 940
aResponse rate given in parentheses when available.
bSubset of total sample created to be comparable with 1983 survey sample.
dFood sources only.
eNot considered representative of the population (47).

h, hour; d, day.
120 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 3. Range of mean calcium intakes from 20 countries. Highest value is at the top of each bar;
black box indicates range in which 75% of mean values fall; lowest value is at the bottom of each

A third, more indirect approach to evaluating calcium adequacy is to assess whether

the population or group has a mean or median intake at or above the recommended intake;
if so, it is likely there is a low prevalence of inadequate intakes (51). This approach is used
in Fig. 4, which summarizes the percent of adolescent and adult population subgroups
with a mean or median intake that meets or exceeds country-specific recommendations
in 20 selected countries. Only young adult men appeared highly likely to have a low
prevalence of inadequate intakes: mean intakes in this age group in approx 94% of the 20
countries met or exceeded the country-specific calcium recommendation. The percent
with mean intakes at or above recommended levels ranged from roughly 50 to 71% in the
other age and sex groups. The exact extent of inadequate calcium intakes in these groups
may be uncertain, but it is probably reasonable to assume that their risk is not negligible. EXCESSIVE CALCIUM CONSUMPTION
Excessive calcium intake can also have detrimental effects on health. The UL of 2500
mg/d for calcium described earlier was suggested primarily to avoid these effects. The
most extensively studied adverse effects include nephrolithiasis, hypercalcemia, and
renal insufficiency (milk-alkali syndrome) (9,52). The possibility that calcium may have
negative effects on the metabolism of other minerals, such as iron, magnesium, or zinc,
has also been studied (53–58). Results from these studies have been inconclusive. For
example, high calcium intake has been linked to poorer magnesium status in rats (53) but
not in humans (54). Likewise, high calcium intakes in single meal studies reduce iron
absorption, but the effect is diminished when the total diet is studied, and up to 12 wk of
calcium supplementation did not produce changes in iron status (58).
Estimates of calcium intakes that reach or exceed the UL of 2500 mg/d were only
located for a few countries. For example, according to the 1994 Continuing Survey of
Food Intakes of Individuals, approx 1% of adolescent boys aged 14–18 yr in the United
States consumed more than 2500 mg/d from food alone; no other age or sex group had
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes 121

Fig. 4. Percent of adolescents and adults in 20 countries meeting country-specific

1234 calcium recom-
mendations. 䊏 Adolescent; 䊐 Young adult; Middle-aged adult;1234 1234Older adult.

intakes that exceeded the UL (9). Data from the 1997–1998 Food Habits of Canadians
Survey indicated that the prevalence with calcium intakes above the UL in the total
population of Canadian men aged 18–65 yr was 1.4% when based on food alone and 2.1%
when supplements were included (59). Comparable figures for Canadian women were
less than 1% regardless of whether supplement intake was considered or not. Interest-
ingly, if supplement users were considered exclusively, the prevalence with intakes
above the UL rose to 7% among Canadian men and 2% among Canadian women (59).
A greater prevalence of high intakes from food alone was found among adult Finnish
men: data from the 1992 FINDIET indicated that approx 10% had calcium intakes that
were 2300 mg/d or higher (60). These data are too scanty to draw any firm conclusions
about the possibility of excess calcium intakes worldwide. But the likelihood of poten-
tially excessive calcium intakes appeared to be low in two of the three countries for which
relevant data were located. Young adult and adolescent males appeared to be most likely
to exceed the UL.
Nonetheless, concerns about possible excessive calcium intakes exist in light of the
increasing number of calcium-fortified food products that are available. For example,
informal market surveys in the United States found that availability of calcium fortified
foods increased between 1994 and 1996 (61), and nearly four times more foods and
beverages with added calcium were introduced in 1999 than in 1995 (62). Policies regard-
ing calcium fortification (e.g., amounts, food vehicles, voluntary vs mandatory) vary in
different countries; for example, calcium fortification is currently voluntary in the United
States, whereas fortification of flour with calcium is mandatory in Britain (63). The
amount of calcium that can be added to foods is not controlled in the United States,
whereas discussions are ongoing among members of the European Commission regard-
ing controls on the amounts of vitamins and minerals in supplements and fortified foods
A few studies have assessed the potential ability of these calcium-fortified products
to contribute to excessive calcium intakes. For example, Whiting and Wood (52) illus-
122 Calcium in Human Health

trated how calcium intake by a hypothetical 25-yr-old man could increase from 2000 mg/d
to 3800 mg/d if some currently available calcium-fortified foods were substituted for their
unfortified versions. Johnson-Down et al. (59) performed simulations using different
fortification scenarios and found that any scenario sufficient to increase the mean intake
of Canadian women close to recommended levels led to 6–7% of men having calcium
intakes above the UL. Suojanen et al. (60) found that calcium intakes would reach the UL
of 2500 mg/d among approx 10% of Finnish women and exceed 3000 mg/d among 10%
of Finnish men if all unfortified foodstuffs were replaced by their counterparts that were
either already calcium-fortified or for which an application to fortify had been submitted.
It should be noted that the UL was judged to be conservative by the Dietary Reference
Intake (DRI) panel, and that “for the majority of the general population, intakes of
calcium from food substantially above the UL are probably safe” (9). Nonetheless, these
findings lend support to the recommendation made by the Food and Nutrition Board (9)
regarding the need to maintain surveillance of calcium-fortified products in the market
place and monitor their impact on calcium intake.

Several countries have published recommendations for calcium intake since 1988.
These recommendations vary by as much as 900 mg/d, with differences being greater for
older children, adolescents, and adults than for infants, toddlers, and younger children.
Recommendations published in 1997 or later tend to be higher than those published in
1988–1996. Among adults and adolescents in the 20 countries considered, only young
men appeared to be highly likely to be at low risk for inadequate calcium intake. Data for
younger age groups were too scanty to draw conclusions about adequacy. Published data
on calcium intake above the UL of 2500 mg/d are scanty for all age groups, so firm
conclusions on the prevalence of excess calcium intakes are not possible. More data on
the prevalence with intakes above the UL are needed, given the increased number of
calcium-fortified products in the food supply of many countries. At present, however, the
risk of inadequate intakes is probably much higher than the risk of excessive intakes.

The author gratefully acknowledges the invaluable assistance of several individuals in
writing this chapter. For providing information on calcium recommendations and/or
dietary calcium data, along with translations when necessary, she would like to thank
Dr. Juliana Boros (Hungary), Dr. Monika Eichholzer (Switzerland), Dr. Sisse Fagt
(Denmark), Dr. Jan Hales (New Zealand), the staff of the Health Promotion Board in
Singapore, Dr. Karin Hulshof (The Netherlands), Dr. Lars Johansson (Norway), Dr. GBM
Mensink (Germany), Dr. Åsa Moberg (Sweden), Dr. Jan Pokorny (Poland), Dr. Laufey
Steimgrímsdóttir (Iceland), Dr. Aida Turrini (Italy), Dr. Jean-Luc Volatier (France), and
Dr. Susan Whiting (Canada). For translations of articles and reports, she would like to
thank the following colleagues at the National Center for Health Statistics: Dr. Yinong
Chong (Chinese and Japanese), Dr. Yelena Gorina (Russian), and Mr. Rubén Montes de
Oca (Spanish and Portuguese).
Chapter 8 / World Calcium Intakes 123

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Chapter 9 / Food Sources, Supplements, and Bioavailability 129

9 Food Sources, Supplements,

and Bioavailability

Connie M. Weaver and Robert P. Heaney

• Most of the calcium in the American diet comes from dairy products.
• Calcium intake is a marker for diet quality.
• Without adequate dairy products, calcium requirements can only practically be met by
consuming fortified foods or supplements.
• Calcium absorption is inversely related to the calcium load of the meal.
• Calcium bioavailability is influenced by the presence of inhibitors and enhancers of
calcium absorption in the food or meal.
• Calcium absorption from various salts has at most only a weak relationship to solubility.

Early humans are thought to have consumed a diet rich in calcium from a wide range
of plant sources (1). With cultivation of plants, a few staple cereal crops became the major
source of energy for modern man. Botanically speaking, cereal grains are the fruit of the
plant, which is the part of the plant that accumulates the least amount of calcium. Since
the agricultural revolution, the main food source of calcium in the diet of most popula-
tions is dairy products. Calcium adequacy in the diet became directly related to dairy
consumption. In the last few years, an enormous increase in diversity of food sources of
calcium has become available in North America through extensive fortification. Now,
calcium requirements can be met through consumption of dairy products (primarily
milk); through fortified foods; or through supplements.
The choice of source or combination of sources to meet the calcium needs of an
individual depends on many factors and has implications for overall health. Some indi-
viduals do not consume sufficient milk to meet their calcium needs because of health
reasons such as milk protein allergies or perceived milk intolerance, taste preferences, or
philosophies. Others simply never acquired a habit of drinking milk as the beverage of
choice. Milk-drinking habits track from early age and are related to milk-drinking
habits of the mother (2,3). Habits, once formed, are difficult to change. Fortification
of foods already being consumed has the advantage of probable compliance if the indi-

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
130 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 1. Theoretical relationship between calcium intake and net calcium absorbed (solid line) and
absorption efficiency (dashed line). (Reproduced from ref. 52, with permission from ILSI Press.)

viduals whose intakes are most inadequate are actually being targeted. Using calcium-
fortified foods to meet calcium requirements requires more attention to ensure adequacy
because of the varied levels of fortification among sources and the generally lower
frequency of consumption of any one fortified food in contrast with milk as the beverage
of choice among milk drinkers. Supplements may be effective for meeting calcium needs
on an individual basis, but reliance on supplements has limited effectiveness for a whole
population because of issues with adherence.
The choice of calcium source influences not only the amount of consumed calcium but
also of that of other nutrients. Furthermore, the source of calcium can vary in cost and
bioavailability or absorbability. The rest of this chapter focuses on these issues. Dietary
factors that influence postabsorptive retention of calcium are discussed in Chapter 12.


Regardless of the source of calcium, calcium absorption efficiency decreases with
increasing intake, as depicted in Fig. 1. However, total calcium absorbed keeps increas-
ing with load. Consequently, calcium absorption efficiency is greater if calcium is ingested
in divided doses throughout the day. However, with a high enough intake at one time, the
calcium need for the day can be met from an increasing proportion of paracellular absorp-
tion. This is the concept used by General Mills for manufacturing Total® cereal, which
supplies 100% of the recommended daily intake of calcium per serving.
Calcium status of the individual, as determined by habitual calcium intake, influences
calcium absorption efficiency. Girls on low calcium intakes had higher calcium absorp-
tion efficiencies (4). Figure 2 illustrates the adaptive efficiency based on low compared
with adequate calcium intakes in adult women. The ability to adapt to chronically low
calcium intake is insufficient to protect bones in most individuals of Caucasian or East
Asian origin.
Chapter 9 / Food Sources, Supplements, and Bioavailability 131

Fig 2. Relationship between calcium intake and absorbed calcium in women tested on their usual
calcium intakes (adaptive) and in women tested with no prior exposure to the test load (load-
related, a physiochemical effect). (Reproduced from ref. 53, with permission from Raven Press.)

Life stage is another physiological factor that influences calcium absorption from a
given source. This topic is discussed in detail in Part V of this book. Briefly, noteworthy
stages that affect calcium absorption efficiency are adolescence, pregnancy, and aging.
The high calcium absorption that occurs with rapid bone accretion during puberty is little
affected by calcium load. Calcium absorption efficiency is also upregulated in the third
trimester of pregnancy. Age-related declines in calcium absorption efficiency are the
basis for increased requirements of older individuals. Disorders that influence calcium
absorption include hyperparathyroidism and diseases of the kidney, which compromise
active calcium absorption. Achlorhydria does not lead to a decrease in calcium absorption
if calcium is consumed with food (5).
Assuming an obligatory calcium loss of the average adult of 5 mmol (200 mg)/d, net
calcium absorption (intake minus fecal output), with no consideration for bone accretion,
must be at least this amount to prevent negative calcium balance. The calcium intake to
produce this level of net calcium absorption at various calcium absorption efficiencies is
given in Fig. 3. Zero active calcium absorption represents only passive absorption. In this
state, with zero active calcium absorption, a calcium intake greater than 60 mmol (2400 mg)
is required to prevent negative calcium balance.
Lactose intolerance is a reason given by many individuals for avoiding dairy foods. In
many individuals, levels of functioning intestinal lactase declines in childhood. How-
ever, lactose nonpersistence is not a reliable indicator of lactose intolerance symptoms
associated with consuming large quantities of lactose. Even those individuals with veri-
fied lactose intolerance can digest lactose-containing foods without evidence of intoler-
ance by consuming up to 2 cups of milk or equivalent amounts of lactose together with
food at a meal (6).


Milk and other dairy foods provided 84% of the calcium from foods in the United
States in 1989–1993 (7). Unfortunately, milk is being displaced as a beverage of choice
132 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 3. Relationship between calcium intake and net absorption for varying levels of active absorp-
tion (indicated at the right of the contour lines). Net absorption is defined as the difference between
oral intake and fecal output. The various contour lines are plots of the equation: NetAbs = (Intake
+ 3.75) × (PassAbs + ActAbs) – 3.75, where PassAbs = passive absorption fraction (=[0.125], and
ActAbs = active absorption fraction). (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 1999; with permission.)

by sweetened soft drinks and juices (Fig. 4). Americans drank more than four times as
much milk as carbonated soft drinks in 1945; in 2001, they drank nearly 2.5 times more
soda than milk. Table 1 shows the nutrient contribution of 1 c of milk to the diet. Milk
is a nutrient-dense food in that it supplies concentrated nutrients relative to calories.
Clearly, milk is a rich package of nutrients, and drinking milk is the most economical
strategy for achieving sufficiency of a broad range of nutrients. Limiting milk in the diet
necessitates dietary adjustments beyond meeting calcium needs. This often is not accom-
plished in the general population. Low calcium intakes from limiting milk in the diet have
been associated with low intakes of magnesium, riboflavin, vitamins B6 and B12, and
thiamin. The degree to which calcium intakes serve as a marker for total diet quality from
one study (8) is shown in Fig. 5. Using 7-d diet records in 272 healthy Caucasian pre-
menopausal women, scores were assigned for 9 nutrients: 0, if the nutrient was consumed
in quantitites less than two-thirds of recommended intakes for that nutrient, and 1 if intake
exceeded that level. A maximum possible score for each women was 9, and scores of 4
or below were considered poor diets. Of the women who had calcium scores of 0, 53%
had poor overall diet quality, that is, five or more nutrients ingested at less than two-thirds
recommended levels. Only 10% of women with calcium scores of 1 had overall poor
quality diets.
The effectiveness of a particular source depends on the calcium content in a serving
and its absorbability. Generally, calcium content varies more widely than bioavailability.
Table 2 (expanded from Weaver et al. [9]) gives both these parameters for a variety of
foods in addition to a comparison of how many servings are needed to supply the same
amount of absorbable calcium as a glass of milk. Figure 6 demonstrates graphically the
Chapter 9 / Food Sources, Supplements, and Bioavailability 133

Fig. 4. Trends in milk and carbonated soft drink consumption from 1945 to 2001. (From US
Department of Agriculture/Economic Research Service, courtesy of Patricia Britton.)

wide range of calcium absorbed per serving. Calcium absorption from dairy, milk, yogurt,
and cheddar cheese is similar and is not affected by flavorings such as chocolate, fat content,
or removal of lactose (12,24).
Bioavailability of calcium from the foods in Table 2 was determined using foods
intrinsically labeled with either stable or radioactive isotopic tracers. Intrinsic labeling
of milk was accomplished by intravenously injecting a stable calcium isotope into the
jugular vein of a cow and collecting the milk over 3 d. The milk was pasteurized, homog-
enized, and aseptically packaged. A portion of the labeled milk was processed into cheese
or yogurt at Kraft, Inc. Plant foods were labeled with isotopes of calcium through their
administration into the nutrient solution of hydroponically grown plants or direct inser-
tion, i.e., into the petioles of wheat. Calcium fractional absorption was determined in
humans using either a single 5-h blood sample (which has been shown to correlate highly
with the double isotope technique, as described in Chapter 5) or fecal recovery of unab-
sorbed isotope.
In order to estimate the amount of calcium from a standard serving in Table 2, the
calcium load has to be adjusted from the actual test dose to the level in a typical serving.
This is because absorption efficiency is inversely related to load (Fig 1). The equation for
adjusting the load is given in a footnote in Table 2. In most of our studies of calcium
bioavailability from foods, our reference food was milk. Thus, once absorption efficiency
was adjusted to the load in a serving, the ratio of efficiency of the test food compared with
milk could be used to determine absorption efficiency at that load. Failure to adjust for
calcium load has led to nonsensical reports on the literature (25), such as the same absorption
fraction for fresh and frozen broccoli, when frozen broccoli has twice the calcium content
per half-cup serving.
134 Calcium in Human Health

Table 1
Nutrient Contributions of 1 Cup of 1% Milk
Nutrient Amounta % AI/RDAb
Calcium 290 mg 29
Phosphorus 231 mg 33
Protein 8.2 g 18
Potassium 366 mg 9
Magnesium 27 mg 8
Riboflavin 0.45 mg 10
Vitamin D (fortified) 127 IU 32
Energy 102 kcal
aSource: ARS Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference, Release 16-1.
bFor adult female aged 31–50 yr.

Fig. 5. Distribution of diet scores for nine total nutrients (calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A,
C, B6, thiamin, and riboflavin) for 151 premenopausal women with calcium intake less than two-
thirds of the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) (top panel) and 121 premenopausal women
with calcium intakes greater than two-thirds of the RDA (bottom panel). (Adapted from ref. 8.)

A few foods that contain appreciable amounts of calcium have not been tested for
calcium absorption. These include small fish with bones and some ethnic foods.
Differences in calcium absorption between sources, once load is accounted for, relate
to the food matrix. The matrix may contain enhancers or inhibitors of calcium absorption.
Although solubility at neutral pH has little effect on calcium absorption except at extreme
limits outside 0.14 mM/L for calcium carbonate to 7.3 mM/L for calcium citrate (26),
some enhancers and inhibitors to calcium absorption work by affecting calcium solubil-
ity, and therefore, availability to the enterocyte, within the gut.
Chapter 9 / Food Sources, Supplements, and Bioavailability 135

Fig. 6. Total calcium absorbed from various food sources. The value for calcium-fortified soymilk
is only true if the calcium is well suspended. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 2004; with permission.)

3.1. Calcium Absorption Inhibitors

The most potent inhibitor to calcium absorption is oxalic acid. Oxalic acid forms an
extremely insoluble salt with calcium (0.04 mM/L). Its presence in foods usually reduces
calcium bioavailability considerably. Vegetables in the Brassica family have more cal-
cium than other vegetables and the calcium is highly absorbable, because they do not
accumulate oxalate. Spinach calcium is the least bioavailable of the calcium sources. The
oxalic acid content of spinach is more than sufficient to bind all the calcium present.
However, a small amount of calcium in spinach is exchangeable with an externally added
isotope tracer (27) in contrast with the calcium in the pure salt of calcium oxalate (28).
Spinach as a matrix is more complex than the simple salt. Some matrices nearly neutralize
the effect of the oxalate present in the food. This is the case with soybeans that have similar
calcium bioavailability to milk (29). Common beans are of intermediate bioavailability,
and they too contain sufficient oxalate to bind all the bean calcium. Thus, for any given
source, bioavailability has to be measured because it cannot be predicted.
Another inhibitor to calcium absorption is phytic acid, but it is considerably less potent
than oxalic acid. Phytic acid is the storage form of phosphorus in seeds. The negative
charges of the phosphate groups bind divalent cations such as calcium, as well as posi-
tively charged groups on amino acids and proteins. These phytins are poorly digested and
absorbed, but calcium is bound less tightly than other cations such as zinc, thus lessening
the effect. Therefore, phytic acid only appreciably affects calcium absorption when
present in large amounts. High-phytate bran cereal had reduced calcium absorption, but
calcium absorption from cookies and bread made from whole wheat was as high or higher
than that from milk (18). Phytases in yeast reduce the inhibitory effects in leavened breads
and fermented products even further. A threefold increase in phytic acid reduced calcium
136 Calcium in Human Health

absorption 25% (29). Fiber was once considered to reduce the bioavailability of calcium
in whole-wheat bread (30). However, purified fibers have little effect on calcium
bioavailability and the fibers in low-oxalate vegetables do not reduce calcium absorption
relative to milk. Thus, the negative calcium balance associated with high fiber diets is
likely the result of the phytate associated with the fiber. High-phytate bran cereals can
physically absorb great quantities of calcium and reduce absorbability in this way. The
ingestion of psyllium fiber used as a laxative has no significant detrimental effect on
calcium absorption (31). Vegetable sources which are low in oxalate and phytate fre-
quently have greater calcium bioavailability than milk. The reason for this is unclear. We
have evaluated the effects of isolated constituents from kale, without identifying an
enhancer of calcium absorption. Regardless, the concentration of calcium is so low in
most of these plants that an impractical quantity would have to be consumed to meet
calcium requirements, as shown by the number of servings required to replace one glass
of milk in terms of absorbable calcium (see Table 2).

3.2. Calcium Absorption Enhancers

Although it is easier to increase the quantity of calcium absorbed simply by consuming
more calcium, there is much interest in increasing calcium absorption efficiency. This is
a tempting strategy given the inefficiency of calcium absorption from a typical diet.
However, enhancers of calcium absorption typically would have to be present in higher
concentrations than normally found in foods.
The main absorption enhancers that have been investigated for potential as additives
to foods to enhance calcium absorption are selected protein products, amino acids (no-
tably lysine), and nondigestible oligosaccharides (NDOs) (32–34). Proteins such as casein
phosphopeptides (CPPs) are thought to work by solubilizing calcium and thus preventing
its precipitation by phosphates in the gut. The efficiency of CPPs has been modest, and
in humans, a benefit was found only in those who had poor calcium absorption efficiency
(33). NDOs are thought to increase calcium absorption in the lower gut and to increase
mucosal mass. In the lower gut, bacteria ferment the fiber, producing volatile fatty acids
and lactic acid that could solubilize calcium and stimulate transcellular calcium absorp-
tion. Studies that are too short can miss the effect. because it can take more than 2 d for
these adaptive changes to affect calcium absorption. The effects of fructo-oligosaccha-
rides, especially inulin, have been mixed and possibly related to such factors as type of
NDO and physiology of the host, including life stage, dietary calcium, intestinal micro-
flora, and so on. More research is required to clarify the role of NDOs on calcium
bioavailability. Complicating the picture of the effect of calcium absorption enhancers
is the possibility that some putative enhancement is merely because of the presence of
food in the stomach, which is known to enhance calcium absorption (5). Thus, it is
important not to design a test with the source ingested without food.

Many calcium-fortified foods have been developed in an attempt to close the gap
between calcium intakes and calcium recommendations. Fortification of commonly
consumed foods can lead to consumption of intakes above the upper levels by some,
especially men (35). Fortified-food consumption by those vulnerable to low calcium
Chapter 9 / Food Sources, Supplements, and Bioavailability 137

Table 2
Comparing Sources for Absorbable Calcium
Calcium absorption Absorbable Servings
Serving size1 contentb efficiencyc Ca/servingd needed to
Source (g) (mg/serving) (%) (mg) = 1 cup milk Reference
Milk 240 290 32.1 1.0 12
Beans, pinto 86 44.7 26.7 11.9 8.1 13
Beans, red 172 40.5 24.4 9.9 9.7 13
Beans, white 110 113 21.8 24.7 3.9 13
Bok choy 85 79 53.8 42.5 2.3 14
Broccoli 71 35 61.3 21.5 4.5 4
Cheddar cheese 42 303 32.1 97.2 1.0 12
Cheese food 42 241 32.1 77.4 1.2 12
Chinese Cabbage 85 239 39.6 94.7 1.0 15
Flower leaves
Chinese Mustard green 85 212 40.2 85.3 1.1 15
Chinese Spinach 85 347 8.36 29 3.3 15
Kale 85 61 49.3 30.1 3.2 16
Spinach 85 115 5.1 5.9 16.3 17
Sugar cookies 15 3 91.9 2.76 34.9 18
Sweet Potatoes 164 44 22.2 9.8 9.8 15
Rhubarb 120 174 8.54 10.1 9.5 15
Whole wheat bread 28 20 82.0 16.6 5.8 18
Wheat bran cereal 28 20 38.0 7.54 12.8 18
Yogurt 240 300 32.1 96.3 1.0 12
Fortified foods:
Tofu, calcium set 126 258 31.0 80.0 1.2 19
Orange juice 240 300 36.3 109 0.88 20
with Ca citrate malate
Soy milk 240 300 24 72 1.3 21
with tricalcium phosphate
Bread with calcium sulfate 16.8 300 43.0 129 0.74 22
aBased on a one-half cup serving size (~85 g for green leafy vegetables) except for milk and fruit punch (1 c or

240 mL) and cheese (1.5 oz).

bTaken from refs. 10 and 11 (averaged for beans and broccoli processed in different ways) except for the Chinese

vegetables which were analyzed in our laboratory.

cAdjusted for load using the equation for milk (fractional absorption = 0.889–0.0964 ln load [23]) then adjusting

for the ratio of calcium absorption of the test food relative to milk tested at the same load, the absorptive index.
dCalculated as calcium content × fractional absorption.
138 Calcium in Human Health

Table 3
Percent Calcium in Common Salts
Calcium carbonate 40
Tricalcium phosphate 38
Dicalcium phosphate, dihydrate 29
Bone meal 31
Oyster shell 28
Dolomite 22
Calcium citrate 21
Calcium citrate malate 13
Calcium lactate 13
Calcium gluconate 9
Calcium glubionate 6.5

intakes can be very helpful. However, few calcium-fortified foods have been tested for
bioavailability. Some are shown in Table 2. The choice of the calcium salt used as a
fortificant depends on compatibility with the food and processing considerations for
texture and stability as well as cost. When calcium carbonate is heated in the presence of
food acids, carbon dioxide is released, which is undesirable for many products. Anions
may influence flavor. Citrate and malate anions are compatible with fruit juice. The bulk
of the total salt required to fortify a food depends on the proportion of calcium in the salt
(Table 3).
Most pure salts have similar calcium absorption, but the food matrix can affect absorp-
tion substantially so they must be tested. For example, calcium absorption from tricalcium
phosphate-fortified soy milk was lower than that of cow’s milk (21), even though the pure
salt is similarly absorbed to milk calcium (26). This would not have been predicted from
other studies using similar products i.e., calcium absorption from calcium-set tofu was
not significantly different than that from milk (19). Calcium as calcium sulfate in high-
calcium water is also similarly absorbed (36), but few waters have been tested for absorb-
ability. When calcium citrate malate (CCM) has been used as the fortificant, absorption
has been reported to be approx 5–10% higher in some studies (20,37) but not others
(20,38), nor was postprandial parathyroid hormone (PTH) suppression different between
orange juice fortified with CCM and milk in elderly subjects (39). Calcium absorption
from CaSO4-fortified bread and cereal was also found to be comparable with milk (22).
Calcium-fortified breakfast cereal was a good delivery vehicle for children (40). Although
few fortified foods have been tested for calcium bioavailability, even fewer have been
tested for their benefits on bone. One randomized, controlled trial in 149 prepubertal
girls, using food products fortified with 850 mg calcium from milk extracts daily for
1 yr, showed a significant gain in bone mass and bone size in six skeletal sites as well
as height due with the fortified products (41), compared to control foods.

Calcium supplements are usually prescribed to prevent, or treat patients with, osteoporo-
sis. It is considered easier to prescribe supplements than to work with a patient to meet their
calcium needs through diet. Supplements vary considerably in characteristics and cost.
Chapter 9 / Food Sources, Supplements, and Bioavailability 139

The ability to chew, swallow, and tolerate a supplement will influence compliance.
Supplements with heavy metal contaminants should be avoided.
Most salts of calcium have similar absorbability, as shown by isotopic tracer studies,
so long as the dose size is similar. Moreover, supplement calcium absorbability is com-
parable with that of milk (Table 4). Milk calcium, calcium citrate, and CCM have been
compared with calcium carbonate by PTH suppression and found similar as well (39,43).
Calcium oxalate is poorly absorbed because it is extremely insoluble.
Our work with calcium oxalate demonstrated that an external calcium tracer is not
exchangeable with the calcium in the salt (28). Furthermore, although absorption is poor,
the salt is absorbed intact, that is, without dissociation (44). Small molecules like calcium
oxalate and calcium carbonate can be absorbed to some extent in the lower gut without
being dissociated in the presence of acid in the stomach and without requiring vitamin D-
enhanced saturable absorption (45).
Several calcium salts have been extensively marketed as superior sources, often based
on solubility. Sometimes the evidence is based on crude methods of calcium absorption,
as for coral calcium (46) and algal calcium (produced by heating oyster shell calcium and
seaweed [47]). When sensitive isotopic tracer methods are used to assess calcium absorp-
tion, controversy over comparison of salts can be clarified as was done for calcium citrate.
Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate salts have comparable bioavailability (Table 4).
A rather new series of salts, calcium fumarate and calcium malate fumarate, are also
absorbed similarly to calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, and CCM in rats (38). Calcium
ascorbate has unusually high absorbability, at least in the rat model (48,49).
Absorbability of calcium from pharmaceutical preparations can fall short of what
would be expected from studies of the pure salts. The presence of binding agents and other
ingredients in the formulation can affect calcium absorption appreciably. One such
supplement provided one-half of the bioavailable calcium as the pure salt (50). Further-
more, the cost of supplements can vary fivefold (43). Calcium carbonate supplements
tend to be the least expensive supplemental source of calcium (25). Supplement use is
more prevalent in individuals with a higher education and higher incomes (51).
The best source of calcium is food, because good health is dependent on a good diet,
not adequacy of a single nutrient. Dairy products provide not only calcium, but a rich
source of many nutrients and functional components. Milk and yogurt are the best and
most economical way to obtain the whole package of nutrients important to bone health.
Sometimes, fortified foods or supplements are important for an individual’s meeting of
their calcium requirements. Choices may be influenced by preference, convenience, cost,
tolerability, the presence of other nutrients, and the absence of undesirable contaminants.
It is important that the calcium bioavailability of the selected form of these manufactured
sources of calcium be established.
Dairy products provide nearly three-fourths of dietary calcium in the Western diet.
Individuals who do not consume approximately three servings of dairy products daily are
likely to have inadequate calcium intakes unless they select calcium-fortified foods or
supplements. They are also more likely to be deficient in other micronutrients. The
various sources of calcium in the diet should be evaluated for total calcium content and
bioavailability. Exogenous and endogenous factors that influence calcium absorption also
influence calcium nutrition.

Table 4
Calcium Absorption From Salts
Absorption absorbable Normalized
Load efficiency calcium Normalized to
Source (mg) Population (%) (mg) to milk CaCO3 Ref.
Calcium sulfate 250 Premenopausal women 41 ± 7 102.5 21
Calcium lactate 250 Premenopausal women 47 ± 8 117.5 21
Calcium glubionate 200 Postmenopausal women 36.8 73.6 0.75 Unpublished
Calcium glycerophosphate 300 Premenopausal women 27.1 81.3 0.868 0.712 Unpublished
Calcium oxalate 200 Premenopausal women 10.2 ± 4.0 20.4 27
Tricalcium phosphate 200 Premenopausal women 25.2 ± 13.0 50.4 19
CaH PO4 300 Premenopausal women 24.8 74.4 0.919 Unpublished

CaH PO4 • 2 H2O 300 Premenopausal women 27.4 82.1 1.012 Unpublished
Calcium citrate malate 250 Premenopausal women 37.3 ± 2.0 93.3 26
250 Adolescents 36.2 ± 2.7 90.5 1.37 37
Calcium citrate 300 Adult men, 37.9 ± 10.4 113.7 1.1 42
premenopausal women
1000 Adult men, 26.8 ± 6.9 26.8 0.975 0.89
premenopausal women
Calcium carbonate 200 Premenopausal women 41.2 82.6 1.117 Unpublished
250 Premenopausal women 39 ± 7 21
300 Adult men, 34.2 ± 10.1 102.6 42
postmenopausal women
1000 Adult men, 30.1 ± 5.4 301
postmenopausal women
Calcium in Human Health
Chapter 9 / Food Sources, Supplements, and Bioavailability 141

1. Eaton B, Nelson DA. Calcium in evolutionary perspective. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:281S–287S.
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9. Weaver CM, Proulx WR, Heaney RP. Choices for achieving adequate dietary calcium with a vegetarian
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13. Weaver CM, Heaney RP, Proulx WR, Hinders SM, Packard PT. Absorbability of calcium from common
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14. Heaney RP, Weaver CM, Hinders SM, Martin B, Packard PT. Absorbability of calcium from Brassica
vegetables: broccoli, bok choy, and kale. J Food Sci 1993;58(6):1378–1380.
15. Weaver CM, Heaney RP, Nickel KP, Packard PT. Calcium bioavailability from high oxalate vegetables:
Chinese vegetables, sweet potatoes, and rhubarb. J Food Sci 1997;62(3):524–525.
16. Heaney RP, Weaver CM. Calcium absorption from kale. Am J Clin Nutr 1990;51:656–657.
17. Heaney RP, Weaver CM, Recker RR. Calcium absorbability from spinach. Am J Clin Nutr 1988;47:707–709.
18. Weaver CM, Heaney RP, Martin BR, Fitzsimmons ML. Human calcium absorption from whole-wheat
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tofu as compared with milk in premenopausal women. J Food Sci 2002;67(8):3144–3147.
20. Smith KT, Heaney RP, Flora L, Hinders SM. Calcium absorption from a new calcium delivery system
(CCM). Calcif Tissue Int 1987;41:351–352.
21. Heaney RP, Dowell MS, Rafferty K, Bierman J. Bioavailability of the calcium in fortified imitation milk
with some observations on method. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:116–119.
22. Martin BR, Weaver CM, Heaney RP, Packard PT, Smith DL. Calcium absorption from three salts and
CaSO4-fortified bread in premenopausal women. J Ag Food Chem 2002;50(13):3874–3876.
23. Heaney RP, Weaver CM, Fitzsimmons ML. Influence of calcium load on absorption fraction. J Bone
Miner Res 1990;5:1135–1138.
24. Recker RR, Bammi A, Barger-Lux MJ, Heaney RP. Calcium absorbability from milk products, an
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25. Keller JL, Lanou AJ, Barnard ND. The consumer cost of calcium from food and supplements. J Am Diet
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26. Heaney RP, Recker RR, Weaver CM. Absorbability of calcium sources. The limited role of solubility.
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27. Weaver CM, Heaney RP. Isotopic exchange of ingested calcium between labeled sources. Evidence that
ingested calcium does not form a common absorptive pool. Calcif Tissue Int 1991;49:244–247.
142 Calcium in Human Health

28. Heaney RP, Weaver CM. Oxalate: Effect on calcium absorbability. Am J Clin Nutr 1989;50:830–832.
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39. Martini L, Wood RJ. Relative bioavailability of calcium-rich dairy sources in the elderly. Am J Clin Nutr
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intakes in the United States. 1989–1991. J Nutr 2001;131:2177–2183.
Chapter 10 / The Calcium Economy 143

Chapter 10 / The Calcium Economy 145

10 The Calcium Economy

Robert P. Heaney

• Calcium ion concentration in extracellular fluid (ECF [Ca2+]) is the central, controlled
quantity in the operation of the calcium economy.
• ECF [Ca2+] is sustained by three independent control loops, involving bone resorption,
renal clearance, and intestinal absorption.
• Parathyroid hormone (PTH) acts on all three effector systems to protect against hypo-
• Differences in calcium intake requirements in different ethnic groups and at different life
stages are due to differences in relative responsiveness to PTH of the three effector loops.
• This system functions optimally when dietary calcium intakes are at or above currently
recommended values, i.e., both ECF [Ca2+] and bone mass are protected. At lower cal-
cium intakes, ECF [Ca2+] is sustained, but decreased calcium intake or altered calcium
demands reduce bone mass.


Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in the biosphere (after iron, aluminum,
silicon, and oxygen). It is the stuff of limestone and marble, coral and pearls, seashells
and eggshells, antlers and bones. Because calcium salts exhibit intermediate solubility,
calcium is found both in solid form (rocks) and in solution. It was probably present in
abundance in the watery environment in which life first appeared. Today, seawater con-
tains approx10 mmol calcium per liter (approximately eight times higher than the cal-
cium concentration in the extracellular water of higher vertebrates). Even fresh waters,
if they support an abundant biota, typically contain calcium at concentrations of 1–2 mmol
(in the range of vertebrate extracellular fluid [ECF] calcium levels). In most soils, calcium
exists as an exchangeable cation in the soil colloids. It is taken up by plants, whose parts
typically contain from 0.1 to as much as 8% calcium. Generally, calcium concentrations
are highest in the leaves, lower in the stems and roots, and lowest in the seeds (a fact that
has important consequences for the shift to seed-based foods at the time of the agricultural

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
146 Calcium in Human Health


In land-living mammals, calcium accounts for 2–4% of gross body weight. A 60 kg
adult human female typically contains approx 1000–1200 g (25–30 mol) of calcium in her
body. More than 99% of that total is in the bones and teeth. Approximately 1 g (25 mmol)
is in the plasma and ECF bathing the cells, and 6–8 g (150–200 mmol) in the tissues
themselves (mostly sequestered in calcium storage vesicles inside of cells (see Chapter 3).
In the circulating blood, calcium concentration is typically 2.25–2.5 mmol (9–10 mg/
dL). Approximately 40–45% of this quantity is bound to plasma proteins, approx 8–10%
is complexed with ions such as citrate, and 45–50% is dissociated as free ions. In the ECF
outside of the blood vessels, total calcium is on the order of 1.25 mmol (5 mg/dL). It is
the ionic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]) in the ECF which the cells see, and which is
tightly regulated by the parathyroid, calcitonin (CT), and vitamin D hormonal control
systems (discussed later; see also Chapter 11).
ECF [Ca2+] is one of nature’s great physiological constants, extending across the
vertebrate phylum (at least in healthy individuals of the species concerned). When eleva-
tions of serum calcium occur in different physiological situations (such as during egg
laying in reptiles and birds), the elevation is almost always in the protein-bound fraction,
not in the ionized calcium concentration.
The ECF calcium serves two major groups of functions. It is the source of the calcium
that pours into the cells of many tissues at the point of their activation, thereby triggering
the specific cascade that produces tissue-specific cellular responses (see Chapter 3).
Here, ECF concentration is critically important, and clinicians have long recognized that
hyper- and hypocalcemia are each associated with neuromuscular symptoms such as
hypo- and hypertonia, conduction defects on electrocardiograms, and overt clinical symp-
toms such as constipation or muscular spasms and rigidity.
The second role of ECF calcium is that its ions constitute the multidirectional calcium
“traffic,” that is, calcium entering the circulation through absorption of dietary calcium
or resorption of bone calcium, and calcium leaving the blood in the process of bone
mineralization, or through excretory or cutaneous losses. Both sets of processes are
closely integrated in many complex ways, one of the more obvious of which is the fact
that the physiological apparatus regulating ECF [Ca2+] also affects the fluxes in and out
of the ECF.
Figure 1 depicts the principal routes of entry into and exit from the ECF, and includes
typical values for transfer rates in a woman approx 5 yr postmenopause. It is necessary
to stress, however, that the indicated values of these transfer rates are highly interdepen-
dent. The individual processes are considered briefly in the sections that follow, but their
interrelationships can be briefly summarized with some examples.
When absorptive input from the diet falls, bony resorption rises to offset the absorptive
shortfall. This effect is produced by an increased secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH).
The immediate consequences are maintenance of the extracellular [Ca2+] and an offset-
ting reduction (however small) of the bony reserves of calcium. Similarly, vigorous
physical exercise leads to sweat losses that can be 10–20 times the level of resting losses
shown in Fig. 1 (1). Also, various nutrient–nutrient interactions may alter either calcium
absorption efficiency or obligatory urinary calcium losses. Sodium, (in the form of sodium
chloride), for example, can increase urinary calcium by approx 1 mmol per 100 mmol
Chapter 10 / The Calcium Economy 147

Fig. 1. Principal routes of calcium entry into and exit from the extracelluar fluid (ECF) of an adult
human. The values for bone and ECF are total masses; transfer rates are given in mmol/d and
represent typical values. See also Fig. 4 for expanded detail of endogenous calcium entry into the
gut. Total body balance in this illustration is –0.5 mmol/d. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 1996,
2004. Used with permission.)

ingested salt (2,3). These nutrient influences, together with great variability in food
choices and hence, dietary calcium intake, constitute unregulated stresses on the system
(i.e., they are perturbations to which the control mechanisms must respond).
In brief, the system depicted in Fig. 1 operates as an integrated whole: change in the
size of one movement evokes opposite changes in one or more of the others. For most
stresses, bone resorption is the factor that is regulated up or down to compensate.
The examples just cited represent influences that, if not countered would result in a
lowering of ECF [Ca2+]. But the opposite stress, that is, a trend toward hypercalcemia,
can be equally important and/or threatening. This half of the regulatory control environ-
ment is rarely encountered in adult human physiology, largely because contemporary
diets are relatively low in calcium, and hypercalcemic stresses, accordingly, uncommon.
However, animals with naturally high calcium intakes, subjected to thyro-parathyroidec-
tomy but given thyroid replacement (i.e., deprived only of PTH and CT) tend to exhibit
not so much hypocalcemia as wildly fluctuating levels of ECF calcium—sometimes low,
sometimes high—depending almost totally on absorptive inputs from the gut.
These examples are intended simply to introduce the “push–pull” character of the
regulatory system and the way it responds to unregulated inputs. More detailed descrip-
tion of system operation follows.
148 Calcium in Human Health

The concentration of calcium in the ECF is maintained in two distinct ways: (1) by a
combination of adjustments to the inputs and outputs in Fig. 1, and (2) by controlling the
level of the renal calcium threshold. This latter function, though very well established,
is commonly underappreciated, and is at least as important as the control of inputs. A
threshold, in the context of excretion, functions much like a dam at the downstream end
of a pond. Inputs serve to elevate the level of the pond until that level reaches the height
of the dam. Then further inputs spill out of the pond, over the dam. Because the threshold
is the point at which blood calcium begins to spill into the urine, it is clear why raising
that point is a first line defense against renal calcium loss. PTH, by augmenting tubular
reabsorption of filtered calcium, is the principal regulator of the renal calcium threshold.
The importance of the threshold in the regulation of ECF [Ca2+] is clearly evidenced in
the common clinical experience of the difficulty of elevating serum calcium in patients
with hypoparathyroidism, even with sometimes heroic inputs of calcium into the system.
The physiological effects of PTH are complex and are diagrammed schematically in
Fig. 2. These hormonal actions, in approximately the order in which they occur, can be
described briefly as follows: (1) decreased renal tubular reabsorption of serum inorganic
phosphate (Pi); (2) increased resorptive efficiency of osteoclasts already working on bone
surfaces; (3) increased renal 1F-hydroxylation of circulating 25 hydroxyvitamin D
(25[OH]D) to produce calcitriol, the chemically most active form of vitamin D; (4)
increased renal tubular reabsorption of calcium (the mechanism behind elevation of the
renal threshold); and (5) activation of new bone remodeling loci. These effects interact
and reinforce one another in important ways, indicated by the connections between the
loops of Fig. 2. For example, the reduced ECF Pi caused by the immediate fall in tubular
reabsorption of phosphate is a potent stimulus to the synthesis of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin
D (1,25[OH]2D), and it also increases the resorptive efficiency of osteoclasts already in
place and working in bone. 1,25(OH)2D directly increases intestinal absorption of both
ingested calcium and the endogenous calcium contained in the digestive secretions. It
also is necessary for the full expression of PTH effects in bone, particularly the matura-
tion of cells in the myelomonocytic line that produce new osteoclasts, and ultimately for
an efficient resorptive response to PTH.
The three arms of Fig. 2 make graphic the fact that the system uses three independent
end-organs to regulate ECF [Ca2+]—what Chapter 11 refers to as a “tri-axial system”.
Their actions are to reduce losses through the kidneys, to improve utilization of dietary
calcium, and to draw down calcium from the bony reserves. The aggregate effect of them
all, as Fig. 2 indicates, is to prevent or reverse a fall in ECF [Ca2+]. Importantly, PTH
secretion is inversely related to the amount of calcium made available by the aggregate
effect of all three mechanisms, not to the response of one or the other of them.
Although hypocalcemia is a much more common risk in contemporary adults than is
hypercalcemia, in infants and small children both deviations would be a physiological
threat. The principal defense against hypercalcemia is release of CT by the C cells of the
thyroid gland. CT is a peptide hormone with binding sites in the kidney, bone, and central
nervous system. Absorption of calcium from an 8-oz feeding in a 6-mo-old infant dumps
150– 220 mg calcium into the ECF. This is enough, given the small size of the ECF
compartment at that age (1.5–2 L), to produce near-fatal hypercalcemia if other adjust-
ments are not made. What happens is that CT is released, in part in response to the rise
Chapter 10 / The Calcium Economy 149

Fig. 2. Schematic depiction of the 3-arm control loop regulating extracellular fluid (ECF) [Ca2+],
showing specifically the response to a drop in [Ca2+]. (Ps is serum inorganic phosphorus concen-
tration and Pu is urinary phosphorus clearance.) (Adapted from Arnaud [4]. Copyright Robert P.
Heaney, 1981. Used with permission.)

in serum calcium concentration, but even before that, in response to gut hormones sig-
naling the digestive activity that will lead to absorption. This burst of CT slows or halts
osteoclastic resorption, thus stopping bony release of calcium. Later, when absorption
falls, CT levels fall also, and osteoclastic resorption resumes.
By contrast, CT has little significance in adults because calcium absorption is less
efficient in adults to begin with, and the ECF is vastly larger. As a result, transient
absorptive calcemia from a high calcium diet raises the ECF [Ca2+] by only a few percent-
age points (approx 1% for each 100 mg calcium ingested at typical intakes). For this
reason CT deficiency is not recognized as causing disease or dysfunction in adults con-
suming typical diets.


Calcium is contained in all of the digestive secretions, as well as in the mucosal cells
themselves (which turn over approximately every 5 d). Together, these sources account
for entry of endogenous calcium into the gut amounting to approx 0.05 mmol (2 mg)/kg/d,
or in a typical middle-aged woman, approx 3.5 mmol (140 mg)/d (5). Both because absorp-
tion efficiency for calcium is low (discussed later), and because some of the digestive
juice calcium enters the lumen downstream of the sites of most active absorption, most
of this endogenous calcium ends up in the feces and is generally designated “endogenous
fecal calcium” (EFCa). The quantity entering the gut is not regulated to an appreciable
extent by the hormones otherwise controlling the calcium economy. The principal factors
known to influence that entry are phosphorus intake and mucosal mass (6). Because most
of the endogenous calcium entering the gut does so above the ileum, it is subject to
absorption as if it were food calcium. Hence, EFCa is inversely related to absorption
efficiency and directly to calcium intake. It constitutes one of the unregulated drains on
150 Calcium in Human Health

the calcium economy to which the control system must react. EFCa is measurable only
by isotopic tracer methods (see Chapter 9), and hence cannot be assessed clinically.
Nevertheless, when it is measured, it is found to account for a somewhat greater share of
the variability in total body calcium balance than does actual oral calcium intake.

Calcium losses in the urine are dependent on filtered load, except during infancy and
adolescence. During these periods of rapid growth, at calcium intakes typically ingested,
most of the absorbed calcium is diverted to bone growth and little spills into the urine.
Machinery for calcium transport, most extensively studied in intestinal epithelial cells,
is also present in the nephrons of the kidney, but it is not known to what extent it is
functional there (see Chapter 11 for details). The process is calcium load dependent,
stimulated by PTH and 1,25(OH)2D, and has a microvillar myosin I-calmodulin complex
that could serve as a calcium transporter (7). Active transport occurs in the distal convo-
luted tubule against a concentration gradient. Renal calcium clearance is increased when
PTH concentration in blood is low, thereby protecting against hypercalcemia when bone
resorption is high for reasons other than homeostasis. Tubular reabsorption is determined
to some extent by sodium chloride excretion. For every 100 mmol of sodium chloride
excreted, approx 0.5–1.5 mmol of calcium is pulled out with it in the urine (2,3).
Urine calcium rises with absorbed calcium intake, but the relationship is loose and
depends strongly on the circulating level of PTH at the time. This alimentary rise is partly
due to the small increase in blood calcium following absorption of ingested calcium, with
a corresponding increase in the filtered load of calcium. Available data from healthy
adults indicates that urinary calcium rises on dietary intake with a slope of approx +0.045,
meaning that, for every 400 mg (10 mmol) rise in intake, urine calcium rises by approx
18 mg (0.45 mmol). But there is much variability around this average figure and the range
of normal is accordingly very broad. Table 1 sets forth observed ranges in healthy estro-
gen-replete and estrogen-deprived adult women, both as absolute values and as weight-
adjusted values (8). The latter can be applied to men because the difference in urine
calcium between the sexes is due principally to the generally greater body weight of men.

Calcium is contained in all cells, and for organs such as the intestinal mucosa, which
turns over approximately every 5 d, loss to the body of the component cells means loss
of their calcium as well. The same is true with epidermis and skin appendages (hair and
nails), all of which contain some calcium. This shedding thereby produces a steady
calcium drain on the system. It is the sum total of these cell-related cutaneous calcium
losses which is represented in Fig. 1 by the rough estimate of 60 mg (1.5 mmol)/d. Sweat
losses have not been extensively studied, but such data as are available indicate that heavy
physical exercise in a hot environment, leading to extensive sweating, can increase sweat
losses to levels as high as 200–400 mg (5–10 mmol)/d. In one study of athletes, these
losses were sufficient to produce a measurable decrease in bone mineral density (BMD;
i.e., a detectable reduction of the nutrient calcium reserve) across a playing season,
despite the relatively high dietary calcium intakes typical of varsity athletes (1). A con-
trolled trial of calcium supplementation in the same athletes showed that supplemental
Chapter 10 / The Calcium Economy 151

Table 1
Distribution of 24-h Urinary Calcium Values in Normal
Middle-Aged Women
Percentile mmol(mg)/d mmol(mg)/kg/d
97.5 6.3 (252) 0.104 (4.15)
95.0 5.4 (215) 0.093 (3.72)
90.0 4.9 (197) 0.081 (3.23)
50.0 2.9 (116) 0.046 (1.86)
10.0 1.5 (62) 0.024 (0.99)
5.0 1.3 (53) 0.021 (0.83)
2.5 1.1 (44) 0.017 (0.67)
Percentile mmol(mg)/d mmol(mg)/kg/d
97.5 7.6 (303) 0.126 (5.05)
95.0 6.6 (264) 0.107 (4.27)
90.0 5.6 (225) 0.091 (3.66)
50.0 3.3 (134) 0.054 (2.15)
10.0 2.0 (81) 0.028 (1.12)
5.0 1.4 (55) 0.020 (0.80)
2.5 0.9 (38) 0.014 (0.56)
Reproduced from ref. 8

calcium, above that which could be provided by diet, was able to prevent this seasonal,
exercise-related bone loss. This instance probably represents an extreme situation, but it
illustrates nicely the function of bone as the body’s calcium nutrient reserve, and also a
point, to be discussed further below, that, given relatively inefficient dietary extraction
of calcium, there are limits to how much calcium the organism can get from food to offset
unregulated losses.

The pathways for calcium absorption and its regulation are discussed in Chapter 11.
The relationship between calcium intake and absorption fraction is shown in Fig. 3. At
lower calcium intakes, the active component contributes importantly to absorbed cal-
cium. As calcium intakes increase, the active component becomes saturated and vitamin
D-mediated synthesis of calbindin drops. Thus an increasing proportion of absorption is
accounted for by passive diffusion. The figure illustrates that, across most of the intake
range, the adaptive component is rather small. This partly explains the inefficiency of
human ability to compensate for a fall in calcium intake.
Another key feature of Fig. 3 is the fact that absorption is substantially incomplete
(fractional absorption averaging less than 0.30 at intakes in the range of recommended
values). Moreover, net absorption fraction is lower still, averaging in the range of 0.10–
0.15. The difference is due to the counter-movement of calcium into the gut in the form
of mucosal cells and digestive secretions (see Subheading 4.). Figure 4 presents a worked
152 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 3. Relationship between calcium intake and absorption fraction in women studied on their
usual calcium intakes (adapted) and in women tested with no prior exposure to the test load
(nonadapted). (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 1999. Used with permission.)

Fig. 4. Schematic depiction of the bidirectional movements of calcium into and out of the intestinal
lumen. PIC, proximal intestinal calcium, i.e., calcium entering the gut effectively proximal to the
principal absorption sites; and DIC, distal intestinal calcium, i.e., that calcium entering the gut
distal to the principal absorption sites. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 2004. Used with permission.)
Chapter 10 / The Calcium Economy 153

example in which a 25% gross extraction figure translates to 14% net absorption. The
relative inefficiency of absorption of calcium is probably a reflection of the abundance
of calcium in the foods available to the high primates and, presumably, to human hunter-
gatherers. However, at the same time it is important to note that unabsorbed food calcium
is not just wasted. As is described in Part VI of this book, luminal calcium binds with, and
hence renders innocuous, potentially harmful byproducts of digestion.
Various host factors affect calcium absorption efficiency. Vitamin D status, intestinal
transit time, mucosal mass, and stage of life are the best established. In infancy, absorp-
tion is dominated by paracellular diffusion. (For that reason, the vitamin D status of the
mother has little effect on calcium absorption in young breast-fed infants.) Both active
and passive calcium transport are increased during pregnancy and lactation. Calbindin
and plasma 1,25(OH)2D and PTH levels increase during pregnancy. From midlife on,
absorption efficiency declines by approx 0.2 absorption percentage points per year, with
an additional 2% decrease at menopause (9).
It has long been recognized that calcium absorptive efficiency increases as the size of
the ingested load falls. This relationship has two components: an effect of load itself and
variation in vitamin D-mediated active absorption. Within individuals, absorptive effi-
ciency generally varies approximately inversely with the logarithm of intake, but the
absolute quantity of calcium absorbed increases nonlinearly with intake (10,11). How-
ever, only 20% of the variation in calcium absorption can be accounted for by differences
in intake. Individuals seem to have preset absorptive efficiencies, some high, others low.
The canonical inverse relationship between intake and absorption fraction has often
been uncritically assumed to mean that the body can adapt perfectly well to reduced
intake. However, extensive studies in which absorption has been measured by isotopic
tracer methods show very clearly that, although fractional absorption does rise (Fig. 3),
the increase is far short of what would be needed to maintain a constant mass transfer rate
across the intestinal mucosa. Figure 5 illustrates this point with one such set of data. The
regression line through the data in Fig. 5 is for a simple linear model, and more detailed
investigations of the low intake end of the curve indicate that the rise is initially steeper,
reflecting the active transport response to low intake discussed above. The slope of the
line across the full range of intakes in Fig. 5 is +0.158, meaning that 15.8% of ingested
calcium is absorbed, overall. If analysis is confined to intakes at the high end of the range,
the slope drops to approx +0.12. This means that the body absorbs approx 12% of any
additional amount of calcium that may be ingested. This value is the approximate mid-
point of the range for net absorption noted above. At all intakes, the distribution of
absorption values is broad, as the spread of the data in Fig. 5 demonstrates.
The relationship of absorption fraction to load size, and typical absorption values for
a variety of sources, are illustrated in Fig. 6. First the figure summarizes the data from
three groups of sources: milk calcium (the principal dietary source of calcium in the
industrialized nations), calcium carbonate (the principal calcium salt used in calcium
supplements), and finally calcium oxalate. What the figure clearly shows in this regard
is that, altogether apart from the intrinsic absorbability of the calcium source, absorption
varies linearly and inversely with the logarithm of the load size. Furthermore, because all
of the studies summarized in Fig. 6 were acute studies, in which the subjects were not
given an opportunity to habituate themselves to a particular calcium source or level of
calcium intake, the relationships to load depicted are purely physical: there is no physi-
154 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 5. Absorbed calcium plotted as a function of intake in 332 studies in middle-aged healthy
women studied on their usual calcium intakes. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 2001. Used with

Fig. 6. Regression lines fitted to fractional absorption values at various load sizes for three families
of calcium sources. Topmost is the line for plain calcium carbonate. Next is the line for milk
calcium. The lowest is the line for calcium oxalate and the high oxalate vegetables (e.g., spinach
and rhubarb). For all three groups there is an inverse linear relationship with the logarithm of load
size (i.e., at low load sizes, a larger fraction of the load is absorbed than at high loads). Mean
fractional absorption values for various other food sources are plotted for their respective intake
loads. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 2001. Used with permission.)
Chapter 10 / The Calcium Economy 155

Fig. 7. Time course through 24 h for the mean specific activity values for two calcium dosing
regimens. In the first (labeled “single”), 1000 mg Ca (25 mmol) was ingested as a single bolus at
breakfast, and in the second (labeled “multiple”), the same total load was ingested in 17 equally
spaced doses of 59 mg (1.5 mmol) each, ingested at 0.5-h intervals. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney,
2000. Used with permission.)

ological adjustment component, that is, no compensating alteration of 1,25(OH)2D-

mediated active absorption.
There are several practical consequences of this load relationship. One is that dividing
calcium intake into multiple doses over the course of a day results in much more efficient
absorption than ingesting the same total quantity in a single dose. This point is illustrated
in an experiment shown in Fig. 7, in which healthy individuals were given the same
tracer-labeled calcium load (25 mmol), either as a single bolus at breakfast, or as 17
individual doses of 1.47 mmol at 30-min intervals, starting with the same breakfast and
continuing for the next 8 h (12). Figure 7 shows graphically, and pharmacokinetic cal-
culation reveals explicitly, that the area under the curve (AUC) for the divided dose
regimen was substantially higher than that for the single dose regimen. (At 24 h, AUC
was approx 50% higher for the divided dose regimen, and for AUCh, the difference was
nearly twofold.) A related consequence deals with the interpretation of published studies
in which calcium supplements were used. Even if the aggregate daily doses were the same
in two studies, when the dosing regimens are different, the effective delivered dose will
be predictably different.
It is worth noting in passing that the primitive human diet, which would have been
relatively calcium-rich in most of its constituents, would more closely have approxi-
mated the continuous dosing regimen. Hence, not only would the primitive calcium
intake have been higher than we currently experience, but its pattern of ingestion would
have likely delivered calcium into the body more efficiently than modern humans gen-
erally manage.
156 Calcium in Human Health


As the numbers in Fig. 1 indicate, the turnover of bone calcium, in the process of bone
modeling and remodeling, accounts for roughly half of the total turnover of the ECF
calcium in a typical healthy adult. (The proportion would be substantially higher during
growth.) A single cubic centimeter of bone contains approx 400 mg (~10 mmol) calcium,
equivalent to approx 40% of the total calcium in the entire ECF of an adult. Essentially
all of that bone calcium is locked away in intimate association with the collagen fibers
of the bone matrix, and for the most part it can be released into the blood only by
physically tearing down a unit of bone through osteoclastic resorption. Similarly, cal-
cium deposition in bone occurs as a result of another cellular activity, the osteoblastic
deposition of collagen matrix, and its subsequent alteration to create crystal nuclei suit-
able for aggregating calcium and phosphate as hydroxyapatite.
Both processes are cell-mediated. However, with mineral deposition, the timing of the
mineral entry lags behind the cell’s deposition and activation of the matrix. Because
hormonal control mechanisms, whether endocrine or paracrine, act only through func-
tioning cells, it follows that mineral deposition in bone is much less acutely controllable
than is mineral removal. Previously nucleated bone matrix creates a mineral drain, or
debt, which is paid by extracting mineral from blood flowing past the new bone-forming
site, and stopping osteoblastic bone formation will not stop mineralization of the last
several days’ accumulation of deposited matrix. By contrast, both PTH and calcitonin can
act very promptly on osteoclastic resorption.
Hence, in the scheme of Fig. 1, it is the resorptive component of bone turnover which
is the one most responsive to alterations of calcium movement into and out of the body.
This is shown very nicely in the study by Wastney et al. (13) in adolescent girls, in which,
across different calcium intakes, bone formation remained constant, whereas bone
resorption varied inversely with calcium intake.
In the foregoing, we have emphasized transfers into and out of bone through bone
remodeling. Quantitatively, this route seems by far the more important. However, there
are competent bone biologists who believe physical–chemical dissolution plays an impor-
tant role (14). The most likely candidate for such an effect may involve the calcium carbon-
ate of bone. Although bone mineral is commonly assumed to be hydroxyapatite, the fact
is that bone contains a substantial amount of carbonate, which varies in magnitude from
species to species and from one metabolic state to another. Presumably, the counter ion
for the carbonate is calcium. Importantly, the carbonate content of bone appears to be
substantially more labile than its phosphate content, being depleted quite rapidly under
conditions of acidosis, and rising rapidly when the internal environment is alkalotic. This
lability means that the carbonate is located mainly on bone surfaces, both anatomic and
crystal. Calcium carbonate is more soluble than hydroxyapatite at prevailing pH and
pCO2 and may well be releasable without structural remodeling as a result of hypoth-
esized lining cell activity. The anatomic surfaces of bone are so large that limited, one-
time transfers of this sort could occur without leaving recognizable morphologic evidence.
Thus, under conditions of acidosis, a limited amount of calcium may be available by
dissolution. In brief, although calcium carbonate precipitation/dissolution may help buffer
short-term oscillations in ECF [Ca2+], it does not have the capacity required for effective,
long-term ECF [Ca2+] homeostasis.
Chapter 10 / The Calcium Economy 157


Although the operation of the calcium regulatory system, or any feedback loop for that
matter, must first be sketched out qualitatively (as in Fig. 2), in the final analysis it is the
quantitative operation of the system that will determine what ultimately happens (e.g.,
to the size of the calcium reserve, i.e., the mass of the skeleton). This quantitative working
of the system for adjusting inputs and losses in response to dietary and other perturbations
is often ignored. For example, it is commonly, if erroneously, assumed that, because
intestinal calcium absorption efficiency varies inversely with intake, the body can fully
compensate for declines in intake or increases in excretory loss. But quantitative analysis
of the system (as well as data such as those assembled in Fig. 5) shows the fallacy of that
assumption (discussed later). In the face of reduced intake, ECF [Ca2+] tends to fall, and
the prior rate of absorption of food calcium no longer suffices. The result is an increase
in PTH secretion, which produces the three end-organ effects of Fig. 2, that is, more bone
resorption, improved renal conservation, and increased calcium absorption efficiency. In
brief, all three control loops are called upon to offset a shortfall originating in just one of
them. The net effect with respect to total bone mass depends both on the relationship
between the responsiveness of the three effector organs and on their capacity to provide
the needed calcium (15). Sensitivity of the effectors is genetically and hormonally deter-
mined, whereas capacity to respond is largely determined by unregulated factors outside the
control loop, such as the calcium content of the diet and factors that influence obligatory loss.
If for some reason the response of one or the other of these effectors is blunted, PTH
secretion must rise further, forcing more response from the other two effectors. Con-
versely, if one effector (such as bone) is highly responsive to PTH, the hormone level rises
less because the needed calcium is readily supplied from the nearly limitless skeletal
reserves. As a result, when the bone is more than usually responsive, less improvement
in external calcium utilization ensues. Similarly, if the gut is unresponsive or the diet is
so low in calcium that its capacity to yield the needed amount is exceeded, then PTH
secretion rises further and bone is driven to meet the needs of the ECF [Ca2+]. The three
key insights here are: (1) it is ECF [Ca2+] that is being regulated, not bone mass; (2) the
dose–response curves for the three effector systems are independent of one another; and
(3) PTH secretion is determined by the aggregate calcium output of all three end-organs,
not by one or the other of them.
Examples of different patterns of effector responsiveness abound. Thus, American
Blacks (and probably African Blacks as well) have a bony resorptive apparatus relatively
resistant to PTH (24–26). (See Chapter 7 for the impact of this difference on require-
ments.) As a result, they develop and maintain a somewhat higher bone mass than do
Caucasians and Orientals, despite an often lower calcium intake. As predicted from the
foregoing, African-Americans exhibit higher PTH and calcitriol levels, but lower levels
of bone remodeling (19). In brief, they utilize and conserve diet calcium more efficiently
than Caucasians. Somewhat the opposite situation occurs in most women at normal
menopause. Because estrogen acts to decrease bony responsiveness to PTH, estrogen loss
at menopause increases the skeletal response to PTH. This is a part of the explanation for
the increase in recommended calcium intake after menopause (20,21). Obese individuals
also increase their bone mass as they gain weight (22), and they lose less bone at meno-
pause (23). Like blacks, they have high circulating PTH levels and (presumably) a rela-
tively resistant bone remodeling apparatus.
158 Calcium in Human Health


Important changes occur both in the quantitative settings of the system with age and
in the unregulated inputs. An example of the latter is the fall in calcium intake among
women in the United States from early adolescence to the end of life. In National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)-II, median calcium intake was 793 mg
(~20 mmol) in early adolescence, 550 mg (~14 mmol) in the 20s, and 474 mg (~12 mmol)
at menopause (24). At the same time, absorption efficiency also falls with age. (Note: A
part of this absorptive decline is due to estrogen deficiency, which both decreases renal
1F-hydroxylation of 25(OH)D and appears to have a small effect on the intestinal
mucosa. A further part may be the result of a decrease in mucosal mass which, in
animals, varies with food intake. Peripubertal girls absorb calcium with approx 45%
greater efficiency for the same intake than do perimenopausal women (25). As already
noted, after age 40 yr, absorption efficiency drops by approx 0.2 absorption percentage
points per year, with an added 2.0 percentage point drop across menopause (9). In con-
crete terms, if a 40-yr-old woman absorbed a standard load at an efficiency of 30%, the
same woman, at age 65 yr and deprived of estrogen, would absorb at an efficiency of
22.8%, or almost a 25% worsening in absorptive performance.
To complicate the situation further, renal calcium clearance rises at menopause (26),
as shown in the differences between the estrogen-replete and estrogen-deprived values
for urine calcium in Table 1. This effect is seen most clearly with low calcium intakes,
when urinary calcium can be as much as 36% higher than premenopause (8). Vitamin D
status deteriorates with age as well (27,28); this decline is a function of reduced solar
exposure and falls in both cutaneous vitamin D synthetic efficiency and in milk consump-
tion. In Europe, where solar vitamin D synthesis is low for reasons of latitude and climate, and
milk is generally not fortified, serum 25(OH)D concentration drops from over 100 nmol/L
(40 ng/mL) in young adults to under 40 nmol/L (16 ng/mL) in individuals over age 70 yr.
Not surprisingly, serum PTH rises with age as a consequence of this aggregate of age-
related changes. Twenty-four-hour integrated PTH is 70% higher in healthy 65-yr-old
US women consuming diets containing 800 mg Ca per day than in third-decade women
on the same diets (29). That this difference is due to insufficient absorptive input is shown by
the fact that the difference can be completely obliterated by increasing calcium intake (29).


As stressed in the foregoing, it is a quantity of calcium that is being optimized (i.e.,
ECF [Ca2+]); this is accomplished by the algebraic sum of various quantitative inputs and
outputs. Two examples will serve to illustrate further the importance of attending to
quantities. One examines in more detail the contrast in calcium handling at menarche and
menopause just described, and the second describes the response of the system at any
given age to a fixed increase in obligatory loss.

11.1. Menarche and Menopause

True trabecular bone density increases by approx 15% across menarche (30), and
approximately the same quantum of bone is lost across menopause (31). Curiously,
administration of estrogen to women more than 3 yr postmenopausal has generally failed
Chapter 10 / The Calcium Economy 159

Table 2
Net Calcium Absorption at Menarche and Menopause
Menarche Menopause
Ca intakea 793 mg/d 474 mg/d
(19.8 mmol/d) (11.8 mmol/d)
Ca absorption efficiencyb 35.2% 30.5%
Endogenous fecal Cac 67 mg/d 102 mg/d
(1.7 mmol/d) (2.5 mmol/d)
Net Ca absorption 212 mg/d 42 mg/d
(53 mmol/d) (10.5 mmol/d)
aNationalHealth and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)-II median values (24).
bHeaney et al. (9); O’Brien et al. (25).
cHeaney et al. (5).

to reproduce the pubertal increase in BMD, and in recent years it has been customary to
say that, apart from whatever remodeling transient estrogen/hormone replacement therapy
(ERT/HRT) may produce in postmenopausal women (32), the principal effect of ERT/
HRT on bone is stabilization of bone mass, rather than restoration of what had been lost.
But the quantitative aspects of the age-related changes in the calcium economy, summa-
rized in the foregoing, were not attended to as this conclusion was drawn.
Table 2 assembles published data for median calcium intake and mean data for absorp-
tion efficiency and EFCa loss, and shows very clearly how quantitative changes occur-
ring in the 40 yr from menarche to menopause account for the rather different performance
of the two age groups. In brief (and despite an intake less than recommended), a
peripubertal girl is able to achieve net absorption of over 200 mg (5 mmol) calcium from
the median diet of her age cohort, whereas an early menopausal woman extracts less than
one-fifth as much from hers. The drop in intake amounts to approx 40%, but the fall in
net absorption is 80%. As Table 2 shows, this is the resultant of lower intake, lower
absorption efficiency, and higher digestive juice calcium losses. Given the level of total
body obligatory losses at midlife, this absorbed quantity is simply not sufficient to sup-
port an estrogen-stimulated increase in BMD. As would be predicted from this under-
standing, higher calcium intakes in postmenopausal women permit estrogen to produce
bony increases closer to those seen at puberty (33).

11.2. Response to Augmented Losses

As already noted, it is commonly (and uncritically) considered that the absorptive
apparatus is able to compensate either for a change in intake or a change in excretory loss.
However, quantitative considerations make it clear that this depends entirely on the level
of calcium in the diet. Thus, an individual increasing his/her salt intake by an amount
equivalent to a single daily serving of a fast-food, fried chicken meal experiences an
increase in urinary calcium of approx 1 mmol (40 mg)/d. Without compensating adjust-
ments in input to the ECF, [Ca2+] would drop. PTH, of course, would rise, and with it,
synthesis of l,25(OH)2D, resulting ultimately in better extraction of calcium from the diet.
Published data allow rough estimation that a calcium drain of this magnitude produces
an increase in 1,25(OH)2D concentration of approx 6–7 pmol/L (34), and dose–response
160 Calcium in Human Health

measurements for 1,25(OH)2D indicate that this stimulus would increase calcium absorp-
tion efficiency by approx 2–3 absorption percentage points (35). A 2–3% increase in
extraction from a 50-mmol (2000-mg) diet yields 1–1.5 mmol (40–60 mg) of extra
calcium, more than enough to offset the increased urinary loss, whereas from a 5-mmol
(200-mg) diet, the same absorptive increase yields less than 0.1 mmol (4 mg). (Note: This
is partly because extraction efficiency is already relatively high on low intakes, and partly
because there is less calcium still unabsorbed on which the mucosa can work to extract
additional calcium.) Thus, on a high-calcium diet, the body easily compensates for vary-
ing drains: both bone and ECF [Ca2+] are protected. But on a low-calcium diet, although
the ECF [Ca2+] is protected, the bone is not. Why does serum 1,25(OH)2D not rise more
on a low-calcium diet? Simply because the 1F-hydroxylation step is responding to PTH.
Bone calcium meets much (or most) of the ECF need, so 1,25(OH)2D production is less
than maximal. PTH secretion, as we have noted several times, is regulated by ECF [Ca2+],
not by bone mass.
In brief, as the body adjusts to varying demands, the portion of the demand met by bone
will be determined both by factors influencing bony responsiveness and by the level of
diet calcium, the principal component of the system that is not regulated. However, it
must also be stressed that, although an adequate calcium intake is a necessary condition
for bone building and for adaptation to varying calcium demands, it is not by itself
sufficient. Calcium alone will not stop estrogen-deficiency bone loss nor disuse bone loss
(because neither is caused by calcium deficiency). However, recovery from immobiliza-
tion or restoration of bone lost because of hormone deficiency will not be possible
without an adequate supply of the raw materials needed to build bone substance.

The calcium economy consists of the traffic of calcium ions into and out of the blood,
of the forces that alter that traffic, and of the control systems that regulate it. Central to
the operation of the system is PTH, which stimulates calcium removal from bone, improves
calcium absorption from food, and regulates loss of calcium through the kidneys. These
three effects are independent of one another and their relative responsiveness to PTH
differs between ethnic groups and at different life stages within individuals. Unregulated
stresses to the system consist mainly of variable cutaneous losses (e.g., sweat), digestive
juice losses, and obligatory urinary losses caused by interaction with other nutrients (e.g.,
sodium chloride). Ability to maintain constancy of both ECF [Ca2+] and the size of the
skeletal reserve, that is, bone mass, depends on calcium intake. At intakes above the
currently recommended values, both ECF [Ca2+] and bone are preserved. At lower intakes,
bone mass may be sacrificed to sustain ECF [Ca2+].

1. Klesges RC, Ward KD, Shelton ML, et al. Changes in bone mineral content in male athletes. JAMA
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Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 163

11 Molecular Regulation of Calcium


James C. Fleet

• Molecular events in the intestine, kidney, and bone control calcium metabolism and
influence bone health.
• Parathyroid hormone and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 are the primary hormonal regulators
of calcium metabolism.
• Other hormones (e.g., estrogen, growth hormone, prolactin) have specialized roles in the
control of calcium metabolism during certain phases of life (i.e., growth, pregnancy and
lactation, menopause).
• Cell surface and nuclear receptors are necessary for the molecular actions of hormones
on intestine, kidney, and bone.


