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Benefit-Cost Analysis for

Transportation Projects

This document is intended to provide guidance to perform benefit-cost

analysis for highway projects. The guidance includes:

 Background information on benefit-cost analysis and how it may fit into

the project development process.
 Discussion of economic terms and principles.
 Review of relevant stages in conducting a benefit-cost analysis for
highway projects.
 Advice on using benefit-cost results.
This Guidance is based on “User Benefit Analysis for Highways”, AASHTO,
August 2003.

This document presents benefit-cost analysis guidance for highway

improvement projects in the following sequence:

 Section 2 What is Benefit-Cost Analysis?

 Section 3 How Does Benefit-Cost Analysis fit into the Project
Development Process?
 Section 4 Economic Terms and Principles
 Section 5 Conducting a Benefit-Cost Analysis
 Section 6 Questions
 Appendix A Recommended Economic Values
 Example Spreadsheet

A benefit-cost analysis is a systematic evaluation of the economic

advantages (benefits) and disadvantages (costs) of a set of investment
alternatives. Typically, a “Base Case” is compared to one or more
Alternatives (which have some significant improvement compared to the
Base Case). The analysis evaluates incremental differences between the
Base Case and the Alternative(s). In other words, a benefit-cost analysis
tries to answer the question: What additional benefits will result if this
Alternative is undertaken, and what additional costs are needed to bring it

The objective of a benefit-cost analysis is to translate the effects of an

investment into monetary terms and to account for the fact that benefits
generally accrue over a long period of time while capital costs are incurred
primarily in the initial years. The primary transportation-related elements
that can be monetized are travel time costs, vehicle operating costs, safety
costs, ongoing maintenance costs, and remaining capital value (a
combination of capital expenditure and salvage value). For some kinds of
projects, such as bypasses, travel times and safety may improve, but
operating costs may increase due to longer travel distances. A properly
conducted benefit-cost analysis would indicate whether travel time and
safety savings exceed the costs of design, construction, and the long-term
increased operating costs.

Benefit-cost analyses have been used as a tool by project managers to

help evaluate preliminary concepts during early planning studies, to
evaluate alternatives and select a Preferred Alternative as part of project
environmental documentation, and to evaluate potential design and
construction staging options as part of detailed design and/or construction.
A benefit-cost analysis provides monetary measure of the relative
economic desirability of project alternatives, but decision-makers often
weigh the results against other non-monetized effects and impacts of the
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A benefit-cost analysis is a tool for assisting project managers when they

are evaluating and comparing different alternatives. Alternative
comparisons are done at different points in the project development
process, including: concept development, environmental documentation,
design, and construction. Results from a benefit-cost analysis, along with
public input and environmental documentation, can be used to evaluate
both the monetized and non-monetized effects and impacts of alternatives
when a decision needs to be made.

Although the benefit-cost analysis always tries to answer the question,

“From an economic perspective, are the benefits worth the investment?”
This question is posed in different ways at different points in the project
development process.
 Project planning: From an economic perspective, are the benefits of
building a road worth the project costs (compared to the current
 Design and environmental study: From an economic perspective, are
the benefits of location “A” worth the project costs? How does location
“A” compare to “B” or “C”?
 Construction planning: From an economic perspective, are the benefits
of closing some or all lanes during construction worth the traffic delay
and diversion costs (compared to keeping some lanes open)?
In principle, an ideal benefit-cost analysis would project and evaluate all
possibilities, but this is neither possible nor practical, since it would involve
large uncertainties.
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Before discussing the method for conducting a benefit-cost analysis, it is

helpful to understand the basic economic terms and principles that are
commonly used. These can be grouped into three categories: benefits,
costs, and discounting. They are discussed in detail below.

Benefits of a transportation investment are the direct, positive effects of

that project; that is to say, the desirable things we obtain by directly
investing in the project. For example, the improvement may reduce the
number or severity of crashes, eliminate long delays during peak hours, or
reduce circuitry of travel (provide a shorter route). In highway benefit cost
analysis, the usual procedure is that benefits are first estimated in physical
terms and then valued in economic terms. This means that the analyst has
to first estimate the number of crashes eliminated, the travel time saved,
and/or vehicle-miles reduced before assigning or calculating monetary

The benefits of a transportation investment are typically estimated by

comparing the amount of travel time, vehicle miles traveled and expected
number of crashes for the Alternative to the Base Case. The physical
projection of the change brought about by each alternative is usually
accomplished by engineering analysis.

