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OSEC® B-Pak - Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What is Evoqua Water Technologies level of experience with electrochlorination?

A. We have over 100 years of chlorination experience, and 80 years with on-site generation systems.
In the 1930’s Wallace & Tiernan supplied electrochlorination systems in Britain. Also at that time in
the United States the movement to consider electrochlorination as a safe alternative to chlorine gas
for use in municipal swimming pools began. In the 1970’s W&T developed the OSEC system and
after several years of field testing it was released for sale in 1980.

We’ve been continuously improving the products and expanding our knowledge around the world in
electrochlorination. Evoqua Water Technologies is active in producing anodes, developing coatings,
electrolyzer fabrication, brine-based and seawater-based systems, controls and process engineering,
all within one business unit.

To date we have over 1,400 brine-based systems in operation, and more than 2,200 sea-water based
systems for offshore and land installations. These systems in total produce well over 1 Million pounds
of chlorine each day. The climatic conditions of these sites range from very cold areas in
Scandinavia, Russia, and Alaska to very hot conditions in Middle East, Central Africa and the
southwestern United States.

Q. Are sodium chloride, sodium hypochlorite, and hydrogen gas health hazardous?

Sodium Chloride (NaCl) crystals used in the OSEC process are considered non-hazardous to health
unless ingested in large quantities.

Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) liquid generated by the OSEC unit is <1.0wt% which is considerably
weaker than commercial bulk supplies (~12.5wt%), however, care should still be taken when
handling. The chemical itself is slightly alkaline and forms an oxidizing and bleaching agent which is
corrosive and may cause damage to skin and clothing on contact. Mixing sodium hypochlorite with
any form of acid will generate highly toxic chlorine gas, which is a health hazard.

Hydrogen (H2) gas is a flammable/explosive gas at concentrations above 4% v/v which poses a
physical danger to personnel in the area. If present in occupied spaces, it can also be absorbed into
the body by inhalation. Although hydrogen gas itself is non-toxic, at high concentrations, it can cause
an oxygen-deficient environment. Individuals breathing in such an atmosphere may experience
headaches, ringing ears, dizziness, drowsiness, unconsciousness, nausea, vomiting, and depression
of the sense. In some circumstance, death may occur.

Always refer to Material Safety Data Sheets for additional information.

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Q. What is most cost-effective: chlorine, bleach or on-site hypo?

A. In most cases, chlorine gas is the most cost-effective on a per pound basis, followed by on-site
generated hypochlorite, and then most expensive typically is bulk hypochlorite. It is recommended to
take the equipment, installation and operating costs into account over a period of 10-years or more.

When considering switching from gaseous chlorination to on-site generation, the true costs of the
current chlorine feed approach should be taken into account. There may be costs that are hidden or
built into other operating costs for the plant, such as: emergency scrubber equipment and
maintenance, renewal and disposal of caustic soda or chlorine neutralization chemicals, respirator
equipment and authorized operations personnel, special training and emergency response or risk
management (RMP) plans.

In considering bulk hypochlorite as an alternative, there are some hidden costs associated as well
that should be brought into the comparison: hypochlorite degradation (losses), energy costs to keep
hypochlorite cool, price fluctuations between bid cycles, short-load (delivery) penalties,
delivery/demurrage penalties, or the added cost of capital required to maintain 15-day or 30-day
hypochlorite supply on hand.

While there is no one solution that fits all applications, it is helpful to know what parameters to look for
in guiding you towards selecting the process that best fits your needs.

With specific data about your application, we can provide a full Life-Cycle-Cost analysis of these three
alternatives for comparison.


Q. What capacity of system should be selected?

A. The system operates in a batch mode to maintain a 12-36 hour supply of dilute 0.8% sodium
hypochlorite solution available for dosing. These generator skids are sized based on average and
peak chlorine dosage and flow rates of the plant (to determine daily chlorine demand). To reduce
rapid cycling and extend life of the equipment the capacity should be sized 20-30% greater than the
peak chlorine demand. If the usage levels fluctuate heavily throughout the day we recommend to use
peak hourly rate for sizing.