In the other chapters in this book, it is apparent that bone is the tissue that is affected
during periods of inadequate dietary calcium intake, as a result of changes in physiology
or defects in calcium homeostasis. Based on this, one might reasonably—but incor-
rectly—believe that calcium homeostasis is regulated to maintain bone integrity. As
Fig. 1 illustrates, and as Chapter 10 developed in some detail, bone, intestine, and
kidney make up a three-tissue axis whose activities are coordinated to maintain serum
calcium within a narrow range (8.9–10.2 mg/dL). In this model, calcium absorption from
the intestine is a “disturbing” signal that elevates serum calcium after a meal while bone
turnover (i.e., the balance between bone formation and resorption) and renal calcium
excretion are “controlling” signals that respond to fluxes in serum calcium. The impor-
tance of this coordinated regulation can be seen in the table accompanying Fig. 1. This
table is based on research by Bronner and Aubert who studied the influence of dietary
calcium on calcium homeostasis in growing rats (1). Using calcium kinetics, their studies
showed that when calcium intake is inadequate (a lack of Ca input into serum Ca), the
body compensates by increasing calcium mobilization from the bone (resorption) as well

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
164 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 1. Coordinate regulation of a three-tissue axis controls whole-body calcium metabolism. This
is reflected in the response of calcium absorption, urinary calcium excretion, and bone formation/
resorption to changes in the habitual dietary calcium intake. (The table is based on data in growing
rats from Bronner and Aubert [1].)

as the efficiency of both calcium reabsorption from the renal filtrate and calcium absorp-
tion from the diet. Similar types of compensatory adaptation would also occur if renal
calcium output was too high (e.g., as a result of high dietary salt intake), leading to a drain
on serum Ca that promotes compensation at the intestine and bone, or if bone resorption
were elevated (e.g., owing to the loss of estrogen), leading to elevated serum Ca that
would suppress the activities of the intestine and bone.
In Chapter 10, the integrated functioning of this tri-axial system is examined from a
physiological perspective. In this chapter, the hormonal changes that lead to alterations
in the way the bone, intestine, and kidney handle calcium and the molecular mechanisms
of action of these hormones on these critical target tissues that control calcium homeo-
stasis are discussed.
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 165

Fig. 2. Hormonal responses controlling whole-body calcium homeostasis during habitual low
dietary calcium intake. CaR, calcium-sensing receptor; PTH, parathyroid hormone; 1,25(OH)2D3,
1,25(OH)2 vitamin D.


Classical studies like the one using calcium deprivation, shown in Fig. 1, have iden-
tified the vitamin D metabolite, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D3) and parathyroid
hormone (PTH) as the major hormonal regulators of calcium homeostasis. The response
of these two hormones to a low calcium diet is shown in Fig, 2. Here, low serum calcium
is sensed at the level of the parathyroid gland through a calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR;
see Chapter 3). The CaSR relays a signal that leads to the increased production and release
of PTH into the circulation. Once released, PTH has several important functions. First,
it promotes bone resorption by stimulating osteoclastic activity. Second, it stimulates
renal calcium reabsorption in the proximal renal tubule and also suppresses renal phos-
phate reabsorption (see Chapter 10, Fig. 2). Finally, PTH is a strong stimulator of the renal
enzyme, 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D)-1F hydroxylase, that catalyzes the conversion
of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D3, the hormonally active form of vitamin D.g stimulates bone
resorption, renal calcium reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule, and active calcium
absorption in the proximal small intestine. Collectively, the actions of 1,25(OH)2D3 and
PTH serve to increase serum calcium at the expense of bone.

2.1. Vitamin D Metabolism

Figure 3 is a summary of vitamin D metabolism leading to the active production of
1,25(OH)2D3. Vitamin D has been termed the “sunshine vitamin” because it can be
produced from 7-dehydrocholesterol when skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV)-B light.
In the presence of adequate sunlight exposure there is no dietary requirement for vitamin
166 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 3. A summary of vitamin D metabolism. DBP, vitamin D binding protein

D. However, it should be noted that there will be a dietary requirement for vitamin D when
the skin production of vitamin D is inadequate, for example in people with highly pig-
mented skin, in those who cover their skin (i.e., with strong sunblocks or for religious
reasons), in homebound elderly, and in areas where wintertime UV-B irradiation is
inadequate (e.g., the Northern part of the United States) (2).
Vitamin D and vitamin D metabolites are transported in the circulation by the vitamin
D binding protein (DBP) (3). It is not clear how vitamin D is transported from the serum
into tissues. During renal filtration, vitamin D metabolite–DBP complexes are actively
reabsorbed by the membrane receptor megalin; this system may also be important for
other tissues as well (4). Once delivered to the liver, vitamin D is hydroxylated by the 25-
hydroxylase to form 25(OH)D. This is a very stable form of the vitamin D (biological-
half-life of ~2 wk) and thus it is used as the functional measure of vitamin D status. The
conversion of vitamin D to 25(OH)D appears to be driven primarily by the level of the
substrate and is inhibited by the product, 25(OH)D (5). In contrast, the production of
the hormonally active form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D3, is highly regulated (6). Clas-
sically, the production of 1,25(OH)2D3 has been thought to be exclusively within the
kidney. PTH stimulates and 1,25(OH)2D3 suppresses renal 1,25(OH)2D3 production.
Finally, the 1,25(OH)2D3 released into the serum acts on various target tissues—classi-
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 167

cally, intestine, bone, and kidney. The mechanisms used by 1,25(OH)2D3 to modulate the
biology of cells will be described later. The vitamin D signaling system is attenuated
within each target tissue though the actions of another important enzyme, the 24-hy-
droxylase (7). This enzyme is induced by 1,25(OH)2D3 and its role is to hydroxylate the
hormone to form the short-lived metabolite 1,24,25(OH)3D. This metabolite is a substrate
for other enzymes that lead to the degradation and inactivation of 1,25(OH)2D3. 24-Hy-
droxylase can also act upon 25(OH)D to make the metabolite 24,25(OH)2D. Evidence
suggests that this metabolite is important for activation of resting zone chondrocytes in the
growth plate (8) and perhaps in the repair of bone fractures (9).
Although the classic model of vitamin D action is described as an endocrine system
relying solely upon the renal production of 1,25(OH)2D3 (as in Fig. 2), several clinical
observations have caused researchers to expand this model. Several groups have shown
that serum levels of 25(OH)D are inversely correlated with serum PTH levels (10,11) and
positively correlated with intestinal calcium absorption (12–15). In several of these
studies, serum 1,25(OH)2D3 levels did not associate with PTH or calcium absorption,
suggesting that renal conversion of 25(OH)D to the active form is not accounting for the
change in biological function associated with high serum 25(OH)D levels, and that
tissues other than kidney have the capacity to produce 1,25(OH)2D3. Research in anephric
patients (16,17), in cells from nonclassical target tissues like the prostate (18,19), and
from immunohistochemical analysis of a variety of other tissues (20) have now con-
firmed this extrarenal capacity to produce 1,25(OH)2D3. Recent evidence suggests that
whereas the extrarenal expression of 1F hydroxylase is suppressed by 1,25(OH)2D3, it
is not regulated by the classical modulator of the renal 1F hydroxylase, PTH. This sug-
gests that the functions of vitamin D could be controlled by 1,25(OH)2D3 at two levels:
as an endocrine system that is sensitive to PTH and is critical in times of inadequate
dietary calcium intake, and as an autocrine or paracrine system that is sensitive to vitamin
D status. In this model, the autocrine/paracrine function would reduce the need for the
endocrine system, a scenario that is supported by data from rats showing that high serum
25(OH)D is associated with reduced serum 1,25(OH)2D3 levels (21). Although these
ideas are still being developed and tested by researchers, a model describing the two
tiered system is presented in Fig. 4.

2.2. Vitamin D Action

Within the cells of vitamin D target tissues is a receptor for 1,25(OH)2D3. This receptor
is a member of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily of ligand-activated transcrip-
tion factors (22). Two lines of evidence demonstrate that this vitamin D receptor (VDR)
is crucial for calcium economy. First, the molecular cause for the human genetic disease
type II rickets is mutations with the coding region of the VDR gene (23). Second, the
deletion of the VDR gene in mice leads to a phenotype identical to human type II rickets
(e.g., alopecia, low bone mass, hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism) (24,25). Interest-
ingly, the phenotype of rickets can be reversed in VDR-null mice by normalizing serum
calcium through the use of diets with very high calcium intake. This demonstrates that
one of the most important roles for 1,25(OH)2D3 signaling through the VDR is the control
of intestinal calcium absorption (26,27).
168 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 4. Local and endocrine production of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D may contribute to the physiologi-
cal effects of vitamin D on calcium homeostasis. PTH, parathyroid hormone; 25(OH)D3, 25
hydroxyvitamin D3; 1,25(OH)2D3, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3; VDR, vitamin D receptor.

The VDR can be found in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of vitamin D target cells.
Binding of 1,25(OH)2D3 to the VDR promotes association of VDR with the retinoid X
receptor (RXR). This heterodimerization is required for migration of the RXR–VDR–
ligand complex from the cytoplasm to the nucleus (28–31). Once in the nucleus, the
1,25(OH)2D3–VDR–RXR complex regulates gene transcription by interacting with spe-
cific vitamin D response elements (VDRE) in the promoters of vitamin D-responsive
genes (22). The steps leading to vitamin D-mediated gene transcription are summarized
in Fig. 5.
Access to VDREs in their chromosomal context may be limited; Paredes et al. (32)
used an ex vivo assay to show that although VDR–RXR binding to the osteocalcin VDRE
in histone-free DNA was strong, this binding was minimal when the VDRE was in DNA
assembled with histones into an artificial nucleosome. In vivo, release of chromosomal
structure requires phosphorylation of histone H3, acetylation of histones H3 and H4, and
phosphorylation events mediated by the SWI/SNF complex ATPases (33–35). To over-
come the constraints imposed by higher order chromatin structure, the VDR–RXR dimer
recruits a complex with histone acetyl transferase (HAT) activity (e.g., CBP/p300, SRC1
[36,37]) as well as SWI/SNF complexes (e.g,. the BAF57 subunit of SWI/SNF directly
interacts with SRC1 and steroid hormone receptors [38]). After chromosomal unwind-
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 169

Fig. 5. A summary of the vitamin D receptor (VDR)-mediated molecular regulation of gene

expression by 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3). RXR, retinoid X receptor; VDRE, vitamin
D response element; DRIP, vitamin D receptor-interacting protein; SRC-1, steroid receptor
coactivator 1; p300/CBP, transcriptional coactivators with histone acetyl transferase activity;
SWI/SNF, ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factors; II, RNA polymerase II; TATA or
“TATA box,” binding site for RNA polymerase II.

ing, the VDR–RXR dimer recruits the 16 protein mediator complex (a.k.a. DRIP) and
utilizes it to recruit and activate the basal transcription unit containing RNA polymerase
II (39).
The movement of calcium across the intestinal and renal epithelium has many simi-
larities (see also Chapter 3). First, calcium movement can occur both between cells
(paracellular) and through cells (transcellular). The paracellular movement is thought to
be exclusively diffusional and nonregulated but sensitive to ion and electrical gradients
as well as bulk fluid flow. Thus, a set percentage of any calcium present on the luminal
side of the intestine or renal tubule will leak across the barrier (e.g., 16%/h in rat duode-
num). This can become quantitatively important in the intestine when dietary intake is
high. 1,25(OH)2D3 regulates only the transcellular movement of calcium in the proximal
part of the human intestine (40,41), and its impact on the kidney is less clear.
The mechanisms by which calcium crosses the intestinal and renal epithelial cell are
currently under debate. However, the bulk of experimental data is consistent with the
facilitated diffusion model (40). This model, and the proteins mediating transport in both
proximal small intestine intestine and distal convoluted tubule of the kidney, is shown in
Fig. 6. The first step of transcellular transport is entry of free calcium into the cell through
a calcium channel. Two related channels mediate this process in intestine and kidney:
170 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 6. Two models for transcellular calcium transport across the intestinal epithelial cell. TRPV6,
transient receptor potential channel, vanilloid subfamily member 6; PMCA1b, plasma membrane
calcium ATPase 1b; NCX1, sodium-calcium exchanger 1.

transient receptor potential channel, vanilloid subfamily member 6 (TRPV6) in the duode-
num (a.k.a. CaT1 or ECaC2) and both TRPV6 and TRPV5 (a.k.a. CaT2 or ECaC1) in the
kidney (42). These channels are members of the vanilloid family of channels. The mRNA
level for TRPV6 in the intestine, and to a lesser extent, TRPV6 and TRPV5 mRNA levels
in the kidney, are regulated by 1,25(OH)2D3 (43). In the intestine, the induction of TRPV6
mRNA precedes the induction of active calcium absorption, suggesting that the two
events are temporally linked. Both TRPV5 and TRPV6 are very effective at permitting
calcium movement through membranes, but their activity is rapidly suppressed when
intracellular calcium levels increase (44). Calbindin D9k (in intestine) and calbindin
D28k are intracellular calcium binding proteins that may serve as intracellular buffers to
prevent increases in cytosolic [Ca2+] that would shut down TRPV6 and TRPV5. Calbindin
D9k can bind two calcium ions per mole of protein, whereas calbindin D28k can bind 4
moles of calcium per mole of protein. In their capacity as intracellular buffers, the
calbindins also limit increases in intracellular calcium that could activate cellular signaling;
this would be crucial to limit inadvertent signaling following calcium-rich meals (45).
Based on a mathematical model by Bronner et al. (40), the intracellular diffusion of
calcium across the enterocyte is the rate-limiting step for intracellular calcium absorp-
tion. Experiments suggest that the calbindins may also promote intracellular diffusion of
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 171

calcium across the cell (46), and this is where the facilitated diffusion model gets its name.
In animal experiments, the level of calbindin D9k in the intestine has been shown to
correlate closely with the efficiency of intestinal calcium absorption, as well as serum or
plasma 1,25(OH)2D3 levels (40,43,47). These and other data suggest that calbindin D9k
protein and mRNA levels are inducible by 1,25(OH)2D3; the lack of a functional vitamin
D response element in the calbindin D9k gene, as well as experimental data (48), suggest
that this regulation is primarily a posttranscriptional response. In the kidney of mice,
calbindin D28k expression can be upregulated by diet-induced changes in serum
1,25(OH)2D3 and by 1,25(OH)2D3 injection (43). However, this induction is small (two-
fold under extreme conditions), and although the lack of VDR leads to a significant
reduction in intestinal calbindin D9k, no such decline is observed for calbindin D28k in the
kidney (26). These data are consistent with evidence from cultured mouse distal tubule
cells that showed that 1,25(OH)2D3 did not alter calcium reabsorption (49).
Although the facilitated diffusion model depends on the calbindins, more recent data
reveal that high levels of calbindin D9k in the intestine are not a guarantee that calcium
absorption will be elevated (43,50,51). This further supports the idea that there is a critical
interplay between other parts of the transcellular calcium transport apparatus and the
calbindins. The final step in the transcellular calcium transport is the active extrusion of
calcium by the action of plasma membrane calcium ATPases (PMCA) or a sodium–
calcium exchanger. Although both the activity and amount of the PMCAs are regulated
by 1,25(OH)2D3 (52), this step appears to be the least sensitive to the hormone. Like
TRPV6, the maximal activity of the PMCA isoforms in the intestine may require the
presence of calbindin D9k. Walters (53) demonstrated that binding of calbindin D9k to
PMCA stimulates the pump activity.
Other models have also been proposed to explain transcellular calcium movement in
the intestine. This includes the lysosomal transport model where calcium is sequestered
into lysomes and transcellular transport occurs by extrusion of calcium from the cell by
exocitosis (54). Another model is transcaltachia, the rapid transcellular movement of
calcium in response to 1,25(OH)2D3 treatment (55). The transcaltachia model has been
demonstrated only in chick intestine and suffers conceptually from the need to have
controlled fluxes in 1,25(OH)2D3 occurring simultaneous to consumption of calcium-
rich meals.
2.2.3. RAPID ACTIONS OF 1,25(OH)2D3
While research on VDR-mediated gene transcription continues to be fruitful, there is
now compelling evidence for the existence of nongenomic 1,25(OH)2D3-inducible sig-
nal transduction pathways within various cell types (56,57). Figure 7 summarizes the
kinase and second messenger pathways that have been shown to be activated through
rapid 1,25(OH)2 D3-mediated signaling. For example, in rat colonocytes (58,59) and in
proliferating cultures of the intestinal cell line Caco-2 (60,61), 1,25(OH)2D3 rapidly
(within seconds and minutes) activates phospholipase C (PLC), increases phosphoinositide
turnover, generates the second messengers inositol 1,3,4-triphosphate (IP3) and 1,2-
diacylglycerol (DAG), activates protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms (62), and activates the
c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) and ERK family of MAP kinases (63). The effect of
1,25(OH)2D3 treatment on kinase activation may depend on adequate vitamin D status;
rapid 1,25(OH)2D3-induced changes in phosphoinositide turnover, PKC translocation,
172 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 7. Different modes of calcium reabsorption are used for renal calcium reabsorption in the
proximal, middle, and distal segments of the nephron. TRPV6, transient receptor potential chan-
nel, vanilloid subfamily member 6; TRPV5, transient receptor potential channel, vanilloid subfamily
member 5; PMCA, plasma membrane calcium ATPase; NCX1, sodium-calcium exchanger 1.

and changes in intracellular calcium do not occur in colonocytes from vitamin D-defi-
cient, hypocalcemic rats (64).
The rapid activation of kinases is a signaling system that has been traditionally used
to explain the mechanism of action of peptide hormones and growth factors; however, it
is now being recognized as important for the action of steroid hormones as well (65).
There is considerable controversy regarding the mechanism used by 1,25(OH)2D3 to
transduce a signal across the membrane of cells and activate kinase pathways. One line
of evidence suggests that there may be a unique membrane receptor for 1,25(OH)2D3.
This protein, termed the membrane-associated rapid response steroid-binding protein
(MARRS) (66), binds 1,25(OH)2D3 with high affinity, is distinct from the classical VDR,
and is found on the membrane of a number of cells that respond to 1,25(OH)2D3 treatment
by activating kinase pathways and stimulating calcium fluxes. However, in addition to
the MARRS protein, several recent papers have indicated that the classical VDR may be
involved in at least some of the rapid 1,25(OH)2D3 signaling pathways. For example,
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 173

Buitrago et al. (67,68) have demonstrated that the classical VDR is associated with src
kinase and is also a target of src kinase activity in myocytes. In addition, Bettoun et al.
found that in the Caco-2 intestinal cell line, the VDR is part of a ternary complex with
proteins known to control movement of cells through the G1-S transition in cell cycle,
i.e., the protein phosphatase PP1c and the p70 S6 kinase (69). Finally, Erben et al. (70)
found that 1,25(OH)2 D-mediated activation of calcium fluxes is blocked in osteoblasts
from mice expressing a VDR that lacks the DNA binding domain. Although this obser-
vation conflicts with data generated by Wali et al. (71) in VDR-null mice, coupled with
the other data from cell systems, it suggests that VDR may participate in at least some
rapid signaling pathways.
Although the recent observations on rapid 1,25(OH)2D3 signaling are interesting, the
central importance of VDR-mediated signaling in calcium homeostasis appears to leave
little room for an independent effect of these pathways. To date, two distinct areas support
a unique biological role for the rapid activation of kinase pathways by 1,25(OH)2D3. The
first area is the modulation of growth zone chondrocyte biology (72–74). Treatment of
growth zone chondrocytes with 1,25(OH)2D3 activates phospholipase A2 and causes an
increase in membrane fluidity, activates PLC leading to the activation of PKC and release
of intracellular calcium, and indirectly activates protein kinase A through production of
prostaglandin E2. These changes are important for activation of growth factors (i.e., latent
transforming growth factor [TGF]-G in matrix), proteoglycan degradation, and matrix
Another emerging area suggests that rapid, membrane-initiated actions of 1,25(OH)2D3
can modulate adipocyte biology by controlling intracellular calcium levels. Shi et al. (75)
showed that 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulates lipogenesis and lipid loading of human adipocytes
by causing a dose–responsive increase in intracellular calcium levels, increasing
adipocyte fatty acid synthase expression/activity and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydroge-
nase activity, and inhibiting isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis. These effects were mim-
icked by an analog with minimal ability to regulate the VDR-mediated transcriptional
effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 and they were completely prevented by 1G,25 dihydroxyvitamin
D3, a specific antagonist of the membrane-initiated actions of 1,25(OH)2D3. Suppression
of this pathway has been used as a mechanistic foundation to explain a controversial new
observation that high dietary calcium intake can limit weight gain or promote weight loss
Several studies support the hypothesis that signal transduction pathways are important
regulators of VDR-mediated gene expression (Fig. 8). For example, suppression of PKC
activity with staurosporine or H7 inhibited 1,25(OH)2D3-regulated 25-hydroxyvitamin
D 24-hydroxylase (CYP24) gene expression in proliferating, small intestine crypt-like,
rat intestinal epithelial cell (IEC)-6 cells (78), and activation of PKC with phorbol esters
enhanced 1,25(OH)2D3- regulated CYP24 gene transcription in IEC-6 and IEC-18 cells
(79). Similar findings have been observed for 1,25(OH)2D3-mediated osteocalcin gene
expression in the osteoblast-like reactive oxygen species (ROS) 17/2.8 cell (80), CYP24
gene induction in COS-1 cells (81), c-myc activation in proliferating skeletal muscle
(82), and CYP3A4 gene regulation in proliferating Caco-2 cells (83). Specific cross-talk
between rapid, membrane-initiated vitamin D actions and VDR-mediated genomic ac-
174 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 8. 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 can rapidly activate a variety of signal transduction pathways. PKA,
protein kinase A; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol-4,5,
bisphosphate; PIP3, phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5 trisphosphate; PLC, phospholipase C; IP3, inosi-
tol triphosphate; DAG, diacylglycerol; PKC, protein kinase C; AKT, protein kinase B; IPB,
inhibitor of NFPB; NFPB, nuclear factor PB; MAPK, mitogen-activated kinase; AP-1, activator

tions are also supported by the observation that an antagonist of the nongenomic pathway,
1G,25(OH)2 D, blocks 1F, 25(OH)2D-mediated osteocalcin gene transcription in osteo-
blasts (84). The mechanism for this interaction between 1,25(OH)2D3-induced kinase
pathways and VDR-mediated gene transcription is unclear, but it likely results from the
modulation of protein–protein interactions that are responsible for recruitment of co-
activators necessary for disruption of higher order chromatin structure and transcrip-
tional activation (see Fig. 3) (81,85).

2.3. PTH (Kidney and Bone)

As shown in Fig. 2, two factors have a strong influence on the production and release
of PTH from the parathyroid gland: serum ionized calcium and 1,25(OH)2D3. Changes
in serum calcium can alter three aspects of PTH biology in the parathyroid gland: intra-
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 175

cellular degradation, gene expression, and hormone secretion (86). In response to hypoc-
alcemia, PTH secretion can increase within seconds, suppression of intracellular PTH
degradation leads to an increase in the amount of intact PTH available for secretion within
30 min, and both transcriptional regulation of the PTH gene and stabilization of the PTH
mRNA lead to increased PTH synthesis within hours.
Serum calcium and phosphorus have opposing effects on PTH mRNA levels. While
high serum phosphate levels increase PTH mRNA levels, high serum calcium levels
suppress PTH mRNA levels. These ions influence PTH mRNA stability through the
binding (hyperphosphatemia) and release (hypercalcemia) of proteins to the 3'
untranslated region of the PTH mRNA (87). Although the ability of high serum phosphate
levels to increase PTH levels suggests that high dietary phosphate may promote bone loss
by increasing PTH-mediated bone resorption, a short-term study by Whybro et al. (88)
found that a diet with 2000 mg of elemental phosphate did not increase a urinary marker
of bone resorption in young men.
Changes in serum calcium levels are sensed by the calcium-sensing receptor (CaR)
(89). The CaR is dimeric glycoprotein that belongs to the superfamily of G protein-
coupled receptors. It resides on the cell surface of many cell types, including the chief
cells of the parathyroid gland and the cells along the kidney tubules involved in mineral
ion homeostasis. Upon binding of Ca to the CaR, several intracellular signaling pathways
are activated—e.g., PLC-mediated activation of PKC signaling, PLD- and PLA2-medi-
ated generation of arachadonic acid for regulation of cyclooxygenase and lipoygenase
pathways, and activation of all three MAP kinase pathways (ERK, JNK, and p38). Unfor-
tunately, it is not yet clear which of these intracellular signaling pathways are critical for
the control of PTH secretion or other aspects of parathyroid function.
As described earlier in the subsections on vitamin D, PTH secretion leads to an acti-
vation of the renal 1F hydroxylase and increases the production of 1,25(OH)2D3. Whereas
this hormone influences bone, intestine, and kidney to improve calcium homeostasis, it
is also a potent signal for the suppression of PTH gene expression (90). Like vitamin D-
mediated gene activation, suppression of PTH mediated gene expression requires the
binding of the 1,25(OH)2D3–VDR–RXR complex to two vitamin D response elements
in the promoter of the PTH gene (91). It is likely that these interactions recruit co-
repressors with histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity, which keeps the PTH gene in a
transcriptionally repressed state.


PTH is known to influence mineral ion homeostasis by activating a membrane recep-
tor, the PTH/PTH related protein (PTHrp) receptor (92). Figure 9 demonstrates schemati-
cally the signaling pathways utilized upon the activation of the PTH/PTHrp receptor in
osteoblasts. By utilizing both stimulatory (e.g., Gq and GsF) and inhibitory (Gi/o) G
proteins, PTH can activate either a protein kinase C/MAP kinase pathway or a protein
kinase A signaling pathway. Mahon et al. (93) have demonstrated that the PTH/PTHrp
receptor interacts with Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factors (NHERF) 1 and 2. Upon
stimulation of cells with PTH, NHERF2 is responsible for the inhibition of adenyl cyclase
(and the protein kinase A pathway), whereas in kidney cells, NHERF1 is responsible for
the inhibition of phosphate uptake leading to increased phosphate excretion (93).
176 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 9. Molecular actions of PTH in osteoblasts. PTH/PTHrp, parathyroid hormone/parathyroid

hormone related peptide; PKA, protein kinase A; PLC, phospholipase C; IP3, inositol triphos-
phate; DAG, diacylglycerol; PKC, protein kinase C; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase;
CREB, cAMP response element binding protein; RANKL, ligand for the receptor for activation
of nuclear factor PB; AP-1, activator protein-1. STIMULATION OF RENAL CALCIUM REABSORPTION BY PTH

Figure 7 demonstrates that the bulk of calcium reabsorption in the kidney occurs in the
proximal tubule as a result of solvent drag. However, PTH is known to activate both
cellular and paracellular pathways of calcium reabsorption in the thick ascending limb
of Henle (94). In addition, PTH activates the fine-tuning mechanisms controlling calcium
reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule. PTH-activated calcium uptake in the distal
tubule depends on the activation of both PKC and PKA (49), and may require voltage-
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 177

gated calcium channel family members. Antisense oligonucleotides against the calcium
channel G accessory subunit (G3) inhibited PTH-mediated increases in intracellular cal-
cium (95). Although TRPV5 and TRPV6 are co-localized with the other proteins thought
to mediate active renal calcium reabsorption in the distal tubule (96), it is not yet clear
whether PTH stimulates the production of these proteins or activates them. In VDR
receptor-null mice with elevated PTH levels, both TRPV5 and TRPV6 mRNA levels are
significantly elevated 50–100% in the kidney, suggesting the existence of a moderate
PTH-mediated induction (26). ACTIVATION OF RENAL 1,25(OH)2D3 PRODUCTION
The impact of PTH on the intestine is mediated through its ability to stimulate the renal
1F hydroxylase gene expression and suppress 24-hydroxylase (CYP24) mRNA levels,
leading to an increase in the renal production of 1,25(OH)2D3 (97,98). The impact of PTH
on CYP24 mRNA levels is due to a reduction in the half-life of the message while PTH
activates 1F hydroxylase through a cAMP-dependent mechanism that leads to the acti-
vation of the cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) transcription factor
(see Fig. 9 for PTH signaling pathways). INFLUENCE OF PTH ON BONE CELLS
It is an accepted principle of bone biology that the activities of osteoblasts and osteo-
clasts are coupled. The importance of coupling is clear when one considers the paradox
that while 1,25(OH)2D3 and PTH are classically thought to promote bone resorption, their
receptors are found on osteoblasts but not osteoclasts. Cell cultures studies show that the
formation of active osteoclasts requires direct cell-to-cell contact of osteoclast progeni-
tors with osteoblasts (99). This osteoblast-induced differentiation of osteoclasts is medi-
ated through the RANK–RANKL system (see Fig. 10) (100). RANK is a receptor for the
activation of the nuclear factor (NF)PB signaling system and it resides on the cell surface
of osteoclast progenitors. While RANK activation is one of several critical steps that
stimulate the differentiation of cells from the monocyte/macrophage lineage into osteo-
clasts, it is the step that is sensitive to stimulation by PTH as well as other mediators like
1,25(OH)2D3, cytokines (e.g., interleukin [IL]-11), and prostaglandin E (PGE)2. Upon
stimulation of osteoblasts with PTH, the cells increase their production of the ligand for
RANK (RANKL), a cell-associated protein (101). Thus, close association of stimulated
osteoblasts and osteoclast progenitors permits the binding of RANKL to RANK and the
activation of the differentiation program. In addition to RANKL, PTH can also suppress
the production of osteoprotegerin (OPG). OPG is a secreted protein produced by osteo-
blasts that binds to RANK, blocks RANKL binding to RANK, and prevents RANKL-
mediated activation of osteoclast differentiation. Finally, PTH can stimulate the secretion
of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (MCSF), another factor that promotes osteo-
clast differentiation (102). Collectively, it is the PTH-induced shift in the ratio of RANKL
to OPG, coupled with the induced synthesis of MCSF, which promotes osteoclast differ-
entiation and ultimately increased bone resorption.
The fact that PTH signals through the osteoblast may account for the paradoxical
observation that although continuous PTH treatment promotes bone loss, intermittent
administration of the hormone stimulates bone formation (103). As shown in Fig. 9, PTH
can activate both the PKA signaling pathway that leads to the production of RANKL as
178 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 10. Stimulation of osteoclast differentiation by 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 (1,25[OH]2D3) and

parathyroid hormone (PTH)-mediated activation of the RANK–RANKL system. PTH/PTHrp Rc,
PTH/PTHrp receptor; OPG, osteoprotegerin; RANK, receptor for activation of nuclear factor PB;
RANKL, ligand for RANK; M-CSF, macrophage-colony stimulating factor; N, nucleus.

well as a PKC signaling pathway that activates transcription factors like AP-1 and SP-
1, leading to the stimulation of osteoblast proliferation. Thus, continuous high level PTH
(as seen during calcium deprivation) increases osteoclast number, but intermittent PTH
administration increases the number of osteoblasts but not osteoclasts. This is the basis
for the osteotrophic activity of intermittent PTH (or PTH fragment) use in treatment of
osteoporosis. In addition to the effects on osteoblast proliferation, the increase in osteo-
blast number is also due to a suppression of apoptosis resulting from PKA-mediated
phosphorylation and inactivation of the pro-apoptotic protein Bad and the CREB-medi-
ated transcription of the anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Runx (104).

The loss of estrogen due to the menopause leads to increased bone turnover and bone
loss (105). This clearly demonstrates the importance of estrogen to bone health. Estrogen
is thought to affect bone by its direct actions on bone cells as well as indirect actions on
calcium homeostasis (106). Estrogen’s effect on bone may be mediated by changes
induced in the expression of multiple regulatory factors. For example, estrogen increases
the production and release of osteoprotegerin from osteoblasts (107), suppresses the
membrane form of MCSF in human bone marrow cultures (108), and suppresses the
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 179

production of cytokines by osteoblasts, monocytes, and T-cells that normally promote

osteoclastogenesis (e.g., IL-1, tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-F, IL-6, and PGE2). The
impact of mechanical strain on bone may also depend on estrogen action (106); thus, loss
of estrogen results in loss of mechanotransduction and accelerated bone loss. Although
estrogens presumably regulate bone biology by transcriptional activation of genes medi-
ated through estrogen receptor F (109), some of the bone protective actions of estrogen may
be due to nongenomic actions of the hormone. Kousteni et al. (110) reported that an
estrogen analog increased bone formation and strength in ovariectomized mice without
stimulating transcription of estrogen regulated genes in bone and without causing uterine
Estrogen is thought to impact calcium homeostasis through the intestine and kidney
in several ways. First, during the early phase of menopause characterized by a rapid drop
in estrogen levels, the increase in calcium release from the bone will increase serum
calcium levels, suppress PTH levels and reduce the renal production of 1,25(OH)2D3. By
lowering PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3 levels, estrogen indirectly reduces the efficiency of
intestinal calcium absorption and renal calcium excretion, leading to increased urinary
calcium loss at the expense of bone. Later, after the system has adapted to the loss of
estrogen and bone loss has slowed, the loss of calcium absorption efficiency due to
estrogen deficiency, coupled to enhanced renal calcium loss, will eventually lead to
hypocalcemia and increased parathyroid activity (111). At this stage, the loss of intestinal
absorption efficiency may be due to disruption of vitamin D signaling. Gennari et al.
(112) found that oophorectomy reduced basal and 1,25(OH)2D3 induced intestinal cal-
cium absorption in young women but that this could be reversed by estrogen repletion.
Several groups have suggested that this is due to the reduction in VDR levels that results
from estrogen deficiency (113–115), although this hypothesis is not universally accepted
(116). Estrogen may also have vitamin D-independent effects on calcium absorption and
excretion as well. Van Able et al. (117) found that whereas ovariectomy did not signifi-
cantly reduce TRPV5 levels in the kidney of mice, estradiol injections elevated the level
of this message twofold. Similarly, van Cromphaut et al. (27) found that intestine TRPV6
mRNA levels fell 55% in estrogen receptor F-null mice and that pharmacological treat-
ment with estradiol increased duodenal TRPV6 mRNA levels four- to eightfold in both
normal and VDR receptor-null mice, indicating the regulation is vitamin D-independent.

A number of other hormones are proposed to be important for the control of calcium
metabolism. Most of these hormones have been studied primarily in the context of their
effects on bone cells. In this light, any signaling molecule that can influence serum
calcium indirectly through the accretion or loss of calcium from bone will theoretically
modulate the PTH–vitamin D axis and regulate intestinal calcium absorption and renal
calcium excretion. The following paragraphs provide a brief review of several hormones
or physiological states that are known to influence calcium homeostasis.

4.1. Calcitonin
The discussion on PTH and vitamin D metabolites focused on compensatory changes
that occur originating from a drop in serum calcium levels. In contrast, calcitonin is a
peptide hormone produced from the thyroidal C-cells that inhibits osteoclastic activity
180 Calcium in Human Health

by binding to a cell surface receptor on osteoclasts (118). Secretion of calcitonin is

regulated by binding of serum calcium to the calcium sensing receptor on C-cells. High
serum calcium levels lead to CaR-mediated cellular depolarization, activation of voltage-
dependent calcium channels, and calcitonin secretion. When bone turnover is very high,
calcitonin-mediated suppression of osteoclast activity can lead to hypocalcemia and the
stimulation of intestinal calcium absorption and renal calcium reabsorption through the
PTH–vitamin D axis outlined in Fig. 2.

4.2. Growth Hormone

During childhood and adolescence, growth hormone and its physiological mediator,
insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, have a major role in linear bone growth and accrual
of bone mass. In children, serum IGF-1 levels are positively correlated with femur size
(119), and growth hormone deficiency is commonly associated with reduced bone den-
sity in children (120) and adults (121). IGF-1 increases bone formation by increasing
proliferation in osteoblast precursors, increasing the activity of mature osteoblasts, and
suppressing osteoblast apoptosis (122,123). In addition, growth hormone can also pro-
mote intestinal calcium absorption. Data from some studies suggest that this is indirectly
due to the activation of the renal 1F hydroxylase and elevation of serum 1,25(OH)2D3
levels (124). However, we have shown that growth hormone treatment significantly
increases intestinal calcium absorption and duodenal calbindin D9k levels in aged rats
without significantly increasing serum 1,25(OH)2D3 levels (47). Similarly, although
calcium absorption is reduced by 70% in mice lacking the VDR, there is evidence for
vitamin D-independent, growth-related regulation of intestinal calcium absorption in
these mice (26). The vitamin D-independent mechanism by which the growth hormone–
IGF-1 axis may regulate intestinal calcium absorption is not clear at this time.

4.3. Hormones of Pregnancy and Lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the three-tissue axis described in Figs. 1 and 2 becomes
a four-tissue axis (Fig. 11). In addition, the normal coordination among the activities of the
intestine, kidney, and bone are disrupted. This suggests that there are additional factors
that regulate calcium homeostasis beyond simply vitamin D and PTH.
Not surprisingly, fetal skeletal development is a significant drain on maternal calcium
metabolism; approx 80% of the 33 g of calcium that is deposited in the fetus is accumu-
lated during the third trimester of pregnancy. As a result, serum 1,25(OH)2D3 levels and
intestinal calcium absorption are both elevated in an attempt to compensate for increased
bone turnover in the mother (Fig. 11B) (125). Several things are interesting about this
period. First, the increase in serum 1,25(OH)2D3 is due in part to extrarenal production
by the placenta (126), and this could explain why serum PTH levels, the normal physi-
ological stimulus for renal production of 1,25(OH)2D3, are not elevated. Second, al-
though serum 1,25(OH)2D3 levels are elevated, renal calcium loss is high. The high rate
of calcium loss simply could be a reflection of high calcium absorption and a higher
filtered calcium load, or it may be because PTH is a stronger regulator of renal calcium
reabsorption and PTH levels are not elevated. Third, bone loss does not occur during
pregnancy despite the considerable loss of calcium to the fetus and elevated serum
1,25(OH)2D3 levels. This may be caused by the elevated calcitonin level observed during
pregnancy (127) and calcitonin-mediated suppression of osteoclast activity. Finally, in
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 181

Fig. 11. Alterations in calcium homeostasis at the three-tissue axis of intestine, kidney, and bone
during pregnancy, lactation, and postweaning in humans.

rats, the pregnancy-induced elevation in intestinal calcium absorption appears before

fetal skeletal mineralization, changes in serum-ionized calcium, or changes in serum
1,25(OH)2D3 levels (128). This suggests that there are vitamin D-independent factors
controlling intestinal calcium absorption in pregnant rats. This is consistent with the data
on TRPV6 gene expression in the intestine of mice; pregnancy increased TRPV6 mRNA
levels more than 10-fold in both pregnant wild-type and VDR receptor-null mice (27).
The lactation and postlactation periods are particularly interesting physiological states
with regard to bone biology. During lactation, maternal bone loss can reach 7%, yet this
loss is completely recovered once nursing is halted and there is no increased risk of
osteoporosis associated with this process (129). Figure 11C shows that during lactation,
milk production puts a considerable drain on maternal bone and that this is compensated
for by renal calcium conservation but not by elevated intestinal calcium absorption in
humans (125,130). Serum calcium levels are elevated, and serum PTH levels are lower
than in nonlactating women (131). In contrast to humans, lactating rats have both elevated
182 Calcium in Human Health

serum 1,25(OH)2D3 levels and a twofold higher level of calcium absorption (132). How-
ever, whereas vitamin D deprivation can prevent the increase in serum 1,25(OH)2D3
levels during lactation, calcium absorption is still high in vitamin D-deprived, lactating rats
indicating the effect is vitamin D-independent (132). Studies in rats have demonstrated
that prolactin can directly stimulate transcellular calcium transport in the duodenum
(133). The mechanism for this regulation is unclear but includes the upregulation of
duodenal calbindin D9k and TRPV6 mRNA levels (27). Finally, Fig. 11D shows the
compensation that occurs in calcium homeostasis immediately following lactation and
which permits the complete recovery of bone mass. Unfortunately, this recovery period
has been only marginally studied and the mechanisms explaining this rapid recovery
remain to be determined.


Although the mechanisms controlling calcium homeostasis described above are well
studied, it is clear that the individual variation in any given process controlling calcium
metabolism is high. Family and twin studies examining the heritability of various com-
ponents of calcium homeostasis strongly suggest a role for genetics in the control of bone
mineral density, bone architecture, serum calcium, 24-h urinary calcium, and calcium
absorption (134–136). Many genetic studies of calcium metabolism have searched for the
mutated genes that are responsible for the rare, heritable diseases affecting bone—e.g.,
vitamin D-resistant rickets (VDR), pseudovitamin D deficiency rickets (1F hydroxy-
lase), osteogenesis imperfecta (collagen type IF1). These mutations do not account for
the variation in bone density seen in the general population. In an attempt to identify the
genetic contributors to the variability in bone density that exists within the general popu-
lation, other studies have searched for quantitative trait loci (QTL) in twins, in families
with high or low bone density, or in mice that have large differences in their bone
phenotypes (136). These traditional approaches have identified a large number of chro-
mosomal regions that influence bone phenotypes but only a few specific genes—e.g. the
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) gene that accounts for
very high bone mass observed in a specific kindred (137).
Finally, researchers have conducted a large number of association studies to assess the
role of common polymorphisms (single-base changes or nucleotide repeats) within can-
didate genes (e.g., those with known roles in normal calcium and bone metabolism) on
bone mineral density and calcium homeostasis (136). Although the mutations in the
genes accounting for changes in bone density in heritable genetic diseases or in restricted
subpopulations with high or low bone mass occur within the coding region of genes
(leading to premature termination or deletion/replacement of critical amino acids) or in
the regulatory regions of gene promoters, most common polymorphisms occur in
noncoding, nonregulatory regions and do not have an obvious impact on the function or
level of the protein encoded by the gene. Without a clear functional consequence to the
polymorphism, one must be cautious about overinterpreting a positive association to
mean that there is an alteration in the activity of a specific pathway. For example, al-
though polymorphisms in the 3' untranslated region of the VDR gene have been associ-
ated with low bone density in some human studies (e.g., the B allele of the Bsm-I restriction
fragment length polymorphism [138]), there is no strong evidence that demonstrates that
Chapter 11 / Regulation of Calcium Metabolism 183

these polymorphisms alter VDR level or signaling. As a result, the polymorphism in the
VDR gene could be in linkage disequilibrium with a functional mutation in another gene
that has a role in calcium or bone metabolism (i.e., the VDR gene polymorphism is a
marker for the mutation in another gene). This could explain why many gene polymor-
phisms associate with bone density in one racial or ethnic group (where linkage may
exist) but not in another (where linkage does not exist).
In contrast, a polymorphism in an Sp-1 binding site with the collagen type IF1 gene
promoter is associated with lower bone mass (139) and does so by reducing the binding
of Sp-1 to the promoter and reducing collagen type IF1 production (140). Although the
role of genetic variability in calcium and bone metabolism is likely to be crucial to our
long-term understanding of individual responses to lifestyle and pharmacological treat-
ments to improve bone health, at this time there are no genetic markers that can be utilized
for this purpose. In the future, it is likely that researchers will find that the combined
effects of polymorphisms in many genes with highly distinct functions are responsible
for the individual variability we see in complex traits like intestinal calcium absorption,
urinary calcium excretion, and bone density.

Whole-body calcium metabolism is controlled by the coordinated actions of a three-
tissue axis of intestine, bone, and kidney. As such, to fully understand the control of
whole-body calcium metabolism, one must understand the mechanisms controlling
intestinal calcium absorption, renal calcium excretion, and bone turnover. These pro-
cesses are controlled by a number of hormones—e.g., vitamin D metabolites, PTH,
estrogens, calcitonin, growth hormone/IGF-1, and prolactin. This chapter reviewed the
molecular actions of these hormones in the control of calcium absorption and excretion
as well as bone biology.

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Chapter 12 / Total Diet and Calcium Homeostasis 191

12 Influence of Total Diet on Calcium


Zamzam K. (Fariba) Roughead

• Recent data from controlled feeding studies have demonstrated that, despite common
belief, common sources of protein do not adversely affect calcium homeostasis.
• The effects of dietary salt on calcium homeostasis may be modulated by accompanying
factors in the diet, such as calcium and potassium.
• The beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables on bone health is thought to be related to
either their contribution to acid–base balance or the essential nutrients that they provide,
such as magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and so on.
• Most of the emphasis on the influence of diet on bone health has been on the acid–base
(renal) effects. However, dietary factors such as iron, copper, and zinc also have systemic
and endocrine influences important for bone health.
• Carefully controlled feeding studies are needed to unravel the complexity of the interac-
tion of nutrients in whole foods and to give evidence-based advice to the public.

Changes in dietary practices offer a sensible, food-based, low-cost approach for modi-
fication of risk factors and prevention of osteoporosis. However, defining the effects of
diet on bone health has not been a simple task becauseof the following reasons:
1. Bone is complex. Bone is a composite material with both organic and inorganic compo-
nents. By weight, bone is 70% mineral and 5–8% water, and the rest is organic material.
The inorganic phase of bone is approx 95% calcium hydroxyapatite arranged in plate-like
crystals; the organic phase is primarily proteins with approx 98% type I collagen, plus
a variety of noncollagenous proteins including important regulatory proteins, cytokines,
and growth factors (1).
This specialized, vital, metabolically active, connective tissue provides not only struc-
tural framework, protection for vital organs, locomotion, and hematopoesis, but also
serves as a buffering reservoir and aids the kidneys and lungs in the tight regulation of
the body’s hydrogen ion concentration. This latter metabolic function of bone has
received considerable attention in the area of nutrition research and bone health.

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
192 Calcium in Human Health

2. Food is complex. In addition to energy, food provides a host of essential nutrients and
bioactive nonnutrients with multifaceted metabolic functions and interactions. These
components can affect calcium homeostasis not only through a direct effect on acid–base
balance, but also through systemic or cellular processes. Previously, the bulk of studies
investigating the effects of diet on bone metabolism have focused primarily on the influ-
ence of single nutrients on calcium homeostasis. The strength of this reductionistic
approach is that it affords a focused investigation of both the specific role and the mecha-
nism of action of a given nutrient; however, this approach does not address the various
interactions between nutrients and nonnutrients that result when we consume whole
foods in a mixed diet.
3. The body is complex and adaptable. The response of the body to dietary stimuli spans the
entire range from localized cellular responses such as changes in osteoblast and/or osteo-
clast activity and paracrine/autocrine signals, to systemic, whole-body responses such as
changes in renal acid–base excretion, and endocrine (hormonal/growth factor) changes.
The recent observations that renal acid excretion adapts over time in response to dietary
changes point to the often understated quality of the human body—its innate capability
to adapt to a given stimulus over time.

Investigations of the effects of diet on bone health and prevention of osteoporosis have
primarily centered on the regulation of acid–base balance and the need to “neutralize” the
acid load produced by common Western diets. Dietary practices that lead to chronic
production of acid ash residue, such as diets high in animal protein, are hypothesized to
tap into the alkali reservoir in bone, cause gradual dissolution of bone mineral (2,3), and
are considered a risk for excessive urinary calcium loss and thus osteoporosis (4–6). This
concern is based primarily on evidence from studies using purified proteins, in which a
clear hypercalciuric effect has been established (7–10). Until recently, the results of the
few controlled feeding studies testing the effects of common sources of protein (such as
meat) on calcium retention were inconclusive (11–15). Methodological approaches such
as equalization of the phosphorus content of the experimental diets, use of inherently
insensitive balance methodology, short duration of controlled diets, and few test subjects
contributed to the lack of clarity on this issue (11–15). Recent evidence, from a controlled
feeding study of several weeks’ duration and using sensitive radiotracer methodology,
has demonstrated that high protein intake (as meat) does not adversely affect calcium
retention (16). Additionally, data from prospective trials (17,18) have indicated a potential
positive role for high protein intake in bone metabolism. Key findings from intervention
and observational studies are highlighted as follows.

2.1. Feeding Studies

The earliest feeding study examining the effects of dietary protein on urinary calcium
reported that a high dietary intake of meat increased urinary calcium loss (19). It is
thought that the sulfates in protein increase calcium excretion by reducing the reabsorp-
tion of calcium in the kidneys and eventually cause loss of calcium from bone (Fig. 1).
This hypercalciuric effect of sulfates has been demonstrated in studies using purified
proteins (10) as well as those using common sources of protein when phosphorus intakes
were held constant (12). In the latter study, which compared three sources of dietary
Chapter 12 / Total Diet and Calcium Homeostasis 193

Fig. 1. The proposed mechanism for the negative effect of dietary protein on calcium homeostasis
and bone health.

protein (vegetables, vegetables plus egg protein, and animal proteins), with equalized
phosphorus content, it was found that the animal protein-rich diet was associated with the
highest sulfate content and resulted in the highest excretion of urinary acids and calcium.
Dietary phosphorus in meat, on the other hand, is thought to counteract this calciuric
effect of sulfates and reduce the urinary excretion of calcium (20). Previous studies
(11,13,21) have demonstrated that when increased protein is added as common foods,
particularly meat, without manipulation of the phosphorus content, hypercalciuria is not
observed. It has also been suggested that the favorable effects of phosphorus from meat
on urinary calcium loss maybe offset by increased fecal calcium losses, resulting in a
negative calcium balance (22). However, in two recent controlled feeding studies,
194 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 2. Whole-body retention of a calcium radiotracer (47Ca) administered to healthy postmeno-

pausal women at the midpoints of controlled high and low meat diets consumed for 8 wk each in
a crossover design. (A) The whole-body calcium retention, as % of dose (means ± SEM, n = 15)
over time. Calcium retention was not different between the high and low meat diets at all weekly
time points tested. (B) The two component exponential models (y = 74.5 e-0.0188t + 25.7 e-0.0006t for
high meat and y = 74.0 e-0.0211t + 26.0 e-0.0008t for low meat, where t is expressed in hours).
(Reprintedfrom ref. 16, with permission.)

addition of meat to the diet did not decrease whole-body calcium retention as measured
by sensitive radiotracer methodology (23,24). In the first study (16), healthy postmeno-
pausal women (N = 15) ate diets with similar calcium content (~ 600 mg), but either low
or high in meat (12 vs 20% of energy as protein or 0.9 vs 1.6 g protein/kg body weight)
for 8 wk each, in a randomized crossover design. The women were allowed to equilibrate
on each diet for 4 wk and subsequently, calcium retention was measured by extrinsically
labeling the entire menu with 47Ca, followed by whole-body scintillation counting for
several weeks. Calcium retention was not different during the high and low meat intake
dietary periods (day 28, mean ± pooled SD: 17.1 vs 15.6%, ± 0.6%, respectively; p = 0.09;
Fig. 2A and B represent the observed and modeled data, respectively). Although renal
acid excretion (defined as sum of urinary titratable acidity plus ammonium) was approx
45% higher during week 3 of the high meat intake period, urinary calcium excretion was
not different between the two diets. This difference in renal acid excretion abated to only
18% by week 8 of the study, indicating adaptation in renal acid excretion over time (16).
Chapter 12 / Total Diet and Calcium Homeostasis 195

In a study of similar design, calcium retention was similar from diets in which 25 g of
soy protein was substituted for an equivalent amount of meat protein (25), despite a
consistently lower renal acid excretion (approx 15–20%) with soy consumption. These
collective findings from these two studies indicate that changes in urinary acidity within
the range that may result from common, practical dietary practices do not reach a “thresh-
old” which triggers an increase in glomerular filtration rate and/or use of body calcium
as a buffering agent. Remer and Manz have suggested that a net acid excretion of more
than120 mEq/d is required for the depletion of plasma bicarbonate and use of alkali from
the skeleton (26). Furthermore, protein is shown to increase the renal capacity by increas-
ing the endogenous supply of ammonia (27). Ammonium is released upon deamination
of glutamine to glutamic acid in renal tubules and is converted to ammonium ion in the
tubular lumen by accepting a hydrogen ion. Under controlled conditions, ammonium
excretion accounted for at least 50% of the total acid excretion and was approx 15%
higher when subjects consumed high meat versus low protein diets without altering
urinary calcium loss (16).
In addition to influence of quantity of dietary protein in the diet, the effects of protein
source (animal vs plant) has been the subject of much scientific debate. Although many
of commonly consumed plant proteins, such as wheat and rice, have similar or even
higher sulfur amino acid content as meats (28), the counteracting alkali in plants are
thought to reduce the dietary acid load (29) (Table 1). Therefore, the net effect of any
protein source on calcium balance is determined by many co-existing factors in the
protein source as well as the rest of the diet and thus is difficult to predict. As mentioned
above, incorporation of plant protein (as soy protein) in place of animal protein (as meat)
for several weeks, in a mixed diet with typical calcium intakes of approx 700 mg/d, did
not improve calcium retention and did not affect biomarkers of bone turnover (25).
However, several studies have suggested a bone sparing effect for high-isoflavone soy
protein compared to milk proteins in peri- and postmenopausal women (30–32). Studies
in ovarioectomized rats have also indicated protection from estrogen deficiency bone
loss in animals fed intact soy protein vs casein (33–35). Although the results of the human
studies cited previously (30–32) must be interpreted with full recognition of their short
duration and small sample size, the favorable effects of soy protein supplementation on
bone are intriguing and imply improved calcium retention as compared to isolated milk
proteins. This difference may be related to the higher calciuric effect of isolated milk-
based proteins vs soy protein (32). Again, because of the use of isolated milk proteins
instead of milk as a whole food, these results must be interpreted with caution. Alterna-
tively, the putative beneficial effect of soy protein may depend on higher combined doses
of both soy protein (40 g/d) and supplemental calcium (650–1400 mg/d) used (30–32).

2.2. Synergistic Interaction of Dietary Protein With Calcium

The results of two recent studies (36,37) suggest that calcium intake may modulate the
effect of protein on the skeleton and that, at high intakes, dietary calcium and protein may
synergistically interact to favorably affect bone mass. Meyer et al. (36) noted no associa-
tion between protein intake and risk of hip fracture in most women, but among those with
very low calcium intakes (400 mg/d), a higher protein intake was associated with an
increased risk of hip fracture. In a recent calcium and vitamin D supplementation trial of
the elderly, higher protein intake was significantly associated with a favorable 3-yr
196 Calcium in Human Health

Table 1
Sulfur Amino Acid Content of Select Common Foodsa
Food item mEq/serving mEq/100 g edible portion mEq/100 g protein
Almonds, dry-roasted 2.1 7.5 33.8
Peanuts, dry-roasted 2.5 8.9 37.7
Tofu, regular 4.0 3.2 40.0
Tofu, firm 5.3 6.3 40.0
Soy protein isolate 9.2 32.5 40.2
Corn, yellow, cooked 2.3 1.4 41.3
Potato, baked 1.5 1.0 41.9
Walnuts 1.9 6.6 43.4
Cheddar cheese 3.1 10.8 43.4
Soy milk, fluid 3.2 1.3 47.8
Milk, whole 3.9 1.6 48.9
Milk, 1% 3.9 1.6 48.9
Milk, 2% 4.0 1.6 49.2
Milk, skim 4.1 1.7 49.4
Beef, cooked 13.4 15.8 52.9
Pork, cooked 14.1 16.6 56.6
Tuna, water-packed 22.6 14.6 57.4
Millet, cooked 3.6 2.0 58.3
Chicken, roasted 14.3 16.9 58.3
Wheat (whole) flour 9.7 8.1 59.0
Barley, pearled, cooked 2.2 1.4 62.1
Oatmeal, cooked 3.9 1.7 64.2
White rice, cooked 1.8 1.8 65.2
Egg, poached 5.0 10.0 80.3
aTotal sulfur amino acid (cysteine+ methionine) and total protein content are from the USDA Nutrient

Database, Standard Reference, Release 14 (2001).

change in total body bone mineral density in the supplemented group, but not in the
placebo group (37) (Fig. 3). Also, at the lower calcium intakes of approx 800 mg/d, a 20%
higher protein intake was associated with a 23% (25 mg/d) lower absorbed calcium (using
single stable isotope method), whereas at the higher calcium intake, absorbed calcium
was greater overall and did not change significantly with increasing protein intake (37).
The results of these studies (36,37) suggest that higher protein intake, when combined
with moderately low intake of calcium, has an antagonistic effect on the calcium economy.
However, under controlled feeding conditions, many investigators have found little or no
effect of dietary protein on calcium absorption or excretion (13,15) even when calcium
intake is low (16,25).

2.3. Low Protein Intake

The effects of low protein intake on calcium absorption have also been tested. Some
studies have suggested that low protein intakes decrease calcium absorption. Women in
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) III survey (N = 1822)
with lower protein intake (calcium intake below or above 800 mg/d) had significantly
Chapter 12 / Total Diet and Calcium Homeostasis 197

Fig. 3. Mean (± SEM) percentage change in bone mineral density by tertile of protein intake as
a percentage of total energy intake (adjusted for sex, age, weight, total energy intake, and dietary
calcium intake) in 342 men and women treated with calcium citrate malate and vitamin D (black
bars) or placebo (white bars) for 3 yr. For the total body, there was a significant interaction of
treatment group X protein tertile (p + 0.044); in the supplemented group, the high tertile differed
from the low tertile (p + 0.042; adjusted for multiple comparisons). For the femoral neck, the
interaction term was not significant, but the pattern of change in bone mineral density (BMD) in
the supplemented group was similar to that for the total body: the high tertile differed from the low
(p = 0.011) and middle (p = 0.042) tertiles. (Reprinted from ref. 37, with permission.)

reduced femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD) (38) (Fig. 4). The authors concluded
that diminished calcium absorption and secondary hyperparathyroidism at low levels of
dietary protein intake cause a reduction in BMD. In women with mean calcium intakes
of 800 g/d, lowering protein intake from 158 to 52 g/d lowered calcium absorption (using
dual stable isotopes) within 4 d (39). Because of the very short duration of this study, it
is not clear if calcium absorption would improve as an adaptive response over time. Other
mechanisms for the adverse effect of low protein status on bone health may be that
adequate protein is needed to supply the amino acids needed for the maintenance of the
organic matrix of bone which is approx 50% protein by volume (40). A low protein intake
may also compromise bone health through a reduction in serum insulin-like growth factor
(IGF)-1 (41) or increasing propensity for falls (42), and thus fractures.

2.4. Observational Studies

Epidemiologic studies have not been helpful in clarifying the effect of protein con-
sumption on bone health. Although several studies have identified an association be-
198 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 4. Relationship between dietary protein intake and total femur BMD (expressed as mean g/
cm2 ± SEM) in non-Hispanic white women older than 50 (NHANES-III). Number individuals for
each of the levels of protein intake are 0–43 g, n = 480; 44–58 g n = 471; 59–75 g, n = 446; >75 g,
n = 425. (Printed with permission from ref. 38.)

tween dietary protein intake and bone mineral density (43), rates of bone loss (6,44), and
fracture incidence (6,44,45), there is no clear consensus on what this effect may be. In the
Framingham study, subjects with lower total and animal protein intakes had higher rates
of bone loss from the femoral neck and spine than did subjects consuming more protein
(44). In contrast, a high intake ratio of animal to plant protein was associated with greater
bone loss for the femoral neck and a greater risk of hip fracture in women over the age
of 65 (6). Higher total and animal protein intakes were also associated with an increased
risk of forearm fracture in younger postmenopausal women (45). However, in an earlier
study of Seventh Day Adventists, no significant differences or trends were found between
early or current dietary protein and bone mineral content (BMC) (46). Munger et al. (17)
reported that higher total (and animal) protein intake was associated with a reduced
incidence of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. Similarly, a positive association
between low-protein status, as indicated by serum albumin and the incidence of hip
fractures (47), has been observed.
Abelow described a positive association between hip fractures and animal protein
intake in 16 industrialized countries (48), later Frassetto et al. (49) described a similar
positive association between animal protein with hip fractures incidence in women over
age 50 in 33 countries (49). Approximately 70% of variation in hip fracture incidence was
accounted for by the vegetable to animal protein ratio. However, the findings may be
confounded by many co-variables, such as race, exercise, key dietary variables (e.g.,
potassium, sodium, calcium), as well as cultural differences.
Chapter 12 / Total Diet and Calcium Homeostasis 199

Sodium is consumed in a variety of forms such as a sodium chloride (salt), sodium
bicarbonate, and common food additives such as monosodium glutamate, sodium phos-
phate, sodium carbonate, and sodium benzoate. Of these, sodium chloride is by far the
major form of sodium consumed. Based on several intervention studies, there is general
consensus that excessive dietary sodium intake as NaCl induces hypercalciuria (50–55).
This hypercalciuric effect is attributed to a shared renal reabsorption pathway with cal-
cium in the proximal tubule and ascending loop of Henle (56). Furthermore, an increase
in urinary excretion of sodium has been shown to be accompanied with an increase in
urinary calcium loss (53). Both salt-loading studies and reports of free-living populations
find that urinary calcium excretion increases approximately 1mmol (40 mg) for each
100 mmol (2300 mg) increase in dietary sodium in normal adults. Renal calcium stone-
formers with hypercalciuria appear to have greater proportional increases in urinary
calcium (approx 2 mmol) per 100 mmol increase in salt intake. Thus, reduction of
dietary NaCl may be a useful strategy to decrease the risk of forming calcium-containing
kidney stones (57). In an observational study of women, linear regression analysis indi-
cated that for each 1-g increment increase in sodium intake, 26.3 mg calcium was lost
daily in the urine (56). Thus, in adult women, 1 g of extra sodium would result in an
additional rate of bone loss of 1%/yr if bone is the source of the urinary calcium. More-
over, urinary calcium loss does not appear to be corrected by a compensatory increase in
calcium absorption or reduced endogenous fecal secretion, despite one report that high
sodium diet resulted in increased 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D) levels (51).
The relationship between urinary sodium and urinary calcium excretion remained sig-
nificant in multivariate analysis after controlling for sex, age, body weight, and protein,
calcium, and phosphorus intakes in 20- to 79-yr-old women (58). In one longitudinal
study (Rancho Bernardo cohort), no association between sodium intake, as assessed by
24-h recall, and BMD was observed (59); however, urinary sodium excretion was not
measured in this study. In another longitudinal study of postmenopausal women, a nega-
tive correlation between urinary sodium excretion and bone mineral density of the hip
was detected, suggesting that bone loss could have been prevented by either a daily
dietary calcium increase of 891 mg calcium or by halving the daily sodium excretion of
2110 mg/d (60). It is not clear how much of the calciuric effect of table salt is due to the
co-existing chloride anion. For example, addition of bicarbonate or citrate forms of
sodium did not increase urinary calcium excretion (61). Moreover, addition of potassium
citrate to constant diets increased net calcium retention in postmenopausal women (62).
These findings indicate that the net effect of dietary minerals (such as sodium) is modu-
lated by the accompanying anions.


Cross-sectional studies have indicated a positive association between nutrients found
in fruits and vegetables (potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and fiber) and bone mass in
premenopausal women (63) and in children (64). In the Framingham Heart Study, greater
intakes of potassium, magnesium, and fruit and vegetables were each associated with less
decline in BMD in hip of men. Although similar associations were not found in women,
results support the hypothesis that alkaline-producing dietary components, specifically,
200 Calcium in Human Health

potassium, magnesium, and fruit and vegetables, may contribute to maintenance of BMD
(18,65). Vegetables have been shown to be rich in bicarbonate and organic anions which
also produce bicarbonate when metabolized (29,66,67) and neutralize sulfuric acid gen-
erated by consumption of high-protein foods (68). Potassium bicarbonate in particular
has been shown to decrease urinary calcium excretion, improve calcium balance, decrease
bone resorption, and increase the rate of bone formation (69). Epidemiological studies also
have shown a positive relationship between potassium intake and BMD in children (70),
and in pre- and perimenopausal women (71,72). A higher potassium intake was also
associated with slower decline in BMD of femoral neck in a 4-yr longitudinal study of
the Framingham cohort (65).
The net effect of a diet may also depend on the relative abundance of these key nutrients
in the diet. In a recent cross-sectional study, diets with a lower dietary protein to potas-
sium ratio, as assessed from food frequency questionnaires, were associated with greater
femoral, lumbar, and forearm BMD (72). These findings suggest that the critical deter-
minant of hip fracture risk in relation to the acid–base effects of diet is the net load of acid
in the diet, when the intake of both acid and base precursors is considered. The authors
concluded that a moderation of animal food consumption and an increased ratio of veg-
etable/animal food consumption may confer a protective effect (49).
Ascorbic acid, another key nutrient present in fruits and vegetables, is a required
cofactor in the hydroxylations of lysine and proline necessary for collagen formation
(73). In women from the Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions Trial, a posi-
tive association of vitamin C with BMD was observed in postmenopausal women with
dietary calcium intakes of at least 500 mg (73). In a cross-sectional study, there was no
evidence that vitamin C from the diet was associated with BMD, although long term use
of vitamin C supplements was associated with a higher BMD in the early postmenopausal
years and among never-users of estrogen (74). In a recent 3-yr longitudinal study of
elderly White men and women, no effect of fruit and vegetable intake on bone loss was
detected; however, in women, low intake of vitamin C was associated with greater bone
loss (75).
A higher intake of magnesium is associated with lower bone resorption. Low magne-
sium intakes have been associated with low vertebral BMD in postmenopausal women
(44). Although the mechanism is unknown, it is likely that magnesium plays a role as an
alkaline cation and a buffering agent in the kidneys (26). Also, the effect of magnesium
may occur at the cellular level as a deficiency of magnesium is speculated to impair the
ATPase activity and thus transport of potassium ions into the skeletal interstitial space
in exchange for hydrogen ion (76) This movement could result in a decrease in pH and
enhanced bone resorption (77). In animals, magnesium deficiency impairs bone growth
and strength (78) and has been shown to increase bone resorption through inflammatory
cytokines such as substance P and tumor necrosis factor (79). In clinical trials, magne-
sium supplementation has also been shown to improve trabecular bone density (80). In a
recent observational study, after adjusting for several covariates, magnesium intake accounted
for about 12% of variability in biomarkers of bone resorption in perimenopausal
women (76).


Although the majority of the debate over the effects of diet on bone health has focused
on the acid vs alkali load, diet may also have other endocrine and systemic effects that
Chapter 12 / Total Diet and Calcium Homeostasis 201

have not been as extensively studied. One such response is the already mentioned acute
secondary hyperparathyroidism observed with low protein intakes (81). Experimental
and clinical studies suggest that protein intake affects both the production and action of
growth factors, particularly the IGF-1 axis, and thus dietary proteins are involved in
the control of bone anabolism (82). Both the hepatic production and the total level
of IGF-1 are under the influence of dietary proteins, and protein restriction has been shown
to reduce plasma IGF-1 in humans (83), inducing a resistance of target organs to the
action of growth hormone (82). In a controlled, 1-yr intervention study, 20 g of supple-
mental dietary protein/d improved hip BMD (and serum IGF-1) in elderly patients with
recent hip fracture (84). IGF-1 is essential for longitudinal bone growth, as it stimulates
proliferation and differentiation of bone cells (85). It is well established that a decreased
serum concentration of IGF-1 is strongly associated with decreased bone strength in
animals (86) and an increase in risk of osteoporotic fractures in humans (87). In addition
to growth hormone, the principal hormonal regulator of circulating IGF-1 (88), and
dietary protein, the intake of other nutrients can also profoundly affect serum IGF-1
(89,90). For example, dietary zinc has a strong influence on serum IGF-1 concentration
in humans (91–94) and animals (95,96). Matsui and co-workers have shown that the
anabolic effects of IGF-1 in osteoblastic-like cells are mediated and enhanced by zinc
(97). Zinc is also a known constituent of about 300 enzymes, including those essential for
bone metabolism such as bone alkaline phosphatase (98).
Copper deficiency has been shown to result in reduced bone strength in rats (14,15)
and osteoporotic lesions in other animals (16). In humans, skeletal disorders such as
osteopenia have been noted in Menke’s syndrome, a genetic copper deficiency disease
(17). Short term supplementation trials with copper have indicated both no effect (99,100)
and favorable changes in biomarkers of bone health in healthy adults (101). The effect
of copper on skeletal health occur directly at the tissue level as copper is a cofactor for
lysyl oxidase (EC, one of the principal enzymes involved in collagen
crosslinking (13). Roughead and Lukaski have demonstrated reduced bone strength and
serum IGF-1 in growing female rats fed copper deficient diets, which suggest that the effect
of copper on the skeleton may also be mediated systemic and endocrine factors (86).
Iron, a commonly deficient trace element in American diets, may have an important
impact upon bone health, and this effect may be exacerbated by a calcium-restricted diet
(102). In a small observational study of postmenopausal women, iron was a positive
predictor of BMD in the femoral neck, and iron, zinc, and magnesium intake were posi-
tively correlated with forearm BMC in premenopausal women by multiple regression
analysis. Iron and magnesium were significant predictors of forearm BMC in premeno-
pausal and postmenopausal women, respectively, by multiple regression analysis (103).


In addition to nutrients already mentioned, nonnutrient components in food may also
affect calcium homeostasis. For examples, recent evidence from animal studies suggest
that inulin, a soluble, nondigestible polyfructan present in a number of vegetables and
plants, and also used in dairy and cheese industries, may enhance calcium absorption
(104,105) and improve BMD (106). The mechanisms by which inulin and other
nondigestible oligosaccharides exert their putative beneficial effects are not known.
These compounds resist intestinal digestion and undergo fermentation in the large intes-
202 Calcium in Human Health

tine where they form volatile short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) that increase colon acidity
(107). The solubility and bioavailability of trace minerals (108,109) and calcium (108)
are thought to be increased by this increase in acidity. Furthermore, both the low pH and
SCFA are thought to induce hypertrophy of the mucosal cells, leading to increased
surface area and enhanced calcium absorption. It is also possible that the paracellular
calcium diffusion is enhanced in the ileum leading to increased permeability of the tight
junctions in the presence of nondigestible fibers. An increase in the ceco–colorectal
calbindin –D9K protein expression in the presence of inulin has also been reported (110).
In addition to increasing calcium retention, nondigestible oligosaccharides have also
been shown to reduce bone resorption in ovarioectomized rats (111).
Human studies examining the effects of oligofructose on calcium absorption have
been contradictory. Three human studies have shown a beneficial effect on calcium
absorption (105,112,113) whereas two recent human studies have shown no effect on
calcium absorption (114,115). Because of the potential for health promotion by inulin
and oligofructose (116), an increased use in various types of foods such as confectionery,
fruit preparations, milk desserts, yogurt and fresh cheese, baked goods, chocolate, ice
cream, and sauces can be expected. Thus, a clear definition of the effects of these addi-
tives on health including mineral bioavailability is of great interest.


In recent years, our understanding of the effects of various components in food has
increased dramatically. However, the challenges of defining the intricate interrelation-
ships between food constituents and their effect on the body including bone metabolism
remain. The recent findings from observational studies describing the effects of dietary
patterns on bone health (65,72,117) can serve as hypothesis-generating platforms for
future controlled trials. Only under carefully controlled conditions in which the compo-
sition of the diets is well-defined and intakes are tightly controlled can we begin to
unravel the complexity of the interaction of whole foods and to give evidence-based
advice to the public. Even then, we are reminded that, “As we analyze a thing into its parts
and properties, we tend to magnify these, to exaggerate their apparent independence and
to hide from ourselves the essential integrity and individuality for the composite whole.
We may study them apart but it is a concession to our weakness and the narrow outlook
of our minds” (118).

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Chapter 13 / Smoking, Alcohol, Hormone Therapies 209

13 Influence of Lifestyle Choices

on Calcium Homeostasis
Smoking, Alcohol, and Hormone Therapies

D. Lee Alekel and Oksana Matvienko

• Smoking and alcohol intake affect bone turnover and calcium homeostasis, particularly
with heavier use.
• Duration of smoking and alcohol use appear to be important factors in determining their
negative effects on bone.
• Provided smoking and alcohol ingestion have not caused permanent end-organ damage,
deleterious effects on calcium homeostasis are apparently reversible.
• Hormone therapy in postmenopausal women exerts beneficial effects on bone and cal-
cium homeostasis.

Much of the research in the area of smoking, alcohol intake, and estrogen/progesterone
hormone therapies (HTs) concentrates on bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporotic
risk rather than on calcium homeostasis per se. Heavy smoking and excessive alcohol
intake are key risk factors for bone loss and osteoporotic fractures. However, the effect
of light smoking on bone is not as clear, whereas very moderate alcohol intake has been
shown to either increase BMD or not have adverse effects on bone. Nonetheless, smoking
and alcohol intake affect bone turnover and calcium homeostasis, although this primarily
has been observed with heavier use. Duration of smoking and alcohol use appear to be
important factors in determining their negative effects on bone. Provided smoking and
alcohol ingestion have not caused permanent end-organ damage (i.e., lung disease, can-
cer, cirrhosis, osteoporosis), deleterious effects on calcium homeostasis are apparently
reversible. Coexistent lifestyle factors, such as heavy coffee drinking and physical
inactivity, may also contribute synergistically to osteopenia in smokers and drinkers.
Although estrogen deficiency plays a key role in osteoporosis and other menopause-
related chronic diseases, HT is often accompanied by side effects and increases the risks
of breast and uterine cancer. Because of adverse effects as revealed by results from the
Women’s Health Initiative (WHI; increased risk of breast cancer, coronary heart disease,
From: Calcium in Human Health
Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
210 Calcium in Human Health

stroke, and venous thromboembolism) and the fear of cancer, noncompliance is a major
obstacle with HTs. The current thinking is that HT should not be used to prevent or treat
osteoporosis, but may be indicated short-term to alleviate vasomotor symptoms. Still, HT
in postmenopausal women exerts beneficial effects on bone and calcium homeostasis.
This chapter reviews studies on the effects of smoking, alcohol, and HT on BMD, as well
as those involving calcium homeostasis and its link to BMD in humans.

2.1. Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Bone and Calcium Homeostasis:
Proposed Mechanisms
Cigarette smoking is a frequently cited risk factor for osteoporosis (1) and has been
implicated as such in several retrospective (2,3) and prospective (4–7) studies. The
mechanism by which smoking exerts its debilitating effect on bone is unclear. The adverse
effect of smoking could be attributable to the tendency of smokers to have poorer health and
eating habits compared with nonsmokers. Some researchers have suggested that the
effect of smoking on bone mass is influenced by the low body weight so common among
smokers (8,9). It has also been speculated that smoking reduces the peak bone mass
attained in early adulthood (4).
Perhaps the most convincing evidence is that smoking alters estrogen metabolism and
hence may modify estrogen effects on bone mass. Smoking is associated with early
natural menopause (10), greater risk of oligomenorrhea (11), and infertility (12). It is not,
however, known whether this anti-estrogenic effect of smoking is due to a decrease in
estrogen production or an increase in estrogen degradation. Evidence for a decrease in
production is suggested by direct inhibition of human granulosa cell aromatase activity
and the consequent reduction in androgen to estrogen conversion (13). Alternatively,
there is evidence for an increase in deactivation of estrogens via enhanced 2-hydroxyla-
tion of estradiol (14).
More recently, evidence indicates that smoking accelerates bone loss by lowering
intestinal calcium absorption (15,16). Studies in the elderly and postmenopausal women
report a 1.7–13% difference in mean fractional calcium absorption between smokers and
nonsmokers, after adjustment for various confounding factors (15,17). Need and col-
leagues proposed that the smoking-mediated impairment in calcium absorption might be
caused by the suppression of the parathyroid hormone (PTH)–1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D
(1,25[OH]2D)–endocrine axis (16). Although there was no significant difference in cal-
cium absorption between postmenopausal female smokers and nonsmokers who had
similar serum 1,25(OH) 2D concentrations, they observed significantly lower concentra-
tions of circulating PTH and 1,25(OH) 2D in smokers. Likewise, Brot et al. reported that
serum concentrations of 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) and 1,25[OH]2D were approx
10% lower, and PTH 20% lower in Danish perimenopausal female smokers than non-
smokers, with serum ionized calcium concentrations being similar in the two groups (18).
In contrast, Rapuri et al. did not find significant differences in 1,25(OH) 2D, intact PTH,
serum calcium, or ionized calcium concentrations between elderly female smokers and
nonsmokers (17). However, they reported a significant 12% decrease in circulating
25(OH)D in the smoking group.
Chapter 13 / Smoking, Alcohol, Hormone Therapies 211

2.2. Cigarette Smoking and Risk of Bone Fracture

The impact of cigarette smoking on bone, vitamin D status, and calcium homeostasis
appears to be more pronounced in postmenopausal women and the elderly, particularly
in heavy smokers (at least one pack per day) or long-term smokers (at least 2 yr), whereas
it is less apparent in younger individuals (4,19,20). Although studies that have examined
the association between cigarette smoking and BMD differ somewhat in their reports of
bone sites most susceptible to the deleterious effect of smoking, there is general agree-
ment that smoking accelerates the rate of bone loss. A significant, smoking-mediated
decrease in BMD has been noted at the total proximal femur (7,17,20), femoral neck
(15,21), total body (15,17), lumbar spine (21), and the radius (5). Some earlier studies,
however, did not show that smoking had an independent effect on bone mass (22,23). The
magnitude of the difference in BMD between postmenopausal or elderly nonsmokers and
heavy smokers depends on age and bone site, and ranges from 4 to 6% (21,17). Pocock
and colleagues (24) compared twin pairs discordant for tobacco use (subject age was not
reported). They found that twins who were heavy smokers had a 2.4% lower BMD in the
lumbar spine than their siblings who were light smokers. The researcher equated this
smoking-related difference in lumbar BMD to approx 3 to 4 yr of normal postmenopausal
bone loss. In their meta-analysis, Law and Hackshaw (19) estimated that postmenopausal
female smokers lose an additional 0.2% of bone mass per year compared with nonsmok-
ers. This loss of bone mass is associated with an increased relative risk of hip fracture in
current smokers compared with nonsmokers that ranges from 17% at age 60 yr to 108%
at age 90 yr. They also estimated that among postmenopausal women, smoking accounts
for every eighth fracture.