The second step is translating these physical benefits into monetary


Travel-Time Savings
Travel-time savings typically generate the greatest amount of benefit.
These savings are calculated based on the difference in travel time
between the Base Case and an Alternative. Travel time is often expressed
as vehicle-hours traveled (VHT) and can be estimated using computer
models, spreadsheets, and/or travel time runs, depending on the level of
analysis needed and data availability.

The estimation of travel time savings should include both the driver and
passengers in the vehicle (i.e., vehicle occupancy rates). In many cases,
vehicle occupancy rates vary between peak and off-peak hours as well as
between alternatives. Several vehicle occupancy rates may be used to
represent different conditions.

The valuation of travel time savings is calculated using standardized cost-

per-hour-per-person figures for different vehicles (auto or truck).

Vehicle Operating Cost Savings

When transportation improvements are made, the cost of operating
vehicles along a particular facility or set of facilities can change. Operating
costs can change because the number of miles driven changes, as in the
case of a shorter bypass or a reduction in circuitry or diversion of trips, or it
can change because of changes in the number of stops or speed-cycle

The number of vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) is the most common variable

that affects vehicle operating costs. Once the change in vehicle miles is
estimated, the valuation of vehicle operating costs is calculated using
standardized cost-per-mile figures for different vehicles (auto or truck).
However, if significant benefits are expected from other types of changes in
travel characteristics, such as reducing the number of vehicle stops,
reducing the number of speed-cycle changes, and possibly changes in
pavement condition, those benefits can also be estimated.

Safety Benefits
Safety benefits are one of the principal benefits that can result from
transportation improvements. Benefits occur when the number of crashes
is reduced and/or the severity of the crashes is reduced on a facility or set
of facilities because of the transportation improvement. Standard
engineering methods can be used to evaluate both the potential crash
reductions and/or changes in severity.

MnDOT Office of Traffic Engineering has developed a standard set of

economic values for different crash severities.2 These values are applied
to the change in the number and severity of crashes to obtain monetary
In economic terms, the cost of a transportation investment is the value of
the resources that must be consumed to bring the project about. The total
value of construction and any additional maintenance costs must be
estimated. It is important to note that the analysis does not emphasize who
incurs the cost but rather aims to include any and all costs that are involved
in bringing about the project.

Capital Costs
Capital costs make up the total investment required to prepare a highway
improvement for service, from engineering through landscaping. When
possible, capital costs should be grouped into similar life-cycle categories.
These include: engineering, right of way, major structures, grading and
drainage, sub-base and base, surfacing, and miscellaneous items. These
life-cycle groupings make it easier to calculate remaining capital value.
Estimates of capital cost, ranging from detailed engineer’s estimates to
planning-level cost estimates, should be as refined as appropriate for the
project’s stage in the project development process.

Major Rehabilitation Costs

Within a benefit-cost analysis period, future investments may be needed to
maintain the serviceability of a major transportation facility. For example,
with a new or reconstructed highway, pavement overlays may be required
8, 12 or 15 years after the initial construction year. The cost of overlays or
other major preservation activities should be included in the analysis and
allocated to the year when they are anticipated to occur.

Routine Annual Maintenance Costs

When evaluating transportation investments, it is important to account for
the future operating and maintenance costs of the facility. Bridges require
preventive maintenance, and roadway lanes have to be plowed and
patched each year. In the case of an upgraded roadway, it is necessary to
estimate the marginal or additional maintenance costs that would be
required for the Alternative as compared to the Base Case. For a new
facility (new alignment), the entire additional maintenance costs should be
included as the incremental increase in costs.

Remaining Capital Value (RCV)

Many components of a project retain some residual useful life beyond the
benefit-cost analysis period (typically 20 years). At the end of the analysis
period, the infrastructure that has been put in place generally has not been
completely worn out, and will continue to provide benefits to drivers and
travelers into the future. It is important to reflect this value in the analysis.

The remaining capital value is calculated by determining the percentage of

useful life remaining beyond the analysis period, and multiplying that
percentage by the construction cost for that component. The estimate of
the remaining capital value at the end of the analysis period is then
converted to a present value and subtracted from the initial capital cost.

For most transportation investments, costs are incurred in the initial years,
while the benefits from the investment accrue over many years into the
future. When assessing the costs and benefits of a project, it is necessary
to take into account the time value of money by converting the costs and
benefits that take place in different years into a common year. This process
is known as discounting. Discounting converts future costs and benefits
that occur in different years into a value for a common year (present value).