Q. Can the capacity be expanded later on?

A. The total plant capacity may be expanded by adding additional generator skids operating in
parallel. However, keep in mind all the ancillary equipment and process inputs must then be scaled up
to handle the additional capacities.

The generators themselves do not allow for additional electrolyzers to be added on in the field. Each
system is optimized and tested to make the rated design capacity of the generator.

Q. What is the preferred material for a hypochlorite tank, and why?

A. Sodium hypochlorite solutions are typically stored in either high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or
fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) atmospheric storage tanks. The difference in choice would be

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attributed to life expectancy of material, and cost. FRP will last longer than polyethylene, but can cost
more. Because sodium hypochlorite is corrosive the above materials are chosen for their inert nature.
Stainless steel tanks are not recommended for use.

Q. What other considerations need to be made for the hypochlorite tank?

A. Secondary containment is always recommended for hypochlorite tanks and can come in the form
of double walled construction or containment ditches. Indoor placement is recommended to avoid
extreme temperatures and exposure to direct sunlight, however if product tanks must be place
outdoors, heat tracing, insulation, and provisions for sun shading are recommended to prevent
degradation from UV and freeing at temperatures lowers than 32°F. Important considerations for the
product tank are: ventilation ductwork for tanks placed indoors, level sensors, position of overflow
nozzles, pressure transducers, and intrinsic safety barriers inside the tank that will prevent sparks in a
hydrogen concentrated environment.

Q. How do I measure the concentration of sodium hypochlorite generated?

A. There are several types of tests that can be used to measure hypochlorite concentration based on
grab sample method, or continuous monitoring. Smaller test kits will often contain tablet or powder
reagents to be mixed with the solution sample. Usually the change in color is compared to standards
or color charts to determine concentrations. Other, more sophisticated monitoring devices can track
changes in hypochlorite concentrations on a continuously basis. These are more useful for higher
concentrations on hypochlorite as solution strength degradation become more of an inventory issue.

Q. What are the key water quality parameters for operating this system?

A. The quality of incoming water supply is very important since this will come in direct contact with the
electrolyzer. Calcium and magnesium dissolved in the water can form deposits on the electrode
surface which decreases overall efficiency. A water softener is often required to bring concentrations
to <17 mg/L (ppm) hardenss. Magnesium must be <50 µg/L (ppb) concentration. The presence of
transition metal ions in makeup water can also adversely affect product quality by encouraging
degradation reactions.

The water supply must have <1 mg/L chlorine residual, temperatures between 55-80°F (13-27°C),
and pressure of 45-60 psig (3.1-4.1 bar).

Because the electrolysis reactions occurring in the cells generate heat energy, the solution may gain
up to 20°F passing through the OSEC system. Control of inlet water temperature is essential to in
order to meet and maintain the proper operating range. An inline water heater and/or chiller may be
required to bring dilution water to acceptable temperatures prior to the generator.

Q. What type of salt is required?

A. Crystallized solar salt is harvested from seawater, salt lakes or brackish water (salt mines) by solar
evaporation. These crystals may then be further refined and dried in a kiln to achieve uniform sizing
and minimize moisture content. This dry commodity is non-toxic, non-hazardous, and can be safely
transported through communities and neighborhoods en route to its final destination at the treatment

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Salt used for the generation process must be free of additives and anti-caking agents. Because
calcium and magnesium contributes to scaling on cathode surfaces and decrease overall efficiency of
the process, ensuring low Ca and Mg content will reduce the frequency of acid cleaning of the cells.
Salt must be high grade/quality (low hardness), with 99.8 wt% NaCl, <0.14% w/w (dry basis) Ca/Mg,
coarse granular or pelletized, at a ratio of 3 lb/lb (NaCl/Cl2). Commercially available solar salt in the
continental U.S. typically meets or exceeds these requirements. Solar salt certified according to
NSF/ANSI standard 60 is also available.