2.3. Effect of Smoking Cessation on Fracture Risk

Evidence suggests that the adverse effect of smoking on bone is at least partially
reversible when smoking is discontinued (20,21). As the duration of smoking cessation
increases, the risk of a bone fracture decreases and, after 14–15 yr, may approach the risk
of never-smokers. The age-adjusted risk of hip fracture is increased 35% for current and
15% for past (quit within past 14 yr) elderly smokers compared with never-smokers, after
correcting for body mass index and HT. Duration of smoking appears to be a stronger
predictor of hip fracture risk than the number of cigarettes smoked, and may account for
an incremental increase of 6% in fracture risk for every 5 yr of smoking (20).

3.1. Chronic Alcohol Abuse and Bone Disease
Osteoporosis is associated with alcohol abuse, as first proposed by Saville (25). Alco-
holics have reduced bone mass, which has been confirmed radiographically (26,27) by
bone mineral measurements (28), and histomorphometrically (28–30) in each study
uncomplicated by osteomalacia or cirrhosis. In contrast, another study did not find that
heavy alcohol intake, in the absence of liver disease, significantly affected bone mass in
black men (31). However, in white men, duration of alcohol intake had an independent
negative effect on BMD. The authors concluded that prolonged heavy alcohol intake
resulted in bone loss in white but not black men, likely illustrating racial differences in
212 Calcium in Human Health

calcium homeostasis. Similarly, Laitinen and co-workers (32) reported that mean BMD
at the lumbar spine and proximal femur sites was not different between noncirrhotic
alcoholics (n = 27) and controls ((n = 100). However, those alcoholics who had a longer
history (>20 yr) of alcohol consumption had significantly lower BMD than those with a
shorter history (<10 yr or 10–20 yr duration) of alcohol intake, particularly at the tro-
chanter. Likewise, Laitinen and colleagues (33) studied 24- to 48-yr-old noncirrhotic
alcoholic (N = 19) women, 16 of whom had regular menstrual cycles, hospitalized for
withdrawal. Bone mineral content and BMD did not differ between patients and controls
at any measurement site, whereas the alcoholics had depressed bone formation on admis-
sion compared with controls, as reflected by lower (48%) serum osteocalcin, a vitamin
K-dependent protein synthesized by osteoblasts. After 2 wk of abstention, osteocalcin
completely normalized.
Nonetheless, in the presence of alcoholic liver disease, BMD may very well be lower
as a result of reduced bone formation rate and turnover (34) owing to depressed osteo-
blastic activity (35,36). Circulating osteocalcin is reduced with both chronic (33,37) and
acute (38,39) alcohol ingestion, suggesting a direct toxic effect of alcohol on bone for-
mation. Furthermore, the rate of skeletal fractures is higher among alcoholics than in the
normal population (40,41). The high prevalence of fractures among alcoholics also may
be the result of the increased risk of falling superimposed on alcohol-associated
osteopenia. Lifestyle factors that co-exist with alcohol ingestion, such as cigarette smok-
ing, heavy coffee drinking, and physical inactivity, may also contribute to osteopenia.

3.2. Alcohol Abuse and Calcium Metabolism

Many factors may contribute to the development of alcohol-induced bone disease, and
thus it is critical to understand how alcohol affects mineral metabolism. Certainly, nutri-
tional deficiencies and altered mineral metabolism are common among alcoholics.
Chronic alcohol intake is associated with low serum concentrations of vitamin D metabo-
lites 25(OH)D (30,33,42), 1,25(OH)2D (30,34,42), and 24,25(OH)2D (43). The low
concentrations of 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D may be the result of the inhibition of hy-
droxylase activities in the liver (42) and kidney (44), respectively, or perhaps owing to
the degradation of vitamin D metabolites in the liver via induction of the cytochrome
P450 system (42). One would presume that low-circulating 1,25(OH)2D results in
impaired intestinal calcium absorption, hypocalcemia/hypocalciuria (43), and elevated
PTH concentrations (30). However, 37% greater calcium absorption as measured by
stable strontium has been demonstrated in noncirrhotic male alcoholics compared with
controls (32). An explanation for this surprising finding may be alcohol-induced injury
to the intestinal mucosal cells, thereby allowing greater calcium absorption via the
nonsaturable para- or intercellular route (45). The effect of alcohol on nutrient absorption
varies widely, depending on the nutrient, the amount of alcohol ingested, and the nutri-
tional status of the host, rendering generalizations difficult. However, iron absorption
appears to be increased via the paracellular route, contributing to the iron overload in
chronic alcoholics (46). Yet, the absorption of other nutrients that have been studied is
likely to be decreased or unchanged (47). Further discussion of the transcellular (active,
saturable) vs paracellular (passive) calcium absorption is described elsewhere in this
Chapter 13 / Smoking, Alcohol, Hormone Therapies 213

Acute alcohol ingestion induces acute hypocalcemia and hypermagnesemia, which in

turn stimulates PTH, with subsequent hypercalciuria and hypermagnesuria (38), but not
necessarily with the expected change in serum calcium (48). Chronic alcohol ingestion
results in elevated (49), normal (33), or reduced (34) PTH concentrations, with discrep-
ancies perhaps related to the duration and extent of drinking, as well as the age of the
individuals examined. For example, Bikle and colleagues proposed that PTH may stimu-
late bone remodeling in younger alcoholics, but that with sustained abuse, bone loses its
responsiveness to PTH, resorption is impaired, and serum calcium cannot be maintained
(50). Thus, PTH does not correct the alcohol-induced hypocalcemia, indicating that
alcohol may impair the response of the parathyroid glands to hypocalcemia (51,52).
Laitinen and colleagues suggested that alcohol caused an influx of calcium into the
intracellular space, particularly within the parathyroid gland, explaining the reduced
PTH concentrations (51). Some of these apparent discrepancies may also be due to which
fragment of PTH was measured, because PTH is metabolized in the liver, which may be
damaged. In contrast with PTH, calcitonin is more consistently elevated with chronic
(53) and acute (48) alcohol ingestion, but this effect is not likely to be sustained over time.
The main biological effect of calcitonin is to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption 54),
producing hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia when bone turnover is sufficiently high.
Nonetheless, the exact physiologic role of calcitonin in calcium homeostasis in adult
humans has not been clearly established (55).

3.3. Abstinence From Alcohol and Reversal of Disturbances

Lindholm et al. examined men who were current alcohol abusers (drinkers) and com-
pared results to men who had previously abused alcohol but abstained (abstainers) for at
least 2 yr and compared with normal controls (34). They found no differences in bone
mineral content of the distal forearm or lumbar spine among these three groups, although
a number of the drinkers and abstainers had subnormal values. Although the drinkers had
lower serum PTH, 1,25(OH) 2D, and osteocalcin concentrations, the abstainers had results
similar to those of controls. Similarly, Laitinen and coworkers reported that 2 wk of absti-
nence in men resulted in increased serum ionized calcium, urinary phosphate, serum
osteocalcin, and procollagen I carboxyterminal propeptide (PICP; a marker of bone
formation) (32). Likewise, Laitinen et al. examined young and middle-aged women who
abstained for 2 wk, with results indicating increased serum-ionized calcium, serum phos-
phate, urinary phosphate, serum osteocalcin, and PICP (33). Serum concentrations of
vitamin D metabolites (25[OH] and 1,25[OH]2) did not normalize during abstention, but
control values were higher in the women (33) than the men (32). Thus, the effects of
chronic alcohol abuse on calcium homeostasis appear to be reversible with abstinence,
whereas the effect on bone may be dependent on the duration of alcohol abuse.

3.4. Moderate Alcohol Intake and Bone

An adverse effect of more moderate alcohol consumption on BMD has not been
established. May et al. reported that moderate alcohol intake (one to two drinks per day)
did not have a detrimental effect on BMD in older men (56). In fact, femoral neck,
trochanter, and Ward’s triangle were higher (p = 0.02) in drinkers than nondrinkers when
214 Calcium in Human Health

adjusted for age and body weight. When further adjusted for covariates (smoking, physi-
cal activity, caffeine), the only site that remained higher in drinkers was the trochanter.
Likewise, elderly women who consumed alcohol had higher spine (10%), total body
(4.5%), and mid-radius (6%) BMD than did nondrinkers (17). The maximum effect was
noted with moderate intakes (>28.6 to ⱕ57.2 g/wk), although this was also the group with
the lowest percentage of smokers. Serum 25(OH)D tended to be lower (albeit not signifi-
cantly) in alcohol consumers than in nondrinkers, and in those with an alcohol intake
greater than 57.2 to 142.9 g or less per week. Serum PTH concentrations were signifi-
cantly lower in drinkers (>28.6 to ⱕ57.2 g/wk) than nondrinkers, whereas serum
1,25(OH)2D concentrations were not different between drinkers and nondrinkers and the
amount of alcohol intake did not have an effect. This study also provided evidence that
the bone effects were likely mediated by a decrease in bone remodeling, as indicated by
a marked reduction in serum osteocalcin, urinary cross-linked N-telopeptides of type I
collagen (NTx; a marker of bone resorption), and serum PTH concentrations. Similar
evidence has been provided for middle-aged women, with moderate alcohol use associ-
ated with low serum osteocalcin concentrations (57).
Felson et al. examined long-term alcohol intake in 1154 participants from the
Framingham Study who received bone density assessments at the radius, proximal femur,
and lumbar spine (58). Women who drank at least 7 oz (207 mL/wk) of alcohol had higher
lumbar spine, trochanter, and radius BMD than women in the lightest category (<1 oz or
29.6 mL/wk) of intake, after adjusting for age, weight, height, smoking, and estrogen
exposure. Men who drank at least 14 oz (414 mL/wk) of alcohol tended to have higher
BMD, but these differences were less than in the women and were not significant once
adjustments were made for covariates. Likewise, in 7598 elderly ambulatory women
from five centers in France, moderate drinking (11–29 g or one to three glasses of wine
daily) was associated with higher trochanteric BMD, whereas heavy alcohol intake
(30 g/d) was associated with lower total body BMD (59). These results were unre-
lated to various lifestyle or sociodemographic factors. In premenopausal American and
Indian/Pakistani Caucasian women, Alekel et al. (60,61) reported that usual but moderate
(defined as no more than six alcoholic beverages, equivalent to 255 g alcohol, per week)
alcohol intake was positively and consistently related to lumbar spine (60) and femoral
(61) areal BMD. Gavaler and VanThiel have found that moderate alcohol intake in
postmenopausal women significantly increased circulating estradiol, presumably due to
the stimulating effect of alcohol on peripheral aromatization of androgens to estrogens
and may also increase adrenal stimulation, thus offering a partial explanation of the
reported beneficial effect on bone (62).
To examine the acute effects of moderate social drinking on calcium homeostasis and
bone metabolism, Laitinen and co-workers examined 10 healthy males (63). Serum
concentrations of intact PTH increased from the start to the end of the 3-wk drinking
period and returned to baseline within 1 wk of subsequent abstention. Serum vitamin D
metabolites and intestinal absorption of calcium remained unchanged. Serum osteocalcin
concentrations decreased by 30% during the drinking period and then recovered by 25%
following the abstinence period. Thus, moderate alcohol intake acutely affects serum
PTH and osteocalcin, suggestive of increased osteoclastic bone resorption and decreased
osteoblastic bone formation, in accord with the proposed toxic effect of alcohol on
osteoblasts. However, moderate alcohol intake may not have negative effects on vitamin
D or calcium metabolism.
Chapter 13 / Smoking, Alcohol, Hormone Therapies 215

3.5. Alcohol Intake and Fracture Risk

The evidence for a deleterious effect of moderate alcohol consumption on fracture risk
in women appears puzzling, given the beneficial effect on BMD. Seeman and colleagues
conducted a retrospective case–control study of risk factors for spinal osteoporosis in
men and found a statistically elevated relative risk (RR) among smokers (RR = 2.3) and
those who drank alcoholic beverages (RR = 2.4) (3). Hernandez-Avila and colleagues
assessed the relationship between alcohol intake and risk of forearm and hip fractures
using prospectively collected data on almost 85,000 women 34–59 yr of age (64). They
found that alcohol was independently associated with increased risk of both hip and
forearm fractures. Women consuming at least 25 g alcohol per day had a relative risk of
2.33 for hip fractures and a relative risk of 1.38 for forearm fractures compared with
nondrinkers. Paganini-Hill and coworkers observed a positive trend in the risk of frac-
tures with increasing number of shots of liquor per week after menopause (65). Women
who drank no less than eight shots per week had a relative risk of 1.85 compared with
women who never imbibed. In an analysis of the Framingham Study data relating alcohol
intake to hip fractures, Felson and associates reported an increased risk as alcohol con-
sumption rose (trend test, p < 0.05) (58). In contrast, Baron et al. reported that age-
adjusted odds ratio for postmenopausal women who consumed alcohol was 0.80 (95%
confidence interval [CI], 0.69–0.93), suggesting that moderate alcohol consumption
modestly decreased risk for hip fracture (20). Certainly, heavy alcohol intake (65) and
alcoholism (66) are associated with increased risk, whereas the case for moderate alcohol
intake is not as clear. Collectively, these findings indicate how complex the relationships
are among lifestyle factors, calcium homeostasis, and bone metabolism.

4.1. Estrogen Deficiency
Fuller Albright first recognized the association between osteoporosis and estrogen
deficiency in 1941 (67). It is widely accepted that estrogen deficiency plays a central role
in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis and that estrogen therapy is effective in preventing
menopausal bone loss and reducing fracture risk (68). The menopause is the transition
from the reproductive to the nonreproductive stage of a woman’s life, characterized
clinically by permanent cessation of menstruation. The decline in ovarian activity may
begin as early as 35–40 yr of age, long before menopause in most women. However, there
is conflicting evidence as to when bone loss starts and whether premenopausal bone loss
occurs. Most studies, however, have demonstrated that during and after menopause there
is an accelerated rate of bone loss in the spine, with rates of between 1 and 6% (69–72)
during natural menopause and as high as 10% after oophorectomy (73). A longitudinal
study indicated annual rates of loss from the proximal radius in excess of 1% in the
majority of postmenopausal women (74). The femoral neck shows annual rates of loss
similar to those observed for the radius (75,76). Thus, the majority of evidence not only
supports increased rates of bone loss during and after menopause, but that the highest
rates occur in trabecular bone. This bone loss may continue for the next decade, account-
ing for 20–30% loss in cancellous (trabecular) bone and 5–10% loss in cortical bone (77).
The median age at menopause in most industrialized societies occurs around 50 yr (78).
Because the average life expectancy of women is approx 75 yr, most women will be
postmenopausal for one-third of their lifetime (79).
216 Calcium in Human Health

4.2. Estrogen Therapy, Estrogen/Progestin Therapy, Bone,

and Fracture Risk
Estrogen plays a critical role in bone health as evidenced by an accelerated loss in bone
mass during the perimenopausal years. Estrogen alone or in combination with progestin
prevents bone loss at the hip and spine (80) and reduces hip fracture rates (81). The
mechanism of estrogen to reduce bone loss is unclear, but locally active growth factors
and cytokines modulate its effects on osteoblasts and osteoclasts (82). Although estrogen
deficiency plays a key role in osteoporosis and other menopause-related chronic diseases,
HT increases the risks of breast (83) and uterine (84) cancer and is often accompanied by
side effects (85). Indeed, HT or estrogen therapy alleviates vasomotor symptoms (86),
exerts some cardioprotective effects (87), and prevents bone loss (88). Yet, because of
adverse effects as revealed by results from the WHI (89) and the fear of cancer, noncom-
pliance is a major obstacle with traditional HTs (90). Indeed, the global index of benefits
and risks of HT in the WHI revealed a net harm (hazards ratio 1.15, 95% CI 1.03–1.28)
and women taking HT had an increased risk of breast cancer (26%), coronary heart
disease (29%), stroke (41%), and venous thromboembolism (double). However, women
taking HT had a 33, 29, 35, and 24% decline in hip, forearm, vertebral, and total fracture
rate, respectively (91; Fig. 1), and 37% decline in colorectal cancer rate. Nonetheless,
many of the women in the WHI had stopped the study medication during the trial (42%
in the HT group, 38% in the placebo group), illustrating problems with compliance.
Previous surveys indicate that two-thirds of women discontinue treatment within 5 yr of
initiation as a result of undesirable side effects (92). The current thinking is that HT
should not be used to prevent or treat osteoporosis, but may be indicated short-term to
alleviate vasomotor symptoms. Nevertheless, HT in postmenopausal women clearly
exerts beneficial effects on bone and calcium homeostasis. Furthermore, the data from
a meta-analysis are convincing that supplemental calcium potentiates the positive effect
of estrogen on bone mass at the lumbar spine, femoral neck, and forearm (93; Fig. 2). This
report indicated that the benefit was for calcium intakes of approx 1200 mg/d, with a
synergistic relation between high calcium intake and estrogen treatment. Calcium is not
only thought to decrease bone resorption, but it is likely that an additional calcium supply
may allow an increase in the deposition of mineral in newly formed and perhaps previ-
ously formed bone. However, research indicates that estrogen treatment provided at the
onset of menopause, continued for less than 10 yr, but then discontinued, has little if any
effect on fracture incidence by age 70 yr (81). Hence, when HT is discontinued, bone loss
ensues and is similar to what occurs immediately after menopause (94).

4.3. Menopause, Hormone Therapy, and Calcium Homeostasis

Studies by Heaney and co-workers confirmed that ovarian failure was associated with
a 20% increase in bone resorption and a 15% increase in bone formation, leading to a net
loss of bone (95). Calcium balance averaged –0.020 g/d in 207 studies with premeno-
pausal women, whereas this balance was significantly more negative (p < 0.02) at –0.043
g/d in 41 studies with postmenopausal (untreated) women. These alterations in skeletal
metabolism are accompanied by an increased urinary loss of calcium and decline in
intestinal calcium absorption (96). The rise in urinary calcium with menopause is caused
by a decline in tubular reabsorption of calcium, rather than a rise in filtered load (97).
These authors concluded that estrogens likely promote tubular reabsorption of calcium
Chapter 13 / Smoking, Alcohol, Hormone Therapies 217

Fig. 1. Kaplan-Meier estimates of cumulative hazards for fracture.

HR indicates hazard ratio; nCI indicates nominal confidence interval; dark line indicates placebo
arm; light line indicates hormone therapy arm. (Adapted from ref. 91, with permission.)

and that this renal calcium leak contributes to subsequent bone resorption with estrogen
lack. Consequently, premenopausal and treated postmenopausal women have an appar-
ent calcium requirement of 0.990 g/d, whereas untreated postmenopausal women require
approx 1.504 g/d (96). These changes in calcium metabolism are accompanied by alter-
ations in the biochemical markers of bone turnover: serum osteocalcin, serum tartrate-
218 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 2. Mean (+ SEM) annual percentage change in bone mass at the lumbar spine, femoral neck,
and forearm in postmenopausal women treated with estrogen alone (white bars; total average
calcium intake: 563 mg/d) compared with women treated with estrogen and calcium (black bars;
total average calcium intake: 1183 mg/d). (Adapted from ref. 93, with permission of the American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition.)

resistant acid phosphatase, serum alkaline phosphatase, urinary NTx, urinary hydroxypro-
line, and urinary pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline (collagen crosslinks) (98,99).
Aloia and co-workers have shown that HT within 6 mo to 6 yr after menopause
decreases serum calcium, osteocalcin, and urinary hydroxyproline, and increases con-
centrations of calcitonin, PTH, and 1,25(OH)2D, indicating a reduction in bone remod-
eling (100). In addition, whether daily continuous or sequential estrogen/progestin therapy
was taken by postmenopausal women, indices of bone turnover (osteocalcin, alkaline
phosphatase, urinary calcium, urinary hydroxyproline) declined, whereas PTH rose,
from baseline through 1 yr of treatment (101). Women with the highest bone resorption
rates achieved the greatest increment in BMD in response to therapy. Marshall et al. found
more marked lowering effects of ethinyl oestradiol on plasma total and ionized calcium
and phosphate and urinary calcium excretion in postmenopausal compared with
perimenopausal women (102). Another study examined the effects of oral estriol and
conjugated estrogen in early postmenopausal women and found that the former was not
as effective in lowering serum alkaline phosphatase or urinary hydroxyproline, but had
similar effects on serum osteocalcin and urinary calcium excretion (103). However, both
treatments exerted lumbar bone-preserving effects after 24 mo of treatment.

4.4. Calcitonin and Calcium Homeostasis

The effect of calcitonin on calcium homeostasis has not been well studied and the role
of calcitonin in adult mineral and bone homeostasis is not well understood. Nonetheless,
calcitonin is a bone active, US Food and Drug Administration-approved, antiresorptive
agent to treat but not prevent osteoporosis (104). One report indicated that calcitonin
Chapter 13 / Smoking, Alcohol, Hormone Therapies 219

therapy regulated circulating magnesium, copper, and zinc and these minerals were more
useful for evaluating response to treatment in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis
(105). Thus, calcitonin may be involved with minerals other than calcium in decreasing
bone resorption. A single dose of nasal calcitonin has been shown to decrease bone
resorption by 15% as evidenced by biochemical markers of bone turnover (106), whereas
the anabolic action of calcitonin has not been clearly demonstrated. Calcitonin reduces
the risk of vertebral fractures up to 40%, but does not affect nonvertebral (i.e., hip) BMD
or fractures (107). Long-term efficacy appears to be reduced with calcitonin and thus its
use is limited. However, advantages of calcitonin are that it is bone-specific, may be used
as an alternative to estrogen, and may be used in men. Calcitonin is typically administered
intranasally, obviating the problems of parenteral administration, and has analgesic ben-
efits (108). Interestingly, calcitonin therapy for 6 mo decreased serum interleukin (IL)-10
and IL-6r, but increased serum IL-2, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-F, illustrating
that calcitonin may influence bone through the action of cytokines and that cytokines may
be affected in different directions (109).

4.5. Potential Mechanisms for Bone Resorption and Perturbation

of Calcium Homeostasis With Menopause and Hormone Therapy
Estrogen deficiency is associated with increased cytokine production. For this reason,
there are numerous studies of the relative contribution of cytokines to bone loss, the
potential cell sources of cytokines in the bone microenvironment, and the mechanism of
action of various cytokines. The inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1, and TNF-F in
particular) are thought to be involved in stimulating bone resorption. IL-1 was one of the
first to be identified and most potent bone-resorbing cytokines (110,111), causing osteo-
clast formation, differentiation, and activation (112,113). The effects of IL-1 are enhanced
by two orders of magnitude when IL-6 is present in the medium (114). Under estradiol-
deficient conditions (i.e., menopause), IL-6 plays a role as a local regulator of bone
turnover (115). TNF is necessary for stimulating osteoclastogenesis and also stimulates
osteoblasts such that their bone-formative action is hindered. TNF suppresses recruit-
ment of osteoblasts from progenitor cells, inhibits the expression of matrix protein genes,
and stimulates expression of genes that amplify osteoclastogenesis. Thus, TNF assails
bone at many levels (116). As indicated previously, many postmenopausal women
experience hypercalciuria and it may very well be that cytokines play a role in this
process (117). The action of HT to reduce bone resorption may be mediated by inhibiting
cytokines (118). Further research is needed to understand the connections between HT,
cytokines, and calcium homeostasis in postmenopausal women.
Another area that should be investigated is that of perturbations in acid–base balance
with menopause because one metabolic consequence is a rise in the venous bicarbonate
concentration (97,119), which is reversed by HT (119,120). Orr-Walker and colleagues
examined the changes in acid–base metabolism in normal postmenopausal women start-
ing on HT regimens (121). Groups receiving either medroxyprogesterone acetate alone
or combined with estrogen exhibited a decrease in arterialized venous blood bicarbonate
and PCO2, whereas those receiving estrogen only or placebo did not change. Accompa-
nying changes in blood pH were noted only in those who received combined therapy.
With respect to calcium metabolism, only the combined therapy group showed consistent
changes, with reductions in urinary calcium excretion and serum phosphate. Bone turn-
220 Calcium in Human Health

over indexes (i.e., bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, hydroxyproline, osteocalcin,

deoxypyridinoline) decreased in both the estrogen only and combined groups, with more
consistent and larger changes in the combined therapy group. Thus, the changes in acid–
base balance correlated with the suppression of bone resorption, suggesting that acid–
base balance may contribute to the effect of HT on bone and calcium balance.

Both heavy smoking and excessive alcohol intake are risk factors for bone loss and
osteoporotic fractures. Yet, very moderate alcohol intake has been shown to either not
have adverse effects on bone or increase BMD, whereas the effect of light smoking on
bone is not clear. Smoking and alcohol intake, particularly with heavier use, affect bone
turnover and calcium homeostatis. The deleterious effects on bone seem to be related to
the duration of smoking and alcohol use, although coexistent lifestyle factors may also
contribute to osteopenia in smokers and drinkers. Hormone therapy in postmenopausal
women exerts beneficial effects on bone and calcium homeostasis, but is no longer
recommended to prevent or treat osteoporosis because of the increased risk of breast
cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, and venous thromboembolism.

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Chapter 14 / Physical Activity 227

14 Influence of Physical Activity

on Calcium and Bone

Matthew Vukovich and Bonny Specker

• Both exercise intensity and duration impact calcium and bone metabolism.
• Exercise early in life leads to increased bone mass at sites that are loaded.
• Cortical bone density and bone size is dependent on interactions between hormonal
changes as well as loads placed on the skeleton.
• Calcium intake may modify the bone response to loading. It is speculated that protein
intake also may modify the bone response to loading, possibly by influencing insulin-like
growth factor-1 concentrations.

The degree of bone gain and loss over an individual’s lifetime is thought to determine
the risk of osteoporosis and fracture as an adult. Traditionally, two major factors thought
to determine whether an individual is at increased risk for fracture are the peak bone mass
achieved early in life, which is determined from the gain in bone during childhood, and
the rate of loss later in life. For many years, research has focused on strategies or inter-
ventions for decreasing the rate of bone loss that occurs later in life.
Childhood fractures are increasingly recognized as a significant problem. The inci-
dence of childhood distal forearm fractures was recently reported to have increased 32%
among males and 56% among females in the years 1999–2001 compared with 1969–1971
(1). Although the cause is unclear, this dramatic increase in forearm fractures may be due
to the adverse bone effects of decreased activity levels or poor dietary intake during
Recently, the importance of bone size, rather than just bone mineral content (BMC)
and bone mineral density (BMD), has been recognized as an important factor in determin-
ing bone strength. Although numerous cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have
shown a relationship between BMD and physical activity levels (2–5), recent pediatric
activity trials indicate that physical activity also may increase bone size, thereby increas-
ing bone strength. A clearer picture of how activity and diet influence bone is emerging
with the ability to measure subtle changes in bone size through the development of
software to perform, for example, hip structural analyses (HSA) using data obtained from
From: Calcium in Human Health
Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
228 Calcium in Human Health

dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) hip scans or by the use of peripheral quantita-
tive computed tomography (pQCT) technology.
Physical activity is defined as any form of muscular activity that results in an increase
in energy expenditure. Exercise is planned physical activity, with a goal of improving or
maintaining fitness. When prescribing exercise programs, the frequency, intensity, and
duration (time) principle is followed. These three criteria are used to ensure that a proper
dose of exercise is performed to bring about a desired effect. To achieve the desired effect,
the system must include overload, or a degree of stress to which the individual is unac-
customed. For example, for muscle to hypertrophy, the muscle must be overloaded by
increasing the intensity, frequency, or duration of the strength training program. Me-
chanical loading of bone stimulates remodeling, and, as with muscle, for bone to adapt,
physical activity must produce enough of a stress to overload the bone.
The purpose of this chapter is to (1) provide an overview on the effect of exercise on
calcium homeostasis, growth, and bone; (2) describe the effects of mechanical loading
on bone; (3) provide an overview of pediatric activity studies; and (4) discuss factors that
may modify the bone response to loading.


2.1. Relationship Between Calcium Homeostasis and Exercise
The homeostatic mechanisms involved in calcium metabolism are discussed in Chap-
ters 10 and 11. With regard to the effects of exercise on serum calcium and parathyroid
hormone (PTH) concentrations, the data are somewhat equivocal, and said effects may
depend on the intensity and duration of the exercise regimen and the training status of the
individual. Increases in ionized calcium during exercise appear to be related directly to
exercise-induced acidosis and therefore, exercise intensity (6,7). However, the increase
in serum ionized calcium concentrations during and following prolonged endurance
exercise does not result in a decrease in serum PTH concentrations, possibly because of
the increase in catecholamines. Short-duration, high-intensity exercise increases ionized
calcium with a concomitant decrease in serum PTH concentrations (8). Training status
appears to affect the exercise-associated response of PTH (9,10). Salvesen and co-work-
ers found that following 50 min of running, well-trained men experienced an increase in
serum PTH concentration whereas fire-fighters, who were less trained, did not (10). Both
groups of men experienced an increase in serum calcium (10). However, other studies
report that resting PTH concentrations are actually lower in trained vs untrained individu-
als (9). It can be concluded from these studies, as well as others, that endurance exercise
must last at least 30 min in order to elicit an increase in circulating PTH concentrations
Studies involving the effect of resistance training on serum PTH concentrations are
conflicting. Rong and co-workers reported an increase in serum PTH concentrations
immediately following a period of strength training (13), whereas others report a decrease
(14). Bell and co-workers studied a relatively small number of male weight-lifters com-
pared with age-matched controls, and although they did not find statistically different
PTH concentrations, they did speculate that subtle differences in PTH concentrations
may have been of sufficient magnitude to produce the increases in serum 1,25
Chapter 14 / Physical Activity 229

dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-(OH)2 D) and urinary cyclic AMP concentrations that were

observed (15). These differences in PTH response to exercise could be due to differences
in the intensity and duration of the training periods, as well as acute vs long-term exercise
effects on PTH.

2.2. Relationship Between Growth Factors and Exercise

Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 have major influences
on bone growth and mineralization and are reviewed in detail elsewhere (16,17). Briefly,
GH and IGF-1 have direct and indirect effects on osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Bone
formation and resorption increase when GH is given to GH-deficient individuals, indi-
cating an increase in bone modeling and/or remodeling (18). GH and IGF-1 increase bone
size and BMC, but not BMD (19). Whereas the GH–IGF axis is likely responsible for the
large increases in bone length and bone circumference during early puberty, increased
concentrations of estrogen may decrease endosteal resorption and lead to increased cor-
tical thickness in mid to late puberty. Estrogen also plays an important role in the closure
of the growth plates (20).
Duration and intensity of exercise have significant impacts on GH and IGF-1 secre-
tion. Acute endurance exercise results in a significant increase in serum GH concentra-
tions (21,22), whereas acute resistance exercise results in a significant decrease in serum
IGF-1 and IGF-binding protein (IGFBP)-3 concentrations (23). Furthermore, skeletal
muscle IGF-1 expression is downregulated at the mRNA level during the initial recovery
phase following resistance exercise (24), but increases to levels higher than pre-exercise
values at 24 and 48 h after the exercise bout (24,25). Treadmill running appears to
produce similar results (26). It is not known what happens to IGF-1 mRNA in bone cells
after acute bouts of exercise.
Exercise training, both resistance and endurance, results in significant increases in
serum IGF-1 concentrations, which have been observed in both young and older indi-
viduals (27–29). The role that nutritional status plays in modifying this hormonal
response to exercise is described below.


3.1. Methodological Issues With Measuring Bone
Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of factors influencing bone accretion or BMD
changes during infancy and childhood have been reported (30–34). It is often difficult to
interpret the findings of BMD changes during childhood because most studies use DXA
technology, which measures bone in two, rather than three, dimensions, and therefore
cannot measure true volumetric density. A larger bone size may artificially inflate areal
bone mineral density (aBMD) measurements as shown in Fig. 1. This is illustrated in
studies that show that aBMD increases with age, but volumentric bone mineral density
(vBMD) measured by computed tomography is relatively constant during childhood
until the time of puberty, when there is a large increase between Tanner stages 2 and 3
(35). Several mathematical methods have been proposed with which to adjust this two-
dimensional aBMD to more closely reflect vBMD (36,37); however, it is not evident that
these adjustments are satisfactory. These methods include the calculation of bone mineral
apparent density for the spine or femoral neck, dividing the BMC by the projected bone
230 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 1. Areal measurements of bone mineral density (BMD) are influenced by the size of the bone
being measured. BMC, bone mineral content.

area to the power of 1.5 for spine (38) or 2.0 for the femoral neck (39); application of
formulas for the femoral neck measurements that assume a cylinder shape (40); or inclu-
sion of bone and body size parameters in a regression approach (size-adjusted bone
mineral content [SA-BMC]) (37). This limitation of DXA-derived bone measurements,
as well as the possibility of subtle changes in bone conformation that are not detected
using DXA, must be considered when reviewing results of activity trials, especially
during growth.

3.2. Cortical Bone Changes During Growth

Garn and co-workers conducted many of the original studies on human cortical bone
growth and estimated periosteal and endosteal circumferences in cortical bone (Fig. 2)
with age, based on more than 25,000 hand radiographs that they collected throughout the
life cycle (41). Briefly, increases in periosteal growth resemble increases in axial growth,
with a period of rapid growth early in infancy followed by a period of more moderate
growth until the hormone-mediated growth spurt occurs. The hormone-mediated increase
in periosteal diameter occurs earlier in females than in males, although the final size in
males is greater. Resorption along the endosteal surface occurs from birth until the second
decade in both sexes, whereas estrogen is thought to decrease resorption along the
endosteal surface among females at the time of adolescence leading to a smaller
Chapter 14 / Physical Activity 231

Fig. 2. Schematic of the cross-section of the shaft of a long bone, illustrating the periosteal and
endosteal surfaces and the thickness of the cortical shell. The volumetric bone mineral density
(vBMD) is a measure of the material density and the cortical porosity.

endocortical diameter. The changes that occur in the periosteal and endosteal circumfer-
ences during the pubertal growth spurt lead to a gradual increase in cortical thickness,
which is generally greater in males than in females (41). This growth in cortical bone and
bone size is dependent on interactions between hormonal changes that are occurring, as
well as the loads that are placed on the skeleton, and possibly substrate availability (i.e.,
calcium and phosphorus).

3.3. Animal Studies of Bone Loading

Animal studies show that skeletal loading can increase bone remodeling within a short
time (42,43). In general, these studies find that the responses to increased loading consist
of an increase in periosteal circumference and cortical thickness, translating into increased
bone strength (43–45). Some investigators find that the loading effect on increasing peri-
osteal expansion appears to be greater at distal vs proximal sites (46,47).
The amount of load that is necessary to increase mineralization and change bone con-
formation appears to be small. In a study by Umemura et al., rats performing five jumps per
day to a 40 cm platform for 8 wk had similar increases in tibial and femoral bone mineral
as rats that jumped 100 times per day (42). The frequency of the load also appears to be
important. Srinivasan et al. found insertion of a 10-s interval between low magnitude
loads in an avian model lead to significantly greater periosteal bone formation compared
with a similar number of loads occurring at 1/s (48). They concluded that these data
support the hypothesis that fluid flow near osteocytes underlies the mechanotrans-duction
within bone, and that there must be sufficient time between loads for the viscous fluid
flow to recover from inertial damping. The type of load may also affect bone conforma-
tional changes. Loading activities that result in high bending and torsional loads put
greater strains on the bone’s outer surface, and bone will respond through periosteal
expansion. Compression loads place strains on the bone that are more uniform throughout
the bone and may induce bone apposition on the endosteal surfaces.
232 Calcium in Human Health


4.1. Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Studies of Childhood Activity
and Adult Bone
Many cross-sectional studies have shown a role of early physical activity on BMD later
in life. Kriska and co-workers reported in the 1980s that the radius BMD of postmeno-
pausal women was more strongly correlated with recall of adolescent activity levels than
activity levels during the postmenopausal years (49). Over the last decade, numerous
studies have reported associations between adult BMD and early activity levels (2,50–
55). Many of these studies involved women or men who participated in competitive
sports around the time of puberty, whereas other studies find that recreational activities
early in life also increase BMD. A case–control study conducted by Neives et al. found
that recreational activities in adolescence and early adulthood afford greater protection
against hip fracture than either teenage calcium intake or milk-drinking (56).
Joakimsen and co-workers summarized the available literature (17 studies) on hip
fracture risk and activity levels (57). Overall, the results indicated that increased physical
activity is protective against hip fracture and that this association was present for activity
from childhood through adult life. These studies indicated that women who were physi-
cally active earlier in life have a higher BMD and decreased fracture risk compared with
women who categorized themselves as less active. However, because activity levels
appear to track throughout life, it is difficult to separate the effect of childhood and adult
activity on BMD, or to determine at what age increased activity leads to beneficial bone
effects. Another disadvantage to cross-sectional studies is the possible bias in recalling
activity levels early in life.
The advantage of the longitudinal study design is the prospective collection of activity
data. Some studies have made use of activity data collected longitudinally during child-
hood to determine whether adult BMD was associated with previous activity levels (4,5).
Information on physical activity levels and dietary intake were obtained in the Cardio-
vascular Risk in Young Finns Study Group at three occassions over 11 yr in subjects 9
to 18 yr of age (4). Lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD were measured when these
subjects were 20 to 29 yr of age and childhood physical activity was found to be a
significant predictor of adult BMD. Similar results were obtained in the Amsterdam
Growth and Health Study, which consisted of 182 males and females who were followed
from 13 to 28 yr of age (5). Weight-bearing activity and calcium intakes were assessed
during three periods: 13–17 yr, 13–21 yr, and 13–27 yr of age. Only weight-bearing
activity, and not calcium intake, was significantly associated with lumbar spine BMD at
age 27 yr, and this was true for activity in all three age groupings.
Although these older studies used primarily DXA technology to show an effect of
childhood activity on adult BMD, recent studies using pQCT have shown that the effect
of activity is primarily on bone size and cortical thickness, and not true vBMD (58). A
study of female tennis and squash players found that the effect of bone loading on bone
size, as measured by total cross-sectional area of the humerus, was greater if the women
started playing racquet sports prior to or at the time of menarche (59). Although there was
no difference in cortical vBMD by pQCT, the larger bone size and cortical wall thickness
resulted in greater aBMD in the young vs old starters. These studies are important in
understanding how physical activity and bone loading may influence bone strength.
Chapter 14 / Physical Activity 233

Unfortunately, there are limitations of measuring the cortical vBMD of the small bones
of children owing to a partial volume effect, which results in underestimation of cortical
density when the cortex is too thin (60).

4.2. Pediatric Trials of Physical Activity on Bone

Fourteen activity trials are summarized in Table 1. Sample sizes ranged from 38 to 178,
and trials were of varying length, ranging from 3 to 12 mo. An assortment of bone sites
was measured using various methods to adjust for bone size. DXA technology was used
in the majority of studies, although HSA and pQCT technology were used in some in
order to determine more subtle activity effects on bone size (61–64).
Overall, there appears to be no consistent pattern in the effects measured by DXA
(Table 2). Neither of the two studies conducted in boys found an effect of activity on bone
size, whereas only one study in girls found a larger bone size in the exercise group, but
only at the femoral neck. None of the studies conducted in pubertal children found an
effect of activity on bone size, and only two of the three studies among prepubertal
children reported a larger bone size among the exercise group at the femoral neck. Although
one study did not report a bone size effect with exercise using DXA technology (65), a
further analysis of the same cohort using HSA found a greater increase in femoral neck
cross-sectional area among pubertal girls randomized to jumping (63). One study using
pQCT reported a greater periosteal circumference at the 20% distal tibia among young
prepubertal children and concluded that this supported the findings of animal studies
showing an effect at more distal bone sites (62). BMD and BMC results are conflicting,
both for girls and boys, except at the leg where all studies that have reported this site find
a greater BMC and BMD in the intervention vs control group.
It is likely that there are numerous factors that may be influencing the bone response
to activity or bone loading. As described above the amount, frequency and type of load
that is applied to the skeleton may influence its response to the load. In addition, there may
be other factors that modify the relationship between bone and physical activity.


5.1. Body Mass Index
One study found that the bone benefit in prepubertal boys varied depending on the
child’s body mass index (BMI) (66). In boys with a low or average BMI, an exercise
intervention resulted in greater increases in hip and trochanter BMD and total body and
spine BMC compared with controls, whereas no exercise effect was found among boys
with a high BMI. The authors speculated that one reason for the lack of findings in the
high BMI group was that the skeleton of the heavy boys may not respond to an exercise
program, because it is under substantial adaptive stress because of greater body weight.
The idea that the loads the skeleton is accustomed to determines the bone response to
exercise also would explain the findings of Van Langendonck and co-workers, who
observed that the bone benefit from exercise was only significant when the analysis was
limited to girls who had minimal weight-bearing activity during their leisure time (67).
In this situation, the girl’s skeleton would not have been under adaptive stress prior to
intervention, which may lead to a greater response to the intervention.
Table 1

Summary of Pediatric Activity Intervention Trials

Description Bone measurement Bone sites Significant
Reference Study design of intervention method measured findings Comments
Morris et al. (70) Longitudinal, nonrandomized N = 38 for I DXA for BMC, BA, Total body Greater increases I group gained more
trial with exercise group N = 33 for C BMD, and BMAD Hip (total, femoral in total body lean mass in total
within specific schools I = high impact (spine & neck) neck) BMC & BMD; body, trunk and leg
(N = 4) and strength Lumbar spine spine BMD, and than C and lost more
10 mo duration exercises 30 min BMAD; hip BMC TB fat mass
73 premenarcheal girls three times per week and BMD, and Mean Ca intake approx
aged 9–10 yr (71 completed) C = encouraged not to femoral neck BMC 980 mg/d
change activity patterns and BA in I vs C Mean attendance
Regional TB results: (midway) was 96%
greater increases in
leg, arm and pelvic
BMD in I vs C
Bradney et al. (64) Controlled prospective study N = 19 for I DXA for BMC, aBMD Total body Total body aBMD, Mean attendance
8 mo duration N = 19 for C and areal vBMD Hip leg aBMD from TB was 96
38/40 boys aged 8.4–11.8 yr 30 min weight bearing (femoral midshaft Spine scan, and spine Groups matched for
from 2 schools (I vs C) com- activity three times & L3 vertebrate) aBMD greater in age, standing height,
pleted study a week for 32 wk Estimates of periosteal I vs C sitting height, weight
All prepubertal (Tanner & & endocortical Femoral midshaft: and baseline aBMD
serum testosterone & E2 widths, cortical thick- endocortical thick-
ness, CSMI, section ness and medullary
modulus, and strength area and volume
index made from less, while cortical
hip scan thickness, cortical
volume, BMC,
aBMD, and areal
vBMD greater in
I vs C
Specker et al. (32) RCT N = 34 for I DXA for SA-BMC Total body Significant inter- Infants tolerated bone
12 mo duration N = 35 for C action between Ca loading activities
72 infants I = bone loading intake and activity approx 65% of the
69/72 infants completed activities for 15– group No differ- time
Calcium in Human Health

9 mo of intervention 20 min/d, five times ence between ac-

All infants enrolled prior a week tivity groups in TB
to 6 mo of age, with inter- C = infants held for SA-BMC gain for
ventions beginning equivalent time high Ca intake;
at 6 mo TB SA-BMC
gain was lower in
I vs C for low Ca
More compliant
infants had less
SA-BMC gain
Heinonen et al. Controlled trial Premenarcheal: DXA for BMC Spine Pre-menarcheal girls: Mean Ca intake
(61) 9 mo duration N = 25 for I pQCT (midshaft Hip (total, gains in spine and approx 1040 mg/d
Chapter 14 / Physical Activity

139 girls both pre- and post- N = 33 for C of tibia) for cortical femoral neck) femoral neck BMC Compliance 70%
menarcheal (126 com- Postmenarcheal: BMD, cortical area, Midshaft of tibia greater in I vs C, and 65% in pre- and
pleted) N = 39 for I and polar section (pQCT) no differences in postmenarcheal
C = 29 for C modulus (BSI) midshaft tibia groups
I = 2 50-min step- Postmenarcheal girls:
aerobic sessions/wk no significant group
C = usual activities differences
Witzke and Nonrandomized trial N = 25 for I DXA for BMC Total body No significant Controls matched by
Snow (84) 9 mo N = 28 for C Spine differences between age and months past
56 girls aged 13–15 yr I = 30–45 min three Hip (femoral groups in BMC menarche
from 2 high schools times aweek using neck, trochanter, change Average of 22.7 mo
(53 completed) weighted vests and & femoral mid- I group gained past menarche
plyometrics shaft) trochanter BMC,
C = usual activities while C group did
not (groups did
not differ)
McKay et al. RCT with school as unit N = 63 for I DXA for BMC, Total body Trochanter BMD Children in C schools
(85) 8 mo duration N = 81 for C BA BMD Lumbar spine greater in I vs C had higher baseline
144 boys and girls aged I = 10 tuck jumps Hip (total, activity levels &
6.9–10.2 yr from 10 schools three times a week + femoral neck, greater vertical
All boys T1; 66/74 girls T1, loading activities trochanter) jump than children
8 girls T2 twice a week in I schools
C = regular physical Height gain was
education classes greater in C vs I
Mean Ca intake =

988 mg/d
Table 1 (Continued)
Description Bone measurement Bone sites Significant

Reference Study design of intervention method measured findings: Comments

MacKelvie et al. RCT with school as unit Prepubertal (T1): DXA for BMC, aBMD, Total body Prepubertal: No Compliance averaged
(65) 7 mo duration N = 44 for I and areal vBMD Lumbar spine differences between approx 80%
383 boys and girls from 14 N = 26 for C (femoral neck) Hip (total, femoral I and C
schools, 191 girls aged Early pubertal (T2 & T3): neck, trochanter) Early Puberty:
8.7–11.7 yr included in N = 43 for I greater increases
this analysis (177 completed) C = 64 for C in spine BMC and
I = 10–12 min/d three times aBMD and femoral
a week high-impact neck BMC, and
jumping aBMD areal vBMD
C = stretching in I vs C
MacKelvie et al. RCT with school as unit N = 61 for I DXA for BMC, aBMD, Total body Greater increases in Compliance averaged
(66) 7 mo duration N = 60 for C & areal vBMD Lumbar spine TB BMC and hip approx 80%
383 boys and girls from 14 I = 10–12 min/d three (femoral neck) Hip (total, femoral aBMD in I vs C Approx 40% of boys
schools, 133 boys aged 8.8– times a week high- neck, trochanter) advanced to T2
11.7 yr included in this analysis impact jumping during study
(121 completed) C = stretching Boys with low/average
All T1 at baseline BMI had greater change
in LS BMC and tro-
chanter BMD in I vs C
No differences between I
and C in any measure
for high BMI boys
Fuchs et al. (69) RCT with classroom as unit N = 45 for I (25 boys) DXA for BMC, BA, Femoral neck Greater increases in Mean Ca intake approx
7 mo duration N = 44 for C (26 boys) aBMD Lumbar spine femoral neck BMC, 1265 mg/d
100 consenting boys and girls I = 20 min three times a BA and spine BMC Overall attendance
aged 5.9–9.8yr in 5 classrooms week of 100 jumps and aBMD in jump- 86–100%
(89 completed) off 61 cm box ing vs stretching
All were T1 at baseline and C = 20 min three times group
final visits a week of stretching
Petit et al. (63) RCT with school as unit Prepubertal: HSA from DXA hip scan DXA HSA of neck, Prepubertal girls:
Calcium in Human Health

(See also ref. 65) 7 mo duration N = 44 for I including areal vBMD, intertrochanter no effect of activity
383 boys and girls from 14 N = 26 for C CSA, subperiosteal and femoral shaft on any bone measure
schools, 177 girls included in Early pubertal: width, endosteal Early pubertal girls:
this analysis N = 43 for I diameter, CWT, greater gains in FN
Prepubertal (T1) and early N = 64 for C section modulus and intertrochanter
pubertal (T2 & T3) girls I = 10–12 min/d three times BMD; greater
Mean age of both groups = 10 yr. a week high-impact increases in CSA,
jumpiing CWT, and section
C = stretching modulus of the
femoral neck
Specker et al. (62) 2 × 2 RCT with calcium and N = 88 for I DXA for SA-BMC, BA Total body Interaction between Baseline Ca intake
activity as main effects N = 90 for C pQCT % for PC, EC, pQCT of 20% tibia Ca and activity in = 940 mg/d
12 mo duration I = 30 min loading/d, cortical area, CWT change of leg SA-
Chapter 14 / Physical Activity

239 boys and girls 3–5 yr (178 5d/wk (gross motor) BMC, and cortical
completed with >50% attend- C = arts and crafts area and CWT at
ance) activities (fine motor) study completion
Mean age = 4 yr Interaction indicated
a greater gain in leg
SA-BMC and larger
cortical area and
CWT in Ca+gross
motor group vs
other groups
Iuliano-Burns et al. 2 × 2 RCT with calcium and N = 34 for I DXA for BMC Total body and Ca-by-exercise Ca was fortified
(81) activity as main effects. N = 36 for C spine interaction detected (434 mg/d) vs
8.5 mo duration I = 20 min three times at the femur. Main nonfortified foods.
73 girls aged 7-11 yr a week of high-impact effect of exercise Baseline Ca approx
(66 completed) activities at tibia-fibula 640 mg/d
Mean age = 8.8y (T1 & T2) C = 20 min three times Sample size not based
a week of low-impact on detecting interaction
activities Mean attendance was 93%
Van Langendonck RCT N = 21 for I DXA for BMC, BA, Total body (total No group differences Mean attendance
et al. (67) 9 mo duration N = 21 for C & aBMD and right arm) except among 12 approx 69%
21 prepubertal female mono- I = 10 min of high impact Spine twin pairs who did
zygotic twins aged 8.7 yr exercise three times Hip (total, not do high-impact
a week femoral neck) leisure time

Table 1 (Continued)

Description Bone measurement Bone sites Significant

Reference Study design of intervention method measured findings: Comments
For these girls there
was a greater hip
BMC and aBMD
in I vs C
Stear et al. (82) 2 × 2 RCT with calcium and N = 75 for I DXA for BMC, BA, Total body No effect if intent-to- Mean attendance was 36%
exercise as main effects N = 56 for C (N = 20 and SA-BMC Spine treat analysis per- Baseline Ca intake
15.5 mo duration for >50% attendance) Radius (total, distal, formed = 938 mg/d
144 females aged 16–18 yr I = 45min exercise class & ultradistal) Based on good com- No Ca-by-activity
(131 completed) 3 times/wk Hip (total, neck, pliance (>50% interaction, although
C = no intervention trochanter, attendance with authors note that study
Results are for good intertrochanter) exercises): no was not sized to detect
attendance only effect of loading on interaction
BMC or BA at any
site. SA-BMC was
greater with loading
at the total hip and
Johannsen et al. RCT N = 26 for I DXA for SA-BMC Total body Greater increases Mean Ca intake
(83) 3 mo duration N = 28 for C & BA (total & leg) in total body and = 1130 mg/d
55 boys & girls aged 3–5, 7–8, I = 25 jumps/d five times pQCT 4% tibia measures Spine leg SA-BMC Change in leg BMC
11–12, & 15–18 yr a week for 12 wk of total BMC, vBMD Hip (femoral Pubertal status-by correlated with Ca
(54 completed) C = no intervention and bone area; 20% neck) -activity interaction intake in I group,
26 prepubertal (T1), tibi a measures of 4% and 20% significant for spine but no correlation in
12 peripubertal T2&T3; periosteal & endosteal distal tibia SA-BMC and 4% C group
16 pubertal (T4&T5) circumferences & tibia total BMC & Mean attendance was 76%
cortical area BMD: changes
greater with I vs C
in pubertal, but less
in peripubertal
T, Tanner stage; N, number; I, intervention group; C, control group; DXA, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry; BMC, bone mineral content; BA, bone area; BMD, bone mineral
Calcium in Human Health

density; BMAD, bone mineral apparent density; CSMI, cross-sectional moment of inertia; aBMD, areal bone mineral density; vBMD, volumetric bone mineral density; RCT,
randomized clinical trial; SA-BMC, size-adjusted bone mineral content; pQCT, peripheral quantitative computed tomography; PC, periosteal circumference; EC, endosteal
circumference; CSA, cross-sectional area; CWT, cortical wall thickness; E2, estradiol; TB, total body.
Table 2
Percent of Studies Finding a Positive Effect of Exercise Based on DXA Findings (number/number conducted)
Bone Size BMD or SA-BMC BMC
Chapter 14 / Physical Activity

Boys 50% 100% 0% 50% 100% 100% 0% 0% 50% 100%

0 0 0 0 (1/2) (1/1) (0/1) (1/2) (1/1) (1/1) (0/1) (0/1) (1/2) (1/1)
Girls 0% 0% 50% 0% 20% 60% 25% 50% 17% 40% 50% 29% 100%
(0/3) (0/3) (1/2) (0/3) (1/5) (3/5) (1/4) (2/4) 0 (1/6) (2/5) (3/6) (2/7) (1/1)
Gender 0% 0% 33% 0% 0% 100% 0% 25% 100% 67% 0% 50% 75% 100%
not separated (0/3) (0/3) (1/3) (0/3) (0/5) (1/1) (0/4) (1/4) (1/1) (2/3) (0/1) (2/4) (3/4) (2/2)

TOTAL 0% 0% 40% 0% 17% 71% 11% 40% 100% 40% 29% 45% 46% 100%
0/6 0/6 2/5 0/6 2/12 5/7 1/9 4/10 2/2 4/10 2/7 5/11 6/13 4/4
Prepubertal 0% 0% 67% 0% 29% 80% 0% 43% 100% 50% 50% 67% 50% 100%
(0/4) (0/2) (2/3) (0/4) (2/7) (4/5) (0/6) (3/7) (2/2) (3/6) (2/4) (4/6) (4/8) (3/3)
Pubertal 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 33% 25% 0% 20% 40% 100%
(0/2) (0/1) (0/2) (0/2) (0/3) (1/2) (1/2) (1/3) 0 (1/4) (0/3) (1/5) (2/5) (1/1)
BMD, bone mineral density; BMC, bone mineral content; SA-BMC, size adjusted BMC; TB, total body; FN, femoral neck; LS, lumbar
240 Calcium in Human Health

5.2. Pubertal or Hormonal Status

As described earlier, there appear to be different responses to bone loading activities
among prepubertal and pubertal children, especially with regard to the effect on bone
size. None of the studies conducted in pubertal children has found a benefit of bone
loading activities on bone size. However, many of these studies did not measure distal
sites, which are thought to be more likely to increase in periosteal circumference in
response to bone-loading activities (46,47). The difficulty with assessing the influence
of puberty on bone response to loading is that the definition of puberty varies from one
study to the other. In some studies puberty is defined based on menarcheal status, whereas
others considered Tanner stages 2 and 3 to be pubertal.
Some investigators have proposed that estrogen augments the bone response to load-
ing (68). If estrogen modifies the bone response to loading, it may explain why some trials
find beneficial bone effects in pubertal, but not prepubertal children (65). However,
several trials report beneficial bone effects of activity in prepubertal children and not
pubertal children (64,69,70), leading to the speculation that increased activity may
enhance bone formation during the prepubertal years by acting synergistically with GH
(71). During puberty, there appears to be decreased resorption along the endosteal surface
as well as an increase in vBMD of cortical bone among girls (72). Cortical bone vBMD
reflects not only the material density of cortical bone, but also cortical porosity. Jarvinen
and co-workers recently proposed that estrogen packs bone into the cortex and that this
increase in cortical vBMD and thickness actually leads to a bone that is less responsive
to mechanical strain (73). This may explain why some of the activity trials among puber-
tal girls do not find a beneficial effect of activity on changes in bone size.
5.3. Energy and Protein Intake
The synthesis and secretion of IGF-1 is dependent on GH and the availability of
adequate nutrient intake (74). The increase in IGF-1 concentrations may, therefore, sig-
nal target cells that adequate nutrients are available for growth and repair. Factors that
influence IGF-1 concentrations or its binding proteins will be important modulators of
biological activity. Research has found that the plasma concentrations of IGF-1 and the
IGFBPs are largely affected by dietary energy and protein intake (75).
Energy intake appears to alter plasma IGF-1 concentrations as well as its physiological
action. Isley and co-workers reported an approx 60% decrease in IGF-1 concentrations
with 5 d of fasting (76). Refeeding returned serum IGF-1 concentrations toward baseline,
but at 5 d, levels were still approx 30% below prefasting conditions. Energy balance
during exercise training also has an effect on IGF-I levels. Nemet et al. reported a signifi-
cant reduction in IGF-1 concentrations, and an increase in IGFBP-1, during 7 d of exer-
cise training with a negative energy balance of 2000 kcal (77).
A reduction in protein consumption with or without adequate energy intake also results
in a decrease in plasma IGF-1I concentrations. This decrease in circulating IGF-1 may
be the result of a decrease in synthesis or release of IGF-1 by the liver or both. Further-
more, protein restriction also may increase receptor resistance to GH at the liver or to
IGF-1 at target tissues. In the study by Isley et al. described above, the investigators
compared the effect of low protein, isocaloric diets during refeeding on IGF-1 concen-
trations (76). They reported that dietary protein reduction (1.35 g/kg body weight/d vs
0.43 g/kg/d) during the refeeding phase resulted in a blunted IGF-1 response. At the end
of the 5 d of refeeding IGF-1 concentrations in the low protein diet group were 25% below
the higher protein diet group, and 52% lower than pre-fasting levels. The difference in
Chapter 14 / Physical Activity 241

the two groups’ IGF-1 response to protein has resulted in subsequent studies focusing on
the effects of protein under-nutrition on IGF-1 concentrations.
Harp et al. reported a reduction in IGF-1 mRNA and IGF-1 release in cultured hepa-
tocytes when essential amino acids were eliminated from the culture medium (78). Sub-
sequent research in rats supported the work by Harp et al.—rats fed a casein-based diet
had 50% and 2.5-fold higher plasma IGF-1 concentrations compared with rats fed a soy
protein-based diet and a protein-free diet, respectively (79).
Over-nutrition, as well as under-nutrition, appears to affect IGF-1 concentrations.
Kraemer and co-workers found that positive energy balance increases IGF-1 concentra-
tions (80). They conducted a controlled study in which they provided either a protein/
carbohydrate supplement or a placebo for 7 d and during the last 3 d of supplementation,
the subjects participated in a resistance training program. The protein/carbohydrate
supplement provided 600 kcals (50 g protein, 100 g carbohydrate, 0 g fat) per serving and
subjects consumed this supplement three times per day in addition to their normal diet.
Serum IGF-1 concentrations increased 25% by the third day of resistance training in
subjects consuming the protein/carbohydrate supplement. There was no change in serum
IGF-1 concentrations during the 3 d of resistance training in subjects who consumed the
Results from our lab indicate that protein intake during training also has a significant
effect on circulating IGF-1 concentrations. Individuals were randomized to consume
either an additional 84 g of protein (casein) per day or placebo while participating in
a 6-mo strength and conditioning program. On average, the treatment group consumed
2.25 g/kg body weight vs 1.12 g/kg among the controls. Total caloric intake was identical
in the two groups. We observed that protein supplementation resulted in a significant
increase in serum IGF-1 concentrations over the 6-mo study, whereas the placebo group
experienced a significant decrease.
In summary, both energy intake and protein consumption alter circulating IGF-1
concentrations. Dietary protein intake appears to have a greater affect on IGF-1 concen-
trations than energy intake alone. Protein supplementation increases circulating IGF-1
levels during short- and long-term resistance training. Whether prolonged protein supple-
mentation in conjunction with exercise affects bone metabolism via IGF-1 has yet to be

5.4. Calcium Intake

Calcium intake appears to modify the bone response to loading activities. One 2 × 2
trial that was sized to detect a calcium-by-activity interaction found significant effects in
leg SA-BMC and cortical area and thickness at the 20% distal tibia site (62). In this study
there was a greater increase in leg SA-BMC and cortical area and thickness among
children who were randomized to gross motor (i.e., bone-loading) activities vs fine motor
activities if they received supplemental calcium, whereas there was no effect of exercise
on leg SA-BMC if they received a placebo (Fig. 3). Although two additional trials of
calcium supplementation and exercise have been reported (81,82), neither were sized to
detect a significant interaction and one had an average attendance at the exercise inter-
vention of 36% (82). One study found a similar calcium-by-activity interaction as Specker
and co-workers with femur BMC measured from a DXA total body scan (81).
A study conducted in infants actually found that those infants who were consuming
low levels of calcium and were randomized to bone loading activities had less gain in total
242 Calcium in Human Health

Fig 3. The change in leg bone mineral content (BMC) shows the interaction of activity-by-calcium
intake. The cross-sectional images above the bars illustrates the pQCT findings of the cross-
section of the tibia at study completion. (Adapted from ref. 86.)

body BMC than those infants randomized to nonloading activities (32). At higher cal-
cium intakes, there was no difference between the intervention groups in total body bone
accretion. Infants at this age (6–18 mo) are undergoing the most rapid gain in linear
growth that they would experience throughout their lifetimes. The authors speculated that
during this period of rapid growth, a low calcium intake may limit the bone gain and
actually lead to a decrease in bone accretion with increased loading. Six-hour urinary
calcium excretion tended to be lower, and PTH marginally higher, in the infants random-
ized to bone-loading activities vs controls and the higher PTH may have lead to increased
urinary phosphate excretion thereby limiting the substrate available for mineralization (B.
Specker, unpublished data).
The study by Johannsen and co-workers also found that the results of the exercise
intervention varied by calcium intake (83). They observed a relationship between change
in leg BMC by calcium intake among those children in the intervention group who
jumped daily, but no correlation among those children in the control group.
The results of these trials suggest that calcium intake may play a role in modifying the
bone response to loading. However, the mechanism behind this effect is not clear. High
calcium intakes are thought to decrease bone turnover, especially at the endosteal surface
and may explain the greater cortical wall thickness observed in the study by Specker and
co-workers (62). However, this increase in cortical wall thickness theoretically should
have made the bone less likely to expand at the periosteal surface, yet exercise resulted
in similar periosteal circumferences whether they child was receiving supplemental cal-
cium or not. Unfortunately, cortical vBMD could not be accurately determined owing to
the small cortical wall thicknesses.

In conclusion, exercise has a significant impact on calcium metabolism, growth, and
bone. However, the mechanisms by which exercise affects bone or the specific types of
loading (amount vs frequency) that is best to improve bone health are not known. Exer-
cise of different intensities and durations as well as different forms of exercise (strength
Chapter 14 / Physical Activity 243

vs endurance) have resulted in different responses in ionized calcium, PTH, and growth
factors. Animal studies show that bone remodeling can be increased within a short time
with minimal load. High bending and torsional loads lead to increases in periosteal
expansion, whereas compression loads lead to bone apposition on endosteal surfaces.
The lack of consistent findings among pediatric activity trials is likely to be due to the
different types of loads, different technologies used to measure bone, and the possibility
that the bone response to activity is dependent upon pubertal status, BMI and baseline
activity levels, or the nutrient intakes of the children.

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Chapter 15 / Human Calcium Appetite 247

15 The Case for a Calcium Appetite

in Humans

Michael G. Tordoff

• Anthropological and clinical studies suggest humans increase calcium intake in response
to calcium deficiency.
• Calcium appetite can be expressed as an increase in preference and consumption of (a)
calcium, (b) compounds that taste like calcium, (c) compounds that promote calcium
metabolism, or (d) compounds that have been associated with calcium consumption in
the past.
• Such “sublimated” expression of calcium appetite might explain why humans consume
so much salt and fat.

Other chapters in this book discuss calcium requirements and sources, the physiologi-
cal mechanisms of calcium homeostasis, and diseases that are caused or exacerbated by
insufficient calcium consumption. There is often an implicit assumption made that if only
people consumed as much calcium as they need—or as much as nutritionists tell them
they need—homeostatic mechanisms could maintain calcium balance and the diseases
would be ameliorated. But there has been very little attention paid to the question of why
people consume less calcium than they need. This chapter examines this critical but
neglected question.
There are at least two logical possibilities for why calcium intakes are insufficient to
meet needs. First, it may be that people do not recognize their need for calcium. Second,
they may recognize the need but either cannot find calcium or are not motivated enough
to obtain it. It would be nice to evaluate these possibilities by referring to rigorous clinical
studies of humans, but this is not possible; the requisite experiments have not been
conducted. Instead, frequent use is made of the pertinent animal literature to illustrate mecha-
nisms, and where possible suggestive evidence from studies of humans is pointed out.

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
248 Calcium in Human Health

1.1. Nutritional Wisdom and Specific Appetites

The notion of “wisdom of the body” was introduced by Cannon (1) to summarize
diverse observations showing that environmental perturbations produce physiological
responses that maintain homeostasis. In the 1930s, Richter extended this idea by showing
that homeostasis involved behavioral as well as physiological components (for reviews,
see refs. 2–4). A seminal observation was that rats thrive and grow normally if allowed
to choose among several food ingredients (Richter usually used casein, sucrose, olive oil,
NaCl, Na2HPO4, KCl, calcium lactate, baker’s yeast, cod liver oil, and wheat germ oil
[3]). Moreover, rats with an induced physiological need for a particular nutrient selec-
tively increased consumption of the needed nutrient. The most cited examples are studies
in which rats increased consumption of NaCl solution after adrenalectomy, which pre-
vents sodium retention and thus increases the animal’s sodium requirement (3–5). Less
well known are similar studies in which rats chose appropriate nutrients in response to
vitamin B deficiency (6–8), pregnancy and lactation (3,9), and, most pertinent here, after
parathyroidectomy (10–14). During pregnancy and lactation, intake of several nutrient
sources increased including calcium lactate. After parathyroidectomy, intake of calcium
lactate increased dramatically whereas intakes of other nutrients were either unaltered or
decreased. Although Richter did not have the equipment to show it, we now know that
the loss of parathyroid hormone (PTH) produced by parathyroidectomy causes hypocal-
cemia, and this can be ameliorated by calcium consumption. Richter’s rats with parathy-
roidectomy displayed “nutritional wisdom” with respect to their physiological
requirement for calcium. They consumed what they needed.
Later findings added weight to the notion that rats with parathyroidectomy have a
specific hunger for calcium. First, Richter demonstrated that the increased intake of
calcium was reversed by treatments that would be expected to influence calcium homeo-
stasis (e.g., reimplantation of the parathyroid glands, injection of parathyroid extract,
injection of vitamin D). Indeed, in the era before radioimmunoassay, he suggested that
calcium intake of rats with parathyroidectomy was a sensitive bioassay for PTH (2).
Second, Lewis (15) showed that rats with parathyroidectomy worked (i.e., pressed a
lever) to obtain calcium, and that these animals worked harder after they were calcium-
deprived for a few hours. Third, Emmers and Nocenti (16) demonstrated that the increase
in calcium intake observed after parathyroidectomy was abolished by lesions of the
“taste” region of the ventrobasal thalamus. This argues that rats that could not distinguish
calcium by taste could not select it. Fourth, Leshem and colleagues demonstrated that
adult rats after parathyroidectomy had greater increases in consumption of CaCl2 than
NaCl or MgCl2 solutions in choice tests (17), and that this specific CaCl2 preference in
response to parathyroidectomy developed at approx 6 d of age (18). Taken together, these
studies make a compelling case that calcium hunger is innate and specific in the rat.
A comprehensive review of dozens of additional studies in which calcium appetite has
been studied after manipulations that perturb calcium metabolism was published recently
(19) and so will not be reiterated here. In addition to parathyroidectomy, a variety of
methods have been used to induce a calcium appetite (e.g., dietary calcium deficiency,
acute hypocalcemia, pregnancy and lactation). Moreover, although most of this work has
been conducted using rats or chickens, there is confirmatory evidence from diverse
vertebrate species including the iguana (20), rabbit (21), pig (22), great tit (23), marmoset
Chapter 15 / Human Calcium Appetite 249

Table 1
Manipulations That Influence Blood Calcium Levels and Calcium Intake in the Rat
Plasma Plasma
total ionized Calcium
Target Manipulation calcium calcium intake
Calcium Low-calcium diet   
High-calcium diet   
Calcium infusions   
Parathyroid Parathyroidectomy   
hormone (PTH) PTH infusion   
Calcitonin Thyroidectomy 0 0 0
Calcitonin infusion (acute)   
Calcitonin infusion (chronic) 0 0 0
Vitamin D Vitamin D deficient diet   
High doses of 1,25(OH)2D   
Calcium binding
to blood Low-protein diet  0 0
proteins Estrogen (chickens) 0  
Miscellaneous Polyethylene glycol 0  
, large increase; , moderate increase; 0, no change; , moderate decrease; , large decrease. Note
that calcium intake is always inversely related to blood ionized calcium concentrations. The results are
compiled from the following sources: refs. 59,87,88,122,123, and unpublished results. A more detailed
survey can be found in ref. 19.

(24), and gorilla (25). It does not seem extravagant, then, to generalize that all vertebrates,
including humans, have the physiological substrate to support a calcium appetite.

1.2. Physiological Basis for Calcium Appetite

The physiological event that triggers calcium appetite has not been unequivocally
characterized, but the preponderance of evidence supports a mechanism sensitive to
blood ionized calcium concentrations (19). Calcium intake is increased by manipulations
that decrease blood ionized calcium concentrations and decreased by manipulations that
increase blood-ionized calcium concentrations (Table 1).
Both rats and human have extracellular calcium receptors in the parathyroid gland that
respond to calcium deficiency by releasing parathyroid hormone (26,27). Work with the
rat has found the same receptors in many brain regions including the subfornical organ
(28), an area that has been implicated in the control of several ingestive behaviors includ-
ing calcium appetite (29). Perhaps they provide the signal that informs the brain when
calcium is needed.
The response to calcium deficiency involves behavioral activation and direction, and
also a change in oral sensitivity to calcium in such a manner that the taste of calcium is
more acceptable (30,31). It is intriguing in this regard that the calcium receptor shares
moderate homology with bitter and sweet taste receptors (32). It is tempting to speculate
that the extracellular calcium receptor acts to detect calcium on the tongue as well as in
the blood.
250 Calcium in Human Health

1.3. Nutritional Wisdom in Humans

Contemporaneously with Richter’s studies on nutritional wisdom in rats, Davis showed
that human infants could select a nutritionally reasonable diet and thrive when allowed
to choose among several foodstuffs for several months (33,34). Moreover, Wilkins and
Richter (35) described a child with adrenal hyperplasia (probably a 21-hydroxylase defi-
ciency) who consumed salt by the handful. When the child was hospitalized his salt intake
was restricted and he died. These results looked like examples of human nutritional
wisdom in action.
Despite the promising start, the study of nutritional wisdom in humans has not pro-
gressed much. Davis’ work has been criticized because (a) the foods made available to
her subjects were chosen so as to avoid those that might be overwhelmingly preferred
(i.e., there were no sweet foods), and (b) the same outcomes would probably have
occurred if the children selected foods randomly (see ref. 36). Moreover, despite
Wilkins and Richter’s (35) ill-fated but dramatic demonstration of the importance of salt
ingestion, the majority of patients with Addison’s and other salt-wasting diseases mani-
fest no noticeable increase in salt intake (37).
Problems have also arisen with the animal literature on nutritional wisdom. There are
many examples of animals that select inappropriate diets (see refs. 38–41 for examples).
Factors such as the food’s palatability and availability, and the animal’s past experience
and social communication can often override physiological needs.
So, is nutritional wisdom a useful concept for understanding food choice? There is a
rift between “animal” and “human” researchers in interpretation that appears to be based
more on philosophy than data. Investigators studying animals tend to have backgrounds
in physiology, where the biological basis of behavior is stressed. Moreover, studies in
animals tend to involve long-term investigations with relatively few simple food choices
available, tightly controlled environments (including social isolation), and little extrane-
ous past experience to worry about. On the other hand, investigators studying humans
tend to have backgrounds in psychology and other cognitive sciences. They rarely con-
duct long-term studies, provide much more complex foods for subjects to choose from,
and have to contend with the diverse social, cultural, and past experiences of their sub-
jects. Nutritional wisdom in humans is also held to a higher standard than nutritional
wisdom in animals. It is usually enough that animals engage in compensatory behaviors
so that they (a) don’t die and (b) appear normal, but for humans we ask for optimal health
into old age. The result is that nutritional wisdom continues to be the major theoretical
underpinning of most research involving food selection by animals but it is usually
dismissed as irrelevent for human food selection. A conciliatory interpretation is that
humans still show nutritional wisdom, but that its influence is often overwhelmed or
masked by other, nonregulatory factors influencing food choice (see, for example, ref.
39). The implication is that calcium appetite and other examples of nutritional wisdom
will be evident in humans only if the physiological perturbation is large, the influence of
other factors is reduced, and/or large numbers of subjects are tested to allow statistical
disentanglement of subtle components.