In general, economic analysis of transportation investment uses constant

dollars; inflation is not included in the estimates of costs and benefits. The
present value (PV) of a future cost or benefit can be determined using the

PV = present value

annual benefit (or annual

AB (or AC) =

r = the discount rate

the year in which the

yi =
benefit or cost occurs

the year of analysis (i.e.,

the year to which the
yo =
future dollars are

In an economic analysis all costs and benefits are given in constant dollars
(no inflation) and are discounted to the year of analysis. The year of
analysis is usually the current year.

A new section of highway is estimated to cost $5,000,000. Construction will
occur in 2010. The year of analysis is 2005. If the discount rate is 3.6
percent for the year 2005, what is the present value of the construction

PV = ?

AC = $5,000,000

r = 0.036

n = 2010 – 2005 = 5

PV = 5,000,000/(1 + 0.036)5

PV = $4,189,587.13
PV = $4,200,000 (Rounded)

To understand the economic logic of discounting, consider the $5 million

construction example. If the $5 million is spent today (2005), that is $5
million in present value. If the project can wait until 2010, the money could
be put into a bank where it earns interest, or put into other projects where it
generates immediate benefits. The amount that needs to be deposited into
the bank to have $5 million in 2010, using a 3.6 percent discount rate, is
only $4.2 million –the present value of the cost of the project in 2010. The
same logic applies to benefits.

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This section presents a stages-based methodology for conducting a benefit
cost analysis. These stages apply directly to highway improvement
projects, and can be used, with some modification, for other types of
transportation investments. Guidance for conducting benefit-cost analyses
for other types of transportation improvements is referenced in Technical
Memorandum No. 04-05-1M-01 Implementation of Minnesota Statewide
Transportation Plan Cost-Effectiveness Policy.

Highway improvement projects generally increase the capacity of existing

facilities or systems, and/or improve the safety of existing facilities or
systems. Analysis of these types of projects involves the following four

1. Planning the analysis and defining its scope.

2. Performing engineering analyses of the alternatives.
3. Calculating the present value of project costs and benefits.
4. Evaluating the results – benefit-cost analysis.

Figure 3 shows the analysis stages, the basic inputs, and the results.

Planning the benefit-cost analysis and performing the engineering analysis

(the first two stages) require careful thought. The analysis should capture
the appropriate benefits and cost differences between the Base Case and
the identified Alternatives. These first two stages are the most complicated
and require the most time and effort. The economic calculation stage is a
relatively short and straightforward process. Evaluation and interpretation
of the results requires judgment and experience. The process of
conducting a benefit-cost analysis can be iterative: the process may require
going back to a previous stage to verify results and explore sub-

The four analysis stages are discussed in more detail below.


A successful benefit-cost analysis produces credible results at a level of

detail that is appropriate for its intended use and the project’s level of
scrutiny. The initial planning activities should define a common framework
for comparing the effects of an Alternative against the Base Case.
Important elements to define early in the analysis process include the
highway scenarios to be analyzed, the start and end years for the analysis,
the geographical area considered, and the approach that will be used to
analyze travel behavior. It is essential that all alternatives be developed
and analyzed to the same level of detail; this should be accounted for in the
planning stage. A common framework can be established by completing
the following three steps:

1. Define the purpose of the analysis and the appropriate level of

A first step in establishing a framework for the analysis is to define the
purpose of the benefit-cost analysis. Will results from the analysis be used
to choose between alternatives? Is the analysis being done to show that
the Preferred Alternative is economically feasible for inclusion in the final
environmental documentation? Or is the analysis being done to test
programming scenarios? Identifying the purpose of the analysis helps to
define the level of detail appropriate for the study.

Two other factors also help define the appropriate level of detail: available
data and analysis budget. Available data varies by project and influences
the level of detail appropriate for the benefit-cost analysis. Data sources
range from traditional engineering methods to sophisticated regional travel
demand models. The availability of this data varies with each project.
Benefit-cost analysis planning should establish what data is available, and
then verify that the available data suits the analysis purpose and provides
the appropriate level of detail for the benefit-cost analysis. The analysis
budget influences the appropriate level of detail as well. The level of detail
should be consistent throughout the analysis (the same for the Base Case
and Alternatives) and commensurate with the available budget.

Figure 4 below shows the relationship between level of data and level of
analysis. In the event that the available data lacks the desired level of detail
for a scrutinized project, a sensitivity analysis should be considered.
Many times, uncertain data such as travel time or operating costs are given
as a range. Sensitivity analyses can be used to test the robustness of
benefit-cost results by analyzing the effect that the range of uncertain data
has on the final benefit-cost ratio. Analysis planning should include time
and resources for sensitivity analyses. A well-planned analysis will produce
credible results consistent with the purpose of the analysis and available
data issues and budget.