Other membrane-based electrolyzer systems such as OSEC-NXT series require a different grade of
salt. Please refer to technical guidelines for more information.

Q. Is salt other than solar acceptable?

A. Mined salt is discouraged because of possible impurities that may appear infrequently due to
influence by groundwater sources. Impurities including Mg, Silica and others may not be tested for or
listed on the product specification sheet, or may not be present at time of testing. Any salt other than
what is recommended by Evoqua must be approved in writing prior otherwise void warranty coverage.

Q. How is salt delivered and stored in the plant?

A. Salt is most often pneumatically conveyed to large storage and saturation tanks where it is stored
ready for use and without harm or hazard to operations personnel. The salt is used to make a
saturated brine solution as the feedstock to the on-site hypochlorite generator process. Brine is
produced in a saturator that allows water to come in contact with a bed of salt for long periods of time.
Achieving the right concentration of brine will directly affect the output of the OSEC system. Water
and salt must be allowed to saturate to 26.4% before being fed to the electrolyzer; any lower
concentration will result in lower capacities and efficiency on the product side. Therefore, a salometer
is used to measure brine concentration in the feed line to the generator. Brine tanks are used to store
salt and prepare saturated brine solution.

For bulk deliveries, brine tanks are typically sized to hold 15-30 day’s inventory. Lower capacity
systems may only require open top, indoor, manually loaded brine tanks; whereas larger capacity
plants my install bulk loaded tanks outdoors. Outdoor installations may also require heat tracing
and/or insulation in colder climates to prevent brine freezing. Features included in these tanks can be
customized by the needs of the user: ladder/cage, brine level monitoring, tank location, material
construction, size, etc.

Q. What method for brine delivery is used: Diaphragm Pump v. Bellows or Eductor?

A. To ensure optimal hypochlorite generation, a steady, reliable, and accurate brine delivery system is
required. Mechanically actuated diaphragm pumps provide steady, reliable, and accurate delivery of
brine to the inlet water stream of the electrolyzer(s), and are superior to bellows pumps or eductors for
this purpose. With a continuous flow mechanical pump, flow rates can be accurately adjusted, unlike
bellows pump which offer less control, and are less durable construction. With eductors, flow rate is
affected by changes in water pressure so a booster pump and pressure regulating valve would have
to be provided in order to maintain steady flow. Eductors offer little to no adjustment either.

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Q. Can reverse osmosis water be used as make-up water to the system?

A. This is not recommended. Because reverse osmosis water is deficient in dissolved ions and salts,
it can have aggressive properties. If used in an OSEC unit, reverse osmosis water can strip ions from
metal, thus corroding the electrolyzer plates over time. In addition, the lack of dissolved salt in reverse
osmosis water lowers, if not eliminates, its buffering capacity which will make it very unstable makeup
water for the OSEC system. Soft, potable water is the best make up water for OSEC systems.

Q. Can tertiary wastewater effluent be used as make-up water?

A. This is not recommended. Tertiary filtered wastewater effluent may still contain silica and organic
matter which can deposit on the surface of the OSEC electrolyzer plates. This could foul the catalytic
coating on the plates, decrease electrolyzer efficiency, and cannot be removed via acid washing. Soft,
potable water is the best make up water for OSEC systems.

Q. What happens when the water temperature is out of the specified range?

A. Maintaining product temperature is necessary because the degradation of sodium hypochlorite to

chloride, chlorate, and/or oxygen is a function of temperature.

Temperatures above 104°F favors rapid hypochlorite degradation, where as temperatures less than
50°F may result in loss of electrolyzer coating as well as a significant increase in oxygen production.


Q. How is the safety of your system ensured?

A. Overall due to our inherently safe generator design, process controls, conservative hydrogen
management philosophy and advanced air flow measurement techniques we have the best safety
record with OSEC. There are more OSEC systems installed and operating safely without incident
than any other manufacturer of on-site hypochlorite generation equipment.