A major issue is how to recognize calcium appetite. What food choices can be used to
infer that a calcium appetite is present? The researcher is confronted with a circular
Chapter 15 / Human Calcium Appetite 251

argument: If nutritional wisdom is at play and the subjects have access to calcium, then
they will select appropriate calcium-containing foods and thus are never calcium-defi-
cient. If they are never calcium-deficient, then calcium appetite will never be observed.
This means that in an environment where calcium is easily available the evidence for
calcium appetite will be, at best, subtle. In environments where calcium is unavailable,
calcium appetite either cannot be expressed (because there is no calcium to ingest) or will
be expressed obliquely, by the ingestion of compounds that indirectly influence calcium
metabolism. In other words, calcium appetite is most likely to be expressed as consump-
tion of substances that influence calcium metabolism rather than by consumption of
calcium itself.

2.1. Recognizing Calcium

The human tongue is exquisitely sensitive to calcium. It can detect micromolar con-
centrations of calcium salts dissolved in water (42). Indeed, detection thresholds are
lower than those typically found in saliva or tap water. In general, the taste of calcium is
not easy to describe although it clearly differs from the taste of other minerals (43). Most
people have tasted blackboard chalk or masonry lime, so have an idea of what “pure”
sources of calcium taste like. Humans consider the primary taste qualities of calcium salts
to be bitterness and sourness, but the contribution of each quality varies with the calcium
salt tested and its concentration (42,44). Low concentrations of some calcium salts are
considered to be more pleasant than water (45), whereas high concentrations of all cal-
cium salts are rated as unpleasant (42). This unpleasant taste is a serious barrier to the
production of high-calcium foods and drinks.
All studies of human calcium psychophysics have involved nutritionally replete sub-
jects. However, electrophysiological recordings of rat gustatory sensory nerves and
gustatory brain nuclei suggest that the animal’s physiological calcium status influences
its perception of calcium. Thus, relative to replete controls, calcium-deficient rats are
more sensitive to low concentrations of calcium and less sensitive to high ones (31).
Moreover, applying calcium to the tongue of calcium-deprived, relative to replete, rats
produces greater activity in “sweet-best” neurons, which are associated with pleasant
tastes (30). These results suggest that calcium tastes better to the calcium-deficient than
replete rat. There is no reason to suspect the same is not true of calcium-deficient humans
(see ref. 19 for discussion of mechanisms underlying calcium taste transduction).
Despite the low threshold for calcium detection, it is an open question whether calcium
is ever detected in human foods. For example, skim milk contains roughly 30 mmol/L
calcium, but more than 90% is bound to proteins or phosphates and so probably cannot
be tasted. Moreover, the taste of other ingredients most likely masks any free calcium.
Not being able to taste calcium is obviously a problem for the recognition of calcium, but
it does not necessarily prevent the identification of sources of calcium if appropriate cues
are available (see Subheading 2.4.).

2.2. Calcium Taste Mimics

There may be compounds that mimic the taste of calcium sufficiently closely that
confusion occurs. Two are strontium and lead. A similarity between the taste of calcium
and strontium appears probable given that both elements belong to the same group of the
periodic table. Moreover, several studies involving long-term choice tests suggest that
animals respond to strontium as if it were calcium (10,46,47). Confusion between the
252 Calcium in Human Health

taste of lead and calcium has been suggested (19), based on findings that rats consider
these two salts to have similar taste profiles (48), and that calcium-deficient rats avidly
lick lead acetate solution in a brief-exposure test (49).
Whether humans confuse the tastes of calcium, strontium, and lead has not been tested.
However, this is not without practical importance. Based on data that calcium-deprived
rats and monkeys consume lead acetate solution, it has been suggested that calcium
deficiency is a cause of lead poisoning in children (50,51).

2.3. Compounds That, When Ingested, Promote Calcium Homeostasis

The primary goal of calcium homeostasis is to protect blood-ionized calcium concen-
trations. This is most easily achieved by consuming calcium, but if calcium is not avail-
able, consumption of some other compounds can help, at least temporarily. One reason
that calcium-deprived animals consume strontium and lead is that these can be incorpo-
rated into bone (52), which allows the calcium they replace to increase blood calcium
concentrations. Blood calcium can also be increased by compounds that enhance the
absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract. Increased calcium absorption can
be achieved by consuming compounds that slow gastrointestinal transit, such as lactose
and clay (discussed later), or increase the concentration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D,
such as lead (53) and cod liver oil (discussed later). The opposite is also true. Calcium-
deficient rats avoid solutions containing phosphorus (10,14,16,54), which is entirely
appropriate because phosphorus counteracts calcium homeostasis at several levels.
An important example of a compound that promotes calcium homeostasis when in-
gested is NaCl. Rats fed a low-calcium diet voluntarily and progressively increase intake
of hypertonic NaCl solutions from just a few milliliters a day to more than 200 mL/d
(Fig. 1). If calcium is reintroduced to the diet or made available as a separate source,
NaCl intake returns to baseline levels within 24 h (55).
There has been considerable effort to discover the mechanism underlying this dra-
matic phenomenon (55–64). It appears, however, that the mechanism is quite simple.
Ingested sodium enters the blood stream where it interferes with the distribution of
calcium. Normally, a substantial proportion of circulating calcium is bound to proteins
but in the presence of elevated sodium levels, some of this bound calcium is released into
the free (ionized) pool. Because it is ionized calcium that is the mediator of calcium
appetite (see Table 1), the rat has effectively ameliorated its deficiency (64). It therefore
learns to ingest NaCl in order to gain relief from its malady (see Subheading 2.4). Unfor-
tunately for the rat, this is only temporary, because the excess sodium is excreted, and
even more unfortunately this also results in calcium loss because sodium and calcium
excretion are linked (61). Thus, the rat is caught in a vicious cycle in which it drinks
sodium for a short-term and superficial gain in calcium status but this leads to a long-term
loss in calcium reserves.

2.4. Flavors Associated With Calcium

The fact that calcium may not be tasted is not a problem for the expression of calcium
appetite. This is because flavors presented together with calcium (e.g., the flavor of milk)
become associated with its beneficial effects. This has been investigated extensively in
poultry (46,65) and rats (66–69). For example, poultry can recognize the calcium content
of a food by its color (46). Rats can acquire a preference for an arbitrary flavor of Kool
Chapter 15 / Human Calcium Appetite 253

Fig. 1. Intake of NaCl solution by Fischer-344 rats fed nutritionally complete diet (Control), low-
calcium diet (Ca2+-deficient), or low-sodium diet (Na+-deficient). Note the progressive increase
in NaCl intake of the group of rats fed low-calcium diet. Water intakes for the three groups were
similar (data not shown; see ref. 57 for methodological details). A similar phenomenon may exist
in humans (see Subheading 3.5).

Aid (a fruit-flavored drink mix) when this is either mixed with CaCl2 or always followed
by an intragastric infusion of calcium (68,69). The mechanism for the acquisition of these
taste preferences appears to involve Pavlovian association, akin to the much-studied
conditioned taste aversion. The learned preference for foods associated with calcium has
not been demonstrated in humans, but once again, there is no reason to suspect that it does
not occur.

2.5. The Specificity of Calcium Appetite

The previous three subsections describe reasons why animals that are calcium-defi-
cient ingest noncalcium compounds. To some investigators, this appears counterintuitive
because a hallmark of a specific appetite is that it is specific. The appetite for sodium—
the “gold standard” for specific appetites—encompasses ingestion of just sodium and
lithium compounds. How can the appetite for calcium be considered specific when it
includes many compounds, including arbitrary flavors that happen to have been paired
with calcium? The answer to this conundrum is that specificity applies when animals
have an appropriate choice. When calcium is available, calcium-deficient rats select it.
When given a choice between separate drinking tubes containing appropriate concentra-
tions of CaCl2 and MgCl2, or between CaCl2 and NaCl, intact rats drink roughly the same
of each choice, but rats with parathyroidectomy drink more of the CaCl2 solution (17).
Similarly, replete rats given a choice between 30 mM CaCl2 and 30 mM MgCl2 drink
roughly the same of each solution, whereas rats fed a low-calcium diet drink more CaCl2
than MgCl2, and rats fed a low-magnesium diet drink more MgCl2 than CaCl2 (70). Rats
fed a low-calcium diet drink large volumes of hypertonic NaCl solutions if this is the only
solution available (as well as water), but not if a calcium lactate solution is also available,
and the high NaCl intakes dissipate within a few hours of providing a source of calcium
(55,56). These studies demonstrate that rats can choose specifically and appropriately to
correct their deficit when calcium is available, but “make do” with alternatives if it is not.
254 Calcium in Human Health


The previous sections outline the mechanisms by which an appetite for calcium is
expressed in animals. It is now time to consider whether humans use similar mechanisms.
Ideally, the way to observe calcium appetite in humans would be to compare the food
choices of large groups of calcium-deficient and replete individuals. One might expect
that, relative to controls, the calcium-deficient subjects would choose more foods that
contain calcium or increase calcium status. Of course, deliberately depriving humans of
calcium is unethical and this experiment has not been done. Less perfect strategies must
be entertained. The investigator must observe human populations that have calcium
metabolism perturbed “naturally” or as a consequence of malnutrition or disease. Unfor-
tunately, the evidence collected to date is not concerted and far from conclusive. It may
be better to consider much of it as “promising hints” for guiding future studies than as
3.1. Liking Cod Liver Oil
When calcium is scarce, it is important to make the most of what is available. Cod liver
oil is a source of vitamin D, and vitamin D improves gastrointestinal absorption of
calcium, so ingesting cod liver oil helps to maintain calcium homeostasis. Along these
lines, it has been shown that calcium intake of rats is increased by vitamin D deficiency
(59,71) and decreased by injections of vitamin D (13) or chronic infusions of high doses
of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.
Although vitamin D deficiency is now relatively rare in the United States, its physical
manifestation as rickets was prevalent in big cities in the 1920s and 1930s. The most
common “cure” was to give cod liver oil. Well-nourished children find the odor and taste
of cod liver oil to be very unpleasant, making its administration a nasty experience for all
involved. However, the dislike of cod liver oil is not universal. In the seminal study by
Clara Davis of human food selection (see Subheading 1.3 and ref. 34), one of the three
orphan infants tested started the experiment with active rickets, which resolved over the
6 mo of the experiment. The results are meticulously documented: “Earl H. [chose] cod
liver oil and a milk (S.M.A.) containing cod liver oil served on his tray during the first
months of the experiment and ... he took voluntarily 47 1/2 drachms (178 cc) of the pure
cod liver oil and 21 1/3 drachms (80 cc) of cod liver oil incorporated in S.M.A., a total of
68 5/8 drachms (258 cc) in 101 d. About the time the blood calcium and phosphorus
reached normal and the roentgenogram showed the rickets had healed, he ceased to take
any pure cod liver oil.”
Following up on Davis’ lead, Richter (3) found that cod liver oil was accepted almost
universally by 5-yr-olds (who were probably from inner-city Baltimore), but that this
acceptance decreased with age. He also reported that “some children ... had an almost
insatiable appetite for cod liver oil. When allowed to satisfy their craving they took as
much as 16 tablespoonfuls in one day, and continued to take high amounts for 5–10 days.
After that they took only small amounts, and finally stated that they no longer liked it. Rats
kept on diets deficient in vitamins A or D responded in much the same way when offered
cod liver oil” (ref. 3, pp. 96–97).
Thus, both rats and children consume cod liver oil when it does them good, but refuse
it when it does not. There are other explanations for the results, but the most obvious one
is that cod liver oil consumption is self-medication directed by the need for calcium.
Chapter 15 / Human Calcium Appetite 255

3.2. Consuming Clay

The ingestion of dirt (geophagy) has been described for diverse species from parrots
(72) to primates (73) and is particularly prevalent among ungulates (74,75). However,
little attention has been paid to the significance of this behavior in humans. The prepa-
ration of tortillas in many parts of Central America involves soaking them in lime.
Similarly, the Quechua Indians from the high Peruvian Andes supplement their diet by
eating a powdered rock porridge (cal), and chewing ashed stalks (llipta) along with coca
(76). These culinary procedures may help alleviate calcium deficiency, but they are
probably not the only purpose. Soaking tortillas increases their calcium content but also
makes dough that is more easily rolled out. The Quechua may chew lime because it
increases the availability of active alkaloids from coca.
A more convincing argument for clay consumption as a behavioral response to cal-
cium deficiency has been made based on pregnant women from many African (and some
African-American [77,78]) societies (79–82). Pregnant women report they have a “strong
desire” for clay and indicate that consumption provides them with feelings of well-being
(78). They consume it in small amounts throughout the day rather than as a single meal.
Hunter (81) reported that societies showing geophagy in southern Africa frequently lived
in areas with low soil calcium content but chose to consume clays high in calcium,
particularly those formed by colonies of termites, which accumulate calcium carbonate.
Clay from termite mounds is traded throughout western and southern sub-Saharan Africa
in much the same manner as is salt (75,83). Indeed, one source suggests that “In East
Africa the search for edible earths rich in calcium was frequently a cause of tribal raids
and the evidence points to these products being instinctively consumed to make good the
lack of lime in the customary diet” (84).
An elegant survey of the relationship between dairy farming and clay consumption by
African societies has been published by Wiley and Katz (82). They compared 15 societies
that farmed cows for milk (“dairying”) with 45 that did not (“nondairying”). As Fig. 2
shows, there were significant differences between the milk drinkers and nondrinkers in
the frequency distribution of clay consumption, with the practice being much more
common in nondairying societies than dairying ones.
The simplest interpretation of the inverse relationship between dairying and geophagy
is that societies that do not drink milk compensate for the lack of calcium by consuming
clay. Of course, it is also possible to consider the advent of dairy farming as a manifes-
tation of human calcium appetite.
It is unfortunate that calcium intakes of most of the African societies surveyed have
not been measured. Values for some of them range from 200 to 2030 mg/d calcium (see
ref. 82). However, the utility of intake measurements is questionable because such figures
do not account for the differences in availability of calcium from different sources. The
plant diets of nondairying societies are high in fiber, phytates, and oxalates, which all
reduce calcium absorption. They thus increase the effective difference between dairying
and non-dairying societies (82). Another problem is that not all the clay consumed is high
in calcium (see ref. 82 and Table 15.4 therein). However, even calcium-free clays are
beneficial because clay slows gastrointestinal transit and probably binds to, and thus
effectively deactivates, phytates and oxalates. This allows more complete absorption of
calcium from other components of the diet.
256 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 2. Distribution of geophagy (clay consumption) by 60 African societies split into those that
raise cows for milk (dairying) and those that do not (nondairying). Geophagy rating scale: 0,
absent; 1, rare; 2, occasional; 3, common; 4, virtually universal. The impact of dairying to reduce
geophagy is probably underestimated because several dairying tribes limit or prohibit women
from consuming dairy products. (Data extracted from ref. 82.)

This is not to say that the only function of geophagy is to provide calcium. Clays often
contain magnesium and iron. They also have other benefits. Clay sequesters toxic plant
compounds in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby detoxifying them. Some of these com-
pounds may be teratogenic to the embryo. Moreover, geophagy can prevent pregnancy-
related vomiting and diarrhea and so it is an appropriate response to gastrointestinal
discomfort or malaise. Indeed, geophagy has been used as a proxy measure of illness in
the rat (e.g., ref. 85). Finally, perhaps by virtue of reducing feelings of malaise, geophagy
can markedly increase the total energy intake of pregnant women (86). Both the increased
energy intake and reduced vomiting are likely to increase effective calcium intake.

3.3. Calcium in the Clinic: Choosing Chalky Cheese

Animal studies suggest that chelation and other treatments that produce hypocalcemia
also induce a calcium appetite (87,88). Recently, Leshem and colleagues (89) have
investigated the effects on calcium preferences and calcium intensity ratings of chronic
hemodialysis treatments that incidentally reduced plasma calcium concentrations. Ten
patients and 10 age-matched controls were asked to choose their most and least favorite
of three cream cheeses that were prepared with different amounts of calcium. Figure 3
shows the results: most of the controls reported the “best” cheese to be the one with the
lowest calcium concentration and the “worst” cheese to be the one with the highest
calcium concentration. In contrast, several of the patients reported the “best” cheese to
have moderate or high concentrations of calcium and the “worst” cheese to have the
lowest calcium concentration. Consistent with these rankings, patients described the
cheese with the highest calcium concentration as significantly tastier than did controls.
Despite the difference in cheese preference, there were no differences between patients
Chapter 15 / Human Calcium Appetite 257

Fig. 3. Cheese choice of 10 controls and 10 patients undergoing hemodialysis. Three cheeses
differing in calcium concentration were tested. Top panel, number of subjects who considered
each cheese as the “best” one. Bottom panel, number of subjects who considered each cheese as
the “worst” one. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 89, with permission.)

and controls in ratings of taste intensity of the cheeses, in ratings of the intensity of five
concentrations of CaCl2 or sucrose in solution, in the ranking of the pleasantness of these
solution concentrations, or in ratings of whether the solutions would be acceptable “in a
health drink.”
This study is open to criticism on several grounds: There were only a few subjects
tested, there were no physiological data to corroborate that calcium metabolism was
perturbed at the time patients were tested, and there were inadequate controls to charac-
terize the specificity of the physiological deficit or the calcium preference. Nevertheless,
this is an encouraging first attempt at concerted psychophysical testing for changes in
calcium appetite in a clinical population.
Other clinical populations with disturbances of calcium metabolism have not been
studied in detail. Richter stated that “children with parathyroid deficiency have been
reported to show a craving for chalk, plaster, and other substances with a high calcium
content” (ref. 3, p. 98). Unfortunately, however, no evidence for this is presented. There
is one study showing that patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism have reduced sensi-
tivity to selected odors and sour and bitter tastes (90). Perhaps these changes are owing
to an underlying altered sensitivity to calcium, but this was not tested directly, and there
were equivocal effects on sensitivity to sweetness and saltiness, which makes interpre-
tation difficult.
258 Calcium in Human Health

Table 2
Intake of Energy and Nutrients by Women During Breast-Feeding Either
a Single Child or Twins
Intake Single Twin Increase (%)
Energy, kcal 1859 ± 364 2386 ± 705 28%
Protein, g 84 ± 27 103 ± 31 23%
Ca, mg 996 ± 455 1790 ± 671 80%
P, mg 1430 ± 521 1797 ± 553 26%
Mg, mg 222 ± 82 247 ± 94 11%
Data extracted from ref. 98. Values are average daily intakes based on 19 mothers
of singletons and 15 mothers of twins, collected during the first 6 wk of lactation.
Similar results were found up to 26 wk lactation. Note that mothers of twins ate 80%
more calcium but only approx 25% more of other food ingredients than did mothers
of singletons, suggesting that the extra demands of breast-feeding twins causes a
specific increase in calcium intake.

3.4. Calcium Intake During Pregnancy and Lactation

Several studies show that calcium intakes are higher in lactating than nonlactating
women, and that calcium intakes increase as the children become older (and suckle more
milk [91–97]). Women nursing twins consume significantly more calcium than do women
with only one child to nurse (98). Intriguingly, the ratio of calcium intake to energy intake
is higher in mothers of twins than singletons (Table 2), suggesting that there may be
preferential intake of calcium during lactation. Of course, it is unclear whether this is due
to changes in diet selection to favor calcium-containing products or the result of nutri-
tional counseling directed specifically at increasing calcium intake.

3.5. Sodium Intake as a Response to Calcium Deficiency

The previous examples of calcium appetite in humans have involved special popula-
tions with poor nutritional status, clinically induced hypocalcemia, or a demand for
calcium enhanced by lactation. The question thus arises of whether calcium appetite has
relevance for the majority of the well-nourished, healthy US population and other West-
ernized societies.
As discussed under Subheading 2.3., there is considerable evidence that rats progres-
sively increase NaCl intake when fed a low-calcium diet. Data showing that ingested
sodium liberates calcium from plasma proteins led to the proposal that an appropriate
response to calcium deficiency is to consume sodium because this temporarily alleviates
calcium deficiency (64). Consuming sodium would reduce the appetite for calcium until
the additional sodium was excreted. Under these circumstances, salty foods would be-
come preferred during calcium deficiency even though saltiness does not signal calcium
(see Subheading 2.3.).
There are indirect but persuasive data to support this hypothesis. Populations with a
high demand for calcium have elevated NaCl preferences (e.g., pregnant and lactating
women [99], children [100–102]). Moreover, subjects with low calcium intakes prefer
significantly higher concentrations of NaCl in tomato juice and other salted foods than
do subjects with high calcium intakes (61,103).
Chapter 15 / Human Calcium Appetite 259

3.6. Fat Intake as a Response to Calcium Deficiency

The previous examples of calcium appetites have some basis in human research. A
highly speculative further possibility is that low calcium intakes lead people to consume
more fat. There are two reasons to believe this, both based on animal studies. First,
calcium-deficient rats avoid sweet things, including sweet carbohydrates (104). This
switches preferences away from carbohydrates and thus towards fat. Second, as dis-
cussed previously, studies with rats and poultry show that arbitrary flavors can become
associated with the beneficial postingestive effects of calcium consumption (46,68,69).
It is therefore quite possible that human infants associate the fatty texture of breast milk
with the benefits of calcium consumption. When later in life they require calcium, they
may seek out this fatty texture. It seems reasonable to assume this would include dairy
products as well as other fatty foods. Excess fat consumption is a cause of obesity (105).
Several investigators have reported inverse correlations between calcium intakes and
body weight in epidemiological studies (106–112) and there are also reports of reductions
in body weight during clinical trials involving calcium supplementation (108,109,113).
It has been hypothesized that the lipogenic action of high circulating concentrations of
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D is responsible for the obesity (109,114), but this does not
appear to be supported by recent animal research (115,116). Perhaps, instead, the mecha-
nism involves a misguided attempt to find calcium in the many foods with a fatty texture.


Based on the existence of a demonstrated calcium appetite in other mammals, there is
good reason to believe that humans have the physiological and anatomical substrate for
a calcium appetite. For the remainder of this chapter, it is assumed that humans have a
calcium appetite and the question “What is wrong?” is addressed. Why don’t people
consume as much calcium as they need?
Of course, there is no answer to this question at present. As mentioned in the introduc-
tion, there are two logical possibilities. One is that there is an internal problem: humans
may not recognize they need calcium; that is, they are never sufficiently deficient to
activate calcium appetite. The other is an external one: that is, humans may be motivated
to seek calcium but either cannot find it or make inappropriate choices for other reasons.
Each of these possibilities is addressed separately.

4.1. Are Humans Ever Calcium-Deficient Enough for Calcium Appetite

To Be Activated?
Identifying the internal stimulus controlling calcium appetite is crucial for understand-
ing the problem of why humans do not eat enough calcium to prevent chronic diseases.
The animal data suggest the stimulus triggering calcium appetite is related to hypocal-
cemia (see Subheading 1.2.). It is quite possible that abnormal depletion of bone stores
(i.e., ultimately, osteoporosis) or even elevated intracellular calcium concentrations (i.e.,
ultimately, hypertension) can occur without detectable hypocalcemia, and thus without
activating calcium appetite. It is difficult to see how calcium appetite could have evolved
as an adaptive strategy to prevent chronic diseases, because these usually strike after the
reproductive years, when death or disability has little influence on gene transmission.
260 Calcium in Human Health

Living to be old enough to have brittle bones is a new development in human evolution.
Calcium appetite might prevent death from calcium deprivation, but modern diets must
also provide optimal health and a long life. Maybe calcium appetite serves to help us
survive only until we reproduce and wean our children.
Assuming that an anatomical substrate for calcium appetite is present, when, if ever,
is it used? There are three possible answers to this question: Never, sometimes, or always.
The “never” answer implies that humans differ from other animals, and that the examples
of cod liver oil, clay, cheese, calcium, and salt intake listed in Subheading 3 are epiphe-
nomena caused by other factors accompanying calcium deficiency. One reason for be-
lieving that humans never need a calcium appetite is that they are relatively large and
slow-growing. Nearly all work on the mechanisms underlying calcium appetite has been
conducted using small, rapidly growing or egg-laying animals. It is difficult to demon-
strate a calcium appetite in other large mammals, such as cows and pigs (22,117,118; see
also discussion in ref. 19). Large animals have large bones and thus large calcium re-
serves. It may be that with large calcium reserves, large animals rarely if ever need to
resort to behavior to maintain calcium status. The counter-argument to this is that large
animals also live longer and so they have longer to accumulate a calcium imbalance if
faced with marginal dietary deficiency. By analogy, large animals have large fat (energy)
stores that can protect them during long periods of starvation, but this does not mean they
are immune to the hunger for energy. It may be that investigators simply need to be more
patient to see calcium appetite in large animals.
The possibility that humans “sometimes” activate a calcium appetite implies that there
may be certain populations with a high demand for calcium but this is not important for
most well-nourished people. Exactly which populations have high enough demand is
unclear, but the examples listed under Subheading 3 suggest that such populations include
marginally malnourished children, pregnant women from African societies without dairy
products, hypocalcemic dialysis patients, and lactating women in the United States. The
“sometimes” answer is consistent with the notion that physiological counterregulation
occurs in response to smaller perturbations of homeostasis than does behavioral
counterregulation. The argument goes that, in the face of a modest calcium deficiency,
it is more efficient to absorb a little more calcium from the gut or reabsorb more from bone
than to activate calcium-seeking behavior. Behavior is required only to stave off frank
depletion. Although this makes teleological sense, there is little evidence to support it.
Indeed, for some homeostatic systems it is clearly incorrect (e.g., the natriuretic thresh-
olds for thirst and antidiuretic hormone secretion are identical [119]; many animals avoid
the sun rather than sweat; many humans eat rather than deplete fat stores).
The possibility that calcium appetite is “always” active implies that small changes in
physiological calcium status are reflected by rapid changes in behavior. This might be
akin to the allesthesia demonstrated for sweetness (120). Just as recent consumption of
sugar reduces the preference for sweet tastes, recent consumption of calcium may reduce
the preference for the taste of calcium. This is consistent with the changes in the electro-
physiological activity of gustatory afferent nerves in response to oral calcium observed
in rats (30,31). A simple, but untested, hypothesis is that when calcium has not been
consumed for awhile, salivary calcium concentrations drop and this reduces the detection
threshold for oral calcium and increases calcium preference. Such minute-to-minute
changes in sensitivity to calcium might explain some of the intra-subject variability
observed in psychophysical tests (42).
Chapter 15 / Human Calcium Appetite 261

4.2. Can Humans Find Calcium in a World of Many Food Choices?

In order to satisfy an internally detected need for calcium, humans must be able to
detect calcium (or a marker for calcium) in the environment. There is no doubt that we
can do this (42), but the real question is can we recognize calcium for what it is worth?
Can we distinguish calcium incorporated into the diet from other nutrients and food-
stuffs? Rats and poultry have no problems finding calcium when given several cups of
food, some with it and some without it. The most complex study found that rats ingested
sufficient calcium to grow normally when allowed to choose from among eight separate
nutrient sources (16). However, this is a far cry from the complex diet of humans, or at
least those humans living in the United States. The average US supermarket stocks more
than 30,000 items (121).
It is important to remember that the search is for foods that ameliorate low calcium
status, but these foods do not have to contain calcium itself. Almost as satisfactory
are foods that favorably influence calcium metabolism and foods that have done so
in the past. This could include a very large range of compounds. Discussed previously
were compounds such as cod liver oil, clay, and NaCl, which enhance gastrointestinal
absorption of calcium, slow gastrointestinal transit (allowing more calcium to be absorbed),
or increase circulating ionized calcium concentrations by interfering with the binding of
calcium to blood proteins. There are probably several other calcium-metabolism-”favor-
ing” foods. There are also foods that have been associated with calcium in the past, even
though they are not necessarily still associated with calcium. Finally, foods that taste
similar to foods that beneficially influence calcium metabolism may be sought because
of taste generalization.
Of course, many of the flavor cues for calcium in the diet are masked by other flavors.
It is also likely that subtle physiological signals for calcium will be overridden by many
factors including the motivation to consume palatable foods, advertising, and cultural
constraints. Understanding the interactions underlying food choice is a formidable task,
but nevertheless a vital one, if we are to understand how calcium appetite is expressed
outside the laboratory.

A calcium appetite has been demonstrated in many animals, and there is therefore good
reason to believe that the anatomical and physiological substrate for the appetite also
exists in humans. There are several intriguing observations suggesting humans that
require calcium seek out, ingest, and prefer foods that either contain calcium or pro-
mote calcium status. However, the case for a calcium appetite is by no means proven. In
general, the idea of nutritional wisdom in humans has received little support. Relative to
laboratory animals, humans have stronger social and cultural constraints as well as a
much larger choice of foods. In such a complex world, it is unclear when or how a calcium
appetite would be observed. One possibility is that it would be seen only under conditions
of extreme calcium demand, such as during malnutrition, lactation, or disease. Another
is that it would be seen all the time but it would be subtly expressed. Calcium appetite can
be observed most obviously as an increase in preference and consumption of calcium, but
it may also produce an increase in preference and consumption of compounds that taste
like calcium, compounds that promote calcium metabolism, or compounds that have
been associated with calcium consumption in the past. Such “sublimated” expression of
262 Calcium in Human Health

calcium appetite might explain both why evidence for a human calcium appetite has not
been recognized, and also why humans consume so much salt and fat.

The author’s studies on calcium appetite in rodents are supported by National Insti-
tutes of Health (NIH) grant DK-46791. Thanks to Drs. Sue Coldwell, Stuart McCaughey,
and Qinmin Zhang for many years of help with these studies. Special thanks to Dr. Danielle
Reed for her insightful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript.

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Chapter 16 / Infancy and Childhood 267

Chapter 16 / Infancy and Childhood 269

16 Infancy and Childhood

Steven A. Abrams and Keli M. Hawthorne

• Human milk is an excellent source of calcium for full-term infants.
• Premature infants, especially those weighing less than1500 g at birth, require additional
calcium and phosphorus for adequate bone mineralization.
• In older children, calcium deficiency is uncommon but can be a factor in the development
of nutritional rickets.

When considering patterns of lifetime calcium intake, most attention has been paid to
ensuring adequate intakes during puberty and thereafter. This is rational because the
greatest total amount of calcium is accreted to the skeleton during puberty, and optimiz-
ing peak bone mass and osteoporosis prevention are crucial in enhancing the bone health
of a large portion of the population. From a pediatric perspective, however, infancy and
early childhood can be a time at which calcium issues are also important, primarily to
ensure that overt deficiency and rickets do not occur, but also to develop good dietary
habits for later adolescence and adulthood. In this chapter, we will consider three time
periods in infancy and early childhood and what is known regarding calcium nutrition
during these periods. These three are (1) early life in premature infants, (2) the first 6 mo
of life in full-term infants, and (3) 6 mo to 8 yr of age. Each of these poses unique
challenges to our understanding of calcium needs. Although there is not a sudden change
in needs at the boundaries between these life periods, they nevertheless are useful when
considering calcium requirements.

Premature infants are defined as those delivered at less than 37 wk gestation. They
may or may not be of low birth weight (<2500 g), although most infants less than 35 wk
gestation will also be less than 2500 g at birth. In general, severe mineral deficiencies are
most commonly identified in babies who are of very low birth weight (VLBW), that is,
less than 1500 g, regardless of gestational age. Inadequate mineral intake in VLBW
infants places them at risk for low bone mass, often called “osteopenia of prematurity.”
In this condition, the bone mineral content (BMC) of a premature infant is significantly
From: Calcium in Human Health
Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
270 Calcium in Human Health

decreased relative to the expected level of mineralization for a fetus or infant of compa-
rable size or gestational age. It may occur in as many as one-half of infants less than 1000 g
birth weight who are fed either unfortified human milk or formulas that are designed for full-
term rather than preterm infants (1,2). Most cases of osteopenia in VLBW infants are
related to a deficiency in the two primary bone minerals, calcium and phosphorus. Vita-
min D deficiency is an extremely uncommon clinical problem in VLBW infants. Phos-
phorus deficiency may be a problem equal to or greater than calcium deficiency. The
frequency of osteopenia is increased in VLBW infants who require long-term parenteral
nutrition, who are severely fluid restricted (as a result of chronic cardiorespiratory prob-
lems), or who require medications—especially loop diuretics—that may affect mineral
metabolism (3,4).
Calcium and phosphorus are rapidly accreted during the third trimester of gestation.
A premature infant born at 24–26 wk gestation, despite having completed 60% of his/her
gestational time, will weigh only approx 800 g (~25% of the weight of a full-term infant)
and have a whole-body calcium of 6–7 g (~20% of that of a full-term infant). During the
peak time of calcium accumulation, from approx 30 to 36 wk of gestation, the fetus will
accrete 100–120 mg/kg/d of calcium or approx 250–300 mg/d (5,6). This rate, with regard
to body weight, is unmatched at any other time in life. The 300 mg/d added to the skeleton
in utero is much greater than in infancy and early childhood, and is comparable with the
maximum amount accreted during the peak of the pubertal growth spurt. In other words,
the 2-kg, third-trimester fetus must accumulate daily approximately as much calcium as
a pubertal adolescent. This is a remarkable rate, and is achieved via rates of bone forma-
tion that are comparable with that of adults with extremely low rates of bone resorption
(7). Phosphorus accretion follows the same pattern as calcium, with net phosphorus
accretion being approx 50–60 mg/kg/d during the third trimester of pregnancy (5).
This need for a large amount of calcium and phosphorus cannot readily be met by
human milk (8). Human milk contains approx 220 mg calcium per liter and 140 mg
phosphorus per liter. These concentrations are not altered significantly in the milk of
mothers who deliver prematurely (9,10). Fortifying human milk with additional nutrients
can minimize mineral deficiencies and the risk of osteopenia (11). Although no data exist
from which to conclude exactly which infants should receive fortified human milk, the
general consensus is that infants weighing less than1500 g at birth would benefit from the
fortification (12,13).
Various methods of human milk fortification have been developed. The most com-
monly used approaches in the United States are (1) multinutrient packaged powdered
fortifiers, (2) special high-mineral liquid formulas that are mixed with human milk, and
(3) alternating feedings of human milk and specialized high mineral-containing formu-
las. In other countries, these approaches are used, but it is also common to add minerals
individually to human milk rather than use commercial products (14). Currently, several
commercial fortifiers of human milk for premature infants are marketed to increase
calories, protein, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamins, and other minerals. Those
available in the United States are shown in Table 1.
Growth measures and nutrient retention are key factors to consider when evaluating
a method of human milk fortification. Premature infants are typically provided with
adequate nutrients when they are fed 150–160 mL/kg/d of human milk fortified with one
of the commercial fortificants shown in Table 1 (15). Infants consuming fortified human
Table 1
Comparison of Breast Milk and Commercially Available Human Milk Fortifiers When Fed at 150 mL/kg/d

Term human Human milk plus Enfamil® Human milk plus Human Milk plus Similac Natural Care
Chapter 16 / Infancy and Childhood

Nutrient milk Human milk fortifier (HMF)a Similac® HMFb (25:75 ratio)b
4 pkts HMF: 4 pkts HMF:
Mixture N/A 100 mL human milk 100 mL human milk 25 mL human milk:75 mL formula
Volume 150 mL/kg 150 mL/kg 150 mL/kg 150 mL/kg

Energy 102 kcal/kg 120 kcal/kg 124 kcal/kg 117 kcal/kg
Protein 1.57 g/kg 3.14 kg/kg 2.94 g/kg 2.87 g/kg
Calcium 42 mg/kg 172 mg/kg 230 mg/kg 202 mg/kg
Phosphorus 21 mg/kg 94 mg/kg 130 mg/kg 111 mg/kg
Magnesium 5.2 mg/kg 6.5 mg/kg 15.7 mg/kg 12.3 mg/kg
Calcium:Phos 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.8
aMead Johnson Nutritionals, Evansville, IN.
bRoss Products Division of Abbott Laboratories, Columbus, OH.
272 Calcium in Human Health

Table 2
Typical Calcium Absorption and Retention in Premature Infants Receiving Different Calcium
Calcium intake Percent Total retained
(mg/kg/d) retained (%) (mg/kg/d) Reference
In utero N/A N/A 100-120 21
Human milk 40 60 24 22
Fortified human milk 160 50–60 80–95 11,12,15
Parenteral nutrition 80 approx 95 75 5,12
Preterm formula 200–220 40–50 Up to 110 7,11
aIntakes assume typical full volume feeding and usual rates of urinary mineral excretion.

milk show improved gains in weight, length, and head circumference (16–18). Adequate
retention of key nutrients has also been achieved with fortified human milk.
Not all studies have shown a benefit to adding minerals to human milk given to
premature infants. In one randomized, blinded intervention study, researchers found that
mineral supplementation either with phosphorus alone or with a multinutrient fortifier
did not significantly improve bone mineralization in premature infants (19). However,
the authors speculate that the high volume of intake achieved (200 mL/kg/d) in this study
could account for the lack of effect of the supplementation on bone mineral content. Poor
bioavailability of the added minerals and the use of phosphorus without adequate calcium
could also have decreased the effectiveness of the approach in that study. It is clear that,
regardless of bioavailability, there is limited ability even of high volume to meet the
mineral requirement of premature infants. Calculations (see Table 2) show that using
available bioavailability data, human milk can only provide about one-fourth of the
needed calcium for VLBW infants. Even if 80% of the calcium were to be retained (a
nonphysiological amount), the total would only reach about one-third of the requirement.
There are several important points to be considered regarding Table 1. First, it is not
necessarily the case that the in utero rates of calcium and phosphorus accretion must be
met for VLBW infants to grow well and avoid osteopenia. VLBW infants usually do not
grow as rapidly after birth as they do in utero. However, once full enteral nutrition is
established, growth rates often increase rapidly to in utero levels, and it is likely that
skeletal growth is optimized by matching the in utero rates of mineral accretion.
The second is that although infants receiving full-volume feeding of enteral and even
parenteral nutrition have a relatively small gap between their calcium retention and in utero
rates, this gap can easily become much larger in the presence of fluid restriction, such as
is widely used for infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. In response to this,
approaches have recently been developed to “super-fortify” human milk and even
preterm formula by either concentrating the formula or by adding high mineral-contain-
ing formula to human milk that is already fortified at usual levels with commercial human
milk fortifiers. Neither of these approaches is practical for nonenterally fed babies (e.g..
those with short guts) and for infants with feeding intolerance. Such babies may be at very
high risk of mineral deficiency and clinical rickets.
Chapter 16 / Infancy and Childhood 273

The final point is that not all human milk fortifiers or preterm formulas have compa-
rable mineral bioavailability or content. Some products may have low mineral
bioavailability and may not lead to the same clinical benefit. A recent European study
found that human milk fortification did not meet mineral needs of infants born weighing
less than1000 g (23). However, this fortifier has considerably less total calcium and
phosphorus compared with fortifiers available in the United States, and may also have
lower mineral bioavailability because of poor solubility of the mineral sources (24).
There has been concern regarding the safety of human milk fortification. A recent
report from Finland evaluated the frequency of and risk for necrotizing enterocolitis
(NEC) in preterm infants and found that fortified human milk feedings were an overall
risk factor for all cases of NEC, but not for severe cases of NEC (Bell grades II–III) (25).
Only the severe cases usually have major impact on the ultimate outcomes of infants. This
was not a blinded, controlled trial, and there was a large weight difference (p < 0.001)
between patients with severe NEC and controls (926 vs 1440 g, respectively). Infants
with birth weights less than1000 g were more likely to receive fortified human milk as
a result of their low birth weights in an effort to help them achieve their growth potentials.
In addition, the frequency of dexamethasone use, well established as a risk factor for
intestinal perforation (26–28), was significantly increased (p < 0.001) in the group of
infants with NEC compared with controls (42 vs 5%, respectively). In another study,
investigators (29) evaluated developmental outcomes in a randomized trial and found
that premature infants who consumed fortified human milk had a slightly but not signifi-
cantly higher incidence of NEC (p = 0.12) compared with control infants consuming
preterm formula.
In contrast, other investigations have reported a protective effect of human milk, even
if fortified, over preterm formula. Infection was less frequently observed in human milk-
fed infants compared to formula-fed infants (26 vs 49%, respectively) (30). In a large
prospective trial, investigators reported a lower incidence of NEC among human-milk
fed premature infants compared to exclusively formula-fed infants (31). A prospective,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (32) evaluated the growth and nutritional status of
preterm infants receiving different types of fortifier added to their mother’s milk. Inves-
tigators found no statistically significant differences in the incidence of NEC, and con-
cluded that premature infants tolerate both of the powdered fortifiers very well.
Researchers also report an 84% reduction in the incidence of NEC after implementing a
specific feeding protocol in their nursery (33). Although the authors did not address
human milk fortification specifically in their report, they did note that there was a 60%
reduction in the risk of NEC among human milk-fed infants.
In one large-scale study (34) on growth, nutritional status, and feeding tolerance of
premature infants, investigators compared outcomes of infants consuming fortified hu-
man milk vs preterm formula. The group fed fortified human milk had a lower incidence
(p < 0.01) of NEC and sepsis than the formula-fed group. One possible reason for this
increase in protection in the human milk-fed group is the high immunoglobulin A content
of human milk. In addition, infants fed human milk may experience more frequent skin-
to-skin interactions with the mother, which is valuable in increasing maternal milk out-
put. This contact may lead to increased stimulation of maternal antibodies in breast milk
against nosocomial pathogens in the hospital’s nursery.
274 Calcium in Human Health

Taken together, we strongly believe that the currently available data support the safety
and efficacy of human milk fortification for all human milk-fed VLBW infants. Fortified
human milk makes the numerous health, nutritional, immunological, and developmental
benefits (35) of human milk available to the smallest of infants while improving their
growth rates and protecting their bones from significant risk of underdevelopment.
With current neonatal practices, the majority of VLBW infants born at more than
24 wk gestation will be discharged home. Those born weighing less than1000 g are
frequently discharged requiring fluid restriction and loop diuretics well after hospitaliza-
tion. To meet the needs of this population, as well as larger preterm infants in which faster
“catch-up mineralization” may be desired, several infant formulas have been developed
that are specifically designed for use at home after hospital discharge. These formulas,
often called “transitional” or “enriched” formulas, generally contain an amount of cal-
cium and phosphorus midway between that of routine term-infant formulas and those
designed for in-hospital feeding of premature infants. Several recent studies have evalu-
ated these formulas and found improved growth and catch-up mineralization in infants
to whom they were fed, compared with infants fed routine term-infant formulas. The
benefit appears to be present for up to 8 mo of use of these formulas (36–38). The benefits
may be greater in male than female infants (39,40). However, there are few data on which
to base a decision as to which babies should receive these transitional formulas and how
long they should be continued. We generally recommend that they be used in infants
weighing less than1500 g who are formula-fed, and that they be continued until at least
6 mo corrected gestational age. Use for infants between 1500–2000 g birth weight is
reasonable, although less critical. For healthy infants weighing more than 2000 g at birth,
routine infant formula will usually suffice.
A special situation to consider is the VLBW infant (especially <1000 g birth weight)
whose mother intends to breastfeed exclusively after hospital discharge. Although most
VLBW infants will do very well at home under this circumstance, it is prudent to assess
these infants for evidence of mineral deficiency at some point, perhaps 4–8 wk after
discharge (by measuring serum phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase). Such infants need
careful postdischarge monitoring for laboratory evidence of inadequate bone mineral
status. Supplemental minerals can be given by adding a small number of daily feedings
of a transitional formula, using a bottle or specialized infant feeding device. If the mother
is giving the infant breast milk via a bottle, powdered transitional formula can be added
to the milk prior to feeding; although use of this approach postdischarge has not been
evaluated in a controlled trial. In circumstances in which supplemental formula is not
feasible (i.e., severe cow milk protein allergy) or desired, direct mineral supplementation
of both calcium and phosphorus (and possibly zinc) may be advisable with careful fol-
low-up of growth and bone mineralization.


The challenge of determining the role of calcium absorption in bone health begins with
infants. In this case, two potentially conflicting guidelines come into consideration. The
first is the global consensus that human milk is the optimal nutritional source as a single
food source in the first 6 mo of life and as the primary milk source throughout the first
year of life (35). For calcium, this means that dietary requirements are based primarily
Chapter 16 / Infancy and Childhood 275

on the intake from their mother’s milk (20,41), because relatively little calcium is derived
from most solid infant foods.
In potential conflict with this, however, is the guideline that increasing calcium absorp-
tion and bone mineralization is beneficial in childhood. In this case, the demonstration that
infant formulas have led to slightly greater bone mineralization in both the whole body
and some skeletal regions than that obtained by human milk-fed babies. However, this
increased BMC may not persist even during later infancy (20,41).
There is a consensus also that calcium is well absorbed from human milk, with values
for net calcium retention of about 50–60% of intake (21,22). Calcium absorption values
from infant formulas are highly variable as a result of the various carbohydrate, protein,
and mineral sources of these formulas. Although it is generally stated that calcium
bioavailability of formulas is lower than that of human milk, this may not always be the
case. Early findings may have been related to the greater concentration of calcium in
infant formulas than in human milk (20,21). (See also Chapter 10 for a discussion of the
effect of calcium load size on absorption.) In general, however, values of 30–40% absorp-
tion are typical for cow’s milk-based infant formulas or whole cow’s milk (13).
Since the Infant Formula Act of 1980 in the United States, numerous expert commit-
tees have recommended higher concentrations of calcium in formulas than in human milk
(13,20,42). Calcium bioavailability comparisons at identical calcium concentration in
human milk and formula have not been performed. However, several studies (43,44) have
shown fractional calcium absorption vaules from infant formulas to be very similar to
those for human milk.
These data indicate that it is possible for formula-fed infants to accumulate more
calcium and bone mass during the first 6 mo of life than human milk-fed infants. It
remains unknown, however, whether that is a worthwhile goal. There are no data to
support any long-term benefit, in terms of either increased peak bone mass or the preven-
tion of osteoporosis, of high calcium absorption or bone mass in early infancy (45).
Animal data further support the idea that increases in calcium intake in early childhood
do not have beneficial effects on long-term bone mass (46). Ultimately, long-term
research must be done before it is appropriate to advocate or target a higher calcium
retention or bone mass accretion in artificially fed infants relative to the human milk-fed
standard. There are no data regarding the long-term consequences of different calcium
intake levels or feeding sources provided to full-term infants. In a group of healthy,
breast-fed, 5- to 7-mo-old infants, we calculated net calcium retention of approx 70 mg/d,
and concluded that calcium from human milk is well absorbed by infants after the introduc-
tion of solid foods (47).
Studies evaluating the BMC of full-term infants during the first year of life have
generally found a slightly greater value for those fed infant formulas than in those fed
human milk (42). However, it is uncertain if this difference is maintained later in child-
hood. At present, there is no reason to recommend that high levels of calcium be given
to infants less than 6 mo of age.

For several decades, the existence of a specific calcium deficiency—rickets—has
been recognized, based on both case reports (48,49) and strong epidemiological data,
276 Calcium in Human Health

especially from South Africa (50). Recently, however, a series of studies conducted in
Nigeria has provided compelling evidence for this entity. In these studies, it has been
shown that despite an incidence of rickets of about 10% in Nigeria, vitamin D deficiency
was very uncommon (51). The 25 hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are similar in Nige-
rian children with and without rickets (52,53). Finally, it was recently shown in Nigeria
that the clinical response to vitamin D supplementation in children with rickets was lower
than the response to calcium or to a combination of calcium and vitamin D (54). The
minimum calcium intake needed to prevent calcium-deficiency rickets has not been
precisely identified. Egyptian children 1–2 yr of age who had mean calcium intakes of
290 mg/d with adequate vitamin D status did not develop rickets (55). Among black South
Africans, biochemical abnormalities associated with rickets occurred in 7- to 12-yr-old
children with calcium intakes of 125 mg/d, but not those with 337 mg/d. None of the
children with rickets or controls were vitamin D-deficient (50). In Nigerian children,
calcium intakes averaging 200 mg/d were found in rachitic children (51,52,56). These
results suggest that calcium intakes below 300 mg/d in infants and small children may
pose a high risk of rickets, especially among children who might have marginal or low
vitamin D status.
Few data are available regarding calcium requirements in children prior to puberty.
We recently found an increase in net calcium absorption when the intake of calcium in
3- to 5-yr-old children was increased from 500 to 1200 mg/d (57). The benefit was
relatively modest, however, and intermediate intake levels, as might more readily be
achieved in preschool children, were not evaluated in this study. The potential benefit to
ultimate peak bone mass of increasing calcium intake in this age group has been studied
in groups of prepubertal children. In one controlled calcium supplementation trial, an
increase in bone mass was found when calcium supplements were given to children as
young as 6 yr of age (58). However, relatively few children this young were studied, and
the duration of effect of this supplementation and its impact on peak bone mass are
uncertain. Further studies are needed to evaluate different levels of calcium intake in this
age group.
High levels of calcium intake may negatively affect the absorption of other minerals
such as iron and zinc. These minerals may be marginal in toddlers and preschool children,
especially in developing countries. Therefore, more data regarding the risks and benefits
of high calcium intake are needed in children and adolescents. It is likely, however, that
adaptation to high calcium intakes occurs such that iron status and iron absorption are not
harmed over a long period of time (57,59). It is reasonable to conclude that greater
consumption of calcium-rich foods and beverages can safely be encouraged in small
Recently, investigators reported the results of a follow-up study conducted more than
3 yr after the original controlled calcium supplementation trial was completed in prepu-
bertal girls (60). The initial study randomly assigned 149 girls (mean age, 7.9 yr) to
calcium-enriched foods (average increase in calcium intake, 850 mg/d) or placebo for 48 k.
BMCt and areal bone mineral density (aBMD)at six skeletal sites were measured by dual-
energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at the beginning and end of the study in 144 sub-
jects, and mean changes at each site were calculated. In the supplemented group, a
positive effect on aBMD was observed, along with an increased mean gain in BMC and
bone size, with a trend for greater progression in standing height. When the girls (N = 116)
Chapter 16 / Infancy and Childhood 277

were re-examined 3.5 yr after the initial intervention concluded (with pubertal maturation
and spontaneous calcium intake taken into consideration), the increase in bone mineral
mass and skeletal longitudinal growth was maintained at a highly significant level in the
calcium-supplemented group compared with the placebo group (179 mg/cm2 vs 151 mg/
cm2, respectively). Thus, according to this study, the beneficial effects of calcium supple-
mentation can persist for at least several years after discontinuation. The authors noted
that they used a calcium phosphate extract from milk and that a qualitative difference in
bone response according to the calcium salt used might account for the different result
obtained in this trial, compared with other studies (60).

Calcium is an important nutrient for infants and children of all ages. Calcium deficien-
cies can lead to osteopenia of prematurity and rickets. Comparisons of formula-fed
infants with human milk-fed infants show that infant formulas contain calcium adequate
to produce appropriate net retention, although human milk remains the ideal nutrition
source for infants. For hospitalized premature infants receiving breast milk, additional
fortification using commercially available fortifiers provides extra calories, protein, vita-
mins, and minerals, and leads to improved growth parameters and nutrient retention. Young
children with inadequate intake of calcium, although sufficient in vitamin D, may be at
risk for rickets. Finally, although few studies have addressed calcium requirements in
prepubertal children, the potential benefits of adequate calcium upon entering the peak
bone mass phase underscore the importance of further research with this age group.

This work is a publication of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Agricultural
Research Service (ARS) Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Department of Pediat-
rics, Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX. This
project has been funded in part with federal funds from the USDA/ARS under Coopera-
tive Agreement number 58-6250-6-001. Contents of this publication do not necessarily
reflect the views or policies of the USDA, nor does mention of trade names, commercial
products, or organizations imply endorsement by the US government.

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Chapter 17 / Prepuberty and Adolescence 281

17 Prepuberty and Adolescence

Connie M. Weaver

• Adolescence is an especially important period for adequate calcium intakes, because 25–
50% of peak bone mass is accumulated during this period. The minimal calcium intake
that allows maximal calcium retention is 1300 mg/d.
• Calcium intake shows a moderate degree of tracking.
• All randomized, controlled trials in children show a benefit of calcium supplementation
from any source to one or more skeletal sites.
• Children with low milk intake have greater risk for fracture later in life.

Adequate intake of calcium in prepuberty and adolescence is very important while
peak bone mass is being acquired. The rate of calcium accretion during growth was
determined from gains in bone mineral content (BMC) taken annually in a longitudinal
study of a cohort of Caucasian Canadian boys and girls (1). Because calcium is a constant
component of BMC, profiles of gains in BMC as shown in Fig. 1 also reflect calcium
accretion. It is clear from this figure that rates of calcium retention are not uniform across
childhood. The curve has a rather sharp peak; approximately one-fourth of adult BMC
is acquired in 2 yr bracketing the peak accretion rate. Likely regulators of pubertal growth
spurt and skeletal maturation include insulin-like growth factor-1 and sex steroid hor-
mones (2). The figure further shows that boys have a higher mean peak rate of BMC
accretion than girls (409 vs 325 g/yr) and the peak occurs later in boys than girls (age 14
vs 12.5 yr). A nonparametric function of age using weighted and mean averages of
longitudinal data in white females showed maximum bone growth occurs at age 12 yr
(11–12, 90% confidence interval [CI]) for the spine and femoral neck (10–14, 90% CI),
whereas cessation of growth at the spine occurred at age 36 yr (32–44, 90% CI) and at
age 24 yr (19–34, 90% CI) for the femoral neck (3). Estimates of the percent of peak BMC
for selected sites are illustrated in Fig. 2 taken from data reported by Teegarden (4) and
Lin (5). The age of attaining peak spine BMC was beyond the age of the cohort studied
by Lin et al. (5), but the age at which 90% of peak spine BMD was achieved was 15.2 yr,
and 17.6 yr for 95%. Bone accretion rates with age are not available for other races and
ethnic groups.

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
282 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 1. Total body (TB) peak bone mineral conten (BMC) velocity curve illustrating velocity at
peak and ages at peak BMC and peak health velocities (PHV) by chronological age for boys and
girls. (Reproduced from ref. 1, with permission of the American Society of Bone and Mineral

In this chapter, trends in calcium intake of school-age children, calcium metabolism,

calcium requirements, and relationships of calcium to development of peak bone mass
are discussed. In some ways, the phase of pubertal growth dominates over other influ-
ences such as modifiers of calcium absorption, but in other ways, such as gender and race,
this period enables strong differences to emerge.

The diet of children is largely influenced by caregivers until the transition begins
between dependence and independence. During puberty, peer influence and preoccupa-
tion with physical appearance can influence food choices and eating habits. Conse-
quently, on average, intakes of calcium meet requirements up until approximately age 11
yr, after which only Caucasian boys consume intakes that meet or exceed recommended
intakes (see Chapter 8).

2.1. Trends in Calcium Intake

Consistent with the trends of declining milk intake and increasing soft-drink consump-
tion for all Americans over several decades, depicted in Fig. 4 in Chapter 9, are intake
Chapter 17 / Prepuberty and Adolescence 283

Fig. 2. Estimates of ages at which selected percentages of peak bone mineral content is achieved
for total body (light bars) and femoral neck (dark bars). (Data from refs. 4 and 5.)

trends specific to children. In the Bogalusa Heart Study, from 1972 to 1994 the proportion
of 10-yr-old children consuming milk declined over time, whereas those consuming
sweetened beverages including soft drinks, sweetened coffee, and sugar- and fruit-fla-
vored drinks, increased (6). Average milk consumption decreased by 64 g during these
two decades, although cheese consumption increased slightly by 18 g during this same
period. Total calcium intakes increased despite declining milk consumption through a
wider variety of foods, although intakes did not achieve recommended levels. Students
who participate in school lunch and breakfast programs have higher intakes of calcium
and other nutrients (7).
Increased soft-drink consumption and decreased milk consumption in childhood and
adolescence have been associated with decreased quality of the overall diet (8,9). The
average daily consumption of soda is almost as high as that for milk (7). In a summer day
camp, when children aged 6–13 yr consumed more than three glasses (>16%) of sweet-
ened drinks per day, they drank significantly less milk by 247 g or 1 c/d than when they
consumed no sweetened drinks (10). This also resulted in lower intakes of protein, cal-
cium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. Two studies evaluated the consequences of
soft-drink consumption on bone gain. One was a cross-sectional study of heel bone
mineral density in 591 boys and 744 girls either 12 or 15 yr old (11). The other was
longitudinal study in Canadian children using one-tenth as many subjects, but a stronger
measure of bone accrual, total body BMC, and bone mineral density (BMD) over the 2 yr
of maximal bone gain (12). Soft-drink intake negatively impacted the bone mineral accrual
of adolescent girls, but not of boys, in both studies, even though fluid milk consumption
was negatively related to soft-drink consumption in both boys and girls.

2.2. Tracking of Calcium Intake

Because in the 20th century, most dietary calcium comes from dairy foods, calcium
intakes show a moderate degree of tracking (13–15). Consumption of milk during child-
hood persisted into adolescence with an association of r = 0.66, p < 0.0001 (15). The
284 Calcium in Human Health

associations between childhood and adolescent milk intakes and current calcium intake
as young adults were r = 0.26, p < 0.0001 and r = 0.33, p < 0.0001, respectively. In a 15-yr
study of a cohort begun as adolescents-tracking for calcium intake over time, the coefficient
of correlation was r = 0.43 for males and r = 0.38 for females (16). One study reported
that dairy food intakes are largely established by the age of 5 yr (17).
The type of dairy products consumed over time changes with age, according to some
studies. In the Bogalusa Heart Study cohort, mean consumption of milk decreased as
children became young adults, whereas cheese consumption increased (6).
Tracking of obesity is at least as strong as tracking of calcium intake. Thus, for several
reasons, the importance of nutrition guidance during the formative years should be

Calcium metabolism alters through the pubertal growth spurt to accomplish the bone
gains illustrated in Fig. 1. Calcium retention in Caucasian adolescent girls was in strik-
ingly more positive calcium balance than that of young adults in the same study (18).
Calcium retention was strongly negatively correlated with years postmenarche (r = 0.788,
p < 0.001). The peak in calcium retention corresponds to the onset of menses. The higher
retention during puberty compared with young adults was accomplished because adoles-
cents were more efficient at absorbing calcium, conserving it at the kidney, and making
it available for bone deposition (19). Extravascular pool sizes were larger in adolescents
because of slower pool turnover rates; in adults, calcium was returned to plasma where
it was excreted, whereas in adolescents, it was directed to extravascular pools where it
was available for bone deposition. Figure 3 illustrates that black girls use calcium much
more efficiently than white girls (20). Blacks had greater calcium retention, resulting
from increased calcium absorption and decreased urinary output compared with whites.
Blacks had greater bone formation rates relative to bone resorption rates compared with
whites. The bone is moving much more calcium in and out for blacks than for whites, and
appears to be driving increased intestinal calcium absorption and more efficient conser-
vation at the kidney. We previously modeled the rapid decline in calcium retention with
postmenarcheal age (PMA) and projected the racial differences in bone mass that would
be observed at 20 yr PMA (Fig. 4). We assumed that the prestudy calcium intakes were
maintained through this period. Racial differences in adult bone mass predicted in this
manner would be approx 12%, a difference consistent with the differences in adult bone
mass observed between blacks and whites (21).
In contrast, calcium absorption and urinary excretion were similar between prepuber-
tal Mexican-American and Caucasian girls (22).

Calcium retention increases with calcium intake up to a point, after which it plateaus.
Evidence for threshold behavior was proposed by Matkovic and Heaney (23). To deter-
mine the intake associated with maximal retention, 35 adolescent girls aged 12–14 yr
were studied at eight calcium intake levels between 800 and 2100 mg/d (24). Subjects
were assigned to one of four groups in an attempt to equalize mean serum osteocalcin
levels and PMA. Each group was studied at two levels of calcium intake using a crossover
Chapter 17 / Prepuberty and Adolescence

Fig. 3. Calcium metabolism. Daily mass transfer (mg/day) in Caucasian adolescent girls (upper values) and African-American girls
(lower values). Circles represent compartments determined from kinetic modeling and do not necessarily represent discreet physi-
ological or anatomical entities. Numbers in compartments represent mass (mg) of compartments. (Data taken from Wastney et al. [19]
and Bryant et al. [20].)
286 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 4. Nonlinear regression of calcium intake and calcium retention in adolescent females. The
three lines represent the mean and 95% confidence interval (CI) of the regression. The shaded area
depicts the mean maximal retention and the 95% CI (Data from refs. 23 and 24; reproduced from
ref. 25, with permission from, Springer-Verlag, Germany.)

design. Each period lasted 3 wk, with a 1-mo washout period in between. A nonlinear
regression model was developed from data collected in adolescent girls (Fig. 4). The
average calcium requirement based on maximal calcium retention can be determined
from this relationship, as shown in Fig. 5. The lowest intake that permitted achievement
of the maximal calcium accretion of 423 mg/d within the 95% confidence interval of the
estimate was 1300 mg/d. To determine Dietary Reference Intakes for the United States
and Canada, this level was used by the Institute of Medicine panel as the Adequate Intake
of calcium for 9- to 18-yr-olds (26).
When the nonlinear regression model was modified to include PMA (Fig. 6), it was
found that although maximal calcium retention decreased with age, the calcium intake
required to achieve maximal retention remained unchanged (24). Declines in calcium
absorption efficiency with PMA accounted for the decrease in calcium retention. Com-
parison of biochemical markers of bone turnover on high- (1900 mg/d) and low- (860 mg/
d) calcium diets showed that biochemical markers did not change with calcium intake,
although Vo– decreased to produce a much higher calcium retention on higher calcium
intakes (27). Very low calcium intakes (<400 mg/d) lead to an upregulation in calcium
absorption efficiency compared with recommended intake levels of approx 1300 mg/d,
that is, 63.4 ± 1.7 vs 44.9 ± 1.9%, respectively (28). Furthermore, endogenous fecal
excretion and urinary calcium excretion were also reduced under low calcium intakes.
However, the homeostatic adjustments were insufficient to restore optimal calcium reten-
tion. Despite adaptation, net calcium balance was much lower on the low calcium intakes,
131 ± 14 vs 349 ± 32 mg/d, p < 0.001).
Chapter 17 / Prepuberty and Adolescence 287

Fig. 5. Maximal calcium retention as a function of intake (mean and 95% CI) in female adolescents
when the y axis is expressed as % maximal retention. (Reproduced from ref. 25, with permission
from, Springer-Verlag, Germany.)

Fig. 6. Relationship of calcium intake and calcium retention as a function of postmenarcheal age
(PMA) (in months) in adolescent females. (Reproduction from Jackman et al. (24), with permis-
sion from the American Society of Clinical Nutrition.)
288 Calcium in Human Health


The role of dietary calcium and other lifestyle factors in development of peak bone
mass was reviewed by several authors in this book (29). The profiles of calcium accrual
as measured by bone mineral gains in Fig. 1 are undoubtedly influenced by dietary
calcium through this period. Dietary calcium estimated from 24-h recalls averaged 1113
mg/d in girls and 1140 mg/d in boys in the children profiled in Fig. 1 (1). Dietary calcium
explained less than 1% of the variance in peak calcium accretion rates in this study. In
contrast, increasing calcium intakes in a group of adolescent girls participating in a
metabolic balance study from their prestudy mean intakes of approx 900 mg/d to an intake
above the threshold of approx 1900 mg/d increased calcium retention by 452 mg/d (27).
If this increase was sustained for 1 yr, it would represent an increase in skeletal bone mass
of 4%. If retained into adulthood, risk of fracture could be decreased considerably.


Fractures are common in childhood and adolescence (Fig. 7). One report estimates that
42% of girls and 54% of boys suffer a fracture by the age of 18 yr (31). Peak height is
achieved before peak bone mass (Table 1). Thus, a lag period of reduced bone density
occurs, which may increase vulnerability to fracture. Low bone density is associated with
increased risk of fracture even in children. In 3- to 15-yr-old girls, the odds ratios of
fracture associated with low bone density for radius, spine, and hip were 2.3, 2.4, and 2.0,
respectively (33). The transient increase in porosity occurs in cortical bone in response
to an enhanced bone turnover in response to greater calcium demand during puberty (34).
If the demand for BMC cannot be met from diet, cortical bone becomes the source of the
raw materials for newly formed bone.
The incidence of forearm fracture in Rochester, Minnesota has increased over three
decades (Fig. 8). From 1969–1971 to 1999–2001, age-adjusted fracture rates increased
32% among males and 56% among females; the peak incidence and greatest increase was
observed in boys aged 11–14 yr and girls aged 8–11 yr (35). This increase was partially
explained by the increase in recreational activities. Part of the explanation for the increase
in fractures may also be related to decline in consumption of milk. Milk consumption in
children has been inversely associated with fracture risk (33,36). Milk avoiders under age
10 yr had low total skeletal BMC (average z scores of –0.53) and were shorter (36). An
examination of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)-III data
showed that low milk consumption in childhood was associated with fewer fractures
before puberty and a twofold greater risk of fracture in later adult life than those who
drank milk regularly as children (37). This greater risk of fracture resulting from low milk
intake explained 11% of osteoporotic fractures.

6.1. Randomized, Controlled Trials

The primary line of evidence for the importance of sufficient dietary calcium to maxi-
mize peak bone mass, within the genetic potential, comes from randomized, controlled
trials (Table 2). All of the published trials in children resulted in higher BMC or BMD,
with increasing calcium intakes from either supplements, fortified foods, or dairy prod-
ucts at one or more skeletal sites; however, there is some discrepancy as to what age is
most receptive to dietary calcium. The intervention in the oldest children was a 1-yr study
Chapter 17 / Prepuberty and Adolescence 289

Fig. 7. Age-specific incidence of limb fracture in males (䊉) and females (䊊) from southern
Sweden. (Adapted from Alffram and Bauer [30].)

Table 1
Vulnerable Fracture Period at Puberty
Lag in peak
Age at peak Age at peak Calcium accretion Age of
height BMC behind peak increased
velocity (yr) velocity (yr) height velocity (yr) fracture
Girls 11.8 12.4 0.7 11.5–12.5
Boys 13.4 14.1 0.6 13.5–14.5
BMC, bone mineral content.(From Bailey et al. [32].)

in 100 girls aged 14 ± 0.5 yr, which showed 1 g calcium per day increased the gain in total
body BMD and lumbar spine BMD, but not BMC, over the control group (46). Lloyd et
al. (39) reported a significantly greater increase in vertebral BMD, spine BMC, and total
body BMD over 18 mo in 94 girls aged 11.9 ± 0.5 yr in a placebo-controlled trial with
a 500 mg calcium supplement. Calcium intakes averaged 1370 and 935 mg/d for the
supplemented and placebo groups, respectively. Thus, even a modest increase in calcium
intake had a positive influence on mineral retention during adolescence. Johnston et al.
(38) studied a wider age range (6–14 yr) in boys and girls using the monozygotic twin
model. In prepubertal, but not pubertal twins, the calcium-supplemented (average 1600
mg calcium per day) twins’ spine and radial BMDs were significantly higher than that of
placebo-treated twins who averaged 900 mg calcium per day. The greatest increase in
bone mass with calcium supplementation occurred in children who originally had the
lowest dietary calcium intakes (44). When Wosje and Specker (48) compared trials by
290 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 8. Incidence rate of distal forearm fractures in males (A) and females (B) among residents of
Rochester, Minnesota in four time periods between 1960 and 2001 (35).
Chapter 17 / Prepuberty and Adolescence 291

expressing the changes in BMD as the annualized percent changes in BMD, they con-
cluded that increases in BMD occurred primarily in cortical bone sites and that spine
BMD increased more in pubertal than prepubertal children.
Follow-up observations after calcium supplementation was withdrawn indicated that
the increase in skeletal mass, attributed to calcium supplementation, was maintained in
some studies (43,44), but not others (49,50). The failure of several follow-up studies to
show sustained differences following discontinuation of calcium intervention has led
some to question the importance of achieving adequate calcium during development of
peak bone mass. It can be expected that some remodeling would occur following cessa-
tion of the intervention. These studies were not powered to determine residual group
differences. Continued supplementation in a randomized, controlled trial of 1 g of cal-
cium per day in girls from age 10.8 ± 0.8 to age 18 ± 0.8 yr showed higher BMD of the
forearm, but not the spine, in the treated group than in the placebo group (51,52). The
question has been addressed more definitively in studies of rats on controlled diets. Rats
were given a range of calcium intakes during the first 8 or 20 wk of life followed by
re-randomization to low, medium, and high calcium intakes until 37 wk (52). Low
calcium intakes during pubertal growth had a nonreversible, deleterious effect on peak
bone mass, regardless of later calcium intakes. This suggests that adolescence is a critical
period for developing lifestyle choices conducive to optimal skeletal growth and that
calcium deprivation through this period cannot be corrected later.
Some researchers have suggested that the benefits of milk consumption exceed cal-
cium supplementation alone in augmenting development of peak bone mass and in persis-
tence of the advantage. Bone size and height were increased in the dairy calcium-fortified
food interventions (43), but not the supplemented trials. Biochemical markers of bone
formation remained higher with milk than with calcium (54). A milk advantage could be
due to different hormonal response, or to dairy constituents such as cytokines, or other
bone-important nutrients including phosphorus, protein, magnesium, and vitamin D (55).
However, milk and calcium supplements have not been compared in the same study for
their effects on bone health. A recent report of a comparison between cheese (100 g/d)
and calcium carbonate (both at 1 g calcium per day) in 10- to 12-yr-old Finnish girld
showed a significant advantage in total body bone mass gain over 2 yr in the girls receiving
cheese if the girls were at Tanner stage 1, but not Tanner stage 2, at baseline (56).

6.2. Retrospective Studies

Another line of evidence that suggests that childhood calcium and milk consumption
influence bone mass comes from retrospective studies (15,57–60). In retrospective stud-
ies, adjusting for current calcium intake is necessary in order to separate the independent
effects of childhood and adolescent calcium intake. One study reported that childhood
milk consumption predicted spine and hip BMD in women aged 45–49 yr (59). Similarly,
another study found that childhood and adolescent milk intake was associated with bone
mass in postmenopausal women (60). The cumulative effect of calcium and milk intake
from childhood to young adulthood on BMC and BMD was evaluated by Teegarden et
al. (15). Milk intake during adolescence, but not childhood, was associated with total
body and radius BMD, but there was no association with spine and hip BMD as young
women. Teenage calcium intake was associated with hip BMD, but not with spine or
radial BMD in 30- to 39-yr-old women (58). In a large national representation of 3251
women surveyed in NHANES-III, there was a significant (p < 0.04) association between
Table 2
Differences in Mean Changes in Bone Mineral Content (BMC) and Bone Mineral Density (BMD) in Calcium-Treated vs Placebo Groups in Randomized,

Controlled Trials in Adolescents

Group mean
in % increase
Ref. Subj. Age Length Calcium intake Calcium intake Treatment Placebo
Source no. no (yr) Sex Race/location study (mo) controls (mg/d) treatment (mg/d) Site Measure (T) (P)
Johnston et al., 1992 38 140 6–14 F/M white, IN 36 908 1612 Midshaft radius BMD 17.7 15.2
Distal radius BMD 21.5 18.2
Lumbar spine BMD 20.1 19.5
Femoral neck BMD 15.3 14.9
Ward’s triangle BMD 15.4 14.2
Greater BMD 18.1 17.11
Lloyd et al., 1993 39 94 11.9 ± 0.5 F white, PA 18 960 1314 Total Body BMC 9.6 8.3,
p = 0.003
Spine BMC 2.9, 4.7,
p = 0.03 p = 0.05
Chan et al., 1995 40 48 9–13 F white, UT 12 728 1437 Total body BMC 14.2 ± 7.0 7.6 ± 6.0
p < 0.001
Lumbar spine BMD 22.8 ± 6.9% 12.9 ± 8.3,
p < 0.001
Lee et al., 1995 41 109 7 F/M Asian, China 18 571 1363 Distal radius BMC 15.92 (T) vs 14.95% (P)
gain, p = 0.53
Area 7.74 (T) vs 6.00% (P) gain,
p = 0.081
Lumbar spine BMC 20.92 (T) vs 16.34% (P)
gain, p = 0.035
Area 11.16 (T) vs 8.71% (P)
gain, p = 0.049
Proximal femoral BMC 24.19 (T) vs 23.42% (P)
neck gain, p = 0.37
Cadogan et al., 1997 42 82 12.2 F white, Sheffield UK 18 753 1125 Total body BMD 9.6 (T) vs 8.5% (P),
p = 0.017
Calcium in Human Health
BMC 27.0% (T) vs 24.1% (P
p = 0.009
Bonjour et al., 1997 43 149 7.9 ± 0.1 F white, Geneva, CH 12 916 1723 Radial meta- BMD 16 ± 3 g/cm2 (T) vs 9 ±
physics 2 g/cm2 (P), p < 0.08
Femoral neck BMD 22 ± 4 g/cm2 (T) vs 13 ±
4 g/cm2 (P)
Femoral dia- BMD 66 ± 3 g/cm2 (T) vs 54 ±
physis 4 g/cm2 (P) p < 0.01
Lumbar spine BMD 25 ± 3 g/cm2 (T) vs 23 ±
3 g/cm2 (P)
Dibba et al., 2000 44 160 8.3–11.9 F/M black, Gambia 12 342 1056 Midshaft radius BMC 3.0 ± 1.4% (T-P),
p = 0.034
BMD 4.5 ± 0.9% (T-P),
p < 0.0001
Moyer-Mileur et al., 45 71 12 F white, UT 12 865 1524 pQCT of Distal BMC 4.1% (T) vs 1.6% (P),
2003 tibia p < 0.006
Chapter 17 / Prepuberty and Adolescence

vBMD 1.0% (T) vs –2.0% (P),

p < 0.006
Rozen et al., 2003 46 100 14 ± 0.5 F 85 Jewish/ 12 480 1110 Total body BMC 4.63 ± 0.42% (T) vs 4.65 ±
26 Arab, Haifa, Israel 0.54%, NS
BMD 3.80 ± 0.30% (T) vs 3.07 ±
0.29%, (P), p < 0.05
Lumbar spine BMD 4.52 ± 0.48% (T) vs 3.95 ±
0.58% (P), NS
BMC 3.66 ± 0.35% vs 3.00 ±
0.43%, p < 0.05
Femoral neck BMC 4.30 ± 0.86% (T) vs 3.00 ±
0.81%, NS
BMD 2.00 ± 0.51% (T) vs 1.39 ±
0.42%, (P), NS
Stear et al., 2003 47 144 17.3 ± 0.3 F Cambridge, UK 15.5 938 +1 g Ca Whole body BMC 0.8 ± 0.5% (T vs P),
supplement p < 0.01
Lumbar spine BMC 0.9 ± 0.8% (T vs P),
p < 0.001
Hip BMC 5.3 ± 1.0% (T vs P),
p < 0.001

pQCT, peripheral quantitative computed tomography; vBMD, volumetric bone mineral density.
294 Calcium in Human Health

milk intake during both childhood and adolescence and hip BMC and BMD of women
<50 yr of age (37). Milk intake during childhood, but not during adolescence, was also
positively associated with bone area. The authors interpreted the association of low milk
intake during growth with low BMD and BMD of the hip in adulthood as a persistent
negative effect of low milk consumption during accumulation of peak bone mass. This
relationship is not ameliorated by current calcium intake, because this was adjusted for
in their model. In contrast, there was no association between milk intake in youth and later
BMD in black women in NHANES-III (61).