2. Define the base case, proposed alternative and corresponding

study area.
Every analysis requires a definition of the Base Case and Proposed
Alternative(s). The Base Case is not necessarily a "do nothing” alternative,
but it is generally the “lowest” capital cost alternative that maintains the
serviceability of the existing facility. In other words, the Base Case should
include an estimate of any physical and operational deterioration in the
condition of the facility and the costs associated with the periodic need to
rehabilitate the major elements of the facility through the analysis period.

The Proposed Alternative(s) are a specific and discrete set of highway

improvements that can be undertaken. These improvements generally
change travel times, vehicle operating costs, and/or safety characteristics
from the Base Case. Proposed alternatives must also be reasonably
distinct from one another, i.e., slight alignment shifts or changes that have
little to no impact on travel times, safety, or operating costs need not be
considered as separate alternatives from the benefit-cost analysis
standpoint. The Alternative should be specified in as much detail as
possible for purposes of estimating costs (capital and maintenance) and
effects on travel time, operating costs, and safety.

An appropriate study area should be chosen so that the majority of the

effects of the project are included. The study area should be the logical
geographical area within which travel will be affected by the investment
Alternative(s) to a material degree.

Benefits of a project are derived from comparing the Base Case highway
user data (travel time, operating costs, and safety) that occur within the
study area to those of the Alternative scenario(s).

3. Define the analysis timeframe and pertinent years.

Every benefit-cost analysis includes time-dependent elements that must be
defined and held consistent throughout the analysis. These elements are:

 Analysis timeframe
 Years of construction
 First year of benefits
 Final year of analysis/year of remaining capital value (RCV)
 Number of days in a year
Figure 5 depicts the different years used. The following text defines the
relevant elements and gives typical values where applicable.

The analysis timeframe is the period of time for which project benefits and
related costs are compared and evaluated. The general principles for
selecting an analysis period are:
 The timeframe should be long enough to capture the majority of
benefits, but not so long as to exceed capabilities to develop good traffic
 The analysis timeframe should be consistent with that used for other
analyses being under-taken for the project, such as transportation
demand fore-casts or life-cycle cost models.
 The timeframe should be consistent for all alternatives.
 All benefits and costs occurring or accruing over this timeframe should
be included in the analysis.
An analysis period of 20 years is typical for transportation improvement
projects, because traffic and demographic information is generally available
for this timeframe.

Years of Construction
Construction costs in a benefit-cost analysis are assigned to the year or
years in which they are anticipated to occur. If the timing of incurred costs
is not known, the construction cost should be divided evenly over the years
of construction. For example, if construction is scheduled to last three
years, 2001 to 2003, the cost of construction should be divided evenly
between the years 2001, 2002, and 2003. Construction costs are then
discounted to the year of analysis (defined in Economic Terms and
Principles: Discounting).

First Year of Benefits

The first year of benefits is the first full year after construction of the
Alternative is complete. For example, if construction is scheduled to be
complete in fall 2005, the first year of benefits is 2006.

Final Year of Analysis/Year of Remaining Capital Value (RCV)

The final year of analysis and year of remaining capital value are the same.
For example, if the study has a 20-year benefit-cost analysis (2001 to
2020), the final year of analysis and year of remaining capital value is

 The final year of analysis is defined as the final year of the benefit-cost
 The year of remaining capital value is defined as the year in which the
remaining capital value (salvage value) of a transportation investment is
assessed. Methods for calculating the remaining capital value are
discussed under “Calculations” (item 6 in Section 5.3).
Number of Days in a Year
The number of days in a year over which benefits accrue depends on the
traffic characteristics and the proposed improvement. A typical capacity
improvement done in an area with a high-level of commuter traffic (trips
between home and work) should use 260 days, the number of weekdays
(Monday through Friday) in a year. Weekday effects for this example are
chosen because traffic volumes are consistently highest at these times
throughout the year. However, if this same example were used with the
improvement being a new roadway that reduced trip length for all users by
two-miles, benefits would accrue over the 365 days in the year. Also,
substantial benefits may occur on weekends for projects in some areas
(especially where recreational trip patterns exist). In these cases, weekend
benefits can be assessed separately and added to the weekday analysis.
In areas with lower commuter volumes, 365 days should be used. The
number of days assumed in a year should always be noted in the analysis


Once the benefit-cost analysis is planned, data needs to be assembled
and/or generated for the Base Case and the Alternative(s). Data used in
MnDOT benefit-cost analyses can be obtained from several engineering
sources: field data collection activities, MnDOT’s Traffic Office, project-level
travel/traffic modeling results, other general engineering approaches, and
professional judgment.