Q. What is the concern with hydrogen gas?

A. Hydrogen can form a flammable gas mixture when mixed with air. For hydrogen combustion to
occur, two necessary conditions must be met: the concentration of hydrogen must be between 4 and
75% by volume, and an ignition source (spark or flame) must be present. Hydrogen is present in the
system in three different places: inside the electrolyzer, in the pipe connecting the electrolyzer to the
hypochlorite tank, and in the hypochlorite tank itself. Several measures must be taken at each of
these three places to eliminate ignition sources and/or reduce the hydrogen concentration significantly
below its Low Flammability Level (4% v/v).

Q. How is hydrogen gas removed from the process?

A. To reduce the likelihood of accumulation of large volumes of hydrogen gas in electrolyzer cells,
OSEC® electrolyzers remove hydrogen at the point of generation. Diluted sodium hypochlorite and
hydrogen gas leaves the electrolyzers in 2% inclined, non-isolating, straight outlet piping to avoid
hydrogen traps along the lines to the product tank. We do not recommend the use of standpipes,

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downward sloped piping, or isolation valves (unless outfitted with position switch). At the hypochlorite
storage tank, forced air blowers and pressure differential switches are used to safely ensure that
hydrogen gas is being force vented from the process to atmosphere.

Q. Can you explain how Intrinsic Safety Barriers are used?

A. Intrinsic safety barriers are devices that limit current, voltage, and total energy delivered to a
sensor or other instrument located in a flammable atmosphere. Intrinsically safe instruments are not
capable of releasing sufficient energy in a circuit to ignite a flammable atmosphere.

Within the electrolyzer, ignition sources are eliminated by using intrinsic safety (IS) barriers for all
instruments mounted on the cell. To avoid exposure of electrodes to a hydrogen gas environment, the
liquid level in the cell must always be maintained at a level higher than the electrode plates.

All instruments located at the top of the hypochlorite tank must have intrinsic safety (IS) barriers.

Q. How is “Total Plant Safety” ensured for electrochlorination?

A. Gas Detectors are used in chlorine production facilities to detect leaks in the equipment or process
piping. As the OSEC system does not produce chlorine gas, the threat of a chlorine gas leak is very
low and so a typical chlorine gas detector is not required (only in some countries due to local

However, as hydrogen gas is produced as a byproduct in the system, hydrogen detectors are
recommended and used to continuously monitor for hydrogen gas leaks in a room. The sensors are
generally placed in areas where hydrogen gas may collect, such as the ceiling over the product
storage tank. Recommended installation is near the top of the hydrogen vent piping on the product
tank. Transmitters are normally supplied with the sensor close coupled to the enclosure. However, for
special applications, the unit can be supplied with separate sensors that can be located up to 25 feet
from the transmitter.

Total plant safety ensures that these types of detection and monitoring systems are interlocked with
the plant operations center to notify of emergency chemical releases.

Q. Can the Hydrogen byproduct be converted to energy?

Not feasibly. At typical operating conditions (T=70°F) and assuming 100% current efficiency, which
represents the highest hydrogen generation rate possible, OSEC electrolyzers produce only a few
pounds per day of hydrogen gas byproduct. This hydrogen gas is mostly captured, diluted, and force-
vented at the product storage tank, but could also contain other byproduct gases, such as chlorine,
evolving from side chemical reactions with other ionic compounds in solution. If pure hydrogen is
desired for energy production, compression, concentration, and additional processing would be

Q. How does the electrolysis process work in an undivided cell?

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A. We can provide more detail on this topic in our animated presentation and diagrams. Simply
stated, inside the cell is a core made of anode and cathode plates that are submerged in brine
solution at all times. The surface of these plates is where the electrolysis occurs, DC power supplied
by the Transformer/Rectifier puts a charge on these plates, which then electrochemically oxidize and
reduce the various species in the electrolyte solution, resulting in the output of hypochlorite, hydrogen
gas, water and chloride.