Much information has been accumulated about calcium intake, metabolism, and re-
quirements for optimizing development of peak bone mass during prepubertal and puber-
tal growth. This period is characterized by upregulated calcium absorption, decreased
excretion, high rates of bone turnover, and very high calcium retention. Between 25 and
50% of adult peak bone mass is accumulated during adolescence.
Our understanding of calcium metabolism and calcium accretion in adolescence is
well developed for Caucasians. Some racial comparisons have been made for calcium
absorption and excretion. However, calcium accretion rates and underlying differences
in various racial and ethnic groups is incomplete. Current calcium intakes fall short of
recommended intakes for development of maximal peak bone mass. The trend of replac-
ing milk with soft drinks as a beverage of choice is detrimental to bone gain, at least in
girls, who have lower total calcium intakes than boys (62). Behavior modification to
improve dietary habits is critical, not only for bone health, but to prevent obesity (see
Chapter 21). It is important to establish dietary habits that include sufficient calcium
intakes, because there is much evidence that calcium intake shows tracking behavior
from childhood until later life.

1. Bailey DA, Martin AD, McKay AA, Whiting S, Miriwald R. Calcium accretion in girls and boys during
puberty: A longitudinal analysis. J Bone Miner Res 2000;15:2245–2250.
2. Weaver CM. Adolescence, the period of dramatic bone growth. Endocrine 2002;17:43–48.
3. Hui SL, Zhou L, Evans R, et al. Rates of growth and loss of bone mineral in the spine and femoral neck
in white females. Osteoporosis Int 1999;9:200–205.
4. Teegarden D, Proulx WR, Martin BR, et al. Peak bone mass in young women. J Bone Miner Res
5. Lin Y-C, Lyle RM, Weaver CM, McCabe GP, Johnston CC Jr, Teegarden D. Peak spine and femoral
neck bone mass in young women. Bone 2003;32:546–553.
6. Nicklas TA. Calcium intake trends and health consequences from childhood through adulthood. J Am
Coll Nutr 2003;22:340–356.
7. Nutrition Assistance Program Report Series. The Office of Analysis, Nutrition and Evaluation.
Children’s Diets in the Mid-1990s: Dietary Intake and its Relationship with School Meal Participation.
Special Nutrition Programs Report No. CN-01-CD1, 2001. United States Department of Agriculture,
Food and Nutrition Service, Washington, DC: January, 2001.
8. Johnson RK, Frary C, Wang MQ. The nutritional consequences of flavored-milk consumption by
school-aged children and adolescents in the United States. J Am Diet Assoc 2002;102:853–856.
9. Ballow C, Kuester S, Gillespie C. Beverage choices affect adequacy of children’s nutrient intakes. Arch
Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000;154;1148–1152.
Chapter 17 / Prepuberty and Adolescence 295

10. Mrdjenovic G, Levitsky DA. Nutritional and energetic consequences of sweetened drink consumption
in 6- to 13-year old children. J Pediatr 2003;142:604–610.
11. McGartland C, Robson PJ, Murray L, et al. Carbonated soft drink consumption and bone mineral density
in adolescence: the Northern Ireland Young Hearts project. J Bone Miner Res 2003;18:1563–1569.
12. Whiting SJ, Healey A, Psiuk S, Mirwald R, Kowalski K, Bailey DA. Relationship between carbonated and
other low nutrient dense beverages and bone mineral content of adolescents. Nutr Res 2001;21:1107–1115.
13. Welton DC, Kemper HC, Post GB, Van Staveren WA, Twisk JW. Longitudinal development and
tracking of calcium and diary intake from teenager to adult. Eur J Clin Nutr 1997;51:612–618.
14. Dwyer JT, Gardner J, Halvorsen K, Krall EA, Cohen A, Valadian I. Memory of food intake in the distant
past. Am J Epidemiol 1989;130:1033–1046.
15. Teegarden D, Lyle RM, Proulx WR, Johnston CC Jr, Weaver CM. Previous milk consumption is
associated with greater bone density in young women. Am J Clin Nutr 1999;69:1014–1017.
16. Lytle LA, Seifert S, Greenstein J, McGovern P. How do children’s eating patterns and food choices
change over time? Results from a cohort study. Am J Health Promot 2000;14;222–228.
17. Skinner JD, Bounds W, Carruth BR, Ziegler P. Longitudinal calcium intake is negatively related to
children’s body fat indices. J Am Diet Assoc 2003;103:1026–1031.
18. Weaver CM, Martin BR, Plawecki KL, et al. Differences in calcium metabolism between adolescent and
adult females. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61:577–581.
19. Wastney ME, Ng J, Smith D, Martin BR, Peacock M, Weaver CM. Differences in calcium kinetics
between adolescent girls and young women. Am J Physiol 1996;271:R208–R216.
20. Bryant RJ, Wastney ME, Martin BR, et al. Racial differences in bone turnover and calcium metabolism
in adolescent females. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003;88(3):1043–1047.
21. Looker AC, Wahner HW, Dunn WL, et al. Updated data on proximal femur bone mineral levels of U.S.
Adults. Osteoporos Int 1998;8:468–489.
22. Abrams SA, Copeland KC, Gunn SK, Staff JE, Clarke LL, Ellis KJ. Calcium absorption and kinetics are
similar in 7- and 8-year old Mexican-American girls despite hormonal differences. J Nutr 1999;129:666–671.
23. Matkovic V, Heaney RP. Calcium balance during human growth: evidence for threshold behavior. Am
J Clin Nutr 1992;55:992–996.
24. Jackman LA, Millane SS, Martin BR, et al. Calcium retention in relation to calcium intake and
postmenarcheal age in adolescent females. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:327–333.
25. Weaver CM, McCabe GP, Peacock M. Calcium intake and age influence calcium retention in adoles-
cence. In: Burckhardt P, Dawson-Hughes B, Heaney RP, eds. Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis.
Serono Symposium, Springer-Verlag, New York: 1998; pp. 3–10.
26. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride. Standing
Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nutrition Board, Insti-
tute of Medicine. National Academy Press, Washington, DC: 1997.
27. Wastney ME, Martin BR, Peacock M, et al. Changes in calcium kinetics in adolescent girls induced by
high calcium intake. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000;85:4470–4475.
28. Abrams S, Griffin IJ, Hicks PD, Gunn SK. Pubertal girls only partially adapt to low calcium intakes. J
Bone Miner Res 2004;19:759–762.
29. Heaney RP, Abrams S, Dawson-Hughes B, et al. Peak bone mass. Osteoporos Int 2000;11:985–1009.
30. Alffram PA, Bauer GCH. Epidemiology of fractures of the forearm. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1962;44:105–114.
31. Jones IE, Williams SM, Dow N, Goulding A. How many children remain fracture-free during growth?
A longitudinal study of children and adolescents participating in the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health
and Development Study. Osteoporos Int 2002;13:990–995.
32. Bailey DA, Wedge JH, McCullough RG, Martin AD, Bernhardson SC. Epidemiology of fractures of the
distal end of the radius in children as associated with growth. J Bone Joint Surg 1989;71A:1225–1231.
33. Goulding A, Cannan R, Williams SM, Gold EJ, Taylor RW, Lewis-Barned NJ. Bone mineral density
in girls with forearm fractures. J Bone Miner Res 1998;13:143–148.
34. Parfitt AM. The two faces of growth: benefits and risks to bone integrity. Osteoporos Int 1994:4:382–298.
35. Khosla S, Melton III LJ, Delutoski MB, Achenbach SJ, Oberg AL, Riggs BL. Incidence of childhood
distal forearm fractures over 30 years. JAMA 2003;290:1479–1485.
36. Black RE, Williams SM, Jones IE, Goulding A. Children who avoid drinking cow milk have low dietary
calcium intakes and poor bone health. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;76:675–680.
296 Calcium in Human Health

37. Kalkwarf HJ, Khoury JC, Lanphear BP. Milk intake during childhood and adolescence, adult bone
density, and osteoporotic fractures in US women. Am J Clin Nutr 2003;77:257–265.
38. Johnston CC Jr, Miller JZ, Slemenda CW, et al. Calcium supplementation and increases in bone mineral
density in children. N Engl J Med 1992;327:82–87.
39. Lloyd T, Andon MB, Rollings N, et al. Calcium supplementation and bone mineral density in adolescent
girls. JAMA 1993;270:841–844.
40. Chan GM, Hoffman K, McMurry M. Effects of dairy products on bone and body composition in pubertal
girls. J Pediatr 1995;126(4):551–556.
41. Lee WTK, Leung SSF, Wang SH, et al. Double-blind controlled calcium supplementation and bone
mineral accretion in children accustomed to low calcium diet. Am J Clin Nutr 1994;60:744–752.
42. Cadogan J, Eastell R, Jones N, Barker ME. Milk intake and bone mineral acquisition in adolescent girls:
Randomized, controlled intervention trial. Br Med J 1997;315:1255–1260.
43. Bonjour JP, Carrie AL, Ferrari S, et al. Calcium-enriched foods and bone mass growth in prepubertal
girls—a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Clin Invest 1997;99:1287–1294.
44. Dibba B, Prentice A, Ceesay M et al. Effect of calcium supplementation on bone mineral accretion in
gambian children accustomed to a low-calcium diet. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71(2):544–549.
45. Moyer-Mileur LJ, Xie B, Ball SD, Pratt T. Bone mass and density response to a 12-month trial of calcium
and vitamin D supplementation preadolescent girls. J Musculoskel Neuron Interact 2003;3:63–70.
46. Rozen GS, Rennert G, Dodiuk-Gad R, et al. Calcium supplementation provides an extended window of
opportunity for bone mass accretion after menarche. Am J Clin Nutr 2003;78:993–998.
47. Stear SJ, Prentice A, Jones SC, et al. Effect of a calcium and exercise intervention on the bone mineral
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48. Wosje KS, Specker BL. Role of calcium in bone health during childhood. Nutr Rev 2000;58(9):253–268.
49. Slemenda CW, Peacock M, Hui S, Zhou L, Johnston CC. Reduced rates of skeletal remodeling are
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50. Lee WTK, Leung SSF, Leung DMY, Cheng JCY. A follow-up study on the effect of calcium-supple-
ment withdrawal and puberty on bone acquisition of children. Am J Clin Nutr 1996;64:71–77.
51. Matkovic V, Badenhop-Stevens NE, Landoll JD, Nagode LA, Goel P. Effect of calcium on bone mass
of young females from childhood to young adulthood. Fifth International Symposium: Clinical Ad-
vances in Osteoporosis, National Osteoporosis Foundation, March 6–9, 2002. Abstract #1.
52. Matkovic V, Landoll JD, Badenkop-Stevens NE, et al. Nutrition influences skeletal development from
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55. Goulding A. Milk components and bone health. Aust J Dairy Technol 2003;58:73–78.
56. Lyytikäinen A, Nawa M, Kopela R, et al. Cheese as a source of calcium and its effects on body compo-
sition in pubertal Finnish girls. J Bone Miner Res 2003;18:S183, Abst# SU 010.
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62. Whiting SJ, Vatanparast H, Baxter-Jones A, Faulkner RA, Miriwald R, Bailey DA. Factors that affect
bone mineral accrual in the adolescent growth spurt. J Nutr 2004;134–696S–700S.
Chapter 18 / Pregnancy and Lactation 297

18 Calcium in Pregnancy and Lactation

Heidi J. Kalkwarf

• Pregnancy and lactation are times of high calcium demand. Different physiological
adaptations in maternal calcium metabolism are invoked to secure calcium for fetal bone
and breast milk production.
• During pregnancy, additional calcium is obtained by an increase in intestinal calcium
absorption and, in the third trimester, by mobilization of calcium from bone.
• During lactation, significant demineralization of maternal bone occurs to meet the in-
creased calcium demand of the neonate. This bone loss is transient as bone mass and
density increase after lactation ceases.
• Epidemiological evidence suggests that pregnancy and lactation do not increase risk of
osteoporotic fracture.

1.1. Calcium Transferred During Pregnancy and Lactation
Pregnancy and lactation are times of high calcium demand. Approximately 25 to 30 g
of calcium are transferred to the fetal skeleton by the end of pregnancy. The fetus accumu-
lates 2–3 mg/d of calcium during the first trimester, increasing to 250 mg/d during the
third trimester (1). Maternal calcium losses to breast milk are approx 200–240 mg/d (2).
Considering that the maternal skeleton contains about 900 g of calcium, the loss of
calcium during pregnancy and 6 mo of lactation are equivalent to 3 and 5%, respectively,
of a mother’s total skeletal calcium content.

1.2. Recommended Calcium Intakes for Pregnant and Lactating Women

Over Time
It has long been assumed that pregnant and lactating women need to consume greater
amounts of calcium to compensate for the loss of calcium from the mother to the fetus
and infant. Since the inception of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) in the
early 1940s, the recommended calcium intakes have been higher for pregnant and lactat-
ing women as compared with those for nonpregnant, nonlactating women (Fig. 1). Rec-
ommended calcium intakes have been as high as 1500 mg/d for pregnant women and

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
298 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 1. Recommended calcium intakes for pregnant and lactating women, 1943–1997. The values
for 1943–1989 are Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDAs), whereas the value for 1997 is an
adequate intake and does not have the same meaning as an RDA (adequate intake [AI]).

2000 mg/d for lactating women. The 1997 Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) represents the
first time that recommended calcium intakes for pregnant and lactating women were the
same as those for nonpregnant, nonlactating women—1000 mg/d (3). Although the 1997
DRI for calcium was an adequate intake, which differs conceptually from an RDA, the
similarity in requirement for dietary calcium by pregnant, lactating and nonpregnant
women remains salient. These recent recommendations are based on the recognition that
there are physiological adaptations in maternal calcium homeostasis to compensate for
the transfer of calcium to the fetus and infant, while maternal circulating calcium con-
centrations are still maintained within a narrow range. Much has been learned in the last
10 yr regarding adaptations in calcium homeostasis during pregnancy and lactation.
Prior to the development of the 1997 DRI, there were very little experimental data on
humans from which to determine dietary calcium requirements of pregnant and lactating

2.1. Changes in Calcium Metabolism During Pregnancy
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D), the active
form of vitamin D, are the classical regulators of calcium homeostasis, and function
together to maintain serum calcium concentrations within a narrow range via three mecha-
nisms: (1) stimulating renal calcium reabsorption, (2) increasing intestinal calcium
absorption, and (3) mobilizing calcium from bone. Serum concentrations of intact PTH
have been reported to decrease or not change over the course of pregnancy (4–6), whereas
circulating concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D are markedly increased. Compared with
prepregnant values, serum concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D increase by 50–100% in the
Chapter 18 / Pregnancy and Lactation 299

second trimester of pregnancy and by 100% in the third trimester (7,8). The signal to
increase 1,25(OH)2D synthesis is not clear because PTH concentrations are not elevated.
Vitamin D-binding protein concentrations increase in pregnancy, which may explain
some of the increase (8,9). However, the amount of free 1,25(OH)2D also is elevated.
Some of the circulating 1,25(OH)2D may be of placental origin, because maternal
1,25(OH)2D concentrations rapidly decrease within a few days after delivery of the
fetus (10).
Intestinal calcium absorption is increased during pregnancy as would be predicted by
the increase in 1,25(OH)2D concentrations. The increase in maternal intestinal calcium
absorption is an important physiological adaptation to secure additional calcium. Frac-
tional calcium absorption increases by 50–56% over prepregnant levels in the second
trimester of pregnancy and by 54–62% in the third trimester (7,8). Assuming a dietary
intake of 1000 mg/d of calcium and a baseline fractional absorption of 33%, this increase
in absorption efficiency would result in an additional 165–205 mg/d of calcium for the
fetus. In contrast with expectations considering the increased need for calcium, urinary
calcium excretion increases over the course of pregnancy by 30–125% depending on
dietary calcium intake (6,8). The increased urinary excretion is most likely caused by the
marked increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and increased absorptive load. This
increased loss of calcium in the urine during pregnancy has been estimated to be 80–
136 mg/d and negates some of the potential gain from increased intestinal calcium absorp-
tion (6,8).
Pregnancy appears to be a time of increased bone turnover. Serum concentrations of
bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and the propeptide of type 1 collagen, two biochemi-
cal markers of bone formation, are elevated in the third trimester with a steep peak in the
last month of pregnancy (4,6). There have been conflicting reports as to whether there are
changes in these markers in the first two trimesters of pregnancy. Concentrations of
osteocalcin, which is synthesized by osteoblasts and which also may signify bone forma-
tion, have been found to decrease, decrease then increase, or not change during pregnancy
(6,8,10). Markers of bone resorption also are elevated during pregnancy. Concentrations
of the breakdown products of collagen, such as pyridinoline, deoxypyridinoline, and
N-telopeptide cross-links, increase throughout pregnancy reaching a peak at the end of
pregnancy (4,6,8). Increases in insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and placental lactogen
have been suggested as the possible mechanisms behind increased bone turnover during
pregnancy (4,6). However, the increase in IGF-1 concentrations precedes the increase in
bone formation markers, and IGF-1 concentrations correlate more strongly with markers
of bone formation than bone resorption. Although bone turnover may be elevated, it is
difficult to predict whether there is a net loss of maternal bone during pregnancy using
biochemical markers alone. Factors such as whether the markers are of maternal, placen-
tal, or fetal origin, and the effects of pregnancy on the metabolic clearance of these
proteins by the liver and kidney, confound the interpretation of biochemical markers of
bone turnover during pregnancy. It also has been speculated that some of the increase in
bone resorption markers is due to increased turnover of soft tissue collagen of the uterus
and skin (6). Heaney and Skillman (11) performed a stable isotopic study to evaluate
calcium kinetics during pregnancy. They found that calcium accretion increased through-
out pregnancy, beginning prior to significant fetal bone accretion, and that bone resorp-
tion increased above non-pregnant levels at the end of pregnancy.
300 Calcium in Human Health

2.2. Bone Mass and Density During Pregnancy

Data on bone mineral density (BMD) assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
on women throughout pregnancy are sparse as a result of concern about potential risks
associated with radiation exposure to the fetus. To circumvent this potential risk, differ-
ent approaches have been used to evaluate the impact of pregnancy on maternal bone.
One approach has been to measure BMD before conception and shortly after delivery.
Results of studies using this approach have been inconsistent. Some studies have found
no significant loss of bone density (7,8,12,13), whereas other studies report losses of
–2 to –2.6% at the ultradistal radius (14,15), –2 to –4% at the spine (4,6,16), and –2.4 to
–3.6% at the hip (4,17). Part of the inconsistency in the findings may be attributable to
the fact that in some of the studies, bone density was measured as late as 6 wk postpartum,
making interpretation of the results difficult because significant losses of bone may occur
within the immediate postpartum period. The change in bone density during pregnancy
may vary according to skeletal site. In one study, bone density at trabecular-rich sites
(pelvis and spine) decreased by 3 to 4%, whereas bone density at cortical sites (arms and
legs) increased by 2% (6).
Ultrasound also has been used to investigate changes in bone during pregnancy because
it does not involve radiation exposure. Speed of sound (SOS) and bone ultrasound attenu-
ation (BUA) are strongly correlated with bone density measured at the same skeletal site.
Longitudinal studies with repeated measurements over the course of pregnancy have
found decreases in SOS and BUA at the os calcis and phalanges in the latter half of
pregnancy (18–21). The decrease is the most pronounced in the third trimester, the time
when the fetus is accreting bone mineral most rapidly. Thus, it is likely that calcium from
the maternal skeleton is mobilized at the end of pregnancy to meet some of the fetal need
for calcium. In keeping with this, longitudinal studies of BMD in women who do not
lactate after delivery show that bone density at the spine and hip increase by about 2%
in the first year postpartum (22–24). It is possible that this increase in BMD may com-
pensate for that lost during pregnancy.
Whether or not dietary calcium intake modifies the pregnancy-induced changes in
calcium homeostasis and bone turnover is largely unknown. Theoretically, women with
very low calcium intakes may have a greater increase in intestinal calcium absorption,
less urinary calcium excretion, and greater bone loss during pregnancy, whereas these
changes may be blunted in women with very high calcium intakes. In contrast with the
pregnancy-induced increase in urinary calcium excretion observed in women with cal-
cium intakes around 1200 mg/d, Bezerra and co-workers found no pregnancy-induced
increase in urinary calcium excretion in women with calcium intakes around 400–500
mg/d (25). In addition, another study reported that the increase in markers of bone resorp-
tion during pregnancy was inversely related to calcium intake (26). Detailed studies of
calcium homeostasis and bone mass during pregnancy and postpartum are needed, espe-
cially those involving women with differing calcium intakes.

2.3. Maternal Calcium Intake and Fetal Bone

Little is known about the effects of maternal calcium intake during pregnancy on fetal
bone mineral accretion, because only two calcium supplementation studies that also
evaluated neonatal bone mass have been conducted among pregnant women. In a study
of undernourished Indian women, infants born to women who received an additional
Chapter 18 / Pregnancy and Lactation 301

300 mg/d or 600 mg/d of calcium had greater bone mass than infants born to unsupplemented
women (27). A randomized calcium-supplementation trial of pregnant women in the United
States showed that supplemental calcium intake resulted in an increase in newborn bone
mass only among women whose dietary calcium intake was below 600 mg/d (28). Chang
and co-workers (29) evaluated the relation between dairy intake among pregnant adoles-
cent African Americans and fetal femur length measured by ultrasound between 20 and
34 wk gestation. Fetal femur length among pregnant adolescents who consumed less than
two servings of dairy products daily was lower than the fetal femur length of pregnant
adolescents consuming more than three servings of dairy products daily. Thus, fetal bone
mineralization and bone growth may be compromised when maternal dietary calcium
intake is very low.

3.1. Calcium Metabolism During Lactation
Physiological compensations to secure additional calcium for lactation differ from
those invoked during pregnancy. In contrast with pregnancy, there is no increase in
circulating concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D (30,31) or intestinal calcium absorption in
lactating as compared with nonlactating postpartum women (8,32–34). Furthermore,
serum concentrations of PTH are lower in lactating as compared with nonlactating women
in the first 3 mo postpartum (30,31,35).
The lower PTH concentrations during early lactation are likely to be a consequence of
bone resorption caused by hypoestrogenemia and elevated circulating concentrations of
parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) (36–38). Lactation results in prolonged
postpartum amenorrhea and hypoestrogenemia as a result of suppression of the hypotha-
lamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. Hypoestrogenemia results in bone resorption in a variety
of situations. PTHrP is made in the mammary gland, is present in very high concentra-
tions in breast milk, and circulating concentrations are elevated in lactating women (39).
Circulating PTHrP has actions similar to PTH (40). PTHrP stimulates bone resorption,
and administration of PTHrP results in an immediate increase in serum calcium concen-
trations (41). Evidence for the potential physiological role of PTHrP in calcium metabo-
lism during lactation comes from the fact that serum concentrations of calcium are more
highly correlated with PTHrP than with PTH among lactating women (37).
The effects of lactation on urinary calcium conservation are unclear. Some studies
have found a 20 to 50% decrease in urinary calcium excretion during lactation (8,42–46).
However, other studies have found no difference in urinary calcium between lactating
and nonlactating postpartum women (30,31,34,35). One possible explanation for this
discrepancy is that urinary calcium may be decreased in all postpartum women, regard-
less of lactation, to compensate for calcium lost during pregnancy.
Alterations in the calcium economy also occur after weaning when lactation has ceased.
Within 2 to 3 mo after weaning, serum concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D are higher in
previously lactating women as compared to nonlactating postpartum women. This is
accompanied by a slight increase (39% vs 31%) in fractional absorption of calcium by
the intestine (32). The increase in intestinal calcium absorption is one mechanism by
which additional calcium is secured for reconstitution of bone after weaning (discussed
later). The increase in intestinal absorption is also seen in lactating women who have
302 Calcium in Human Health

resumed menses. Thus, it is likely that changes in intestinal calcium absorption are
secondary to effects of estrogen on calcium and bone metabolism.

3.2. Changes in Bone Mass and Density During Lactation

and After Weaning
There have been more than two dozen longitudinal studies that have examined changes
in bone mass and density over the course of lactation. Despite differences in study design
and population studied, all of them have found bone loss at one or more skeletal sites
during lactation. Decreases within the range of –2 to –7% in bone mass and density of the
lumbar spine and femoral neck during lactation consistently have been found across
studies (15,22–24,47–49). The decrease in bone density occurs rapidly within the first 3
to 6 mo of lactation, and bone density remains lower with continued lactation (49,50).
Changes in bone density of the forearm at the trabecular-rich ultra-distal site and the
cortical bone at the shaft have been less consistent with some studies finding decreases
during lactation (24,42,51) than with others finding no change (15,23,49).
Although there is a decrease in bone mass and density during lactation, this loss is
transient and there is a compensatory increase in bone density shortly after weaning
(23,24,49,52). Recovery of bone mass and density after weaning occurs earlier for the spine
than for the femoral neck. Most studies have found complete recovery of bone density at
the spine 6 mo after weaning. However, it is not clear if there is complete recovery of bone
density at the femoral neck. Although most studies show an increase in bone density at
this skeletal site after weaning, in several studies a deficit in bone density was still evident
at the end of the follow-up period (15,48,50). It is possible that a greater increase in bone
density would have been evident had the women been followed for a longer period.
The amount of bone lost during lactation and the time-course of recovery of bone after
weaning is strongly related to the duration of postpartum amenorrhea. The length of
postpartum amenorrhea is as good as the length of lactation in predicting change in bone
density (15,24,49). Although the length of postpartum amenorrhea is correlated with the
length of lactation, some women do resume menses while breast-feeding. Examination
of the pattern of change in bone density in these women has enabled better understanding
of the role of hypoestrogenemia in modulating bone loss during lactation. Polatti et al
found less of a deficit in bone density in lactating women who resumed menses by 5 mo
postpartum than in those who remained amenorrheaic (–3.0% vs –5.8%) (24).

3.3. Calcium Intake and Bone Changes During Lactation

and After Weaning
Bone loss during lactation and recovery after weaning are relatively independent of
dietary calcium intake. Lactation-induced bone loss at the femoral neck and spine have
been reported for women with high (>1500 mg/d) dietary calcium intakes (15,35,50,53).
Three randomized calcium-supplementation trials also have shown that calcium supple-
mentation does not prevent bone loss during lactation. Kalkwarf et al. randomized 83
lactating women and 81 nonlactating postpartum women whose dietary calcium intake
averaged 735 mg/d to receive 1 g/d calcium or placebo for 6 mo (23). When considering
all women, there was a small effect of calcium supplementation on bone density (+1.2%)
(Fig. 2). However, there was no effect of calcium supplementation on lactation-induced
bone loss at the spine; bone loss did not significantly differ between lactating women who
Chapter 18 / Pregnancy and Lactation 303

Fig. 2. Effects of calcium supplementation (1/g) and lactation on percent change in bone density
of the lumbar spine during the first 6 mo postpartum. (Reprinted from ref. 23.)

received the calcium supplement and those that received the placebo –4.2% vs –4.9%).
Nonlactating women benefited from calcium supplementation as much as or more than
did lactating women. Polatti et al. conducted a 6-mo randomized supplementation trial
involving 139 lactating women who received 1 g/d of calcium and 135 lactating women
who received a placebo (24). There was no difference between groups in the amount of
bone loss at the lumbar spine (–4.0% vs –4.4%) and ultra-distal radius (–2.0% vs –2.2%)
over the 6-mo intervention period. Prentice et al. randomized 60 lactating women in the
Gambia who had a very low calcium intake (283 mg/d) to receive a supplement averaging
714 mg/d of calcium or a placebo for 12 mo (42). Although there was a significant
decrease in bone mass at the radial shaft during lactation, there was no difference in bone
loss between lactating women who received the calcium supplement and those who
received the placebo. One would hypothesize that women with very low calcium intakes,
such as the women in the Gambia, would be the most likely to benefit from calcium
supplementation. Bone density measurements were only obtained at the forearm in this
study, and it is unknown whether calcium supplementation would reduce lactation-
induced bone loss at other skeletal sites in women with very low calcium intakes.
The increase in bone density after weaning occurs in women across a wide range of
dietary calcium intakes. The rate of recovery of bone density after weaning may be faster
in women who received 1 g/d of supplemental calcium after weaning (23) (Fig. 3).
However, by 12 mo after weaning, there was no difference in bone density between
women who received a calcium supplement during lactation and those who did not (24).

3.4. Dietary Calcium Intake and Breast Milk Calcium Concentrations

There is significant variability in calcium concentrations of breast milk among women,
but the factors that account for this variation remain uncertain. Maternal calcium intake
during lactation appears to have very little effect on breast milk calcium concentrations.
Populations with low dietary calcium intake have been found to have both low and high
304 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 3. Effects of calcium supplementation (1 g/d) and weaning on percent change in maternal bone
density of the lumbar spine from 6 to 12 mo postpartum. (Reprinted from ref. 23.)

breast milk calcium concentrations. Furthermore, two randomized, double-blinded cal-

cium supplementation trials failed to find an effect of supplemental calcium on breast
milk calcium concentration (23,42).


Because of the significant transfer of calcium into the fetus and the decrease in mater-
nal bone density during pregnancy and lactation, there has been concern that pregnancy
and lactation may increase a woman’s risk of osteoporotic fracture in her later years. Most
studies have focused on risk of hip fracture because of its high morbidity and mortality.
In general, it appears that pregnancy and lactation do not affect long-term risk of hip
fracture. Several large epidemiological studies have found that parity or ever having been
pregnant are not associated with risk of hip fracture (54). Contrary to expectations, other
studies have shown that pregnancy is associated with a lower, not higher, risk of hip
fracture (55–58). One possible explanation for this is that some nulliparous women may
have a compromised endocrine profile that also adversely affects their bone density, and
thus infertility may result in increased risk of osteoporotic hip fracture (56,59,60).
Several studies have shown that ever having lactated, lactating for long periods,
breastfeeding several infants, or a long cumulative duration of lactation also do not appear
to increase risk of hip fracture (55,57,61–64). Because of the inverse association between
parity and hip fracture, it is necessary to examine the effects of lactation on fracture risk
only among parous women. In a case–control study of 664 elderly women with hip
fracture and 1848 controls, there was no association between lactation and risk of hip
fracture among parous women. The odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for hip fracture
associated with breastfeeding for 6–10 mo, 11–16 mo, and more than16 mo were 0.90
(0.7–1.15), 0.95 (0.72–1.26), and 1.01 (0.75–1.15), respectively (58). Although the
results from studies to date do not indicate that lactation affects risk of osteoporotic
Chapter 18 / Pregnancy and Lactation 305

fracture in general, no studies have addressed this question in subgroups of women who
have characteristics that, theoretically, may place them at higher risk, such as women who
lactate close to the onset of menopause, or those with very low calcium intakes.


From an evolutionary standpoint, it is highly advantageous that the maternal calcium
regulatory system is able to invoke multiple mechanisms by which to secure the neces-
sary calcium for the fetus and for breast milk production in lieu of depending on abundant
availability of dietary calcium. The availability of sufficient amounts of dietary calcium
to meet the needs of reproduction among hunters and gathers was likely to have been
unreliable. A calcium-securing strategy that is more reliable, and therefore safer for the
survival of the fetus and infant, is for the mother to invoke compensatory calcium regu-
latory mechanisms.
At the outset, it would seem that the dependence on maternal calcium stored in bone
for the support pregnancy and lactation would undermine the structural integrity of the
maternal skeleton and place the mother at an immediate increased risk of fracture. If this
were the case, it would likely compromise infant survival and, thus, would not be desir-
able evolutionarily. However, it is now becoming evident that women of reproductive
age may have a surfeit of bone mineral relative to that needed for structural and locomo-
tive functions (65). There is a strong relationship between bone mass and muscle mass,
which reflects their functional and interrelated roles in locomotion and performing other
types of work. This relation has been demonstrated across a wide range of populations
of varying ages, genders, races, and geographic regions. Ferretti and co-workers demon-
strated that the ratio of bone mass to muscle mass was greater for premenopausal women
than for men, prepubertal children, and postmenopausal women (66). From a biome-
chanical efficiency perspective, it is desirable to have the minimum amount of bone
mineral necessary to provide its structural function. Thus, the additional bone mineral per
muscle mass in premenopausal women is likely there to support reproduction. The loss
of bone mineral after menopause may be a consequence of the fact that the surfeit of bone
is no longer necessary to support potential reproductive needs. However, women today
live several decades longer than did women thousands of years ago. Postmenopausal
bone loss, coupled with age-related bone loss, is associated with a high rate of osteoporotic
fracture in older women. Thus, adoption of a lifestyle that maximizes bone mass and
density is important for decreasing fracture risk in the later years.

Pregnancy and lactation are times of high calcium demand. Approximately 25–30 g
of calcium are transferred to the fetus during pregnancy, and 200–240 mg/d of calcium
are secreted in breast milk. Different physiological adaptations in maternal calcium
metabolism are invoked to secure sufficient calcium for fetal bone mineral accretion and
breast milk production. During pregnancy, the primary adaptation to secure additional
calcium is an increase in maternal intestinal calcium absorption. Additional calcium may
come from demineralization of maternal bone in the last trimester of pregnancy, when the
fetus is accreting bone most rapidly. Urinary calcium excretion is increased during preg-
306 Calcium in Human Health

nancy as a result of increased GFR, but this increase may not occur in women with low
calcium intakes.
The primary mechanism by which to secure calcium for the support of breast milk
production is reduction of maternal bone mass. Urinary calcium conservation also may
occur during lactation, although the results from studies are conflicting. Bone loss during
lactation is related to the length of postpartum amenorrhea and is not affected by maternal
calcium intake. The bone loss during lactation is transient, because bone density increases
after weaning. Recovery of bone density after pregnancy and lactation appears to be com-
plete, and previous pregnancy and lactation are not associated with increased risk of hip
fractures among elderly women.

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J Bone Miner Res 2003;18:1921–1931.
66. Ferretti JL, Capozza RF, Cointry GR, et al. Gender-related differences in the relationship between
densitometric values of whole-body bone mineral content and lean body mass in humans between 2 and
87 yeas of age. Bone 1998;22:683–690.
Chapter 19 / Calcium in Systemic Health 311


Chapter 19 / Calcium in Systemic Health 313

19 Calcium in Systemic Human Health

Robert P. Heaney

• Low calcium intake affects multiple body systems through three basic mechanisms:
reduction in the size of the calcium nutrient reserve, reduction of complexation of poten-
tially harmful byproducts of digestion because of low calcium content in the food residue,
and inappropriate second messenger action of calcium ions as a result of high calcitriol
levels evoked in response to low calcium intake.
• Although the resulting diseases are multi-factorial, improving calcium intake at a popu-
lation level will nevertheless reduce national disease burden and health care costs sub-

Low calcium intakes have been linked to a bewildering array of different diseases. In
the chapters of this section, we describe the pathogenesis of the best attested of these
disorders and review the evidence for the role of variations in calcium intake in their
causation, prevention, and treatment. First, however, it is useful to establish the broad
functional context in which calcium operates.
Regulation of extracellular fluid (ECF) [Ca2+], especially when that involves adapting
to chronically low calcium intakes, produces effects that are not confined to bone health.
Adaptation, although obviously a necessary capacity to tide the organism over fluctuat-
ing and uncontrolled inputs, may nevertheless exert harmful collateral effects when
constantly invoked. Examples for nonskeletal systems include effects on blood pressure
regulation and body fat metabolism. Medical science is familiar with this phenomenon
in the case of stress—with its high adrenergic hormone levels and high secretion of
adrenal glucocorticoids—useful in emergencies, but harmful when sustained.
The mechanisms that underlie the collateral effects flowing from maintenance of the
constancy of ECF [Ca2+] are less well understood, but are gradually becoming clearer.
Most direct is an increase in parathyroid cell mass itself (1). Associated with this phenom-
enon is an age-specific increase in incidence of hyperparathyroidism among postmeno-
pausal women (2). Whether the two phenomena are causally related is not settled, but it
is true for other organ systems that constant stimulation promotes development of

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
314 Calcium in Human Health

Table 1
Classification of Disorders Related to Low Calcium Intake
As a result of:
Decreased Ca nutrient Low food residue Ca in chyme Adaptive mechanisms
reserve maintaining ECF [Ca2+]
Osteoporosis Colon cancer Hypertension
Renolithiasis Pre-eclampsia
Premenstrual syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome

autonomous cell clones or frank neoplasia, and it would be surprising if this same
relationship were not true for the parathyroid glands as well.
Pathogenesis of all of the other disorders currently linked to low calcium intake can
be reduced to only three basic mechanisms: (1) decrease in the size of the calcium reserve;
(2) decrease in residual calcium in the intestinal contents as they reach the lower bowel;
and (3) nonskeletal responses to the hormones mediating adaptation to low calcium
intake. The principal disorders associated with low calcium intakes are classified on this
mechanistic basis in Table 1, and can be briefly characterized as follows:
• Osteoporosis is the disorder that results when the size of the calcium reserve (the skel-
eton) is depleted for nutritional reasons (see Chapter 2). The hormonal responses to
insufficient intake succeed in maintaining ECF [Ca2+], but they often end up doing so by
depleting the nutrient reserve (bone mass).
• The risk of both colon cancer and kidney stones rises as the calcium content of the diet
residue falls, both for the same basic reason: insufficient calcium in the food residue to
complex potentially harmful byproducts of digestion.
• The best available explanation for at least some of the remaining disorders lies in the fact
that, in addition to its classical effects regulating ECF [Ca2+], parathyroid hormone
(PTH) induces a high level of production of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D),
which not only optimizes intestinal calcium absorption, but elevates cytosolic calcium
ion concentrations in many tissues unrelated to the operation of the calcium economy,
thereby altering their basal level of functional activity. (See Chapter 3 for a detailed
exposition of the actions and regulation of calcium ion levels in the cell interior.)
The first two mechanisms are straightforward. They are both reflections of the reduc-
tion in calcium mass—the less mass ingested, the less mass absorbed, and the less residual
calcium mass in the intestine left over from the diet. All are inescapable aspects of low
The other disorders have been termed “calcium paradox” diseases (3) because of the
seeming paradox of reduced calcium intakes and elevated cytosolic [Ca2+]. The mecha-
nisms that underlie these disorders are more subtle and are set forth schematically in
Fig. 1. Whereas expression of the disorders in the first two groups is an immediate,
direct consequence of low calcium intake, expression of the calcium paradox diseases
Chapter 19 / Calcium in Systemic Health 315

Fig. 1. Schematic depiction of the consequences of low levels of ingested and/or absorbed calcium.
The primary hormonal response (i.e., increased parathyroid hormone secretion) initiates not only
the well described calcium-conserving responses that are a part of the negative feedback loop
regulating extracellular fluid [Ca2+], but also elevates cytosolic [Ca2+] in certain tissues, thereby
falsely signaling responses in cells that are not a part of the calcium homeostatic control loop.
(Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 1999. Reproduced with permission.)

almost certainly requires interaction of multiple defects and triggering mechanisms. At

least three such factors can be identified for most of them: (1) the low calcium intake that
leads to increased circulating 1,25(OH)2D, which produces a leak of calcium into the
cytosol; (2) a genetic sensitivity that renders certain cell types (or individuals) more than
usually sensitive to the leak of calcium ions into their cytosol (as, for example, by weak
mechanisms for extruding the unneeded calcium); and (3) an environmental trigger. Such
triggers might include high salt intakes for hypertension or an abundance of food energy
for obesity.
In brief, for the calcium paradox diseases, the constant high serum 1,25(OH)2D level
of low calcium intake stresses the system beyond the reserve capacity of sensitive tissues
or individuals. An instructive parallel is seen in hemolytic anemia that develops, for
example, on exposure to certain drugs or to ingestion of fava beans in individuals with
erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (known in the medical lit-
erature as “favism”). In the absence of the trigger (e.g., eating fava beans), little or no
clinical evidence of anemia is present. As with favism, the disorders that follow upon a
hypersensitivity to 1,25(OH)2D manifest themselves in individuals who lack sufficient
316 Calcium in Human Health

redundancy in the cell control mechanisms to neutralize the unsignaled elevation in

cytosolic calcium ion concentration.
At the same time, it must also be emphasized that all of the disorders in all three
categories are, in their own right, multi-factorial. For example, there are many ways to
have a reduced skeletal mass in addition to inadequate nutrient intake, and there are many
ways to have elevated blood pressure in addition to high endogenous PTH production.
Thus low calcium intake is only one factor in the genesis of these disorders, and if one
could optimize calcium intake in the entire population, it is virtually certain that none of
the diseases concerned would be totally eradicated. Nevertheless, altering calcium intake
will reduce the total disease burden for all of these disorders. Furthermore, doing so is a cost-
effective intervention within society’s grasp, and one that therefore demands attention (4).
Given the involvement of inadequate calcium intake in so many different diseases,
McCarron and Heaney (4) undertook to analyze the health system cost savings associated
with a group of nine disorders for which there is solid evidence of a calcium benefit. Their
thesis was that, even if an adequate calcium intake were to reduce a particular disease
burden by only a few percentage points, such savings, aggregated over several disorders,
would nevertheless result in substantially reduced costs. Moreover, if the disease itself
were very common or very expensive to treat, then even a small percent reduction would
still be a lot of dollars. Finally, once one has increased the population level of calcium
intake for disease A, the cost of doing so for diseases B, C, and D is zero. Hence, the more
diseases involved, the more favorable the cost–benefit relationship.
McCarron and Heaney took a conservative approach to calculating cost savings. The
chapters that follow present data indicating, for example, in osteoporosis, a 40–55%
reduction in fracture risk; by contrast McCarron and Heaney based their calculation of
savings on only a 20% reduction in fractures. Similarly high calcium intake (particularly
from dairy sources) could produce substantial reduction in prevalence of obesity; yet
McCarron and Heaney calculated only a 5% reduction. However, obesity is such an
expensive problem (estimated at $60 to more than $100 billion each year), that even a 5%
reduction results in huge savings.
Figure 2 summarizes the 5-yr savings for the nine groups of disorders analyzed. It is
immediately apparent, for example, that although calcium is traditionally associated with
reduction in osteoporotic fractures, the actual savings from reduced fracture risk ($14
billion), although substantial, are dwarfed by the much larger savings from even a modest
reduction in cardiovascular disease ($106.5 billion) and in obesity and type 2 diabetes
($75 billion). Figure 2 also illustrates forcefully the total body involvement of calcium
in health and disease.
In conclusion, calcium is important for many body systems, and low calcium intakes
contribute to the disease burden of many chronic diseases, several of which are described
in ensuing chapters. The mechanisms behind all these effects are just threefold: depletion
of the nutrient reserve (osteoporosis); inadequate intraintestinal neutralization of poten-
tially harmful byproducts of digestion (colon cancer and kidney stones); and collateral
effects on many tissues, produced by the hormones evoked to sustain plasma calcium
homeostasis (hypertension, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, and others). Raising
national calcium intakes to currently recommended values, by reducing the disease bur-
dens of these disorders, can be shown to produce aggregate savings of more than $200
billion within 5 yr.
Chapter 19 / Calcium in Systemic Health 317

Fig. 2. Five-year cost savings ($ billions) for the nine groups of disorders for which adequate
calcium intake has been shown to reduce disease burden or severity. CAD, coronary artery disease.
See ref. 28 for details. (Copyright, Robert P. Heaney, 2003. Used with permission.)

1. McKane WR, Khosla S, Egan KS, Robins SP, Burritt MF, Riggs BL. Role of calcium intake in modu-
lating age-related increases in parathyroid function and bone resorption. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
2. Heath H III, Hodgson SF, Kennedy MA. Primary hyperparathyroidism. Incidence, morbidity, and
potential economic impact in a community. N Engl J Med 1980;302:189–193.
3. Fujita T, Palmieri GMA. Calcium paradox disease: calcium deficiency prompting secondary hyperpar-
athyroidism and cellular calcium overload. J Bone Miner Metab 2000;118:109–125.
4. McCarron DA, Heaney RP. Estimated healthcare savings associated with adequate dairy food intake.
Am J Hypertension 2004;17:88–97.
Chapter 20 / Oral Health 319

20 Calcium and Oral Health

Elizabeth A. Krall

• Prior to tooth eruption, deficiency of calcium can adversely affect tooth enamel miner-
alization, tooth size, and timing of eruption.
• After tooth eruption, deficiency of calcium produces osteoporosis in the alveolar bone of
animals, which is reversible upon calcium replenishment.
• Clinical and epidemiological studies of the effects of calcium nutrition on teeth and oral
bone suggest it is one of several important factors that aids in maintaining periodontal
health and retaining teeth among adults.
• These findings need to be investigated further with randomized clinical trials.


Calcium is vital for the proper development and maintenance of calcified oral tissues.
These include tissues incorporated into the structure of the teeth themselves and the bone
in which they are embedded. The mineralized tissues of the tooth, enamel, cementum and
dentin, have characteristics that are distinct from bone. The enamel covering of the
coronal portion of the tooth is composed of large, densely packed hydroxyapatite crystals
(Fig. 1). Compared with bone, enamel has a higher ratio of mineral to water and organic
material (96% mineral, 3% water, and <1% collagen). Enamel has no vascular or nerve
supply after the tooth has been formed, and does not undergo remodeling. Demineraliza-
tion and remineralization occur only in localized areas on the tooth surface.
Cementum is the calcified layer that extends from the coronal enamel to cover the
exterior of the root surfaces. However, the composition of cementum is approx 50%
mineral and 50% organic.
Beneath the enamel or cementum layers and directly surrounding the pulpal cavity is
the dentin. Dentin is 70% mineral, 10% water, and 20% organic material, mostly col-
lagen. Like enamel, it has no vascular system but it does allow limited transport of
nutrients from the pulp via dentinal tubules.
Sockets in the alveolar bone anchor the tooth roots and provide support. Alveolar bone
is primarily trabecular and, unlike mineralized tissues of the teeth, does undergo remod-
eling. In the healthy jaw, the height of the alveolar bone crest completely encases the tooth
root as it reaches approximately to the level of the juncture of the coronal enamel and root

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
320 Calcium in Human Health

Fig.1. Diagram of the structure of a tooth. (Copyright Microsoft Corp., 2004.)


Mineralization of the primary teeth begins around 4 mo in utero. Mineralization of the
permanent teeth begins around birth and continues until they erupt, between the ages of
6 and 13 yr. During formation, the enamel and cementum have a vascular system to
supply nutrients for mineralization, but this system is severed at the time of eruption. As
a result, the time when an imbalance in calcium nutrition will have its major effect on
tooth structure is during gestation and childhood. Data from animal experiments indicate
that diets deficient in calcium, or diets with a low calcium to phosphorus ratio (1:3) will
result in hypomineralization defects in enamel and dentin (1,2), small tooth size (3), and
delayed eruption (4). Restriction of both calcium and vitamin D results in a reduced quantity
of cementum in the rat tooth (5), and lower weight of ash and total tooth weight (6).


In the adult, the primary impact of calcium nutrition on oral tissues is on alveolar bone.
Many animal studies have manipulated the calcium content of the diet, or the calcium to
phosphorus ratio to induce secondary hyperparathyroidism, in order to study the effects
on alveolar bone. Findings from these studies consistently show that a calcium imbalance
will produce signs of osteoporosis in the jaw and alveolar crest (5,7–9). The alveolar
porosity and thinning of the trabeculae parallel those seen in the long bones of the same
animals (8,9). Replenishing calcium intake to adequate levels reverses these signs
throughout the skeleton (8). It has been suggested that the jaws exhibit osteoporotic
changes first (9,10), before osteoporosis becomes evident in the spine or peripheral sites
but this has been disputed (8).
Chapter 20 / Oral Health 321

Fig. 2. Radiograph of upper molar showing alveolar bone loss, indicated by the bracket. In com-
parison, the right side of the tooth shows minimal bone loss from the cemento-enamel junction to
the alveolar crest.

3.1. Early Studies of Calcium and Periodontal Disease

In addition to systemic influences such as calcium deprivation, alveolar bone is subject
to local factors that affect resorption and formation. In periodontal disease, inflammatory
factors released by oral bacteria and the host response to infection destroy both soft (gum
and periodontal ligament) and calcified tissues (alveolar bone) of the periodontium.
Alveolar bone loss is a key diagnostic feature of periodontal disease, however the bone
loss is manifested primarily as loss of alveolar bone height around the tooth socket (Fig. 2).
Consequences of the loss of bone support include increased tooth mobility and risk of tooth
loss. Other clinical indicators of periodontal bone loss include loss of attachment of
the gum tissue and deep pockets forming around the tooth roots. More than one-half
of the adult population in developed countries has some form of periodontal disease, and
the prevalence increases with age (11,12). In the majority of patients, the disease is mild
or limited to a few teeth but approx 10–25% of adults have moderate to severe forms that
place the affected teeth at an increased risk of tooth loss. In the elderly, more than 25%
of missing teeth were extracted because of periodontal disease (13).
The role of calcium intake in periodontal disease has been the subject of controversy
for many years. A series of papers by Henrikson, Krook, and colleagues described the
effects of diet-induced secondary hyperparathyroidism in beagle dogs and low calcium
intake in humans and attributed radiological and clinical signs of periodontal disease to
low dietary calcium (10,14–16). The findings prompted them to suggest that calcium
deficiency, not inflammation, may be the primary cause of periodontal disease. In a
repeat of the experiment in beagles, Svanberg (17) observed demineralization of the
alveolar crest but no reduction in alveolar bone height. The calcium-deficient animals
showed a tendency to more loss of attachment, deeper periodontal pockets and decreased
322 Calcium in Human Health

radiographic density of alveolar bone but with six animals, the study may not have had
sufficient statistical power. Other investigators also failed to see decreases in alveolar
bone height in animals on low-calcium diets even though, as noted previously, the diets
produced signs of osteoporosis in alveolar bone (5,7–9).
Krook et al. conducted a 6-mo study of ten periodontal disease patients in which their
low usual dietary calcium intakes were supplemented with 1 g of calcium per day (16).
They reported that alveolar height loss was restored, pocket depths were reduced and
tooth mobility was reduced or eliminated. However, the study had no control group,
and no quantitative measures of bone, pocket depth, or mobility were presented. Urbohm
and Erickson attempted to repeat the clinical study with a larger study cohort but failed
to see any statistically significant differences in outcomes between the treated patients
and a control group (18).
Although the view that calcium deficiency initiates periodontal disease has been dis-
counted, it has been proposed that chronic nutritional imbalances that result in alveolar
osteoporosis may affect the course of periodontal disease, so that if bacterial infection
does occurs, periodontal disease will progress more rapidly than if the bone had normal
density. The previous clinical studies, with follow-up times of 6 mo to 1 yr may not have
been of sufficient length to detect real differences in periodontal disease progression by
calcium supplementation status.
Alveolar bone grows in response to tooth eruption and is resorbed when the teeth are
lost. Alveolar ridge resorption can be severe in patients who wear full dentures to replace
all teeth. Calcium intakes tend to be lower among edentulous patients with severe erosion
compared to patients with minimal erosion (19,20). Supplementation with 750 mg cal-
cium and 375 international units (IU) vitamin D shortly after tooth extraction resulted in
less alveolar bone loss 1 yr later among denture patients (21).

3.2. Recent Studies of Calcium Intake, Periodontal Disease, and Tooth Loss
The similarities of alveolar and peripheral bone with respect to histology and response
to calcium undernutrition have led to numerous investigations of the correlation of bone
density at systemic sites with oral bone, clinical indicators of periodontal disease, and
tooth loss. The majority of studies have been cross-sectional in design with small sample
sizes, but although results have been mixed, the overall evidence tends to support asso-
ciations between low systemic bone density and increased risks of periodontal disease
and tooth loss (22). One of the few prospective studies followed 38 postmenopausal
women with periodontal disease for 2 yr and found that women with osteoporosis or
osteopenia of the spine exhibited more loss of alveolar bone height than women with
normal spine bone mineral density (23). These associations, along with the wealth of data
showing that calcium nutrition is important to maintenance of the systemic skeleton, have
renewed interest in the role of calcium in periodontal disease.
A series of prospective analyses of alveolar bone loss and other periodontal disease
measures was conducted in a cohort of older men participating in a longitudinal study of
aging and oral health (24). In the first study, which had a maximum follow-up time of
7 yr, alveolar bone loss was the outcome measurement. A total of 550 men had repeated
radiographic measurements of alveolar bone height on all teeth present during this time
Chapter 20 / Oral Health 323

interval. Rapid progression of alveolar bone loss at each tooth was defined as a change
from minimal bone loss (80% or more of alveolar bone remaining around the tooth) to
high bone loss (<80% of bone remaining). Usual calcium intake was estimated from
repeated food frequency questionnaires and intake was dichotomized at 1000 mg/d. After
adjustment for age, initial number of teeth, smoking status, vitamin D intake, caries
status, bleeding on probing, clinical attachment loss, and probing pocket depth, the percent
of teeth with alveolar bone loss progression of alveolar bone loss was compared between
men with low calcium intakes and high calcium intakes. Men whose calcium intakes were
below 1000 mg/d had 30% more teeth with rapid progression of alveolar bone loss
compared with men who had calcium intakes above this level.
In a further analysis of this male cohort that extended the follow-up period to 17 yr,
additional periodontal measures and tooth loss were also examined (25). Progression of
alveolar bone loss, clinical attachment loss and tooth loss were examined by quartile of
calcium intakes and adjusted for age, smoking status, dental variables associated with
periodontal disease (discussed previously), and mean intakes of vitamin D and phospho-
rus. The mean number of teeth with alveolar bone loss progression in men in the highest
calcium intake quartile (990 mg/d) was 23% less than in men with intakes below 990 mg.
The clinical attachment loss and tooth loss data showed similar trends. Men in the highest
quartile of calcium intake had 25% less progression of clinical attachment loss and lost
31% fewer teeth than men with lower calcium levels.
A cross-sectional analysis of data from more than 12,000 adults who participated in
the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that intakes of calcium
of 800 mg or more were associated with lower prevalence of clinical attachment loss (26).
Calcium from food sources was computed and categorized into three levels: the reference
group that consumed 800 mg or more, moderate calcium (500–800 mg/d), and low
calcium (<500 mg/d). Average clinical attachment loss of 1.5 mm or more was defined
as periodontal disease. After controlling for smoking, age, and gingival bleeding, the
odds ratios for periodontal disease were 30% higher in individuals with moderate calcium
intake compared to the reference group, and 30% higher (in men) to 60% higher (in
women) in those with low calcium intakes.
Calcium intake and tooth loss over a period of 5 yr were examined in 145 healthy men
and women age 65 yr and older (27). In the first phase of the study, a 3-yr randomized,
controlled clinical trial, subjects took either placebos or supplements containing 500 mg
of calcium and 700 IU of vitamin D per day. During a 2-yr follow-up phase in which study
supplements were discontinued, total calcium and vitamin D intakes were self-selected.
During the randomized trial, the odds of losing any teeth were significantly reduced in
the supplemented group (odds ratio [OR] = 0.4, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.2–0.9)
relative to the placebo group. During the uncontrolled follow-up phase, the odds of tooth
loss were also significantly lower in subjects with calcium intake greater than or equal
to 1000 mg/d compared to those who consumed less than 1000 mg (OR = 0.5, 95% CI
= 0.2–0.7). Tooth loss was not the primary purpose of this trial and there were no mea-
sures of alveolar bone to add support to the findings.
324 Calcium in Human Health

Defects in tooth mineralization, periodontal disease, and tooth loss are multi-factorial
oral conditions that are largely preventable. Inadequate calcium nutrition is one contrib-
uting factor to these oral diseases. A limited number of earlier clinical studies of calcium
intake levels or supplements in relation to periodontal disease and tooth loss reached
contradictory conclusions. Recent large, well-controlled studies show consistent support
for the hypothesis that calcium status influences the progression of oral bone loss, clinical
measures of periodontal disease, and the risk of tooth loss. These findings must be
confirmed with randomized, controlled trials.

1. Mellanby M. The effect of diet on the structure of teeth. The interrelationship between the calcium and
other food factors. Brit Dent J 1923;44:1031–1049.
2. Larsen MJ, Fejerskov O, Jensen SJ. Effects of fluoride, calcium, and phosphate administration on
mineralization in rats. Calcified Tiss Int 1980;31:225–230.
3. Paynter KJ, Grainger RM. The relation of nutrition to the morphology and size of the rat molar teeth.
J Can Dent Assn 1956;22:519–531.
4. Mellanby M. The chief dietetic and environmental factors responsible for the high incidence of dental
caries: correlation between animal and human investigations. Brit Dent J 1928;49:769–792.
5. Ferguson HW, Hartles RL. The effects of diets deficient in calcium or phosphorus in the presence and
absence of supplements of vitamin D on the secondary cementum and alveolar bone of young rats. Arch.
Oral Biol. 1964;9: 647–58.
6. Harrand RB, Hartles RL. The effect of vitamin D in rats maintained on diets with different mineral
content but with the same calcium to phosphorus ratio of unity. Brit J Nutr 1970;24:929–942.
7. Bissada NF, DeMarco TJ. The effect of a hypocalcemic diet on the periodontal structures of the adult
rat. J. Periodontol 1974;45, 739–745.
8. Messer HH, Goebel NK, Wilcox L. A comparison of bone loss from different skeletal sites during acute
calcium deficiency in mice. Arch Oral Biol 1981;26: 1001–1004.
9. Ericsson Y, Ekberg O. Dietetically provoked general and alveolar osteopenia in rats and its prevention
or cure by calcium and fluoride. J Periodont Res 1975;10:256–269.
10. Krook L, Whalen JP, Lesser GV, Lutwak L. Human periodontal disease and osteoporosis. Cornell Vet
11. Benigeri M, Brodeur JM, Payette M, Charbonneau A, Ismail AI. Community periodontal index of
treatment needs and prevalence of periodontal conditions. J Clin Periodontol 2000;27: 308–312.
12. Albandar JM, Brunelle JA, Kingman A. Destructive periodontal disease in adults 30 years of age and
older in the United States, 1988–1994. J Periodontol 1999;70:13–29.
13. Brown LJ, Brunelle JA, Kingman A. Periodontal status in the United States, 1988–1991: prevalence,
extent, and demographic variation. J Dent Res 1996;75(Spec No):672–683.
14. Henrikson PA. Periodontal disease and calcium deficiency. An experimental study in the dog. Acta
Odontol Scand 1968;26(Suppl 50):1–132.
15. Krook L, Lutwak L, Henrikson PA, Kallfelz F, Hirsch C, Romanus B, Marier JR, Sheffey BE.
Reversibility of nutritional osteoporosis;physicochemical data on bones from and experimental study
in dogs. J Nutr 1971;101:233–246.
16. Krook L, Lutwak L, Whalen JP, Henrikson PA, Lesser GV, Uris R. Human periodontal disease. Mor-
phology and response to calcium therapy. Cornell Vet 1972;62: 32–53.
17. Svanberg G, Lindhe J, Hugoson A, Grondahl HG. Effect of nutritional hyperparathyroidism on experi-
mental periodontitis in the dog. Scand J Dent Res 1973;81:1551–1562.
18. Uhrbom E, Jacobson L. Calcium and periodontitis: clinical effect of calcium medication. J Clin
Periodontol 1984;11:230–241.
Chapter 20 / Oral Health 325

19. Kribbs PJ, Smith DE, Chesnut CH III. Oral findings in osteoporosis. Part II: Relationship between
residual ridge and alveolar bone resorption and generalized skeletal osteopenia. J Prosthet Dent
1983;50:719–724 .
20. Wical KE, Swoope CC. Studies of residual ridge resorption. Part II. The relationship of dietary calcium
and phosphorus to residual ridge resorption. J Prosthet Dent 1974;32:13–22.
21. Wical KE, Brussee P. Effects of a calcium and vitamin D supplement on alveolar ridge resorption in
immediate denture patients. J Prosthet Dent 1979;41:4–11.
22. Wactawski-Wende J. Periodontal diseases and osteoporosis: association and mechanisms. Annals
Periodontol 2001;6:197–208.
23. Payne JB. Reinhardt RA. Nummikoski PV. Patil KD. Longitudinal alveolar bone loss in postmenopausal
osteoporotic/osteopenic women. Osteoporosis Int 1999;10:34–40.
24. Krall EA. The periodontal-systemic connection: implications for treatment of patients with osteoporosis
and periodontal disease. Annals Periodontol 2001;6:209–213.
25. Krall EA. Nutrition and teeth. In: Burckhardt P, Dawson-Hughes B, Heaney RP, eds. Nutritional Aspects
of Osteoporosis, 2nd ed. Elsevier Academic Press, London, 2004, pp. 153–162.
26. Nishida M, Grossi SG, Dunford RG, Ho AW, Trevisan M, Genco RJ. Calcium and the risk for periodon-
tal disease. J. Periodontol 2000;71:1057–1066.
27. Krall EA, Wehler C, Harris SS, Garcia RI, Dawson-Hughes B. Calcium and vitamin D supplements
reduce tooth loss in the elderly. Am J Med 2001;111:452–456.
Chapter 21 / Dietary Ca and Obesity 327

21 Dietary Calcium and Obesity

Dorothy Teegarden

• Substantial epidemiological evidence supports an association between higher dairy prod-
uct intakes and lower body weight or body fat mass; however, the role of calcium intake
remains unsettled.
• There is evidence to support several mechanisms proposed to mediate a calcium-specific
effect on change in body weight, including the formation of calcium/fatty acid soaps in
the intestine and modulation of lipolysis and lipid oxidation through dietary calcium
regulation of serum parathyroid hormone and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D levels.


The incidence of obesity in the United States is reaching epidemic proportions, and it
is estimated that 97 million adults are overweight or obese (1). Obesity substantially
increases morbidity from a variety of diseases, including hypertension, dyslipidemia,
type 2 diabetes, and stroke. Recent studies also support an association between obesity
and increased risk of several types of cancers including endometrial, breast, prostate, and
colon (1). Despite efforts to reduce the prevalence of obesity, the incidence has risen since
1960, and in the last decade 55% of adults age 20 yr or older are overweight and obese.
Clearly, obesity is a multifactorial disease that involves interactions with genetics and
environment; its rapid rise in the last several decades demonstrates that environmental
factors play a substantial role in the recent development and increase in the incidence of
this disease.
Controversy remains as to the ideal dietary guidelines for macronutrients to both
prevent obesity and reduce weight, but it is not surprising that bioactive components of
the diet, such as calcium, may play a role in regulation of energy metabolism. There is
substantial evidence that calcium or dairy products, the primary source of calcium in the
US diet (see Chapter 9), may contribute to regulation of weight and body fat. Minimally,
increased intake of dairy products does not lead to increased weight gain, but not all
studies support a relationship between calcium or dairy intake and changes in weight. The
mechanisms by which calcium (or dairy products) modulate weight are likely to be
multifactorial, leading to a shift in overall energy balance that may contribute to weight
maintenance or enhanced weight loss.

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
328 Calcium in Human Health


An association between higher calcium intakes and lower body weight was noted in
a few publications the late 1980s (2,3), but it was not until the late 1990s that the relation-
ship has been more thoroughly explored. McCarron et al. (2) reported an inverse asso-
ciation between calcium intake (of which dairy products are the predominant dietary
source) and body weight based on data from the first National Health and Nutritional
Examination Survey (NHANES-I). This association was subsequently confirmed by
Zemel et al., who re-analyzed data collected for the NHANES-III and showed that the
highest quartile of calcium or dairy product intake reduced the odds ratio of being in the
highest fat quartile to 0.16 (4). In 1988, Metz et al. demonstrated a reduction in body fat
mass in two strains of hypertensive rats with higher calcium intakes (in conjunction with
a higher sodium intake) (3). Furthermore, a study by Lin et al. demonstrated that higher
calcium intakes in young (aged 18–31 yr) women predicted a negative relationship with
body weight, specific to changes in body fat mass over 2 yr when analyses were corrected
for energy intakes (5).
The early studies prompted investigators to mine existing datasets to test for a relation-
ship between dietary calcium intake and measures of body weight or body fat. A variety
of studies, as discussed later, have shown this relationship, but a number of issues must
be considered when reviewing this literature. Because the primary source of dietary
calcium in the US diet is dairy products, in epidemiological studies dairy product intake
is often used as a surrogate measure for calcium intake. However, it is possible that
components of dairy products other than calcium may have a synergistic effect with
calcium, or even an independent effect that may be obscured in many of the studies to
date. Second, low dietary calcium intake is associated with a less healthy lifestyle or diet
(6), and thus, a cause-and-effect relationship cannot be established in the epidemiological
investigations. Third, it is unlikely that an effect of dietary calcium on body composition
is independent of energy intake. Higher energy intakes are likely to obscure any effects
of dietary calcium on body composition. Dietary energy intake is very difficult to assess
even when attempted (see Chapter 4), but in many of the studies available, a measurement
of energy intake is not available. In some cases, either energy intake or a component of
energy intake, protein, is utilized in the analysis to address this confounding issue. Fourth,
dietary calcium intake may have an effect only under certain circumstances, such as
during weight loss, or in obese individuals, or in individuals who are vitamin D-suffi-
cient. Finally, many of the human trials to date were not designed to study the impact of
calcium on body composition or weight—rather, these are secondary analyses of trials.

2.1. Cross-Sectional Studies

A variety of cross-sectional studies across adult ages have suggested a relationship
between higher calcium intakes and reduced body weights, body fat, or body mass index
(BMI). Evidence from the HERITAGE Family Study (N = 824), including both men and
women, demonstrates an inverse relationship between tertiles of calcium intake adjusted
for calorie intake with fat mass, BMI, and waist circumference (7). In a study of women
aged 18–28 yr, in which baseline data from two studies were combined (N = 348),
Chapter 21 / Dietary Ca and Obesity 329

calcium/protein (mg/g) ratio negatively predicted BMI (8). An analysis from the Quebec
Family Study, a cohort of 470 men and women aged 20–65 yr, shows that the lowest
calcium intake group (less than 600 mg/d) had significantly higher body weight, percent
body fat mass, BMI, waist circumference, and total abdominal adipose tissue area than
other groups categorized by calcium intake (9). In contrast, analyses of a large adult
cohort (9252 men and 9662 women) show that calcium intake is significantly positively
correlated with BMI in men when corrected for age, but no association is noted in women
(10). Thus, several cross-sectional studies, but not all, demonstrate a relationship between
calcium or dairy product intake and lower measures of body composition such as weight,
fat mass, or BMI. However, the specific role of calcium intake in this association cannot
be determined from these studies.
The impact of calcium on body fat or weight has been noted in both white and African
Americans, although the results remain mixed. At the end of the year-long intervention,
African-American obese, hypertensive subjects who consumed yogurt to achieve cal-
cium intakes of 1029 ± 74 mg/d had significantly less body fat than the low calcium-
intake group (calcium intake 447 ± 126 mg/d) (4). In addition, Buchowski et al., in a study
investigating the impact of lactose intolerance and maldigestion on calcium intakes in 50
premenopausal African-American women (11), demonstrated that calcium intakes
adjusted for energy intakes is negatively associated with BMI in the lactose-tolerant
individuals (mean calcium intake 781 ( 305 mg/d; mean ( SD) compared with the lactose-
intolerant group (388 ± 150 mg/d). Thus, the evidence suggests that with sufficient
dietary intakes of calcium (mean intakes in cohort >700) epidemiological studies support
an impact of dietary calcium intake on body weight. In addition, a cross-sectional analysis
of 149 premenopausal women, a negative correlation between calcium intakes and per-
cent body fat was specific to the white women (12). The white women consumed signifi-
cantly more calcium (758 ± 25 mean; SEM) compared with the African-American women
(518 ± 34). The African Americans in this study may not have achieved dietary calcium
levels that impact body fat. Thus, it is important to consider the level of calcium intake
when comparing racial differences, because dairy consumption, and thus usually calcium
intake, is generally lower in African Americans compared with whites. The evidence in
studies in which calcium intakes are likely to be sufficient to demonstrate an effect (4,11)
are supportive of the fact that increased calcium or dairy intakes may have an impact in
reducing body weight or body fat mass in African Americans.
Gender is also an important consideration in determining the impact of calcium intake
on body fat mass. Many of the epidemiological studies employ both men and women in
their analysis, whereas intervention studies are primarily in women. The analysis of
NHANES-III by Zemel et al. (4), utilizing data from 380 women and 7114 men, shows
a negative relationship in both men and women separately, though analysis by Barr et al.,
employing a larger number of subjects from the NHANES-III dataset, does not support
these results (13). In contrast, cross-sectional analysis of 470 men and women aged 20–
65 yr demonstrated that low daily calcium intake was associated with greater adiposity
in women, but not men, when analyses were corrected for factors including age and
energy intake (9). Another cross-sectional analysis of 204 men and women, mixed race,
shows that calcium intake or calcium/protein negatively associated with BMI (r = –0.22)
and body fat (r = –0.35) specific to the women (14,15). Thus, data suggest that higher
330 Calcium in Human Health

calcium/dairy intakes are associated with reduced fat mass in women, but the results are
not as consistent for men.
One confounding factor in analyzing results of studies investigating the relationship
of calcium intake and body weight is the adiposity of the cohorts. This difference is
specifically addressed by the results of the CARDIA study (16), in which subjects (N =
3157) aged 18–30 yr were followed for 10 yr. Increased dairy intake in overweight
individuals was associated with reduced risk of developing obesity, with a nonsignificant
association in nonobese individuals. The reduction in odds ratio of the highest dairy
intake category (ⱖ35 times per week) was 70% compared with the lowest dairy intake
category (ⱕ10 times per week)
Several other prospective studies also support the relationship between weight and
body composition. Prospective analysis of women by Lin et al. (5) shows that calcium,
adjusted for energy intake, negatively predicted a 2-yr change in body weight and body
fat mass in normal-weight young women (aged 18–30 yr). Two observational studies in
women with bone as the primary outcome were combined and the dietary calcium/protein
ratio negatively predicted weight change (N = 216, ages 35–58 yr) (8). Contrary to other
prospective studies, milk intake was associated with increased obesity in 24,604 men and
women aged 25–64 yr studied over a 15-yr period; however, correction for total energy
intake was not used in these analyses (17). Although most of the prospective studies
suggest an association between milk intake, particularly when energy consumption is
considered, the independent effect of calcium vs dairy products cannot be ascertained in
these study designs.
Clearly, the only way to determine a specific effect of calcium on body composition
is by intervention studies utilizing calcium supplements. Far fewer intervention studies
designed to investigate dietary calcium’s effect on body mass are currently available.
Barr (18) reviewed the literature of randomized calcium (N = 17 trials) or dairy product
(N = 9 trials) intervention. The endpoint of these trials was primarily bone status, and the
cohorts were of mixed ages and primarily women were included in the trials. Of the dairy
trials, either no difference in weight (n = 7) or an increase in weight (n = 2) was noted,
but compensation for individual energy intake was not controlled because body mass was
not the primary endpoint. In a randomized, controlled dairy trial that specifically ana-
lyzed energy intakes, healthy men and women (aged 55–85 yr, N = 204), in which one
group was advised to increase milk intake from low fat sources by 3 c/d or maintain usual
diet for 12 wk (19), the milk intake group gained more than the control group. However,
the gain was less than predicted, suggesting dietary or metabolic compensation for the
increased intake of dairy.

2.2. Intervention Studies

Of the 17 calcium intervention studies reviewed by Barr (18), only one showed greater
weight loss in the calcium supplemented group compared with the controls (20). When
authors reported energy intakes, they were not different between groups, but none of
these analyses was corrected for individual energy intakes. In three trials of 3- to 4-yr
duration in postmenopausal (21,22) or perimenopausal women (23), no difference in
weight changes were noted in the calcium supplement compared with placebo control
groups. The best evidence to date to support an independent effect of calcium intake on
prevention of body fat mass accumulation is a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in
Chapter 21 / Dietary Ca and Obesity 331

women (aged 59–89 yr), again with bone as the primary endpoint (24). The intervention
of 1500 mg calcium per day was maintained for a mean of 3.89 yr duration (n = 52). The
placebo-control group gained significantly more body fat mass than the calcium supple-
mented group. It should be noted that the difference in the two groups was approx 5–6%
body fat at the end of the 3-yr period. This demonstrates a small, but significant effect,
and small effects over the years can have a substantial impact on obesity. In addition, this
small effect represents a 1 or 2% difference in 1 yr; thus, the length of this trial may have
enhanced the ability to measure these small changes. Trials of shorter duration or small
numbers may not have sufficient power to detect small changes in body fat that dietary
calcium may elicit.
Another study demonstrates that a 1-yr, dairy product, randomized, controlled inter-
vention trial specifically designed to test changes in body fat mass showed no significant
impact in healthy young (aged 18–30 yr) normal-weight women (25). In this trial, par-
ticipants substituted dairy products for other elements of their diets to maintain isocaloric
intakes. The women in this randomized, controlled trial were younger and more active,
and the trial was of shorter duration (1 yr), compared with the prospective analysis of Lin
et al. (5) from the same laboratory where an effect of calcium intake was seen. In general,
the women with low calcium intakes in the prospective study gained weight, whereas
the controls in the randomized, controlled study did not, consistent with the differences
in the cohorts. Thus, other factors that play a role in body weight maintenance, including
age and physical activity, must be considered when expecting responses to dietary intakes
of calcium or dairy products.

