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International Congress Centre Munich (ICCM), 21 June 2018, Munich, Germany


0900 – 0930 Registration

0930 – 1100 ISA Ministerial Plenary

ICCM Room 22

0930 – 0940 Welcome and H.E. Upendra Tripathy

Setting the Context Interim Director General, International Solar Alliance

0940 – 1000 Special Address: H.E. Anand Kumar*

Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India

H.E. Ségolène Royal*

Special Envoy for the Implementation of ISA and Honorary Member of
Parliament, Government of France

Keynote Address: H.E. Peter Altmaier**

Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Government of Germany

Address: H.E. Dr. Bachir Ismail OUEDRAOGO, Hon’ble Minister of Energy, Burkina Faso*
Hon’ble Ministers from ISA
H.E. Dr. Seleshi Bekele, Minister of Water Irrigation and Electricity, Ethiopia*
Member Countries
H.E. Mr. Wallace Cosgrow, Minister of Energy, Seychelles*
H.E. Mr. Yonis Ali Guedi, Minister of Energy, Djibouti*
Inaugural Address: H.E. Brune Poirson*
Minister of State, attached to the Minister of Ecological and Inclusive
Transition, Government of France

H.E. Raj Kumar Singh*

Minister of State (I/C), Power and New and Renewable Energy
Government of India

1050 – 1100 Exchange of LoIs / MoUs of solar projects and photo session with dignitaries

1100 – 1130 Networking TEA Break

1130 – 1300 Solar Investment Plenary: ISA - The Trillion Dollar Opportunity
ICCM Room 22

Discussion on ISA’s strategy to develop a global solar market through demand aggregation, unified finance pool and mechanisms,
creating bankable solar projects, standard contracts, alignment of supply chains, and trade facilitation through partnership
programmes in Member Countries. Will cover ISA’s role in helping procure solar goods and services at rationalized rates without
compromising quality through international rate contracts and local customization.

1130 – 1150 Session Chair: H.E. Raj Kumar Singh*, Minister of State (I/C), Power and New and Renewable Energy,
Setting the Context Government of India
Co-Chair: Mr Howard Bamsey*, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund

1150 – 1300  Moderator: Mr Sean Kidney*, CEO and Cofounder, Climate Bonds Initiative
Panel Discussion  Sir Suma Chakrabarti*, President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), UK
 Mr. Charles O. Boamah*, Senior Vice-President of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
 Mr Diwakar Gupta*, Vice President - Private Sector and Co-Financing Operations, Asian Development
Bank (ADB)
 Mr Ethan Zindler*, Project Director, Climate scope
 Mr Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, Managing Director, CLP India
 Mr. K.S. Popli*, CMD, Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd.
 Mr. Rohit Khanna*, Programme Manager, World Bank

1130 – 1300 Breakout 1: Mini-Grids – A Path to Energy Independence for Island Nations?
ICCM Room 2.160 Session coordinated by the French National Solar Energy Institute (INES)

Discussion on the importance of investing in suitably designed mini-grids for populations in isolated areas, focusing on:
 the common features of government policy and investment framework where island mini-grids are operating successfully
 the best way to plan for load growth and scale up island mini-grids,
 the challenges of project formation for LDCs and small islands (small island sessions combined), and
 a debate on the most successful model for mini-grids: pure public investment, pure private investment, or a PPP approach

1130 – 1140 Session Chair: H.E. Mr. Wallace Cosgrow, Minister of Environment, Energy & Climate Change, Seychelles
Setting the Context Co-Chair: Representative: Government of Fiji (TBD)

1140 – 1150 Certificates of Appreciation for 10 countries with highest installed mini-grid capacities

1150 – 1200 Signing of 5 mini-grid commitments

1200 – 1300 Moderator: Ms Cécile Martin-Phipps, Director Strategy, Communication & Operations, ISA
Roundtable  Mr Philippe Malbranche, Director General, INES*
 Dr Al Binger, Secretary General, Small Island Developing States (SIDS-DOCK) *
 Mr Eric Scotto, Chief Executive Officer, Akuo Energy, Indonesia & La Réunion*
 H.E. François Marte, Secretary General, Pacific Islands Development Forum*
 Mr Pierre Girard, Chief Executive Officer, Valorem, Haïti*
 Ms Rachel Kyte, Chief Executive Officer, SE4ALL, and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General
for Sustainable Energy for All*
 Mr Stewart Craine, Co-Founder, Village Infrastructure Angels, Vanuatu*
 Mr. Markus Wypior, Deputy Director, GIZ, New Delhi*
 Faris Hasan, Director of Strategic Planning & Economic Services, OPEC Fund for International*
Development (OFID) [ +43 1 51564 293; [email protected]]