Q. What is the anticipated life of the equipment?

A. The main component is the Electrolyzer which has a life span dependent on the operating and site
conditions as well as proper maintenance and upkeep. Assuming ideal conditions, cells have a
planned life of around 7 years, but may last longer.

The life of the system in total is dependent upon the hours of operation, environmental factors, and
maintenance scheduling. The system is made up of ancillary equipment (i.e. tanks, pumps) that will
wear at different rates depending upon water/salt quality and environment. Systems should last over
ten years with proper maintenance and electrolyzer replacement.

Q. Does the Transformer/Rectifier technology matter?

A. Yes. Consistent, steady flow of direct current (DC) power to the electrolyzer is required to drive the
process and therefore a Transformer/Rectifier is always provided with the OSEC system to turn
available AC power to DC. These units are housed in a NEMA 3R enclosure, and placed either near
the electrolyzer or a nearby electrical room. For ambient temperatures above 104°F or altitudes above
3300 ft, oversized cooling fans will be required and sized accordingly.

The OSEC B-Pak system utilizes an Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR) type. With both the SCR and
Solid State we must consider harmonics, longevity and cost. The fact of the matter is that we do not
induce that much noise into the system using the six pulse SCR method to cause any real concern.
Our systems are generally too small to warrant much discussion in that venue. This is especially true
where a plant has large pumps or other power consuming devices. Harmonic filters may be used in
select cases.

Another point is the durability or longevity of the two types. The Solid State is considerably more
expensive, approx up to 75-100% more, than the SCR. In addition to the higher cost of the solid state
you receive less robust system with higher repair costs. Bottom line, there is no good reason -
functionally or financially - to utilize Solid State over SCRs at this time.

For our lowest capacity OSEC B-Pak systems (<30 VDC) we are able to utilize a very compact
switching mode power supply, which is different in nature than either SCR or Solid State.

Q. What is the BTU output of each rectifier?

A. The BTU output of a rectifier is a function of the operating point relative to the maximum output.
This may be referred to as the efficiency. Typically the rectifier for a 1500PPD system operates at
greater than 93% efficiency. Using a very rough conservative numbers for purpose of cooling /
ventilation we find the heat output to be approximately 10KW or 34,121 [Btu/h] for this equipment.
Consult Evoqua for specific figures for your particular application.

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Q. Does the orientation of the Electrolyzer matter?

A. Yes. The type of electrolyzers used in the OSEC B-Pak are referred to as tubular, undivided-cell
electrolyzers. These are industry standard for <1.0wt% on-site hypochlorite generation since the
introduction of the patented OSEC-B process to the market in 1981. The OSEC B-Pak utilizes a
newer design with enhanced electrode coatings but the basic configuration of the electrolyzer with
patented secondary dilution, baffle plates, and inter-stage hydrogen removal. The electrolyzers are
oriented horizontally to maximize performance and safety.

Tubular electrolyzers when oriented vertically are essentially a single-pass (one cell) configuration
with gas phase separation occurring towards the top of the electrodes, leading to congregation of
hydrogen gas bubbles which masks the surface of the electrodes, also known simply as “hydrogen
masking”. The masked electrode surface leads to inefficiencies, as less of the electrode is making
contact with the dilute brine solution.

OSEC B-Pak electrolyzers with secondary dilution and baffle plates ensure optimal operating
conditions. Baffle plates ensure phase separation of hydrogen occurs cross-flow before the
hypochlorite product reaches the next stage, or pass. There are 4 to 8 passes per OSEC B-Pak
electrolyzer. Secondary dilution water is introduced midway in the electrolyzer to optimize
temperature and brine concentration in the primary pass, resulting in overall lower voltage and
conditions that are beneficial to improving the life of the coating when operating with lower inlet water

For more information, please visit us online at or call us at 1-866-507-9000 in the
United States. International contact information is located on our website, search term “OSEC”.

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