Weight loss represents a period of changing energy balance during which calcium
intake may have a greater impact, thus making it easier to assess differences in a short
period of time. Elemental calcium intake increased weight loss by 26% in individuals
during a 500-kcal deficit, intentional 24-wk weight-loss diet (N = 32) compared with the
low calcium-intake group, with an even greater enhancement of 70% increased weight
loss with dairy products incorporated into the diet (26). In contrast, the results of a similar
study design did not show an improved weight loss with calcium supplements in post-
menopausal women (26a). Dairy products were not tested in this study. In another 16-wk,
randomized, controlled intentional weight-loss study, participants who consumed an
isoenergetic milk-only diet lost significantly more weight (11.2 ± 5.2 kg) compared with
the conventional diet (2.6 ± 4.1 kg) (27). Furthermore, overweight and obese women aged
25–45 yr participated in a 6-mo behavioral modification weight-loss trial with self-se-
lected intakes of calcium. As might be expected, calcium intakes decreased during the
intervention from 833 ± 303 to 681 ± 207 mg/d. On average, those in the highest quartile
of calcium intake during treatment had significantly greater weight loss. Overall, the
studies on weight loss suggest that dairy intake enhances weight loss.
The results of a multi-site trial strongly support that dairy product, but not increased
calcium intake, enhances weight loss (28). The protocol for this trial was modeled on the
trial by Zemel et al., as a 500-kcal deficit, intentional weight loss in overweight and obese
individuals. Subjects were randomized into one of three groups: placebo control with low
calcium intake, low dairy intake with supplemental calcium, or placebo and high dairy
332 Calcium in Human Health

product intake incorporated into the diet. The multisite trial was 12 wk compared with
the prior 24-wk trial, and the participants were significantly lower in weight, because the
weight range acceptable for admission to the study (ⱖ25 BMI) was lower than the
previous trial (ⱖ30 BMI). This multisite trial demonstrated that high dairy product intake
in the diet enhanced fat mass loss twofold compared with both the placebo-controlled and
calcium-supplemented group. These results suggest that if elemental calcium has an
effect on weight loss, it may be small enough that a short trial or inclusion of overweight
(compared to obese) may make the effect harder to detect than a trial confined to obese

The incidence of obesity in children is growing at a rapid rate. According to results
from the 1999–2000 NHANES, using measured heights and weights, approx 15% of
children and adolescents aged 6–19 yr are overweight, a 4% increase from the overweight
estimates obtained from NHANES-III (1988–1994) (29). Thus, determining the relation-
ship between calcium intakes and body composition changes in children is critical for the
development of strategies to improve more than just bone status, and doing so may also
potentially reduce the growing incidence of obesity in adults.
Several cross-sectional analyses suggest a relationship between higher dairy intakes
and lower body weight or BMI in children. Cross-sectional analyses of 323 girls aged 9–
14 yr showed that calcium or dairy product intake was a significant component, with
energy intake in the model, of a regression model to predict iliac skinfold thickness and
body weight (30). Furthermore, a case-controlled study comparing obese (BMI ⱖ85th
percentile [n = 29]) or controls (BMI ⱕ85th percentile [n = 24]) prepubertal Puerto Rican
children (aged 7–10 yr) (31) showed lower dairy product intake was associated with the
higher BMI levels (R = –0.38). Thus, the cross-sectional studies in children support a role
for dairy calcium in reducing body fat mass or BMI.
Several prospective analyses have been completed that also suggest a relationship
between calcium intake and body composition in children. Carruth et al. (32) determined
food consumption in 53 white children between the ages of 24 and 60 mo, and measured
body composition at the age of 70 mo. Multiple regression analysis showed that dietary
calcium or dairy were negatively associated with body fat mass. A follow-up study
showed that for these children, at approx 8 yr of age, calcium intake negatively predicted
percent body fat mass (33). In contrast, a longitudinal study employing 196 nonobese
girls aged 8–12 until 4 yr postmenarche showed no relationship between BMI or percent
body fat and measures of dairy food or calcium consumption (34). The model contained
many factors, including parental overweightness, that may confound the analyses. In
summary, there is substantial epidemiological evidence that higher intakes of dairy prod-
uct are associated with lower body weights or body fat mass in children. However, the
design of the available studies does not allow the establishment of a cause-and-effect
relationship. If there is an effect, the identity of the bioactive component(s) in dairy
products that may affect (or enhance the impact of calcium on) body fat remains to be
None of the intervention trials in children that employed elemental calcium has dem-
onstrated a significant effect of calcium intake on body weight or body fat mass; however,
Chapter 21 / Dietary Ca and Obesity 333

no trials have been undertaken to specifically address the impact of calcium on body
composition as the primary outcome. For example, randomized, controlled intervention
of 1000 mg/d calcium in 3- to 5-yr-olds (35) did not show a significant effect on change
in BMI or body composition. However, the initial intakes of calcium (1017 mg/d) may
have been sufficient to obscure effects of further increases in calcium or dairy intake. On
the other hand, several studies of dairy product intervention in female children showed
that they did not gain more weight with the addition of the supplement, without control-
ling or attempting to manipulate the overall caloric intake. For example, Cadogan et al.
(36) studied 82 white girls aged 12.2 ± 0.3 SD years who were supplemented with two
servings of milk per day for 18 mo, and these results show a nonsignificant trend toward
greater gain in weight and lean body mass, with a reduction in percent body fat mass. In
addition, in a 12-mo dairy food intervention in 48 nonobese children with a mean age of
11 yr, there was no difference in weight or body fat between the controls and the dairy-
supplemented participants (37). All of the intervention studies to date have not included
obese children, and thus, this population has not been examined. To definitively answer
the question of the role of calcium in regulating body fat mass in children, where analyses
are also confounded by issues related to growth, it is critical to undertake long-term
studies specifically with body fat mass as the endpoint.

Whereas the human trials often show inconsistent results, studies in rodent models
support a role of calcium specifically in preventing weight gain and enhancing body
weight loss (2–4,38). Although animal models are not completely representative of hu-
man models, studies in appropriate animal and cell models can provide insights and aid
in designing studies in humans. Studies in genetically obese agouti mice, which have
adipocyte-specific expression of the agouti gene product and are a model for diet-induced
obesity, show a specific effect of calcium in preventing weight gain (4) and enhancing
weight loss (38). Consistent with the trials in humans, the effect is increased when dairy
product is included in the diet. In addition, increased dietary calcium suppressed weight
gain in several rat models, both lean and obese (2,39). Thus, studies in animal models
support the effect of dietary calcium, specifically, in negatively regulating body fat.


To decrease body weight, there must be a shift in the balance between available energy
and energy utilization leading to a net energy deficit. Dietary calcium intake has been
proposed to affect both components (Fig. 1). The proposed mechanisms for reducing
energy availability include increasing satiety and decreasing the absorption of fatty acids
through the formation of calcium soaps in the intestine.
On the other side of the energy equation, there is evidence to suggest that increased
calcium intake is associated with an increase in energy utilization. To achieve an increase
in energy utilization, several processes may be affected (Fig. 1), with several organs
playing important roles. For example, in a fasting state, increased lipolysis from the
adipocytes to release free fatty acids from their storage depot may provide substrate for
increased lipid oxidation (Fig. 1). In the fasting or fed state, the activity of enzymes may
be increased to facilitate increased lipid oxidation, with the most active tissues being the
334 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 1. Proposed mechanisms for calcium effects on energy balance.

muscle followed by the liver (Fig. 1). Increased glucose disposal may also contribute,
though little evidence is available to support this mechanism in response to dietary
calcium. In both cases, the increase in energy production must be accompanied with an
increase in energy utilization. The mechanism(s) by which dietary calcium regulates
energy utilization has not been determined, however, a hormonal control is being inves-
tigated. Increased dietary calcium is known to suppress levels of parathyroid hormone
(PTH) and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D), hormones that regulate calcium
homeostasis. As described below, there is evidence that suppression of these hormones
may contribute to decreased fatty acid synthesis, increased lipolysis in adipocytes, and
increased fat oxidation.

6.1. Fatty Acid Soaps

One mechanism that potentially contributes to the effect of dietary calcium on body
fat and which has received little attention is decreased energy absorption through forma-
tion of indigestible calcium-fatty acid soaps in the gastrointestinal tract. High concentra-
tions of calcium can inhibit absorption of dietary fatty acids. For example, fecal fat was
increased from 6 to 13% from a low (410 mg/d) to a high (2200 mg/d) diet in a random-
ized trial of 13 healthy men (40). On the other hand, when calcium intake is doubled, the
average ratio of fecal fat to calcium in adolescent children participating in a metabolic
study is similar, 2.94 vs 2.34 g/g, although the range by individuals was great from 0.74
to 3.83 (41). Results in a rat model demonstrate that increased fecal calcium with higher
intakes of calcium accounted for the differences in weight gain noted in the animals (39).
Clearly, calcium soaps do form; however, the impact of the increase with high calcium
intakes on changes in weight is unsettled.

6.2. Satiety
Another mechanism that has been proposed to regulate available energy is satiety. At
this time, little evidence is available to support or refute the impact of calcium or dairy
product intake on satiety and, ultimately, the role of calcium- or dairy-mediated satiety
Chapter 21 / Dietary Ca and Obesity 335

on changes in body composition. Barr et al. (19) found that elderly people compensated
well for the energy contained in three daily servings of milk by reducing food intake from
other sources. The satiety value of yogurt and cheese has been determined empirically to
be higher than many similar foods (42). However, Almiron-Roig, et al. demonstrated that
intake of milk was not associated with compensation for the energy contained in milk
consumed (43).
The response of specific regulators of satiety to dietary calcium can also provide
insights that can be applied to the overall response in humans. For example, cholecysto-
kinin (CCK) mediates meal termination and possibly early phase satiety through its
effects on gastric emptying (44). Intake of meals containing dairy products increased
CCK levels more than non-dairy product meals, however, the non-dairy product meals
were more satiating than the dairy product meals in a randomized crossover design in 24
young adults (45). Thus, satiety may play a role particularly by dairy products, but this
issue remains unsettled and the role of calcium on satiety is still to be fully explored.


7.1. Lipid Oxidation
Energy utilization is a sum of resting metabolism, thermic effect of a meal, and activ-
ity. It has been proposed that calcium or dairy product intake influence each of these
factors. A cross-sectional study by Melanson, et al. showed that higher self-selected acute
intakes of calcium, corrected for calorie intake, are associated with increased whole-body
lipid oxidation throughout a 24-h period (N = 35) (46). Total calcium intake was a
stronger predictor of 24-h fat oxidation than dairy calcium intake. Habitual (but not acute)
calcium intake, as assessed by 4-d food records, was not associated with lipid oxidation.
In addition, in a 1-yr randomized dairy calcium dietary intervention trial in young women
(aged 18–20 yr, N = 19), lipid oxidation as assessed by indirect calorimetry was increased
in the intervention group compared with the low dairy intake group following a meal
challenge (47). These results, in contrast with those of Melanson et al. (46), suggest a
long-term effect of habitual higher dairy product intakes. A similar mechanism was
studied in 15 healthy, overweight premenopausal women (BMI 25–32) on a 1500 mg/d
supplement for 3 mo. In this small sample and uncontrolled study, there were no changes
in lipolysis or fat oxidation over the 3-mo period (48). Thus, there is evidence in clinical
trials that increased dairy intakes elevate overall body lipid oxidation. However, these
study designs, either cross-sectional using self-selected intakes (46) or dairy product
intervention (47), do not allow assessment of calcium-specific effects on lipid oxidation.

7.2. Hormonal Regulation

The mechanism most often cited to explain a specific effect of dietary calcium on
energy utilization is the ability of calcium to regulate, at least acutely, levels of the
hormones PTH and 1,25(OH)2D. With low dietary calcium intakes, serum calcium is
reduced. This reduction is sensed by a calcium receptor on the parathyroid gland, stimu-
lating the release of PTH. PTH acts to activate the renal 1F-hydroxylase, which converts
25 hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D)to the active metabolite, 1,25(OH)2D. PTH and
1,25(OH)2D coordinately act on the intestine, kidneys, and bone to increase the levels of
serum calcium (see Chapter 10).
336 Calcium in Human Health

In addition to these classical functions of PTH and 1,25(OH)2D in maintaining serum

calcium homeostasis, a variety of other functions have been credited to these hormones.
For example, increased levels of fasting PTH are hypothesized to influence increased
levels of body fat mass (49). Fasting serum PTH levels positively correlate with body fat
mass at baseline (n = 155) and change in serum PTH predicted the change in body fat mass
over 1 yr in a cohort of normal-weight young women (50). Another link between serum
PTH levels and body composition is shown in a study of 302 adults of mixed race, both
obese and nonobese, in which PTH positively correlated with BMI and body fat mass
(51). In contrast, serum 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D were negatively correlated with BMI
and body fat mass, and serum 1,25(OH)2D was lower in the obese than in nonobese
subjects. These results indicate that there is substantial evidence, albeit associative, that
fasting serum PTH levels correlate with increased body weight and body fat. However,
the limited data reported suggest that 1,25(OH)2D and 25(OH)D may have the opposite
effect on body fat. If PTH is the primary mediator of changes in body fat this may be due
to the impact of 25(OH)D in suppressing serum PTH levels (Fig. 1) (52).
More direct evidence linking dietary calcium and hormonal regulation of body compo-
sition is provided in studies employing the agouti mouse model for diet-induced adult
onset obesity (4,38). Increased dietary calcium intake in this model causes reduced fat
mass accumulation with reduced activity and expression of fatty acid synthase, as well
as increased lipolysis in fat tissue. 1,25(OH)2D (4) and PTH (4,53) stimulated increased
intracellular calcium in adipocytes; changes in intracellular calcium in turn regulate fatty
acid synthase (4). Furthermore, 1,25(OH)2D inhibits lipolysis in cultured human
adipocytes (4). These results suggest that the regulation of these hormones by dietary
calcium may play a role in the response at the level of the adipocyte following dietary
Although the adipocyte is the primary storage tissue for fat, it is important to determine
the impact of the dietary calcium-regulated hormones on energy metabolism in the primary
energy-consuming tissues, such as muscle. This is particularly true in light of evidence
demonstrating a role of calcium in regulating lipid oxidation, because muscle and liver
are the most highly oxidative tissues. Studies support a direct role for PTH in suppressing
lipid oxidation in muscle. Smogorzewski et al. (54) demonstrated that lipid oxidation of
muscle tissue is suppressed in chronic renal failure rats (which are hyperparathyroid) and
in rats treated with PTH. Furthermore, the activity of carnitine palmitoyl tranferase-1, the
mitochondrial transfer protein that is the rate-limiting step in mitochondrial G-oxidation, is
reduced in the chronic renal failure and PTH-treated rats (54). These results suggest that
PTH may be a mediator of regulation of lipid oxidation by dietary calcium, but do not
eliminate a role for 1,25(OH)2D.
In contrast, vitamin D status and 1,25(OH)2D may have opposing effects to PTH in
regulating fat mass in humans. Both the biomarker of vitamin D status, 25(OH)D the
active metabolite, and 1,25(OH)2D, negatively correlated with BMI and body fat mass
in a study by Parikh (51). Furthermore, 1,25(OH)2D levels are lower in obese than in
nonobese (51). Finally, in the Quebec Family Study, vitamin D intake negatively corre-
lated with BMI in both men and women when analyses were corrected for age. It is clear
that a key regulator of fasting serum PTH levels is improvement of vitamin D status (52).
Thus, it is intriguing to consider that the suppression of PTH levels by improved vitamin
D status may also contribute to regulation of fat mass accumulation.
Chapter 21 / Dietary Ca and Obesity 337

In summary, substantial data in humans support an association of dairy product intake
on body fat mass. The relative roles of elemental calcium and dairy product intake in
controlling body weight remain unclear. When the mechanisms underlying effects noted
in epidemiological studies are explored, nutritionists traditionally investigate individual
nutrient effects on biological functions. However, the overall impact of all the compo-
nents of a food is important to consider. This is particularly important when discussing
calcium, because in the United States, approx 70% of dietary calcium is obtained from
dairy products. The data suggest that although calcium may play a role in reducing body
weight and body fat, this effect may be enhanced by dairy products. It is not clear what
component(s) of dairy enhance the effect of calcium, but they may include the protein
source (53).
On the other hand, limited data in humans and animal models demonstrate a specific
impact, though potentially small, of dietary calcium on reducing body fat accumulation
and enhancing weight loss. Overall balance between energy intake and utilization con-
trols the level of body weight and body fat, and increased calcium intake may shift the
balance. A small shift in the balance of energy, which might occur with increased dietary
intakes of calcium, may substantially contribute to weight changes over the long term.
Dietary calcium may mediate an increase in lipid oxidation and the situation (adiposity,
weight loss, weight gain, physical activity) may determine if this alteration translates to
changes in body composition.
The effect of dietary calcium (either elemental or from dairy) in reducing fat mass has
been observed at the recommended levels of intake. However, calcium intakes in the
United States are currently far below the recommended levels. Heaney utilized his study
population to estimate the potential impact of doubling dietary calcium intake in this
cohort (54). If women in the 25th percentile of calcium intakes increased their intakes to
recommended values, the fraction of young women who were overweight would decrease
from 15 to 4%, and the rate of weight gain in women in midlife would change from
+0.42 kg/yr to 0.01 kg/yr. Thus, although the impact of calcium or dairy intake may be
small, over time an increase in dietary intake would predict a substantial change in
overweight and obesity prevalence by as much as 60–80% (54). Thus, it is critical to
design intervention studies specifically to address the role of dietary calcium in modu-
lating fat mass and to identify the mechanisms and the populations in which alterations
in dietary calcium intake may lead to changes in fat mass, so that recommendations for
reducing the incidence of obesity can be developed.

1. National Institute of Health; Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation and treatment of over-
weight and obesity in adults: Executive Summary. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Obesity
Education Initiative.
2. McCarron DA, Morris CD, Henry HJ, Stanton JL. Blood pressure and nutrient intake in the United
States. Science 1984;224:1392–1398.
3. Metz JA, Karanja N, Torok J, McCarron DA. Modification of total body fat in spontaneously hyperten-
sive rats and Wistar-Kyoto rats by dietary calcium and sodium. Am J Hypertens 1988;1:58–60.
4. Zemel MB, Shi H, Greer B, DiRienzo D, Zemel PC. Regulation of adiposity by dietary calcium. FASEB
J 2000;14:1132–1138.
338 Calcium in Human Health

5. Lin, Y-C, Lyle R.M, McCabe LD, McCabe GP, Weaver CM, Teegarden D. Calcium intake effects on
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Chapter 22 / PCOS and Reproduction 341

22 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

and Reproduction

Susan Thys-Jacobs

• Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an extremely common disorder characterized by
chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism, and follicular arrest.
• Calcium is an important primary intracellular signal in invertebrates, amphibians, and
mammals, involved in the maturation and differentiation of the oocyte and the initiation
of the development of the egg at fertilization and in egg activation.
• Calcium and vitamin D dysregulation may ultimately be responsible for the arrested
follicular development and menstrual disturbances associated with PCOS.

In 1921, Achard and Thiers published their classic description of a bearded woman
with diabetes, linking androgen excess and insulin resistance (1). Subsequently, in 1935,
Stein and Leventhal reported the association of enlarged polycystic ovaries with the
clinical triad of amenorrhea, hirsutism, and obesity (2). Polycystic ovary syndrome
(PCOS), or Stein–Leventhal syndrome has since been recognized to be one of the most
common female endocrine disorders characterized by two major features: hyperandrogenism
and chronic anovulation (3). PCOS has been associated with an increased incidence of
endometrial cancer and has many serious consequences, such as insulin resistance, dia-
betes mellitus, and increased cardiovascular and metabolic risks. PCOS affects approx
5–10% of women of reproductive age and is a major cause of infertility.
Interestingly, despite its prevalence among young women, PCOS is virtually unknown
in the animal kingdom, although the importance of calcium in follicular development has
been extensively investigated over the past 30 yr in many animal studies. Calcium appears
to be an essential primary signal and universal messenger in egg activation (4). It has a
critical role in the regulation and resumption of meiosis and in mitosis as well as in the
maturation of mammalian and nonmammalian oocytes. Recent preliminary evidence
similarly suggests that in humans, abnormalities in calcium homeostasis and vitamin D
metabolism may underlie the pathogenesis of PCOS. Disordered calcium regulation may

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
342 Calcium in Human Health

Table 1
Criteria for the Clinical Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
• Chronic anovulation
– irregular menses, oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea
• Hyperandrogenism
– acne, hirsutism, alopecia, infertility
• Exclusion of other androgen disorders
• Ultrasonographic evidence of polycystic ovaries may or may not be present

be responsible for the arrested follicular development and immature oocytes, predispos-
ing susceptible women to the reproductive and menstrual disturbances that have been
identified as PCOS.


The diagnosis of PCOS is usually made on the basis of clinical and biochemical
criteria. In 1990, a National Institutes of Health consensus panel proposed chronic ano-
vulation or menstrual irregularity with evidence of either clinical or biochemical
hyperandrogenism as minimal criteria for diagnosis (Table 1) (5). Other causes of andro-
gen excess must be excluded before a diagnosis is made. The typical woman with PCOS
commonly presents with oligomenorrhea dating from menarche and complaints of pro-
gressive hirsutism, obesity, infertility, and inability to lose weight. The cardinal features
of androgen excess may include acne, temporal balding, acanthosis nigricans, and hirsut-
ism. Hirsutism is characterized by increased numbers of terminal hairs in certain areas
such as the chin, upper lip, neck, or upper back, where terminal hairs are not normally
found. Often, there is a strong family history of PCOS or menstrual irregularity. The
chronic anovulation is usually reported as amenorrhea or irregular menstrual cycles with
cycles more than 35–40 d in length (approximately eight or fewer menstrual cycles a
year). Some women do have regular cycles and not all women are obese, with approx 30%
of women being lean. An abnormally elevated androgen level is not necessary to confirm
the diagnosis, although an elevated free testosterone is a very common finding. Alterna-
tive causes of menstrual dysfunction and hyperandrogenism must be excluded before a
diagnosis of PCOS is confirmed. This requires an evaluation for thyroid disease, late-
onset adrenal hyperplasia, hyperprolactinemia, Cushing’s syndrome, and androgen-secret-
ing tumors. Late-onset adrenal hyperplasia owing to 21 hydroxylase deficiency can be
screened for with the measurement of a serum 17 hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) level.
Concentrations of serum 17OHP less than 250 ng/dL are considered normal; above this,
an adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation should be performed for possible confirma-
tion of late-onset adrenal hyperplasia. Total testosterone concentrations are occasionally
elevated and usually less than 100 ng/dL, whereas free testosterone concentrations are
more frequently elevated. An elevated serum total testosterone concentration greater
than 200 ng/dL suggests an androgen-secreting tumor and warrants further investigation.
The ratio of luteinizing hormone (LH) to follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) may be
abnormally elevated, at levels of 2.5–3.0. Although multiple ovarian cysts as imaged with
pelvic ultrasound are helpful and noted in more than 50% of women with PCOS, many
Chapter 22 / PCOS and Reproduction 343

with PCOS do not demonstrate this feature. Abnormal ovarian morphology alone does
not establish the diagnosis, because 25% of normal women have cysts on their ovaries,
and the absence of polycystic ovaries does not exclude the diagnosis.

The precise pathophysiological mechanisms resulting in the endocrinological distur-
bances of PCOS are not known. The most widely accepted theory proposes that PCOS
is a self-perpetuating cycle of hormonal events with increased intra-ovarian concentra-
tions of androgens resulting in polycystic ovaries, theca cell hyperplasia, and arrested
follicular cell development (6,7). A number of biochemical endocrine abnormalities have
been identified, including a chronically elevated LH with an elevated LH to FSH ratio,
elevated serum androgens that may include androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone
sulfate, and total/free testosterone concentrations, increased estrone and normal estradiol
concentrations, and, most recently identified, hyperinsulinemia (8). The serum free tes-
tosterone concentration appears to be the best single marker of hyperandrogenism. A
number of women with PCOS (both lean and overweight) have insulin resistance and
hyperinsulinemia. Insulin enhances ovarian steroidogenesis, stimulating estrogen, test-
osterone, and progesterone secretion (9). Insulin may also enhance the release of LH and
may affect follicular maturation. Many of the late complications of PCOS appear to be
related to insulin resistance (10). It has been proposed by some that hyperinsulinemia is
the primary event in the pathogenesis of PCOS and causes the hyperandrogenism (11),
whereas others support the theory that hyperandrogenism is the primary defect initiating
menstrual dysfunction and hyperinsulinemia (12). Whether hyperandrogenism or insulin
resistance are primary or secondary events in the etiology of PCOS remains a controver-
sial and unsettled issue.
Evidence now suggests that abnormalities in calcium regulation may comprehensibly
explain the clinical presentation of PCOS, including the reproductive abnormalities and
insulin resistance. This evidence is supported by several facts: (1) the importance of
calcium in egg activation and in triggering meiotic resumption, (2) the role of calcium in
LH-induced meiotic maturation, (3) the role of calcium and vitamin D in insulin resis-
tance, and (4) the clinical evidence of abnormalities in calcium homeostasis in reproduc-
tive disturbances and in women with PCOS.


The development of the female mammalian oocyte begins early in fetal life. Mitosis
determines the finite number of gametes; whereas oocyte maturation is dependent on the
progressive stages of meiosis affected by various growth factors and steroid hormones.
At birth, the mammalian oocyte is arrested in its meiotic maturation at prophase of
meiosis I, released from meiotic arrest by the preovulatory LH surge, only to be arrested
again at metaphase II, awaiting fertilization and meiosis completion. In many species,
progression from one meiotic or mitotic phase to the next appears to be determined by
intracellular calcium changes or transients (13). In mammals, resumption of meiosis and
maturation of the oocyte, as well as fertilization, appear to require a series of intracellular
calcium changes.
344 Calcium in Human Health

4.1. Calcium in Egg Activation and Fertilization

In fertilization, a rise in intracellular calcium ions is believed to be the primary signal
responsible for the initiation of egg development (see also Chapter 3). This is widely
supported by the observations in many species demonstrating increases in intracellular
calcium at fertilization and conversely demonstrating that inhibition of the rise in intra-
cellular calcium prevented calcium oscillations and blocked both resumption of meiosis
and progression in cell development. In 1974, Steinhardt and colleagues activated sea
urchin eggs parthenogenetically using a divalent calcium-transporting ionophore A23187
(14). Membrane conductance measurements, respiration, and DNA synthesis, all nor-
mally activated by sperm, were similarly noted to be activated by the divalent ionophore.
Steinhardt proposed that the ionophore acted by mediating calcium fluxes and releasing
intracellular calcium ions, and that calcium may have a universal role in egg activation
(15). Since then, the importance of calcium in the regulation of both meiotic and mitotic
cell division cycles in mammalian and nonmammalian oocytes has been of considerable
interest (4). Eggs of the medaka fish were found to be naturally activated by a huge pulse
of free cytosolic calcium and the calcium from the pulses emanated from the internal
stores of endoplasmic reticulum. Similarly, sea urchin eggs, when activated, were noted
to be accompanied by a calcium “explosion” (16). In amphibian and nonmammalian
eggs, the main initial source of egg activation is a propagated wave or pulse of calcium
ions in the cytosol (see Chapter 3). Collas and colleagues electrically induced activation
of mammalian bovine oocytes in the parthenogenetic development of these oocytes and
demonstrated elevations in intracellular calcium concentrations as measured by fluores-
cence (17). They noted that the intracellular calcium response to a given electrical stimu-
lus was variable and regulated by incubation conditions, pulse duration, and electrical
field strength. The presence of extracellular calcium was required to obtain high rates of
activation and development of these mammalian oocytes. In mouse oocytes, sperm elicit
a large transient increase in intracellular calcium lasting approx 2 min, followed by
repetitive calcium transients lasting half a second. Incubation of denuded mouse oocytes
with the calcium chelator 1,2 bis O-aminophenoxyethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid
(BAPTA) inhibited all calcium transients (see Fig. 1) (18). Calcium oscillations during
fertilization in the activation of both nonmammalian and mammalian oocytes have been
widely studied and appear to be firmly established. Changes in intracellular calcium have
been demonstrated to occur at fertilization in mouse and hamster ooytes. Artificially
increasing intracellular calcium activates the progression of meiosis and the cell cycle.
Artificial activation of many different mammalian oocytes such as mouse, rabbit, and
bovine oocytes has been stimulated with calcium ionophores, ethanol, and electrical
stimulation. Even pricking or mechanical stimulation can activate the immature oocyte
to progress from a semiquiescent state and mimic the events characterized by penetration
of sperm, provided adequate calcium ions are present in the medium (19). The extent of
parthenogenesis in mammalian oocytes, unlike the nonmammalian oocytes, appears to
be influenced by extracellular calcium, because the intracellular calcium concentration
and pulse-induced calcium rise are both modulated by extracellular calcium (20). Mam-
malian eggs are primarily activated by calcium ions, which enter the cytoplasm extracel-
lularly, and inhibited by calcium chelators or by changes in calcium concentrations.
Chapter 22 / PCOS and Reproduction 345

Fig. 1. Intracellular calcium changes following fertilization were suppressed or inhibited by

introduction of 1,2 bis O-aminophenoxyethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) into the eggs
before in vitro fertilization. Eggs were loaded with fluo-3 or fluo-3 and BAPTA, washed, and
inseminated. Recordings of fluo-3 fluorescence were made from single eggs with a photon count-
ing photomultiplier tube. Ca2+ does not rise uniformly in the egg, but spreads uniformly as a wave
of increased Ca2+. (Reproduced from ref. 18, with permission.)

4.2. Calcium and Meiosis

In mammals, maturation of the immature oocyte and the activation and fertilization of
the mature egg are two separate events. Both may be regulated by changes in intracellular
calcium. In general, mammalian oocytes are in a state of physiological arrest at the first
prophase of the first meiotic division. This arrest is maintained by elevated intracellular
levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and reversed by the LH surge (21).
Isolated naked oocytes in vitro, in the absence of their enclosed coat (cumulus oophorus),
spontaneosly undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB; the first step of meiotic resump-
tion), nuclear maturation, and complete meiosis independent of hormonal stimulation. In
other words, the oocyte is ready and programmed to progress to maturation except in the
presence of its natural, physiological inhibitor, cAMP.
In 1981, Rosenberg and colleagues studied the roles of the divalent cations, calcium
and magnesium, in starfish oocyte maturation. Both cations appeared to control matura-
tion, with extracellular calcium important for GVB represents dissolution of the nuclear
membrane which is one of the markers of oocyte maturation (22). The normal oocyte is
impeded from progressing to maturation by an inhibitor in the form of cAMP. Antago-
nizing the inhibitor with changes in calcium concentration can affect resumption of
meiosis. Elevated levels of intracellular calcium within mouse and cow oocytes allow
resumption of meiosis to occur despite high levels of cAMP. Increasing calcium concen-
tration or the use of calcium ionophores partially relieves the cAMP meiotic arrest,
whereas the calcium channel blockers, verapamil and tetracaine have been shown to
potentiate meiotic arrest (23). Hamster oocytes exposed to increasing external calcium
concentrations demonstrated a greater rate of meiotic resumption. Denuding the hamster
or mouse oocyte of its follicular shell—cumulus oophorus, with its inhibitory cAMP
concentration—significantly increased GVB and meiotic resumption, whereas exposure
to a calcium chelator, such as ethyleneglycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA), or to an agent that
346 Calcium in Human Health

increases the concentration of cAMP, maintains meiotic arrest of the mammalian oocyte.
Inhibition of meiotic resumption in mouse and hamster oocytes by increasing intracel-
lular cAMP or by reducing calcium concentrations can be overridden with high extracel-
lular calcium concentrations or with the use of calcium ionophores (24).
Kaufman and colleagues studied the role of calcium in the resumption and progression
of meiosis in the pig oocyte (25). Denuded pig oocytes were exposed to various media
in the presence of inhibitors, calcium chelators, and calcium-deficient cultures. Intracel-
lular calcium was involved in the initial signaling of resumption of meiosis despite a
calcium-deficient medium; however, progression of meiosis to metaphase II in the pig
was dependent on extracellular calcium fluxes and suppressed by reducing the levels of
calcium in the culture medium. Intracellular calcium chelation with BAPTA (a derivative
of EGTA) or with neomycin (an inhibitor of phosphoinositide turnover and an indirect
inhibitor of intracellular calcium mobilization) inhibited resumption of meiosis and GVB.
Similarly, in mouse oocytes, an increase of intracellular calcium was suggested as essen-
tial for spontaneous meiotic resumption by De Felici and colleagues (26). However, their
findings differed somewhat from many other investigators in that they demonstrated that
extracellular calcium was not required for meiotic resumption in the mouse, although
incubation of mouse oocytes with a high-affinity calcium chelator prevented calcium
changes, thereby inhibiting total GVB and oocyte maturation.
Moreau and colleagues investigated the intracellular calcium surges associated with
hormone-induced maturation of amphibian oocytes using photoproteins and calcium-
sensitive electrodes (27). A dramatic surge in free serum calcium concentration was
demonstrated following progesterone or agonist-induced stimulation (see Fig. 2). This
calcium transient or surge was deemed necessary for meiosis reinitiation because incom-
pletely grown or inhibitor-induced oocytes, which did not undergo meiosis, failed to
produce the calcium transient. Carroll and Swann studied immature mouse oocytes dur-
ing oocyte maturation and also noted spontaneous calcium oscillations caused by inositol
triphosphate turnover following release of the oocytes from their inhibitory follicle. Their
evidence suggested indirectly that intracellular free calcium was involved in the resump-
tion of meiosis and progression to metaphase II (28). In 1990, Peres (29) investigated
intracellular calcium mobilization and oscillations in mouse oocytes. Intracellular cyto-
solic calcium changes were detected by electrophysiological and fluorimetric techniques
using fluorescent proteins. Separate microinjections of both inositol-1,4,5 triphosphate
as well as calcium into mouse oocytes induced calcium oscillations, suggesting a regen-
erative mechanism for calcium release. In 1998, Pesty and colleagues observed sponta-
neous calcium oscillations both within the nucleus as well as in cytoplasm in immature
mouse oocytes upon reinitiation of the meiosis resumption process. Using laser scanning
microscopy, the effects of microinjection into the nucleus of mouse oocytes of inositol
1,4,5 triphosphate, heparin (an inositol triphosphate receptor binder) and a monoclonal
antibody to inositol triphosphate receptor were investigated. Inositol triphosphate directly
injected into the germinal vesicle induced calcium oscillations first within the nucleus,
whereas heparin, which blocked the inositol triphosphate receptor, inhibited both nuclear
and cytoplasmic spontaneous oscillations. Injection of the monoclonal antibody to inosi-
tol triphosphate inhibited calcium oscillations and meiotic resumption. Mounting evi-
dence further established that resumption of meiosis was dependent on the oocyte’s
ability to generate calcium oscillations and required an increase in phosphoinositide-
dependent calcium (30).
Chapter 22 / PCOS and Reproduction 347

Fig. 2. Progesterone-induced calcium transient as recorded in 20 Ambystoma oocytes injected

with aequorin and suspended in CaMg- free OR2 medium. GVBD refers to germinal vesicle
breakdown. (Reproduced from ref. 27, with permission.)

Mammalian oocytes, during activation at both fertilization and meiotic resumption,

generate repetitive calcium oscillations. Extracellular stimulation of the oocyte with
calcium, gonadotropins, and various growth factors results in changes in intracellular
calcium concentrations via transmembrane movements between cytosol and internal
organelles, representing an important physiological signaling mechanism. Repetitive
calcium oscillations are probably mediated by inositol triphosphates while inhibited by
cAMP. Hormones such as LH can stimulate the hydrolysis of phosphoinositides with
subsequent accumulation of inositol triphosphates, which are potent calcium mobilizers.
In 1987, Dimino studied the effect of LH, FSH, cAMP, and gonadotropin-releasing
hormone on porcine ovarian granulosa. Only LH stimulated accumulation of inositol
phosphates (31). Calcium homeostasis in the setting of various hormones and growth
factors determines the ultimate biochemical pathway selected in the phosphoinositide or
adenylate cyclase-dependent protein kinase C systems of reproduction and oocyte matu-

4.3. Calcium and LH Induction

Chronic LH elevations with abnormal LH to FSH ratios have been well described in
women with PCOS and have been proposed as one of the many mechanisms for the
menstrual dysfunction. In mammals, the physiological signal for resumption of meiosis
I of the immature oocyte (arrested at prophase I until ovulation) is the LH surge. The LH
348 Calcium in Human Health

surge causes GVB, condensation of chromatin, completion of meiosis I, and arrest at

metaphase of meiosis II. In PCOS, chronic, tonic elevations of LH have been associated
with follicular arrest and inhibition of resumption of meiosis, whereas the pulsatile LH
surge overrides the inhibitory arrest. LH has been found to stimulate two messenger
pathways, one activating adenylate cyclase and resulting in an increase in cAMP, and the
other stimulating the phosphoinositide pathway. Increasing cAMP maintains oocyte
meiotic arrest, whereas activation and hydrolysis of the phosphinositides via phospho-
lipase C yields inositol phosphates, which mobilize intracellular calcium. In 1986, Davis
examined the stimulatory effect of LH in rat granulosa cells in the presence or absence
of the monovalent cation lithium (a substitute for physiological calcium). LH increased
both cAMP and ionositol triphosphates in the rat cells. In the presence of the monovalent
lithium, LH appeared to prevent phosphoinositide turnover with recycling of inositol
phosphates, and to increase the accumulation of inositol phosphates by inhibiting their
degradation by the phosphatases (32). LH appeared to have a dual role, in both maintain-
ing and reversing meiotic arrest. Calcium has been proposed as the regulatory factor that
determines which pathway or system dominates, and which is stimulated by LH. In 1984,
Dorflinger and colleagues evaluated the role of extracellular calcium and the calcium
ionophore A23187 on LH adenylate cyclase activity in rats (33). Their results demon-
strated that an increase in intracellular calcium concentration resulted in inhibition of LH-
sensitive adenylate cyclase. A decrease in extracellular calcium in the medium led to an
increased production of cAMP by LH. A calcium-free medium induced by the calcium
chelator EGTA enhanced cAMP accumulation. The calcium ionophore A23187 inhib-
ited the LH-stimulated production of cAMP in a dose-dependent manner. A decrease in
extracellular calcium to less than a minimal amount (100 μM) completely blocked the
effect of the ionophore. Removal of extracellular calcium increased cAMP accumulation
in response to LH twofold. Extracellular calcium may be the ultimate mediator in the
inhibition or stimulation of the different messenger pathways.

4.4. Calcium and Vitamin D in Insulin Resistance

Disturbances in the vitamin D, calcium, and parathyroid axis have been proposed as
well in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Gunal and colleagues examined the effect
of intravenous 1F hydroxyvitamin D3 on insulin sensitivity in 14 patients on chronic
hemodialysis (34). Uremic patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism generally
develop insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. Administration of intravenous 1F
hydroxyvitamin D3 improved insulin sensitivity by reducing the hyperparathyroidism. In
another study, the effect of oral calcium therapy on insulin resistance was investigated
in non-diabetic patients with essential hypertension (35). In a similar fashion, the effect
of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D) was studied in hemodialysis patients and
compared with healthy controls (36). A glucose clamp was used to investigate insulin
sensitivity. Treatment of the hemodialysis patients with 1,25(OH)2D significantly reduced
arterial pressure and improved insulin sensitivity. Oral calcium therapy at 1500 mg/d for
8 wk was found to significantly reduce intraplatelet-free calcium concentrations and
fasting plasma insulin levels, and increase the insulin sensitivity index, whereas those
patients maintained on a low calcium intake had no change in insulin levels or insulin
sensitivity. For a more extensive and in-depth review on calcium and insulin resistance,
see Chapter 26.
Chapter 22 / PCOS and Reproduction 349


Vitamin D has also been shown to be important in female reproduction, specifically
in rats, mice, and chickens. In 1989, Halloran reviewed the role of the biologically active
form of vitamin D—1,25(OH)2D—in reproduction (37). In the avian species, 1,25(OH)2D
was required for ovulation and shell formation, transfer of calcium from the egg shell to
the fetal circulation, and maintenance of fetal serum calcium. In mammals, 1,25(OH)2D
was required for normal ovulation, normal fetal bone metabolism, milk production, and
normal calcium and bone homeostasis. Vitamin D deficiency affected mating success,
fertility, and litter size and increased pregnancy complications (38). Vitamin D defi-
ciency in female rats resulted in an overall reduction in fertility of 75%; whereas vitamin
D administration improved mating and litter success (39).
More recently, calcium has been identified as an important mineral and nutrient in
fertility. Vitamin D receptor (VDR) knockout mice have low serum calcium concentra-
tions (hypocalcemic) and are infertile. Whether the infertility in these mice resulted from
the vitamin D deficiency or from an indirect effect of the hypocalcemia was not clear.
Johnson and DeLuca investigated the fertility in VDR-null mutant mice on varying
calcium diets (40). VDR-null mutant mice were mostly infertile (14% fertility) when
provided a nonpurified, -alcium diet; whereas wild-type mice fed the same diet were
100% fertile. In VDR-null mutant mice, calcium supplementation (high- or medium-
calcium diets), adequate to normalize serum calcium concentrations restored the ani-
mals’ fertility to 86%. In another study, Johnson and Deluca investigated the effects on
fertility of dietary calcium in vitamin D-replete and -deficient female rats (41). Vitamin
D-deficient rats fed a high-calcium (2% calcium) and high-phosphorus diet had normal
calcium concentrations, slightly lower phosphorus levels, and undetectable 25 hydroxy-
vitamin D (25[OH]D) concentrations. However, these rats, unlike the vitamin D-defi-
cient rats on the low-calcium diets (0.47% calcium diet), had similar reproductive
capacities, fertility ratios, and litter size as the vitamin D-replete rats. The high-calcium
diet in the vitamin D-deficient rats restored their reproductive defects to normal. Both
vitamin D deficiency as well as absence of the VDR appeared to have the same effect on
female reproduction in the absence of high dietary calcium.
One study to date has investigated the association between calcium and vitamin D
dysregulation in humans with PCOS. In an observational study in women with PCOS,
abnormalities in vitamin D and calcium homeostasis were detected that support the
evidence that calcium dysregulation contributes to the development of follicular arrest
in mammals, which in turn results in reproductive and menstrual dysfunction (42). Thir-
teen premenopausal women with documented chronic anovulation and hyperandrogenism
were evaluated. Ages ranged from 21 to 41 yr (31.1 ± 7.9). The mean body mass index was
30.6. All had evidence of hirsutism, three had acne. and two had alopecia. Five women
had evidence of acanthosis nigricans. Nine had abnormal pelvic sonograms with multiple
ovarian follicular cysts. Three women had abnormal LH/FSH ratios greater than 2.4
(range above normal: 2.6–3.8). Four women had elevated serum total testosterone levels
(range above normal: 96–142 ng/mL) and four had elevated serum dehydroepiandrosterone
sulfate levels (range above normal: 301–405 μg/dL). Four women were amenorrheic and
required the use of progesterone every 3 mo to induce menses. Nine had a history of
oligomenorrhea, of whom four had regular menses following pregnancy or prescribed
350 Calcium in Human Health

oral contraceptives (OCP). Two women had dysfunctional bleeding. The mean serum
25(OH)D level was 11.2 ( 6.9 ng/mL (nL:9–52 at the time of the study; < 20 ng is now
considered deficient). Five women had serum 25(OH)D concentrations below 9 ng/mL;
11 below 20 ng/mL. One woman had an undetectable serum 25(OH)D concentration of
less than 5 ng/mL. The mean serum 1,25(OH)2D concentration was 45.8 (18 pg/mL
(nL:15–60 pg/mL). The mean intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) was 47 (19 pg/mL
(nl:10–65 pg/mL). Five women had abnormally high serum PTH concentrations for their
age range (PTH levels above 50 pg/mL in the premenopausal woman are considered
abnormal). The serum calcium concentrations in all patients were within normal limits
(9.3 ± 0.4 mg/dL). All 13 women were treated with combination calcium and vitamin D
supplementation. A serum 25(OH)D concentration to the mid normal range of 30–40 mg/
dL was achieved within 2–3 mo of therapy. Vitamin D repletion with calcium therapy
resulted in normalized menstrual cycles within 2 mo for seven women, with an additional
two experiencing resolution of their dysfunctional bleeding and two women becoming
pregnant. Within the 6 mo of observation of this study, clinical improvement of acne
vulgaris in all three women manifesting this aspect of hyperandrogenism was noted.
The majority of the women in this study were vitamin D-deficient with abnormalities
in the PTH–vitamin D axis. Five women had abnormally elevated PTH levels; whereas
three had abnormal serum 1,25(OH)2D concentrations. The optimal serum level of
25(OH)D is currently uncertain. However, recent data suggest that serum 25(OH)D
concentrations below 32 ng/mL might be inadequate, resulting in abnormalities of cal-
cium homeostasis with reduced intestinal calcium absorption efficiency and elevated
levels of PTH (43,44).
In addition to vitamin D deficiency and its consequences on cellular calcium metabo-
lism, limited dietary calcium intake may also prove to be a factor in this syndrome. The
combination of dietary calcium insufficiency and vitamin D deficiency may be largely
responsible for the menstrual abnormalities associated with PCOS. Figure 3 illustrates a
proposed pathohysiological pathway for PCOS, illustrating the hypothesis that abnor-
malities in calcium and vitamin D metabolism may affect: (1) LH-induced meiotic matu-
ration, (2) oocyte maturation and resumption of meiosis, and (3) insulin sensitivity—all
leading to meiotic arrest, oligo-amenorrhea, and hyperandrogenism.


The traditional approach in PCOS has been directed at the treatment of specific clinical
manifestations of the syndrome. This may include reduction in hirsutism and treatment
of acne with anti-androgens, restoring normal menstrual cyclicity or achievement of
pregnancy. Initial laboratory evaluation should include the tests as listed in Table 2 to
exclude other causes of hyperandrogenism. Some authorities suggest some measure of
insulin sensitivity in the evaluation of PCOS, such as the homeostasis model assessment
of insulin resistance or serum glucose/ insulin ratio or fasting insulin concentration and
a lipid profile, because of the long-term consequences of PCOS.
Nonpharmacological recommendations, such as diet and exercise, can be very effec-
tive measures in the overweight PCOS patient. Simple weight reduction of 10–15 lb has
been reported to normalize menstrual cycles and even to improve some of the features of
androgen excess (e.g., acne). Weight loss can reduce insulin and androgen concentrations
Chapter 22 / PCOS and Reproduction 351

Fig. 3. Proposed pathophysiology pathway for PCOS, illustrating the hypothesis that abnormali-
ties in calcium and vitamin D metabolism effect (1) LH-induced meiotic maturation, (2) oocyte
maturation, and (3) insulin sensitivity.
352 Calcium in Human Health

Table 2
Initial Laboratory Evaluation of the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patient
• Complete blood count
• Serum chemistries and lipid profile
• Thyroid function tests
• Serum prolactin
• Serum total and free testosterone
• Serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
• Serum androstenedione
• Serum 17 hydroxyprogesterone
• AM cortisol following 1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression
• Fasting blood glucose to insulin ratio or homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance

while increasing sex hormone-binding concentrations, and should be the initial approach
in the obese PCOS patient (45).

7.1. Pharmacological Therapy

OCPs are commonly prescribed to the PCOS patient who does not desire pregnancy.
They remain the treatment of choice among many physicians because they normalize the
menstrual cycle, improve acne and hirsutism, reduce the risk of endometrial and ovarian
cancer, and have a long-term safety record. However, these agents do not treat the
dysmetabolic consequences of PCOS, and some argue against the use of OCPs in the
insulin-resistant woman. Anti-androgens, such as spironolactone, which bind to the andro-
gen receptor are useful for cosmetic effects and psychological benefits in reducing hair
growth and improving acne. Insulin-sensitizing agents are an interesting therapeutic
intervention in PCOS because of their effect on insulin resistance. These agents have
proven efficacy in restoring menstrual cyclicity, but this has been noted in only 30–50%
of women with PCOS (46). For a number of women with PCOS, the insulin sensitizers
are not effective in normalizing menstrual cycles or in reducing the hyperandrogenic
effects. The insulin sensitizers include the biguanide, Metformin, and the thiazolidinediones,
rosiglitazone, and pioglitazone. Metformin is a relatively safe therapy, has been shown to
improve insulin sensitivity in PCOS, and may result in some weight reduction. It can also
result in lactic acidosis, hepatitis, severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and liver func-
tion monitoring is advised. It should not be administered to women with renal insuffi-
ciency, hepatic dysfunction, or in the setting of excessive alcohol intake. The
thiazolidinediones have a similar effect in improving insulin sensitivity but may induce
weight gain. In those women with PCOS and type 2 diabetes mellitus, the insulin sensi-
tizers would be the preferred treatment.

7.2. Calcium and Vitamin D Therapy

There is very limited information on the number of women with PCOS who are vitamin
D- and calcium-deficient, or even on the long-term clinical response in PCOS women to
adequate calcium and vitamin D therapy. However, the importance of calcium in repro-
duction, follicular development,and resumption of meiosis is unequivocal and compel-
ling, and argues very strongly for this simple therapy. Therefore, calcium and vitamin D
therapy should be recommended to all women with PCOS. Measuring baseline 25(OH)D
Chapter 22 / PCOS and Reproduction 353

is very helpful in the management of these women. Although the normal 25(OH)D concen-
tration remains uncertain, serum levels of 25(OH)D at 35–40 ng/mL appear optimal in
PCOS. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) at 2000 international units (IU) daily in a premeno-
pausal woman is safe (47). Women with PCOS may require vitamin D3 in doses of 2000–
4000 IU/d to achieve optimal serum 25(OH)D levels. They also should be given calcium
(elemental calcium) at 1500 mg/d for adequate calcium homeostasis. Restoration and
normalization of menstrual cycles within 2–3 mo with some improvement in clinical
hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance has already been noted in a small pilot study of
obese, oligomenorrheic women with PCOS.

PCOS is an extremely common disorder associated with reproductive and menstrual
disturbances. It is characterized by chronic anovulation and hyperandrogenism with
long-term cardiovascular and metabolic consequences including diabetes mellitus and
hypertension. Many women have evidence of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia;
the majority of women have only a mild form. The pathogenesis of the insulin resistance
remains unclear. Oral contraceptives are safe and have been shown to restore menstrual
regularity while improving some of the clinical hyperandrogenic features. For the obese
woman with PCOS, weight reduction and reducing glucose intolerance with the insulin
sensitizers should be a major objective.
Recent evidence strongly suggests that abnormalities in calcium and vitamin D homeo-
stasis underlie the pathogenesis of PCOS. The importance of calcium in egg activation, in
meiotic resumption, in LH-induced meiotic maturation, and in reproduction all under-
score a role of calcium in PCOS. Calcium is believed to be the primary intracellular signal
in invertebrates, amphibians, and mammals for the maturation and differentiation of the
oocyte and for the initiation of the development of the egg at fertilization. Maturation of
the oocyte or resumption of meiosis is an obligatory step in the preparation of the oocyte
for fertilization. The transition from one meiotic phase to another appears to be triggered
by increases in intracellular calcium by overriding meiotic arrest. Thus, increases or
changes in intracellular calcium are required for the oocyte to mature or progress to the
next stage. Calcium and vitamin D dysregulation may ultimately be responsible for the
arrested follicular development and menstrual disturbances associated with PCOS, and
correction of these calcium abnormalities may reverse both the biochemical and clinical

This chapter was supported in part by NIDDK grant 57869-02 in conjunction with the
office of Women’s Health and NIMH.

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Chapter 23 / Premenstrual Syndrome 357

23 Premenstrual Syndrome

Susan Thys-Jacobs

• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a biochemical deficiency syndrome unmasked during
the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
• Adequate calcium and vitamin D supplementation often relieves the majority of symp-
toms in women with PMS.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has been the subject of many myths and widespread
disbeliefs. Descriptions of the syndrome date back to biblical times, when women expe-
riencing menstrually related mood and behavioral disturbances were believed to be “pos-
sessed.” Centuries later, the prevalent view considered these symptom disturbances as
psychological in origin. In 1931, a classic description of the premenstrual tension syn-
drome by Dr. Robert Frank (1) was one of the first to propose a possible hormonal
etiology for the occurrence of these symptoms.
PMS is a very common problem that affects millions of young women during their
reproductive lives, often disrupting both their emotional and physical well-being. It is
widely recognized as a recurrent, cyclical disorder related to the latter half of the men-
strual cycle, subsiding with the onset of menses. The syndrome is characterized by a
complex group of signs and symptoms that may include depression, mood swings, irri-
tability, fatigue, abdominal discomfort, and changes in appetite (see Table 1). The four
main categories of symptoms include emotion/negative affect, bloating/water retention,
pain, and appetite changes. Although many women experience only mild symptoms, as
many as 30–50% suffer from troublesome symptoms. Surveys indicate that approx 5%
of North American women consider their symptoms severe enough to have a substan-
tially negative impact on their health and social well-being. It has been suggested that
women in this latter group be defined as suffering from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
(PMDD), or severe PMS.
Evidence now strongly suggests that PMS is a biochemical abnormality, associated
with a calcium- and vitamin D-deficiency state that is unmasked during the latter half of
the menstrual cycle (2). The symptoms of PMS are very similar to those of hypocalcemia
and often respond to vitamin D and calcium therapy. The majority of PMS symptoms,

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
358 Calcium in Human Health

Table 1
Common Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome
Emotional/negative affect Bloating/water retention
Mood swings/crying spells Abdominal bloating
Depression/sadness Breast swelling and tenderness
Pain Appetite changes
Abdominal cramps Cravings for salt and sweets
Headache Increased or decreased appetite
Generalized aches and pain

such as irritability, depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, headache, and abdominal

cramps, are effectively alleviated with either increased dietary calcium or calcium supple-
Three essential lines of evidence highlight the role of calcium in PMS and menstrual
health: (1) the menstrual cyclicity of the calcium-regulating hormones, (2) clinical cal-
cium trials in PMS, and (3) the importance of calcium in maintaining normal biological
functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems.

The normal menstrual cycle is characterized by fluctuations of pituitary gonadotropins
and ovarian steroid hormones. The first half of the menstrual cycle is defined as the
follicular phase with maturation and domination of a single follicle. The rupture and
release of the oocyte heralds the luteal phase with the development of the corpus luteum,
which secretes increased amounts of estrogen and progesterone during the latter half of
the luteal phase.
Numerous theories concerning the etiology of PMS have been proposed, including
ovarian hormone imbalances and deficiencies, vitamin B6 deficiency, and altered endog-
enous opiates (3,4). Most are scientifically unfounded or remain unproven. Ovarian
steroid hormones (estrogen and progesterone) appear important in the pathogenesis of
PMS and influence menstrual symptoms. However, various attempts to identify differ-
ences in basal levels, pulsatility or patterns of ovarian steroid hormones, pituitary gona-
dotropins, and other biochemical factors between women with and without PMS have not
proven successful (5–9). These negative results notwithstanding, there is convincing
evidence that PMS occurs in ovulatory women with normal premenopausal estrogen
levels and not in those who are estrogen-deficient. Suppression or cessation of ova-
rian function owing to menopause or amenorrhea or following oophorectomy results
in marked attenuation of premenstrual symptomatology (10–12). Estrogen appears to
affect metabolism of minerals and the calcium-regulating hormones, specifically cal-
cium, parathyroid horomone (PTH), vitamin D, and magnesium (13–19); and fluctua-
tions in estrogen specifically during ovulation and the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
appear to result in changes in calcium concentrations. Estrogen lowers serum calcium,
Chapter 23 / Premenstrual Syndrome 359

probably through its inhibition of bone resorption; in its absence, serum calcium concen-
trations rise (20–22).
Progesterone is the predominant ovarian steroid hormone during the luteal phase of the
menstrual cycle. For many years, progesterone deficiency was believed to be the cause
of PMS, and this was the basis for widespread use of progesterone therapy until clinical
trials on progesterone proved its ineffectiveness (23). Progesterone is an anti-estrogen
that downregulates the effect of estradiol. The abnormalities in calcium homeostasis
occurring at the time of progesterone’s anti-estrogen activity may further compound the
downregulation of estrogen at the receptor level, modulating catecholamine release,
calcium channel entry, neurotransmitter metabolism, and ultimately the clinical presen-
tation of PMS. Progesterone may modify the action of estrogen by involving receptor
mechanisms with a decrease in the number of cytosolic and nuclear-bound, estrogen-
receptor-bound complexes (24). Progesterone has been shown to decrease estrogen
responsiveness by depressing estrogen receptor function (25,26). Thus, the action of
progesterone in the setting of altered calciotropic hormones may modify the actions of
estrogen at the cellular level, resulting in enhanced neuromuscular irritability and vascu-
lar reactivity.
Serotonin regulation appears to be important in the pathophysiology of PMS. This
conclusion is supported by the many clinical trials demonstrating the efficacy of the
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in PMS (27,28). Progesterone affects
serotonergic regulation by increasing 5-hydroxytryptamine turnover (serotonin), whereas
progesterone withdrawal during the luteal phase of the cycle may result in decreased
serotonergic activity.
Ovarian steroid hormones also appear to have vascular effects on various regional
circulatory systems including uterine, carotid, coronary, and cerebral arteries (29). These
hormones act through a variety of mechanisms including modulation of catecholamine
release in the arterial wall, calcium channel conductance, and possibly potassium induc-
tance (30,74). Therefore, acute changes or disruptions in ovarian hormone concentra-
tions may influence neurotransmitter reuptake and metabolism, influence calcium
channels, and result in mood disorders. Of note, pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives,
and hormone replacement therapy have been associated with both the development of as
well as improvement of panic disorder (31–33). Acute depletion of estradiol can cause
rapid changes in cerebral blood flow with reduced frontal lobe blood flow and associated
depression (34).


The diagnosis of PMS is dependent on the relationship of luteal phase to postmenstrual
symptoms, because no objective biochemical marker has been found. A prospective
assessment of symptoms is recommended but not required for a diagnosis of PMS and
is strongly advised for PMDD (severe PMS) (35,36). This assessment can be measured
and monitored with a menstrual calendar, daily rating scale, visual analog scale, or
symptom diary (see Table 2) for at least 2 mo (37,38). For a diagnosis of PMS, the
National Institute of Mental Health criteria suggests a 30% change from luteal phase to
postmenstrual phase mean symptom levels. A diagnosis of PMDD requires prospective
symptom confirmation with specific inclusion criteria of an affective/emotional compo-
360 Calcium in Human Health

Table 2
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Diarya
Date Are you presently menstruating?
Yes 䊐 No 䊐
Rate the average intensity of discomfort you experienced during the previous 24 h
PMS/menstrual symptoms Absent (0) Mild (1) Moderate (2) Severe (3)
1. Mood swings/ Crying spells
2. Depression/Sadness/
Feelings of hopelessness
3. Anxiety/Tension/Nervousness
4. Decreased interest in usual activities
5. Difficulty concentrating
6. Fatigue
7. Increased/Decreased appetite
8. Insomnia/Hypersomnia
9. Sense of being out of control
10. Abdominal bloating
11. Abdominal cramps and discomfort
12. Headache
13. Breast tenderness/Fullness
14. Generalized aches and pains
aModified version.

nent and with evidence of functional impairment. Whether PMDD is a distinct entity from
PMS remains an unsettled issue.


Calcium has been demonstrated in animal investigations, as well as in human studies,
to be dynamically related to the menstrual cycle. Variations in calcium and the biochemi-
cal markers of bone metabolism have been shown to accompany the normal hormonal
fluctuations during the menstrual cycle in some investigations. Fluctuations of the cal-
cium-regulating hormones (PTH, 25 hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], 1,25 dihydroxy-
vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D], and serum-ionized calcium) across the menstrual cycle may
explain many of the features of PMS. Evidence supports cyclical changes in the
calciotropic hormones in a number of investigations involving healthy premenopausal
women. In 1978, Pitkin and colleagues measured calcium, the calcium-regulating hor-
mones, and calcitonin across the menstrual cycle in seven healthy, premenopausal women.
They were the first to report that PTH and the biologically active form of vitamin D—
1,25(OH)2D—progressively increased in concentration throughout the follicular phase
of the cycle in human studies (39). Both hormones peaked in association with reduced
ionized calcium concentrations. Subsequently, both Gray et al. (40) and Tjellesen et al.
(41) noted peri-ovulatory elevations of 1,25(OH)2D in premenopausal women. In 1982,
Chapter 23 / Premenstrual Syndrome 361

Gray and colleagues studied serum calcium and 1,25(OH)2D concentrations in seven
normal women at four points of their menstrual cycles on days 1, 8, 15, and 22. Serum
concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D on day 15 were double the concentrations noted on days
1 and 8. However, serum total calcium level was not found to vary. In a similar fashion,
Tjellesen found the biologically active vitamin D metabolite to be double at the time of
ovulation in five young premenopausal women. Fasting serum calcium, alkaline phos-
phatase activity, urinary calcium, and hydroxyproline did not significantly vary across
the cycle. A similar pattern of the menstrual cyclicity of the calcium-regulating hormones
was noted in a study involving women with PMS (42). Twelve healthy, premenopausal
women across one menstrual cycle were studied. Seven women had documented PMS;
five were asymptomatic controls. In both groups, both serum total and ionized calcium
significantly varied across the three phases of the menstrual cycle and were observed to
decline significantly at mid-cycle coinciding with the rise of estradiol. In the asymptom-
atic group, there did not appear to be hormonal variability across the menstrual cycle for
either PTH or 25(OH)D. On the other hand, in the PMS group, PTH was found to rise
significantly at mid-cycle, and this mid-cycle elevation was 30% greater than at follicular
levels. The compensatory rise in PTH was noted for the PMS group only, and not for the
control group. Significant differences between groups were noted for total calcium, intact
PTH, and 25(OH)D concentrations. It was proposed that marginal vitamin D reserves
may have accounted for the wide fluctuations in calcium-regulating hormones, and adequate
vitamin D levels may have maintained minimal variability of intact PTH and 1,25(OH)2D
concentrations. However, it was not yet clear whether the fluctuations noted in women
with PMS were exaggerations of normal cyclic variability associated with the menstrual
cycle or representations of a PMS-specific pathophysiological feature.
Observations in young female rats have also demonstrated cyclical changes of cal-
cium-regulating hormones and calcium absorption during the estrous cycle. In 1983,
plasma levels of calcium, phosphorus, calcitonin, PTH, and prolactin were measured in
Wistar rats during a 4-d estrous cycle (43). Significant fluctuations in plasma calcium and
calcitonin levels were noted, whereas PTH was unchanged. Serum calcium levels fell
throughout the day during proestrus and estrus (ovulation), and rose during diestrus. At
all stages of the cycle, calcium declined between morning and evening. Brommage et al.
measured intestinal calcium absorption during the rat estrous cycle (44). Both total and
fractional intestinal calcium absorption were observed to vary. Both were highest during
estrous and lowest during the second day of diestrus. Thus, variations in calcium have
been observed in both the menstrual and estrous cycles.
Despite the foregoing evidence, it must be noted that the menstrual cyclicity of either
the calciotropic hormones or the biochemical markers of bone turnover remains an unsettled
issue. In 1986, Buchanan and colleagues examined the interaction between PTH and endog-
enous estrogen in 20 healthy Caucasian premenopausal women (45). PTH concentrations
were found not to vary throughout the menstrual cycle despite fluctuating estrogen levels.
In contrast, 1,25(OH)2D concentrations were notably higher during the early luteal phase
compared with earlier follicular levels. In addition, Muse and colleagues characterized
the effect of cyclic changes in ovarian steroid secretion on calcium homeostasis by
measuring calciotropic hormones in six normal, healthy premenopausal women (46).
Daily determinations of PTH, calcitonin, 1,25(OH)2D, gonadotropins, prolactin, estra-
diol, progesterone, total serum calcium, and phosphorus were made. Despite normal
362 Calcium in Human Health

cyclical patterns of pituitary gonadotropins and ovarian steroid hormones, there was little
menstrual cyclicity in PTH, calcitonin, 1,25(OH)2D or in total serum calcium and phos-
phorus. Mid-cycle elevations of PTH or 1,25(OH)2D were not detected.
Studies on the biochemical markers of bone metabolism have yielded conflicting
results as well. Some investigators did not observe any effect on bone remodeling during
the menstrual cycle, whereas others noted variations. Serum osteocalcin (bone Gla pro-
tein) and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase activity correlated with mineralization rate
as determined by 47Ca kinetic studies and by histomorphometric parameters of bone
formation. In the study by Nielsen et al., PTH and 1,25(OH)2D did not vary significantly
across the menstrual cycle, but both osteocalcin and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase
rose during the luteal phase (47). Bone resorption markers also undergo small variations
during the normal menstrual cycle in premenopausal women (48). Serum pyridinoline
crosslinked carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen, a specific marker of bone
resorption, was found to peak during the luteal phase. Moreno et al. reported, however,
that serum osteocalcin concentrations remained stable during the menstrual cycle in four
healthy premenopausal volunteers and were independent of pituitary gonadotropins and
ovarian steroid hormones (49).


Alterations in calcium homeostasis have long been associated with many affective
disturbances. Hypocalcemia has been associated with irritability, anxiety, and mania;
whereas hypercalcemia, as typified by primary hyperparathyroidism (50), has been noted
in some patients with depression (51–55). PMS shares many of the features of depression,
anxiety, and the dysphoric states and is remarkably similar to those symptoms associated
with hypocalcemia (see Table 3) (56). It is not surprising that calcium treatment has been
found to alleviate PMS.
Calcium is an essential intracellular and extracellular cation. Extracellular calcium is
required to maintain normal biological functioning of the nervous system (neuronal
conductance and synaptic transmission of acetylcholine), as well as of many other sys-
tems. In the brain, the synthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and
acetylcholine is dependent on intracellular calcium concentrations (57,58). Changes in
the extracellular calcium concentration affect the excitability of neuromuscular tissues
involved in emotional regulation (59,60). Primary hyperparathyroidism, a disorder of
calcium regulation, is associated with elevated calcium and PTH concentrations. Several
studies have described patients diagnosed with this disorder exhibiting mild personality
changes, anxiety, confusion, depression, and even psychosis, similar to the negative
affective features associated with PMS (61). Treatment with parathyroid surgery and
normalization of the calcium and parathyroid levels appeared to improve fatiguability,
mental concentration, tension, sadness, and some of the psychiatric symptoms (62,63).
Some investigators believe that hyperparathyroidism influences both the serotonergic
and dopaminergic mechanisms in the brain, resulting in a variety of psychiatric distur-
bances. Low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of monoamine metabolites in primary
hyperparathyroidism have been observed in patients with endogenous depression and
suicidal behavior (64,65). Monoamine metabolites 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid,
homovanillic acid, and 3 methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenyl-glycol in the CSF of patients with
primary hyperparathyroidism increased following parathyroid surgery (66). Also, fol-
Chapter 23 / Premenstrual Syndrome 363

Table 3
Clinical Features of Hypocalcemia
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Fatigue
• Impaired memory and intellectual capacity
• Personality disturbances
• Neuromuscular irritability
• Muscle cramps
• Paresthesias
• Tetany

lowing parathyroid surgery, patients had an improvement in psychiatric symptomatology

with an increase in CSF 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid and homovanillic acid. Altered
serum calcium concentrations appeared to impair the actions as well as the stimulus-
secretion coupling of the catecholamines that act through calcium-mediated mecha-
In a similar fashion, PMS may be the result of altered intracellular calcium metabolism
influencing dopaminergic and serotonergic regulation. There is evidence that serotonin
is important in the pathophysiology of this syndrome (67), and various SSRIs have
proved to be effective treatments in some women with PMS and PMDD (68,69). Calcium
may ultimately affect monoamine metabolism, reversing the serotonergic dysregulation
and providing a biochemical basis for the therapeutic effect.


Calcium supplementation has been demonstrated to result in a beneficial clinical
response in the treatment of premenstrual symptoms in a number of studies. These clini-
cal trials and recent epidemiological evidence support the role of calcium in PMS and
menstrual health.
The first clinical trial demonstrating the efficacy of calcium in PMS was a small,
randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial published in 1989 (70). Women with
PMS received 6 mo of treatment involving 3 mo of daily calcium (1000 mg of elemental
calcium in the form of calcium carbonate) and 3 mo of placebo. The effectiveness of
calcium treatment was assessed prospectively by monitoring daily changes in symptom
scores with a self-assessment rating scale over a 6-mo period and retrospectively by an
overall global assessment. Fourteen symptoms ranging from irritability, mood swings,
and depression to water retention and appetite changes were monitored daily. Calcium
treatment resulted in a significant, 50% reduction in symptoms within 3 mo. Retrospec-
tive assessment of overall symptoms confirmed this reduction: 73% of the women reported
fewer symptoms during the treatment phase on calcium, 15% preferred placebo, and 12%
had no clear preference. Three premenstrual factors—negative affect, water retention,
and pain—and one menstrual factor—pain—were significantly alleviated by calcium.
Following this study, Penland and Johnson (71) conducted an exploratory metabolic
ward investigation designed to determine if dietary calcium and manganese affected
menstrual cycle symptoms. Women with normal menstrual cycles were assigned to one
364 Calcium in Human Health

of four dietary periods of either low dietary calcium intake at 587 mg or high dietary
calcium at 1336 mg per day. Increasing calcium intake positively affected mood, concen-
tration, pain, and behavior symptoms.
A large, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-designed multicenter
trial in 1998 corroborated these two smaller trials, demonstrating a similar beneficial
effect of calcium treatment in PMS (72). Seven hundred twenty healthy premenopausal
women between the ages of 18 and 45 yr were recruited nationally in the United States
and screened over two menstrual cycles for moderate to severe cyclically recurring
symptoms. Symptoms were prospectively documented with a daily rating scale (the PMS
diary) employing 17 core symptoms and 4 symptom factors as previously listed (negative
affect, water retention, food cravings, and pain). Entrance criteria required a minimum
increase in symptom intensity of 50% in the luteal phase compared to the intermenstrual
phase for at least two of three screening cycles. Daily documentation of symptoms,
adverse affects, and compliance with medications were monitored. Four hundred ninety-
seven participants were randomly assigned to receive 1200 mg of elemental calcium per
day in the form of calcium carbonate or placebo for three menstrual cycles. By the third
treatment cycle, calcium resulted in an overall 48% reduction in total symptom scores.
All four symptom factors (negative affect, water retention, food cravings, and pain) were
significantly reduced by the third treatment cycle. The negative affect symptom factor
was reduced by 45% by the third treatment cycle on calcium. By the second and third
treatment months, all 15 symptoms except for fatigue and insomnia showed a significant
response to calcium treatment (mood swings; tension/irritability, anger/short temper,
Observations from two studies suggest that women with premenstrual syndrome have
lower bone mass as compared with asymptomatic controls, further supporting a distur-
bance in calcium metabolism in PMS. In a cross-sectional survey, bone density measure-
ments at the lumbar spine and proximal femur were obtained in 26 women with PMS and
20 controls (73). Compared with controls, women with PMS had significantly lower
vertebral bone mass measurements at the lumbar vertebrae (L2–4) (1.18 ± 0.11 vs 1.28
± 0.11 g/cm2, p = 0.0016). In 1994, Lee and Kanis (74) examined the relationship between
premenstrual symptoms and vertebral osteoporosis in a retrospective study. These
authors noted the higher risk of vertebral osteoporosis in those women with a history
of PMS (relative risk = 1.86).
More recently, a prospective substudy within the Nurse’s Health Study II cohort
evaluated the association between calcium and vitamin D intake and risk of PMS. Par-
ticipants were 25–42 yr of age at study entry. Nutrient intake was measured in 1991, 1995,
and 1999 by food frequency questionnaire. Cases were 1057 women reporting PMS
during the 10-yr follow-up period, and controls were 1968 women reporting no PMS.
Results indicated that high intakes of both calcium and vitamin D were inversely asso-
ciated with risk of PMS (75).


A variety of treatments for PMS have been proposed over the years, including lifestyle
and dietary changes as well as drug interventions. The majority have proved ineffective
or only temporarily effective, whereas other treatments have proven efficacy. Initially
Chapter 23 / Premenstrual Syndrome 365

advising dietary and lifestyle modifications by increasing daily dietary calcium intake
and an adequate aerobic exercise program will often reduce symptoms, and may be all
that is required especially with mild or even moderate PMS. The potential for dietary
supplements other than calcium to reduce PMS symptoms is less convincing (76). Mag-
nesium at a dose of 200–400 mg/d may alleviate PMS symptoms. In 1991, Facchinetti
observed that 360 mg of magnesium reduced affective symptoms (77), whereas Walker
noted a reduction in symptoms of bloating but not in mood symptoms (78). Scientific
evidence on vitamin E and B6 is very limited. Evening primrose oil, which is a rich source
of L-linolenic acid, had been suggested as a possible treatment, but two well-designed
studies did not demonstrate efficacy. SSRIs have proven efficacy, specifically in severe
PMS or PMDD (79–82). Fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, and fluvoxamine—all
SSRIs—appear to have similar beneficial effects. These antidepressants are usually
administered on a daily basis, but intermittent therapy during the luteal phase of the cycle
has been shown to be efficacious (83). Gonadotropin-releasing agonists induce hypogo-
nadism and have been demonstrated to reduce PMS symptoms, but the hypoestrogenic
side effects and potential bone loss are major concerns. These latter drugs should be
administered with great caution, and careful monitoring is highly recommended. If long-
term therapy is required, add-back therapy with hormone replacement is strongly recom-


The initial evaluation of PMS should include laboratory evaluation (complete blood
count, chemistries with total serum calcium and phosphorus, and a thyroid function
panel), instruction on the use of daily diaries (when indicated), and an exclusion of
conditions that may compound PMS symptoms such as thyroid disease, panic disorder,
depression, and anxiety disorder. A calcium profile, including serum 25(OH)D and intact
PTH concentrations with a 24-h urine calcium excretion, can be extremely helpful in the
management of women with moderate to severe symptoms, often guiding therapy (dis-
cussed later). However, one can readily treat with just the 25(OH)D concentration alone.
Vitamin D deficiency has become more commonly recognized and failure to optimally
supplement one’s diet can commonly result in vitamin D insufficiency. Vitamin D at
2000 international units (IU) daily in a premenopausal woman is safe. Although a normal
serum 25(OH)D concentration has been of some controversy recently, levels of 25(OH)D
of approx 35–40 ng/mL appear adequate (84,85). A realistic treatment approach is to
begin calcium supplementation empirically at 1000 mg (500 mg twice daily) and vitamin
D at 1000–2000 IU daily. To correct for inadequate levels of vitamin D, the following
replacement regimen based on serum 25(OH)D concentrations can be used:
• If the serum 25(OH)D concentration is less than 20 ng/mL, replacement with vitamin D3
(cholecalciferol) 4000 IU daily or vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) 50,000 IU three times a
week. The level of 25(OH)D should be repeated at 1 and 6 mo or as necessary, with
adjustments in dose to achieve a 25(OH)D between 35 ng/mL and 60 ng/mL.
• If the serum 25(OH)D concentration is above 20 ng/mL, replacement with cholecalcif-
erol 2000 IU daily or ergocalciferol 50,000 weekly. The level of 25(OH)D should be
repeated at 1 and 6 mo or as necessary, with adjustments in dose to achieve a serum
25(OH)D level between 35 and 60 ng/mL.
366 Calcium in Human Health

• The normal maintenance dose of vitamin D3 may vary from 1000 to 4000 IU daily. The
majority of women will experience a sense of well-being and relief within 1–2 mo of
treatment. Dietary modifications may be helpful as well, and adding dairy products such
as yogurt or milk can reduce the total supplemental calcium while maintaining the total
dietary calcium. Increases in both dietary and supplemental calcium may cause an initial
exacerbation of physical PMS symptoms, such as menstrual cramps. Constipation and
nausea are very common complaints with calcium tablet usage. The addition of magne-
sium to the diet often alleviates this complaint, and ingesting the calcium with meals and
not on an empty stomach usually also resolves the nausea.