The engineering analyses are alternative-specific and often require a

substantial amount of effort. Data produced during the engineering
analyses (for the Base Case and Alternative(s) include:

 Benefit-related data
o Average annual daily traffic volumes (AADT)
o Daily vehicle-hours traveled (VHT)
o Daily vehicle-miles traveled (VMT)
o Other operational changes such as daily number of stops of
speed-cycle changes
o Annual number of crashes and severity for the Base Case
and predicted change(s) to number of crashes and severity
based on improvement Alternative(s)
 Cost-related data
o Capital costs
o Annual maintenance and rehabilitation costs
A. Benefit-Related Engineering Analysis
Decisions about appropriate level of detail made while planning the benefit-
cost analysis become important when generating benefit-related data. The
appropriate level of detail helps define the tools and methods that should
be used. Regardless of the tools and methods used to generate data, the
analysis should maintain a consistent base (e.g., model base, travel-time
base route, etc.) and level of detail for all alternatives.

Several tools and methods can generate traffic volumes (AADT), travel-
time (VHT), and vehicle-mile (VMT) data for benefit-cost analyses. Tools
and methods include regional travel demand models, local operations
models, and engineering judgment and other methods. The appropriate
tools and methodologies depend on the study area and Base Case defined
during analysis planning. Figure 6 shows project traits and typical
tools/methods. In cases where the most typically-used tool is not available,
a combination of tools can be used. For example, a regional travel demand
model may be used for VMT/VHT information, but a local traffic operations
model may be used to estimate the number of speed-cycle changes.
When generating travel-time and vehicle operating data, it is important to
account for VHT or VMT changes both on the highway being studied and in
the highway system affected by it. For example, one alternative may add a
lane to the study highway, which results in an increase in vehicle-miles
traveled on the highway facility itself (i.e., attracts trips into the study
corridor). However, the new lane may lead to a decrease in the number of
vehicle-miles traveled on other facilities in the area. Regional travel
demand models are useful for estimating traffic diversion effects. If a
regional travel demand model is not available, and significant traffic
diversion is likely, traffic shifts should be estimated using other methods
such as route diversion curves and travel time estimates.

Travel-Time Data
Travel-time data (vehicle-hours traveled—VHT) is often generated using
travel demand models (e.g., TRANPLAN or TP+) or traffic operations
models (e.g., Synchro/SimTraffic, CORSIM), by making measurements of
existing (Base Case) travel times and adjusting them for the Alternative(s),
or using general engineering approaches and judgment. Travel demand
models are the primary source for producing VHT data for large projects.
They are best suited for analyzing system-wide impacts of various
alternatives. Traffic operations models can produce peak hour VHT data for
smaller, localized improvement projects. It is important to convert VHT
information from peak hour into daily VHT information when using a traffic
operations model. For a very simplistic approach, AADT can be converted
to VHT by multiplying the AADT by the estimated time needed to travel the
corridor in the Base Case and the Alternative(s).

Vehicle Operating Data

Vehicle operations typically include miles traveled and number of stops or
speed-cycle changes. (Although idling costs and grade changes could also
be evaluated, among others.) The number of vehicle-miles traveled should
be forecast for the Base Case and the Alternative(s) using the usual range
of engineering tools and methods, often similar to those used to estimate
travel time savings. AADT can be converted to VMT by multiplying the
AADT by the estimated distance traveled in the corridor in the Base Case
and Alternative(s). When hand-calculating this, it is important to capture all
of the significant traffic diversions (route changes) as part of this
calculation. If using a peak-hour model, estimates of miles of travel should
also be converted from peak hour to daily values. To do this, the analyst
must understand the travel behavior for the peak hour and relate this to a
daily basis.

Vehicles affected by additional stops must go through a speed-cycle

change (traveling at posted speeds, braking to stop, restarting and
accelerating to posted speed). The number of stops or speed-cycle
changes can be estimated using traffic operations models or general
engineering approaches and judgment, for example estimate the proportion
of daily traffic stopped by a signal. If using a peak hour traffic operations
model, stops must be converted to a daily basis.

Safety Data
The safety analysis results in the number of crashes expected for each
severity type (fatal, type A injury, type B injury, type C injury, and property
damage only). These estimates are made for the Base Case and the
Alternative(s) for the first year of benefits and the final year of analysis. The
numbers are estimated based on existing and anticipated future crash rate,
severity rate, and AADT or VMT.