1300 – 1400 Interactive Lunch Break

1400 – 1515 Panel 1: Networking of R&D Institutions in ISA Countries

ICCM Room 22

This session will cover the importance of STAR-C on solar energy and the benefits of collaboration among ISA Member Countries
for solar innovation; incubation and start-ups; capacity building, and standards setting, certification and quality control. This
session will also explore R&D initiatives in Member Countries, case studies from key markets, and identify policy interventions
required to support the international effort on solar research.
1400 – 1410 Session Chair: H.E. Dr. Bachir Ismail OUEDRAOGO, Hon’ble Minister of Energy, Burkina Faso*
Setting the Context
Co-Chair: Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General, The Energy Research Institute (TERI), India*

1410 – 1515  Moderator: Mr Anis Jouini, Chief Operating Officer, INES (R&D), France*
Panel Discussion  Mr Giles Vermot-Desroches, Director- Sustainable Development, Schneider Electric, and President,
Climate COP Working Group, MEDEF International*
 Mr Steven Xuereb, Head of Business Unit - PV Systems, Photovoltaic Institute Berlin, Germany*
 Dr Tevita Tukunga, Director - Energy, Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster
Management, Environment, Climate Change, Communication (MEIDECC), Tonga*
 Dr Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl, Head of the Institute Fraunhofer ISE*
 Dr A K Tripathi, National Institute of Solar Energy, India (NISE)
 Dr Chetan Singh Solanki, Professor, Deptt. of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, India*
 Dr Alexander Ritschel, Head – Technology, Masdar Clean Energy*

1400 – 1515 ISA CEOs Conclave

ICCM Room 2.160 Interaction of 30 solar chief executives with ISA Ministerial Delegation (Closed door, by invitation)

1515 – 1545 Networking TEA Break

1545 – 1700 Panel 2: Building Solar Capacity in ISA Countries

ICCM Room 22

A key development area for ISA Member Countries is solar capacity building. This panel discussion will focus on barriers to solar
deployment and areas of intervention; establishing and strengthening integrated solar applications; developing personnel and
infrastructure; methodologies for design, development, standardization, performance evaluation, testing and certification of solar
energy components and systems; policy frameworks; networking of stakeholders, and private sector engagement.

1545 – 1555 Session Chair: H.E. Ségolène Royal, Special Envoy for the Implementation of ISA and Honorary Member of
Setting the Context Parliament, Government of France*
Co-Chair: Mr Adnan Z Amin, Director General, IRENA*

1555 – 1700  Moderator: Ms Soma Banerjee, Executive Director – Energy & Infrastructure, CII
Panel Discussion  Mr David Wedepohl*, Managing Director - International Affairs, German Solar Association (BSW Solar)
 Mr De Buys Scott*, Head of Infrastructure and Financing, KPMG, South Africa
 Dr Gerhard Stryi-Hipp*, Coordinator - Smart Energy Cities, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
ISE, Germany
 Mr Gyanesh Chaudhary, Managing Director, Vikram Solar [Manufacturing]
 Mr Bikesh Ogra, Chief Executive Officer, Sterling & Wilson [EPC]
 Mr Pranav Mehta*, Chairman, NSEFI & Co-Chairman, Global Solar Council
 Mr Luigi Lanuzza*, Head of Energy Storage & New Business Models, Enel Green Power, Italy
 Representative: Total / Engie (France) [TBD]
 Grid Integration: Schneider Electric (TBD)

1545 – 1700 Breakout 2: Collaboration of ISA and Heads of Regional Networks

ICCM Room 2.160

Heads of Global Network of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Centers will deliberate on the range of their activities and
possible collaboration points with the ISA.