Evidence strongly suggests that PMS is a clinical manifestation of a subtle underlying
biochemical deficiency unmasked during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Cyclic
elevations of estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle may antagonize the
effects of PTH on bone, inhibiting skeletal calcium release and reducing the ionized
calcium concentration. Calcium and vitamin D deficiency may exaggerate menstrual
cycle calciotropic hormonal variability, resulting in the biochemical features of PMS.
Dietary modifications with increases in total daily calcium intake may be all that is
necessary in the relief of PMS symptoms. Adequate calcium and vitamin D supplemen-
tation (with daily calcium at 1000 mg and vitamin D 1000–2000 IU) often relieves the
majority of symptoms in women with PMS. The remainder should have additional hor-
monal and biochemical investigations to elucidate the etiology of persistent symptoms.
For those women who do not adequately respond to adequate calcium and vitamin D
replacement therapy, a course of SSRIs should be prescribed. Menstrually related mood
changes may be a very important clinical marker of an underlying calcium and vitamin
D disturbance. Abnormalities in calcium homeostasis may have a major impact on the
menstrual and bone health of the premenopausal woman.

This chapter was supported in part by NIDDK grant 57869-02 in conjunction with the
Office of Women’s Health and NIMH.

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84. Heaney R. Nutrition factors in Osteoporosis. Ann Rev Nutr 1993;13:287–316.
85. Vieth R. Vitamin D supplementation, 25- hydroxyvitamin D concentrations and safety. Am J Clin Nutr
Chapter 24 / Calcium and Bone in the Elderly 371

24 Calcium Throughout the Life Cycle

The Later Years

Bess Dawson-Hughes

• Calcium absorption efficiency is influenced by age, race, diet composition, genetics,
hormonal status, and other factors.
• Increasing calcium intake generally lowers biochemical markers of bone turnover by
approx 10–15% and modestly increases bone mineral density. These changes reverse
after lowering calcium intake.
• The impact of calcium alone on fracture rates has been estimated at 4% for each 300 mg
increase, in one meta-analysis. The impact of calcium in combination with vitamin D
appears to be greater.
• Calcium is an important adjunct to any drug regimen for the prevention and treatment of

Osteoporotic fractures are common and devastating occurrences. Many lifestyle and
hereditary factors contribute to fracture risk. Several components of the diet influence
risk of osteoporosis in older men and women and the best studied of these are calcium and
vitamin D. This chapter focuses on the role of calcium in bone health in older men and
women. It includes a review of the physiology and determinants of calcium absorption
and a summary of the evidence that calcium intake influences the rate of bone remodeling
and bone loss in older individuals. The limited available evidence that calcium alters
fracture rates will also be addressed. The National Academy of Sciences now recom-
mends that men and women age 51 yr and older consume 1200 mg/d of calcium. Although
food sources of calcium are preferred, many individuals will need supplements in order
to meet their calcium requirement. Supplement absorbability and optimal dosage sched-
ules are reviewed.

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
372 Calcium in Human Health

Table 1
Determinants of Calcium Absorption
• Calcium intake
• Vitamin D and season
• Age
• Race
• Genetics
• Estrogen
• Diet (fiber, fat, alcohol, protein)
• Smoking


Compared with most nutrients, calcium is poorly absorbed. On average, only approx
25% of dietary calcium is absorbed. Calcium absorption occurs by several different
mechanisms including active transport, passive diffusion, and solvent drag. Active trans-
port involves movement of calcium from the intestinal lumen into enterocytes and then
out on the serosal side. Passive diffusion involves movement of calcium between
enterocytes by way of the paracellular shunt pathway. The amount of calcium absorbed
by passive diffusion is proportional to the luminal:serosal calcium concentration gradi-
ent. Absorption of calcium by solvent drag also utilizes the paracellular shunt pathway
and occurs after the ingestion of an osmotic load. Many factors influence calcium absorp-
tion efficiency (Table 1), as described here.

2.1. Calcium Intake

Calcium intake is the most important determinant of absorbed calcium. Absorbed
calcium increases with increasing intake, but the relationship between the two is non-
linear (1), as illustrated in Fig. 1. The flattening of the slope at an intake of about 500 mg/
d reflects the saturation of the active transport component of absorption. The increase in
absorbed calcium as intake exceeds 500 mg/d occurs by passive diffusion.
With dietary calcium restriction, the amount of absorbed calcium declines but the
fraction of a calcium load absorbed increases (2–4). Calcium restriction induces a subtle
decrease in the blood calcium concentration, a rise in parathyroid hormone (PTH) secre-
tion, stimulation of renal 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D3) production, and in-
creased calcium absorption by active transport. The timing of these hormonal and
absorption changes is illustrated in Fig. 2 (5). In this study, healthy adult Caucasian
(dashed lines) and black (solid lines) women were placed on 2000-mg calcium diets for
8 wk, and then on calcium-restricted (300 mg/d) diets for 8 wk. Hormone levels and
whole-body retention of 47Ca, an index of calcium absorption, were measured at time zero
(after 8 wk on the high-calcium diet) and repeatedly during the low-calcium intake
period. Significant adaptation occurred by the end of the first week of calcium restriction,
and both the regulatory hormone levels and fractional calcium retention stabilized after
2 wk.

2.2. Vitamin D Status and Season

Active transport of calcium across the intestine is stimulated by the vitamin D metabo-
lite, 1,25(OH)2D3, a compound that acts on enterocyte nuclear receptors to initiate the
Chapter 24 / Calcium and Bone in the Elderly 373

Fig. 1. Calcium absorption from diet (grams per day) as a function of dietary calcium intake. (From
Heaney et al. [1], with permission.)

synthesis of separate calcium and phosphorus transport proteins. Whereas it is widely

recognized that 1,25(OH)2D3 promotes calcium absorption, several recent reports have
focused on the possibility that 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) also stimulates calcium
absorption, based on positive associations between serum 25(OH)D levels and calcium
absorption (6–8). As illustrated in Fig. 3, calcium absorption increases progressively as
25(OH)D levels rise throughout and above the upper end of the 25(OH)D reference range
(6). In this study, serum 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D3 levels were approximately equal
determinants of calcium absorption. The authors concluded that, compared with
1,25(OH)2D3, the weaker binding affinity of 25(OH)D to the vitamin D receptor was
offset by the approx 1000-fold higher concentration of 25(OH)D in the circulation (6).
In one of the populations cited above (8), calcium absorption and 1,25(OH)2D3 were not
significantly correlated (8). In another study, supplementation with vitamin D3 increased
the serum 25(OH)D level and calcium absorption, but produced no change in the serum
1,25(OH)2D3 level (9). It will be important to gain additional evidence to define the
25(OH)D level at which calcium absorption is maximal for different populations. In the
temperate zone where sun exposure does not promote cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D
in the winter, calcium absorption has been shown to be lower in winter than in summer
(10,11), presumably because vitamin D levels are lower in the winter.

2.3. Age and Race

Calcium absorption declines with age in men and women (12–14). Several mecha-
nisms may be involved. Ebeling et al. (15) postulated an age-related resistance to the
action of 1,25(OH)2D3 at the gut after finding an age-related decline in the 1,25(OH)2D3
receptor concentration in human duodenal mucosal biopsy specimens. Consistent with
this is the finding that blood levels of 1,25(OH)2D3 rise with age (15,16). There is no
consensus however that gut resistance to 1,25(OH)2D3 accounts for declining calcium
374 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 2. Mean hormonal, biochemical, and fractional 47Ca retention values in 15 black (solid lines)
and 15 white (dashed lines) women after 8 wk on a 2000-mg calcium diet (week zero) and after
1, 2, 4, and 8 wk on a 300-mg calcium diet. (From Dawson-Hughes et al. [5], with permission.)
Chapter 24 / Calcium and Bone in the Elderly 375

Fig. 3. Association between 25 hydroxyvitamin D and intestinal calcium absorption in postmeno-

pausal women. (From Devine et al. [6], with permission.)

absorption. Others propose that calcium absorption declines as a result of an age-related

decline in 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D3 concentrations. Two groups have reported an age-
related decrease in renal production of 1,25(OH)2D3 in response to infusion of a single
dose of teriparatide (17,18). Several have reported an age-related decline in fasting serum
1,25(OH)2D3 concentrations in women (14,18,19). Orwoll et al. identified no association
between serum 1,25(OH)2D3 concentration and age in men (20). Examination of the renal
1-F-hydroxylase response to varying doses of a stimulant, such as teriparatide, in young
and older individuals on calcium and vitamin D-replete diets would be one approach to
defining the influences of aging on ambient 1,25(OH)2D3 concentrations and on renal
1,25(OH)2D3 production capacity.
Abrams et al. (21) found calcium absorption to be greater in black than in white girls.
Among adult women, calcium absorption was similar in blacks and whites and the timing
of their adaptations to calcium restriction were similar (5). However, as shown in Fig. 2,
the black women had higher concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D3 than white women, suggesting
that they may have a gut resistance to the action of the active vitamin D metabolite (5).
2.4. Genetics
There is some evidence that calcium absorption has an hereditary component (22,23).
Alleles of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) were originally reported by Morrison et al. (24)
to be associated with bone mineral density (BMD) in adult twins and in unrelated post-
menopausal women, although this was not a consistent finding (25) (see Chapter 26).
Morrison found that women with alleles designated bb had higher BMD than women with
alleles designated BB (24). That association appears to be stronger in women with very
low calcium intakes (26). Because the 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor plays a central role in
intestinal calcium absorption, VDR alleles might influence bone at least in part by affect-
ing calcium absorption efficiency at low to moderate calcium intake levels, those at
which the active transport mode of absorption predominates. This hypothesis gained
376 Calcium in Human Health

support with the demonstration that postmenopausal women with BB and bb alleles had
similar levels of fractional calcium absorption on high (1500 mg) calcium intakes, but
that women with the BB genotype had blunted increases in fractional calcium absorption
when calcium intake was lowered to 300 mg/d (22). This study suggests the presence of
a hereditary–environmental interaction. The Fok I polymorphism at the VDR transcrip-
tion site also predicts calcium absorption and BMD in children (27). Other studies how-
ever have not seen an association of calcium absorption with intestinal VDRs (8,28). The
precision of the VDR number assessment has not been specifically defined and poor
reproducibility in the method may have limited ability to see an association in studies
with small numbers of subjects.

2.5. Estrogen
Estrogen increases intestinal calcium absorption in postmenopausal women (29) by
preserving the normal intestinal responsiveness to 1,25(OH)2D3 (30) and perhaps by
other mechanisms. Thus, in women, loss of estrogen at menopause is likely to cause a
decline in calcium absorption efficiency.

2.6. Diet Composition

Diets high in fiber reduce the bioavailability of dietary calcium. This is illustrated in
the study by Knox and colleagues, in which a high-fiber diet reduced calcium retention
under both acidic and pH-neutral conditions (31). Several mechanisms have been pro-
posed. In the gut, calcium binds to fiber in proportion to its phytate content and bound
calcium has reduced bioavailability. In addition, fiber decreases gut transit time. Barger-
Lux et al. (8) have demonstrated that a rapid transit time is associated with lower calcium
absorption. The source of fiber is important with respect to its effect on calcium absorp-
tion. For example, wheat fiber has a more deleterious effect on calcium availability than
vegetable fiber.
Dietary fat has been associated with reduced calcium absorption in healthy adult
women (32), although the mechanism is unknown. In the same study, high alcohol intake
was associated with reduced calcium absorption (32).
Dietary protein may affect intestinal calcium absorption but the evidence for this is
mixed. Rats on high-protein diets appear to compensate for increased urinary calcium
losses by increasing net calcium absorption (33). Lutz and Linksweiler found that
increased protein intake significantly increased net calcium absorption and urinary
calcium excretion in postmenopausal women (34). In young women with a mean calcium
intake of 800 mg/d, decreasing protein intake from 158 to 52 g/d lowered calcium absorp-
tion over the following 4 d, consistent with at least a transient effect of dietary protein on
absorption (35). Longer term balance studies in humans, however, have found little to no
effect of dietary protein on calcium absorption (36–40).

2.7. Smoking
Smoking increases rates of bone loss in older men and women, and several studies
suggest that one mechanism involves decreased calcium absorption. In 402 older men
and women, absorption was approx 12% lower in current smokers than in nonsmokers
(41). The smokers in this study also had a smaller increase in urinary calcium excretion
Chapter 24 / Calcium and Bone in the Elderly 377

in response to supplementation with calcium and vitamin D, which is consistent with their
lower calcium absorption. Smoking is known to lower estrogen levels, and this may be
one mechanism by which calcium absorption is impaired.

2.8. Physical Activity

Physical activity increases bone mass and it may increase calcium absorption effi-
ciency. This has been suggested in a cross-sectional study in adult women (32) and in a
comparative study of young male athletes and age-matched sedentary controls (42).
However, it is difficult to isolate the effect of physical activity from other dietary and
lifestyle factors that differ in active and inactive subjects. For example, in the latter study
in males (42), the athletes had higher calcium intakes, lower alcohol intakes, and smoked
less than the control subjects. An exercise intervention trial is required to define the effect
of activity on calcium absorption.

2.9. Calcium Absorption and the Skeleton

Calcium absorption is lower in osteoporotics than in age-matched controls (12,43,44).
Nordin et al. (45) demonstrated a positive correlation between rate of calcium absorption
and vertebral bone density in osteoporotic women. Francis et al. (46) found blunted
calcium absorption responses to vitamin D replacement in vitamin D-deficient
osteoporotics compared with those of similarly deficient nonosteoporotics. Krall and
Dawson-Hughes reported a significant negative correlation between whole-body 47Ca
retention, an index of calcium absorption, and rates of bone loss in healthy postmeno-
pausal women (11). In an observational study of women age 65 yr and older, Ensrud and
colleagues (47) observed that low fractional calcium absorption was associated with
increased risk of hip fracture among women with low calcium intakes.


3.1. Bone Remodeling
The bone turnover rate is a major determinant of bone strength. It increases with age,
and is an independent predictor of fracture (48–50). Calcium is a substrate for bone
mineralization, and it also lowers the bone turnover rate. Increases in calcium intake,
within the range usually consumed, induce modest reductions in the blood PTH concen-
tration (51–54) and this is thought to lower the bone-remodeling rate. The magnitude of
the reduction in remodeling with calcium is directly related to the dose of calcium given
(55) and inversely related to the starting calcium intake of the study subjects. The reduc-
tion appears to be greater in the elderly, probably because older individuals generally have
higher remodeling rates than younger people with similar calcium intakes. In healthy subjects
age 65 yr and older with a habitual mean calcium intake of about 750 mg/d, daily supple-
mentation with 500 mg of calcium and 700 IU of vitamin D lowered the mean serum
osteocalcin concentration by 9% in the men and 14% in the women during the 3-yr
intervention period (54). Other studies have shown similar reductions in postmeno-
pausal women treated with calcium alone (56,57). A smaller reduction was seen in
another study (55), probably because the mean calcium intake of the women at entry was
relatively high.
378 Calcium in Human Health

3.2. Bone Mineral Density

Calcium, by reducing the bone-remodeling rate, produces an increase in BMD or a
reduction in the rate of loss over the initial 6–12 mo of treatment. This change, known as
the bone-remodeling transient, was described originally by Frost (58) and confirmed
subsequently by others. The early increase in density that occurs with closure of the
remodeling space cannot be used to estimate cumulative effects of long-term supplemen-
tation on BMD, but measured rates of bone change during the second and subsequent
years on calcium can be used.
Many randomized, controlled calcium intervention trials examining the effect of cal-
cium on change in BMD have been conducted. In a recent review, Heaney summarized
the results of 34 controlled trials and observed that in all but 2, increasing calcium intake
reduced or halted age-related bone loss at one skeletal site or another (59). In a more
formal meta-analysis of 12 trials conducted in postmenopausal women, Cumming found
that calcium supplements reduced the rate of bone loss by 50%, or by an average of 0.8%
per year, in postmenopausal women (60). On further analysis, Cumming observed that
calcium supplements were most effective in studies in which baseline calcium intake was
low, age was greater, and the subjects had clinical evidence of osteoporosis (60). His
analyses also supported the widely held view that there is a threshold of calcium intake
above which more calcium is not beneficial. A more recent meta-analysis of 15 trials
(1806 subjects) found supplemental calcium to reduce bone loss by an average of 2.02%
after 2 or more years of therapy compared with placebo (61).

3.3. Changes in Bone Mineral Density After Stopping Calcium Supplements

The effect of stopping calcium supplements on BMD has recently been examined in
healthy men and women age 65 yr and older (62). These subjects had taken either 500 mg
of calcium and 700 IU of vitamin D or double placebo daily for 3 yr. The study supple-
ments were then stopped, and BMD measurements were made 1 and 2 yr later. During
the 2-yr follow-up period, subjects were free to take their own calcium supplements, and
one-half of the subjects reported taking supplements at least some of the time over that
period. As shown in Fig. 4, the BMD gains at the femoral neck and total body caused by
the calcium and vitamin D were lost within 2 yr of stopping the supplements (62). In
addition, group differences in biochemical markers of bone turnover, significant after
3 yr, were no longer significant after 2 yr off of the supplements. These findings suggest
that an adequate intake of these nutrients must be sustained in order to retain the skeletal

3.4. Fractures
Several investigators have reported the effect of added calcium on fracture incidence
(57,63–65). Most of these studies were designed to detect changes in BMD and are thus
too small to establish either the presence or magnitude of an effect of calcium on fracture
rates. One of these trials did have a planned fracture endpoint (62). In this study, 197
postmenopausal women with a mean dietary calcium intake of 433 mg/d were randomly
assigned to treatment with 1200 mg of elemental calcium per day or placebo (63). Spine
X-rays were taken at the beginning and end of the study. Calcium supplementation
reduced the vertebral fracture rate in a high-risk subset of 94 women with pre-existing
Chapter 24 / Calcium and Bone in the Elderly 379

Fig. 4. Mean (±SEM) changes in bone mineral density (BMD) in 295 older men and women treated
with placebo (dashed lines) or calcium and vitamin D (solid lines) for 3 yr (shaded areas) and
followed-up for 2 yr with no supplementation. *Significantly different from the placebo group,
p < 0.05. (From Dawson-Hughes et al. [62], with permission.)

spine fractures, but not in the 103 women without pre-existing spine fractures. Two meta-
analyses have addressed calcium intake and fractures. Cumming and Nevitt found cal-
cium to lower fracture risk by 4% for each 300 mg increase in calcium intake (66). Shea
et al. reported the relative risk of fracture of the vertebrae was 0.77 (95% confidence
interval [CI] 0.54–1.09); the relative risk (RR) for nonvertebral fractures was 0.86 (95%
CI 0.43–1.72) (61). The wide confidence intervals reflect the uncertainty about the
impact of calcium alone on fracture rates.
Two studies have examined the effect of combined calcium and vitamin D supple-
mentation on fracture incidence (54,67). Chapuy et al. (67) studied more than 3000 very
elderly institutionalized women who had an average dietary calcium intake of about
500 mg/d and very low serum 25(OH)D levels. They were treated for 3 yr with placebo
or 1200 mg of calcium and 800 IU of vitamin D per day. The supplemented group had
380 Calcium in Human Health

30% fewer hip and other nonvertebral fractures than did the women treated with placebo.
In 389 men and women, age 65 yr and older, supplementation with 500 mg of calcium
and 700 IU of vitamin D daily for 3 yr significantly lowered nonvertebral fracture rates
(RR 0.5; 95% CI, 0.2 to 0.9; p = 0.02) (53). The individual contributions of calcium and
vitamin D in these two studies cannot be determined but these contributions are probably
inversely related to the starting calcium and vitamin D intakes of the specific study

3.5. Role of Calcium in Patients Receiving Pharmacotherapy

for Osteoporosis
In recent trials examining the antifracture efficacy of drugs for osteoporosis, calcium
and vitamin D have been given to both the treatment and control groups. Thus, the
benefits demonstrated with alendronate, risedronate, raloxifene, calcitonin, and
teriparatide are above and beyond those derived from calcium and vitamin D (68–72).
Because the efficacy of these drugs has not been demonstrated in calcium and vitamin D-
deficient patients, one cannot assume that deficient patients would get the same benefit
from pharmacotherapy as supplemented patients. In a meta-analysis of estrogen inter-
vention studies, Nieves et al. found that calcium enhanced the effectiveness of estrogen
therapy on bone density (73). Estrogen, like alendronate, risedronate, raloxifene, and
calcitonin, has predominantly antiresorptive effects on bone. It is therefore reasonable to
assume that antiresorptive drugs will be more effective in the presence than in the absence
of an adequate calcium intake. It would seem even more plausible that an adequate
calcium intake is needed to support bone growth during treatment with the anabolic drug,


On the basis of the studies cited above and other evidence, The National Academy of
Sciences revised its recommendation for calcium intake from 800 to 1200 mg/d for
healthy men and women age 51 yr and older (74).
The preferred approach to achieving optimal calcium intake is through consumption
of natural foods, but other options, such as fortified foods and supplements, are avail-
able. The challenge of effectively fortifying food with calcium when the prevalence of
inadequacy is not uniform across the population recently has been demonstrated by
Johnson-Down et al. (75). They reported that in Canada, the prevalence of calcium
inadequacy is very low in young adult males and high in older women. Their models
predict that fortification of commonly consumed energy sources to raise the intakes of
older women would render a significant number of young males above the safe upper
limit for calcium (75).
Supplements are an important source of calcium for individuals who cannot or will not
achieve optimal calcium intakes from food. Many different supplements including cal-
cium acetate, carbonate, citrate, citrate malate, glubionate, lactate, lactogluconate, and
tricalcium phosphate are available. Use of unrefined calcium supplements such as bone
meal or dolomite should be discouraged, because these sources may contain lead and
other toxic contaminants (76).
Chapter 24 / Calcium and Bone in the Elderly 381

Calcium absorbability is influenced by the study conditions, such as the presence or

absence of a test meal and the size of the test calcium load. Although supplement solu-
bility (in water at neutral pH) is only weakly related to absorbability (77), disintegration
of tablets is required for absorption. Under similar study conditions (a standardized
breakfast meal containing 250 mg of elemental calcium), fractional calcium absorption
was a little higher from calcium citrate malate and similar from carbonate, tricalcium
phosphate, and milk (77–80). The studies were conducted in healthy volunteers under age
30 yr and it is unknown whether absorbability from these sources in the elderly is pro-
portional. Differences in absorbability of these supplement sources are generally offset
by differences in their calcium contents, so that the amounts of calcium absorbed per
gram of supplement are fairly similar.
As indicated previously, absorbed calcium is dependent upon the dose of calcium
consumed. Absorption rises rapidly as the dose increases to about 500 mg, and it rises
more gradually as intake increases above this level (the point at which active transport
mechanism becomes saturated) (Fig.1). Thus, to maximize utilization of calcium from
supplements or from calcium-rich foods, calcium should be taken in doses of 500 mg or
less (1,81).
In healthy individuals, absorption of calcium from carbonate is more consistent and
reproducible when this supplement is taken with a meal than when it is taken during a fast
(81). In individuals with reduced gastric acid production, absorption of calcium from
carbonate is diminished under fasting conditions, but normal in a meal setting (82). The
prevalence of achlorhydria, an asymptomatic condition, rises with aging. Among healthy
men and women age 65 yr and older, 67% had consistent acid secretion, 22% had inter-
mittent secretion, and 11% had no secretion (83).
A dose of calcium at bedtime has reduced the nocturnal rise in the bone-resorbing
agent PTH (84), but this has not been a consistent finding (85). It is not known whether
supplement use at bedtime favors bone conservation.
There is a wide margin between recommended calcium intakes and intakes associated
with adverse events. High intakes of calcium from food sources have been associated
with lower incidence of first renal stones in men (86) and women (87). High intakes from
supplements may be associated with a slight increase in risk of first stone in women (87)
but not in men (86). Based on these and other data, the National Academy of Sciences
identified a safe upper limit for calcium of 2500 mg/d (74).
Individuals may develop constipation or bloating from use of calcium carbonate, but
this can be resolved by changing to a different calcium source. Some calcium sources may
interfere with the absorption of iron, zinc, and trace minerals. Further study is needed to
identify and define the clinical impact of nutrient–nutrient interactions.

Increasing calcium intake to recommended levels, in the presence of adequate vitamin
D, induces a sustained lowering of rates of bone remodeling and bone loss in elderly men
and women. These changes may be accompanied by a significant reduction in fracture
incidence, but this has not yet been firmly established. Sporadic supplement use does not
appear to have a long-term effect on the skeleton. Thus, continuous consumption of and
adequate amount of calcium (and vitamin D) is needed to achieve lasting skeletal benefit.
382 Calcium in Human Health

This material is based on work supported by the US Department of Agriculture, under
agreement No. 58-1950-9001. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations
expressed in this publication are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the
view of the US Department of Agriculture.

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Chapter 25 / Ca, Vitamin D, and Cancer 387

25 Calcium, Vitamin D, and Cancer

Peter R. Holt

• Epidemiological data support preventive effects of calcium administration upon
colorectal neoplasia.
• Epidemiological data indicate that greater exposure to sunlight lowers the risk of
colorectal, breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers.
• Calcium is the sole nutrient proven to lower the risk of colon adenoma recurrence—
higher levels of circulating vitamin D accentuate this effect.
• Calcium and vitamin D act as preventives in part by altering colonic lumenal contents and
in part in colonic epithelial cells.

Colorectal carcinoma is a common cancer in the Western world. It vies to be the second
leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States and affects both men and women
equally. This cancer arises from many interactions that involve hereditary and environ-
mental influences (1). Colorectal cancer does not develop abruptly de novo, but progresses
through a series of anatomical and physiological changes (2). Thus, early in this process,
changes in epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation occur while the mucosa appears
grossly normal; this is followed by the development of aberrant crypt foci, adenomatous
polyps, cancer in polyps, and then frank carcinoma (3). The process of a normal epithe-
lium changing to an adenoma and cancer takes a considerable amount of time, probably
5–10 yr for adenoma formation and perhaps another 10 yr for the development of cancer.
The past 15 yr have seen an explosion of data on the genetic changes that accompany
colorectal carcinogenesis. Thus, it has become clear that numerous changes in cellular
genes occur during carcinogenesis. However, less than 5% of all colorectal cancer results
from a hereditary cause—i.e., familial adenomatous polyposis owing to mutations in the
adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene and hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer asso-
ciated with alterations in one or more of the mismatch repair genes. Overall, the gene
changes that generally occur early in the colorectal carcinogenesis process include
mutations in the APC gene and in ras; those occurring later include mutations in p53
(4). This pathway is accompanied by numerous chromosome breaks and deletions. In

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
388 Calcium in Human Helath

addition, approx 15–20% of colorectal cancers appear to result from changes in mismatch
repair genes (such as MSH1, MLH2, and so on), often because of promoter hypermethylation
rather than mutations. These changes in mismatch repair genes result in defects in several
DNA repair mechanisms.
Additionally, many lines of evidence point to the crucial importance of the environ-
ment in determining the incidence of this tumor. Epidemiological studies demonstrate a
vast difference in the incidence of colorectal cancer around the world—more than is
likely to result from genetic factors alone (5). The most salient observations pointing to
the importance of the environment are data on changes in incidence occurring when
populations from low-incidence areas move to high-incidence areas of the world, or vice
versa. These differences in incidence appear and can be detected within the life span of
the migrating individual (6). Such a change must necessarily come from an altered
environment rather than from hereditable causes.
When these latter observations were originally publicized, the focus of research cen-
tered on changes in dietary intake, which occurred rapidly and frequently in the migrating
individuals. Overall, a high-risk diet was thought to include excess calories and to be high
in fat content and meat products and relatively low in fiber content. From these initial
observations came a theory that a high-fat diet might lead to the passage of lipids and bile
acids from the small intestine into the colonic lumen where they “irritate” the colonic
mucosa (7). This could result both in initiation and promotion of the process of tumori-
genesis. Studies in which human volunteers consumed large quantities of fat showed an
increase in the excretion of both bile acids and fatty acids in the stool accompanied by a
change in fecal bile acid pattern (8,9). In other studies, the interaction of these compounds
with the intestinal epithelium was shown to result in mucosal damage, release of mucosal
prostaglandins, and alterations in epithelial cell proliferation.
In order to evaluate the potential of a noxious agent to induce cancer or a preventive
agent to lower the risk of cancer, one generally uses epidemiological information, data
from cell culture and in vivo animal studies, human intervention data, and studies of
mechanisms of action. These observations do not always occur sequentially, as is exem-
plified by the data on calcium and vitamin D.
The early epidemiological data on the effects of calcium and vitamin D on colorectal
neoplasia did not show consistent positive results, although some observations were quite
dramatic (10). This led to the conclusion that calcium intake might not be associated with
a lower risk of colon neoplasia (11,12). However, more recent studies, including re-
evaluation of the studies of previous authors, have shown some protective effects of both
calcium and vitamin D dietary intake or dairy intake and colorectal cancer (Table 1). An
increasing number of studies also have shown a reduction in colorectal adenoma inci-
dence with increased dietary calcium or vitamin D intake or the taking of supplements.


Human body stores of vitamin D are supplied from both the diet and the sun. Because
the greatest source for the body stores derives from the conversion of (7F) dehydrocho-
lesterol in the skin by the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, the importance of increased sun
exposure, or the deleterious effect on colorectal cancer incidence of the inhibition of such
radiation by air pollution, has received considerable attention (13,14). An early sugges-
Chapter 25 / Ca, Vitamin D, and Cancer 389

tion of the beneficial effect of sun exposure with regard to colorectal cancer development
came from the epidemiological observations of Garland and Garland, who described an
inverse north–south gradient for this tumor (15). Subsequent studies have confirmed
these observations (16) and recently have extended them to a series of additional cancers,
including cancer of the breast, prostate, and ovary (17). The observations on colorectal
cancer led to a nested case–control study (18) in which serum samples taken many years
before colon cancer development were analyzed for concentrations of 25 hydroxyvitamin
D (25[OH]D) in the blood. Serum levels of above 20 ng/mL were associated with a 50%
lower colon cancer incidence than in subjects with serum concentrations below this
value. Other studies have confirmed these data (19). Solar radiation, higher levels of
vitamin D intake in the diet, and increased blood 25(OH)D levels also have been asso-
ciated with lower rates of breast cancer incidence (20–22).


A seminal observation that led to the introduction of calcium administration to lower
the risk of colorectal neoplasia in humans came from a conceptual theory of the interac-
tion of fatty acids, bile acids, and calcium (7). If the colonic epithelia were to be damaged
by luminal fatty acids and bile acids, these would have to be dissociated to interact with
colonic epithelial cells. The concept developed by Newmark and co-workers was based
on the propensity of calcium to precipitate these acids out of solution. Subsequent studies
clearly demonstrated that calcium could lower the aqueous concentrations of fecal fatty
acids and bile acids (23). Several studies were performed in animals to show that feeding
calcium lowered the incidence of carcinogen-induced colon cancer and reversed the
hyperproliferation induced by feeding bile acids (24). Subsequently, a series of human
studies were performed which focused on alterations of the proliferative pattern from a
higher to a lower risk pattern in colorectal biopsies following calcium administration
To study preventive agents for colorectal neoplasia in humans, it is necessary to use
what are called intermediate biomarkers of risk to evaluate effects rather than using, as
an endpoint, colorectal cancer development, because this process takes so many years.
For studies of chemoprevention of human colorectal neoplasia, two major, different
endpoints have been used. A late intermediate biomarker of risk is the formation of
adenomatous polyps, which are a known precursor of colorectal cancer. This endpoint
has been investigated in volunteers who previously have had an adenomatous polyp and
therefore are at greater risk for recurrence of such polyps than the general population.
Early intermediate biomarkers of risk have been sought in flat normal-appearing mucosa
of similar subjects at increased risk and involve changes in cell proliferation. This approach
to determinining changes in “risk patterns” is based on the observations of Lipkin and
co-workers, which show a progressive increase in the number of colonic crypt-prolif-
erating cells plus an upward shift of such proliferating cells in the crypt of at-risk patients
with colon cancer, colon adenomas, familial colon cancer, as well as other conditions that
are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer (28). When supplemental calcium
was administered in doses of about 1.2– 2 g/d, several studies pointed to an improvement
in these indices of proliferation (29–31). In a further study involving 70 similar subjects
at increased risk, the addition of low-fat dairy products containing an average of 850 mg
390 Calcium in Human Helath

Table 1
Recent Epidemiological Studies
Authors Ref. Colon/rectum OR P for trend Comments
Marcus and Newmark 94
Calcium Colon 0.6 0.03 Case–control
Vitamin D Rectum 0.6 0.07
Colon 0.7 0.05
Hyman et al. 95
Calcium (especially high Colon 0.63 Adenoma incidence
fat intake) Adenoma number
Pritchard et al. 96
Calcium Colon 1.2 0.62 Case–control
Vitamin D Colon 0.6 0.08
Rectum 0.5 0.08
White et al. 97
Multivitamins Colon 0.49 0.001 Case–control
Calcium 0.78 0.03
Whelan et al. 98
Calcium (supplemental Colon 0.51 Recurrent polyps
multivitamins) Rectum 0.47
Wu et al. 99
Calcium Distal colon 0.58 Nurses, health
(men) professional
Distal colon 0.73
Zheng et al. 100
Calcium and Vitamin D Rectum 0.55 0.02 Cohort
Yang et al. 101
Calcium in drinking water 0.79–0.58 0.001 Case–control
Levine et al. 102
Calcium 0.82 Case–control
Vitamin D (with low 0.83
Sellers et al. 103
Calcium Colon (women) 0.5 0.001 Prospective cohort
Kato et al. 104
Dairy products Colorectal 0.65 0.04 Prospective cohort
Calcium Colorectal 0.71 0.14
Ghadirian, et al. 105
Calcium Colon 0.69 0.04 Case–control
La Veccia et al. 106
Calcium Colorectal 0.72 0.01
Destefani et al. 107
Calcium Colorectal 0.41 0.001
Chapter 25 / Ca, Vitamin D, and Cancer 391

Table 1 (Continued)
Authors Ref. Colon/rectum OR P for trend Comments

Pietinen et al. 108

Calcium Colorectal 0.6 0.04 Primary study
Milk product Colorectal 0.6 0.02
Vitamin D Colorectal 1.0 0.77
Kampman et al. 109
Calcium Colon 0.6 Case–control
Vitamin D (diet) Colon 1.1
Vitamin D (supplement) Colon 0.6
Dairy Colon 0.7
Peters et al. 110
Vitamin D Colorectal 0.5 Serum 25(OH)D
Jarvinen et al. 111
Calcium, milk product Colorectal 0.58 Cohort
McCullough et al. 112
Total calcium Colorectal 0.87 0.06 Prospective CPS
Vitamin D Colorectal 0.73 0.001 Nutrition
CPS, Cancer Prevention Study

of calcium for 1 yr (producing a total calcium intake of about 1500 mg) resulted in a shift
in the risk from a higher to a lower pattern, accompanied by improvement in differentia-
tion markers (32).
Several investigators have questioned the reproducibility of data that demonstrated
changes in proliferation during calcium supplementation (11,33). In a recent publication,
we have analyzed the differences between the positive and negative results from such
studies and suggest that negative results were encountered when the number of prolifer-
ating cells observed at baseline was low, when several separate research centers were
involved, and when preparation of patients was not standardized (5). It should also be
pointed out that rodent studies consistently have shown a shift in proliferative indices and
differentiation markers from a higher to a lower risk pattern when calcium was admin-
istered. The most important of these animal studies were also performed by Lipkin’s
group, in which a Western-style diet that was relatively high in fat content and relatively
low in both calcium and vitamin D (although not sufficient to induce deficiency) was fed.
In those studies, feeding of calcium or low-fat dairy foods consistently have shown
improvement in these proliferative measures (34,35).
The present “gold standard” for determining that an agent is protective against human
colorectal cancer involves studies of colorectal adenoma recurrence in subjects who
previously have had an adenoma and therefore are at increased risk for developing a
recurrence. The most important of these studies was that of Baron and co-workers (37)
who administered 1.2 g of calcium carbonate to approx 1000 study subjects plus controls
and reported a significant, approx 20%, overall reduction in recurrent adenomas. Subse-
quently, recalculation of the data demonstrated a much greater effect on the most
392 Calcium in Human Helath

advanced adenomas (38). The definition of an advanced adenoma includes one that is
larger than 1 cm and/or has histological evidence of severe dysplasia. Calcium admin-
istration resulted in an approx 45% reduction in such advanced adenomas. Further studies
of the levels of serum 25(OH)D showed that most of the beneficial effects occurred in
subjects with higher than the median concentration of 25(OH)D(approx 29 ng/mL) (39).
The core of these observations was confirmed by an underpowered study from Europe
which showed an approx 25% reduction in colon adenoma recurrence in the overall group
and a significant effect (approx 40%) in those with a calcium intake below the median
(40). An earlier study examining calcium and vitamin D intake also showed beneficial
results (41). Overall, these studies clearly established the utility of calcium, perhaps
combined with vitamin D, in lowering the risk of colon adenomas—an accepted precur-
sor of colorectal cancer.


There are two major hypotheses to explain the actions of calcium on colorectal car-
cinogenesis—one effect predominately mediated through changes in the colonic lumen
and another through a direct effect of calcium upon the colorectal epithelium.
The luminal theory was briefly described previously and relates to the hypothesis that
hydrophobic and cytotoxic surface active agents, such as secondary bile acids and fatty
acids solubilized in the fecal water component of colonic contents, are brought out of
solution by soluble calcium. The initial Newmark and Bruce hypothesis (7) was that
the addition of calcium resulted in the formation of calcium soaps with fatty acids and
bile acids, which would then be precipitated. Studies in vitro (42) and in vivo emphasized
the importance of phosphate, which interacted with calcium to form an insoluble calcium
phosphate complex. This complex then interacted with bile acids and fatty acids to bring
these compounds out of solution (43).
In subsequent studies, the addition of calcium was shown to lower the cytotoxicity of
artificial mixtures resembling luminal contents using the lysis of red cells (44) or colon
cancer cells as model systems. In animal studies, similar reductions in cytotoxicity were
demonstrated by feeding calcium phosphate in the diet, as well as inhibiting colonic
hyperproliferation induced by fat feedings. In human studies, Van der Meer’s group also
demonstrated a reduction in fecal water cytotoxicity by dietary calcium (45) or specially
prepared milk products (46). The same group later showed that haem also was cytotoxic
to the colonic mucosa (47) and that this effect was diminished by feeding calcium phos-
In addition to possible effects of calcium administration on the colonic luminal con-
tents, calcium controls many intracellular and extracellular processes, usually through
actions on intracellular second messengers (see Chapter 3). The tight regulation of cal-
cium entry into cells and release from the endoplasmic reticulum results in controlled and
rapid changes in intracellular calcium concentration. Such calcium would be expected to
have effects on the control of cellular proliferation and differentiation in the colon, in part
through effects on protein kinase C. Furthermore, changes in intracellular calcium
homeostatsis may also mediate epithelial cell apoptosis. Many of these effects have
recently been explored in detail (48).
Chapter 25 / Ca, Vitamin D, and Cancer 393


Vitamin D may act directly upon epithelial cells, may interact with calcium to alter
epithelial cells, or may act through yet other mechanisms.
Vitamin D actions are mediated primarily by binding to a high-affinity nuclear recep-
tor—vitamin D receptor (VDR)—a member of the nuclear hormone receptor family.
VDR is found in colon cancer tissue, but generally occurs in higher concentrations in
colonic hyperplastic and adenomatous polyps (49–51). Vitamin D acts through repres-
sion or activation of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that lower rates of cell
proliferation and enhance cell differentiation (52). A large number of responsive genes
have been described (48). A particular example is the calcium-sensing receptor gene, the
function of which may determine the entry of extracellular calcium into gastrointestinal
epithelial cells, which suggests an interaction between vitamin D and calcium in
chemoprevention (53). Another is a report that VDR has some role as an intestinal bile-
acid sensor (54), permitting feedback degradation of potentially noxious lithocholic acid.
VDR-deficient rodents have been described as showing increased proliferative activity
in the distal colon (55).
At a cellular level, the growth-lowering effect of vitamin D appears to occur by both
genomic and nongenomic mechanisms. Vitamin D regulates both growth factor synthesis
and growth factor signaling (e.g., effects on transforming growth factor G and the SMAD4
gene). In addition, vitamin D induces gastrointestinal cell-cycle arrest through inhibition
of cyclin D1 activity, and may interfere with inappropriate G-catenin-mediated transcrip-
tional activity. There also is evidence that vitamin D may enhance apoptosis of trans-
formed cells, for example, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25[OH]2D3)-induced apoptosis
in HT29 colon cancer cells has been reported to be accompanied by upregulation of BAK.
In other cell systems, vitamin D may upregulate the proapoptotic molecule BAX and
downregulate the anti-apoptotic molecule BCl2 and/or inhibit survivin, an inhibitor of
apoptosis protein that is overexpressed in colon cancer cells. It is of interest that a vitamin
D analog, calcipotriol, has been shown to inhibit proliferation of rectal epithelial cells in
human rectal biopsies incubated with this vitamin D compound in vitro (56). The inter-
action of vitamin D and calcium also has been suggested by a unique study in which the
gradient of calcium was measured in isolated colonic crypts from vitamin D-deficient and
-replete animals. The authors of this study described a pronounced change in the intracrypt
concentration of calcium in the presence of adequate amounts of vitamin D, suggesting
that vitamin D might act through altering intracrypt calcium homeostasis (57). Interac-
tions of vitamin D and calcium also were suggested in a human study in which the levels
of serum vitamin D were correlated with rectal epithelial cell proliferation.
Several observations over the past few years have also suggested that the critical
concentrations of the active form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D3, may be determined not
through the circulating levels of this hormone, but rather at a local level in the colon (58).
Our own studies in this regard derived from observations that rectal cell proliferation in
humans was correlated well with the serum levels of 25(OH)D but not 1,25(OH)2D3 (59).
This led to the hypothesis that there might be local conversion of 25(OH)D3 to the active
hormone and, in studies in collaboration with Dr. Holick’s group in Boston, demonstrated
the mRNA for the 1F hydroxylase enzyme in both colon tumor tissue and in normal colon
394 Calcium in Human Helath

(60). These studies were temporally preceded and greatly amplified by the observations
of Cross and her co-workers in Vienna (61,62).
In addition to the role of vitamin D in mineral and skeletal homeostasis, the physiologi-
cally active molecular form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D3, also reduces cell proliferation
and induces differentiation and apoptosis in several normal and tumor cells, including
cells of the large intestine (63,64). The actions of vitamin D are mediated principally by
its binding to a the VDR receptor (65). The ways that vitamin D is sensed are described
elsewhere in this volume, and a summary can be found in ref. 48. Presumably, most of
the effects of this hormone are mediated via changes in growth factor production, with
effects on the cell cycle and apoptosis.
There are several polymorphisms of the VDR receptor, and a number of studies have
focused on their functional consequences. The G- and short poly A allele have been
reported as protective against the development of colonic adenomas (66–68). The rela-
tionship between selected polymorphisms and colon cancer has been described else-
where (69,70).


There are two somewhat contradictory observations that are pertinent to an association
between calcium or vitamin D and prostate cancer. The most consistent are data on the
beneficial role of vitamin D, either derived from solar radiation or from dietary sources,
on the development of this tumor. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that
migration patterns that are accompanied by changes in the diet, just like in colon cancer,
modify the incidence of prostate cancer dramatically within one or two generations (71).
Lower exposure to solar radiation throughout the United States and elsewhere (72) is
accompanied by higher prostate cancer rates, and prostate cancer is twice as common in
African Americans, presumably in part because of reduced production of vitamin D in
the skin (73). Furthermore, vitamin D is a powerful regulator of prostate cell growth and
differentiation in vitro (74). Lower serum levels of 25(OH)D3 (71) (and, in some studies,
also lower levels of 1,25[OH] 2D3[75]) have been accompanied by higher rates of pros-
tate cancer. These data have led to the development of active analogs of vitamin D with
activity on the prostate but little or no hypercalcemic properties as potential therapeutic
or preventive agents for this cancer (76). Overall, these studies have not attained clinical
utility to date.
Other important observations have attempted to explore contradictory findings of the
effect of serum 1,25(OH)2D3 concentrations on prostate cancer prevalence (77). As in the
colon, 25(OH)D3 can be converted to 1,25(OH)2D3 by prostatic cells (78), and this has
led to the development of a theory, championed by Schwartz and co-workers, that vitamin
D action on the prostate is mediated through conversion of circulating 25(OH)D3 to the
active 1,25(OH)2D3 within the prostate itself (71). If that is the case, then increasing
the serum levels of 25(OH)D3, which can be done relatively safely, might be protective
against prostate cancer.
A contrasting theory that has gained attention in the past few years relates to the
possibility, advocated by Giovanucci and his group, that greater dairy product intake may
enhance the risk of prostate cancer (79). In 1997, an expert panel considered that there
was little or no evidence from the literature that any particular food group was associated
Chapter 25 / Ca, Vitamin D, and Cancer 395

Table 2
Calcium and Prostate Cancer
Authors Reference Nutrient Comment
Giovanucci 79 Calcium Hypothesis
Giovanucci et al. 81 Calcium Advanced prostate cancer
Chan et al. 82 Dairy Adjusted for calories
Chan et al. 83 Dairy Adjusted for phosphate
Schurmann et al. 84 Dairy
No significant effect
Ohno et al. 85 Calcium Matched control study
Tzonou et al. 86 Dairy Case–control study
Vlajinac et al. 87 Calcium Case–control study
Tavani et al. 88 Calcium Case–control study
Giovanucci et al. 81 Calcium Overall prostate cancer
Hanchette and Schwartz 72 Sunlight
Braun et al. 89 25(OH)D Prediagnostic serum levels
Baron et al. 90 Calcium Prospective study

with prostate cancer risk (80). However, two studies published by Giovanucci’s group
were then widely quoted to support this association. In the Health Professional Follow
Up study, significant trends between calcium intake and advanced or metastatic cancer
were found with intakes varying from less than 500 mg to more than 2 g of calcium daily
(81). It is pertinent to point out that only the group consuming more than 2 g of calcium
per day, which represented no more than approx 5% of the total group, showed a signifi-
cant increase in prostate cancer. A case–control study from Sweden by the same group
(82) showed a significant increase in advanced prostate cancer, but only after an adjust-
ment for phosphate intake, which was peculiar to this study. A follow-up of the Health
Professional study suggested that there was a significant trend to more prostate cancer
with increasing dairy intake as assessed via a questionnaire completed 11 yr earlier. Data
on dietary fat intake were not available in this study, and the data showing effects only
on the incidence of advanced prostate cancer, reported in the authors’ earlier studies, were
not confirmed (83).
It is pertinent also to examine other studies of the potential association of prostate
cancer with calcium or dairy product intake (Table 2). Four of the five studies that pointed
to a harmful association were published by the Giovanucci’s group. Additionally, there
were five studies showing no significant effects and three that suggested that calcium or
dairy intake reduced prostate cancer risk.
The proposed mechanism for the harmful effect of calcium or dairy food intake relates
to the potential for calcium to lower serum 1,25(OH)2D3 levels. In the largest prospective
study of calcium supplements published to date, the mean reduction in serum 1,25(OH)2D3
levels was approx 4% (37). That same study was one in which a protective effect against
prostate cancer was suggested.
396 Calcium in Human Helath


The feeding of Western-style diets containing reduced calcium and vitamin D and
increased fat content to rodents not only enhanced colorectal tumorigenesis but also was
found to have an effect in breast, pancreas, and prostate. Such feeding resulted in hyper-
plasia and hyperproliferation of mammary duct epithelial cells (91) and hyperproliferation
of epithelial cells in the exocrine pancreas (92) and in the prostate (93). The precise
mechanisms of action of calcium (and vitamin D) on these tissues, which are not directly
exposed to the increased dietary calcium that is found in the fecal stream, is unknown.
Vitamin D also has been associated with an alteration in breast cancer cells and even in
brain tumors (48).

In conclusion, there are abundant data that point to a beneficial interaction of calcium
and vitamin D upon the process of carcinogenesis. Most of the available data have
focused on effects on the colorectum. However, additional studies suggest that calcium
and/or vitamin D also might influence cancer formation in other organs (i.e., prostate,
breast, and pancreas), particularly in which cancer induction is likely to be affected by
environmental factors. Future study should clarify whether there are any universal factors
that might influence cancer formation in these organs.

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cancers of the colon and rectum. Eur J Clin Nutr 2001;55:1000–1007.
112. McCullough ML, Robertson AS, Rodriguez C, et al. Calcium, vitamin D, dairy products, and risk of
colorectal cancer in the Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort (United States). Cancer Causes
Control 2003;14:1–12.
Chapter 26 / Dietary Calcium and Metabolic Syndrome 401

26 Dietary Calcium and the Metabolic


Dorothy Teegarden

• Higher intakes of dairy products are associated with reduced incidence of the metabolic
• Higher intakes of dairy products are associated with reductions in symptoms and patho-
genetic mechanisms.
• Although dietary calcium regulation of parathyroid hormone and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin
D may play a role, the full mechanism of action of dietary calcium remains to be clearly

Recently, research efforts have grown to better understand the mechanism of the
metabolic syndrome, otherwise known as “syndrome X,” or the insulin-resistance syn-
drome. The metabolic syndrome leads to an increased risk for type 2 diabetes and cardio-
vascular disease (1,2). A conference sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood
Institute in collaboration with the American Heart Association (3) recently defined the
metabolic syndrome as a complex of three out of five criteria: abdominal obesity, elevated
triglycerides, lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL), hypertension, and elevated fasting
plasma glucose (Fig. 1). The World Health Organization also required insulin resistance
for diagnosis of the syndrome (3). It is estimated that 47 million Americans have been
diagnosed with the metabolic syndrome, as established from census data from 2000 (1).
According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the prevalence of
insulin-resistance syndrome has risen more than 60% over the past decade (4). Insulin
resistance is present in the majority of people with the metabolic syndrome, is strongly
associated with risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), and is considered a pre-
diabetic condition (3). Clinical measures that often cluster with the metabolic syndrome
are other dyslipidemias, including elevated apolipoprotein B levels and small low-den-
sity lipoprotein particles; proinflammatory states as represented by elevated C-reactive
protein; and prothrombotic states including plasma fibrinogen and decreased fibrolysis
potentially through elevated plasminogen activator inhibitor1. Thus, the metabolic syn-

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
402 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 1. Components or pathogenic mechanisms potentially improved by dietary calcium

(highlighted in italics).

drome is a complex cluster of symptoms which puts individuals at greatly increased risk
for the development of debilitating chronic diseases such as CVD and diabetes.
The pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome is thought to be primarily obesity (par-
ticularly abdominal fat) and insulin resistance, although a variety of genetic and other
factors such as age may also contribute to the acquisition of the syndrome (1). Both
pharmacological regimens and alterations in lifestyle are recommended for either improv-
ing the factors leading to the development of the disease (obesity and insulin resistance) or
treating components of the metabolic syndrome to prevent subsequent development of
type 2 diabetes and CVD (5). Recent studies suggest that dietary calcium may reduce the
development of the metabolic syndrome, and potentially reduce the incidence of compo-
nents or associated clinical abnormalities (Fig. 1).


Several studies point to a relationship between dairy product intake and reduced inci-
dence of metabolic syndrome (6,7). Dairy products are the primary source of dietary
calcium in the United States, and thus intake of dairy products is often used to assess
dietary calcium effects. However, dairy products are a source of many other nutrients,
and the impact of these nutrients or bioactive substance need to be considered if elemental
calcium is not used in intervention studies.
In a cross-sectional analysis of men and women (N = 4976) aged 30–64 yr, Mennen
and colleagues (6) demonstrated that dairy product intake was inversely associated with
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in both men and women. In addition, dairy product intake
was inversely associated with HDL cholesterol concentration, fasting blood glucose, and
serum triglyceride only in men. In this study, the metabolic syndrome was diagnosed by
identifying two of four criteria (serum triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, glucose concen-
tration, and DBP) to be within specific ranges. The results showed that more than one
dairy serving per day decreased the risk of metabolic syndrome by 40% in men (6).
The prospective analysis in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Adults (CAR-
DIA) study examined the effects of dairy product consumption on the development of the
Chapter 26 / Dietary Calcium and Metabolic Syndrome 403

Fig. 2. Development of metabolic syndrome symptoms is reduced with higher dairy product
intakes. (Modified from ref. 7.)

metabolic syndrome in a large cohort (N = 3157) of both black and white young men and
women over a period of approx 10 yr (7). In the CARDIA study, the metabolic syndrome
was defined as having at least two of four components: abnormal glucose homeostasis,
obesity, elevated BP, and dyslipidemia. The results of this study demonstrated signifi-
cantly less development of obesity (p < 0.001), abnormal glucose homeostasis (p < 0.01),
and hypertension (p < 0.001), and a trend (p < 0.07) for reduced dyslipidemia in over-
weight participants as dairy intake rose, in models which included age, study center,
caloric intake, race, sex and baseline body mass index (BMI; Fig. 2). From the results of
this study, it is estimated that each additional serving of dairy products was associated with
21% lower odds of developing metabolic syndrome in the overweight participants (BMI
> 25 kg/m2). These interesting results provide support for a significant impact of dairy
consumption on reducing the development of components of the metabolic syndrome in
the obese, and thus suggest a way to reduce the incidence of the metabolic syndrome.
Although these studies support a role of increased dairy product consumption on
improvement in IRS and its components, the specific role of calcium remains to be
determined. These studies are confounded by the fact that the primary source of dietary
calcium in the diet is dairy products (see Chapter 9). Although calcium has been proposed
to be the bioactive component that regulates the metabolic syndrome, the impact of other
dairy product components must be considered. In addition, higher calcium diets are
associated with a healthier diet in general (8), and thus, elemental calcium intervention
studies are needed to clarify whether dietary calcium specifically reduces the risk of
metabolic syndrome.


Several studies suggest an association between higher dairy product consumption and
decreased risk of the individual components of metabolic syndrome or associated dis-
404 Calcium in Human Health

Fig. 3. Impact of added dairy intake on blood pressure. (Modified from ref. 15.)

eases, such as hypertension (9), coagulopathy (10), and coronary artery disease (11).
There has been substantial investigation into the relationship between dietary calcium
and hypertension over the last two decades (12–14) (see Chapter 28). Higher dietary
intakes of calcium consistently demonstrate an anti-hypertensive effect (14). A meta-
analysis of 42 randomized controlled calcium intervention studies was completed that
included studies with at least 2 wk of intervention of either dietary or supplemental
calcium (9). The results demonstrate a small but significant reduction in systolic blood
pressure SBP; (–1.44 mmHg) and DBP (–0.84 mmHg). Furthermore, the results of the
multicenter Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension study show that a dietary pattern
rich in fruits and vegetables achieves a reduction in BP (2.8 and 1.1 mmHg SBP and DBP,
respectively) in 8 wk compared with control diet (p < 0.001 and p < 0.07, respectively)
(Fig. 3) (15). However, when approximately three low-fat dairy products are also
included in the diet, along with lower saturated fat and cholesterol, the reduction in BP
(5.5 mmHg SBP and 3.0 mmHg DBP) was two times greater than produced by the diet
rich in fruits and vegetables alone. These results contribute to the consensus that inclusion
of three dairy servings will substantially reduce BP (16), and that it is likely that calcium
is an important bioactive component mediating this reduction.

Dietary calcium (and dairy products) affect two of the proposed pathogenetic mecha-
nisms—obesity and insulin resistance—for the development of the metabolic syndrome.

4.1. Obesity
Obesity is a multifactorial disease whose etiologies include both genetics and lifestyle
factors such as dietary patterns and physical activity. There is substantial evidence that
higher dairy product intake can contribute to reduced fat mass (17–19; see Chapter 21).
However, the impact of dietary calcium, independent of dairy product intake, has not
been clearly established. Overall, the data suggest that dietary calcium may have a small,
but significant effect on preventing body fat accumulation (18–21) and in enhancing fat
Chapter 26 / Dietary Calcium and Metabolic Syndrome 405

mass lost during intentional weight loss (22). The proposed mechanisms that underlie
these effects include changes in lipid oxidation and lipolysis, potentially mediated through
parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D) (see Chapter 21).

4.2. Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance represents impaired end-organ response to insulin. When target
tissues have a reduced response to insulin, the result is high blood glucose, increased
glucose production, and increased lipid oxidation. There are few clinical data to support
a role for dietary calcium on insulin resistance, particularly independent of effects of
calcium in reducing body composition. Clearly, reductions in weight, particularly fat
mass, can improve insulin resistance. The potential mechanisms involved with both
reductions in fat mass and improved insulin sensitivity involve PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3,
and are discussed later.

4.3. Insulin Regulation of Glucose Metabolism and Lipid Oxidation

Insulin acts through the insulin receptor (23), which is a heterotetramer comprised of
two F-subunits and two G-subunits. Following autophosphorylation, a series of protein–
protein interactions and phosphorylation events mediate signaling within the cell. In
addition to other substrates, there are four major insulin receptor substrates 1 to 4. Glu-
cose enters the cell via a family of glucose transporters, including GLUT1, which is
constitutively present on the cell membrane and GLUT4. Insulin acts acutely to stimulate
transfer of the glucose transporter, GLUT4, from vesicles stored within the cell to the cell
membrane, thereby allowing increased glucose uptake. Insulin also regulates changes in
gene transcription of proteins in many systems. Overall, insulin action increases glyco-
lysis, glycogenesis, and lipid synthesis, while reducing lipid oxidation.

4.4. Dietary Calcium Relationship With PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3

It is proposed that dietary calcium regulation of the hormones, PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3,
mediate the effects of calcium on fat mass (24,25), and that these hormones may also
mediate the regulation of insulin resistance. Low dietary calcium results in a lowering of
serum calcium, promoting PTH release. Although it is well established that PTH regu-
lates the activity of the 1-F-hydroxylase to convert 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) to
1,25(OH)2D3, the relationship between PTH and serum 1,25(OH)2D3 levels is less clearly
established. Serum levels of 25(OH)D, which is a marker for vitamin D status, are in-
versely correlated with fasting levels of PTH below 25(OH)D concentrations of approx
80 nmol/L (26).

4.5. Relationship of PTH and Obesity

In addition to the classical functions of PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3, both hormones in-
crease levels of intracellular calcium in a variety of tissues including adipocytes, which
can lead to a decrease in lipolysis and an increase in lipogenesis through increases in fatty
acid synthase levels in the cell (24). This shift in lipid utilization in the presence of higher
levels of PTH or 1,25(OH)2D3 may produce an accumulation of fat in adipocytes.
It is not yet clear which component of the energy balance that leads to changes in body
composition is regulated by dietary calcium or dairy products. One proposed mechanism
406 Calcium in Human Health

is that dietary calcium may lead to increases in lipid oxidation (27,28). In support of this
mechanism, changes in fasting PTH, but not 1,25(OH)2D3, were negatively correlated
with changes in lipid oxidation in a 1-yr randomized dairy product intervention trial in
young women (29).
Changes in serum levels of PTH in animal models are also associated with regulation
of lipid oxidation. For example, a case report showed that three individuals had both
hyperparathyroidism and significantly lowered muscle CPT-I (30). CPT-I catalyzes the
rate-limiting step of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. Rodent models of chronic renal
failure (CRF) also provide support a role for PTH effects on lipid oxidation via regulation
of CPT-I activity, as secondary hyperparathyroidism is associated with CRF. Studies
from more than a decade ago show that oxidation of long and short-chain fatty acids by
muscle mitochondria is impaired in CRF rats owing, in part, to reduced activity of CPT-I
(31). Thus, PTH reduces CPT-I, which would lead to suppression of lipid oxidation.
Although these results are consistent with a potential for losing body fat mass and body
weight, they are not consistent with improving insulin sensitivity as insulin action
reduces lipid oxidation. If dietary calcium improves insulin sensitivity in addition to
promoting increased lipid oxidation, this suggests a potentially complex interplay of
factors that together promote an increase in lipid oxidation in the face of improved insulin

4.6. Link Between PTH, 1,25(OH)2D3, and Insulin Action

There is evidence to support an effect of PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3 at multiple levels of
insulin release and action. It is well established that there is a greatly increased prevalence
of type 2 diabetes mellitus (8%) and glucose intolerance (40%) in patients with primary
hyperparathyroidism (32). In addition, fasting intact PTH levels were shown to be
inversely correlated with insulin sensitivity in 52 normotensive, healthy subjects, even
after adjustment for potentially confounding factors (33), indicating that fasting serum
PTH may mediate changes in glucose tolerance.
There is also evidence that PTH may mediate insulin resistance by reducing glucose
uptake (34,35). PTH increased at 1 h, but then decreased at 16 h, insulin-stimulated
glucose transport (using 2-deoxyglucose). GLUT1 mRNA was reduced in osteogenic
sarcoma cells following 16 h PTH treatment (34). In addition, PTH increased the phos-
phorylation of the insulin-sensitive glucose transporter, GLUT4, and decreased insulin-
stimulated glucose uptake in rat adipocytes (35). These studies suggest that PTH may
elicit insulin resistance by reducing the number of glucose transporters (both GLUT1 and
GLUT4) available in the membrane to allow glucose uptake.
Inadequate vitamin D status is also proposed to play a role in insulin resistance syn-
drome (36). One interesting concept is found in data demonstrating that a vitamin D
response element sequence is found in the insulin receptor gene promoter (37). Consis-
tent with this finding, 1,25(OH)2D3 increased the expression and transcription of the
insulin receptor in pro-monocytic lymphoma cells (38). Together, these data suggest that
1,25(OH)2D3 may affect insulin resistance by enhancing insulin action through increased
receptor levels.
The classically defined actions of PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3 demonstrate coordinated
action of these hormones to maintain serum calcium. However, growing evidence sug-
Chapter 26 / Dietary Calcium and Metabolic Syndrome 407

gests that PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3 may have opposing effects in other systems, such as
regulation of glucose uptake with PTH opposing glucose uptake and 1,25(OH)2D3 enhanc-
ing insulin action. Another mechanism by which vitamin D may improve insulin action is
by its ability to reduce PTH levels (26). There is evidence that increased blood PTH is
associated with insulin resistance or glucose intolerance, which is thus consistent with the
vitamin D sufficiency association with reduced insulin resistance. The negative associa-
tion of vitamin D status with fasting PTH levels may also be a mechanism by which
overall exposure of the system to PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3 may be controlled by vitamin
D status as well as dietary calcium. Thus, the relationship between dietary calcium, PTH,
and 1,25(OH)2D3 may be more complex and allow opposing actions of these hormones
to reduce obesity and improve insulin sensitivity.

The metabolic syndrome is an aggregate of symptoms including abdominal obesity,
hypertension, dyslipidemias, and elevated blood glucose levels. The incidence of the
metabolic syndrome is rising rapidly. It is imperative to identify strategies to prevent the
increase of the metabolic syndrome. Long-term prospective trials as well as other epide-
miological evidence support the conclusion that higher intake of dairy products is asso-
ciated with reduced incidence of metabolic syndrome as well as reductions both in
individual symptoms and pathogenic mechanisms. No studies to date clearly demon-
strate that dietary calcium specifically plays a role in improving established metabolic
syndrome or its symptoms. However, in vivo studies indicate that dietary calcium regu-
lation of PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3 may play a role in improving the individual symptoms
of the syndrome, including hypertension, elevated fasting glucose and obesity, as well as
possibly insulin resistance. Further studies, particularly of specific interventions, will be
necessary to clarify the role that calcium plays in modulating the metabolic syndrome.

1. Steinbaum SR. The metabolic syndrome: an emerging health epidemic in women. Prog Cardiovasc Dis
2. Reaven GM. Role of insulin resistance in human disease (syndrome X): an expanded definition. Annu
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3. Grundy SM, Brewer HB, Cleeman JI, Smith SC, Lenfant C. Definition of metabolic syndrome: report
of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/American Heart Association Conference on Scientific
Issues Related to Definition. Circulation 2004;109:433–438.
4. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. Findings and recommendations from the America
College of Endocrinology Conference on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome, August 2002.
5. Grundy SM, Hansen B, Smith SC, Cleeman JI, Kahn RA. Clinical management of metabolic syndrome:
report of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/American Heart Association Conference on
Scientific Issues Related to Management. Circulation 2004b;109:551–556.
6. Mennen LI, Lafay L, Feskens EJM, et al. Possible protective effect of bread and dairy products on the
risk of the metabolic syndrome. Nutr Res 2000;20:335–347.
7. Pereira MA, Jacobs DR, Van Horn L, Slattery ML, Kartashov AI, Ludwig DS. Dairy consumption,
obesity, and the insulin resistance syndrome in young adults. The CARDIA Study. JAMA 2002;287:
8. Barger-Lux MJ, Heaney RP, Packard PT, Lappe JM, Recker RR. Nutritional correlates of low calcium
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9. Griffith LE, Guyatt GH, Cook RJ, Busher HC, Cook DJ. The influence of dietary and nondietary calcium
supplementation on blood pressure: and updated metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J
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12. McCarron DA. Calcium metabolism and hypertension. Kidney Int 1989;35:717–36.
13. Miller GD, DiRienzo DD, Reusser ME, McCarron DA.Benefits of dairy product consumption on blood
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14. Vaskonen T. Dietary minerals and modification of cardiovascular risk factors. J Nutr Biochem
15. Appel LJ, Moore TJ, Obarzanek E, Vollmer WM, Svetkey LP, Sacks FM, Bray GA, Vogt TM, Cutler
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pressure. DASH Collaborative Research Group. N Engl J Med 1997;336:1117–24.
16. Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes: Calcium and Bone Related Nutrients. National Acad-
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17. Teegarden D. Calcium intake and reduction in weight or body fat. J Nutr 2003;133:249–251.
18. Parikh SJ, Yanovski JA. Calcium intake and adiposity. Am J Clin Nutr 2003;77: 281–287.
19. Heaney RP, Davies KM, Barger-Lux MJ. Calcium and weight: clinical studies. J Am Coll Nutr
20. Lin YC, Lyle RM, McCabe LD, McCabe GP, Weaver CM, Teegarden D. Dairy calcium is related to
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21. Barger-Lux MJ, Davies KM, Heaney RP, Chin BK, Rafferty K. Calcium supplementation may attenuate
accumulation of fat in young women. J Bone Miner Res 2001;16:S219.
22. Zemel MB, Thompson W, Milstead A, Morris K, Campbell P. Calcium and dairy acceleration of weight
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23. Virkamaki A, Ueki K, Kahn CR. Protein-protein interaction in insulin signaling and the molecular
mechanisms of insulin resistance. J Clin Invest 1999;103(7):931–943.
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34. Thomas DM, Rogers SD, Sleeman MW, Pasquini GM, Bringhurst FR, Ng KW, Zajac JD and Best JD.
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Chapter 27 / Calcium and Phosphate in Renal Disease 411

27 Calcium and Phosphate Control

in Patients With Renal Disease

David A. McCarron and Robert P. Heaney

• Commonly used to control phosphorus retention in patients with chronic kidney disease,
calcium-containing phosphate binders (CCPB) have been purported to contribute to the
development of vascular calcifications in these patients.
• Numerous findings now indicate that vascular calcifications often precede the use of
CCPB, and that adequate calcium may actually reduce calcification prevalence with the
comitant benefit of improved skeletal health.
• Non-calcium-containing binders are available, but these have not been shown to confer
benefits equal to those of CCPB.

Calcium intake is important in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) for several
reasons: in control of serum phosphorus concentration, in modulation of parathyroid
gland hyperplasia, as a factor in extraosseous (particularly vascular) mineralization, and in
protecting the skeleton from osteoporosis. Moreover, disturbances of calcium and phos-
phate balance have long been recognized as sentinel and persistent markers of kidney
Even with the earliest reductions in glomerular filtration rate, the kidney struggles with
eliminating the daily phosphate load. The modest retention of phosphate that ensues
and then persists throughout all stages of CKD inexorably alters calcium homeostasis,
and results in barely detectable decreases in free calcium and stimulation of parathyroid
hormone (PTH) secretion as a counter measure. The chronic stimulation of PTH secretion
ultimately produces parathyroid hyperplasia, metabolic bone disease, and a myriad of
chronic and often fatal metabolic disturbances in CKD patients.
This chapter examines specifically the evidence relating the use of calcium-containing
phosphate binders (CCPB) to vascular calcification and will note that calcifications in
CKD patients often precede the use of calcium-based binders. We also assess the value
of earlier and more aggressive management of phosphate and calcium imbalance in this

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
412 Calcium in Human Health

population, specifically using calcium supplements to reduce the prevalence of vascular

calcifications. The implications for the general population in terms of risk vs benefits of
calcium supplement use as they affect cardiovascular events are addressed. Also, we
review the clinical trials that have assessed the role of non-CCPB in reducing cardiovas-
cular morbidity and mortality in CKD and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients on
maintenance hemodialysis. Finally, we address the issue of osteoporosis protection.


It is essential to protect calcium homeostasis in these patients by first removing the
excess phosphorus burden and improving calcium availability. The former has typically
been achieved by binding intestinal phosphate, classically by the administration of a
calcium salt. The latter has usually been achieved by the administration of either supple-
mental calcium, in which use calcium plays a pharmacological rather than a nutritional
role. If serum phosphate concentration is not controlled, soft tissue calcifications will
occur, most dramatically in the vasculature. Finally, after transplantation, severe second-
ary hyperparathyroidism often develops.
As a discipline, nephrology has over the past four decades frequently revisited the
question of how best to remove phosphate while maintaining calcium homeostasis. Alter-
native approaches to using CCPB have been championed and utilized only to discover, after
widespread and continued use, that unforeseen serious complications can emerge. The
problems accompanying use of aluminum-based phosphate binders are examples (1).
Again today, clinical nephrology is confronting the issue of whether it is appropriate
to rely on CCPB as one of the cornerstones of managing calcium and phosphorus balance.
The particular question that has recently emerged in the treatment of patients with ESRD
or early CKD is the origin of vascular calcifications seen in this patient population. Critics
have hypothesized that the calcifications are due principally to the use of calcium-based
binders used to manage hyperphosphatemia (2–4). If this is the case, the use of calcium
supplements by the general population, for whom vascular calcification also predicts
cardiovascular events, should be re-evaluated.
There is no disagreement that calcifications in vessels predict mortality in the CKD
population. It is the antecedent factors that trigger calcification that are currently being
debated. There is general agreement that high blood pressure, lipid disorders, excessive
levels of PTH, and aggressive treatment with vitamin D are associated with vascular
calcifications. What is disputed is whether treatment with CCPB increases the deposition
of calcium in vascular tissue.


Damaged tissues throughout the body tend to calcify and, in some instances, even to
ossify. Two factors are involved: (1) local tissue alterations that predispose to mineral-
ization, and (2) an adequate supply of mineral brought to the mineralizing site by the
circulating blood. The former is beyond the scope of this chapter, but is exemplified in
the calcification of granulomas, of ligamentous tears, of necrotic cancerous lesions, and
of atheromatous plaques in the walls of arteries. The supply of mineral is reflected in the
concentration of calcium and phosphorus (as phosphate) in the circulating blood.
Chapter 27 / Calcium and Phosphate in Renal Disease 413

The propensity of these ions to come out of solution and to support crystal growth at
a mineralizing site is, strictly speaking, expressed as their ion product in the extracellular
fluid (i.e., Ca × P, in mEq/L). In common usage, the actual serum concentrations are used
instead, and are expressed in mg/dL. At a mean serum Ca of 9.5 mg/dL, and a mean serum
phosphorus of 3.5 mg/dL, the empiric Ca × P averages approx 33, and ranges from approx
27 to approx 42 in healthy adults. At physiological pH and pCO2, Ca and P concentrations
are indefinitely stable and will not spontaneously support precipitation of CaHPO4, the
calcium phosphate crystal species most likely to form under such conditions. By contrast,
in the presence of hydroxyapatite [Ca10(OH)2 (PO4)6], which is much less soluble than
CaHPO4, these same serum concentrations will readily support crystal growth. (This
contrast highlights the critical role of the local factor which, by creating conditions
favorable to hydroxyapatite, effectively pulls calcium and phosphorus out of an other-
wise stable solution.)
It is important to recognize that ingested or absorbed minerals influence a propensity
to mineralize solely through their effect on serum levels. A mineralizing site cannot “see”
what we eat; it “sees” only the concentrations of minerals in the blood flowing past it. In
CKD, and particularly in ESRD, the blood Ca × P rises, mainly because of phosphate
retention and consequent hyperphosphatemia, but also because of absorption of some of
the calcium used to block dietary phosphorus absorption. Serum phosphorus values
above 6 mg/dL are common, producing Ca × P values of 60 or higher. These values are
more than adequate to support calcification of damaged tissues, and even to cause spon-
taneous calcification in otherwise healthy tissues. Although elevations of either calcium
or phosphorus could raise the Ca × P, in actuality, the principal contribution to these
elevated Ca × P products is serum phosphorus, which in CKD is typically 50–100%
higher than mean adult normal values and which, by itself, can more than double the Ca × P.
By contrast, serum Ca uncommonly departs from normal by more than 10–20%. Hence the
large elevations in Ca × P values are owing mostly to poor control of serum P.


As noted, parathyroid hyperplasia is nearly universal in CKD. Posttransplant, the large
parathyroid gland mass often results in explicit hyperparathyroidism. The functionality
of the parathyroid glands posttransplant was first examined by McCarron and co-workers
(5). In vivo PTH responses to changes in extracellular calcium were examined in normal
people (n = 8) and in patients with persistent hyperparathyroidism following renal trans-
plantation (n = 15). In 80% of hyperparathyroid patients, the PTH response was related
to total gland size measured at the time of parathyroidectomy. Basal PTH levels did not
predict gland size, but gland size did correlate with changes in PTH induced by infusion
of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (p < 0.001) or calcium (p < 0.001). Thus, the magni-
tude of the PTH response to hypocalcemic and hypercalcemic challenge is highly predic-
tive of gland mass.
When the PTH gland mass was measured in 17 posttransplant patients, no relationship
was seen between gland mass and age or gender, duration of dialysis, or time between
treatment and parathyroidectomy (6). Gland mass, however, was related to the type and
the duration of disease. In the presence of relatively acute onset, such as rapidly progres-
sive glomerular disease, where the onset of renal failure is rapid, only a modest level of
hyperparathyroidism is observed. On the other hand, in the presence of CKD, which is
414 Calcium in Human Health

tubulointerstitial in nature and where the duration of time before dialysis is far greater and
more prolonged compared with glomerular disease, parathyroid hyperplasia is more
pronounced. Thus, posttransplant hypercalcemia related to hyperparathyroidism is more
likely to occur in ESRD and CKD patients with slowly progressive renal disease of
prolonged duration. The excessive PTH secretion and gland hypertrophy of this situation
is, in most patients, related to the failure to introduce aggressive, early management of
phosphate metabolism.