The crash rates and severity used in the safety analysis should reflect the
level of detail appropriate for the benefit-cost analysis. Crash rates and
severity are given for different facility types (freeway, expressway), for
specific corridors, and for specific sites (roadway segments or
intersections). The analyst must determine if the safety analysis should be
system-level, corridor-specific, or site-specific based on the Alternative(s)
proposed. System-level analyses are appropriate for projects that cause
traffic to shift between facility types. Corridor-specific analyses are
appropriate when improvements cover a larger area but traffic patterns are
anticipated to remain the same. Site-specific analyses are fitting when
improvements are site-specific and do not change traffic patterns. The level
of detail used in the safety analysis should be consistent for the Base Case
and Alternative(s).
Existing crash rates and severity are used for all Base Cases, and for the
Alternative(s) in system-level safety analyses and corridor-level analyses
where the facility-type changes. System-level safety analyses typically use
existing crash rates and severity (historical averages) available from
MnDOT District Traffic Engineering office (for roadways under MnDOT
jurisdiction) for different facility types. In this case, the forecast AADT or
VMT data should be given for each facility type (e.g., freeway or non-
freeway). Safety impacts will be evident by the change in AADT or VMT per
facility-type throughout the system. Some corridor-level analyses include a
facility-type change between the Base Case and the Alternative(s). Safety
impacts will be evident if the corridor’s facility-type, and therefore the crash
rate and severity rate, changes.

For corridor-level analyses where the facility-type does not change, and in
site-specific analyses, Hazard Elimination Safety (HES) tools can be used
to estimate reduction in crashes and/or severity. A worksheet aiding in the
calculations is available from MnDOT
It is important to remember that all numbers (VHT, VMT, number of
crashes, etc.) are needed for each year in the study timeframe. VHT, VMT,
and crash data are often generated only for one or two years (e.g., base
year and final year of analysis) of the study timeframe and these results are
then interpolated/extrapolated for other years in the analysis timeframe.

Figure 7 illustrates data interpolation.

B. Cost-Related Engineering Analysis

Construction costs and maintenance costs should be generated or
gathered during the engineering analysis stage of the benefit-cost analysis.
Cost estimates should be appropriate for the stage in the project
development process. Maintenance costs should include routine
maintenance (e.g., plowing, debris removal, etc.) and periodic rehabilitation
(e.g., mill and overlay).

Roadway rehabilitation costs for the Base Case should consider the type
and extent of pavement distress and the rate of deterioration due to the
level of traffic volumes using the facility. The rehabilitation schedule used in
the benefit-cost analysis for the Base Case should be based on MnDOT’s
Pavement Management System recommendations or on recommendations
from the District Maintenance Engineer. Rehabilitation costs for other
roadway components, such as bridges, should be evaluated separately
and approved by the District Maintenance Engineer.

The Alternative(s) usually involve new construction and include only routine
maintenance. A 20 year benefit-cost analysis typically assumes no
rehabilitation costs under new-construction Alternative(s). If the benefit-cost
analysis timeframe is longer than 20 years, refer to the rehabilitation
schedules listed in the MnDOT Pavement Selection Process (Technical
Memorandum No. 04-19-MAT-02).

C. Improvements with the Most Effect

When obtaining initial benefit-cost results or considering which alternatives
have the greatest impact, the overall traffic volume affected by the
alternative should be considered. Changes that affect all traffic generally
result in more benefit than changes that affect only portions of the traffic.
For example, capacity improvements generate benefits only during times
when the facility is congested. If congestion is limited to a few hours (peak
hours), then capacity improvements will affect only a small portion of the
daily users. Table 1 gives additional examples by listing types of highway
improvements and the potential level of daily traffic affected.

Table 1 Traffic Affected by Highway Improvements

Highway Improvement Amount of Daily Traffic Affected

Adding lanes to a facility that is congested

Peak-period fraction of daily traffic
during peak hours

Removing a traffic signal (mainline free- Depends on percentage of mainline green time (30 to
flow) 50 percent of daily traffic)

Changing the speed limit All traffic traveling at the speed limit

Selecting an alignment that reduces trip

All traffic traveling on the new facility

As the alternatives are analyzed, results should be tested for their

reasonableness, when compared to the potential volumes impacted (for
example, cumulative changes in travel time as compared to the traffic
impacted). If results seem out-of-step with impacts, the assumptions and
analysis methods should be reviewed.