1545 – 1555 Session Chair: H.E. Dr. Seleshi Bekele, Minister of Water Irrigation and Electricity, Ethiopia*
Setting the Context Co-Chair: Dr Günther Bräunig, Chief Executive Officer, KfW*

1555 – 1700  Dr Ahmed Badr*, Executive Director, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Panel Discussion  Mr Koen Peters*, Executive Director, Global Off Grid Lighting Association
 Mr Marcus Wiemann*, Executive Director, Alliance for Rural Electrification
 Mr Mahama Kappiah*, Executive Director, ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
 Mr Martin Hiller*, Director General, REEEP
 Mr Neven Mimica*, Member of the European Commission, Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI)
 Mr Solomone Fifita*, CEO, Pacific Centre for RE and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE), Tonga
 Representative: African Union Development Council (TBD)

1700 – 1800 Panel 3: Financing Solar to Scale Up Agriculture and Universal Energy Access
ICCM Room 22

The ISA is developing a price exploratory tender for solar water pump systems to replace diesel pumps, and intends to go for similar
tenders soon for solar streetlights; solar home lighting systems; solar lanterns with/without mobile charging facilities and mini-
grids. This discussion will cover how the ISA could help scale up off-grid solar deployment and enable access to low-cost financing
and ISA branding in Member Countries.

1700 – 1710 Session Chair: Mr Rajnish Kumar, Chairman, State Bank of India
Setting the Context Co-Chair: Mr Kazi Shofiqul Azam, Chairman, Infrastructure Development Company Ltd (IDCOL) and
Secretary, Economic Relations Division (ERD), Bangladesh

1710 – 1800  Moderator: Ms Mohua Mukherjee, ISA Programme Ambassador

Panel Discussion  Mr Christophe Nuttall*, Executive Director, R20 Regions of Climate Action
 Ms Jiwoo Choi*, Head – Financial Institutions and Structured Finance, Green Climate Fund
 Ms Meagan Fallone*, Chief Executive Officer, Barefoot International
 Mr Piyush Mathur*, Chief Operating Officer, Simpa Networks
 Mr Tobias Engelmeier*, Founder, TFE Consulting
 Mr William Brent*, Director, Power for All
 Mr. Koen Peter*, Executive Director, GOGLA, The Netherlands
 Mr. Gavin McGillivray,* Head of DFID India
 Shri Saurabh Kumar* , Managing Director, Energy Efficiency Services Limited
 Ms. Helen Hawk*, Acting Director, Department of Environment, Australia

1700 – 1800 Breakout 3: Common Risk Mitigation Mechanisms (CRMM) to Unlock Solar
ICCM Room 2.160
The session will discuss the probability of setting up a Common Risk Mitigation Mechanism (CRMM) to help diversify and pool risks
on mutualized public resources and unlock significant investments. CRMM’s aim is to allow governments to secure their desired
quantity of electricity at optimum conditions to meet their national and international commitments. Discussion points:
 Assessing legal and others risks involved in raising capital for solar energy projects,
 Popular risk management mechanisms and instruments available for solar project developers, and
 Identifying areas of underdeveloped financing risk management, moving towards customized products

1700 – 1710 Session Chair: H.E. Mr. Yonis Ali Guedi, Minister of Energy, Djibouti*
Setting the Context Co-Chair: Mr Michael Eckhart*, Managing Director and Global Head of Environmental Finance, Corporate
and Investment Banking, Citigroup, Inc., USA

1710 – 1800  Moderator: Dr Arunabha Ghosh*, Chief Executive Officer, Council on Energy, Environment and Water
Roundtable (CEEW)
 Mr Adil Hanif*, Principal Banker, Policy & Technical Cooperation – Energy & Natural Resource,
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
 Dr David Renne*, President, ISES & Member of Board of Directors of the Global Solar Alliance
 Mr Jean-Pascal Pham-Ba*, Secretary General, Terrawatt Initiative (TWI)
 Ms Kanika Chawla*, Senior Programme Lead, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
 Ms Soma Banerjee, Executive Director – Energy & Infrastructure, CII
 Mr. Rémy Rioux*, CEO, French Development Agency.

1800 End of Conference

PS: Chairs and Co-chairs likely to be replaced with Hon’ble Ministers from ISA countries on their confirmation.
* Invited
** To be decided.

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