In addition to hypercalcemia associated with posttransplant hyperparathyroidism,
there is extensive evidence in the literature indicating that vascular calcification is a
consequence of poor management of serum calcium and phosphorus concentration, rather
than the use of CCPB. As already noted, hyperphosphatemia is a common feature of
ESRD and is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality risk in patients receiving
maintenance hemodialysis.
Using data from two national, random samples of hemodialysis patients (n = 12,833),
Ganesh and co-workers (7) tested the hypothesis that elevated serum phosphorus contrib-
utes to cardiac deaths. In a 2-yr follow-up, the relative risk of death was analyzed for
several categories of cause of death, including coronary artery disease (CAD), sudden
death, and other cardiac causes. Relative risk was assessed with respect to serum phos-
phorus, Ca × P, and serum PTH. In all cases, higher cardiovascular morbidity and mor-
tality risk was seen for patients with serum phosphorus >6.5 mg/dL, compared with those
with serum phosphorus of no more than 6.5 mg/dL. The study identified strong relation-
ships between elevated serum phosphorus, Ca × P, and PTH, implicating poor control of
phosphorus metabolism in the excess cardiovascular mortality. Neither serum calcium
nor CCPB were identified as being associated with higher risks of morbidity and mortal-
ity. Thus, it appears that calcification, which begins with the onset of renal disease, is best
resolved by early and aggressive management of serum phosphate (e.g., by use of CCPB).


Several studies have examined the risk factors for, and the onset of, calcifications
leading to CAD. Braun and colleagues (8) utilized electron beam computed tomography
(EBCT) to detect cardiac calcifications in the coronary arteries and cardiac valves of
dialysis patients. Forty-nine chronic hemodialysis patients were compared with 102
nondialysis patients with documented or suspected CAD. All patients had undergone
coronary angiography. The number of calcifications, the surface area, and the average
and highest density values were measured in 30 axial slices, with a distance of 30 mm
between each slice. The quantitative coronary artery calcification score was found to be
2.5- to fivefold higher in hemodialysis patients compared with nondialysis patients.
There was no correlation between serum calcium, phosphorus, or PTH values and the
coronary calcification scores. Higher calcification scores were observed in hypertensive
dialysis patients compared with normotensive dialysis patients (P <0.05), and correlated
with lower vertebral bone mass in the dialysis patients.
Chapter 27 / Calcium and Phosphate in Renal Disease 415

The correlation of higher coronary artery calcification scores in those patients with
lower vertebral bone mass suggests that depletion of calcium stores in the bone, a marker
of failed maintenance of calcium balance, predicts vascular calcifications. Proper man-
agement of ESRD and CKD patients to reduce the likelihood of vascular and cardiac
calcifications should include early repletion or supplementation of calcium and reduction
of hypertension. Some of the confusion in this regard may arise from the fact that using
calcium to control calcification seems counterintuitive. However, the rise in serum cal-
cium associated with CCPB is less than the fall in serum phosphorus that CCPB produces.
So the result is that CCPB usually lowers the serum Ca× P.
Merjanian and co-workers (9) examined the temporal sequence of vascular and val-
vular calcific disease in relation to diabetic ESRD in nondialyzed individuals. Thirty-two
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic renal disease were compared with a
group of 18 normoalbuminuric diabetic patients and 95 nondiabetic control subjects
without renal disease. The groups were matched for age, gender, ethnicity, and the pres-
ence or absence of dyslipidemia, hypertension, and known CAD. EBCT demonstrated
the prevalence of significant coronary artery calcification in individuals with diabetic
renal disease compared with nondiabetic controls (p < 0.001). Coronary artery calcifica-
tion scores were also significantly more severe in diabetic renal disease patients com-
pared with non-CKD controls, both diabetic and nondiabetic (median scores: 238 vs 10,
p < 0.001).
Diabetic renal disease patients with known CAD demonstrated coronary artery calci-
fication and aortic wall calcification scores several-fold greater compared with patients
without CAD. Multivariate analysis identified age and diabetic renal disease as addi-
tional predictors for the presence or severity of coronary artery and aortic wall calcifica-
tion. This was the first study to systematically analyze nondialyzed individuals with
diabetic renal disease, and demonstrated that vascular and valvular calcification is present
and often severe long before the disease progresses to ESRD (9).
EBCT was also used to screen for coronary artery calcification in 39 young patients
(mean age: 19 yr) with ESRD who were undergoing dialysis compared with 60 normal
subjects (age: 20–30 yr) (3). Data showed that none of the 23 patients younger than 20 yr
of age had evidence of coronary artery calcification. However, it was present in 14 of 16
patients over 20 yr of age. Among those with calcification, the median calcification score
was 297. Only three normal subjects had calcification. Compared with patients without
coronary artery calcification, those with calcification were older and had been on dialysis
for a longer time period. Mean serum phosphorus, mean Ca × P, and daily intake of
calcium were higher among the patients with coronary artery calcification. However,
average calcium intake in these patients was 6.5 g/d—a rather high intake in a young
hemodialysis population. Multivariate analysis for risk factors was not undertaken, and
thus extrapolations from these observations in a unique clinical setting to the more
general ESRD and CKD patient population are not appropriate.
In a cohort of 3014 CKD patients, Winkelmayer and co-workers (10) evaluated indi-
cators of calcium and phosphorus metabolism prior to renal transplant. Indicators as-
sessed were PTH or vitamin D metabolites and administration of calcitriol or CCPB prior
to transplant. Only 3.4% of CKD patients had PTH assessment prior to transplant and
0.3% had vitamin D status measured. Calcitriol and CCPB were used by 12% and 16%
of patients, respectively. These findings document that it is the rare CKD patient who has
416 Calcium in Human Health

early and appropriate Ca × P management with CCPB and/or calcitriol. These patients
were followed for 1 yr after appropriate CCPB and calcitriol therapy was initiated, and
reported a subsequent, dramatic improvement in the Ca × P product, which was indepen-
dently associated with a 35% decrease in 1-yr mortality.


That vascular calcification is a consequence of poor Ca × P management has also been
noted in the general population that has not been exposed to calcium-based binders.
Barengolts and colleagues (11) compared coronary calcification scores in 45 asymptom-
atic postmenopausal women with normal or low bone mineral density (BMD). BMD of
the lumbar spine and proximal femur was measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry and
coronary Ca was measured quantitatively by EBCT. The total coronary calcification
scores were 41.9, 115.1, and 221.7 for the control, osteopenia, and osteoporosis groups,
respectively; the score was significantly higher in the osteoporosis than in the control
group. These data provide consistent evidence that otherwise healthy women with osteoporo-
sis may have a higher risk of developing coronary atherosclerosis. This risk tracks with
depletion of bone mineral content and is therefore unrelated to Ca intake.


Physicians have several choices of phosphate binders to manage hyperphosphatemia
in hemodialysis patients. Management of ESRD patients with parathyroid hyperplasia
using hemodialysis with calcitriol is common clinical practice. Unfortunately, calcitriol
and its analogs increase intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate, leading to an
increased Ca × P product and thereby to extraosseous calcification. The Durham Renal
Osteodystrophy Study Group (12) reported that at the end of a 40-wk trial, dialysis
patients were better managed by calcium carbonate alone compared with calcium carbon-
ate in combination with oral or intravenous calcitriol. Compared with the combination,
calcium carbonate more effectively lowered serum phosphorus, was equivalent to the
combination for reducing serum PTH, and was less likely to produce episodes of hyper-
In their treat-to-goal, randomized, 52-wk trial in 200 patients, Chertow et al. (4)
compared sevelamer hydrochloride, a phosphate binding resin gel, with two different
CCPB. The primary end-point of the trial was attainment of Ca × P product target levels.
Study results showed that sevelamer hydrochloride and calcium provided equivalent
control of serum phosphorus. Thus, the study failed to demonstrate that the primary end-
point differed between the treatment regimens. Serum calcium concentration was signifi-
cantly higher in the calcium-treated group (p = 0.002) and hypercalcemia was also more
common (p = 0.04). Few subjects in the calcium group had PTH values within the target
range (150–300 pg/mL). After 52 wk of treatment, significantly increased median abso-
lute calcification scores in the coronary arteries (p = 0.03) and aorta (p = 0.01) were
observed in the calcium-treated but not the sevelamer-treated patients.
These investigators concluded that sevelamer hydrochloride is less likely to cause
hypercalcemia and low levels of PTH or to be associated with progressive coronary and
aortic calcification in hemodialysis patients. They further stated that CCPB therapy was
Chapter 27 / Calcium and Phosphate in Renal Disease 417

responsible for the progression of coronary calcifications in this population of CKD

patients, an assessment that is inconsistent with the prior data in this field. A number of
major flaws in the design and end-point measurements in this study, which have been
noted in the literature (13–15), seriously undermine the conclusions of these authors.
A prospective, randomized, double-blind, multicenter study comparing the efficacy
and safety of calcium acetate and sevelamer hydrochloride for the treatment of hyper-
phosphatemia in CKD patients on hemodialysis demonstrated that after 8 wk of treat-
ment, Ca acetate was more effective than sevelamer hydrochloride in attaining serum
calcium and Ca × P product target levels (16). Higher serum calcium and bicarbonate values
were also observed in patients treated with calcium acetate. These observations are
consistent with data from previous trials that evaluated CCPB, and are inconsistent with
results from the treat-to-goal trial, suggesting that calcium acetate might reduce the risk
of vascular calcification and mortality in hemodialysis patients.


Calcium supplements are one of the most frequently used over-the-counter medica-
tions by the general population. They have been extensively used in many large federally
supported clinical trials over the past several decades. To date, these numerous longitu-
dinal randomized trials, which have often focused on high risk populations, have not
reported any adverse effects of supplemental calcium. This includes vascular calcifica-
tions and is noteworthy because many of these trials, such as the Women’s Health Ini-
tiative (17), specifically involve persons at risk for CAD.


Bone disease in patients with CKD is a complex affair, well beyond the scope of this
chapter. However, whatever the character of their deranged bone metabolism, it is known,
that patients with ESRD are prone to fragility fractures (18,19), that they have lower
values for BMD than age- and sex-matched controls (often by as much as one standard
deviation for the population concerned [19–23]), and that the degree of this deficit
worsens with duration of dialysis (18). Whether this symptom complex represents
osteoporosis as usually understood is uncertain (24). However, given the prevalence of
osteoporosis in the general population, it should be obvious that patients with pre-exist-
ing osteoporosis, or at high risk for the disease, and who develop CKD, will at that point
have two problems: dialytic bone disease plus their pre-existing osteoporosis. Finally,
after transplantation, patients lose large amounts of bone in the 2 yr following surgery
(23), leaving them at a further skeletal disadvantage.
During the transition phase into renal dialysis, the physician’s concern will be the
management of the renal failure and some of its consequences, such as those discussed
earlier. However, for the minority of patients who ultimately receive kidney transplants
(and who thus are largely rid of their renal failure), it is important to pay attention to the
determinants of their ultimate skeletal health, because bony deficits not prevented tend
to be permanent.
During development of ordinary osteoporosis, the net loss of bone is reflected in an
elevated urine calcium usually coupled with reduced net calcium absorption. The former
cannot be a factor in patients on dialysis because they have no urine. In current practice,
418 Calcium in Human Health

the dialysis bath calcium concentration is maintained at 2.5 mEq/L, or essentially the
same as that in extracellular water. The goal is to maintain zero calcium balance (i.e.,
neither gaining nor losing calcium through dialysis). Digestive juice loss and cutaneous
loss, however, are not handled by this stratagem, and if net intestinal absorption is not
adequate to offset these extrarenal losses, negative calcium balance (i.e., bone loss) will
ensue. One clear advantage of therapy with CCPB is that it ensures that net calcium
absorption will meet these needs. Therapy with aluminum-containing phosphate binders
or with sevelamer clearly do nothing to preserve bone mass. Previously, dialysis baths
had used higher calcium concentration, with the intent of protecting the skeleton, but the
resulting rise in blood Ca × P was interpreted as contributing to vascular calcification.
This explains the current practice of maintaining zero net calcium shifts across dialysis.
Posttransplant, the issue clarifies. The drugs used to counter graft rejection cause
major bone loss, and adequate calcium and vitamin D become essential (although not
sufficient by themselves). Often antiresorptive therapy is indicated as well. By 2 yr
posttransplant, when steroid dosage is usually lower, bone loss tends to ameliorate and
may not be different from what is seen in age-matched, nontransplant individuals. How-
ever, any bony deficit incurred during dialysis or following transplant endures.


As a final note, in answer to those critics who, by faulty logic, have postulated that the
calcium deposited in vascular calcifications is a result of excessive calcium intake, there
is a worthwhile analogy—kidney stones. Most renal stones contain primarily calcium as
the mineral cation. In the past, clinicians routinely told patients with nephrolithiasis to
avoid calcium in their diets. The logic was similar: if there is calcium in the stone, it must
be due to too much calcium in the diet. Over the past 10–20 yr, we have learned the error
of this logic, just as is now the case with the vascular calcification hysteria in CKD
patients. It is now well established that for the most common renal stone patient, too little
dietary calcium intake, not too much, is the problem (25–27). The reason is similar to
calcium’s role in controlling serum phosphorus concentration. High calcium intake blocks
the absorption of dietary oxalate, which is a more potent stone-forming factor than is
calcium. The result, despite a rise in urine calcium, is a reduced tendency for calcium
oxalate stones to form. The same is true for patients with renal disease: assuring adequate
calcium intake, not limiting it, is essential for improved health outcomes.

In conclusion, the antecedent factors that are responsible for vascular calcifications in
CKD patients are not really debatable. Hypertension and lipid disorders are risk factors
for calcifications, as is inadequate calcium intake. It has not been proven that calcium
supplementation per se is responsible for vascular calcification. Indeed, evidence exists
that vascular calcifications exist prior to the use of CCPB. Their use has been shown in
multiple randomized, controlled trials to improve critical risk factors (e.g., serum phos-
phorus, Ca × P, blood pressure, lipids, diabetes, and BMD) that are implicated in calci-
Properly designed trials are needed to examine the issue of vascular calcification in
ESRD and CKD patients. The most pressing issue is whether early intervention with
Chapter 27 / Calcium and Phosphate in Renal Disease 419

CCPB in patients with CKD will actually reduce the prevalence and severity of vascular
calcification (28). This is a readily accomplished clinical trial in all respects—design,
implementation, cost, and importance—and it should be a priority of the renal research
community to execute it as soon as feasible.

1. Kates DM, Andress LD. Control of hyperphosphatemia in renal failure: role of aluminum. Semin Dial
2. Chertow GM. Slowing the progression of vascular calcification in hemodialysis. J Am Soc Nephrol
3. Goodman WG, Goldin J, Kuizon BD, et al. Coronary-artery calcification in young adults with end-stage
renal disease who are undergoing dialysis. N Engl J Med 2000;342:1478–1483.
4. Chertow GM, Burke SK, Raggi P. Sevelamer attenuates the progression of coronary and aortic calcifi-
cation in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int 2002;62:245–252.
5. McCarron DA, Muther RS, Lenfesty B, Bennett WM. Parathyroid function in persistent hyperparathy-
roidism: relationship to gland size. Kidney Int 1982;22:662–670.
6. McCarron DA, Lenfesty B, Narasimhan N, Barry JM, Vetto RM, Bennett WM. Anatomical heteroge-
neity of parathyroid glands in post-transplant hyperparathyroidism. Am J Nephrol 1988;8:388–391.
7. Ganesh SK, Stack AG, Levin NW, Hulbert-Shearon T, Port FK. Association of elevated serum PO(4),
Ca x PO(4) product, and parathyroid hormone with cardiac mortality risk in chronic hemodialysis
patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001;12:2131–2138.
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9. Merjanian R, Budoff M, Adler S, Berman N, Mehrotra R. Coronary artery, aortic wall, and valvular calcifi-
cation in nondialyzed individuals with type 2 diabetes and renal disease. Kidney Int 2003;64:263–271.
10. Winkelmayer WC, Levin R, Avorn J. The nephrologist’s role in the management of calcium-phosphorus
metabolism in patients with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 2003;63:1836–1842.
11. Barengolts EI, Berman M, Kukreja SC, Kouznetsova T, Lin C, Chomka EV. Osteoporosis and coronary
atherosclerosis in asymptomatic postmenopausal women. Calcif Tissue Int 1998;62:209–213.
12. Indridason OS, Quarles LD. Comparison of treatments for mild secondary hyperparathyroidism in
hemodialysis patients. Durham Renal Osteodystrophy Study Group. Kidney Int 2000;57:282–292.
13. Backenroth R. Dialysate calcium use in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int 2003;64:1533.
14. Canavese C, Bergama D, Dib H, Bermoso F, Burdese M. Calcium on trial: beyond a reasonable doubt?
Kidney Int 2003;63:381–382.
15. McCarron DA. Sevelamer: where are the data? Kidney Int 2003;64:2329.
16. Qunibi WY, Hootkins RE, McDowell LL, et al. Treatment of hyperphosphatemia in hemodialysis
patients: the Calcium Acetate Renagel® Evaluation (CARE) Study. Kidney Int 2004;65:1914–1926.
17. Women’s Health Initiative Study Group. Design of the Women’s Health Initiative clinical trial and
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18. Fontaine MA, Albert A, Dubois B, Saint-Remy A, Rorive G. Fracture and bone mineral density in
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420 Calcium in Human Health

23. Grotz WH, Mundinger FA, Gugel B, Exner VM, Kirste G, Schollmeyer PJ. Bone mineral density after
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24. Hodsman AB. Fragility fractures in dialysis and transplant patients. Is it osteoporosis, and how should
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25. Borghi L, Schianchi T, Meschi T, et al. Comparison of two diets for the prevention of recurrent stones
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Chapter 28 / Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease 421

28 Hypertension and Cardiovascular


David A. McCarron

• The inverse relationship between calcium intake and blood pressure levels first reported
in 1982 has been elucidated and confirmed by recent studies.
• It is now recognized that it is not single nutrients, but rather the overall dietary pattern,
that has the greatest influence on blood pressure control.
• A high-quality diet comprising low-fat dairy foods, fruits, and vegetables, and the con-
stellation of nutrients these contain, is the simplest, safest, and most effective
nonpharmacological means of preventing and treating hypertension and lowering the
risk of cardiovascular disease.
• Additional benefits of a dietary pattern that includes dairy foods extend to improvements
in weight control, hyperlipidemia, salt sensitivity, insulin resistance, and osteoporosis

The link between calcium metabolism and hypertension, initially developed in the
early 1980s, was based on clinical observations documenting an association between
perturbations in calcium homeostasis and elevated arterial pressure in humans (1). Reports
of this relationship prompted analyses of prospective studies of dietary calcium intake and
blood pressure (BP) status which confirmed the association between low calcium intake
and higher BP (2,3). The plausibility of the calcium intake–BP hypothesis was strength-
ened by randomized trials that initially used calcium supplements, and confirmed that this
intervention lowered arterial pressure (2,3).
Based on the current extensive body of scientific data gathered over the past 25 yr, it
is now well-recognized that assuring adequate calcium intake, particularly through the
consumption of dairy foods, is one of the primary nonpharmacological strategies for the
reduction of high BP and for the maintenance of optimal BP levels in humans (4). This
chapter summarizes the data supporting the calcium–BP relationship and addresses the
clinical ramifications of the integral relationship between optimal calcium intake and
reduced risk of hypertensive cardiovascular disease (CVD).

From: Calcium in Human Health

Edited by: C. M. Weaver and R. P. Heaney © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
422 Calcium in Human Health

Table 1
Metabolic Markers of Calcium-Deficient State in Human and Experimental Hypertension
Marker Human hypertension Experimental animal models
Low serum ionized Ca2+  
Low serum phosphorus  
Elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH)  
Increased PTH gland mass  
Elevated urinary Ca2+  
Elevated urinary cAMP  
Elevated serum 1,25 vitamin D3  
Reduced bone mineral content  
Reduced intestinal Ca2+ transport — 
Increased platelet intracelluar Ca2+  

The initial report that linked high BP to abnormal calcium metabolism identified an
association of increased urinary calcium excretion with elevated parathyroid hormone
levels that was present in persons with newly diagnosed, untreated hypertension (1).
Subsequent reports have expanded the list (Table 1) of altered metabolic markers that are
consistent with the concept that a calcium-deficient state exists in both humans with high
BP and experimental animal models of hypertension. With the addition of calcium to the
diet, either via supplements or food, the reversal of several of these markers has been
correlated with reductions in BP (5–7). This evidence of association of elevated BP with
factors involved in calcium homeostasis provides strong and consistent support for the
hypothesis that perturbations of calcium metabolism are a principal contributor to high
BP in many adults.

Two reports of prospective observational studies published in Science (8,9) in the early
1980s demonstrated that adequate dietary calcium intake was associated with normal BP
in humans and conversely that humans with elevated BP consumed significantly less
dietary calcium. Utilizing data from the first National Health and Nutrition Evaluation
Survey (NHANES-I), both of these reports specifically identified low intake of dairy
food as the dietary pattern associated with high BP. Over the succeeding 15 yr, numerous
reports confirmed this association of low dietary calcium intake with elevated arterial
pressure (10). From the outset, an inverse dose-dependent effect has been apparent be-
tween BP and dietary calcium intake (8,10). Figure 1 shows this inverse relationship
clearly, with systolic BP (SBP) falling as a function of daily calcium intakes ranging from
200 to 1800 mg, and with no evident waning of effect at higher intakes.
Consistent with the relationship between higher dietary calcium and lower BP, other
nutrients that track with calcium in the diet (including potassium, magnesium, and vita-
min A) have also been associated with lower BP (8,11,12). This body of epidemiological
evidence has recently been substantiated by the findings of the Coronary Artery Risk
Development in Adults (CARDIA) study (13). This prospective study followed more
Chapter 28 / Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease 423

Fig. 1. Mean systolic blood pressure (horizontal bars) from National Health and Nutrition Evalu-
ation Survey I, plotted as a function of dietary calcium intake (8). Superimposed on these older data
are the values from DASH (18) at baseline (䊐) and then at the end of intervention with the full
DASH diet (䊏).

Fig. 2. Percent of individuals converting from normal blood pressure to hypertension during 10
yr of follow-up, in the overweight (25 < body mass index < 30) cohort of Coronary Artery Risk
Development in Adults (CARDIA), expressed as a function of regular dairy food intake (13).

than 3100 overweight young adults at high risk of CVD for 10 yr, and documented a dose
(serving)-dependent reduction in the risk of developing high BP based on daily intake of
dairy foods. Figure 2 shows the conversion of the overweight (but nonobese) members
424 Calcium in Human Health

of the CARDIA cohort from normal BP to hypertension over the 10-yr period of follow-
up, expressed as a function of dairy intake. Not only is the protection dose-dependent, but
the highest dairy intakes were associated with a 62% lower rate of development of
hypertension. For each serving of dairy foods consumed, there was a 21% reduction in
the risk of developing the insulin-resistance syndrome in this population. The magnitude
of the BP results from CARDIA was remarkably consistent with the dose dependency of
dietary calcium on adult BP first reported in 1984 (8) and suggested by Bucher et al. (14)
in their meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of calcium’s effects on BP.


With the initial suggestion of a calcium–BP relationship in humans, RCTs were ini-
tiated. Virtually all of these early RCTs utilized calcium supplements as the dietary
intervention, rather than food sources. In the first published report of such an RCT,
McCarron et al. (15) observed that the addition of 1000 mg of elemental calcium (as
supplemental calcium carbonate) for 8 wk to the diets of normotensive and untreated
hypertensive individuals produced a significant reduction in BP. That index report was
followed by additional RCTs addressing the same issue. Although many of the follow-
up RCTs produced a similar effect, a number failed to confirm a benefit of supplemental
calcium on arterial pressure (3).
Against that backdrop of conflicting studies, Bucher et al. (14) performed a meta-
analysis of 33 RCTs that had assessed the effect of calcium on BP and that met certain
criteria for inclusion in the analysis. These included studies that used supplemental
calcium as well as those that employed foods as the calcium sources. For both normoten-
sive and hypertensive participants, the provision of additional calcium, either supple-
mental or dietary, was associated with a modest, but significant reduction in arterial
In addition, this meta-analysis revealed several important insights regarding the cal-
cium–BP connection (14). First, the benefit of additional calcium was dependent in part
on the baseline intake of the mineral; persons who routinely underconsume calcium were
more likely to experience an improvement in BP with increased calcium intake. This
indicated that calcium was acting in this system as a nutrient, rather than as a pharmaco-
logical agent. Second, increased calcium intake from foods was more likely to improve
an individual’s arterial pressure than calcium from supplements. Third, the BP benefit of
higher calcium intake was generalizeable to the entire population, not simply limited to
those with hypertension, and fourth, increased calcium intake tended to confer greater BP
benefits on certain high-risk populations, including African Americans, older people,
those with systolic hypertension, those who were salt sensitive, and pregnant women
(16). Bucher et al. concluded that future RCTs should address these particular clinical
opportunities. In an accompanying editorial, McCarron (17) noted that assuring adequate
calcium intake is a lifestyle intervention that holds the potential to save tens of billions
of dollars of health care-related costs each year.
In 1997, the results of the landmark Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
trial were reported (18). Sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
(NHLBI), the DASH trial addressed a number of the research issues posed by the meta-
analysis by Bucher et al. (14). The study controlled for baseline calcium intake, used
Chapter 28 / Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease 425

foods rich in calcium and the mineral cluster that tracks with calcium in dairy products,
studied hypertensive as well as normotensive persons, and factored out sodium intake and
weight changes as potential confounders. The test diet used in the DASH trial, which has
become known as the DASH diet, mimicked the dietary pattern described by McCarron
et al. in their 1984 Science paper (8) as being associated with the lowest BP in the adults
surveyed in NHANES-I. That dietary pattern emphasized first dairy foods and then fruits
and vegetables.
The DASH trial documented that a diet rich in calcium and other minerals was effec-
tive in lowering BP across the adult population independent of BP status. However, BP
reductions in individuals with hypertension were nearly twice those of persons with normal
BP. In the participants with hypertension, SBP decreased an average of 11.3 mmHg and
diastolic BP (DBP) decreased 5.5 mmHg. As noted by the DASH investigators in their
initial report (18), the arterial pressure benefits of the calcium and mineral rich DASH diet
were rapid in their onset, sustainable over the duration of the study, and comparable to
that achieved with single drug therapy for hypertension. Furthermore, they noted that if
the DASH diet were generalized to the US population, it would be expected to reduce
incident stroke by 27% and coronary heart disease by 15%. The remarkable congruence
of the DASH results with the earlier analysis of NHANES-I (8) is shown graphically in
Fig. 1, which superimposes the untreated and treated values from DASH on the NHANES
data (23).
A subsequent report from the DASH investigators (19) noted that approx 70% of the
DASH participants, who would normally have received antihypertensive drug therapy,
would not have required pharmacotherapy once they began consuming the DASH diet.
In addition, almost 80% of the older participants with systolic hypertension experienced
normalization of their BP with the DASH diet. Improvements in markers of mineral
metabolism correlated with the reduction in BPs observed over the course of the DASH
trial (6).
A second dietary intervention study funded by NHLBI and involving many of the same
investigators as the DASH trial was published in 1997 (20). The Trials of Hypertension
Prevention II (TOHP-II) was the largest and longest RCT to date to assess sodium restric-
tion for the management of high BP. In the TOHP-II, sodium intake limited to 2400 mg/d
in individuals with mild to moderate hypertension resulted in BP reductions of only
approx 1.5 mmHg SBP and 0.5 mmHg diastolic. Thus, sodium restriction afforded one-
tenth of the BP benefit produced by the DASH diet, which was rich in dairy products,
fruits, and vegetables, and required no salt restriction.
These striking differences in the benefit of a diet providing adequate mineral intake
compared with sodium restriction prompted NHLBI to carryout a head-to-head compari-
son of these interventions with the DASH-Sodium Trial (21). As the most recent report
of that trial documented (22), once individuals were consuming the high-mineral DASH
diet, sodium restriction had little additional beneficial effect on BP. The DASH-Sodium
Trial did demonstrate BP benefits of lower sodium intake in very select populations,
particularly older African Americans with hypertension. But even in that subgroup, the
DASH diet, without any sodium restriction, produced a reduction in SBP amounting to
nearly three-fourths the reduction achievable with the lowest sodium intake on the con-
trol diet. The DASH-Sodium Trial served to document that salt restriction effects on BP,
426 Calcium in Human Health

as earlier animal experiments had shown (5), are already largely achieved by a mineral-
rich diet, and that the benefits achievable by taking away salt are for the most part realized
more easily by adding calcium and its food-associated minerals.
Although it is prudent to recommend both the full DASH diet (including liberal serv-
ings of nonfat dairy products and fruits and vegetables) and salt reduction, in order to
achieve maximal reduction in BP, it must be acknowledged that it is difficult for consum-
ers to implement a complex series of recommendations for lifestyle modification. This
difficulty is illustrated in the PREMIER trial (24). Two behavioral interventions and a
control group were used in a randomized trial of 810 adults at four clinical centers. The
study showed that either a prescription of established recommendations which included
weight loss, exercise, and sodium and alcohol restriction or a prescription of established
recommendations plus the DASH diet significantly lowered BP over the control group,
which received only advice. Moreover, the additional benefit of the DASH diet (0.6 mmHg
SBP and 0.9 mmHg DBP overall and 1.7/1.6 mmHg for hypertensives) did not achieve
statistical significance. In this trial, where subjects had to purchase their own food rather
than receiving it from the investigators, compliance with the milk prescription was greater
than for the prescription to increase the numbers of fruits and vegetables. Approximately
60% of individuals achieved 2–3 servings per day low-fat dairy products (mean 2.3), but
only one-third achieved 9–12 servings per day of fruits and vegetables (mean 7.8).


As the evidence of dietary calcium’s effects on arterial pressure and related disorders
grew, basic research sought a unifying concept that would account for seemingly diverse
therapeutic responses. While focusing on factors that would favorably influence arterial
pressure, the results of that ongoing research effort have identified physiological effects
of dietary calcium that held the potential to influence multiple organ systems. Table 2
includes a number of those documented actions of calcium. They range from reduction
in sympathetic nervous system activity to direct actions on cell signaling through the cell
calcium receptor and intracellular regulation by the ubiquitous intracellular calcium-
binding protein calmodulin. The latter mechanism is thought to be a fundamental regu-
latory factor in virtually all cell types (see Chapter 3) (25).


The now generally recognized cardiovascular benefits of a calcium-rich diet have
substantially expanded since the original description of dietary calcium’s relationship to
optimal BP control (9). Consistent with the clinical situation in which patients with high
BP often exhibit multiple cardiovascular risk factors (4,26), dietary calcium influences
many of them in a favorable direction. In addition to lowering BP, consumption of
sufficient dietary calcium has been associated with improvements in weight, plasma
lipids, and insulin resistance (see Chapters 21 and 26) (13), three conditions generally
considered cardiovascular risk factors. In addition, several other clinical conditions less
directly associated with hypertension improve with increased calcium intake, including
kidney stones (27), reduced bone mineral content (28), and hypertensive disorders of
pregnancy (16).
Chapter 28 / Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease 427

Table 2
Mechanisms Related to Calcium’s Effects on Improved Blood Pressure Regulation
• Reduction in vasoactive hormones
Angiotensin II
• Reduction in calcium regulating hormones
Parathyroid hormone
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3
• Improved Ca2+ transport
• Improved vascular sensitivity
Membrane stability
Membrane permeability
• Enhanced vasodilation/relaxation
• Reduced intracellular free Ca2+
• Reduced central nervous system sympathetic outflow
• Improved volume regulation


Based on the multiple health benefits of consuming adequate dietary calcium, as well
as documented favorable effects of a calcium-rich diet on related cardiovascular out-
comes and selected cancers, McCarron and Heaney undertook an analysis (29) of health
cost savings that would accrue if adults in the United States simply met the current
recommendation for dietary calcium intake (see Chapter 19). The estimated cost savings
to our society for hypertension and CVD alone came to $106.5 billion over 5 yr.

What started as a single clinical investigation of the relationship between calcium
metabolism and arterial pressure control 25 yr ago (1) has expanded to encompass mul-
tiple, common medical disorders. Although future clinical and basic science research will
further our understanding of dietary calcium’s effects on high BP and related conditions,
as NHLBI’s expert panel on BP control has recently concluded (4), a diet rich in calcium
and other minerals is the most effective nutritional approach to controlling BP, and
remains an essential component both of any prophylactic regimen and of active antihy-
pertensive medical therapy.
Assuring adequate calcium intake is an effective preventive and therapeutic lifestyle
adjustment that improves BP regulation. The cardiovascular benefits of calcium and the
constellation of nutrients contained in dairy foods accrue both in normotensive persons
and in those at high risk of developing hypertension. Cardiovascular benefits of adequate
calcium intake include improvements in a wide variety of risk factors beyond BP, includ-
ing weight control, hyperlipidemia, salt sensitivity, and insulin resistance. For most
adults, these benefits can be largely achieved by meeting currently recommended daily
intake levels of dietary calcium.
428 Calcium in Human Health

1. McCarron DA, Pingree PA, Rubin RJ, Gaucher SM, Molitch M, Krutzik S. Enhanced parathyroid
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2. McCarron DA. Calcium metabolism and hypertension. Kidney Int 1989;35:717–736.
3. Hamet P. The evaluation of the scientific evidence for a relationship between calcium and hypertension.
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4. Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, et al. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on
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fluxes. J Clin Invest 1985;76:1147–1154.
6. Karanja N, Roullet JB, Aickin M, et al. Mineral metabolism, blood pressure and dietary patterns:
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7. Resnick LM, Oparil S, Chait A, et al. Factors affecting blood pressure responses to diet: the Vanguard
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8. McCarron DA, Morris CD, Henry JH, Stanton JL. Blood pressure and nutrient intake in the United
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9. McCarron DA, Morris CD, Cole C. Dietary calcium in human hypertension. Science 1982;217:267–269.
10. Birkett NJ. Comments on a meta-analysis of the relation between dietary calcium intake and blood
pressure. Am J Epidemiol 1998;148:223–228.
11. Reed D, McGee D, Yano K, Hankin J. Diet, blood pressure, and multicollinearity. Hypertension. 1985;7(3
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12. Ascherio A, Hennekens C, Willett WC, et al. Prospective study of nutritional factors, blood pressure,
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13. Pereira MA, Jacobs DR, Van horn L, Slattery ML, Kartashov AI, Ludwig DS. Dairy consumption,
obesity, and the insulin resistance syndrome in young adults. JAMA 2002;287:2081–2089.
14. Bucher HC, Cook RJ, Guyatt GH, et al. Effects of dietary calcium supplementation on blood pressure:
a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Am Med Assoc 1996;275:1016–1022.
15. McCarron DA, Morris CD. Blood pressure response to oral calcium in persons with mild to moderate
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16. Bucher HC, Guyatt GH, Cook RJ, et al. Effect of calcium supplementation on pregnancy-induced hyper-
tension and preeclampsia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. JAMA 1996;275:1113–1117.
17. McCarron DA. Dietary calcium and lower blood pressure: we can all benefit. JAMA 1996;275:1128–1129.
18. Appel LJ, Moore TJ, Obarzanek E, et al. A clinical trial of the effects of dietary patterns on blood
pressure. N Engl J Med 1997;336:1117–1124.
19. Conlin PR, Chow D, Miller ER, et al. The effect of dietary patterns on blood pressure control in
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20. Trials of Hypertension Prevention Collaborative Research Group. Effects of weight loss and sodium
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normal blood pressure. Arch Intern Med 1997;157:657–667.
21. Sacks FM, Svetkey LP, Vollmer WM, et al. Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. N Engl J Med 2001;344:3–10.
22. Bray GA, Vollmer WM, Sacks FM, et al. A further subgroup analysis of the effects of the DASH diet
and three dietary sodium levels on blood pressure: results of the DASH-Sodium Trial. Am J Cardiol
23. McCarron DA. Diet and blood pressure—the paradigm shift. Science 1998;281:933–934.
Chapter 28 / Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease 429

24. Writing Group of the PREMIER Collaborative Research Group. Effects of comprehensive lifestyle
modification on blood pressure control: main results of the PREMIER clinical trial. JAMA
25. Carafoli E. Calcium signaling: a tale for all seasons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002;99:1115-1122.
26. Natali A, Ferrannini E. Hypertension, insulin resistance, and the metabolic syndrome. Endocrinol Metab
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27. Borghi L, Schianchi T, Meschi T, et al. Comparison of two diets for the prevention of recurrent stones
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28. Heaney RP. Calcium, dairy products and osteoporosis. J Am Coll Nutr 2000;19:83S–99S.
29. McCarron DA, Heaney RP. Estimated healthcare savings associated with adequate dairy food intake.
Am J Hypertens 2004;17:88–97.
Appendices 431

Appendices 433


Life stage groupa Criterionb Al (mg/d)c
0–6 mo Human milk content 210
6–12 mo Human milk + solid food 270
1–3 yr Extrapolation of maximal calcium 500
retention from 4 through 8 yr
4–8 yr Calcium accretion/_ BMC/calcium 800
9–13 yr Desirable calcium retention/ 1300
factorial/ _ BMC
14–18 yr Desirable calcium retention/ 1300
factorial/ _ BMC
19–30 yr Desirable calcium retention/ 1000
31–50 yr Calcium balance 1000
51–70 yr Desirable calcium retention 1200
factorial/ _ BMD
>70 yr Extrapolation of desirable calcium 1200
retention from 51 to 70 yr
age group/ _ BMD/fracture rate
< 18 yr Bone mineral mass 1300
19–50 yr Bone mineral mass 1000
< 18 yr Bone mineral mass 1300
19–50 yr Bone mineral mass 1000
aAll groups except Pregnancy and Lactation are males and females.
bCriteria on which the AI was based vary between life stage groups depending on the data
available in the literature that were judged to be appropriate.
cAI, Adequate Intake. The experimentally determined estimate of nutrient intake by a defined

group of healthy people. AI is used if the scientific evidence is not available to derive an EAR.
For healthy infants fed human milk, AI is an estimated mean intake. Some seemingly healthy
individuals may require higher calcium intakes to minimize risk of osteopenia and some
individuals may be at low risk on even lower intakes. The AI is believed to cover their needs,
but lack of data or uncertainty in the data prevent being able to specify with confidence the
percentage of individuals covered by this intake. (From Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium,
Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride. Standing Committee on the Scientific
Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine,
National Academy Press, Washington, DC: 1997.)

434 Part I / Part Title


Serving Calcium absorption Food amount to
size content efficiency equal calcium in
Source (g) (mg/serving) (%) 1 c milk
Milk 240 300 32.1 1.0 c
Beans, pinto 86 44.7 26.7 4.1 c
Beans, red 172 40.5 24.4 4.8 c
Beans, white 110 113 21.8 2.0 c
Bok choy 85 79 53.8 1.2 c
Broccoli 71 35 61.3 2.3 c
Cheddar cheese 42 303 32.1 1.5 oz
Cheese food 42 241 32.1 1.8 oz
Chinese cabbage
flower leaves 85 239 39.6 0.5 c
Chinese mustard green 85 212 40.2 0.6 c
Chinese spinach 85 347 8.36 1.7 c
Kale 85 61 49.3 1.6 c
Spinach 85 115 5.1 8.1 c
Sugar cookies 15 39 91.9 35 cookies
Sweet Potatoes 164 44 22.2 4.9 c
Rhubarb 120 174 8.5 4.7 c
Whole wheat bread 28 20 82.0 5.8 slices
Wheat bran cereal 28 20 38.0 12.8 oz
Yogurt 240 300 32.1 1.0 c
Fortified foods with added calcium:
Tofu, calcium set 126 258 31.0 0.6 c
Orange juice with Ca
citrate malate 240 300 36.3 0.9 c
Soy milk w/calcium
phosphate 240 300 24.0 1.3 c
Bread w/calcium sulfate 17 300 43.0 1 slice
See Table 2 in Chapter 9 for a description of the values in this table and references. This table represents foods
that have been intrinsically labeled during growth of the plant or animal ingredient or during preparation or
processing of fortified foods.

Chapter 10 / Short Chapter Title 435


1. Abrams SA, Wong WW. Stable isotopes in Human Nutrition: Laboratory Methods and Research
Applications. CABI, Cambridge, MA: 2003
2. Bilezikian JP (ed). Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America. Vol. 32, No. 1. WB
Saunders, Philadelphia, PA: 2003.
3. Burckhardt, P., Dawson-Hughes, B., Heaney, R.P. (eds). Proceedings of the Symposium on Nutritional
Aspects of Osteoporosis. Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, Lausanne, Swit-
zerland: 2003.
4. Bogden JD, Klevay LM. Clinical Nutrition of the Essential Trace Elements and Minerals. Humana,
Totowa, NJ: 2000.
5. Bowman BA, Russell RM (eds). Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 8th Edition. ILSI, Washington, DC:
6. Burckhardt P, Dawson-Hughes B, Heaney RP. Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis, 2nd Edition. Aca-
demic, NY: 2004.
7. Holick MF, Dawson-Hughes B. Nutrition and Bone Health. Humana, Totowa, NJ: 2004.
8. Miller GD, Jarvis JK, McBean LD. Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition, 2nd Edition. CRC, Boca
Raton, FL: 1999.
9. Novotny J, Green M, Boston R. (eds). Mathematical Modeling in Nutrition and Health. Kluwer Aca-
demic Plenum, New York: 2003.
10. Semba RD, Bloem MW. Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries. Humana, Totowa, NJ: 2001.
11. Shils M, Olson JA, Shike M (eds). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 9th edition.Williams &
Wilkins, Baltimore, MD: 1998.
12. Stipanuk M. (ed). Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Human Nutrition. W.B. Saunders, Phila-
delphia, PA: 1999
13. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Bone Health and Osteoporosis: A Report of the Surgeon
General. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General, Rockville, MD: 2004.

436 Part I / Part Title


Chapter 10 / Short Chapter Title 437

438 Calcium in Human Health

The National Dairy Council website can be searched for current materials on calcium
and additional links. A continually updated bibliography on certain topics including dairy
and body weight can be found.
Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) is based in the United Kingdom, with
members throughout the world, with the purpose of serving the public interest in the
application of science and technology for food safety and nutrition as well as furthering
the profession of food science and technology. Eligibility for membership can be found
at the IFST home page, an index and a search engine are available.
The Cornell Institute of Food Science at Cornell University home page provides
information on graduate and undergraduate courses as well as research and extension
programs. Links to related sites and newsgroups can be found.
Created by Ed Blonz, {sc-phd}, “The Blonz Guide” focuses on the fields of nutrition,
foods, food science & health supplying links and search engines to find quality sources,
news, publication and entertainment sites.
The Jean Mayer United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Human Nutrition
Research Center on Aging (HNRC) at Tufts University. This research center is one of six
mission-oriented centers aimed at studying the relationship between human nutrition and
health, operated by Tufts University under the USDA. Research programs; seminar and
conference information; publications; nutrition, aging, medical and science resources;
and related links are available.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is the largest autonomous agency
within the United Nations, founded “with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and
standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of
rural population,” emphasizing sustainable agriculture and rural development.
The American Dietetic Association is the largest group of food and nutrition profes-
sionals in the US, members are primarily registered dietitians (RDs) and dietetic techni-
cians, registered (DTRs). Programs and services include promoting nutrition information
for the public; sponsoring national events, media and marketing programs, and publica-
tions (The American Dietetic Association); and lobbying for federal legislation. Also
available through the website are member services, nutrition resources, news, classifieds,
and government affairs. Assistance in finding a dietitian, marketplace news, and links to
related sites can also be found.

Appendices 439
The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) is a coalition
of member societies with the purpose of enhancing the profession of biomedical and life
scientists, emphasizing public policy issues. FASEB offers logistical and operational sup-
port as well as sponsoring scientific conferences and publications (The FASEB Journal).
The International Food Information Service (IFIS) is a leading information, product
and service provider for professionals in food science, food technology, and nutrition.
IFIS publishing offers a wide range of scientific databases, including Food Science and
Technology Abstracts (FSTA). IFIS GmbH offers research, educational training, and
The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) is a membership organization advancing the
science and technology of food through the sharing of information; publications include
Food Technology and Journal of Food Science; events include the Annual Meeting and
Food Expo. Members may choose to join a specialized division of expertise (there are 23
divisions); IFT student associations and committees are also available for membership.
The VERIS Research Information Service is a nonprofit corporation, focusing on
antioxidants, providing professionals with reliable sources on the role of nutrition in
health. Data in VERIS publications, distributed without fee to those who qualify, is based
on technical peer-reviewed journals. Quarterly written reports and newsletters, research
summaries, annual abstract books, vitamin E fact book and educational programs are
among the available VERIS publications and communications. Links to helpful web
resources are also accessible.
The National Institutes of Health Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases-National
Resource Center (NIH ORBD-NRC) mission is to “provide patients, health profession-
als, and the public with an important link to resources and information on metabolic bone
diseases, including osteoporosis, Paget’s disease of the bone, osteogenesis imperfecta,
and hyperparathyroidism. The Center is operated by the National Osteoporosis Founda-
tion, in collaboration with The Paget Foundation and the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foun-
The Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) is a free web based program designed to be used
by anyone to analyze the nutrient content of food intake. Links to an “Energy Calculator”
and “Soy Food Finder” are also available. NAT is funded by C-FAR at the University of
This is an online information source created, copyrighted, and maintained by
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Research and Development. The nutritional and
physiological role of calcium is presented in formats designed for healthcare profession-
als, consumers, and kids. References and related links, educational games for kids, cal-
cium tutorials, and a calcium calculator are easily accessible.
440 Calcium in Human Health
The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) is one of five product-
oriented centers implementing the FDA’s mission to regulate domestic and imported
food as well as cosmetics. An overview of CFSAN activities can be found along with
useful sources for researching various topics such as food biotechnology and seafood
safety. Special interest areas, for example, advice for consumers, women’s health, and
links to other agencies are also available.
The Children’s Nutrition Research Center (CNRC) at Baylor College of Medicine is
one of six USDA/ARS human nutrition research centers in the nation, assisting healthcare
professionals and policy advisors to make appropriate dietary recommendations. CNRC
focuses on the nutrition needs of children, from conception through adolescence, and of
pregnant and nursing women. Consumer news, seminars, events, and media information
are some of the sections available from this home page.
The Dietary Supplement Quality Initiative (DSQI) is designed to educate consumers
on the health benefits, safety, standards and regulations, and labeling of dietary supple-
ments. Industry news, interviews, editorials, and DSQI resources and services provide
useful tools for consumers, practitioners, producers and distributors.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides a broad scope of
service to the nation’s farmers and ranchers. In addition, the USDA ensures open markets
for agricultural products, food safety, environmental protection, conservation of forests
and rural land, and the research of human nutrition. Affiliated agencies, services and
programs are accessible through this website.
The National Agriculture Library (NAL), a primary resource for agriculture informa-
tion, is one of four national libraries in the US and a component of the Agriculture
Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture. Access to NAL’s institutions and
resources are available through this site.
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) administers the US Department of Agriculture’s
(USDA) 15 food assistance programs for children and needy families with the mission
to reduce hunger and food insecurity. Details of nutrition assistance programs and related
links can be found.
The Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC), established through the alli-
ance of the National Agriculture Library (NAL) and other organizations, provides public
access to agriculture-related resources.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has regarded nutrition to be of fundamental
importance for overall health and sustainable development. The Global priority of nutri-
tional issues, activities, mandates, resources, and research are presented in detail.
Nutritional Science Journals
Brown CM. Where to find nutritional science journals on the World Wide Web. J Nutr
Appendices 441
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
International Journal of Eating Disorders
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry jh.htm
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolismñutrition/
Nutrition: The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences
Nutrition Research
Index 443


tracer studies of calcium deposition and re-
Adequate Intake (AI), calcium, 1, 98 sorption, 89–91
Adolescence, see Puberty Bone mineral density (BMD), see also Os-
AI, see Adequate Intake teoporosis,
Alcohol, alcohol effects, 211, 212, 214
abstinence effects on bone, 213 calcium supplementation and cessation ef-
bone fracture risks, 215 fects, 378
calcium metabolism effects, 212, 213 fruits and vegetables intake studies, 199, 200
moderate consumption effects on bone, 213, lactation studies, 302
214 physical activity relationship, 227, 228
osteoporosis risks, 211, 212 pregnancy studies, 300
smoking and bone fracture risks, 211
Brief dietary assessment, 47, 48, 50–52
Balance studies, 66–67, 282
Biguanide, polycystic ovary syndrome manage-
ment, 352 CAD, see Coronary artery disease
Biosphere, calcium concentrations, 145 Calcitonin,
BMD, see Bone mineral density menstrual cycle changes, 361, 362
BMI, see Body mass index osteoporosis management, 218, 219
Body composition, calcium, 146 plasma calcium regulation, 27, 148, 149
Body mass index (BMI), see also Obesity, synthesis and secretion regulation, 179, 180
bone loading response effects, 239 Calcium absorption,
calcium regulation of weight, determinants,
animal studies, 333 age and race, 373, 374
children studies, 332, 333 diet composition, 376
cross-sectional studies, 328–330 estrogen, 376
intervention studies, 330, 331 genetics, 375
mechanisms, intake, 372
fatty acid soap formation, 334 osteoporosis, 377
overview, 333, 334 vitamin D status and season, 372, 373
satiety regulation, 334, 335 enhancers, 136
overview, 328 factors affecting evaluation, 67
Bone, indications for clinical evaluation, 65, 66
calcium homeostasis, 25, 26 inhibitors, 135, 136
calcium intake and bone health, 10, 11 intake relationship, 130, 151, 153, 155, 372
calcium supplementation effects on fracture isotopic tracer absorption studies, 67–71, 88,
incidence, 378–380 89
complexity, 191 low protein intake effects, 196, 197
dietary protein effects, see Protein, dietary metabolic balance studies, 67
endpoint limitations in intake studies, 103 physiological factors affecting, 130, 131, 153
intestine–kidney–bone axis of calcium regula- premature infants, 270, 271
tion, 163, 164 requirements, 98, 100, 106
lifestyle effects, see Alcohol; Physical activ- serum profiling of calcium, parathyroid hor-
ity; Smoking mone, and vitamin D metabolites, 71,
loss in calcium deficiency, 8, 9 73
remodeling, 7–10, 156, 377 urinary excretion studies, 73
444 Index

Calcium appetite, Calcium intake, see Dietary calcium

animal models, 248, 249 Calcium paradox diseases,
calcium homeostasis-promoting agents, 252 favism, 315, 316
evidence in humans, mechanisms, 314, 315
chalky cheese preference in disease, 256, 257 Calcium retention,
clay consumption, 255, 256 ethnic differences, 100, 101
cod liver oil consumption, 254 indications for clinical evaluation, 65, 66
fat intake response in calcium deficiency, metabolic balance studies, 73–78
259 tracer retention analysis, 91
pregnancy and lactation, 258 whole-body, 47Ca retention, 78
sodium intake response in calcium defi- Calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR),
ciency, 258 calcium flux, 18, 19, 165
flavors associated with calcium, 252, 253, 261 signal transduction, 175
nutritional wisdom, Cancer, see Colorectal cancer; Prostate cancer
animals, 248 Cardiovascular disease, 421, 423, 427
humans, 250 Casein phosphopeptides, calcium absorption
physiological basis, 249 enhancement, 136
prospects for study, 261, 262 CaSR, see Calcium-sensing receptor
salt intake association, 252, 253, 258 CCK, see Cholecystokinin
shortfalls in humans, Children,
calcium deficiency trigger for appetite adolescence, see Puberty
activation, 259, 260 bone fracture risk,
food choice complexity, 261 inactivity relationship, 227
specificity, 253 incidence, 288
taste recognition with lead, 251, 252 randomized controlled trials, 288–291
Calcium-containing phosphate binders, see retrospective studies, 291, 292
Chronic kidney disease calcium intake,
Calcium flux, dietary requirements, 284, 285
bone, 25, 26 peak bone mass role, 288
efflux pathways, tracking, 283, 284
plasma membrane calcium-ATPase, 23 trends, 282, 283
sodium/calcium exchanger, 23, 24 calcium metabolism, 284
functions, 14, 15 calcium requirements, 276, 277
gastrointestinal tract, 24, 25 obesity, 332
influx pathways, peak bone mineral content, 281, 282
calcium-sensing receptor, 18, 19 physical activity studies of bone,
receptor-operated calcium channels, 17 clinical trials, 233
store-operated calcium entry channels, 17, cross-sectional studies, 232
18 longitudinal studies, 232
transient receptor protein channels, 19, 20 prospects for calcium studies, 294
voltage-dependent calcium channels, 16, 17 Cholecystokinin (CCK), calcium effects on levels,
intracellular levels, 16 335
kidney, 25 Chronic kidney disease (CKD),
placenta, 26 calcium-containing phosphate binders,
release and reuptake from internal storage hyperphosphatemia control, 412
sites, kidney stone analogy for concerns, 418
calcium-binding proteins, 22, 23 osteoporosis protection, 417, 418
inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, 20, 21 vascular calcification studies, 416, 417
mitochondria, 22 calcium dysregulation, 411
overview, 20 coronary artery disease in hemodialysis patients,
ryanodine receptor, 21 morbidity and mortality, 414
sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum cal- vascular calcification, 414–416
cium-ATPase, 21, 22 extraosseous calcification pathophysiology,
signaling mechanisms, 13, 14 412, 413
Index 445

hyperparathyroidism, 413, 414 metabolic syndrome studies, see Metabolic

phosphate load, 411 syndrome
CKD, see Chronic kidney disease milk drinking habits, 129, 130
Clay consumption, calcium appetite, 255, 256 pregnancy, see Pregnancy
Cod liver oil, calcium appetite, 254 recommendations, see also Estimated average
Collagen type I_1 requirement; Minimum daily require-
gene polymorphisms and bone mineral den- ment; Recommended Dietary Allowance,
sity, 183 upper and lower limits, 107
mutation in osteogenesis imperfecta, 182 variation by country, 105–107, 122
Colorectal cancer, supplementation, see also specific conditions,
calcium protection, efficacy, 417
evidence, 389–391 overview, 138, 139
mechanisms of action, 392 safety, 417
dietary risk factors, 388 Dietary protein, see Protein, dietary
gene mutations and familial cancer, 387, 388 Dietary Reference Intake (DRI), calcium in lacta-
progression, 387 tion and pregnancy, 298
vitamin D protection, 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D, see Vitamin D
evidence, 388, 389 DRI, see Dietary Reference Intake
mechanisms of action, 393, 394 E
Copper deficiency, bone effects, 201
EAR, see Estimated average requirement
Coronary artery disease (CAD), ECF, see Extracellular fluid
hemodialysis patients, Elderly,
morbidity and mortality, 414 calcium absorption determinants,
vascular calcification, 414–416 age and race, 373, 374
hypertension, see Hypertension diet composition, 376
vascular calcification prevalence, 416 estrogen, 376
Cutaneous loss, calcium, 150, 151 genetics, 375
D intake, 372
osteoporosis, 377
DAG, see Diacylglycerol vitamin D status and season, 372, 373
Depression, hypercalcemia association, 362, 363 calcium requirements, 371, 380, 381
Diacylglycerol (DAG), calcium signaling, 15 calcium supplementation effects,
Dietary assessment, see Nutritional epidemiology bisphosphonate combination therapy in
Dietary calcium, see also Calcium appetite, osteoporosis, 380
absorption, see Calcium absorption bone mineral density, 378
assessment, see Nutritional epidemiology fracture incidence, 378–380
bone loading response effects, 241, 242 End-stage renal disease, see Chronic kidney
dietary protein interactions, 195, 196 disease
elderly requirements, 371, 380, 381 Estimated average requirement (EAR), calcium, 98
food sources and bioavailability, 131–134 Estrogen, see also Hormone replacement therapy,
fortified foods, 136, 137 bone effects, 178, 179
intake, bone-loading response effects, 240
absorption relationship, 130, 151, 153, 155, calcium absorption effects, 376
372 calcium homeostasis effects, 179
adequacy, 111, 112, 120 deficiency and bone loss, 215
excessive consumption, 120–122 smoking effects on metabolism, 210
variation by country, 107, 111 Exercise, see Physical activity
intake in children and adolescents, Extracellular fluid (ECF), calcium,
dietary requirements, 284, 285 age-related changes in control, 158
peak bone mass role, 288 derangement in disease, 313, 314
tracking, 283, 284 entry and exit pathways, 146, 147
trends, 282, 283 functions, 146
lactation, see Lactation regulation, 148, 149, 157
446 Index

F IL-6, see Interleukin-6

Fecal excretion, calcium,
formula versus milk-fed infant studies of
isotope tracer studies, 91
bone, 274, 275, 277
overview, 149
premature infants,
FFQ, see Food frequency questionnaire
bone mineral status monitoring after hospi-
Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), dietary
tal discharge, 274
assessment, 44–47, 50, 52, 55–58
calcium absorption and retention from
Food record, dietary assessment, 42–44
different sources, 270, 271
Fruits and vegetables, diet effects on bone min-
calcium and phosphorous accretion in third
eral density, 199, 200
trimester, 270
G human milk fortification, 270–274
necrotizing enterocolitis risks, 273
Gastrointestinal tract, osteopenia of prematurity, 269, 270
calcium absorption, see Calcium absorption Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3),
calcium homeostasis, 24, 25 calcium signaling, 15
calcium transport across intestinal epithelial receptor, 20
cells, 169–171 Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1),
intestine–kidney–bone axis of calcium regula- bone and calcium regulation, 180
tion, 163, 164 dietary protein response, 201, 240, 241
GH, see Growth hormone physical activity effects, 229
Glucose transporters, pregnancy changes, 299
insulin regulation, 405 Insulin resistance, see also Metabolic syndrome,
parathyroid hormone effects on expression, 406 calcium and vitamin D response, 348, 405
Growth hormone (GH), management in polycystic ovary syndrome, 352
bone and calcium regulation, 180 parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, and insulin
effector, see Insulin-like growth factor-1 action, 406, 407
physical activity effects, 229 Interleukin-1 (IL-1), bone effects, 219
H Interleukin-6 (IL-6), bone effects, 219
Iron, bone effects, 201
Health, overview of calcium impact, 2, 3 Isotope tracer studies,
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), calcium absorption, 67–71, 88, 89
bone benefits, 216 calcium metabolism modeling, 83, 84, 91.92
calcium homeostasis effects, 216–218 data analysis and modeling,
cancer risks, 209, 210 absorption, 88, 89
mechanisms of action, 219 bone deposition and resorption, 89–91
HRT, see Hormone replacement therapy excretion, 91
Hypercalcemia, mood effects, 362 retention, 91
Hypertension, experimental design,
calcium derangements, administration type, 85
metabolic evidence, 422 dose, 85
observational data, 422, 423 isotope type, 85
randomized clinical trials of calcium length of study, 85
supplementation, 424–426 sampled tissue selection, 85
calcium reduction, sampling frequency, 85–88
cardiovascular benefits, 426
mechanisms of action, 426, 427 K
metabolic syndrome studies, 404 Kidney, see also Urinary excretion, calcium,
Hypocalcemia, mood effects, 362 calcium homeostasis, 25
calcium resorption stimulation by parathyroid
I hormone, 176, 177
IGF-1, see Insulin-like growth factor-1 calcium transport across epithelial cells, 169–171
IL-1, see Interleukin-1 failure, see Chronic kidney disease
Index 447

intestine–kidney–bone axis of calcium regula- N

tion, 163, 164 NEC, see Necrotizing enterocolitis
stones and calcium intake, 418 Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), preterm infant
Kinetics, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91 risks with fortified human milk, 273
L Nutritional epidemiology,
dietary assessment,
brief assessments, 47, 48, 50–52
bone mineral density studies, 302
calcium-specific food questionnaires, 56
calcium appetite, 258
challenges, 39, 40
calcium homeostasis changes, 181, 182, 301,
food frequency questionnaire, 44–47, 50,
302, 306
52, 55–58
calcium intake,
food record, 42–44
breast milk calcium concentration effects,
implausible estimate management, 47
303, 304
24-hour dietary recall, 40–42, 49, 50
changes, 302, 303
validation of methods, 56–58
recommendations, 297, 298
study design and dietary assessment consider-
calcium transfer, 297
evolutionary perspective of bone loss, 305
case–control study, 51, 52
human milk fortification for preterm infants,
cohort study, 53–56
cross-sectional study, 48–50
osteoporotic fracture risk, 304, 305
overview, 40
LH, see Luteinizing hormone
surveillance study, 48, 50, 51
Lipid oxidation, calcium regulation, 335, 405
Nutritional wisdom, see Calcium appetite
Luteinizing hormone (LH), calcium regulation,
347, 348 O
M Obesity, see also Metabolic syndrome; Polycystic
MDR, see Minimum daily requirement ovary syndrome,
Menarche, calcium metabolism, 158, 159 calcium regulation of weight,
Menopause, see also Hormone replacement therapy, animal studies, 333
bone loss, 216 children studies, 332, 333
calcium metabolism, 158, 159, 179 cross-sectional studies, 328–330
Menstrual cycle, see Premenstrual syndrome intervention studies, 330, 331
Metabolic balance, mechanisms,
calcium absorption studies, 67 fatty acid soap formation, 334
calcium retention studies, 73–78 overview, 333, 334
Metabolic syndrome, satiety regulation, 334, 335
calcium protection studies, overview, 328
dairy product intake, 402, 403 societal implications, 316, 337
hypertension reduction, 404 economic impact, 316
insulin resistance prevention, 405–407 energy utilization regulation by calcium,
obesity prevention, 404–406 calcium regulatory enzymes, 335, 336
diagnostic criteria, 401 glucose metabolism, 405, 406
epidemiology, 401 lipid oxidation, 335, 405
pathogenesis, 402 epidemiology, 327
Metformin, polycystic ovary syndrome manage- weight loss enhancement by calcium, 331, 332
ment, 352 Oligofructose, calcium metabolism effects, 202
Minimum daily requirement (MDR), calcium, Oocyte,
adaptive response to insufficient intake and activation and fertilization roles of calcium,
optimal intake, 101–103 344
age effects, 8, 99 meiosis and calcium, 345–347
endpoints, 97 Osteoblast, parathyroid hormone effects, 176–178
ethnicity effects, 100, 101 Osteoclast, parathyroid hormone effects, 176–178
Mitochondria, calcium regulation, 22 Osteopenia of prematurity, see Infants
448 Index

Osteoporosis, calcium homeostasis effects, 228, 229

alcoholism risks, 211, 212 definition, 228
calcitonin therapy, 218, 219 growth factor effects, 229
calcium absorption effects, 377 mechanical loading studies of bone,
calcium supplementation effects, animal studies, 231, 243
bone mineral density, 378 cortical bone changes during growth, 230,
combination therapy, 380 231
fracture incidence, 378–380 methodological issues, 229, 230
calcium-containing phosphate binder protec- pediatric activity studies of bone,
tion in hemodialysis, 417, 418 bone fracture in childhood and inactivity
pregnancy and lactation, 304, 305 relationship, 227
smoking risks, 120 clinical trials, 233
Oxalic acid, calcium absorption inhibition, 135 cross-sectional studies, 232
longitudinal studies, 232
P Phytic acid, calcium absorption inhibition, 135, 136
Pioglitazone, polycystic ovary syndrome manage-
Parathyroid hormone (PTH),
ment, 352
bone remodeling role, 9
PKC, see Protein kinase C
energy utilization regulation, 335, 336, 405, Placenta, calcium homeostasis, 26, 27
406 PMS, see Premenstrual syndrome
estrogen effects, 179 Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),
ethnic differences in response, 100 calcium regulation abnormalities,
female reproduction role, 350 female reproduction role, 349, 350
hyperparathyroidism in chronic kidney disease insulin resistance role, 348
and end-stage renal disease, 413, 414 luteinizing hormone induction, 347, 348
insulin action effects, 406, 407 overview, 341, 343, 353
lactation changes, 301 definition, 342
menstrual cycle changes, 360–362 diagnostic criteria and testing, 342, 343
osteoblast effects, 176–178 epidemiology, 341
osteoclast effects, 176–178 etiology, 343
physical activity effects, 228, 229 management,
plasma calcium regulation, 27, 148, 165 calcium, 352, 353
pregnancy changes, 180, 298, 299 pharmacological therapy, 352
receptor signaling, 175, 176 vitamin D, 352, 353
renal calcium resorption stimulation, 176, 177 weight loss, 350, 352
serum profiling for calcium absorption stud- Pregnancy,
ies, 71, 73 bone mineral density studies, 300
smoking effects, 210 calcium appetite, 258
synthesis and release regulation, 174, 175 calcium intake,
vitamin D metabolism effects, 175, 177 fetal bone effects, 300
PCOS, see Polycystic ovary syndrome recommendations, 297, 298
Periodontal disease, see Teeth calcium transfer, 297, 305
Phosphate, evolutionary perspective of bone loss, 305
binders, see Chronic kidney disease fetal calcium demands, 180
effects on parathyroid hormone expression, insulin-like growth factor-1 changes, 299
175 osteoporotic fracture risk, 304, 305
Physical activity, parathyroid hormone changes, 180, 298, 299
bone loading response modifiers, placenta calcium homeostasis, 26, 27
vitamin D metabolism, 180, 181, 298, 299
body mass index, 239
Premature infants, see Infants
calcium intake, 241, 242
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS),
energy and protein intake, 240, 241
calciotropic hormone fluctuation across men-
hormonal status, 240
strual cycle, 360–362
bone mineral density relationship, 227, 228
calcium metabolism derangements, 362, 363
calcium absorption effects, 377
clinical features, 357, 358
Index 449

diagnosis, 359, 360 Ryanodine receptor (RyR), calcium release and

etiology, 358, 359 reuptake from internal storage sites, 21
history of study, 357 RyR, see Ryanodine receptor
calcium supplementation, 363–366 S
lifestyle modification, 364, 365 Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium-
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, ATPase (SERCA), calcium release and
363, 365 reuptake from internal storage sites, 21, 22
vitamin D, 365, 366 SCFA, see Short-chain fatty acids
Prostate cancer, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),
calcium and vitamin D protection studies, 394, premenstrual syndrome management, 363,
395 365
dietary risk factors, 396 SERCA, see Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum
Protein, dietary, calcium-ATPase
bone loading response effects, 240 Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), calcium metabo-
dietary calcium interactions, 195, 196, 376 lism effects, 202
feeding studies, 192–195 Smoking,
insulin-like growth factor-1 response, 201, bone fracture risks, 211
240, 241 calcium metabolism effects, 210, 376, 377
low protein intake effects on calcium absorp- estrogen metabolism effects, 210
tion, 196, 197 osteoporosis risks, 120
observational studies of bone health, 197, 198 SOCE, see Store-operated calcium entry
study design for bone effects, 192 Sodium intake, calcium metabolism effects, 199
sulfur amino acid content of foods, 195, 196 Sodium/calcium exchanger, calcium efflux, 23, 24
Protein kinase C (PKC), calcium signaling, 15 Spironolactone, polycystic ovary syndrome man-
PTH, see Parathyroid hormone agement, 352
Puberty, SSRIs, see Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
bone fracture risk, Store-operated calcium entry (SOCE), channels,
incidence, 288 17, 18
randomized controlled trials, 288–291 Syndrome X, see Metabolic syndrome
retrospective studies, 291, 292
bone-loading response effects, 240 T
calcium intake,
dietary requirements, 284, 285
calcium effects,
peak bone mass role, 288
alveolar bone study design, 320
tracking, 283, 284
periodontal disease,
trends, 282, 283
calcium metabolism, 284 alveolar bone loss, 322, 323
clinical attachment loss, 323
peak bone mineral content, 281, 282
early studies, 321, 322
prospects for calcium studies, 294
tooth loss, 323
Q pre-eruptive effects, 320
mineralized tissues in oral cavity, 319
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), calcium TNF-α, see Tumor necrosis-α
supplementation study design, 78 Tooth loss, see Teeth
RCT, see Randomized controlled trial
Tracer studies, see Isotope tracer studies
RDA, see Recommended Dietary Allowance
Tumor necrosis-α (TNF-α), bone effects, 219
Receptor-operated calcium channel (ROCC),
24-hour dietary recall, dietary assessment, 40–42,
calcium flux, 17
49, 50
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), limita-
tions for calcium, 1, 98 U
Rickets, calcium deficiency in Nigeria, 276
Urinary excretion, calcium,
ROCC, see Receptor-operated calcium channel
calcium absorption studies, 73
Rosiglitazone, polycystic ovary syndrome man-
isotope tracer studies, 91
agement, 352
regulation, 150
450 Index

V metabolite serum profiling for calcium absorp-

tion studies, 71, 73
VDCC, see Voltage-dependent calcium channel
parathyroid hormone effects on metabolism,
VDR, see Vitamin D receptor
175, 177
Vitamin D,
plasma calcium regulation, 27
binding protein, 166
polycystic ovary syndrome management, 352,
calcium loss response, 159, 160
calcium transport regulation across intestinal
pregnancy changes, 180, 181, 298, 299
and renal epithelial cells, 169–171
premenstrual syndrome management, 365, 366
colorectal cancer protection,
prostate cancer protection studies, 394, 395
evidence, 388, 389
rapid signal transduction, 171–173
mechanisms of action, 393, 394
smoking effects, 210
energy utilization regulation, 335, 336
sun exposure and synthesis, 373, 388, 389
estrogen effects, 179
Vitamin D receptor (VDR),
extrarenal production of 1,25-
gene polymorphisms and bone mineral den-
dihydroxyvitamin D, 167
sity, 182, 183, 375, 376
female reproduction role, 349, 350
mutations and disease, 167, 182
insulin action effects, 406, 407
rapid vitamin D signaling pathway interac-
insulin resistance role, 348
tions, 173, 174
lactation changes, 301
response element binding, 168, 169
menstrual cycle changes, 360–362
Voltage-dependent calcium channel (VDCC),
metabolism, 165–167
calcium flux, 16, 17
About the Series Editor

Dr. Adrianne Bendich is Clinical Director of Calcium Research

at GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, where she is respon-
sible for leading the innovation and medical programs in support
of several leading consumer brands including TUMS and Os-Cal.
Dr. Bendich has primary responsibility for the coordination of
GSK’s support for the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) inter-
vention study. Prior to joining GlaxoSmithKline, Dr. Bendich
was at Roche Vitamins Inc., and was involved with the ground-
breaking clinical studies proving that folic acid-containing mul-
tivitamins significantly reduce major classes of birth defects.
Dr. Bendich has co-authored more than 100 major clinical research
studies in the area of preventive nutrition. Dr. Bendich is recog-
nized as a leading authority on antioxidants, nutrition and bone
health, immunity, and pregnancy outcomes, vitamin safety, and
the cost-effectiveness of vitamin/mineral supplementation.
In addition to serving as Series Editor for Humana Press and initiating the development of the
20 currently published books in the Nutrition and Health™ series, Dr. Bendich is the editor of
11 books, including Preventive Nutrition: The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals.
She also serves as Associate Editor for Nutrition: The International Journal of Applied and Basic
Nutritional Sciences, and Dr. Bendich is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Women’s Health
and Gender-Based Medicine, as well as a past member of the Board of Directors of the American
College of Nutrition. Dr. Bendich also serves on the Program Advisory Committee for Helen
Keller International.
Dr. Bendich was the recipient of the Roche Research Award, was a Tribute to Women and
Industry Awardee, and a recipient of the Burroughs Wellcome Visiting Professorship in Basic
Medical Sciences, 2000–2001. Dr. Bendich holds academic appointments as Adjunct Professor
in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health at UMDNJ, Institute of
Nutrition, Columbia University P&S, and Adjunct Research Professor, Rutgers University,
Newark Campus. She is listed in Who’s Who in American Women.
About the Editors

Connie M. Weaver, PhD, is Distinguished Professor and Head

of the Department of Foods and Nutrition at Purdue University,
West Lafayette, Indiana. In 2000, she also became Director of a
National Institutes of Health funded Botanical Center to study
dietary supplements containing polyphenolics for age-related
diseases. Her research interests include mineral bioavailability,
calcium metabolism, and bone health. She was a member of the
National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board Panel
to develop new recommendations for requirements for calcium
and related minerals. Dr. Weaver is past-President of American
Society for Nutritional Sciences and is on the Board of Trustees
of the International Life Sciences Institute. For her contributions
in teaching, Dr. Weaver was awarded Purdue University’s Out-
standing Teaching Award. In 1993, she was honored with the
Purdue University Health Promotion Award for Women, and in
1997, she received the Institute of Food Technologists Babcock
Hart Award. In April 2003, she received the USDA A.O. Atwater
Lecture Award at the annual Experimental Biology meeting. Dr. Weaver was appointed to the 2005
US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. She has published more than 170 research articles.
Dr. Weaver received a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in food science and human nutrition
from Oregon State University. She received a PhD in food science and human nutrition from Florida
State University and holds minors in chemistry and plant physiology.

Robert P. Heaney, MD, FACP, FASNS, is John A. Creighton

University Professor and Professor of Medicine, Creighton
University, Omaha, Nebraska.
Dr. Heaney received his MD at Creighton and has held faculty
appointments at the University of Oklahoma, at George Washing-
ton University, and at Creighton, where he served as Chairman of
the Department of Internal Medicine. Dr. Heaney was Creighton’s
first Vice-President for Health Sciences, and since 1984 has held
the all-university chair named in honor of the university’s founder.
Dr. Heaney has worked for nearly 50 years in the study of
osteoporosis, vitamin D, and calcium physiology. He is the author
of three books and has published more than 300 original papers,
chapters, monographs, and reviews in scientific and educational
fields. He has received numerous honors and awards, including
the Kappa Delta Award of the American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons and the Alumni Achievement Citation of his alma mater.
In 1990 he was awarded honorary membership in The American
Dietetic Association, and in 1993 he was elected Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, both
in recognition of his work in delineating human calcium absorptive performance and in defining
human calcium requirements. In 1994 he received the Frederic C. Bartter Award of the American
Society for Bone and Mineral Research in recognition of his career in clinical research. He received
three awards in 2003: France’s Institut Candia awarded him their Scientific Prize for his significant
contributions to raising awareness of calcium and its health benefits; he received the E.V. McCollum
Award of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition in recognition of his contributions to nutritional
science and medicine; and the McCollum International Lectureship of the American Society for
Nutritional Sciences.

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