Highway improvement projects are generally those projects that correct
safety, capacity, or system deficiency problems. Once physical benefits
have been determined (Stage 2), they need to be monetized and
aggregated for the analysis period. The economic valuation also includes
estimating the capital cost, maintenance cost, and remaining capital value.
A spreadsheet has been developed to aid in the economic valuation
calculations. The spreadsheet helps simplify calculations and organizes the
results. But before experimenting with the spreadsheet, it is helpful to
understand the basic steps in the economic valuation stage of a benefit-
cost analysis. Economic valuation consists of two parts: (A) highway user
benefit calculation, and (B) cost calculation. The two parts of valuation are
described in detail below.

A. Highway User Benefit Calculation

There are four steps in calculating total highway user benefit:

1. Assemble highway user data (VMT, VHT, other operating costs, and
safety information) for the first year of benefits and the final year of analysis
at a minimum. If detailed annual estimates are not available, interpolate
between these two data points to compute information for each year in the
analysis timeframe (the spreadsheet aids in this calculation). Data
generation and interpolation must be done for the Base Case and the
Alternative(s). Table 2 shows a calculation table with VHT data in columns
A and B. A calculation table like this should also be prepared for vehicle
operating costs, one for vehicle-miles traveled and one for speed-cycle
changes, and safety.

2. Compute the difference in travel time, vehicle operating costs, and safety
between the Base Case and the Alternative for each year in the analysis.
Table 2 shows an example of the difference for VHT in column C. Figure 8
also depicts this difference and shows the difference is the benefit of the
Alternative as compared to the Base Case.
Compute the total benefit for travel time, vehicle operating costs, and
safety accrued during the analysis timeframe. Total benefit is calculated as

 Find the annual savings for each year in the analysis period. Annual
savings are found by multiplying the difference in travel time, vehicle
operating costs, and safety by the number of days in the analysis year
(may not be applicable for safety), and then multiplying by the
appropriate unit cost (e.g., dollars per person-hour traveled, dollars per
vehicle-mile traveled, dollars per speed-cycle change, or dollars per
crash) for each year in the analysis period. This should be done for each
year in the analysis timeframe. Travel-time unit costs should reflect the
percent autos and trucks, auto occupancy in peak and off-peak periods,
and value of time per person for autos and trucks. The analyst should
use vehicle occupancy data collected for the project area or corridor, for
example through origin-destination studies. If none is available, Table 3
lists auto occupancy data for different areas of Minnesota. Vehicle
operating unit costs should include percent autos and trucks and
variable operating costs for autos and trucks. Crash costs should
account for crash severity. Use the values of time, variable operating
costs, and costs for each crash severity provided by MnDOT OIM (Table
A.1 in Appendix A). Annual benefit is shown in column D in Table 2
 Discount the annual benefits back to the year of analysis. This should
be done for travel time, vehicle operation costs, and safety for each year
in the analysis timeframe. The present value of annual benefits is shown
in column E in Table 2.
 Find the overall savings for travel time, vehicle operating costs, and
safety by summing the present value of the annual benefit for each year
in the analysis timeframe. Table 2 shows the overall travel time savings
in the bottom row, column E.
Table 3: Vehicle Occupancy Rates

. Peak/Off-Peak/Overall

Automobile Occupancy Rates, Minneapolis-St. Paul

(a) (No Statistical Difference)

Seven-County Metro Area 1.30

Automobile Occupancy Rates, Greater Minnesota (b) Urban Rural Overall

State-wide Average 1.72 1.31 1.60

Truck Occupancy Rate (b) Overall

State-wide Average 1.02

(a) Source: 2010 Metropolitan Council Travel Behavior Inventory (TBI) Home Interview Survey

(b) Source: 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), Minnesota data

3. Find the total user benefit of the Alternative(s) as compared to the Base
Case by summing the overall savings for travel time, vehicle operating
costs and safety. Table 4 shows an example spreadsheet tallying total
highway user benefit. This is the final step in calculating the total highway
user benefit.
B. Cost Calculation
There are five steps in calculating agency cost:

1. Construction costs for the Proposed Alternative should be estimated and

allocated to the anticipated year of expenditure. If the timing of
expenditures is not known, the construction cost should be divided evenly
over the years of construction. Discount the construction costs from the
year(s) of anticipated expenditure back to the year of analysis. If the Base
Case has construction costs, those should be allocated to the year(s) of
anticipated expenditure and discounted as well.

2. Maintenance costs for each year should be estimated if an alternative

has a significant effect on maintenance costs. Start by estimating the cost
of maintenance incurred in each year of the analysis timeframe. This
should be done for both the Base Case and the Alternative(s).

3. The constructed infrastructure typically retains some value at the end of

the benefit-cost analysis period. This value is called remaining capital value
(see definition of RCV, Section 4.2) and it is evaluated at the end of the
analysis period (in the final year of analysis) and discounted to the year of

When calculating remaining capital value, first estimate the useful life of the
investment elements (see Table 5). The capital cost should be broken into
elements such as preliminary engineering, right-of-way, major structures,
roadway grading and drainage, roadway sub-base and base, and roadway
surface. Right-of-way costs can include the cost of land and buildings. The
useful life of the land and buildings should be considered separately. Table
5 shows that the useful life of land is 100 years; however, the useful life of
an acquired building is dependent on if it will be demolished as part of the
highway improvement, or if it will be resold. Buildings that will be
demolished have a useful life of zero years. The useful life of a building that
will not be demolished is the same as the useful life of land (100 years).

After determining the useful life, calculate the percent of useful life
remaining at the final year of analysis (see Table A.2 in Appendix A).
Multiply that percent by the initial construction cost and discount that
amount back to the year of analysis. If the Base Case involves capital
expenditures, the remaining capital value should be calculated for the Base
Case as well.

1. Find the total present cost for the Base Case and Alternative(s). Table 6
shows the total present cost as the sum of the discounted annual costs
found for each year in the analysis timeframe. Annual costs are calculated
by adding the construction and ongoing maintenance costs, and
subtracting the discounted remaining capital value for each year in the

PV(CostALT) –
PV(Costs) =
PV(x) = Present Value of x


The result of the benefit-cost analysis can be shown as benefit-cost ratio
and/or as net present value. These results show if the Alternative is
economically justified compared to the Base Case. When multiple
alternatives are being considered, an incremental benefit-cost ratio
analysis can be used to determine which Alternatives are the most
economically desirable. Each evaluation method is described below.

Benefit-Cost Ratio
After the future streams of costs and benefits are discounted, the sum of
the discounted benefits is divided by the sum of the discounted cost. This
can be represented by the following formula:

B/C = PV(Benefits)
PV(Costs) = Present Value of x

B/C = Benefit-cost ratio

PV(x) = Present Value of x

If the result is greater than or equal to 1.0, the infrastructure improvement

is economically justified.

Incremental Benefit-Cost Ratio

If more than one alternative is considered for a single project, an
incremental benefit-cost ratio can be used to determine which
Alternative(s) are the most economically desirable (optimize additional
benefits gained for the added cost). This can be represented by the
following formula:

IB/C =

Incremental benefit-
IB/C =
cost ratio

Change in the present

PV(x) = value of x (between two

This is also called the “Challenger-Defender Method.” Alternatives are

ordered from least expensive to most expensive. The analysis begins by
taking the first two alternatives, the less expensive Alternative is called the
“defender” and the more expensive alternative is called the “challenger.”

The change in net benefits between these two alternatives is divided by the
difference in net costs. If the result is greater than or equal to 1.0, the
increase in benefit of the “challenging” Alternative is equal to or greater
than its increase in costs and the “challenger” then becomes the “defender”
and is compared to the next Alternative. If the result is less than 1.0, the
current “defender” is retained and the new “challenger” becomes the next
Alternative on the list. Comparisons of the challenger to defender are made
until all Alternatives have been considered. The surviving defender is the
most economically efficient.

Net Present Value

All costs and benefits in future years are discounted to the year of analysis
using the adopted discount rate. The future stream of discounted costs is
subtracted from the future stream of discounted benefits. This can be
represented by the following formula:
NPV = Net Present Value

PV(x) = Present Value of x

If the sum of the discounted benefits is greater than the sum of the
discounted costs, the net present value is positive and the infrastructure
improvement is deemed to be economically justified.

Return to top
If you have any questions concerning the processes discussed in this
guidance or encounter a situation not specifically covered herein, please
call John Wilson at 651-366-3732 or send email
to [email protected].

Benefit cost analysis of transit projects should be performed using the

methodology described in Transit Cooperative Research Program Report
78, Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Public Transit Projects: A
Guidebook for Practitioners, Transportation Research Board, 2002
Benefit cost analysis of airport projects should be performed using the
methodology described in FAA Airport Benefit-Cost Analysis Guidance,
Federal Aviation Administration, December 15, 1999.

1. A speed-cycle change is the process of going from the posted or cruising
speed to a stop and then back to the initial speed. In this process,
additional operating costs for braking and accelerating are incurred. back

2. The standard crash values are based on value of single life

recommended by the US DOT adjusted to include other costs related to
crashes. The standard values also account for all of the injuries involved in
a typical crash type. For example, most times in Minnesota, more than one
person is involved in a fatal crash. The standard crash values account for
the average cost of all injuries per crash. The injury statistics are based on
the three most recent years of Minnesota crash data. back

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